JkTt or A itrFKfiaiifM. - rni"Tr sxvucxfi. iHUMMltl Witt be inavrie4 IB Ik jtkuZy -4AVI Jewel as a the 4KlB J tat.; A atWBrw will b as eaher mumatul at U mi)iw,9t U tecbee, h d4 hui . . . .1 1 A X . . . A L0' -m saoa smaeiu.iajBi iiiBsnasi Baal tbia a week . M pu.mfinm . . l .'. t .VJ. A ; , .-V-iea addilmuai atjuar one lo Los tlue euuars two II efa aodtuouei ii4ar vwkatv. "One (ipiar oar utoiu, ........... e,v ' ttacU auaitiou! aquars outi BuHitA. ..... k,u leuea.pu.re two W'uUw, ,,.,....,.., Ji," fcati.iiiunai , e,t) .'Has square Ibi BlUniha... .,.,,H,UO ah adillUOUai j , f,u Uue Oeeeubinui .l.w R$oWr buamoea eiida, M mis ion lata ar I, sail k ohenrod only 1 10 lor three - A'lrertiKnueau tuaertod to Weakly and Besti- WswtJj M BWs cmrrtiMilim with .the (bo., Court MnMrUwuMMs asasrasi ) weeks far M awkortlOifeWgwi. AdrrtlrawiUelwayeatt tothefcadvaiiaag K aeioa UM ansa wkaa abey aaad adesrtii te tb axtent they wiaa to pay r- theee.- , AO admrtitrimxiA or card must ba change la gn at leant every three month. Contract lur ay than three aamtiloi to! only at tbeajtev rate.. .r t,4 li i1 A M 8i.'il imHuiw or advartawaMuto required to ba iueertod on uwide or any special place, nil be nni! 3S pur cent kijtlier than the above ehargaa. Til 13 SENTINEL. LOCAL PEfAaTMIllT. e Veiwesday! may a. .aoa tiiiBW ADVt-BTrSltMKMTa. W. V. VaM Xq:, Ctria, fcwfce to the Rtwhlitdder of the Chatham BV4 &4,4liL Uu)ertilkMe of . stock am ready for (lrlirerj. ,. f f ,w w 1 Browa an aouuuee ..aimug ante Wifralu blarttshi'ltb'i bf Ilowi 'and ; toola, grain' d gieM acj thrt, iiulMi glafc (oriil ,wrt ten 1 ' L " l " oft(ii Uuujmi a Ajomtajr . frights 'e ,ia aid, g' j'gae, ti bava brea ol the Art order."' The ringing of )ISwkuCullo:B wat proaoanovd tiquiail tb entire ibllikioa waa admirably TUa wet tog iuwit4 a laiyaaa- aad1eoe aa daairaLb.'-, . r , ' .. .', tooavroRTK Pkmai.i 6uMinAkT.We are Kbul to eae that the proprietora of B(lg worts at Qreeaaboro, have leaaed thai aatab luhawtit to RfT. X. M. M, Caldwell, the able an4 afflflitiit Trtaidfot, of Concord Female College at atateerille. - Mr. C, wilt opea Edgwirtkf for eta&mt ob the tt, of 8eft . ? QXSSSALITSXS. Twal ov Ka. DATia.- -The bail bond of Mr. Darie waa renewed at Kichnond, Vil, a few da ye ago, and the (ml ka be fixed for tba trd of Juao Best. It it aadaratood wa VUM JaaUct Cbaae will preaida. .. Jodge Black baawrittea aaotbar letter to Preaidest Johaaom aelati f Ua Alta Vela affair, ' In it ba aaji tbat be know otbtnir of tba letter eicmed b eertaia ni. caj BMiuberi of tba llotue, laeladiog Seoa tom Logaa and Butlar, eoanaeHiag tba Preaideat ia relation U tba aftair, and tbat ba bad no eommnnicatioa wbabmr with tneai oa tba abjeci ' Mabkiaue or afiaa Dn. Tha Bmiin of M its Dn, Oea. IMx'a joangeat daowbtar, to Mr. Thome ;Vatb, of Hew York, at Pane, oa tba 18th of ApriL fa toted bt tba aria feucra Farther retaraa from tba Georvia aUntina da Bollock, tba Badical caadidata for QorarDor, a alight audorite. A Badical atajorit tf daiote4 If tb 8taU Beaatav - w lit Tba ifiekiMinri Rooatrnetioa Coa- vawtioa, harina near It com Dieted tba aaw Ooaatitatioa, propoae aa awl adionra. Anaoa Barllnirame. tbaCbtoeae Ambaaaa. dor, with bit eaiiee aoitt -aajled liuat 8a a Fraaoieeo tut ioet, tor Panama, reettt for nraauingtoa, ', - ,-. Tba Coatederalo reueterr at tlanaaeaa. tiBder .'tba manageacat of the ladiee-of Fnoca Wlllwia count.. Will tie dedicated oa ciaturdnr, tba Ktb ol Mar. Uereral die. tiaguiahed uratort aro enaoanoad lo apeak UniOH LaAOtrca BAcxna OCT. W ara authorized and repeated to. annoonca that Joim liouitt 8e., end Wa. Moffitt, both UBioa men of UcDowell oounty. haw with JecTara drawn from the Leago. theiutelTej to be .white 'Meatr. S. K. Carlton and L, B. Carltoa of IradwU MMtv anaeaaea ia tbo SUteaeille Ameriean, that thejr hera withdrawn froat too ueagne. " - t Thome Data waa hanged at Btatea- Tilleon Fridaj last, for tba murder of Lanrt Foator. ,HekBOwle1jrefl bin gvift io bit ooanael'tba da; before bo waa cxecated, bat ratWd lo aiako aoy publki oonfuaaioa. -,V ' A thief aateted the paaaaga of the the reaideaoa of Rev. Mr. Forbaa, of New. bam, on Friday ereaiag tatt, and ttola bit WTar-oot, .. . The Friend of Temperance held a grand (native)' at Oatdiborit', OA Fri daj laat Taa Sauim IUfi.BOAD.wA. lhand at Salem, fa a baelaeat letter, allndrt te the Kailroad ctiartefcd, bT lb Coareatioa to raa from tome point 'on tba Honh Carolina JKoad to the town or Balera. and tail: , We are itlermmti to build tbie Road. Tbera 1 aa euenrptiaa and eaarirr