.. 7 io-aIXT10N. i'.'i: n'usd every day, e. . Ua 1. ;,... w .1. fcoi m I . ".. ......... a i o-' uuul ou OMrvtf nUl luufiU4,.,.. .'7e Till) HILNTINKL. e. fjoju seatoh gales, EDITOIUL r... -.' MO SUA V. KOVEMBKB t, I80S. 1 lATIOSAL DJEX0CIU.TI0 IICOI I ' FOB PRESIDENT. ti " HORATIO HEYMOITTt. WHfffOIL ."I P""t .... M -' --J''' FOE TICI PEE8IDEXT, ' JTIIA.NOI8 P. WAIIt' ' -T Of 1OM0CW. . ' , . BI.ndTaBt. " , I FOB TUB BTATB AT ABB, iirr inn W. Oeaoaaa, of Msekleuburge - Joeua J. Sato, f frubhe. !i.TfcFj 1st. Thorns 1- Jarvi, of TvflnriL Id. i a Hiighee of Uravea. , v iU 'f t Bra. jibhu isuontn, or unmnenaa. 4' Ik, w barton 4. Oraen, of tuni 6' ii. y .rtnediike a. flobiaa, of buj U. V iiilam M. ttol'UuS, Of BOW.n. j ,,(. I via. u-ruj m McAiim, et uwmmh, . , FOB CONORESS,';,:;: !' UOf. iIO.1 II. ROGER, or Wskb. i. TO-MOBBOW.?,;'- .Tt4.r t ,. Taetdsy, th Ird dy ( November, 1858, .' Md iu result, will form momenta 'era la th biitory of tb United 8tUr. - It H , prtp thmot important electioa lertr bald eioc the organizetloe of th govwa meot, ana the choloe which , tie Americea .. peopl trill make, wiU either jrrav the turning poist In tb arrest of asurpaoe and rolutiiMi and tba raiUtntioa of tb , Ci'nstitutloB, or mart aoMteratt graatl tba . advoomot of Radical Mm and tba alti nato orcribrolr of tba Bapttblii, ' tA. t PeoofeM tbtt tba bara tUoogbt of tba iiartructiua aod float vartbro ol liberty ia thu oaea bappy land, ia moat; blttor ad " dikliMiag to ua. Wa baa baaa aailona to put off that arl! day to Met. it , to a ioo, long paHod trom (ha preaoat, if it wurf coma, but, with tba olmoat charity fbr ft tba hopeful prof ooatlcationa of oof oppo aeuta, wa caonot, fcovarar aoiloua wa ara to put a bright aida apoa tba future dl t mnoot, la oar tboagbta and ooavkxloaa, tba downlall of tba RapubUa wilb ibaaau caa of RadlcalUm. . Tbaaa forbodiogi ar ot baaed opoa aoy aaeharitaMa 'Sraf i pi cbaracUr and iotaatiooa la tba paraaa of Geo. Grant, aboald ba ba alactad, but la tba tjtftm of Radieaiiam Itaulf, of wbicb ka . toust ba ia that arcot tba leader and prey, moter, or ibara tba fata of bla predecaaaojr, Andrew Jobnton, Tba biatorf of tba Bad t leal party proTaa wvt oa aa impiacaoia, pcnUtcntaad erarfetUa proaacntofof ita ' dmina, nerer taming aaida to lvatoa to tba pltailinjra of patrlotlam or banianity K 1 atataainaualitp, bnt, bant apoa Ka aloa, trtt - ladia iq Ita eipadianta, yet aerer changing Ita pnrpoMa, it goa toaJily iorirard, W ia ill work, trampling aodtr iia farter tbJo lag ofl tba track any imptd'maola which Iia lo ita way. U in tliit oontaat, tba ' Democracy, tba only conaeivatlra, euaatin tiooal party ia tba eouatry, caroot cbaok ita progreea, wa may hopa for tba beat, ba lieving tbat Qod atlll rulaa, bat ' with fear " ful anticlpatioaa tbat frea gown meat aad eooftltationai. liberty bara UdUa eoon: try, aerer to return. ' j VU wtart iar irora paiay uojumtm ipw muiu of the effort whieb aball ba made to anorrow by tba Democracy , iir ttba aaiei-j tioa of tba Republic.. Tba, aoerty. tba bopeful ipirit and the activity which, aa! tlx IrUnda nt fmA(n la all nirta rJ tba country, bid u to work aad labor aad hope for a glorioua remit, - It baa aot beaa tbat tba triumphant party, )uat befora tba ' final eonteat, bad diacouragemeat , aad gloom. Tba Democracy nerer before bad aoch lmperioua reaaona for tba aiartioa of all their powcra aa at preaent. - Tba prize of etiocete waa nerer 10 temptiog and tba onetqoenose of defeat wera aerer to dan grroua and damning. Let tbem do tbeir almost, and. with a hearty good will, let them labor and look for Ua hmiing if Ma iayi : - ' -- . - 1 1 " 1111 " Taa IiHArLmi. Large nurabori nf per aooa of the Waelititb faith bara Milled la thlt eountry, and bara ibowa great aa briety and eatcrprtae, and tba diapfed tion to become permanent aettlera ia the country by tba pnrcbaea and improretBent ofrealeataU or lasdv It ia ataled that Jarre a a u hen of Iaraelitea who wera rot era ia reuosjlrania, Ohio aad Indiana, refaaed to titkeanr part la the B'a'e and fCa elecitoci tf iboaa Statea recently, but they bare reived to be at tbe polla ia tba Preai dential election nod will rote agaiaet Grant and Colfax. The Iaraelitea ara not Know. 2'f lintT, and threxore will aot rota let Col 'ax, ior can tbty rota for Grant becaoae of bii manilca't oj'poition, to tbetn oo ra- li 'ii.uogroumia, aa plainly eriaoed by; hia jniutRry order daring the war, expelling t' '-n Iroin their homee aad by bia reply to let ;f riur, when ba waa ordered to ra m in 1 t' e ordt-r. Tbty will rebuke tba in- f t ai: 1 tbe ii.j mice at the polln, . C int tM pat on the radical ticket ta " r' -"-ral rote of Indiana. Tba ke lt to bia party 1S,OJO or i t ! 