TLa Sumra. is paUiabed no; day, J" Baaday, ob ihe fcilowuig tarms: 'i.-.-'.f T-iree ........t.-?.8 H i riui. ' ....-.........""' i (; , r . ..... f biuii-nUy nantiaat oca year,, ....., t, ... -... X l Weaklv Benttaal ea raw " ' - 1 A THE SENTINEL. WILLIAM K. FE1X, BEATON OALE3, - .-. BDITOBbV TULH8DAT. MAT SI. 1868 BTATS CO OPBBATIOJf A8S0CIA- Weheveargr4 theory 'Jfcfmatioaof a ' Stat Co-operatioa AjeoeUtioe, combining the intelligence, wort Md wurkla energy ol th agricultural, mechanical, , manufac turing lad commercial people at tb But. Tbe object I to protect ud promote, legi tiinauly, tb interest of every vocation, by clow combination for mutual bslp and the promotioa ol the general welfare ot our t'wa farmer, our owa mechanics, our ows m snufacturers of all kinda, oarowgmef cant and our own loans and citic, t Tui grot deaiga eeaaot betBecied' alia oat dote association. Tb poverty of oar people, ia general, tbe unsettled character '' ot labor end iu oopruiltablea, aad tbe advantages poaeeaard over ot by tbe tup ' rior capital, thill aad energy ot otUw com njauluei, can never be overoooW and com petatl with, bat by a oomuioatlon of each i 'l aod ail of aba graat egeneie or production, . aad the direction of tbe little capital we . bare, and tbe akill and eoterpris of our people, by the blgbet Intelligence ud tbe largaat eEBBfraamv K .-- " Tb toil of tbe Slate," already opea for 'caltivatlea, ebonld be brought at oo ae poasibl to the btgbaat iuu of cultivation. . Oar plantation meat be reduced to proper ' and mora manageable dimensions oof lor uti moat be more carefully preserved our implement of husbandry most be of tbe boat kind oar eeede and plana of eultiv ' - tioe muat be Improved j bat all the will :b greatly depend apoa a eaoaae Uborm aad tboat wh are tkUlad. : , ,,' Our owa maobanioa and mannfacturen aioat manufacture tbe raw material pro duced la tbe State, before we caa be aa lade , pendent people. '.Why eboatd oareottoa, tobacco, wheat, leather, tallow, beetwai, " timber and lumber, Iron, Ac, be eeat oat of ,, the Stateto be ataoalaotured, lobe returned to aa la articlea of aeoeeaity or luiury, with two freight cbargea. eommiaalona, exchange aad pronto M manufactarera, ageota aad ' merchanta piled on, to enhance the price to our people I bit sot manUeat, that all thee articlea ahould be manufactuied at bom and the aurploa aeot abroad, to eo bance the wealth ot our own people I 8np 'oee, lur a time, it would coat oar people - more to manufacture theae articlea at home, v yet that fact wosld loereaaa tbe general Talueofour produotlcn,: an pake our t .. borne market eoatrlbate to VlU wealth of . the State, v But u A rUclea caa be pro- duoed cheaper at borne. ; AXl we seed la tbe " Improved machinery aad apparatue which . otbera paaaeaa, and which they were ae deetltute formerly aa we are. With tbe natural reeoorcee which we bar tot mann- fact urea of every kind, 'and With tbe raw mater iala at ear doom, oea we not maaurac tare Ataptr tban tboee who moat bay their material front aeoond or third baada, and Wboee natural adrantage are ao better tban '; oaraf ' We think there ie nothing plainer, Aad wby ahould not oar own merchant, ia preference to otheri who are not Imme t' diately lateroatad ia tbe prceperity of tbe t State, tranaect oar entire aommerclal jnai- ters t Why ahould they not be enooaraged " in their eflorta to build up our owa towr aad eitieeand extend oar trade to foreign porteta Hor will itdo teaay .we are too poor. iior ia weaua, ana u me many will put their ahouldera to the wheal, It can ( be done.." Work ie Beaded, and our joung men ntoat learn to hold tbe plow, or dig a oitca, or hock a piow or an aia, or onre tbe olape, or do what ie aoedfuL Oar --. young men and young women' moat .learn " that boneat labor ia not derogatory to the (1, intelligent, tbe reaoed and tbe Tirtuoua. . Steady labor ie one of the beat promotert ot 1 emmd' rnorala ' and' eeieguarde ol . virtua. Y'ii' fiian, who work ateadily, ajaUmati- ei. aad chewfully, are eeldom deeoyed into tbe fetid encloauree of a grog ebopi bouaea of IU fame or into gambling bUa' They learn to aelect . their ., aaaneiatlona 'amobg the Tirtooua aad the worthy aad are aeldoa led off Into tioioot . exoeaeea. ( Boiiaehold labor would giro eur young t lvomea f igoroue lramea and oooetituuoaa, aoake thair ebeeka red without paint, and fit then better for the teak of rearing chil dren aod building op a ooaatry of atrong, Tirtuona aad laduatrioo people. , .