iMTfW' SOS PS YtVKB WAW. A telegraphic diapatcb wee received iO0Di; I-!!!!, 1ttU eeSldcBCS BioraUg.a ilia Hoo. David Lowbt Swaib, But f ;i93s.iiiiwM ligeace Vu communicated to us, we bad been sbowa?lf the Hod. D. M. Barringer, uartterawsm WFtitp, written at the e ojaest'ol Uu. Swaie, M which ha Indulged atrong )wfwf1ito rcdovery1. JOa Wedbea day, (io Savsissitaiu and spalteebearfuUy of bit .avwspeeurf f0 getting well, aa auticipstioav alas sot too dashed as to be trebly sad bv its supdenocsa. It, wtfl be pwentbdTUw. that wov. Swaia aad Prof. Fet ter, while rising oat Ugetber, about lort nigbt since, were throw a from carriage una sen ijuiUflV Wf VB ne, brokee. That accident, coupled, we tear, with aovfSwauVs du'p snd toxioui coooem aad i iw! itlbi) fat of tWfereat lojtttn I Coo over wuicu us uau so long ana soiy ana faithfully presided, hastened the1 sfttieUnf brearaiatwlii!lM Bora Banousee. Qua.' Swift Vstr remarkable man. No ton ol lhe. State war morejealone of her booor,,noia Bsarfulof her WterweU, mors proadel UwHiHory.orgo conversant with her socsls.. . JTsw men, id toe Uotoa wc re UiatiuKuiabed lor greater uit mote use! u) ?malilftjr 'j UWienU, mora vigorous intellect, nwre lofty patriotism, nd no njwhcVejTor oioro conspicuous probity of private and "MblM character. It may be Hid, with all the emphasis of perfect I ruth, 4 that a "great and gtod man bat fallen." We canne Btetifnd, la thii brief announce ment, vtnt 'lo attempt to do justice to the eminent leaa which North Carolina has sus lamed. It jfiU,.vri the subject of regret ful pabiiw .Wtatfatloa throughout the Bute, and his character and services will be the theine OttrAogf', not only ia botae, but National.eircles. The theussbdl of ehfieos-i-aooie'of (hem In tlie highest stetioas ia the country, scaWe'oVer the; Union,, who bare, in the year that Me gone, enjoyed the benefit ot hia wiaeemrntcl and affectionate instruction, wijf' Gemr 'o'jdt flile wiib a feeling of effiiftgpitajki til'tftai WU, wkloh one bcara ot tke UlM iuf a father. One Uj oac, the grvnt'figWlbich have illurohwd nur iliar old aaitnatiaie, ifXb fft't'iic beins xtingieliakifjji Jh jfcpre iutcnae the gtatMMaVnich:XM(. .WW ent euiroHDlfod I . a ii i .. WUhoaaa y ef'tb advantaya albwtk or f rtu,!lu' wJ rote to Yomrina ot uonoaaiairngBtfd oseful oeaas tad it wayacfltluft -1 fraponsibiliiy devotwd upooWwtaMwaaWu iu, Bi4pcou(ooS tlie 4th. M laoharv".''l801. nod 'vu eooae- lueilj4avUw4Stl aaar )f. Juii age. , Uf .Indies 1MQ3Pf T3Jrht,lUlalfr5 who prdMa44tt bfn though he wai then but Ja'ttadWiy-and awkwatd coaotry bor, tlie wwlftfriee"fe afterwardt fcttair- waa uroeaeirUrY-afxrte 'few"7ean' after, elected liha lUtaWaN.W licitoa , afadifrt"' In 1833"'b '"naa1 elected jrfamuirtl$ lie Btatk, whtch of tea hify$$$poikW. hat ytaraiabubcnacr, he vaa cfertod Praidf'iukPWfiniitf ,. ilUwMoitla aajdMFdb(Mi; whicli' Deoua to 4itUiCWiti'liltriou' ileMt aad cioaeu uwiofH-a 4 tn uoi!t wl .xwn CaroliBaliit'bJiiid hi!raaS taknlal aawoiatas, a faw wckka ttaec' Hta Ut FT"viI.'wroi uwe"i .mj iwa itaa of thIlirHjft whicb-W e aiU bVa ao aifDaiiy.ladotfiad, tacle whose iurniah cWwVrMi'w'lth a aoiabls tribute to the mCuiavx-ai laia moat roslleait! Bad. eiuinen'I'Peweito bit honi,hei('J,j New .A uKBTaai h kts Ja.- It- Grist, lite Allootri,vi9 Beaufort coanlj, st' the Court UauMitMir.iaiWashington, oar tha stcoad Mawfliff Jn October. T " Sttuti, t 9 r tit t.i vKif..rfiuMrcurcJ StrinS and Cuvaas Hamcrring ufjboicej Teas : MtoBeffcPf - H. ones t 0W "" jta JJee Bo(;jirMtiPhoogtaptaIty Tjpc UI a'pBtrtoffnrr,hai eoWred'ln oil, e;V1tVitBos KaWgkWw w'm T-acher wttf W.Uke ebafge ot ZW ted rkhsaTai eirarQro,.0?t drma Dri. JTrfrf-ff Monk, at that.rosfc 0P NortolkJVoiale Institate-A ; Botrdi r bu vsy penooj ipr ioong Louies t nsv.M win kket, Fiisrlklr. Oeef cl sod arVilkasta:la Nilii'an4maj that we aewre we etd nut toiiim';ta'his emlaest iuifieai ;io fof ba 'tpttanb mh'!?Z$My"'ll alf1nent, H AJiDBdaw Kiwax.waMSKt.