BEaaOai ! -aioa,n-,,,;rf, .-wjjj, THE SENTINELS LOCAL PlfAKTHEaT. . .TB1DAT .OCTOBER 2. 186,i ' MKtlSXlt! ltuim 0 , lPm'i reet ftaer.i:.5 cry anna BHt ft!- rkcu aadwmte. Iff regtrtwe It vttl mat atuwe anles yan ; later ' p''O' '-0- Jl&gtenM will register nraei .between thn Iothjof Qctobetti! ad ' incruding the; day of leetjou,Tm the Sao tn umn aa . wu, f w.ub ur will ngutar, aa enoald not register! at other time. . No. JmpropetTPter can tacLallengeil exoept when he propose to register; hence, Urepeo- pie Bhouidlcnowwnen ana wnere me 4, The geynwur and Blair Clube nuai be enre to bar proper persona at tto Eogitnura taLles to challeng improper voter, at all times, gee to t ;There m m election in Virginia oa the ird of Norember. We learn, that $egrpea are peiug brought, frorA Virgmia Into onr border oonntiea, on thepretencfr f working, but really loathe prtrpone of registering and VVUllg DW BHKUVIHIi , AMMIlOUlUCr, fad mao fcae. 'ITright to register or to yt in this State aniens he has been m the State one-year before the elec tion, ana in the county, where he registers, thirty day before the eleo- a a o ; ' d. We.tojf or exdiangeay pnblic- speaker, ana tnendi generally, to hare the pedple fiily Informed on tha.aroe aubjoetoMKM sw. . wo- - -. rt Tickets I Beanre to haveerery precinct, well . supplied, .with , twketa. The Bajnes of candidate for Elec tors, Ao. should be written or printed in full, Erery Oonnty must order their own tickets m time, ' , ' .'" .n start rttT 8n$ aaartl-wnal at AtMtia, Carbia at Co la aaottar ealeaw. . . w . f '' Kw AnTtkrncaKin,S'TtvK B"Je CivJc4ceri tVCimaAm ilatcbki, No. IrM FrB, FtsMberg, Vs. : As ra oalknii a4 faUaM Fina. Tbey aolidt eoaalsaiwtaof Cottoa aad other Trodace and atika cap adraseMoa thaitm, when ds!iX. Oat tower mj rely upon tbair ntaVas-Mailty aa4 taapoDtibility. BljDff ant at eeati W. Robert Aodrewa, Heavy4 aad ; ftacy Grocery line, except L'qaort, eoliat eot Now la tba time to Cora aad lor tow, to Iioa eomlgn maatai W. H. JTuaoa A C., Auction n(J Coamteeioo 1'erchtnt, 1 ' -.i . ' ' - rty Your Cli y T xee v Jamea Litch ford. Cellos sr. ....; " ' N 1 Wiatsaa aid M idols Wabds Our fricada la taeae two Warda, by a ouaitna ill take ImnedUte tep to built) jk'Cluh raoot, raitaa pole, Aa,'TliU i right.' 0 ahead! UIBVWUg, VUKkU JhUV Ul'JOVf u triaw, iiU bo held.w to Court' Boast oa - Tdrraainca Lctos. A Leetaro will teiattfared thia (Friday j "eeofog,"at' f oBoek, befoto Creaeeat Uooacil, F. of ,T j ho' Bav... HadeooVai tba.f eoipor ' eaoasUtt, (Matoelo BalldUg.) Thepublk aaoBfipacUnllyUTitedtoatUnd. fc JBaabwastds'it B-bxbt oa.-By IbVP MIm J Muk IknMI .ail tttu Cltiih U .ASIodaoo, Be.a4 OoL Oao. EL roribaal Went op, oa Wedoetday, to addreet the peo 'la el tkia ' District, A lar,re asiemhlaga t,weH)preiiB pt bUi ,ooWm, aai aoft white Radical rfa the frouad, eioept.Di. Wlu, FUgrini Ashley sod tfhruoa. TVei tatter having come upcast after Hr. Blodf OJe toukthe eUnd, the were'nromptly lo to )oia 1a the diacuwioo. A diecaa : 1o ,-wJlogly oed,fAhlay, only taakiag a lew rsraarJu, a water, with refef ooaa to the PuWia Ssbo jla,) sad we learn 'tawtU,Bladi9lf yod Baokjl and Whlla asoet tboroaehtT DarticBlar!r ekinalos f ',tfUao,alieBd giving biat groasa eaongh far hie xollafde", tor Ufa tine, Ho ex . wooeJ Wbireoa'e igooraaea to soaspletety aa o ecit aaonta of laagfetarjat hi ttpeim. ,1f are aaaored that it to e great daf ior Seyatoar aad Blair, that the White mt ef ' taat-seeUse are waft, lad taat a aamher ,af aogrpea, wiU alw -4BeHeiierielj tiokoi,. ..owiwU t f-Jifc ..; IT A'twlaaye3yuii'r. , t ' St tarttmsuL tkar will be a nablts dri aoaahia at iIoRt Horla -tl o. Ta -a l... Mr. Blo4aoa,v aod perbapt U other DoaotratW Opeakan, will be there. Lot the people, Info - aaat I. U - -4' ; . -f -: I On e Vac's ' BiMT.i-A trw alghie eioeo la 6libory, whea'Toce.wi ad dreaaiDg t lare ed enlbeiiutio aot1 Ifape, , soaaaacaiuiwag aoddeaty aad aiaticiooaiy t araed off the U..'.Alot'. jay oao bat Vaaoeajowld bare beea Baatered by the eb ' cnmtfilaca. But not he. ' He at oace oried eat, if the midst t the darkaeaat mBert - inun'n A Catmtfritrf iTbieereattd "shooteof eppUme-and Uughterj' si ,tie v.MiJit of wb'b a stray dog, aatooiehad at ha aproar, act ap a bowL '; JarB that eeI!aag out 1" aaid Vaoca; sad tb smo riaieot grew "ft aod furiooa. The lights jWerc s xn restored end Yoce resumed, ? Tbto ErsTAisitn, Go. Warmoatb'e veto at theac.rro equ tlity bill ha bee stistain ad by the LfgicU'nre of (lOuUiana, 1 1 tie - .Tot. mr - t - - -, ik At Ormoat, I:; '. .., 'oa Friday nfi'M thu Ka.;,ca; ! a Pcmorf e tnrcb- 1; Y-H io- .. i i-e if r.wd ander a " H -'I r,tK ' V,ea - I -v u bv..r i j '--i iw-t l.i were be SJLSTKSJ WARD KXLITI b e,r giaat Irieada of the Boater Yard ar working with saal aad m deteneiiao-1 Ho worthBe aS oooltioo aad adir. ttoo. Tit? m a adbi aet ef patrlotar vThe grand rally, eev WeoWdaja.