1 mortif yirtg o 1 V rrooui - ss tvbj i ;zsd cmzsss. Aoeording to la a fciruiga bora dliae on bia arriral bta thia country, intasdiag to mako It bia borne, aStfnlOea ta tba pfopat aatboriika hie intentioa ta beentaa a ain aea of tba United ftiatee aad flra yaara aftar btalaa f. Mt the Govt bia papera af naU- raliSitioa. AA that aaooMat,af eaaraar' M beaaaaea a citiaen and la at anna entitled, by law, to aO tba righte nod prlrilegat nf tba moat fetorad eiiiaea. A abort Uoae preri ou $o tb kleetioa, U PjlJraat, a large aambt r of foreign bom . citiaena, who bad formally atgntfUd tbeii fntenfioa ta bee oitincna, bat on baf aWarraf taking pat ataraliMtion ntpera, Meama aasiona n rota ia the pending eleotioa, applied ta tba preperCoirrt look not thaarldanaaa n tiir"citlaenahin. When tba eteetlon aaax on, tba rotea of tboamada of tbaaa Germaa ud Iriab citiaena,. warat tbrewn eat by tta gadicadjnapeoton, apoa tba plea tbat tbe; wera fraadalont rot era aa bad not been aat- nralixsd long anougb before tba afactioaw Tbla canted to apm extent tba defeat of the Dt-mocraey In Poaaarlranla. It : alnca beaa ehown 'that tba cbargt of rand waa Arnjaof tba.Badieak. and thai i owa ageota bad Impoaad apoa aa (ataxic ted man; and pat into bia pocket, vltbont bia knowledge, a batcb nf t IraadaJan nnU araUaation papert. . . -v it It baa now beaa made apparent, tbat tba eemegame win ba aoagbt to U played In Mew Totlu .Kaa (ban cbi aereral of tbe leading Radical Joamab V 'baglaabig to rerive Know HtbJpgldeaa aad ara contend laa that tba tow ninat ba akangad, a aa to rec.oira I, raaldaaoa f noma time ifu Oajr tana toaae ewa w netnwmtaaa papara, DO- fore fortf.i7fcJ,.M,B! ajl ba allowed LoTota. Irerr aaUralfaed ioreleaer la tbe coaotri ano4 aback Ala ntoremaot in tba bod, aad rceolre ta pat it down,? voting forSajmpofnnd.Blalrtt . a Thee fer 'upaawmj. and tba Radical Bart. aoaUtn tba ' Roa4tbctlott ' aata ot Goaareaau wbinb naaka arery coiorad n la tbafJoatV yitfadnd'a;oter', bowerar ijrnjwawtV'depnr Inca hie of grramaaaat, bnt ara ready to prarant the roting of foreign born wbltet,' however intelligent,, area .afW tbef bare become aalnrnllcea aiuaeoa. ivay wrt uie aeapoo Ua of Burep in anoy the liberty of a free ooantrfj will they deaptae tbe freedom of tba Repoblio by voting agatnat Seymour and Blair, tba jaadara of the Democratic party, tba only party pledged to tbe main unanoerf ejrll liberty, tba Caoatitntlaa aad tba Union, la , tbit eonteat I We hope not U .'nvm 1 i-'f" ' r' ! r-JM CA UTtQlTBBPSCrpBBr I While the important taenre of to morrow demand the otmoet actirity and aiartioa en the part nf arery Democrat aad Ooeear rallra ia tba State, ret waewaot .ba ten careful ia whet aach one eeya aad doea," ia order to avoid noaecaewry axcitement and t pwent dlttarbaooa at tba polla. ' ' i Fa uM Ignerh oar pilaciplea or pre 6arVlVtr ,0 attempt in tbrow anp Impediment, while we ara exeroialag tba right of freemen nnraalraa, Id the way nf etbaani Jf nra aeannt paranada by tba force Of onr appeala, other tn vote with , It h plainly oar duty to laara jrery. nna to hi own eearlotioe of duty aad ta the eieiw otat of a free' choice ia the election.! While wa aaaert car right to vat aa we plaaa and abould maintain aad exerciae if," we wocld exhibit a rery poor appreciation af thai rich, were wa to cadeavor to prerent Ha ewreJee ia ctbera. ' y yrTT'. 'Whlle fbereforalt wtB W iecaaaaVy have near the palK.onrmoat aotireand eaergrtie mans; lei lutmbt aad to fumiah tickei to onr friend and those who deeire to rota Krra, abtl tar pwrent (hem from being mUled.br, atbera, rat It U all Impoiv tanbtbatibaaanie prirllegaialtaahl ba no corded to cthert wbicb a .alalai for nor aatraa. ' ltn k' arotd,TWIn W nalni, ' cooaidatate 4ndhrftlra front merataf till algbt, avoid In all good ground for eomplelnt aa tba partof cor oppoaeou. -Jbot nattoai teem in aa1,ln propriety hm working energy, ta forbearaaca, and In aboea preof ot honeaty end gflod cliitenablp; which eorreepond with tba iatolllgeaoa, .tba tirtua. and tba worth which wa may claim without tattoo, aa baJooging to the Cenaerralire and law abiding charaoter pf Ibe Demo cratic orgnnlaatlon. t t t ML. Bit OB TBB ALBBT-TOTB MABLT. ' The arraagementa aettled apoa by Iboaa who bara the management of tba el action la tbl City, to bold the polla la lour braee at the front door and wiadowa of tba Court Hooaa, wfll, wa ttinV, afford ample opportn nlty to erery rotor to cent hie rota without difficulty or molestation.' It will ba bee ear? of eenren tbat the baring charge nf tba election, abould prevent the ernwd trom obatructlng the arenuea to tbe boxet, and la no IntUnca to aZVw arfcfleM 14 mtmim 4 eat mki wAieft ttrtgrMUi la iae erAar Tba manlfaataUon nTlairnCM, an tbapartol those who conduct the election, will at once check any dlapoeltioa ta obtrude improper f fcpon the regulationa. A fair electlca la JlCfc, ant'tbl Will nbfj taterfera wilo any proper eaoru wbku may oe mean toetvura -tkn-roue ar thoaa who nra 1 lieved to be raady ot tacilnad to veto with ua. w.i at.! Let our MeedV tben.be at the polto early and exert themaelvee to aeenre tba foil vote of ear frienda, aaeking a full, bat a fair aad The SnUiiut admit tbat Grant tad Col fax will ba elected, but eara their election will complete tba ruin wf the omlTy." reman anlln. .