THE "SENTINEL ', ZH33QAX. JWiHJBT illv MMt- ii-ATrwnrTci vat' .JaialihHAlom a HihgTCa -Kaaei ea Aagast ,u, th Wlowiaf PnglMUM Tbe OoaaadOaw mm tanembles; TCOtKB HUX, at JUt A. M , Tharadwr, for the tfW ftlff Of iMUMU The bod? nf the M kin U wgfUd egeieeive" it vvwgawa.- , , . Tbe right hand galaxy will bo n for the LadisB d their eat act a. Ik froat nets at ike front galtorv wlU t oocupiea pj fpiw:r i . . Tm felt head galleri will be rcoerved lot the eolaaa&pjemm, 1 The raer portion) of the Boat geJlary will UbeepMf bf U Sm4 ot Mumo, wbio will be la attoa daaca. i .Men-TV I .- ...' .1 - ' .Tie foowiag will W tbe Freeaaame tm the- evanawjaTt '. '"iUi 1 1 1 All petnoa,,wko are U sympathy wKh the cenee,aad who desire fo peftMflete, Will i mow ww "w m uonnon wi akm. at 9 o'docknaea the following ,wiB NIM ,! I .I t-Mf Jut o , . Try. .,T -nr r-T tat, vmmxmmn$g, aaneby W. a Parker, Jtoq. Sad. Baad. Srd. CoBunitM U i iUC,'T,MlnriiM .irpmnahag Xarth Caiolia aad Cm ditfevwat 0Utw of the Uaioo. -"" . 1 .Walee.JiBa Coawatto with UMI TuIlAAB,) tMuiur'T j ,H,t ,, , k 'Citiara ef the (Iowa nad Ooaaty, with Tratopareat Lanterna. ""' ' ,7th. The City , Ftm Onmpaatoa, Jte. I aid ft, toiuIlWifcem. with To-ahaav - ... Stb, tagiatarjtaM Delegate!, with Twnhaa. ' ' ttk Toua, JtMaanta. ' t aiiwatlat iiWJt, w'tbTw rxrwwM laaa TeatlMa, Tae Prooawioa will aov aredatly at t 'dock,-Wa4af -the eaparvfetaa aa4 diraatioa of JUJ. aC,AW.V;Oblel Uiaal,aad UM fciuuruig AMtataata, U: i J. u. iMUanerai, Ma H. AQma, na, I. Pell. Jr.. ft-O. Gormu, W. H. Moon. J.M. Batta, Jaa. A,CalUat, B. W. Grata. Qeage MWhiUcTUojMaBadgrr, W.G.Bflo, aod Okarka Berara. ManastawW b aiouaUd aad dletia gnlaead by the nanal Mdgae and aartea, . Tha Jlaa arak will be aa Mlawt i From tha MaaaMa to the Capital! taaaee ap HilUboro fttrtet. ad back to tbe Cepi. tol ttMoWl HewWa tnea, aad, oa tw tura to Capitol, tbere win be Balloaa A cwii;i , - ! ptiadpal fMreete wilt be tliaaiiaawd by itataoii Bad epaeeaai way i expected t diffBraat aalauaa Um baa f ataraa, (ram diatiagBbaad aoaa at Nortk Oarollaa, ' " r.--p, ,-a. D. RoTeMO , ,!,: i .fcw-t'W p. 8ow, t i .i.oi i -.Ja. F. CaaAraAK. . i , i.miWuK ";W. tinwMMWitl ' l'Mi"ii .-.T TUOKBR KAJUy wlll, oa tkla atieaalaa, be beeuUfy aad taitalolly decorated witk Haga amiha,, awMom, Ve, aaaW taaeaa- o tft W WjUi of oar Clly. YOUNG MBfTf MrMOUB AND BLAIB Thare. wiii ba"a piuWr butintt paeetiag of tba You'i'fc,our Blair tke Kayoi-fflytch hM'MM-jhr o'clock 5.-!.','t Pfimdeaf((Kr V lola tbaOwb amia ited o bf raatat, aad a fall iaUadaaea oi ibImo4iC Matteri'il'Wpof, Uo, e-ktfcJi'ltbe amagameati Aif tb appaMin rVmofrtlc State Cnareav boo, wll aaaraaaaw. V..'6inaa'aa? ni Pa i .Mhuuitt i I t.T t etroair, JMibwdat aBd Bleak Book Maaw ploMoml!BaaBiaaeadlBg Mr, Araiitraaf aa a faftb,hff;aadtolla4'oTkBVMC;rriTj Madieal Ooilagal Tlrglala, a BaaV BMad Tb4?T,Mi)al eoarae U IMtaiiai wiU eomauoae oa tbe let Moaday la; Deaf bar. U' Jtaeo-aMU kii ta tba iMtfewacwafwaa Moaw. of Wartb Oar liaa aerg1aa 4m Faealty laaa aad diatiagambeel; 14 tb' fadlftlea:' 'waJck aSorda WrOManegh Mediea adaoatiaa are aarwipaaaed', Dk pi T, Maaaoa. al.thla State, m aawof oho Fecalry. w Haad jr-oiiig pUriaF;Wm:,U Vaagbaa, HaWgbr-ilr. Taagbaa hiMrfeea ly aw MIV-mM' wlO g1e parfaot witaBMlaw,' Wbaavrar empVyrd,' Oaa fVjgfMercAaeto A.aaroal'ta' of Kioatow, M a dab of awbacribefi to the BtntttUt, , if . -i - "i. .i..;r. a i , t,ri!iV-. B. MffjwCt&'M thtatU aaat aaa-daaWof Oabbagee tarn hie Um, which arti enal" t uBwy we barf eaaali XU haa oaf fhankt.' f- " ''j M'1 " . t f-'rr t - ?i J :t: A arapiAS. WMrtiog al aha Baekatv torn paay wilTba tU.fflefC.B W. Bao a Sadaaadhy Meaiag. 1tk Wut'at S awJdettll kUaadaaoa la' earaoaUy fa. qaaatod, aatiMrir8e baaiaam tmportaacaM JvraBecti j,,M i t ? a' . - - T ,11 ' .fc.a..traarH.m V ..' A Mtiaa i-iw Ciaaj aay " Key i h laqaaMrd el tlu IpTne Qoaai.tfihi eraaiag, at 3 o'eloiaVrnu - f k .naaev f-f- X a iUkapaaTbe aUa:'paparia thia City ba a finning adetf!naiit of fliia Boad, bo4'tU adMrtkMaaaat a wlaat fepoa ta lakm-'!;; bf faraiLe moo) aal aidal aoitcj that .eay Hoed, aador tbe V ramataacnii, aa, arcr ailty oti "We loan tbattheml of trarH baa beew ralaed te aix eaeta a n.::e,Yerity, the XXoIdca au. agemcot am oa "blaatlpg tHa taresfi ef.tb!iT s i, J It W likely ta aaeeeedn doing Gbjuit eaya -Laa aa have peace i XThti doae ba aaraa bat tba the "Euaia k 11 L II 1 ' 4mmrm.A.