-nigbt, was tba oki loairiag; saoatio(, ebc eamrnloo far, Tba Cab Rooaa aeavtydeora4odsortBe oocaaioo, by tba ladiao, with' frtab total wreathe aad swrgrooM, sad protested beaatifai ap pearaoea. ' - At tfce&piMaCed boiwwoa ail aod eight huodred peVt( Ql'ooi B prs Of the a akfm Vina ladbia all iaat K I BM .J Muid ! 1 I r JOer ik rsuutttiM at' the mrotiac. three ewoet little giria, (Jail Ram, Mary 1 """end ?" "FN brmJBgty draBsed, aoterad the BaQ atti adraoeei W the pf. fBoat, beoriog tbe boaatiral Mttioaal ear. naerUied with tba uimi of nu a widataawaJcl had hoea mad by'aadW'elj tba Ward for jtraaeataiio to the Ctab,- This Flag k really eiqnieile ia woraaa. akip and finecU groat erodU aoa tW sair doDora. nni n e Ml a . t n i t I pamuua una, a q , woo aad nils ' pai I llclted; by tba idio otbe ard,U praoaat too uanaor Mtaotr 1 fn ai Laoira flinrriwaiaw r With that ebarwiag pttriotlsm,"wbloh Tta bora oa M the eminent baratarUlius 01 the sea. ia an ages aod to every ita.l, the radios tbls porttoa ot tlKUitv of Kalaiirb faava mads, with their ow la'r haadvttua heaa- uiul riag, slcto ttwy deairot wreaant to the Hevatoar aod Blair Ctwb of the Beotera Ward, as a token oi fheir ittltf to the areat caaee oi reaca ho, WODatuuuooal Ubvij ia which ero encaoort. have beta Oharged with too graufui daty ol teoder- tng it to tna aereptanee of tba Club, aad I aateoat it a high honor and a happy privi- Hve, to neveoeea aeieeteo at toe tsedlora ol so plaaaing a oomawaieatioa, frona atwA a soaroa to roc orgaaitittioa. It may tie ataumcd ae an athim ia morale. ia social relet Iona, and to peditjea, that that cane Is intrinsically rialti, which oommaBda rbo allegiaaea ot woojaa All biatory il lnatratra the troth of the' Bsaertloa, sod iu poses Biea oi sad.. eiiBtee. : like a radiant mirror, with the light of bar boaoOcent i flaoncoovor meo, axfr waneaa obo - oeitiea Jra arrive at thiir eonvicrloes of dm br a alow prooees or reaauoiBg, ia wbicb policy too on en warn tba totioir conclusions of judgment ; bat awewii'rapi r the Kisbt it Miuiuvoaaa wtunttoeom. ,.aso ah I ttsooflrmsour faith ia the justice oi oaf eaate it strengtbens our belie! that Ita toiasiph loeawt.M ttmaaltatioa ot ab Kepublio aad the perpetuity ot-trae taeii- tuUnnt it increases our ardor and aires additiobal etuaulae. y p, rif .yta, J eb aaraas oar arms sou re tavigoraiee oar very aaturea, te hue, thtt althnairti mnaceflary and depraved wa may sell themselves for pell and place, may ueoy their race tad re pel the promptings of honorable laatioot,. mar barter the bo seat worklV eattn tor fie sordid cramb tba fall ia fte dirt from. too UMee ot powrr4 tin veaw&rf ihifland. wita Dsrely an eieeptloa, are true and toy al to the great in let of tlio -liour. m Thia wide country over, wneiever the beanjigs of I be nreat uooular beart are heard Tta tbla mighty impending struggle, delicat aad fairy fingers are weaving ibe 4mea the rlorloos renretentstires ol ouresaeav BDoo the FISTt the tawi, aad ocmittlbg tb proud Kurrdnn to tbe true meo ot the laad, with the inluoction lo b'ari tbeonolve wot thv of the sacred trust. ICjnar aim Mt bo mid, witboar itrxroing tbaWlangjage of metaplior, tbn every tireeae, troov.'tnoae which saarB ever the Northern lakes td tbaA-wbicli stirs tba bnaoa of- tbe BoAthara golf, ia mdo with three emblems of female eympetbyoadi aVse owft-fYbeai iki one obaU Iwva two, added f ibs glittt-riog ar". ray, and eitvaioa to ne-nmne lit ,Mie sir, there will be new lnplraih.ij ml fresh wofe idth sight of its; bf iUwi ivWaaad star , arcwined baldric I - - What is- it, that krrcell 4hs Jbw of stb Uaioa with Us espreasiveaees, asMt gives it IU hold apt the tfbe&tmi pi the people f (Tnlem aa tb reprasenutiva of great aeatt colored bunting; nwbrbfe tliad any othef painted een-rstr "wbicb mSf1 latter tV tb braemvw r5wt,s B adopted ay moot or af futhers, to illustrate a llaioa of aovareig States snd a-lhity of eo equal stare, at associated, la the, reonllllon and gloiat of tbe past, wilh the' Idea of b beneficent government eo4 protecting. Copstitutoa, to l it ojii BuryHtajop Mn4 Var ypasie ratioa. Ftrav vanrs ef b'oodv war. Boiler a different UarMr.AartnottiMahfflcteaAto divest oar ancient nride ta I', or, rather, ia the t-lorinas type .which it eoaveyad ot oldAt ibe emblem fea aui National rty aad-o(tb VowarBf&ataabaerWa looB 4 apoa It atHl wit rnr, earn amottoas aa Iim ti S it i1 ta triumnh nvae tba flida ad Haw Or lease e Buoaai Viata, Itieoaly srhea M M imosoaaly eiaimod as tftweymftol of a govern mrs, wuic eek b ppate. aiQa or oaa sei una aan awnas aao wesiy tana br" htwlesa atxido after, isnwutboriatsl power, that our riabta beebmeB seeaamJ as too ssna wbrca evwa -tta- waaro- aei,i aadesa aambdffsU.b4cbt Mi bob oar bamiliatioo 1 JJy- the bleosiag ot OoJ, We hope, in this great confliot, to as id aUrry dye ia 'such laatiog huea; that a ffrtm i,l mlia Iirjt ar tanfii ra e-aa tar tfTm tberar We strive to ntk- it tUvi rst4d. perpetual, vr1 jetlng sofbha ef Civil Litborty, ttiawutattoma rpsvOdm ana aegi Saxo Night, , ji m kVobaU. as V-l TtwW ariUiaaer nwf 3V M i'wl h patriot hearts we'll avear, Tbat rniu's waaiuic