THE 'SENTINEL. LOCAL DirilTMIII."" .1 i it -r-mrfu nw .tultwoay. jlly jw, isqa !w ADTETumom. We IbtU ai- uimto.hoiaitona-wBCBBato at btronech. - riHaitt-(tfei ciuici . r,ia;f &&Wm&ytiL lUffli W. O, Roipm. "Wwblngton, K. C, - . W W M ' . - " . BCaST. JT, M. 11, IV incKcrvat,0M tiBttotoprartene rigbrnut lauMptignr- We uvtt itkattuft ijibair .aaaxMiaai tecae - Mioi't SjcTahrcg ,. ai .. Rum Ci.Mn4V publish. Mi Mother mI , ib pr.icodings nt the Young Heo'e met' ing ia tlti city, ea Toeodaf eveelag, : tor the purpoM r)f ofgtaixlag Beytwuu apd Blnii ClaUn We. ere gratified to few (bat th metdlog,' we'. torga',aad . ethaetaatia one, mod that the finest aplrit prevailed.--Tba gatlest yoag ntee of Kelrngh km wt thebelHa motion; and the r determined to biemet et energy 04 activity between tbi end tb day of lecbon.'Tbey Daveeaiiaiea in imhimii (M VOMUH, uil tbey intend to flght h tit n tUsx Hub. That It ' telsst among tbeia, d , hop (o it, cum lit aad with all of tbeiryootblul ardor, aflorded (fan opportunity for soope and iVsvslopjset.- IvettbeahavatrcqaMtaMstiaga aadvd luooatrauoaa, eoodocled Uh all Ik apirit and entbutiatra of which the if eanabla. We uv tba speeches ai Oept DaOartowt and Mr Boabee, la tba mac dag ofTwatday oight, apukee at ia the kigbeet torn "Tfcfc latter, oa tekiag tb f bait, i4dMli4, the C lub very happily Bad ' atoqaowtly f sad I'apt DeCerteret, who wet la attendance upoa tba Now York Coaveatioe, gave interesting and graphi) acaoaat of the pr ceediogt there, diecaaeed lb pUtiona pit) ability," and made a stirring appeal to ' the young maa to do their tlaty ia the great contest before ibrm. Both ceaileatea war eamunaanrauj appiaaqco, nlt ,1 it Tba Saaaia, with alavlah ehaaei aad blind athrlgDlty,'oa-yaateri,:pea4 the BUI aaaatia aU th avawietpal oOoa ia tba Stata,), ahoHjtlg the. feiaa, "waa write faimaeir Qoreraor," to 111 thaa" by appoint,att,',ad, al .tba' BiU aaipawat- iog tba aaata iadi vidiial tn Bl), li Tacaadet occurring ta taa BoarU p(, IBoaaty Coauaia aioaaeavHBatb ot'thaM eaaarW art .ramaf;y,t)olTa oT W gatta) Ct tutioa, which tboae ntea kara ao raeeatry worn vo wippan, in uveal lao uawar mir" with iotartt1al''ka4 d&potie pttwef. Tbey alii iqlrage tha' pablio aentiaMwt at the BUU, y d1Tfy'prloclpla ofpopi ular liberty ,'aad, wheei earriad late prartt c.l itloBV' with.'.IU'ntaolaaa eoanliei. tnwaa, aitiaai aad TUIagaa.'tba' graveatrav sulif auj , ba ,apprabaadad. That iaaa ocaiioa fur eoaiaiaat, a oajt haode ' aotb ins that we might amy oaa thank the cwat r malice whicb la ; bringing r tola hpoa jtba Hiate and oar people. , v -. Tbe.tMH4 aad nnat ebractfrietia thing l the aeavtnn waa the rejectloB 'tba VH allowing per dun aad mileage to tha baaoad meinber ahihayf bean ia attendance aiao tba ooramenceracbt of thaanatiw, and Who bavebrtrf'tinTawMly" atcla.fed boai thrir eatal..W '.!' lH Jbft ff oaa, aaot)tar iafaaHMat Uil." daring jb Hiivernor' Dictetir," Wa adopT lerr.-lor a VKW fir Wblcu, ana pruoaaHtBga. Wfl abfOJ yqbliah-tlMto lwua-earpataaaj; a exlmt. karvalwr. ayw Hns Bah lMti1l( aaeatioaadi a day or two tinoe, that trtU veteratt parrtf addreaarllriirgrand'eiltuitaetia ourotiag ol the Deniocratja aaxi CbiaaarvaUf a aitiaeaa ot Caawali,MTanwyvilte,' htat wek,;W haT4 (een fur'aUlapd wiUi a t fall I'fapartaa hia apaach, tlw wcab,(iliic (hall ap-. pear mtBrmmU-Ki la ! " " 1 1. at. Mr T-rrt- Mat iittr,TiirTa.ifege:'to leara rfbat L, 0eeae Eaq, lha worthy tanj- ber of,tbeUoBii of prtartaiivai .Jraaa Stanly coaaty, who lelt Ralaigb, a few days aiace.'fnr fh'e'pirpiia ef i abort rnit koaar-, haa badebajmletortaae 'to We hit kg broken, by being tbrawa from a boggy. We tear 4JUb aockla; tmW detaia Iff- ,.. .,. t' ,-, i.i i'H" ... ':. SoDona Daara or a Mimbib or ni treat tha aeaatj M Saaaamt, died tery aod dealg at ha lodgCagv la Uua eity ':, yaa- terday altera ooa. Ha har taua ' h hearty diaaar, we leara, aa4 isanm , thereafter Ml watlj ynaaato.llphpley, "'Pv " " "is'''' DMtTB a DCTioar or eaa BtatA-Wa era tndeMed jr ,Merat 'aV Scraatoa:, Co, the Pabneaere, thmagh tba haada of Waa. H. Cmw ZU oftau hit, W a espy of a. Pr.,Sakh Diotlpaary ot th Bthte whM ahewi to h rWy tbornegk work aa thf fieri ptorai grograpay, bietory.tnatewat, to." It kai btra ' emapUed fro tba , .beW a arrea by a ffti very able aaeav aad i. a raiaaliaa.aie.haaipato aha BrMieaJ laara f mrf. , Te.a1adeiit a tba Bible aad Sunday School teaehrre paplla willfBfJIJjrwjfJtarqaWa, Baraa'a Faffg Bcaoaa. Mr. tippitt r W4-(tVvkfi ' aBtkaf ax of tkaaa iadiapeaaabla Koaaehold braebea. H will atasaia la the' (pity oaly a day or two Inegct, ttt ao heoee keeper fail to, be (applied, v; ', . ei , i,, 4 .., 1 1, i .a-.l . a ai "1 Elerao aiawiacBt korwa fr" tk. Korfhweataf fraaoe fot the perpoaa af rvrtuav oraagiu Bonea,aava miM ta Hew Tork. EVrea awe beran, eix of wUich are to be takra lo Ohio, are etpected by the aeat Freach e earner. A ait year id atat ina, which wat of the lot just arrtvedjHaada U head high and wk be 1.700 pounda. aad a tbree J ear old weight 1,400 poaada, ; Greeley ia trying to aaakeoet that Rora tioBejmonr advocated aeMaaioa at the opreingMoBrdifEcnltiea,. If it were tree, aad if tt be charged at a trine againat him beatdca, wbat d.ea GrMer tbiak of hat Ova recommeodtioo, ia Fcbroary, lftIJ, la art tJe tHwnh Rti ifit would, for be believed ao Union pmmble that wat jnnnd. tosetbar with buyontta f .ftwtM IWaV. ff . 1 .vn, B.ii vr4- iAT STZKIXG JILT lie. 1M& TUh" 1 aeetia 'teunnrarly WawlaBd tv ng Mr. J.X CoiiiBi W ha Cbair, ii Mania aotio: aa teaapaaarr buueatara. Ckae. M. fiaabea. a., iav asaaoaea to U - - - .1.. - Skt eoject 10 Da toe loroaaoa ot a )oQng H.ea aVymoer aad Blair Club, W rbe otartbroe rnanwi neonate, -r.- . Oa aaotioarof C. M, Baabra. Kq .a Caea ktitlea ot fvw were a pool a ted to draft a 1 The Chair appointed tha tllnwing' gent le aia at uta uoiaaiittaa) tor f aat urMw Meaara. C H. Baabea, J. Q IK-Oartrevt, V. fPaiU It A. S. Royaler aad K., JJL Kay. Oa aantioa ol C M. Baabaa, Sao- alkNat BiHtaaei ire were appointed ta aaloct par. aiaan aman', iori laa libi aaa ne kwiag ware appoiated aa the CootanUre. ait t Meaara. K. rage, wao. v. eywar, J. C. liarcou, W. B. Darviaoa aad Oeorga H. 0.y - r . V'Jr. tTbe GiMittee to draft a CwatiiUtloa portod a Cwaatitatkia), ByLawa aad rag- a latioat, which were, joa atotioa, anaal koaily adi.itd. ('.', - . ' f (For OoaaUtatioa, aaa etaawWra la to-day's Aaattaai. " v,fn. raadtag tea report at taa l oaraiuse oa . i.' n . ' e' a . - . wracera, vapw uurnra, onag aalwd tor, addraaaed toe neting la a apir- aaa aaa aioqaeai apeeca, ' woicav eauaa orta great appiauaa. , - . , . ; , ; i The Ooeaaiitaaaea aeraaaaawte Aoart ra lotted at ftUowti (toMat,rVaa, area,'i-.,i- KtM fTaaiaTaefi-J. C. Maraoaa. " J. C. jfecevwsffy rveriavy.--juuavv jssa;aMu CnrmpmJiitf Jeeratehr. W.- K. Pali, Jr. Trmmur, J. A. Oujliaa. MfwM. J.'a-A:' (DOarteTet,'ir. BL feladaM. Uml tt Adatak Joha T. ITeatbla, O. U Bortoa. t ; I .vj-i - Wkiek report waa,oaiaotloa, aeaeiatowa- K ftotola. 'the-duUo. the tW. Mr. Boabaa addreeeed the Oak aa .aa U aad aflecUve ataaaer. wktea giaatry Mr. TUeo. tk. luataai OBeraa we iouow BeaoiaUoaat wl BUl. TM aMg in hi"tipVftpr Itaom. uioa-niv aaa rmao 01 oor uuuara, e, their soea, 4a decllue oor devnuoa to te madaawaui pnaeipiee e cjvii noeny, leooUlned Ma tb Coaattrttlo ief ..tie Waited Statai aad oar bteraaf koatility ta the fceetica! "higher law daetrtoea af tha atat aad tba asarpartOoe of Congress, by Wkick tba ' Coartitatioe haa bee Ignored Jtd the powera hoik ed the SxeoatWe aad adicial depaffaata of the gowraamat rrrf r I elaeVtWwred tkaMtiro'teriaa jt raooaatiiaotioa aeta, truea Irat tolaat, aa watitatioaal.' aaloat to tba Boataara lie. aad aaworthv of the gteal aUoa ta t Boaae taw ejiaMoi leeeaatracuoa aaa OMaaitted. ' - -) beM. That"" kail Ike plalforai of riociplea rsccavtly pat fcrtB or ina natioaai )eajoerata Oaovaalioa ia Mew York, aad aoeaiaatieai af Horalto Hew ork. aad FraacU P.Blair, of Miaaoari, m leaden of to great array 01 tne uoaen tlna. M the harMnmr of bettor dTt to ta RepuUnc.'ajKr, aa a jMa-tg that the Mftcaa paophj wiU knock ofi the ef.eefch luUnaMd tae'VKMK- ,-..,-( t ,. L&aiKW-T1taf .tpiedge eartoWrse ita wr tut tbc Dropaeatioa aad ettokbebaatal of tee principles of tbeNatioeal Dawaoetatie platform, aatl taaaeanma at toe aomiaeea. Dt law aaif order, had at bioaintrwaaaia ion "toih power that U."' yet"wt thetl I itv laoavy-vy mmwiim hdm tM mv. iw- toratioa aal eatabninaMnt of atraly Mpan Ncaa State Qoraniment. la the ptaeee tot kogiii goreraateatjoiradapoa we'M.Oow 1 twatottiMB, noaeoeeinojf e 1 aaoosH awaibera at tba qsb tar weeeted tav tiga eke OMetUaOaav.,! a a.4i . PiHy-tkraa aaasaawwra at ono cnrygetl. (Mia belBg ete . Mr. O.K. tWa and r W.J tt. Blede; those kuurlteaeaaaV rd thf Pub bibrkf tot OiBtetrklKl appnipriata teesarkavu f. Ji.i.,n .1 : j Oa atotinax it waa resolved aha the Mr eertinira' of Hilt' patrllebad in' the Raleigh, )Srtltia f , ' 7" -1 ua atouoa. wta aioing atMtriBi,fS eel oa aect TaMda aieht. ! . .ot ! m,t. t tj. M. B08BKlt,"aj.v ""t' Sreratorj,, ' Albek' 1 1 .yaajrrJirarJnray''', I The Wilariagfaa fMef la rapeaaibkK'tor the following,! .Invfi ; ,lwn A e.l. "A ItUte Bsisekderstsadlng imrre4 ye teraay Bsoratng iietweea