m m f I . Mil. '.', ! . .-ci : ... -,! .: 13 & jdsai. ft. 4,1 ? ' ooOl, : I S1 j.i. I t (..IH :fi '.. t , iivi i ,;(,:( ) j. a i : - i a . 4 na. iii?-M&i wsast ie 'V'j .d H aid . Wv "iU Kd) ot Iftua-jtvitms ig at ,i.'t i awe.- V 4J Tarn i- . . ;j t ; .j .i DAILY SENTINEL. W1L X. PELL, PBormnrron. ih, Doriag Um ,pat few cek w r rairrd aMilwr of JuUcn. from. gutlemM ia Booth rolin, rd etbar SuattMra tuie, BiViig mm J taqsltia n eo ertoiog tU,iiMl, climate, product nd nrocpwU 4au tta of oar BUle, with , to WobuMiig isrmt ud tmoviag Iioib Mi' JSctf ,onplMt loeklitic, It wold U ('Ui ,jmj)8il9 for ut to in- (oncluded to twtwrr ll throng the oolawnt of our ppr. WhikJttitAtf4aAKlt dneire to Bncour us lotfltigMt lad iadiutrtroi wniU iinmi K,tntt to mifcUHffcibl foootry, w sliall i tempt 1o diveot ouraelt u all penoaklor fectional )rrjadir unci nterat, aod ftH plain, oavnroUhad, truthful aad praetioal miirert to taana BEjoirlj, r" -,: , The graadrar of tba aoaery oi thtie Mountiini nnat be een 9J ajjprecHted. No plciora tbat our feeble pen cin draw, roald diMtosa 'tJtUe of He tiutic. 1 bet btn aptly ptjled tbeVwllierlaod'of AmTi-a," without iU Uiog,MiaxC:'!r1.nerf a d frigid, gU r. . Oar climate if unnor patd by aay ia AfBcrica, wlil tb, pnritj or our atmofphrre and limpid mountain water taeani'ti afiainM artrly all the naiv rioua and btttw diseaaea wblcb are ap pretv lent and mucfc,,dadl iftjjf)ra Koctbera did 8oUtf JiaJ (ftmt At AtMr41ls, tail year, Hie tberamneter arrraged aWut W dcg.' the wartneC' flay ht-ing cleg, and tbe ooldeat ainkiog to deg. Bed covering contributed l ei)mbr every niglit duriDg laat aummer. " Our witefrarf vaufejeoMaad wiwly, with uaV ftjt0(lefc wteVaJof tk moat deltgbtful aprtng-Uae weather Inter vening ; but lb exhilarating influence of our aurins and euinmer tun efface from the raKMiso. The ayatem of farming heretofore prac ticed ioAlita.eoitoP mJ ri(Wly atyled the kkinun . jtv.CUr aol.BlU tongue flow a, runoiiy into the toil from 3 to 6,)jcbe9.-tb,ater,0ei)tU aeldom reached, and then corn planted on the tame land toajaara aad year ia anoeeaaioo, iia completely ruiuedmucb of our beat land. We are. pleaaed. however, to find a mora intelligent ayatem U beginning to be adopt ed. Two bona turning and nboU plow are now being introduced by a few enter prising farmer, and we teel confident the result from their oaa will ooa create a gen eral change in our Agriculture. But not alone to the change of plow muat we look for the improvement of our land and peo pie. A change ot crop miM be made. Tbe inceMaot plaaHlag et aont, to be aold at 50 eta. per b.oahel, hat made, and, H pc listed In, Vill keop, every body , and every thing her poe. :.$f"gtum fruit and vegelabra arop only.eaa.gWw aop tot tb futuie. There it no part of Amerioa where Clover, Timothy, Orchard and other graeaea grew more laiuriantty aad the) ropt can, jbe turned into money to fill our pocket, aad alto "turned" into the toll to make tbat i rich aUo. Thar i acarcely an "old field" in thia tectlon that cannot be made rich from it w ffort, if a jodiciou lyitem of routioo of crop, .'putting it down11 In clover and turning it (toe clover) under, wa pejverf4-i... .'i v-Win,r!l i Tb advantage which tbia aeclloa ford for Dtrtrjlag will. o loog U Mia. It adapUfttT to, the giuae ; iU ceoj pli. mate, iuiicoiqr jiu buh mm, u great eewntiall tor thU important branch f AcBfoVrt(er3iDg am fiJlflJ gent gentleman have already eatabliihed a Cbeeee Factory, two mile from Athevllla. and placed-it under the care of Mr. Sdwarda, an eiperieaoed Qhee Manufacturer, from New York, Thfirt Cikeeee at made at that Factory about two week ago. Mr. Edward ioJormfp that be it confident b can produce a good Cheese here a in New York, at lea expense andin a great quan tities. Othjer similar Factorie ar in eoa templatioa. g ,f ' Tbefineat Apple w have ever teen, were grown ber latt Summer, and a lady pr ented aa aritb tome, a few dajt aga, which he ba kept alOba Winter, without any extra care, which ar as deliciou in flavor aad perlac in lohn as wbea first gathered. From a well selected assortment, any one may bar rait item bit own orchard every month ia the Tear. The Apple appear to be tndigetoMM to th soil and tlMntta-.ot Wsstera - norm varoima. , n oave wtma beautiful Bellfleof Appje rUed jYaBeey county, weighing llbal " V i ; Chtrritt grow almoet tpODtaneon. here, bat very little effort hat beetrmsd WW troduc tb fine varieties, . Th Morilla is lnj the flly kind ealtivatrd. v ttu a . Grapti.Tberei,i 0f,dobt, U)t, lhi fruit will, ere long, become the great money cmp of these motwtain. iV ar much pleased to fad many inteiligest geetlemea now devoting attention to it. Expert--menta1 already mad have pirwv ' that tb'rn K tbe erspe country of America. .On gen- . . i ." v i : k. j . xr i tleman naa aireuui aiuuHeu. iiicjaru with II 000 utant? W tW at 'win audi ira -i table Varieties, snd w teel confident that . . b has laid tb