rale sVH alu Fur Seymoat sad or Blair I) Wa'B lote tkr alnrioaa eaaro. V Te ante tba eeanrry. aaast aaa kaad,' w Tba -t'aina'os it srsa, i i Tbao ninf tb glittering Caesar eat abs una mw,..i , ,s,i e n rm eeyasoor so fur niaw I" Aad mow. Sir, take this Fits, aod .char- ata awet tarred traett will apeak to us, whenever and wberevrr it may toy lib tbe brte.e. nf ine womanly. rfnemae T(pp'liit that hare prompt4 its lx-itow at. Hallowed aad ebarmipg memorira wiu cl-nfrr within its rvery fold. And the ao too.iatioBs'Of this1 Imuf'-will rinpire our bcartt tad nerve our arm, in erery crisis tbatmvoiw the honor or- tba safety at tbea, wbo, ieatr!ingtawihBT h-aotl-ful gift, bare C'T-iitnteJ p,tb gtiardiaa aad tkleader ef kAk ! , wi l Capi.. C. eormanoo lh a?f bt th Club, , rcpHi(ltd'T.ery Vej'jimpriately, aa fo'!n 'si .. ...---. - ! Major ii,U':- ltaliali. si', of the rafirm. Hers of this CtuH, I wt th 1u e 't of fcrir 1 j !i tlr lO'ii-t l( tlt" J m Vi , L ,ve i. !" .' ! v o t ' r ad ia t; fnn . e t i tue t , u 1 n tu to re tit-"' i nr wrm;t. - fciai i, it tlnnlit '! " t.m tost t'f'! tUut, Biij isd fiers to tue Oi, tioa- """- v a .JaO aw ta fba caut w chfrl.h, ia blghly ap pyaaiaasd. - - . We ere proad to tree, sir. (bat tba party mhi k iieloae;. aad Uia 'at ariaoi aieaakiub we advoeaU aad slots ia. have ta aarlorsemsat aad approval ot tba ladies ot the land, Xiiaaa addidoaal laoeati va ta aste pram aarwaed with larr sisd aaat ta awreturta to atoua Radteatiam. aad U arkrith;eewd srdt fbrtbe eVcttoa of oargKat cHampioos Bejasoar aad Bbdr. W seal kmdly eborish Uis stem sate n,pproval.' mad- araearvurtt with holy oar. Aad I koow. air. that voou anmmoa rUb arery patriot ia the lead, wiU iota with aa la tb mrvoat prayer, that tbla Badge may victortooery Boat above tba gnrvoot the Kadicai party ta the gnat No vembor atra?ete. triamBbiBt, etuclaimiBi that it t truly aa emblem 4 liLertT. srue avmt s4 m treadom m taaiaad aaa proad4y asy, ' ;. - .-'-. -.- "Iniof mar wave, aad ever Waal ash. TB riag was tbea takeaoat, sad, by the bright light ef tbe atMr.himted to its lofty owrsUonoe tb pole, which had beta sd iaheafef thaCluh Weat, amid Toad fihesaa, tba Mag at saaaos, mad trala at poaasaf aad atfniaf opoacbea, as W tefaf soaoBBord. were mad, at tb call of the aadtaamt, by Maasrs. J. Q DeCarteret, C, H. Batbae, Oao, H. Baow, F. H. Baabee, 1. 2. Utdard had T; TtHagbas. Tbaatrnumt rtb4veBiBg w1oeed hyUatmmoBsBrsanaamea play ef rockets, which jrer witoeaeed by th large amblag of ladies ad geatle. Btea with eager pleasBra. a " Tht Balloon was made, only a few boors oesor its aiorawioa, oy Messrs. i. ti. Kirk bam tndT. jT..? Feotrom rood mt and sraa. aad tai anckota. triasv . war aa- rlajr th aaaptro of that gallaat, emrfjsf uemocfat, air, j. taa. Bnaa. f tarn ttu tares faf taf -Xeatsra W4 1 BMTMOQHs A If it PLJLIB fcymour and BlalCluba bfVrahk Will bold a Ifatt Meeting la LouisbBrr, oa Saurday, las 10th ef Outober. m Boa. a H. Rogers, '? . WUder, Bsq, CA W. A. Jeokina. CqLW. W. Green had Jo. Taraar areospceted to addrrsitbo pie taasaweasloa. -J IL both avktt aad eoteordj of this bad adjolBinr Oooottea, are invited tol be prBMot and aalm la 4b a aTirt lt'jm the CatttitaUo aad, th Uaioa.- i Ov 0M Comtpo&dt&o. 'I!aTTOj. OniiaJBepti Jo. 18e. tiemr. PA& CiZ.- Since writinirmy ls,o kaa had. amy oaoiaag: tlmm- i-rJ wna boiuiou meauaira. ol wuien, w nave bad aoiae fine ooa. T. Radicals hve mad atroBg eff.irte to got ap mootiags, but,, haying aa aegrooa to avail too arowd, they bar ailtmwed out aompleta fcilarerv 1'he lyg Radical slieet. Which 1 published- in this city, always endtavora to bavcaera sxiuaas ft0 Alt Xuhiros, bat iney woa'tdn. sll the time. ..u,.'!- i Da last Hatntday night, a big meetlag' wfr oVetoed, Bad at tb - aamo tim a Dftntocratl ateetinr Tb Radioale didaot babe their a, - Whvt Beraoee there were oojy k dosws Dresent, and th , speaker ( a -cuted hlamif oa tba plea of being an Well. (SScb a saaajk gattbaviaa;mas enoaghj to eilicomiyooa-sica i uo ttaatoat oauea oa htoadav.'sald. "a aosoaat ef th taclnsea- eyaaf thi maatbar, tbe moattofc bras small f b tbarxTT awsai rm.aiiaMaa oa'tbe eight, aad la tboaaam was t her, bad oAmtmaovwvJa. fwbiir'tb Xad.Aad wiixihailal aolao ahla'ncaker diacassed tbe is nasi of tba day to a cwdjpfebost a.wv MvawM No. it wu tot tbe weather, but the spirit of the people Tha bra IM of aha aJe aad Macagaaraism who waiea in iuombi tlBB oooad f tnevwr re- a 'manrs : they say Ike aeaat bawt olutoga, aad tbey wiU bar a seance. - Tbey bare beea tool, sd long eaovtrb. aod a tby ore tired of Ast and '-tiovrapt a7rBBeai." . ,Tb waat tba "Union'! ao mora, aad tbey wanfwhiwmea.'adt argrnra to govora it Hrbimth lUdiaals waat tba. awgeoes to role and one trot the Bowtb, aad th awrat; ity party" total tb North, that they aaa steel oU tby waabj Bot hat time is ovarviAri -t -. .