DAILY SENTINEL. "TCESDATj dTSK, 1 X868. St a 1ST AAA. if'.SIS 3 la-aa. bVbVa flU freehl JO J!. it.. 1 ' ft ta .an,.- " i from tb UnM " iThavnnd, at toast, "" a frtaa the aaaa, , " ate n i a .amiHii l A-- -alii.!? . 'tT"" J Wnea haui'i her 7 'at. - V I hold it dear, Of Bowery wealth a gndom glvsr ' - Aiumgh I rm , Wsame'srk's hot, . teaches ef setogg-aB .rvsrl) IWI Wnea Astasia Unto . With WtUon tut' ' w'lati as tttadai ' (Thoafh Brats tataU, jtlWiiiUr'iH - q .aaaonabis sight la s (AiuougB there are "' t" V, .tonga, id. Miank,'' ' -Dlpthwi, pbUiUMtdbfnulilil) ' '?' 4 ''- :' '. "v i - ... .(.. ..- ' ' Svt in n BAMa Boat. It ha gekrjnll beta aappoasd that lb erigiul aUjliBoitv (.A- ..ilaH is tha aaena hnat tint ihm fnllnsr. log report af aa epttode which WNfiM" at .- . - ...A, ..a... .1. Aa,,-llaa,.. -afaai. ' W mMHg .Ma. Wa aaa.Wa-WHV.W.J' . ,' ty on we .aw. snowg mat gne-'voBt ana t r tu captain vert alike distasteful lost least " "At th eonelntioa of MK, Phillip.1 d Aree .Xn Btentoa i stepped, forward to ' apeak, bat at thia nMMMut an oratorical lady in tlataadiexvw, who gave her bub m ,, Mr.' Kemp, claimed tbe floor, tod Insisted that aba in 'op Aral' in (noli determined nunoer tbataa ose eeetnad t bkr tb n ong I cootrtdlcl ber. ' Addrattiog Mr. PhiUipv'b Id 1 1 UifT,tbt yn . wuliog dowi tb Gull tretm is very until bti, U wblobihwi if ; noatr fo only wbiUkod black men. And no room for ut wom ; m I wppoM w (ball hart to Uk mUmt boatt Yotf haVa M objection I . "ICr. rtlUla, fnojf)-Noi tha aUgbt- "lira. Kamp-rAnd to Ugla. with, w . domt want yoa toraaptahi.i j'r i i -- . . j, Jlr. Phtliipa ktmav , '" ' 1 "Mn. Ktmp-WaviraDt blfegr toaa . tbaayon. Wa want a ,bttat d.nra rtgbtaooa man tbaa yoa. ,. "Mr. Pbimpa--Tkak ytm.'madaoa. "Mra. Kemp Tbm ia aootber boat, air tba Paaaoeratio boat I auppoaa (ball bar to taka that . ..Tom b ao objaotiMi t "Mr. PWIIlpa Noaa wbatarar. madam. "Tbalady aeemed diipoad,to contiaaa tba oolloqoy, wbicb, bowarar, waa brought , to aa aorupt ana by urn, c vu; biaatoa, who atepped forward and begaa aa addrtaa. Tbia waa iplcj collny, and It U bard to aa wblch eootaataat br,U tb battor of it luroBTATioa' or BmuC-rVaii oi out . dan, wa praaunM. r awaraoi tba auaat of tba importaUoa of baea." Itla atatad tbat during tba' aummer acarctly a ataatnar mvaairoia tumDurg ot finaaaa wiUiuut briaging as laroioa ot b. l baoooimoB koBy baa la aot a (! of tha Amarieaa continent,' haylog bB broagbt bar bom 1868. 1868. FOB THE SENTINEL. PublWied in tb Citjt 9t Kaleigh, N. C, Daily, 6emi Weekly and Weekly. William! Pell.) gaatoa Oaiea, Xditon. .JCamoa amrl In tha luiltlrmrnt of thia min Itom it beauty and acutrily, owe Uu w baooma great favorite. 6trea toaay, baea oaa) be srofcaei la OaUfomi obaapar a-cor. ?, is: tZ-z fir, ewtlTatora of the hi X. oe racino eoaat Bare drwKijfwa uw un j floalory loaect.to an aztraordinarv azicnl. la iw of Um eoarelty of avT,aod Ui aarer ttyof UmUbm. tbe ProprWtor of tb HDrmtx ha (UtmliMd to ndoea ta. am of Ih. ppar. In iiimaiaii aflir tb Slat. DKCXMBKB, snt, and to aiak aoob teprorwnnU In it ronl ahwaeUr a wtn aonswd U te th patronaf of aaaobchtMwdpabU. Ia POLITI08 tt will b thoronably Oonerr Ut, advooaUnf, at all tint: A (trtotbOTTBoof tba VoaatHaUoB of th Onkadmalae,aadtbe hamooioa Unioa af qoal fUt i Obdloooa to law tad tb nfortnt or ordr ; , Tb of tb ehril era tb Bilitarr, tn 1i laaaof fe ; Tb aqnalttyof tbe Una o ordlnaU brioche. . t h of th f orminat ; , Tha aoranicaty of tb Stat or their on internal aflaira. In atrlot oootormltj to the , OoaetHBttoat Tb main ton aoe of freedom and Joatlo to all, wkhowt eiaaM-vtioa of eolor, ba toe aopreeaa- , ey of the while raoe ae Um f iweniiof ela; - " wm .. nM.M h an Ita phaee. . lie L1T1RABI oharaotor ahaO be malntonn . j aaa uuxma, er eoairflmNoa frota ow beat writora. ; .. lb anrnim. win aeek to b tb epeoUl noroienreetenhep ouaa. - - , The jiamktrusr iAct W hate bMareqaeaewite pabltoh -eh Baok rmpt Law. 'llu UBuoMbui. J A r tMtacto wnaa la Wdar,kw) ""eaj" Mikn aaay BtulerauiHi H, and mJ ibeaeiaea not a. lieMe ao ae laauoawd afee ay awrtaea, Wb iadufeiant ao tu tawfaf edtara. jwJhM Mia to win rroaa mm" eaww newMiuM w i a wbo oouWaipUU. wekinc it beeeau. Sot Brat of ail, w. atmae oar uumam not to dctonuaw baMUlB WU be;U aieal tliof lun had the uuutJ of a reiuMat iuUUigaat Attora7, apua wboai th eea reljr. L 'lb en mini dtea of th bautrapt iw to beaaat turns, but uortumaf, ohut, whoaa Jnat haintuwe ar. treetar thao thayeaa pay. ' i. . . . tale a. aw Mtiwuaa a funiw 1 , . , ' x tAAf, WHKIf w eooraa,tiaieaetito to pay ia fait. - . feliiMPtwira Badar lb H.ahrant AM oairad ts readar a eoheaoleaf ail laati del iiaBUiaea,af mmykmd I aannm od aiao aa iatautorr of ail their eottta, both rati aad peraooal, iaWadtoc aM impertf . aa of faetaef whicatikT are puaa.aaad, or to wbieb ihaj atkar haw aa totareat, ttbaaah aot ia poo- aiun) ia euntatwatj with eertom "oja PrB- nbed ia the ttooerai Ordaraf aha Jtopreea uwi of the Dnitod wlataat' Thee eehadaiea, rannod bj th. oath of tb fMdttwaer i i Jadaa. heriettir aa Jtaak IT it .Lr numb ami n HIT th Pet ti... a iad.ia tba eomineobMnent of praowdiat-a to Haakraptoe. If it aboald be foaadeut, peadinf th trooeediuKe at an tune batot th baakrapt i diecnarKol, that be baa, bj aaj rtift or .oUarrW maii. a tul aohedule, tbu ronldbe eri leooa of fraud add ml 4UtAt hi. dlaohaMe. 