T TUESDAT. ArOD8V.1V J I CAMPAIGN Ot a'ifS" 0H!nB-tld Tint In ihe I It ld!l TUQKEIVrf IEON FBONT BUILDING 1 ! I ? M DRY GOODS, ,.BDlO0AKi) FALL,PJUU Bleusbe4 d Unbleached Do- eMIri, gSXZTIXOI AHD 8BIET1B03.I HU8QUXTQ JVISX XJfCif-. VAN! Iltl W A HC .'.' UMBBKLLA8I UMBRELLAS! & HHnKA TBVSKI AHD CARPET B AGs ! Stock dally aeppUed by ear residetit Fsrtuer in Hm Vvk. '' r;.-.-l e aa ff. A R 8. TUCKER A CO., jsiy M, lm-tr ' " Goleleteoro' Female College. THE FALL SESSION will open oo the 1st Monday to ABfUst, tad eoniinae twenty Weeks, Bases MB ToinoB, exclusive of washing end tiMa. 0., AiHU; itjiws.Wsldent-' wo.... mri'iifM i BPAirLCTO CATAWBA 8PJUIG1 CaUwba County, JAJ. ra&t-l TH8 CKLKBBATEO WATEBINO PLACE will B epM for visitor (ram Juse 1st to Ie aossbet 1st. tX)mdieal ptuaertts U the weAara, 4-, ahar sat Chalyh-rMT. oorivailsd. Aocoinmoda tioae uiwiraaaaart aad a healthier and mora do bghtfal place Botto be found. ' The FraprlMor bu goo to great expense to improve and, beaatify the Springs, with an eye to tfet eomlort of bia guests, snd promises every thttg will b bob ta add, to plure of ill who r hetior bin w ula a viait. Tabs the Western N. C. Railroad at Salisbury, eitaar ea Moaeay, Wadoaadeyl P 'Jftj ff0"1 log, to Hickory Station, wherw you will flud Hacks lur the Spring, e dlstsavcs of all milcn uv. r a bwwUfOl vaaTabaded road. Agoodbaaaof auniuwm u at we ddhuk Board bU pai narvaak or M Bar day, liklldreo. uudur ten yaara of aga, asd aorruiti, half price. Bath boMM aoasplaU far pool, planga, aliowcr or tub batba, and aolpbar batha aold or but. ' J. GOLDEN WYATT, parkliog Catawba Bpruigi, CalavU tinaa t-oawom. racWBTOT' eenend Commission and Shipping WHOLESALE GROCERS. Ana for at Darla A Hoa'a ( Liberty, Vu-iaW hraiad Tira-lnia Che win k Tobacco. Agaaia far Uatar Bro'a Haperplioaphtte of T ime. Ay wi jp, VaUiB.lanri W ia-MiMBi j w 4 iMo. w. flAMUOX. WlImlngtoiKN, C Aa.m. nut ,f l,.8Ara,Vi(fr(St.r 4oaa M, lD6t-ly A SPLENDID CHANCE FOB A HOME- BONA FIDE RAFFLE. .t W CnATJEa..,tlO EACH. THE DRAWING TO TAKE PLACE IN WA8HINQT0N, N. C. 10 HTnOTraTHIS TIME. mBJt TOfKn8I0KEOWNi VEUV ?AL X Babla FAEM to the lower part of1 Hi-aufort Coaalf , absa M mia beWw ,Wahuuctoai oftn taining 900 ACRES. 60 of which la CLAliEI aad tea AaarteAeoI aalttrsBoa, wh a t GOOD A, and all necessary ent-hoaaea, and the aoil of Ihe tract at af ta Tery bai qaality Tlx i - FARM u mt thabaaA ot Worth Creek, and within half a mile of good Berintion, aad within a (lay 'a eail of newBara ar waaningioii. jwownw fi'j"''-'" to hara taa aaaaa ' RAFFLED OFF tertbaaaaaof tt5Mx) M OhauoaaaA 10 Kaeh, aba Prawtoc to take place aa aooaaatbeabanoee are aU'Wea'nnder hel dlraettoa of W. K. J. Borbank, B. n. , UuTt aui V. B. Batcartliwaita, Eeqra. . - , , Tba auviataigaatl rafera to uammt.' Burbank, Bert and oatterthwiite, of Waabiogten, and to E. W. Baapeaa and W. 0. Campbell, of WIMam atiaak aa to to Tains of the farm, Ao. ' Tba Editor of the Tarboro' Bouthmner at Tar Bora. B. W. Baapeaa, of William eton, and E. 8. Boft.af WaaaiuRtii. Iwil reeelra aubacrlptirmi aaitftwdrawmg will take plaoa aa aoo aa poafl hta. after tba nhaaata are all taken. W. O BE8PESS, JalrStUat Waabington, tt- B. P. WILLIAMSON, Nat, 4 EiCHANGE PEACE, ' iiiziaH, s. c. aOUdtn Oeaaanmants of GltATO. FLOTJE, S aad all katdae COBKTKt 1 l.ODUCU. . Dealer in all Idnda ot Beary anrl l ancv Groce ries, Hardware, Tuts nodia. Wines, Wbiskie aaa Oiaa, BaggiAC Bopa and Twme. , . , , ,. M v.AMrr wotf tAis of;-, iJ-':'- CeMeafMnsanaPreasM. -:: ...XS - Straw Critters -sad Cora fihellcrs, . - - trtaa TbrsJiars and Whsat r an.. . , One aad two-bars Piowe, of all deaeriptiona. Ona aai Laatkar Baiting and Uuae ot all iuh BMainos. . v ... : . -y fraana aaa bbm Boiung uiow oi au nam nera. ' lreBehBarraadatbar HUlbtoBes. V Afl kiwda td Mill aaA Braas Ca4u:ca : Prides CWinra, Bndge Boll and forging furajjsd ua J abort Butw. . . " 1 I taut AOKT,rOB ALB, o lOmWJB A AIXKH fBtErelritf1 florih Parnliaai B. F WUJalAiUiON. ; JUIatjfc, S. tL,Jalj tUtm xr. no v , , Trg dCPABTWHIPnefVteVxjUiriS:! la tb Bttonfaoture of LIME, ondor tb Bam and style el "POWELL. WILSON CO." i this day e-olrad by -eont. - i M. TBOLUNOJia. . K0T1CE. . , . ,. Alt olabn against the late Bna of ' Fewelt, WuscaACo." will b settled by the vndemigned, and all aanona ln ermre for iina.will payment to ate, a tb bauaea of tb firr- must bo eiod no, - r, j iTfL 9ELIi 'ta-AKua, buuon, rfoiy iu-awow Cotton lauraa. 