-, -1 "Tb whole North la aroused. Tkowaads am loaviog ths sinking veeaal and arserowd- mgoa board tbe good tblpTiemooracyoni UieUk tbe',old slilp you sometimes hear aaog off tJbs kaa Uotled msor tboumndt and aaa land as atSBy asora.T,-(Nearly very imaaoorauo paper yoa pick an, poa ae, sa dor til beading of "still tbey eoma," a no tic of aoomvromiaoat Repabiiooa who bat 1 Joined, heart and tool under, tb Prrnocrat wua Bey moor and Blair ia scribed,. But how , often dd yon" bear ef a Daoora iiioUg tb Radicals I , I UU yo tbey era "tew aad far botwoaa..-Aad be sides those ef ptomiaooe, tboaeaodt of leas Bote, nut wao, Bcvertaeiess, can vote.. Bra leaving thuroltca party", aad j lining too Pom at racy, t Tbia Fall tb-v will Vwt Urn Irqaal Uxatlos, Bajmoar and .ai(," aad tbe whole Dnsoarati ticket a m ot I Tam are pleaty at good orator sow 111. trig oar Btat Witk taws aoaaiaax vbsenov epeacuea, and tney ar aotug ntnob rood. We have m-b men a Paodleton Pugb, Jbutmao, Vallaodighams ,and othtra Uio wawroos to mtotaoo, oa tee stsina, lor -eVymoar1 aad Blair. Senator Dmlittie tasapesob haeeoalaot FrbUy. We remerfoae .ajeeties:; Over 10.000 - - ttmiAA anil ,h r I. u v nf L lk. oeretty eaa boast t iaoay- graerd be e wua taotr atnmdtaat.i tta marts a I Boa, rmpn etve spoecsy, ami namoaee ' ap. T pratta. ITor cVuator Tburmsn, and etbeea. la. . a win addrem tba citixens, oa asxt Ba( urdsy, aad Hob. Oeorge H. Poadletoa will apeak ae tb loth. w riptct to nave glorioo biatea- vri j .m . M - - ie X .Th Rtdlcal par y Is resorting to trery Bwaa aevic imagioaoM te carry .te ata tioa, esriUsvoaa'lal . fae peswfa aW aid atmtd tkt smmw ralfsa Mar saaatry. Every en r- aVeeted aad they tatamt be sert thrir wtmost, aad this Fsit yea may litleS for a glnriout report Irora Ohio, tail yo aUi sot listea ia vaiayfur tbe Ird, of aoataeswrntur wilt bow taat CHiio ha aaat a heavy wiajorify of bar tree jepU's votes for the L'aion, tot Seymour sod B air. There art great tnajry working asea. here we ill vote, bat aiil aot let their fert bar d koow what tamr right head de,nr tbey srt working tar Badiaahvaad If ibeir empLiyert kaew tbey bad owted wiib th DaowcrMie party, they Would dlschargo them attbef bare doa before ( tmt ibey mill ante Demoeratt aotaltbrsedin j.- It li sH riht for a mas lierc to, diarbsrgs smtber aur- voties; the Demoarattt tick e. bot k m 'boeribte rrbal" owwafre, bt a aa dosra 'Uth disrhares Begro for vmier the "carpet bag' ticket A, msa here baa a rijht to d acnarr whom be pleases, and ft any rsaar, aad I brliere tbe pwrle et the 8on ; t tis-ve, too, your traitor Unl'iea ta t r-.nrrr, aatwiibslsonAff. ' , I Biat c' ss f -j V fern to t ' 1 i '-e. tlopirg obo--,ttb. State, and to T-u-v Tm' W. I QiXS Hi "4 TUSECCBAKZ MISSION. " The 8i!!i x Wter from Hon.' William AOfahtm, 10 'voa. Ruaecrms, was elicited by tb V tiiio Sulphur ooafarwus 1 'Jt rujwnK. 14, 18811 BtaAdmiriag the aobl spirit at patrt otism. paaca and good will which dictated yoar tetter to tier Lf, at White Butphar opnaga, on va :n U't , ata preeuming it tigbt bit acceptable to ,erir aaswats to lbs inquiries tliereia nude fr m a more ex. amdadiacM af eitiawa- t the Boutbara Sutr tbaa beppeard lo oe- coaveaitat fbr oossurtattuB at tue. tuna ot tula cor re poo doooe, I beg permiaeioa to auperadd my isetiaMoy ia hearty aoacnrreaoa with tb rrp!ice 04 Ose. Lee and- his aasocistaa oa the topir. aasbranod in jear eommaaka " '"''"t.,r' sr':r'tJ ;Te be more f iplicil ; v , U Tba earraailer ai lb Boatbarn armfas wa a real aarreader, aaade ia . honor aad goad faith ; as ha been demoastratsd by tb feet; bt to all tb world, that ia three and a half years not a sword hat bean lifted agairstliM government, Bor any plot (or m'siarKie t it tornMd. ' - '-t, Ta claim of a Btau aad t the Conti- tatatvte smart Irorn the Uaioa. or-, te nullify it laws, (neve rexarred la by a atsjurity of tbe paofdaof this Bute has beaa abaadoaad try those who eatorlaleed hi at tat tied by th decisive arbitrament of tv Alrieaa slavery was surrendered an aa atasalt of tbe war, ia pwtect sincerity ; aad there exiett aa purwaat 0 -etyaetsUo ' at iU re-rstablishment, A 4. fbr has been, by srvaersj soaarnt, a woowwiua t tae emancipaen acsro, aa an tb civil right of wbit man, aad tlx re It Bo hostile bmlMe; aa tb part of th whit . & 1 7 . j . . . ... roe tiraltist tba eolored ; bat there ar ad mitted to be mutual Interest and depead- eoctae, natea would, ere tiila, Bo neon adjnttad spaa tb ordiaart priociplea which regulate labo and aspilal inotbsr eoonrea aitiea, but fur tba asaise action af Coa grma. aad the agitatkmi af aaUtioians, tor tba moat part aew coolers from etste of tb North bud West, operating en tb pre judices of tne niacat ihrouga lac rat leaga aad enmoiaailoa.' . . i S. The people ot tb State at tbe South have aa lateliiirent comprehension of tba Coostitatloa o th UaiU'd Btatea, as writ- i at czpoosdod In it admiaisuauoo for eighty yearn aa illcs'ratad ia judicial decisions, aad aa taught tn tba Comma te net oi meat aad Story. - Ta tbla, tney r somed their alb gb a after tb lata aafur tunat war, aot meritly,, la sincerity, but with a reasonable aVwiee ol eb wrfulam aad aopev- Aad