Ti:. OF BUBSCRirTIOS. T Purra to pobUta TSJ7 mTi eaoep r on 141 viia aw aw; t i -u'li, .- I 1. f Li. . y s.r,. .......... ...... .... t n i Dentinal ant year,.:. ' w ai baouiaui,, . . 4 4.e .. I ..4.08 . .! ,.. .4' t . Bon "ool, tx uimtf.a,.. . .... THE SENTINEL. WM. X. PELL, BEATOH GALES, - EDITORS. ' " ritlPAY. OCTOBER . Ib.; KAIiOlAl D1K0CAAIIC IICOT ron presides r. - . HOI HORATIO -SEYMOUR.- of xxwiobbv . : ' Foil VICE PBESIDEXT.! GEIT. FBATIK P. BLAIB, or KUMDDWL - r I , 1 fob coifUKJ69o, i ,? ELECTOBAL TICHt.1V j , yo nr statb AT f,Anot. , '..'', "" UOX. JAMES W. bsfiOBNE,, JOSEPH J. DAVIS, r FBAMLj. J V DITICT.- .d fvuiH I Ist-TirOHAS J. JABVIr TvmV. tnd-JAO. EUOHKOrCaAVaw. I, ,e 8rd JAS. C. DOBBIN, or C0MBfUl"- dtii W UARTON i. tiKEEN, or Wam fUtv-M. 8. UOBlNrJ.or BAnoLriL i i OIU . A A. liUinu.ip, vr aw ........ (.g ih L. M. McAKEE, or in.tiTnt.AKD. i - UKT.TfAl. fiftOA" ADVICE r:3 EAXICAl CAJTA8SEE8J " lien is Um sdries giea by lb Belsiirli ' mrm to Mm mann oi Ui party is Xortii t liua. Ur U Um rKACI M "UltB w an ii by th llti of Osak wxl CmJHU H" tlM mnuuM nqolitef UoldM'a il)owa4 ' PETAILKD MIUTIA. M"i or homn CW, ' . reid fci lLiult la yoar mother, yon W . roar daugbtera, wl leva U purja of lh eowvdly drnUirr9 who " yourBtat. y tb Baniutrdr Hit nuim BH ACT U WO WH IU ll Cll- . tun TilUUlil 4V LASTM TBI W it MAI W .HH AlKKU MEMO. TM ., nu. liu wiix aui tmicm ai . FLU ur ni vuMuitv mihm " kak Jii.Ain rroi.g jo tjikh w KK , A0 HUM DMfMI TO AHU AB'.liNU TI1KI RiiW AKD THM, M . . . ... in ja.vi.d .if 1 111 tlftbTI A Mil i,r. Thi-. A t0I--ltHKY AM-J IKK 1 1', .nu ik YAniiKiai mir imiiwi IT4W 4 TtKIM CUI Ktnr.MlllM IT rUlAlA Mr M, THAT WITH tU. , MM HA A VAC .;i AM )rT OF HUlfiAlf HATrpft, APV Cll FMV 'S Jiv IT ArralHUATKD M -TH HuT, lUM IMAOIKAIU,!. ' b(llAW ,AI1 lA- irr-AIKiml IX'K I rtHA. THKHKl'.,4,i A in,, Tun I.IKH TO API'HOACirao 1'T AraAl r THttlK Itrrn TBK '" l,t MM l UiPAlIM T BAT l.IIIHT. BUT US' J il 1 HK MUOI4 NO BI.UK DKAJ'Il-STUICK. t AWN tf W HALF DO TKNDKd OR UALF iri TO THKK l'f OIVI TURN HrB! AD CIKf.-, irr in T"ivl AND VOU WII.U HATj; li.r.U IN dLLL AllMd, rr not M Tuua JAm, t. . W I.IMI THAN A Wll:E." ' ' "f ' - "; , .. COXillSMOXKHSAttD 6UKRIFV3. We leara tliat, In 'an'me of 'ttfcnunUei' en rue ol tb Commlatlonerf hare not quall- - fled, and other hare et' loti '"appointed by "Oor." HolJun, U fill the racaacy. Iri otlicr o)unt!c, no Jiulice 'of th Peace hare yet been aprwioted by thi Uort nor." Iredell, Catawba, tnit 01 her cods' tira, we nndentand, are anumg tbe number la. li bay no magistrate. ' .Wby tbl f 1 lie 13b or October i approaclilng, wben tbe Kt'j(itratlon mut commence. Tbe K'-r-iftrara,- according 10 thf U mnt b Jj'.ticu of the Peace, If the Qofernpr" di.!aji appointing mngntratea, tbe end of tb law will be defeated. ( !tt , Can any good ree a be glees why nag iatrate are not appointed la all tb eouo tloit Surjly "Gor." IlolJen cannot de ;Kn by tbia, to let tb e'.ecliona ia Jboao eouotie go by default t Bo grow a derelio tioa of duty w oaanot Buppoea, !atil w - leara that tbe people of t'uoM rioaatie are bocoming restive auJcr the delay u( tbe Executira. Cannot "loyal"-, raee enough be found in theao countie to aerW JuUce of the Peace f t j, " " ' -4 V would ugg;tt to tb people of tb count lea, where ao maghitratea har" leen ppoioted, to bold meeting ' and,' aggeat atutabl tnea, ocb aa would be aoceptaWe, and call apoa ih Executive lo appoint Jut tiee lor t'ueit tereral eoantlaat j ' j, LKGlSLATlVJf VACAA'CJSSl l "'x Tliere ar a cumber of raoancie. eotb ia tbe Senate and Doom of RcpreaenUtirc of tbe General Asaembly of tbi 6ta!a, cieated by tbe action of each ilooto, declaring the eeatiot aun lry genaton and -Kepreeeata ' the recant, for tbe alleged reaaoa that th-j were b&uoed by tbe Boward !Ameid '.. oirnt. Tbe teat of L. D. Hall, of Sampaon, waa racated by death,' If write o( electioa t Bve been ianed lor tiling the racaaclee, we bar not heard ot it We append a llat of t' e Tacanciea, ai fr i bo recollect i;,ia: , . - -tf s 7 jesATaVfi ' w 13;b. Benatorial DUt W. A, ADta. , . ...Ia-lXnall, decU Joeiah Turner, Jr. ; ",. Bedford j5rowa. " E I. W. i.mu. r 1 tlih : t ' "!, Ji.. C. ITsrJ)cr.r . , , i, a.