8T0EE, TWO BALES . COTT0?ff ABSa, No. J., oa a.' " JAS. B. IOWLE8, f.il l.lv rVimnnaaloa afArchaat. irnrjcxTtcsxiTDEzocariTfc I 1X1 IK PliATFOHBt "Tb DaDocratie partr, la aatiuoal eoa ve ntion aaotn bled, repoalog Ha troat in tbe atcl!ledt, pgtrotian, and (liacriminaiioK Jbauceot tbe people, aUndiog upon l be CooatitqtioD ta the (uondatioo auii limita tion of tba powers of the Guy jrunjent,' and ihe guaranty of tba liberties of tbe eititeo, fi.l inongnUing tbe cjoeatloBt of alarer ud acaioa aa baring beea aettlod, lor all lime to coma, bj tba war or the voluntary aettoe ef tba Boutbera BUtes in coniiitu tiobal eoofaatioBa aaaembied, and nerer to be rone wad or revagitated, do, with tbe re- Ufa of paaea, deateAWr 1 "ir at. -Inmediau Mtoretion of all tbe 8tata to tbeir right la tbe Union, nnder tbe Cunatltulioo, Bad of ciril goyernment 4t4e Aajericaa fepli'. Heamd. A moiety for all paat political off uces, and tbe regulation of tbe elective b-sudiise in tbe Blatea by tbeir citizens. Third. Payment of the public debt ot tbe United Htatrt aa rapidly aa practicable; all atoaeya draws from tba pevpls by taxa tion, rtcept ao tnncb as ia requisite for the iiecoaaiiiis ol tbe Guveraoaent, economically ailiuiniBii rcil, being bontatly applied to ch payment, and wbara tbe obltatioas ot ihe GiivermnL-iit do not rxprresly atate upon tluHr fare, or tbe law uuder which they ui iosunl (Jimts not proride that tbey shall le paiJ in coin, they ought, In tight and In justice'', to be paid in Ihe lawlul money of tbe United State. Fourth. Kqual taxation ol every spiciea ofpropirfy accordiBg to us real value, in cluding (Joveroment uonasana oilier puuuc securities. yftJOu currency for tbe Oovernrntot and the people, tba laborer ana tne omce kelder, tbe pensioner and tbe soldier, tbe producer and tbe bondholder. bixth. EcoboB) v ia the adminiatration of the Government ; the redu;tioo ot the aland- ing army and navy ; tbe abolition l the Freedmen'e Bureau (rt lit-, r intr ami all political inatruuientalitles dralgni'd to arcury negio supreroat'y ; aiinpliacaUon ol the vvati in aixl ilimoni iniiaiice ol Inqiiji Irroriai'inoiles ol --my anil rollwl ii ),' in lernni ri'vi'iiue, ao uiai tue ourueii 01 mil tion may le (ijiialiieil iiul leaaened, the crtdit ol the OovT0U1vt)t and the currency mads good ; tbe leptal of all eoactmenta lor enrolling the State militia iuto national fcirpes ia time ot tae; ed a tariff or revenue upon foreign imports, anil such qual taxation under the iaternal revenue lawaaswill afford incidental protection to domestic manutacturea, and aa will, with out impairing tbe revenue, impose the least burden upon and beat promote and encour age the great industrial ioteruau ot the country. n( A Keiorm of abuaea in the Ad ministration, tbe expulsion of corrupt men from ollice, tbe abrogation of useless effiees, tbe restoration ot rightlul authority to and tbe independence ot the executive and judi cial departments of tbe Govt rntnent, the agfeqrfMBttpn-qttlie military to the civil power, Idthd end that the usurpationa ot oreaaatMljthe ,deaaolm ufjllie awortj JCighth. Equal rights and protection fur naturalized and native born citizens at home and abroad ; tbe assertion of American na tionnliLy .which shai( commgnU the respect of foreign ower and forhi.Tl 'ah etkmpld and encouragcinment to people atruggling lor national intigrity.conatllutional lilwrty, and Individual rights; and the maiutenanu of the rights ol naturalized citizens against tbeabaolateaaotriaeofimmutalMaalleKiaBoa arid the etainM of feieign Powara te puaii.1 them for alleged crime committed beyond ditto luifadlctiori. " 1b demanding: these measures and reforms we arraign- tbe Kaeieal party for its disro gard of right, and the unparalleled oppn- si on and tyranny which nave marked fli career, i After tho moat aoleinn and unani- mens pledge of 4mth tlneea ol Congreaa tn prosecute the war exeioelTel for the in . in tenunca of the Government and the 'prrwr mi ion of the Union ander the Conslitution, it hut repeatedly violated that most s acred pledge, under which alone waa rallied that nobli! volunteer army which carped our flag to victory. Inniitiil of lextoring Ihe Union, it haa, so far aiia in it power, .dissolved it, and tub jreted ten' PliKtea, In time of profound peace,' to military oevpomm ana neirro euprewacy Id lion pullitled there the right ol trial l.y lurv ; it lias Hboliahed the habern eurrtu; thin rnoarwacred writ f liberty : it ban over thrown the freedom of tpeech and the pree ; it h us tuhstituted arbitrary Seizures and ar resin, and military trials and atciet star elmml'er iuquicitloni for tbe constitutional tribunal ; it haa disregarded In tins ol peace the right of the people to lie tree" from starches anil seizure ; it haa eutereil the post and telegraph otBrea, and even the private room o(, individuals acizcil their Drivato Danera and letters without anv spetrnn charge or aotace ef eJudavit, aa , te quired bv th organic law ; it bu convene! the American cnpitol into a haatile ; it has estaMtuhrd a Byatent or tples and official espionage to which no constitutional mon arclijr of Europe wonld dare to resort; it baa a Lmol mlied tbe riubt ot appeal on Impor tant constitutional question to the aupreme Bidicial tribupaL and threaten to curtail a ulistrv Unoriginal jaYWiotl.; wklch 1i irrevocably Vested by the Conatitutlon, while tb learned Chief Justice haa been vabjected to tbe moat atrocious calumoie merely beoatue be would not prostitute his high ollice to the upport ot tba la is and partisan charge brelerred against the rrea ulentt ' IU ' corruption and extravagance hav exceeded any thing known in biatory, u! by ttt traod aad monopolies it bu nearly doubled th burden of tbe debt ereat ed by the war. It