.fTUDAY;jt Cod wi' Festutic t:iieie. rrwa fall bebtUon a " JL husada? ia Aagwt. wt4 wuin twenty bAS ab Term, ncimmQ Pf''t Kf light, ,UL. Addre. , '"OJ I'JjJ it 1 AVi.ULlblept4 SFAJUXHa CATAWBA fcTMSOS. . w-t,i County' N V rruim cklebkated wata-ubo jfVK J. will bs apt taf visiM free ""SSLididil tiifle of the wiWrti both tAtalVUttHlO. IMUIV.lleo. Joumm' UKtlWMWrffim b.hUwl siaes not t , Thwl i Prowietor lis twee t P " rihnrov and besabfr the i -, 1.11b u y i" UMSomrort of hi gu liiiaa- witl b doe W i.l W u . who nsev honor U with riw.-'" .rriLrwZi. M. fl. luitrosd at tWMwry, ilb e Maday, Wednewday, f rrtday ug, t liiekery Station, wtor yen 4d HA tiwtAMeVrag,iwlsM,e axsxsaww i t.sl " -kAm1 miojI A good bead of btUKlO will b. M tb Spring. Um ntir MM, !' P L- .awISkit A Boat, wlsue. sboeor Mr tab baibe, Md olpbar bh.lf ?.Tr HokHu Catawba tkxilUU. CatAwb CP Jb C- Jaaa l-diAwem. : 11 II. COWAN & CO., fieaenl Commlwloi Shlpplns Merebasts. AMD WHOLESALE GROCERS. 4to4M.IWiattoa' (Ubssl-, vWjettt- brM4 Virginia Showing WM", AgMta far UUr Bro'a HuparpawMtiaU of LiaM. AgMUator Vsleaa trim nuraa, wwiiiiti a. K. COWAB, Jwii- ) Ao.83 J HO. V. CAM0, tagtM, Hf. A, r.i iiiiiiimnni i m iliiij mi iiiiihi 1. lAlaet Boardiiir and Say School, l rAJva..-ur , Tu Mhmm Nam Ao Mm K?if(fJ ... Pbihcitam. riUIB falX TKBM Or Vm vm JbIj Wh M J tioiMi Dtp. HHh- - . " ' ,uh.,ii,iS4 M A. M. ! wi" aceoaMMdaU v board. ra, oa reawaabia twow. nar lata adMirablaMrtofUweitr. ( In U f Wlid. and Hot VST far BOB th. A BFtESCID CHASC1 FOB k HOME. t ONA FIDE RAFFLE. M CU AUTOS, f 10 EACH. TBI DRAWING TO TAKE PLACE IN rrai mnKRotaifKU owsi a very val- X aabto VAHM in Um loww tart af BaMlfoit Comtjr, aboot ) niloa below WMlilngttw, ooo UiaiuK SUO AOKKH. M at wbieb ia OUUBKD COOO DWEUIIO and alt Mnnaary twi-benaxa, writ theaoilof the Inet at at Um vary beat aality. Thry-r ' aiUa of Rood aaTtoaOoa , akid aiibla a day't aad of iii- ,T L'-rT mill fimi mi i 1 at "KAITtED OFF '.r tk UmhBf to ka ataea c,! a aana a Um ehaneea ara aH aakaradr ih diraoiloaof W. K. J. Barlavw, M. Haft ,aad . B. Hal.trUiita. bnra. TaaaadanicMd rafM K inM atarkaaM mot and bauartnwaua, oi waHungwn, ana w 1L W. Keepaae aad W. it. OawpaaHa, af WUdaato awa, aa to um Tama oi iHBra,M bars', K. W. RaBaa,of WUUaaiatea, aad Qclto Tba Htditor of um Tanmnr waMaraw a Mar- Ilovi, of WaabingtoB, wW raearre aabaariplions, aad um drawing will take ptees aa soon a poaai- Ma, after Mm elisnass are all taaan. , ii i i lb i SUMifi UtSMa iU.i t ii, HI , im t'- IJBAIVIV& 'I Cmx JBnUlH Vt . r- CI1 4KIiOTrE, t ef. h Wul Rv. K. Buawaxl, ' I tvj fimt.' R Bobwh. A. JL ) rrieiPait- mSM mTXt BE8BI0H wUl i th JL latof October, IB08, and aooUnu mnUtaOth ana. , lHsa. 11m 8aion ia divided into two farms of twenty waeks saeh, aad pupils eaa be entered for the WfHNv fWJsMlKJeB W Klf QUM' wtjWVt ' jl Tba aharK for Board (inohuHnir ewiry srponaa, WAahlng, faL Ufrhta, A.,) wiUiTaitioa In Eng kitoh bratMhea, wtH b HB, pnriarat inMttweaam sac aad Paintm;? artra, a asaal ian-asi.l I've CwewUr sad Catalog;, eoniamhiE fall Mruoolar aa to terna, Ae.. sililnms 1 1 " ' ' 1 KirrT)a.BllltVVKU.AtrOirf h9"' r .n t nPy -,1803," mskV STOCi 5186. BOOT, SnOEB AKD TBtXEa, ttnflTS Aim SWOEa. 1 ' 1 ' " ' BOOTS ABTD SHOES, 4faat from tba Manafaetarers, which atnw aa good of lb aaaaatialili' MB xmbt lurvt anaaoipnia or r P4 VV VI' ' I1 Jt r . a4 The baying for v atfaaay. ,- i .' I - 'Hill liaV tlAb) trUU AIiAR(ll IX)T f siiuiUd mxiKH aaia at vary rsasianU". 1'I.T A- J' iaa lf-tTv "tF 44rayeti .1, l..r 111.. X" Natal, sad af aseal t;bareh r aa Aasdaasy, i ora eneap, 1 IUkiga,alrlMf D , in 03KBKS VBtllT? Va payMlaeM atsmtka tntaWof kO t Urvd and ttraea t nut at tbi apaaon. M MS M iIm fA Jmm Wril r Claaaial tkwaainanw MarnhaaU, V JtatySI-lx ''lt I.I Ll Ai, I forlnaoalb, T. Sec ait ywmr Seed Wheat from the Gen I nine Bowden."1 WI BATI IU8T KECEIVKD S eomienajent of tltia aotnd brand of Wheat, which w el oflor kit rjmarf. price 'At awr Wheat barrMt baa huma far aliort t4 a general crop. It lo th. nNmt of nwr Varmora to aooore til I trrm '" awuepl hr.4. faB arwwa. July il-U LiCuoitCtt A VOUirH. ffUiS llT COFFEES. A . x. aw.c. 8moRAca. J.iJUO lel' , .luri U, -t fl.H.Li NACH. 1WIBTT 8ACKS 00C "J T '0 COrTEH. tiaAl by -v y;.i', .'I ,i.ZZ ,r..y. 4 JC. tEXSOHACH, .AP.I'ie'J ilK't "Jti ols.l.'i (( lliMiMWt T g- -riaiipwiiii'tsWM.MI.I xii is irA.TiroitM. Tb Dafuocratie part, in natinnal oao Tentioe aaaraiMeil, repoainf; ita traat Um ialaiUfraaee, patratiaas, aad diacrimiaatia; idArV-t ft tl people, ataadiuK upon lb CcfcifltofiiW aa I ha (twadatioa and liniita tion nf the powers of tbe Ooyernroent, ud ttte'cuaraiiti of tha Jiberti"ot fluf wiUxaa, and jaoagaUEiBg tbeA qontioM of Iaarjr aad Hfriiai as aaikrleee aetthsd, fcf All time to ooeM, by th war or the Toluatarj acting of tbe fioutbera BtaUw In coostilo- tiuaai conTeotioo aaambled, aod arrer to t c renewed or rgitated, do, wttn th ra t i' ti of poace.'dfaad ; .raf.ImmadiaM reet oration of all tbe tu their rigliti in tbe Ugiuo, under iusC'1-b-iiHu..tri, utd of' eirif gbverameot to tbe Aiuericafl people. finrrna' iiantjr for all paat political ofleBCea, and tbe reKolatioo of the elective IrascbbM io tbe Sutaa bt tbeir citizeDi. 