pww.-- iirmiiM Mm m ii xjXAim ttp'Tt; r a. Cjfu v-. v.. -.' Yf ! U-Vik 5 i MS UiUt AAA , Ac' 1 . Mil d l,KiLJA :1 A Jl '.' TI UA .. . i u. i. - ft .J I . .... I 7: VI y yi y M i I t j r; - ftV iKO ii'lt.i A.rVJ';- -ilwS,IM wl ua,,. it? I? .4 C'trlTf - W I mrrnna r i w ; r i w wd .tie , .! : NO.-243 av. r Jrll I L 1 I III I I I I w i ...... i .c. ... I " l l e?M 1 r"i I iTM'l I ' ill L 1 i 1. 11 .111 i - lii i 1 1 1 1 1 Ui I 1 Ul f 1 I I I f I i f I I I v.. i " "s gpecul DUp4k to Um Blthaar Sub. . ruon wAtmsoTosi. J 110 VBA TU OV IMPS A CBUttST- SOUTH SltH VESA 1'OBS AND XKW ABTICLKZ-TUX rRBoWSNro OK MMAJfOB AAD YUW8C0NJRAT ULAfiOKB OS ACQUITTAL AD YICS fgOM BISBOP 6IMP&0N. thcr cm ht eon vie turn or ta Prcndwl iio of lb tea utidt-a of impocbiBt nnatiuiuiB HUKttepoanf of. TU elerwtk rticl wm MlGtd ty tUo odroestei t impeaOBBMsAt u fb m wbicb tbey cnulil convict, it ictioB cnuld babod at ,11. u k eoncecfed that toart ba u many tiiuh lor aeaaittal on aacb of lb la maioiag ariietaa, n 1" aoma eaaea Mora tlua were jeUrtiT cut for acqoittnl oa the eleventh utjcl, aod tbarefora the JVee id.nt cannot be bonvicted, aa tba caae etaatto ia the Senate, V; jfeifN Amung tme cxttenj iuapencheri we yet liter threat of timber article when tba new Southern oXor mll be admitted, to make a or thing of e two.tbirdi vote tor the lem'ival or the Prmident, but the more moderate and jedfcJboj Rcpabllcarn depre rate theee thrteta and retuw to countenance any further pmetcotioa of the impeach inmit projeet eftw lb erttclea now pending in the Bemfa ahall be dispoaed of. It i oot I), lieve'rt, that a majinty if the RepuliUcana it cither "the Seoaie or Huuae would agree tu consider a prupnsitiun to get up new ajr i i. lea. Tbereweaeao vera If markahle ocenrreopet t the VVtitte Uuav'ytetiiy ur utrata-' taut Uc-monitriii.u ul jutiilaot character. 1 lie l'r.aiilent ctuiiinuid calmly poreuiog i he r.gular r.iutine ot hia official labora du nug tiie day. iie. wna adviaed prupiptly In brirf dispatchea tiom the capitol aa the several v-itea wire taken in the Impeach m.iiil trial and knew ihe re-iult within a tew minuter after heh'id Imn acquitted on the eleventh arlfclv. Wily alter tba UBpeach- iii . nt court ailjimrned. lr. Bewarrt, Uov Kniiilall anil a duBeu or twenty friendi of tlie I'rraMant nti't'l tt) ( far their congrata iaiiuua Xunre wire no excited deinonttre ti D", hut all paien oil quietly. Mr. John -on informed bia viaitora that ba dil not regard tba recall of tba day a ptr eonal victory, but be cooaidered tba verdict ot the H. nate a trmmpu ot tba Uonatltulioa and a juat application ot the law to the cnarsra and teeiTrnonv before toe court. The Fr. aident did not receive viaitora in the evening, hut wan present at Mr. Seward'a usual Hiuiday night reception ot toe ai- plomatic corpa. The atati(eM thi moraing that Chief Juatue Cnaae, called upon tbe rreaident yes'erilay Or laat night, and that there waa an impromptu - levee at tba White Houae, are without a ebdof of (oojodation in I act. i hief Jiutice Chaae uat hut leea in the Ei- ccu(iv Manaiijii or lereral montht. and certainty not aince 'the Houae dW te lmueachiuent reaolutlOB. Tba Jiuaaa manager bava aabpouaed a numliel ot witnexaeee to appear before them to teatify a to alleged improper influencea uaed to anect tne votea oi eenaiora wno voted for acquittal. Tba trieoda of tbeea Senator ana pleaead at the opportunity to go Into thia inveati gallon, tince tbe charg.a are made, and tile rnaioent a rnenua eipreaa regret that tbe examination n to be had before a committee! heart, aentpeeed entirely ot inipemchira,. Thera ahaoltt baaontaateav br of i be exaaiinera who ia intereated in bavins a thorouuti eiaminetina of all at- teaipta toinflket'tae actianf eWtnfa A in ere fee port "or onciided investigation will tali verv ahort ot (retting before tbe country a full expose ot the diagraoaful attetnixa to tamper witn tne verdict. - W bitat theioubt and anxiety aziated ba Fildv.uighttx)Ut the poaitioo ot Senator Wilier ulob -unueathmuBt, Senator Harlan telegraphed Buiiop Sitnpeon, of Phildel uhm. in theaeworda: lteHr brotoer willev ulon To which the Bibop replied: "Brother w tllev prtitreaea to be a cnnttian. Brother Willey has a soul to be aaved. U cannot barier away bis soul and imperil tne countrv. Pre wiin tiiotber Willey t" ana it ia aaul brotbar Harlan prayed witn Dfutner Wilier, Data. : COUSTJNO 0BlCSSa,ka. 4 Aproptt ofWade, irli oot generally known that be bad made every arrange ment to-take pbseeaeioB of the YVulte ttoaat on the 1st proximo. Hit wile bad expreaa e I bertcVf most unwilling to