it C ; WEDNESDAY;1 tVStt .'.to ,rut nadp lb WiprtetPivM? i ted by th committee appointed id u- Laited forta him at hi atm 1 riatiOA "ToBW MHt ITctewee erftpa. Aad if I etnice to fU b.-low l;kuLi Auuner aod QalaaU iMa't TX AU With 1W1 buUoT't ', imeerfacutwe by,. From Mar. pop greet Aoe- dW. From hiu. . J ic" lore A yea'd a . it t too la, to m to t. to cultivate i TUt ej- ' ''. Hr9J I'll eaty y that f U fulfd., , - , . WUUi too, my fneuee, "J "' And it i now my fall inteat, 1 hat every eO, my IriwtU, wil I ..... Mi'eeJ I '" 't y f, " 4, Hog (March Wth.) Correayondence . T TUn. M!Xtii 'JM'l&tiMtiii Hit U .baq. tb ll'togo tampl, Iked I, tb author of the recent trouble, wfiered death. He wit the flMMUrraaj prim , aad .1.. .-.,,(,. yaOm-'M ie foreitracr. 'aw wubiaad.'P0wr dtmwded big bead. .!' md nwthe tnwii peituen. mom tit WflUr n.. of -hi iBriBei! oewld Bvwot -Bat be . ww ermiued; ttf commit tt hrt karl, !. aijiina him nrouaxtf from COHQaOtiOD. Ml hi nm troaaj diakowot-naa; bia T oeajnUrneiw to tit tart woaent hi frienli aotjf hu perdcm." Each of the six lepiiona teut a repreaeeUtite ae witaoa, r and to thii anmber vaa added aa teterpnter. ' TIm eleeeet 'rojriiery axMtb wtola affair, 4 f I fc . aHDae a potiibta war I Mribitted, In order to iinpree toe japan toac uie execuuvo a u ' JniHc;Bdno4gttiry prrlentarioit . na choam odm left tba .Ireatior ilmHok 5 tbeawuint-'.eea walked (o.1pingafbef fnareTor JafWtMee eviLUrre ,tnet uen aau " conducted 'tbefa ttrongh aereral uarrew atreeU to one ol tbe larger temple.- OuM , tlM,nte-foema wa plaeed at the dlepo, ami, and 'fera tbet Indulge In pfpel aad ' olKra, tad awaUed tie aTeoa . At a feajlDUtl4 lflM. word 1 faeievtbat aU..wa readTbey, atom. And, followed tLeir conductor into U ten pM.i Here, i fiaatf Ua large etadwUko. rately flnlabed altv, WM epread a grew ,v elotb, nd prerhl m wmaller fad entering, ' Hear tke eeatre atood i tryM eonlalnlog nobor ot mail kuirea, eorretpoDdijig to (be aham hnr-arf rd ot (be Jepartee. di ; aueAtbed. The eere European aat dowi , 4a iileace- mfthir tottt&; w'fb "Jpv aae(eaHMit aadtheMme oamber. ot Mva nlflrlala lrxatp(t Ibemaalrea 'MDMltal ; Abor tbem' Bllmtuwd anrerr' Sapamea payeflaoUrot, nddiug,iDTa; 'iBa Altar f dim And apectral light, wbiob lee itaelf la . tb tnrtfieriour arkaea beyoad. Wita a ,Alpwt bntrArqi,.M4 pnalterina; tep tb ., doomed bib eoUrea and epproscbed bealtaK Mil wwauie wblte-wwgaa itae dree; lnflitl ot tifsrft rank, the "Karat- Bhloo." jPifn!i(toi'd the dimly, o" Jlned image ol bit gixl, be bowed and mnt : tered a prayer, 'ben. gatberiog hi feet beneath aim, be ut 'down, reeling on bi i kaeca, la tbe Usaal japaneee maonerbrtvae .- UMtMVM It iKeeteuMrr for the individual pajforming tb barl kari to oomplete tb 'actba rvttkif ,bU oja,tbroat,,.But tbi nnhtppy ,iun, iuarlng that at the last g9- ateat bi reaolutioo aplcht fH,' ( bjed ' phi -j. , aear of kla to uum the duty ofbeadimaa. .- . Ttia AaaMttnaar aok Ala ' noaitieai bablnd ' him. mriina tha lnna hanAla la both haada. Ike raiaed tie award and artdmed tbfl atU-J bade ot wae ahoat t atiika. It wu a tab leans lmpreanWe and awful, i Tha lorig, " ' ror4d(?'d' bUde,ttactd the tantera-i . Dffhtwitb bornd effect, Tbe azaoaUonara area were flied with learfiil Mrneetnaee oa the tiotim- brfnM binl wtfcalna- easerl ewery taetion.' Tha daoroed ma wttkodM oally prepare bl dree and lct Airoed, ,graping (t flrmljr in b!, right band "rTfl eumaauuiag All ilia reaoluwoa, b pliugM . . kit iota bl id Ad ooenp lata a traarrt tBrtiloo?-uA ttiu 'tmmietit du nead fnii a a i , , ii.. I. -J iurwartbYaQijiioaiaDaeuiui ' ujv upuiaM Word( tli.idmAA flaaaee thrawgbitb Air. aad tbAhead falla with a ..dull aooad " apoa tbe heaeiijfnmtael flor. ; ' j , , Tbe even-roued and aworued JapaneN , nflkial' bnw- fhefrTieafll to brouhd.Vki elalmlng in ,n kud ralo,ruA yaw mw v" fiedT and t aaraa Karopaaoa fcaw-tbaif faoea la trtf.m, AAd reply .through (Jte ilnj , - terpreter.W are aatlaUear ,TDey artaa TbtatotbataBiowa haH-kwt1 allowed U a Sloan of poettiea A, ataJ taraaat reof diV rnat Tha indiioa la Tea their honor m4 tbelr property, and tb gaab la the tbroei narailnalra their lillTT!nrr. 1 " I C.FrxrR, H J..t a, 1 . barrelrTeet arrtred '- ifclAWfi BTB0MACH. t .A ... . , ir'. ..... , . ; O wi hia wiHy ' TwrhyateUn,1' " ' " A TUTRJCiJiiLrEsmiNa a ioAnobj VutXgouaeyi(nWeiiowm ' lABErt WUGB. ,'-' t . jag. J. I - CO TT O N ,JFACTDK8 jfBit-in iit'if ;' a ,' f CtBtJ 1'fcommlsslon .