aonMcted with it tbat would earpriat yon, and which, with tba meant aloot commas d, will ananra ta tatota.",A;i 'f i.t'j- . u j , Tb -ettiaeae W OrweBwrmro baring r aolTeaY 1 gtiuM ItaWRoad to the Forartbt line Jin aroordanre with a imKeition Iron toaSaieat plJu it 4a Buiimalood that tba rad will run fnin Qreensloio' to Bakm. Ckarhtu Dtmoeralj t . , . - Mh. , CMAaVa Oaaas on vttc Abkakr abo boUTtt CABObniA Kknatorb. Tn bit laei trUft tu hi paper, l.r. ilalHtpad a: tDor raitr any 'more rottm lorou;h etaeaa l I Be -t'aoa . fi n a un vtlijnir I aware laUl to er perpoUial public control aa pmd ordee tboa tba admiKHioa of each Btatret Wr tmra enooirh of tin -111 MAW Nevada and Kettraaka tbat tbould yet f reart.Bata baea .ierritortaa, are a weighty latbal Hewate that lirnpoaot to rule the nation n New York and Ohio., Now, there Uao rcaaoa) to baliare tbat tba pertone pra eating themeelvea bere aa Beaatnrt of th United Brat ea Iron ; Arkanaaa and Booth Carolina represent even tba orgroea of tboee Btatea. They are adrentorer. Irepreetnia tiv of little more than tbeirewa aodaoity ad tber will becooM, if permitted to enter joe oeeate, tbe moat ahject of party terfa. uaoHue tney wiu Btva aa poaiibla vitality . Eriditiy! there are eonia pereont lathe Northern : State who. caa appreciate our Arpet-baggera at their t'oe value. on the occasU.n.' An elephant attached to the Karoooaa n v iutk oeeame rampant -yea terday, aal after killiog dog attempted to kill hit keeper: ' A rifle ball pot eet tl e enraged ninuiaoBryTematnliig eye,' which nddenry trooglit hlio Into aahJeotioB. , Oea. Qillem, of Miaaiwippi, inforoit tba Reoooetruction Coorentlon that they matt uwiuw wi ui recooHrootHia acta to provid ing tor the election la that State. - OBWBaUa CaamaBoa oM. E. CHttBck Tba Quadrennial Uaweral' Confermee of tne Atetuodltt JCuiBCODal Church nnauil la Chicago yeiterday rooming. Bishop Mor ria preeided, altedu by Bishop Boott, Aaaoa, Jaaea, Ciara Tbomtoajr'and King. TELEGRAPIII 0. . j Vew AitermeMa i.UpaUt he.T GK1AT BE1TAISI M TR1 STB T EfaiGSED. ,.' -if. T- lAHaag, aUgri.n 4ltbe miaiatry baa leaunea. tVIaneli prenoaad aoaapraoiia antU altet the etaatiuaa aa U re- nwm attache tart Hlanlx aeat Sari Mulaabary i aauu 10 aerre aaaar D laraelt., . The Qaaaa aaut for Gladstone. m.j. i ij ... . t . a oa noaaa aba at wae aaBie- w a nwawrj woo Bad baea beaten by aa rant j -are majority to think of dbaolrlnt rarUa- " Jta pmwi eeame waa The Bona waa baetile to tbe Muaatry. Tbatety M ax. - m n . ..... tmm 4BwaaiwMaaarrjr lonaw op their eoivae r aottoa. They mm go an. (Okaera.) Taay bad ao bargaiaa te al.a. -loka Bright aaid that P'laraeli aakad the Hoaae io marae Ue ewebtatteaal mat that b auigUt keep a aOm arte aut by be maatwertkv. IVIaraeU aakad why the Hoaae bad aot paand aawaMOfaBaBriaaoa. y, 'i.,,. f,, the oebale ea tbe Inak Charah ijoaattoa ia taad fur Hay 71. - a - . M , . i'1 i if .'t MARKETS. , ,v , v,i iB ... 1m . at. ti ,tttBniat,8Aiiaat. , .... ., , , 4,, awpeataa aeeUiuac, TA. ' ' - ' " 1 i; GoUl.M). - ' ' - . ! .,-) , a4vawrooiNBtairt,aL OoMeae.niai Prioaa aaew. aiaa S.OWhalea. The ahipmeata tor the week eodinMth,ot April were eft,0W bale . , Oajr Nldalglit IMwaWteHUewt? sriciAt. roiicrs ' FAl'Ti oa TUB PKOPLE! rpae; bi ; best Jt'ivi or The beat taate in T ' I. I areeutd, alwaja buy ot After "abonaag .If M'.r.IAGi: AND CELIBACY. lklfirlUMn teliiw V i aouiuoa, ai'ii tue Ultt VMkxau.l AliijM'.H ... u t.r.,i luii i.uxmla lu AiAhMAtth wni atu-e niwiia at rvovt. bum tn aealt it Ixlliv b- Tvtopsa, live til ehiuge. Attil, Aw, i. hKlU LlM UuLuaroi.. iiuaaiA AaauvuUuu, 1'Uiia. u ii'U ra. is.t, .,. . ub t-ltadawSB). .... .... .,. , (.- W. II. c It, S TI CKER & CO.! Saleieh. May a If CALL IN YOU.WILL SEE we ijcCdtiie nr. tailthade ' ' J. ,' of the OilJ and County. . May 1 AC - W. H. A U. 8. TUCKFR CV Tl'Kf KJ-X'tlVEU AT M. tttWKMiAUat'a 76 J ruaK, ww eiuaooai oramle. af . i UlJiAOIJKD AND VNElAACIiKD SHIUTINOh .... . ANDSHKtSTUiOd, . ; t vn . To ba aotd at lowoet laarkat ratea. FtblS-llS-lf ' t. nrviNo ihusai iam-iso m.nor II K N It Y i. K1.U0 U U , CORNJH.U OV WKUT AIAKKLV AND anUTM ... . n era, im lATB.iiiiHjKwj. i., 15.... ..... ' CrCi.Ujboi-0, IT, C. ()QQ yAAt8 tiitiJtADINK 1 A (real aeeally fie- ... IJulleV Draa Gooda.'' Ontt ! ecaU ur vaiA Mays-tf W it, AR.B.1UCKEUACCI. A VU aud Boy, lower Uiao erer, direoi trmm I b uia 1 - .' .. . ... .1 v a May JHH W, 8. 