-swc ii. Aelly. i i .t, 8. -BtUArt. , J In O. ITitk. n, J .' ; Ii Ke.-t.r. r ill j rtrailed tlat tbe ' roti!i1 be Ot . e U,d of KoTera I t f tljet orJer to e it a done f t i 1 1 rag NATIONAL riNAVCxa..,. Tbe K ulieal party b alio iteU atter ly trcoD p -t Dt to enndsrt tt got-rnoenl, ao I, at tlx aaow lin e, proltet tl rifbu aai litieBtV f b f0(r, n't Mcrr. tb CTjdit ( tiM goem-D(, iibiHit ruin t.Ub Ids yayrrt. Tb erideoc fa mom palpabU.. that, iic ttm damrn td imt ar, aHlwHigk thera U not km hi Um gnata h b4iuiliry to tb xoreraaM-ot, at KliAAliJUkMAMtink. to ti m S pi wbwtn atxtodaDcd to crime, lb tLommm of te ro"' tmeut mn k'pt ap at a tartfMtrjr X Iam thai f 1.900,000,000 have actually W collcel by UiaUoa, ad, intlktut M tbe largt Katbiakl debt being d.taiitiai'ed, i eea and W aeteg , Ttie ttempt uf Batlical laaadert to holater ap tb pit J are utterly (mil, end their Btwrcpreaestai iooa are eploded the noaKDt lb.teet ot troth M applieJ U theot. A fair e(HMitlo& of tbe real UU af , the iaaaeet drier fcMhe vail all the ealcnla- tioea of Mr. Wi-IUaad otbera, RtU' ap to eoeer the ieuu' mad mamcttl from tbe peblie rk tbdr actoal eondltloa. IteerBlIr. rwrerel Drniuloeat eentlrmea of Sew fork, tWpIr ia'ereatod U tbe Boandal eondiiton of tbe CHiutrr.1IeBirC Orlaoeli Pbelri nd Bant, addreeeed a letter to H Alei. Deltnar, tbe Director of tbe Buirea ol aMatbMtea, tbaa wama mo mmm baa areeet to more aarrcet toorTBatka, making each ea- aqirleeae would drevtromblmtaeaiauaiice derfred' by the pobltev Mr, pdmar hae ppltat ftilly to tbe jcrii propounded, tad hie letter we Bad la out If nrthera HCOengea. VTi tejrret that lt len(;th jpweladta lie pab Hmtion Ja aur eolumM. TTbli letut be apread alarm In tbe Radical rka.: Webare jurt room tot tto Mowtng eompilatioa iromtuejecerL , t, .,, y i " Tbe paper ahowi that tbe trearary la u oIrcd U tt eurrenfi Baaocee and III aeed t to borrow a rery larjje torn to complete fta engagement hp to neit Jaoe. Mr. DelrBA iraMmatea' tna flemveoey 154JI3fl.iOSJ85, ltbrtit.,; reckoning the aeede of tbe poet offloa, or tlxae metorto claim irblcb hal been deferred.', Tbie de- fldt it'. at the end of the cat year, a d4itrm tor tbe preeeat auonat of tbe poUic tlebf, Vrewlt egeiMtwltbCoagre aa warned by the Sucretary oft lie reaeury, Wboee letter Mr, Delmar quolei jAfcordidg to tbe Treaaorj ep tiwatee prrtrnted to Ooa. greei, the eipenditnr.t .pt luii year, J4 aor ax krredK will amuant to $t73, 4.t0t SS, ae follow! i ; v, , f ee aow toeerntof q. ,IpMUur, iW-i MM J,t8 WZS jTAIeeaa,M v,;., y r,sy,w.0e0.W I mmai Ml rea I Privait amre;iHttoti lUS-t t 4 .,., II 19,17t,J(T rrtacifaiuf Joaaa, ISW-i-leM l TreaiArare(m IBM e.eeUnuM , ,e4,H.M A3.0U . 0.00 Total , ' t, W73952J ; Witlioat loelodinjibe Poat Offlo dt n cLoer. wlilcb will amownt to d.lOO.eoa.v utimatbo wivbkp or Tua ccukkxt Fi . "..'.,'' "t A;".;f,r; ' To meet tlm $475,939,103.23 of axpendi turea'tor 1809 '9, we alialt tiJlmmt aa) gW tb following receipt !;" i i . HeRlator'elUoaipta. ' ' i X'ubiilUMl ' 1,000 W0 Direct Tem j C !' 't,m0,000 HieeeUaaeoni (excluding gold pretn.) "'' 1 000,000 km i ; .' i v $27t.o20,ooe Treaearer'e Beeelpta i t ' i . Ai.ooO.OOO yrri, a , .,, 4- sKi ;?i ..(. ' -'Tota .. 7 v. . 