- tf erchiBU. . , .i KOXFOIK ( Vet. , .! J imcrAtv :WBri TTKKtt)ii 7 O te eaha of Oottoe and all otliet kind of pra- ia ane prampt rmuM ma. ' . ' l Oar kma naeiim I baatoae (It a anne- lr aivBage naiA,aaia At tba.Algaeat WW " ... ..f I CoUoa (utaarded to Uwfool AhoI waaa.' aiuua. ... . - . I l.iberaidanoe madeoa prodnc hi hand. i , 'Alter ee A. lf Itartera, 1.. , Sana. Bragg, aad KM, iVlf MoarothjiieiKk, A. f. buj, Ttu t k; Ool. t.lam J. UratA, Kmilt etd; b l III A.iM '!ihBr(5 Oen. iuahta f ham, ' tanti. Bua. Aaa fwin, TaHmreimad w k'xa. iwtiaatrraA Boa. V aatiiaKMw.,. i i , Aik, iawaaaaA Ui W -1 i W ..BOO TS.'iUOr IXXI TttTJ.TatA.f1 ' Wao. O. WUUame A C. and tablw -flTTEftATBlEfEITKI WTOCE .ktf -eli,-- " "' - ' i t .. rTSADBH0XS,4! . !jeft fn.ia I Mmalaetarer. which w wfll eelt a I a a i, - nl the aameqtiaiuy aaa be haaghA la bta luut, ihiladelr!" or I'.aluuior. it.A , . V 1 1 - l'ttaill-tf , 4, , A lruu rrmit, np attira. . ", (vtTl,org, .i W -Thnp bnTpr f ir oath ' " t i-e th ba of B 'lilfT. ' , ' ' nn- . . , . ' i U )., ' ' Tor Rnli!.- ' . r m Tff lx T- oinw-r of Earie a&d a ., unm ia. 6.-irl-ie teabMiic and ti l. r a L-i - j L a. - .i . , , .. j vlXS A CO.- 1 ' III .aa,l Hi i i I !'- Hew fprlag tnd -Eouimer Good CHEAP rOtt CilH, fn imtvtn an DM worfh of aaw .1 H.ataurOodaL wbwta nm Ml I aata wMnatbaaaaiajsty If joa waM ' i.imjro' tfls oOOD32f Ibaeaaaiirai r,,,,. t f n-a wiMt;ta 1 lima i.., iuuaa. , w sU kaawa ! an4 aaiaarau.y inlaiiitad, ., ' i ?ut u'K iav Tin nauum kobaTTOwtuuda. Tlaea,aa-I tTT" . At low, lrl, . . w an aroaeetfM, aodfaa wiu D wow -m i the CBKECH"S ie the pbM ka4 battar do jor tnuUng. . "-v- r mnw nn1 U fa vent t.raalU J tluuta I'Au. If tea en leakiaa fur MES'a BOYS' AWPCUILP KEN'S HATS Ladtae, Maa aad ClifMreo' aWa, why if yoo KSTrt uraaoh'a f m iall J 1" aa Hoaa ialbJ?T1ty that .ld e weald aell 11alp ftla liwl iMrad. to kt Baa7Teaid ba what lawa-A, fd aow EL" what I ear. doa'f all ff CUK&CH lm B, smith-a earner. - I ; ' a aril I VWrff ( " 5 ' NEW AiaA4VAX, v, hi TiWan44ar-lKs iHOr), Xo. tl FtyetUTiU St, .a-JHAtV.WWWl, TV Hanlor af thia firm baa baaa Miliar. Oouda. fof tha lt twenty yeere, t tbW rfct, ad eaa af toar U)m4 M, aobeiaeng U thing, beaTrbAaa '0F GOODS lt' BiU W .ii..-t.l t.H ,. . To arte than tbaa they are now opening at their tore, Ho. it nje.Taitret, fUleAgh, H. u. , ... , i A w! rotnta. FAMILY CKOCKBIEil AND fJETUKHI I ! I i..,.K0,Qltf fefOCfc ON HAND!!! All Good. .VaiTAnUj to 'bi of tit Beit Aita) aouihaaptoo UoaTouDd Bacon, BUO Uarrlaodl a, AS paekaaaetFamify iaed, to bble aapenaBfaadlr Floor, H baabal Kitraiioa Hail, 1,000 Prime WhIU Cora, t A AXaerkM bble. MulMoea, t bill Choi. ,. ayrepe, a li-f Mnoira eH tredee 1A flaefca , Hto aa Vorra, Priai Old Oitvarnmant Jtve Coda. 1AM lbavCaroliua Tdee. to boxetfObama falrtn prime Aa to- aiayjl. V UAiWtla BELL. rV luk, Taryobeap. AprflH-tf " Aaelloa A Com. Morehanta. ; Hmi.)tj:a a-47ffcdWb?aS-,(i.;; t ndtrtnm': WeVlCaaVVtMl, raeene' 'of Laaaoa, Papparaunl, aada aaperirtr JRnjt Jpo bb, atiwUMf AHlner A liinrl. Jterobaot. I V1N.1 Toll A CC0. , I'm ir'i. le o' C'l -wl'ie. TtAareo-at ywt -AiuuwJtJ iouus. umoi bLac - I t'.Al.S C .D BLAD Jat roraitej or Jn lbtt iXUGitAw DK1.L. .UUU-I.Mrto gar or3 Ham. TLVTT BT1HBEU iTOCK MAS. .1. 1 l i..lin r.,rT,r For aale b .aaVU-C It Af. Aaet CewA aWehanta. -r Ajamrjuo., bbla. V. O. Famflr Fkmr. ' v '! AVnralinpar floart' llWl'( , irtw .Mf-t foraale eerf lew be1 X . DOOOLAM BEL!., Joae 1-U , ' Catiaeioa Merchant. - J ltSACKAOI4: PBSIN ABA BLACg..TA. Qfi BOXES ADAMAirTJKH' AKTHXaT Ik. Jht smred at Juoagrlf n -IrOwtiLASii 5! a I i ail aCli O. FAMfLT BOS' ffEBKIMOK - r'ine re duced te eloae euaaignajinli l . iting blj. - , . - , i t .avi Kee H: 18.31 wtes ffenv l a taVoa. i - - W .U. JONj .i- .an UMf ' Attrttoa'r aad Gem. i iiaata. 'tlXBUCKXTS."; A new aaoshi of W all Bnrketa. for Bale b auwle-tl . IPCHITBCH A D0DD. AkttoflMBWeraBerriimyaetreaardt AAVMBa-W Mt. V rVM UMCM A tKtiv B. ' -- ' i ....... ; -pA&XO KATCBEA. " mmm?m aat lA. Ma Aaat - AW. ar-a gw eapvil aa en an i i.iire, aaw I marla-M j-rr Ult HI !.CW01)DtJ . A . W. 1 JtAtl i VC i Orocttg iBAj Cs ...Jk-aTAwJ Bra, aaeieijA, . j eim ff 4iui wremartf tlMJ Batioaal Beak, Beletcb. KA l ., !, i. kit 4 LWELLw WEECnta H0E8, Hue. lead I, .iJUkugl 4Kai-.4. CIIAKGB Ogt. KIUDVU!, JSALSiaH A OAtTfJW ytATTKOAIt Or hi m ! ' ' 8rriimrDiTl OmeA Beletrb, N. O , Mar 0ih,1. , m. n. aj . Aaav ihl lnuo. a . j Oa aad efter My inVh. liwg. Train wfll rem Oft. the aaJHy Oartea awoaa, ae fun : a!1 Trait. l- KaWgli"; A t ' ail Tra.n !" " WeMoa.-'.,,.-'lfJ,SS A. H. 'Arriv.-.t I h., "it .15 r. H It' "Ireihhtlr.,!, BaVirtL'..; 1,11 r.H, . " . t k.iuk in ia A. at .Tb bfai Trina maV nraopi Tweoav,OAuerienB 'uth. I 1 ATfrmtrwe i WUA U Bout uria Ba 'mtytUtT ? TrtnanortUoa.1 L rnrrr nowWfl fTATft l ... ,t. jii in TaM - lw"4i ' .... . ! I . tovaaHfff .-I . ... sM'ii'''4V 'I ' - . In rufl ' " .. ... ,4tnaU ' t ... ; , a'. ifc i f. Hi 'T J- t ... . aniiVa'ti"AMl :.l 't .'