8. H. TUCKKB A CO. A O CASKS Of aiatlKI aJ( aiiMaiwat MAl'Ahr ataa. Wtanea and Ckildrai .. US ...... .1 . jl- . ,W.H. B. . TOt'KKIt AtX), IMPKACHaTEtrr, C. 11 " w"Momw, MyS,I. K. , lioinnwrae apeaker aaawd Bank, Pukwd,1 CWmrold, Blair, Woodward and Beck aa tbe Cam- mlttee to bmetift-ete tbe Waehburne-Doiuielly i The eharfe of Brooke that be made Boiler die. 1 (erge Ml 00, which Butler had etotea In New i Orteana, waa referred te the aatno CmamiUta. A qoeatioa (rem Bene, weather fold aevared i plate and spoona, waa aaaearad by the Hpeakar egatively, A propoaitiua Ibat tbe Committee 1 OEtead theiumUzatioa over Butler' entire nJ-1 awuatrauoa a new orieeaa, waa rejoeted Vary moved tbe withdrawal of the tenth arrl 1 cm aa untenable. Under tbe Bone proeaediugt ea BMartuy the Bpaaker deobted a privileged 4(fr TARI8 C'SIIIIEBRa,TWKEIi . 'VH"1, NooktueUa, Owniiiea, end MayA-tf V, HAK8TPCK EB A CO." B0HHKLMK1X:K PEAK. ""T' TT - April HMf 1 i'l "OT4 WC BTIUINACX 1 OO IM."1! rU)CK-Warr.Hter. May 1-tf -i- ) bub ft. (I riimr u T A W 0 8TB0MACH. BANK OF CAPE TEAR, ' Wrunmmw, H. tt. A or II n. m. V 3n ". r,r of tbe Htoelh Mere April Ttd '.i- "..- , . ti,,ri , nits, Wl.XaLOWK lSl BOOTIIINO'SYKUl ' TOIt t'HUJiREN TEkTrniNO, filtKATl.V PA- JL aiuiatea tlieueuena of kauuug, by aKfliiniug ALL fAIN and aiMumuiho actum, aud ia " BURK TO UteUULATX TtIK WKl& " Doiwad aimaV.mutbarB.it will sore run an I -..I- T - ' oi.oa, aw . ... . - j - Hetlef mm.4 Nralth ai fear lafaeia.' f We ban. nut ud and enld ihLi ariixle tt v' and eau aay in tiodnuKmia ihb Tauru t a ohaj we have unyer bene ahle to aay of any ultw mni Ksine Nkvku iu it Kiujui in a amgltv Uiatanw m.wrmvt a 1 una, winu uuitxy ue. .l. ni vur Oiu 1 tUOW ail UMtlillOe Of lllMMAllliflUlt lltU ItV UIV lkll who need it.' Uu tbe euairary, all are Julifjliiwl tutu iu oeiatiuH, and ri-h in terma of am. mendatteu of it bibiwhI nllmita ul mc.1ir-l rir-t-in. Wenakiu una aiaitor "WHAT 1VK IO KSuW " attir jo of exneilenoe. and li.itrxti oba Hkjttatiu fobtu rvuru.HtnTorwiiA't wa ai.ua eAuUA. in aiiniMt every UmUui mhutr ttu lur.! i utTeruie frma uaia k1 tilisiiMiMMU. raimf will 1 tumid in tltui. ur t-i.iy eiiuutt alter the 8vniD ia aUmiuuitured. ' ' If' It 1 1 ttuauLnmii tur tutmu itill uviitiin.i . ..). mi eure and call for . , mr: U laalww'a Cwothiug aympV limns tbe fto-lniil ef rmiTiR a pvki. imh iw tba outeide wraier. ' All otbere are baae un tMU'Mia. ' t . try Pnjglat throngbotit the world. "'"f Pvlee, elf S3 eeale per BlaKlr. " " . omnfca 1 011 i ::J Fulton Street, New Trk, - tagh Boibora, Londuu, KuKlaad, ft ' - tea tit. r-aul Ktmei, itoutreal, Oaumta.. ', Aug. Su-ao-eodtiin . Bank of K. r. Cau Fir', ...... .......... i.Vrnrti . i, vt illuiliulou .,..,,,.,, .. 4&sluKtuli al iit-.JiHiii -H l. . . " old -.' :.- t'ouumTMi: ."".r.:.-, .. I Uartuttliwi ' wiwvm1Ui... M it ! Ml 7 tsi DO i.l 1H 10 U 4 10 a 4 II 0 117 I.. MISCELLANEOUS. Btar'i Snnfl; Pit I J A . . Jl a;; I oroaent. beai.lea a Ur. n.,mh, . ....r" I . " " " reoepuon tne B-.'.u. V 1 , . . Mjoaraea U0H 8AUI IM gUANTiXIBii TO WIT JL enaepra, or afareh 1 tf r-iui. TilE-THIlM KtIC"nAUI VW UPB AKB CLOTHIW F00 Al FUELS U. B. ANDREWS & CO. lrom Eugland, Ireland, Canada,' and other plarany ..v if !-' , Tbe New York Svn aaeerta that ever ainna ladiea left off wearing bonnets and tubad- tntea lot lbat a bit ol paetehoard, covered ONta iBiiigham argued that aril intent waa QOLE AUIOAXII KJ, ateemaiT to eeavictton. The Oouneela ai TBITKKB TAI.IRB8J : , . '', . ' , CAN SUPPLY THE aot aeeeaaary to eeaviotioa. The Oouneele ar gnmatitoa thfaj eabeet waa puerfte and hot ma aan or toe senate. He maintained th ' one- of the appointing and th rem wal power. 4 'f.tj v with aoue tliia ttuff, oo the lop of tbe head, I Cad a weight wa given te the debate of nn. and laaUmed under the chin with ribbon or a atrip of lace, that painful UiaeaM,Beuralgia, ba prevailed among tbia t a extent ever known betora. Thl laot, however, baa ao inflaence upon tbf fathion. , T Ha BiaJatained that mal-admioiatraUoa Wa im- peaehalil. Bberman'a remark regardiug the OaUnAtoCaeera waa aot applicable, beoMia wbea the bdl paaaed, tbe malignity and danger of the neeioen waa ao eeveloped. H defeaded BtantoB aa a oahunmateil and tendered offloer, who had nrovad faithful amour Some twentv peraooa have left this eaanf v faithleea j aad a one who ta all the aaaUUaa i ana removed to ma weet aince the election. I onora aoa enoue bantu natsre and wa lean of many other tbat content I '""d ia any age or eonntry. , .4 .1.. LEATHER AND MOROCCO - - 'J ,., TRAVELING BAOH, ror LAtiiea atul Oenllcmeu, at - .' -1 April 4f B. R AKPItEWa A CO. 250 HOBVarra.ntodY may t-u U T A W 0 STItOIIACU'g. CLOTHING ! ! DO NOT MO VX AW AYt 100 mwa- Mayl-U til aorta and , , v , aTAwcsTiiosAcn.' plate going trom differeut portion of the Btatav "We anneal to tbe oeonle atthnn.rk tba Infamont Coortltutioa baa been adoot- ad, not to get diKoaraged aad leave tbelr Dooiea; until we tee further development, bat remain where they are and aid their frieadaetK the White, who will continue tue etmtee wrtfe KadioaUem, ttatil tbe State it redeemed, and the old CooMltution re. tturod. Hera, yoa have homairiend and tbe grave of your anoeetoia, and above all, fc country" to ' redrem t - Don't go, but ttay, atay at leant a while longer, and abow 1 1 tbe WAN-Id that North CaroiiniaM (hou. oroil same I) are aot 00 ward to - be drive irom tliair boniet by ecallawin of anv color. Ko act that yoa can do, will afford tbaae drivelling creatures more aatlalaction than your departure, tbat thev mv Doeaeaa the anil. Tbea gratify them not. Beside. there la great oncerlaintr tt you will better yoor eonditioa by removing In any re spect. In tba West, laadt are dear, with thronged population ; and at many aftarewr ea cab ba found any whore, to v led mi yoa. And there, whoa voa have loet your money, yon ..have no friend and. perhaix. no home I There, the climate I cold, rigor eoe ha tbe midst' of trMtUa enow and nutting wind io winter ; Imenet beat ia tummer. If the anil prodoee well, the pmauct 1 worm out little; aad tbera, at here, taieawilt have lo be paid; and tick aeet la -more trrqaent,' and doctor' bill not anv amallitr. . Tbera. aa hem anallaatajn abound with all the meaaneatot the race white "oigtrrre" being not as cood at black aegrote. -WetoeiUs Aavertflaa. ' t -:- Be characterised tbe ewe aMrraate aranmeale aamerababWeta thaaanof the Benate. Ha re garded the eenstitntiooaUty of tbe tenure of offlee aot aa a eloeed qnaatloa . After veting on it three time the Beeator who q stationed Me eoaatita- tlonallty were thenuelvea animpeaehed. : Bingham eeoolndee to-morrow. ,'. The Beeoaetraetioa Ooatmitiee Ml U4av but Aid nothing. b la mated tbat Feaaenden Bendereoa and Orimea have aaob prepared upinioa looklne ta eeqnlttal. Tbl. la ImrpofcaWe.but bettem on eon neuoa are nouing off. Nothing tranaprra mgarding the routine after Btngham etneee lo-morrow, 4 Ha will eloae about a o-eiooK. Tbie evening' Xiprrft aaye MOO WW POINT-, I,Belf HIianKiuer, JJJ Kuntueky and UrtTiKnton 1'oiuta ktyl-if 0 T A W C 8TUOMAC1I. 1K) Bar warranted gouuine. OT4W0 STRONACH. gWKtlE'rflKIIN May 1-tf p,. SIX HCNDRED I.B. NICE DRIED APPLES. '.'': .; ... Juat reroirnd." .. "-,,,,. OTtWC m'l'BOHACH, ' T'iiHw K." THOU'tAJNI WKhTKUN BA A COK Jitbi leoalred. , Atay l-tf .. , . QTAW 0 STU WACU. A WtJat,'wltb hilif room from Mar Jet. Xa. UW8. Aj.ly ui ' ; ; May t it "ITTE IIAVR MANUFACTUKKD. Hit UFA. If eon. one ef the beat anil nhnaiwat Ht.u k that we hT had tbe pleaauw of ealiiblUng lo w puuiiu piiki tua vur. " i t " j The nriiwa wa are axkine leer rlnttliin IuimiIL I 'ulir mad un, rewiuua ua of eld luuee. aure etmngh. nr. awobkw can eontWunlly .ataae k 'tu rrinnila aud aoatoinera. Uiat no lirm m ihia Cm can aali tba tin flam of vooila aa cheau. Ilia imnnara in Mew Hork are larira eaah knv. I en for tlteir Hontkara knnaee and are dally in tlie market UMkiaH uu barKtine , -i j , ,,, . I 'i'boee alvaiilaiiea tlie eitlamia lit Raloiirb ami alraniime have, by buying tluir Clothing aud Kuruwhing tiiKiila from ' , . II. 11. ANDREWS A CO.,. . OreuafTe Tooafta Halt., '".v." April -tf , Itab-iah, . 0V XI t. utiipr.t.r. . at NaUwutl uk.. JUST EECEIVED. A beautiful aaaortawnt of HATH- TOR M. " , HATS FOB MEr, r! ' -' HATS FOR OHTLTmitH. At It B. ANDREW'S A CO'S. Aprifai tr ; . . . j, fiumwt ImA of tlroftuviMim. nl.t . , . , w Miiiera A Planii-ra BmA . -lliwiiMorcial H.ik..t Mi J. '. Auy bauk Nor. aent us hy iti k ailt be tw Biukul for. oa day j nwiyV, i io-'lioxl niarkxi rata, and if prici a uivan not aainiwuirv. tbe uoreamU b-it-tain. ., 1 Aill-tU . ... , ' - Greeiuburo' Kvuey U.t Vut btUNO tAl'Iji'' 0f liANli Milj &, fi -V WILSOtl A BUOlXft, BANKilW AND ExonASuE Baoiuraa. Honia t i n Mvkaht, Oactaav . , - Boko. N. 0. bank of 8. f,'.'"" ',. ..!. ; r.c t ap Iraar .,..1,,,;.. . ,t. ...... an V. t'liwiuHa .i w M iMlHHUiro.v,.,., , 'ti , iluuoiilua.. 117 .M JuiilHll-0 . (Ill . 'i'hi.iiiMnJln. . ., ,,,..,,.,.,.,,,, .., ao " Urahaui kit i LeAUiglou (old) .......,.... . 1H .t . ' tnW)i: WklLflAt-' M l: 1H - i-wimeroe..., ,., ,., w " IJUreudon..,.,. . A , r-aioitByiila,,,.,,,,.,,.; , 0 ' Tain' villa a Mrcbuu' liwik of Newlwru. , ... . . , . M , AO r'aimeia'Unukof Oroauaboro', (old) '9M t Miiwra'aiidriMitore'Daiik.. ! to Cwuttionsal Uaak of WUiuUhjUmi.. ill (IrvoiiKbura Mutual Iua. Co., (old) . . 