TEAMS Of BPB8C1IPTWH. J. it hiT as Mm AjBisIiii Uml . -. , 4 I . B nu- Weekly SmMmI ea year, ...... M THE SENTINEL. SDITOR8. THCB8DAT. JULY M, MM VATXOIAL DlXOCt ATIC TICrET I -..- - A.". m-mm . ' FOB PEE3IDKST, A HON. HORATIO v !, . ,0F WW TOM. -a n.i .fob tct p Bjwroifiy.; OEIf. PRANK JBLAIR, Of MBMO0SL . ... . , 1 " IT1 .:i..TBrMfOM MBit.- ' i Fiaaka aad darjtaloa of eettaraeiery to, II mettora, art eollI to toDfldeBc", Hcea Ma." "la tetiatoa ltkm,t. art doteeUbl creator, "I, l&o wert either Bold or hot, hot because toa art neither atrid dot kot, I will spew (baa oot of mjmomtk." 1 rt i Jf a hart ban atraok with tkWm - bar of ptu ia thi State, who, anda circaaMUoooi that eat! fur tb kigMataam aad learliiiM i, ara dlrpnaad teaoataaj tbair political feeling .aad jtfm,-rfftfl whuptr, wbea tbey allnd to their aoufavM aad ark sweat to ba U cpofUot'dfWt aiarar U Ihay axakaawa ta kailatldad aa4 axed tbair pooUoa, m wanaaotkir lat tbey win loak a Mttla trada, U'to)vl ia tbakr biaBaaafraaftarfoma amUJetrt ajaa lot Mag aa konart daai ladt tod paadaai dtixea. foct Mftftt'tfl aakaaMd to call Omiie4miriHtfitiii. Tbair daad father, If tttrara pmi&yyMAJi atir ia tbair frara at (0 abaataf ol a waail d unllniai' ! "' J ' T ":'"- ' "Tkaraara aiarcbaaU, wiiiil mum aad DrofcMioaal ea.''llOTr 'allorar' RLda. wko ' aeeia t 1 b M timid, timt aarriag aad Mmaolft Akat tW 1 ifnif to ba knows aa liartng aaj olIUcar"lwilU . Tbajr ae to tbiak If m ladi -paadeat to ay, "I kkT othlDf io-d.VU poiiticB,aTbanobd atouUkat aa. ibing to do witb rrM U e.ra aaUU , joward1y and nnmaalTtbat oa bm i palriotiaai, na loa of aoaoUy,, iio dorotio a j (hanoutllntioB. and artDBrfeCtt'!! togto lottba Rak'jaai.Ti4ui&kt destroy yonr goranment, 17' aflonW auke UUU awaaj and takacaw Jlo. I, then tow art unfit for tD 'priTllHrea'of df ' aad a apport of but booait an w Ifoa ar aawortlii aoaaof .tit iwttf.wo, fg1tl,'-YM aad Uia4lo a-blireCAIaertcin iraadoaa t noatoikvi . aa . - -! r 4' Tba Um baa arrlwd, wken ftirw. f tba BUM wiaaoJcaw.trr9te.Uia Vu ether, aad mutt m decided ia tMir ; ooona. ia bbk aivuw aw wireawf pemocnU iaafJoallWtJ aitaar atead ' up lor , tba CoMUUilWfil ? , I i aar l r .-1 .- . ' BI - aTT.Ti-I Dieaerratioa f 0t Hbert rrli aaaat. r wa Dwat go wit tbW Xaviuaatt u aad aoatais Coagraw and tb, RdfcflJ! ia iu Darnaaa to daatroT tba goTwomaat. Tm ok laJca oaa ilda. Of tin thh.i k " " i.I "I i hoaaa. anUDokcIUdlealr"woald trada " ith r ti.1n murk aooinet tllAn lBO ia nmvniiin amoow CoaMrtativna 'aad a Badicai among lUdiclaotna wbglyra hahMwotkiag to, WVWJP tioaa parbapa, wbra a maa eooldtafelj Uka Uat podOoa, wbea h,itteVf (of tba goraraataat waa aot U JeopudyewheB it mattered littla wbether ' i man belonged J . to taia or mat partyv aeoMiae. Bow, parue patriotiant, kia Ubart. dcpaa4 spaa Mek . i .' 'Be la 'atth a friend of tba Ca titutiea aad af tka gaaaaaaiaat ai our t ainert orba ia aa eBetaytaiUakfAU bagger aad acallawagi, for, tba af. of " ' afflce aad proQt,'dj not imitate io 'iat, HI am tor Cooereaa airalnat A Cooatltntioo: niaereanU do aot beaitat t'in Oonatrra ' mea, bo ataad p lor tUe CtxuLitsftrrB '.and tba goTanuixn ftrbrli" nd "tjl tor..;,. ': i " . ' ' J ; j " iiet avert man, ooonuj , ana iuuqa- , deotlr, toke oae aid b otber. Toe Moat a oa drama e axoraaa. ' Toa aat opetUj avow iiwnwll t be-a. Orant aad Ootfks aiaa, o a tju.uo. and Blair aaa. Fnbiie aptadoa will not allow you to fca aadeeidad, aaj longer. ' Take your pnei- " taw like a Buaa, and cling to it if Ui atara fait. ..So other Mad of maa will do for thi i criaia. Tba idt that, because iniisli poor vaad dependeat apo I tka community j for WOfk, be muat, therefore, ke p dark, at a ' tlm like tbla,Uakocklng. ' Beg from iott to daor, ratbef tbaa bf a Jsypocritical ttim- r, tweaided ataa, or or .wbo ka as aid, m opinions, a manhood f r, Gt. Faawcr T. Bint-Tb Badicai paper ia thi city, w r tJi, t Indulging ia various misstatement ia ngard to Oaa, Blair, vritk tka view of affecting kia aotcp tabflity amoag aa. Gea. Blair did naarr tbing la that dreadful march fromHtlanU to Rsleigb, ao dooUt, acting wader tka orders of Gm. Groat, and kia; trior tmaxdi T . . l. . d . 1 commari.k-r, lien, tlierman. Which rwe! OTOURi aongbt tbawaUara of tba tonntr and gor araatant. s Ba aowj! l.'W. otbwla, ! i. maa'i ebiracter. kl Handing lfKirty,hia eaad swrer approve, and l I'h, floubtleesy bar caused a no ktiie i-.a; Vat it It not rw that the Krone Elver pTii n.Vilvrwi burned by Gen. Blair' orders. Oa of C prryrio- tori awurrt tit it wu aot Gen. Blair, but some ot!,r Genera!, nlu5 c 'cred it '.her chr;f a sre ao doubt ".ua"y untlB ate '', Cen. 1 'nr. but aLkkta 11 ilk s?t fore ar;''-' n-f" t, th PW in Cnma4 . .rjiers and Ir.r f i . a. C ;r f Waltlt 7iu iulcher, as im. W jujT. C0S9TiTVTJ0(SD BT-LAWS FOB We hT reodvif fc a-oee, rrqaesting of s Conatitatk '" 'jTJ r si" a T i 7 X i 1 Having hmU Ma, iV iwVuodttoV' print them, w fcav prepared the following OnMUiutkm m4 By La, a a gnld for Club, aad tubmit the to th eooaidera. tkwof oarfricedt. Ikey war anbmlttad .1... V . fnfM ' Oar- day sight, aad ViaaiawyiaJc adopted .