-, ::. i All thvaa tlunga out be effoctad by the inauguration of Co tpmuiwt Aaaociatloba b) every Ceptaln'a diatrlct, auxiliary : te tbe County Aaaociation. and one la every Cosi ty, atrictly auxiliary to tbe State Inatitft . tion. We need n wlae, atrong head-ijuUta-. tion, to lay down flret priaciplea aod to ia - augurate tbe beat pUnt to aecora akllled labor for our far ma, to etiraulata induatry and enterpriae la all YocatioM, to promote . direct trade and oneoarage and rrgnlatc immigration ot tbe right kind. Let the ball be put In motion. We aha I be glad to aee the people moving la tbe eeverai eoaa- Thi SMUTOBaarr. We bad aopDoeed . that tbe dil$ had fixed tbe matter, that air. Pool and Gen. Abbott were to be tbe U. 8. Senalora, ander tbe new rafiuM, It it ia to be a U. Within a tew daya, we have, however, learned that the friend of Cot. H en l on are dUpoaed to preaont hi claim, and, n the ether hand, it ia Intimated thr.t tbe Weat caa hardly agree to two Sea a ton from the Eaat If ao, Oaa. Abbott and Col. rk-atoe may look ost for breaker. Y.r. root aad hi friend will not yield hi claim to tbeir Tankee allien, and tbe TTet wiil very likely hv a word to fay ia the matter. for r-t1-T-B he received letter : il i. i,i'sndl"S bii coarat. fBIt PUBP08B or TBM ADJOUBS . UEST-WVTVBS ACTIOS TOM BHADO W&D THB INFAMOUS MS- COU&SK UKCOftKSD&D BT . fO&- , Forney 'a Iknmicl indicate tbe atitl low. er depth of Infamy to which the bafDed eoaepirator are ready to deaceod. It eaya "la adjoaralng the high eoert of Impeaea meat over antil the MtO toetaac. the Seaa ton have acted wiaeJ v. The attempt of the Chief Jim tic to rule tbe motion oat of or der, bring only another move ia hi little gaaie of political thimble rigging, wa promptly overruled. Kepubticaae are bo ginning to aee through the wily Chief a Uoe, aad bu daya ol joggling are ever. It waa aaaaatlT warn aad proper, w ay, to adjoara antil the Mia, ksvUtg tbe articlea at impeaebmeat aadetemlaed aad yet to bo voted apoa Thi will prevent the Wbita Hooae eruaiaal (already oatrviai tbe demaiag infamy of Uiirty-Sv vmea tor : i r h ii. i . cooatmctioa govern meat of tbe Booth era utm enficiiuBi uvm bvibk w turn m- btatea, aad will compel tne recaeaat tte- peblieaoa either to vote for er agaiaat the dmiaaioaof Ajauaaa, liOUMane, rionaa, ciuutb Carolina.' Georgia aad North Caro lina, la accordance will tbe term pnaecribed bv themaelrea. Wu tkm Malm art md mUUd, tkm will U &dti IttbMf Me Stimt0 d t Vu High Court tf lmpac. mmt Un r twM m tiuUatt aaofere. It ith muk oflMattM f ttrtneth, ther$ 04 a ia wMUt a. "f f The" Bona of Bepreaentatiree may, of eouraa, it I hey eaa Snd matter fur it, iaati- tuteaaew impeaebment. butJt mart be limitMl to aewebarge ; Article previoa ly paewd upon eaanot be re-introdoced, aad it i qtriveraally eonoded that It I impoalb!e, jm tbe Senate le at' present eon titated, to convict on any of the exiating cooat. Whtre caa aew article be found t The Hoae expended all. It ingenuity In framing the pruaent articlea. . Perbap tbe VktnieU would bar tbe Maew Radical Sea- atom" to rote upon (Am, ' without having beard aa lota of tbe evidence I Such a ang- geetioa ia la entire keeping with tbe Infamy of tbe maa and tbe infamy of hi party. - Tbe condition of thing prevailing at Washington Juat now I ot o intricate aad carloo a character, that it fa Impcaaible to predict, with any approilmatioa to eertala ty, what development are to grow' out of it, It ie one of the decided ptmilUUim that, ia view of to infamoo a purpose ae