baa stripped lb Presi dent of 111 conatitatioaal power or appoint meat even of bia own Cabinet Under. It repeated assault tba pillars of taa Govern ment are rocking oo tbeir base, asd thould it succeed in November next, and inaugu rate it President, we will meet, a a snutect ed and conquered people, amid the ruia of liberty and the scattered fragmeaia or toe Constitution ud W do declare and resolve that ever since twe people ol the united States tlirew1T all subjection to tbe British Cwwritbe privilege aad trust of sufamge Crown.J hat! bel oo ned to tbe several Htatea. and have been granted, regulated, and controll ed rxclotlvely by the politicat power of each,8tate respectively, aad that any at nuiea. oaay uetext whaiver. to deprive any State of this right, or to ia- llerlern with Jia exercise, U ftagaaatj aaar-4 pation ol power waica can Bna no warrant iA,tCoaatiUltipaiiaadit- aaoetioead by the people will (Ubvert our form of govera Bwmtj and caa only aad ia a single central ized and consolidated Government, ia which the aevarate existence of tb Bute will be entirely absorb!, sad a HBqnalifled daa-4 potism be establiahad ia place of " federaf ujiioboi co equal Btatev, .iad , that we ra &xti fhh recbnstructlOB acu ' (aoicaUed) of Conjures . a nsurpations, aad nnooa itltutlonaV revolutionary, aad wold; that our eolrliet and ssJlora, who carried tbe flag 'of "dnr'ctnratry re ictory ajjalnst' moat gallant and determined foe, ,01"t Tor ,)e gratefully rriiicm uered, aad all he- aran' tee trivea la their favor must be faithMlr carried Into axecttUon. - - ----- That tbe pablie land tbonld be distrib uted a widely pomibla among tba people, wsjaeaN I i;re ojit it I .M-rtic.u.t . I lidl a aa-aiatoleatiiifUUeav u1eaoM but ittual oceiipau's. af, Um. miauumB extaliliahen liy the Uorernulrnt, granta of tbe public lamia miy be - allowed oeeraaary 4r tbe eatxrarageateat of iaiMvie tint public improyenv nta, the proceed of tlie sale of aucb lauds, an I not tbe lands themselves, should be applied. That the President ol the United Stntca, Andrew Johnson, (applause,) In rxrrciaing tbe powei of bia high office in resisting the aggreauona of Congreaa upon the ceeelita- Uoeal rights ot tbe eta tea and the people, la entitled to tbe gratitude of Ihe ah'lfe American people, and in behalf of the Dem ocratic party we tender bim our thaaka lor bis patriotic efforts In that regard." CONSTITUTION AND BT'LA WS rOB CLUBS. We have received letters from several sources, requeatisg us to sead printed cop ea of a Constitution and By Law for the organization ot Seymour ana Blair Clubs. i, Having none on hand, ana no luads lit print theen, w have prepared the btliwii; Constitotion and By-Law, as a guide lor Club, aad submit them to tbe considera tion of oar friend. Tbey were submitted to tbe Yoang Men' meeting te loria a Bej moor aad Biair Club, in this city, oa Tues day night, and unanimously adopted CONSTITUTION. Abtklx 1st. Thin Association alull be styled tlie uiub ol or norm carouna. Aar, 1 Theybjaat ' tin Afllfm areaaJ fnllowa : To oliUj in close political oomnaeV every Ltemuerst, Conservative, or by whatever name known, lu Motih Oaaulaaatfor be ansaiort awl defi-no of the Constitution of the United Mutes : the pnnnotion of tbe peace and good will of sod ety aud tba barmonv af tbe Uuiua ; tlie. proper enforraSMtuf law sadorde by legiVaaaas Mvais. and the utter deatraetioti of ltaaicaluiu every where, by lb leapat ui Uvio bcTBprja. of New York, as Presulaut, and Famcu P. Bun, of Muwosn. aa Vies rresideut, aai all otber les cratic and C'oBaarv stive nominsws er sue eAVs -aud, furtLer, to promote the matnal benefit ana protection of mh Mber Is aal Uwl pnraulia, aiding each other tn bustnesd, aa being membera of one great political faaoiry, aaeking to prouiutc each other's wolfara, aad eepeoiaiiy to eitend anrb aid to those who have beu or atay t vgoa rsd or proseribed by tb Badioal party, aa the Association may be able. Aar. I. Tba officers of this Club shall oonaiat of s Preaideat, three Tie Presidents, a tteeord mg Secretary, a Coirsspondiag aeorst'sry and a Treasurer, who shall perforaa th dtttU wenal to aucb offices, and who. together with m Diroctore. .hall be elected annually at the aonaal masting of tb AawoaaUon, aad shall oonatitnve an Exeuutlvs Board, to whom ahall be eommited the interests of tbs Vlvb. Ast. 1. This Constitution, aad suck Uv-Lw or kegnlstions aa the Cab may adopt, may be altared amended or obasgsd at any public meet ing of tba Olnb. by a vote of two-tbifds or the members present. , acaaoairnon. We. whose names are hereto annexed, di sol- emnly pledge our word and aaeved honor, oon atantly and faithfully to pretnoseBk objecia And aims of this Club ss eel forth in tow foregoing Constitoiiou, aad io bold oaraerve ready to de fend the earns, and to eroteet, to tke eatewt of our ability,- evsrr bmbiW ef this Aawsoiaaisei uiroagneuriB aiats. BT-I.AW8 AID HIQVUIWS: 1. Every member of this Club shall atraami aulMcribe tba Uoaatitution, In ardor to recogni tion J. All iwanieA eotiirikaUeiaj U the bisets of the Aasootauon ahall W voluntary, and, aasaVwe held by the Treasurer, who ahall keen an exaot account and dlsbarea th same only on the order of tli Kxeonrlve Board, to whom he shall submit baiaeaoautavrbeaaraersd. 