. f "I ft MB THIS 10'1 1f( r T'J(I! 1 X Liu f.t.l4. i , ; t Ail M W r.rt 1t I J t- t A. i, tVA -.f iir- :m 'a. t ( hw . gitoj1 Ateigli, W. C. Pullihed to the, Daily, fleaii Weekly Anrf Wklfc William Z. Pell,) Beaton Gale, , liltor. In riew of the acardty of mff'Tj. Wi5 ?."w: lit of tbtiaea, the PropHeter et ta awti. ha determined to redno the term of tbe paper, to epmmence after the 81.1. DECEMBER, wit, and to make each bnproTemente in U genera) eearacter a wiU oommepd it to tb patronage of In P0LITI0H it wiU he thoVougily CoMerVir 14'rUtrnaltnAer It 11 1 I .t A atrietpbraa of the ,rVM,toiio" rnitdltili'.in7a MSlMLUk of the jaioa of equal r?tate ; ObadMi ii bw' in the laJbrcefchi. drder ; The ppremaey of tbe( crjl orer the mUitary, in time of peace ; &'Vvntaaf t)be' ebWWwn- of the gOTeramapt -y .., The aorereignty'sf Q)ptUi, Oter their ow lotarrtV, afraire, to trtot,( fty to the OnaatitataaV" ' i-if . i , The matotenane of freedom and )atieeta alt, - wlthoat lteoo of aslar, t e wai ' ajof thipidaeape'lbegei OppoaiUoa to BadloaUam in all H phaaee. , , , A a WW, yooraal, , eh? l01, to Tb principal mAUwil,ba regularly pu'bU.h- iIU UTERABT eharaotai' 'abH le',' maintained and inprorad, by eonartbatleea Iromonrbeet writer. ."FinaOy; thegklwmlbbb the epeoUl promeUr of the edooaUoaal, moral and eco-j . nomieal Intereet of toe jf Vorih C"J olina. , . .".itJMUl' " I'lo, .Al.i. . ... ... , 1 ' - O llfrfl Ul.i, " 'l iU, , Jt . . ,,,s,wHi! .aiM . I..L. Daily Sentinel, Jot one . imnwr vm " ill month. ...' mhWej r-.'ii'L.uto-..' .'' no n iinr.t w i i.i u :f.ti'.l. t ' -tb month, I ). aae Teat. AJ.U.U 1 II Weekly' 'hill WaWwoBAAL.;.,, 1 M foiolrgne bAaWmni , AU anhacrlnUon atrlotlr caah In aJranee. ' A an Urcrtiaiiis ajedinm. lb BaanBiai. "" Aqnl10anylBthBtaU. Tetmltoederatei Oi tJ I . MtH aw Wt atk rrerr OenaarratiT attbtl'MaieU beeomeenr. Agent te ettend the ctretitallon of atctaBTBTBb ,Ih nt or l8M.wai,nicttiBg Ctt -bnportaDt. Ike Waxxur mmtmm ithonld ibaUoftJrwatbody;MwipM4 TAeterajtraaowao low uuu every one, wm oe abte b(ay far Ur . qjia i uj 1 4 I ..4,. .I.'.jlV iiai 45l',Mi 114 WW .. . .Mr( S W. A'PIUJ, , Balelgb, Jan. let., IMA. iinpHetor elt pAatelow Coat, fctth eit Thirty iwh! Day..'. " ij:i7: Tf 0RDEB TO KEDUOE OTJA KABOS STOCI I of litrniaava na hand, aad make tnoai for oar newetoak, w wilt aall all ktnda of Fnrnlt-ire for- eaea. at ana Below eoe wr ua next av aaya Oar atook 1 oomplete, oompriaiag nearly etery- thing U tbe fnriutur l)nA .7 i. We moa what a epxUe tak b a call from thoae In need of furniture, to be reoviaoed thtwearelka-gondk twentw-ttarper cent cheaper than they bav ever been eold In thia T 1 m 1 -vrvica w. .' KAit.Bv co., 1 1 I Ornin kamn. Ma Men. 1M8. 4. i I TatHon to CumBiwuimiaiile af OoUegae aad KMoleAthHaer withm reweawlete Aoad, 1 1 ' , 1 '. , f r i nil ill n - kiirtoo Note wahtedT 1 1 w - - nr r B WlMF1" M gaWrtt.AiabBta.l nu t n.r.. IumW rLUu u.n hMlw I h Black repper, jjapio, Clovee, Aae' KutraegB, Orooad Cinnamoa. J BR0WS i J .. Aalelgb, Jtprtt Jl-tf Wtth Bart A UwU tfeimWL Office t J O BRB INT'I N Vrrrfmiv l -nwAMns ettfh Clerk ler . CouatalteW yplAr. ' lnll"ilihini g I ate aWordeta of taemeMna af etv WAV. Aa. fJ IE Aw iTjfeaTlTO woTrr1bid X; . xta u the HtJiM. eijn'(Ki eoweep' oaAmid quantity of RKWUPAT, fArB INK, manafmctnred bl Tniil Awt U AoA adelphi prire, W bav tt In beg of M and HaouBoe een,l ".let, pep yxajBd. The k m iiaianiiemi ndr,a A nr ! Aaw. d la the . . r BiffeU ' MleeeCl Apr.-tf tDl.ijfci' Ju ,e-tl J'JU A H,Wt JH riJ . ar ether., -iO fleaeti, aend, hi, tblr . pterwmtoweubexiBBBlW ana oa tae toweet teram, . ... .. . t 1 We tineetaena Weave aaAcilleeadotJlaawkb Aha w W aittel.wvea TH8 8I Jtf,"A' AMertS eaaia; lm ait wt legal proeebOiia, aa wtak taa aaaa lwriUaj,awa ;7..T.. t Uortnaa. itaaeor lAaaij patter of ioaunaea, the aaaw aey a aa m W uay iaitiwajiiaeaf pataat nata eoe jbUla of KxebMaa, lobad dralW : MAirmbla nQ nwa im ar j ume wad"" k- notca taauad nt dKnlaaaa, urf wiana awetaba.eadwateb eaatt .,aawhra. aanlaa m paaiaitaa tea k"i 1 yureTT''aa4iUaBl'1lOO ot1 frketloo-1 Bieraw, eenia. - - ! BtUa of Idiav Teaeeh) lor P v" ' buu or Male oi ot feaaej, or par . eoeatderatioa dot ant awd .' " I Kiaaediat aW) and aot ""! W J; .xuacoii ricr mm tiMMiaana oouara kandred doluu ef fracMonaJ-naj theeaoro - - - taaaifiw- RaaMiMmat. AaaTBUBt u( .uua5 1 avct- r.y "n. tnrr,atu "TtrizriTJl -ijiJ 'MHlly' kteeidw aae thoaaaod doUara, erf aaoaaaaai w eeat aollareee fraetloaatien "araw, " ! - aa IMTB DUBoa. ran"""" 4 oUtev eurpurataja boada and eerip, are evb- nrutaadinca. aad aaeA aa are not otuarwiac charged in thia acbednle, 45 oanta. CertiBcalee of dopaaa fa bank, earn not eaeaed tog one anDereeeouaaa, aa .... . dtChoo man Ineorpontad eompany, eante. General, leenta pl Of a quaiincauoo oi Ooaaauawooar of Aeada or Nobuy pnbUc, i eente. Of attarch ol recoraa, a u. Tiiat oertain paper are oa U, oanta. That certain paper eanaot b baud oauta. redemption af land eold . eenta. Of birlh, uuwTiag,and death. eenta. nr ;..,. Jtrtinna of arhool teaeben, t eauta Of urullta if an incorporated oompeai, for a aaa not Uae tbaa tan dollar and noY exceeding flftr duller. 