give President Johnson a fortnight's grace to make bit exit, so anxiouawas. abe to aanma tbe domestic rains ot bar future greatness. Iaat Sunday night the poeithrety declared it her inten tion to be "mietrese of tbe White House" in lea tbq two.weeka, and to that end bad invited two lady triendt of your oorrea pond natsvdia will bar ea the day of her tirst reception. Tbe first matrimonial spat tbat baa occurred between old Wade and hia wile (or yean came eft on Sunday last, be persisheg n tbe appointment, on bia el eraiion to tbe Presidency, ot a young lawyer from ZaneeviUe, Ohio, to bia private Secre tary eblp, hU the Madam era j equally decided in her prefereoce for a young nephew ot bar's. Over six hundred and fifty letters, by ac tual count, passed throBgb our peat office here ia one rtay--tbe fitb. instant super . scribed fqsx Wetnd.Tenj e ,tda, ; senger. It U a certified fact that Wad bad, with tbe aasiataoce of bit Bsdioal supporters, nearly eompiataJTitafull 1iet.of appoint ments tot Uie jvsriotit, coetom-boaaea and ' prwt-oncea- erer the country, Wntt had be succeeded ia eecuringtbe Preaidency, tbe present collectors and pnetmaatera would soon have felt tbe power of Hadical wrats) ia their wa reasural. I yisniagtwa Lttur " MOM ASUCT JMPSA CMMESTy The etermtb artic4r, tbe etroogeat el the whole fc.t, having .jailed, impeachment ia eoaaidered Vutuaily dead, and nothing re? aaa but te baud over lue stake. wei known redicad aaaa)iap r maaot New Yofk praprietdr ot a atnng' ).ioraal,; wbev has peat aauchtiaM bom ia aiding coaricttoe, baa, Tt M aHtoontaiirety a nud, lost 120,000. Other radical newspaper ate of thia eAr have toat tuma rangiu from 9300 to f t.OOO, and ia ttwir deatiair aeajcbarging traudaad bnWy a art the miieml Beeiatoia who rated for ecqaittaJ. ; .rt t rresenden, Orune, TrambuU and BeV deieoa era Wat tight oi now, and t ia Jlr. Beat he eutnea in tor all the 'lT"-nstirrB. Tneaa trhe participated in the aacaat bich have been held at tba aoaae 'oaaeroy aaarrt poaifavely tbat Mi ved himaelf ia writing- to vote fe the, eleventh articl, but ,tbia j denied b; in irieada a . avuea, . Kveei bad. Roes gone for tba eleventh article hr la st all certain that it would i have bee carv ried, aa it ia stated sulbiwitatlvely (hat li such an event one at Icwt of those who die) vote tor it won Id nave obaased. j Tbe meaning of thia aew adjournmeBi alter all tbe talk about UelaV, wiU be made apparent in a tew days. That eoae fnrtrM schemes of rillainy were ODtM"cted in th caucus pa Friday sight sad yettatday iaorr u ST Mertaret iroem atWoeveiBssiee isnemi which the impeechera aver tbatji'1m peaenment ts -"gone up" they will ye even with Aridrw'uhnsoa.''So' cod it aeoaatary upon thiit, or upon the itj events of to-day. Andrew JMxWUiral I afford to eak the jadgmrat ot tbe peop't iMMaTAJrr SoTOCWe puhliebed our last a notice lor all the tucceaafui Con aerratire candidates in the late election fall- it g under tbe ditquilijieg rovjaiwa, jut sue r eurveeom Ajrttcm, commonly know a the Howard Amendment, to forward iheir nsmta without delay to R C. Badger, 8oc retsry of the Stale ExU'tr Cimroitten W trust I bit matter will not I neglected, W should uot take it nr nriUtd tUatCon, gtese wiU do wrong in the pieniiaea At wast let as so sot tnat ttte faatt, tr mutt there be, will be upon their shoulders and not upon ours. , , ,. , . We cer'ainlv gliall have no tnirth ta spsre ia either H-use in the LittiaTttnre. We have barely enough to secure a call o( the roll hpea important rotes not enough, we feat, la watcji.. much leas, thwart or check, fart rascality fi.d pqlitiAl ft-apim Those who bare been honoreif l.y Important trusts in this crisis ly confl line'anrl honor able constituents, slmu'il not l.y any neglect or tault ot theiri defeat the choice of their people. All euMi s-pVer1is' tbtheara took the oath to support the Constitution of Ihe Uuiieil States in an official capacity. thould at once forvkanl their name aa di rected, iivtiiK the irticu!r instance tir instances in which their catV conies under the ol j -clious ol the propi t d amendment to the Oouatilutiuu Ujii.Jumrnat TBE TBS-BUT OhfilCRA TI0JT. Biabop McTyeire tmind some of them in Texas ha writes : The discontent ol many of tbe inhabi tanta is profound, sod would be strongly against tbe country if one did oot consider the underlying cause. With Certain per sona, in tbe abaence of some one good nothing is good. One pinea for an apple orchard ; iiis wite can't have any preserves, at she used to Another cannot forget tba convenience oi ligbtwoud knot and spring water, and