their euaaatMfAonoa aad plaint new h aot agaluat tb Constitution, obi taat its provisions uav not beea ou- at-rvad and kept toward them, and that tbsy ass openly defied taeriahmof Unr eal selt-goverameai, ock sow lodged .ia the CoastHutioa, and proudly aod dtlamly. no rigotiuiiy, clatmed and eaeroiaea oy tb Bonnie of the State North of tba Potomac and tb Ohio, . Diaaatitfaction on this grounds perysilm mar than four filth ..of MM white men, oomnrebcading not ate rely old arcesfionhitt am) Demoora'a, but tba life long followers of City and Webster, the eapperiar at liairiaoa,Tayiot FkUaier sad Boatt, ataayol whom reaiatad ateamiim at Very baxard aatil War was begun aad thorn wa ln to tbm only ehoie of aldea, and then, sec mling to their ouinloa ! ef duty. West with their Btah sail sscUoa ; other who sever abandoned their oppoaitioa. ba 1 expressed k freely throughout tba war t all of whom, without Mcard to. abatraot idea at poiltical power, readily acquiesced ia th eaeasare m leatorathm tvascsibed i ty tbe Preaideat la tb year 18J, and . btve ever tinea beea anxious for a return of cordiality and harmony la every reglo of tb Uaioa. Tbey has- Be power or parpo -to attempt redraft by fore, hurt hey appeal ta their fallow eidxrat everywhere for a res tors Una of the tta covenantor tba Coast t-utioo of lhat equality, which, among State at among loxiivlduals, is priuciul of tquity, aad wbicb, ia ear American Uaioa,- ie ia oorpota'ed into the CoattitutioB, aad mad tbe tupttm law ol tb land. : ; With tbaa conviction! os their minda, they have hailed yonrilotorveatioa ia bvbalt ef aaolid and lasting tranquility ss that ol a pnbtie JbenefucUir, , being! UieaMelvet tboroagbly persuaded that tt tba Just - aad patriotic mea of onr mral seotioe eeald not iBbrraoraiBBo. and .nadaratand each ether, reconcilement, harmony aad a gnuK oal rotnra to proeprrlty would b' th ear aad' natural eoaeeqneece. Msy Heafea aid your effurt to this good tad, and re ward yoa with it cbo least bUatingt 1 1 B.-hevs bm, sir, with truerespatt, .,.!( j f ;.. von, ntiMlinfit aarvaat. n WILLIAM A. GRAUAkf. I rCt tbe nenuneL'! - aWymew ai4 Blair la tDowU and 'vsMie'Jloiltai ' -f ' tiiaixmuxt, urpt, ia.A " A large meeting! ot. the citlxeoa of Ma. DowaU aad Rutherford coaotiea took place at Ityaartavliia, HcDowait eoaaty, aa- not ardsy, tit tsth ' lren sad ware addressed by Col. jf. F. Uoka, who, by invitation, was preaset. The fiosnical policy of onr Ns tioaal and Biat rovernmeata wa lullt dh aatad sad espbnaed, tb extravsganosand oorrupiioa pi tba Pedicel party exposed, aad me grievous burdoas beeped oa tb la bor of th country pointed out, ta the tat it faationof all praseat.- The speaker clearty ahowed that tb landlord sad t aeaat s'oud ta raterett on th mm' ground, -wbethr ihty wsrs wblt or black, aod that that la ter at led tkm to support tb Seymour aad Blair ticket. -14 r - ---"v.v A marked effect was produced an th bears aad a Bamberof Radicals iwaaueoad the League. Tkit asstisa. W all riyAt, aad will mil ap la November a majority tor tb Democratic Candidates.'.' -... la ee Leaguap which, ht the Bpriag, aambered an . hundrad Bad twaaty-tre, there rmaia only twaety-lva. Ataeotbtr pisea, wber tber was large Lragne, tbry aambar only three. From every svetioa at th mouttsia district, tba asoet cbsariag aows reaebm as, aad this District msy be aet down M eertala for Beymoar aad Blair, aod that gallant yeang abempioa ef eivU liberty and eeostitouoeal , govarameat, t'iate imrnam, lor Uoagress. . v. 4-. J in laiaatoas auacc of tna oteaertf, aa tba white womaa at tba BtaM, ia raising s storm el iadisastloa amonc tbe penpU ot tbiCoaaty. , DVSAiirsVILUC. , Tb black wivtch who committed a etrageoaa aaaautt oa Mrs. Widman, k r pec table wbit lady, living near Dan bury, Oona , has beea captared. Idea till id and labed m jaifc -His same w (htyoa, hi aia tooa years otd. Bad hsi trout Ncwbera. Pamrsn-vaBt abb IspiAaa. W have aaa lettct Inn both these rJiatea, reeeivtd la tbia city by ta lam mailt, from reliable, well-iatormoit, and careful aoorces, wbicb art ia tbe bigbeet degree acoaragiog. - Wa shell arry both these rkatee ia October by Biajoritira at leas, anrely, tbaa twenty thousand.- IT. Kxprtu. - 1 It is wndervtood that A. S. Welsh, WicbU fia crr t t(? 8.-ntot from Florida, hir ing dro L.t lv thouiind doliart tslsry, and mtie&z lor sevra hours service aa L'ui tcd rttstes ? nto, est (j r.e to !, te "" the I'ridocy ot ta A'ir uiturl illi TELEGIlAPniC. Onr Aiternama dlspaU-tica. FBOkt : WABHCJCTOIf.' ', . . - . t , WAsiitaiii, Oet. 1, 1C, aevorsl Hew toes y mars asaaaaua sna mn ttnt Tnaaarer, lur aeeret aaha Of Ool,-'- """fc ..... ratai via;uiaATiw vv h .-" J ' "l fB0tBan.0et IK' Jseoh FUaa, bmg a Jutf T tb CruwMial Ooart, a daad. Taeodm Jonsa, Artist, at else PBOX XISHODIU-r-aKg. HANCOCK.' . . Ctaownoi.tT. Oet, t bt, JQea. Htataaka wean. received at OaHysbarg, aavttm re "P. asrtlat bim aarseae snaaut .