10 sent. Exoeeduig flrtv dollar aad no exceeding oa tbomend aellare, i eMte-! . l . Eaaariuur thooeaed dollera. for erery ad ditional OB tbooaand, or fractional part thereof, "wtaim or olherwtoe, and all otbarearUA eatea or documeaU iaaoad by auy port WUdtn,, marlae enrreyor, or other peraon acting a a. Ji. Certin'edTraioript of ladgmeaia. aatarfactu.n of Jndgment and of an papr reeerded or o ttla, S eenta. , , Check, oran or oroer ior ira iju"- im of muoer exoeeding 110, drawn apaa any peraon or other than a bank, banter or tra.i eompany, at eight er pa demand, 1 eenta. Oontraot (Bee ii n.,Mibil. lnatrumeet of wntiog, wliere- b I.I.A. teooBteat, or other reahty eold ahall be oonTyei the actual ralue of Which doe not ex ceed fooO, M eena. ' - j.-- mh Mia not xowiiuM vi.uuu, For erery additional tire hundred dollar, or fractional part thereof, in excea of one thousand dollar. 60 bent. 1 ' " " . . Entry of eay good, ware aamobaadtap at aayeuatom boaae, Bt exceeding one hundred 1.1 1 -.Ina OK MWla. Exoeeding one hundred declare aad not exeeed- inir five hnnureu ooiiar in ,mn, w - Bxeeadliw Aw bandrad tloiiare ia ralua, 41,00, ,y,r U withdrawal or any good or mercheo cfiielrSm totidwl warchoua. 6 oAA. i :i taUugert lateral! totuaoUt not exoeadiog Ave bnndred gallon grooa, 10 cehta v.M.lmff hu ffmltun. 25 cent. K poWar of Attarney to aeU or tranafer atock, or collect dlTWeno loreou, j , jlp- rote at ar -'"ollon of an incorpnrtted com. pany, iu eenta. To receive or oofleot rente, Waaate. Ml eeUeeveoBTey, er rent, f We, real ett, Vlto tny other nurpOM, 60 cent. ' 1 Probata of will or letter af admiinatniien, where the value of both reel and peraoual aetata doe not exoeed W.0 0.ll.. For every aaaittoaai n,uuu, or iiii thereof, in axoeee of 12,000, 60 oanta. onaaof xaouioca,(oiuuniii.ii. Ku.,-,, and traat, an each anbjeotad to a atamp duty of .oo. ' t Pnteataponant.wor, oan ww .iM. Aaa MU of Kxobaoa. inland.) Beaewal of, anbjeot to Mm duly aa original not lOatpt IOI 0 paTHrene wi "J vura " nwnnji ;b dne, awaadlng twenty dollar, or for the dhveryofeny!xTrty.aeAUi. Truat Deed made to eecure e debt to be lump ed aa mortgage conveying eatate to uaea, to be l tarn pea a oonveyanoov. WarenOOa' IfcOWIP mm mmy kww. wmtwm . atercbexiatee. naeAberwiea provuieu tor. , depoa- wad or atored in any public or private wanhonae Dot exoeeding Avthundred dollar in Value, lwote Xaeeedln; 8 v baadred aad not exceeding one tbneaand doUr SO cent, , t a . , Exceeding HJ0U0, tot every II MM, lot every i uuu or rracuunai exoe of tl.OOB, nU. I I Mrf ihMMf 4n avrteaa of Bl .Ouo. '. For any good, etc.", not otherwh ptevtdd 'atared of depoetted to urypuMie or prtrate" not otnerwree provFiew , tnypnbkc or private war- bouae or yard, 30 eenta. nri. vli Ttnnnhafita wva ttrnttiaT laaal brVhicb A any run u onnneaera awy either of kw or equity, AO eenU oaurt or recora, Writ of original prooea baaed by a oenrt not of reoord, where, the, tajount claimed u iuu or over,6.T' "J3t , . Upon WVrV VOUMMMW . 1 for At 0 waver, exoept in eaaee wbera the inr Ht itM baea bam. eu eenta. RUATrltWhthei iiaBVabllJAApeaJg frptj .-rrttme conxta, oeotbrr eoorte of inferior ) t,r f rtiA. t enat. ( 1 arior Joriediotion. t ml rf nm 1 t . WarranUof diatre. when the amount of rent cUlmU doe not e jeoeM tlfttr US ewith, an..w it. MntifVt wTAMAailliM.'AB eantei I Inanaano. Marine. Inland and Ftre. ' -Wber (he conaidartUoa paid Tor tb lAranea, ta eaek tWxSmWjSlaTrJiW uuurnuiv. A...a, - -" - - - not exceed fan thouetnd doUara. A3 eenta.- 1 Exoeeding 11,000 and not exceeding t 0t)0, eta. ,,AweduS.W ae vt or tinemetit wnerV tb fanti t exceed tsV per nnnm, W eenta. ' 'La do lot Exoeeding I0, for each additinnai tOOO, or b-aotioaal part thereof, fa axoeaa of 1800, SO eenta. fcUui " oi gutrmnty of paymMt of retrl iaeor mmIi n, anttiMftd. Ave oenta additionaL- 1 u: ' kloaaurer' Beturn, If for qnantHy not eieeed hur eae tbooaand beabela, M cent. ' tin..dinir 1.000 boahela. W eenta. llnrtiraira. trnat deed, bill of ealea. or neraonal bond lor tbe payment of money exoeeding glut) and not exceeding 600, 50 eenU ' Exoeeding 1600, tor every edditlnnal ISO, or framlooal part thereof, in rxeea et touo, u 1, , 1 , i,. K u. Ptaaag TkkeOroU tlie iTnitad "(alerwj any toreura wert, eneten ae aaoretheataa, eOeaiit. Oaaaaar ater tbaa aaa, aaa aot axeeedtngfai M0D.,i. . - -- ,, .1. .. ...1 . For evetw aeUfitAwMA- tS e in ill malr part t, la eaeeee m eu, i f, -. .. '.iiA A-a "Hi ."lt-414, . ' we. l,tN O 'OXKEAAtV BEMABttW I. t" rfeWnueirtatnn. m IK wee B-uerfriWeteb npontny ertneBattar or eniag nam,rata m Schedule H, eteept rwourietajy and ptaytnr card T tUnTp. for which akpecial aae hea pmWleA. "f krrUfre'tanira canrxa be awed