A, U,,.UHowar, ieol.) Senator troat Mew tlaaorar aoaaty, iad toawaf hia eoestitaaatav'frowtaf awt' of the eoanperarively ;anaeeryatiTW cooras which Galloway haa pamwad a tba Lagirla Ura. The coaUtueat4 caaae eat , aecoad beet, lor Oaitowaf eaoaj gave thsavtoaaeW Mead that fcewaakHttM be dicftlwf' toby taeat aa to tha Itae of howdact he a4a to be roeeraad by, aad thai he woald ah oat the Irst oaa tost Xlsenwted to tootast-fciavHah tsrowd. aacabartog auine thWiy or ferry '-be rroea,eollectiK) dartrtg'the dteaaesbita, .Jtat dhearsad wuhout aay tvert toa.f ; nere wiUjMiaWttog at Aea)rttwwh ad Oneeoryastvai ei AfaatakaVt"yt 'tbe boart Boaaa foUrabaak, aai sWacebf e-4ka M Al'Ajatll. tke, JjTkf jTbrf Katiiaai aieaiaawH aad to appatat date, . Mua to rhf tat tMeeMfeal ajbf this aky, aa she leak-proa, at w T ,mwsi r- vaafM- t - - n w . aae-ai 4 " A aayatnaf -aad WalrCHakwaaevraa ad ia eeiiairj, Bstaaday aihi.U aAbie, Btirriag Bed patrireapaaea'hw aSade by Lake Blacluwevr. W. Kaeae''aa T. C iJhoW.liJ'A enwoty aiato teeerttwUW Pa betd ia eJaJajfear&toi that laa proae. appKiat oVtegatta to tea 8toti;enVir Cuareatinav-1 ' 1 i .v mrw rt .: t- f n t a -1 1 a ssas e r. mv A Bnjv.-Te have the ttf Tatrawflbf tha PreetJecUal esaipaiga. Thtaaaoraanga aaaa oa a erowdee Jeraey City tarry bnat so deavored to aril badrea, neatly goHew rf , Of Ureal aad Uollst, Ha aotkclted rarB paaaew gr todiTulually, bet to rata aad aa haiatt tM boat tot greaUrd ewt that ae -erewd waaacopperwead owe, aad that b hadn't m"nSkf ' VJ to"hTA, v- O sSjm si 11 ir ri - , .tMw', The Radieal Vnarwala tbat the aa. tire Brftiik prrui Urore the Grant tickets- It bj only a little whilt ago that these aaaa Kadicat Wxirasle were bow ling tbat the Bntiab press ti;itd witk the rebeli." ' It dote aot orrar to tbeat pepert tbat pcetlt'y the Bnii prees taeoarerea rebeiltoai ea4 Radiealieai boraasa both toad to tbe ta- rwptkia ot t1- l oinB. I - '" u ' ' T. ! t i 1' 1,. ,1, sva like tbe "WLUe Boaae1' at i. ikiwue p i xaMe boU to law aaeajr Aaaaiae Aiaav wt .. j-rpTJNo;? i w TChsii alii art wmrVaahfigtoi CurreioilcaoB. T .J .MI adi JTaHneoJi, D.O M . --Jnlv otk. lttttaV f ' . ' nrroM SurraiaXtOua of the gr.ndeai opaiar aieetinga it aaa ever beea Bay tor- toae to wltaeaa, waa held fat tbta etty, oa Saturday' night hat, to ratify- and eadurw tot piaiionn ana nominee 01 pa aanuwu pseaocvatic CoavUoa,.,..u I Take it altogatker, ita awatbera, ha digwity tad ita eathuaiaua, it waa more the could kava beea et Dec ted. tven la tba Katioftal Metopoiia,whrethe rackiose BadioaJ aiaj-av try to uootTaaa ta ant asR. wad waera, aa of tba diatinguikbed. ' epeskert" rfryjostlr fiaered, tbwir lufMutMU act an If 4 lUruad, poa a people aa powerliet aa thoea bave hoa,iatb ttiiathara tkatae" Thoweaada poB.thnaand of eitiaena ot ; every ciaat, brofiaaion; aoil , tccupaliua, ; juiaatl beaii aadaovito this entiaaa aoiteaiaaitoa af the Itadteal rrvotatiooitta. aad eaade the air reaoaed wUh their eaanon, their mntlc, and (heir cberre ' I TWe trath . la, every wleaaV all erar khe Hortk, aad tkroerhoat tha wreat WetVtb peopla ate rialng np kt aack aBmbert peyaaawr aaa j:air, aa re lauwaiea ucsorj, etl rail, tor tba Draweratt, ee teaialHa ad 'craabrnr" W ito eaVet aa Waa that to 1MB of uarnada over Vaa Baraa. par Peo ple, who aaAtr directly Irooa both aogtofj ami Militarv ewapouaaa. wnokl faei had eeefldeat of early relief froe tba dntraded siteadno. if the could but wtl- aaa tba ' torvor aad aeal with, abiohtbe grsa body et-lae MorUMee people ere aa Mag the eaatpaiga, for (aa Goa. Iwtef aaidj MBoratio SeyBtoar. tha Mfaleman ot Mw York, aad Gt. riwckiUMr.ta ir aar mat aaaaa at Mraaourt." I There ta ao aiaciagot words" wltb theto Hertkara .apeakert., Thar declare prniy. pwat the kooaa-tops, tbat erbiuaaea at set ad ait rata the uattod Btototi aad Ikmttltnlkm, their only hope antraarva- Boaator Uoattuiav aiea. Swlaaj, iloa. au. rriaibto, at Meateeky Jedaw MiMaeav wt laea. how. air. uaraoaag, of jinmarra; . ar ,i v . rr . -' vim v . XNair, e aaeeak uim. sir. s.iul. aad ether apeekara, all ,preaioto final victory for Kevaaoer- aad aHatr. tert aad diapetchei Were read front Mr, wsdletoa. Gov. Emrlieh. MrJ Tarter 'and Baadrloka. fwka. bat tor JIIoms. weoid ava beea oaa of the speakers,) ead-alt tw Btaaoaa aeanv aad nrtiiai eapport or .qa vHwaa aaa preuscsrw itaaariia Bpf Aoetatner aett. t.. t- etnuit t 01 Beaidea tba ipeakera (already rivnV at ba auia itaad. which waa beautttallr deo- aad areoted lai wet Pi tba vlty KaiL paakeea aear fcr eeaartatood tooee a eeuklrUot the vaet aaaeaihlaieef wer oaa.; Among these werf somber bt OsW taa euiaeae, apaakiag