. .' - WlaMBMaSBWSWaaaa Th lain ii ssrAihsd war- , tb adliniag m ' Aw. M . .! AU ... ....A, Owe er,. ........................... btsafeweaAlytleatteal jlMWtl, WmMt'ImUM, Bersr......-- , - ax months. ... im tjt ..... TIIE 8EJTTINEL. vriuA m, rtt si atojt gales, coxtJ&s&mditit t&rioa. Om totamDhieMViM Murder lag, a w expctd, gafwtb lataJiigeae f th' rfaftrbs. rIdmlt- tug rth CaroUaa, wltti otber Btate, KBrssfajlsfTrm' ttbic4UBM' uiiwnilrtiurr y - w timiamtmi !, '' dent dViirt Bibb -Wdrtf apoa kxm bw point, MUirtft4i4 U7r llma-IA olezibi matasjavsia -wit hh fntm ?hrWgUWr eiauas, sbA -tlUrgw'iswfcWII,, ijiiul bweawthina iPreidewtbaw"ld abandoned Um blab croundh baa berfto- for ataud; la1 regard to tb pUa of Coa timinM rTtrt-n-"-n- ' "A" J Within a (hurt tlmj, tbftaftirefr easy exnafli th inauirtmttua. of tb mew diipeo- -jpm Stat. M .Ulnar tk JthMvj i'tteajwdialeo: dreMleav rjpoa pmp"mxrpKm lbiwdt iatBtL'kkiiMMW twdarof Tkoe who Ijf'tba privipL of Aba now :Cowtt wtwwj w toflMort VaoaMbtaslcibrLaa bjgttJnaAla-Jww ndvrti',o dBkJ&M po wkasfck wa, aaWteiw. d UIta4telW ' in1er iia!landof iM Vatulu of thi eiwinlaaUpi to aadara, wtuULtbtx aonlt 'Tb ltttliMtfent ttMrt 6tft bVttf fbd cvpfUMfgen Md .acaUiwagt,! Jtha4 ithi afauattbem,'-tbat tarn ka-MDt "npoi 'iHgS.n tbal any of ttMw'irciw ttvf. Utgraliff Malica agawit iavdivWhal r otJ - .d pitbiC;;aad.w o: Madatieti, Tiro Mil yftg M!hkM ' wmy'xr w-w fTaaya arv ajTK1 VHiBrn F mfiiffli$&&itifi Wb?aiVaWimiTm4.F4H.tat.in We haa no douW, rtd, MM doMilm;' ' tb sooner aad tba bob oartalaVjaat aa. pa i jomo&Mt' WH:dicaU ara Tindrefl ' ' domlooerf grjra;ljjbWr."ao'ri Tba eol pMaibl tflwHIWfalltPj f maiataia ltaell in tula state, u uy tbe nf bf ArwIaaeViajM itWrirf,'fe' Ibe opponent,rwi(,Jbjtj )kVhib J P9M ability tad dlpo.jlt t WrrN;bj(fea ,.Md Ula pMnwill pfltiJaajiajiait Jpod tiom of the panlewu rwtMklrVvabnrA wilfoatr n'rlnW and ,sta j t 4 to Radlcabain in tUrbtetaw. ui.,ii i.i atma " tiw "in ww t a. . ...... , ... 1 . li . -A I.nr wwn.f, STWomn is a Komi as me i frith" Wm. to h. th. moUo ol tlioaa erelsi ' :- ..'-.-t r - - I 1 tana wbo an conataallyawdeafonns to liUT.VT:" Tt.rT" rj","' WF.H- . I. , ?"Tra' j I I flame the mip4 pt .CWgre(,Atbttf ptoeftbdNmbalatbatrnehltaiianlly aaedla tbe manufacture ot white paini), dfft'asWulKtalUf 'aod. mtWowuatorlk wondum (used for'pirttalilrig prefibu. MiJ,ii .1 ... , J IHtooe aod ntaubinerr) arid black oxrdt nt of parsooaOakrfaW "!bw"..oltnBljlm.Btfl . . . ,.'.. a(at afcortBa,11nly qalU4 x.ti I I " -" -rT" i mean, malerolcnt, degradedtpd cowardly T plrlt vBWlf pfompU ibtai.' Tb eoatemb- L U tMifl. Tb coatemp- tibkUoa,0fikvader4,-aad it may. be aditod. U IVdlti af .the North ara Jaeoliins t gulp down (heir lies, bo , ever' laistrimi 'or-'BTObsTrtiwi.TntoT.u WBole crew to tba togvaaj.aeaanea a absir iataftate.tjr? JT.tben ba rtiMi taU c ithtag f4Ui . JtofWW jiVMPg JSRi7Mj?PalTH rh oocairenoea of - tfmttu, so H lateac aaa us ao wa , ahaipsawioaa (bay w XosNSorr or Paris, burs pnasioa. ;?toMktij$Hj M tW.,MHntoW&W&$Sfit tb Pari or tary tyrannle in tb Sowtsv rtai limit to) ieVw rMirrtinfng the earns B t Jvjt.iMu! 4. XmdJ&:WJ!tm; imi tells VW.S5 fin WaSvVr Us f T-trVtoctt . tb wwmlng, fifty miles flfff S kfllirriPtl JWflV WHJff"11 aWamNaw York be read aa account of tba tary govsBtawpaitmite of tb Booth t WrWlTrNI lafUVJltBvaalldutlot io allowing such tbingaond ar. tbewfo ".PWWllttf WIoUMM'?1?f'"'lTi- Truly, we live in aa Mt actoaa mmuMft ut xoppreastoa abdlag of aurrelloia achiewmeat. . rniu . iMhutm I . Tb i truOtJ, that llMjMli haU f guilty eoaacieiicca. TbeUkdiltur.fhev BMcpmE-vianws"wiw iiiianniiora , wiu sii awrta of borrora. ;n r I - ' DtTBrHflTtra WiK. ririint "was'Tlrat'iw ' iaatloa fol .b i'rWl.lacy. H tepfled ba did not know anyleiusg.aBew fwritlcat abowt tbom : thaaahaam w ' am war . j -.