4. Wnau the petition it by t firm or eopertaer ahip, a full eat of eehedolee of U Mpeetir ae- of ta nieenmwa ' 4. When the petition ia Bled, me stately Ntaas to AeKtota, who tbe petition ana eeoeauie. auucw uram Ik., -r. mrraal in ML BtllM aartiBeato t that ettooi to be pied with bo ay .1.. J.hLnr & RnkrBDt and tainea a ar- raut to the ma.aeuKW to aummoe, ail the eredit- ora uauiod lu th putmoner awaowaiw r at th ateejietar onwa, a. a pUce, to proe Uaa ri eject one or more Aereditor'ota,aowW5,'i; at am fw prerione to tbe lt jirldend, which will Shrilly W fct wrniha aabeta.ueat to tbe adj. ojotttoa of bankraptey. v .n.i i. Wo creidtorbaa any eteaaiag U a Bankrupt Court until he"paaa hiaclaua. . iVflinw. nave no fUOl Hi cumpci uw jum- a. rapt aal nuni ' the 0 po- ef property hf hum acquired autiaailuaBi .r;.1i, 1. RuikrnnLOT. 'In other wo . l-- ni hi. i.b ra. aatinnn dt or aKauun. a debtor, ie the dato attuto, if adjudication of hanJuuptey wiowi,iii i, war aad a aaw toat attoeeV,o.,'l n tto t to word. putnt uaeiainaw aavv iww . -; tppaare to be, that the appttoaot k bankrupieT haaaperfeea right -rat eUtoi ohaterer ha ha. made aftar hie appUottion, by tua peraooal enu- ha maoe.iraei w be liable toiM dteik Nif it the, parted of.bie uone. but tor antlt vtniaiit or eradu. nay the receiver up to abnoet Jf. ltolrVdtoa iifh UoVrt .1 toy i .a. ih. .TninLiint aitaioittha. anaeiith- in one r ear from &a4Judoatioa,for thaJahar(( in baoknipwy, a4 a. a ao aaaat. eoaeuiio taa hand if tha aaehjmorajo 4toato be paoirfld taaine. hi aatata, a. anp laakeii aftor lameavatr uon of aitty day. - ;r ; J m a.ai u aaMaaatonaa. B elected ,c p- nointed. the iudij or Beatotar wiU aonvey to bun, by oeaoVaf aealg - the aanMtapt a , L. .at what ia axaaiiavetWM rtilfa- uoldaod kitchen furniture aaeVotaee aataraana. at eaeeedtog; ia ralae I eouo) A nonao. ooeawa; .1 i,. .Urit,a ,niani aud that of hi. wife and ahiidrea, and aueb otaeri properywt tuelnded ia tha lotrein ia aaempt bv'A lfy PP1 bdob etaouuon or other vroeee. by the law of tha but to which tb liaakrnpt rcaiaea, 10 an - 1 that ahowed brdtat n- ntnatoMiDioroeialsi A af .'Coune'aV lar alto.mndjr tkia he4, the. imoreaaiOB tbi impreaaiOB tnat peraoo. mmj and ywt , be auuwaa w runt their hoaaaaaial hvidtC of other property of ooBaiikTeble vlne, a areat mietake. Under tbe Aft, uo honet .... ,1.1. &u bteaiahMtod to ktm. fna front the operaUoo of the Aotwmewilinij IV01I, bj ..n.mnarel or Bimaou aua raauin. uaye titer me ai?7iiniDi ut Dim a niadA it i f I u 00 403 1 00 4 00 too 1 00 100 1 00 Tbaaa intallicrant little anatnnaa. aa r.m.rk t abl for thalr geoButrioai iaatiocu aa their iadnttrioQa btblta; ard waU wocthy 6f tba oar which ia taja.wed npoa tbaa, to Bay aothiflg of tba dellctoae prod aot uf tbir Ubora. Jivr; $kmUri. I - i.r.'!ri'..-to' . Tb oldeat relic of hnmtoity extajit bt oa. : et tba aarliar Pbaraoba, encaaed in bia an ginal ooruM ropaa, ao wonUortully perfuct, , . oonalderLng Ita agaj whiob;.-) deiHMted, , about aigbtaaa or twenty inoniba agxji In miw snuaa aauawoa, ana ia Juatly eoaaldir od tbe aioat valuable of lu -arobaMlogioal ' toeaaoraa. Tba lid of tba eofila wblch voj tained the royal JBUwmy waa loeorilad wiui lai ntma 01 it OOConanL Pharanh tlv - . a . af Kaaunua, wa aueoaetkd tu) beir of th DuuaereiiD pyramtat, , abont , Ua eeatu net aeiora Uortat. , Only tbiak of it; aba nanatrah. wrhnna ammKlln. 1 1. ' ' " wvntMHHMU ery wtegamaoBi are aorr axoitlng tba Bon der oi aumeroaa gacert In London, reigned , la Egypt before. Soloajot waa bora, aad .. mil auuua wiereB centunaa or ao alter Mil reini, tbegraodaoa of Old father Noah, and tbe firat ot tba Pbaraoba, had beoa gathered ' to bia fatbera I , Why, tba tida-mark of tba aeinga ooaia icarceiy bare been obliterated, or tha gopber-wood knoa timber of tba ark " ytara rotted oa Mount Arrant, when thia lb"l"'y 'ld lired, inovod, aad bad h la being L Hit fleet and blood were cooUmipwanaaof tbegreat palruvcbl Hla , Boaee ana aanveiea ekta. are conUmperaxy : with the nineteenth century, and tba data of Ik eracifixioa U only midway between , uia war ana wura, -"":'.; - i J i '-'-i7 " ' ''"1 ,. nenwitnoat money, t Tboutanda of man. CIl 1. JTI: iLj j! . I ', on V wltbaotblngl. tbe'tr.-plckatraT: ricbTl I PM., aS fcgZjL: 4 -m m, v wna a now neuna ooneatatlon, Jjoib, and pretty good beadspiaoa, la neb. Good bonce are bettor tbaa gold, vtottgh maeclee than ailrer, aad aeraaa that y naau ore ana, carry energy to Terr functioBi , are better tbaa bouaea and land. It U kat tor than landed aetata to hare bad the risbt NaleaM.Cikltaarew 4 kind ot fatber'and mother. . Good breeoa rW-ieteodmit, a larK. Uoardiiuf-hotMe. Bare, and bail hrMvte .ri.t . Btabtoa. Uaeknatith ahan. aaaaZTeAI a amnnf barda uA k-JL- v.ZTZll amaeefw miner., . ' " T. . . 7 "'" 1 7 hie nun. la known ee one af the metoTahmU. maydeuoch to check aril tendendaa. 