lona tor a Carolina sand hank where lis can make Ave or six trasbelt of nubbin ooru per tore. Borne have more con siderable oljeciiont. Here it tbetubstanc of b conversation with a well to dn person t "This is a great country, you live in aaidi. ' ' ' ' "Tee, bat hi eo-far to tow1on any wheres," was ths reply. "You have line roads ; I never ajw tbair equal." "Yea, but it's terrible traveling when it rains." . "I uerer saw better beef than yours." Yea, but people don't want to eat noth ing but beef. "Such a delightful climate your health la good." "Yes, but Ihe Northers are awful on the constitution." "Your land is rich ; it produces to abunda antly." , fYea, but the gtaMktfetv Jiffe, eat pp mj greens patch." ''iW(' "Tour bogs will fatten on the grasshop pers." -, 1 'Yea, but it worries 'tm to death to catch the thioga." -l "Your chickeos are lively they caff catch "Yea but it makes their meat taata an they -Bay." f . 1, a. By this time there waa a twinkle of hu nor to tbe turn things had taken, and I took leave -"Good by, my inconsolable . -1. , inena may yon come to a ntore cijeenui mimi grxKt by, till we meet aga'a.".. : "Yea, but- we may barer meet agaie in this worU." ' T Z. '- And I mlher hooe-we won't- Deliver me from tbe frf-eut eeneration a BeODhr who lore to t miserable, and who take pleasure la taking the otbet aide against Fronde Doe -. ifisciLXAjrEoua. LOIT, IH THX Cm or RALEIGH, Oil M ANT 0B PayetterUa Street, a flaa oaht. aaea GOLD WATCH. Said watoh wss lost a the aiteraooa of the Jhb. Inst , between it. W, Huated'e reeidenee f Mr. Ia. BL Hnaaua Stotw-Jkleward ol See dot- lara will be paid if Uie w atch ba delivered to bm or tt ar. i-. a. tauu. j v , r ., , .. ABJJ1X . BTtUUlU-iSU. msyMtf., . ,iftt!l 'W atatrch, tMarrh. i lWXKTT BC'XES PEAKL 8TABCH. . fv,- iipi-Hrrftpw a Twrin I reaiMera, rcmiawa.-, inritVS- K1CS MT.W rBtTa&K. K1CS ll-A, jjw , i, iiK Av mi ror May 11-ef a TA ft C nfBOKACS. ..I., i , i man,) nc, ottict tHaTxTia BT tV 00iANX, hwaua. Mar AIMS, ( CK BTITiMTB0 W - ta Herf ataast Bsilniad Oompaoy, eeafonBiif ta the rale of fiBailraadOompaxe by thaUuaWkheldere' atwetuiaj, have beea prepared, and will ba deliv- on appueauon. - w. w. vaaa lyS-im Beer and Treoe'r. may I trxT TAllr,nr: aTtv I rastleee mtte tWta Haax'aod tdiola. aOuaniiee. Abas Ut-tan Vedesai Coarts aad Ooorlefl BaidrrBiHcr, yalao r. I w w.w-ww tv -il,-l rail AAA, A aeawa Jera, rwry swtsrior. - - -KarSS-tf y W..B.OgM A00. , .JBaaaas Shae) Biaektmf. fTtAa 0tvtw BHa BlACXCfA,A J . . ..faraaieby AUe-u. Tvmriie wim. 221 H I tTJ3' 1"' S1 f 1 TOH'ff TlTiiua a4 a.C. Hamserv eboiee. w ;TT. .. .. asr a iinlcy rt ApsO TrsT't m Uf aaaa. P W. it. JOh A 00," atsswh la-ftj aa SardkwwtlOrsa Marohaaas, ItfBBsWiUiixav-'- KJ 6 rayetterlUe 8L Balelgfc, R. G ma-tj i Book aUlUn m4 sttatlsatBV DEALEMB JUf Ali, KISM o KJHOOIa BOQK8, , ,( f bTAHIUBD AMD MUKMUXMGsVOSKal ItAflVafaQ isodlBi.' AstUWAlu'l OOIa 6 flOCKAliB AaaiCUL. 1 T0U JTlOhiBT j PBOQ. WA1 tAPUs PKIKTUUi m n W4.tWP4W . ' ALBD1B; "'' PEBFU1UEBT. ! PAHCI ABTICLE8, Aa, We ar aow recelrtne new atiDnliea. mmi mlV hi eoaatanUy making aocb sdditioBa te oar tUork as witi aaable nato turnixh everv article iwiaibr kept ma BMcaaee Book atore. n Onr facilitwe are aaek aa tu anablA na 4a ftnaniak ia a varv few Java, anv artirle uot on hmm ani Wl order will have our pruaipt attention. ww vuaioew wiu ue eouauuiea jci ue esel system, and every ai tide aold at tbe very leweat . WILLI MH A LAMBSTB. Batsich, April -i7 if Tomer's N. ( Almanac for 1S68. W8HALtPCBLISH, in a few . tbe tel SIBITIWIVof tKatboTt Ak Bianae. We hare reduced the nice to M Oer handrad or sU per thousand. riaod your ordera to WILLIAM A LAMBETH, ihaikeellere and StaUuuera. IUleh,Oot. ti IT-tf , - XISCSLLASS0V& NEW ARRIVALS ; ; j (itexlt ate LOW at they catn be tottad let tlila uainde,' 8. H.& W.J YOUNG'S, la. SI FayetteTiUa Bt, " J RALElUIIa N. The eieripAtJuaana hat been eaUinc Owoda' for the laat twenty years, in thia market, and oaa say te ear theses that, eonsiaectDg all things, ba never kaA a ; i.l - wi-.. . e ; I . , SXTTUt, HlCia OK CEZAPXA STOCK OF GOODS Te owsr the at man they are aow opening at their Store. No. II rsyvUsrille elreet, Itaasujh, M. C a. a A W. i. YOUNG. , October 4, IWTtl. -y CYTf P. HVCpVtQ) .k BH9, 1 MAkTjip"AcrrtTitkiiW' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LADLES', GEST8', BOYS' AND WAOOM SADDLES, . Cttttch, BatgtTt tTawt aael Wsfot Ilstraeas, ' BRIDLES AND MARTINGALES and aQ other goods eensliy kept in a reaa BaddlerreetahuahBMBt I They will eell, a abort ttate, for eaah, ata asnaQ I advaaoa aaeost; in order to reduce theu- haan atoekaow an hand. Ctuawaaand awnaorart. rialtine the tit v. wbe ' wwa w wwuw numa win uo was ao ioob at 1 to parol obj- woo, na. wow sons or root unee and ai piakMarketlmare, FaywUevilisbtreet, Baleh, M. tJa . . . IW: . . , .,..