- i-mjk .fcj T 1 1 itptn-tp gut (ULIM IWJfeat JsjaaujI " - - ' inienuou. to-run iot mayor tj, wl TttkiMatm fcr aiovernor ol VlrgiBia, bi about order to faavsx a iumamim frc hla houi to tllf 'roffloa." Draiia. lb another objart, la riew.-tb. recoil n unic!Pal erdinftot ftaW Wn I .TentiogastT V tb strand tb way Uaim vwtad th other sUyr-bdw i ever, Cray wctaiiVeiiftoaJW, '" 1 "a'1 is tir- Dtia..inUM.. .H.. W . a.r Trm prVATrra Lii!tttmw-tf cct '04' iaiia ia to tlwtituU f a Joral u4obm tomakeaxamwatioo and report, "on .and came, that a CtmeraJ O'Ip ha irncd by th Dijitik t Commander, -calling 'tot the jKwt-oflke adJreai, fy. i i ben. - .;..", . UrMUfUJUMCM. Tb ba aaMlibegteAUesfallj ul araaiatwl aawl fapU t t rprii4 o( IhM aga ami "v j f Vt bl' tba aggnyat fimimt X tfia-ua&aocaXo'm paaka ui tba Ualted Sutea bow aicead wtnl baadrad aiUlioan, aad tba u anal tai for "laaoraaoa apoa tba people of tba Uaitad Btaica anaia tba aaaoal tat of tba foreraauat fat rartnoa. Wbara towpiaia mt pnpar priadpjptfcfe artjajl lagitimato Uot faetaatioaa of 'Jaalth la tbla eoaatrj, va2b doty, aad a Deoeaajtj,, to grmy wbo baa tba mpoaaiUUttai oi a fatuity or other dapaadaata, whs nay bi redoed 'to wat THJiaiM'j ... aXbaaVH wWfabal ga by tba Vai( CpiR1H'wbtAiM aS monc M. aiaea tba war. Tba baaiaeaa baa faer&U UbrU 'iir'lb Campmie hart V gobd tHatiALr (oitnM ud reliability 4mmI mm 4 ar eillaeni ban beeX 'pAmaimytjpiM IgaoU. Wr bayc beard it tatimatad fbat 1,000,00 are premloas of life Id taraaoa, aaoatef wbieb i aent out ol tbe State, to baJeiMabtflaj)SaaerTaLi in Ibe Per nawlera axiU obaama) tbat amtice liu beega,ak oreVtliatiAa, bA apKdaiiua Will be ma'leeo"aW-pa;lilog Oeiieril Aaasmblf fofcbaiteflfMfitba JNvrtli Cr., Jiff Ht-mwt"9tl. Trr eVaXpaatu Tb kka.il M atlatirtM ow, aad tb pjjiDipl yit KlcJj U ia)rupoe to operate will couimrnd .. tbe Urur aMe bMaWMraMiMi af the peaf Manj of jar ntoet bj(aaUal'i'i!MM wilt doabtltu eopMet thenaefv with tbe q UrprUe. Up ta tba haBiaaing of tbe wacilut LUa Iaia- 1 ?! Hutaal Fire Insurance Pasipaniet of thi Blymef flUyyffa , Tbeir re aponalbUUT waa andoabtad and tbeir buii MU ktMunjHxUlktiDgt It tbe result of tbe war proTadiaXai to Jbpm, tbey oaj tahaaea tha-tatiflrtBeaof ll atbara affected tbaabataielMdwbea tlmilaT ioaUtatiuna 0m&fflttft.W1k,M '.tMed upon abd"poajaiblity and eeadueltJ 4ablaBSaVeBMBBaV "WfiftrttrWtfpjfl yfeia tbeniaelTes arasaijt la'.'aaeot- oi auraskig County Agri- SyHWitfWWfJ to tb forma. i.akme Btaft 8iatety) ajsdJa Oluba la apaJ?W'I)titnct;ibr tte promotion of Avagriewtttiral, mechsnioal, maaatactu- ringaadcqniHiarpiiJ Mmataof tb County a4,ta.IbJa lecstaary it bat this ball bjOjil aatfodf kept moTiog, tfntil tba tmDortani daslaa aball be carried out W.MIwrXNaf'U Htfokt' gentlemen tbrogaod( tbWCtfuwtf, b feel nterea(ed Ui poiitj lijavav tberrt aaaaaa t tb Btnlintl aOoay piaaaiMtiaa t tbcll nf a Nobth C4KoLi'frH8Mja7he Bdi M1MHmmra bare wen, oftoe'Vf'Col. K. D. Hall, a nurutwr oi tpecitteMM.nriaMia J(tb i'arohaa jaine- rali and preuioui atoora, ciHretert by ' Mr. Jao. IaauerMtlBillielaMattie of Gaston and IMiMrV wsxl byJ hiavaiwscwtad trCo! mrm rSritt'.ys r . wVay tBS speeiuana WW Doticei following prcclotll stouis : Amethyst peMtiB.TBtiW beryl fideBtlcar- wltl 0Afcbtf ikespclrins w to1lce! tbe Tproiwu - rBwig," ueiyi Tiaennrar Willi lie I li I 1 1 . . . I! . VI . mmrinifii, sjiiu la auana. lazanut ana cnai- oedony, Tbera were also garneU (Iwtb kUMdo'.UI .i.A.t '..,..V-.