- aa-at -il .raifh if -Htifi pjnr geaav Oet.aVav Money aettve at T, BasrHnir aerlva t H ' taut. North OsraUeaa, new 7S Vu-frtniaa,' aw, U a. W- Tam1aaaaea.ax40uDMia.68: new t rot-eaaabade armar;qoiet at tKt. Tttrpaa- nna moist. aaiatU. Jlosia atramvd ' aouunea - asair aninatgari iwamnienoa, h . ""r fbok wAiaI!Krro."",, , , .... m -""-.? a Wmmnmamv Oet. t, P. bU AB Otrsa-y raerajtt at Oa-hsst Barreeks have baenatdsrad I Omsrsi SAanaaa; toJBgUttbe Cot 0, B, t)eedle bse been appolided staveaaa laawrriaar sar gmtaeky, Re sppohitmeat vsda fur X-wTerk. m M m j 1 vat ' " "" FBON rHICA0O-rATT.rrt,."'"" B. T. CebblB. Preaideat of las nosed at Trad, baa tUaO. UsbUlUe an baadrtd measan ""mm, ' "r i ii ttioo mMtii H-'Ha-ifih ill 11 1 iaaaaaoaMI bt rBoif: auabajta DEaocirno - a s i , u 1 . .PmjiA, bt' 1 Tbe PiinavaHa lUSs hlaas MasUac t4y, wae mov nassereae'y aMeaded tksa any eikeT meetiog ever neld ia tba HUta. The attendsne la aatlmsstd at .t0, mt whom 1.0 n. vers Bar AHaf tb CoamUe te middle AJaaaai were mpreesatad, th most at tbem by Olnbs.U Tb Beoestaion wta-two wiles ama,. . i :;' I n mads- br Oem OUmaa. Oavi Watt, . W. Tsylor, It. A. Herbert, Oov. Winsi toa, and 0, W, J-as. Ths spesohea. were til ear- aaat aa leyaL Oov. WaUa' eloqaaat spuatrope t the nstkaal ass was atsta loadry tbewi i tbaa aay other rsmark.:.,..," f ,""',"f xwa toraaiisiis yrt a. WHUtfftl fjj. tyMVm fnn- a-miil.iatar-i sns.i.h"Wl c- ' - -i-vl i--L i v w uauuas. im.i.x'. JL. i The new Board at flowwiiiiaira, aaaar ia ttstmpolltsn polios bill, aompoted of t fro aefrm and shmt white, bars eontmenoed their dutia One UsaiaassA ia tae aaaisae, tba eldest msa bar ef est toroa, kss reslroad.- '"'' ai vne j' In the Heaea, oa ymterday tw mora, whits ted od reninese1 ty bee 0-yroaa, - Ths Bsajority resost af ha ate. Hoa OoawUltee atatm that tba white Btea,' wheat seats warn mnt salt iL warn eUeted hv awilini drid aad aytiMifoat emjortry aad . tbe Bbarset apoa whlob tht aetft were oanteeted Were a Tba miaority rapart, sifntd by two nesrasrl aswaaUni Ibe whites aad meting tb btaeka, was saupteOHfTtoia. ,- - - Tha BlaiaDemeeraUa CixwsrraUre Conren. mm oavsaed, aa yaaterdsy, sad srfanbwd, Uh run atteaaanot, to-day. """ iwi, ; .. ' ." ajlalfaUAa I a;,f- -let i....,IH'l"l "l ,f , ,., ...... .. r pBOht 0Boiwu--nrt tJWrATDRxU Th noase Bdl tt arH ibI a-ae pataaas ef tuk from batef sleeted to omee, was loat. " w 4 " ABiateoompel Common 'Carriers 1 j jtrolos " '" was SBBt. O!., win 1 ,H li. am tbi a-AWMH iroi,unoji.i,rd Msdridls qutetaad htads bse msd iPai viaiooal unto. Be meaeuras tekea laokinff to tb future, bayoad nuaelaUao of plan 1. JJ lupaoua. notaiaf wiu ae aaaa aatil rim aod aaraaWa arraati .ssimsu, j ,, " '-i-il-: ""i" l M I 'Al , u, ,Mui. I I Wl . B.Ml'l ifH Imm iMtt .t-ijaii.rBni Ions, OotTX atX Cattna Iran nut 'vary aotavw, ttssm LJO bslesaSBSs. ...fiu -Ti7 ' rMsstiuaetrvn. Ooll erased Weak.l.WA !''-'":".. WnJnawroa''fMi.'x. P.ltl TsToaatiBS iraaailB.. aVoaia onlat. Via' Ada. Tar Brssstt.W. vJ,7JZ''"i , cotwa aUddliag, m3M. ',,- - ;"" .-''-- ;-s naiMxmaa, Oet. A, P. hb , Cottoa ana J aBk' flour, aad wheat dug, Bomiaal Sad anehtasd. .. ' - j imiM w 1 11 aene sa ' . ",ft.'.? -.-fay the Bcntliirl, r ieymont ami Balr In Harnett 1 Parsusat to a previoat aotio-' flie Cos servative aad Pemoorati oitiaswa of Neill't Creek Dtstriot, Harnett eoaaty, mat Jos, tnmw Btor. an Batarday; Brpff tib, A." Jobason' lot tba parpoas si forauoa .Ber mouc ad Xflatr dUX . wnr Itwaa (- Tb meetlnsr trmnortrilt nrnnlBed he oy caning B. Kaiioteau, JSiq.. to tJ,e Chair, and W. M. JtcNaUl wa .nppoiutod Beeratary to. iimi. . i.,. j ' Oa tnotlon, the Chairman appointed the1 following Committee to draft B-Lwt and Retolatiim tor tb BMeting, vit. C. C. Barbae, Was. Peareoa, Jse, A. 6exton.U. B. urvea aad D. Btewart. . '" "i4 in tvommltte reported By Last and Retolalloaa, - which .were unaoimuutuly adopted, with aa sasendmoat by Gamy yft Feotre, Isq. 1" , i .- tie. That th Inalih Itneuair Is laadrwaau la ex area out iodiuoatioa . a' the vile iaeult eoerad te tbe Boatboia ladi. f throng h tba entuma at tb Radical argaB. - Tba. l lowing g-ntlim wera-iihe aiertod permaueut oiftcert of the dab i' V. C. Barbee, Eq Pretident ; V. E. Oteea, D. Stewart aad Dr. A. t). Cutts. Yio Pint! delt Jamea A. Bextuo, Reoordiog bWre taryi W. M. btcNuill, Corresponding Seer tary t w m. t earsoa, l rossiin r. : l , T be roll beiag preprd,eighly a naaie war aroiira. . ' -4" . ... j - Oa motioB, It Was resolved, that the rW aeedings of this meeting b published In tsM Ottt&tttli M tn i" j ti'1 f tli:Vrf'' ' Tb meettne- tbea adioomad. to meut the second Saturdsy ia October. U. U, BAKlilt E, rretident. tv Jab. A. SixroN, Secretary. a lan.i r-wi 5, WlBCBester Ec?eatta i::el! TITO tnOTI A IECOHOU TIB ATTENTION ef Dealers aod Bporisiaea Ie iark d to U.H inprwri.d veapoa, m. be- easiuie vxtreejaiy popular wharavar n Is auowa. Utm. n ads Haaapfeia aaas of tt 1 -I reward tee V. iar.laalat' sa itae auwt rfnwtrvs lis saai 1 baas eaar saea. lis eerura.? ia i Baaraahte, wade a era pa sad peneuaixia qnt say raa I have aaed In aiy niiiiuuo, M ia the heat Uraeea-leaike' yat ii.enwad. Tare siaaa ars mads s A rihe, iKliinz aias sat t-haif poaada aad earrvine am n rea uhi la mas-aa ua. Vrw I And s C'arWns, watgh. io aeaan and s ha.f peaniis sad rarrtn.s ihir Um shots is mat-"' 1'im !4i. t arirklree ti jiev hooil i. . iirm ol brt.h aiuis w aaias m C't s Arai I .