la their ,. lah raaga to taerr eoeatrystrm, whe esuutod he g-reateet In lei eat aad wtldeat aathaeteea) the Dernocrahc caoat. Great Caaoot eod 1 wad, with the Irish aad GeraW Mainel I ita, tha while tetOtort at ; tenet divided la their tapport of the two eaadtrteieei aad the Ualoa, Liberty. OoaatltaUoktoyini u over tea nreaa mxl oppoeetl to hi, tie.)' Net eel Gnat wtM -hantbe' went beetaa maa that haa enteeed ybe ritohltai Hal raoa la our day aad geoeealioa, flo t' Jiuie, SwtaR, Sncluk. J'a(kar.,TiUJka. aMr. aad taadrede at ather diet Mortkera aaetl, who Maid, M ftaarlr- . be added to the .rnl aaorv ia casar watcawora. tet as.tsxs R up aad laeertb biirk paw Twaara, -L,iuerry aaa uioa-aew awa ver. see aad iaaaserabla.", Roll oa tbV M . ... . iri ' wienie traia4,w- j ' H ill iQ Wll"1 ' 1 MMllt Mil ttt .r. i u awav. a..n-i A large and aatbawaeth) toeMla; "nf 'lb itlaeaa of Baaefort aad akiaaty ajaa ,bW tt tba CoartHoaaa, oa tba rvntarof . the (tKh., tor tbe perpose ofratitytog 1 ba 'wnwri aattoM bad bf tba Natiunal l)ejuocht: A I - ' - 1.1 'J. T vooveaihia. ..!,...-, i ,vii.uj vi n-n Theieatrne waa enraaaxed hf aaaniat 1 1 u rr. Jaanan, rresitiem, ir,' n. XJ. weaaKi, tv aa. w ooeoaJi. jsecfatartea.,.uwt,. af Marttav aajtartaiaedj awnatoateg ail tievrgTB ra inppon rrr rov natrorta arm laeea ottbe part, after which.' 0A'!nld-, tioa of Dr. .Walltar Ceaiaiittoa of ire weaa tppintad lexlraA reenlatvnaero tajewaakiw f tllk Bwetlftg.. -xi-- ,mX4 wi. 1 I wlL r T..J(ri"'l'Ji-'i-ePJjMI alker, Maaara.. V. -V. . GsAtdb. a4,. L H. tovtoSrtOapti'Rioke) 4Moeet'adei oh M.iJParT.'.f After it hhoft-'alMeiMiiftb oowniiiaa . nnaraeo. ana, : suumuiej .JW. llowinr report, which waa Bnasimooslv (toModj amidattotid and prolntiged ehemf; 'Watmsta, 'Tb rvprrutirto tliti toaarraura aeatiaiant ot the eoaiitrf utid, 1 Qaaeaattoa .aaeeaiha?d, ite itha. Citoiet ew Tork oa tke 4tH.dar-f JoWi aoeit-4 ate aaadidarea ror rrpatdeDl and Vict r rest deal of tba Called Statot, an4 p Wmrftbe lo the eapport of prioeiplee to aaraaaey with the ttostitolwoa aad acreptahle 'to all pa trlotle people therefore be rt 1" jaw Jim. oat ine riatsiirni m-. vnociDiei eoaacisted by lbs Convention coainiaad our hearty appro berW. tad that ww wilt wline- io theet at the cardinal, doctriae of Otw pouticaJ latta, ana ae tha ra Uieory apoe irktohtkla anoaieT ae, aai riew iota, aa ueav-iaacit r. ..tuaa. ,ei Miaaoari, we reeogaiie atataimaa ol great ad anlerg ptriotim, aara readj la ret anot aliuert. ftduce tbe eoriniot -peaditarea'of - the goaera martin aad .iraatort tha Aoalbara Btalee to that vonalitoi to the L'alow tkre-wotoyed Jbefora Jh tat rfril tJMasA That, hawiiily .isMtoraiag .bet eMMatea oawl 'plMItrw, wa ptadgwaaa kelvee lo work aia'eiyi,adf ieluovlfdr tha ranee, brlx ving thai in aa dvias w 'tut demiaoiu efite-U fua .the .haw taut. of Mar aeaetiy ad the bmne' aad dignUyeri ! After the adoptbie ftoi'rWuUrUlb ia was aildreaaed br CoL. J. M. Perrr. daavaa W ant, l a . CapC Richard Blonat itlnlll Tt.rfi. f.rf1 -1'"' t vm aimiuw oa ai, arnHtvar.tae .aaoeuag Waeelai iaily eaawrved eteelt ietew hWyetaaar awd HlairClabkeo; M' farrber toottok, the Preaideot auoiiiUut A' Committee' aa perataorat nriraaiaalioa, wbirk reported aaJ foUowaa rnr rreeMeat, K. K. Walk rrr Vice Prcrtdeeta. W: T. Fiver and D. B. fHtderd: rteereUry,,lrVJL BushaniTreaanrer, Ged. W. Cfewbitto ; Kteaative Uoearoittoa, w. V.! GeCroV. J. H. t Darta. t?r T.' P, Whiteer. Joba M, Perry and Tbomai A. RnbMnv,',"' ' ; Tlx report wat adopted aod the Club oh,, derad to ateetapoe tbe call oil be Pnaijeot. ; Oa Bjotioa, it wae ordered that reports f procerdingl be furnished th Kareh SeH ; fieaf aad .Jfewbtra , Jottrnai ec linus-at," with a no aeat to aebliak. i - i i . Oa Btottow," the tbonltt af tM'toeetlitjH were teadered the", rTetident. y ion rrtm -deata, aad Secretaries; alter which tbt bmkL. tog edjoeraed with tkroe hearty ebeara tor ttytaoar aad Bleie."1" " ;--mr a .. . r w;SASTrjr,pr: Jeot;, 06. If. CBAaxoTT, ) - . iM,.;. Wj . BramAix t ( Of""- , r m . f " J. 'triune Goro) Vrrrro. Tb colored pcmocrallcf Colunil.ia, &. Cv, had grand - panwto aod berbeeae oa tbe ?tk.-4t WW-- U'y dH and te tv-"t f- "r fr' '., f a '1 - 1 l; ' r . ie.l t, ... a. t " 1 f f-t I. , a 1 u a t. ioaci Jja i " m e u -i t.t ataa of tha ftmikfN ia"! J tviwi aes .