3at,r,ooo r-iTba U the Trcaeury anflearoni to meet it ... . ' , i.. . ... ... chrreat expenditure tbl year, ftnaar aotb lug ol matured clainu deferred, pr o( the poitcffloe d fldeuf,) It will oow a dt flcit of H4,83,901 S3 at the end of t bo year. a"l bepbta'aed fro tncreated tufa or j foe Hr. Delmar rl.we bit lengthy exhibit with tb folowmg remark. U ' "The reconalriiotioa meeeure and lennre- or-otnee law are tbo main caueu hit tb extraragant expeoditon' which, under aomlcal munatcmcnt, I think could, he di- minUhed within a year I200.000.000 per annum, inciuciiog gold inurat oa the pub Ha debt, Without a tul change of policy, nowerer, eucs retrenenment it impoaalble A continuance of prerent mcMUtea meaaa a roe tinned beery expenditure, and tbi Van only be met by increasing tiif public debt. "SP&CJMIW JUtrCKB-, WUA T TBE! . SAT OH" KACIT O TtIK n ' A gentleman, who htard a diacu Ion, a tew dy atu'ch,"' bi tweea '"Judge" Jourgee AAMMfinay itiiiy . iitnticnon, me bolting tod regular Radical candidate for Congres in the Fifth DUtrlct, d. ecribe It at exceed Ing, ja perionul vituperation and billing gate, anything which be tni beard oa the itump before. , It miy be amang, V aot profitable, to ' hear what th.ae epecimeu brick " of ctrpetbagUu) and acallawagery, reieciiTely, la North Carolina, hat to any ,Wi learn Uiat Tourgoe charged nenJer l with baring ttolaa the law-book,e(t) late Ben. KUtrelt, of tx1ngtoaiwith bar Ing fo ged a note on tb old Branch "Bank of Cape Fear at Salem j and, alto, Willi the tnnl bwloeiHL : V'J i S'i"' In reply, Billy accrjaed Toorgee of bar ing beea ee aeed by a aro.aad i teetod from a tenement whka Sm bad rented, iaadlori which ha had failed t pay, nod wilt di- gracicg tbe bench of Nartb ..Carolina by aer(ia ctAiMkm and psnonaj depmrn Andof aucb i lUdicalium I There lean old adage that when "rogue tail oat,' hoe- men get their duel H r v M''r '-t " , m. t ' 'rft JtASSVKBTlXaAXD BARBKCVSJX ' 44 CABABSUH t ,1 .,:;,.,',- The rariou Seymour and Blat Club of Cabarru , purpoea having large Maaa M eting and Barbecue, In Concort oa tbe ISth Inst. v-w.i:v. ,,:v.i...;:f .. ' , 0 t. Graham, Hon. William JT.IL Smith P. F, Duffy, Eq. and Hon. Thwa. & As1,' bar notified tbeir acccptaoceoi invitation to bepreaent, "" ; Tb occasion will doublles l k grand and impoeifig cne, ' ' " ' ' ' ' a ', '1 A Kentuckian wa poi-soneil tb- tnr lav b eliewin'T hnrk liich he niiiitook for slippery Utn. I'rentic sayi lie "barked up tbe wrung tree." V Webaee Uea (fJ'- graiillel "? , r -t. witbia a week jat,tbe tb art i I c6 Heat tn4 ( the KurtbernitoHWatie Preae.: lunar a it Aad aumtr B tlinna f are rir ll iir the Biatre of Iailinua, Olj&vJ aid l'eoyiania, and rue Aamocrata aoii Cooaorvatirea . of Iboae greet Suite are workiew with aa maere and eatbnaiaam tliat pnaage eirteWeaiUeJJSib f 0ib.4 Tbe whole country await Pie .reaulte of tbtee State eirctioet with profuod iotereet aad aaiiety.'- tCmafim4t rl eliall roHi with tbe Democracy, aa. uamrweei erth eaa preuat, tbe trlvmpbaat, electSa , i4 Seymoar and Blair ia NT.'ber. We hare tbe ftroaet bpee of eoccoca ia -mil of lb greaf Bulea.", . t A , Wbile the Democratic pram 1 thai buoy aot and aanguloa, it U eeident, by the Mraa- tic aui oorparato eppeal ot Radical Joar-J aal and leader, euwpled with their idle braeado, that tb-y - are peaking. j to I tbeir eboea. and are terribly apprelirnaire a Vo tbe reault. Wall tbey. bat nit i. -.,v CABQLIXA. Tbe Ceatrevllle Cla.1n IT.Iifaf 'Cl, alaj lato metiBg,1iipte( tae tuilewwig fA.- IktAnd, That thrertlcle w 1 tare onm- ber ot tbe Raleigh Htamdard,- refl-ctiujf oa tb rirtaa U Iba women oi tbl Start, w pnMHwne lo talat I entry aenae, ad4 we pledge aureelvee tueteao aesatomaia ball aeytr m uuereg ia tate vonmy,-waa go ae paajabed'A. ' 5,;. ' Aboot thirtyHv 8wia immlgrtnl. eon- elating of maa, womea, girl and boye, im ported IfomSwHa'rland, by Meaar Tbomi and W. T. Atklneoa, ot Wayne county, ar rived at'Gfrtdabnro'J oa Tuly? They went to th farm of tbe Meanr. Aikinnn, about tea mile irput uomaooro, wnr iney win b eettled, Tb IV JtUe aayfcIi baa been oarlock loan aaany immigrant, ae they rn re hi KeW Tora and Baltimore, hut we have ai vr met a more (oUT, Intel ligent eat healthy et ,tbn tba wlijob ar rived here on yeelerdey.n. t . .., -M('t '. ti -", The Wilinlpfftua (Utr tuegr'. the pro prie'y of holding ii indignation, pieeiing, irretpectfraef party, t4ha "Cttyv o da plaM til nnqi alijled abuol'ti'tel! by 'l decent men f.r; tha-tirntaj sarter"'Whii!l lately appearea to UMl liUlci Qfgaa, . new, trf:r. i t ?' y.