-t-Ws' " are pleastfjj&ltp Urge aad eWgsnt Store, . owrsjetlfVjiUe Bireel fdj;ililing Tackaf IJsTUelonguig to'jai L.VLoager, aVaeewf teMed;' 'Itlirjiv.iiig out lhrii,itU',iO Ihe Nortn the wai f l?mM K-hiviw'aa inaa' "oat, aaatamnibyla'e windew;Tie iatrrior Jj. Jot ftXafr ta the kighest atytaat iprnaatp Tbesiarpsiilerln has 'tygp' Ju aVmoi skillfuf aad warkauav kke aBPr, Ifetett Atkin kBit ViU,,' V t)iaiwig na cKcoratioa fry Claw sua, who has no superior in tie art Vf cow kelliahment. . v - ii 'J'tfZ Taa .ftotMooai. pp.a loif are aiBBalauViy's.iia wtn-kifown Ufrn ttt, tt. B. .,CWthiB,wlioto poaaee " oa Wednesday. ? EaUrged rooas will eaaljliaaii ta xlead their elrrndf very Wlie.bnsnca; and tbty Will "soon promt aa eaUUiahmeot which will be ay, equals South of the'Korthern ciu'es. Aadrea. the n; lent mrfiu I. t. . ,. . , 1 m-falfAtat -and eatcrpriae, aad the W tlofw, Udat kl energetic d'irectJoJi will, la dead, b aa Emporiaia of Faahioa, which will be the raaort of all who want aoaMthiag extra la the fiuiog-aa liaa. The basement rooms are to be occupied a a Barber- ahop, and are ta be teoaBtetl,we lean, bj a white Barber, with white aaais Uata, ' CAawaAAaouaajTTiicrewaa'a grand Democratic Birbecoe aad Rally at Yancey Tills oa be list, .There as a very large crowd of people ia attendance. That rete raa aad distinguished gentleman, Giles Mebaae, Uq , prcaided. A 8eymour aad Blair Club was formed, wbea every white man present, and ttMntf-four colored men, came forward aid enrtflhsr1 their names as members. The Barbecue was flee aad bountiful. Speeches were made by Colonel P.. a Withers, Mr. Ilodaett, and Hots. Odes Mebane and Bedford Brown, and alao by Stephen SkdeyQeerga Bbjioarmod Darid Hunt, wedsibb ind worthy 'cbfbred men. Jesse & Griffith, Eq., was Marshall of the Day. The Danville Timst, from which we make the foregoing extract, esya : . " Caswell is all right. Every white man ia the county, with the exception of two or three scallawava, will vote lor Sevmour and 'Blair, and oaeJiAlt (be negroes. Caswell is a glorious oi a county. 6 " '"".Tl r . ,. . . . OOB KCWS FROM TUB MoUKTAIKS. A friend, writing as from Aaheville, aoder date of the 21at, aays: " There ia a change going oa in this county, which is more and more apparent, daily, and I believe that we shall carry this county by 300 majority. Haywood county la doing wonders. Two precincts, which gave. 50 Radical majority at the late election, hare not now twenty Radicals la them." FATtTTBViLLB Kaoi.e Thia paper ia now a se mt-weekiy, and atarts with good promise of success. It is a lire paper, and the editor, M. J. Weflween, Esq., better known as Long Grata,'1 of rtieold Obmer, has ear best wiaaes. By I ho way, weabould bave preferred the old name, Fayettevilte Obterver." 1 prtttiot wowld Commend it to the people of the Statei: ' ' ' Qcb cotcmpobaht, the Veldou Xev, iairly glitters with good tidings from the Roanoke country. The people seem to be thoroughly srouaed to Ihe great importance of the contest before ui. By the way, ' we take occasion fo commend our friend SlnDea paper as an al le, sprightly and earnest ally in the good cans. "' ,'" ' ' Tbb Vamdmj at tVrbV-.W learn that the fins dwelliog of Mr, BiLhj, aar Wil llamiboro', in Granville county m'uh aesr- ly aU.iU coateifts, was nnid,.bj fire, aiffbt last weeaii ir- n.-iii,(i.M. - Oa Monday Digbt last; ttis fliie Merchant Hill or urf iisins.tir WhrfeaCoUn ly, wislufnej fo ilje roijri'u'. , , , , Both were the work 'ut ini'oiuliAriea. , TttkBB is to Lie a Jarcti Tjoniocralic and Consurralivs' meeting at daaton, to-morrow. A Seymour and Blair polo ia to 1m raised, a Band of mwais will beoa' hiihdj a Barbecue ie to be given and tbhV Sienkers' Will be in attendance. ; Colfax Agajbst Neobo Bubitbaob. In his speech out la Cofora'ilo the e ther day Colfax declared him elfojpowito negro tuf- fgi ao doubt in order to aatcb lbs votes ef his hearers. : , v , , .aw. i hi. ' 1 ' ' 'V.w the SeotiBel. nttMBBS' tfSBTfitft J If, CBATliAU. , A meeting f ct'ttaenef Chatham conaty AUg. f ' I iuhn r.Willismsiad R. B. BarbeeEUi.! ao pointed Eeoretarita. 1 By reqoestt Hslor Tork explainod the ob Jeet of tl.emeting tiV Mi Ira lorfflatmotif a ASTWBttUTaT B.ictf. toindoce immioYs. tine, aad aeewre a better system of cnltivs ' Oa motion,"! Commhtce !wter 7 ifipofntod to prsprtmstrMMS-rr' Sti VBSetiflg,'"wha reported and recmiraended : ''l.' l hit the offlcira temporarily chosen be retaioiil un til a permanent organization was iDYrteil. t. ThstsaolBr.tfeiieaild ptace ot mectins be fixed.. 9-iTbftt a Coai,ilUja tor, tuai tutum ana Jty-iaws be apx.iuteU. I Martha's C'hnrsfrwisi laoftialftthe place. and Aug. 15 a the time, of the next meet j ina-oAl . . sj )VU.aars, aaa Weahf yxitHtt s rVSBiilj ie q Buioot some pocmai m KUvmaaiauy' ress at the acxt meet nir. s iw i xn .'t .i V BMtloW. tne meelfng wrtioflfWaTf . . . . r' i i l. ! H. Jfi IUllSkBSJ. f 1 ?? W V. i Jk ajeatmr .-- Held rrahkllnaVltrC. Ratdolpb tut'th flrL u AHl!nil. fof 'the . purp, ,t.Wgaii(.aBeyisrl od Blair Ctttbt j!a iira bi fcnri WcthUS i Thomas' Braoeha, E qM presided, aad C. ray1, titf acted as rtecretery. - J,T ' A" UommllteJ Was aonoin ed In renorf a cii.iL.aiAijlRli.'J.i . f I A s ,aw L. A w'i.'K"'"!!?. 