0 tin thia ooantre.ead (11. L!!2!!Jr!J. . to develop good one, boa it la a great d"Ptl npwtrde of loO feat, e ae tolaattVy ex thing to inherit tb right proportioa ot ! ""l1 "''"na ; tb. tmb ia eompoerd of ar- ncallie tuattrt wilhj -.That m t. -1 L."T" rrr : ?. rT"" amoa Bed of H T?10". gidipoilioB-wbo i B.tur-1 atnmg v,n. free jpyiZlZ "7 any aina, patient, CbeerluL bopelul. and! noroogh and rauable ttaiinUona and r DtUyftoBUBet, lb eaeye " atemoBiba,., ' three month emi-Weekly BroUnal, (or one year, . ' atxBKnUie, ' " three montha, Weekly one year, "' ' " ahtBMotha, " All enbaartiitiona etrictlv euh In edranoe. Aa aaadrtkdng medinm, tbe Knrmox la equal lo any la th. State. Tfarm. modarat. aaF Wa aak nr (mummiIm tm lh 0..1. a. I J ..m.. u. mi. owl an beosme our Agent to extend th einmUtionof the nnamnL. Theeventoof 1860 will be exeitlne t tmportaaa. The Wasn.r Hximirax tbonld be to tba hand of tb gnat bodr of theneonU Tbe tonne are bow ao low that avary on will be aata to pay lor if W. E. PELL. aUleigh, J. let, 188. Proprietor Mora Carolina Misinr Prop arty for Baua u jutiumoro. TEEI VALUABLE COLD MINE AT WfXt Bl BOLD, BJ TIRTTI OP AUTBOaV IT I w. tad ia th. andersigiied. at th. Si- Otoary Mtomg OoatnaBw, bettor known ae the ITXXXJ OCTD mix. I a the Uahtrto ta. an Mm,-. I North Carol taa. aontaiaina ahnni ai frnn rM LANDwtth all it eqiitpraeala, aeaunetine of two ("taanguea,oneof lo heB end th other to 1 3 " r"if raa, wa renM JMOdakt, 14 i Aetai & rti'm to tb. bankrupt uch tiotea a. are .xeue and nl. ao iuventury of to earn with the viuue r? r . " tiioueo, tod ereditora niai objeeOone to the repoA of th diefgno?! "A"""' twenty d.a after it u TSlJaV- fifty dollara with tbeBrgiater, or with the Clerk, .aMTlrACI Owe tXht Tax Lawa f t) V. ft. AckaowaKlgtMat of Deeds, ewpt. Attdavit, I aaatat to aa or togal preoaeotoga, JttTZlTZZZZ duty a na tb orbj UalUMtrUBwnt of p. leal right oento. Bank Cbeoke. Draft or tJrdem, A, at eight or oa dtuBd, 1 owl. . rShToTo.-d.ii-d, and nay -awaeianry act. whalavar, Ptooo TzJUa aJ JHOj.tZ aA ahaeke made and intended to U, and which ahall be.forwiU pre- aented lor Bavaaent lor a earn k.v. ' gor erery td'liH" liuu or mw r -thereof, I oento. ' , . . Buto af Iaviing veeeela tor tne pona Umtad fltatoaar Britieh Korth Aavreeaipt. On reeeipt af mod en any foreign jwrto. ioote. Bill of hale ofnTreead, or part thereof, wheB Exceeding ajuo end not exceeding M0, 1. Breairtirltm thaaeead doUere tor each Ave hundred dJtara ar fracuoual pert thereof fiO cento Of peraooal property, other than ahip or veeeel, Bond penontL fur payment of money (eee morv M1 .1 t or Indemnifyhig any penon for tbe pnyn mum at moan, where the aeny afaamtiey raoovabl taareauue ie one theaetad douareor im Ml M. 5'here the money recoverable exeeede one thannn dnlUo. t avarV addlUOOtl OB. thOU- aand doUaia ee frWaaal part thereof, oento. Beada, eonnty.'r'y endtawa bond, railroad, end other eerponu.ju tieod. and ao"P, ar. eub x euu dutv: i ftae mnrtiraae. I Of any d- aciplion. other tbaa rack a are required in legal proceeding!, and aneh a ar not otherwnw) charead ie thie erhednie, M eaola. Certtitottee of deposit ui bank, earn aot axed icg on baudred dolUre, 1 oeal. . ..v- . Of deootit to bank, aam tlceeding 0O.h9ndra dollara, & orate. ' Of mock in aa incorporated oompaay, Veanto. tnemLeewe , '...' r . ...i,.tini, nr . Jnaiice of thaPetot, Cieanileaiieiei of deede or Notary public, t ceota, Of anarch of record, a eente. That certain paper are on file, S cent. That certain paper cannot be found 6 cento. Of redemption of toad aoid for tax, i oenta. Of birth, mtrrtag and death, i oeal. Of auebneation of aohool teaebera, S eento Of pronto of aa incorporated oompaay, a aum not ieee than tea doUtra and not exceeding Bftydoaaee,leeoto. - Exoeeduig Bfty dollar aad not exceeding one tbouaaad doutre, 15 oento. - Xaoeeding on tboaatnd dotlare, for every ad ditional on tbonaand, or fractional part thereof. Ofdamage or oihenriee, and all other oertiA- i.w.nM,Mt. Hunwwl hr ut nortwtrdcB inarice anrreyoc, or other pereon toting a auch Oertuiad Tiaaaoriat of Judgment, aatiafactlon of judgmanl and or au paper recoroeu or ou uw, llMltl 'Cheek, draft ar order for th payment of eoy earn of muov exoMding 110, drawn spun any Deroon or other than t bank, banker or truet company, at eight or on demand, ornta. OW. tract (Haa ArreemeBt Brokera.) 10 eanto. )aeyaaaeded, bmtnunaut of writing, where by lao da. tenementa, or otber reality eold eh all be oooveyed, tlie actual vain of which doe not ex- oeed 1500, B0 eena. Baoeedina oa aud aot oaeadiB (1400, tl . ..lav averv kdditkiual Are hundred dollara, or fractional part thereof, in exeeee of one thousand dollar. 60 cento. , - Entry of any ffooda, wtrea ar meichandiae at any eoetom honae, not exceeding on hundred dollar. In veloe, 25 eeata, Exoeedfng one hundred dollar and not exoeed ing See handrad dotlare t. Velne, 00 eente. ., ioeeduia nve handnd doihure U value, 11,00. . for th witbdaawei of any eood or merobaa due from bonded warehoo, 50 oento. O auger'! ret rn if for quantity not exceeding ve hundred anitono geoaa, M aento Exceeding 6U0 gallon, 95 oento. Power of Attorney to ell or tranafer itook, or collect dividend thereon, 11 sent. To vote at an eleoiiea of aa tooorportlad com pany, W eeata. , To receive or ollect rent, 85 oenta. To eU, or convey, or rent, or leaee real eeitw, la conveyance of real aetata, the ktw proridea tat ia eenma am aaa eana anawer ao in vauu, of the aetata or inter. at anaaayid.' .. bW etamp to required warraot of attorney aeaompaaying s buod or not, whoa ach bead or aot na ibim taareto in etamp or etampe oo Boting thaduty raqaired wad wbanaver