(r.AA I Uy -loot Wi Oeahaaa, we are glad to are, ! announced' ej a candidate fof tb. Btate f enaf la prng., fo B1I tile 'rieiiifry1 oec eioaod by tb ilJiiikTuMMirJU.ing do ?!f" MffWMf-mM 'ea 'aCT' y'pxf Han(fji!nim Wbn'rWfTraven , bT ll'pi'.iujf "Pt lor of . electioa for Ihe rertou pnelnct la the C"Mty. j Two Coserrvatlvrrtfa Rudicale and twe ne groc hv Leea appoiutad iir each'praulnct The (rno0Mjij Jthatthl it more juat tbaa waa g.a. Tally expected ' . ( .. ... .'j wtl i.tm -..r'- -v. i "Tne reyetteriiw'fca te- uarw -aa, "my Olivur,"?. Ii aay thai CiUOiJL Dock ery, ia i itpeacV at Cartlia. to l6, aid " i will nerer ak tb negra to vote for ma. 'I am ao (arm ite ot.bia - Aear ifrttejt kirn foe hm turn fmm if th nrfr r" '- AA i A a,Wi, .-nMf- Beymonr ana Biaxr u caerokto. Vcrt. Kdittn : Teeterday ru 4 iVvl heavily during the whole lorenooo, but oar people had heard that our Bt uator. who bad tood np to maniully between ut and der iwifm,.-iainf tain Metreyaiv,aerqiy, weu'a aiiures af ana, mag tx-tor noon tbe towa waa eroW(ftd.l''Jirtt1 alter ft o'clock, Dr. tier rook the tad, Tbi waa in our new Court II"Uee, the old having been burned d'lwa during the wr bv "toil" men. Aa Ada wih tl,rtkrdlkiAlVff t fche aew building, If h a rcgxrdcM U a Ibliriateoing or toe eiiince. And a glorioae thriteaing waa i ineur.,aiainfftiietat.looked mad aWt.littlMco)arojiof bciniia th right II b gaa I y laying, b Wa here lo reader n account of bia MewardablD la the Swmte, and that, in an loing, he would neJ aeeeaniy nave t-i allnde enMrte; that he had no war to make on tbe mere raters in lb Republican, Tnk.bi'ibould di(rck h)sj at teckt to Abe f leadeif xt tliat partr. arrviJ were et,?rH-ii7 oh a omiilr tn rtitivni tAnt-l r atry Tupcy. -, WWW J For two hour, th immeaea aadience (tood a ir apell bound, tlttening to Dr, Lore' account of "eight week la ib)a Sen ate,'' and biaexpoeure of Radical rule, State and FeileraL The exnoaura wa elain and lmefulabte.! Tbf w!!, .i xysTaghnce of th parly in powit' w(ouh(lef;our toeopW, wune tir. AAOre't acallilng denunciationa j J uunuiuora area me auuieiice witn in dtgntioii.iWf,:..r' fi -y'.i' :- j . ut f abort VetHr, cinnqt; do iiia Upeoch uatice... If was a cotripl! luorxtal I It haa don- winch gol." Man pemtr., jUt day, wou were jeeieraay naaioaia, . ear trier are none wim me corrupt party ana are openly now lor Seymour and Blair. t ; tative. (Simon, fa RjwiicAi.. ia a aoeech lu J jour rmiw awty, anu ne oy virt; A. "T. Dm- i . j ' '. . t A L ir vKtaon, oa uaiiruatu ana . national politic. The CuL waa aick and made oaty h ahort, hat tellteg ipeeoh, for, as ha aiwayt doe, Mcarar, rpt.iAaCe i i ' , -s , ...., a 't:V:7 . ,. i t v iH x roe theBeBtiner.' at' AAMsJAfiAAia iav V4A KK A meetimr waa- Ml-t OoddU fcw ia nwnwrtwa aaiareiay laat, trui gB: Ii. IneiA S.m threa ,h lud md whita nea and or huadred aawraea Were aeeeaibled hut one wmtrawnaerag begwnmL Joe. William Holcnsa mad hir 'ipwarance. ac cording to appointment, end delivered bim- celt. t H). W.J,Jri04mr7vM Ihhipliicta. repHed btm and ware him completely out, W, ktltobina, of Saliebury, f,ilowrl. pay ing special respects to Uoa. IVkt. Bovdea and gwinjr bim a skinning. Mr; B tydoa. " Seymour end B air and T. E, Shnber will get every wlntrvoie i.-Wn'i except ONE Boyden ia at 8 it a a flooader,4n pabarras. inn Kanlca Is will ttv tn kittiit .mmta tring-T wnm titan JS. William, Dick Wyane, Colomaa and Pent, TavlordL if the expect ro effect anything In . this Cuuntv. Our white men'are all right;'"' J ,1 H..r- t abakecS Co., Kept 29. ! ,j . - TbV Contest!, m' rKKHs.tASclAAlW. repeat what we Ut'-1 in our issue iof vra. rerday, that our inttliijreoce from pmniji vania is of the moot rhfcrir" r!iarart" lx reis no Tl,i:i n in t'.,i! n , runts that reach tii fr. ni uur 1, i, u.ii t'.iere, and they warrant theipe-itj.n thxt on tii 13 h of tolr next the Corwrr "M jj acbieve nal and ovcrwhclui. i'.iIi.