that above toreehadowod la the extract from Forney' paper, (and which ia, doubt lean, a faithful reflection of th design ol tbe acobina,) tb boneat and eonoieutlou Senator who detected the Ileventh Article might sustain a veto aad thua defeat the attempt to bring in thee "new Radical Stnatora," elected wltboat constitutional authority, by fore of tbe military. , The telegrspble announcement that tbe Senate (Qur the Judiciary Committee ot th Senate f) ha Indefinitely postponed tbe Bill for the admlaaloa ot Arkaoaaa, would seem to lend coloring to this conjecture. Besides, (apposing that the carpet-beg Senator abonld be admitted, it la hardly probable that th Chief Justice of tbe High Court of Impeachment would administer to them tbo jury oath to ''bear and try In partially" tbe case, when they have net heard th evidence, and when they ant pre sented for th avowed and sole purpose 1 votlag guilty, regardleaf of evidence. To do ao, would be to eoevict bimaelt of vir tual "subornation of perjury. $( : . j i l POSSIBILITIES. Arkaoaaa, with it Infamous, mongrel Coactltution, it teems, 1 not to be admit ted. W are, aa yet, without the reason. wbicb have operated upon tbe Senate, or th Judiciary Committee of the Senate, in this matter. All that w know it that the bill for th admission of that negroised and earptbgiied State wu aumaarily rasluJ through tb Bouse, ander the party tail (a few Republicans, iik Bnker ot Illinois, refusing to swallow the aeuaenu doaej and sent to tbe Senate, where, it it reported by teiegripu, it nas, in soms way, reoetved quietua. WiWy, 'th (nggattlons ofirau la the alleged adopt i of the Constituiioa msy bav caused the action of file Benat, though, heretofore, each oonelderetione hare not been supporej to be very operative with that body, JPo-Mf it wa the atroclou character of th Coostltutloa liaell which did tb work, except io tbe matter: of franchise, it ii not a whit mor objection-, abi han that of North Carotin, If ae mdeh eo. And poMibly obi powiWr'-r ib Northern Radical ar not, after all, ia a hurry to admit the MoU" Southern State, OA . account of a hivenog apprehrnsloa that th moat ot them might, by om alip or other, vote for the Domocratie nomine lor th Presidency I If thi hould be ao, who can picture the lacerated "pbeellok" of tbe "Uooly fell in tb South, wbe bav juat riddea ae th back of tb negro: Into fmptdm offlcat Many bottle would not bold their tear. Who know bat that the other fottOiUtf, tor which the telegraph wa rapoaaibw oa yeaterday, that the Southern delegate may not be admitted into th Chicago Convin- twa, la foreshadowing of what I to be t After eating moaotaia ot dirt, deserting tnetr raet ana color, mack-wubing tbent- selvtr all over,, aad oeverioa themeelve with shame and humiliation as garment, really tor tbe ak of th offioee, bat ostea- IWy la tb Interest of "Loyalty," to hava th cold shoulder toned opoa tbe Soathera Loyalist," this ovadb th "most an- iaaei eat- i nil ntstory. t . Again, ptmtllf th new 1 " organisation which ia (aid to be ia procea of formation at Washington, with tb (even honest 8oa tor aa a aucleaa, may her something to do witn toe preeeat rather strange ..'.and mixed asp of affair at th National Capital, which cause th precious and (xcltuir pa triot of th South to mock concern and - it; A Cbomwbu. oa a Small Boalb. Ht we at last found a Cromwell ? Ooveraor Holden, of North Carolina, ia a disnatch of we tain imiant, over nis owa eignatura, aayat "Strii tit vmrptr frtm kit mat." W suppose the next we shall hear of rtnl. dea ia that, followina tbe cxamnla al hia Puritan protoype, be ha taken tbe broom, ron into tb White llouse. twent erar. thing before bim. locVwi th door, and oar. ried home tbe key. iJaft. gun. , J, VKWSSSSOS TBM BITATIOS. ,. After tb aoBii nation of tb Badioal em didato tor Mayor la WmtoxS C"T, a ratificatioa meetiag wa hM, ".at sveral speeehas were made. .The following, clipped from th Waabiagtoa JUt 'upaLB- fMtan,' give aa account ofa poih made by Dew, tb carpet