fbundatioa tor a banaVrnx Jortw-a. Other are orepring to do like wise. f- -' ' f Tbe Oau can Ut grown here equal ia quantity aod quality to tboae fat Weathers- field, wber immen- fortnne bv beait it etti mated that S00 (inabels can be raised ' on sn acre of good Banoomb county 1 land: a - t Aver eatitnata ; bnt if oalv ' half that amount can be obtained, there is nor money in one acre of Onions than " ia twvuty aaraf Ofc Wheat W J00, ia Uar mad the sale it a readw and at tbe same , a'Aonlbernl markets. "A ' Itatot. This i s Potato coaaty. W J ar almost afraid to Mat th seemingly tahnlotit nsmber of brel that have Lveea '. tai4d ia this eooaty; 'but onr inlormatioa being rierrved from a Teli.bt-oai, -wej make bold to ttate that a Ur. Pat toe, sonic year ago, raited mUt hundred brtheU of tbe fiiuet Putatoet, oa one acre. With or dinaty ' a 1 sad cuiiure from 200 to 400 eaa be relied on. " ' " . rss-n t c.'-w ty ; CnUx'g'. The ceiehrated hard and white : beaded BuncointHr Culibages grow in pr luuonaad perlection in . nearly . all Diet conntii. Ttey sell here at ft cent per bead, while ia more Southern market they readily command from ti to 0 cents we bav,aid the latter price, in Colnmbia, . i.tii-t j.W.'.'I -at . . , f . Our paoa4 euopeeitnw ajrtawaiaB at to clow oar remark for thU week. We WlfcortmoellUa ra our aezt, aad, if eeataary.la? atfeoeeding taaoea, wotii w BaveaMwerad ia tulialltha aBouiriM i1. f uk i la aw bju w ttbaU cUa out opiar ioaof tbe tkmrmetm ot iarmaraaaoM likdvL, to tuooaed-r-tti aiu ofamnaa.ia ahnabl calttvata profitably, and in approcimatioa to the priora a quality of (sod bow for ala. Weaak anai oa ia aac) iHniy U giva a aaaimane ia UiUmateee.aad oor r.vt any arror are may make. M't -T,.T MORS OF TUg IMPJUCUMWTMAX, Ad Ens' TirrrsTrotTiomAgvie- A TOUOU CUSTOMKU KXAVIUKt). rfThirH4naT.r JiBpment .Ware? 4a k eatioB acaia tu-dav at tbe Sudinanr rVum.J . taitta rvm ot taa Uoil gf UtMcjgati (). The atemberaof tliCB)iit:e pretest wo newr. Durirr, wwon, wniiamt end BouU well. No witneete htdVei examined up to half past n oTtoca ta 1 alterooc and tlw Manager! werfl aoderttood to be eriKKtu d in lt ncaininatiim at t legraai. Telegraph nun lium tbe several ofHoe in Baltimore baring been tumaioheaVtvj "y. - wero preseui. ine ocmand ot ti e HaDagtrt Jiflmki' amWof all tbe dea. patcueiia die several ctllcet: but aome of Uie ameer of 'ilia tel(rtt1,h.wmi.n e hfVJ tog acmwrraa tue uae partly ag rara to dt tfgnate tweb" retegramn i t "tiiy ad.w On of the Hnq here give up Mil it dcipat cue yeatarday, aooLher gavip wdj a part, 1 while the aaaaager ttM ihiad iia efoaad. to give up toy ttDtiltie naM enmauatoaU with the pretjdeqt and; tperjnndent. of bit company. M rlWooley w ' not Worf foaeott3i(ilitej)t; understood, however, tbat fa Da ot .. Been diac barged. Mr. Baljih W- Hmtpi, r;( New ork, m hf pritMipal wf tau?wioyfani WMkUbdetes aminttion lor four bourn and a half, with about Uiaaame reeultt at in tht caae of Mr. Wonley. Ttiirlv aix privet telegraiat of ?5 NnH'n5,'H'1,; lsM WJti'if?l jecta, were produced' and fcarf, buf nbAing wat elicited upon which to baee the (badow of a proof of corruption. Butler aiked Mr. Hef ton, Jf be bd not wiHM a certain let ter W M, mj(f; Coflscjof jjjf'yaa; .York., and want on to indicate'tue conWut ol Ui letter referred m TIm wilrte -replied be Bn ; mat be"fiappenrd to' tea n m tli table in hie room unfolded and, bat; it wsk Stolen from ther. . h,...t -. . Wbo stole It r inquired Botler.i m ( ,11 H expect yob hid," responded Newtorif' ,' Toe wtne wta.pMV linef '.srrefit; fonjr timet, .bat a, otua iiberated tb whole proceeding being conducted .with ovnek decorum that wm qnlte refreshing' f wrV nest., ; Tbe.witqea retoluiely.pt rested refuting to disclose bit private affair. though be very good bnmoredly ant wared ail tue q too n p a b:y coulr, witbnvt quite, turaiiig himreif lintid,; autnA Botler, tor inetance, read a telegram- Ulreed to Collector Brnjlihe-i'-t'oine ort here at'tmce -p-tigned Hewtnci, and atkdt-titnatf what Befarioa scheme be had. ia contemplation when be penned such' an atrodou request at that. Newton replied be , felt, .lonesome and wanted Smytbe to come along, and tske drink, whereupon Butler geXadia a ant and (aid tbe Board ' tot ' Manager " was not to be trifled with in that fatblon: 'A great deal of such silly matter mad up th tniits-of to-day' investigation. ' Near th eloee of Mr. Newton' testimony he was asked if be hd ver ldwa 'ai' often of money mada to tbe President; 1 He replied, wiU) much grave deliberation, ;'that be bad, 'and immediately all1 tbe Manager became attentive and prepared themedv, ta tatag ination, for another article of impeachment. Be stated tbat Mr. William H. Appleton, the pabliaher, had com to;.Wabipgtoa some tonr or five week ago, and signified caJfofbngcootsS mtls men in New York intended to present bin with a pares of 1 100,000, is gold, and that th house of Mr. Appleton would be at