-aA. f 29t The eaen r lb TalaMi Amy, BE8FOK8n fO ItrttiTlOKi TO T3I EK- OCRATIC 1ASS OOKTXFT10X AT Or-. TOAFArouatETTKKI FBOH rjimiocxBHXD omacB. v Tbe tedianepolia BU4 of the SSth ob- tain tutter addreeeed to the Committee J teUUfiOhl JTJ Pi Baell 6ea. Jf.'.& F. Smith. Gea. W. T. H,, Brooky Gea. SJL omootw r-HMe, tm.- oaa e. recK, uea. u. W. MWgAateMwwAad. Gaac H. W. Sloeamt aad &a. Darhia Waj4.: Aa fair apecimen o all tbeee letter w Copy (he lUIWWIOgJ J J irf "-"l AVaOat lUllaU. ' t4-U ; . QtmmmXJkm Lam. Ckmirmam ZanmUmf O mmt,JtmdmmfUl, Jmit w t It Dbak bib Uy aagagimeala will aot permit me to aeaept yoar iaritodoa, to attend tb Democratic Jtaa Coarawttoa to be bold at Iadiaaepolit ea the 9r4 iaataat ; wat l as Uteeteud ia iu obiaet a4 abaU ifoioe la lla Kilit ytars ago the Bepabtioaa and D sao eratie parties enataaded for the admiaistra- tlon pf ths Goremment ia the electioa af President " Tb Brat, organized solaly apoa aeetiouaj law, appealed lor aupport to paeaioa and tectiooal prtiudioa. Its leaders uaght that duaolutAoa at th Union wa arerWsiikLtoaoaditions Which tbe Coaeti tntioa had aetablisbed, and pledged, then- j selves to ania bo urarconrss la sectety, baaiata or politics, with ths Driadpal class I of ettiaeaa ia tbe appoeit asstioa aa atti tude wuioft could mesa eotblog but dts union or seetkwsl war. Ia Its publie de monstrations It initiated a military organi sation, and with threatening motives, bea- ing drums, ana warlike tread, It Oiled tbe air with tiie ftreaaoaitoryi mutteringa of battle-Beld, j j-:.,. , ,., u Opposed to tbi Jevolutlonarr spirit stood tbe great Democratic party, which for an siinow enure perma ol sixty Tears bad al mtniatered the goreramaat with a wiedom and fidelity which were attested by tbe general welfare. Unfortunately,' the s-c tPmsl pamions which bad beea aroused,dis turbed itaeouaciiaaad divided its strength ; sod Ii opponent, represeatiag a minority ot il penpl triumphed, at lbs polls. War came. ' Tbe North and South were errayed ia deadly conflict against each other ; bat it wss ar t smoag the meal tf tbi O atocra lc party that the idea of ditaolutioa wss eatertaineri, fur while mora tha i ana mltered of those In the oppneite party who helped to stir up (hrfaMfa, thoataade-ot Pemoarats inatantlj rnslied to srms lo preserve tbe Union and maitfUlo lelawa,i-t ,,t. j - . It would be useless to reriv tbeee memo ries st this time for ha parpose of meting out in jutt proportions the responsibility ot tbe conflict which ended" aearly roar ewtrs sgn.'ljut ia tracing th causes nad derising a r inedy (or tbe ev.ie which now oppra tue aatroa, tttry ar run Btwe.- T-flJ the parties again stand opposed to each olhfr in a Prwudantial aaiiui .TbaffhuB acieriailcs whkb distiagttUbed hfrntlxht )sr ago, areerea more marked aow. I The ooe arrogant, despotic, revolaitmtry ; reck leu ol consUtatiimaC restriction, of tbe respective prerogative at the ditereat blanches at tbe Oorarameat. of the right ot tne Diaii, ana tne uorrtio ol tbe pea ptet Mill ry pndigae d wrong Apsnaat- ing a publie debt, aiieady enormous, and incresilna the burden apoa iaduatrr aad trade by wnnerassary and unequal taxation the etbtf, ialtbtul at always to the theory nfratir OoreroBseatiaejoVthe true tatoraato af th peppf. Und roTthtorrmnrArrrimSi authority, ; If there Is anything ia our past uia otj wriu cosrisutug, u n true tnat Ibe Hbr'rtle of people af sale under in violate constitutional rule tbaa uadertbe ariiltmry , dictation ol any Government, till more under a unlimited power, arro gated by on trench of It then the neonle ol tbl country cannot loe eooa decree s change in tb present asaaagemeat of it anain. ' a retnra in tne stiDnort of Demn eratio principles, by tbaa taatm iaflurBces, waicu is , is Bnaecessary nere so deaertoa, sociation