peuewt af fbe duty CbargeaMe ow liiAti'uetenlo.'" !r ft la fbe dntv of tbe maker gf ae wnauiui nt to Taftx aael eeaeel the etamp rhereoa.' If ae aegteote inpttSwotiTU SedTa SOibof eSrr,tfM,aad weed ror waeai a '. aaty aad. or aae after tae d cannot anerwaro oe eTTetrroany atampaa. - aay faihtre aaoa taw part af thee hi of aa tnetra- aeaHtoappreartataly eia t, reader bin. ba bl a a paiialtyet wo hoe aired dollar. it rAuitaare eaexewaeed, aaaay Htetae br0et, pneeaeahaa wntr vi t aaamteotfc warranta. pub beatioa, A a., hi whiob eeee thee, a thf oqgiaal arnm, aarerally reqBiro,etmpa, . I, Write of eotrefBcMaaawa mtuaet U atamp dntr a original prceeaeii J TaararafrfaaaAtdritkaAetfoa) aeeapi of tbtaoe Notary Iabli, or aaber eraeer (ul. 51. vt!!-!' -aetherteed to take affidavit, te held toe --l Frederick ttooeTf- rjAeata, and H eabeet ta a etamp duty af (we UOeitA. af WI.WUA aVA. abal acaear' aay aviated ea written avideaae af emaaaoaDtof .ar aahaaaidaa damaad er ataav b uiaeTeeiip. 4AI AAjyaxteaorf BOteei, Mf V Ha 1, Tii 1 til-4 1 Ilia amlirnmtni at morttrir 1 mhlnrt In the b.teeaintf aatnat tmpaara apea to anginal ta- etrameat: that t to aav.ior wi jrnra ot av hundred doikvm, ec any fraotioaal part thereof, of the amount eeeared by tbe atortirage, at time af 1 iia aaait-nmaat there meet ee aaaeaa atameor PkiltiAUmpa, denoting a duty of Are eiie. I 1 VI uea two or more perwnrie jou a ww axeiaieua of aa toeUuBieee,' ,. aaampe te whteA thai la- atrameat ta liable, wader the Uw.aaay afaaad a4 oaaoalled by eae of the paruee, . t ZlUtW U-M J H ri J 1 4 au J ' ktkiud una) anew of tbeetauorinveret oaaeyoe, , Areataaip rwrnireo """ . 1 Mia aetiiig the duijr roqoind. aad wbeueTor aBTbona orfa aaenred'by Biortgaga, bnl oa etaaap dr aireaaJreA oa ean pepfaaaea wm a Sanaa) raaea iiwm .' w, mi w 1 aiilter of them. Id aach oaee now or n tha Talae or denomination oi u .Ai 1 ha mmAm ina aaaMrin or bt a,anin(rawa of tbe hutraawat waitav afaatateapwh,,. , r TUB 0TlCtH COXCRESS. , ui k.a-aall liat af tha meaiWr of oupuaiuoa o. . - ... j aVmiaadh FrWade.'f.'af Ohio, Premdeufc W. BWBaaV4, wwwm i-, nuunku;. j ftatwjyi 'tJ -w ' ! Vn, i rnJI,, l.jil . . ".'Un.. arw aawtaunaA. '. ' axwux ' Aaioa M Cregux, r 7) dXcbara it. ..Jl imfl jMW'f r!"? i! - i n ! giiwr. " i aajHiota. ' i til i -, ' i i . OaoFEdmonda, r belt Chandler, r 9 ItafawS Hofrdl. i1 ,,.73 Itoob It Howard 1 ' .wtasitaoarrTa. 'I wwrnoarani. ; ,w Chert Kumnarl r '81 I B fieoUtlK d " Henry Wilaou, r '71 flnuiihy O Howe, r 73 BBora nrLo aumaara. William gprague, r 'i VIrx Kuim:j r '69 ! Ileury li Auliiiij, r "II Daniel tiia-luo 4 71' ' oinrB0TM. ." ' " 1 Iraaxe Dime d 'ti latue W Orirnea, r 7i Orria g Ferry, r 7" 'm llailau. r ' 78 TV TIKI. MUWOUMI.' EdwiB D htarean. r 'Oil lohu Hmiileniau, r '69 Koaco Coukuug, r T. 'barhi D Piake, r 73 xtvmn. nm F T FrelingheyaeB, r '6! Kdniuud U K,, r 1 Alex 0 flattell, r 7 iauiiiel (J Putii. roy, r 7S PKHKSVLVAai. NXHRAHKt. I C B Buck1, d ' riion W Ti(toti, r '69 Hmuu Cameron, r '7 lohu U Tluyrr, r ' '71 ' CKCAWaBB. NEVADA. aeo BBiddle,d : Xa M su-wart, r , Wm 8lburjr, 4 fmua W Nye, r 71 Mtri,AllD. ril l) N. Baverdy Jiibueou, d ti' luUn Coiiuena r -tj r tiainilton, d 'urin?liua Cole, r 71 wear vihoinia. ohko'n. P a Van Winkle, r 'ti' jou II IVUluuue, f 71 Waitman T Willey, '7 Um j ( orU 11 r 7J ' teiHTTkiKT. OiiXOav. ' ale Creerr. d iobn Evaua, 1 r- (rarrett Tria d '7'. lemcjli ff r Not iilniiiui,!. i T Patteraon, d Juaepk 8 Fowler, 'H9l "71 BtiAPl I'UIJIIVUM, UcpnblicajiK It. lfciw ocrata auil Cun?rva tiveB. 10.- ' ' ' BniininF Wade.r 'fi John Bheiman. r '7S ' ' ' h6OTE of BEPRnaEtrr ati ves. Bchalyer Colfal. r of Indian, Rueit'er ' Kdwtnd Itorhereon, r, of penn;'l,viiia('Y!rJj . bvm. . Hurac JTay. ard. r, William D 'tnlies, r ' " lame Mullins r ' John Lynch, r niduey Perbam, r Jame 0 Blaine, r John Trimble, r ., , Samuel M Arneeb . Iaaac B Uawkiua, r Darid A Nunii, r John A reuira, r FiedertekAPike. r r BAarautB. ottto. Jacob H Ela, r Beiijamtn rrtfleetoa, r aamael F Oarer Aaron Jaoob F Btevena, lenton, r Bobt O (iotieiick. r 1 rtBweiir. F B Woedridgo, 1 Wm Ijwruoe, r Lake P Foieua, r W J Bmith. r MAaftACHtTSVrT. vrro wnniren, 11 (loader W Clark, r1 itamuel Rhellabarger, r 0 H Hamiltna, r ThomaaBEI!iot.r Ruin Ptuckleml. r ' Oakea Amee, r . aiuery Tail obeli, r Uamtei Hooper , r Jtme V Ashley, r lohn T Wileon, r Palled Vaa Trump, d Benjamin r uuuer, r NAthanlet t Uenka, r 1 Oeorge W Mnrgau.4 ,1 Martin Walker. ' Tobia A Platite, Oeqrg BootweU, t , V rta a Wm B Waahlnird, r Mm A Binrhaiw. r fKnliraim E kailea, r Knlaa V HoaUiuiAl.j-. . nryLPwe,r 1 inwl wiwiiDj i WnACf(VTfie(ld,r ,, Thima Jencka,r t It. Aatoea.r av, ',im X 5il)Iaed ' ' ' awnrwWTCUT. , ImmI rHnbbard.d" MiehaetO Kert.d Juline Hotchkiaa. d Morton C UiiuUr, r . Wm S Hohaan. d , H HtterhweaaBe,r. , WiUiMHBernum,! aiwteT TOEK. Oeorge W Jahai, 1 , John Colinro. r'. 