- Wu u. Tbia aaaoeiaUoo aball be etyled Mkitret To aaiw ia ekiaep4itiel eoatpaet tnrj l.liwret. Co arTur, r ay waMerar aaoM kaoaa, ia North CaWini. lor the apport and mif and tbf bafmMiy df ue Liuloo ; lua proper enroreeatemei law aaawwr ay wiwmhiwhi. aad M Ut n-aeOoii mt baboalie ewy here by U eteetiua af Hobatio siTMoi'a. of Mw Iwk, a ,, and Vaaaoi V. iU-Aia, of Mhanarr.'aa ae VreaaVat, aa aMub Ueot aratie aad CoaeereaUaa aomioeee for any otto : aoA further, to promote the nntsal benni aod prorekioa-reaa,oifbr ta all Uwftil pmeati. aidrnr ewb ether la beatmee, aa beta awnbera ef eae area puHMeai faaiUy, aeefcinfr to praaaute uere welfare, aad eepeoiallr to eneed each aid to tbMaalj.bte bee oaiy be ino- red ur urunrkoaJby liaoi&i fiariy, aa the Aaeuciuiuu aiT be able. i ' a. t V la of h (Sab aUl euosiet af a FreaiUctirt, ihrue Vise freaidvaU, a Kojrd iac Hesretaey etxt Tm'(r'. eaall wrforio Ui da(uMpK uljfvi l'. i" etuer vHW HmAfiratttt, bell be olecisil u anally atlbe atmiul aieeliuK nt fbe AMucialiuti aa4 aMta'Mtia aeuteJioMa, m lioa abau be aueaiatura iim uuereiH tn w ubu. in. . TbWCooitiUtl, ion aoob Dj-Uw. or Kenlatiuiui ae tba iimb may abit. may lw anereq, aminM or ebanKwt al any uulilie uioet laalaVaW UaJyIa"uiatiMUikdl Hi W. wboee nan are heratd anaried a eat- aiiillil(ialil m in il and aaorixl buuor, eou-, aiaulJy aiuj feiUifully to proutoie Uio, i.j. o aud alow df lhiatub ai aeVfiirtli in tiie luretfuing iiMtfiibiiin uul 4i b4ld uuraelvee reaur tu d- rtaid PiriaaiBralWt to- pwiWel. Ui the extent of IAUOI1 tbroanbuat Uieautte. IT.tiWI AVS REflTTLATIONS. aabaerib the Oooatitalioa, in order to rtnsiigiii- aa. ; - m. All aaoaied eonlribotlnna to the object' of the AaaoeiaUoa aball be roiuktary. and aVU'be reaanrer, wuo enail aeop au eaaci ikbntaia lbs auqhlnljoiyth order JiiHZ to wBufa hZahaU aubmit hieaeeonnbi wnee ordered. I.trr lnB'V.H orW-ttHrribrlfSelMg. wkea-an wker "n9aaa. era wenooeeej ana me 'rreeiaeuv iHoga 'Heh tiratU, but tbe Kxee- atlr Hoard, or Mieb .of )u mnilr a may be . 1 1 K..ttlM HUA. S aaaai aaaan fmmnimn :man an a Euh maniber of the Eiocuti A la hereby appMnted QemmfHei V" k rtamra lor BMarbonbip, alaxr' ftooleQ ' eh)ee tbe Clab, and tn aft :drmatiimi (or Ui ehjeetaaf tbe Club, aad to attend to tlr ftenmi huereeuof.the C'hib, aaorl a Hrctiug th ie-eor- Beapeaaeaia yeeuaiui and cirealatuig docu. MM, , ft Th Kxeentire Board ihall meet to transact th privaM.aiaVMrUaida aa often as il any order, tana the efHeer -t -tba Jhtb abati b rtiiailml tor good eauae, to eoneidor tba ttuaneie! bawBii or UienJoa.aililaaoa otner private maa tan a aaay be Bweeeaary. AU Bemliera of the fc ad may aire ebb bat the baalnee of the Board wilt, he deteraiuwd any ether aactioa "marAaie -eeruneate of ha BMaaaereunMia taa un, n ae neaira av w o eiaaed by the Praatdon aatBjatiar' k!f ( Hi aBAetaite Board of each Club wilt rtvb peeial MMutioa t all matter of reriataatM, votinc. ae.. aa . rota -ail ao roen ooit. aau that the tew h) arHettybeerven, that all rraad or aael-praotte kj detoeted aa.dl7 ptintebea. i- , iitBlgyjrlti'1 lnM 1 fiouitf WaroUn. Ororirf. Hiatiw in and ether rWther BtateaJ atrons ' Jjornd- crlipjijb araj Jbpioj( f rojd,' 15'on aed 1 Mloredeitlmfc...tkantUaiioo above ag(Mir(tUaarM.(tora,'; V place or pereoaa. If Uaatooraiio Liana can be formed entirely of colored pereorJa, p-f bp it rjjtKbvatoi2:,'f trv ftw, the'ub may decide to enteitriem oa Ueir reuisters or aot. Jtbl nT ar .r.riMi ill I 11, T. ' ' wi ,rfwviW!r,KWlry'' T1 ward. Meat old men1r14sji,j.nerten, bttatf.nl9n kaow their polit ical stofas, Tka la tba young aisav. wo bar tb plnck, and who may b educated pom 01 age. 'w HMU the Mpr ana bow- y)inWWf aitbeprodenee aid Wlsflonr ol sgg,,. Tb neoestf 1 MrMhit, men, under (be age ol II. would form Clulit afxtiif oWhy Ul'tfa ifflapf'fia Ward, la vreryjodnct nJj dpTn' Di- ariet-ta fhq Statc'wr's' or 10 members, aad many Bvcif, a ipyssil'le, caa, b obr tailed, 'Tli more th better. The toleot aad energy Qlas) aaj rpepiaiiM V broogbt wnl Tt wHl Hirt ttii to let the uld mm and m mrt tin tu let tii tlm old party thaoageri do ill tbi managing and; lUtMiytli fitf rmaa ia some jKnitioo to'MaatoL'By having a tlubla'.b'cr. evert hclghbor- 1 i ' 1 bood, we can And rixiti ttit'k'&kki'd&j as ofUcert n) to!) era tad .Jrorkiog maa. Wl eae have our Club aaartlug aw of etoora, tbate plea-tuit' nights, by anoonltght o camp drnt, and there itl be ehaaco put totry Bvia', Aliu Caa makulfr.iittl' speech, or a grant speech, U-da eaatetblng in tlt Vue. LiA,,tb4Wibi .'ornss unrg out ati our mea tojrorlt. lorha Cbe sti union ami tit country, and Mlus av thim 1 1 the elwiioa of Sovmour ndBliir1 1 -- - jj-t ' w tu. nun i er mi i 'i inasrrh j ia A Cf BAtt OAia aa Tbbkb nrraruittn Gea.B.B. Bcatt, Radical "Oovernofj of oouiB vanNina, t,a asuv ot rtansyivaain) wrait a pi i'imim ia u pari law ia sranng b wv, Va ix f riended by one 'Qirliiiby.