3.:?Ji'Jl ; touring iv ot uv 'mmijiee uwj meeting Was addrtisu by Jf. H. Fooat, ia a enrct dm and telUr w aSeecut wt law FMotaaina Of whtrh, f ; , hvnm I ol taitts w- t TB CommTttec funmnlej a report, which WeeuDaaiiuis'ljjKWW)A .. ""I wiumi tac awn a at length. Oa'a mntvii'lUnir manner, na the political, iasmr bvfoMlha oouatry. t Alter whi 65. esroe, Wrs ardod tb srribad thir aaunw te tlieCimstitBtiw. . i The Conarmtiirif taftl RnH.lnh .. Browsed ind doing their whole dn y. ' i) Tua nflt.. ik A rL.u ...((' L'. ti Tboe. BraaaoB,' iPaemdaat S eV aVi BsnseH, Vice Prasldewtt B, Cartia, Secretarv ; aad HHghPstki.Tiasajr; C.ttATi T4'" M-l " " - m I me iii W I i ii.i-j ioitT' UtSTOBT RrTBATIWw hL. SuwaTTOW. wbea the streeta of Warsaw were aileat wtik tha alaagbtsr t hrciUBeaa,ade tt paw to tM iioinreaav-ww m ' - Ho of Fraaoa aiwiev wis beat, aayas. ,o - ti empire e m fspatTf""' . " ' Grant, after S f, .rml V-mXSrS of Ameri cas) eitinen", atitimmrta hit iut( ntioa to be- wn ' "I, 1 J 1 . , ,. ."Xst as aoswaswr" " i"ft8 eraay, 1 A. 'tnlAtSA WWJPV&VW?"- Pooshea was called to Hie chair? and I .StoI-h J.tii'rt'Ml'W1 Comspeadettee of the Bntmtr !.H.J tiiliWiU Mili . I sTJ ; Halifax Cotnrtx, Jf. (Aug. iSih. 1838. Jfassra. XdiUrt : 6i oca we have been ra eoBsUwBlBitdawBilbai ayf Au4 Uenew civil twytee are discharging their lunctioas otllw gitatomenk, tVn. ia little 6attai au baable opinion, for Bdges.dawjsrf aty as teMlsj aside fheir law.lrWW juh boxes be popvr.te4 Mt.4ouUlabarBtm traps, the Courts ditmiased and BWa UoBr Houses taaaed iBBV.Tobai'eas iTarairiea, if all iioidaaa JaslicBaof tkaJaacleBsMed) have tb euprrme power one essnyc to ix The so called . mlsnad Aa : ia.oal J. II. Eswrett, f Boutb Uatoo, notoriaas, Vsiitr esifaip dsya. S4. a Commission: Mciriaft tor negro produce bi.'aeWWaaat Road. lie has alwsys kept eaaef aba lowest irrads. oxojr.nkoaadnd its ao doubt werl ' prepared ' ls werve' Hetdew. 'ail1 the i..:i .' -ii - a. ..a. .r.k.l.Ll..j.j..J ici, iu ai nm wviuquui vi yif tiguyiw. The only thing. to baieared! 4si(. paav Is that be wiU isita ilUe Soa. aSraali nr them. Wskaewaot that the dertthssarrt suporstitions of Mara On thejgiiji at 4aesrtorT, but srs tncilneal to tRhiK ttiatwrn 0401 peti tor, Iloldea. wooM pot bsvt his afirvaiil ,ti, drt anything' that would raise' departed, spTrits, as he showed a,nvke04af;eyl) things iu bis late mgwagaj t)i(j jUeVsMwaJ oa the militia UlL iae,.aaBaWavsrauaaa bauDttd, while writirwhat atklefas spirits of BtniaK'sriirde.4 "t A ease tnat laiert auwa twruri taa i&tw. named servant of .Uudesv fwtlk atrf-4e abow yoarseadefaeoaaeef the wowinei oIsmH villainy practiced by theae'lner)."' mej three wecxi aao. tno Aiireu JtawirtuLiraea-J man, aad member of the league, alMltadhaJ hm eider press at Drattlawa ut a ay, tataokj after some cider be Bad M( oat tbe prevftras niiiht. but. btfure be reached the bfa!e. snhio one shot him front beMind a tree. Tt e load lodged ia his hsud, causing a painful wonnit IT BMW flin mm mho shot liini but, as it was - darkjld'hovtell who he w. But. as soon aa be was sble to get abotitba went efixw thsahoVe aBcaBisii msgiatrste,and made oath, to the bait ol hia belief, that be was snrj bmi Khrwl MilU, an old-time free negro, and a good Demo- twanty-eeriB I msmkers lof rhYleakuel feimJ ordered wfth'srn.a trf VrvJft, ''EdwAda'l brother in law was made tiie (fWc while s Deputy Bheiiff, ' living IrflftcITsniot, wsa readf todo4liej biddinji. They a ton found their victim" and " look liim before the Jus tica.ftl who ia about Hq send iiiin vtl vo jsil, wbea a witness appeared f:)j,Mjl, iud made oath that said Mill tame. Ui Ma. houae the niizbt before El wards waa abut lil .k. 1 i.i. .if'i ..;.. 171 the aeBij BtoroiegjSaAvrHt. atyfywis tsnce between the placia ia some five miles, siUmgltm iiodilOl''Ciryst' though bis was sn oath of fact,and E (wards' was only tothe beet of bW belle,1- yV t" mimittr f Ms 1a persisted to Stnrltflff Iffhi' to jail, wbotl otaer am men sppeand any protested saaloat sack a Ihlnrf ; VheriUboli his inslvty's. hightusa J'J.SjITI thinking that be would pet Ills' ricTtin W Jail, showttl bainTadveVu?drt( But to tue astouMimkBt s(4ae. hiafrtjiaiU ana eiesrow cigineaa rrimi'Baii siffned ihe bond' std'mora VtirV but there wsa not room ou the bind f ir their aignature. ' 80 fr-S hifthness'was left very much chagrined with hia bond iu the p'ace ol linpria mer. Moresuuat Yura, 4f J I i i 1 . BAtlAiJ ' THE RADICAL THIS WAR PARTY. No man ilfk tt'cr1dA)rtnl'6f ttiedealgus Ol the Radical party t'laa Eoni Thomas A. Hendricks, of Iiidiana. In his csnvsss for Governor of thst State, (election ia Octo- "But ths Rad cal isaati.Bxd if only keep I the fjoutbern States disturbed, let'uS have diairseavd crat'safsl restoration, a aroaperou Booth aud a pros perous North, that we may, stand fo2uther as the gstet people ths VaVfV" Jell' If M.fltdlsiirdUf yeu'weot re sorti tion sad civil wsr brmght upoa u sgain, then vote lor the Rtdicaf naitt 'widen' te." day, I My to yow, INrooglr tire leaders ia loan 10 give up tuv uuicw auu me rauuey baes of ibe nation. ("That's so.') It you sllow the Radicals to' eair this election, then, it I here alinll come blo.tdshed aad Strife, doo't blam anybody1 etivpt your selveaJVa B'sawbarmoavsaavwanS mace. So tl Ji vTad p6prfy&l BfsMklcpX'?rh, to me shout pesos I It was but ji wrtx ffir tb srjnoramrat of onw,-j"B-TirBirn session ottb-iitlwr,TxCTtte7Taajeu me bill disu'ibutieg suiohjs vha pewM ortbe United Vfahe'm,09aM ntuActf ofMbe flr'fanowf bu tTstiou'l A thud? t" wouhf laae a wvirew iwa im mv thumb S Thowrifl l uteti bf thl frivernrntfoWMT' such persons as they ruei da't regard yoa aad Bjebrsl AwavraJ hot have not a eun-,i But taoeernor Baker could have decided ia Imliaa'a Vho 'wqre the loyal men end.heve',gi tenltieth ttirrriflf . Tbev are lo be dMrroutedl aWowSf'vwe a- lues of tbe S Vbb veW!s IgirwavVbs a gro 1 iue uaiiot, you i.nava ttjoavwiijie aian down, and. aof, joaat t gVa Wju the Springfield (ifis, with all. tbb sfxyeafV menta, that the negro may lord It nV; r rue .kl.. k. 11. k" n... i.aS -. t...jf!ll wans man vum usiiu, to iuii ak.lWKI-a i aey may carry tuia, miVi- BUaoaaoiB phe U comas there will ba bloodshed, and i. k- l.l.-J 1 1. .SiUii,--u:aiil WUI lest tt wenisir a. UuU ma-Billvs a hc-bw aawsBBfM hwbuissbi aw ibsb raa aits vum T "a I "l" J';"V v'l.-'rn'oM ifrr rrtivB y Biay be so, bui J am. aoU ta aoa (w4liat Itglit. 1 emulator id BIUegtawdMraB aw. tin first B'rtiee, tbe Iret pottBaaiyf wow I thiaklhat Miportnairyh coming In Octc her.., ttbiiik thaiH will some thai la my prestnt iaauraeiioa. Vl'BW .kimdtrMifd A aa the wall. Tbe hand writ inr warw'-alrrt aaltrtffBelihamr of olitrTAoii m wTTgliedl hv the bahmce dud fbst V.fc Aug fnd bisl tomnaraos'Vr fwrf frt-fB Jtrhf TclilS. Thel " " " , , . - Ira of atU was ilwtadawWii "WBn. wtrtirrs. t. ol.'stV J.ivt JiMTtnt' dtl'""!0li'l ' H! ' . iro-v iraHf11?9 e1 ilOOe. JkOTICBi a ,i5v Radicalism are smiting .lognuor to-iiay j 'nTVQvr 'T, a j (gveswwppMUM Ssd.taUxtOrrttKb shT.F.t!!!!.' aiBhtaVaakaxsai-a kaom aSet.axSrd-fcA r.f....,fT Bisa." ' j '' ,.' .""T trlmd vvEreiy where afiaJ lb faaopla, fs advance of their hmdem-iKnSvirfcilit- .r. 4Mnrirfalt W virril hvrt ft. -- iTJl ,-l"""J"7 "7 J.T ! " .' " ' " .afw.l., I, 1 a moK of I be day of mooting, ar My business througIioutlUn Cantos .B'CBdUem t-v m tt ioth mxVr.-.((1iei. ' aetaiclUbetnithiwiihoal feaaer .taCM t '' " ! kb, u"iV "ertrv.'"V wmcobsib is Bomft is ensoor ana Blstr -sure. It is probable even that It wilt go Dt motratie Iy a Sufflciect majority 4 sKSweaaBwa ;rrrj.waadered Legislature, ss, , aeao Aaootuiia taaei! o ma evwato.- i as aawa m" af al.SW Srt',1 The. awr-b of Raditftl ietnsiium nn artlnair. Vi, rrinl.!- -,L-',I- k. ! eippi bb ekuaai ia lexae we elustmavswi F lunds, H.MwlMvpBa vsd it ur .ivrMuwn Jbtitch)ay . i, bwwnlhs fa tiwritfi f t .man l RU&at WAItHlllurltOIr fiii taabasoot ,WaasnOT6, At g. . i aasasanspaiaVrtCew' Vas sWerad sob pale a aW'r atflar 'ra tar and kwMMfaSraktBt M'a'tnoa'iaod doII,r ctet tftM?1M, bSflrheirfofote proo(5una spurlocs sne? ArrflJsrW, " K ' "t ' -sustl adl lo UJTaTCs .stijiwnaM.iiA sot siaadt wro MaltikSTWj f s-i ssirr. tadjiBir a.aawf jt. Bloeka-nr-trftyr-Strling if, OoM MS Kdnh lroRBA; oM,nt-, 'ner. Tlf. Tr- Bentiae, M) a 15. twa Sana. Comaaoa strained Viwvsa Boi"r''Mr . ' m'? ? SMS bslaJi fnvw ' 'V1 .-4"r"'- w BtMldalght DirpsttebM. ' i jkiaivl jhi -.. ! .aa x-X' 1 eaator ,Pov! M a ssrj, da- aJea oniilyrii s Jba against BuHiaSj as Mnaaa, frfra( k Tl ts stated that ftuCiillwh has duteruined to iW4au8Uiui, jiiuWt an4.i"lluk c i-,f 7 M"" appMiOiiaeata to be jetsae milaas mwrtaliasSaasrOwUsea.-'''- .p " Sae annftaOiihiiiMiii. Rinini In. fi f firlkrfat, plojed . him ooi.r ths BswJatK Bawajfsa.t4) dntise f BaarvlaoM, aaairsaaiaanea wara artaa a aray arise, jurt FBOM etmi AJtOLl'M. ' j. . t,. hMril j IMsWasBisnarsl'w aaaasoss oa Aha Bill elaauwSkirnfrrknor4h Ban oT His Btate, avetarrf tiik SU'ille fir ad obirgalldna of the r&kua aajs Aaat ths UgOUom caa d lapess otsbe amstaaatt-eees St.