6 Virniuia Bank Note inrui aluuil.: . . .'. M , We buy ami wli t lliwral nrivoa . fluid and Sil ver. Jioiih uarouua lloud, fjiuied tltatot lionda aim au otiHir ntaraeuuie atoeka. Oritur fur ltauk note by delilor and Sloujt' holllorM Ol Itai.La Will MMMiVilnmim., at.l..ltl.n .. "'' or expraa pauaaKee 01 ISauk uotea Jo. will tie wade 00 tbe day rmeived, by ohuok mj .inn jluim, ur 4attuuora. ur m ourrouuv. 1 do- ainvii. Life and Fire iasiirane Pnllme lamed in good ooi. atKiaiwuo. Ealelgh Kouy ilarket. OOUHECTKD Br JOHN Q, WnjJAMH A CO- BKOKRB,ULhI(lH,M.C. . y i n evtoks ev axarm uaoc bank mrrm 1 Dan of N. (!., (Oold Js (Mirer 1) O. B. U ' t'liaikiM. s(. " Leungton, at Urahain. now 1(1, old id KoiUironKh.,...i...,.i.,... ,, ! til uia ersmng s Srprrtl aaa i . . 1 -r . rrhefceling tawlay ant.- Bailimbiaa tt..i IN iMBworaia 1 that tbe ebane; are, decidedly m arue w we acquittal or to rTeahleut." i Tale ereoing's Sim-tart tw .. - The bean have It in tbe leaineDt' Btoek farket today. Beta two to ono tor aequRlal " wowoy aaowa. p r ... It la atatod that majorUf Of the Ruaoo.tnvu foa Oommitla fkvor the admiaeirei of h Ar- aatMaa delegation o the ewmpbHiou of Impeaeh- Tiflf. Havlne Ioet or mialalil mi mhai a .. , y, MMJ '1 wl ttawirn and (lantna Hail miiaiij, 1 enau man appimitino IW fouewal of aaaie.i i , . . U C. FDWARliH. May 4-1 tp ,. per Attornfjl " . fllillKI If llWJI. 0-UOAkV.lJift.n . guKlw, mm, ,-,i r f . jf u A W (JKJ'lttlNA!. ThePnetdeettraannitted th South Oarohua M Arkauaae UmeUtution In the Bonea, and I Hwywerereiarrea 10 tbe .BeoowetraeliB Oem- auteee ' " " , . FROM BW TOKK. . , -. f ' Haw roaa. Mar 1. P M. ., Aa engine went throegh a Ir.-etle work at er ey City to day drovulog tbe iwgiaaer aad Sre- 7"";nr THEE BACKS COPPER, from ri to X ilfijc. . .v., 1 r-ir oitw ORTROff rn. JIOBT BVSXktt LBS. OOOEItta BOSA. the Preeidency ef the Col-f ey t-tf r, i . O T m W 0 bTBuSACQ. PBiacrroK Cotxiom. Rer. Jamea Mo Coeh, LL D., th ewiineot profeaaor of Men tal Philosophy ia Qoeea'l College, Belfast, and .rmrr!y of th Free Caurca, Scotland, wa eleried to , the Preeidency of the Col lege or ivcw Jersey, at aa adjourned nret tug, Rev. Dr. Green, who waa recently ap- BotBted to tbo. office! baring bee eoa trained by a aeoa of hie duly ia the church to continue ia bia pveaeBt pseitioa a profeaear of Arieotal literature ia the Tbeotogical Bemiatry. - - it la r. portd that Bewator reeaewdee hat, aaid ok iiIj and boldly. thU he "will not perjure himself to pleaee party Irienda. Tbe Bwi eTtn-me Radical paiera have ah ready ooned their battertea apoai him aaa rewejrad and traitor. But are they not a little loo fmt ia drawieg that tninvoce from that remark I Do tlwy not thereby ooncede that he wtwat "perjoea bimaelf k Ior to pleaee hie party t The eoecinaiofl arrikc us at agood deal too broadi . J. flate. m.aA. j. - . Benalcv Ortmm ha rereivd aeveral lot ten threatening him with a!iBtio if he vote tir the erqnUut of Mr. J .noB. We sl.ou'.t lUmk Ui politie of Waoiiioctea 'cht u t on the tiark nf thi erwio.irel Who ar ftendine; tboae llirmtenio li-tr. es miff ftfiri (if t"ir twHir fii.T a doiw-n 4, li.,j' jr.- "'"i- 1' , ' work ( I , -it it wot.i I r.o I .. ""U e to , t a dote ot the law. J. J'. , - IDLB T0VJ9O IfSX. ' Wo aea It a) tied that th Baltimore chant ar overran with applicative from young ajtea from th Booth eneking clerk -liil.-' It wouhl Iw much better if a ma jority ol these youag, nea.i .oouhl be pro vailod 01 to riTaaia at- home ead engege io BRricalturat punuita. Many -of them, doubtleea, tre Irom the eonntry, and have mora knowledge ef larmiog than of any thing else. ..What, i eid of Baltimore ia annlioahle ta Mew. York. Tba annlioanta hor every vacancy are numbered by aoorea t and the con sequence is, thousand ot young men from the Bonth trhoi might," at tract, make a crop of (rroond-peae at home, are wandering about )hatrjeett ol 'New .York and Baltimore, destitute of meana, and prey to every imaginable temptation. TjopropiUoui at appears tba prospect la itm Booth, we are no wood reason for en gaging in wild gooa chaaet at tht North. Let ear yunng tne have patience.. A short twelvnaoth will eettle the etatut ot at tain bere, and we can 'til then, decide whether wa bar a coon try worth living for or worth living In, Ia too' meantime, let tbe yoong men seek aatno heaorebJe, even tbousb it be unprofitable nauloymeat at bom. ITii Mar. . ,r ; i Three thoeaand migranta arrived' to-day,. . TIROIBIA RADICALS. 