-'- 8on drew oa kaao Smith, of : Toledrv- Ohio, tot sjuo, payable ta gold, and oa thi draft Quimby raised moaey for Soott'e aaa, at aa nirrbr"collehed lireugh the blockade; eta isw.iiauoTeu.ircnea.tDa Tobada hankers Scott iru (lenantred, and instruct d tbrm pe to pty it -Tlia . draft wa rs turned to barlestna dishonored, aad til stir) amatitieie ' The holder ba Mea ad TertlsrJ ta a Scott, tort ba aot don so. Bcnfcab!, havvura .alitra.tsf thU wUdom wita Wbica Kid w inspired by the lata ... U . I'. . . l. .: I . . 1 ,t of the ., the probability, la, thU by fiie-KMohaom terror at hi tisM. tka bosra Governor iaUiiTB(irr will f-o rVott-trae A clear crna lortle r.sdjcl uf (threa; kl tired 1 ii n uia n -in -htri " ' " 'a i h.e t ,: Ua M: -XJu: tluaka wtaiequir aoBMaiaiuoa to deieah f-y. motrf. tod PhMoaraGea)e adraita that lurantaaaixinsxcaaM alerted "only, by kr.l alisailv Ul-.r" ' i ' Owe prkVded Bor- aad I LetV fo-II . t, . T ' .. - T atrrnoarTT tm tyaiamvdiL. J 14 -X t f Fa:"aaiaj. - i-N ti rali SOATE srjaafa party Wcoaaaoar, July ti, 18M. J Tbe Benate waa called to order at l o'clock. Prarer br the Her. T. H. Pritchard. of nrraoDDOTtoa or anxa. - Bj? If r' Robbim : A bill ia"relaioa tbe record of the late Court of gqnity. Bj Mr. Keapaa : A bill to Chang tbe time of lining aad ofltetiag oouaty and 8 ate tazr. , - ,-r- By rbeaarae: A MTJ jto aatead tec. , cbap. , Keriaed Oode, eotrrtod ' Bntriea and Grant," , , , , , ,.lm;. Br Mr. Love : A resolution, ioatroctinfr the Committee oa Balarie aad Fee lo re port a bill regulating the aalarle of Public Officer. , . Br Mr. White: A' raaoiotiao, Jnttxuctinfi; the judiciary CoraaiiUc to. report a bill providing for a nniiora kyatarn ' of Land Valuation i tba State. v Tbe following bill wer takaq' op and dinposed of : - , .k . The hill ia relation to Prowiriopal Muol cipal ofllors paaaed It third reading, by tbe following role : . j ,, . Tlmse who voted ia tbe affirmative are, MrB. B41aiay, i rrdi Barn.t eiytkt, Colgror; Oortlr, T3K Wlbaridfer, Kpi, (nfcgro,) Vorkacr, Oalloway, (negro.) Ilaytn, Unrriugfon, flail, llyoian, (negro ), Laaititer, Long, Martiodle, Jtoor. ol ( nrierei, ftMih; KMpaJ .atth,. tfweet, White and Winntead. ' ' 1 '' Tbi'(i9 .voted. J a ithe.Aegatiri ' aop. Meaar. liarnea, LlndtaV, Love, Metchor, Maaoo, Uiliornc, , Pardia, Robbio and Wynne, BiU tir tue rrliefof Willi a Graody, of Oranvill (imaty, paaaed it third reauinif. Kestilution indrneting tba Coda Coin' Oiiaainhf-ra, to report a bllrecr(i(iing'"lteg iatratiou for the bVata, paaaed. ' , .'. , , BiU authoriaiag lha Supenoteadcat: f Public Work'to prneare a room, t aa n penac not to excev'd J0 per tnoptb; for" Ui ne of bit ctepartrea( wa referred to (lie Coniniitteo oa Halaric and Fee. . . . , Itill to mend an act to mooroorat 4ke Or.euvilhi ffentai. Bread Bail Kdad Com pany, wa referred to tbe Committee on In- iibI I in 1)1 ( Bill iartlieiiroteclloa' nf nioelMinic Bd other lalHircni, waa relerreil to the Commit lie on the Judiciary, and ordered to be printer!. , j , , r( k Hill in relation to legal prooes wa re ferred to the Committee on tbe Judiciary. Ilesolution inntrucUng tbe Committee on Priming to furniah the Code Oommiaaloner a printed copy of each bill and resolution paaoed tiy rlii General AjaemUy, piaaecl.' Kt-aalntlea aUowine prrdieiaand aiilrage to thoae Senator who are banned by tbe llowarti autendhieiit. Was rrjectextfjy a par ty voter H W IA (i( !,. rri (r!l Bill coaceralng Iapector lor ike city of Wilmington, 'with amendment proposed b) th aelaot Commlttt.ili-a.i Galloway, (negraj. apposed tbe bill in its present form, as coming from th Commit tee, and proaounced 1t anruit to tti iU- xoa o. Wllflbgtorii,"rhelr '1ateter''BAi been oversUuii W Y Btlrl j,, Thej, jr tnew represeatauves nsva oeea coosaUsal ia reifard to tbe matter, bat, ow the eowrarr , when, o was slncken down by sick a, "an I talarasfad man from Pitt Oouaty had' Wro-fl aaeexi tbi mil. ' ua was vtattao ia au room by this eliqna and aaked tf aapport the bill.jl He told tb.m ba would wot They then1 begged tht be would apt offtir any oppoj rliinn to it. ' We can get hay quantity ot bills , jrora the House Isrge budgets of 1 htm; but, generally, tbry art imuertect, "and we hart to anka them ' rtatlaHle' ht return them backi The bill which tbey sent to us, regarding eglstrMoa tor the; city of Wilmington, wa all in a muddle, aad had to be returned to tnewJ. tie wai fur a lil that wilt represent tbe interests . J : t mil T ' tT t .1 Ui jxp)4 0 rr umingum. , lie, inrer moved that the bill be printed nrf laid tlie diaksof Bsnalora, ia , order that It ma be perfected. The bIH wto ordered to -printed, the purpose fWgaatod. 