7'aird. t-Pajaient of the public debt of tbe tJnited Bute aa rapkllj aa practicable ; all BMtoejra drawl from the people by taxa fitM, excptaO B?acb U ieJuiaite for the Beoeaaitiei of tbe Government, economically adminiatemd, being, how ally applied to neb payment, and where tbe oliliaiiont ol thaOoTCrnmeat do aut enpreatly Mate a pen tbvir face, or tbe law nnder wbicb tliiy were Wed dca not pnnrida that they hll be paid in coin, ttiey ought, in right ami in inatiot, to be paid in the lawfnl money of tbe United SUtaa. ' Fourth. Equal taxation ol every pecu of property according to ita real value, in cluding Government booili and other public secoritia. Fifth. On currency for tbe Government and the people, the laborer and tbe office holder, lite penaioner and the soldier, the producer and tbe bondholder. Sixth. Ecooom y in tbe administration nf the Government i tbe ranluotann t t he si and ins annv and navy ; tbe abolition ol tbe Freed meo'i Bureau (great cheering) and all oolitic! instriimeotalities ikii:ued to aecnrv acerb supremacy simplification of tbsyteittati dinwnflod . ot inqiiisi torial modes of aaseasing and collecting tn teanal revenue, ao that the burden of lain, tioo may be equalized and lessened, the credit ol the Gorernment and the currency made good; the repeal Of Alt enactments for mrolung tUa Ute militia jnto national tiroes in time of peace; and is tariff for iwvwu i vp4 .JoTalgn imports, boil aun equal taxation under the internal revenae laws as will Afford laetdoAtal protection to domestic mannlacturcs, and as will, wiii out impairing the revenue, impose the least burden upon and best promote and encour age the great industrial interests nf the country. , Seventh. Jleiorm of abuses in the Afl minUtrationv Use ekpnlsion of corrupt men from office, the abrogation of usolers oflicea. the reaUiration of rightl nt Authority to aijrl the independence of the executive and judi-' ejaj departmenU of the . Govvrnment, tbe subordination ol the military to the civil VtajtMand tnst toe usurpations nl igrets had tbe despotism of the tword WuD-ltJLXtt ml prlteitiJfor BAturaiixed and aauve born citizens at borne end abroad ; tbe assertion of American na tionality which shall command the respect Sad enorai(iulpe$ lor national iotrgruy constitutional liberty, and Individual rights; and tbe maintenance of tbe right of naturalized citizens against the Absolute doctrine of immut able allegiance andtheenilms af fovtigA yowerstw punish tbea fot Alleged crwna. conrnritted beyond thalr Inriaritation. ; J" "' -' i 'jib. demanding thesemeasures and reforms we arraign the Badicai party lor it disre- canlofvicbi. and tba anDarallslad odd res ion wd tyranny which have marked it oai, ,, AAer the roost, iolemri n4, unani. sous pisugeot Uota Houses ol (Jongress to proeeente tue war'eluvoiy for the main tensnce of the Government and tbe ' Dreser faUonof the Union under tbs Constitution, it ha wpeatedly violated, that moat aaorsd pledge,' Under wbicb alne was- rallied that Bobl volunteer Army which earned our flag tiolory, Instead of restoring the Union, it hat, so far as is in its power, dissolved it, and sub jected tea Statef, i tme of profound ma4, to militarv deDotnm and nesro suoremsav. ('ItXhJi atliteit twen ohe rfarM wf trial fy Mrvt! itJM abolished Hie hatmm eorrmt tbt moat taeraa wntol liberty; it uas over thrown th traedrtm of speech and tbe press ; it hsi substituted arbitrary seizures ami sr, rest, and military trials and ' secret star chamber Inquisitions Jar the- consUtntional tribunals; It baa rtisregardod it) i time pi peace tbe right of tbe people to lie free from searches and seizures ; it bat entered the post and telegraph offices, and even the privsta room ot individuals, and aeiztd tbeir Private papers and letters without atv speriaocbargaoraoiio ol affidavit, at re quired by tbe ovgwaiclawi It 4mm otrverted lb Amerioaa Capitol into a haatile : it hat established a system of tpiea and official espionage to which no constitutional Mob. Aicoyof carope would dare to retort; it bat ebaolishod tbe right of appeal on imparl tAnteouttitutioaal quettioat to the tuprette judicial tribunal, and threatens to curtail ictlon, wutchUs a uobtmatioti. Justice has 6ea subjected to the moat Atroc biected to the most atrocious oalumnies mmsly becaosa he would not prostitute his i r'noa to toe rapport or tba false and ! .an charge! preferred against the Pras , .it. Its corruption antL. extravagance huvt exceeded anything known in history, and by its fraud. And monopolies- it bAt nearly doubled the harden of the debtcreat- I l y I'm war. It be stripped th7 PreaV i i.t ronntnutlonsl power of Aftpolnt i i iv(.u ol his own C&binei. Under it r 1 n.-jn"a tbe pillsrs f tbe Qovera- i t k c roi k i ; onitoeir baa, And should ii - 1 in 1 ivoiuWnextCAtid'Inaugb i iiu t. wewiUmawkatAAnbieat- v ( id people, anrtd thoHruio f . ' scAttered I ragmen t' ol ta -uu.. ; aud w do doctare anT reolr 'TTt le-the people ol tbe ' United lie uu mil auijuwuoil w ufWAna i. tW privilege and trust nf iuftrag k-rK)longed to th several Stat, And have been granted, regulated, and controll ed exclusively by. tba political power el each State respectively, and that ' any at-' tempt by Congress, on any pretest whatever, 4kpi4Ty tiiat of b& right, or toit tertere with ita exarcina, i a flagrant usur ptUoa ol power which can 04 ,m wamat in tbe Corititutioa ( and if sanctioned by n people ill subvert owiormot govern, meat, and cab only1 end in a tingle eentrsj imd and consolidated Government, in which the separate existence of the States will bt entirely absorbed, and an unqualified ricsi ptAitm be established