bag aaemba of Coagree from thi District ; v "Boa. Mr. Duwaee. of North .Carolina, wa aaxt introduced, and pok at laagtbxif tao eaeeeaa of tbe Hf!ianMitj!i North Crofin7and what they tad to coo tead with tbe broken Jowf aristocracy. Ha warned hie hearer to keep their eye oa ail who voted, for. after tbo eiecrioe. it tbe Bepeblicaa party (boa Id bo defeated, tbe colored maa will be treated a he ie ia the Boath. It any maa was to he despised it was a traitor to hi party ,aad he doubted not that eoene eaea waaki lie tonaa aner toe easBiina, rkn watild Afimrm "- km tka Barts. Sanald tb verdict of gmTty1 re dared to morrow la tbe Seaate, ia lee tb one aaoath the rattling dram aad shrill If will be beard ia the street, aad arasiee wi be aeea marching to tbe battle field, fie aa told it he mad one of hi bitter Radi cal speeches at tbe meetiag to-night, hi State, (North CaroHa,) wootaaot be admit ted Into tbe Union by the rote ot tbe Senate aext etk ; but be replied, "keep hey out if you will, hat kp her oat U yoe dar.".- ... fcu : ! t t, i'.; $ Mr. Dewwae reterred at leagth to tb irn peacfcaient question, and ald ' Mr. Jobaaoa must be convicted, or a war of raeea would be inaajrurated ia UM-MoatB, brjnght about br tbe kal uf HfuablioeotMO ia raa ao qtiittal of Mr. Johnson,; Be proposed, .a eooa a he g it his scat 1 Coagree, that a DBoorat should marrv ia a HopaUieaa tamilv, for fear be woolcf eroa the breed. Mr. D. told a number of anecdote, aad created much merriment by bl allusion te the mixed colors ot th bouta, iu wbicb it was bard to tell whether the children were black or colored." The above ie a fit poetecript to the tle gram of Mr, Iloldea, published in tbe Sat tliul, on yesterday. It ie of tb same type, aad no donht was evolved from the asm oil roe. . , , Deweeae 1 parbap a fit representative of tbe aeatlmeat and feeling inf the calltwag and aegroe with whom h I affiliated, but b knows nothing of tb view and par poses of tbe Intelligence and worth among tbe white people of thi District or Stat, whom h is ready to miaiepreeeat before be take bl teat ia Congress, i The attack -of such mea upon President Johneoa may pas a tb Idle wind. No one caa be insprnaaed by th abus of such men, nor era " we idn cerned about the reiteratioa of the disaster which are to befal the country, predicted by ill tampered Radical, if Proaideat Joba aoa it not impeached. ' . ' ' Dweee I, perhaps, one of the elect, whoee office teem to be to pat down tbe "broken down aristocrscy," ia order to put oa top the acallawag and acape-grace of tbe country. Whether he and hi clique will auoceed, ie a problem yet to b settled. But wbat concerns a moat In newness' speech I the rep title ot the threat of civil war la the South, made by Mr. Boldrn'e telegram,, . Be ia Mpnoentod ' ray ing ; "Mr. Johnson must be convicted, or a war ot raoes would be Inaugurated In tha Booth, brought about by jfche dffeatiolRe publicanism, ia th acquittal of Mr. John; ' Then w ar to nnderstand, (for this I th plain iaiarvna from tb aaagwura nw ployed J thai 1 Mr. Jounsoa is acquitted,: civil war, or a war of rao, lt to b inaugu-i rated by the Republic ia , tha South I The people of tb South, aad ot North Car olina, are here forewarned, that Ue Repub-j licaa patty will obst Mr.JobaeB,f' they will ineigurat civil, war or a war of race la tb Booth, in order to maintain, t(ilr po littcal asoundancy 1 1 I thi the gain I Is this tlie program rae of that horde Tf udi rled,,vklent and unpiaipl4.Vld "Bontbern loyaliemt" -Wr ask th, special atteouoa of Oen. Cnby U euoa',laou4iry ' speech sa, mad by profcsaed, ,baj men be- longing to bis Military Diairiot.. W aim- ply regard them a th rilltioe.of weak and cowardly Jcobias,"whb hope tu 'con tino to lrlghtea the timid, aa they have al ready done, to tbeir strppert. W deny tht ' the Conservative of tbe South have any other aims but those of peace and quiet. , If civil war, or a war of race, should be inaugurated ia the South, w are cure it would never originate with tb