1 1 Tb Clnb ehsU order tt pnblW hirelings when and where it chooses, ana tbs President may call meeting when desirable, hut the Exec utive Hoard, or snob of its members f may be designated, ahall select speaktrs and make all nepussary arrangements " a. Each meui ber of the EwwuUve Boar, I ir hsseby appoiiilud a Coiuuiitte Stf. aoluht nam a fte-meQibernhip, alao lutii.ie.t. AiKiai iuos for the objects uf the Cln'), and to atUMwlW tbs goueral iuieresta of the Club, such aa4is.Uog the cr reasiouilenoa, proeuring aad srculMug alMiitt nienta, Ac. .. .....i, . t S. The EircuUve Board slrll,net to trawsaet the private buaineas of the Citib aa ofteaasit may ortl.T i and tks emoer ef the Clnb shall be en-Artie io omoera ol tlie avian y wbea the naiaes of nieaibera shall be preaeiiteil for regiattmtiiMi or iliaaiisaal for good oausu, to Miuai'ler tlicliaancial boaineaa of the Club, anil audi ollur privaiw mst- lirti. ma be neoeaaary. All HH.niuera op in i.tnb may aitctid tlie private uteeimra of 'the Bosiil when convenient, atvft May v eonaiiBl, bat the business of tha Board will b iliersitlifd by tin vote of tbe Board itself. a. Anv member or tne urns mseamng to meaeo to any other aeetloa.may obtaiaaoartllicsteof hie menibereb! ivnMd hv I ship in ski CsuUaf ks-aWra it, to he mo miuvvi aiiu owi uiw ' i 7. Th Executive Board of sob CIO-w!! riv special attention to all Brhttefa of reeiwtraliMi ig, Ao., aoa tnaa all do tueir duty, ami thst ihe law is etriotly observed, that all Irhml or utal-prw-tioo ta detsuted aad duly Buuiaheil. BIIIABKS. ' , I. In South Carolina, Georgia, $flelelppi and other Southern State, stroop- Demo cratic Clubs ar being fixmed, composed of colored eitir.ens. The Constitniioa above s so worded that it can be adapted tfl iny lace ot persons. If Democratic Club, i, Can e loroieu entirely 01 colored peisenii per hapait will lie beat but who' there i are few. the Clubs may decide Ttt enter tht in on their rrgiaiiir or not, as they may elect. 2. W would suggest thst Young, jUtfn's Clob. everywhere, should embrace ' all young Oifn, from 18 years of tgt, nfl hp watdA Many old men an faiat-hsrbril, timid, afraid to let people know their polit ical wlottiA Take ioHh ynaag aaea,1 'Win. bar th plnck, and who may be educale.i to lot the Constitution and ihe coOnlr,anil who will always rote right,. aha they Ih come of age. W m ed theartlor aaid liAl.; nec of youth, a well a the prudint-e , and wiadom ol ge. The nit.ua! iy (i Xuia. however, would be obviated, it the, .young man, aader tbe age ot il, would (utbisjIui.s of tbeir own. " ' i A We insist upon forming Clubs in tmi Ward, in every precinct and CaptainV Dia trist trs fitata, where . artm aw YrVArj and a many more as poas ole, can be tained. Tb more the better. The ule.it and energy of all our people must be brought I DoX-lt wUlaot Wy mT) 47ld( the old party maaiStefi diHrlT lire mahswe' aad toe talking, yv earn ast, eat eerry awn la soma position tb b aselbV. , By bsvicg a Club Ib erery Ward and every Befghuof hood, we eaa find room for a great nianv an omoera and talkert and working mea. We caa haw oof Ckibneellrebu ksflfasora. tbe pleaaaat night, by ..maonUgbA- arJ camp fires, and there will be a ebaaoa faf ry awn, who eaa make a teUt. .or-ia little speech, or a great peth,1 to d aqmethiog ia that line. Let tba Clubs Be tofmetLl Briag oat all ear avea te work lor tnaOoi titntlon aad tb country, tad let m "tare them b, tb eJocfiott of favoui Anaffavtil ' ;i? jBOARDw H-l t BT THI. INTO, rfi'v V ft TABLS WTtX BK tVtftJZDf WITH jXL the beat the alariosAorile - Ato.aialBwwtB a spared to raadag eozaforaabla ajl whemaitsTaf aaa with a aB..,,,,.. 1 in ,i.jw!f y,t TWO DOLLARS FtM JJAIaia win ia oharred t-taateaf herso'' A' tuMctioJi "enibof toe aBpreaehing'lglalkiar' wftl SO weal eaeau, n mil i awgaglag eoare eiaeenera, waelA-tf . OEO. X. COOK ' ! WketU ThreUe stf CarflcP.M TWUDIIrak aaotbar of SXNCLAIBVg U oaU orated eMB-wroagbt, Bt toeb aalabrated enaa-wroagbt. Bt kaeh eylindsc. nioa wm o sola wru er witeoat tee bvsw uar n tva aoia smn ar witaoa tee liar. Armlv at ones, to Wwaaav fcrtatiou frnaa BaHhaore Jaiy -tr K gaHIS K. TOWtRA L200; um.Hr lahtj," '.Vi rear aaaa vav ' 'W1 mV- L mm 4l S iB .