-. ... Pr v7t' "Par, argeniiierous galena, speouUrlron ore. suluhete of Iwrrtea (lir HYiniT liiirnnana in t na luanvrin im n abaetiova aodoilieoas.") Theae IfM Wfaimw, ya, )ie Jburaof, LW r saflicient to tcstifrb rich Una is la mineral wealth. alth. We trwHtbay bBt fhr distant liaa (liar prodoctlv and rich natural: tavea mTl' be t9Ur.Wlatea and developed. A a Ht WiB.'4rwti dlB-tb mora race; ok Grand Prix da Paris, before the M and tSnlr cpis in VMoi IMittMt Looiaiaut i negrtv.' " . a . Th NeWYrtrk Citiitn ssti "there h not a liflgla BrTodplo dear to constitutional liberty th fiadtoat hare nut be vkdaaing, and wikat-xesse, aiac tba wloaa of tb warr'nittlttiotUed, tb extretn ease of tbta Jr&Hr ooJUyr, aid tb eitrem action ot Ues.itlia.cirrd tiUaBuktbauiat Wp4 of Oh North wake ap wad taalice ttrttb1atJtetigaof tberr liberty' ar hbhj usimbuis iTTmnny can d cruaueo, aaa iiaiBaa ait BBSs, just at us point to which H aaa aw ilait ta ! 1 1 nli ii lrZr, " i . I l ' a i i 04 Tim ertg, H waa Colonei oi IrglaU (Wafoarat)' Safaatry. , Po aTrmT ' p.momtV cUUat. fc, Liebfeuarrt ,feovv 4Tnot,Alo served ia tb Ckjafdrat Vmy. aaa ""s1" wBrat, ooiBBVBBded at 0BtimthBrr-wall rjrigad.- fti - .7ir. rR.ui tZrTTu uiooasM uworea empioyea jb lactones. noraily of low condition, IgnorAsft ia. many caan pi men awm afea,-. oeprlTea, la aMat tsar oa altoirsabor. of tb aabai Drtv- llegM which, tb iw- rfjira. jAf dtatalrt taaattac weVLUMa l(ooj4Aab 4riiluB tbU0 P., Moat. Patina M tailed V ft f.Utr, - w. u. naaaau an n.a.iw H aMted to aat a SeereeaHea; -VTIJLrblaaa aaatflj al et tbe BMetlac to be to appoiat-Ue to repreaeat tbia Coogreaautaal Diatnct tbe HaUoatal DeeaueratM i)oaTeatiaBt to h klt W Vrlr Irl. ..t 11. "oen. T. L. Cliogmtn; 'btU fJreoaii 1 ImA m auul iak a mhjorL. aVaal n.Liiri.lii I speech, Brged (Ue people to lay aside all former part ptttaiUoas aa bjutrte with the Democratic nartT at tbe North tbe on ly party aaw oaganharl fbwni JuKdi re tor. at loo of tbe Bouiuera people to tbeir Coo sUtaiional rurbta aad liberties to defeat tub JUdldal party m Db;Aid(Ual tfccrl Uon next rail. He deprecated tbe idea ot creating dissensions at tbe South by tonning a tblra partyn tfi wall apd AaVf pnin portant reasons, based, mainly, on opiwm tion to, or preference for, party names. Tbe Democratic party at tbe North proposes to put tbe Bontbera white people on equality with tbe Northern white people, in the Upton, and to that party aJqna . Me) tb Booth now look for relict from the opprea sion and degradation wblcii ' the Kadibal party is sow iorcisg upon tbeat, m Oen. Cllogmsn was followed by fi. W. Womllln, E .Cspt. N. Kelsey,' Col.' W. U. Cocke s od Owl. li. Cntemaa, wll 1 f t hem urging tbe busily , OrVpeTation ol the Southern people witb tb Northern Demo cratic party, for the restoration ol our euun try to peace and prosperity under a sound Constitutional Oomament Tb'ee' gMl uhsi repnwesiUd iha obi. lis Whig ami fid line Democratic parries of ferener aas) bap pier days, as wetf as b extremw VtrtM bJj Sectsiion men of Ulb r dsys ; bd tbej ajejtj are our country from M't anarchy ruin wuicu must result Irom tbe present fx.licy (ouiaideof fchi Jont)taioa) oltbe IUilical party. The patriotic aentiiuauts uttered bytbecgfniemesbVhar