-1 'i 4 I" I uu-h. i . - . .. Ten per saaa. tt5wu4aaoiiStrs f 10 ai sis of sk-.i. h-i.l l-vFu-re-a, C O.I), on r-r- t nf 20 pee e-iit. i-l I-- - I -.ri I ' .1 l. i.,.A4. ja... far Oi. -a. ' ... ... - ' .- ' i I'll., Bept xs-laaMt Aaa i.ioa, Cuua. J K A Ji U eta ices. s GUIDE TO MAUlilAGE. J ' ,.Xmmf Mraa faldato Htopy ktarriaga aad Oo6jat J feHciry. 3UA kaaiuu viesie of bettri slant Pbyabsaoa oa 'he ivr iia aad Abases ums aeat to lout, sud Ksrly M ankuol, sent ra sealed bttsra'Mdlopei i-iH'H 9ow AKD AiDrK'IATitlM, liox P , Philauvlphia, fa. est. Jl-dlslhu - ' - ' Westfrn Lands aod Feruililcs, 1. A)mri01 10 Otrwnint, Hisis smUiall 'rosd lAisinlbbitioi. air-buy end euii 'v. Laadilh Illikuit, Wlacotsin, Minnesota, aifi itfiitwri a,se ?i4:". TVs biyTesl pr e pW tkU i'AtlBASTS and tHitatie l.Vt ,fti rVli,s Al i -, , We Bleu pui nl.ate, a' i.a. ri m, au DISCRKDtttW'''Wr?BfEllM-' COUN1T, : ,v t CiTk' AMfctW.WN. I10SU4 y CarrretKieileneA s'-hettsd and any fafnraiatiua reomreii funsuaaee wnnaatsaarfra. smi .". ti' -K it!li DOKol.S tMJ , .Mw Mil iftieakssa, Vorht My.s BSJ . -aSWWaB.J,aj-i IK tmrt -W knif-'uaJ -'.ijtEa.mj a fcM".i. m..... t.i Orekashore XIaney Market:: r:'' hurflfff mtts' waisit "Bona a.1 bt wriMW a WiortEiiC hisKEns and axes is uu Ilaonjtsa.rVPTn tnaaanxr, O - i awarn Ji. tb- bank H, V-4 SM Vspr rvsje: .i,l.t..,M,.,r.UV.,.,v, 1 SS I'ltarKwe. ............ ............. wi taaMSMHe .3 si ti eu . Btt Tluauasnlle. . .' " OeahmuAkilAia..-iA"Jl,'jt.. " LsxinxUia luidl , as u 1 I fTrtH-wX.frr-'- AB ...I..- j, 'a 4.. YaueevriiW Haianu'hsKjcnrNearlierw.wJ!.... ..... ... v s en f armars' llsuk of tireouauvro', (old) ... . r."r my. 1 StHMTS StKI 4 If i.r.. 1. Oosstnar.mJ H,li ut "WUuimirW: .,. J 8reiili.aii lluliialliis. Oo,, (old) ,f v,,,f finrinis Uiu.k uua aremse sbuut .'. . .. S3 S 48 1 oath CmruUus, "rf.t..v4.r...,.,.,, '.,'.. wora;tL..r r .. xo .Uilrota .,, ,1 Webnraud iwlkiit bborsl prioea, Onld ari'l H.I. r, borth Caiuimt liunda, UiumhI tiutta) Uuuot ia all utlinr iiiarkoisble auieks. ' ; . ,.- j OrUura tiir llauk uuiaa bm Alaara and ttV holders of llnuli aill laoeive tnun)'t au nut uin. 1 ; bVsturna fr rxpiuss saakhKiie of ll.iia itoiet e wui os nisuo uo ins day rsoaivil, by euer aMuti.urlijf 8!jiore, or iu eufiwjAa dw X'it?a i rffjti&riitiieiA iaaaed la too Oouitanies;' at beat ratea, . uoa, m-nsvom IdATKItJII.1 IV. J I wit? B.bhaMr fem&r.' 1 " i I U " 'v:i'ltl-iV4 ' ' (t.w r I ratces 1 I OV BOMTI 'AlUt4XA fUKI OTWS lt Bank of K. C, (Cold IHf iiUni. lD W. B. fM. " yaps rearrt,MM.M4. Kl hb'IJIai.rltteiw: v j ,,.,..,. .4 B.1 ,il'-a.-XiniKti, atGratisw,! new 10, aid Kl .. M y 1. "i- . u ja ... Ai, I M WsdmUvouxk. --.. I ..... vwiMn,w, iir IrtrMIt i. "A ItluiWUt, . , 1. . J 1. B l AH FayaUaviik.MS.Mw,. ,M . , II i 44 Claraudoa hJW ijMHMyviUeiaih. .i 9 MHssve and I'laiiWa', Baak ....1 .... Sll rasiiaW Jiaiik.tWMaisli4inmaji.ut.w .JL iJ.l,, l2l 1 w.-. 1 n .ftnfiw. I4miii,. S, llurcusnt SiUaoSi, Nwitmi,. -Ahf ereem-boronnS ktsiiial.4i.,..... 1 VlSKUlU A.SA MUM, AilS.,. It Houlh Caroaut iw'I,1BkJ w.i.-..!,,,,,!! aoorgla , ,cH a 'j'f Sil t loU j. rwa 1 MMas'Wi 1., M'4 HUirer. ...i.j., ,....,., i,,.,. td Conpons ... ,4i .... r.. . . , . 4rt . ., .,; . . , el Nartn Carolina Kallroavou)a.,,.tfc..,., H7J KsehMUteoa Nsw .York.t . , r . . J ,v. , i It K. A U, Umilroad. Block n ....... .... .... t7i . . ni ltt n ALEOU NATleHAL) - a--- es., ' .... I. . '- II A Mi art endwaamrffr a a fi - , a'" , Am, .VM,i UtitiAk4iiVi4AAf jAHa'Kt .Kia Jit . . t-os, .awiiww.' i r .1, . - . ,rsi . kU IrBVm rsSWAJH, riroUeatt, , pf " 'C' DS W ST, Casnier. .Ji -T s lant j. c rjLAKE.'TeUer. - ' irn 'Miv ,r ... ,i 1 -, j ,M!al uirf ( l W . All. 1.. m. i u aadHalvmOomfMMtVuvecoaaHm aod uUise aa. esuauea.. . . .' , ....... .. sion t.i4-.n.'i 1 mt" " 1 1 s Daeanwnt Bank Noma bone M al hlubral orlera. Paekafraa seat by bprase will ha iwiuilt4 for aratupiiy, m earreniijr, ut hv bsw kutk ruuda at T3TB A n i t . r 11 r- f 1 I Bulk of fans par.i... v.,.,,....,...., .aj ,; " 1 t'niuiiMfrOfi,. ..!. .j,,,, , .V.17 5 8B9lamSl?f. fM JWWsahhutida'nt ! ViltZtt. U WfcHry rVWl.'T A I an U. .AmiiJ t I Fanner! Haim yf North Carolina, (old,l. .v. . .HI . ..,. ..,, i.. !-i.(saw.l..ii.,.l mnwrmbofo Wii-insl TMsiirsniW i ,,.4Wi I Bi-rensm s nsns. nnwitaeu,1. : a -.VVi-. . ' UiniT,sr1nt.thsHlt,....; V....I....40 ' July n-ni 7 " -- - , . u . . " JTT4 2 A fir T'VT't b t f J' a ". ' 1 " 3 JI taMaSI II LK ITOLU vv ftn '. - f . FmoSfTHE (mBHgKITtKff. ontbe riJTil iot Uir Vf.Jl inat,, ai Ina tA iiit-. s l!nlf belav fUViun, on h ailibn..d -ad' a T.AIKlB BAT kiLH.K 1 1 1 n.t ii'K siwlvfallvd,-aixnU 11 ytiSra -.M - - parva wi;ll, ' . ' ' 3 I - A am bitu lassiT li.uiu reward ror rne r eorery of ths aniaiaW , IJ O. VCLLJ. near uiayum aapv Ki-4f-,, , ..VL Jt'uso e W1"!"" w a ' r ..'' r'ji COI.fJATfl 4 .