1 TZ I RoMilutioa oa adjournment propeVPft.t ad)oara 00 tna 10th. - of August, ta snact again oO the tOttl. Of November, awsaead rtl, with'.utrlfylngthtim JW resmf bling, aad 'passed, iIM .n.! I neeolullo'n Instrncting the Gotriwtfe'o Military affarrs to report a bill for th Minor (ration ot the Stat militia, psaasll.M .1 A I proTiaing tor oinng vaeaneie -acena-riuff' in tbOffloet Drovitled for ia Article t of tba-Constimtioa ot North Carolina J Mr. Bobbin offered to amend the title of tba bill, ao a to read, 'Ma at .to.asaar Or QorKr DUwer. r r- - Tba BDOaketTn'W vUt M lvas not la or der to amend the bill, aa lu third reading, and tbe Question recurrW'rV the Vataaire of tk MHWk rairdrj1rfg,'thshyt and aay wr called and thahlll psaeL Tboa,va)irkko1 k'tliirifrjativ were : Measr. Bellamy, Brogdea, Boras, Blyth, Oolgrbv; Cook, Davfc; EiveoJ Eiheridgs, Eppatv aetro, Fokar;vGellowa,aegr), Hsyea, Harnngtoa, Ball, H j m aa, aegra, Jones, of WS, ln, t''i Loa. alar ttodal, f, ol'CTM,-Tt1h, Kespaaa, Smith, Sweet, Walla and WiaaUad. 1 1 Thiwsirdtoivwed. I v the rvtajftw a-br; : j Measr. Itarne, Linnssv, lre, MRlcnrr, Mason, Cshome1, PhNlie, R.dMn arif Wyrmr;. ' -" Bilt-tn ratsfioai (a O a record f h4 ute Ui a?wrava aj aaMriajMirmi, llll MK 1( tavaj Bocrrtanr of Slate to furnish a fsJonlar heat awoi af the late election 'returns.' lor! task . 1 - r .! r 1 A 1 1 . ' 1 .1 " v V uaaiat a iauif.1 m T Mr. pa eel niTt-ml e amesMii brtsMrsi big the Secretary fo employ aeresswry cleii esJaisUnre to aoonmplish this object." ' awaata. VV' 11, upra aau Barnes opnoaeil , Ute' ' reaolunoa. oa .the Messrs. Vabarna. Laaaltar, Lv aad pose . Ui BToend thst It was aiiriecensary and a ad ditional expena ta tb EUta, aad aat as W.l 1 ' 1 . . ! . . . . . 1. 1 atiioa: so teirisiaf iva aaattcrra, hjt 1 e. Mr. Sweet soppwrted aht imnUtioa, aad. a morion nf MKianiaa, st-srae-resrrad the Committe oa Pal arte had re. Tk Saaat tkaa, adjaaraed. ' BOTJSS Or iRKPEiatif tATI vts. ""tui tmnmaBotriiD tuTLBokiil " 1 .try-W'tf,J ks , , Tk Iioum waa called to order at il oaraai ef yeaterdayjwad asxl approvid. iBevtaowrji itrwsa u tassMsTte wa tba JadicUry, reaortad . btanb, a ,bUl. to rent tna dietlllauoia of rraia. aKt r mended that it danot Taa ' l Ate.4 I - Mr. Bantu, from tbe Committee M'rJw. rjoratiorsv reported back arveraj biila. which wvre viau apva vua caianuar, sor ratajre oootideratioB. " : i' , , ' : 3 , , ? j By BUIly: A raaolutioa providing Ibatae reaolutecia shall be eetcruiaed, peiitioatng Ceagraa la temovi tk disabilities of those membera banned by th provision of the noward aateadBstattwr. vvi-vv:.-A ' Mbj Dwrban said that a member had a right to ialiraj aaa tany raoluUoa, thst hs saw fit, and b watai to kttow U Mr. Stilly denied that. It a aacmbtr Wat -tlcbarrad -r. roa atao oppoaa4 taeoaol SJaMiet. af Rather uA. 1,001'' ----Jrtioa lookiag to H gearal oaon of oiBiiBea rroa at J of al par si par sea ah uld with ith HafWaa far i at xdfbira oata. Seymour aoradfToatecMa tka ra 01 a "on wbui to marrow, aad last it aa made tke special order. Carried. " I Srarstoor naovwrl a mrrsnaldar th xnln br - , ... . . !A4hBJw-itT' Bepart of tka rJpeoil .J Cmatea. appointed to mveatigaU th tromir.M tlrai ! Iha flrilill foTaoateaMt electioa ia Caaadea Coaaty, waaTV11" mm-CIMm 11 H IB IMP IKAMII adopted, 1 ' i ?'5 . . fs ! Harris, of Wate, arrro, oppoacd tkaaao- noa to rrooaaidertbf rot. H said be Waal aowllliag to conaum aay mors time ia, tajlsf isooasioa or tbe matter, aa M aaa mia aa eidered by tke Cotnnrltreb. ivrportad wpow, aad that report adopted. He saovtd to lay the motion to reooaaiiUr aa tka tabl. . Tbe yea and aay were called. aposi,tB toot Ion aad reaolted, yea 14, Bay M'' Seymour said that tbe Conititatioa.llk der which they wer aaaembled, ripresaly provided that all law, and cUuas at law, aot repugnant to that CoBstitattoa aad ah Constitution of tbe Uolted State, ihoold eontinoeia foil tore kad flt, BkUl. law fully altered ; aad, tberaibra, tka psmaaad ing in tbis case should be reewlated aeeoed ing to the pro)torii 'of Chapter .4- lye vised Coda. ,By tbe tetter and spirit of their Constitution, tbey had aa other say to pro. reed. Tbe contestant anight bar earned the matter befiaw Oea, Caaby, aad keeoold have InttUuted, aa Javaatigatioa iwstqlatad in such manner aa he saw St, bat that wa not done, aad now tbavlt i bnrucbt-before lawi 1 , 1 vi inmm I Pending the lurtihr diacosaloa' of 1 theJ matter, tbe Chsir announced the apaciat or der, viz : "Tiie bill to prevent th sale xtf spirituous liquors in By mile of aa lo lUofl." .