4 TVima Barne. d -.1 pTD Waahhur.:lr:' ' ' Ooadtoee Ortk, r n WAw.AVBehineea. d.. ., liohulror .Colfax, ,,, , UoinXpiihanV. ,, I ir.tKi-ii Thome E Btewtrt, d'H teW Atz-rtrS'T' John W twenejcrvai NraiaauB. Audit, Aae Brook. A.' nr. ru Joha ,F .FamawartwAi. Fernando woon, a Wm tt Kobertaoa. r buna a weauDuroe, r Abaer 0 Herding, r Thoma H Vaa Wvekv H G Inrreraoll.r John H tJetoiiul, j Burton 0 Cook, r ,T H P Bromwelr r I'rwimaa uriivH. fl.a H T! PMlVi, A 1 1 i iffliAfertl (Mlem V 1" ! OahA'A artewVild.e mi I, ,. 1.1 . Oeeaew Ftewie l- ,1,. MhrU3 Hun. di. ! A.lwinT HaLburd. r 4miii R tlAn. iaU ,t I 'JamelMerv(n7''l WmFleld,1t! " tvjenwHMi,tn'4 fi ; wtadieeatt aaaiw, r BrfnHHpAal n i I AleaH Bailey, r -r . i lFrijmjaxi,fr4 1,1 1 JehatJ UBuraniu. r Derda MoCarthy.V Then btPoraeroy, 'ih-Uneou.r, , nmn marr. r . v 1 rhe W Ferrt, "'' ' War H Ktey, I WmBlaneola.r 1 geaxilton Warder . ewia Helve, 1 HE Tvebriaira.r -) ;' JJpeF.Drtgga.r .', ! Burt Va Hornj r tteuFHoTiMe.-''' AaaaaCt)W,r,. ti'i JasMekf Murpky, ' Henry Vaa Aeruaui. r w nun. Wm Moore, r iAEldridg,4. iletoa Hawyar, r j 2"Wahburn r , , nwJbl.'t ! Oh Height, Oka rltitereeme, A -". Johu HilL r , Peo AHalaey, r, ramtnTLVtlrlA. laaruet J Randall, d CkeaO'weokrv Leonard M vara. r ... Wm Wmdoa.r 1 ,( ! 171 atw ixmaelly. , . ftme F Wilaen: 1 Hiram Prtoe.r ' 01B Alaaoaa-j , Vm aUiuirhbridaau r . 1 Wm p Kelley, r Caleb M TajVa- r Ben M Borer, 4 ' Jae M BromeU, r 3eerg M Dodge, r tcaaei w n otioara, r 1 I WmAPtto,,., .. jooAitleta, Cha A Neweomb, r aa B McOorrmck. d Tbaddeue Steven, r Henry 1, Cake, t' ' David If Van A-obaA.d Oaa W Woodward, d ih Ulveeee Meroar. r foe J GtevHy, t 1 low W MeOlurA1aw ttaU T yaavr), Ben F Ixaua. r y JoheFBeDfamm.f Oeonre F Miller, r Ad lVrtiihtanf.,a l?"55lnre5!f " gamtFVireoe f ru eteaaWfasaUIA, u: Darwin A Finney, r iOaorMW AudareoA, ,li a ..xattitx.j . rofea Trtrte Y' ' irawttiat'l ita flkmlt AaaAey.ciu OAxrmaint. eavaet B AvfeA, g JohwCevoeWw Jae A Marihnl A ih. 1 Wiwama Hiw, r- TlAomaa WtUi Oeo a Lawrence Aat5'4r " "rtA. Rafe-allorr,T ' eeamaBa.'V,f Oeorge M ChUicott, r :t DETJB9ATE8. .1 , ei 11 1 atuerrca..i .1 John A Kictmtaoa, i atABTUKB , tnrma Met'ultnck'. ' aaevenaoo Arahert A 1 uaaast-Beam, 2i.N UdeBaAor4,t,a0, wmtr wTawSDfiAa. V.aaawtat tl UtaraAaAtwwl a lPBontok.d . I'''" aAm,i A .l.nril BAT tT.t.A n.1 ITOIUin U 1 .!. Peril I Petaiey. KurroetTte LB Trimble. A , . Aat M Oavaaa, . ...,.a MP-un&.. a 0 P Clever d (eoutetedH JobaXfirowB,d rra. y John tt Ooll .ooper, d . J Proctor E to Almloro., Aaa. P i- ol'J Ahrti ttAAifUa, p'! irrATtAi. Thaaeee L Joaea, A X JaAMeBCaaement. " tVYrWirrOi Creortre MAMtf I. Joeavb Foaac, A I tq 4 Wrthowt t !ArAkteaj i--ewaAMliai'vmranaiall I I ttdwey Clarke, r .a ttti p.Mtieaa, lata gJraa. ii ammea. I ecn TfA - A 1 ' BA v ! '- I J - ABKBIAWAW pViBA Ba XaHaAMP V warn fVf1 w ..iH-ji " " "l -a J la .ai,odia w.w a.1 a 7" laj J10 1 'r lAaaoa CuontyOe tha eeeaDA )IoadaHaJaa- aarr. Anrfl: Jul? tad October y taa uctoDar . Aabe Foarth Huoday ia Fafarmary M-w, Aa .. :Aiuiixwrwrmi . uuubt ih amw. '' Alamaooe-.Flrat ktoada after tha ttb, ltocdar of Febraary, kly, Aai-irMand NoreoAlior k t naaore-txara',eooqay aieamwaaaavw Uaihar. and tjM .Ani kicavitr Jw..Vaoa audlie- Uertte-'seecaa wonaxy ia FTjorTntry, may-, aiiatea 'Mevaaanenlia liaa hwu. 11 aiawva aiiaai aximoaw avemaQi aawi fwSS5S5' tle-o'lwwn.-Heptenuar aud Llaoemtier. ' H ' " " " AnMcab-mh aluu4wahtha4tkMoauUr B AprH, vely, ,antn tan aad ieawibe t-fni f xtumt Ftbrnar, C Jul: ilraoAOeaod CaldaaHi at ia Fabraarjr, AUy.i i!Aiudtia Aeouud tenter aad Hevembei'' Oaiame Tmre) a Augaat aad Mevemkart Caweil nfinl Abiudaj hlarob, June, ttepteninei rr uta auMWar aimr we iu Wtfnujy .aiu t, atay. August and Hovember , . . 1 abarrae-t-Thtrd'ltoaday m inmrr; Aprtr, 1 aw pi nnon tr mi tt i M 1 I ii ill., Hn llh Mnailt , it r .i l.mifa .:.iXMirtru mama aaa a.. alar. M rbrbjTj! ejt.iJ5noirThird It Cttow1aco Meaaay M'wWJ"yXZr', ,A,ft Afib V ; uniiwataii im inn.i.jmji jai., gUettndMbvember ' t.--l--. . . . . . . . h l u 1 I tnaiamnn nraaaxeaaay wnaw taw ui ai 1 g in r.hra.n Man inirmt ibt! Hi it!f"f 1 1 . ' - -' . . . 5 '.. . , n rrven-8oond Moaday r Ware J',! temoer eem ejeeaavaei t .mH'. ;,, . . , ....k..i Ifiral Hand. in Marplh JlMB ,1 ieptAunuw.tnd.lceaib.r, ,t . ,,.,MlMtijannijdU f'Mtn-MnAlr I tat MftflflaV ill TAnrnriTT. BAT. I aw Td ItomW "'" T. -TSv., V t tmeirfwe Heemd Mead ay. ia April, Jota, Sa ; iber and Daeembar, u,,yi t.,1 lar Fir U Mouaav In. ij)rll Juljintba l)phn-Ttilrd Monday la tfura'afy, kViBfi, and October , iawaoa liiwopc AuguetAnd II. lvie Fou mat aad NoreATbi kianday to'Vehcuar, Baceoomoar opatha itavAauuat aad iormbffi r,niur--8reond Muaday U I.v mna IW.n.), FoTyth-liird Ifoaday m'Afareh.VaBwi Bop. temoar ana xteoemoer ' . ,' tittea-.TA.r4, MeoAlay ,iu February, May, At o,u h.I Smmham. 