-11 " Mil a iwfcia -qui X" " I ' ' Jh),fW(piAn;TSajriHtBib 4Hk.t" Aiaia;ae!v, f , H. DhwRaitataMII. Iivnln IhA lllku rrf lk .yglnpah tWhsJwaaHTaeaayai. Je- fWaVMa aasaad(llua 1 b awraaaad the ballot tato4SM ' .dm . 11, ,. ! bpsjgrot ph a'tpoliomeht, In 1 aaid if the btllut' hoxea were ia-ai.e bail dtnghe perii)S jfcald hve, pe bnos vote, sud, U net atwdimio will AM, Its' warned bsirrltMrttwiye. V1 - ! In ths Honas then vaa a long an4 Warm ills euaion oa the slegtnltliy ofnegrn members, aad hpoii,V. j 1mm a 4 jiiliirj ,'tiiv..l -i ! suijiBsw!BAi op rtBW'Oorrcr: 1 Al0k.,WliuArd,I'itl 4 Oa AKta tt Utm- fay'aNew Tork atnamahlp line1,' eceirve," to-day, ounrytr&wl. faVMyft tf" .rwads the (r'attib), weiijliiug "Ay handrail Bounds. TuS ftaaUtyttwanMpnlamHluJiaff. davUlbeshiB pad m aorkUM.Ocat stsamer, - j (oral AS Mi i '1 I ii , !.' "' V " I i i Mil aa fins WiVr't'Tif'''''''4 ' ". MJua lt4a aa1 a'iMHii t?ivnu A 1 I ay4Bx,ape,p. itv ! .Ue rmi''Bet4if'iaei ,' tuks-'oi M.COO .IMI U 1M kl.-v 1.... w-.i' ! tariuaj BaayMa3M.M5fitts .( . -BAtrilrow; vr af. ! Ctw"noml(ft'i rf.' Jnour-weeV Wheat ,lf.-Mitsl iit-t-m V4 a i viiiiKtJ V . f'A . "rdf f santuasMS) fci'ia ui' -! ti . laiMKft "ti m boH'iavaraawa. Aoo. 17, P. kL; I I BptrMa TwraeafiM Arm at S0.:"flti Mwrqhlst, put wUeay.-Wor "TJJ IT Tar dad)iad , to F'l-i'it fti V'-,i'..ila ttwOT wria'. if 4 I A uWIBOW Jad et soMUeaS fanal a, bat vary iClk. aaaasmaaiataniia.atrsai aa nrna at JJSTjT aaa'W"alilanvary; awl laasni mmumm m m aaoian of a tnvaud ke ear er ataa ohll achnul oom i tbauah aaaUatot.ia-lraeUtaaufeaartBlof but kngliah, aud dnanitaats aaaatow ., 1 1 . I iStWiaireaattiiangaiatafreBSi int. -J i J.1laia nldsiaa,! ai"ii, . . ldui atvob sif ai;W fBtjrTON. ii i aitost. vH-? ANE8 00. iyta Aftf .alyiAasUaa A4a. au.rciita; P't.fjtai.vTjTa riaa.f arias - I., I .h j. , i , . LL IWaaiiwadi aeaat,ai aaraa 1U heaif ta parBwi "I't fij 'it...Miwsi psati wan "1- ..1,0 . t?7?VTii r lit wimatweaiBiis."' . - ".k v lAnaif I wales ol abrili nam adiiif? kill, Stviimi. fwye-iabaiM.wasMSile al.4aacaiiaard . ut, alwrwnal wa nurM i"ftv well iuf Oobue. aai t"fl (f Sxt? hrkiari ot a ai4 aitdaoa't Oolanftia; Veriia Oa., ijitjipat'o ravtrLX TbouRt t' v rilImlWH,!Wf ssva easaTSiOWlll; jar witoattlSW'!'-ja A'IJJ viwsvava trr" rwTi ,f! H f;.i.t l l,!:;;w . IA fPlCTAi.lEEriNq OF TEK STOCK- CnirWof t6;iiaihmr luflrnad ra.ainy Iw aailaih Bnw at tawtiflln T lavUiaB' 4- LI-L..-.I. ittaw, any tme s;SKptami btsiA, . , ,1,1$Q'tlwQw T It vrnt ft ma ....-.. ' w w Va " f . , a s - . r. s 7 "r.T.T". "? T" ?"7 VT" " vB:tuwjas 5 sSraaaihaadbiiwr i "i nitiiAuVmnrSi Vftl'o'ka fjakgsaafiw.aiiww--i nr .i. 44- Ipkaijua't w5aBji'rawMt' - s--.' Vrvaa is 'jl t ' 1 ' ' "i- :iit iTi 1 Fun.frtd badiela.Prime .VhUe Coca last aaoervMl sod fo S.Uty ' ' ST-- --i AI JBUUa JIB(X. fWM AYKTwTf:rV Ft Vrft urn t iii- 011,1 ta 1f; f AnrtnberitTlf. to elecuiruteaairs Mt, in HichatowlIia u s f.iivinr rliairoTii : -- ' a . . II v h bw vno5 lUai'iKTiiaoiTlfln. HEaerTKI Sod rUibBxlV rHTirwtOPHT. lvrma duriiiK tb pltf-a mam Snd m tW aprAoasiors Wmipaid by Uwini , 1 'a U fTV li 4 I N E I Sf T MM I J 1 1 : M wa ff, ,.;K ,Aka1.,f.t Pi.H.k.I. baas baas aa- X.f , a u n. 1 .til' . ..'u.l uil atu I m ermarntinn vtiS iha Ce'KKS. 1 itatalwiauaa ! n taa aeknUataH far la froai f U, au tkawaa ef M.h.4ar- 'l Va-tra i W tAS Original Ur " kav. U, WllWa ifxPHArL. Jaly sw-lawtt I ,v"iov'SuaWt BsnisaM.iiJf, tt- j aefgkBt4aitiM tu nun t faftfmtMwr v.rt NoJ bIWwsV'MbVw ' 1 iUawetae SavaVaiakwUia Mboolorbe TtitO'tS- WnfnA-A SOOO W ts. twlcL hu.kiulataio ta fit aer ilid tUttf fA amarM laddreW "l? x ' V 1 1 j i "V ' .I -"WUHIW, '. V" t uiuuMUaiii. iawa-? ltaJLi; 1 ajHeBumauweraanmaaaaiweiiniiiiiUerv i 'I I r IS 7T7ST TXT IJlTTrt TT J i IT OreaBSore,lfBe JCprket Brjmo sates cr BASK KOTES, Ae, BI Cxtausas Baosms, twia Eui Sraan, (im tt auk of v. a.., COe - tatarlowe . U ftVt v.'i t .vit . w ' -' ' Bf l. ' ."I & a . Wiiibia.:ia ....y t . j. am i ' in Thtniaav4Ia....,.,L..,r,...,;.... SO itraiiat..-......v v. i-'.i.4.i',w a fi'-8a-r.;t.7r:r:-:! ' Favei untie. ,v. Vi. . .-. . i ; .i. . . i V- 15 : fViuunrc. ..,.,..,, ... ... If Kaiiseinullj .... ,.vvw ranncni' liaiik .'Urulro,iroW) ;..!.. M' i- - (aew.s tit .K lllaau'aad naaliaV Sank, u - w- CvBuuariuai llaak el UiBUa-tott.,. t,.vWT,.( U Ortwnabora Mutual lna. Co., (old) ( VifKima livik Nutea average about..;'.. . .'. 