any bead or auto ia a. cared by Btartgtg, but oae stomp duty i reonired aa eanb aapara. aueb tamp duty being the higbeat rate required lur sack laaara-, mattta, oraiihar af them. In anoh eta a aot or neaaanmetthe wntuaor aeanmiaalina et tne in affiled should he made anon th autftto or to the ackaewlangmaut of tb ipatramaat which maotatampea.. , ,ti ,, ,. THE FORTIETH COGHEM. i. ' .. . i The fullowius ia t fall liet of thamamheaaof aoto rtonaB. or in rurueta loo great, th aa panlietn B-ember beiug marked r," and tbe " OM1M 1 Bcaiawiia p. Wad, r, of Ohio, Preaideot. iuha W. rurnej, r, of Pan!., AVaaretary. Courti W flead ajtd qtULrtar BtirioBd, Anaon County Oa tbe aaeond Motday fat Jaa trv, April, inif and Oetoher - AaLa Foarte Monday ia lebruery, May, A aat tad Hovetnher tleiander titat If nattier to If err. Ttit-i t-e- biiiilaii aad December AJaaxaaeePirat Monday aftar tin 4th Monday of February. May, Aegoat and Noaamhar , Allaghanr Voarth Muaday to January, AprQ, JaeaAlt)etobar- '' Bwtfuit-Xhird . Monday fat March and See tenner, aad the Brut axojMiay ia oae ana vw- eembr..!ii( ,i (-- . ...... iierue-rtMOBd Monday to reornary, nay, aa guat aad Hovomber. Biadan , Firat Moaday at February, May, Aa. goat and Kovambar Brannrlck Pint Moaday to March, June September and Ueeamber, Boncomt tM V Morrill, f Wat FFeaendeo, f W pinal aw BaaraaiiBa. Aaron H Crtgin. r JB WrVttoreon, fl It ' - Geo F Edmnwla, r Juatoa 8 Morrill, r MtltUOBOBKTTa. i. FChariee Ronuier,"r 'til1 Henry Wlieon, r '7J BBODE ISLAND William flpregu. r 'oal Henry B Anthony, r 7 , ' OQBBBCrriCCT.. - Jame Dixon, d Orria B Ferry, r .awl.. .0. r '. Edwin Morsaa, au H Uoecoe ;ConxiiBft, r Mohtrl. V Drake, r f " - ! ' ! 1S1.J I r T rFltaghayTrje1meDa !, r Alex UiUatuhU.g . ' C B Bucki'ew. d '.wii Umon Cameron, r "Tc 15 VJA 3 : ran w npton, r j lohn M Thayw? if ' Geo B Riddle, d rTm Mtetrt. r Wm Saulabury, d 7 ilimea W Nye, r era tnewaj. themo. tn ... - m ihmiui af!ta. Bonds of umkn ulmiaatratora. guardians aad trattoee. are each OTblbelai' ' irnBT urn fi narHUU OI J!.XC atisinxo. ! j h ' Revardy JttSuac., A 'A Hamilton, d sen viboiiiia. d tanWitiVfe'r'" WtitmtaTWiltoyrivji x-rirTrAxr'. " . Mc Creery, ii - Garrett Davie, d '73 D T Fattereoo I -Joseph 8 Fowler, r i .'l ..:. OBll 71 73 . ...Jam Xwirtt T 1 Hendricks, i fa) iHverwortoo.r . Tl . ,1.. .. A Rlcbtrd t'ale.'r '' , oymaa TrainooJI.y aca tliandler, r " itcorj m rtowtrd, r ?t 71 : vaaooamii. IB Doqlitlle. t -W nmoui o Howfjr TJ auHnxsort. tieavRaaswT r Uanial m Bonon. d fames W Qrimea, toais llarlau, r yavanouai. wtmiffefiaereon, 71 78 toaoal Of iBairoy, r "7 Bzka ' ll?'-" lohnOaoTjeee.r ' 'ornelius Cole, r oBaaoM. . . f - ;. ,.. l 1, JeoH Williami.r '71 dtnryorr.tt r " '73 ill nil t OOUIBADO. lohe Evane, r -Jerome B chaaV, r oncomba Mixta Muaday aftor tb 4th Monday ilmlrnn imrmromrr ioaday aftor tbaath Moaday in to January, AprQ, ia April, July, aeptambarand Deosmwer BarUfKtb Moaday after th 4th 1 February, Mar. Augnat and November ,tbw atoaeay Inl mnA laaiihar Caldwell Sixth Moadty titer the 4th Mondty in February, May, August and November Oamdea Heoond Monday ia March, June, Sep tember aad Hovomber Cartaset Third btoaday in F',-utry, May, Ana net and November Caswell -First Moadty after tbe 4th Moaday of March, June, baptomber and December Catawba-Second Monday to February, May, Augnat and Moeembor Chatham Bacon Mondty to February, May, Augnat and November Chowan Fire Moaday ia Fenruary, May, Aa guat and November avelandFiret Mondty after th 4th Monday ut February, May.Aaguat aad November -:. Oulumbu Second Monday kv Fsbrutrj, May, Auvaat and November tiraven Baaood MoacUy to March, June, Sep Ipmoer ana iseueinuer Onmherlaad Firet Monday in March,' Jape rfeptember and December Currii nek Last Monday to Februrtry, May. 'flirnav4- .... . i, . - r" vaurxg, ' ' uw.av. l'-v- : .. " ' . . oaoorr, Ty.Pirto Monday Baa , 6-tiTblrd Monday h, Parqaiaana t hird Mond... to March and September kj to ataroh and kBa7"U, 4 ""Veav Au.net and November Che .RepubUctos 44. Dem- Benitmln F Wld, r fwl oeato ad Con sen t- Jobn Sherman, r A. an I I. ii..!-,'., If I ,t HODSB OF REPBBBEMTAT1FEH, gcbulyer Colfax, r, of tndUut, Speaker "t ,' Edwa-d McPheraon, of Peoaay Irtaia, Clark MAIVB. John Lynch, r rW BtMTtnilBa. Jacob H Eia,r veumok r. F E Woodridge, r Luke P Poland, r WC Smith, r a ASSAOH ITSKTTS, Thomas D El.iott, r Otkee Ames, r Gin.ry Twitchell, r fir, it: ill... with tl.. A. .Ilh Ih. I A IUHIUWIJ. TOT. UUU U, AUUIIim. IIUUU. I to be delivered to tb. Begirtar aa a eecuritfer ewi.0'' nb)eot to m duty a original not 1.0 a. n.MHi .imIm tV 1 y .,r...,A. 11.. I Hecernt lo! th. Barreeat of anv eum of ainnnv fees of tbe Ueguter. Marehel and Clerk ahall be debt due, exeeaduif twenty dollar, or for tbe u M ...1 w.t-..a.j a. .ii:i aeiiverr or any nrooerty. x cent. Uj mTlk. is aiao la-onded av Ocaaral ia-ilv AXa Truet Deed made to aecur a debt to be atom that where the debtor ha no mean. andn "a emortgtg aoaveying ettat to uaea, to sroTa tb (wet to th attiafactioat of tha. Court. !"" taeoavey aswse. opi1ioatioB.aordarwultoimadreauuuil Wtrahoaa xtoosipt (or any good, ware or ail th oeato to the ease to be paid out of the fifty merchandise, not otuerwiM provided for, (lepoa dull.te dapaaitad aii h the Megatter. . however, f to JT blie or priTato wtrehouee there ar Meet, but aot enough lo pay th Me- not.wrtiBg Bvt hwtAred oVdtora to Taiaa, 10 cU eager aftor deducting thaatonBTuwa's exempted ,vn"n uuur,a to axoaaoing on nnttarLV aaUtltaVt rttM.h I ILAT iVMaslal intati l.lfa rttai rtf iitmrja.t.a "Viiai m rnw veuuj, I r w iha AasIuuM. tha feea wilihtva to b ..id Lt u,. I Exceeding 1,000, for every tl.000 or fractional "?Jlr. "7l ' ! ? -"..a.