(:. FebT-Ua-tf T THOMAS II. BIIIGGS, ' .- ' DEALER jm " r HA1DWABX AID CTTIXBT, IRON. STXSU - ' - - " , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, n a . . ... PAINTS, VARNISHES, 1 ''' GLUE AND GLASS , ,,, , . .... .ALSO Agents for ihe sale of ' ' ' ' Bart bb4 Eeapaa mil ttaaea, . i i , o Boltlag Clettk. Indut Rubber and Leather Beitin, CSrcuJiu Saws, Iron Verandahs, Fences, ud all kinds of Orna-' .... e n i mtmtal Iron .Work.,,;., ,',' ' Mr Ttte aVwrt eaW flfcrnfAvnt Kzpmt April aw-af . - ii T.--V,'.' i OILS. LEAD eVe aVc vtow ia KTOKi'ii'na tock of liu- ll seed, Cmlta Hud. An lies, jAatwtBBtips and Iraau Odayet the best, eatliiju , . . X I 01 Colon ef all kinds and Tanlaboa. - A stwralaswjrtment of HABDWABS. iC,'" i THOMAS H. BHIGQS., 'jsnxt-iBVAJ --" -,. :AiMILLEH, Vs. it Oil Stmt, AMsrsbajj, Vs. in wtsr aa nn na at aatflw, Brawe, sTpaer atmel Far. Attrweseeala ebirby rrwight, aad, oa rw- astpt at tne tuuiroaa reoeiat, me enipaar eaa drew ea aaat EXCtm)R3,8ALE. r5f5,000 , XIAJHS BILLS. -WTraWTrXSlxLatthsOoart Bowse la Sal. W iwhary. H. C, aa Taeeday the Sd day of Jane, leva, rmy-awe seaaaaa eouara ot aaaa blue, sad eaa thoasenn U.C Boede, (ewl a tee.) Th biia are ea the fobewtng Beaaa, via I Of hub f sbs Hiak at Cape Veer. . at. eta -.,-.-, , . " rnnmrnw. .oue ,it. a . Ti limiaasjsiwaB, Trndeeborw-. - SB the day ef eele. .,, B. B. HAMBIHOW, tt Wet. Murphy, awe-A ataylAw Vt Pocket Eairasef vartowskWa, atsea aad At Setta ef Earvaaand forts Steel aad eaar- and forts Steal end N otA wo yraoSACH ated to salt. - TtOni)! BAOOSI -- i.... f a r 1 . A lerawateak, aad akPhw tvav -naay W-af I A W 5 SrSOHSCD.' I 4 . . f Time UetnlaVtiDt JLotJ I W. U, kM. reqe-ei to auUkh tka Baaa l-l lmi mHpmmbM. tl auhaa a tw I -r-vm votetBe. ta order, aowme. tnat aavt 1 may aiuMmand tt, and may Uetrasare a4 hum Bpoa ay pariMa, waa are i at uMrs. we aava latnae juis uh tu eoureie Brum several eswnse "-"" tenarar yt iaaipa at ttvt Aoa, Sue v aal rst eoniiaiplaia e iiiw tu eonlaennlaia eeehnie am kwMiua, Hwaratof au. we auvtM etu traeaaaa taiiistjwim awatuy waat itv win Aa, aau4 iitmj '-"r aaal tae eoeeael a iravaMtaiiaa ens eiimgwH Aiimsejy spaa) anaosa uy eaa nay. j 1. 'iua Bisiiilaii Ottawa ol Ute naaJurept Ita at - hi mai, HI yuiMUllia, lunula, tSJKSM lual llaianuee era Miaauai tuea tiuiwtmM w V awuauea ruiBMary aauarapt auaar rMi oottnK,rsraetewa lituM. r ' I airnm aouB. wiucam. avi . nuiuaui autiartbe uwiarupt Aotareiwl urwiroers.aHiutou oauutrdsUeasMl "f n irimt-iliii ens' in-trnrlina latnlaaar I aueaa tnvauterr of aA tbw satM. sntk rualaaiil aasaisiet.aai iaalaiig alt pruaarty .aaal tJ wmmu may asw swavanai n, at m Wiuati r T Sr-t an llil.n.l IiI.i.ii, ti am In la a.. saJmeoaftrsaHywiibeuu'iirmia"ur. awuiaa m sue -(JM.1 omer. ot tU Jtuproiue ieria4 ay iae eia ef um peutwuer .esiunt UuUfet t.oei-1 Judaa, I ea-Mer ia tMokmptey, aa V a Couinuaeiuuer. inuat aianinanaar tue laiiM uoa aua,wnMt umlb sue eomiinmoemetA of uvetauuga u ttaukrapury. U it ahouid bn luuu.iuut, peuungtuo uitieimuuew st any Una aeiire Uie bauaruut la djauliarvou. that he haav l au aliiri ur aUbterniKo, nuJa a falae or par- uai acUttime, liua wuuiu be evi Uaategl IraxM and I wouui iK-ieat lus 'f h aairn , I t. is lieu iliu Lieutujii u tor s flrai er amairiaaM I auip, a luu aei ul acueuulea or SM rsspavtlve ee- uun or uie melt lews ai tue nrm aUdwt' 1.1.4 , Ai vthau the petiUoa ie lied, the esas h Inutvs- maMMtiawieruMwa aHsnetar. IHiuuoa aaul aasaatnleaXuM) aad 1 harass and it tua are aumm m Mraa, antes a ewrtmoaU to Uiai erfoot. to b Site) aaA tba tMera- 'tawa aa-f juutiea ii, wnv a nana run aaa 1 umi a srat ruk vo uie meaaaiigir funis raoa au taet ereaiv ri uameu iu uie iiriuner a scheQuiea to meet t uw Uoiruuir a. ueaetL at a eertaia ttate and l,at, to urove tairetatis aadeteot one er store aaiKueea ui late fjiirco or tat Jteatrapt a ee- k. A ereuitue oaa. faewerer. arove hia auv time previous to IBs lust dividend, wtawb will KeiieraJly Pe tat SBouihatulMeqaent la ths tdja- 1. ao cremtor bat an standing ia e Bankrupt Cuiui uuul tu, prnvar um. , . ., ,T 1 .a tAaOimrw aavtjeie lajat ts-eetwpvt die Bank j gnuuii ut iMuisriipcy. ruji to uawer oVUi fwactruuiat . at diapo-l a-i of properry by him auquired eulaaqnent to a petiuun iu fieakruploy. 