-i.e-f. 1 r vat I The qnostioo rw erred npua tba amead iment offered bv Mr, Bowman, also prohibit ing tbeMle ot liqutaT, atartog th. wising ol llir nil enor Court. ti Mr. Uowmsn being kept frmt W Wrst I y si k in m, the oimiderstlon pf the bltT was, on motion, poatponodnntil Tuesday next, 11 "'clock. n: 11 i Th hour of twelva kswiag arrived, the Speaker aiaca.fpaobiWt oSered appoiatment, as the asocial anler lor that hour ;i, 1 After some disouttioft, asuUsttute, which bsd been previously' Introduced ' by oej mour, was addptarty. 1 . (Ts uttiWiU oatapvaeat Coontj 43on ra issiotier te anm inna tfaa tbaat tka nasv rious cquuty offler elrcted aad - hwearlow them tt pielr oompctewy 10 koM offlpe under the Howard Amendment. If tbey are found to be dlsquslifleAtbeovrrwor" hail illl the vseatocfceattVier are other proTiaum in tb aUtt bat toWKthsigitt 4 It.) i.t. J . 1.1 Tb pbaif tWaaapaaeed thai .tba na floiabad business would be sow tekaa no. .nddiscUmionffffl,e stttion la Camden eodutr waa resumed. 1 Tk ejaestion reeatrett Jpa ayatattrlj motia, r reconstoer u motion, -Tiy-w-nK" tut.muomy report was adopted, .tie , an rocated tba motion at boom length, aad, la concluding, called, hi pjylou quest ia upon hi motioal ' Tba aaU wa- kabtsdsMft- had tha ttoa bfot Prtwaacarriaik' rsaosw than, avovwd the adoptaoa ei th minomy rap art, aoo, apssi ta aaonoaaiieo ine yeaa-aqn aaya, , , , ,., The call being susta lneu, tka roll A ah worth, from 4ba CommiUe ao MiU tarv affair, reported a bill, which tha.Speciat Order .kx.XfMn BetXwMoat bei'ngead. r' ' By Vast 1 .A MMiarwiattoa U thavsneeting of tbe County Commiatioaers Bring theirl pay at $ pel dkyf while" engaged ia traon scUag buuosaa, aad Oaots mileage tftfa uiiliarsa erosraa so pruiaa. 1 m Mr. Sianlabraanvwd to ranoaatoW th vote. by which the minority report ia the affair. M tb Canido eountycieotioa was adopted.! .fn SUia morad te lay that motiaa um-tM table. km The motion wa pat aad carried. l By Mr. Poa : X reeojatioa la regard to ta Issuing of mamae Heewtea. ftaterradi , Alter soma, farther antmportaal SollBMei tn House tkea adjuoroed. - - il $At VBBHONT tOKMOd&ATIC COSTKlfl :::rjm. . ia The Demoeratto Stat .Coaraatloa of Vermont, held at Moatpelier na tba lttk inataoh it aaid to kaa aura ass ed lar aamher aad Aaractar' hnyparty drlxMtrctre mads la Vermont tor sea. yean, Tb loif towing an tb reolutioo adopted-1 f ooattitotioaal libarta aa th oa kaad aad military force and abeoiate despotist sno ptaw it aw aawBjauT f Reaotvd, Thtr beartiry aadaraav platform of prtocipie yatorMa- Uonal DsaxcraUCsvWoa si bat teasioa la tba eity afiiew .ICor. ""if L. ?tf ValliMf UI aj TawllRZn IhllfWIIf WbTWI WQItf to tbe oaitotoa aad fb law at thab wart tit ktawtr. aoa.taa wreaaartaty. af IWH' MoW, too M " K the vatma ot tb ewatitutaia and w' ea the chart tie, aad, aeaitjaw. a t CartaUaa gietlsmaa i aad totlaaiii .R Blast rvufagaB ! xarvaraajsW-. toe aad hera-aoldwr; wio, myb tor thk Uaiaaaad aieaMda-that.ih aMMm. rhll v m mm mk v.- vari wiwin wp and holh sball reoeiva ear hrartf aae) wi uiti I . uffrl ' H A ' M Uaauirad, 1 bat Um eaadlUata tata da Bomiaaaasl a ail sweat ra ear heart ta t WHiri T ORAlflr RA TiriCA TI0H MS STI. mwi-xi iil.-ai-vt , If a at tlrtaaam Jat4 '.' A rirfi'rnlrmot 'ftainr rm thestmd at' t Demoeratie ratification meeting jAst'eitht Wa a wsjmusrw aatkfjlhs csargya colored repu atiitativa ot colored Dewae cralia ciub wer also ba th ktand. '&"ara namberat aatraoea weaa aa the proccaMoti. TlatpftoeiW Wsrtrtt af the -oityi ware a bright as dy wi?h the 'lllamloatwia. The o&ic of th Dempcialie .'atwrpspef ,th psiaciaai hatiatta. house , and , iloe'. ot pwbtW laat, hlaaad with lurht, Load a covered with a'uirsrttivw lnstririoaa.4 J Crwwda of ladSe without aacorta filed tb streetev, ThtBoah perfect order wa aaa- talaed;aotbainsie tjiatmuaata aaa eaaa kaardatM ,-,.; t ' ! . : art to 'Tb Itarfical And It neccTWreaort tk ahanrd detioa and, aalmaaia thair atasurpt t ditpara? 3w. rJersaoar. Erea the New Terk Ad 1 wot ashamed ta iaainuabt that rasanity V hrr1rtary- ta tb Govarer't family. Ia J 5irs.. n'f t 'tk editor of th iaat wrou aoaneia ' X i, eating htavaad Vie party tt wtxcb t'la. tvntortbsw belontred aaiitsd Jif rwi aa infidel, arc) aaid, ii ha ware akmu4.4i woo Id bar til tk BtUea. , . 