-wia uw pwi uj aim we- "TI 7. .""vTr"...."' Nathan V Dixeo r rur any oi vioaea at maue anwug araonora r: " .VTr." J r-"-" - l""- oomtKrricirr. 13 noma euppoae Hint taa rtewtste St dnxitlad ?JSZTr r H.bbtrd. A AHf B39aywws (UO 1V3U ltllf3r BStasBBBawaaM , " T " 7, T . . to ef mblicatiuo, of nottcee; i P" auj aa 07 vauw anil m aemaMaoaa u aay win 01 ratxaro, aiuirr 01 law or equity, ou conta Samuel Hooper, r Had lam in F Butler, r Nathaniel P Bank, r George 8 Bout well, r. John 1) Ba'dwlB, r Wm B Washburn, r Horace Wsyr-arnVr" to M fan ciers, and eusta af mblioation of tBiticaa gi BanKraptcy; are pBeaey itw,auoatthy oaauad htgbex feat, thpyer pabto.t tB other caan of malfeaeence in oftfa. In ordiiiary iia of Baak-i ruptoy, tit fe may snreamt-WJ tluu.-sln anm pa. ei more, to oin baia tba-apeto danendan on tb umooB af labor and BtigtUoB inasfved to IA Inflerenoee of opinion among Attorneys hare I w r ot dated la tbi Btato. U to tb bmit which th i ". or otb Aot maksa. aa to the Um to make application in I S Uankruptcy. nome Dave supposed tlist so dub! or will ha narmittftd to aonlv ioi BankruntirT tft.r tome early day in March. Bui b i bl to- pay nrty per oaat of an debt, we are assured that thie to not tba assay Tbwilaw drg net go' into oparatia for theparanaia aarfatoh at Wat 1 mm 1st, uan.H is, awes twelve1 that toaa, to- ad bow. dfhtan smaewt a ban' toost.d Mwar iawhteh I their appHaattoa.. A1W tta 4ak af sua, asxt. ttt debor maat be abl to oa aftv ana m or aia maeBtennesB, rsaiorwaa a, saaaeeafttl ap plleatioa la bankrupts Wat . '--ito ef a matoxttyaaVaasaaadsaanvt. whetevermay a wbtehehey 1 Writ or original procee toraed bv a eourt not of record, where th. amouat eltimed to tlOS or anr,M4iv ' i- ) Upon oanfeeuoB of judgment or oogna- 'ir ror nw or war, exoept in cue Wiier. to Itx for a writ baa beoa ntid. 10 canto. wnt ar otaar prmiii, apoaala isom tuattoa other courts af tojojaor JartodtoUoa, to iwcura. ou aaiun. Warranto of dietrtea. when the amount of rant (Hatwiee soar art xM (tea as aauta. When th amount exceed 100. 50 eento. InenrtBc, Utrine, Inland and Fir Where tb eonsidoraUoa paid for tba insurance, in etak premium aotoa, er hath, -dose not exceed (10, Julio Hotohkim. d H H Htarkweetber. r Wllhsm H BtorBtan,'d BW BOSK. (. It SBaphaB Tabor, d 1 1 Daata Btraes, d Wm K Bobraana. d . Joaa Fob. d 1 John MorrieeV. d Tboma a wtwrt,KA Jobs W tmaadler, d Ja Brooke, d Fernanda Wet ooV d ti Ufa U Dnlsatann u Thoraa. H Vtit Wyek.Vl John M aetcBam. r . Anvil., u.. iion. . . John VLPrUTB d- Dtvld A Munn.r OHIO. iBeiitomJjayoyii now u Bcbeuck, r m iiawrenoe, r Wm Mungen, d Seeder W Clarke, r Hsrauol Sbellabtrger, r1 v o nuuiiuHl. r Ralph P Bnckiand. r Jamee V- Ashley. John T Wilson, r ft nailed Tan Tramp, A Oeorge W Morgan, d -n.ruu waiter, r Tobiaa A Fianai. r John A Bint ham, r ".Dnralm k Fubuiv a tlufaa 9 stnanlilinir r owmk. a uarneiu, 1 . ' nmiAaA. ! ' Wm E M i blank d Viehael C Kerr, d Morton O Hunter, r Wm B Holman A floorg W Julian! f v John ftebwrn. r ' t H W Wasbbflrn. r JoadloTa a Orth. r tehulTer OolfeB, r Jona t C Hbanka, r -, (tuiaora . . AtltrgeJ ALogtn, r 'wiaa a tfuoa, r " John P Warnewortb, r aana a rvaaaoaro, r leroko tleoon Moadty to April. July. Bep- emnar aaa ueoosnnar Clay Firat Mondty to AprU, July, Beptambar andDeosmber IJaaun laird Moaday la Jan aery, April, Jury and October Dtvldsoa8eoon Monday In February, Mty( August and November Davie Fourth Monday to Feb'ry, May, Au. gnstsno noremoer Edgeoamoe-d'ourth Monday to February, aav, x.uguat and November Franklin Second Monday in March, June asotambar and December Foreytho Third Monday in March, June, Bep- awwoeraoe tmeemoer Oataa Third Monday in February, May, An- fnat taa novemoer taranvia- Firat Moaday in February, May, Augnat and November Greeue Seooad Monday in February, My AaavaN and November Uuilford Third Moaday in February, May, August and November Gaatoa Fourth Mondty in February, Mty, Anraat and November Halifax Third Monday In March, June, Sep tember tad December Harnett Second Monday in March, June aantemher and December Haywood Firat Monday after the 4th Monday in April, uiy, neptemoer tna ueoemoer Hertford Fourth Mondty to February, Uay Augoat tod November Hyda-Neeoiid Monday in February, Mty, An euet tod November Henderson -Third Monday after tbe 4th Mop- lav tn April, July, nep temper ana Decern oer lreelU Third Monday to February, Mty, An rnHt and November Johnaton- Fonrib Monday til February,' Mty, Ainruat and November Jouea-Piflh Miasdey after the fourth Monday ti March tnd hVp'eiuber, and on tbe last Mon (Uvtn Jsnnurr tnd July . Jauksoar- Fourth Mouday to April, July, Sep tember aua iectniDer Leaatr Kirnl Monday in January Bad July, .au .mru .iwu.j in , ,,i i uwiaiiaa,iiai , i Linoolu Third Monday iu February, May, Au gust aaa novemBer . Martin Hecoud Mondty to January,,, April, juty and uoiooer McDowell Fourth Mondty after the Ath Moh- dty In February, May. Anguat and November Meukleaborg ftooond Monday- to Jaaaary April, July tnd October SaTlxa Madiaoa Foewth Uoodty tftet th 4th MB- ,Uf apni, July wptember aad Daosmbsr aiwneu ronrta Moadar March,, Jane, February, May, Ae- Merch, Ufa, when ah antoaat iaaawad Aaaa texsead ea thsasaad aollaru. at eenta. ExoMdine 11,000 tnd not exoseding 16,000, SO oto. Kxoseaing ta.vtn, i,ou. t 1mm mM aukna -na - " who baaja flavor of wit and fun In bia compo. aitioa. Tbe bardett thing to tret alontr with it .i. iu. 1. . - , . . 