-, - Tbe 8tii baa not made the admladoa tbat Grant aad Colfax will be decteJ. Ills only among tba axataiiifiw, but wa atUI hare itrong hopes of tba alectioa of Bey moor and Blair.- Our gloomy anticipation if Grant and Colfax are elected, aa to tbe ef fect open tbe eoantry, originate oary in onr conviction tbat tba Kalical party ia the por parry and the party of drepotiaot, r nmica Gmley, of Kcw Tork, ia thr p..-.1 cr. I, Ute tot Renter ia ew fo k i. J., ' " '',:...-'' "S Wa take nleaeareta nablUbiaf tba follow- tag order from Geo. aTtiea, tba BiinUrj Oom maadaat nf tbia Diatriot, becauae it bn yXm tba proper epfrit, and aeanrea thepabiie that tbetroopa nndat hb noaamana atii peoav. r OBOSB Or QtSBRAl UKi. the uremTTarion of order and anly aftar tbat-"Abont 1 0 o'clock but atght, aa the Work eil anrborltmanre tomipprea. Jl?? 5l Olanroar wnie may aav, (P"r'n conaaei and Inflaence can affect ftj wnwi x tbaminetdaothofteaeitflandmil itory authorities, ia; tha- ntwanrvntton of ordee. Taa nompiuaau nwaiowea oy was. Kilennpoa she people ot Worth CareJint ta rail dnaemd W bar aa'lclpated ao dlsodar a) be W&& rt&M members of tb Radical party provoke It Igaoraat nT- vhftitiasa ee tribute to dleorder, try haaUly aire lating ramota, or by ecu indkaHag par pe oa tha partefLeagee aad ginn, pra daca it, Democrat and ConaerTatlTs will psorokeltTa7dlreaotbingbatp-c and a fair ciacUoa, and ti ooij remaiiia wun the Radical party to preaerva order, by act- lot- i n a a emus and kindly spirit . Read the order, aad set every 'citisen reeolr tbat thaw aball be aa diaorder ttf Bn'ona D rrnior on If onr Canousu, ) Omu Onanaa, I - 1 - Mo. 1ft. t Tba diatribe tioa of toopc beiog now complete In tale District, eccaaloa i taken tanmlad nil officer commanding poU ad aUtlooa, of tbe necsmity af carol ul eqna pliaaeewltb eiiating luatntctiaae, aad ou dare, and eepeclally to da attention to the object of tftetr preaeaca, is sow ikt"? ' loealltiaa. which ia aoielf for tba nraaerva Oca of peaee, aad the raadnrisg of aesiataao la eaa of distarbaooaa ot liutona proceed ing, which the civil eatliorftieo may be aaable to aappr, . U U H Uader an alranmataaeea will offioers or soldiers fratarala with aoiittcal partita, or la any manner luterfci with tbe paoeab exerciae, by H dtiaaa,"o( their rights tad pdrilege anon. Tba' aonduct at the treopsba a fa hwaa msisfaaaorr, nji wkb proper jadgmeat on tha part of office, a caaae for aomplalat heed be ooeeetooed. T tb dtiaeaa ef tha fHate, It l only at ceaaary to remark, tha lh; iolhic4j cint1 palgn ha ao far progtoased with 4 degree of a uietaete aad gooi aadelt dliab en allooacaraed, aadlt ia to be booed tbat such may be tbe ease until ita conclusion. The record of Horth Carolina 1 a It Va marred by acts of lawleanneaa, which bara In aome taataaaa aa iejurlonsly affeoted other oommnnltlaa. aad tba present exereies of moderation aad wwtum win nercarter ba tba aoarca of much aatisfactioa to , bar eltiaena. Tba aredlt which will - be eon ended to aU parties should snob , gratify ing result b atuload, caanoi bill J pnT dactive of good reealt. Tha dlapoatUOM of troop are uca aa to warrant the belief that With the assls-ance of lawabtding altlaeaa tbe civil aathori tlea will ba enabled to preserve tbe pence aad U leg to justice theee who mty be.'ia laoonaiderate aaa tnoagnue a u aitenpt If lawlsasaeas auanai 3enere it bee been heretofore, beyoad tbe limlM of tbia Penr;Tu towrtothapffca M future prosperity otnttiieniJWjr na-prui moled by aWaragiog and preventing ante of violence. The law ara ample to mai- taia aad praaarve tha rlghu ot all esatsc Bf oanaa or Brt. kUjoa qayrb4iiai aoa A. aitLaat - ' -. , v CBAJL, B. GASXJLIh ;.i -jf f,4)fHthwiitb.wJ.ifcenba la aibacj . a (IV. a SABA M ASD MA BOTDAB.y "Partlma feeling aid violent, In'temperati laagaag Ulaeeoraa genUemea Whatever may ba tbeir eoarletlona of doty. Hen are too apt at aoch time to attribute improper t bad mot fret to tboee opposed to - tbm, W ooofeaa wa bara not" baea aurprtsed o maofa at anything durlnf thr en ram In tbla Bute, aa utt that Mlowing Stoomrk attributed to itti Boydra la btl .apaeob