-..I n Iji.H J.. A .li Mia.ii.d v ef-rzaa DAT. WEEK OK MO A t tt eWAti AbrsT IfaYra rot iS88tfir?''irr''T'aiu" CIIEAI FOB CAC1I. TObt BtB "eT. tift.oM war of ase tpriag wj mm oiiiunr uooas, wbicb mast, si Sll msbsb be sold witbia lbs next sixty daya, n poaaibl- LADIES' DRESS feOODS, I haa al niafni aasortaseat of tbs vanoaastrles and latest i portationa. It is a rah aaowa At4, CKEECH'S 19 THE BLAaOI, If you want Caaaaoereer 1mA, '.KsBtacky aeaoa, iwin sno iauhu uoous mil uosoru- LilNJB, soa At lew PHcea, u liable for gsatiuaaen, tmyt and children's wear, J iO-Kl :U ia Ute.placpi to look fur thesa,. ... , Why, job may go no one aide of fseiteville Mroei and down the otheri yea. and tbea th rross streets aud yon will he bound to coals to Ihe rxiiuaaatm aauav-1 jal i-CBfa Bi iaWe -Maaa you ha.) beiu-rdo yonr trading. If you want LADIES i BO JU N k! Tfl, : trioiwed or uotrimmed, CltEECII'B is tbs place ntruiiuiea. I'liiJXH M is tne place If yon wish to purt haee any atyle w gei in of LA DD28, MWSEa oaCHILDREITS HATS, Jont bay nat vow havwaaen KKfx;HS or yea will miss a great bargain, aa As has aoe f she largest o4 moat bnjifut aawirUnenl in the City. V jou Are looking for , ', ME'S, BOY3 AR CHJLDREN'ii HATS. Ijvdiea, Ate an4 Chiidru Bhoas, why UiOnuo stou at Crseub's you will aury be tuni in style, qnallty atio prlfte" I thld the people, aoase Mm agn.'tna tbsre waa no Jaunse.in.itsvei tata-Alia unldr wonid aas) goods hsr iWa t and new 1 intend to ken word". IaaiJ rhea wha r meant, 'and now mem what- I tatv. t'Tnt' j.il to!eome to CREECH'8, on B. Smith's corner..1, .m . o -I.-.. ... v . - A..OAA-r!aOIA, AaviM " ' - Tavettovllle Barest. ffjiNEW-ABRIVALfiLi' Good 6' XO"V a tliej' vttu be round In ,' till 'latitude, ' V 1' . ....r 1 . : t ill.- i i, . r T ..r, .... t. vATt iil I. ..Ui.t'ifl' ' 8.n.&.w.irOTNG's, - t; I .-.-'- i -i !?'. rh I'' tV ; " I '6 So. 3L rjtteviUe Bt, , ... The Senior bf thf. tbnakiWeh W'lOng trfoofls.' tor The last twenty ytsafV;'1Hu'tTiTt market, ind esn aay to onr'triende that. Bontldermg all thing, be never bad a' ' .. - i 1 uiti t. . i . . BETTER, 5ICEBDE 0HZAYXR i i a- 1 J y ' ,AJM'l..--' kWs I i STOCK iE, GOODS To offer them than thVy are how opening at their Store, No. 11 Fevt't'eSrhl'e'btrtet', BAlelgh, K. 0. ' -u. ...i.f..i B.1 H. K W. J. TOTJffQ. Oetober4,,lew-ttf.,'' '"" - . i. .i.-- .m mr, Iji.a J .m .. . nil 11. i l:. ' :. 11 . I J" It' "I. F. ITCSC3TJD, 6ENBBAL INafJaaANCB AGENT, TTA8 BEMPVED )ua emo ta hi former' Was: 11 Btore, whjrt i ti mifl reeelve apuhcatious and( aetbesowaat awBsanamtiva. saUailu the follow- log tot-oJsaajCmpi,?iai,vi.. ,,.. . .JJlmlia, ftL l&QwdvB, ... . .. Security, ol' New York, Putnam, of ItoMprd, Hoine of ewiiayeii, ..wWerson, o, Ygya "'d ,. . . Xht Uudvrwu-iitr's, Selmav Ala. Their combined Capital sod Aeaette exoeedlng gs.soo.ooo .. u , LOSHBS PliOHPTLT JiDJtrSTKD AltD WlD. .; P. F. PESC0D, Deo, HUQ-u, , ., Ia.gek( GUILFORD LAND AGENCY Of NORTIIAROLINA, J ANHPLKEJtSlfq . WtSH TO SELL Aerrlenltorar or'Mlnr-ra! Lttrld1, Water Powers, Hill; TowaH i.k, of xteai ;tai""' n t any kind, will Bnd it to theft sifTantag ))lac thl ir property iaaxsr hsiida for sale. Wu have great facilities far proourmgii Battav sera for all ench property. . . .M For information, addrei. "" 1 ft " '"' M I Li ,). .(fNO. BC GRETTER, ,l u i... i GanwraaAgantiiqn Or I'tllL TfiltMl'SVnttetS. Oet.Sl-72-f 'r -"- ' CI ALi lV VAI.VAJtl.K KRAI. ESTATE AT tJ -i U I J'!wrVlii l'. . 'ifl ' .1...... I.nli d mmti'i .raull .alatiikl a)M tbel7to.Jay la Aligns mtn waraer et.aderraMia MHitysjsaiisvav f w: larva, as i, and amende. past J it June Term, 18G3, of UaupreroeJ , in the -ra) Vbereln its Heron t Brf .Btfl'rlnif.nltillaiTt1 mhA lnmoh Court of N. C. in the) -case wherein il Miniog Compkrly ."K.ir.plinarnV abd Joseph t eiawaat) la ai)JaiiAill,'l ahs.ll unvceed to aell at iluocof, tWriJuavrt Bunia, ol the Coaaie.lpf eV.'ina,l A Vase 1 . .. I 4aearidraaJajk!a4ts;a,tajitiaJwaaio-id itTBBN TRAGTS-OrJi'ttAim 'f lMqlUS vrtMrl in taaSalBSBata aUaamk. v $ Kill tTyryaem Irll -il'iit .fiamf .ll .iKilnaeiot ,r.,i i. i M'.ii a iil.w tivl m r ,rvwiw.i on MO 11 K ll.ll Alao lias BMswg.lprasltego nin two other tracts ol some iiiyrl ii 1 hit.'M rA i a nkui-L A-aiAihl . lul' This land is aittialertq lie Coi)ilyi.r Wska.anS Wr tbe-ciry of aien,..7ThrtTl'a''i enntlnnob and many pMatM'emitri ev Vlr.mu.jiWnwrbSge' or vtlaak iiad.ttnob of AtaA the kigvstkrtUlJ, eUttpigJAroJgiwat Uyir iptuwo'SI fVaofa, Terml 3 per' paistsa! eaoa, y-poa it 4rMt AT amMI aaAl tures years mi jki ..-.dirS .Vf .nl t.rJ limahsj,.w JOHN O.-'WILLiAMS tS""30. t i, .in a.u Li jitilrj.-iKVi tlt ilaimul Eirtaange and TmTectton OfBce, -i ' rr'r.i7vapaiBrbiiv aA ,,il won u.ijA.ivijiii.e.'iit aH ttfiillt&i ' -Ol l.r.BHliMi ..tirllPArrvl e1J t "fy Betas ififmwUWHX!"1 ; June JIS-Ji fan lidi1 atnawfreltt . 1 ACSTlNEUb wmtS'l "''iM Wt Z'. j. i alj.Jt 1. In'- . J.- Ill" l II ' -w AJAAUXt, JttXUvrV A'ABHI A'm,. It rOBBarwrtssaax denaj Wilt aleaaa tteas) In tasttt eraara.aw.1 ietA'1 ast baa ,.iaia'i a n i.i . Tbey will he neatly eicennaaAa ilaasSassBlialA snd ea tbe kWea tanaauM t WaamsataeasilaAavaocu-efflLi sAksajllwa aba Beeeaaarr awlorial to axemts the ordeca. sJ av anenns in every erecir4i or j..d 1 rniiing. 1 BataktVAUs r. iisaif n BhtA ii a ia eo. fAB.ii,uMJid avat fc - . J v t . . , i i . . - r 1 A hi A 4 4fi a. TmbUSSJt.t Aabrs(t 'M. eat -Of vtok j aapai ;i;f 4, .?U-ix. eat.i i , MlTfa. t't. ii'J -' ' iaS- H ii. ... i ,aH,U ill!.. '.... MtW AZSUMQIXXXt FOR THE SENTINEL. published ia the City ol Huleigb, N. C, Daily, Sem! Weekly and Weekly. William . Pell, Beaton Oalei, Editor. Jn view of tlie scsnity of inouey.aml tlie aovier Ity of the tissue, Uis Proprietor of the Buktuou. haa determined to rsdnee tbe terns of th paper, toebbvaserioa after the Slat. DECEktBRR, Beat, enttc maka such lmprovome Dt In Its general ebarapter a will oommeud it lo the patronage of aa soUgateoed poblic. 