'Hi' V 1 '. - , FioutoifB. Mat p. m. Obarlee B Porter, of Horfolk, tbrmeriy of We Turk, was aaadiAtsd by th Kopablioaa OUtriot I ConiMoUea her to-day, for Cnogrea. :, . Well peeted Repnbuaaae Agar np theeoM atexioa of tbe Btate tkmveatin) to-morrow, aa Miowec waualll, liaaoioatl . tfavitmrat 40. Cnkaewn M. It beUeved Well wiU be nomi nated ea the .Ant ballot. About am dhlt Mvearrteeo. OLASSESJ MOLASSES !t. 'j, ; LA NT A RVO Til III SEASON. rVlrrtof tivrettly for iht Bummtr Trad. The reiralar naliAt Rrl a w tinnwu 1. dailT iiiM-rUrl with UAKOKNAH M0LAHBE8, aeloeted tor to Bum- IMtir I I PMUJ, , t 1 Hon.; In yonrorili-nnarly, a thl cargo may t be sold from wharf, a bvmleit. , . . 1 ' -i" . wruiii nnnir.u MaytJw Kibuuigh, N. 0, I IKE, PiHTKR. CKMKNT, LA I HH, Am a law eiinply of fresh LI t K alwara on'bawl. tneelker WUb I'LAMl'Klt. UUat KM'r. HAIR LA run ' . ; We have nueriwaeed TaeiHtle far topplviiif theabore wonuoued natenala, aud eaa aaaran tee lower ihkiw and a good arbole aa eaa be bad aorwliare, lio nut lail ao Mu ...J H" wi HKjin ut'iore otivlog elHOWHere. May! 3w ' WOMi WUmiuatou. ti.O, FROM LONDON. . "' ' Lonnoa, May B, P M. Th Qaaea refund D'lavael'e twatgnatloa. - Th dieaenting memben agree, nader the air- i enmettnrsa, t eoutina kt omee. - - Pariisment will be diaeolred in the Autumn. wnen tne new nrnaenle bib wig eem Into 1 F ,K)B MALE. No 1 N. C. Ftniilr Him llri in 1.. k..... (BBtod Ibe bent mi op ; ' W. If. JONKK Vtt,'-' Uays-Af AOJt'r A Com. M rd antA TWO HUNDRED OALLONSOOLDKN bTRUP. Only tipper gaUoa. Ataya-tf 9 OTA WC bTRONACB. 800 LMH-0 H,i-'n- Hay -f - " 1 T A W C STBOS ACEL 10.000 ale by Jaay s-u u X W C STBONACH. i A wfcee M Vewwtalw, AA very vaeap tor eaaa. Apr3 21 tf Anrtioa A Com. Horcbaota. N:rr. faer4 rt. ,. Tary awrerwr Praehes nd fiBisen. : v m w. ta. i.ie r.n a aha. April If Aaettua A Com.Biokanta.. iHPt'iiTAWT to rAnrtrnsi GUANO!! mas .pSiIViaaT qitakoi; " f. r.t HiHT0NOrTW0T!!'-H,IH;' .f MABirrs.' 1 . Hew Toa May 5, P. M.'l OettonwaeaaagwA aVtlee IM bale. Coru. aooaker TeMow l.SO ; Mixed 1.L'S11T. aw Port w W. Old 28. Tarpealme Roela 8,30(27 Ooldl9, . i Lnwoov, May S, P. M. Cotton eaeier and arte naebangwd. . ' -,, lumtat, Hay t, P. M. Cotton dull SI Wheat ana. Maryland white 8, SO. Bed l.toQ Baeoa Arm with aa wpwarA tandewey. Rib idea IT. Kholdrt U0IS. Bam, 11 9211. tf . Wnjfi boto, May 5, P.M. ptrila TanwuliiM SL Boaiaateady. Btralned 1.10 Ret LA Pat JOf.TS. Tartrml,SO. , Cottoa wofntntl. Middling W .- - jori I C at 11 I C Wilt 3 AO) Tew of he eiao fee rv !. ! At war tint taring th dev. at mv clue of bwal- a. oa PavettHfille Htreei. for lb ceeoouaodstioe ef the iwawde Hrina aeaerr t tbe lawtrtate ef the loaf, fomtb al the BtUMt, tbat Ire bowae will be 0pu4 erery exwnnig. from ie tat ef Mty. fries Hi in 74 Ape l-Jlawlm. Uir ban;. For sal by A 1-tf ive eu. per pmod ty CAAg BILL, SB TOXb BOSTON ICE iron ALii CALLAXD I! A KB YOUR AP.TUNOft TIL THIZmL Kay l-wodlm AGENTS WANT Ell F0(i THK . OFFICIAL HISTOUY OP THE WAR, ITS CACHES, CHARACTER, CONDUCT AND Dj HON. ALFIlXrir B II. STtl'CEX.S. A BOOK roa AIX tKCTtoN ABO AIX PABTIC. TlHflREATWOUK PREHENTR TlfR ONLI envnnlete and imfiartlal analvwi of tbe eaaaee of the War yet pulilinhml, ai.d givoe Ihow intp rlor lights and aliailowa of the great oiaillirt only known to thoae hi irk nffioere lio wat44ied the good-Wde of ruToluuott friaw rta fonnuin ajirmew and whiek were ao aereaoiole te Mr H hna, from fate poatboa as aeened oflMer of tlx tef.Ki- eraey. j "lo a foione mat na nees ertrfiiii with AP PAHKNl'LI HiblLAR PKIlDlU'llohH. wr Brantae a ehixiee f fare botb iiomtM ml aatntary. aad aa inlelleetBal trM nf Un. t.ihd order. 1 he Oruat Amerksa War baa AT I.AKT RiaiKI a MMonan worthy of lt ttntortaMW, aod at w liiimm l.ii.l. It will MMwa . .1 ... . . eaadtd and impartial tmtimeot win. h truth and Jmtice ao urntly eVmami. Tti1 iritmiMi dnire everywhere tnniftf an obtain Him work, it oOMal earn.Y and mariy at1, eninoo wmb aw ioreai eenoMMHei. auke b the beat tmbarripf b Imilftrrr pultliahnL One Ai?t in kaakia. I'a.reoiete 11 animonb- era In ihrt-e dare. One in Boston, Mam., 108 suWrilier in foer toe in Mcmpbia, Tana, fK nitnerilieri in Ire od foe Cirenlur ard ape nor t. rm. nut . full 'toii.Iiim of the work, anil I'roM autirr of a'ivaore elx'tn A. A'Ihimi bAriONAL I'll I I IKIKNV) CO. V fiiii iwwiiu I'liiia..) ii.iiia. Pa. April" U aa.M-iHm ( OI.CATE V f O il OICItBlAlSr ' IS) ts ' . 