bit service after befitted tb Eiecutive Maa lioa.1acasebeah.puld be acquitted tb urn to be pretentedS would ba made 90, 000. There wat nothing tmpeacbablau ia tbit, and the Munncrt'gat ditoonaolateaod told the witneu be might go. Wtuk. Vor, x r, jrroid, si'. , , : 2 j - 5 10BB OSI.ET, JR., WL B, WII.SOS, Jt.arotM, , OSLEY& WILSON, Ccncral Comiiilioa HerchaBts, -i AJTD A0ESTS lyRTHHAUlOV j MANTIFACTTlilD ; TOf ACGO. Ot IVobmI Mtreet, Ho. A M. aAtE Koeaingham 0o, . B. NTS HUTCHINSON A iXl-.aal.abam . C . nil ,0. ionn avamu, pn. vac bank, jstwba, r a nrrmwv tuMic 1ft j $. kcD. T ATh Pres. Western kt. O. Bailroad, tBttjil iil'iiiflytHJ tlU'' toft fS mHB CntCrjLATIO Of THB WKXtXt 1- DN," always very large, ha of 1st so in trasfdthat it may sailed auiraraai. It I ahedding ha light for all, to all eetion Sorth, Eaat, Hoots and West: It fntereoara with th th whtoh wa aenaatarilv iaierrupsad dorfai' tb war, ha bea aana reaamad, aad th .. ... m L- .i . nBltin Tinoanrr dar. Wben hone ina qaarw honest tOorf ar pnt forth, a ta th ''Weekly Bob," to nnablewesUrteoerd dftww a aa entertaining nbicl ot hiibt bteratar, which, wkiao itamUweta as plaaae, aim to Bia aiota virtue at well aa mteliiKeno. and toaxciada very Una of an hnpnra aad immoral tmdaaey. it It uliaui ing xoanra waahndeael soUcr aHiiraaiiii aaarwaximiin to aa from all parts af lb eaabtrjM-, a tnynr, tht auUiainiit .',-. TKKut o tcstcairrioii. Ta 'Warii.T oca ta pubnab4 wrygar Sy at th ollowtoir aamadinf 'T tow rata to in divfdaal sad dab whes Mat from an Post Of Boa. Th swfvat a attaa, tsi ramifa aa advca. zigrgg-.t tnt oas eopj for oa year', I I lnh eM Bis i-on.M fto veer . . ,uua- a e Clohof twalTaaopiea.ona year........., It M Clnt) ot tstuoa copies, on jear....... 18 OS viaooa twanty eopjaa, w Unh at twawty-av aopwa, m year, ... zi ... w ; Poatanatara win ahtara art aw - Sur -nn in th neiichtmrhoad of ki twaaeatir 0t; flaea. mod inrvard wrdtr and eadi aader Um rr g- alar xahitly . tin imp fas, lb atiwt nod in awwiiiuuc abaenpuoo i by dratt r lMet AAirvm A. 8. A BELL CO. fin Iron Baiiduig, iSaUimore, - wuB-rT i l, ST Pbluhersf Kawapafwr 4iroa of eaaatnag wuh th "Bun" (daiiy.) aa is ofUn r q nested, inarrtin U atiovaailrertiaaineot ta th iDon of -rewc chaw,- wiU ha plaW. oa oof daily liatfor ot year. Mdin mark d tniy of papc ocwtiuiuug sdvarUasaiaat to thia oftii - t"'-7'- i i C'nndles. "ndles. VOBTt tv I S APA V tXTrrK CITLEs. 17 . . . . V V nrle bf 4 i t Kay HI 1.1'CUHtCHaDODD. .1 ,r ,n,ri.i ta . , UB ITJLLUXi ekXAJCBZTH, ' - - ... : .. . u ..... . tOfijeUeTllleSUUlek JookJSeJJm j4 SUtioaara, DEALERS t -fjr -Ati" .Klfp;?? mSDARD AJfD atlSCStUtfROOfi IrOIKS BUBONiC BOOK. MrTJETA EROAtU BOOM OH ITW)es 4H louicm; TOM; ISTATWoEBT; "MtHTf"' , .1 ncHtvti. tvn oprtntTiiMniTityi'' ' w-v ' , J-t PKBFCMEBT. s- -tl V:t'-:,; VfAllCT ARTICLES. Ai - .'- ltar now ervi new cuppU, n wfl! k atmaiMuy auiuic aucn aaaiaiaia to our moe aa will eaaUtt aato furaih ery articlo ssoaUy hpt biaaatlaaUaikKtor.i' " ' ' Oar faeUitia ar wuh aa to suable aa to raraith bis very law days, any article not n haad, and all order will have our prompt attention. ' 1 Oar haaiiui will b eandurted ta tb each yataat, nud syary arUole aotd at the Try fewest tup WTSUhm h uSnittL ' BUiah, ApflMtT-W -- - Timer! If. 0. Almanac for 1SC8. ML- ana. C eilAJX PTJBLIHH, In a few days, th atien aiTi ta aoov ai- l. '.-.VI. ', We hsv radaaad ta prto ss aw hsadrwd. ot too jMr aha m ad. ..j, ,t.ivi,ii-mi 't iU-i i aAMod avdsr t -. ' . . ..i , t,,.. I ,-t'ni'. I wILLIAlt A XAMBKTB. ! r .... ... BonhtsUw nd btatkiaaaa, . lB01la-d7-aiw.., ... jasCEUAJTEOtrgV NEW ARRIVALS. 1 . -i . fine i 3U m U)W M ei catf t7 r- M; . ..I,:. , t il fMijKj. Cmin4 let tkl UUlHda, - IMiWUA Jr1 '' Tlf .rAIkliY ai RALEIGH, N, C !.'.. t : I I ( M. ! Th oaniWof thU nna hat beet , Mllini fadM - . i a a lor the bvt Awaaty yera, ,is thia' markat and aa aay a oarfrlrad tbaA, ooidrin all tbiuga, " , '(in t (-is i.j ta , . jBltTTiaTlCEIl CHSAPSE. STOClt OR:.G OQDS 1 t,a Hiiitnl ja,j!l H i) nMo- t .. w. NenWtaamwMBtasranw7WoJaff attaa Asrs, Mf, U faTDttaviU atnet, KaiBarh, X. C."" Ll. . i ' H. W. JXpBJJ.,, J Qotober 4. WOT-tt. . . , ' a' D. , HUTtlllAGft BRO. H0LXSAt4 Ar BETALALKRS . IN LADIES', GKNT3, BOtB' AND - 'WA6oNH,ftAj)DlJCB,rA tJiT CovcIfJilWWlywt, if'triiifw BRIDLES AND MARTLNQALE3 sad all other foods aaaally BsBtiasa renttiar Bsoojery taouaBaia fliU . I, II - 1 J. 1. aA vaaeeoaaots moroer 10 rMuo uev aa,., 1 tabwk mmm mm f 'Gntiaanaaadatraafer, vHatftti the City, who wish to parchaa (ooda, will do wall a auok at oar aux-k, Ath. doer North of Pot tlffiea aad otx piwteiaraat ckjoarsv FaystUriU (ttrust, liaiaixb. THOMAS II. BRIGGS, I PEALEB m fJ stASS VA1S AID CUTIZST, tROV, 8TEXL, l V''-- " i 1 1 BOlHS FURNISHING 0O0D9, tKMk(k9 MATERIAIi, ' " 'V" j Jl PAIHTSVABNISHIS, f rtrr.r:r;Ti ' T n 'tj..'Sj,.7! A8tUtaUof:f asaurr staiai bwbbi mm atoaicBf , ii'i''-P-Hii aw? '; aotfc,. idia Rubber and Leather ; Belting-, CircuUt Saws, Iroa lYerandabf, I , '-'Fcnoea, and nil kinds of Orn-if tlf" TW W Bslow' SauOtmrn gafrmr YM Li'li f -1 v.ill (Wtiil t'Hta-u . I -Mill.. I I li , t i-'l' OILS, JLEAD(Llte.j dfc. ' ' Colon of all kindi an4 Vamlshear; l et BAJiDWA&sw m ; THOMAS BLBaMOOS. - teaMJMt.'