(TlGIUPniCa' Oatr Artcrwew Ptepatekiwa. j rBox wtPHiNGTOSf oosciraa. . - VuatawiceWahjtJ.r. M. i The ea' here aMataeea had a tea aaa. tbh taeniae, to eeaaMsr the Tirgtaia, Miaahataat est Tsxaa atlmli i. aM auks artiienanaH tar ?Thaoaee bp'lhlao!uBi aab. TtilliTj aa rahtiehad Koaday iasL f bUla. actirsgatMe are aaaaaar'--- v " ' ) Oea F. P. WatVa blaae of teeeptaaiee was aeb- lahad ia thw Burning 'a JMnmewaaer. rBOX OB0BUI4 DIFFICULTT BBTWBEH j A TAX AECWTjKllj W,A DKPDTT 8HEB- IJT Feu BO B1OT. ' hvaaa, JslyM.ll I eiAoaUr aooarrsd, last Bight, in a orinkiaa aakiea. betweea WUliasj gohert Bo)kine, a Ttx ksuwvst.tod laaaa Baanal. Papnty Htaertrt, re- aahaw ia the abootiuc Of Hnpkuu. killinx tail hwtaaUy, ia4l Na t(Jhp sal Tha aaUr teasel great euttsBxait aaiaog the egreea.whn, at a aigaal ef thedraat, aaseaibwd. tovaral baaaved alruag, raMdwiih guae and rata, aad thraalee to Ivaeh Bnssal aad aa- hMbah hia bomb. Oa laaraing tbat Baaaal had beea lakaata Jail, they proesattoi lo atiaek M, bat were aleparaei by Ibeaobae. tof. Tha aeeaipt ehutteaee to the aigaal ahswa Mr that the Begum are jelly arg.aiaea la lU M lTtt4--lWOt3(AttOII Ot 4OOT . WUUMt, AC. Avusva Jaly U, at B. B. Balloek waa toaagantoi Oevwaor at Hie aatraw ia beisf aa4 laadalory ef the rtj. aad soajdsiwaatse afths Prea- 12 .eaoaeyi'-i t at the '.whJah y nit aa? aoiatly. i It k rsoorted thai tha MiMfaa-v OnaiiiMina lor jhstralot IheOotaaibss prieaaera wth he die- toaeivaaathorbise. MKftasK mft V aUlKBTa. . '" "' sdi'Hoi -xiMawToaa; Jalytt, M. ta BMHla iU mm mi. ' r Vjh .-, ... Ijterpaaliat, .Ve. rfryera;.bpiyar. ataaia lueaiaiaj f-ty oa, ... Oovtoa liiltaaaa, Palaaaa lOteatol 1 . Oriaaaa ioiu. " ill OatT.lIMaibjlMk PtoaiaMchea.-i. , OOaraBBSfl. ' Wunrraeroa, Jaly It, P.' if. Bobaaitallort' of Abtaaa, aad "TifV'of MthOatolaaBtWeee eaaseeV 1 t wiiki" wfl tkaveaa anna a peranaal expwaslloa, deayiag tha,,rMaakrto. .MlribBtad to hha aboat paying knriahi gold, aad atoeaaelag paper aitaekiag hiatae rsbet, bahTrelnl aad all 'la aoadbeldera atijl iMt.iv Vt j(nkii 4T Weiaadto, lbs rise for tba, aoatpletiDa of the aoathera Paotae ahawoad pass.. ' " Baaara. Bnaarlaaa aad toaT,'',,teaattjrs eai'ftoatoi Oartoea,'' were ' nati.'wasifaire TtoaMaarttaaf A.fPwBowaa, aa .Tboa.. J. Maakev were raaeL aaelariag the behef tbat B- rarvlnsutibKhUtosnaaahaMaoim etoaMfadw4aaferrft MUtary'artaaiaa- Bobertaoe, who had beea arevioealy toateai an R4wati(hwi (JaBl aja( iPM'awAiWyvfrTr'ViAAK oaetosae orwgsi if, tbe Hnpth Qaroiiaa Lag- re, aaa he touevaav aasea aafaeaie sad kroaahl ap bv aupooiaU4 rrWeas of MaiAey. las 'qatteuea -ur aqyMrraaaaar -wee-1 eeaiao. baa thwiiliiili g ollki hnaatiisa Hutae .Qovem- toajtarfwae- gaa dkoaeatil.. Thaal wUl ao- ihatbtedly biewai a law before Coagnej ad- tneraa. Uoaearrsat reafantka to take a raeaae froai ttoaoay Beat ta the thiril MyaT to aepteaiber . FBOM VABHISpTON. f WssanaeMf . Jnlvtt. f u Tba'aaoartaJaty about the tak bUlerettes anieh etfeeafrat.- Ill easts nrob&i !bU that the Preai- lent via tato tt, ea tnt1 rWtfiMt of mnevstione en tSaWtotllliit i ' ' Taa AiaaU will ttUJatfMflo the Hunts amend- iaahw to tto twMtnff BOtft iHtoBesloWrto5a!W4 aombert'4ad "ITnloa aaaa" tday arldrtintof. of gon4i Rtr eana, Wab-prtaMrt,WB.T 'Tfchr,''of''Bi BtL Wlltiitol)." r tt fttiMifw, ine nr. tlwlO'HrraUlotol fiifrodtlblny toaolhUoM that. to view af tba Prssiasnft thrvatontng attltads kagardlag raaonatraottoo, Gsogroat ahoold re BMinia asaatoa aatil alter tke eiaoUon. Ooa jtotoeaeiddtatBMaMaarlravwIra atM aaATeeM'a.wtatot"toiaaMata.t..CaB-l twal'tbiaia kntottioti afreet lad for aba eatsaos. af htotoird tttaaaof tbrujieeuth teatadi im-'lltoieeBll abeeto1ha bnaaaehrdj flat toawjttlveetotetlaywwtl, wattt ah) raw! I waa aeoBtphabed. ; k'; ,J M Tha Bteatiag adjoaraadaata to-eight. rlok? WiSJnMOTOH. arw- v.-- Wiurhai(rei.aWrit tha new harlgka appototad two aigreti aad .bUsPepejlrrjfwty i. to be I Bktohia ralaa la Ihla aeoHoa to Maaaptaava aaaatidllMeroee.'Cera,BiaaM loealitiea, wee bmnlnatrrdmaBBabab the rath M'J-; f IVUUeal etaltemaal la bHtk' B wlH nrohaMv Ua4atoNefjator4lUs tatot palga. . - - . H ( V - n , JOMrtf tt WM'.ijtiU SMJ - f rtxnt kUttiirA rag uwwLkTCgi, j .r-.twM.fMMw n i Mawwiua) ah it Jaug ttv aV aW I laMk, MSJm aawaaarsaatto OearrwetMOlo ir.lf t BiaW feraA' ending' In nTf. Wararnvor iW.firil 4 votee i B, ikLj Be. arnwaiio,. Ind ; 'At,t L. jiissaiie. a tsbsaaa.vsi in i i ml ..l. Pii I n iofl Atitodrtiad aa. U B. Oood; btaoTlowa, J,TbJ ap aBaoJa.;,o aUe(ioaw !' I f, ; aaaliaaliB. ielirtjse.t to.tos ahraneef the meaVeteate ,- r-t h, K J , m " Jiaai l, lJ tutftaitr I -. i- t- "t: I 4na. !. a iil AhtTXTt.jji, ,n e.i to-it.l I Oottpa eytaad ooist, and eioaed heavy aad lowto.Kaetoaef ato tolea at aaH.(Kj aafwMt. aayTU tas t-ime al. f.irritowai"jatl,'J,'. Uxxi tW awnHaal gCa. Baaiaarav walait IJB ; Be. AI;Ko.t ,TratedjATt ,-r,,.