lb place of A feflpral anion of oo equal States ; And ttat ' w r prardtb7rocoptracvioB actt ,(o-eaUed) ef OgrW "ii 'murpationii, 1 and nooa gtUuiional,,irevoitionary. and void: that our soldiers ami Bailors, hb carried the Hag of onr conntry JO vicbw; spalost a aaott guIlantanA Aefermiitecl' t H, must ever be gratefully remembered, ind. all th go art tees given ia Uitur favor mustr be faithfully carried Into execution,. , , j T 1 That the public lands should U' diatrib , nted at widely a poatible among tit people, Aad shfloM Im disposed of either ader the a ivaauoable qaantitiea, aad to noae lipt sctaAs aewtiawa,As tfas-amswrwiaat price eaUbtiabed y the Ckverovait,,. Vbea grant of the pubbd lands assy b Anowad eBMAAary sW bha AWmasAe the sale of aoch htadt, and not the inemnivea, aoouio o to appiMO. . . i That the rfflsideat ol tbe U tiled States, Aadrew Johnaoa, (applaae,y fat eaerefajiag th power of bis high office ia resisting the aggreasioat of Cooirms upon the coualit tiooal rights ol th Btstet and th people, is eotitled to the gratitude ef the whole Americaa people, and ia behalf of tbe Dem ocratic party we tender him our thank tor his patriotic efforts ia that regard.' CONSTITUTION AJfD BY-LAWS FOB CLUBS. W bsve received, tetters from several source, requesting at to send printed cop tea of a Uoaatitutkun aad Uv-lAwra fur the organization of Bey moor and Blair Club. Having none oa band, and no funds to print them, we have prepared th following Ooaatitatbin aad By Laws, a a guid lor tnun, and raorail ibem to tbe considera tion of our friends. 1uoywer submitted to tbe Young Mens meeting to form a 8ey asoar and Uiair Club, ia tbi city, on Toes dsy night, and unanimously adopted : CONSTITUTION. Aanou lat. This Aasoeiatiaa snail be .triad um unu or nana uaraona, An. 1 The obleet of this AssaeUlion are to foliirwa : To anil in dose poUtieal oompaet e.ery Pcamwiat, Ouaasnabva.or by srtiatonir aarnx knows, ia nuns Oarulwa, lor the support and defunoa of tbe UoaatiUitiuB of tba UuUid 8tt. . the pHMMiMVm ef tb psaoa and good will of aoei- ty aad tba harmony or tbe Union ; Ui. pruper enforormeiH or law ana oraer vj legiumaw lorma, and tbe Bttes dastruottoe of Uadioalian err where, by the election of HoaATio bnaoiia, of New York, aa I'raaKlent, and nmns P. Bi.l, of slSMnawf, aa Via fraatdant. susdaliether llen eratie sad CoBaorvatire nomine for any omo ; sad, farther, to xaamots tk aratuat banent and protosiAai af aarb otbsr ia ail lawfoi parsaits, aiding each other ia boaiiMsa, aa being member, of one rraat aebtieal fausiiy, asfkiug to promote eaob of her a vuVa, and especially to extond each aid to than who have been or may be igno red or nncnMd by in judical parur. as In AjwociaUon may bs able. A sr. I. The omeera of tbi Onb ahAll oonsisl of s Praaideiit, Ihras Vice rraaidauta, a Kocnrd ing Heorelary. Om responding hocreiary awls Tnaaarer, wIhi aball parnmn the do iiu. nauai to aoch oiMM. and who, together with fit Oireotora, limU he eloeted annually at tli. animal meriting of Um Associatiim, and .hall eonatitnte an Kxaeatiira hoard. Io wltoas ahaU b oumautwl the iuutreaU of Uie Club. Art. i. This Gonatitntioa. aad aoch Ilv-Iwa or Kgnlationa to the Club atay adopt, may be altered, smsudod or changed at any pnbHn met ing of th lUab. by a ToU of twa.thirbi of tbe members present. -. . . j Ws, whose namea art hereto snn.xl. d mi- tmuly pledge our word and sacred honor, con stantly and faithfully to protnot the ohlncis and aima of this Club aa set forth in Abe loregoing Oonatitation, and do hold onrlva ready to de fend tb aama, and to nroteat, tu the extent ol our ability, every member of this AAsooiatio throughout tbe htate. . ,. ' . t BY-tiWl AJfD REGVLATIOHS, 1. Kvervasember of Mils flub shsll thrll tad sabaeribe tbe Oonstitation, in erfler to reeogiii- X. All xaoniad eanlribntiona to the ohieeU nf the Aaaooiation ahall be voluntary, aad ah'tt to held by th Traaeurer, who sball keep M Sunt aooonnt ana diabarae the aama onlv on th order of th Executive Board; to whom he ahall submit hissononnts when ordered. I S. Tbe Clnb shall order it wnblfeVtVeulnts whon aad wkesa it ehooaea, and Au AasaiaWbt may call mealing, whan eoairabie. but Um Exic nlire Hoard, or aueb of 1U membera ss may fee designated, ahull select speakers and make all neooaaary arrangements 4. Kaoh nwimbev1 of ' RxecnUre Board in hereby appointed a ommitla to , woUctt namto fur iberal rakip, alaa inttiuad nViaaiion .forjitki obleewMW th. i win, and to attend to tbe general inuwe.1 of lb Cub, aueb aa dirwtteg um eor- in aa diraeung ta eor snd eu-eubtting doen. napondenos, procuring manO. A i. a. The- txeeutlv ftoard ahaTh meat U Iran .act KMprivat baaimas of the Club a often a. it may ordar, (and th ofltoers of tba fjlnb shall b ns-qlcieaor at the Board y Whoa th name, of member ahall bs prsssnted fee regisBratwa pr dismiasl for weod ana, io aooaidar ike tuancial buaiaas of th Clan, and each nthe I rival mat- tat a mar ba neoaasarv. AH msmbar of the clnb may attend th pnvato saMay at the Hosra wasd awvBMni sad msy give counsel, bnt tb baaiMM of the Board wii Board win b detaremiad bv th vote of tb Board itself. A Any member or lb Uluu iatepding to move to any ether aeeurai.i , msy ebtain S edrtiiiaate of bis mamhershi in ia this Olab. if b daaira it. Ao be aigaed by tb JrYasidMitand BaotwUry. . . i k I 7. Ilia Kxecutiv Bosrd of each dab will rive special attention io all matter of