'IB5 taua CaruUna " ...u..,....i.i.:.," GaarviB. -f--, AwuuMiHiaMiMWh! Bfri ,N. I Uailraad Stix-k, .. i .4 ,, W bur and ai ll at liberal Driea . flold ana Sil ver, Kortb Caroluia lkaida. United States oods ami aa et aev aanwuw Bwiiwa, tt Cirdeea for tin aalee by Sbtora and Storkf boldarsof iUuks wiUroe4iHirotiyt astrutioa. .. lUtuma lut eiiiaa Jw k,:;- of tiank Botes A j will fee made ua ths da y reoeltert, by ekeek a New kerk or lUluaiore, ura eiusaaey, aa a Lift ana Fire liuuvw FuUcws uwned IB f RALEIGU NATIOXAL. BAXK '- aw vadtit niDntftri'' fra;lflj v iwmA, iayi.ina . T..;s;rT, at. ir: i-t7i.i.iar.riteatv Vx ; I.'. ;'ii.( t t -Hi th w. n. wiiiABD, 6bo, w. PWKrsoa, ,; A. 8. Mitlllm ,W,J. jjjfofrt Deala h Bin. of KxebaairS ftlirht ftrafta,1 BoU aad Biker Coin, and OsvsnuaeaS aad atbal; aa iriuaa. , ,! r ( . , . .rg-is,tsa tlnearrant Bank Sotea bouirht athurh'eat OrAeea. Psokanea aent bv iDreaa vl'l be mmltted for promptly, in eurretiey, or us Mew fork aauda at Bank of Cap, ear.V.. .IVsi ' ' 'Charlotte,. . . I r,.'i . .;.....'. 'i. ii.B I Otaraui,:u....ii.A..i-l. ji.i.. " a.,, t'oainwrw,. .. . ,,.,,..,,,. ,,.17 UklnKtoa7(ad,.".. v.K.'J?...'i !','. IB" . . .... (aew.j. 'A. . j .1-. - tl vr.1 ' " Lexlntrton, payable at Orahaa .B4 '. ' SlotJaCasviUlav,lvlftlVva, M TrKmaatllS'.i.....,.;..A"K'i.T!. ' lWaileabern'1,....i.i..6.lvKii(.4tUB?' ' Wtuntflno....,tl..X..-...U.-f ' YaneejviUe I . Wllmiuirton .A . .S CommsreJal Buk, WUiulnai !,.. ..nkH Saraaera Alank of North Oaroli aa, i ( oM, A . " " ' , , lua 1....-1U , Oreenaboro' Mutual Irnraia C6.,,, S ' Moreliani's Bank, Mowbera,. . ... .'. I .80 ' Minar'a TlanSi-r's Bank,..! ovwu, .' , rfuly xJ-ia4f .,. o m: iH!iBiiiU lai i I rraogf ments - Perfected l"" "1'! ITVE ARM NOw f UEfABKD TO IlJfijH V a "ease , , , . . pitiiy 'nnTTflf ta f nt i !... n.i, . r.i) . eiiaiinaa Wi h lla BarwUhlaia Oaa. Carpatlags, Wit' tMhe, MaUinus, s. t , , lf r.. . . .i rhrouch onr real leiit partner In New Tort, w wilirnruuli PUBLIC and PK1VAIB JioOfWI wiiball Uiat ia reaaa-ndj aaina eur baaa tuda. mailt and lasts ia tue yuraliasaa.. ; : .,.rt -.i nana aon iun w vua yuraiiasaa,; tt desired, thf Bhols wiHbs. b nlaaloa.' "' '. 1 u.r-tf-i1 W fcAILB TC i'U 5TI lliil'l (., 1,11,1 !! !tll ..i ; .i. .. ; . . ., I . ij a-w b bin i in. r .. ,i, . ....1 ! arfi .tM-aiia v rnHB nvBst .aibbi ANSaiir JLi a.iAstw aaltfiif m Ahpooiuat, opad oppts m , , Hl . : ... " TTJCRER HAtL ..,. Thht WINKfl. I.IOnOHJt. i.V:Uo to Via bad atlhsLOWEaT PHlCBrt. . -.-""""I; Coma one enais aB.aod iadMTsryennelveat1 Emry6iairLkSlAN wui aa waiwd oa sriievt)aH Utaauaa aa'l ceaauL b t,.v j -i .i i r .( jii - ,. woia b " LoHUsDar remaie iuut )e, .. TBTS FALt 8EHSI0H t)F 'IHti' will 'begin oh thai Itkh day o a ui;aat.H u JbaaaoeaMaif tba Uiatuatkm. nnW Its Tees, eot arlwinuitraUoa, hm tar aa paoand thsaapea. Utious of ta ui'fi sauiiuliis fru nJa. i( , , cbarvkb rta aaxaion of u WBKXf Board (mcliifivf of waahing and )if bti and Tuition in tlie regular Kngliah oou'ee and A11 eient LaairilaafSs, Ilea. kitra Btuilini moderata.'1 Sow m advanos, -wtimamdar at ths sod altaa aee. 1 tf;, ;, iMTAwBBVjf it. aiti,.thi ' An sole, f nerpaiio, and auooeaarul f ciutj : an ettnwiva and wiaely arranged enures of tudr ; a )nilieioaa and MiueiMqrb ayaiMa of tiMitratflxna f a' saiaet bMaiasl and a nuoanpmaai npanuawi a soihI I4lrsry 1 aua Manual laairuiacut atnUr UruL pleaaa t, anil baaltiirul locnu.u ; a Aurw aurnnodioaa boibliiig, wi h rooma well VenlUutod and araat warmed ia rlntM' 1 esoenart alar, wood iMiiy . lAian. tare t kind auentim to fca wawta this nhnila t aiikl iaO ettiuieut fovaiucut,aavl.auriiia mus prtvusBee. ti ,.. rar Ckreoiara, son tain tns fan inrtirtiliira,' (p. arrta . MtMBi.H" .JnaaU-tf rfi )!.;:' 't.S :' At .Pivwatawdutd WW BtiaTaTrrTrnOT WHTnaTtaK j ' at a.a WBMeaeaVaavv smw waaaw ,. i--, . : . ti ! f si ir.j"-t. t ,t a- 6 " The fo lowinir table will abow with, what rn paraiivs eounomy iha Couneeiieot Muiud haV esa aaaaana Bar taa taettMl yea rat' " " ftlVVnaath tT.Ml. KIIoh VHa-hltl Be'nnrSa i t Kati . Aa, (o Utetipt for ana yaui ' rooaeetieat Mutual i ' V,;..., na Matnal Ufa . . i l -i" ' Baa Turk Lire ,(,, I if! hi .u-,' Jlw t ' a tear.j ,( .,.- .J f !w;''M,n(mrpi t rT(i"l,terii'' b"i l l j- 5 yj.wia yia r 2o;ooo,ooo:oo: AKKCAtlirOri,W a' 1 .it 1. ';3n I r-lai'i-?.v IM t I'rmcs issETs oxi? 'w.wo,Otf6 . 1TXBA0 MT1DEVD9 0TKB M FKli t'EHT.' ' haare year liCa U the OOKKKCTICb'T DC. THAI, which baa prtvua W b taa thenfirmi, brer mm Wft rwivir ui)njw m ttm, w ui. fc Baa iba kH-eeat amount of sariiiaa.