'la oiaar worda. tne date of the tuikf uf the patlDou by or tnaB! aebtor, is uis aaie at watca, ir aojudiuauoa wr ouaruptoy lauowe, inwaaa ansa ar uunaa aaeeea away and a new leaf la larned over." On thia puim uwoiaiuue nave peew variant, ine earn rue appoara to be, that ike apaueaat in Haakrapiey aaa a perfcot rtnat t eiaia whaisver Be aaa aiade khvar bia aunueatiaa. hf ha 1111 m star- uona, but uy pronu he taat hare atadeaasa ia- toknoaivar sptestevosttbe periwiof aia die-T veaiuieu, wr vvwuia, nai we naoie an ue ouua or v. aiiw iraiiatwiw vmm eyt"x wa an nam any uuia after tow expirauoa of six months, aad wiut- ia baukrupiey, and m caae bo assets eoate aito A .A K.l..ia fif tiia aA.i.aAam sasw ata ataaH ttaa -wl .gainst Bis estate, at aay ttate alter the expr. Hwaw 11 Asaoonasaa Aaairaee ta eleettd or as- nun. ut uewum naeigiinwilt, au we nauarupta. proeerly whal is exampled, vis t "Huiiai- 1 lUIUIUU WMWU IVIilHilT im UHNT DNDaWin uoiexceedaiicmsaJaeiaionaBairaradd also liia wwaxuis apparel end tnat el saaalmetMt'Ml t-iimt"ut.iv' ;l Vw oanurea, auu aeoa ouasa penaeay ne memaea miheforenruiniasis axeaipl (rem levy and sale upon executou . or ikes proMe -by the stwe ell,,,,. I iU ri.Prr, n! M&aM inipiwaaawM aaiwa pyyw may n n iraasrasne I ana fm ue muwiw rmmim anew naaeesaaa 1. ..I. nn,n.aa, la. a. -T -" war aaa.-. Baawai . MM IM WtVUsf eHpeirtM M UbUNI IhUal MmUJ. MHniprlM sWaatBtaMsl aWf MOT aTWHaMI a 11 at a the iolv at the aawlea.wlthla twentv days after tbe awkajnaaaal ie ioa tt aaa, to allot .iV. i"'"- JT ' hiveBlory at tea eeate "' ."Jf" H?ki!!at!, ??i te um beaferapt eaB eratilaei ss aaa e: waa taa eataa araetturt tner ob)'Uoua to the rhpart af lae ;Agaee at "w wishae iweaty dae afeav h at Bwd. -1 " --kfeptsp areeeedsnew, ase- Boa at at eke itaasratit Aa aaaviass feast !!( aouuer, halswe a warraat- liawaea, ehell AWaoett I OiMrduustawah aSe hi unlaw, ar aim the Cftark. I rees uia awtjwier, nanaaiBos cieva aaais na prepaid or aa red beSisw thee aaa be l sail filled tweet. U a erne provided ay Uetwiel aider XXX,' that when aba deatar haa aa exeana, and eaa prove tne teat ee tea eanefteaiea at the Ooart. anon appbeaiioa. aa order will ee suds iwaalruut autheeuetemUiewaeetaatsnadssneltiw Bfty dollara depoeited with the stecieter, ILbowewar. wiia, aat aat aaeaaa te aay aa mas ter awawasnaa; ana nan era pi s oaoeapiea property, e that aouiias; eeeaes latu the haaite of Uie Aawnruaa, the twae will save is aa paad by the bssrarwat : bat tt the Aawiaweev reearvar Bwate, tne low. uf tne aeeaeaaer wm aa eata ar aaa Be. sure any arrwiewj a aaaa aearag ereeaiota w . -. aUSbaJT ft, UaeT- smTs) H,ht, M a OUmT It Putwreneeeof optnloa have eaaud ia wuaviata, aa ta ttaaaut wtaleh aha I riTr-ZJTJZZ'UZZlf: Aetauaee bankruptcy, aoaae aaTeeanpssadtaaiaasiebtor I will kn oariUitCMl aeaawiv aW Hawks unlet atw I some, eariy any Maroa. emkae -aa is eblo ta I some eariy any m a area, wnliss -wa is able pay Afiy per eent ef hie dacxe. - vVware awn (ba. uAm a aot lha aaa, STbe law did ant month, bum iBnt Uaaa, to all Boaeet Iklors, eaatwrer may aa sue wsesat er teear maitita aa whkh tLvy eannot pay la which to arista! -Tewer aVVT-rrS k wera-tea -n niaSwl mm. I vwrv paiewAa la baukruptey, Hwl.aa Brat wwtaia i tne eiaeoat at a saajtwlty a kwenditwrw. j Uearnrla I'aMwaei tPlaBUra. AprUaS-tf siwwr, iiwwri . I EXTB sad ITU BUafBarutB a nt rABU.i,m atere, 1 jut. M. TOtTLXS, J I April 4w . aad 1M1 ;t H TAJlxLASD MAMA . . -' 1 i)A. - - - i,uM aonnds ef Marjaad Bsete, be . ?. . p., v i . . . . . . wx.thrswlaaawaB i May Utt ,.t IHIUIIASBIXL, 5 YACTPBX CHW8-. -J, AvrUAJ-ef --aaJl. atOBTT AITDUiri 50 CABS FhABB riACBAA AIAMC ....W. tort Al-nsW OR BntS-JfATAPSCO. FAaOLI rLOVAV awiiwMf r. , W.BorTABDEIWA llollaw vTar. A Fill ABS0BTJIAST Of FOLLOW WAfU AV . 1 ' it r-ome suppose tnat tne tjearaier aeauuea i --.u -r:. ,,., - i t 1..t7t . i-tt-.. .o, S-i ta-XT BankraKcy. are laad o7u7waod If lhr dwaiss I " T",'S1rllwM .. .... , ' rcTfLTat a-olSiToTTlt-t aW" The TtOttADAllS tboraa(bly eradloatre "P" taia,jor,t te Meu to eoate Bkmsi aTaaweaaaad tad Uate aM fwaMane f!J Tr4Sf-gSggf ? the enpra sntaa to a aw.llhy aoittoB. i It k SL T", ""'.'!? T!1 sar it Is Ptsrivaixv HijikLLAo, av All StiPPLT f ohnaon's tmpraved aaa- TT., jiti t t w '- . . . .' ,nwdOKOBi,iA ri.AiTH bToT ta ro-r rWrwwftZlTa aTMersetoBoe. to laeilitats year nUn-ln todee-' wm V . - v ---Z,. ."iT'Tia eaie e rnod etaad. a. M. TOalXn. , - .' . Msaevsi Busst, stalluaora. Mo, ..iajl - TtZi , r Aaa (t-laS-tp 1 ,.if.i.-.t f . EtXOAVT BATaI13rT Boons?, ww fcraaas n a a. w i a a a I I yarpeeea, aer ke Baamgh Kuvul Baek. R , ; , . TL ear. e I A t A-saSretelaaa BriUUJ.1, adlmn.rHt.awta- fcaVneBStn'--- V tie tw s Bankair. iwaa aa.a . Law olu. "' It. CTIr . rwrrrrarTt a nnntvs fopoaais tpviaed Aar a aw days at Aaa BaaA .