0 ... a " a bibb own aeil. A emeu, rjinan raifor, tieapoadinir And com. plaining fellow, a timid, care-bardeod man these ?afe all Doyn de&naod aa tbe Inalde. Their feet may Hot limp, bot their iraogiiwu av, BBaa.-ui turtuno, en th wruiaoi tua gTare, wouia gladly part With wvwij uuuar, a out eia b longer tease of jile. sflrt hav baea aaade bv Prnf I'W r ii of Boston. Prof. Oeuth, ef Pbilaitonhls, aad tha lata Prot Hauaaar. whl all lTjZl. tbi mining property of rraatlntrtn.. ..CT an aa man. Term Baada tnnain aai ak. A.. For rnrtaav HiAmu. 7. . ' A. a. iT ,; -B- vaawva, ... BO 8. BROWTI, Ma UI. Maltnaawa kU B.l.l. aiaytO-dsawAw . . Uf all tne gigbta , in Farla,' nona ii more curioua tnan the anail teller. Be trundle a targe ana anauow . hand cart through the atreeta, corned wiflt hnge itmils crawling all nvav tha .Ma aflk. .... . j . . k O .y . . .... Vav, who norcact tended, and boune on back. A. aloaen rtn be purchased lor the email mm nf I L Boott. of Graenaboro' ThwaaaaTUIa FeaxvaJa CMleg. THOUamiJ,K,tt fTuTB ANHGAX, OHM mifrvtrrm ns nm -a. iwwa wui tat place oa Widaeenaj and Thandty, the Ird and Athof Jobs. ..... VmAAmm .A If .-l L. . . . ay .. WedBaadav at U a' I V. tiant aout ; you c&n select them yourself, aad ear- ij iu. u a - j m b piper ng. I Bom; Peo ple eat t.,uuiaw,likeoyitere;otliere roast them ila savory herbs. Tbe beat Snaila coma worn iiurpunay la tbe auttimn, and are fsttonei on theyine laaTea. Thoae now eliiugarecfiUicred in erery ditch outside tba city, de etverti cemeteriei yielding the largest acr-i-t. .. j - v - Thnraday at U a'ctockddreas W VA. W. BootA. of Graenaboro': aad t niaki , i..- ."T -aarnma, fap fuU0 are. b D..BBTJTO, rraatoaat. ritod to auaad. TAAA.li.; OMocaaiiMa. ' P .. -if H r -A" OorTe Sncar, Oat Loaf angar, ?l fHdJaT. Odea 1 Iavguira Coffee, kU Co. Btock Pepper, Alavoe, Clovra, Mara, Kntmegs. Oround Cinnamon. I BROWN -Jtotoigb, April U4f . With Hart A Uwi, CUANGE Off ftCUElWLF. . JUUU08 AST0S JtAlLBOADjCff., -4 i - , pvjaaAfltnnAjsJTi ayrrit., aietgu a c , May roth, lnS. On aaef after Mr BTtth tttox Tpans'i on the kaleigh A Gaatoa Railroad, aa follow! ; t Mail Train leaved El1h. . . ,.r iS A. M. Arrives at Weldoa . .,.TV . ....'JtO KMT' aiati iraia teavee natiloa. JU,.' A.M. Arrives at Baleigh.,..,.i." A.15 P, Mi 'i ISW.hA Train L.T Tt jt.f.X " " 1 l IT ITut sua Train .make "TTTi irtyif Bina t '' with all poiuto Norti and SootR. "TTiU sax ai-l da aot aaand Kpee .aaaat. 60 , Jbtoaedtog 3ti0, for each additioaal taOO, or fractional Dart thereof, hi exceaa of tsno. aoaaaia JVFerpatual, aubtoct to stamp duty aa a oonvey- tUeoee. ef guarsnty af psymsat of rant tootar- Doratea or einejrwa, are eeout aodllleoai. Mcasuren' Betnm, If for quantity aot elosed- 'tagame thcienau ha ah eta, M eeata. , . , JtaMOAv A.0UM oaahela, at eanta, j . MortetK. truet deed, bill of sales. nr Wa.J Baaaaaja) aeua, lor srery addiUnBal tSOa, " """-' i aw at saw, W rwaa a vaaou a cania Pawage Ticket frota the United Mate tots m. eBTAvxdtof lot ba A-A- .'11x11.1 ma . u . OTAaAuwaairTrf ' . j. - rrj. "acvnaj pan 1 vvii-B f ii i a -T..:j .av . a tvn ai.wvuaik..A. a - ..... . CarrinT Hulburd. r Jam. M Merrill, r Wm 0 Field, r Addison H Lslin, r Ala. u . John C Churchilir r . Dania Moflarthv. r ' it n -711 -wm 'i Wm HKalaaT 1 ''Au' tr a I. i. . 1 HtmlltoB Ward, r ' Lawi. Serve, r , Burt Van Hort.r " Jamee M Murphy, d tteury vat xaraam, r rn. it. 1.1. a- auaa v" ' T Mi Uba BtiUreavaa. dT Joha HilL r . . . (0AHlaJ4.Vr,, - rxsKrrLvaaia..,A oamaei awiKUtt, OhaaO'N.ilLr Leonard Myers, r wm v aeni September aad December Nash Second Monday ta gnat and November ,.. New ITanover WaennJ tfnaj.4 I June, September and December """Ptrirat Mooday i. March, June, Senteniher and December ' '' Onslow Firat Mondav h tf.k r . o. Itamkaaarul r urange rourth Moodty la Febraarv Mt Anguat aad November faaonotank-u afnna. ,i ar . . 8ptember and December ' " """' rraquimana second Mondav in Fahrnar. I M.. . . J T. . . f it i iPeiraoo-Third Mondav in tr...k r Uaihar ann lkwr.ka. ' "r tnNBtr,ndVto F.V.AAW uVt?? aloBday after th fourth Moaday to February, May, Anraat sad Novembw An, ttaadolpUFirat Monday to February, May. EbXc Iturertolr" 1 ' ' BartbuOOeokr elbTMCalinr'i HA ttjewisw Itoaa.d a , h.n A uhh a damsel R Marshall, t 3reen B Banm, ii ' VerqBSSs!. tnstia Blair, W .. thos W Ferrv. a ' ft ETrowbridce.r tiaiini a Am i miAlti r ,, treat A" If 'JJstiAJal, AT. fla....a flAt a. " has A Eidndael d PhiletoeSawver.r ' CCWaahburn r nguet nd November J.t7&toW m . ' Rowaa First Moadav in rh u. (tut and BoTember " Bobeaon Forrth Mooday In Pebruarv MaT August tnd November ' f"Dnw,7 Mty. Mr.ngtrandpKbir,dv fa iinerrord-ihird Monday aftor tb Ah at agaat and' November- .. TTi' Stoke Third Mnda in If'a. tember and Dseembsr ' gua-Kbtr00'' y,b- BtaalT Third Mondav to W . w vaat aad November - , 7. Tvrreil Foorth Monda. 