with ths Radical Dtrtv. will aamt llils great object ia Nevemlier sad I trust ikathe-strenuth and aatbusiasm of roar n ... . . . . . . .. vonrvi.ii.iB win aiin anornar tn tint encauMgJngiatlioatlon that aoh will be tns result Wliii great respect, yournbedieterral, M . r .A lAiiAi.wwri BlTEf t ui .?" kjiAi,. aosccaAra. ' , St. Mabthi, Beowb Cocrrr, o'aio, September tlat IMS. fiitoii,jgj GassWAi. WodispeasabM lutfoi m from attending the eatberiar ef effieers ana eoiinwa ai innunapoiit, to which your ntwr iiTimwvin ih ira iobT, ' a. But beyond th great rratiSoatioa Ishould compaoiona in, armSy aa mingling . o memories of the past with' reaohitioB - A A w . f future effirt and saorifiota for tb baaor at lb aad and Bag ws lor, my prceaao there wou'd acoompliah little mora thaa a aimnla lAiruiuufe ui uij rwn pa tue Aaltm. igaiii wnren aow agitate tne aounwy. I believe our free Institutions aad hlirheBt maieiiBi latereece ar ia grave peril, 1 1 (ball therefore perform a solema aad Nsoaaaibla utai y ia my (eiiow soujipra at aoaatryaMa, who lore una oatioa mora naa party, by stetieg what I think lae most vital learn before tbe public La tb approaebiajf Pnei dential election. : j ' Above all other queatloa expenditures, taxatioa, boada, "greeabecka," ar any tiling else-t-stande ihai of. tuUrins lit mwIb mf (As &liurm 8(mfm SPWi, aesrU aW, rri.7T7T. t ' '. : ' t TJ " RMslor theot Ibis, and a oertalaiy as dsy ronawa tae eaa oar political autHlity will baamarad: our gnaadai proaoaritrwifl speedily follow i the"-: rain of preacrt la the South wiU increase; oar pauiie srvtui. tw will go to a premium ; aur graen backs will become per, aoia aad sari eoc r as. eonnts, with all their evil aad roipfica- tl ms, wiU ditappjaf ftwen. th book ot aor Dnnneas raea. ? .3 nirv Bolieving, with all my aoaL that tba pres real tow nt aur uc vera moat rpi -dr potie changrs,' ana all the WAeBtimaU trhtsingr, depend upon this natoratio ef tbe Bout Hern people to wboieome. Shear fat reir-govarameat, I am equally eerUia that H eaa ar M, aa dare pletlg my haaor aad life for them that they will cire aad observe all proper guarantee to' rsaouaos eeceMion, slavery, and their dependent i. saesV to protect, educate and elevate the freed mea to the eiercii at aH Ike traacbiae th y enj iy ia Ohfo, Indiana or Bltaois 2 faithfully to perform all th duties i tacam bent on them a sood cl ti e-a aaW iha UofcStitutioa and laws or tb united Stataa. And what more could be asked of them, r what greater rcsuite eoald pauiotiam d Aire tor lb country, thaa dej end apoa t am is nie I 1 "''.,.. .. i - Hoi evta tbe prosecution of th war bdaU Ion eel a, more tboroncb renuocia'ioa of pariy prvlerenjes and feraonM dislike oa the altar of our country tbsa doc tb SI. tsinment of this great prjcxl. ; i T he desolate and ruined Pouth. the aa prtswd lax payers oi tba Wa.1 and North, aTeaerrBitr. wjeerej. lave af aaemtry. beacons af etila te aaeae, rvary DMArvr irt w atoret lie heart ettroaaeid AAAjL mea. appeal to u to aay by aw rates W.il atop that bopelasa folly af attempt.!) I to gwrera the Souther. State fcy whom s cail "loyal Aiacha"-as4 gir tb aanpta,)- oavier )aet gaaraatesa, toe r get, peaartoliy mma legaJty, te prucetMi to oeeew to rmrgeaiae toe! wit hie the Uakiav - T jrUhchaorktlee4. I hold tbe aMU km waeJd aoA ex arm and Hi mmm them with say ran sable at epe he migh take to totog aboot as great a goad to the t Ww. Commaadiag mf oartetiaaa, adV the waanae for them. t) tbslJagearjaVwI tay feltow aoidiet aa4 aotiatrrsnaa, I samala, rwoai 3iamA, wsl a ramai.iw. I . HAirraan, Cam Sep. It; Iff PiaM twasAAS sve ascaired yac4ksfa0ie.. iaatA toeitraf as to ym th "TJaiaa White Bore ha sUaaef diaa.ialae gtma4 maas . to ha beid ia ladiaaapolia, om the 13rd, iaat. I regret thatetheegagemaae frill preroat my accept aace of tbe Mvitotioa. I regret it mare especially hscsnee raew ertasijoa ie oaeat the few whiea arar that tlm ut- diaraaadaailorsef