4-ja 1 1 y wwnuig, deiilaruig ,, fo , wwcb persons banaetl 1 iy the 14th. Article hs iieen eleotedi wcaat,and conferring npoa the so-called Governor thfc power to fill by now-1 Ikoho. I a- bOreasu nf, o 14th hast , Dr. J. K. La . eioaat aaagaaar aw 1 A I 1 - J i. ak Joa. .,r Mamuas sad Vvauua r. esjad". m, aaoalbs aad 1 ear. xxw id nansxjtxjrTi - r CAM PAICM OF 1IM! TCCltER'S, I . ' 'i U TS .1 t ..-.. .t i 11 rs- i .ttal ,itu arMa rm AAx aa ani nrrTrmKO a ''"' " "iswr pa;r-t.w LI i iilia'il Trftii-'i t for 14.4 .fiT M :t:fl'irt if tH4 t.Vivi ii lit tn4 .l-i i 't ii lit i" 1 ilf'iii'.' j u.L r aj.jt fmVWW or nitwit 8UhiMpA4s?RaiTS, .1,1 1 A.r .lBBUMtJ, " VI rl iHuroojrWwaxjias, j.aTJMl.raaii wancwim imt IJMBREWijpkRBJAAlu.ftklOEa. Woriuaifr aai'idW b oar nsudmt Krhasrii W. rl. dt It. - W,bft(J BalaigaiiAaly 9b, tsmktt n )U Uit ui . ii 41, f . . W. C 8TR0SK H, - .astur 1 ,inoI 1 ,nitl 1 t aiso'h raltsl Motiwii'l ! artn t-Mt It '4.1 II MA.f.HHI oa tb ialb op cottojc, bavai. rroRri J.nd . 0. mMUI(. 1 ialySf . ... 1 25 KKQ Ojm Wwitflc.,',Ma OR KE(at RMOU4H IfcOUA. gl'J I lixXU Par sal hp '.X 4uiit a. r. - Br mttm tik tavrit i' niir fytVKHf tW-"- a il "d. t. A W. C. BTBORACH. f ,IIH . . .aim I 11 u mm)Mri,,i f .l.u i "AJatiavA w. C. aTBOKAOskt 4VahqiwaMB. H'l'l I XaW.'B ALTIMOiE BIDCft ,u,. re sal by ,SI0B tlM.:a.BTBTMUC. tji a wear i iwii nrna. Ovl ' wUlawy HJ','J,T x .i.fcOi ClSTBOMACH. L23 r 1 .1 , . YW'. Of LARD, 'rJ.'T.'Ji'W. C. 8TBX!tCHA orh BocKrw or'iJtte.Nfo.', - G. T.A W. Jury4rilJi JH1 HiilAlxrt tv iWbMiiM4ia M - wry n-tr aetrs sn prnfT eri 1 8rLISDID CttlKCI JTOllBQH moatiu BONA FIDE KAFEXJi tut JaCalA4WBBVitaV0II f i I, as VMs'r im Ttfi'ftrtlvtrrVrj to taw rtirrm K f 'mttmTOmtMU THU TlaJa" fTtn rtrbkriaidBTO onf A tit I swhl FAbbl ia th savrar art Wsahini ofAAWH Inrroa. hoai Uoantt nnty, tboat 0 mtte batnw H.A2Sk 2.5"J!-1iW sad all aistakiy awt htdsa. adf th n af au tract ia of th rsry b, uJf 1 .W,t a ry pass qaauij.v iav ' a 1 1 ttairji JB itwIHw isumt ATAnJU. 1 ft tril i a th bead af Kavth Crash, aad arUhia half Bttt of ansa aavi-tB, a4 aalbia dIaaVof Hawbsra or. wsahiMta, .Jb bapa4 Br( awsasjw-taaj RATFTJED OFF lor thshW Y I MBC WaaV)rVtlbi4 ta urawin t las a a"l A.afaarTaBn",Mi,l- th ehaneee ar aB takea. aadar th dtraatsa of fc A 3aMjas i V Moyt tad r. B. Ballatiswasta, mis. a rara an wan Boytaad B.W Ba. aataarthwsias, of Washiai irtoa, sad ai una aad V. I' flaarnballa. id WiLiaaak toa, as to tht vara or ih oatah rrbiA5tri Tb Bolter of taat Twrbnrn a. t. ttoya. as WsahuirHaB,1arrB paostT tnbmmpramm, ta in arawma; win ias-piBe as ooa ss aaa toe, aflar tbaaaaocaaare alt - ... . j.-j siRnraAaBj - Jatyto-tm Waahiasjtoa, B. Basjana.. railami ujf.vt kjt f I j utasaa B tbHaaaa, mdaa, aad Bboalaara. Alapl wasaara Hbsalrtsra. vary ebssa. 1, , . W. M. JUBK8 A C" iyjB-w - aaestea a uesa. ai fsrebaata. tPtOatB I OOBNII COBNIII . .) baabeta WhiaeOoraat t-t s..'t 1 J Jelyl-tr liPCBUBCBM DOM'S. SCAABH 'rTJOBBVII' aaABTHt ma. ialy tl-tf IS, rns. Bagar, diffi lent arsA, as htaid at I'PCUrkCH A UODD-B. lfMOLABJiaill X0LAB8: loo uesr Bt" taalr batai a ..UiVHPBfg A DCBD'B. m: arw fit- 1 - 0' xJ - . . . . .ltirl .taKlaJ 4111 aul at; Sn.kJ a.MBiMiti.k. Uaaeentxatea L.T, bisa l ei rtrirr aiaunes. All Oraail, .aad Goremt. jnM rwiTMMi r JalyM-tf ' t PI HLKCll DODVBJ aUXDTI CaXbi lf .. Vyt a -.i , 1 t' ,r-. hvmu'I 1 Hia Pnah Caajy. jot rmwadat .! ,1alr4-W H If IK LlLULllctt 1X)U1J 'I' ! ATTKS a I OJT, r AB.UB-h i fetrtrt tTlaffraai tk fjato "'.'1 v'-'yroJn.'','"4, i j llATg J "Tf BtlVFTI teom'ajeW , .-MaMr a. . j a ft 1 t I al b.iaauMat bread of W neat, ft. w , fioa. ,A mm haat prp v , r -i ff s rral tea. it f t wait as wMim a litif ar- 1 - . . is-mcsatar"t .4 tl 4 ; 1 'iatym-aa- wtWt.Bt'A Wtaa Ilr' rw ! l! fnllM. " Jfori -sir jajit Ti. c, 0 -m 'ur tfaatnn ' V tf I will hMrla aa n 'rt tu. jsamoK t I the Mh r st A. 1 ba oosm if tt.s a uinl' h bdii iiatt iua, ' aattuaa ! il awt s .,u-iaaa. - caABOaav rca aassuo or t wbkm! Board (ametastva of wesaiag aad UghUI aad TsatiM as ha sasratar sTjcMsh aras ad-Aa teat f srs-t-tn. l- hasra SMutes awderat. tMiaadyaa, rsaiaiailsr at thsaadf tb sa- .AnyjifTtua. la slils aasrssrbi aad wit i- Feaky;aa ifcassaataa aad aaassr arrassa eaaraaa saadp lailisana aad Uwagh, saataas or.aastaaeiissi ai fsiairu aaa taixauiiKKiat hjv" J d Library ; Aa I RluL Btoaa I aad aas aiwwi ium v , " asalthfat loeaaioa l aaram ,. . ,. bikitvn:bs rsatimae aad waaVwasaaad ia nutixtWot waiat, aowd,, n , kn.d uiiAtiiK ta iks wauls MftbS nuvus; lid aad emewbl crnasat, 'ssd'appl beiiB-f toil rail florea. " 1 t- iitiirj i.imsi 155;'.! Far tllailsiassisisaasj aw i mm w iiBra,-ssi.a vv oaiiw JM "r5' V l Hirliiim ;iw f TL"TIir llli w rfun JL.auU yAUuuf or jsmrunog I saaa e, tba, trat dajr fit Augoai, lu. with the