1, IfllASiTE SO AT ' . TRB eTAXDABO OV ' tciLLimiol,; Fur Bale : by aH Omamw.1 - . t tt r 1 THOMAS II, BHIGGS , , " DEALER IN HAKSWASB - AID CUTLERY IRON, BTEKL, , ' t, ; '., ikii'hb Ftnwi.siiiNa nooDH CARkIAUK U.tTEltlAIi, . ' PAINTS. VARNIKHIM COLORS, Ol Lf - VLVB ANU ULAnS 1 -f AIJsO Agent Ut tlw sale of ' - " ' Barr mod r.sofina Hill Ktontsa, ' Bolllns; A'leXIa, India Kuiilwr and LeatW "Ilili'iiir' utrcuutr Mivt, iron Vfraiulrtlm,; Fencf, mid nil kinda of Orti- jut-nfAi iron WtMkv:; tvFt Taw e""! helm BnutJum Krori Ap'uav-u Vr. , (- . , ..-,,,, f '. OILS, LC,'VeVWTM'?. TtTOW IB TOUR A FlNB RTOCK OF LIS 11 aerA rotton-Hwd. Kerosene. Liilirkuiio A Wi... ... .1., .1.. 1... J .11. T . ' uu Aieiwt Jiintvl Ui unKt, rfua.lii , . ALSO WHIT LEAD, Colon of all kinds and YAniihef A goaaral teesrtmeul of MAJIDWAUE. ' , THOMAS B. CIUOOI. imU l-iw-tr 1 v A i. jyEACHES. ' Aioiliir M of liioee Site f erh, m il ib rjum, jUfl OiOIYI ku io U W. H.iONLSACO. '.JW SAJFfl, ttecnTAiv, ' AT 4 gfi Bpoaij- Crtrw - see H i- . I &!ILit"LCirL ABB IU. . yS!RV0V 1 ptAACA i Jtm Kffmmt mrm It 1 it criLiti tiKfui In all emeeuf NVu- eabjia l-ios, oiwii rrtw:ung a ierlwi eurt io Irae ilsn iwem--luor lioir, frtea lite ane of tu more Utua two oa Tsaax r'ltxa -. Aeoht f.m of :. nraigia or SerrmpuKm aaa lauea to yieia to tois ., , .,-. . WONDERFCL REMEDIAL A1 EN r. Even th the anwut ems nf nHe N-urtK via aad ooral srvowa o. ruitif iyi, ,,l ttmt yoara ataootue atbietm tlie etitire nrnc-fu, lot mm a fw u,va, or a lew -l at Hk n.iiM.t. always irds Ui bm4 atoiii-lii'i r lw-r ami very rmrriT tatia le proOoo eueapiute o4 -r-eiAoeot mm. " It ereHiMns nodrofra or ot!.rr nit"fi ,m hi tin lti'l:tot di-yriH inmi emu, nut 1 tli- o.mI o. b eate aye em. aud aaa AiwAta be nwd auk PEUFECT SAFETY .: . ..... f It baa kmr We h? eonetant nm hv amity et MitsT MfTfNOriKHKD fllMdlil. -wbot'treil aiianmwsw and i'"u.mI sjv pno'Al OMit lT t 1 00 rr- '" of prW n4 tvi. -n. ItiM im ataaf. tt '.! . ... ; r x r ktii . ' in 1 W'sv' --t B, : l ii 4-4 n Il Ot e... t t mIi ami ri ' . drm r - - .-. a tor'"';. l"it i t nai T iW f ., g., pr.eii.,.a. 120 TR.iiwT Pr., B'-xvuw, Msa. Jab. 10 1 ftubb.Aonn Tlioniaarilla .i a"", ibiihiirtiMi. . . . . .'. '. tltmioo'rt'e. 1 .. ', t . ,1 , . "t, ; f i(r.' n,,iiitB, ; PavetUivtlle, I 'lartonton . . , 1. , , ,'. , . , t "-i-YMIIVTVillK ; Mlnoni' and I'ianW'a Bank. .'. : . . ;(. . . Farmora' llarik, OreennltorMiirh. new 1U old I'osiHiercial Bank.. Wllmbigbei,. ,'....,. Mortthaitt a Hank, NewWirtt. .'i;1 . ;'. . ., IrNMwaioTotii'h M iitual . . , . : Viruiitia Banli NoU'a. alxjrrt..... cionih I amliiia ' " - ... tioorffi r . 1 j .. . tl. 1I1I .1. i . v, ....,.;.., ; ' - HilriT :,: tliM'oniwiw .. North I aniluia Kailroad toiipona. (HdHiToe.-. Baebaiuie on New York .l....i m 117J 17 3 in t w 47 Ml .... .... in .... n .... V!l 1H ..."l:l .... n .... fi .... bu .... J -iiiai ror: f LOOK OUT il: JI'MT iil l'l l t il l' ami rMouuu'i iitm, . Oft Bold ailiilu lit In it . .i , , If yoa aaut . LADIE'f f Mild it"Hl hiriii" iu) uutriTmAtty n iitthi., , Inbii- imr (ptrwhi TftUrmi i s Un4 aurtVa Ui hiimlitttte. 1, If Vim .iftnfv-n f llMUtt, IMltl At Ie4vV I'rkuM, untt 1 Mi fur jm ti'1. nv bf.i 3 U Ia Hh i 1 .h.pui in 1 VWiv. you ij,t p. 1 ltp 01. . . . - fitr. I atitl ilttvwu ten tn ; Ut CtMMVU'-litti UifbL 4 1 i 1 t r hmd bfMt.rtit) iur Umii r ! i j lAniEN 1 trinum tt f-miiiiuitiM i, ( ! -ttljt lg.rth 11 la t"tt hu t. LAniT:s(Mi-rsR(i; dm't htiy uixi) vu ttt 4.1 a Altl Illlhi Viv-mt Ul'.'xw . j .. 1 . . vrtitut till t Utttnl l, t w : Bk..B,'M MKM'S, IOYtV ami c. ' IdMlieM, Mo ll! f llMrLl'M f!. Mliffi Ihi ej'l'tltttil H V'Hf a .,. I .. IU Ij, (piahty Ma ui 1 a it ' 1 MUtl IKOpio, rx-.i.t. ! .... no Hnuw in I tie (n ti.it t llti lil.W i .j,.: lalitit I l . ,, tiiHtn wltal I ftitv. Ho dtm't ui CKhLCil ui, on It, Mmih'ij wn nt-r. r- 1 f . A- citi:i April . tv.utx GRAND ,.01'Ul.I. RALCIUII , AAIIU vAI. Ili.XK WH (Jt' '11 f ' tBI -,; Or KOKTO CAB9LMA. - lJOAnD -ClritlltliCTOIlS: ' ytlfftMAW, rreaWeat.'',"';" w. rt. wrt.r.ATm. "? " orrf. w. PwiTrvw. . .8.MKUaM0S '; W.J,UAWKINi. , .' y.W.H OiaiCS; CiuMer. - : Ai 4, UEIM-'LL, Teller.. ........ Abatla uBilleof Kxnhanss. tilKbt Ilraria. Oolil tml Milror Com. aud Oorerument and other aa eariUaat- u, .v . , i (, t , . . ... tlnewmnit Bank Note bonirlitet kigheat priona. raokauoe soul by tunreae wi'l be ranutteii nr peawpuy, lueuiveniqr, ar m Mew lurk luniu par, , , . - , PRiri! 'CTJimVTRT MARCH 21," 18(8. SPUING OF h KEWSTOUUJ "trivt HAVIPC BJE1VI.T BKnTTK M ttiand. No. ltl tiavftt.tHvo. Mm daily reoeinog a aiileiuitit aut'i-iv ,,t , oaiow eutmieiateo tiiHilJN. 