- I a CTCHTBCH A PODCt. j . a., l-af I . i I - i i,a i i 1 1 1 1 i a . i i a at .1 . .I'1 - . ' aaay Ml, , , ,.,. CrCsTChtai A POP DA.' 1 tin UfftJEAHCS. ''' il ia H tie ArUnjctei natoal- ! tirK ' . JTSSUBANCB COMPAJJY , li t tJI t ,n i il- .bva:n4e tnntf y' I ' i'i tUi vtmanttt I m ,ffi-i,. ,j .n l'if 11 in I I 1 1 "raiad ?nt t 'J'i) iirt aw A 'Tnoift i iiher qdteebji : ibrcro- l - ' ' - w liTOWAl' POKBsJ tUClW'if k I ti.V J ) . ..Lr J I .1 wviat . auia an nut . t, 4 JntPCKQWTtP KUOCSSa. Tei4ij r . . . ..t I ., , LI8HKB BIYnVU 1VT . . . ! I;" - - ., - ft t j -WTUIUayii;r ' i t 1" Onsayai y aaa aapiUI ana aaaata, airaiBSt I uabUiv, tlaat will eatuiars tavareMy witk aar I Ufa laearatyee Oomuaor on the aaatineBt. whLia T tt we vraetast or Meaenetnuiiy, I aaflajra are eaanuualj tdiautlstetwsl by sales I a uiwetora, ef naaaatuluty aad awtiaeaa at I Paeity. , I 1' baa aatabMshad Ma alsha to Bonthara Patroa- ' 'p 4' i s"i i '' t, JOH1T S. 1 EDWARDS, I . i !.- .i. H .a ii ., I i'i I ' rxoB rtartntnrt. sanaartt. I Vftt. B. laAAM. , J). J. HanTeoal. T !.- r . r' oaaxaowa, MKDIOAL tZiMIMIB, t ' CHAJkWa RVrfff. M.'!'lV s.-t I . umtktvratxa,' ''eawaatt aomrr, 1 1 H. a CABau, ) Jmo. H. Ct-tmoaai '"" " praicToRs r", I oha Kadera, 1 Wiliiara f. Tey! I aiaatael Oeil Henry A. lujsoo, . Aat tldydtr, . ' H. A i: Baekerrille, Auaoel U. 'lardy, , George Jaoooa, . ' W. AUteon,' -"t w M .Oeorge A. 1'aUnar, ; A. D, Chookley. . H. 0. CaaeU, ' ,v , D. i, Hartaook. . : John a WUIuuna. ' ' 1 oa.Iooley. 1 1, I Charlet T. Worth am Wuuen wituav Ht 1 F- A- Smith, inoa.e. avaaa, r 11 " I I ?J1i,r"Ti I AA Id wards, I AT. IMokea, I B. Mortua, U uubOi. 'laylot, 1 ja. aoni. i 1 n , 1 il j S-S: ""g1. , Oaorfa L. ittdeoell. 1 " m a paninei n. rrios. ' LEWIS C. HANE3, AeT. 1 eaa BV-ite-BT 1 I 1 i . ' I ' ' KISC2LLA1E0U1 1 - ' " - ( lb ,BCS ElOOd Purifier. Il ike I . t, , ' 'v 't-'''v t W flKL I) ' ' I nn T - wwnw-,- 1 c ' sVXWiiA A WlvEI CE 3 M I ' i .. t . -1 :V I T , a A - T A T T r d I Ai' D" 'A' 13 '' A' '" MJ :'i A"1 'D . i. ..h.,; I ,, , , . f SUCH Aa. 1 n tivvv I "." ' r.'! A-6 awvst aal' 1i .KM LA lYM AM ITV7 A M It TTT.i AT ft A Tft M ,JCMLA B 0 KMKS T iA'D ULLMKATIOM is rntrir AVtta mivw l-u . I . I.IVIH tlnvirr A. .a vrx? , wJJI,., irrA KlfAAAm aa J ' ArPKoriohR. toiiM mm1! If , fIJ 6QHK3.DlsiASKH PKCVUiR . TO rXMALEi IHVPTIOA'S OP Tilt mm, t vmjsshav Mad ujcaitm, AND' ALL OTHER DISEASES CAUSED By am lasare) taU) rta BIoaA. -i'u" J'..' 4- " " ' ' - I' . la iMiowint, amonf many atmarwds of Saat sitlssas, teetUy ta tat wwedarW ejleocy. Vt know teilwTee'sBowarlalls tabs asan l sad ass.iaasa AUaratira, Aw., aad taha pteaeare at rewaaaiendiiig at to tbsii arofaeeiua ana; Lbs a. Dllltl, ABA. sVta . are . rr ai . ATaaV, SBJ . aV, j f " b. Barnes, m. 4 r " B. WOODAHTI. M. V. if' it .- , r .w.i.xutia, M. mi, Ja-VT Tth. USt .. , ., w - 1'?.,J u.TJr ".ut. Tht an t - aw- l l. pT.'.nL. i uTZL. wwotj t'lwwwi w.iwa, w w awvan illl .... -i , ( bU-mb-,,.-,- ' s i, . -.-l.-.' ; Aa-trwm.a.v" Vr "' SBewtortoal WHOtJaALf IBUUwIirrs,iaaUtae larawakUae ef the Vniwd Blatee and British Amenon, aad mm nw tnirwiwao wwa AS Iwttara ef Daontrv. anuieae T7IOB SALE.'' P, V9,i . i .'pr Tauueae moa asanas asBoas. awwtfK ataefeVaf -Wlib Mart A lavwia. j ' " . . ., -I TOBSALbV , 11J O i a WeUs,aWWs(sada lot ofRar. I Beea. apply at H ' ' ' - I 1. MarlP-e . , ... i BIUOOS.DOIDAOOr t JTXUM.JIUJBA, r- PMnmeiirn' iOATsCPB ABO SACCfcA. -.-'-) 1 -- ; Cawlaad ToBKorrf Krs j i . .n i in., i i , i i k 1 DASKI CAbTBTO OOOOA IU jn4AI ei! tt Toxsorrru sai At I'ayrttarUla ftitet : TifjmivTTii wrt.iiwra twrna awn J 4 trrees denh-. vr,ndoW (,iaed Pwr knWH, r tl.i.ln OTllf. tail 1 am " " av-i-wAx, awiBij aaj asi aw s-sp sja, it a 1 i . wwwot w w-w 4 l.r nwawiw 4 HIT GOODS. W.m m " ,v LO0I OCI FOa BAKOAUfS, i 1 . i mti,.,tl ffu 3 ii- . i v , t i 8:iK & W; X YOUNG'S ! fe 'U'X-,,'I v -.'in 'HlOV,! 4 T70U HAT POift , i' i iu. NEWT. GOODS Afoat RervlVVel mt VOVt PRICES. ' 'Oar Meade ahad have Goods ts eheap aa they e ba beatjM at aay wtsnr House. '' m"R0AlN WILJEs BE GIVEN j ' .""cew At RI.T A 1SJ to tS j Aad ah DRBMtl OOODH in proaornon. ,t A geed ewolt of Oooda for Hove aad Mae ; H. w vAjiaaaaa aaa 4taH3. s., At ths o.U stand ef , . .. CISCILLASQU3L . "jrtiiJi' -.',. J; A, A sViat , , , Agt W. U nualneat DUwotory. , - , Brtnsoa, Frrar Co,.. CONTLHUBTHK OOX BtTRINE8a AT TBI . aania aland, near IVter Uali aud aUU ksaa oa aaad a auppr of ' n ' - - i . I Hi. AOcttS AMD BTA TI01TXM T,'- at reaneaa psteetv -.' (.