weaeeet afteweaiied patruaasrs ,4 saoaaa Tba .WBapWt a-auranoe gtvaBtttha er TJatvaaaity ii mai to tba waals af aba lirsna. aad of Dm faatutulila, ystawaaasJla t kad pa bsUvys St taat IB Miueg aaa nwn la a ni, w poiiuUrtty tad aabTalaaaa attbarto-a tad asaraHasa anoana-anaBowa ao its- tiBWry."Thw w Bash eat Boalhasa tinf haewaqbjaatad ar aot wh to th asaxtat at Wake forest, t at aoaa atbera, s ssasaqaa af tb aouaidera hU unasl lala aad aaassarssasa awvad. aad of th hviraUMptsa with wakta tba Aaent ia th Colleg saaat ta aaeatwu aOdUioaal fuada Aa Jan miTiiimt s af aastw than itadslai aa heaa aa, faa Ht fWMryt.r-.y, .dWhTUr-wHhriH aeaohof tbs tsnrSat auatbi of b tarral aura bur woattbasaha Tr4x fia,b'triailaf Slat sasBmaaatyi.aaMr iiaoawaa l ortoa M.jaoaai a .xuuM.iP.lina wsraat ttlJXfy intratthh1'1 IM VerHledUrr ' smmty ia taw' aaieiBfiaipai pan ia.-aan a mnaihisa tbjestbnaata sB.iha asal ml i.a)sACra4UMtU The loealioa of VkfWfi&'U porff Mlty arsjta tsestaioaityv tuaaig sataaisa iw umi thantasif iilid,ifcwawiiwaiBg eaaal f ;tof tft,); w ma uvml to thst iy other ia tb land ; while th moral tad so li tnrtfiffnfvM a.MuiaflCaa antn aaa aamiaainna WshpsaMa abatlibai puliiiial taasant I to U aslatsiaa W oasy tod soisjiitias sabjeetaaas bn iatrpanesd, witK A Mies' (ntrua thkUMnrtba"v9anaiSW (n shs sWssardspsatmsB' o(waadvhd iaaJnrnj insa aaiaiisasi aaiaaiBi ai BaaaTsaasjajtriBiaaM IP) MJfl,, yoil . r.tiensi kmirlntf it I to I th kaetetla,- atit1'ripi "trTA' IbATUaV PBstiiaMlral Kf Ah aad At I al MAsdyaa hot to b saiUed k th vaamirataaaict j.ayVi aratsaalto llatap abaamanae at4,Wa h,-Mu)Uri aa as wtaaj Jis t si i spaa m 11m u vaiax n, awaaa mtuwv t I 1 1 ar-aiAm wmaasi rt anamwau I akfci'mriWarltiolioeT '. OoaW iaasrsay -fi'"'' asoaj jyijrl B taoonT'rl ItofoTTO.V'tf 'f ' Irslliliiiil ssi'riiBsidi t-ia mH fi th swM aiwaaiimlbhatua -ui ang:ll.j r ill ill BJ -na i.i.a ,7.iTrT7 j :. BTirjouv 't' aaasai n taeiaaayia i'a Baar ad lTrailsssJ '"!ViLllI:'J:"lv.:'' -vr;.i:':j!'" i' ,ua.a,aWHnMnBCiaUiA.,BaUVllrrkUH -www aa T Va " MWtLaMt BMuaatraiA T sfT'-ff-''f -if" Hi' ill pafttfrtTWaj AtrrVk fl ..bVM rTWM MBIT BKaalOW wtO ti hstiail a lb Jl tat at tiatohsn Vm saOMiliaai W4 J(h eCl2- i'kVld jnto-tw'o iLUUJ fw saea, aaarpapna earn ear eiersn rar' m waaU ! isasHpra saraa.O k. atail avii ja u 1'ha abasw .far Board (hatrsdiag anary,xpanaa. iTaftk 'BTuaSS.-ASKatajt sjM Mea1aijPrawl astsatd laaBtiaafrwtgty aatist thargs I .iW.4s)La aad i'Wabjtrnv.oatayiMi aa Sn 1tm. A ibln.MA T1 .-IIJB t rj "-V-ltu ,-1 . 44.IW.- ! Jaly U-aas iu aJtiCbsAdlA fftrVybi J.i a Atiii hi tirmii niii' niii hi inl.m nil fl'dsio tmwta4VrTB-;aU rV! 3J$iJLnfaJAll 4tA b a tbair aoatai' T"-uiU aiu .nta Batas aa low ta eaa ba afliiTdd.ialia jftraAlslsas Pemale Cottar. Tba laat aeholaa. 1 year bas last elosed. Onahaad'sWirf.lMiriata bar imcawaeatlaf. rr.TiAJX,T vAUfc y"i -t- 'i M'.- ; D.i) .t:y i . . . I - t - 1 inV"w,4v-s'T r-mfTrr;''!'! d JdlMUBAIUBOBCiNC, rrtrrt' eriridyWTtT4ht X arat WadBSsdaV w Oere. with a rail sbrns ba aht tnacaaerieaawd iaarsor-r-lir a a.1 , 4a ytea vl pa rttattaistMal aaKaaswirarpeepia. snt u ardsr to sSord th aJrDtarea or ediir-A. ttoo re as great BOBiher ta potatbiel lb0 frni aasw baa gnatu as lbs- sb aaa 1 for Busrd aaitita-' iaa saiqaiasaaajaibisnsksha lliasmh OolforV-UoV.r, ra,ii null 11 ii lit iitiitt ti wain nl wmtmh at. (ijyMaabaaawiMlBi, IlttHh. itiaUaa r WARfiSNTOrfj N. CJts aatasd IsTaSB ifTm-PisTl'a BBrlitleiM sriAsiaa)aM r JijJalf lih, U .ith a- BaU saaaa.affipiaut MlsrWpsaaasteb''a Y"t tWtt t l Atiii!ia a toa Irs baa aUkjflanJ r'',ator,f tflwwrjrti Traita eflrtB.tff-4 rrrtn nrtrirrurmai wrxn wdw 'if Bras, atnaaasi t4Votaiber waa, rail anrvMS AvacsMfs vrtntfr to v.iimi till . 'lb tnltrt. emanst of. TuilKin. wilb Ikiari Safluiiir and ooniiiig'nt re, tor a ai-saion of M aHra. wilt M. areordm bath ehaM. tr Mia er ll, ar Ills, if paid ia adntaea, uT Biia, hat asiiiauiat ataa au, u-psaaaatt taaemai M.tderateaxira rbaraea viH ba niaila for A K M" ana Biui'Miis. i.Afiirciuh. Tiiijr'lUI (fCH. l(HAWINaall OIL VAlhTMl JTJ THr.N I I'ffisK.-OTalaaa.'ahiraaai. 4.1 le iLw'jteien,, vtMw .tirtnabgro'. Ji.iX "1 TMlSt' IAfYn HClIOOjJ FOB YODIfO LADIES. ft to - JenJa ,-; -iJT. , fcEL wl.-'v".t'.' ' ..'.! .T ,. Tna rirru 11.111 or wis BobaoL win araai awnea m MONDAY, th d of Aogaat, lMK.aas) aorftintn ttrentywaaba. -'' ' 4"- .cuiiu I 1 amp i h Uirswlar seal aa putmtt4ia. 1 Ia. LACi M a'a icotTti Itt'saoi lor Ik t, i; bed.' Hi anil sire btatracuoa LB to itirir .V iii ...4.1 J- fcclecV !oaiSlJig:"Biid Iftj iScluo 1 .llXsVlIiOliOV.JV-Od Tkf ktnwBa' K,A"''!rt Vrto' rotJU, a l-B ''f4I;r. '.t'-a-jtt -t .tl I rrU!8 FAl.1, 11BW 0? lropaaaly,Mtk M ,lq i:, I" a, At , , Cirralara hiniMmd ea ST7tieHoa.