int Concord, last Tuaaday, la regard 'to Got. Graham, by tba a hi:. . ? . VO . I" 1 Graham has got An iaterest at. atek a- hni avt W.000 dolli are if Frank Blair car rleaoot bin revolationnrr.L aneannras-aad, tbat ia the raeaoa he ia working for tbeir eieatteavt Bat they an"t, bav m- o;u' Att tbeir money I gonewhe they buy Boydett. I am aoaeet. but William A. Graham la ot." , .IIS A3 all YJJLAUklM There aoraly most be aome sntstak about tbla, ' GoV. Grsbambsa caHalnly Bot"jus j fled atwb a Uadar ky M7ttvr b has oaal oraoaa Ha bat oertafanY not gi Bovdea anv cause for aoch an nrtaca an him. . Banc, w eaa hardly think that Mr. ail wmm nailarstivwl . ', '""" v i imb n an i It I ttated that tb radical Mayor of WaaUagtoa baa dUmlaed the wait "city; phyahdan,rand bu put a iegro fjSadk, ia.bi pine. : Wbtto women, wbc int ' rckhet It eompened b poverty (4 rafcif to aJubi lie provUloa tor rolieX bas to admit .thb Bear quack to their bdldtoetben4 loal attaadaab ' " ' i i in -i-r -ia I Taa radical la Ohio cat 4owu twa or three democratic flsgt' tad UOerorjtrkt took tbeir' manga ia outtiag dawn b radical ajrity.X;B arf Gaoaea Fraaoia Train la nominated ita Oaegraai ti" ejppcejlloB U'lobafieae. Greeley k oa tba itadiaal "ticket agonal -t Bea Wada baa a far made Jtba.bnaeat Joke of tbe campaign. I ' toll' you,"' nald ba. rBtwill hpnca 1 b haa to Bf bt tor lUT iritu uie jatner jrno declared he nerer twor himself, and' bea bed d if he would llow bUj'boj to aweafl " ".-';; ' n -i -.' i ", m seas m Hi i " I Tbe Kaw York Tribune" win be obliged to "cave" befere the Timm" oa tha Vhor rible." Tbe tatter i at ieaat tw paoe la front in declaring that "the ' ex rebeia ' nf Loaiaiaaa aeem detetermlaed ta butcher all tba Republican office-bolder ia that BtaUf Xmbq CoirpnTmon. Dr. , Browa bar- Ug a row at honaea to build tba paat aeaaon, brought from Virginia a party, af negro workmen carpenters, DricaiaTar, ana tOBemaaene whom be employed to reot hi house. These men, coming from' tba old iv system ot tb South,, be hired at mach lam wagea tnaa tbe current rati of thia city, thua underbidding aad Choking sS tba regular working mechanic. R if ' (xXh) Oaimn iiiiji, "" ,' i r!"') ' ! I Would tbat aU trie Norttt oouid uiu leal tb reeulU of tbeir folly. J - ' t Forney ondertdkr to ' t "!,rw tV laud lies, and sjc-p.is ou'y la u0 ; g bow ho lit hiuit.l. Preuioe. t.... , t i I TUB BMW OniKABS' mBlBB- TWICE If rttITK9 ASD ftdCif TUB BKQR0R1 PROVOX.tO IT. V.' The fidlowin Dliilnlr trntbtul aoooaot ot tbe recent fight in Hew Orleaaa ia from the Haeynaa. It ahowa how falan are all tbe Radieel atone eonenrniaf tnntatnfprtsnaia mfeeaT ftttf wnypeettd byjlm Grant Cd(- ored Clab, marcbbig down Uc Chariea" v. Itiaan aatae W aeranade tbev resumed their march down Ak CAulea, abont forty pace ia tbe rear ef the negroe. From there to the corner of Canal tba negro comwantly aaaatUd tbem with ofbaaaive and ineoltlna' enitheta. Abx- 1o JaroU af iiul7, tbearbjta men ooi uwir aaunm ia uumca, aoo proaarrea a demeanor, wbicb .utterly precladed the Men of nnf boetfle- Oaiiira. Reacfaiar tbe comer of Canal ftreqf. tbe omored Club divided, e part going np each etas or taa neutral groon4, ao a to noep tae waraiBgme eooatanuy m wearrrar -ruia iaenlt. too, oaa pnt an witb.until Carondelet atraet waa aaocbtx aad passed. AOout nan way between Caroadeiet aad Baron ae streets the nrgroea halted, nod a part of tbem turned back, aad tnni troa gui tbelr aaea faoa to taoa with the white clnh. At tbia juncture a negro broke from' 'the ranka af hi owa club nod rushed into tba centra of tbe white elab, (booting at tbe top of bia voiee, ome on, let' dean tbem WenftiJSr'K.'IC! It waa not tn human nature to endar all tbia; eertalBli not bb.Um natare of amaiting anaW paoant ntragea ant) taunt born ia aileace for ee hour. A shut was trad by a aegro from tbe rank of the re turning party, which cut through tbe cap at a gentlemaa oemed Rfchardeoo. -' ft was tliA9 Kmt fK white maan attirnavl ffiaa Urn . ."BWfcI0ar'general engagement eusued. There waa a wild men, a tearful mingling in a death amnio of the white and black ele. meat, and a quick ana rapid diecnarge oi firearm all along tbe line. Tbi angry In Mo g bent ana ewayed In tbe mad atrug' trie, and men were locked la a paaaiooate embrace which held tbe I astir nf lite and death, Above tbe enoan and about of the aaam eombataata the ekarn renort of pis tole aowaeled like the ecboea of n akirmiib Hd befbre the -continnoni rorf of battle breaks on tha ear. It wa asarcely a min ate. aad vet blood ran red on the streets, aad r dead nearoea lav e&wtched on tbe avonad. Itwaatoareely a aseond'e tim before etx lay dead on tbe tre, and two rnor wrr borne back by tbeir fellow