1 mi n.... loijiior to uijt runi.iiiotia, aud tim .1 i, a urn stooK 01 DRY GOODS, FANCY fiAftr ' EVll-nw.. 1. SPHINO SnAWLS. pilk wRArrr-''-' HATS. KlnDON. . AltllFMAT, 1!" ' OUIVKS AND Hti LACK CURTAINS, OIL CLOU' SnoPieei' at the latent putli t i. tif 1 I'lll l'lot'oa lili'n' lii'il ami rut, I, I IKUlld ISilllK 1 IINOM. - I.aiHhx', lllwaoa atwl O11I lton's Hi ' Oent'a ami litoa 11 A la ol ivvtt n. Alul All Hie Intent l yii , IiooTa AM) r.:. : lU proal VKrlt'lT. Itlohant n Patent Ci'Uibmnl" i ,...r ( Snil llltMII M!-!. t.l.M'ft Fl'IlM-"-.- ! ( f.atlitie aiirl Oi'tit'H 'I fin 'I . .. Mororioo itiLKM, IiHtirui..ii 1.!,: ... i t.- i t.ktioe ono ami alt, ani : - r Rire ImiriiiH eiMiwIii'iu, ami I ;im. MOT I.OHS ilV'l'lltNO tin IT At. ItAl . r I , No. 14 Kaim i 1 11 April 21 an KI3C1.LLA. I j.".. tVnnii. APAllTNI' It, with a mill Willi Hot MiiOni'l if.r i of U kl J i Nil IM.tj etui J Bonlliern niarkot, AoiJnii Al.1.1' AlrU lw -1tr1 - Bunk of Ctie Poar,. iillini,yV(1l., i....v,.., I'lAroiiilou, .4. ., v. tVaiiiiiarc'ct,! Fb.u IK'fliln.. . j. . ...v,v w.., lciiiiKton, (old,). ; , t" w ) I.'-vim l 10, j.yalitt al QralMun,. h'li'tJi Ctu'tiliiia,. 1 lUinliiin.', . ,., 1 hniiiioiviile ............. t mlohboro. , . .k. , , .... , . Utinliltlttin, Yilif,l'VvtHrt . o iniiiii.itin OTOOM'i'ci! Hunt : titi'inliMt.. . . , . . , , ,. . farii'n)'' Bauh of Nuith Caiolina, (tildj. . .. ' " " luew I... Orinilro IMitn' i' ft tuiraiici t'o , erri'htnti'a Bituk, .v.-wln-tn. i-; situ 11 flmur a Baiuv I- WA Si' .,v-i' ,.JW t ..17 .10 ..IK .111 ..( ,.WI .. 8 . 1 27 ,.1 .. t .W W , F&OVXSiOS MARKET. - . WWrll'Ull'r BT JOIII.AM WIIWBt.R."' lKim i.lt AMI) (UMMtHHIKN " MKCIf ANT. - r.Af.'T ; A F-tlXIM. ILI'EFON HOtF., .,.,.. . ' b Hi B1JTTFR..,...' l-i VITUS ll--".' t t.t'f"' T. til l A KNK, HprutK,.,. Ittl.V. . li.' fU 11 ....... KCMll'.S lirmilMia..., Hliutireen. " " ltr.5; 17'.. -'J ' It. : V"!l'l .. , 1(1... Jtl " ' .Hon, A ( lu'ij' v' 5f ' . .. 2:'4.lo.. ; 1.; ,.m , ' . 1' I III 1 I 75 i (" tin Ho lb. 1.1' 16 tlilis5 pr. 1 wt. 1 I " - 7 ..... 1 ...... 3 ..... I 1 . -s ..10 : .1 Sl . i ft . i An i.'ie , 4 t. i" I.. 1" S -' '.4 4 l 1 Ml a. - ."4 -. mv 1 Rt Will.AH'!'...'. NAItJl i.v.. . HiAat-Htivk M.'ff. - WtiiUi... PI'TAJXltrt Irt-h . . ... ,,-. 4 - nwet...v.vi KA'W .... HAI.P e ,. .....i....; -irootid...-;'.i 1,... M'iAB...,.....i.'.i.i.i. 1AI.IAIW ...... I v i . k .. .... , . ., "''BF AUKS. ' foHon still hmbfr. pH. it i .."i. r. W quote aali1 o.ily M. tiitt-r .tiH and in dftwait.l nt pood prit-. 7t" " "ISCZJuLAKIOUs"'"' "" s7i"Ci 1 i.wlJiT"i."e)t ml . 1 1 " v - Knelt " "I I'LI (. C. Ftn:'r, low f.ir " i. W. II. J..M - A CO., A"Til?7 tf t . .in, . r. I... i t An... 110 frrfo i to 3 I To Mute V n , THP. I'.NMIItHlUNl'.I), lltmti I, tl.n lb Itatcwh iVnjrtMil Bod ty tt baea uiatruiowuialiu en'atiniir an itit..i fTA E LIMN! -i in ml.ltlln North tKrol'na, hi. l. I . Btaoutaotiint of laritft i(tiuniiiii n ... . 'li IIkmu who bare t ii.iii.t.il 10 1 ... . sai have el ten n tuetr pau.M Itiuika. ne lo a nttti'iiy it. Nlliriti - we do not boy Mt'tlcli'ti n. t 1.. but eull Hu m tn tbe beat admin., .. f. bimera. Hitwie we eliaruo the u...i. , mil of 1 por I'oitt. 11 1 .iii all li-. lltailkllll for lllll llln rtil rnn.i l v. .... I ... . .. . . ' ' w norm 1 arttoiia we o. t' a i'..t,i -. ,1 satttw entMi'iii! ibi'tn tlitii we wtii f,,t I rt onru'ln iu their U-l.aif ., . I B 1HATKH , ; ' t'ooiuioiMii ,11 i'.i April M 'Iw - luiijui . 1e' Nortt.lk Jotil'liai itopy It r 11 t JOUM OMI4. V ilR., jtH'tUMil. Un. OS LEY & wil: Gciht:! ru.a;.:! ,:!,:a : Atin AtiKViit Fomnr, st! MAHUFACTURr 3 TO COll Hi-.. m.I Vin Al l feTA, v I ., ' 1. lu.ri.lu.vi ri. . A . S("Al.K. I!.-mvI..o m k in; rrhiNtii.N im. ,- Ji H N HUnHUn, lna. mi hi. i. b,i;. ' ... . t. A. 11 TTINil VV.iVin Co ,N. C. . Moil '1 A I'K. Yi,. Wootio K. B.a'irHiil.Ht, N. O. Apnl M-lm t .' , t V.M KNI.U.-.U ALt ANi1 Apill.iO u ' . ' .'",'. lii ti.T A . )Q CVR lil..i;i V. Apu) M-if . w j.' 1. r , VALUAELC I:r,AL a tbe T.wa .t a)..,. Os n. .inp'.v. ost of at putntn mn-ti.rti, with. tlitOie prio 1 lv. hi una 1 t. an 1 1. 1 nut ti.-ir 1 ii on Mam tit if in, Jut 1 , t. art moil.rit litipr.-vtt.. i, . ; ! v nt 1 .. iio.i.h (1 t HI tf - !! I'll! C"f t ift ficRCit A rx-trn.-i kt ar S tf y . C. At A I. I A ' pud farlft the ! l in oin-tw i no,! wi o i-t't. afvi'tii i-ltve ui ..i-t 1 er' m a,iiKatii uiav Ut ..J1. '1 1 i-w-: I't- t. ltd i- Sl.ittll.K. WliO llltl.f.-ht ill h ai.i.1 at in Kura li.ni hn i 11 .1 any. ti fun.', t it t tl 1 1 j1