'lb POfjfTfCS h Will be thoroughly Conserve live, adv'ocaUcg, at all limea : A Utot ebaervaao of tbe CunstiiiUioo of the United Statea. and the harmonious Union ef ' equal gfate ; ' ' I , . . I ! Obedience to law anil the ejfuretjqieut of order ; . Ikeaaprnaaoy of U.e civil mer the military, in ' thae ef peeoe ; ' ' Th equality of the tl.r.a co ordinate branches of tit govarunieut ; ... , ffb eoveralgnty of the Htates over their own ''fctornal ImMra, In striet ' conformity to the III . ' , , ! J - I. , I . .fionatitntion I . The msintensnee of freedom and jtmtfeo to all, ' Wlthoat distinction of color, bnt Hio suprema- ey iif (h wl'itl race as the govoming els; Opposition to Badioaliam in ail its phases. As MKWB yonmat, it ahall be aqoal to auy. Tfl prtnorpsTtnarkotawill be regularly pnbllsh. "';. ' ' , fta "At ElRY,ob'arotr ahall be maintained . .and la proved, by caiitrikatiena froai oar beat . -trritorsb . ,i.-i m i i . 'Finally,. ilia iKXTiinx will seek to bo the apeoial premoternf the eduoartonal, moral andaoo ".Bpnjjcal ipleraat of Uie .ebple of North Car- ..oiot .( I' y,8t4uel,for oueyetr.. i .'t'.ii.-n,"i .aixmoaths, , ?. ii Vf .three,. raoaiaa. 1 ta oo 4 W 3 00 A 00 109 toe - t 00 1 00 BemirWeakiy aentiael, fur an year,. . I ainf' ol .. . ', aixBsontha,. .. -uiiiVih 1 ' .. " . throe anon the, Waektjr.e . . . .''f. itoeoeyeaiv.. 1."-.:. p .. 1 1 " sis months,.,-. ii All anbaeriptkins strictly oaak ih advanes. . . A an advaHtislng nUdlaa,, Ib gaararsav la 1 equal to any in tbs State.' Tsraw moderate. O'.f.l'.ll . .W t.i . .V I1...,, I -Hms'.l dittY. 1 ::i-; .' ' ' kw We ask avery Coaaervatrre to the Stale to bsooavswar AwspI te eatoadtbe4ctreauaMon at" UMterrrkaSV. -dthaevento of WBBwlllbeiiBelUiit an 1 mpoKajaa;' TTn Wxaxxr Bbhtibbi. abonld be lath hatada ef tb great body of the peoehW Tbatsrai rvWaohr Ihst srery on will b MelBeeiirtl ' -- to -ilii'.'.'f .'! I -d !.;-'.. ..'! -he ii).. "ill-. ( l.iia 1 -,-'. i . ..it. r .dt. ' A -if... . r.JijT t. ,rrSrf fal ,,tJ aaieiga, Jan. 1st., taw. , , ynopoetor iCBCXLtASXOtrs A4Se, ,Tw 11 n .11 In 1 I. rail ,XllADE..i,il .. iw.S'ai' wl'iii'tir t'asAa m a a't '1 ,Bj',uww.,.;m ... . wvuriMavn O. and eonatantly making, which will be aold at Sew yore pbiceri' ' Maaaoal sooe and workmanabia. saanrpaaaed. I The undersigned is eondnoting a NOiiTa CAROLINA F.NTKRPRI8E. and aaka the oo obe- fsltesrbf othni Merchants. He (s, bysvallirfg Bawassa nasse aarn ana moat improvoamactMaeryi Brawad toiAU aU orders for TIN wr ABB and Aan make the anpply equal to the demand. . I ftend aie your orders. Satisfaction gnarantsed. I I will taba any awad of good Bsodaea m anrrhaawe Xu Was-aaad paraonlarly want, at beet pn , ! . ejaroWaiavOisl Coaiaarr aaa Braas Ana wBl nav cash tor same, when nrefgrred. (wwd tor "Price LM and enwipare WHU yoer' aeaaearrs aiuii 1 waut,TarB ran. . . I will keep tenet at by oa hand a good Bitot or VMM ia aiovea. Book's Patent and asbare arnest amake. aafl wiu aeii right. tvl r , I .H.poacs.1 aiUsboro . a "V;EiiEt lime, 'Ume. na vuruHiuiui proposal 40 aeurer Lime at Halisbary Btatioa at (U) twelve dol- i ' " ' - 11 Thefreichl Kht-aaBislI fl. B. B at, ,-ril bid Frora Balia iaborv to Csneord , 60c. per. ton., 91m.-. 31.il.! " I VIM bue.nl 'M-itad 1 Ol visvwbure ',A 0 : atTsu , u . 'I " 1 Cevap a)aopaAW r' .. e ''. tmrham a 1 85 ' Baleigb,zU , . . ar amarfer ti -ej 1 Catawba rttatAnallti C JaM aaasailw ,11 I Tr 1 d,. .. W.fHaWrtV,.. (..vt,T -A LABOR LOT a aar and band atUCELJ.A- XA.'KC0U8 BOOKS, on cptuigBBmnt. and for aakatvryreoablente ' - r Bf.4 r!T ..iK'Ual l,., aajAAif BajTUAO'aa-e,),,na iVOli taavaaai.aHA K aTJaaaAal' V VtsVi Vlkalaf aietal.,aad0laealtoirttone, raxebi for a4- Con hnrchoraaAcadeinjr..wuzataeib Will be ardd eheap.--' ' J BB0WN. ' ' tuviaiga, uiy bb-u r wua run a xarsna. Vntw Btppxpa: TTt I A Ui"i!T l.. '3l lIB fMiidv iwMf-natfiJ. Toilet Boana. Bona IMaoa. Haaoa'e R! an hie (Vnctrntratoa Lts, Black Pepjwr, Parlor kUtohsa, Axlo OrBaaaaaatXitf raaji Jvavt received at 1 ,; of ftfffvftw Baa tew oj i.iJjaaOwuJaLaUaswiii rlaod daviton exempt. xlailers,ra0rllel piece of paper Aaaigumeot uuSautramenttn Bate mmr mm um saw as ngb4. oenU,t. riUi Bank Chook; IhafU or ' order, ao- air ncm or tn dtasatiil.il a-ufr ---r 7 --' isoou noLM8aVaW payabi otherwlsa than at "sight of Off oecatna; sua, wny smKiasrirratota wAataystvysaaa aai Aemamf or at a tim designated lexpept hank I notes ttsnea ror esreeuawiiL, ,"JziJr United BtoteswBriUsh North America, exempt,. Al i.l !,. . A,m mni a,.aA rkrUafi ha aM1ttxi 7f n.TWr&tvWfLio vesael .. jr i,r.-rryvr-r:.-.:..-,iJ, - muuo wianni.'iDr pajnitiarar wu., r . gage WWuiai. IU .. imlie-n laad I"!nl.sd1 For indeiuiiifviiiir any persoa tor the payment 01 air, surrf-saoWwf-rWithe-WoKrr reou arable theramkMUa. aoa thnnaaiui rtrslalBiH leeVMeeut: T"---" .1" woera. tnejBuiiri weaaa.aaiaa-iiiaaansai.r lioads. oaitswe badjiadwa kvVa Bliawsdsi aud other oorooralioh bondsml scriu. are sub- jeet lo statnpthi.'"