mor tally'' wound 1' Tba negroes fought wiWiy, and were endenfiy la muriai dread at tbe terrible retrit.utiua tbey bad ornvoked. Tbe white men, oa tbe con irart. Wore skilled in tbe use of arms, and moat of tham bad bafore kept step and line in tb fury or tbe battle. Tbey were not alarmed at toe (boat of tba parti colored foe. for tbey bad seen boatlla pennon bend eaa - aaaesa n mese waa aaea aieq iy bund rede. Tbev know tbst tb "time bad come to teach a leaaon, aad the least show of timidity would stimulate tbe negroea and tbeir oowardly associate to drench tb city tn blood. There waa, auereture, 1 no giving back and no wavering trom tbe con flict Whlle tbe bead jf . the column of tb Wiiklntrmen worn shea engaeed, the rear formedintollne, turf to arc lied to tbeir np It wa at, tola moment ,tna negro. jtrcKea ad tiucomnisn, y rinia direction.' Although' ther bad ' pro yoked tha conflict, and bad been themselves tb eeeailaate, yet tbe attack ceased tbe very motaoat that resistance wa at an end,-. TljayrWenotpuraqad, ,nd no advaotag token ot tbe victory gained. Throughout tae eooftiot tha negmee numbered twojU one.' It waa thb axcee of force no doubt .Ulflk l.y.U. tltM J tti &tt.lr Th laUDia puoo a tltcry wm ui wwuhvhip) tniandnna,' und beliered that tbey conld with impunity advance another step i0 tbeir 1 hostile aggreaaion, and perbapa provok . . i. : i. .1 m.A . . ii n . . t. ..: . ao encuuif. w utuM wwum. iw.. w uwf adranUge. Ia this tbey were mietaken.-. Samtof actual rloleoo anything would have beea pat an with but the people of Mew Orleans had to loos an ! too eerious- !iJj tuHered from the brutal Insolence ot ne groro, urged on aa tney are oy eowaraiy while, vto permit their right aa citiaen and tbeir vrry manhood to bo trampled in Uta ddst.l.'VVhen asaallad tbey had a right to att-tbey did no mere. ' Tb coefltot began at the comer ot Ca. rWndclrt, aad extended as far up Canal M Burgundy atreet. Here it ceaaed. I A Jar a beard froan at IS o'clock last eight aix. negroea were killed, two mortaJl wounded, and one slightly injured. " Amoagtb wbitee a Mn RmhaNeon wa wenwdedin tb head slightly by buBet) a aewabov named Dooley wa shot 1n th wrbrt, and n-ntaa aamed Ryan injured in) tbe leg'by a (pent ball or glance hot Lj We VBBIWailST'IHI.iew nwni I 1 large hodv af nearoee. numberinw a hen irnauatrad, marcoea up nana ana tum pert etreeta trom vongo nquaru, woer a large RadJeal Hneetlng' had bee,'bald.-J They bad evidently beard ot the idbjtur- baaee, ana naa oooie so pantcipacaian. u I but before tbey reached 'tb aceae all Jd become aulet. Thar offered ao raalsnas to any naa, aad went on their way a if noth4 GJM.JRaotaiTa wa:Ralt4Tt-v;Ili thonnh no order ha been imued relierrititf ... ii.. ... . . ... trv DiAHo of Trwn, it lgpnTly, baryl ad lu'well bjlormed circle that each aa ueo. rtevBoiar rrom oonrmana oi toe bum order will he lasued, and that very apeedilyi Gen. Buohaaan arUl ptotahly - Mappoinud sua waBceaaor..., ,,i . ? ... j ,, ,f;i According to tbe Washington eorreipou dent at the Baltimore QoutU the' Frenidetit had om dyj; agr fully tdatcraiaad t mak thb ehansa to eaaaraaeacaoGeatral Reynold oufrsgeoo' order regarding the; ProaideiiUat etoettoB i Uat Sbue but tl tot order of tbi miiitarr aaanp ananmiHi to dictate deeieioa tor tb ciril court ol Texas win BrecrpitaU tba Presideat's actio to rmovlha him trom position the power of which he haa ao grocery abased. Tb1 command of tbia military diatrset wa proi perly due to Geo. Buchaoaav, aa (. h rankirrgafBearr Gea, Keyaold veceived if at the tim in eonseqaecc ct being ntnlM only by brevet, I', gri j an ' i phi . ,t t A Radical cawspaper to thia city ie varv mush coocernwd ebont tba ia. porta tioa, by tb "Tf oeis," oi "seven teen notera.w - rett op they what tbem a aaafft agalaat the! muakeuttunav been going itspnth fot tha last three rears, for the armlpg .tf A aavcBiravnonter l cngoad thing to bara when a man ia earrounded by enrage tro,- woo ar erranuNl, aisood, and drilled by radical laeeudiarice. " i It la to ba moat sincerely hoped tbat tb oa of theee serenteea shooter will neret ha neoeaaary ; bat, if ibeyeben Utum ao it ia Mnally to be hoped tbat tbev wilt tret be employed ea those who are IndOj.g tb t!etodiAttoB, edwb are snaking tb whole South n volcano, liable; at any moment, to eruption. CAieoye Tnwia.. TT , Wr.-Krrrttt in 1831 described , tb Bomber Btatea, atter trvr':in over them. as hoUlinf n population (t intelligent, a r.i.r" rou, and moral, as rc.j.oas, as ant t be found oa tha surface of ta globe." i X5 A da-t prieaa. . t end aea Jj SotWt V. I Wfch Bar Uw'O TLACKaVMI 1 H' UELUIWi abtiU. Xaad hand Vspotid XJ-- Balatrh.Brtf JStn lUrt and Lwm gfta Rewards STOLK re ew Fr aaarWUaoa, ea the JVhLaM imJOMMMt UXEH.