Conservative peoplej nor dp m, believe it would originate with th black, wrlbout argent promptingaaad asaarauom of success by acallawag "Souther IrfiyaJisU". . gut we cannot y wat w leel aiaraad. at la -ef fort of such a et to bring it kboni, -. iaas aaaaai txaaai ii i i - Holdu' Tsxteajit Wear con 8r tied la tb opioloa that Mr,' Boldeo's lmpeocJi- ment telegram, which w coin men tad Upon on yesterday, wt only inteodpd to be pri- att, for tb reaaon that be eoald have not expected any RepubUeaa BeaMoraj wao would vote tnr acquittal, to favor the re moval of h'u diaabllitlee, after ench a m- Mrenecuon upon tuair. Integrity andbooor. Th Saaat ha apt yet vnli saw thblH, which baa passed th.Hbuel femoTian the disabilities from eartaia North Carolinians among them Mr. Boldeo. v Poeslbly the biUwiUhrth rtaEtbaArkaasa b lL At all even's, Mr. Baldeo cannot, ofcoorae, expect Meeare. Feasandeo, Tntmbntl, Ha deraoa, Rosa," Vo"" Wmk!,riei d Fowler to veto for hi relief, after that tern- Without their votos, where are the two-thirds aeoman for the removal of hia disabilities jtH r Taa Naw Plot. It ia ruwnd that' the Beaate may admit aa many sew members tuey pieaaa, out not a. mother', son of them will be (worn in member' of (he Court by Chief Justice Chase I I am an. ooaraged to believe, farther, that. If a new impeacnmwit U eenynd, wad fourteen new evmatonar admitted, a .threatened, by Stoke ia hi Friday night' speech, to iv anr coavictioo, at least seven eld Seaatnrs who voted to convict Mr. jobaaoa oa th eleven ta arucu will be fein4io oppoaitioa to th aw article. Waa. lMltri-IUX. trtraattes. . ')--i. t A Peansvlvanla tuner aava that at Irii. do of oo of tb reoent fierce da bate ia Coacre. Jadcra - Woodward Judg Schofleld and aaid t "I expect to five to te thi Ocverantent fair to pieoee." Aa Ulinol paper Mtimatea (hat th J dx- i uie uniieu otatee frovrmraaat last year war a btU over 1 1,000 a mrnulet a ITff ADTZXTHirxm. - fteythea, fUrtaea. auytt-sf O. T. m w. b. enot ACS. 1 Stmelt FeejavW e d BUBHrt J the W reeaivai, ' rM-ar. e. t. a w. a feTBOWAOH. Uwem, Meet, Jiuaxi-ti; . AX a. fx iTJtoa AOt. - nCi TAMHHED AJiDIaOf HOOPKD-Wg. mayU- U. T w. z. i aaiaajus. f7 f BABa5WTvariaa auua. TmafVwr' '"' 0. T. W. 0 STIOIIACH. 300 Try B. aay Xi-W a. T W O. irBOMACH. Ftowr, nrr, V fiiSQ AhD CBKAF- .mayjl-tf Q. T. W. C iTBOl ACH. CHANGE Or wCIIEDCfuE. UA,LEiaa QAaroa bailboad oo, W Ibdeia,lLC. May iuta.i. . OaanA arW BUv SDtk. la. Tniae will raa ao lAa lUiaixh A ttaataa Martyied. aa Uktws : MadTraialeaveeeUleigh....... 1,1 A. M. Arrircaet W.ldoa .............. X P.M. Mail IMa leaves VaUeav , A. M. AinaIUfeis-a. .. ,lt P. M. Vratak Kalelirh...1. 1,U P. U. errivaaa Uaieixb 10,1 A. M Tb Mail Trains make vaaooaa eouneetioaa witk all feist Vorth and South. A. D Anvabmo, Buy U If Caps, of Transportation. gTJGAM I aCOABS 1 1 BCQABSI 1 1 Boormt. - O ZXTKA. C TELLOW, tu . CUBA. A faU stork to-day sseaMna; and for sal by auytv-sf w DOUOLA BELL. TOLAHaEH AMD BlBUPtt! OABDBMAS M0L1B8XS, POBTO EICO MOLASSB, OOLDIH.8TBUP, EXTBA GOLDEN BYBUP, IXTBA BTJOAB BOUSE DRIPS, Ibr sale by tb galloa or barrel at lowest market prtoeby may jav iwvulasbelu DAVMPOZT 7IKAXX C0LLEG1, CaMwoll Co , It. C. TalX nessioa opens Jans , 1888. Writs hn- - . Jy for a C wrnlar, Kit. BAMUkX LAHDEft, A. at., , FraaidMit. may -4v NOTICE. THI Partoerahlp f JOHH A. BUKT A 00., eoaspoeed of thanndevaigasa, iataia day dis suiv4 soxtaun eoasent. uun abust, OEOBOaW.aWEPBOM, . N. M. aOALEA Marf anion, M. 0., May tS, 188, Thebnemaasef 1km Into tm of John 1. Bunt A Oo. will ba eontlnasd by the naderelgned, un der the naai and ityl of JOHN A. HUftT A oa i- " . M JOHN A HOT, 'Horganton, TS. C.lfay .186ttAt. Vorth CaroUnA Mialng Property for ,-. v . eat in iMUumor. TERT YUD1T51E 60LD KISK; AT ur i t AUUTiua. WILl BSSOLBt BITIBT0 Of ADTHOn ITY vested k the nnderatgned, at th Bx fceaca Bales Room, hi tha Ottr of Baltimore a Tmiday, thstSd davef June. 1868, atone o'clock. P. M.. all th nronertv of tha Baliimora A HonU property ng Damp