beeu beard try every honest white man an J wo. man in tba country, and ceruialy iliuaired a larger ndiDe than waa in Mkadanc-B.,, Capt. Eebtey then Introduced tbe follow ing reaolutHras, whch Wr, upaoimcuily adopted : Tbe delegates chosen from waiter o 1 the seventh (''ooKreasional District, lor the pur pose of appointing delegate to the Nation al Demecretlc Convention, to be held in tie city of New York, on the 4tb day ol July next, being met in Convention, according to previous notice, at Asheville, ou lb iSOtb ol Msy, A. I)., l&oo, lo ' , Rmoltt, That It is expediuBt that aba Deraocrata'and Ooniervativea of this 1 0i gressional District be represented iif tbe s4 National Democratic Convention. . , Setoletd, That the exigencies of , tbe American people, of a!t sections, demand tbe beat efforts of patriotism to save Coosti- lUHWH.uuwij, BHJW ID lUJUUUeDt peril from tbe assaults f Radical ltepublksanaua and to this end, ill patrioU, of whatsoever former political opinions, shouW,,rsJ)y to gether, vrith uniied htarta a efforts. fol4d, Tbat wa joyfully congratulate our countrymen, on the defeat of.tha Arti clesef Impeachment against tbe President oi iue unuao otawa ( aaa bbb h as a Har binger of hope that there it still left suffici ent pablic virtue lq thaoritr tO,treaafte lU Constitution and the liberties of the peo ple. . ij .1 t On motion, tb neetins proceeded to elect twa dele'gatesv tjepreaent tiUU Con gressional Distrjct in lb Democratic Con VAflltir.n ftn l-M' liirt m r.tv nt N.a York, qn tba 4th, of July next ; and in case of tkelr-inaiilit to atfendAaidrCoifvtniUi, two alternate be also chosen by this i ... . . log. r Hereupon Mr. It. O. A. Love. l HsvwoocL nominat ed ft hfoDi Tat, f Burka, 4a h' rtelrgaie, witb J. W. Wilson. Ins alternate. Capt. Kulney, ot MaiHaao.Bominated Hon. T. I Clingmap, as delegate, and , Col. W at, Cocke, his alterpaln. , V , Tbeao BiiaiDatiouaweruutanisusiy con firmed. . A .1 : . Althongb tbe meeting wsi 1 tint so largo . as was expected, it ws composed ol lead-; ing reprcsentetiv men of the District, from all of lb old partie, and th greatest bar- j tuony ot feeling add sentiment prevsiled. Oa tnntioa tb prMaorlbwtrky.oribiiBil to b poblifbad, i, AbatUWi rH;i Farm, and tba Baleigb Sentinel and Wil -, mington Journal and . Mmr o requested to copy. ."' Op WOtHH t Bleating HdksnajpH m . M.PATTVH, Cb'i. ; W.C. Watui!, - . , . r. u. &ToB.B Buc ,. ,; Th custom of allowing the bride a mo nopoly otthe-weddrng presents was not ad hered to f rxnt fashionable wedding iu St. Loaifc, Tb gsoom was substantially remembesed la a special douceur, the donor Of Which Wa th bride's mother. In s sil- 1 4.-L.. !1 1. A,. 4: tbx pucuer was a piaiu-tooalnglitt ol paper, wbicb ias found to ba, by those who bid tba curiosity to exaau'tM faror for $25,000. it, a cbx,k in bis 'A I" ' : i M T Tbe Jacobia MWpaner say tba Demo- erabj rtnt nmefytxij a - crrdl W for ProsidMt, BJgbfc, 'Tbey ' 30 a'ot ' wah t a political aobody. whom vVndrlh iKbUllos calls a "speaking traaipet1 hrwob' which inch Insignlflcasca a Wasbbiirn thhkc Wmaalf beard.,;. 'r.riZ.V. VIW ASTXSTISZimrTB. rwwc vina aai.-ri Backs LrVEITVOor AlV. rrf rernrtu. 000 Sack braoda, say " Wurtbiuatoa," Yt-xli u ' a. if "Daaaa." dafv axmeted wkleel e uffer lew U th trade of Kaieigh. , j. . , , atciLiWAinr; a m.. Jaawlt-ft"" teMertaar-g, Va. JtmAiXKlallH OOuiNlC. mHI FALL 8i8ffl6r OF IBM 'will Jeatbuo I tasAMdevvf ArngW. I. Xh aneass uf ib iiMWBtioa.anJer ha nraa. ant sdminislratioB, has (U snspsaasd the eape lanons uf laa aauat aangoiae ma is, rr. aat ' CRAaota rca Baio or iO vim Board fexolueiw of wsablag arid nirblaraiBd Tnluoa m to nguar fugaaa soaras, sast Aa etont LaagaaMe, 1100, Extra AtadieswradArat. SOU at MTaum.