-rrrffiTr-' 1 rs,t 4riA.! JAjlOTlCSV I PDlMJAIfOB OP Alt OftDKB, and In lbs Osartef Pane aad QiMtarerMioin, fur aake 4iwaiy, at way lira, tana, tn nae af A a). Krnwra.ABaaaatratflr, and . K eeuaat ttwa H. abwsrs, 1 will Mi, at the lonri iUiaas dnar, hi toe Cy ml sj lba Mto day ef Aursst, n4 ai 1 a'ekvs, at, aU the Heel Ba U' of lbs toa hfae subiaet W the Wj& ow Ww; v- ' ' -' ''- I li, .Ta taxis ereoHaaieahoat at ahltoa bfnrtb af oaa THoodtHO T" ' t- ' .v '!.;. v - . . (I til C ' I 1 t W-t J , LI .tt tt aadsrairnsd, htinv anua the pmuilees, rill auks rM plnsmrs at shimmg the ssate to per aue rou ot pnrcii "'. ' ' -J.wWAW Bonrng, MtyiMd I Vtr gTJTWa BATM Ot BABE, atom, ken BI ! r' wniWM A BHOBKB. Iakxeiu AND' ? V KxcatMt ita'jauts, Boots fcui rnuurr. Oaaaae- - ' " v auae, H, C ; saber H. 0L.l.-.AX..n.' um, tor - .1riu, "nf n-minewt" JS, . 'aUr..,.,, tt ? Wihalagtoa. "J?.. ...... ....... .1 "to j ""'Koai-fs. t ! i IWoasriUa,.......,............ w. tt Juew). , " taawaiihin ...... .-. tswItotllW...,. v..,-. .M .. " Waxhw-. . ...... 1 (saa-rviiiV . . . . K...;',..; ..... BTorrkania Maaaofiiiiwaiira. uaiiHi farmers' lieat ut Umsasiauni', (old) ... au It to IT to II U Miueea'aad HanbirV fk: . A . . . Cotuufrcul Bank of Wihuinfftoa. ........ OrMajakati Mutual taa, Utk,-etll l.tii, VuKtuia Hank Nuite avseaga about anatoUttiuae t'.A VaMaTfTlai "U " ' b. . UsdrsU gtoik.U ... .1. .. m 1 Ws bay aad aU at ttbarai . Itutd and io- vsr.MwttoVajKihualtnoda, Daiisd toalea Itaada and an outer atartiwaiiie etueka. Urdura f bank aotM by sVstoora aad IHaek boklrs of Vanks will rsoeive prontt ansntiiab ' Belarus k aiimM naeksima ef Usek aMaa Ae will to mads w the day reoeivwl, by ehk ea lisw tork ur hailliatirs, ut M carmary, as da awed. ' !-..-..rJ ;nl c ' ' UleaBdPire liianvaaM Puilaiaa bnaed ia fu QiaMnaoma, at baat lataa. , Ooi to-sW-taa , . - . -j , , . RAIIUU, NATIONAL, BAPiki 1 of ROMn cakolina. i J20AS0', 0IT, WHECT0KS: t.-4i a . -: -I' ., " ; ' X W. PVf.LIABI, PMBteeet. n - -.1 k ... ; t 1. .t. e n wri T inri M I RwKPHOM, A. k. MKIUUMUM,, ' i. f. HAWaUlih. C. SXWIT, CaeUar. '"' "'' '. tt BLAKB, Tellers Dsabj la BiUe ef Rxohanga. Wght Drafts, Gold to biraar tieta.aad. gpvemaiato aad other, aa- aWilaa IV s;i'l I ,tu-.- ( CaoarTSBt Ba'BotMboajrhiahlahretiirleei. Paskagee asat by Ktpreea will ba raaUlad for frovpuy, earreaey, or ia an tort laarai at .jtaareadua.. iMounaroe,, rr .'( i M ' m '".- f "11 - usKinartaB, msws sw unions.. " MorthOarouita...... ...U 1toshars,,.l.,t,... ,... f .: Thoaaaavilatw - Wadsahora' ...17 Vaahinirton I IanaariuaJU,.V..l..'. H WihaingUin, W .1 n i. tt,ni 1 mm I iillllissi III M DHt,, nuniaiHin,..M ,...( fanaer Bank of trbrth troUna,Mohl, IT I . - (BS,). ....UT flraenabare Mstaallnsaesnea Cm,.,,,..... I Mareheaft Bauk, Newbera, r mar's a flantert ankv(, . ....,...,....... May as-lkHf - OitsCLOra CATAWli IPKLVQl! I Cnt awb Couaty, N. O. rrtHia CBLKBRATID WATkKIVO PLACI LL .will to opwfcfr Tieflprefroat Jaas tat to Oa avaibar 1st f Tlui medical arupertiea of tba watara, both 8ol bhar aad Chalybeate, enrtrsiled. emsatods Laaa aaiaremia, aad a hasiiaiar and aatde habitat tees net to be feaad. ..--v- r- The Proarietae ban goae to great axpeaee ie Shots aad beaaluy eeesfort of hie r ia sail as dans to aaa assaury tea aeroua, wtta ta eye to Uatfl wtUasdaMtosddta the pUaaure ef ail who atey herio hiet with a visit. Take the WeaMra M. C.ailroadet Bsliakarv. Mtberb Baooty. Wedaseday, erpridto biara big, to Hiokary fur the prtBs keaatiful wsUsI tioa. wbers yoa wUl nod Harks a dials aaa ef all. aiiim evst a shaded road. j A good toad of BUSIO wfll be to the flprlnrs tba entire eeaana Baaed WW par atoathi lit ft waet er H par aay. utudraa, aadar lea yaara of age, and aarvaata, half pries. Bath bones eoai piste for saol, praags, ebeajjeror tab batiia, aad auluhar batha eoldarbot. 1 .nW satlAWtni 1 eparkllug Catawba liprings, ttwb Co,H, fi, I Jaae l-d Sat, mr ,i .1.111 a a X ansi - HTf k-Mn wHOL159ALE0lppERS. r hgeata for M. Davie A boo'. (Liberty, T.;j asts F bretsd Virginia Chawing Tobaoeo. : .... iuriHwsnf oHpvrituwvnsK. or I JIBS, agenu ror aioao iron wort, Uiclunoml, Ta. a, at. OdWtR, r , , i . O, W. CAM-IKON, WtlinlM Wtlmlmtoii, M. C4 AI4K. ttlMt HSWerfA rf'iMer r, liine la, imW-ly r TOUNO LADY, to toach to air' Auaily. Matbssutios. Knalieh. Latin, rrtmch mmi nsie., Whit Ootrtanoad with me. eseto bis rofuranss. at Whitaksr'a, Kdgaeombe Connty, V 0. inly 17-lw X C. TAILOR. MR I ...... ,eee basbela aow In afore. July J 1 Avet're A tVmt. Merchants. Vheeari flatresal,,,... .0 ' Just reeelred let of Choioe f antory Oliseaa. ' w . 