- Urjeaad eatbaaiaatic gatkartag if Ue'CaaartaUtaa of 7oknoa f V 5- aoaaty aaaawbled. la BmUkealdea Batnt.- ay W-Jatkiw Tham,' Jtaej, prealding, aadJokaOayaad MUtoa a Bickardaoa, Baira, k Becrelariea.'pproprUte raaiUillfflML appeafiag tae alatfacav, aad rally aadordag tbe aomloatfoaa of fk.e Ha- Moaal Pawpwatia OoBTaatioa, ware i waaal aoaaly.,a&ptad;roa&r'a4 atirring wart made by Maura, Abeti, Par MyOlaad.JaaiWa, Hadky, tram WUaoa, at Ot fOobardaoa aad Cot. fobs W, Sharp. Oaa kaadrad daiegatee were appoiatad to rrprnal tbe aowary la tbe State Coarea tiea, aa tba Jatb. fact, - Tba people of old fokaatoa 'are folly troaaed, aad will give a goad aocoaat of thaetTOi la Kovcmbar. Beyiaow aad Blair Claba are being formed tbraagboa tbe aoaaty. i f osoa'i bnJML'W learn thai oaa of tbelargaat local gatbariDgi erer aaxetnblxl ia the Oaaatjr waa thai at Faqaa'i Bpringa, la Ule Obaaty; ow Friday but, oaoccacioe H ttaTIenrarle Barfaeeaa. Aaomborof tadi jriaeod Um oecaaioa with tbair paaaaaa) aad a epirit af great aatkoaiaam wa iLwlrt, ' The diaaar waa fine and 4ar wwy aradi table ta the patriotic eia Um of tb aaigbborbood. K 0. Badger, lDa4 iiiaiwawa Ike arowd ta a ipecch of groat ahiUtyaad witk tba baat affeot. A iayatovaad Blair CUb waa organlaed. ! Baaor. DahBg the debate, io tbe 8awate, oa'Saarday bat, oa the Holdea earaotfcog aaarial mlUtia biU, whiU Mr. wyaae, tbe BepabUcaa Seaator from Frank la, waa aUy appoamg the miqaity, be wet baterraptad by Xppav tba epaUMack "Sena bar" Uom Hall is, with the' mterrogatory : May leak Abe. Seaator eaMetaoar Mr. Wyaae replied ; "So: I am addreaiBg aeaot- a)re aval pavIeMa,, (Sppai tamed aimoat Ml with aatotdab mao VHajaa Uagbed,ac? (be BMBra-wofahlppara, gaueially, were aa toaadad. " Irtat 1 Xppee aot a cjr or a f : Maaatiaaa.'-moaatroua LnM JhBaTba Democratic Conear- fatire rtrliat rhU dbMrict (thia ooaaty) aaat ia tone ' aa Baiaabarg, oa Tbnraday mat, fJL.r. Stricklaad, aVj, preaided. : A tnmoar aad Blair Clab waa etgaaiaad aad fcrty-elr aamm ware inmiedUtely, an- aolled.- Tba folio wiag are tba ameara of fb atnb f raatdeaf, J, r, Hopkioaj Vice, i. B. Perry, Bay ford Chambliw and A, P EopkUa ; Becordlng BacreUry, a Brant, my ; OorraapcadiBg Seeretary, T. J. Wlggt. 4 The ClBb waa eJWy and eloquently ad dramad by IK B.A. Cradap, W, B. Barria, taand: bt.Z Q. Fowler, all of Franklin AoBcaa. Tbara wat a floa gatbertag of tne bairiotie Damacrata aad Ooaaarrativoi ajf Aabora, oa Friday but. Tbe Rer. Stio aoa Ivey ptaaidad aad Dr, W. J. Baabee waa SeoreUry. Reaolattoat heartily eadoraiog tke Katioaal aomiaatieaB were adoptad. 0torioba Utfla Anbnra left g. j Tarn Obbat Ooarajmoa. Read the Pro gramme for Thbradey, ' It will be aeea that a good ttrnt" H protided for. Everytblag will l aoa doc tod mi the graadeat aoala.and ia tba maet qalet aad oidorly maoaer. We aattcipai a large oaeQraa of people, aad a glorioaa tally of the trieoda of Saymonr, BUlf aad UoaatltaUoaal Uaioa. WeLMraoToa. Oaly a (awol tba ap poiatmeote oi city oCcera bave beea made by floMeaa aew . Board la Wllmiegtoo. The plcanaa bava not beea Ieoted, but kaadarafoo that, at otie-lalf of tpam will, ba aegrora, Tbe appointmente tkat Am beea : Baade are aoch a migbt have beea expected from the cbaractor of tw mea who eonstitarc tbe new Board. I ... r .'t'-' " aa i'm m , , I Oa .Dic.-i-Tbe eagalariralgbi train, foam Ooldeboro'," paaaad Setmaoa Saturday mP90mwBK Oaawaaaw4aw Ofl B 9Gt$tH0ltlr 00MtiJk atjf fM tat eer.rtbe .(aUar oaa tbiad. wootU-' fadtk It taaelBg tao- Taacbiae" pfoepet- oawty, Sarnk for Badioal rule. . , i. , l-1 .a -i !w wii iiiw ii 1 1 1 ei aa i ni"ii i. : 'BaxwroaaiitaPOaf Ooaawratlre frtoida are rwilfif nvfrt-i ar hndtowu maaa ar ..We 'are imUu reoeivine- aubacriB- tioaat aa tho Jlwm, aad ia a fowdaya bnpe ta be able to laport aereral baodrrd new enffleoTinera, buu room mr more. Bead ta the) aamej aad moaa..i Tba terme are Very cwaaa." tuaaira rmj We are glad to hear bf tbaaoooeaa of bar ami ail aetempBrary,11 The beet way to adraaee tbe eaaaa, aad aproad aorrect is for km among the meeeea, to to aaooaragt oat local Pamecratlr aad CoaasrratiTe p i, -( ! J i l Jl ?' tl ' i " ' 1, ..,,,.,i.,.j a...