-tvaaainae' UMn4 oi Usaa- uiTaaTass, AVlAavr, Aa able. aenretle. and saeosssral Facnlli aa xtenaiTS sad wiasry ajaaaaad oarw af tntry l a jooiokona ana woroun sTamas luaw uusisa aehM Chemical aad t'bjirisopMeal anaarasaa good library: fin Vaawal taatnaamu ; a beaa. tiraL pleaea iC and aaHafol Is Sua i a.Ilrre. saasmidia batlding, witbaXMasw well vwtasied and well warmed iu winter taoellect water, geofl ar ; hbo anenuoa aw Ba waass at iaa; BU4 ; miktaad staeteat govarBBaaat, aad ampl bfig kaae Brivileaa. . . re unaiam, SSBisiaiBg iWi parucnlara, .a- ,lyo daaa TS. JOiDAJI.n r 'a.! TRlATS BBEASEa OP TBI raBrUTTTTDf ij- pipi tn vrsoA,v j a r. I By a BMdirleatiearwr tb plaa of tbe labOr. Or, of aw Xerk, with asasaaas erad aay eAbrkalsasBl svst iaetnata. v,a f baa davoted asab alms snl hasted Faaaaia Onmpbuaoe, tetaawte -anasu.1 (sie) hMrabss, wish fraiifytag reaalw. Skin diseases of tb bmi ia vsterate ebaraater, e has had th goo betas teeremanorttim.s- "-. -Ml , rWfoft ia one of lb beat reOrsU fw faAiabte 6T atttrer raas on ths American f'liataais ti' Korfola, Va,JuoVtf " imp r IcmteaJ 1 tub KxaiBirioM oh M . ftwyal Ileaa,Tter twbwesl 1 1 1 The ilonuft'fZum U ih'Striti of RaUigh 1 MUI b4 Ct i On DT finlyt Xoodty, X& S3, 1868. . f m!oiijtl 1 ' ' ' ' I COLONEL C T. AMES' i.lJt'1 't.l 4 a-sfcswaw CIRCUS AMD TROPICAL AVlXllV. ATBWLKUNnMWBATION, almutt Ulinu table Id its reaoureea. and mors surireoua and el- eeajitlyMiiia4 lean tnr kudrd Esbiuitim) extant ... The corp antira nunitwrs iHliiTV-BKVlCH ACCOMI'IAhHJU) AUTU'lU male and female riipntaeutativea uf the must elogaut, itraoefiil and pleastnR Ulrmpian Rport inemdiDK Kqneatriajf ani , Oymnaauos, fsntonimtaa, Aorobatica and Athiutlra. Among the muat diatiia;uiabd of the Tronpe are 11' Do EHTXfLK COIARhA, i VICTOkU UK Ua lladama alJZAJiKTK, Ur. TUiiH. WAl'dUN, Mr. W.NAiXOK, . i Mr. LKWI8 C tRH, Mr. I10DACE HMITH, , .., Mr. JC. OOOUINO. Master ofcOROK, Th CA8T1LU0N B0TUKU. " Master FRANK, - And tjh two ptlmmaij BlIMOfcVOUB ObOWNS, BOB SMITH AND JOINHf LaWTON. .lltl.d 1 rf The ZaolaelrHl Dnatrtaariit U of irtuJaOa yWftiittile, fend nikirei boo- areoa iif 'Wlllll'BEAfeTS, Of irrvast viTpeeies and (eoarapeieal ran;, frouifcUf UJkl'HANT ol the boruog daesr ar auJwJipS, WTK iiAlk tfeTAreW oeaf. 'V AaVawfawT, Of onr oaw Wsstera Wtlus. To this Is added sa uncwiailr large AVI ART, of most bsaatirwl aad nruiiant iiiro aaa rowis onKers, A pee an lialxioua, in eountles nambsrs, anp avry tribe. ' 'A BAUD OF HtflCIAIVst That acknowledge ao snaqrlor In ths rendition of 'rue harmony, led by the lion Hagler, 1. KINB- UMC.. .rji-ix... : t Performing Horses Tiok rooiee, Edaaated aiaeauag siaBaeya, Hagsctons ttoga, etc THE Inchantreai OHLI ia th Lion World If I BABWOrUL B ValBV-LDDS 'ot a gsMritg Eiui tjageaie, and tbe aiatinrolehed NabiralM sad da4Md.nge-alayar H 1HU ELIJAH LEKOLKi aooompanias this Colossal Coabinattoa, sad a each Exbibitioa diaidav tla-lr miraealona twwa andtodpoiitaW joooragS. -s seriag the flak. LEOPARDS. for IM of Aalaisls and nersl part! Pictorial lsstra,teriptiw Bilte, BuUettaa, y tae'aanraiiiafof Th GRAJTD PROCESSlOa, day at exaibitioa, will ba Bi inuoa. wui aa anaeasnv aars-aoaa aad xr aaa, Ia it will be borne twn Lnoaiabal Cars. i it will In one will a tbeot ue tn mn or on till be atUKHl, aarroi Ob tb other, seated aid by lHOELaAA a Boyal TiOEB, tb eaJy a af hi spaeie Uu th will of ever BUBisMsd saswawtf Am vknM to - - . ..