registration, Toeing, Aa eee . that ail d their -duty, aad that lha Uw ia strioUy observed, tbwt aH frd or mal-praouce ta oxeoted sad daty pantabed. Via South Cfcrolins.Oeorrria. MissiasiriDi and other Southern States, strong Demo oratio Obiba aN tMiag Inrmed, tpbsed bf colored citiaen Tbe ConttltUtiou above is so wordert that It eta be adapted to tay place or pertonA If Democratic Clubs can be formad entirely of colored pesaoaa, 1 per napt it win oa oett; out wbere there art few, tbe Club .may, attcido to enter them on tbeir register or not, aa theytnai elect. x, we wouiu tuggett tuat xetnig 'mtn s crotjt, everywuere, mould era bract all young men, from 18 year of age, and up wards.. Many old men are faint-hearted, tfntitl,iAfraitA tttpwiknAwt polit ical ttofa. Tk in the young men,, who have the pfnek, and who may ' be mtuokttd to foe the Const! tut ion td,ibeountryod Who Will always vote riubt. , wba the .4. ooma of age, 1 We aeed the arrtor .and bold- aeaof youth, at well at the prudence. And wisdom ol age. The nccrtslly lor tbb, however, would be obviated, ii the young men, naoer tn age 01 v 1, woum lornt man of tbeir.qwn. , ,,.., r i S. We Insist upon forming Clubs in very Ward, ia every precinct and CauUiu'a Dis trict )n the SUte, where 34 or 80 members, and At many more at possible, can' be ob tained. The more the ltfer.;' Tbe 'talent and energy Of all onr people mutt be brought oat, It will not do to let the old men and tba old party manager ln all trie managing and tbe talking. We mtiat mil tvtry ma ia tome poaition to beuselul. By having s dub ia every , Ward ,nt every neighbor hood, w can Bad room for a great many as officors And talkers and working men. We eaa bar onr Club meetings Out- of doors, these jiteataht nights, by; nseonltght or camp fires, and there will be a chance lor Wy Mt, who eaa ntak a talk, or a little tpeeob. or a great speech, to-de 'tometbing In tbstline. Let the Clul be mrmeof. Bring out an ouf men to work; for fbt Con stitution sad the eonalrw ami tu. , w them by the eieotion of Baywiout And Blair 1 ' ''1. fftl'.l "5f r 'UD MHWr v aal. 1 wtaar.' trfantat n4 aJS io,. iwll ... !- ft UyimiiMm 1 Jorvtoeel.ed at W, C. Depot, 0 Oetobrated aUehiawa, wbieb WIU be wraVL a If sa- afkisHiiia1 sisss, witk.'Wtknw iwilkaw lithe I'owe... waiga wy .aan.uasi -aai aw-ai fa More 'Barman's' Atoel Tt' rkeist ft ttahe for IHotL and the Dtiie Wheat Fu. - 2T 1 . . r ' n I & u va w awiu.-r.vu .u.- ,3a.f jeoardjtth BT XHaVDAS slKXIKt JOKt MONT . At aKtVKnafcf Kauaa. - i a CT TABIJt WILtV BH eTJFPU WITH 11X the best tbe Market afford, o palna will be apaiwdeo render eomfartabkt all wbq may favor l",f..'( H l . a 11 n: WO' WMIAM. TIM CAF4 will be'ehartTd&anM-nt Wrtofi."' Bed Aw lnnmw tim. ' -4 - - " Meiulianifit the annenaeliln TrbdHniM 'iwII do well to e&lL.befora engHKing board p'towner. b4 J.li itw-Jl inVMn )i.fcj-ei J ' Mriwun 4 Us nt aw barrun ma I W "'. .a. 1 tiet . jut ih mqwilW 4JUiMti. u.l i I "TOW BKXJWKD, -tuOt wertb afaewapftag r7,JIi!M, j wtT4 I hav a beaaUul aaaortmeot of tba variooastr aad latoat imBurtatiooa It ia a weD known faet, aad amenably admiued. Lba ' - ' J j tibe; tjiLp.r.1 n I, 'ii ( it ww a - it ur kooom, xniawan be, and J sotrnian- nr. w inmtok H- TTl 11. .ii.i ii WnuuU UMkmr mm, vautm aod iaa Good of ail deaanp At Low Prteet. oitnble for gentbBini, boys and children's wear, CKEhXJiriJMtSMidaee toWbwthem. ( "). rawtoar-Roap aide af VayeUIBe Rtreet and down tb other : ve.. and tbea ike ctomi struct, and von will be bound to ccaue p, . ." tuat t-ur-evri u tne piace yon r yowr waning, ir yoe want LADIEM' BOTTMKTS. ' knmmed or-anrrtmmM, l(EJ4C!H'H h the plae. t Kot them. . If awn wih Ia auakui aa mvi. LADIBHsM if Sfl n GHILOBBNIB nATR. i .i., t ? . . mx mmxu ftm ue see) iHlKSiH A or you Ul aiua a graat bargain, aa be ha. nue of. Ike -rgaat Mid.tsavt heatttinii, urliuuuta in ike ity. U yon are looking for HKV', ttOi'iJ' amd CIiUREN'8 HATH, Ladies, Bfe and Children'. Rhoea, why if yu stop st (JreaefaW you will rarely be Bulled u stylo, aaaiity aad price, I Uii the people, Nome time ago, that there win no Honae ia the City that ennld or would Mil goad eheaper than I, aad now t Intend in keep my word. J aaid 4hu what 1 aiaant,. aad now mean what 1 hay. Ho don't (ail to cum. f CKCH'H, os It. Hnuh 'a earner. April 8 Fareueviile fitreet-j NEW.AERITAT. Goods ns LOW as they ohm Ikc round In thlt liiilinde, Af ... t , No 21 Fayetteville St., KALEICill, N. C. Tb Aenior of this una baa bee setting floods for th hut twenty years, in Iki mu-ket. arid can aay to onr friends that, roneiitering all thinge, he new had a ' -lit ! BETTIB, NICER OR CHEAPER STOCK OF GOODS To offer them than they are now opening at thoir' tto, Wo. Bi frayetfevMls stmet, HatetKb, , a. a w.'j. mwa. 'Oeohr t,IHC7-tf. , . i ,. MISCELLANEOUS. i?....17. PJ2SC1JX), CCMERAL IMSlJpAWCIJ tCClV.T, HAB HEMOVED hi. otlee to hi former tVrlg I. MerawbeM b wiU temir pelicttmiu,l j issue Policies of ltonrance agaius iam by Kirt., at the toweat remunerative rates, in the lOlln mg BrsVeiaaa Oompairies, vis : FtSanix,' or Harttori, Atlantic, of Brooklyn, Skurity, bt Ifew toik, futnamtoi LTarthird, "v. Home, of New Haven, i . i VaUtubf Viraiwid. Winchenfer. Jefftrnon, of VifgiTiia, atid ! 9m Underwriter's, Selma, ATa. Their combined Capital And AssetW exoeeding s.see,x. s Umm wtomTLT amdr-so aid rxrn. . P. F. PKHCUn. Dee. 14 ttO-ff 1 in.. Agent., GVILJFOBD LAKir AGENCY OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 LANDHOfiaiSib) WHO WISH TO BELL .