11 . i .it r.Bi m tju., July tO-tf f AanttaneeatdlOaai Brehauta. Sroeerj unt Commission BaKlnefg, i ,.,1,(111; -i-'l l fnBI tNDEBttlONKO OONTIKCRg to Retry I A aw, at bis old B ase of bminraa, aa Barvrat Btrssl, ths Meosery aod 'oatanlaatoa Hat it ae ta ha vertoaa toeoebte, . s will alwsvs kaso oa band evervlhlne as allt fosad m a PilUtT-f'LAaH Fanibr Uromrt wsts btl-dtiasal., TberaleaoaeeeasUf furparbW ulanaiiig. ' ....... i ... r ., I Tbe striiersaey .of the Je commit him to hdont, etrii.Uy. . v ifi m,m lainiinv, amu wont, rw arripsi' nr msbs apptkatam tor sreilil 1 - - Ms siU at wm atintbia to. and mtks ret- wtarrwaraauaaeronntnf stHnIINMKM lb. MbtttiMt iiyaiitiuN. . ttarveteot toiv. dmtaibaa) Worta aailt aa. a. "" Ksa . Hshnsh. 1 .MrtVeiWtu-'''--i jf'.lmJm rIWvaiaa.lii,ie '". t" ' -i Large Late Plat Ootsavr.. -r.'-J -' t.. ii-'-n -. pramhetil favoy, Ae.j tor sale by -i-'w'!' tonuAit A OABB! . ratordtorf.lalyt-br-tt -j Xtrugioshb DB. CBALOItKB'fl THOLRRA HEDIOIM earee Oholsro, Cholera Morbna, Cramiai ad Faiae ia lha btoaiash aod Bowels. -t Forealaby ' ". - JOIUUN fARB,; Jsratrg.'atys-af ., vj M , irrattgJato, .. - .1 1 1 in.. . f QnOf BAT WtATKB I, . iwf mm ftrfici KDOW-l lur DMHinryinfi avnti prtv IM ft it aU" ii rri'rva nti mum nj .' . LlArllAtml aVd'dbat Jf? i lTkotsssls aad hVdatl DrntiKist, . - t , oysaasws, rwm iiii.khi m. . tuty At! . Ii, -t a -A J. PieVsrabarie, Ta. rtaiKiaM sumajt. mk Km.' t , t WgaVhlia Plat luTto. ' ' tji WIo BsrJbOr, 1 l t!tir-lsr Wrttrp ttovds tfMn Pan. To. t.lU But. a.'""- ' . Parpte Jasi reeeirsd by : ik , 1 . . . JOBP A OARR,' 7' IholeaeleaBil hettil ItrngrtsU, Jaly-4f vt. ' ,- Pste.rri.urg. ti APPL PPLBAMOPKACB PXKLEBS. ' ror sale riv .--" ' J. B. HUlIlfeACO. . 0 tornal CwBHBSjnn Msrobsnta. InlylMt IWteatonih.ti . or iiabtfObd. conn. . . ' Je-Jt ... JtJLT' ; A WET, f : . '. I x'r tlO.000,000. iviatBi.B iimn.r v. . .-it. l,8M,a,el. . ..V - is r- tc 1 - : 1 EEaD.XHE fOLLOWINQ EXJUACTS: 1 it 1 ft. . ixU sn v w art - - " . t. iff Vi.'. .,,t..a . weP.'-sWJ fM tf 1 : .. , , .' 4 . . , , r , . . - ,. withlB tbe bat year, a larger haiiaeae thaa tayetoar laf Ooaipiiry t wbisti bvhoatss Uast rpropheV taairndaaawaibwevraaaeatoelfM Tor AtMrastp. Monitor. , ' ' : 1 "5.1- ,i'i-n pr !( i i ! . 'i.'t.-.j . - - . . i VA.i. i- ,.. i,i t,ti , lt tjii ,m ! " . ,., , t-. , --n- ,t. - :r ' ' ' . (Afreet frm K t. faaerwaee jtb. W im.1) b'! No Lets Intaraae Oaaipaay over anhlaved aa eomplata eaetnaa to tU popabtr InatttatleB. ' IU popalarity tltogetber "f etaitoattd ia VVt - t , 11 w !itfjj oj!s i,ljrili( 5, l "A good maa hwvalk aa tnheritoBa.AlW . . 4 riM.t 1 li .Irf.-li '..v.jSfMl.ltl t.l V KVH.'.l'i i -.Alia. LH.rt 1 .liiRh ii.-4 i 94 I f la Boa-re Csaaaoia the JUaa lim Camt'ay 1 ! t ' - . , .,! . . 11. 1 ,i '! -'i n tuif tt .il. 1 trre nii iy' I8al tU.aM.aa, aad another t8,B0 la ready fut th legal repreeaalatsvt el oai deoaaesd fcUowsttaaa. . , ii-.t . ...... 1 . 1 1 . . 1 a . 1 u vft j ti r l.xa id..iidto JbA4llla ' .'Lit t- iiin lart'it taswa ea a are teal tad thrifty aaaa ef Tboa whe btaare la tha dtiaa may be aaaa at, f . (' v. : ic.t I'K . -l .t ...l I . V. 1 Iratt tararabla a aay arMeUae Oaepny aaa ; - JttM;lrwcopa4:;'T., r?4 1 '"OaBoa ilii.t' S'U $.rl.i loti.tirtl !. ;' '.sett y ., il iwi i, liaw -eneMd 1 ti .,!, Ma, ..i,wi.iljuiw 4iiji-(.f!l; i Mi-m.! Ain-trw vat Jiiii..('iri two . I U'1 it - tntf. (Ws'iV fltlj.od 1 " .'rttltd W. H Mcajto, XiMiiner. t,,,, ' p aa.lftarto1 artartrtaH tt. A t V f . t 1 , i - o -.1, pncmiiXi t-l 1- ' rHi.j k, 1 f A'f,hl:llCl- . .il..,'..!.Vt t 1).. it ii ,tm I 11 ! I'tn Ii'if. ilsiuj 1 ivj. 1 t-.ii .' 1 fiiilt ilMd'if manful t.J A j-1. . 1 JU-iollllUS-, lUfiSnataVaSSi f It-Mttl tl ll-dtu'liilH.1-, -Ml Utl'llUiit fa.t . -t-l .. , ... Il 1 . ti' . t - l.i I 1 . ,1, rPRRHKTtTrtlO TRB CLAlMfljOf THa PH BRIXrHt' f VAI. e.l IMarMkai M , tlWMrANV, to the ptoule ot Kurih OtrwUna, tto avgeotpvitsab entlrm,tpitri ftitiow tug ttatimtnu :m' " '" ' ' ' ' tv tt b a Itaraal Oast y say, tbe aroat aster ainase an awa tne rsereq '"timn I t. ItolaaaptoaraawadWarMMaaiaapM toe Vaitad ItoVet and' Karoo,!.! 1 una oT ths vssa. . , . t. lit diridwids hte avsragsa M per San! yatrtrk brttoinaarsd. "1 1 a. lie poumea nreaa atvixa-evin itn mw. . .v i j A. lie tuitie have besa atat by th anneal Interest over to swell me general rant Belonging to tut manrsa.- . ,- ... A It has paid over aee.oee of loaam, and awraa omriaaraa A outa,., 1 T Its ratee of aseniauie are aa theest ae any Qmnpeny doing a tarn baiauaa. : a. irwuv. aorrjrsoaainemiotMtJa 1 iq. ) vif'-'l-Ci " $. One batf tha arsmiam wiU ba reestvsil ta tba to f th mtnred-Uhu! not, m east uf death, " la Btvaa deducted fttwa the laos of ths policy, ii ,,,..