- JU i .lltM A tl in lii 'j i i ' 1 ft ia Bear It a vewr wdad. that ffhar la ssrirttv h Soatasra aaterpriaa, aad tbe ProswwAor aad Ma gar pledge thsBawl l s that tbe diarapwtabta, e at least saealiieiilila, etrst ef sdvarsniBg attraav kWiaa tbey Ao wot preaaut, shall sa a taatsass b -"-J,-T"- i T-rtf-t Tl aiarrsaaaB te tbe paiaae ahab be bant t tb lataar; .a . ' ABSDassoBTse, Ukaktreasue. -jl Opeaat laadTp. as. . ;.: , I W That -Ofcamaav wffl exhibit ' WLTiL BOtuy. ati arday, loth, aad at WELtM), . w ; rwtCTsaJit. l"f Tl TT 1 flUTiIfl utiautttiii, !! V " ' 1 - 4 .17 Waajli 2 . .N iman ( ... ,no IWwdwAaw ' , flOSCXIXAJrZOTjB. b6aidi.o 1IOUS1 rATETTETIIXK STREET, iAIEIOH, V. C. Hoard, ir Day, t,00. TJbaral dadpettou made on tkisrd by the Month, fcaoma hrf,eoinatable and well fonualwd. flU QuuU. . - .... Jans t-lm ftr Bale. A''ind riTl.k 'WAMSI, within two miles of the X'ltr. ( omfortable JbIUu, Oia noae,Me and CuMob rrai aad' neeaekary QBt-baildings. and a uic yuan Orchard of select Frail, ; '' W. H. JOHEH A 00 , , June S tf Ana'n and Com. Merchants iUO lb. North ( arolie lam). Janet If 0 J. A W 0. fTRON AC For wale. TWO FIRST RATE COTTON OlHrt, sfl and M Haws to lb Oin. W H JONKAA CO., June i-tf Aortr's and Com Merchant. PIIOTOORAPUBt riB BTJBSCItrBEK has 1 New Tork, with s apleudi aat retomed from id oolleetion of PHOTOGnAPHIC MATEIUALB. The largest and flneat assortment of FRAMES svw briwtht ta trd place. i wtdoh ,pknrea HI beptaewdal price toaait th nam; ' I OALLEIIY iioeood door fiom Tneker Hall. June t Sm J W WA1HON. GentremeB's rirnUhlng Store EVERY ARTICLE neceaaary to a hcoUciswi's somplei outai can ba obtauwd of II.B. ANDREWS & CO., OLOTHIKR8, OPTOSITK TUCKEK II A 1. 1., Raleigh, N. C. June 4 tf JCBT RECEIVED! plNE BLACK DRESS SUITS, FINE BLACK ALPACA FKO KS, BACKS AND A new lot of vrij i WHITE MARSEILLES VESTS, Vary deeb-bie iu aarw t Atbrr, At B. B. AHDKEW8 ft CO S., Ubmt's Fuhmbuimi Stohk, Ocpokite Tucker Hull, June i if Kalfifb N (' JUST UECE1VEU. LOT OF FINE DRESS SMUTS, Ail aiaea. A perfect fit guaranteed In every in AD persons in want of sooh s luxury should call aad sapply taeniselraa at once. At R B. ANDREWS 4 COS., Gairr'a OuTriTTiNo Establibhsicbt, Opposite Tucker Ball. Jane 4-tf fiaMgh, H. 0. MANUFACTURER Of GOLD AND. SILVER WARE. . car wttsTAirrLv oh babd Owlal M1 BjTer Wntcfie, Clsx-kv Flat) CuUwj, Table Ware, tlae Jewelry, pxmcl, and all articles awaall foaad ia'i Qall aad aaa. . f . i '- aiaTaai.iaHBa iatf , - IAD KB RIOtiR. J08. J. BI0Q8. . .. KADER BIGGB q.pTOON FACTORS - AB , .,, , Geitr Cotml88ii MerchantA. WOltVFpIt, .Yit, Q pan a i. and jtirm attsh nun k? to sales of Ootto and all other kinds of ore daes aad nrocaxH ratuina saeda. " - Onr kng experlenee in buatnas give ns'sup- ""in m maaiaa; safe a, tne BlgUea saarkat pitoaa. uawoBawarladtoUeisjat fnaaf eammte- lAberal adraneaa made on picdo.ee in haml. fcufer to A. . McPheetera, tea , Hon. Tboe. Bragg, snd Hia a F Moore, halelgh ; A. T. Miai, aaq. Wake ; M. A.Ua J Heatb, Hmith- BeM ; Bat. V. B. HiU LuOMburg ; Oen. JualiBa Baraea, Wibaaas Hna. Aaa Kigga, Tarbnni.-abd Measra. ioha Myers A bow, Waafaingtua, Mortbth, Va., Ja. -tf 1888, 8T01-K... 1868. BOOTI, IHttEl ANU TUUlVlaR, AT WHOXESilxl' ONLY I yrEHAVg RECEIVED A LA EOT Ti B00T9 AID SHOES, itusf tri th aUnafaetawera, wluae, wa illell aa lo as gnotU of the saaaaonalifv ear. 1 rjodui.i 1 Mew Tork, Philadelphia or IVtltunore. 