--, I I..H 1. ' . t. Paaiia raix'B Paoecairrnra Paucr. We foam that tba Ir Praecbarof the Qoepet i, a. r. u.) wao preeitwe orer ue anuM, oa eWarday tost. discharBad irom btoempioy. aa tJlsiast iaffiiis, -a aery amrUy pad 'aaBMBaBBBBaakaW BaBBaaaa, BBauaaH atssaVaBaakatot BaaaBMBkf aet jfBaSBkaBBBjfeB, aaBaBBaBgi aWffaWf VaWmtQaam ajaaj wvaawarj aot aromtos o rota the 8eraoaf aad Blahj tfobat. ,TVi, . too,. from a naaa wba aaka aoa as aatawMft Mat WHitsMy hsjjrr aaoegb aa de It I Harer I -HUuU Tbe LeeaL wbagotaptbaboTe,baa beta mfoiaformed or aaiHgbl' tt baa aot i Wk ; aiaca ,;Horflat-t appka to tb Sditae, oad atbera; of tbe SmUmi offloe, bX Ida aaxiety aa4 bUatio to reiea kSrrmew aad PmiCrab araeg tbe cot- vd paople, ( We distiaatly ataled to aim. ia TV af MberC aa Hurr an know, bat ate aalUiaa aa aakfog to do wUb sua j Bal awCMausM.-rTaa ia tiae title at rarf pratty toog, bica, waa anng 3tb aIe4byPaiMBiant fotefoeityaweaayoan aajavj b bat beta arraagad for thaliaa by Mim, W. B. HaVran, It la pwbbd by tboat eataraa .aeaVan ia Masie. Meaara. O , OrtaM04afoaaai; and b foradcMttie bookstore ot XX Jflaia,iagnnnr toBraav , sea Farrar... Price W erata. b I Wg' AM aa axaoh restricnj Uir apebe, tkart w arowd aat aaach origW asBUtC-7-Aa aeoa aa tbe peaaaaam wi-sliswsi, wahoae to aVuf with tAe grwat WatJobal fouW fa -atk t'uua1 aa -' " -- - ta any eainpalga papet a'tt ttrff 'trf Tsw areatltt laawmbt; M Oto , 1 .a . m ni ' .--. . r carpet-baggers, of whom we abeuld be glad ; Aa their 4aaair, Badioato tareatoav aarU arar, la wJit Wfflilce t tiJr and ; frfjt ilec tioaby the people ai Kortk CWUaa'iaa-i. ,'51 xyrx WAKB COUaTT DmJtQCMATlQ COfT. Agreeably to pravioaa aotioa, a Tiry huge BBailier of tbe Democralie aad I aaarira tiae cilixena of tbe count vol Waka.-dala ll galea being preaeot from every diabfot ta tbe county, aaieuibled ia tbe Coart Boaat, ia Baleigb.on Saturday lat. M.J. R 'Flenitiiy mnVeJiFValii Got. Cbarle ManU be eallett to the Chair, the motion waa carried by acclanatioa. aad Tbe venerable gentleman took tke Cbalr, amid great applaae, and eallwl the Coa reatioa to order. M. A. Bledene, Eaq , tlH-n moral that Needuam Price ami 1. II. KngtMt, Ejra., be clioeen Vice PrraiiletiU ; which we auaa mousljr anopted. R. II. Battle, H 'Rihi ;(Ah1 that J. J. Litcllfuril nml H. W. Juntiue le requented lo act aa Becretarus; which waa carried. On motion ot Mnj. R C. Badger, a Com mittee ol one fropt each Captain'a Diatrit-t in tbe county waa appointed to report, to tne meeting, suitable reaqluugnt for lit ac tion . . . ; J 4 f , ,t The following Committee was appointed : PantktT Branek-D. A. E. Srailh. M. Matthae'tIL Fleming. White Oale-K. O Jones. Liet fVwnr Thoa. Bui ley. ! St. Mark'i-3. T. Hanter. Crab Trt-h. Y. lingers. JfjM't Crtti J. O. Bagwell. JtuUigk, tJ.V. Uorman. Ht. Jfary'i -W. It. Poole. LUtUBaerJ. T. Wiggs. ' BaUivKNo. I M- A. BUdaoe. Hth Dam J. J. Ferrell. , Cnti KoodtK. Upcburcb. H. , Waki Forat-Cy.. P. It. Maogiiia. Mitrk't Creek -dpt. A. T. Mial. 6ifl Creek- Col. Ij. D. StereDaoa. Barton't Crtek Jas. E. Ferrell. Middle Creek-Dr. 8. A, Taylor. Buffaloe-Cupl. J. W. HoBtk-.'-'l"' Ihuee't OnekYf, S. Tucker. In absence of the Committee, Cof. ft. Q. Haywood was called oat aad addressed tba meeting for two hours in a speech of great power, ability and eloquence. M. A. Bleduge, Kl , then,on behalf of tba Committee, read the fullowin resolutions and accompanied their prcseataUrw 'with 'aa eloquent and masterly address j, ., u Mobed, Tbat we .heartily appruve ol tba Platform of Principles adopted by the dem ocratic National Convention held In tbe esty of New York", on the ilk of July mat, and tbat w will esrneatlr aaaaaerltai calla support Boo. Horatio Bert Oen. Frank P. Blair, the nominees of said Convention tor tbe Presidency and ' Vice Presidency ol the United State; at tbe'aas oing election, i t , .. a ' Meeoited, Tbat we recommend . that a Congressional District Convention be held at Raleigb, on tbe 35th day of Aflgust, tor the purpose of nominating an KtactoT far sue District, and tbat the President 'appoint thirty delegates to represent Wek County in aaid Convention. '" ' Jietolred, Tbat we