-! a. ba .. - . ...... ..1. AgrtcniUairnJ or Mineral . Water, Power, Mtitt, , Town Lota, Steal Laiate.,;1 , of aay kind, will Aad it to their advantage U piaoe tneir property in oar nana, ror sale. We have great fkciHtles for procuring pnrcl sera lor au aaow prtmrmj. for infurnuAipn, B,auiU lroHs j JNO. B. GKKTTEk. . Oenersl Agent .' OreeaeboiV, tt.V. Or PHIL THIEM, Agent, baieigb.N.4il Ll.. LlivA ' gALE OF VALUABLK KKAL EMTaTK itf aAncnoBii.. ,, ,.0!n 14 OA thelrkh daj-of Ahgnst llklg, in parsnanU oraneen m. xtoaiiy, matie at jwm Term, imp, and aniended.at J one Xerm, lues, ot tb Hnpnwte Court of N. C, m .the case wherein th. llurot) Mlnlnir (mosnV Is eomeiahiant and Jih Watmaw ia mapandent, I abais sveosed to sell at the door of Iha Ooort Hoium of Ut. Ceuntrnf Wake, in the city of baleigh, tn the highest bin der, Ihe following described property, being all the land; audi nM"hnw fntnrest,' . mentioned and ueecniiea in turn pteauiiyr., w wit; auont tontilhlng Mall tome 1 " "L '"' U ; '.-: KMthA tt;J 1 t .f j ;J n ill v.yt Also the mining privilege npon two other tracts 01 1,909 ACBES OR MORE. This land ia sitaaie in the Coanly of Wak,aiid near th oily Of Uaieigh. Trier is a enntinnoes and many parallel veins f Graphite, Fnmbago or Blaek Lead.maebaf it of tk kywimat wnalitir.' extending thmaghoat tba 4Bir cbam. af Itsets, soma twe re muwi in tencui. ' Term. I per pent, eahlL and the reidue of tbe fcweobaa vaowey -s'ofwdn Tne,wO bed tbvawvaeas. 41 ffe fi'tfAfi. f fUttS' aattWfJtjbaJHb', TrtTTikV 'rt ' xirvv v srer t. rvn VUH U llUlWAMUIOIWi, 1 tfcfll ' M.f ' 1 E9bAff' mum k ; KALcian, K..iv. ''-'i Prompt tadpartleoh tMenMob (flVen totbe col " lection er Moteai DnirtAV AVeu hx as parts 4 Mr v.ul..MiiM um. IUm. . U..-. -J-tl 1 . ' "i'StW'ia IfiwlAWAiaK he tvVimxun'lLw V.: r-r r-T. "Y ' ' une-im m .,.ik,. M. Vlrs JOB MiliTOT . MAM IS-Jt-,-. .A rwmmaastm rw thk city otf CfHTirVftt, 6tbWlff,doneTwUl nhMa Sena hi their s-den.i w w ta t 4r-.ii4 fpi " wii iul it - - ..! . and en tb kat terms. , WTf i We axiMet aooa to kea oaaAia. aamlied mitt. 1 th wr.rKiaa.rr material to eXoent Um order af ear arkmdain eserv rMir win. or rrsstroti I r w. a "..wax an yxaxav iiim.icistvi OTk BBMLoMe, PAhULI i fliOwaVeAKb, tLd J ouior graoj, arnvina m i-o. r o.u w f ",:i,;l I At fl. -Iiii.ll . - l w v k wsa-tf .TOHsorFssxa. tUTI mnmst .-na! I h4 oft . tji.avnjwrniM-w. Hfre . tu t Jnartrchl i wf Af brv fat) MM 'A ewawsjssjli . in - IthaTE laaiimn ea'J u'i it T"V ! I -JT 1 w,I iilfl! a. .IT 1 .1 E-irrurir. I! .(ill v.l I B-' 1 k 1 m: 8 ENT1 N Iv Ii. Pul.lii-hr.1 in lh ! u ol Ibiliiuh, N. Q , D.iily, ftcmi Wi'ekly hnrf Wikly, William . Pell, Seaton Gales, J EdilorA 11 view of the aesrerly of money; and th sever dof, the tiroe, thin, Proprietor (( Uf KSTIXSI has dVlvrm lie. I to rednee ibe term of the paper, M eommene aflnr the XNt. IK('EIBBR, and to make sneli improvemetil. in, its genersl ehararbfr s will ...1111...1..1 K 10 Ui. uatrouage of an eoliRhlen.il paiilie. In POLITTfSt ft will be Ihrfonghfr Vnerv , 1'. i . . 1, i,, . -I i--T.i '. i . pre, aflrncAilag, at all iiiee. : .. , , A elriel obKervanee of I be ioatitntion of trie United Htale. aw.l the hartnonkinir Union Of ' WViaj Htates ;' ' ' " ' . " ' .' ' ''" (Ijeimcnce.ln.law d I kg i nf. iroeweut (orihr ; illlw .aptciaiM-y ef the eiril otwrllw ilhtT. In Cline rif petoe'v ' 1 1 . The pqnarilT i'f Mio Min e n nriiinate lran'b.. , i of ,He giycmnMMii ; Iw soverelijwty nt 111 Kl alee over their own , irjljeriiaf affaire, Id stria) Ciiif.rmiy' lo "the , (ColiJi..u i ., Tli. mahtnaneyf freeilnr. and Jnatic D wtthont rtiStihrtinii of enlrtr.'tml Hie irnprems- , ry of the wllil c rare the goveniing caaa; 4 Iniiosry on -to IfadieaJien) in all Uh phaaes. . An n N ITWH Journal, it shall he.eqnkl toany.-r- Tvie'pHiielnitl msAels'win be refrtlsttV prfl.lliih It. MTKRARV elmrvler eliall I BinhitMuad .and inproved, by contributions from our best , Wrbera. , ... .1 ...I ' 1 finally, the tbuensri. will seek lo be Uie special liromoterof the e.lncatlonul, monl xnd eeo- nomieal iulereMl. of the people of North Ci elina. Paily Si-iiiinn), for one year, fS 0 . ,.V .. " . .hit mouths, ii" , " ' three, moMh Si to IteoM Weekly Hwlinel, lor one year, , 4 Ao ' " "is moitbe,, ,,,, 1 ,,2,W " " three month!i.Miit ttl Wkly " IW one yetr,., I' .u! i OO " " nn months... i. .. t OO All Bubecriptioiie strictly oasil in adyanosi An an adrnrtiHing rm-.tinm, the VinnrrsaT. ia equal to my in the Hint Termr moderate. " tnr We sak even- (Viieervxthrecfn tli ittxl to heeome our A;cnt In extend the ein nl.iion of tH fiermr.!,. The event, or ISW rill b exeitihg and bnprtnt. The Wkexi.v rbnrtrksx Should bln Hie hand of the great body of the people i- The'Hirm are now so low that fvry one will be Menvpav ror if ..i.i- ' 'I : H until ' F.PfiLW, , 1 I iVoprieior itsleigk, ie. Jet., IBS. MISCELLA 7F.77T7 I8O8, I ,11. ... I I .11 . 1 1 SPRING rritA.ii.i. . 1 .. 1 r "if:. f)l .IfiJi ilHmy t ' r. , "j, - TIN WARF, AT WIIOLF.SALB . A UMQTt IAJT OF TIN WAKK OH HAND " Material good snu wnrxmsnsMp unsurpassed. The nndernisned ta' nonduriincr a. NOHTII CAUOLIN A KNTEilPllltHi, aad asks Um oooj ratio of H.mihem sferekartte. lie ia. by availing himself of th beat and moat Impmred madiinery. prepared tn fill all orders for Tltf WAKE, and swmas taaaepptrwinaita tiwaemaoa. 