. ... miv-,.-i.. is.ioav-Mitt 11 , , a r ul. n 1 1 u I,, i N tlt--30irf"w j i X A Ura ttieh, and mn low. , H.ilt.a X 92, WB0KACH. UTS OIL AND PRENrrf MCBTAKO, ,:A4.i..Tr saw may l-tf . f ' , . JajUOLAJS BELL'S. ''Twi,''TMl Gr kxeb AJrd blacx rt a may i-rf fPCHCBCH A DOOD. OOAPABDBTlBCH."-. 1 O , . W reeetvoA by aayl-r . ! .1 . . ... H.Ci raustlly rianr. : " v O -T vJBLS. fcr ah AM, ta -ns ODirnaHBt AiO by ,WS ! J.t AXCULM BfcLU mayW-w; oat aiereaaa. ,! K r ( '1 ii .. 1 rkri BUMLEIA HIT MEAL. f llU Juat reeetred by ' ' my lA-trtvTt r y- p,urtLA BFIX. Cjtjoab.. mroAita n.i Our haiilr Haerara ai ants arrtmf. aasy U- . --ff 4IA l BritOhACB-1 JAiOOlirBAboSf''' , 4 1 .-. I! 4: lo.tvw nw at t""wai l. 'O It Break 1st U'i U-t klartlaiid bam. fr f-Vbt ' ' I Bij l-U ,. i, 4vt , XMLuLAiBCLLJ r ,V rr,--, -',ii-t ( ,ma r'?i, v., l Ij.!."! A li t .1 , ' i . ii k -'Kl vrow is bTOli i' red irrotjr or i.ra- il seed, Cottoo-fieed, Iwrwana LohriosUM aad Train OiU, of tbe boat ouallty. ' ' w 1 i ii . ! . -1 if uimvj tttioassihi. lutauia Wui ilu, wMir. howsrar. tMMiw taay aaxswatatHi a,ad may thantwwaat iiiiina ButNt sy partaat, was ar law UiU.r.ls l ia liata. w hsv vaaMlsjua ysiii u owuiut truu aaveral oaras utua-itiM of ta aati an sa iMiuahM. ttw ant ut au. w aavi r nut w AaaaraitM taetuy bbat lia; wul da, swan taysBBa hsaBat of a rtiasionMa sad BHaiaaBBS'anarwey, upoa whom thsy aa raty.. . - A) u sMoneat tua i to nsukntut iaw i la Lauvat tmtt, hut wyurtaiaaia, dsbturs, oaoaa turn ssuinne ar areaier than they oaa pay. ..A. K bssiswa A tWatdry saaarapt BauaeHI wa M taaat dwh WMMswAii uarsu haaauMuh a ia luu., ,,, , -, ,, , , ' rxWDuri audar tba baukrupt Aot ar r- quired MnsWi aeheduhiof UMI dlxaaad a iliti, atrii bmu aad ra i ( w. imi also an utvwiwry of au umw. sawia, otaj real aud ierauual, iuuutbuy all pruparty ua "1 sasviw tanuiaai aiwtlHMaHawu, s a wain lasyavayAsaa J4.iuws1i, tamuil bat Ui puo aiiim tu taailutiaity atwa ssrtsija rYurwa'1 urs wns ia ta "tiauaral Urdsra" ot tbe bupnitu uwrt of the Tuilcd dtaua.' Then velwdote variSod by tli atb of to pebuuaer bafcir S lhwiot Court Jud, 1 tgiatur ia liaukruptey, or D 111 CiMimiiaai'HitJ, must auouoiuauy tha uetl tiop, and, when UU-d, la th eoiuiuaneiimrtit of KonaediiH ia bauarapdjy. If It should bu tuai out, aidiii( tha proLwailuiit at any Aim blic th baiikni(il as diMbartiixl, that a Baa, by any utiifl ut rabMrfuga, tuad a fata or par tial sobwdulo, Una wwaM a tJMl traadanat would deiaat sis daata(a. .:(, , i ... j i. Mltea th pottbuu M by S In r oopariosr tliiu, s full ast ul aulmluloa of th nsparur f.a tabit of th wemhw f ta Bras uid fas added. ' . f- . . A. M has tha patatioa 1 Sled, tb ta I hani diatalT rolorrsd wa Maghasr, whitaaaadaa tha trntituia and wbedulsa auasaad taseotoi ist If biej ar urrot at tuna, mac a artiBat ta uiu aittxs, a h wmo witai tha Ofeaa, ahaa -iaV. Juufa tu Oebtur bs mo-apt and ! a wav ran to the maaaasaat tuaauaatim Ut-ordil-m usipeil iu tiia (KiUtHOHx't aohsduls ta et at lb -iMti uiu, at- a esruuf'thn sad plaa, to MW thrirsiauaa audiset um or Bur aaiusM to tsk huarge ef ah ilaiikrwptr'a A-erUeVowwr l MtMJ wm Hnwis w ihs vsi miws WIUWH wui Seusraiiy b ma avmlba euhaeuUijuvlo th Bdtav leatiuo uf Jmkaav..n , 1,,.. i; .. .. ba erauitur baa any tandliig 14 Btakrapt heart uulii hs uruvss his "l.,m- . s, Orsduun Cava aw n-ht ta aoui pet Ui Bank ratlt to auawer qwniiuu oonvernuig tb diapo aal of prousrty oy huu aounirad aubst qaent ta , HUM u Orsttuora ill i ai . nHULiiJi in IIau. rii . n.,r 1s lUhur wurda. th date of th NUug of tha patiUoo by oa gauiat a debtur, at th dace at wluch. If aUJUdioaUoa of baakrupuiy follow, thkl order of tliiiiya pais a away aud a uw leaf I turned over," Oa Uua puoit deoialoua hat i bean variaui. 1'ha taf rul paoara to ha, that tha applicant In Uaukranioy bat a uerfeot naht to olaim wbatsvsr ha aaa wad artar hi apalieatioa, by hi peraupal Ji-. Uoh, bat any nroata h mai have piad,roai lo-' waatiueut or eradh, may ba liabl to th elaba uf , tb reoeif taita ahsost the ptrtsdof lu( di . hs" Bankrupt oan apply to tl Ooari ( sny ami aner in nunaou oi sis wnfuauSf-wou vmt aa pus ear front ui arijadioaMont6a- th diaeharira ut, bsiikruptey, Justia aj a isals asuai mto t't bauds uf th aasicB, or no debts bs proved K- uirt hi , at ,a ttia.fiaw liuiiv oi itty day, ' " , ' ' ' ' A soon aa an' inline It' eWud' dr'-api oiaiited. th Juilir or Hi-ihster will onvy" to iim, by ded of aaaighawat, all tb batiArupf aiuuci eioi'Dt what la exemuud. Tit : "Honor uald aud kitoben furniture aud thsr BMeasarie aota&oueduiK ia value 1600) Hvhaarddoliaraj aio his wvariuf apparat aod tliat of hut wire aad ehdursn, and auvh othse