auprnre tbe Ball for a Stale Convention, to-be held ta thia eby tm the 13th day of the. present month, andibal Wake coooty be represented in said Coa vention, by thirty ilelrgutrs fmm'eaeb die triot hi the counly. a . nem 1 Jleeolted, Tbat there U no just cans .for apprehending any retixtsnce to he enforce ment of tbe Constitution and laws of either the United States or the State of Horth Car olina, aod tbat we eolemaly and eamaatty protest againat the organicatioa of eay armed police force other than the militia as contemplated hy the Constitution ot the United States and ol North Carolina, upon tbe Rroaudless pretext of snppresslng insur rection, rebellion or sedition in that State, aa alike -unaeeeaaery, unoonstituUooaL aad aangarons to the lives, liliertiea, property and peace of the people; believing.aa wa do, tbat it is intended to be need to deprive the people of tbeir constitutional aaoT legal rights -to which they will never quietly submit, aod tbat it will therefore inevitably result in violence, bloodshed and irreparable damage to the whole people of this State. Stteked, That Jonathan Worth, Governor by the choice of the people,snd declared to be (Joveroor in accordance with tne UonstitQ tion of the United States, and' the Constitu tion and lawa of North Carolina, baa, by aa impartial, enlightened aad patriotic admin latration of the Gtoverament, under cirenm stances of great trial aad perplexity, and-by aa unfaltering devotioa to the principles of Constitutional liberty, woa aal enjoya (be confidence, reapeot and. admiration, it of tbe people of aie native btatev ; u--. Bfked, That W. W. Holdeo, "who writes bimaelf Governor of North Caroli na." having decleswd, ia hi ineaaural -ad - drees that, "Enrf offiM. emd .emipicymen i th BUU, from cm moat inferior a Me moat aaattoi, muH be filled, ty tkt frUnd eotutnetion emd tf the turn, CenttituUt" thus Drosoribing, far opiaion'aaaka alooa. the only clam of our citizens wbe are ciUtar wortny tbe conndence ot tne people or ca pable of aa enlightened aad patriotic ad ministration, ef the g9vernment, iiaoerely depreealibg; rhe prdacriptive spirit whicfc dnres na to the necessity, a'detmalv measure, of doing ao, aad with vo unkind feelings toward! those' Who most softer the eoBeeajacnpea of the conduct of thoaw'Wheaal ihey have unfortunately placed ia power, we hereby: pMre buvselvVii Hbe fntBim, to aid. eneomttMoe. etiwlon and oatrcokiam Dem- HUidnt ttonifaatfca, ia piereMto'oi4 etheta, and to protect and defend each other in the texeteise ;abd enioVmenr' of aJtrni eohtflfutldbal and legal 'ifitrt'Ud01fVlJ Tbwr: rasolwtinns ' 'were-" waanlmwaatt - Iau4 and ,"rof ioacd caOa brought tC. Rogerav Eao.ts- tha alaad,iiwlaa swtertssaad tbe aneetiriff wrHtv ha earnest aad eflsctlra eneieb : VBnr hiLb'.""i - ', ' l"" "lr " Cast 11.. Ww -Justice, beiag eaHad out. timke if actively and loaueflflyV lifgtoH sirrtekthlcViBvliBV cfcrVbpon aOi-J cue the Conatitutioo; ol the 4antrj 'aoa civil litierty, tnMw threatened --avet threw it fliehanrtoof tbe Badieal'srtJ.'i-t' !. M. Beabt-ev Eac, neL, ia stapoem to repeaidd -cuIIk,' tlt-Iirrri'd a spirited and cap ital spewh ; which waa warmly ippUaded; Oa mothm pf IL a, Bledsoe. Xmi it wi Naoivea r wnrvm yds jneennjf toto a tx aiotir and J5lai Wuh,,ajvt '((uunluca o Ave waa appointed io prepare a Coaetitatloa i and recommend pamaa omosrau imh -u Tub various lUteMdetoatm U the Bute Democratic AJonvaotMa were banded la, aad then tbe CaaVsattoa -adynwraed. - CHA.K WC8 MVNLT, . ?i 7 y Ciafreiaa R W. Juarrarav .) .- ; , t.i. Lnejtpoaat, f PrrSm "Travel Brxrt'HiAoVfVsVrrifll tbe South appears largely M t1w toerrase. 1 Each tmid sues aecuos vi- jcti!j i.uvpvu with paaaceiiTra .aa 1 the wine northward. Jaeekiog e cooker latitude. " The largWBam- it B aotieeabfoUeataeW ' W ks4 beta biggest tadj that, -as tba etoctioea ia mast ot' ewe Sautbera States art over, thediaapporrrUd wrpiranu Are ao w returniag bame. Wuk Uer.JStlk Kna: 4 iff ; tsJK Kjst jir4Z toa-i,fk sJut K .-'" 'i'" 1 ' . . . - r, ; .4 ler 1 Ynk for Crreht and OoUaS and yolf voU for war aad Hwoloiioa. : ELEGRAPnia Oar Aft ,UA J - i.. i. VUV BIUJ1SB 4 i fjaaamua. Aaawat Uth, M. aaMtee aaaJiwiarisaskaaBsarivamatr I al va .-.MAIMT-.,.. .