-.... ... m. .. j. 10. It ao ooaaaonoa wrra ataa uevaaaei ," 1' """,,'" ' ''";',' 1 '' J M llof LalfH ,fMittad'ft ' e U J Bi.T ft4 l.. '( ,;:li il 1 1 if lf f.-mn.-i l'u( eArto taiiVir ahton I , " k.iif ! i a w: twcA CbmywiiV JrOdfd toed tj .ft. ij t. . -ij 1 n l.,li. t'- Paoarn XatoaA.i4.'..febtf.4Mir..44H.tMi .. JKraa . ... .(i .w.,....r rr vtf r baooaura... .....i.,1,r.,frtM.;(.,t..,... ' CoaaatTHivi McTtil... . '',, -.V. A.1. KuHrtSBLB J..i. ..Atr'.!M..'t Bdaiiv character tf (I Qmpanin fiperal,y i Korl tarXiu'Coa ' fo'U'ri I 'l w ih lSe,t"w lot tiw-V of.JtHW ! .. Miat4te-a..e.H....s4t..-.Hiiiiri.irs.f .TviiM,, ,i.,)v, lf.'i' n. i W,," t 'H't ui ,Lnl4V4,-i-t jii (W i li 1 rlfifci.ifii ! let tn I j .,-,; tt....n.i yrew i.l. ni ,)if.i-ii t:.i lu loyii a.lf .Tl :'. li i."7i- .: I ir -1-', iii A I .:;ti V iffitr I H tr : r -1 ' t n i ::ri vsr? ie I The PHiTttlX HUTOAL offsr ssrojisr bidneaiisatt to mis M tht ftootbert 8tteaflt Trcn. 14 lationawiifa ngard to rsaxletKe and trayil Imuus ! Twee stotsattiou aw made n irnsmisi nporta 'MrnrUMintnecaatlo -AU il i vfriiJ-;'! a Will . uw wnitriiii nu ,!..'." I'm S'ti'iit 1.1 ui iff b )iilatli!a) Ai ii . WJitHietiai f .il'.ttn 1l votffili wl fv".,l I'-tl-'-'TIf rt S ! jMl..TS- f,'.-l- iH a. I lf ti'tlitw !. g iiv., rl.l :lt.l ( " i tj.'j ri it if r -i " 3 " kt ' 1 ' f v.. I Mi- 5 " fi " t.w - "J 1, tu. 1.3 Vjj.i.v Ot ' S '.- usatt .-iitl tt U i B W Wl to. f' ,.'1 r t( i 'w f.'.. ' . i .j ' .ii. . c j f tV . J ABSOLPTELT TT0 RESTKiCnOM UPON TRAVEL .Oil RESIDENCE, -tin - r, 1 .'j b j. .d otaiJ! v ' ' M t-li1 .a -.- art ttriTTrre efftTirriw wn-w viforfTT ittt . . . ... &. iviaviM sv.ssvstfStf rv.u . .. , . - fli'" i 1 "f'f r f"' - 'J1- ' " ' 'f e. rrtvf L Part ot the premiiiia IosuwhI, aod B15 daim on' tLd polic in caa of datvlh after, th ftocpn.1 year. t ' "it 10 if,-'i ivu ti: 111 a ;i 11 1 a ' ti.;n, A. f ft -i.i It . f g .IrtMa rrffl OObTPAHT OITBU PTOTJUAB ACTANTAGES TO t:TB p'Trv ' f r"r"Tr'.. the moat M..,.. r , , t- f - LIBERAL COMPANY. IS tHi- i&i. jits x .- r. t4Jtji f.j ft.'.'. i it . r'OfSOdsfTo. 1411 TJtlwaiy, Nw York Clt?- - . , -. ' " ; 1 m t. W. M. (OLE. SrMitrr. ' nwtcit if 1 i;r. t :'. .-I I-" rt .i'.. .1 laBeweaiea gbwfly hmiehed to amadLkg. an i.1 , , j 4 ut .. , . ; e.t i " it t 1. 1 t . . T . - -. .1 'It'- .1 . -v.. I , , ' ,v s t, ... c.s -.u4jt t. c laligh,&0,l(4lUAa ' I i '.""I i.- i J it, .77 v'.A.f t. 18C8 - - v uv. iini ni.iv -ear at ah' at t era ar- nr. ' '- - 1 DitlDKhu.' J pi r k-itil.- e' , - . l t t 1 1 laj . "M. BPl. I. a ii A m. 1 anaalt of eomatereial enlsrprhte la Ibis ountry, I .ll hvX f , t t H .! Ti t i',4Vi'siiitj.i,ii7 i anoint. I)!f:t;UJ1 , lisa promptly to data, 7te Jnly, has aauted 1 , M1 as at ijej K ....itiai arlalaty for their rritada. akd tbat toaapoa ui,. rt ; -,4 .Janarl ol - aBurd. '"?e1evulJr'UalM ei-ii),,! fjiu., i..r.i. i rut ,3.i, r. t e twi Add R.l.t.t M SS- n al It'U itM. i.iwJ. ,s .a SlX-: .IKil. 9mii .;3ci ' , ' ' ?Vr r, ! Ti. q.lQH ff T QUUXUAJU a trifi5i'sfl Sin-fiy iaiill .i4 u.) ti'iil,suli rtlj to vKmm t.m sis as,i,t 1 ut ..iiil laLd-t .4,1 s w! u jButH .jo .Iw.-i avil t . lMlotA (tAKr r. Bl'R rwtary, '. '., ." .tuna V, tfN -lairaAJIDOTOlTi 1 f . ' 10 ''.'. a .1 i . ' ' 'la I toe Vaitad ttatse and' Kaetse, u'al I " - " 1 ' " '' ' - tod re psyatiW sa ths aH t4 VtVAPTlTft pMtr fit Pawl H.I A If .4 T.I.- t , J i.miti'-i .... .a .-. m v.m. 1 . nesrvad drtaof and d swrylaa at bttarest leHf 1 ,ni.i ,.... n .it . ii ,i.i.-f..t,..1-.,t,T.i null t-j-i'l -aur npmi esil H I- - -i I nn j nluH.lnlan aieit aAri.M 14 ill Aid Dttl' ' t"" )' -.'fl to v i-, su at '" ""-td. ' '"' t .' mle-.J ait. J. W Jdl .- 1 .111 J fetch ihJlutnf JjalnHt! pr .'t'i " r" .'"' " -'tj s-rf v sunt.-. h;.-l'vrrt-v.rt"r,f--f1'trf ittW Z lffM'r.-'".. '"i'(r'i-'i'jv,7ii.-1 l , - rr . , i. .i.rti -1 , it. ijf 'MY'V Vln".'t"i "ff w'-fi-TMavr 1 , .,... .1., .ti.(.i,,.,M.V:rw, ' tiii 1 .'""'-'" it'.o .'ti1. m" "'.i ,11.1 1 jj tit .it .(.lm alauaa nnrsstrMel. . - . H tns fctniispi im Arente or the Cynpuiy. ' ' ' I I. I.a J 1 t wii.i.iii h iinrvv 1 --,, ,7. -.! AM htfr-.i 14 ,6 1 Jiftce--tM i r t.l4fv4 mn4 Jiutil I- aj , U f H 4 I, K..1 v m r i ..tit Q. uti .trsi1 itai.nt V n-n a f-. itwt , tatd S ,J H I a,... ,..: V jLjmtZm t It JJT ,51 ur . IWl R V . d""j.ll rrfl .' ,fji r 4i. I 'f.v 1 .' J ill tit . t M 1 iu ..., i . t Qeostto at; . .j. rl -s ,4 .,,? i.Jt V v- .' ie . ,..h .... fll .1,1, h .. r .ial wit ' .1 vdmh rj ,J i, - airiasa .riirrr ' .n f savst's; VbaAsatt.JS,. " ttd ln w aretnium tu Jt U A l' rfp T7 -r. n e,- , . l.fwiintf r ,,-4,-,,t ,, - rr n THS LiflTLi.. blAl , '. . -i .'S- 1 t- i : fl.. Cr-llTIl" Tr. r 1