roHiry nut nshidMt nfuu aanealtua or aaha Btvawav by th Isws uiept'm whiob thaiihriri)i raatdsa, e to Oi Iortngaa l. Baipt "rum lavy au sat at aa aaioaut But eioeeohig that bowd by otaat i nu ampuou htw ia hra ta ASM A saJa .Uvus'st- lur agK-t, boost wits Dssar-ssjs an nwait juapn-MK) tha Msoaay bnuait taHkrapt aad yet hs elk-wwd to- satitn thaar Bowses aad latida, or other propsrty of susslatsaabls valos, ia KTeat mlatakW. Under taw not. Bo huanlBanfc. rapt in thi Stat eaa Bsva alkah-d a hist, ra frmasbsBsrali f th AtiiaailiB rlW.b-. tide tb wearing apparel f hmaslf aad laaally j usaarapi w sua Msav atw miniawpaa-v a pais trad uudar this AM. . , .,, , ,,, , M ,4.1m th rhity Of tb aatlgruV, wiUiln twtntl day altar th aa-iKnmcot to bus i aiail, to allot t the bauArupt aucb srtiole aa ar tieapr-d. Lanu am s luvaniury vi ki asms- wits Hawuf Juf oaclL atrfcole so aUutted, aud eredltor may f taaA obJoelHiiit to U10 report of th Aasign at -Y,- -r"'-1, tlou Ah of th Baakrapt At pruviiie that th p. tluuttor, before a warrant hMatia, tliall defni.it tlrty duller with the Uegitter, r ith th cUrk, to be dshvered tu tb bexisier as s seenrlty fur hi taea. tieneral orib r XXIX provide that tb turn vt th Hegitter, Marshal aod clerk ahall b unapiiid or uurd befor they aaa be eompelled kuaot. It ialo provided by Oenenlordar &XX, tbat where tb debtor ba a bmo, and eaa prove the fact ta tbe aaturaetkm ef tb Court, pon applimttoa. aa order will b mad reqoirinc au tb oust la tb eaa to bt paid out of th arty doUandsoeitedwttAtaltsitr. It, however, mill, Bat aot anouirh U pay lb Me. euger after dsdnetina tb Bankrupt' xeaipt4 aropsrty, as that aothing oom Into th baud of th aaaMts, tb tea will hav to b paid by the bankrupt j bat If th Assign raeaiva aassia, the U of tb MMfrarwUI ha pud by aim b. tn sirralivldsad I n li anew nsrtMusa ,1 t I U HoiBsnpsvnstaattlw Miiriatw is aotitlad tnSWSM. 'tha fast of th Bsif. Masaanfar, ClerB a4 auat of pubucsaua of Butte tn BaukrauUry, ar lied by law, aod h they demand bixber (sea, they ar UaMe, aa is athar ease ul kialfoaaeuoe la ofilua. Inordinary eaaaa of Bsnk ruptcy, th fee may amount to Aluik In tout eaa aaor, bt oio less th ot e7endinc wa ths amoont uf Ishur aad htajatwa luvolrea a eaeneaa. " A ." " " ' "V , . 14. Inneiwnees of opinbia awHnf Aliorneribt-Te existed n tlu Mtata, aa to th huut watcb tha Aet aiakat a to th tua a aula apphsatioo to Bankrupt 17. Bom bavssappuesd (hat a ashlar bio lis iisrdiitliid lu anolv tor lUukrnDtev aftss (oaa early day nf March, belts ha ia eld to pay arty per ceataf hia dshta. , Wsar taarad (hat thia Is A tb aaa. Tb few did mot, go lot ovists BW IBS paransa mr wmaa it wa kwweted wwd 4wa Ua, 17. At atv twetss BMmtha tram that tsatav ar Ml Bnasst debtors, whatever saay b tli itetit of their iadeotsdr ,,ess wlih h ib-y eaooot pay a Whiek ta prtssnt their apvhestnioa. ailer ta tat of Jobs Bsakj--very tieb-or naat oe U ta pay fifty per sent at tin Unlsbtsdnea ia order lo a uerarul as Biieataat la hankraotrv, aaleaw via first uetaia jh nmnini of majtwity f hi wdtfew. ( j 50 troz. Cam JTiEsH rtACBU' .April KM ,; BOBT ATOBtWi. f OK stu rararaw juili wiAJuau , i"f'.Av." W.' BOBT AyPBEWtt j ' AA -:;A rar BMt s Elzoar bake mist uotmf a wniwoaa, aader ih ftaMngh liitnal Bank. Also a Brat class BL'lLDlMi, d)ouior, Ut' bis Aw a Baakias, losaraae or Law Ofho. - ' Proposal knvitsd for S lew days at th Bank. Jtsy l-tf Ui , CIIAXGB QW MlEBVLBr j 1 BAUOOM A ATON BAU.B0AD OO, j rer.i ntaoasvt uma. L lUMrb, HO, Mav Hh, JWiS. I Oa and after MaT HHii lA TrMns wOl aa the Uslsig a uasasa nauruac. aa amra r ,JtilTraialeaveBllgh. t.H A at Arrivea at wsldoa . IMP. M. , : Mail Traia leavas Wehlua. 10.SJ a. . Arrives at kahmrh ,! P. FrwMhATraaa leaves HaWirv. . . -.7 t.l P. M. , - - srri at kaatiatt M,l A. M Tb Mai Trtla mak rna tnaamlnat with all potab' Jl'irth and A an h. . .. ... . - A. B AJTDBKWB, : nay tV-tf I-1; - - apt. ef Traoaportottoa. r Scaaifist uvukMU vcoiBs.tr 1.1 .1 r ;i! .t 11 Jiaio, CIBA. .tA full mUy ti Aty reeiuir efl fi Ble hr , may JO-U , IMiuU) fci-tJ! .A n.A.l i, . V .. -ml ,. j l -i; (ar I e. j t li8 a vol et.th-aw4Jti? f, I ol : il.H.Mina H- I -,i , Ijl ir,.l;fc ,'i J k ' k-h:m.-4 yi-;i lii yt4 W j aijfftiiiii'' SJUJ! Biju . uii T .m-vjii .ta i.i r,w tin uayusia) -btiAa t 'S"W't ,-.ii Imu ,)t 4 sta.-' A iVuauiUiiAro Soctikrx JjraxiTUi, lT.r!tro'vaKKKPT, 19 ! A 1 1 hi,i I na vi-,n ' " ioH , TBI SoCTH. . - Ii aUAMAT WH "rmirrtrt 00' W-vf f if ..l .1 . i: t..l ii . .