-. I1- :: . Haw laaa, Aaewat IB, at. , ODttoetraMr slH Tarsttos tty&H. stratosd M MtJS, tJ'-, -.- ' OeMMTt VbxbTlaMSMaa aM Ti aaaj aa-eaaaaoa. Cafe new C?i. ll - -I u4 H --y t ,i . ,,v : taaraa. Aacaat tt. M CoUoaadvaMiat ' raise Uketv leasees tS.ttO balsa. , VgUiM i ; Ortosas 16,. MUaagtlt IMaaiattcllca. rnoM . VARBISOTOR. - .".Mr.- Wiaanaarna, Aug. W.F. M. btovaaa fa isavalnsnsat. Ia ftwoHiat wttt aottoava Bar bis arasssae fata oaattsae Bsnaaa Csaiaitislnaabl aatatoi. Oaiaf Jasttoa Cease, ta estergteg the Critse Statee'arenl Jury of West Tvftaie. aaM taafr feet : Tbat, ia arasr foeappram the retiamaa,H waa Btteseaary te wsato a large pneoc oaat, aad that the fobt asaat ba wafd, far, aadst tae fbar- taaaih aaksaamaat tots QaaeWathm of the Paatsi tasaa.ths aaaVmwaapleitoadtett. This fore, ha aawrged the eaa tbat tkemvenua Uhm, which vara awos to pay (be ; asbC wars atrtoUy aaforeaa."-' i-k-s.i . . . Bommaawamaaa mat ha jam ba bare ea Mon day aaat i to taeamakfa dattoi aa The toltoa toe eiatohastnatoiait; HUIKJCASTKBS Off TBM ABMT, shwut usanaau.s urm WiaanaraL Amir. Ukk. IH TWfcnowuarmotoasftUaWUfyo) War are mratohed aw year fovaramsat, to lbs sn4 that assssisry sid aaay ba jaailsrad ay tk UtntodBfaSaa,aa proaiptly ywalkla,.ia iaay aamaftasajrestteaeraamsstli vtoiaaos to the ttotMembreeadtoycawadlltory lafartmaut. To wtU kasp roaraaaf farmed of the eoa mtiea ef affaire to said totoa.aad aamaiualuata rpatptly, by tsasgraob, to tke War- Oepartaasaa, taroagk iba Baeateaaitara of tke Amy. any facta wbicbawy make k) tkadaty of the Pcaaidsat, sndsr tba Coaatltatsaa Bad lawa, to employ tba admary brae of tba United Stotoa. Toa will t toe of the troops bo- dar yoar stwaaaaad, that they aaay ba ready to a ailffit 4a)ay aa tUlealpt of the Praahket's aroaref statloamg them at, ar from Was to dm. awviag thsas to, points where yoa may have rea son to apprehand aaoesalty lor thav Baa,".. zo Bsssaianar aa laatraewona ooo- eJst of extraoto from Um OeastltoUoa aad lawa ef tbe Daitod attetoa, todtoattof tba esailittoae aadar wbtok'tbe atiUUry fores ef tbe United gtntoa Buy bs ianrrulty employed to sup press lnsawaatiPa Sfatost Iks (evaraaiU of any State. vt ' tbrliiamiat la atoaad t PBy -eaauaaad afi Gea. Great.'' hi aadaratood that OoL Psaae waa ttaaredi this BMraiag, both hy the Frealfoat aad tbe See rsaary ef War, tbat these toatrasttoM.asefiy of whtok waa foratebad Urn, wawmteadad aad ax- paetodtoaaUalaaiarovea the'BeaBd lately Btwsaatod by the tisgtststars aad Iiasastv of Loalslsaa. -. . . ,. L., ... ,MawToa,AaS:iO,F.M. a. disaatcb to this uornlaga Trtount saya that Gov. South, ef llsaema, wUI atwhabhr veto lha tan essaawwtoa tba legislature to stoat eleetors. FBOM BOBTOM. ' Bosioa, Aag. 10, P. iL BattorkkntoaettoabyaMlfroma ear- ' '' 1 Kxwfoaa, Aag. 10.P. M, Ototoa armer, ,aet very estiva, tUtos of X) balaf,aAtJ(BSO,H: . : H Terp.nUas6tt7.; Jtoaa 1.W to f. . ,,A,. , 4 . nt t, Baumnaa, Aag. 10, T. M. CattMi ana at Ktfim. Whsataadloararm. l -t :'t;:r WiunaoToa, Aag 10. P. M. Bpirtto TarpaaHaa arssar at tl Boato iraMr, Mo. ti$,IO&it Ma t, 1,1a. Tar aoaUaal at 1,70. ,. it. a 1 1. 1 , 3i -1. .,!.. Por tbe Saatiaet, BiAUrOKT. N, 0 . August 7ib. 1988. JbWs. Xditore .--Please be kiad enough to aaniiaa taoaaeexed reaolaUoaa. adonted a tba Sth lt by Seyuxmr aad Blair Club; WO. or uarteret ooanty. VlJiXypn tfoapectfully, Aa., - 'i' I.. W. J. BUSH ALL. Bwratorw. .'BmehU, That we request tba delegates irom tniiinatru.wBo nsy attend the met Convention at Kalelgh oa tbe IStk of tba present aaoUth, to aominatooar Elector tor the Oistxiot. aad raptodga sock iaxwuinee tor hearty aapport. 1 Semhed, That a copy of tbia raaoluttoa be forwarded, by tbe SeeretBry. to tbe Kal- atgatoWtoat, ft ftajeigta. aad tne mmJf twmmares, Mewnora, with a reqaewt to pub Hab. - .'t O If: H. 1 5 mi . For tbe aVbjC At a Kaarriae of tbe Seymour aad Blair Club, held at Lexiagtoa, Davldaoa poanty, Oa the 4tk tnstM coaveaed for tbe purpose ei tlectlng Betmaarat ofBcara, tbefoilo. lag gwatlemaa were duly aleotad, Via t - t i .tXF. IwauPreidea:.J.. U.t Rai arrrave ; Thie. and 4m. r. BUasoa, Yfee rraMdeota SjBKins, Secretary; A fn Hege, Treasurer; UU Ualaea, A. M. twyaa, W. U. Biggera, tod Da. W. Picker, Unwctora, l Moved aad adopted tbat we adoeied tbat we adjourn lo paaei agaia oa 1 aaaoay, inta losi. , Oa BHioa. the- Secretari is InsUuod U rurnbh tbe proceedings ot the ateetiag in tbe Baalwal aad Weaimoa m4 Oid AtU Bfoto. t THOa 8YM058, ftoe'y. ,i-,f5 I ' " 1 '.'"'l1 Wi rf . j Aa aetata Wa4ilngtuo bervrr. arbo baa beea endeavoring , ' a-certaia bow tbe Bwni tiers oi the Cabuavt elsnd ta rvfarence to Uut Presidential nominal a, baa aatofied bimaelf that Mr. Beward knot a toat Mead f tbe Secretary of State, aad that the See retary r Bute relBrna, wit ooenywnind B. leMBt, aat warm regaros a air. aarwaM. ''.' 