- hriie a amber of faaey BoiaVn and rata of Mpraae. kaa. Bimnlr a Malawi Hem at Boaamv. a nimbi. aalimt of indiridoaia ai.iiail tubelil una aoo,nei ay tne ayaai ana ve ctDiMj a ir 'w 11 , aim u a aacmaer emaimt aaaaa hut two chre pay ua aa WUI rtauira hia Mrnpartianaw aaaoant .- a i WUi kaoa Potuaw Ob any plaa Beaned, 1 ..... o ; j-onaJ-tf . v9 rt i,hi rn ) -.;svemmi.vv. A aarra loses a raw. By rwxnh wsuw,as SoaaigMHat a X, it ' i . i ' .-ut! AUJ MI i , j , ,l't lllt ULlI Ayj'H J,w , : 1 . . Ta Trwcfcrra t mHE TBCSTavF-S Of nXt-OKI F1CM Afg I acuemv ail: eleet a ! ball. X Academy ail: flee a rnail I infm. 00 in.-11 or rei'p!!.i.'r ifT SkeV Uea.ra to aaeara Ih wrvt irf T -V r. whaaa ebarati aaxl arqairammiaoial ad. .rat a enartotra of ti.a hat A.wd at 1 l.owi, .AaaHeB an otta tbi-y awl oflt-r IiInm al 1. riua. S or riorii.m ailrea. eui.i r die Tr. iM nl cr aVorataxy of taa bvard. " i ... ... . ' iaVakakrraaidtaU A Lafms, aee'v. . Jaly aa-sUwawdtoptl ; T'.r: i C ui UJNllXEFRSAL- tA.,r rcT t tiw a ' rww Aw ,tM . a t?..l.i-s li W.n. a t- . Mia J,ilH tt .4- "i ri i ,.s i. .. u i . . - v M O - aa x yslmil ; ,. ,Ma:oiBetslNaiie3t1l,! iJlbertw Street. .,,..,;.....;, Bfclt bud I l3rl.lIW4f. biwJ 'ijuidtt ,, fet)ti.ti ".it-.-!. ,t."..,.- ' s '? --" ,l?f I I . ' "atm. tiir; j W . - . f.-rlJI 'd 'Mfla tst iv,U ttnA '.t-'ii. f ' ( x ,1 . . , ' ' Tbe Original JJr$ Ptotlf Ufc InsMritjrfi Cflmpanj la (be rtltcJ l;3 bnitl as'l aat4 .(t4aft .' ( f ..;. u: ( v Ths BoaiacaaW jtbllCviniis;ibwv!l jroi i fined to tha Innranes of rirst Cliaa, haaltaf Of the BTCCS sValeaS rifT.lfk Tnaurahco. sa otrf-uatd to Uiaataiual.Ia a lactate of araaiium. luf atated auaie uaret..abirb ta. Baaw4AaM-, .! ia heat ol a high nia ut pre- minis and nruwiaad uikiii d, wbu-hi distant, riutii. i t and aaeartainUna ao-eaiWd dtnnd beiar ineraw a reruru ut S tKaiaai or the 4-xcereite aiid, unotreaaarr pmuiuu vbarkod ia taw t. matanca - ..j.ii.teli-. Tto fwaniinaWltaraad bf, AU ' CSiVERf d." are arly eharRtd Vf ihe Hatud Oeapauira., .-i,...,H.. nu-ir.1 .-.... , , liie ' t'SjlYEUsAI iWirMato call tTie particular aiti alien of A "Return fVimlnia Tabt." wt.Kh haa toeen vrfilit by the Ai-tnary ot tlva Coaipanr. )t ul baao. nrnvYimmiM 7Kirawia'n naa ueen prridnin tij in awiin m lb at lbwllaKaatt.a hws than aha Hiii7 raUs ebaracd k; id bf Ihsa Wt are eaaal S wvaaMaij iliKka 1 ne Jmmii tinea mat inMiiaite Maauiaaiaurv rau.s euaraM ny itn i iiwm SATorad bf Ihsa table are aaal S wvaaMaiJ illke 1 eae Jmsdml per eeni. tit all proaiwaie patu. JLRti'g600fil' bif! , ... . . ... 1 r.'i1' t aoBIs Y tsdftiar Lilt r Tm farmsats .1 ii'mI-. .1 r i Va'a. v.i A iii i f iMiiyfJl 1l Olf t "' ea" 0 xtMivBaul.ia if A lUi.if V .wLa i.44 at aaaBtav 4 ataa aaaJ BO mauw hia tuw meat refcj)es aIf rflTff J ff e sual frfi.'Jl.tJ'i a).JrJf.XL aVTftflti TAflT w,Vn" ,. i HENKW.FOIfUlilt.Wj'rMtdent. CsUa. . PKAilla, AsaisUas aawretsry. " Tha nadaraimwd Wine bom apnoiaU-d Oeatrai annts for ths States ot worth and Boa0Cef . olina, Bit ths above STEHLIKii Couiaay, deaira olina, for ths above BTBL1KU Couiaay, deaira Aseata la all tha principal lowaa aua aimueaa ia aaid Males. Ta live and nureik AKenta, was are Vmuaa and imiooa W wwrk, bbiwal SwaM SUA be enured Into. COMMISSIONS OOtMK J ' , I ' " Atiitiw'.:Wui-w !XlIFBuINSUtl AlNCE " tJOHIP AN Y, aiaaaxkaay " -ui.iA.:t a wtiinkai ta t 1 ; W eff,re of UwbUUiee. .aotTflall .t .(I . irtIU'iV-t T'AJPa'iS'lw I ' Un.ul VndnBamau Volk'taa. fnr luau af u.i wti.Mi' rrfcrw.iMr.. iveyaaril Tr w-qAAJ.JT " MUaraBeawWtfia4at -i PREMIUMS. ,tai"T!.'; l-t,.' ;,l. ; ' piaBdnoul aiepavaals annually darlnK aba aoattnaanes af tha Inanranoa, or anaually durlnt a ' 4 'i ' period et6va a, Bltaaa, or twssdf -)Bara within ths tosurasHwtorm er by ata aayaiaaa, ' ' ..v',sUivaw4t' . .4 .it -,fcwMt. 4-iii(it adr k'j)i ta-'-w-K ' i. All Wliols tl Snd 'fenA?usni JtfcC. UauadaSSb paAlishad raiec will Bartlalnata i Ik. surplus frnro tlis data of laaua. -i.i,..n,a lit i.t i m )--,... ,. The dividunrti a deolarsd and nai snuually upon tha eontrfbutlna piaa, aa may aa an. puts m tn asaiaiVM.Vurr1 wlHV w I?. r tbe Polley., 1 i . . .-l..-...!. ir noenwuen ds mane, fneaiviaoaa F1" aiwava oa aoaea to tns tsan vainaa t Wlwn. br addiwr Uie divideada 40 lit L'uh Valna. the aoeamnlationa oa auv Pili,w ah.n L.. ' baeomk auffiieut lo lumn tlie eania In fuiue fa ita saradmajr at hiaoptiow, eltbar eoatibas paxaeatof rn-niiumaand eiilrire Ibvrel.y tha annut iXtl utdltioua to au vah Value or diaooutiiiu t wru, : nual iiienmenniil death unb-i. be aliaU DindaadKui JaUiuawMtt to anal ia at tawm m foraa fur tltc aciaiaal . a. omuvio bo tin .. ..vj.av a v ...