- ' '44 taly -' t i 4' .a .'t 1 h .......l ! V -., . .4, ,t H r mm.-nrvr. i i L fear bnarri aro amraasaod! fear Kmr.i.- m twti- t m wis. Bar paa,iiase ia 4e 0wui -e iwt oi um e.n eouv. l.-"'t tn ! I s,j ' 4, s I I vr, li. fr trH i m... i i-r i-irt f '. r f eprg'iwr. 'fi&lhe'Lr.. atr present, thtrteefi yooas- anWMr't M tad U Us saiaw 40 the wash aflaa aUtusryiaiid li rilij wi 11 Haty a I law rA soeh Brbnat aa saavb tasirsa. 1 dalp i taaaad n-.. J4el iU) a. n y I I aa - - aaaa- bv at. w Jaty)-tf i',- , . i It"'! BOOK STC2I1 W1UIAHS t UMBKTII BOOKSELLERS J.STHT10SERS. ' rpoiTB XATIOPAL BABB, iLALEIGH. Kf V. ar oaTABTrMoL 'ab .'"' A LAIiflK BTOCiT fir GHOOIBObllS, --it.l jtaVnr t i 4, iv , ( w'ta.l'AV. vyifn-ri-, . ' f etvl.'s iu SlHKtfxmV jl 44fl44l taw ... M3SifiinL,AK46iJ'illOits.TiAw L-J,"' yreatw.snWJW ariw-W aaatJIy , k-pt i ibah . " una or kwavawavt t,,i , lit -tii(f ii'il't tit) il -Mir.y, tlM , frT AT'THf' tOW81! CASH PBIC1A . 1. i(ii wit 5 .ifprTft l: kp-t 1i, .7, -i - h -K (jt Oiinw 1 1 i,nuui? . iil iii !!; aSKwrt ana .ill imi,iD .., Vi , U!, ,r , "WILCOX -ate' OIHMaa . .. rMvamvi -ii fu.'l . ... iat4"-'' ' aVA-Jsaaa AkH N. C. Biwuta Mi-etory ' '" T t-bMBJ B? I ven 1.. , -ZiT.TJiK tCOCBJaBOB TO ' BrMk9, Farnr t rrtONTrSUlB THB TtOOI BFSTKaHH AT TWg J aaase ataad. aaar Tarkaa AdL aaxtn 1- 1 haad ajaawiy t ,0 r4,1M , t.mj 4 wtrlat4J4rr4WPjrgrj,i Cttuat7iiait f' aoond IsaMd '.law aa'' ' Mhw tfi Mi. 1. ruKji .BMaMBisU a Arm, ....- JaaJtHaSiM r.iian,tJ.k4teL4fii1 lCHOLON'd SNCyCLOPEDlA, ' vol i jwranini SMI aor iirui . -. Km t- .. ii. i BhaNaAafta JAMBS, t JWaiMMtt h. idt,ii Alif4in-rllBi.Caj' si II UJCtiU 'Jiimn nmiihi.j. u aTaW Bad Xlerant Book. tJ Glob editioa of Dickens' WerkaiK i.iZl ""' fwli tJaaaaf a4rt'ahr"4 '41 ADoociaaaKi ararerip aeveLai n ui'.tJr m ,11 ia a . T771T LAHIts, MIT 1 of atjeoad kaatL MlSI'tl lt.4. .wKOUd a foil m llni BaUliBOII JOr, H . JaMiaWf ,ti , 14 . yhaiaa.l tf '-tfltW- PWV.Irrff -r-iWlWi I.' fflfll BOAItOiOV BlJtlvcrroat f th Bat-ark, 9""110 Bailroad bare (Uciarod a dirtdoad , UTTRys PEB f'KNT. oh the Capita) Block of , th oltnany, payable at lb Oftca of the OoavM .sayvtmssalalerMrM. !)!. ' I i. IU iW.W.TA.Treaa's, ii r'-Tmrn wriTnaiim mil ,ij.-(in -1 11 H ..,.IJIU'1I . Ii . kmII 1 11 a-aan aaiwa.L.i -J . WflViWiiioi of ih.'TLaW BCHtVlL.' ig. at fjhspei BiH, will eomui noa oti tha loth at tbi ateath. t 1. .iTT .... iT.. .SV ' laMrtta.wttb arrane a the smw arda at riiioaaMeoOaiaAa., ,,. . tail! M, 1, ilinww ,nl( savin ishhI ol , itK.i'.4l, lit'? VTV? v.. tasi't I' itii hi If' rVMJIWW.PFbV t44744rll.fj41lll Hti ...,!(J. ,i,.,i7l Jj'i. tMmvBBBa 'oamaan ol Bao )t Gold and Silver Wafrhe, Cloeks ,. Jla). 4Cntlerrr TaMo,3 Waw), i .frvsnMJeslry, Sprcll -' and all arUeiea hsnally foaatf la A arst-chtsassw riiaasasaaji era i.mi I ttsin.j n,-i T,o"t'''lli !" '1 f rt ilffl.nwt.! rtita, lSintl . ,,)..,JJ, .j, , COLGATE A ryi .'ti i a BTAiraAa e"' W'KCaTt.l.Msit'B, ', 'rW'ttala frv'tB Grosan.) . Jaa. aOia-a '"' -'"t "'I t " rpHfi OOPABTNEBflHIP, eitatib anoar Ba) Jt kiame and style of E. I. IPARIbff A CO.. hht da dissolved bv atatnal t A'lBiairesssywsa-ataha samtaisla rayaaaat &. JjtVAt. laH, , tits hskaiaaaa of tb Brat jftaV.. i-4 $ h-BtMga.'w'al taafi Ai. ,k .' f,f i, ' i : XOTfCJL t,'.P4.t.A'' -..1 aharfaMyrWMBwad RJ PAK18H varlona friends and customer a ea dcasra jJ their eonBdeae tad aanport,' ' ' """t - ini t'.iav: at .- r frrAirit'avor tufMhaia'ar ni.i;: .v. wu; r4 'ffi h9.'"TO THM PtFBlJC? f".' rl - ' !. amrtiaaiarlaB- mt laaaf seaa, a tsMa Taa sue th past favors tad Ubaral sanpart gia at, scd csa bnl sek a eootiBBanea of tn saaas, . ' Toa will Bad ass at wer raa nlaea. hast M.rtst raaarr -"l4a.a i, t lytliNr ' C f . PABtaM. ' JfMit i.n..(iil k-iS .ft rf TCIr'tr'! rtt.eiyK 'tr cat Dfr'""; , Hragrsrye'mpp1yor fTib S hand, Bud ai deatring to hold hV over, w baa atads Hbsral tajdaetirsi tat nina. aad. tor ahibt ar larwe parse la, wa aaa frrs na that saaant latl b? pr satisfaction. . Apply ta , . a a fiv.I "Ultra DABIiU : ynfy-fk t""1 .Wumingtoa,B.a IIKM . ,.l i 1,1--, . l , . , , 4t rtvErrr spniNOK MONROE COUNTY WEST YIBalNTA, WILL BB Ot'EKF.D for tba reaeptina of 1 tor lb. and. Bo beretnfor, wit ba kept aa a atrictly Brst-oiaaa hotel, ram nf:rs frnm tba rWnib will take Teaa. A Vs. sU h ava,k'a 4stiaa wbara Brst-ebaas eeaehea . hafei readtaeastoonmy thara ta tb ftnriara. ,i Bar fiasrd at per day. . joa U-4Aairt TJaB,fBWI I SwlLAaawai irBVoristestdsCaba Metassea, (rVreet tmT tattoad arttmagrsde. tnr Bale at Wn pnea, "1 ?! -n i- l vvuai'l DA.i i uuiAUUrfaVia. C tJtthM,,,.,.,,. a 1 1 tf flw aArw I . t erlr. , I ' U m, ,vJ,,' - . j.. 1 vt " J - ,i 1 PilMMBWI ltVT awa-tiaBwruil IBPI rrw,n. l. , .V7. it. Ju.NES A C.