1 JCdjcewortk rcaule uatlMupi, mHIa imrrTTCTInfl WILL BE tawoaaaad 00 JL tto btoaday af H.aitor, WMb a fait 9he emlin axpsaaa of eHtoB, wilb Boara. Waahtag aad sonttogeat fea. tor a sisilna af IB 1 nee. nar a sisnna as I to the eleee. aitber flat waeka. will ba. aeoordiua I or tue, ar Ilia, at fem to adrsaea, ar tllt.M v t I'll as, ar f im aa, it aaM naif ia vimm,, MortaraUasiraebwges wul he taada A(f tlKHT aad HODhhfi LANoDaokh. atUeaO, f BBaCH, I'BA WlUa sad UU. fAU XIJIU.f 1 gar liemk-ia, ididiuss .- - - t ...... J.X.M CALDWELU ' iMrfcVeadlai - u-MaW,k.a , 1 , . ,. i; Mi,. , . -, , . j 1 '1 IvUUea College, &T.' rrws KirrrT-rntuT tct w or ea mm v t of ainaber. A rH IKNTlrlO Cot BKX aud a PBk.PAIUTOT SCHOOL bava barn as-f toHislMtd to eonnasttoB with toe 0Mf. , , The whole iimml ernaaas tor the aebtatla -vvar at froat tjfi to KmA. Tke asa of mriuiiMjb. hps is new raatnesM him engiaal awreaascLj lut auuciilin. aildraaa 1 eaoj avowaa- .... Oraaaabara' Mmj Jburkat . Bxnrxia batd of a sotis, bi '-WIUOIIbaBOBJUt, BAMUCBSAKU - -Kara)aas aovta ha toasai. Oaaaae. . auao. B.U. Banket M.C. .1 apa Fear .', -...'.9 ....... W Wstom.... ....... " Wilmuik-fam, . " Boxboro ' to TfaomaaviUe . . '...'; llisbsai ...i .. .v. ta Unutalua (oUj IS . " tw , to Oaeuawrer . . . W Otoraodiaj..-.. 4 hnwntlk...: .aa " Wsabiagtoa..; v.. , Yanoeyvuto. . . t ktonik to' ItoakW KoeUrtu. . . 60 raraMra' Bank or Onwealiera, (oli) M " ,li ' .llMW.J 11 Muwrt'imd Pluttws' V&uk , . t Ooamaraial Hauk of Vriliulngton: ss GtwMMbora Jtwtaal las. Ua, (utct virgiuiatiaiiasotoa avara alwwt..,. i... wt DWUW VHWIIIi I , ... 0iriria N. 1 Btonk: f. Wa way ana aett a llaaaal mntem , Oato aad Ml- ver, uru umiws thawlt, UKtiMt masse Wsaiai and all other markauuls steieks. - Ordws Aa- Bank nous by debtors and Ktoek koktorsef Buka wiU raeriv. pnet MMaaVas. ' Batome ato aanviss .aarki(rs ef BMik nstos Aa., nail ba mads oa aba day ranaved, by aksak aa Maw Xork or BaUimore, ur to surrauoy, aa oar aired. Lint aad Fire laooraaea tdtoia tomed to taod Unupamaa, atlwatraMa. uot. a KALEICIU , WATIOSAl. VAlabk OP KOBTII CAKOUKA. T IKIAJUJ , oOlBECTOES ; i--' U.f-.!a.f J4 HMfc'ft'jhi'-,! ,i'l i 4 t l; ' ' B W.rrLilAli.rmMw.i " W. H. WTtUlRB, " OSO.W. BWWPB0B, A. B. MMUUMOir, ' W. I. HAWAlMg. ' C BIV1T, CaAti, . : J.C.ltLAJtfc.Tsltor. , ", . , Itoaia to BiUa'of iehBa.'8iht jirafto. (fold aad BuVr Uuia.aad QoiMuaKQI ad olkar aa aariuas. -(..- , par. ... iii -I i Bank of Cape Fer,:(,,. .,.,. " Otorendon, 4 Uosuiaerec,. : , ..... .IT Cayewrmw, ....... Lagtonayabto M Grebaai,! . . .91 Boxboro'.v iiii.t.- CO TtoaaaainJie,, i,wt,w WaaUaMHttaTaj e sj, f , f , M at. Waaato,taa , ,, ..., J YanosyviUa f mh ...... t m a auaui Cnmaiarniil Vanaar-t itonk ef Nrto Carouna, fold,). ,,, , ,M Greanaboro' HntiuU Imiiraoos Co.r Ua,.v.,iu a aierenaBi'a vm, aewoern,.. .-eu Miner' A Ptontor'a Bank. .?. . A, 1 .40 lUMLIUUI III.!' -..r.: j .r JalytMat-if ftajwigh. Hnnay JUykat,, ; ; , CXARBOTBD BI OHH ; WlLLUnW ACOH j , : ": i boxers. tAUiraK.-B. ti. " '-1 aaipm or aoiw caaoiou buk kotm !. 1 Bank of K. O, (flaw Wf iSilvar.ia) ti. B. 64 ! " ,a f'OnB.t, M IW--r-M1itv Si ThomaavUls WUminatou. " V-tf-MHAV I 'j- V Oommsres.v. .,;. . M ' Waabtogtoa 1 w.-.W. ,..,-...-, w a 'jvwvw. e, iv ' a.''.',' M .-,.-Jlv. I. i. K. I' IB 'ii.'.ll,.'"'"-"''1' a. .'! .(i..'v.-.4..i-;. ;. . .'. raysavwua. ; Ckuwndn, " VaeMorrHto. Mtaars' and Ptontor'a lukiv K-.'..i.i . ftv. , . . . te nimirs Bank, Oreansbawaigh. new 10, old e UoouHTOial JJaos, nunusgtoa... , , WI Merebaaa's alana, naw fliiianlmiiaiih llubaal, wbara.. ............ .... CO ...... a Virginia Bank Veto aheuL U boaU Oaroiua , , " ...,.......-.. 11 Georgia li j: . " ; . - '...1.. .