- - ... .1 . . i .i.i Hlfi ?Vr1W. A, j,,,. dhfl i LlHHXO BETOH0 AMY M" if W 4aii 'ij.;..4.tawal 'iiwmi- . . v . - - i ..t . . i 1 1 "Tbe Powpny ha' eapltal a taMt' aaiaM Ha bahUiiy, thst will totopar fbverably with any Ut tatariaiii Omaaaay am tb aoiiWitwn vhi', it tb ten tsst ef reapenaibihty,. j . , ., iiaaneiraerasaauoaaiy adunnitereo oj sejeo tsd Otrsetora. at raasouaiUbty and hathMa c- psetn-''t ..Itltaaaal in I -i O 1'iil- talabHakadata alalm lo Bout ham Patraar AfioiTJIMMA Ai .T-,hiT fjij, i il'n-i. iit sun if.).!.! iiiil . n .CM iliAr? r "aa AtufMnA. mMui i V faWf1!, 6,fi ! , -, roijiiiivtrrWlit.' taiIiil ai ,..") taaitMBvma, iu ui'i aaaBta'AamnaVr r. a CABBU, .i. '.V-'iisJBO, Hi CliAIBOMJlBl If.W-A' ttiiilttuiij ,l . L',??.ittt a.jw : v. Jrim Baaer, ln .. Banry K. KUyou . ...,1 . William P. Taylor ' " A tfuydtV a P' Baal OHaivlU sti Bi C- BsaksrvBta, e, Juha Dooley. . fi bjjnnel tt Sardyl(I i t'harltoT. Wortts,,'m'eorgeaa7 J' 't ' WUliam WlUrn, An ,J; Wj Atlitoo)no3 L. EA. A- ornilbk, , 1 , - Oeorse a. Paluiec, ' . Tkoa. J. BvAwl A. D.oeklaav L'Wp laoMB A.HetSiKilirtMAli-0.lUahall,i i.t6B m( B. M.Wuarlo,., . A 1. I. rlartwHAt, , V, 1 a T . i.Ti l!lti, wl a ,aafiiiiA tm.lii!l tt n. i jiajr TaT-Tsjiitin wuhmuba? .r 4. B. Wrtub.-m'. W. i Wi atas, r tn bilT lliftierls lt . '".w-iiAiWAB to a AHKa.-rktrwi- e.i ffiil?'iil s riff liitn.M li tlif ' KI3CELLASI0US. Mi tiiilr :- ejiab h!o- VtYjiii 11 O S " A' D i A Li f 1 1 VUM1tiftn1 lie ut Mll.rlitariAKnl ifliiv BCEOrClltH ILL ITS FORMS tt , tl'B lnMti.u i(ijBlWB'JrjJi tls bovtvitrrioir rw tt mm slr rr' toMi t rur iDivuri; Jirn fi i'BJ "fltf. I i.AriMnirAJii4i t Aatv vuvitA4'"' or ruk uLANhWTJoiiBTtL honks. Sio wFFBVTIOWii SOMM SYKH, 7' staj! y. NOHKM IHSKANKH P kt!l! I.I Att nrMMALEiiTtkUPTioxtior thmhkiw, 1 H i C 4 a AJ SB All. MAm . AUkAi To ant , r-j i' i AKD ALL OTHEB DI3BA8E8 CAUSED Bt m Impairs) Stat atf tk BitVotL. I Tb fciUowiog'. amoaf wy wdred''oir'oor ast eltiaane. twttr ta ta awauw7t ayivaoMwuwi I'SwOM CertlaOAtet from rhyslclaJit ! WakaowDr. lawrwBto-t Boaarlallatobe asaf aad satiiBi Altetatlvav Aa., and tab plaur ha reeumMBUii( It to th profaaaioa and th BaUiai --- ii -i jiiii mi' - iliiH j rt al'iviMl l yi J j, h. wiNHl'EAD. it. K " W at ' '"T- - ri T. ataVatwik, M, Bi-iw. Jaatury Tth tWI. i. -V vrti t in tu 't on mfj . -1 Bsrahy rtry tost I am psraowally aeaaattt d with th hov now4 Ptiyaioiana" sod thsy ars all tsotlsusa ot rptabiuty and tajiiliiij la thai ummaaliy. " -Y : ,i,i.uiJAmityrof Wifeen,l.a, - .r 'mr Vni ItOBADAXill tboroaeuly eradieataf ovary klsd t kamer sad bad taint, and iwetor tb sntir avatern to t healthy ooixliu ,u. ' Br If ia PBKPKOfbl MAhkULkxa, WMWr proOaetothtiKhtrlirory ,,, s It 1 sot Hseret Quack Baroedy. Tha ar Belssf wtaeh it la Bead, ars pahaahaxl aroaod anb bottla, and a I assd and andorped bf th Lekdmi Phyateiao tverywhsr tt a knowa. i . ai i: 'i "1 t-'it in tiol n,t ni -!' l';jt1'F WF f Tf j,tal ;-ri! a t - BALTIMORI, . M bv, an.J il(vj 3' (Lata art Wiklon, Korth Cfoliti.)T'.'li to -r, Bt, rmta-ttTTi.--1 ear Bnl4 wa.iuuiia by all ths priuripal WhdLFiaLI liiauolfTrt.lnalltha laraeima ftb Vmtsd hist ad HrMtan, aiswrow, and Ivtsii by fnutgist sverywbers. . , , , ... Ail fettor ol inquiry, A., proapiry autvaraa Mdasss- ' "' l'. 1 .. o-v w flit. J.J. LawreBoa, ., - " ' Bofe foprtstor and Manef.etuier, ,. . B MtBsvar Bttata, BsBnaoea, Ma. 'n t-rSs-ta .. .. e . I I. ...it f.U wm i r " - EKB, BAJJk. .Tbirty4- Bmlta- BfArj ''sMhjB, Mar tt-tf'y 'iwTj BawaUwl.": FOB BALK, ' ' ' ' -V t . ' ' " 4 '"A - . . . , ..1 M"AiliiMr A iew- -r, , Pv road If tile, tow VYarons and t M of Bar bs Apply!: - rii u ' i BRMMM. DOOD A 00 jTliJsaiLUE8,e ' ; hTsdrphkr a. ' ui ii, ii r ''HT,''! .1, ii.i .ii.. -titty , CAXaum AMD SAliCfca. ir .. . -.j.-:, At TOMBOPrbKTA 1 CBOIW A Bt AOt W M:W i-imUit fcVti.d MwCho and 1'Maihi), at, ; -i---,! Ml I. IH HI . LI.,. I H UU j Mil , If ' 1 CASES CAIBKP OOODtk nu v; fair r-i"Tp!r?,6.wirii. 1 ; i. 7 K I m.k.-! . . . . ... ,,r rt vi srs'fi i ie a4aBtat ' ,,ApraVtf t .( VrCIIL'ECa A POKE'S. . ; . 41 I ayeltevlU) Btrfft, ' ' BT tCK.fi VTTBB PF,MWH, AVIli ilTIJ immm, tiraia bbA trail MeythM, wladow Oiasa ami Puny - . J. UlifttS, hai. , ii, ki.; A4T ' ' WIU liart AJUwh. ft. . . . ia- j." i ; . , . r- , i .-I i ,:l a , ; . ...... 'jil taSvI I.Wi i ."J J . tlllli -IV M,I J im f J 1 V mT .9 -vii)lt Vw In itiofl ? 'i.i n 8tII.&7.J."YOUNG,Sl Da 11.1' I Julw ti . i v : j -i u siiinil r.fT ji . ,-yiUO MAX KIk. ikIb Vl Wurt i iNEwdooDkS.;;,': If ! Jlart ReOt-IVrl Iwt LOW ! PRICE, (llnwfHeada ahall have OtWMt tetMan ta thay ,sa aa IwaxbA st asyHW AtaaaaM i 41 ae.Mi i. e a t iiixt a ir v. ia i .. .o .. ",-,itltift ,ti ao tu iiukhii tn mi in in proportion i . A Ifiiod atook of (kmla tor tiiv aod HeB t K. p. VAMatiKUlUaiut Attabtlt aWtii i fMmimawifi,,, ::,!,, ,., jT w . t ul t' : i .-Aj; ... ,3.;,rr psiim iatPa)ot.llibt hu ' ' l : -U; iW o .iff . r- ! KISCIIXAKIOUS. fc, BBkwsoa-, - ,ti.t , Aona " AgHH; C. Branual Dtreetnry. ?i v BRANION A JONEI. n v,.... iJj - -.,,i77, f , N! .i''?C"'t0i J, f -N- KnniAa Fimv A- fa .- uf :. '',i " w-f aONTINPBTHB BlXIJt BlWlNESS AT' TBI nut ttand, Bear lVker Ball, and still kep uaaand ssuntiiv ef ' mui.! vi ii i, . ' BOIL'S asbsti TMrsR rj.-li I e alrwowewa prltoe.,t."-J i-i !."";'--n T ! iOnasiirauMava of meuad k Mid law and Mi .sUaawHiBouhoauld.,.i t !,,; jij, , : faruoalar atutauua paid lo order. . : , ' 3! 