1. r 1 . JnandOctobtf ' !. Transvlvarris gecntid Mruta. -a it. a , dprtt, July, Sepuibr anTlJe Ostoa First Mondav ia J..n. 'a1 and October ' " Msy Watauga Seven I h Men say aftar tka ath tf. , Wayaa-Third Monday la iVbcoarr.alavTAn. gnat snd November -rwaapvia, . b'""" MmJm Mara, Wvm Pijst Monday 'tL 'ilTZ. Bareh and hrmiJr Wto 4th MaA. . ' Oreen -Second Mooday afta. v la March and swstoBABa? "f Lenoir Third Mondav afi u. ' ' ' ia March anoptem4 tW. OrtveB-Fowrtn Monday aft- ,k. , day to March sad -aptamher lo". UoL1 jAmas-WedAieaaWiaAr, . after th. fourTkli ood.S llll'T' ? Meat. Oodow-ixtb Hood ftPX ia March aod SepteaZr Cartoret Saveath Moadw. . "srif. -'rch and Su Bar, Betufort-Eigth MoBuTvYfi . . a aWBLBJBtkt aJ a A 1 UM SUA Lf - , - r-a"J-u-7 - ay-: i March d hpiembVTT ! ' .?r-rli Monday IfWla, 7 ' . ib atarcti end Haf.temWr l". ''!y ' -a, yrm -etlKwSfJ ' - - i Haataaah! ,1 ii ajji..,1 ". aat Naah-Tbird MoBdtv in At aav .I,' JnktiaAa.' w . aaa BdI . to MtrchdtomtrV Halifai-rowtk Moadty after the'etk w ' to March sad September 7T , ' " NorUiamptoB-FifUi . Mondtw alia. a. Monday In March and Beptember - wuurr. Pirt kondty ta - J-i Jff -a "" ' toil.. Umber11-1'"'4 aal bp B-ndolphrth M.Hid.yl.Bardny' idaoo--First Monda7Xb'uTAt ia Marc), Md Hrp tern her '-w "J toF.hC.vtoto MtSttmb toTpim ." j-lliminoJ".E"'n"1 ttoaday after laatttla. dsytn Marcb and September rnrra omccj:" i-! k.fi?.L.tT',J",i,'T preceding tbaVaBduasi before the lest Uoiday In FebVaary .3 J3 Au;tti PoatUaaird Mooay la Manh ens 6a . "-rrrth Mondav to Afarek aei 8? VaSS. ftr thetU Boaalyb Aftrch and September - ,i -. 1 . OD'b"r-6?d "" tiUritotUilte otyiB Afsrch tnd September .y nmAroaaud8n i T toanfs vamoariana Hevanlh Otanvnie tember Mondty to MarcTanTnepSXr' Mon day after tto n aum ciBccrr PArieFonrth AfmdMrln .kU.. iadkin-it Miiaday aft the tt. MnaJa February snd An-n.t 7 ' U ) Burn Ma M Af,.j a n . ... .. . . febniarv and aT woaatr toFebaft. utVetTard & the fcnrti . ui rrzSr.i n ib. ttk k-to FeorXvT't aft .h. 4 bortol thftTnJaTT-;,'Jtk.-M arcAtyV d. i w.kT. -""WJ after las ta A T r..! "nguat toF.bLTAlT ' li-,?,-r toJWw.trym.la; -rli., . , 7 . s-w uueav sW AF aFaWtAss! y art toCFr?B Peayp' i.-i' Mooday after th til U d.. 1. "! "onoay titer u as ar TSJi"""T.anaAugBaM-v-i . All persona having ( lata- or dessAiida par abl undv the erdar of Wak. Uurt at aaTaitVlnad. at Spring term, U6e, to the A4towiag caasea, vis: EUaa 4 happen to at, . K. ... ttteiaWat Adaua iatraOT,dBMAasBSa. Moda of ai. se, wTo aiaana ainia 1 aa laai.s iAaoa aa uaniai Seartanroagh Adm'u F. 1- Hsvarond af at na M. OorutaB. Adm.a'U: Thoa B. Wapaaaee..Kidui "ergs, Aarnv , Aya Taoa, . iicuaua s,Caani dy laawa, Ada a.. aii d Jbav Wiiaineat ai a. tAch-J to da sa.vbe- party for whoa it to mada. au: ard P. Finch, Adai'r. Arw mt l.-ara Botiaad to ufIDe0, " -i- af Bead aftor th. mi , uul . V. ' . . llllk nl Jala UAA ,iul aaj ,k. . . , .(ala aaaaf If ;, .."'iioV eavvDit Tim. .,,..' ' uanMas MlSAnat iTM. - . ."awim toap! naay be aasd todtosrimtostet waawa iataaiiHi or taugs aua iBanted ia Schedule B., eipt proprietary tnd playing card iLT aapecaai w nas ceaa pronoad unaKvananvnajaa-ii waasi WBSA! the Actr oharseabie ca inatniinaaAa It ia the duty of the maker of aa inata-amaat a. affix tod cancel th atama thereon. 1 he an. tana. ' ana,Buty tfta Ak. "a eaij, taoa, son aaea vntoout stamp, it Aanhnl atHuaaaauln Waa -J - . . . a T Wm WlDtirsaaa r faaaa. V'iUon, r gnat and Nowiathw Wllkes-pirst MoBxmy'la P.1p4.iV'! ir.2 ,"kL' bat"., v '.-- HJWf V'atont, 11. t -Ai """" aawa any aa a aaa. 1BBB, aaa as preeent LT:V' "" " awunpea.. nr en that day at toe oUtlgqf eatadriwi f ebe jauaf the saaW of aa to.tr.- 11 f.' T aV' tl rrtngi rtr furl. 'I saTa) t)ljsm.llaaaTila3v) A-.ke.-. rZZZ.'-., I 1 prne Bhaa writ, tib t uiwvais baiu CfOmmiaai on arCIlAiilA. J tieatlou, Ae., ta watch iacgra si , Catob M Tailor r. Zl nea ryer o-T-'V-AtoMBroaaatCr,--, rno x uts, a . , p v fnaod.aa fteveaaV-f a-1 nanry x, uaae, f a-i, David M Vaa Auken. A Geo W Woodward, d 7 TTlanaa. Mam.. ' tMorge w miter, f 1 J Groeebrenner. 8' ' Wa H Koonta, r Daatol J MorralL r Samnal V Wilana a (lUanl W Sa.A.IJ .WV JasKMnrehead r Thoatsa Wil itsaa. r . Go T Lrimoe,ri tnurtti. Jnly aad Ooaobar -. HiramPrina. ' 1 .i'.ajoodty to JtnunrE. Anrfl Jnl. miii. . fl 1 snn ucsopar -a - 1 .3 Swesws M Oodg.r --r aaa 4eoamBer . tajahel W Hnbbtrd... rT rraotrat ve-1 JayluASsaBrm air . i prraaeversllyrequirsstomi - a .11 w B-nai m ratreh Ti Yet rettaa. tremptly'aurlf'. ' Jao. O, Waiiaaia A CaJ aj fik;.J naniiiin, nana, xusrtya, tlfVi y ai.ani im myrtA 1. ax.- " ' uarafaa 1 111 ii Ina 1 III I alan nil I EKTIWEI OlltnR at Ov&rmsmn isii cm oa cotnrTBT, aaaartng KhannV i:u,a. . a, rna-tahli.1 !'. . i v I aaat A I - CaVRDS.' BOOKft.' PAMPHT TT jj i orotherpnntiiit doM.wmstess. Mud tofbeb arneTB. ' ' -- .t 1 aeyvrui re nit r ekeewed ana aon pitjmbrjy. tod oa th. lowest term.- - ,-a ia r "I1 W emeot eoon to have nan nLaa aaaHU th oaceaaerr ma tart at tn avaenta tka vZ3i- -a ear artonda m every eraxaasof Job ivtntma " fcpA. -44 Wjl. . PBIaW Proartotor. I1SW 1BTBB . . , 7 StatMbyikhr a-eee, at thearWinaJ SAnaL ...... Writ of scire facia are abieaa ta atama aa orig aal prooaaa.' a . : h f " The inrat of an .