1 jHead ma yoor ortiera. , Mifa4aWf;raatf4. I wUl take any kind of good prodace ioexehanas for Tin Ware and particularly want, at lieet pn- eeSj Maris nmw,eMr.rr.MnrBn aad will pay cash for sasaa, wen. evrfsned. Haudfur a Price Uat and oannara with roar Nurtiiern tuna 1 ws xi. riuos raib.- , . ' 1 wiU keep eohstantly on hand a good aacort- ment of (iwwhiwa nivra, Bnek's Patent' aud ethers ofbeat atak. and win mil right. - .w- 1 , .,,!, ...i ... ,,- r e. H.roatThV ' " FebS-iaO-tf HiIMhito K C. Hiil. IVebvAMiter' ' foir "too. ' mfl TtryjfcftBlORED offer fo skleiria's'reoia-l i jL.asoawnng serrmt, Hie Newspaper tad Job Mesas. Type, mitm, axiores aad- aaV tb eakr malerial nertaunis to theriyitftfeirmpsiV Jliebuig and pnntiug oflice, together with tb lgod WiH"nd enbacriptioa list of the sarn'e.f. ijBesssa n mm v ta auxin town tat m as-, tieaedf Ntth)asniimv ta.sniy noi Tmmr j all th twr, nf ih aia enaiitu) af, &iaaVa( niiiii(iH,,njeaim,mueriaaij,siowv,vnatnamt I ,M.nn -1 wimjifutu.'rj sou mt'iiHenui, ,iie r JvsMViileiaWww effMWtlrSI rsee xae)nesents t4ba pareaa.ee. Pwrwig 'the .twavysarw aV baal nemrlv triolad jt oBraulataow. baw onnMMillr ' ... P eresaedits material and paid fqr Jt-rand will wrsae, byasrtewiagnr rat roeeipt. a very grsti twlnsi aaVbb.i 4,u.-. -i uat te yewpriasoxa asTing eeaid.si at rt- saev ioaaotl IMrtHaSajai Ptlhl and Iht rllmr nirt Ainlinn 1 noli this inclined or Sued to csrrv on the: busineaa Aione. seen tieemea Treresaryknd the d?',, tw.arrrmaa, that Mat fxMit i of M paper ar nut aboa toahaiuloii w simw mm ww .linw IM F" any failiir. nf soccw",. ac-.-ira. . . - fw eoMreas ILL. a I R VROVwnt.t ,1AV9 tfatwttavtBet MC. .-..mix. 'Tij "I'ohet fatetM.riirieiB bst4nVaWif4' Start ft' iOoaaentnataaV Lfr, bkwb r, ffaitar stawaaes, v aaiwni..nia iwiis ass Jnlw ai.ir ... . l:pi-i4i:Nivii . iu ii.ii-u atvif i ,?jtf"irl V' ,'i'lw to ;ilorpnj poi4Te MaBf l ilefsefnt wvw aanet of OesdM wxewisiaT Amoavii. ieuui: ia soil or leg. fgwieWilkaI aAaa, taAaebMt ipsse ot oafwrna wtuaA llinasp wwrni Amgniueal orTranaiers, Of wungsj ieepi pMeyif ex eat'tb sa"V al snatroment AtaukUB. ItOhTil' ...j a , , t jauL il ! T. . "V - , ... m ... pavabie utWvhie Mxa-awT demaawl or at a Hum. de.htiial i notea Wwaed for eipmrlataiejltnd eheebil lllWHfcWxl J prooaedinds, I id to b. a wArietJ sbaihbt .lAb H bat V IH, fur payment for a 1 am not rJioee.bug tliMipAliiawi .ok u-Mtta&JiMiM Vttt'WOl hti i liuiiHMlii tented teeau. Pur mm a4bHs4 W.J, Uwshsdi Htatos o. OrttMSr Nonk ArnerMa: exes at. )usssr tustos'nr tWMatr jsomh' wiwertu, ere pi. Hi reeeint of gnptts on any foreign porta, IV rtf, Ritfarif Haleof any eeLorprt thereof, hn rheiranM. onMrati (Mas sm leaes J tftisi. 1 ew . , rjusBetmni Awti tnnsteenag .sttsi. it 1 KuwHlm. uue. ttiuaaand dotlar. Mh. Br. MeetiMil tavw Sd,lint SX.eiMg .SWMI, ,uoding que,. thvawand didlArs w h wired doliarn or fracLKl part theroor.W e f personal pMtmy,-nfher'-then ship Or vn hundred Jiarn or fracLK.! part theroorW e Of personal prorwrty, of tier f han ahip or vnaibi i , Atrfr'nMriaiaaai -H Bomtl tMraoBBt, Rat aayssssatux xuiaM.y-4aw uvn- ObraxLtbi- .toKi-kloii ii i. ! For in.k nmif.YUig ny uerA.111.ior Hie paTweul tf any auiu of money, whi r, (lie nioney ultimabiyi WOI: ar. b i'fli. n-ttwaawiaoveopsisi 0110 lnusnsan uswan Where the money rtvorwraole excoe.t o ihonid Sosiant, Sal awtuy adtbjinwel ism M aand tkillaror fra. liou.1 oart thereof. SU rente.) Hmdn e.miitv.rtiv Wml town lionda. railroads. aMi aa her awi'KWstann bonds and amp, are ob ioet to ataiuti .ittlr. l)e nuiti;ae.')..Af aiivib- eipttoM.uUiuMban autxu as are retiiini 1 ieqai prueeadingt. snd sncti ss Sre not. mnrrttH inargeti m 11ns weneume, an wna, 1 t lertiAostt of depnsit sa baaaJ an ex not ! ine one hundred dollar.. 1 ounU. I t if aWim.it m bank, last etoeeding ea.bnh.bid dollars, 0 eeuta., , , ui WAet in so iweorporatcir company, xo eenat Oenwal, ft rent. .;()V. , , ,,,, Of a uualiiiuatioa of s Jnntics of the Teatst, Otmmuauonev of deed o Rotary pnnlia, beestn: wisib.Mirouwa,aoi, , - j y1u.,n That rertaia papers are on tilo; B fen 1 4. Thatertaia aapsroanndt asmratl teSotnj ' )f ssdemption of laud sold ha Uaoe, 6 eeutf. Of birth, marriage and deth? oentA. nm itlt aaatiaestioaa aakooi ioatrvO seabn. Of prjiillls of a toeorporatad ooniusny, for a nm tutX lea than ten do! lain sntl not eweedliw tUlruuiiaraillloBoia. .K.iJ.i .v... 1 it ... Y , KKomtluiK Ally dollara sail not exoeeding oat. thtKmanddtdlaraj MeBrrlw.1' " "u "' ""'I I Kxoeeding tm tbonsaml dollars, tV STaffl AS littooal one thousand, or fraqUoiud uait Uij'i e.s Jteent. i- oavKHAtlj .LT7 1 .0 .olI Of damagtpi atherwi4nl All oOmr, twrlit' cale or document issued by any port wir.l. a, maria anrv.ym. otlier peawae se wigls sat'li Certilit Trarmeribi ynfe,nr,l8.'Wlfifi of Jmlgnaaki aid of ail ptptra Waiwdall ara All. f?L!uiir.i.tkA.'A sJD tt.iUijlal: .UtH a, ui Sat V VM rt xii-e i rt vim .v surwiw irx WV itnm of money exawawn.Hk.drAiBtitpoerail) .u,nuy. keni.llt-ne rAtl.lHniluiil Aeeij.'' 1 kor tit,-tru ( Jutttreci isw Agreanumv tiruntvs, nv 1111 a t'tiuvevauoedtietl. niHtrument or writiuir. tH-re- by lands lelwenii'jr'oltw'SaHIv MdsbaaT'lii etHiveyed. Uie setnal vitlne of a hicb dooaajw oaad meiiWi'.o.d..K Ul,.i,l .oil Kxitmng m ana nottxoening i.w"l, i,i, For rrerV kHrrftiiHntf IHe hnndn(T AslUf. ir fractional prt ttivreof, in exresaof one tlKSMKaU,., louav. oarnrsit . eltu.M.i iklanii 1 n' nrtU.iH .. eitU.M.I VMavlt! . iry nf an) goutlH, w.ftw , or i.obAdif SI Wiy gils,wswOr IMi.ohAaJwdt vy rnatom bouse, not excevuinaf ono hundcif ataisM. nt excwwipzjipg,.nuuiji i toiisrM 10 vsiue.TBi rtwa.