the war war DimoersU as well ae Radicals, Had - awek rgaalsa IUnm beea formed aad Boeragad la all the Stataa, I do aot doubt that it mould appear that a majority ml tb Uatoa sMdiars aad sai'ors now living beioag to tb Desaeeretie pony, or a mot Mong to to busom PfF- I eongrutulAle )oa apoa the ektarug prospeot iw yoar gallant StsAet aad aea : Truly, yoar Inead, W. B. FRAMKUK. Gen. Jaa Lots, ladUokpolis, Ud. '- mem m. am. r. (baLpt) mmu. n Jon Citt(IWbv II Dbab 611 : I am to day ia receipt af 'Mm I your letter of th 4th iaat, asking as to join you ia a grand maas eoaveotioa te be held la ladiaaapoMa oa the im Iaataat thank you and tb rest of th "White Boye ia Blue," tor counting sa as oaeef you, aad possibly tb 18th ladiaaa assy he rear sealed by soms asaa who mar temomber me unaiy.'i i regret very mac taat r pn rat hnainess, aad ether ewgagemaaia, will keep me from being witb yoa ia what I hope ill be dexaoastratio aa ararwhelm log a to beat Sowa arroaaaa to bifk piacee sa eria tyraasy i y AHins WBiMUoysiattloeasM to aboi ana to place herajlf right oa tb raaortl at the November aiaotio. Toara truly, WM. F. SMITH. , H ' 1vi r DIEDt J At 'Ummet ." the raalaaaW ef bar ttimm. oa eue. the tftoak, lathe Mth rearel her ab a, awli il, oaegntar at UuL eooa . aa -liaaa at K. Lane, e BlutthaaptaaCe. U. G-aiMl WiBaay KdwarSQaaialaaAA, Sa,, af HaliTnB Oa. IW ABTUTttXJCUT. posn, com aiio rLouk. V-A m AAfU Lf Aoa.sa4 eoaatmsaeat ; HJoiariat)0. OotVSf Tjoaa. stirohiaU. - "' I'" ' '" ' V ' Pmy Tmair City Tava) TAa-OCpiJtoF tae Bear ef Qommleatim lae uny Tea Houeotor wae araeeea sad SB aarerttae ror all aallaBl tern mmm. eve e eaese larwBta, witUa b next Iweavdaye rx wBwan ;,aoa laoee luung M mm mm. tbeeelarBatreetedm4BrtieB shewn, erty let eal. aeeneduif le law. i tavay to rseMtaaaeh-aatere ' ' rgA iAJlaUrClIWOsa, O-tt-tawtOetW tsZX. EXCEPX,,LIQU01lSn I "HALL PBOCKFaD to eall eat, al aaea. my tin liook of (rroosekw. WOLFf UQOOj Beowa, (huahal aad Faleniaig Butva, OuoVea, Hie aad J.va. Teas Ookma aad aaepewaae. l. HrrnM T.aj Braakfaet Baooa. mmA. 7. UW4, Haas. Float, M. a, FAtapeeo,ymily f I re'toa Markrnaaf ) ot aad aoda Cr ekare And. ia met. earrakaM BJUTT end FAJiLI. bmaJI. hmuU im ai -uSySZ .IH h.W-hy'th.-'pMb'm wt b--c.r.rArf T s i ALSO: 1 e i j A rood lot of BaBag Hope and Twlaa. Far ta BiaM A Ml I. 1 11 1 f IT i! " alelgh. Pet .q FayetteviUe airees. 11 ' I' Hi ii 9 l m I l I ml WHOLESALE Grocers Commlssisa Mereluitf, if m, iaua lavst, ff Petermbtra:, VaJ Xe saaaSMrtly ee he4 s hw( sleek ef BACOlf, LABD, C, FXOITa, CtWntB, BtjaABS, It BTBOPB, ULT, OUUTt "! f ARB BUHDU BAOaiXO, P . ' i bau bopk, twuib, mi ' , J OkXtlM, OAF,"' ' s-v t , HAWS, tKit. JR! fllaf whieh meyea-oratthe very kwoet rale m i-Baa, ar rroanoa m a Ann. . They pay asneciAl aHAintioe le the aal of POT TON. TOBACCO. WHEAT and Oountr. IMu eaaarally, an4 wtU bbIib aah alTAoMe whaa at mmm, w oa BauroB OUI Of MAUUg few SnmUj ataTixinr.ak'B r aauioxs t V. tewt?! V-, . . .?V J Uu, Jicr i ia-Ceaa-uir ' ' STM ' V j '' efcall7 las' V'lalafl'; T' a , m i.iion ,' mj quatjstjatt- MERCnANTTAILOR i iteditTfeGAAlAsiXTiAi 1 IMKRIC AN BSQA.1W T0RS,Ca1SSIMERE3, DfJE--" . crryv 'Vl'STIVna a"' ptTOKTffl h rinwr X secured th aortic of tir. one ef the very hl rutr will be batter prepared thaa te aeilaa el abort oti . ignt aad vaU'A'ua iCnt aad wU-f u. ""-T. " U . aa aaa, SB' PWOr Errar maw.. &SADT-1T1DS XtMTTAXa. vTfi J ti iiOihi , BaXB, VArn, ' W)OTaHO.tCITFal)l WMm; J --J'STA ivtt CcrtJcaraH j rwi- AA A Aa try lstv. aWfl rn gWvtsi jri' inM erwAA Itmvi Brit - ta - Citia,aBd wrmnt be rnooa, trfi ...-. 1 f'W r ai.it x -4 wma .,- "TA-.