OBMry MiolDg bonpany, better known aa tb STI1U gold inn. en th Vakari river, ta afooWrmaery eoantv. Merth Caraliaa, asataining aboat 700 AORKM Of LAM D. with ail its eaniDmeata. aoomitant mi two Steam Enginea, on of 10 bora and tha other of at hare power, Pampa. two roand Baddies, It last diaaeeter, Waahera with Boekera and nluiee-aoxe. baildiasw fur affiea, star and an prriataudnat,, a largs Uaanliag-aoasti, Barn, IMablea, aUaekaaaiih abop, aad absot 3ft small aoaaaa fur smmbs, a. -This mine known a one ef tb moatvamaMa inline eoantej, aad siUBoiaBtly daraloped, to a -deptaof apwardael 10 Bwt, as aa w J aatifjr ex- y vt spnra jgw ao aa w jumii Seustva operatiaaot thaveia la eompawd 1 ewooa aUI and forms aa aarifaroaa ba 10 Sa 1 fMtta thicknesa, earrying very 1 oc ar. bad of amju wn rloh atrfi vein sf frae gold in iu eeaara. 'Tharaagb aad tafiabla exaariaatiuBt aad ra pora Aass aeea aaads by Prof aa. T. Jackson, Of uoaton. nor. usatti, of rkUadepAia, aad tha lata rtuL Hsiissen. woo all ainoa repraaant vaina. Ihiaouaing ariiMrt ef wreat iutrsasie tmmm ho as nana aaowa on tna da of aala. Pox. lortbar lufuinittloa a Niagaras reports, Ae., ,, apiilj ta x . .1 . ,jf 4 V,i -'tfM ' 1 . OEOBOB B. BROW It, : - , f' Urn US, UatUam Ht. ataliiawn. stavxOdAawxawaw. 70A 8AI1 CHIAJP BY WHIIAMS ft ",;-'wtAlIBlTH, r .. UAI.EIOII, SJ. C. Z''-v v, ' " TfJUTED STATUS DiaPBMlATOBI, by Wood ... 11'. MaUria MedMaaad laarapanttoa. c Wood' Praetiee of Medicin. Bamsbotham'a Prooeas of Pactaritioa. . Iwreoa en the Bva. ! t'harobiU's Diseases of . lraiu a alodjn Margery Gibsoa's Cmrgery. -eroea oa the UriaaryOrgi Ueweae ea Ctnldnm. , f:aapmaaa Tkoraeie and Abdominal Viaoara. , Idatoa aad Mutter oa itargery ,. Peaaev'a Boatbera Madal lUporta : , Williams' Prmeipies ef sUdiutne. ... BanedietW Ceiapandiua of chapnua'e Lse- tree . " ' ; .- ., WilaooaaDsMaaeasfUieHwt, 1 fcteiay Traa-iasoaObatetriea. -Oasaawaw MiauUia Mmrnmrm. bnw n.a ' J-"- -t-ja -v r .'-. Tsywroa rati g""s Medians and Honsshctd Borgsry. J Eraunoa Wilson on Hyphilia. Bieord'a Lettaraea aypbiUs. AeaoaTearealI)iwaea. " Jtioord A Hunter on Veaenal Disss', MUlert Priaelplo. of ftargory. OresnoavBraseiiiti. . " Paria Phanaaaologia. t C ' Coila'aBortrioal Lectoree.'?" , Mont, Bedwosd aad Proetar's Pharsaaey. Kana'a CbMrastry, edited by Draper. . , Kogavs TsrWs Chemistry. Iowaas, Cbaauetrr 8tadnt. , -Oaaaaava A Bebidei ea to Hkia. Powtart PkiwaoioRy, . . ... S T A-hwell eaJMseaaeaof Pemalea. i ! Billiairs' Prtacqitea of HedK-toa. ' - -. Mayoe's Diapaeiusary and Pomalary. ll.raer'a U sited aaatas Pi outer. , -May W-tf-, A KOTHZB ARRIVAL of EOESTOlPt CEIJt- XA eratea aeotck Bnnfl, m Bladder and Sal. Wboleeale and BetaiL at GARDKH HOBS, BAKBS, BPADBS ,AKD Buovete, at - say -! UPCHDRCH DODDU, 1 C CASKS EIQL18H ALK AND POBTXB 'ia April JO-tf W.EOBTAJfDRKWS Catadlea. Caaieliee. ; 1 pOBTT BOXES ADAMAITTIXB CAKDLKS. : r....---. ''-fete; '' m-m , , , LlxniiSUa a IMUU. JQ BlfLB Bl WHlflkET. ' Apro 19-tf W. B0B7 ANDBEWg. un ixsTrtAicx. TVZKTX-tSZCOXD AKBTJAi gTATtJtBKT -. . i . it i aaary flat, I808. BalaaeosasatatemebUaa. .itrA3" liedaet aecraad Intaroat KfWr. .,!ii, ' tntt lAAWjaut 1 PsmissawtAeMalBto ea latamt . . M aaaraed. W tM J tI Taaea. UJI aarpia ariaaiam ea-'1 ' '' taraed to assart. m Pnreavsaaeertdaweiel.' mffawi atJT S,ot Mi.t 4JflB,SM l ...1.11 tlTI Increased alue of Boaas and rMoeka avar euat. )S, Bala-ee Slst Jaanar.r, 1088, sxsrre. , M,t.l Baal Kaute at Cost lAA.tWa.4a Loaaa oa Bonds and Mortgags of Beat Caited Utates Bacaritie at Morkett at, vatas. a,ena,woe Bonds of the atata of OinneMifint, lpot.00.0o Boade of the Ciuea of Eraasvilie aad Towdo. K SOS.W Rank aad Bailmul IWti 81.SM.W Loan on Moeas sad Bonds 1U,TIM 0 Preainm Notes, t,6llttA7 Prtuainma in tha h&n,lii nf Affdiite aud - in transit, ri,S5.71 Interest aocrned. a lJU U lMU.t W. S. OLMSTED, Secretary. Interact reeaiTsd more than paya loaas. ' Dividends sverage orer CO ur ernt Ail polidas aoo-forfeiuWo for s stated smanat Assnranes ean be effected io all