-...!-: 4 TB i'M .1 ,OlCUfAN KRABlYlaSOAr, . a ?i.-h i ---.l - ri tb aravmBB or -. ,it)ktJi.nir,',j For , Hale , by all' Qnxers. J Jsmfa-ia. tinSftwim Callon Prr.- I AM PREPARED toaoU County or lii.livi.lna! Bight fur Uia a of thia mralutbie toitoa fraas. pslantad ia 18 7, sud wos'd he pUaaa.i to raseira appliestioris front tbia snd surruauiling onntUMt, ia time f. Ihs proae.14 crfip, . . . , .lull pUue, epwiilicstiiius. Ar , can ba ait-n at yntava. ' ... JAMtrt M. TOWUJH, , Btpt.! r AK'ul.wr msajuowoi llii auulna. FKX'B TAf Tnf H y0pjO Wll.VJt and ana f tml-hacaaS IsA'MiN. A or hduruisMaa ap ply to .... Jtept. M Wiin'if trpcHCBCH A DODD. iDtiERTobtt pvrrp, .-; A" f :-,'.' T - 1 v " " " .!! l it or tbia cell brslcj now In 8101s s: A for sine Lc ' ru:pt,,2v-tr . , rrcnrRcn a dodd. l, 1. a. ypreaa mii.H'a ior uic. rrS tlt.I, Alt. firiDRHS, ah-irt aotirw fvrl'hl-,- MHIMM.H-,- .Vbevamill inrliea il iM.ilw a -ilrti 4 owlt thk., llraaf.(i, t'tWil snd vtrt tip in hnn Iti-a of 60 each, allp-ot by gutoKi an li I- 1 ,' I'll-, mil l-e mt on the iwrn fr'.f. il i 'Ai SSD hi. staiio aiirttouil en thml'ir ri mi !( . i r,., . A,'iij to j. ii 1.' km 1 r. Sept, 88-tf , hackj iiouiit, a. C. tv ', -. CEEAr ir :.: : m - ' -GIFRGUS.. j. .... y Ji-fitrtv i.-tC H i 1 , 7- y 1 " '00 CI St - ' " i ,:: . . Thoronghly Eeorganiitd ail Itiifped .'.i.'-.'ik fortheleason of U-3, . 0.,- Itfi t . r'- .,- ..... f. .... . . ,' AKD PRgSESTIKO KKW Tj.AK iil U AMi asw laiws; a uiuioUiiuoa. ninr. ,i.,,( 01,4 end'eas eaeoraniua f aotroliua. by s saimtoit m leoted troop froia the , ;1 , , i.iv The grastaimof Uie ktsBsrim ia , - OB:G::i,.LiTif:i ek-lili. And Uh this siuw Ikey l.-ra -.-. r. i-..u I ,i -SaacaibuHraof arilla, ina iba U..-.1 4 w .ltd acbuulsui AqnrsUiaa and Ujuiuaic ait, . :JBota in ; fawtf ( asa imiln. Ths raeillUe tor Speedy li J f frtilii liana t ara nanaaiait v '' w - I'kil "fi '- AM) ' a it - . WBABIED.'TlllVi: I.-1V 1 1 -r. ..J.t imt-ari .)! '' ' : mi 41 .j.i Cveryihtng KoTrl and RrUHnnt. 1. 4 1 11hle aa plue allra FOtibiiioa sil! be F?AL -EIGR- ON' U. TJHEDAY, CCTC t.h, r. 1. ,ir Wksra they will give -' T IT O C H AM" EX U I K 1T.O S, At I and htlf psst'a o lcl, r, M. ' 's -g ' " . - Admission Tlrlt., .'.Itl .i..'.. .'i.i.. ,1 1. (Jslfh,", ;,l)aBllla Vs. (il Hflimbiiru1, rllbury, MiirgauUin heloar!. riuitaxrills, .: foui-urii, . 1 I iiioiiJiiUia, . iJharioite, H. lit. tii-ld Will t Frlilnv, , fsiui .i-y, . ll.lliH, . . 1'm.mitir, . V l-tim.lnj Tlinradar, Fn.lav, Huir.!r', JI'Hi.Uv, Oci. M u . Jt u I . H 17 Uueail B. VK !HT,'A(rir,f, Hods Foa and Fee r, af'-"" ' ' "v - f ... 1 111.1. i t-:. '1 r.t A No. I article just teoHvmt ' 1 lV9crM'ERf,nn,E ANn rn-rrnE.M cp, a? -'sope, Pk-kU-4 Dj.Uu., bar. J atnee o., nu ta slurs, tl ., root .1 vr.zi.Ku. KiO,LAarjviiAAbi) jAvt r rim, iw In t'fn si " J'utlilV. lr P. B auan,at.0ua,. ih. r,i .t" . PtTAPSfO FAkiaVASli H. C. M'l'EBPIbB 1 lour, at ' , i.oou-if t pool a i'i.vvsi: IOLM LKATUKR, Kosr nn band at 11 IV(i. , l.'Zl.ft'S. , oet I-lI . 2 ?nr IFVOUWAKf AOOOli Piri'lM.K Cl.iiilllW, j, tlOlll I'ltct- . 1 , 04 nf ejjyht v-;;,-; 1'uul.A r?.:a.K'J, q'HKWlL,LK''.I.I. VUL- A UMl ll J AliV tM- 1KWW or OUuva at ... 1 , , Oct l-lf rf.,:.t'(oi.A,vz,ir.i. ,;iIOWS, 1'IOUS . I'lOKS t .,, ptnrioNK iw H"r n.w', ansi Jt JVf reely f.rt-ddiii.rr, i,h h I warrant la girs satwfaewon, end ahi. h nl iw fm ! ss tlioyraa be bourlit N tiIi wmii - . t a ; . ,. . t n 1, j. SX MMS-11N, Babgh, Oct."l" Ko. 4 k x-i.aiiRe f.'me. - rem Inn- tiaii.'- , IltRTIK deairbiir to ae flitvio In .im . What,.wiio abl driK-ii inoni'v a nh n, adl sarars lor thaw aen'iin I1- rnvian Htmnu.' t .... t.i 11 i' Baklih,Ooa. 141 ,-. bu.4 fcwl.ama l i.a. Aete Bsackert-I and l rtli 4n urd fT Kim No. 1 Lartiit, fat M W-l ATCII uvr sw-iam, muin. Bbla.JraebCeruel Mull-'. .1 , ,v .. ,11. I'. Wll.1 lUi;- S ' Raleigh, Oct. f-tf ; , ho. 4 riu-haiiKu 1 u. tel. 1V45AB1 Ciround rijitr. TONK Fresh flrom..l Planter, abu li 1 will lV fiuliih bi s!f'ii( awi'ka, liulivi'i . .1 uii hoard ilia oars ar 1'iHlanumlii. ta., nr I (114) par Toe of .uuDlhs. '. :,I m ! ted." ' - II P. VII.UtM KsJei(ih,Oet t-tf No. 4 1 t, Imn;:. l"liara art Icl- 1 pEETJTIAN GTJAK0 ! J - Faratera, Improve ynnr l.smla, tr, tba ,.,GESL'ISE PEUC V I AX C TJ A.N 0 ! i i.,v- i .-.. " , iujrni.A f ill. Oet. 1-tf - Fsrrueanie St. vt"-''At Cost. - - PERR0N8 wentiag Oeotls CnFAP. it,r ' rsll at our Hture, ea Ksika f.i-i-,,li;f.wa tne In'.h inn. Br. 'J4 tf . : . 0. T. A W. Pfj" 1 1 !t. . . db. r. iTii v v. . " 0 FFEIiS l.ia l'tofi.,.. .,,1 . ai-na i.f hii. an.i t,: 1 . i,. . ,. ..., try. J r l( 1. HI l..! . :.r i. i ; i .... i ; ,r Pab. J. HhvarMHl, 1 1 , - e t , 1, ...I Chnn-h. to 1 fin . . 1'ort i.r:t qtHE h. c. tri v ''; l...tMii.i:, i.- ir !.'. ' J tti l-.i 1 .'it - . 1 mea ia p-.1v.-1 1., i . 1 . ai-t a r..r- . . - i'.-r- 1 , 6.1-t. il-ian.s

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