1 , ir;BIUNOII AJtSK8,,f iiJsHl.4fr''. !., Balsh, i(?0. I .- - - - ;i n . .-t. ii, i 80S.1' kiIw niuT -r i -iiaj0a. ill f t. ' i' tr.wtifo , i,f.i- -i .. . .... .... UiPmNCr.,XIlAlJlia.il'w tvllWkhLWtX'it umioi rt a tfe. ALAROB. tOT Or" Ttw WARE ON BAKU and eniMttnily nakiutf, wbiob will ba oid at ar;VBriCkB.-'Tii Am .m ta- t. j Matorfel tod aud wrkmMklp nnurpMA t lb andsrrtffued . M ouduiina a jiOltill OAUOLINA i NltliritlKK, aad Mka th eo-oi.-rattoo of Miutliern Merobaut. ' lie by kraillug huaserr or ta bv aaa most improves machinery, yiwired tu Oil ail ordara lur i'iti WAtlfcViv MUUin U1M SlIBIIlV JM11IA1 111 LIIM HllUlMJlil . . mud me your Oniera. a 'Uafm-tion guaranteen. will take any kind of (fowl prodae iui Uaun Tin Wart aa psrtinalariy waul, lot wu as, tt sirs, Mssawsa.otd t sa r sad Hnai anil wu pay caiuiaor aatne, wuvu r:rri4 , I ni-nuiiir a run vi ana ennipaiw wim yoar (fortherti Bille.I-Wtuti TukDlirnnu.- et,n i, I twit keep constantly a hand a wood aa). leant ut twkrtt -, Iim' Patent aud TH -180-4rt Wi UiUalwto i. am h. am. i mill I m.i , ,.. ... j AI LUX AlP BAW8KU bUliAB .la.i awitstti atlLfi:.' Jlte-,! rw.VI i! atirus-tr , .. - u uiiiyiiuit jjuj)I). - lUUIIiFUKU CANU AOF..NJl- OP pBsrletBltaiPal a rt BIIb)p - I.tuidt, I..yVUrP I'owert, Wlllt, Town , -,;; Lots, or Uenl, iuutte).; ol 'any Kind, wilt fllid It to' their' advantage 'to plan thsia (iroperty m our liamia Air asla. , ;'i , ir fnt all auob pMperty. na MB arai isciiuivs iut ujtucuriiur vunins rs ft- all Such mMtv. !".-i ' I Sif j ijro aiAmht'tniytaiiin " ur ritiii iuias. tfaoti ttaiein, a, u, j i i.vtMn-r''i'' ' - i" ''" j a "I'l'tAROB tappry, In larK anf tmU bladder XA. Ataa, ia aap. and. bottla, mwuif aot urer'S pnoss. fab U-Mt-tf J rtr '. W. H, JOKES A 00. si BUCK rEI'J'ER AW, iLBqK,, MACK, and (linger, at ' JtptU M-tfj JiPW?5oa DODDIt: . "A If f ALK!flt B0 OtM'KADB 01rt UX. rtoatvwl (hit mertuiiR. A umly slway on i.ti. Si Jaa eMtorfr" frwwiii i hand. w. n. tiMtoa vu atUX'rt OELA1INE. At - "rV,! iJONSOrTHKI'! 1BH BOOKB AND U5IV" J A largs aaauetmi al in at rsnalrsd tt v l.il (Ml . LiVHUti o iKwira, , tfc,it,:,..i-'vaFai..TstAiiij .it, ; ten pei.av n lit aud other aiaen- , Ami UiaaUiiir and Kifta Pwdr. --' ' -' r)fl(. Bin and liar tawl, , - r, .,, s ,, r Beat keroaeue Ou, by the barrel or retail! . - J. IIKOW Ik, '( Balel((1i(Apf -vf ' , Wira Hint A Ijewm. KUlTflkt fl.tW. NKAP- K AvA MH' Hf . ' ' ' Oii eilnl.ili'.n at the Prinra Rail, tli Mar h Sys saihy Fi.w, if. wlu.'ti tha atu-utluo of wrlhri-atari'pfiillyeslhdii - ...-.; . I aalao aneeitl AarM lur aba tale at" tb sale brsfod liuuk k.vo Hsaosr and Ikuwor, ft Aliiiu- lotiirnr'a pni-ea. Itili fn-iitlit aildeit. ,f Th atMiner wa rmtuHia oain these Immenaa tatwr eht Biaeatueai th bnr At all sua. MBaeV.itt . I y rfBi 4 AAUaa.il. HOrVLW, ' V' t't? .Ifiv-,, i' , , ; A(ellt.t : rionrj I'lonrl ...ptA;. if i,,-,i ,rt. . m w macks s. o Fiitm .1 i) AtlWil. K. 0i and lntapwn Family Plmtr. , ,, Voraals he i , t n Aifl-tf , 'f vpgHL-iuiaADOPO.'! TllbWU' MI LIT ART 1XSIITITE, A PPttCATlOKB Will he received al tWii time f Bar IBs SdBHMStoB t tta AUU111UAA1, CA J.fciH ietothw biatitutioa. llwas emsruig io tite htuamer Biontba snj.iy peculiar nlni.licii in the tpeeUl eouraw or diaeipiine aud !nirur tum.by Vhick tasyar prepared for th regular todiss wbiob eonmsaos Bept. 1st. 4 I ..,..( , Cutmlar wiU b nt m appliiatkm. , , .. . rttAbUB at. BSOTir , i vatof IMtawlwAMWlsspU. -. , -i, B.Ht, a 1U1J.IHH HRATH. V .ilia L10UX h I lltT, BALTIMORE, MJ, , "OLD MAKKULNO .WOKKS," ' ' I' ' - - - - - ' Tttan)f:F"lti! no ?if- lyad Pine, irawPipa, -' ! .tsr Inrra ttaPip r Prasa Cia-ka, ' Mswrt Taraoa .Ooak . KUnra, - , . . ,, Patap.-n Cook. " ihwer V.ahsmt's.Csl vara CViok, , , , . . Bsebe HsneT! ' r 4 " nuedootiis. uropssn hlu, .... : , lau;i-e iuofis, , H-fW llailire,' 6 . kjnsralil itasir, - ' Irnn, Lead aud Zine Bath lull. ' Tin Hath Ton tritA . i . , Heu-r, , Water U.ath, ' '. Irw and dbms BssM, Ky.'ranta JKioiia, Fmntaio, Ht Vi au hi-i, , OaniMl Vases, a 'j i tt air-viier, !., HefrUjf ratora, Ae. ' ' HavwariL lisrtltt A Ik.' Ports bk e'rniitf-e, Mae uniaoaa, J'or tsine aod iini-lu. ' Parlur, Clmnh knd Hneres in great variety. All ttie duireut atiu - uf Orate.---. - H Kh I p od . lw lMwa To r t s b 1 Urates, , ttTjkh ill be ld a low s eaa b had m the etrv. - - - . ,--.... . ilaylMy i ' hJ . , I.KtslI AERIVAL OP yANCT nrvirm ' i At loNul-i.-CrS. i ml -ii!)si! vw 1 acel.iVvi . i a ..t OA noii NA a- ' i a-t ' II t tBBOUiKAIJlGll QXHTUH IlAIbJUlACa ir."l l.l UBi, (HftiTIt AM) H"I"ril TO f- bli I I Ki Ol T iS ! . ,,1 ,T i v '1 r-vadW. BMU'1'W.s hi tUAiik ' , - V Iwfi VIA. It. A Q. B, B I . , , WK biauKoraMd si, it ars th M iAnwtft i Market, aud have atiowjeitn v ,ni.. ,i i i ,...' 0KT1I j r t 4 . i ' cu 'ALL to lha utu-e wuafai-uuii of B..,ri.i., t. ,ih ud - - tiouui, fur Ui. i.st leu var., , u,e i, ; ', 4 - hkipivrs m horih uidoimih t anui, a i u.