(BdavH. fatheav kwenre a JaaHce ef thsPaaos Notary lUxi, or other aftWdah tnthoriaed to take affldarila. Is held to be a ear. trfteate, Bad fa aahjeot to a stoma dntv n a saespt wrnwt taaea ax artato ef atgal pr. I ' u HnbOard, m wnica tasre aaaa appear I TUS 1 )wAfry. r moae; 10 he paid an aeataad ar at aav tiaes daalaw I L Trim bia. . natad aaa JUulal A. A-T-Tf v. I u,. T nZ.' Joha A Nicboame, d ABTUKB Hiram McCuHock. ' Stevenana Arehee A i fi Chts 1 Pbaipu, A Franei! iThnaiaa, I sraoenca oaoaa, r a' Sore. The saalgBiirwit of a mortgage to snbjaet to the M Proc aaadomaatha hawoaed. s aa aalairaU h j trumeat the Prootor laott, d '.d that to to T, for earn sam aa fwa I Tboaata L Jonas. A,Z, kraay fraooxiaial pnrt tWaof, af i"" a-ad bv tha eanrtra at A,T Zj 1 0'.l M Ao.. a) ita sasignmsnt, thsrs maat be afliiad a stasta or I D To,nr. d T fJr atamna. danntlna a dntv nT Sva. aaaa " I am.. Whea two Or ator person tote to the rtts I bsdney Clarke, r or aa instrument, tha atamim aa arkla tki. i I itaaaaaai strums nt Utbto, ander the tow, stay be .IB aad 1 Roderick KBatiar. aadtatiataltvdbyeaaaftBSBartrsB, - - ayjottamlllid Wat A Til. . Oli. Atewobmb-,r na B IBCiJinasns .1 ... . . ' an. ai.rraTWuysT oe W MoUurg NUMBER . t f TO BobtT VaaHoraV I -f . I a iBen F tan oaa rrenjtmla.r George W Andrsonf WKBAAaSA Joha Trade, r mJ fMA'sr wmnei ts Axfed wuuama nigby, a la- l JohoaoalJ' " mm,, i ' HuruaTralk.ry, r " Otarn M OhihisouV ABinmrt; tf Ctdw Baabrnrd r ' -sons; iiti i Walter A Burieia-h a i t- - aasna DHolbrtmh d ui BHBTUBa. Ot .POl'DI rf"?,u'F.-i batraiaaj KheUedIror',-.-?V'-' W Corn oh (tbe Oob : va lvrtrfj PfUBda v,x on . do ' !" .- . na ! " -31 nr ' '"" 'tl .t!i!!g)' sHAi Of Bar?'"" ''''' jda. of PnA.Ia' rs-i.vi f.-i-'' , ao . flj Brsw iv . YVrn'.'.'al K7. .' ! " ' " 7 So'-' Of aaer Mt . Utt.ii,i; S , ""BaA.'.f.'.'i 'i' '-li?a at. : if ry . . at Af.Vt apvaj -WSgaajtlij 8? wSSiZSZT- " Of Dried Anptoe7r?.;!S ' do Ti t"- f i'l i f aVT.a. J.a. .v aa a a Ba- 1 to toFeti-Ur8iA'k. M,mAxr aftor tl-ta-Jausj '"bruary and Aagust . fltlir a-ai--a ' l.L aV. . r t , aiaoar alter as. aa aw dtylB.ebrBsryaBdoW-fV-'.A i- anL a.,10,,T"- etuotrrr. , - ! rk , . d,J " April tnd feptesilai " ir"Tr?atwn SToaoeyB sprvaneaw aaaSS?T"rl;lrd M.o-ftoAprii eod tVisaato , Jaokaou-ruorti, J,lwday UApril aaa ee-aw . Htyiroodi Viral avZ.a.. .'' Ika maay w April aad BanAamhaa- - lYanavl.... . u I . . . .u. I. a.-, . . p ajavmiei AToaaav Wfhw aw AT'SXtty IB Anrfl and Maniaa.kaa tuud iaj AA..1.. UVa Alt BB- ,rtn A .'i a i . . . "fa ..au reptenipnr . . . , j MidmoB-Fourth Monday after tin k day ia April and Sessthr ' - laooavFifth Monday aftsg tb foarti to in Aprd and September Jr.A.k.11 U..L 1. i . A Jk . mmi AvuBuay arssr aaa a. -April and gepaembar Bnnoonibe Keveath Ar.mda aftar th fi Aseti and Nepi.uhsr, eoutinaed ta wwU, VTIIE TPEEKLT Sl-t. THE ClBCULATtOV OF THE "WK SUN," slwtvs very Itrgs, aa. of h . k. hIUA aaia. taa " ,i. Sreaaed that it tnay ba called anivenati aheddina ila lien, AaraJt ta alt aalKK?. East, bou I h ami West. IU intrreoarw i" " Mouth, whi.-k was naoaeaartly inti rnipi.-. tbe war, baa beea agaiu laauaii d. as th ea dcBeea of publie apprecislKie from that eat" ar muliip ymgevery day. When Bisjea! " are put forth, as to tha vWeekiy e." " tbe demand for a reuabt weekly Ivwd of" wad aw aatertatotog veMela ai hht bfrtim which, while it instruct and pi usees, aiaw ttoto vh-tue as weU aa intellieeaes ami "" r erTlxaeaf aa imps and tmevwsi "T"m mcneenng to receive uca viieaKw r- . tppraoiatiaa as are coming to as frost f" the coaatty. rt 3 a,,j o . ' ruiia or rPBScBirrtox. ffimt ftoir .1 pebliabed rven nam , iTha1 oij h toe aaiinniif TE0Rnia;7 a - .,.,. I. aa alnk. a-k.a aaal IVraB " ' B BS tBBina- oa.- ThesBtaxey, to all mna, 1868. a": ajaaXia. anmoo, f a ft PCtorer.d (ooBtosAed) ,r " 1 maa. - I lattor.r Wmtt Hooper, J -t;t . viARianm. Alvia Flandera. r" I I i arroarian - Jtmee 8 CaawsMaJV 1 RrniaiTfiin,,. - (Without riakl rVaa. " I . , KapaWicaria. 145." rjkax- graia ana Ivobsbttb. aiaaa,nnjijr WM rrgin;a raatofa, -t orj. 1 "Afflil Tr.f .A:-.,l Ol f rf 1 ..MAaaaa't-f .a A... . . FllMHARHIVXIa-agsCGGYKATEM KklArt Rinaa D . L Vl i . M a . . v- . a "--! '-p-a-a, .uiiaava nnans naot, fag Arm I barb patant a.ia. - xi.,.a ri., j Itaada. Hilvar InavA J.a.. .a Maiia al aT-.l- r - Si "fi ?ci!t A 1,eCUps aad Felloe Hates. Jiptsese .ad Plated KnntU- rV... V r" . - J Whip Sockets. Wood turrupa, Bugpr Hi nnga, J. btiOViN, With Hart A Lewis. -Btletgh, April A-tf ABOTHEK LOT OF CAK1TFD PEACHES. , " Jatorseeived bv ' advtBcaur . A ,' ?. ':. Ft 6m aon for one rear C hah of ai ooptae. aaa year........ Clab of twelve copies one year.... Clnb of afteea eopiea, en year. .... Chsbof trass aaaaasa, on year. . Pink af Aa.aaat.-Saa ., a. na eST- PnetaaaterT will alwave set at "' ana to tha aevgbberbnad ef their rrt cas, sad forward orders ead eeah im" J alar amboritv of the DenartnaMit , taads to awwHtng snba-rrpueo. by so area. ... , -, a ABLLb a kl Poa offioa order. . bsaiH . 'ijb, Inn Building, Baltu-e. 'alrPobliaW. f Newapapers aWir saaaigifnr w.k taa un' lai.r.) ; "J,, . niested tm araaarting tneeboa!'-ro m Oie amount of dinVreoos is ex-hr. atoned ea ear deilv hat for 00 year. mtrkad ry af paper sostavusg April Mf JX)UQLA3 BHA. ' r