- v-- i ' KntiwniiairMiii MMMd iiik live buudrwd dollara in wtlnei AttlotatatilAa I Kteeetung nv unuareu otMiara in vaine, Vl.ne. M.di Uin H.II lulrawal ul iuiv inu.Ia. ita .im. ,fl. cent... A .tiger', reiittti 'If ter 'U iiwathV dtt iiHiWIMbi. nve iuuiiriigisMitwh.futm,Vi il il.lw It Kxtteeuing liuil gallou., io (Wtile. Power af AiwiH"ai R W fe.' 'gSitiegj'tir njillai. ilkvtilnilittx I It. ,r: Alii 'A jaAlalll at i at.le5M"iu7CH psnv, to esatct jjoul mo-I'I I ili Intn l. l rn CiEW ?'oV "fAnTff KaaTfe.! Mitt tl.Utto o-i .iMi. to loan) x ottlw ..di-fci MM where twa-Taise (d.botHmt ahyr.i4iiiilUti aoes not ejoeeu s.u i,iw. . 1,,.. t. . , rur ever; sdtliUtmal i.KIO, ovJwtttlrii.rp'ai Uierwor, a ewaMftAu ixwtiiiMn, Jlondaor ieou. of txeoatox. taduuniatraltiMrdbyt. and tfoaues, or si,. 1 awan Ull,wHt'tdbsabnibat nii nts-r. 4be iuHa of kVx.iiisai-a.iui.aiL of. subjeul supe iluls ( aguiijuti t for the payment of any snm of nioitut. or debt due' Sveeedlng'tweiHV doliarW, or fof t)- delivery Wiatty prupry,iaietita.i.."i le ui tl I Trust lived mad to fuas dsbt.t bs tmp ed as a mortgagt i optiveyMijrtAt,. tojtfifjm stamped a conveyance. 1 1 -1 Wsrehnuite eeito'f lttr ip,,resl. meronontiwe.aMW.iiii iiMst-yrwrMiw mmjtjmpm- itod or iarad-in any putdianr p)rirak aMrTW it, exceeding nvt hnn.lrett dollar tti valiyjuai Exoeeding Hre hnndred and not excendiiig oic tlimieaitil dollara X) cent... . Kxcewfrrre' ir.nHO, Tor erery tlttrTrxijrionl sart tborsef, jw oaeeas. af thttta, Ml auiitat Ht wi For anv gooda, et., not ot herwute pMtvtdf d rot, 'fltorew er wenftsiscd ttJI ot l'itlJ. t"sJ, Kiumenu, writs or'dthr r leRdl rtrueews br whieb anv enit. ia eemineaoad i ceurt of reeofd.'eitlier of leif or ftinfty, BO etmtJ Wnto awiginal psaesse txswewlM attoest. Upon ewry xmxxl AitVexMttaiafnf ll ror tti or .over- exoeni, in eaaeo IWfreiv r over, except in ttx tut a wHt hss'beeif palft. CO'eenra Writitr aUmt iiirnerwiafsia lasti eoorta, or other conna ol irunor jinisu Sdtctinn, w . ivnsvt ml eee, nl SA MM. llir.UMitu Warrant of diatremu when UM.amonntMntif' Claimed thies ntdsxeeed tlllO aft eertte. I tl wnn iw. aaattwof ut.iws wiaw, in.iiwi. j InBOtwnee. itann. Itdand anil xor ,,.Whn Ihe eeiiitiiteraiioii paid fitr the insnrance, In caab nreramnv note1, ar eoM,J'oea' notieieeea vis, Httl xsvi4n( IfW du(ha-, as4 M'Xe.lis ttft; tocew. . : f..J.itjM men ranee lAre wnea uw amonnt in.meu uo notaxoaed m tkr saalil sWIaraviM bsnbu A Excechng 1 (.MMly. .eW,.U,f'hikKt. kxceeding 45.0118, MM . t. w , 1 IrM W Vawtk oT tenmriiff MrHi.f OS, Vn4 4 d not a weed X'w wnawnH IWeentitt Kxeewiing Pmt ,ax.ldtl.AaVloyf, .olne.1 nert theraoT l,i.,JollII ..wi 1 fraoiMnial part thereof, iu-exosaaal tw,, i," wpr 1 Cuuum ofgnsrantwMtMMiMnWlrM poratwd ernthwwd, ire rnMj1.UUadi. i I Meaawrer.' Ketara, if toojii)y otexeed mg one intmaami imniiei., in oents. . : a.eaadlli. OM klMtoda? Amm. i Mtwtraw..wroa4. ktw saWo souaxor.ne ana not exoeet Kxcfedin iraotwwiai Pawner Paasaa TtokeA franrtha .Dnitod iBIaiaaAn ank- lureign ptirs otiarttiH o m. iuoi w , iiau .lu ceo J.. si nu,. a.U ut ristwwft- urasilX umwm umh .n. an v-i; , . i. .; irop a. awwMaan wn wetaaesMaav pan UMrttto, a sioms ox jvt,(fT n m tjtr, t I ol -.(i' ttff to 'voM h'"l w ' .lAlTOKItAA,MIWIi UM.Il Kiivnnc duHa atavhs smsA iadinMiiililiwa iivJ npon any or ine mauera or unnga soamerated t Mobedute A,wxept prwpwetara and pktyiiaj eaiii Stamp, nw wnion a.peeiai aae nas neea proviaeA. Pastsgk Maaspa eauaot t..need uvayitwnt ft tb duty ebeabsj oajiwdimnen..,. j , ' It Is Che duty of the Maker of aa rnntrnmcnt fc aAilf adraliiii aws Shuw Ikanlet.af bwgAt raasp itbebira it i wAetfj iu'if EsM S1!)- SOIk of JOIT. II4. SIHf need without a jmin. fessmot aMarWarda 'be- Vfieeanaltr tMtedr At faiksr npoa the jxrt s db sxwkswaaf whii rlrS&ft"?7 ' iiOBa. Hai d' -nil ,. . IWW, for every atltlitioniil r,dr-V,j;!",.Triiil i par. wmw. vu t'wiwa ot txio, T.O re PIS. I T. , i , sOheoba awrit-JXe mil . uT I Oeo A Haisey. ' ett mbL to anonari.tehr ataatn tl renilar. I., l.i.lf'JaStl Httretwlatl bt weXtwJiy roasMihiwdollafm ' Keite ar entamwrmrd ianaav HtaMw.kv.aa, proeew. Uiaa wnt, via summons, w.rraiuA, paA- leauoa, c, aw wamwsww nsset-aa AA knirtv-AI I Bsxirea. saveraJIv rremraatsmna. . . II - . " - -mi o.aiii ii linn 4 titM ,i)i'tl dis w T I 1H JnralAg aa atehv.it, taken before a awtjdH' f t tb tv.aetry rwhiie, br other officer diibT aaujrxMiMiaw.axttisv I neat, and m snbiect to. a atawm dnt dm eswSAv eaosnt when takxw-h. -ewluf f tcgi eeeding. . , S I ,v-fe I : kftpedr ' tiamatait. a. ioaa m wnico liters uialj annei laww- aviaMd aw wtwAoo eviaoaet 'aa wmnus eft twoinrj mam W"t w ucnaww W tOy SOU ttoWll. nta-d, are eahjeet to stamp duty as rronrieaur. Kolee r-i;A -i J9W fx! jamk MiJ The Assignment of a mortage i mbl-eto -tlk iaa dotv ss that rmnowed wpoa th origins) la. snwmttntj kkat IrWaayv A w twy wwrniW twe nnntirea ootisn. er ar.T in any fretionl irt thereotef y the mortf-Aire, attfroeef ui is i aAiied sku.. atswtpa, diMcUng a dnty ui tws e.wiiai . jT' Kite Iwonc BMJte -rMnsuiu a Uie exatti an wwtrnment. the eitr,i.. to ,,. ,.ti . .a. stieass a ts W-tw rsw". fesv b sii, -,i sea eaaweiwa wy awa as ssniwew kuwtii wmi t jf t t tf rMrre.bA dwtjt r J tw.i JssrseA f lhaKl anus auiwnr to U J" 1 KM r. 1 n. beiuij t t- fiiii. t rt.,a required for aark wiiuiuuii.iiiiu ui me - i iiKr TiilaliSSIllaiM .1 n .laiiip-siiitednhmild iw mad dpnn tCmlVr!. . la . . k . is. KESaT ' .