(Bee ortgag.rOf any acmtuu. ouiwtiaiaea'liasrei) ataatt are . not ptuerwiae Baa'- ermis4ea,pi.oenoerta. naaa. snai amiaAoeau.1 Big one hundred dollar..! oenU," . . Ot iWpoaiS as tank, stia aax sssatiistsiaiiasea ll?ra ui 1 e (fiiritl.21 line AOoierS General ' f T' (IT a ouliaosaa..ix.l a aats. -Of itbSdMaAs. jnai oenwnaaicraarasai ra&a)wiaM qs Thtserniawroanijot bs fn4, p UPiiU.-J Of redemption of bind sold Ibrtaxet. B eentav M pupriia.-j 0t bititi. trsvrravge 4eaiik,AaaM,a raw ,B ur quanucauons Of profile of tat . 1. :hu,:.-. .. I .... ..-1 . .. ..I . i . orprofit of w.artertnevairIparjVi fcf 'V . t ...... ..... J.JI. .nl 1. .r.iA a.ju. 9B .w7.,a. -'."TT Fe7.ro7fT.on;a' Jittoaatleiiaaaoaajaasliai friiSaiai , nB jf,4 1 '..all .l.d, ,aitu drf wtlACH IlearX.UW'aSMimiies -aiilail. a-rr JKT Of damage or OtOerwIaS, rgnairoTJif bertuT - satea ocdacualeaseiaaBTieAiiBftjBBatea CertineA TMaajrtot of JtwIamMs. aisiastiai afJIudgmenU andnf .11 kwniiruhngfeAar pa nle, Chci-k ilraft of orrTct Toi TJirtMyiMetftre'irify sum ot moaejt.cwiaaaiB UAKafM, PasSxtsrnirjiy aS person ox pther man, roan nertv, -at ahHilar-oa 1 M . Ml I II II II .Ml .11.1 1 . II 1 taMat. naaiL laaakaaul kaeSBta. Oonrevanoe deed.lnstrumoni of writing! whefe-T bt taodA.taaoaavt. r. ' .... .r ...v. l. j aoBaMttuorajiaTWrBBWatwpBB as wtTcu rtBtru. iv uoii' rj. Mara sal a 600 aadin. H.0IO. tlbeliia For every adQitsii va naaared dollars. W frkctfotaal part tfiefral xeec doltBr,&tcnta. A mla. . n. ..r 1 1.,1 ..11 mtmm'1 Em dollar m ta valup, !pt,A vaihaaisio;i . A Exceeding 0111 mo nuiiurt)uqoiiaxaan nheasav a flolUni In alue;lHfoenu TOI tug nvtrnnnan Baasodinsl fi t."- laal Fwr the witlid Fwr the witlidrswal of sur aoods oa, aiejroban-X' dfse frritrr bondd arrrofje,-oo eentV rPf tiaueer'a return if tor quantity not xoolaaa'P tve hundred gallons m - at" a'- KwOTneTT? uollrot drtdendai lbeviMlf1 easUI CHtui-Uad IB Tovote,at,n,rf-ctij(f .uiiW t'.'Z-JIZ'-lr uia. ..i-.x-kiJ, I -I . T? ",, coiivev, or rent- prJeaaa real aatata, 11.00 - '" For sng other p.aseaB.,,, ItoJar: where the valuer hdti rtial riQteonal&tato'f?T! 'lJohB Trimble. V iheraor. in eaosaa of S2.0UU. 60 oenta. . Bond Qfxecuto4a;Iadroinistrxtofa,1gara1xrftT It $1 00 wet-w-ay t'..ia.iu. J. aimi.iuill alt I BT anl-ila-l i aasb aaa I all or diibt due. delivery of any nropartv. 3 cints. 1 '" . ' m vuveuui vwiuv auuva jar uar .ana Trust Deed mad to soeursja deWHb bA VArfrrJ. .ea maa to aeenrew oem-to u vrairrp- d ss s mortgage eonvewraa estate to uses, to be taaipts.aa oanwayanosa. yio - royeaisi 11 v Warehouse Keceiot for., anv a-oods. wares or meTebanAee'ndt ethrWlsp((rfiuetl Wfi orol'rl Ited or tossa.l aaiy.pisMaso 1 sot exoeeding five handred doll irit TniBbTin cxoeeuiog nve ana too orr a 'Yxceear . cMUewo in sxoesslof Bl.OOU, M swUl" w awt6T uBtaaUaatt . fKTrf bMsaeawrd,gSeaataiiA im note oswj era Writ or Legal Doeumit,''-riU or tb or legal process IrV which any suit 14 commr,b ant enrtof reeord;itber Of 1iwor equity, SOoenta i qriaAwdoBi4Bed;W SJrraw weon'avaxyi apmisaipa a laaaajsyaaa. vr wigaaia , i, fr aim nr Ln.ni tn .1,.. u. I tax for a WTii naa beew paid. eetrU. A .v7ritor.pth,irrooM,,BDae.fc . . . ... ... : . . a eonrt of record. 10 vaaa-.a wiDtiiiiu .1 wi.aatiasi w a.awira'a.w". inonaaon Mlo,M",v WarranU of dyrfrsssrwaaaho asBowat of rent eWmed-faea not waai I tpft. .- s oo a 31' Mraeaa.aeassaVMAwiAamlliUU.-aaasavaritnnai'H" When lb smount.ejceeds HOq, 6Acents,v, Insuraoce, lUrine, InUrul And Tir wndreT"tnoma eswhim twtewss- AoBk.lhB,BBtsBftiiBl atayifl lhcee!iuff f!'(loifara?t,T'wX!kvAanlIfiWv 1 a MtitjiT t! TW-anWTiTJrr 'fOiajaJrH,g M JawWtABwar,A(o i S InaarabeesUfAlwatbe'Mi lot exceed one thonsand toalAfcenjo AatavM aa i Uaoe an r-TT-ti nrni.fqllitiJ.'"i"" t11"" W 0toaW. r M nn ej :Kit) oer anntim.Tli cents,. T J4f ftiliWin-i! CImW C),)itfBil.b 4o rvt ioei Jffttwnifvff g ' wj -J. -wwiiacw aMawvaaisi' aaj! air Jft4CU0Balnyt,Uierff iivavu'viUi-iri. MhiJ Mlntuantl la' tratai" ',t.ir ) Ihu aiia-numwU lawilrAWfcTy'ijmenvrr'r- fTno FDri.r' " i Clanaa or guaranty or payment or rent lnoar,i big oaetharaasrritvmssvw.alrtsaa'i B m Wmm.lt 6i artaval iHiJe-Torr ; Moiigagetnisl T aTT"T R andreM'MteeerhrM' 'aijetit'i . tAAtHWOuts Haight, aaeBa40iaevaTiaaAtAa Aaouyaaal jarUhsaaaf. ' " b.;.. : r,kl, . f ia-. " Oaai BAord akasi 1 vv.i - ' yvtiA t ii oh 04 aKe sanau ; For every additional too, or fractional pact thereof, in exosas of AM, 11,00. ' ml sail .