6 . a ,. .,.. ir.j. urauviue-r r irat atoouay lueuu,, Angun ana wovemoer Ureene aeceu manaey m nemary, aaa;, Vugut aud Noaambtw . , , , ,1 .. Uudlord-Thiid Mooilar in February., Hay. ! Oarton Fonrth"lfOB4ay hi Febraatyl Jfey,1 Angnat end November 'i m . t te.i vi ;UaliIaaTlurd MiAtviay in. Jtrob .Jutte. on,. . I I - l . MWIWimjIiPwiiiwi . 1 fUrneit Seoond Mohflty' ia March, June, Sertnihee and Deeemhet. ... -' .' e. BayweneV-Firatefomtay Alter the th Mo4y 1 Aprtf, J niy, BtpjuMtl aoo tMoaaxuer HHCinira r ijtld pi i hiokt id idinuui. uap.1. Allglim ana CTVYUuiuar nr-iii Muwdkria February 1 Man An. Kitatane Etovemunr , . ; . . ir. . -Iteudorwu ri'Uird, JHoadar afber the Alb Ufk l. ,.. A,,pil I,.lv ltar,l.nilM,r anJ TWAmhar lrl Thtrfl Monatvier Febrnarv. may. in" 0,i Aird November .-. -1. ' J.iUaetnnd.'ouaiA Hanif to fabraary. VlAMlt,Alllll-.0.MAia., - , . ' ,( Join -itif'h M0.1V7 after lh fourth Motiday ith. ?fi iitif eVW,'toid rm -the met MojP hi-w IPtnurreaaJ Anlv-i "i Ik..mIhI'iJii. ftaintti BM.lay-At. Aprd, Jajy.fiepd taiuimt eWMvx,, t i 4 v.W aBTftirli'lIon.rif In Srl. tad Hoofembei''" - LiMMurFMfrr Mnurt.f In Fibrutry, May,'A' irutaaAkiuAU.'Ti,i n- , . n, .... ,i .11, Martin Secoud Muud jj lT"niiayh, ArjV II IT aIU UVIUIJBI A DwvAAuFMrlh Moarlay fterthe ath Mob dapia Fnbraara, Hay. Anunt end HovemBei MfV'klArgyiewtAdi, tiody Jpuary mil, yjuy itu 't,-nirt M wit- wtrnr tW irotteri-flret' Mtftftty In Jtntttry, ' g ptfl, relyavid Oetober 11 ,' e r 1; A . ill ', ' 1,1, M kixarn Ai 'uurth Muaday A .-l. Ma-'Tu4lrfoudp t'o XpViJuptfcfen - Maoa Awortll MovAJay After) the tth htoa- dav u teriL Julv. Sent her and LVctai bar , Mitflwilrourtb, JoAday,,jn. Jfa.ian, sopwraoer ana Aeecvmoar Ttaeh SecrmdMnbday ta Febreaty, Hay, 'An gead N.wambar ' " -4 fi.nt Naw Uanavr Beooad, Moadar, iMarahi June, Beptcpiber and Deoember , ..,v uj. Northtmpton Hint Monday In March! Jane, Hentemnerand Peoemtier 1 ' i..i tmUw -Firat Atoaday ip March) iaA,'aaa tember ana tieeamo, I i-, ,1. 1; -. OigeForAb Mqno.ebrnrjMai, AngnH and November , Pterjotank- t' Monday In' BWtcB: Jirae. HeppeAiiu,ravd OpxiBpi! u'Hi,liiti LltiHitai . rWaniaaatt , rleeond , ktoaday jii0i aVtbrnArg, Uv, Augit and Deatmber ., , 1- PeVloaThird Mooda in ayX1 jiibd, Re'l? mtvlTtlember'-,.'r' tiTTavT tuEi PtttirMMowday tai Feauaei Max Augwet ia1 Nuvalar i lriiiiii 1.. mwaI Wkeqpod Monday titer the fourth Mu, in Kebrntry. May, Anguat end November a ' yundtlpa-1ri Konday la' rHhtiiarV;'1 ttly) Awguatkod Moeeaiaaeii h'i iU..mau i ttahmiwdi Tltii MoadAt to aoArtA, atanli ''BwatnrnS .tarrfTtrrVfember"!" ii'1- rJTy.lX 1 u abeaawJatriA htoaday la Fabraary, Ma. .AaiAmHtanA Mowsmhea ,.1 I i-w. ... ,....-. ntmroitrln., Jloneat .iJa, lAbxun, Augutt ah. iheTTord I NoVemhet tfuwierrordUirhbd MovHlif ; aWihWwT4J aaiWamA)ili'd a:rcbnaaj.lfaet aavtaFeAer lte,Utoii femberkitd rkMaiher ' ' i-i VtPlbf tfT, BaTryHeeonrl PaanAay ni-PbrOAMlir,Ao)- taan etawei I!! a , odt erftdw "TyrrfAltmrth Monday . 'W'gwbylWM, ! aad Oetohaei ku II .) lo whimi! iui f ,leajf vajAafacon MoAdayHtftpr fAafipewAfai I'fjwnVrU Ftrei' krrU.ety- ia irWrniwry'ttBrjWi.' aad OMobe xl I .i Iei4ttia aoHrtjO ieo I , ,taHtaAiaioUAg 1 IWraaWyblWeaet goat d pvember , . . , , -a-j warren roorwi aiunoay rq rnmxry,. any, Anew Bad ppoeefcew''-i u t.l lxefVtl auf ' l.iuaWvbiaet'tird Moaatay toTaktvmirBy; .WataruZ Seventh Mono' akv to February. May, Aeinet and lvovember ! Warned Third Monday m Febfttary: May, Ab gnic aaa nn ami dm m .mm mi 1 ; t 1 .teA-ea-Firet Atoaatav to.EakirAgrT. J6tA,An ot rwroy-isJin,n,!,rP and Oetnber iAm' . . w.tVii. .7 Wiiaan Jntvand radtia.. Ftiet afh.tamtw. fcaaarft. AawL Jalv ABdteOteber,., ,),!,. 1 w1 aewvoAeuar - i ' .". I I Saacy-Fifri Monday ner lie fonrtb Monday Bt April; July; September and December' 'Vi Bt a.-m-atttt-'ti -IfiltV JJ,arT,a 'iL '. " to iiiirwpeaVOglaAt ot r'taM UA 't:"wi ll ,e l.tHaAII InaeianH .xfi , Of WAbat'A ( . . i I .W. twWA'll'. . Faani Of Aeaxtled iCBfea .tAtwaatniiH id. SSiXr.-. 'Vi:Wr?w,v!b?-f Of lttW..Xhli'.liiAAiMil .lw .Ada i-OJ PaawiaAv. J 4..MMa.XI,tArli.-ai ntT-;11 -reM-trt.. f , twhyr aiM Of nMaet H'.'. j.e.WrliJ r-(tiiAt kahM Of Br am Awe. t- . l.w aa t aji ofBl1 " I Dtwak WJlAtt'. ret :'. Gndo itl itAiinataaj , 1 1 , -, . at rfa. of'iv:.aS d Q" J yHlttAAita-nai ataiw) AffjUtait 1 1 aa4 anttal lacs. 1'XJL'' ''tiT-i va i" ..o,i, w I , AHhbH AKlUaUWMafaj.MATOiAt., aHaAerBjaaya,,. jttaaa Bhafta; Kaba, W am a Aura, palarrl aVale ftatad and aod Band, Silver headL. Jupaneee end lrarf tABtug Hia Band Haila. . Curtiua Knoeai, -?-raAAreaaHweawlm. AitafHMeFailewPtaiae. naawj amiluag liana.,-"an a atijia iai .011 AAnth. Datdpuik. Japajiear and Plt,.d Buck I, CuriAin Tran.e and w hip Socket. ' Wood Mirrauat. Bnri-V fpruiga, abaiitiaV.e.trtwei mmj breOwhiTi a 1 1 iiypwi wmiiai aaivei rt I A aaTBKB 10T OiaT It ri tCHEAV JBAteeeJaef bfi ,i..,J Mali koiy Wafrri TfiprsiiBaeiH jjaewiiW r'J HtlPayv tit V V . , JT,! IHJ IH 11 jrl- . . . , ir... r radkV faf F.bry7'l-ti!2!i!: ... ..