-en brtDdia au eae Wiiulic aa akue. tar km!, alis m slrn-ar' aawaatnra3rkmieft. I will K gin t-iS pa-lb u Wt, f fo( PPr- atddtV-ahMf smaTfipTaaW ' " " -"'" auus, tlur.t-U i IUOA Ot7KIXSnU -L. ' - - - ' ,;Z'h aaTTii 7raMaau"i'.. ' to' itatea ' 'XW3S,aa, , i Hum' .C) IRDI A ' RtBBER SCR fBl Prin N cant. u rifi WAftBAXTKO to bat trt eighteen aaeailae M two yeata. aad a etuld tea ;aa Mi je eaa aeoar a hona usatiy ia a abort tua. aeaauv in sll neaae spot and etaioe ef every aeaaTip ituu. itk a tittle eolel water, soap or soda, ao sand er hot" water nquinxi, beaioaa doricg .U . LI 1 1 V . HlWWKIUJWllSIIMWWWf . ' L A ulwral I'ywi'i sira to the trade. LA J. "rHf. EXTEWUTB . SALE O r ESTATE. , 1 TCEUAHT TO A DECREE OF flUTU QBD XT bapenur Court, w will espoa to pnnlie aaie. ou ta vrainuea, at. 12 o'clock, M , oa Xkareday. toe 36th day ot November, oo a oreuit ot six aaa twelve moutha, huadaud appeeTad aasartM, that ralaable plantation ol the fate Col. P. (i. K vs.0, tria; ea sue Xdkia Kivae, at Hulasbora!, ia 'Da Tidaua Ooaitff, agotaiiuug aboas UHi aurea, aaor or tsaa. A Urge proportion of " I tri-t ia dlearad and la a Ana aula of eoiuvatioa. Ta improvemanta eoiiiatio( a anraliar sf plank boa- - -- fiwruMPlv tiujul ji futirm ' K. rtia . m " Also, a baUdin-Lot of 8 aeree, with ftwe saiall bwUdioga aaxt bara. Also, aa ondltUed ae third intsrsat in about TOO aeree, auw or Waa, ol tu Unaiiii Laad lyia araaad Ueiiabarwaa tbe Xadaia sUver. apoa wbieb at a aaa, VVaiar Power uexaauatibl aa tb Tadkia itaalt. , Wa wul also seU, at tba Ooart Rouea oor ia Newbaan, ea Wedaaaday, tth ef Dee bat, a 11 o'clock, oa aame terma, tbat magrntnoaot Ptaata tloa upon wbieb tbe lateOol Kvaoa reaiftad. ait aated 7 mile trom Mawbara, eontaining about gouaorea, anowa a to uaaioo piaoa, ornaaen. wood. Tbia ia one of tbe ran neat piaee ia ortb Oaroliua. Tb land ara of ta vary Aaaet quauty koowa in tba kaalara part of taia Otata, wuick ia buaooa for it prodaetiTaDsas Tb wbol piaoa ia underlaid with one vaet marl bad, imaienae qoantitias of which Ool Evan Besd oa tba ptautauoo. Tb mart ia near tbe aarfae and aaav to got at. and ia tnerbeaetibl auuti tioa. Then ia a flourkbing young Orohard oo tb pise. Ool. Evans baring set out 4,000 Pratt Trass of tb ehoieeat rariattas la 1H6H-'1. Tb imnroraBMata eooawt of fram Dwelling Boos with lv room, and sll aaoaaaary oat-Uouaae for aenrania, earriage-bonae, oe. A large Beopar tiun of tn piaoa i ditched atid drained and on der eulUvaUoo, and ia admirably adapted so sot ton, eon, oata, bay, aad all tba produote of tbis alimsta. There ar o on the plso large quaa title of pine and oyprea tunbai , bryeaaCnaak, wbwb ia navigable, rnna through tba place, aaa ob u ana bi we awaiung nuiue ia a very one water-power where Chi. had large Orist and elaw ltula. which were daatravwi durhic tha war. Also, tbelione take Plantation, aitnated about tan miles from Hewbera and three from tbe Oaa- loa PlantaUoo, aonuinio aboa S. X mors or leea. It ba upon it a large Dwi House. Tbe laad are ef tbeaueet aaaUivaui underlaid with mart. A Urge proporboa of thia tract ia ia rim but af tbe beat quality.' ' Also, tb apaight or Cutlar traoi. Immediately opposite Newbero aoroa tb Tram riraropau wbicb is loeated Jama City (consisting bf about S66 acre, aura or leva, iru land i uaarlr all akarad and in cultivation, and ia valuable for being ao near the City of newborn. - Ahu, IOC bharee of Block la tbe Atlantis N. C. ttaiiroad, aad t abaree ia tba Clermont Bridge Company. " ' ' 1 Ws will sell, on Thursday, 10th of Daoenrber, In MorebeadCity, ea terms above mentioned, tue tollawiiMr Oity Lwsi - la Block 11 tot Mo. n in. r. a..-. i ai , ,1M li 78 10 ll a. is, a 10. II, u. U. 18. tat " ,, 7 a, , nf. it, la. u "11 all tha ola Anil an undivided one-fourt b interaat In irsot or JjsAd stiont nun rrom Ji ore beau, oa tb Kauroed ana Boaua, of about 1U aeraa, kx a Ooaana. Also an undivided Interaat ia' a tract of Eand near tb towa of Mawpon, In Uartem County, owned br aaid evana and J. M. atoret aad. On Tburaday. 