-. havalMooiiia eqaal to the earn inaiireil At'a anu"f ! dividatida nu tin Pulioy wilt be declared aa a vmr . '.. wntaita of mo, and pmrniiin najaA, and bmb aurrtioli.r of aaid Puluy tha aunt iuaured LUwtuy ' widl paid IB Wt, .without rKrd Vo tha time Baed therein for lie pijmi nt. ' ' This sratem Of kntdvlna tha divlrtenila ia paeulUrlv sdvautaeeoua 10 ths 'saanrrd. aoonrii a at '"' 1 - -. Ml. -..Ii .. mMn irthJ ti.... --f I..I . I . " ,r ( J Tto w now 1 ire or Bnnnwmi aid ftilfrv. ou whliili mid, shall in form (m 11 ha iufeiiadr (jm.Iimw t.vnkl furtbf J.I tri tt. i rj . ; i z isT-vr uhan aa a hiimls ant un mum Bona tba "Aetvariaa" rata of atonalitv aud fmir a.r . aor ww iin.utfiait W'uaj'ff4 aaa Taiuaami wrivwiiini amuinmaien, wm paroUa 1 a aingla am ur wiiim apua tna "Aotvana and ihac.iiua-oM.tunfi i SaTijlCTa.raily made, extra thai-gad iip ad. - aKiawwtSV imtoa) ajn UaMT Stat e1U4. - wi I - Ko V. Sole Life a ntSamoemt Poller "hall ba fhrfcltad br as lrnra f Tba unrl lihi. . latloa of tliiiijiiyw'TW'l'!j". mtoaaoeaibalialleeewreauaiacsi IB oaawniojioHf.r an.b yiiywa eM.nraaait auarwa. amiaaa "b tail ri(l talus ut tba Poliry, 1 ate aaatsadar, espiaura. wna wiU be paid apua ill ApTMicanona ri iiii-reaae mo mm iiMnrt.uoiranj ail maiauna aaawiMdaw,4im M8r tdi'Va atatai .anSMarieu, avxaia aarf wl aaxB idMB wft fl4Bf.aaj Wl IJiaa i.a uil imll :...W.rJaaarav , Miw4iaaaMl . ! V4 jbrtlr.ia.J iTiaOoitiTYW '.ill! m vtiXJt 5t ihi .ataa-A.da si--, ' t IW! .... , a . . aaV 0 WI " llS r- . al-rr' l an aj ba ' 1 .1. .0'Mkba SB H . Lai t4-sasil : 4fu.aaiit 'o ai aa SB ., SiavtaUl 1 .iakaj,ilal IU aaa ii , Ua .Jsi atHy.T. avisB a 2 ,"S s?'' -t m UtM BP -l.ii j Ua Vm , ; U .MU 4.i..i h ; 5.at4atd I .S4t aS f ia.vaauiaJ Sdt tb.-S Wiiltti, .M I'l ha uU'nes sort. ihhn-re, no Inort aae ot tnanranm will be aranu-d anient tba ounnDaitail 1 .1. . . . .1 . j i.ii L. . ... 1 . 1 1... . . r ft . . 4 i . ABSOLCTELY SO JlESTniCTIO pPOjTIUTEL It RESIDENCE 'J ; " -.d4Km at4.iaa, -'". .... . !i4frf'niium1rArtdl and fig leaner, rrrmiv tlie policy in caae ofi ijeath after the accon r- 4 ii a 1 . ". a . . . . rt 1 a ...... at Jf H J jfii 4 iih on , . cut TniB yTPATT CFFETt rT:rUI !AR iPVAfi ttMPSSataTMBBwv i.i'ff -e i : --. i 14 fi - -Birt7.N-3 -V4'i 4 BF4 iii : d g a-), . , I. f ' . iUAXOlVffayaTW.TUE CXiTED STATES. aaaawiaaawavg lower tfc - T H. tCLr,vprtTtnrr. -.r , I " . - ' v 5 ' ' , 1. . tnAwTmarloB (;' - fnmMad la i-acaX bf - aaasljb, B. C, Barea tV4BCAa , LOiSES rjUD n , ..... THIRTY DAT. : ..... 4 Xa RcttrlrtUtiS - ....... ... ... . ShS-fJkite' lowo Uua tbeae latin' if all Premluai paii 3 avBaVA Creiiurv Xila Taa favmaata Pa ta H.6?n4i IBS 11 ' ai,B,nd paya 48.10 war snaaaa aa laaMaav peyataais, or hia ohoi wiU, ba gvad Sat . OEB8,.'i.-o i Jl 1 II A aw V at V A PTf VU BWtnlil IsWawaW. i EDWARD W. tAMBFIIT. M. P., Had-AaamV. I . 4 .. -'-.d Aseate ia all tha prtaeipal towaa aud amttinaa i it DITICEXD, , fifty fU Cent ir,o Cmb. era, aae) eeta tHtfF lav rrettstsff. a.i!.ri.' em ero ia- i . tifT m ,a Jul tT " A. -BV-a-iB : iV JTWiritVat, Ui . i.i-..i.w :i ' ... IcA. Aftaaa. swaatv. twantvlilra U.l.l. ..i .i i... ' 1 - r ' . . niT.a.;. :.-!.'- ?w. -r . ;. . reara,', i'f-.A i? ih.ui. y numiiii, wr m uieruaaa ma ralaa as h ' ml vt...t . ... ,, " : fuXanxiurU willionl further rmnimi. ii,. ... ' aaq lawiaw eaaa- aua 'na aornninlwiona aixd havr-nrevioualy ratwived fuil pmymtut oC tlie ToUnv. . - "' ia, Pol idea which require uo further )mut of praatlaaa d aaaoant Of maorauoa Will be pa.d iu cfii apoa Ui-maudU" '"' r ; it ,i -vu,l ; two or trior animal eaab imml.Mi 1 . . pavaanrta aa siipnlalad llnr. in Im coetmaa asraaU Uw aggregate ol Ibe cajawaif SvBaaUr vl -a4ft.,t'- "H.'--5 ' Oi - aiu atiaU aeear eauaut on IB eaawnuot (.arether attk all aevumaiaiMw bm J"-'; " . . ' "i tls SltlliA H f. ! 4 ,t. t win aiwaya oa eonaiocreii ss apr.lieati.aia tar ) ha.wrvjl I'f 0r' fAf Stale ' ( k, "".vTJi" 54 1 ' . ...; f j, ..J,!.':'' ; "m... v , I . - - V eaW f""1 "Offiue, Raleigh, N. O. j ; -:VVWm- "t Amya'A Tli., .,.-!...!. j-.y m nt note it a iVew or Bccorid jc&T, J fAQBeJ Tf THE BOtTHXllS rtOTI.E. IT ft f ' aC4 ; -a 1 u 1:-. i . vii -, isfotv Yort C"If--. j V.'. ' , .- sim i. kM. vaIiiU ,Hii.J4'tivit.. V;- ; f- -.i:-!i .ald'-K''; V--H .i i -.- rT it V V:-'' ad ii-,'! ' bJ . y ,,x-.a. ,..,, .. v A ...1.-1 F -. ... . .. a. ... 0 rxv.nv . ' . .hi; i . i a - iM,ij,.. taftellsrif..!.' il. t.".! K.' s-i - . -. u . ... : . a 1 -

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