- 88 Gold....,,' ...i. ...V..I.H. .........., 131 Hilver .. iitiM.i.'iii-. .,... ,..). .i . ...... UU Old Coupon 61 Nartk Cvolims kaiiroU Coupon. tna maas... ....,,. i...,...,j.v. , .1 1 Etehaags on New Torki.u... ...... i B. A O. Bsilroad gtochj.wi.K- . ...s 40 FE0TIBI05 MA1KET. CXIBBJSOTED, St JORDAN WOMBLR GBOCk AND .COlOtlly,!,, UKWHlStr -Hi- Vi-ii tJ to-V't, , - ..Mil--' . iBA0ON....i...i...'-.i...ti .Itajm !t , - BAITl A-aVESTKBK. 17HJ . EEEFON HOOK ... 7(i NEXT. . . ii1.'.'.' OM0IIO ... BOTrBB.-.f-i--r..(i-!'-iliH.1 : 1 COTTON . noolnaT, , . ,' ' ' ; ;, " u 'V , iOBN..iiu.i;.iu.'5..itT....v..-l vat M BOOH..,,',,,. .,,.,..( ,litJWI , FODDKBrt..l..'.n: :.Vi.ilM.V 1 BM)t HEKlllNOa........w...l...-.- WtotUI . HIDkoVGresBi...,. ipr-lb., " Dry,..,. 1IT, LARD.;'Jii.l...'.,Ti.V...i,.'.'..: aa MKAi..V....lvinU..inJj.. t Atosl At ...tvinU-nnJj.-1 Atoal at to ja .'.'I. -afca aen MOUAHUk: 'tiitru FKAH-fltotft - i;'WhltoJ....l' tkM'iixm Ssi' i ,i 0and.Vlw..u..t''aiiai BUGAB. . .i... .u i ...'.'.. . .'i-Awtsiot,!! TALLOW.,,,..., ViBfAJAM, BasArOAis Baaawaa Ootteai Sous otfaruig. 1 Mownial paaaiwiJC. ...i.. i..,n '--r-n 'i Ui I-'--' IBTB4I'OLlTAk- IIO TlvX, rTT m SYAaw' K"''i "''."fTfSiiLi x 1 1 ttf'Vf iiwti rrn y .ij ArmgimeaiB rrrft cleat Lj WI AM BOW'PltKPAKKD TO TVBSr-H a Alaaas A t iii "lui F)ci Jnm 'j 111 Mil FfKiaf BTTOM iTO-TOr""- ' With wteviar farl-Waatia.. irp fofntr OH Itatoa. BleuaMO ,:'i-i itU .iu 1 )..) 1 Ttoaarii ear raaiMiSf arlarr to Fey Tort. ax Ulfanitah i-IJBLlC .sai klVATJt HuUnLa with aU that kj rtqinrwl, Buiff W Tajat todg ajawt snilmietoaiie parebasear8 I'- V dsatraajAaaLabow. -Hi be boagHi'a aik-toa. . rr rT A Cirr Aag. I -a ' HHkiarwitiUKUA. TTT TJ, L MMMtSSIO mEUCHJLinL. J iva OTOiaioaa nwn. rarsnaiis.,1 v , attootloti rive to fba-tato- ef OOT- be, and troiM ef wai-wra tjvi-v TUB, TOBACCO. WHEAT, Ao, and torSawhv.03i.ii ii kUOO. Libarel adraaoes mane npoa i.. T .. -? , 'TBtf k. atnTt lWaaittW it Wire t ktAct rmtti CbWB. BH,.- j -iA ato AWXafeaad db lto UJPA fWCtTOtl, IO Al'S I rttTiea. smrnailWAW VUA av- 1 . afwman.auLwto H-.t,..f Na": Aceii ant mbb, f rt - WW .nd Floor, tinaar ana Uofffca. I ' A good supply ot f AHlbt CiH(MJRltrES,at sa. jK-snciiLJD, agf-lw BarrMlbWast, BEMABKH. .uwo-ti-wii Ul "'-' "'-'. J-en f-S ' i- n- s.u.,.aj eila; utol -fEjWALIFE' INSURANCE JCOMPA .MttoilTJOW UdVRTHCONPtO JA ,TiCui T -IV"I r!i.l!a ef .Vriatf a' felt i.jitlY'.'21.' 1868. " - "" , A HBTK; , tlO.OOO.lQOO, ,- . '1 1; DrviwaxB I it.siM.tssi; ti - - Talmwa, gf-- READ THE VoLlWDfG liTiitrfe : If JI Q ' JRou Urn IasotAweB Cosrrsirr, BABireaa.The Ana to a Oempaay tkai eatf be lAoroegUly traatod, ft to aeaad, arompt, aad pi ug waatve. It aasts oa a arm baste; pay im nkMaVin earn- -nag, aad goae aa ito way raiotoiag. i baa fona, wMkia'tbe' taaiiato talghMIu)od'i Mf litiSf wUbia tba last yaarj a largar badness maia any etaar Lm Company t whlok ladieatoelliajn)iet Uaa, for onoa, fbuad honor tn bia own eoaatry.-Jrew Tatw Jaawraase afou. Tltf tttJ ltt '.' 4...',,.s, ' taltAW - f i.T..;.nji i :?uaaasifj 1 1 t AXiWaf frm Jf r.Jnuranc Monitor, OoL im.) Mo tifs Insaraaea Oompany ever achieved se eamptoto a aaseem aa tbia aopwtor toira't"a.wt vw wnfr--aw- "to- Ito popalarfty Ml altogetkiar toil BtoBtoHa' to tba ...-i-lu.'! 1 n ? -It i !i i . .. ', .1 : VA J -1 UJIu k,h aillan. Bglla - 1 --yt -iW , lJ4:i ii.4 - b Moan tlAaeuxt the tn Lite Company 18M. 118,1)00.00, and aaothsr 16,000 b) toady for the wt41 kltowu as prndan sd thrifty auto Of business, - ' " hV nuitki- .la-eadU.-- 1 Tboae whnhiatireuthaAB tornaafkvorabl. m wy flret-etme Oompaay eaa Tba AStoa la a tried Oaaipany. CaUaa " ' ; ' , , ... t 1.1) 1. ,ii.-jj..,;i ... -H,--.t-.i, J.,l . W. H. McKaa, Examinar. ),!.-,.! -. l-i ,1'J. . ,i.-V?i I JiUjll-im. , .1 1 l -.ii;m- -1 1 ;;-;PHCE;MTJTtIAL( aod n, fitiijis1 4'ug :J.- I.'-m 11 lU-fi'i-jic-.. :o nulresaia ti fli irnn 1 CDSOX FESSlpClVsPtdeMaV ' M UJ''! -,,rlt((-i!.i 1 t ( Urtilti 1 . I ll" l 'um itui r ill ( i B1 ra limil''l "Sik if rPBEREWTTHa na CIAWS OFTHW ratOXRIX MVTVAlk i.ivm awarmawcai cearAi af, to the people of North Carolina, the Agent invito tbair attention toto fiua uTmJ rtot.. iaa eroflta balnr ilnmrlareaUowsdtoarevataadraaktotosan IWops" at ib - rt j Y rtNo. 1 nanal lntareet rer to ewell tbe gsnerr'. fund belongiag to tba 1. It haa paid over Aao.OOW ef kaasst aad T. Ito rata af assnraaoa are aa eboap as any 0. ftm half the Dremlum wiU ba noslvad to the la nxvaa dsdvetad (roes tba faoa af b poller. - 10. tv aaa no ooanaomrot wnra riM ivsnaaBca. 