forma desired. S. D. WAIT, General Ag't., April t-tf Baligh,H0. Of COTTON BKBD-Oood W. BOBT AXUBEWS tjJ far eowa. April 9tMf 1frf BUBUEUI OP COMIJ. ,JJJ reeeired. W KUIIT AHUKESK. April B If ParetteviUaBt. IMPORTANT TO FABMERS! GUANO ! ! ir. PTJEl PIE0YIAH QUA H 0 1 2lOO RfaPKBTONOPTWOTHOOHASD tjfr t)f poanda. Pirs ets. per onJ by Uis bag. For sale by Mayl-sf MUBltt l.l. OKI ICBII ICIIII SOW Teas sf arai oa lee far Bale. At any Um daring Ibe day.. my pi to of bus! nru, oo P.yntteTille Htreet. yur tne aocommoaauoa or we paopie nviax am to ibe Iiutitnto-of ths Deaf. Dumb sad tb Blind, that los-honas will be opened every morning, from ths 1st of Msy. from to 7J o'eloek. A. W. PttAPrt, Apr M-Mawlia. " ' ' ' ' BOO TONS BOSTON ICE FOB SALE. ( CALL AND MAKB TOUR ARRANGE-- MKNT8 FOR THK SEASON. - . ' TWIBIXM. Mayl-eodlm , Q,TJ1X1T COTTON Oil I - , ' ' ' ' ' ' Warrauted tn give entire satisfaction. ' Deyea aot eat atapjo, . CaUton bring from one to o n e-ctn d-ia-hal f cents an ore In tbe pound than tlutt (Inned by other (In. ' flail and sea it at Apr. le tr O T A W C 8TBOH SOB'S. . rCRSlftJIlE! FfJRXITDRE I At and Below Coat, for ths fttX hlrty r ORDER TO KXDOCBboB LA BO I STOCK of furniture an band, sad make room for oar new stock, we will sail all kioda of Pnrnittua fnr oaah. at aad below mat for ta aext W day,' ar ewes eompieM, compruuig aaany pvary tbioa ia the fnrailnftt lina. . We mean what we aav. and aBw aak la a call iroaa taoss la aeea ef rami tors, to b ranvineed thai wa are aellina roods tweotv-dve ner eeat. cheaper than tbsy bara ever been sold fa tail maraea. w. n. auitiuaa a uu., asays-tf - Mo. I Fayotterills. Bt tj USITEBBITr. a .a fTiHB BXAliniATIOW OP THB RTUnElfTfl 1 of taa Cainsatayal the BSati wiB wegta fioaday, the SMA teat, and eaaOnu antil Tkars- day, tne tthof Inn. Ska day of tbe Ooiloge Coaj- Tbe Board ef Tkitars eoBsists of " Ba ExcxujrjtcT. JONATHAN WOKTB. Ooremarof tbeHtate aad as ajlet fliaalant af tna jwara f lrnsreea. , Mo. t. L. sw Aiir. tern," . ! , t freaidaa of Am foliaga. . JOHJf L. BAILET, , (., "'. " . DANIEL M. BABBIRQEB, LPKB BLACKMEB, " ".JOfflf H.BKTAlf, 2y ' T " ' " 'PAIrt O. CAxTEBOt, ' JOHaT B.,1, DAHIEL, J0HW A. OILktEB, : r- j , BOBEBT GILLIAM, " , . ' .CALTlX 6BATE4T ' 1 '70HryACKSOjf, ,tfes . ; 1?. t.r. tnt. jt. Jtstass,7. ' " " , j: CHABUW MAXUUtM , i Jakes t, mobehjab, , -WILI, K'AAT, & f . i :- , THOMAS BUPPTJI, nT v-':". ; t.'lL bhobeb, .- , .'v.. i l.t. JE8SB a. SHEPHERD, .... ..WALTEB L. rrTEKLK,f. J. , ; .. EDWABD. VASBEB. - . JOHH C. WILLI A US. CuAkLES MAKLT. 8mcrd.nL, BafaJghMayU f.. fTOTTa MILL! CCEEY-OOMEa, BXU V J Seme. Ooaater Iteabia Pad Inka T.U j Pocket OaUsey, Trace Chain. A tHtawtaoi af tba abava aaated ardow- tnut recd m . . saya-tf . CPCHLBCH A DOIDt. .BmaBBjajaite d a AF"ahW' Jt ft "sv. I F-E 1 1 N ITS DIPOBTANCB AND its I r a ooifPAinr patwo Losses noumt A . ... i . . . i a .i . Xa scranger as nugauoa, m aua, mm JETVTiJL IJtFE U additiaa ts the very large .4 17,485,894.71: A , - peSi atnee Ms erraciaatioa, may be sdded tbe foBawing polief as aetlVd h Vorth rwi- " Marab. M, tarn pvewding sapport aad ecessnrt totaa aidoa and arphas. ta tbatolSif la I "I Paaey Be. lASTt ecttled. . " !' " "1807 ' ' MM - ,. " Vt AH " - t,M - " !.VJ4 . " "A unrt " ' Total 1 ' - Tha valna of aB Tiiaannni either ami af tMpoaaasdilp, aad prompt action ia discbargiag wrnagnowi,,, tl, 000, 000. Mvuiaxa idbplos l,SB4,rS,Bl. V La ' - - S " ' - Pifty per oant Diridand is now being TU3Tni to all afce hare paid rwa prama. , ide aiil be givea annau.1 to all such hereafter, wb ar inanBsd npoa the LilaTl.T Mr. ldande lb 1 as AUaa laaoas noootes apoa agee iTom TheAtnewOi give a policy apon which 10 payments may be paid, aad aotaiag aji. -. . " e party might ava thirty er forty years, aud after th payaaenTef TT 7 tdwoaef IheOompaayeo baeg aa Ufa eoetinaea. , . "7l aa qoirad, tboagh the snauao to uie aw Tne iEtnaiaaaee 10 years Endowment 1'olioiee u oa paia u oaaui ar Um apia4 tttn xne Aiaa gives s geaanu penuu h ut.i w extra