-tuf'1 pa" "w wa aar tvea H.n,.i,,d i ...,a i nar nevea fcnu.i.t d i n.uai.d IiiUn,8t iu tlu. h,,,i l,.i,,i,y i teuia 1'aiati.ia t..r all tune to asvtuir tits peupla eoiua ti,lioti pur year ; ami it,. dii aiare mat we ouu anil an all ixunta, North and rivuit,, u,. ,,,,, "I TkwCrcitit Ialand Air Llae I rt lsW BALEiaa A 0ABT0S KA11V BOABV' i to Haert um tor Bwpnwn. and yoa are re.. , Cyt to K iM imt t,t,JU, uf they b .; ken byauolher limnel to li.auie your Areiht belnf earri.nl ovor thi' ImU tluaad.Air Lllm aafniv. .liram v.,r ,., Aent, PurtsiuiHilh, V., or Oiiv ISimt a.. em " "oh Aiui itomi, and to ship aa 1 Keirhantt A Jliiior't' Liut tDd of' Central " absrf,sBmpma, Awb , -...i;i i..,t .... .sf 1 Old Dominion htetm.lnn i n Ki,,-.,r.tt, nj... ' v-M-... Pier , North hivsr, oo HA hiL ouic 1B7.'' ahsi kt. liie. 11. i kl 1. u.i i l. dfUt. moM pboladelPbia v ".t t I I Fie .Aiiauntie,) phila, i Wllralnirton an ' BalUmor ihiAt,er ('Ivde't Lint af e.uiw 14 . ti. Wlawars Avauua, W. P, Clyde, AKeut. " I r-- 85 AM BAUIBOltE j, li. v3 t'ttk 1 Balllraor r)tum Iauiet Co.. Jlv line mtssu.,1 re, toot L'niou Dock. L. H. l .,i. i..,,,i Powbatta Steam Bust 0o,tu Lk lit street Huaif, jHi Bt Jiiij l;,,.IviJ ii --jjvi yr ''. I I BBAw4nMr toft i!l ,'oi- -hl!lh-lsv,-0: SUPf. orPIOft, N. 0. KAlLKOAD t'OA i h tioanuir aaors, U..0.,Apiii i.UuL ; t rrti. na . i On and titer thi data th followin; will b tha,. jstbuduUi fur Pasasnger Traiua ovjf, tin kud i f IiivOharlottailyi;,".',-, tlM P. f;" '(..a -,.-hborjl l . .e,tMeMS.k: AkUJ f-blr?:" I,? !:! Arrtv at O.uilaliOro'. . .'. .'. It ii V. M.! Antra Ooldiiboro'..iW..i'.i.i,iv',, 111 ao P. M.n t,.,llalelah. ...;,,;., .)P. ? "I ha-iKi.ury J. .' P, JH, Arrive ai Chaiiotte l.'H..'.i.. ... . li s. P. ii, ' T!mnh paaaenirert by thia Be bar ehoioe of rontvaeiatirasiiabiiro' audbanville to Hinhmoad., nr via Haleigb and WeUloo to liinlituoiid iir Purte menth,amtiof(ataUpuuit hutth f ttiehoioiHt' at thsaaine Um by eitlirr roiua.. t ,: ,,. I iinni.nu.in la aiaile at Unlilelmm' with Paiteri. far traiua w nr. a w. ikwd to aw? .nuu Wuiiui,H tim, ami to Welchm by froiuut traiua. , Also to Newhern ou A. A N. C. Komi. ?. PreiahUraiua wiU li are Cbarloil sA ?ArMv a.id arrive al ) P, M. , , . Apru t-tr JAMES AKDEHSOlC-Bupi.'' PEXEfiSBTJEQ AJJVEETISXirESTS 1868." I'SL a ( TC tx. l 5 G8,1 BOOT!, hiioi: Ad THt MisV '' 't' ;'!AT WHOLESALE ONLY I4-.'. i ! yy-IHAVIC BKOKIVKD ALA HQ E b"f (X AT E00T8 AIT) 811023.' " 'beet from tli Munufantitrera wbluh w will sstl -a low a Kuods of ths seaisuiulity sua b bought to hew kork,4'hUmiiplH ur Haitiiuura. , lt l. I . . ' li i.,.. ii 1 1. li a. rHiKKK, . April l-tf o. J Uuu p,i,t, up htr y I'.'l 'ii . . pstsieburn.-1 t av Thasa bavin iue caah khali e.v. has. en t ut money, , ,; ., i.-, ., ?ii ;,n,XB;.iiUG.s..-r- Vboltie nod Ifclitll DrugsUta, '( &UPceor$ to Oeot li. Jonet g CaH? ' Bycamar, toiaer ta.kisis titnL ' ; PETERS3UF.0, VA. , ; ' ISV1TE th Mi-roh.iai, l litaiuiaur and Plaa tera of ViiKlma, North Ci,.ima and leuut-aes to s.aioiu their eiteuiita stuck of Drugt, itif.iu iim t, fnt ; eiii,' Tarttlalira, !) ftiuua, i tiuloiw faltta, Uriiaht', ronib, ranry and Toilet AriKlii, I'rtlnmrry, , " Vc, ve" "&., A-Cto "Wairea fl Juaiua, "" ; Joaara Caaa. April 17 O. i., - ' I-k,.- ... ,. ... -2i:SCLLAiiLuU BKaBVOWVifll, I ut Baltimore. a. s. onrrrv, 1 wn.Tva wr, n, LaisofM.C.ILtisotd. Carouuts cotton: FACTOID -, ..! I i ... AbD : in, ..,, tieneral ' 'cinrn! ;sfoa rimSant.' ., ' 103 ll'tst iAimhtnl lmt,'."M" It) . : tit ' aa a ho s. . - " .. ... ll.4LTl.Uoai:. SLiheral a,lvaiu4a ninie en t'niii'iii'iiaient; ; iiiflora fi (ilu.1 nil. Ml ... hani..k a.,l,,iaJ. v lifar to Oen. Vtsilee usvnu sml li.tn. TkJls. B,tiu,ll . , -, .fit. oept ou i5-oL1ni4iUa . (ttttt waitTKo. - O -i - .--1 . . -. . . . --. "'i A' will oosTsior fur, or porch as at auaut riaca oa arrival, .... 5. .. . t . n".i.!ni fi.-a uaa llliil Mave, .. l ttliiie Oak liliil 'Iim," tviots Osk Hemne, : ;si WaiwO.k Pioehtav, Ali,uu ttiiileoak hot ' -. -Tl,., .. isapsctiuia. ,-i The White Oak BUve and rtWinir wiU bs r cuivimI aa eoiin aa tlu-y eau be o.-n.er. d. Ihe i.etl Oakfl, from t"ptu,!er to JniiTrV ni-'t. Imnsiiaains, sud bill pirtn-it.. . i- r setiiog Btaswa properly, rnn.hed nn a. i"intfl , t .,, I-. UtAkUtlu.ui '., -HarJfl-if ... ,.ri...a, VA; mBACCw AfiKIVt'V. Wa have re.(vsd Ak aitni-ica nr v si nf od bjiuh.i.Gi ii.bAt.CO, MAI KAOiljkiiU i of all bramia. Oriier A any qnantlty wiirb pr." ''v f'.-d. I'arues having any Air aiiie wutuouowi.il to thtpaa, a read aale eau lie m,i. , -..' Vi 'i -i tiiAND HKhJ ' i , t.lltltUilM.!.ill , erlnj.iS, - April 21-Sm 4 ., , a, V. ; 0. T. &. XT. C. r A!, 'V Grocert and C -i IAA s,nti. ,,, . jstfrt-et &. 4, j. X. C Order f.r ( susa prsxiiily aitnsl. Kkfus to Jiio. t. V. iliianm A ( .., aud Cafthiar National Pa-k, iialc-).h, S. C. A- , April i--il. - -- " 1- Kn.m -.,(; -'. ' - ard t- 1 fc-t le...s..U ' - i w. r t r a . A arch 18 tf - Aavi. u a. i - 9:It hit acf i.!