1 i . 1 Rdotivt phardoter tf. tlx Companiet operating in XorOt QarpVffi$il fyffitfr AwmU ad LidbHitiet', take from Um Ifew Yk' JnevmfH ,j ' the year 18(ft,"rAuiA if the lai rTwrtom . ,, MHcS Company lot to twet eacA dcBatt Zial2UfVOi , 1 , vn'ti, n.l-' rnHJ 1 iW'l i-'-l- n.n ..a-;il Jataaawna Its iaca" faiBMix altrru-U.., ,,,,,,,.,...,.,(. .-' ..i4V vMasaail'-r,V'aaAMk74a A&TKA .. .. y. .,-1. t "M iWVrlu-u-MiMti. I II Banoav-ra . . 1 ... ..U.f...,W.A. iv..... .... AJ.-xAi4" i 111 Conaaoranw lfanwu.vikj., ..w,,.ff,.).,1,1Vjwtil kUITlW i.,i,.t..i..(-i.iwi.ii'.ii"Vi)U1'JV-h.,-w 'iMwvm pobW it, ,(i MAiBAiTAB.,,,y-,j-n r r.-v!rt-" v";"' vtw."vr,,:;",;,,',ur, lAimK ! i-'i.iii:. , it !i :'. (In. ' ' 1 . v ' w aat u4 ut . ,1 ,i-i. (ii- - -iiSi -l.fei'-H'i! i . The rMOtltn attWJA'i; oflers pseaW Indn latlmii wfrb rirsrd to reaidmoe aad sravat fcamg aiawai Baiwainemrl. -j, n, nr-,.4 Mi . beee stolsaiiato sss ids from toirMTIIal report, to the bands o tba Agents pt,tha fkinpany. - iotartlliattoa, appv to , tba rava)ling Agenla, or to- ..-dfA . ; to j'-wi, Hi -in imii i'hi'- 11 mtcv o, ... ......... ji .i-.cM .,i -ii ;iin r-i Hj;,id. . -4.nfenenl Agent ft Nortri Caftlhi'4 !"! -ti-.w -,-.Hiil!' i Jfrt n-1 "i - 1 -'TT - ttrntin A it--i-v ViAvr.I.7: -JTir? S 1 Iwviii I' ll L aa.irjs'ra JW i i , -, -i otalWt'Blf ts j 1 i- f -mavtn 1.! .ig-.V t' to' - Alriqi'.l at r1 a -''i1'' ii bit i aiii mi :l k I -, to - tij 1 ,ni'.i siuj u ot'iic .-7 j i 'IT' r iwiVy 1 I 1 I 1 1.. 1 1 . A ... . , lit W JJ U f.J .11. -V al'taV. sk i' Jut !'- r ai . , .1 .1. I v.,? I -1 it ' loajotit fia. u-a?- 1-1 -mi vim. ih-v- i aj ni. 9H' Part of t!i frreniruiB lonjiea. And ao loan or jremivm nnfeut tWir'o'l Xs 'cfaCm on thd pnlirr In caas of dettth after the aecond year. - i-n .... .... , . " "a " ' n 1 dirdivAl i.-.iaijV',iD jSsu.. .o.-fr"'"' fTWlM DOMpAKf jOffajUeV PSCCUAB ADTASTA0E8 TO TBE BOCTHERK PEOHJE. IT IS tfhi.",S Ij assla ai t'.-:.t f-i .-ifi . .h-j- -i'i ;:?:, a. , flitllA'COid W ItoregtWfhom'oX J. u' i ,: ,..., r, ; jM'0m'oeNtto 4tt Drondway, New Yoru'aitwhii. 1 tnfbrmawoa' glaJIy tarnished to aajuu, by General Agent lor tLe of Korth div....o. " )Utol4IUCV,kUrck-Wtm Km. I s t ki.u A BT.oaa . rjr- i M'pcr'W eanals of ooauparetol aatorprtoa in ttua ioentry. - A tw rfi , f ' !ui (,Iu!U t rltOlab.'4k - " - ' n'-! jj.t aiirn - --.jar.., km settled poUotos promptly to aatl'"ltlk JWy,' legal aaprasantotlva etaar dsitMcd fenoWrcituvla, . . a vU'tvw-4 A3IVATA3 CKXarjIA A. JUuiik, . ..jwjaj JttfwJiJAiU. ' .n .i-sii ,r t)jrA'ii-fji niurn rrtoaoB, and foa(-4apon adbrd. - f " :7i17!SuT MV:itpci0k7" I. . ' '-i- r. r -t -. . ft . KijJ- ' ; OenmA Jgentfot the , . t ' . . r . fc oi'itiit; 'ft?; -fi."K i, k-, w.Jl rtn. enht mfr - j ' .-ytl-Wil . WMt-M aa- i ti hi) ' 1 1 ! 1 i u.n A tl in. tt MI 1 o' 1 .riT ninH iil H.If ..rt.r-, . '.1 K-. I, I WJ toiiiMiia . .au-atJi-i u. v - ' t-1 oit",.. tr v . .... .-f.- i " JAMES ir. BtBSf Becretmnr. ,-rtitJi A aWatT Jf ft omoaA nt ) hi. ,-.' l.,ln.f A Jl. i"- .nt"l 'wt i ...I t '.'is A drrkfoi aBMmf. fhe fisured.' . "aJ -w 0T1' --a pt" " - ' -f f TT-itim psH 'txti i?fr7a a rsoslved aloaa an4 a jmrplaa ef fotoraat toll tosnrai. - , rt 'trirr 1 Trmr BBvaa ouaiiMiti'. itAiaf ( I i '1 jft. JTtJli Company doing a aara toysuitsa., aoto of ike tasaraeWkfokae&'U aakAVato. '' ; " 4 ,ji yyni n,:iwHria?lT IT) fl'tTUA lie toektosaaef the lonihsaaBliaiatiaiaaiaA 1 . w 1 1 1 1 a ai vi Tirre - -i. . i w i imioai a.1 AAtiiAisMr itLtr2 .j .a rriuiA sbh ' -IIIHV4SV-J S-faHJOrj .ii v. m befoact 1 W -lt "i Cu-'"0 hue t T-jg. ... inrTMtn ' i Wifca-1rH Wart '- ' if AfojfWtaaAajay ,., (H'J bH is ,Wwl 1 rim foil it itUaiX wuwnavibi tfj JWtt - . lam LwiiiA bfA St aal VaW ivi fc UA ltof.SViOf4 ia-J4awtL ULlehm " .aWrt if tLw L v ant ' 'Tjj; is ' .. ...:..'',.'":'...-".. . ' t !. ttail w ........... .- t THE tSITED iACr'4,i ; cimtsTiAX r,rpr r-, t,1 ' ; . a tr. ia. -I 1

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