17th ef DaoamtMT w will lU tn Pittaburo'. Chatham - County, at th Court House, at II o'clock, ua taata taraaa, the La Oraog Landa, oanliag 44 about 1.630 aeraa, foot or leea, lying to tbe County ? Chatham, oa laap suvae aaa avaos intsrsat ta saw lands. . Taea too-. ar very valuable Ira; farm ing puapuetaj.ajtd uataas vary xtaoaii Coal beds, some of whiah have bsee eannsesfnuy woraea an large qaaauttfi oi ooai aaaea tn rom Tb iajproeeal' tjooaiit (if a ar Dwelling House with six rooms, aervanl' boueea, (iia boa. Barns, lot, ; t i. i . I t il Al. aUCol Kvaaa' Btock la the LaOnare alining, Mauoiatucand ransporUuw &n Alao. those valaabl Grist and Saw atilla ea Deep Hirer, knowa aa Kvana Milk, which ar now in opsratioa. .Tbeaopptr of valee ia.aan- staan. aaa tn aiiai are admsrautr apcaaad tor an toattenetsa aad ausnsBl beams, " ' Also, aa undivided one-tweotHith Interaat in the Chalmers Plaatattoa. Alio an undivided one-fourth interest la Tract of Leadia at acre (Jaunty, on whieh ia a raluauls Ooid Nine Also an audivided one-AfUi in ten at la the (fe- Iver Oopper Min sad taa ta Chatham Cooaty. a wo susnunosHa. , f , t- Also, 78 Bharee of Mock U th rap Tear and op Rivar Navintlosi Ccaspatry.v -i Bale of Beal kstat to be eonArmed by lb Dec Bt Court, Ji t ! l. J J U BTOBEfTF.AD, Lrluc?.u 4. iTf .-d. BVIBB. Nor. S-aswtHor ttawtd - IX I so. Tbe Lewett Prteea Alvray Win 800 Si. WXShPrbt 100 yds Openflaq flaaaala, ia all eat- VasEf aj 4PV ayiaaa W. E. i L B. TCCXXB A CO. Nov. J-tf 35.000 IXSJW Ko.ltf ' W. H. A bT. TUCTCKB CO. S KAtrnrctBTork Ladiks dre-Wooods. A Mtaaar. A'biladaickis and. AW Task NevW W.H.tl r.TTJCKIB A CDt y aitowr btoo: of - ever eihlMted ia tali tAsraew " Oeet'e Dpabs Pecker Wtsr Proof Ban, f Novl-tf W. H. A JL a. TDCEEK a tXX qiaB PVBUe art respeeJully 'invited toeasm in nnr uooaa. a w ara act si alias te.ret per thsa ever. - . . ler.n-tf -. w.TL AE A. TTJCl'ni A CO., ail b. astsal -"V , w nr a. 49 - I aUutaa, Oe. Uta. 1MB ATA MXETiro f the Board of Oamailagliia ara, a was eidewd taa tha Mavor be - tawiasd tad ruassmd as biiah tb rblkMnna Act of the Legale tare, annnesaiag the sale at ariaasaa noaoas, paaaiag aa swim. -- j , V. H ltAAAloOa, ktayar. i ACnamtiianane, Oark. .. --- AK ACT TO PREVEST TSg Stta? rjy fTOTT. 3 CATUiO UgUtliiBOS TBI DAIB OF ILEQ. fM tinl sn AWtOffVf A'ortMJmuOim ae eawef; BaorioB a. Tba as ana er eemoaa. shall sirs away ia any pobUe pksna, retail ar sell a. eept apoa preaerintaoa ef a araetkna- yjbvsaetaa, aad for asediral pnrtmaea, say iatomraatas; hqwor at ay tiss witbm twerv boar ant uv oeeding T succeeding ny pnhtte electi, er dnr saw the botdiae sbarenf, at any place witbia iv Bsile of anv sieciisa ivwiui t -1 ' Ba. A Tbataayparsoa wr person violaring pewviaMMW at this set aball he -ni,ry of a mis-denManoraa-ipaawbabsivh'ai Bne ao leas tnaa one haodxsd nur mare thaa eaa 1h-rasad aWlsr. - ' J Bac A That thr art shall tale efci from Jh aa o, ika r .i-i,n IRattfiM lth day ef Aui-nL 13 1 ' Want. . 'i .i. j i. . - J ..& i " . . a - at' "I i X a Ze tT"wrf ., . am1 I SO dam. TBAYAXoa ZtSWtXCX. -TX J il - ' ,. lil -ai. . ' v mm l- f.A V-l'arrnT J 3vr NEW f ORKioiiAJ uthobT aU.U U AU i. ULAUwXIi. .fA-iiU'iift 0'rA ifJ.-, Tie OrlJttJaU f'btuiaUiiiiafim eckttned'tiibriltiatb'ajito af!' - iras-olaa heBltJir iveiiau' "itai . ess? Am'mmm T - of the roca system of Lin Insurance, a opposed to tbe Wl-rtLi WIcw tsv1c flreAroi'W r tatadanm ssenred. wbieb ie lawanUTa, aaccBta. an era-run; m jsa a-ihis rase of sassi, for a pcesniadvdtiasid whfcb iaaifraii, ooTtoT and uscrar.ni ; this o-ealied dividend T tng taerely return of a portion 'of the exeeaaive and unnecessary premium 'Charged 'm tua irst ' tnn- ' .'-j'.., . i.-i v.-; t ' nimBATojl, nu t " ' T": s'':l " Suppeae that aa Individual aged thirty desires nwuranc on nts ins ; mis aaiouut wui u I inimedistelv M 1.761, payabw aa bis elaaaaae Tha anas, paid lu The difference hatweea tbaaa asms (ft Jr77) it feisntly t ke sms ss an imaiedUIoVwM v sndi. i to taw pqiirvthBsid to h vnsr offior 'a the bidi-r of th pe ley ie ease ef Ibe aarrr th of the losared. It ie true that if the ineurcd, ia aa office sharking high ratea, bee Ims tioa i death! saosiaA. and have hia aeriodieal dividend added above named ; bat ft mas not be ajrwotteB tbat appnoanv uajun w jsjsiua mmmiMxmm,- ana wiinwj uw kiww it-tt viiip liamsoiassiT I .Ul . . L . . - . 1 . ., L. ... . 1 . . I . 1 11 " i ' nwuufnn ou suia ,t,hi, sua qi aawii w aimmni w mv V oi a.wuaturj , To iUnatrata tba unonrtanoe to the DoHov-bokler of low m-.iuiuaia in aa but oe asisvBW ev sffsuiuumi sr iwniv-jiof of money will secure s policy lAutyAree and onJlibH par oen(i 'ursAfr f end likewise thai rwlueA aaoer tway-VB per was. as in raw orraoiinm prec seiriiuwien tesa rnniml aait auU. eW of Atrfw Mr and sns m-yayeswA, payaAia taeOtxiaos. or iu adcridaad u( Jvrtu-Aet asr eaau payable at tbe end of ve years. I ' V',i ' w waaja Hy tbs Moc- pU (b fmQ oath tftiot nf Qie preminm t UnnuOuJetf tetored M the haired the Company takiug aU tb riak. Jif tb Afutvi plan, the furl "value In lusnrsae ot 1ae wsaiimi'' paid is aot aeoarod w th nolioy-h0idr, Who takes s p,wiion of tie risk Bimaelf, . . . . ., . . r,Wi4 nsi'ii Bate to Secure ... ..Ji"' taTiunBiw uu i Ail tha Improved deeeripUou of Life and gTnUydaft.T ii. J T W it i tuia i tiutiu i .u. muuii r aim 5"" 1-"1.t5 r"(rf v 8S 4fl8 , ,V-a7ili' ,4f i-n.v t'li st,-' h,i : tyt. J1 ); b i of all premiums paid la addition to tbs amount insured. 