-via Miravltft aaw ,laiA aa I -. ...I .fQEtiEkULFXkna-B. l-ii,AMUiiJro L Goto, d Revenue etamn may Demised IndlsoriminatelT spina 1 J u, .tn. n w Miiu,a vuuiiuuiHia in tubsdnts B enssot a tbs utJaigulsivnnnta,, vuowya It la toe traiy 01 toe maser or aa inetrnmenl to I iirUxaadAaaavAliae alsiii tbuv uiiig UwebfewivAT BatsBVUiu ta w ita w is mm (ABrvu - aaw . aa laJCU MtsOr UiC 3QlkAi0f.i mnnol i tkalore m m wvrt of th mukkmt af m f oaxtjan. lJ meat. 49 H"sijiUWfi gllWff K!n8rWhimjasV flWWl pJaMB4BBar aaa, aagay aitAJaBaaaMaTaaTtWat e WI 1 arnoeaa than writ: Vrs !'aan liranw.AeH.towhrhirwo tOSSWUBBl sBwiraatuwossa. ' tJ Jl-rrttll i ,W jnH. v, A"?' i;' ooaf"1 The taratpab affirtivlC token Wore a Jqatice Ohaa K Phelpa, 4 QrAes BahBnd, -r. of ihervase rloSary v-ethemor' duly rrsncis Tbotnaa, r Baanra., ir nLknriManaaka. lkUa-am SaAA - - - PiaAlWUaUa. tag 'S ar.vaiS'a SW4.;k A tincaie.aiid H aobiect to a stamp dnty of flveT ,lt wvOTyreonn.Tj .!,,., rfs , eemesxiwsswr wbsats bswitaV iia o arsl twv,4lCheter D Bui .barLr TE P B SrrTd -. , - any priBted ar written "vWefce of an amoauW " ss bs latblMBV Aisnaial A aih sWjT v in.. vm wma .... u ..i.a uiai, HtH-aV , , I Tw tH,lll nPbTaAiorfwtagai VSfj .' same duty as tfast janpawii-iifam tra enairtai as , strumenn tsatS IdssyTf.Tevery snoTcT trV huad dstaaai n aiyeraarAabatrar taw at of tb aasoBBt aecrirvt oy tne mortarn, at Una of J its assignnerit, there mnat Sri. t. 1 a suuno or I Btampa, deiioting a vrnry ofwTnta. 1 . 1 a aaa tsvwer mora saraawa a.aaeasBeBwWbA I of aa bwtmment the tamps to wbinh this in, atrnment i tiaoie, anner trie law, may b au; red r andeanoainai traaeatAht awasaj oui i (lilti r alJuawq enos of Teal e. t nxao.1 iinWiVal Bote uaa uimMmmo .areVA,- i .n" aoad aV B-ap .v. v.... . nl auemurauuuiB of Uia wau . j . a f H?? ?? faoold "ads . i fw. wwwjaua Bag ur - ! T. I rAaa agtarwiaarav a est! baa af as i.r . tUkaATKm "'- mm mjaaiiar Wad, r, of Ohio, TT gTtTaHWrlMr ea, rwiwiaa- 1 a x i- aaaIBBBBJU t V. 1 1 mZ 7? vmij i 1 iu w PalLaraun r Tiilr. B1, ,f iff, 17.17 tSTfft Lr I r T . - ' I 'faaMVfi Ml otjOT IJrllitiwd,,'" ZAA'TOaiaiif ? ff WBOoBBKowaed-r ..u.., " m ie II I - wwaw. lasuaavaaaw;, ssWg'B'lWcJiaabr liul Henry Wileon. r '71 Timothi oxLZ 1 - 1 iwa)aryysj, 1 alaanaa-huaa, ... tru ...t ., . k .. .. .. . 1 .1 j . I UfflSai 7ki .VfeTalZ' ST" "--. t trneV,w IvrTSJ','"n rr7iL"rSTW Mraw 1 ut" aa' r'iWh 31. ooBBBoncvrr. .owa. aa,,, i rX! JM 'f'UWflHO 1 mswvobk. w, I ' i Tvaui , Mil Ic. .llft JV till ul hue AUikn. 1 I w .muv. I IrasVt-itl1- .i tvU. -VI oaaaael J awell ail to I " " rrvLlaajf fWlMfMl.T ir T J. - J. "- " - irpanvL t -' hjhaMTfc vaa It trnmlm iaaaaliasi.iaaa .Lai f - mm T fg &Sn2rlS I w viitjtw evoat mw 00 fc3.n ear aoHrfituS'ooisivl hm fiTMtaH-l' ' Ji I , - .... umwmmmmm UuM ' .. I I 11 I I a .n ,w loaiuvair wva-.tk jm r-W-"-- 'S'M"'y'3rbat, A I I jiwjv aniav II . 1 . I lj 1 1. I sfeetl ' 'J J laa 7 ndi til -i f PgVji:! ewtni U SB , , mml JL&A adgitU4.ai Zl. Vwtto,tSTO AWhiaUlMta li nil stjiU Jotlqa') w ailrt. I tmlAObttffJJT Ml lliw iMv.vllNpvevv.3 v I J 4VtHa wadsaMfc.. 1ls4iiasa Aaam-iil. I aaiUrM) tti5 In ami liliMHflb twrat UO&r.fWWBHXl'TiTlVVi. Rohulyer CoatasJ,? of UOumAv gosaksr ' L Edward MoPbssb rftaBayrvaBta, Osrk, I I Minx1"" 'rrevVayaarAr ! ahll LynchliaHTajal' VVlUaam D ntokaa,r vi.. a d..-. . I "wmoel M Araan. r - 1 d!i. m illaiaa I hawfelHjv. rr I ' ' IlliwlA i V... . f ' I (PJ,lurxi vi Ae5eW ltoeavM, I fa,,k liaiitnn aa . I ryaiUUCI AT t AVTwIV Bt Was Lawreuoa. r ,.,. Hald;f 11 IHWaiMiiagenit Orl'KiT W0 Smith, r . neaoar w ciar f Clark,r X MAaHaqmjaarra. lai." euaoargwr, 1 ' . 1 . , , n, ,, . MAaHaCHCaK'rt 11 ... TV IHi... f uuiuaa y amo,,, a , - , - 0akeAvfiel "PB a- s-jiwasaax w" . r iiansa, r V"""" ra,a - I) 92"?"C'?'TV j Wat Niblaok, A,, 1 aW libber! MictuwalO Kart'",f !Uina Hotcbkias. d Nortpa Huotar-r .rf HBtarkweiwr;T- Wm 8 Holmaa, d ' ph..Tab,d Kjaai, -' ' - pviun,i . Ta B BebuawaV In jf T ntebaaaa.(1hJa.s V . Hi" ' ." 4Joha O Sbaaka. r ..rJiira.'TlHnqB sralt.. , -ehnrnaa v. Htewara. n - i. t i T . . W"fiavtoiui4i?S. t-C"Mfct reruu.,u nwu, nauia a vraanoania. r . J WBt1 atoawttaoaW j,,, lAanseC Hardiag. earilJ.n.. H Van Wvck.r Riv n i..ul7. . . 'nsBBaai wqafjeiaw.iyi gas-aroeawaa aaatnaa , HarahalVd JwJ"e wita-oVnTTflii; srzzrz. TTf;I1".. " ' "1 ai oir,r , pne th. UTi weaAV- aa.xiasisasiwi-vjBorxaBV moaw.easrvve . ev-T!5?BvVtoJiX.'a,' m TTria,aj "'""" "" .iisia l wiawawa." JanaikTBJei4,aY I AWc. ', ll''', sWt"" ' f r Ji naa A r.ioniiga, a I HwAvyir;A lta as- ' . stri 1 J"tl 1 Oan H wwku . . . . nB aaignnnruiaa or aerley.av nor WMriv if Bodiiil.i'' tWirVfl avMlrtaaa aabbaadaAT t I nmmj. ilkwut w rwa :pii. svria uoes nawooalb.eiwi aa I Thaddeus Stevens, r mm a aiovornucA, a I "vf s 1 V. f .m A K'T!. renew wesjiavw r " 'aUWn aaaiaWUrwalaWaATAvsaaaaite , yaaa a irrreworenner q neeorge W Aaoceva WHohiti( sl'tesuLhA tn.Zu7i' 1 mamwoi A7 m iAasv.su, a- j rjfri Ovcxle, r iftftmnel R AifaQ . I K'lll--! :WiAli BmtW. r Tbonu Willi Kasohawtvt Jt AfW f fcatWlTBrBj, r r ar k - tgreaves.0 IWm Wiadota, r , mXmmmr I t ... . snarl . 7 . IS tmael JBaadall.4 . Hiraaa PWoa. r vb sUaorgfJ'' A NsranteasayaVi ?a7i" '.aa-JWS-S Kr. Beaktsa If uSaaMjvesaui a ," BaaieJ Polaley, JJa If ravaeawwb,; mJ j '- tFirrocxT. ra -agar mvji.o. tl Iran Mea B.e f.nHi7f'a.i.i.A reuelv' .Siol-l-d "tTlf ,w7, J" aW rvrrr p jn MXaVAUABT. en v I Wf lal A D"" rT . O . J rrajtoa aaoa. J l-.i.w.awi-svew.-iU AaaP Or.tver, L . lAlTia'lr.-.r.r.,w, a Thwktai E Vaea( a" I , ,;." 1 Janes B V-rk, i-.,ilm,liitmm ( av.rs? (rwrge i Atiumi a ,1 'Ttmm,. ,, q . -al apaa 1 Yosaas!, af 1 umis. lrntori. '.iirt maaey uiaraa, r BepnKi.cana, r-av- -"Twts ana Ikmaerra- LI Tr'wara. 1 isnni '-riv B BatiAfrvr ja 1 ;?rJ l as'

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