-ii.Uiraaf o-'IrV pt jxjw mit a.ir..rrjr . ig is a Pill M r i of the -fortieth ar Tie UilHWlllOlt."li, ., T ""f "i f-h ,u-tfBi Avarf iltUiVtuia1 mi J.dia W, furuey, r, of I n.I4eotot1r-y, , iTtll.V .nil iiHubli, . ' I. bom ntVmidbptrM 'SOW tli: frrph- AjfcM, Morrill. 1 -f:.i iVnt t PeaeMutf, 'Wer Mts-uui r M Aaron Kuihanl Ve. r irnsti l il.iTr""Tl flCbMIAt. ,,. V lt.tnlMld. I m iiaeb VfcsmhYr- f' m law, a liesrai;, wmnowsim'i . ' 'afJii;iHTTflt tit in v w iM4Mi, r 'itnoihy (1 Mt' , WlHNRStiTA, Aex Kami..'. lli;ry II A nil it my, r' CXNHKOTfTT. lsinH H riorttm d .'tw "71 Hi, t, MUialhttin id Orris S Perry, r Isme Itnie t t !t . ... -. brtTF.JW- rt Ji I . "h-isj ..auaauonv h AVltrin II Morals' r ' S r bdi,Hiw8ereafr''.w lioHt-oe roukln.g. aliiuiawv )aairr.Mf i 'b,H IAMAiMl-A . l.'TPref(rhtiAetf,r' thj;4i ltrll.r,,i,'7i kdmimdWWisJ'r'V5 4Akltkbiar i 1. ifaiA If i-i:kksti.vaxi. j'Wx4aW''' OU Hnokslcv.d Mmon t.'alnerbh, ff at. tin XT' rtut ittiUoti I t.mtoo nt tit 4tlio DKI.AWASR V.O.-01. Jilt;. t,.i.ur!W,,i.,,atti I Wis Hanlsbiiry, if" Jtuoon -rt 5.4 w l.:.l.lin A M 1 KYT.AKP. DAjusvianu. , r eirilihurKii-. AdinOteineas - tlamiltoiy, - ,, 1 aw-sMriuoiNi. ,.! "'Bbr.i"" ' fWWwin'Me!'" Mi o If Wilhamit, t i Itoryoiu'lrtt.i.iwijj i ri J....i ! ' W.isaa.'r.Wdlry, (Tfd KKWTHI'Klf. -COLtWADO, . r I tt,- ('r....rv ll ill Jj, , 1' fj llllUl A'.'a... - Jt'rome h i.'haffe r -L- w '-4 WrVt'aaifli6iJt,T ' TKN.1KHKICR. tlMJM ol lit itntr. . ,. j ran rVwU A, rVwIer ' ' -71 wtsw i-td'H r I i.r Af tuirtxaMibstMatn otat iti e a -.i.hII Kephrr&ni'fl.lie1b. lienjamin V Wle, r tin wren B1 axsaxwwa- I 1..I... K lui innn r Ti , tirea. - bWi KitoTX," I ; I HdtltW It RRPKtagllTAWflM ,M fWWtrryrVHf.i Vjbflirdiansl tf , a Rdwa-d Mol'bersou, r, of PoitiytvaAsiWrx ' jltuiidY.i;iM...!. III-. AA--.-- . '.i. A firWinf.r111 " ItAanHMtil UkiMr..itii .lolin A rt.ler.. r Fro.lt'i irk A Pike, r feaae B H .' IK I V' kWniirttraa. fl , iDrM(eWfrru.. AWvSnKr BtnysmlaggWstdn', kleablaubavsv if 'n l'twmliavwe,ir1 tatiMejiY A W I Htnith. B rtlAr.lrrfVs;' maetHhlatargtr,r ;'nea.,nd1v, Jsairs kt AabMrbVautl lolin T Wilson, r.re' Tlwimil UJrls..f.(.fv IV... Ames, t ' Oinery Twi rhell, r . il.min P.ilkd'Vs'n TruntAM Natfianiel F lUnkil, r W George A Burn weM, tt, .iiHruH a i iter, w '?,"..2.Jltit krkl)ui,r.J imI -fC,",S,LP' TriatoDe 4Ni.ftjO Buf'i. P Ht.atil.tmg. TV BIIIVHI II R t r 4htwJwiavttitt y.)h slrlt xsnrswaft bv fc.Smi'rhrXrrt.bj Wm klililuik A . MWisVl V Ker"nli!a' MtwtatUiSWi'. . nlinwelikit. dj!,l i H 11 Ktat kwtaillier, r I ti Willri'iiMirtii J Mewrgt-W Jhllwr' f.m5 BirMhl,n ilJ.i... dnrSidlAve 8 Orfll P' Wm lyBpliuwni, ,,i WSfr' I'.tliu. ktstdsmsf u .lolin rox, u ,kwMrxwyvli.,l , WM,iVAt'' MnVjuM John WW Jikroka..ld lUBir, a Jbw P 'JHttriswAwsbrw ' Fernando Wooti: d ) ?aWil John H KeU hiira, r " BbeMC IthxwMjsV av Bnrttai.C(Jiiuk.r.t.. VheMiaA nnrhtt.rtt H H P BrtimweW "kviawr. BheU- M x.Villowi o'j.b lAi.W Itons.d . vmige-'rrira-r ti AWei',iutriH Wti iinet,'.Mv'Njatire dimsi, " " Aildii-on H liHin, r 1C10A..,.iH Alex It liaiHv, r fer 0 Heeuiaii. r Jolm C Churchill, r Ithas Uimm. r -Ch") M t'omeroy t WnstnBlalim.A 2", LSJ.""? 1 tkaiidt baWPwiHtg.,m yt.'l-ihM U-igg.. Jt' n n t rowtirittire, r llaniiltoti waru, i . rtAlbertT&-6" f Sort, ftelt. rJ"' ' rnrt s 4H .nurtt r ameB M Miinihr.'d Ben FiHopbMt.' Imim tVil.ii. r , f Heart Vaw ArM, AilSdrWge'.'if KrnftfonrVC"-" Hiilelos Bawynf K 0 0 WsshbnrtM r , ' iiiwkaso.-,''' Wm Wiaduasu ., Ignatms llwinelly, r .1 utnl FKKlWTI.VAim. Jane F Wilson, r gamnI.J It.wUlM Hirwa lVki. I ;.. IWia fJAIItHnn'r' Kf ' ii i latiivt JlwsrHaaW itlatmibshtirtdgsYr' Vhit ri rin,r ' Oai'aAw'f ,", ' HSAVAI f4iflr.j4 ",lt vfin At jveiiet ........ annei w nnimsra, r oii.tr. it tf i" a uv rrs uiirisn-H, Joe UeVfctfipl ns Wm A Pile, r . m a rile, i IfSia. Newr4W UaeBlfofwHrb.tt. jus liravellr w W MetStrrlf'ir''1 David xf Vtn Anken. d Oeo W Woodward, d saoMT Van Hora. GeoYgtfT Miller, r John rBenlamiii r, fottvremV,, l freotrgtcW Aoderarit full Keoaia.w t( i awesAiMUKi tat Haw.l t MTeLi, I.,- jihTrk- latml I .. WlVASiA.,,,,,, fUelos M Atdtb"r tiaronet r Wiieou. r. ... OlenniWAVie'iLT 1 S.mnt; U AifHtTo! ,j WHItsm Hnjhv, ?""' Jame J.tbrtamt?' CAIASOWNJA .. ........ . -, -, jmm miweiwiati v " fkemts Wiikwnw.i 4fmi WiiUas,i 4fN'iyrow.(fc,,,, 1 'T.KIWARt, I i .. fJBSiirik-..on,'d'il I - o. Km im nwv Jlnftlall.y,i;.,fU C.ll.KAIIO j , Oeorge sf t'hilreotf, T WM.rt.Asn ,tileveontAweiMw nl ' , - - 1KI..IATSI, IttlfJtlsM'' r-l LawhhwkldiHil( IH HUM, J : V.AtAKIITao t,e. . OI..II1CT, K Walter M Bntttisb f K1ltw, i Nfa. Chester D linUard, r rletrinel M nitcnen. I. t" AfttPITArVeU A 'erwtjwiiss CwvanangH Tl BiOiel rtmmmn.m r-trfrw?Tpara,wi ;nl,,e.av. b yfc" inn Y nmwn. a I I'.otfwaw wnu.'" C 1H jiit ssssd I Jtdmf4lAatlv';',,' ' I Hoelnr Kaoti, d . Ass P tinerer, d onaMreWie,. " WrafV lIooH-r, i . 3 - WAsHtiwiro. ' Alvin, Pl.Bih'rs s a Jssnw A llafiawst v" .: TofcT(Na. . . 1 Bekida.iKl-t: OeorKB st Adams, dif 4iniir Jotur D lorrng. d a- ,. .( iiit.ml tlX- BidtaaSkaxrllrtetintiiii-amt. W TRincvHsrjk-4 as eeraM snd Conservw PMprtrk M Buller.t,, ,i , Atrwa, As. V'.- ' frtvm T. rnlori.'i.l 'Mot arlmilled .. .,. .if ff v ' ' -"i-"H ; ia hvnotet ttssa vtijM I f73 M.

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