'nil t'ff ' m.i:i.lj- Policies issued at ratea baa than those obarged by Mntual 'Companies, ndratmmtiiia a raf aVaohl aaraaaA of tba nraauaia afiar tha tLirrl annual ri.vm.nt. .,..1'.?") rum 11 pri PoIk ruu u '-Tin Tba endtratgned hsvin, onaa, for tae anore bibk aaid Btalaa. To bvs snd s be entered iato. COaMlotildNd OOUD. . A'i Wait !e.u.J0y VJiS. r . . " : i. 1 . , Bpt.l-m BROOKLYN LIFE IN nrtn ft art i,?r, a a 4 ABSOLUTIST KO KSSTRtCTTOn u J7 'st., .... v- jtO11' h, .. ,7 v" .. .,.Brt?n 5f. 1 J AH ' ..:.'Q.aflav,H J, 5 M 1 .....g.-kabiolmlf I ! a;-,ft..ya.r..viif,i 'n ra4Vf4bid'il S jiii'ka A ,,.:.; Q j-w-l. sj tc rv..-H.A 3 '" r A. I ''. , A p a s , . il fc -' g '-A i , U.:iaaJ .''V X a- :::.BmmtU e .1 1 -ll,it-, mmmv. ALL POUCHI POSmTJSLT-HOS-f ob;bttabix V'f Part of, the bremiam loeuied. and Uto'loan or. vremium note unUen dr, . . , - - owa on ua policy in cw raenia aiie st) ajecona jcsw.-aasSa It bfH , rpXW COMTAJT, OrrSEf FXCCUA& ADfAlAOIb TVtBX BOrrraaS rtOTtX. -sTJ-JBi r. 0". ' .,!.... . ( i rw "wiir-''fi.t '(- ' ; . riiwapHO v LIBERAL COMPANY IN ; THE UNITED STATES. Anfcfon.t ft imta hslna lawar thaa nf atbar fVaanantoh." lelowar tW'taama'af atha rAaanaaeB.','; '",'' : ' "fr.tt: .,, f .MBtiepm mi M r3TaVmjti'BB WnJ aVaroLB. ecifjairf; :'.','-. II InAvmatioa gladly faralssd b) sell, by ,11 l ilt .r iifntvf. ' .liai-i.tjt amlsaaa. W. fx. ywae sassjaJaa 0t mm jfPMiPw iBCTfAalBf Truifi Demwideff Cijr jrb aa iwran ta'aTrh1 law Axi n.aAjiT ' " ' i !c'A IBONPKONTfgXOREl ti Vi-mt JS1SI 1S1 i.1 l .n, siaasi)"' BXI neoa aavTB e evoaaa' aatav ium SffA mm a,, u swuim V wrawwi ,...v mAy w a(r.rft-.-l tanr.'tM ih'i. rHJCH WE BATE JUrTT fTITED UP TO . y .r susseapima with tbs a stars sa asassA ef ajsr awwaly iacraaaad awsSBMa, 1 .-w . . , .arsVsi7Bitebsaa WVlAt, BKA805ABLB an Jton'f AITSACXITB awaekaf t,. 4it f w- J i I t I f 9-r tl r fv ti'r rt?v ' rfi s WW. r tt !c oa f suVtru! . bna baa rexw el' sa W ' , - . JVB, UMA AAU VVXO. 4 V tiMOS tM, ' J. S'l A 4fi Priwaa Lamt sutlltr aael ake ' !-Ja7saaaaaBaV HtlAJ't tOuelnl iliiiimtkralmB,qBkaBaraaf, shaB hate phsst the Bamtiuaa i af ah Boeaa. .Everybody at koviud to aaS and tr tie af gAAsUOEAELg tUaUUttXa, aa ti-J-if r.e ti isetr we -', ,.t b. A5DWEWS crra." Aept. l-tf aV.- ,w-i a.Hii( WtlaTEs HBAte at CO., -'i it TBI ' ALB AST, LIVERPOOL, - fcHGLAK D, jorrsr it neal ivco; r- HORFOLK, VA , CAJiSJX CGMH1SSIQK XMMCBAMIS " aUnmb ' rrt COTTON FACTORS. . nnvtnt va - i WstiosaJ SJaak. Eerfolk. Ta, aad Al- -aaaads Cotua A Ca , laxh a ai i Mtarbastsa, Oct. JW Sns .i.- -.. - 1 5.000 BAC03,: - - - . r T sale W -. .,,.!" ! Q 1 braOKACS I sjva bs-u JITEEPOOLmEAUI . , I f , ttC Backs nae B:t ia styre ted Lt aai very ebeaT tot -f " ' ''' DOrKLAS ILU 111 ' ' ' i r?f .' . . . w u . .. . .v ' .. ". a Ho xtra oharge lor Tsesalas 10 Y - tit to devote $200 s year for the purpose of i tely seenre asm. in the-, 1 Universal" tb ea a Company charging tha ordinary mutant rale. tn hi, i the sum niay equal ar snryaas that Mis ennnee rf tarlv death is tb very thing the xenrrxl ternn.B' th asm anioaui mr aw iu jjiww aro nanm. ilia aama .r,,.. .. f l.prjO t BeatlJ1 ''.'iwwi -4i -1 - i Jil a nm. j iiruinirw lonai a i tMn Tsr.i -rrvwri Kndowuicii! 14-" t f' iwr f -T-y-Maa FVt . HJ.W 'XUBl. v., at ingheeo, appointod GarJ Auents Lr"lhe SUtis of North and 0uih?ar, tLUia Cuuitsnr, desire Agshis ia all the principal sowaw wad sections ra" snrestWAirnt, who are woXiku aud axubti to work,, liberal sarmt wuli rt 3attl Agvnu, tireeatbwrxr'. JhC,, i wav-aja f, w vireil SETOEcOMPANYj (Wjeavl diljosit Kit- lr, M bR,M;hakf uiia ar t. JE. i.twat-df t'PON TBAVIXOH BK3U)EfiCBikiii . , r (1 1 1 , ft ; : ,.iiKiha"iAi8 w. BOCCEPrk m tiM,aag 1 I 'ILt ' i I. Ms? r mil ' A- I ftf. riR Hill . J '-i&L Lt -aivl S:.,-,- " 'v' tai .-. OtWniAg'tV tteTfeutJrjf North'; Offit COAhl COAL! COAU !13f r.a . ' iZSJL mk ,l.hlW Tfow Mtba XlmtsB to BuyS (H , tr.g xii artft.iT- C0XLi-;.; Treaty Tsa to-ony p hsad and for ssls hy ff ! ;? ,fv" SOTJGXaASjm ' : s .K .(.... rl-W Jfri. V! 1 ' 1- ' ' 1 - i,.T m a s .v . rm ui-u - ' ' 14 i tA rfsirf--at emi a - net oaf . T.r. . : aiabef .tnrpi1 VJi3 1CT 3il TC .'8 Tot ft. ianiiAti en"ffj t aw i!i Bp NEW FANCY GOODS I jiiwdsssK Jtmii ariaA, -t ; U0- iK .O t n i.T.mn o .tr . ft j. I i " " GOMlNOIil; r'- .rtOITAlA' ' ' f M. ROSt Jr !tT."S. 7 1. Jt' ii'T ' , h ' I 1 13 J? par remaining wo. k of r 'P ' -jtiAirr-SArr cicrrarai;, T1 t . ... 't- . - . - - - f - And leea. Comas c nttj -Ki - ' Kept. ta-tf "t ' ' at. !.- S I .a'l ("v K1SD fTOM : f - - - ea e ' is rnt. O T 1

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