- 1 h r j i aft r ' f -i-tfl I . MW le An A. AtlC. B tAlAilMi, A 11 tr-ti mm Ftaim ai reaaaraaa.f k Jtatoixh.lXltl . ' 'A U- j f . XOSYOZFZmSQ CASH EJLTE3 , f-v l;i '. ...................... , jjiaTrrUliFE IKSUBANCE COJIPANY, --AunnraV j" 1 " -x - iFiTOEarD, DE9CRIPTI0S rwat wVoto Lfla reMea, ... . a-A '"smfuiieas,teltamrf fl" Ut Vl v'iv- aaassswfflgrss4saa ATZXA UM UaTJlAMIl OQa?AJThee eeeieeaei sae atlea me mearaam remaaar. ay the haaae af W. H. CBow.aw.Mii aaal AW A.L -- - - 1l hea, tarkta J uv f kA. aw tijs, prompt parmwi la I'm hour of my affliotioe ana bmo, " .1 JLttommS'uf it! V i Vamxasaasaallj, - i J - ' via?!- to i, mLfc,.roUoMd saotbar hot. prorlcg the wlsoom sad heaenelal renUa TniTtTrm?t7' ' 001 Utk whwh M vu SJli7 la Ins than three reare this Oem inanv m at las wulowa aad erwhaaa af North Caroliaa. H has paM FeUey, Bo. m jo sis..., .jT . J. ri.ew.... jt.su. .. M '.... .7t.. . rmaaalrMeBevitoaesrtataty i k UjiMg UmtBieml aal ttll. iB&artBce tt Ike Stat Ilmt. 'IK LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, I u ii in- ,f ige.t , u;i 't.$n..t T1T J 11 NETT" t t n I frbwaWtaVawfl an aaUami fcu A a l l v , Mi V in.u ... " . " fe AmB BMBBjaaji a IMaate. aafl Uflai aw PrJiaau a '-a If rj? f .I" A.f??'-?' .H seeatIvlBam) A 3UA1 .TffUm ln.il I..-, (r'-'-h I'll Inrrani m ll 1 ' I , , TM.r.- A -1A A- A I. aa eBodaetedite WtBMe .. ..i . ,.,,r""t"rs a a-e saw a ii a & .- ll'H rTe-'' ' ' . Qeeiavl AxressAfa "" T'cTliaOMtl. 1 TTiUTttnr. Aaairr. CWiott,!!.. : Baa. Mam.,.. ... '.' 4 " : aMaawrttitJeML ITIBX COFAKfUTtBHrF aereiofor' exwUac a. kysTr,0. Fj Ck tTHOSACH, is Uua ri rranSAeif ahuVbiKaWB. gM .'wy. a aigojiACB. i , BltaMlU) Wsitsi, A YUWTKIA LlTIT Ii I i . . Taaehar, ia a PebUe aVibool or ariwa auat rTP "-tniot la mm KaIiaA Wuoa ea.Preah aad Maal, BameeaeBB Biehaag.. taiwece, asssteg leraas, - -VIBAilSilA." - . . . - . "vTlateTBark p. a rat aAWlw . r tmiBHrasid OaV,Tb. kou xooar soii goods; i a'- W .tr it-atV Ib to tieAawwM irocn VtMt IRON PKONT STORE VfntSiie'H ! 1 "raw wt watb fow rirnai tjp to lellwyTilr:.lr s i itllA. :w.i-.itKrrj'.: . W a! -4 enjiunsiiiirq oooDa n ,i,-5 ' FOB MIS AKD BOT4."; ' frWat 'aUlQwait Usdl ffAtail " oaa Beam ileal aU"ae ef the Xreryeodr to fcntd in mB aaA aeeihe FAflHIOlABLI OAaUXSTS. aow ay eaiug at -a i '., a 4SBM" COS. Waa M. T BTvarlAnr ie lirtr.. WMtha a lttM l a fm r, a.d rrrna !. r TAT A.. A V. A, - J5l tKi a-A." ... . ; ;tr'i ?.o: .. IV. i '-i A.'. A i Atn v CO. sBh,ef OF POUCIEJUS JflK - U'.i,!'. r,i ;j .a. a- aJ. aaT7ai".' . BB ''p-'-il pahl seeiher lasa, BaaAtto UewiagV J " A- -t - mm mm. , . . IS Al M!af lUt a than att ethers eeesblued, to reUtv the Je . il t a o, 1 v ' ,,,, t t hmvi a it i- t !.,'( i.MMl-.IJ taoot a iw i 000 isoo to ooe i.ei 1SO0 to. 000 ' abase he krree aad see aspeadiag aa luav VT General Jgnt Yor the State, ' y , Ofltov aUUIgli, x's. ' 'A 1;. 1..t " y. irnuii IBl'' f A WiLJHW M Ou 'J.wl u i rat . Ji 'I'ni'jl'A,' l Ui U t 'i'X ! I tity-Aix" i 1,1 i y AHJ i YOKK, AAAFAtiJk ft Oat OT U Mil KMT. AlvAnamU a " ... . . ... J ... I a. a . . . TT"" - -1 aw-utm. ah. toartia.57 IT . . A1.IAW CQAliL COAL! COAL! '- ' ft- v.rl,A woiAf-rjut t-wtt u l.titl-a hW MM A.fi J, 1"W 1 tlae Tlamet t Saty TeaVma eUvWiiaiforsls hp bwa itf.i . . '. - 'r- -A B! V.U w,t, nOOAlAi!AJL atopl. I aeaay.4'"it ltVr ..MAl d.A Alii) BIUJ.rit.US.' st Ba Oearatad Taraa aad Bhaatleai aY ale at . : : " Vt Mf .... ..rpcntitca a DOPtr JJf let aewly Bttd Oanfly head ns.r ' aY atlex. AttMaiIamSjret.iitBM rrnM be Iftn i!m u i.u a - aa. eWaame'W.afsrkr'fc- - a . . rv . f . r - ej v".. - -v a T ww aV "Ti ' aB, vsaiaiiBBAvia Ac FRWB BATfrmt. KTJT8, FlflS, ""ITBi'. . ..aardiwwL Pikwa, JaMt and BrerrtiuiAe to eat l-Uw AlUAAKI Hd, at a. i. Eorfrrts A-A-l M : A. Ik BOTSTEa I Mw Tisav. .. ,. . , . ' . uB BALIS' 3 COTTOS. Th gw Ortetn "AnnnAj ni.i.mant ad FnV eay OiimiBt" of Slut Ao,,t. In.., ji: - ' ' Tm marked nmm of irna iii . lr saBe 0H"A baa eopleitr mprnc.itj tin bale mp. thai tlx mnplia of tii UubT t hardlr a&tfifur4 t rw.fMntA amrkt,B . reiMooipruuBgoutjtaiu coil igBt V tv9 19 m jnr. ABO luia im ttnr fr w'. 1-t ,. a. . v Oi. f A I t STOP. ept.lf-lm" .;' ' ' '" i.i.-i.-.untT, rioTt coKat coitM -i v-.-v.,:, friiB C-r" ' f - .. ii '10 If- -ACt Alia . JiiAV