-. .. ol ":' OoaauraiBeiiU of aneond lul I uJ liW asllaaaeiia Books snliol ad. " ' yarttaalsr altealiea paid to ardent, ! o . UltAhBUN A J0NE8, i faa M IW-af "i.': BaMca. K7a ,i.r.e eSPRXIVO IHoff ':WUOUEA tB. ia xabm urt ot -m wAia on bud aatenai auoa mm wertaMoel lp unmrpaaiod. lbe Gnderairned It eondueilug a KUhXH tliOLINA AlFl'EKPHIHM. and aaka th. avU. naliiaa irf mai liaaw II., il ni i , u. . k. u.-,!,.. hiuiaelt of the boat and most unproved machinery, preiatrrdtil ill att orders fur Tin WAKK, and oanuiake tbaatippb'etualtoths demand. - . i duuu hi- yuur umvra. b uaiaeiion f uaranieed, 1 will taBkanUodofeoodnradiiiaTahaiaa fw i'ln Mere and parUvalariy aaat, at bM pri. '-a. ww "waa a arsvraaa nraaa md will pay eaah lot aeme, when preferred, - Send tor a I.Aat and eusnpare wua yoox JlorUieraollla twiLitaaoarAia. - ,p-7" I wi 1 aeea eeuatattltar aa hand a rood kaawt, meat of Uswhlaa ateras. Ham, 'a Paj-iut and etBU of best mate and will sell rl.hi. ' VebAUO-tf- . . , UUbboro hVO. a i Kii'wwaa'-B, wuejstTB,,!? m '.. , A LOT OF ittriStD hllOAllV in banvelt. J.X, , .utt reoelved by B-M-,-ylt:u-,.j. flJUUMCJl A DODK U UCIAFOUU LAND AGENC Y OP iHieileajakeaiw.ea' ni tvav w a I'i'.-'iu- .. vna ii yauwx,ii)A, SDttdLl.EBa who Vwa ya bell" ' " j wr i. ji AtrrlcultairBt ata Hlaewml i . I naaV 5 .. .,: J ... UlAtatl sa-aBkamramaai Mill. A., ,,,:..,..wr'-J, TJ" .. aaarwmaa awtaaiv a ia F of Any Unfl, wih-AnA ft t..' Ibeir aJvanUfs tv IfNMj. p.'p . -ia wir aantie loreaui. - ' ; 1 Wehave freat faoilities lur nroourtuf Daroba. fur inform si Ion, aaurei i s'liO- B. ORKTTEB, j ueuerai Arrent, " " ' ri Oiwaaeaoro M. 0. f. 5, ji!7V A ,-Sw, -, . U, ,j knnlf nnaaft - - , A LAftai enoolr. la larce sod small bladders. 4 A. Alan, la papa I aad boulee,at niaeufaoiurer's wi. . . . . i vf n t' reais-uiw-tr ..,. W.H. JOKE8400. TJLACS" PBfPEB AMD ALLbTICE, MAC JkJ au ivin prUSA-Af invar, aa , i vruuunuu a uouu e. t A Lit ALE 1 1 10 KEOS 'OOCKAOft CI IT." atA. saeslved Ilia awruinf , A sanply always oa aveaas cww-i wais-is Ill Hi H FISH BOOKS ANl)' iisEl. ' ,1 ' A larye aaeortmi-nl Inst rdnelved at "' j i April Bs-W tJI'LIUU UUH A iHl 1 JTS- , "T PRIStO TBAItE. 1868. ; 18G8. a i w- O irXM ta P"".v a ha aad ether atsea. j AdS Blaatitig aud K flo Powder. .... , ! ' anas ana bar lad. ' -..-.... .... -. a-i, beet Aeruesa tU hy the barret or retail f . J. Hattmft. f BalsJfh, Ant 6-tf Wrrs Hxat Lawni' BciV.v. .,. ruw.siAr BM A Sit aiuWBIlt OaaihlMUoa at the farmers Rail, ths Blark re aalbv riow. te wkiek tba tlleatlna uf our farmer, la rwapwet fully called, a am awe eunatai agatu mr tne aete er tne eeie braiad Book Aye Meaper aad Mower, a Maae- faomrer'a nnuee. wlih Iretuht a.hle.1. i : Tbeeeenur wa eomuaaee aainar Lb aaa immenaa ! ww aattuH wwwuwm ,u. vf . 101 mr . m uva eeroed. 4AM&A M. TOWLLb, if Ai ri-,i fa. : Aa-eaAt Hoar! riaurl e? turxim: o fLotTit. J J . A hole. Jt. a aad Patapsen fsatily flour. Aprl AbT t tJPCHL'itci A D0DD.1 V. ,. FlEtLMA MIL1TAIT ISSTITLTR, t - i LEXIXOTO", TA.W I A miCATIOKS wifl be teeelved at thfe time A lor in. edmtaaioe of 100 ADUlIiuh AL tA VkTS Into Una lnalitnlioa. Those eaieruif In taa maaa ateataa eeioy pee tier aovantaaee in tba noeelal eourse of duowUne Bad tanuae- ttoa, be wbieh thev ere prepared tor Ihe resTUier etadba watoa wmimsaia aapt. laa. i-,, . . . Utreuars wui aa sent on appnoatsoa. - t v . - - - - - VHAhCU H. SMTTtf . aaay lAAlawlwa snwsiipU. - n, ... . bapt,' ttOW.IN A HKAT-, ' - --. -.. . t Bt uuut smEfrr, baltimorx, ma, ,' "OLD MABlLAXD WOBAS." ; , . i Bbhac. tmri. want eensna .Ceek Pa'po Cook. j Buaer WuKaaas'a, DlS- l-x?rfe:i,'! t-oa Pip, :T?rtr" teiSL'.w'.-rH? rereeOpok,, . . Bawbe Bnare. ' ; Ooesa. PlrfedGaoke. " Eorepeaa Bahfe, ; Inn, Lead aid Vat Bats fanes Bana,,, , Sp-nee ilaiK, " J. aaerald ban re. : - ' bay ward, bartUtt A Co a Porwhia arnara. MiflM fgraaw, Pur Una aad Hn. k. Parter, Oharah aad Mtotas in treat variety. Ail the didreot atylee of Ora'aa, Bitrh le and Low Tsta. lis JwihTnbs with , - Haatern, Waata? CkawtS. tma and China Basins, . riTiunsna, . Pnnsaw, ' tiawaa, fneataiaa, .. , staler woeeta, ,;t. ... . Oardea raoee, . t Mw4obre,' . Tl.ti i. alalia a Aa. --t awwb Pertable wTiV wiD U sold M Wssiaa aid ta the stay tA-ly "5''" ' "i I iKEBS ABTtrTAL Of f ANCT f00t At lO&iiuirclArS, -XAILEOAIS. ' v to sairPEUs. ' : NORin' Carolina yA-BUlf- if;n' i;i-J" ii.lsv . 