- 1 . 1 .... i'. ,,,. f 1 u HOTr wn mrrMMnrMA. si pyi...: - -mit !aW--V-wm L .w TyrrejUl tJSrHBLmmm bt aaWamTa. , wta-eoo4 AfoaiW...-.rTT "J j 'inotonk-Foarth MotiKralt . Mond. v in A.rch arnl t-Z-i't "Mr Tfcf , I IA March aa fcmtembeV1''' Curn tuck 8th MoodavaAu. ti"": MJ Open aud Septo,.' r MXj. axooaiB oxacwrr. -vt DanliaFrll, u a.-T.. ", IT 1.7 ". rfclmJ wayne nrI wbiTav Jb'JTffct A.. .... nber ' WWI f ; ftay av", ,fjit:,i Tl wtai utai Alt. wa T: -.i ta. dy-aa AUroh lad nm.AuW3 Ia rtt b,Ji "tawawaj M fifjw iMnj Joaee m , . - ' '"wmeiuurih i. monoay m and aepuiui'- , , 1 KMkufnr vilK , : j 1 , j 1" aoor Um tiw v. T - - .a Haa www Kmwa mvawaBBWr 1 r A.A, Waa waj iii a r i 1 pa 1 .. . y and Beotam he Brnlb BSaapWd "'-'enmoa . t t r- " " ! . v I - llltA aiaa Hpa.j . maaar WIMAABW IaAHpAwav AL. T " - .Jln March and Bep I JiAhnalnn , " t raa, '.- amjer, 1 1 xaan : WkeF1faxW,flrJ;'.. . . I NorthamptoB-FiftA Meadav -a Monday fa March tttd fcpi. ,H t itf." -'oiACH Vlllettreiironaty'' V kirc,'!?!; V bAmXbitd Mkatdty bA.ila . BFtkftit MmtrMte aoaa,iilitpiain-.-.-L.- : 1 li. . m.onaav after T UlAaaUlk UJ.-' ra-wu Jiondav au. u ,. kt UmA-mA September' "" I - rYVl . H tardy Firat Monday At March tad tertaaUr Colnmbua Aeeond AfrarlA tk. AtT u . B m Web and 8emW nTV f"!" Aaxtaaatab lAhtrA I ill aflillkt Itk Urn day to Aarch and September ,7 Hew BanovwrFoKibi'A. ItJ J MiiadtyeaiaYwili ead tiilmkmiiq ,,, n T itAtnnanM SI, v,U Af A - . ... , .. .. , . WlrAd' . tmrnnerbtni , gBeattb -atkaleayevejghW.tbaAlb. Afonday in Mack aad awWawtbeg. itlt bi . pa .nJAattn'oiaavkii a-aeW atri'ip FetwaA7an4iAagat':i i iAivn t ( IwhreSf a-RSS'" ,Allg)tMia.x3kitT) lha ley afieraUAoaty inFeWcary andAaguM w...T7 'AinA-Fdarl irta Afonday titer the Iburii VondAf onday tfter the fcurif Voadt 'nlebaaary and Aagam, irr anw aaawnti ., a a rvuae rirtn Mono Fekraaryeao) Augae. Wilkek Fifth Monday after tbe 4th ,ndv la aAv M I -w-1 , ' T : Atexander-Sixtk ArooUyAfbtolbitAAoatr ia February and Anguat 1 s Iredell-Jteventh Af mdty after tbe 4th Warn ' iafikaaTaaeAAtartaA.ia-rwi7ll ,,....i vj;Sp5OTawa it.'fj;'''',''"' Wd,aittb.ifobetytM the th Aiinday in Febrnaty and Anruet. ow k'ipww., Afonday kfUr ta itk VJ mil iilair&.mimm I ml mil (m pif -Sa-easi 1 tflaatoaaJ'oneeA traadap wVWebraory ami i) IkTriiW hiftilk iirVmraaaj,,,;,,., Felinjtry ndAiiriit ,. . j a ,JitlPftA4aAaBM'lMmoftr' fhli tlk Vm WRfflbpWagAittlA la Uai itf&lw In Febrfaary aad August aeteyaVtbalkBtrwa W-Ara-i rtT maiAtiey ea apru iTraj- UmLvaMirnart JA aM a MwJt v.ill.. ' HBanavMaaAa''jf0Odtt fte 1 yiaAIAB4ttptemb' .v.----' ' ri'TT" uaiaw awua ay. ana a-i 1 a I nay In Anril andenteKibea . . u . , if AfaahmaiFoanh 'A-oodey Ulet tbe Atk Jf day to April and Sep-aaabar ' leneey-Fiftb Jfoaear-after tb loartk Mm day la t pal end' li l . . Jfitchell 8irth Afonday after the fonrtk April d eptwAaSvt"- ' ': Jinncooioe ttevantb Ataaimp AW tb AtkM April and kept ember, coot moid to aeot-. , .' . Tiifc tTcritti; ipr.'.I,' rnjiE'cmdrLATioi -of iThi "weeki' ' 1' tru," al.Av. very We, ba of Ute ereaiwd that it mar be called aarrnreal. W" kaddiair It hshl for all, a all ee1im--nt Aaet, Sonth and Weat. Ite mlutenre vet. It miiaeiiaiap 1 Becenly utterrupted oarwf agar raaamrd, and lb aouth, which 1 Aha au kaa Kamm aaaoee of pe utie Af.unKiiAMoa Anmv that eoriaT ar muliip yioevrr dav. , rinen nonwif -ar put fJrtn, ae in ft, 'fcrTeekly Ben,", te tbe damaad lar a raltabU taAayvaeed of evaeei and aa enterUuiing vehicle at brh bterttniv, which, while H inMrueuend pW- inte jw mot virtue wU aeitiWHiaiBee aortioeTriww every line of i f an impure and Bnmoral wwderev. " Iri aWeacbwvideaee f moheermgii rauuaaraTeg.H.fram ellp- 4 -Tg-WtritY BtV'm tfnd rW7 fT I J.. m, u.. .jl. ..l,il taw iate te J on atn icuoetiog eroeeeinfi.a aw - - . atviduat aau eiaoa wnea eeu -. Ac. Th Broney, ia all nut, attvaAC r , m . 1 For eae emryTor on fear - t Jl ."let ; A ehttroAala aptw,..a ewmU. Het;v.r touaiaf ne4ve-oeei wne jmmim-t" is Lib of flfteea eopiee,xiDe year- mbwv' C!abof twenty 'ropie. ore j aof twerrtv-AVaoptee, owe yvar ... -Tttvrmwrte Will lwwrmt teU r l'J . m .ivrTUml mt A.,e V?n Aart MdAaremd ant eadcuA avrv av rErImh.-.'r.or,th ,B.rrl,' mode ie rewnftng ribrriiiou y u, $ Iatfi(Hii AdAtreaa ' n .; . 3 ' l -i I!: m4ra CaOdtofA io-nre, A. .mtva-tf -l ..' r- ofer- . 7 in- pahli!is of Kewarwpeia o? , eVianeirg uk tha ''?en" t.i ,w rrwted. Oa trew-w eg the lww, , H ttaa emeaajt .of anertew tm - - pavwd a ar u. 11 fcwn " " . .. p.a l crniT of. aaapei ftui. a - totttaatBcai L.,,, 4.v. . ; m Marc mtd September, "rtfcJUO t

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