1 ti . ' 1 wglrtb'frLt, apWaira. PnWnlarBT m aar Thoas baying cash abalt ban eatsfaaouey. VT rfao Aboard B.ti'aL C.., j , rt I'OBTSMOCTH, VA, JOB 4, 1808. NOTIC TO SHIPPERS. TT HA Vlrta BXEH REPOBrED that the freight l, Mew Its Kosta to Balltmere, mhdelphia, lark aad Beaten, bv tb Bssteard inlaad ird Inlaad ,A , i r1siantb. te bigbe ibaa by taw ea, BoMee ss hereby gives tbat th rates ot ba baas aat bsea hnireaseiL aad ibata.v. ef all fissriatioas will bs sarriad a low a by swyotbsr baa, with th advantage f Ki areas spwd, by tbi. tb OKLI DAJXlLBni totma tka Oaroliaaa aad tbe bortk. -..""Tt BboaJd any avarebarg ba Basdrrujaffad try billing Oierk, 1 wifl b pruaaptly rafaaded JAB. MVCAJtltlC'al ) I JS1tX lifr v( Va. ( StJAJIOt - - x ' -fiVAjswi The QrjnTiina Perarhux I ANOTHiR lOT tO-tJ Al taccrrnxoi bwteVama4a A -i'.i'.i 1 1,1 SB I, by A Jtag.; . 4asaiijM-SSfr I Jwa tf XXMXJLAJ BELL. Kfi f I ii - ft t n t r,- l . i VI. I'OUi,; DIV1SJB1.B SUPl.CJIfcil'' ' 11 1 "sMVr'r I -rS,','.!: .T si sJmiaa; tba t, spsav as raprsansias a bssm af aay uswpaoy, at, ny funuie, saaeruun, am w ua snaeiso lata, aoaiBiiea rrum ina ornciu I Gumpairiee at Aeaenea, made to tblninrree sbsws UMvauaor Sxpaae ta raODuaelre ear l.siagB. 'hiLi r. r,,,, hii n.,i!ti1M ,l i V'nilY lift JV't7 tM j "atU JftVii. j,, t ix- lT . iKaa lD?IaAa af IbA .Lbbb arm bibi.SsU-a. IK ! Uu. v . ' 41 wui aa aeen Utu ux anev e everag is struct, ins ir.Tmt. in ionaaaTeaiiu.ai oat ul aaob average j ta Tw4, T.1T, sad hT Itmt, Ulto-'-Ta seaibU V li JfcJi , to waasb add aw eeai. saved ver th avaraaeaf all iie.. Tkie la the meaaareof saecasa, as applied aetasries. to al Oompssaea. and atnuly meaaa edTvf imiMe,andatmpryBiakimwis Cmpiujy l.aTai0 JTr trioa.1 taabsaUUe ta aatawevsarnds'm it pLt Iwadara, i it ll"" "Tl ' ,, ii . v i.i.. I gr"" raost as aww rBki IBB4. 'Jim Connecticut Virtual 83 87 32 83 87 IS 40 07 Charter Oak,,,M. . Equitable Ulobe Mutual.. Oermania Guardian Mutual ?ltlMI ; v.- .ITrW't ii.i.i 35 U8 48 05 84 17 n.nicKrtiocKer . Mutbirl Llfo ' 4 , A ' Mutual Bentftt. . Manhattan.,.., Mas. Mutaal.J NewKaglaad Mutaal New York Lite. . . North American Phwnix Mutual. . Security Union Mutual Washington 31 3 i 40,81. - ' "MOl VI 14 1 Wfti 87 Averago'oi 10 Companies. Tbe "ifi-WA" Diflerenc. . 10 41 T The ACTNA bMoms tor 1SG,', was II, MR ' lww ' tS8JS,ff7,' ..... yxj, .. w iw M7 To lalr add " pV aent, .npsd teterrat . -nail 'uLLaH. .v.'-w.-.'i' a' Jtt!l In proof of these stalewruia, the official report btls bbaaea, Iryattmbb Wwdtatta i i ... i'i". i- ,. , I ..id j Tl ' .-.m PHCENIX ' l .1 I ' t tH i i i . . EDaON FESSEMDEK Iroletii, s -.. ..-, bmM IN PREMENTINO THE CLAIMS- OF THE IJMSKfrl!!, M tfVliAV.'l.tiSfe'sajaetaaajra Cmmr!V. ta the people of KdrtVeTOimsAeBire i.i K auiunneuie : 1. ItisaMniualCompany.thsrfltebeit.tfflTidedawujg.t .. ' 3. lis ilif1nlbwt'.vAf M) u5r cent vetrlv. .--i.Ba-Aat.'iiL,L',,.. -j by the iuauraa. ilAHIirwafti. .,..) 1 a. its polMie ar i imwvaanwtauflMiunfuiinu. r I.. L a... Iu. .... k. .... irL...l .1. " 't"7 ? ' . . V . orer to swell tbe ireneral fund belouirinir to tbe iunl e. It lias paid ores 0,4f pf toaaea, and waraa weiswi aW A'entw. a ' 7. its rates of sssorioee arx as etican an anr OouiDasivfloiaaiaaASBt aei.i. a. wwsLi.HmnanBaAMmajoiairhJ.Cri f ' - ., wwae. mjcte-t la. irsu no ooimauTma witb Fun ImcBAacBj .'il(i no lu, . t ntl l.n. fcita'S d ami "'ll JUiri V.'