charga, aad ia eU respect gtvee aa many . MoKaa, M. D., Biamlnlng Physician. PHCENIX MUTUAL ... T : LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EOBON FEMENDEN, President. IX PBE8EMTTNO THB CLAIMS OP THB rWMXHIX ntllt'U. .fg IRaraaa CsarSNt, ta Um people uf North Oaroliaa, the Agautiiivte tbeir auanttent Uw hbl tug stsiementa i - , . I It ia a Matna Company, ths profits osing divided snuxat the i sured. , 1 Its bwarsd ar allowed to travel and resid ia any pai l bl the Cuibtd States and Eartw. ad eaaoue of the year. 1. its dividends have averaged W per oent yearly, aad are payable on th amoant of XfaBloaMl by the insured. A Ite poKcka are all NON-PORFEniNO. A Ita losaea have blen met by tbe annual intaraat reoeived alonSr ajij rarnlaa ef IntaiS u over to awell tbe iraueral land belonging to tba ineared. m t. It has pablovw too,ooo of loases, and uni eovramto a ouir. .... 1 Ita ralea of eeeitraaee are aa eheap aa any Company doing a ear boat usee. ' 8. Ivwuxaor mavna aa SKaoDsnura. s. S. One half the premium ni be noeifed ia tbe note of ibe insured whioa-aote. '- is nsvxs dedactsd trom tha face of the policy. ' " 10. It at ao ooanarruiM wrr Pibb InaraaiKsb ' - . . . Edative character the Companies operating ta North Carolina, at to tfrif AiteU and LiabUiiie, taken, from the New York Insurance fitpori fa ' the year 1867, which it the laet report showing how wtwcA ef Jt$Ht ,.( oocA Company hat ta meet each douar of t Liability : Paonnx Meruit Jtnu Badoaun... Comsoriocrr Mottaa. EgOITABU UiillBlTTiS 1 " . iff -1 - -! ' 3f''t&r,is'ie. The I'tlCENU MUTUAL otter peenliar mdooemeuis toeitiaens of "-f fmthirri Btslss iumi mtinoa with rigard to reeidenoe sod travel being almost unrestricted. , , . These etetemeuta are made from impartial reports in tbe band of ths Agsnte of ths Gompwi. i r Vlwm, lunituuj;, Willi, For farther iuformatioa, apply to the Travelling agents, or to ; , . 1 Jaa. l-lM-8m BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAM. p V. u t 1 M U Q . .e 2 al rJ h. e e ml tm u as ml .2. ABMLCTKLT WO RESTRItCiN V C ALL Jcri8lposmT W Prtof tba rmlum loauie, and fiotm on tha policy in caso of .death aiW the aeooad year, -Tl Vr. ...i, .. :!A.i-! ...4 AlSv i- '-i L-V; K., rTOT mypijnarmncmmAiiirrAti-aiil m sotfrflii!f orix LIBERAL COMPAKTIN t to-wr (te tdVnt W Crihr Ooopfmi iOftM.H. Broadvrar, New YorkOlty. JLU. COLE, r ggeretniT. i :; gladly farwrnkumdetaS, by t - 1, -A. lU..C,ir-tt-lS8 F- Mam in talsaaa. Toaaal rjatMaSraaa,a, - , , . w. a. torn a ? pvfl Hf p Aaetioa A Com. Merohente. Araajaf awaaaM ef Iarveaaaa. .... - mr ef Beparior Back ITriting Br Xrurva a jm.. Asrfl r-a Anetioa A Cora. Mrmluaavi pLWELtf WZXDTIta BOEj, Bo. taadA for sale low. j Unnww Raleigh, April IMf WttABartALswia; Liw, Ebil maas. ca WHOLESALE ATTD RETAIL DSAXSKS -; , " i AND JOBBSBS IIT ' FOREIC9T AXD AHEKICAV DRY GOODS, BALiMtV M. J Apra nar S U;R A C E benefits lafPTtr POB i LOW KTEH op Tlia. th eoaaoaooa aad lauonag. of m fmi Hi COMPANY. vt; "llu ivr-. l- r ........ ..t-..tV...... ' -1. U.i llf, , Sri. a T list flrs or lift, is taVaoJ yo. Vrs &esUa.. hargiag all jnat aaaaaads Haiast a fcS ? JC"" i - - f. .f-iS . f.i : A. C0Ml " V w aa. k mum "h.. r. advantages to the insured aa say etba i ira - . ""i agsat, JU1.U,, itr larjuta JAHE F, jBl'BXa, laeretarj; til'I . ... I...... I tl 1 M iu ia ..4 f ,. W1UIJLK S. BA6LIT, General Agent for North Carolina, ' -it tf-: .i Haleigh, K. ft" TJTON TRAVIL OR RE3IDENCI J at THE UNITED STATES. ciiRirriAX xt. Bores, m .,W. LAWlISCi ' th. lo. JSnrth rAfolin. " JBOJtl 1BOS I LbONI , , - , Cmaain SWEKDS I BON, for TaraUDf fl "Lai4f ITPCHrJBCB A0M AIL8I HAULS. 4. . '. , SO Kega Naila, at 'may l-4f !,tjpcht;bchp0I)P'8- JJOB'I ART) MTTIJI SHOES. f ; ; T . a Krar Bene and Mile fn-f . TTTBAPPIKfl PAPEB, V V pHEWINQ TOBACCO. 1 ' A Bns'sriWe ef Cbewtnr Ta, pr j. -aaay-M-a? - - DPCHtaCH A W ' . f B I 1 ' j' s '.ft ' I f;i.Vr in J I S j '' '-'fl ' - Ma.-'' Q1AXGES AKDXEMOSB. orysETl

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