't w' iv V"tjifi ' A iiATTs u it-inn A rPT? r RAILWAY LINES, (tbat oskb to ' p tj THK OLD AOE10H A 0 AUTOS BAIL F.OAD. IttS HUOKTKSX, QCK-AAMT. Sa UiT A-ND i ' W.Uh! "WB AM) r.crf TO Ui l.A6S AUil'i'Aii aiAUbaU-X ' ' e A-r--',i.:TwVB.4 0tA,A .. W,,"'",?nr',d and are tbe rA,u Markets, aud haveeuooeeaimiv , kl(i i- . to Uie euiirewa.,u. iu-w, -, ,u w bunui, lurU, t,.U)eaia,ai i - -r-mpiwra iu Isor.h t ,, a " t, . Wa )iud tbeniale IM ar hri..ii 1 I l U.ilra (. 1.,-r 1 ,., , , ' eavibii tne awvie lioui I,,.-., i.u- a i u-., Z ooui. IMi.Uuopwy.ariai.a e wiliwi.,,,,,,,,,. e are thai na ,ui md will Ki,a niore u . , to all (Hjuiiat, hunli awl auaui, uiau any eu.r LuiT J I - NOTIC13 1 Tbt)VtkmUmAtr iJmm Freight O 'u' T" JG'.1 TtsTHE BAXIIOa A 0ABT0N BAIL.SOAD, the Bhort Line fc, . . i rwlrod ae le direst year ifw$la, w tomll be iakaibyaaoUier Koala I "'"'."'"" Tu lueore your fraixbt hebw au 0'wai Inland Air Line eafelyTaireot V f r,1 yow. '"".''i. Care oarwd over this your onialgn. Aaent i'or5KouUi, VaT a? Ciiv I'oo.. w hainak A aVaiaiua S.,, . aue ytooo, and ta sbi se NBWII Merehanta A Win v i . . . Wharf, A, lalpxl, " - ' rK1' BW YORK r1' 1 K ST. Marth WvvijFSrrwV";ra. Qreeawinh St. Oar, dent. wyi-.L Mouready, l a (J waestassss.) -FbHs.; agmlnrloa BalUtoore lap. orUvde's Line of baiwara. 11 B. llawareTv7uoC. P. U v. aTTJT" " :'" " (i If BOM BALTIMOKC i , ' aaHlmore Staan svba n. a., vi... ... era, Foot Union Dock. L. B, Paika. A neuter PuwbauaailrJo.BOLiiihi Htrau Vli,ul W i: ,- y4X K AA4JCN, AatwAOaaM)! f t't'V 0 SWf. OmOB, M. 0. BAILKOADIX) "l" ' Cearam aora, . April i, rnaa. f a.?" ."i f " J-wl II hatha Sohadula lor Pstwi,(.v Trains evertlue Auad I wavsyioutaatly ...,'.. line p. M. ' Ua r?takT!Lj S UT A M. . a ... Leavs at Oo.daboro. troldaboto' l,v is 'J6 P. M. MM'IfMll. .HSU P.M. - xtaiemn. ......,;....,,,., t MS p K. ejj 4- AawV-....M,a.. 17 M. ' M badaburv.... a oa it u . "Arltre a. tbarUW1, iM'Si M P.S' Tnranch nsmiixeers hythts Una bavaebaina nf routea l (ireaualxiro' tod UanvUle te biuhniond, or Via MaleiKh and Waldon to Huihniuud or Porta. ihwuui, arrivmi at au pututs rtotta a Kiohmoad 1 feTi? t " ""- lgerttalBa oa i A W.ilosd tuano.eoeo Wliuuna. a. viw aaoiw nine 07 oitunr routSr lua " "la.u..l,r treight bams. Also (a ta.wo.rn ua..a, K. v;, Roan. ',! - rraiKin tttina wlk kitva thtrlotts at I A. II .' ami arrive at Ai P. M. a u,a, jtAhtf. , JAM KB AMPKHaOlt, aaa't' yEIl&SBPlQ, APyiaiiuixjt IS l8Q8t firaiX, 8ICIK. 1803 BOOTS,' SnOEl AXD TH t'NKS, AT WHdLESAtE O.UTl " " ' yjEHAti IsTOBTU A UBaK, T0, Afieet from ti.e Mi-nuraetumra wliich we will sail f lw ! S'wda.of the aaaeqiialliy eaa be bouaul ia Aea Kork, i hiiaUelphu at Baliiniora. i ,' ' . ' Peterabarg. ' SB Thoee bnrlna fur aaab aliafl k.-- , JT . eat of BMHwy i-. w : DRUGS." h.JJ i.UiUJAiVn,fcCAEIL. .i-a. vVaolcasilB stud Retail Druffsiat, 4JSmvoanortto Uet. Jj. Jonn t Co.) areamaeev araea ' raablneea Btreet, ) ,'r ) TXTIJlS-Jw'-tO, VA. 4 a ' INvTTK tbe Marwnaate, Pbjucdana and Paa. era of Vir alius, orili Ctj..,i,.. ...,n ..' lo e.aaime Uiaar ea teaave etock of Urtja-a. BleAlolBra. faints, mi. tarauuea. lira aiufla. tviaataw . lass, nrtisheea Combi, Aanry an A Toilet Articles, Periuinerv, hoajte, .,-"';, eVe. Ac, nu-raatji eons, , l.,.!i .a do apru 17 u. . HI3CELLAN20C8 aaraTawrmi, 1 1. a. eorrxM, I rum ewvws, rs. a Beiuuorwv lataof ;, I Law of A Carolina. GWYNN. C0TTEN i COi cotton: factors . - . . 4 , Ah'D - ,. . t , Ccneral t'ommtaloa Mercl.a&t 105 West Lombard Street, . BALT1JIOUE. mr Liberal advaneea made eo Oonalmoieata. ittdawalssibaacBJuriiBa'ii.iiud. .: -wW-ar 4wyea,an4 two, ibsa gttrsa wAKTsa. Vs will ornrnuer for, or Parchaae at aujurai re iem oa arrival, AX!. n Pad oa Rh atarwe, KKioi TlbiieOak ilhd " ' tuO,(K White Oak " Betdine, .. lo.unO WkitaOak Plnsbtawesw lu.OuO Whiu Oak Bbt " 7 i Jt'oro.Ti ' iiaajeixioa. Tbe White oak Btaves and Eeadine will be re eeiMdasaoaa ae tbey eaa be delivered. Tbe H"d Okie, from aeptenibee to aauar, neat. tnaeneiooa, ana luu paruculara I enttiuf w'""rTVi.HW,,u"i aoi'iimiu.o w CUAfcU.alu.JII BOV, . - ' fiorruik, Va HarM-tf fJWBIAC AwatJV. . . . Ts Iisve rw!-ed inoodrs f.r t), e.1 of -MAKDfAOlUlUiU and enyKLSO aoilACCO. of all brands. ' Orders r any quantity will be promptly fjllfd. Vertiee ban. wiy lur sale wooid ae wed to ehvp as, ss renajr seise ean be made. - : - , cowaM) a HtRnrsiN, : j ' ' ' Uoreini.aia II. r. tiauta, Apvflll-Sm ....... Wloik, V.' -r 6. X. W. C ETrCT'TT. ' Grooert and Commitsioa X i-ictA Jfarivt 6puv4, HaUf A. Sveeri far Isliss srwpilr i'.-4. Harm to iaa. Q. WUUama A Co.. ar,4 i cj Kstkwsl Bank, Btleigh, S. C , " .. I'or Fies, Ifnlmets, QronuJ I beet A. u. laid. -.-r, aad the .... ; . f SfsrehlStf -'lstu.aa I it. i rrh.T 1,

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