..l i.i,,!., Relative character of the Comparrtttyph atinq tn Worth Carolina, iu Jo-H th- tienr I Hew irhtrl, -b a. id VX.4.J al.,;J.- I x 1 inr. year iooi, u M - exicA Comnanu hat'tb meet i f.tli,i t7 -r : ; : : :-r : r BaooaxnT. . OuMNBOTnlt'T' Mtryoix KaorraBU kiMimumU i, .11 w OOi TbaseateteMjtuta ar made, from Unpaiyotts ia tbe band of the AgWtftf twufnay? ror runuer munnia appry w-w pwvwMg - . .--i-i:. artwork BKOOKLYNTsiifSto l4H i Ufwriii'J 'aoi)iTrT e. ii; i.i iii aa rvii a " ' t. Mel - MW 11 -Os . . i "Tat- K ""i, u u "3 "fi -- 1 1 U w . I.. I I . , 1, I I . i .... . I '' 1 " , A ' ' M"iJiiidia .U TAT tfattii on tbe policy M'ea f '"ib i-ia .ol A. tb aaast - - - 1 ia T sp ,i3K ,"tn " 1 ad I bs feaj wrirw ""' XfflSJUL tokPASY.nTIIli TMITKDtiTATES " -t wrBWSwbflbwwtB - . t ., , .Onttolfa Dro4wr. N)WorIf City. ..; " " at 11 1 VAUf U J -X 4 j v . . 1 - waa " IV rsajw " - srvAr 1' : a uavi,, ,w . . GwiiawvAlii m iWmtdrwXviki"' ,0bWAb-IswHb 4l 1 'MaS.imvu uiK mKiTiMi . . . I 'Miaawlaat K x j . -1 - Caw uisaiusire,f b (tcli Com "a'a r j.. ... . li laflJtMV lhUrHl AlmisB7BaV;anawa.a. " Wr. 4. . ..' ' fU Hon-liar Wrtirt.t. Ogom) alenaBt4telaapl l..M ,j faJ7,1H! 1 'otl 1 d. an a-H4m . a. !hJ, " '., " ., , ., .,,., w( , aAn , it - ,Jh, , ,rw , -- i. ..ri ,-idi a'Malw ww a to il,,", a ifV )"' si ii' - i, . mrrjenrrtafem., Hasmw-ra VZta I'M UiiUUub ii w . II. "J "!" " JuinirrJ!-? A Years AZ( r?t'H )1brPafka.i Ml A- --B M ,,.47 I Bill 3. if . aa 'f 1 11'aa.gfl , i.MU.ai 1 ... AA 4.S it. 8J w i.. ,i81JI . -DO, (3 KottWWt 'lO'UijAO u, n t it M . 88 S3 ill I W jtf 81 50 :814 n-,-j !.; tar" ra. h Asst.., I - 48 , , 83 40 n 80 7. 124. ,7. L W JO .,(PS U 1,1 ilrM It, r "M'Jrl V. iO 41,(3.11 ;iMwwtAj i.r II ,1.1 88. Ali mb8 f.JttilW. ll lt - J. .1 .7.. A " '8 ft fftj ahieh flO'tf pft 100, ''-'"a jhra ri V totla,aj lil asaAj IBna" . .. . SS? t :frS!wriw7M. -xiail.i.trl .t c ' ioi iiiVii ta uuow il W." H. 'rMwTT'l riaa.a mr it MM ii muisjijiujiiij tM..,:,rtm. T U AL 1 s' . II .ww mii aieim mt I I fill i Aa hi si I naati Ms rlti.Uaa ' ail IB id I ba , uisuiu K rt rajuta Xifu -aaMeiflw ol tun, sdIhtoI h! Iu Uit -.fit Jstg-rl oi lit. B'H 'Jpu&i.iiiit IWXMerVfary? , te-ai ' Ja.SU JaWuHr-5rajVS ; .',f ' fj lvJ4i tH' tb fclbav l(.-0 ..... i , .1 SBBBBBaBHBa BBBBBJV r ......... , , toTJrW t.WVf ,Wr.S I jrii atenik:! b bus v.i iti'i !! ,4 JtuMw awriiiia 1 V en-n'lii jfiiup Mov..1 im ktea Mrt rsrrgM erlrh &tiBa lX7irrw,''l,'- I -,U1UI jii.' uir;n j.Triia..iwrtj. . r.'...iyiiuwu .m.MvM.Kn;vnm ay - .el.t . u.H a.tuaAUa,a r.tki) 4 till V' wirir! -iff? wr nWwi-fWMWffl 2 " f VVfViiVs",T 'i: I " VjiabWiViT To JJ;a autdicvit'. '.d.' .'idiit? !! ii , tNq iu. tult rlo yuiwiqmi nr l 5bietnw frjoia'J sj. .yjaanib wolawvttfwfl Agent, TAtb I V a. M'V VAa AU I I k.i i,. JVTT.T.I a 1ST. vj s AVWW tA hwtapisjtaw (MrPA-JW'Hdrtrl afoKiia.'S liadalldsMS ba-it to vwlstu-.i c" i ,lnrillU4aai s It JOl MlttlMOik-1 I bfi-as -' ''W Iiuui! ;Q l sjrl w lo hiarMaall rM btH IImTMBlr'i aaailalisiirBVatart- XaaiaJaV(7"j3 A,'- - WWJ jQia fcla ! SvJ ' .&' '''" ' naf, llC bT m"r . ai4''a!!''!"4,',v,' , JllZ .'iwt ,ub,.Rwii-j-'-. idiiaeAH- i"-AJ l ralllwv "s-' Bull aJUf .s " fwdii1-. na) 45 vuuiisll ,udw Jmio-V .J r " ..... ..... .7 narwea awn iw-mv"'"V . ' . , d )u wWr wi ,1aU svaihaf v aw l') (two oi lw.tsi3B.MW wu,sf 1JW'' fcajfcaB4h - vM J' j -aw Wsd 'ledxwl0i-',r wrrnSil 1 mi ... -il"u" . aeesBT A tsvK..A 'silr- W-wS - ' . 1 . . . f . : w . , ,f .' -f il . a,. fa fBtf .,J F- ' r st I' IUvViW"aW"Bssa y - a v'a?n -

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