jiiMIIHf ABTI BTIlUCi tab UOOCUk ' Aforttenem wal W averted Aa,4 M W - --1 iMomtf A mwe a he ""Mt HI IIIBQimsi ' M than Vtd..MVMrwi4 jr J! OMqaaMM JW . 1 liiiiM.I .mil amm mmm m ' li i B.W K :eb eduitiocial so.uers two weens..,., .50 On sqnars oa mouth. - Each additional square o ' 0 squa rs two Beouths. i iw E rr k.e ..v.......f,iilo etw? Been xirtinnwM saoa I Will 44.jw)... . ion. - ; L' ;'--.---. ouartereoiansB" ............. -lo,w QpllS o.la M v .0,00 0BC0"HimS .- J?, ,.,,..-...... W.- Mulir'bail ids, 10 mioioa twos or less, Advartiee meats ina srted ia Weakly and Bams- VssUrataatss I with the above. Ooetrt ten T HE SENTINEL. LOCAL DIPAXTM1IT. MONDAY, VOVfMBXB S. 186a BLBOTiOB MtTUBHS. i Stale will ante a mvof 'apoa it, fiy1 forwarding nt th lection return la their reepectire , at the aarticet praeti Bel advertisement ot Austin, Corbin 4 Haw ABTSMiMuuna, Wa direct spt- cial atteatioa to the aztuaatra aalei ot Real Istate ad vert bed by Meter. J. L. More- baad and Wrfbjg, Smith, J$tito Tott af Oxen atolaa: James Boantrce, ear Wilson. ' 2I reward offered. 4 Bayae'i India Bubber Borub, manufao tared by Too. H. Briggs i Libera db- eo0"1 a" VJfrtsL f- vi -J ." J. Orowa, with H urt A Lewi, oflar beat Kerosene Oil and Blacksmith tool. W.U.ai Tucker fire notice of ai W1fprU'TOT rwi i tba Mayor BOticBg ,,, r , ,, ,, ' RAIXY DEMOCRATS! Wa ar requested to. aaoouno tbat tba three Beymour and Blair Club of tbb CitythgiWertatBattsrB and Middle Ward Claba, wtll''ali ineet tbl eveolog filjada -aa-t-a'ateek. at tea W, tern WaA luB1JWaJlia l taad. AosoaaviatioAtlwll bl pJfTl tot all. . Builoeii ff iojporUnoa will be tran- aoted, - Let alf the member of tba Club B9irr Cbib Bftacov The Barbecue I MdHaM Meat (eg at If artia Joae,' oa ftetur dayvottea up by tbat gallant band of pa triot), tli Seymour and Blair Club of Swift Cretfc, waa a 1 glociatj -affair. Tba crowd, botb'of aua and of ladit. waa .Try large. and.1' la additloa to otber aiercutea, tb fMopia wen eddreeead by Qor, Bragg, lfaj.0. H, Wilder, M. A. Bledaoe, Zq, aad3fJ. Beaton , Gale. Full partleolarl (ero9ded Mt by , tba boor at wlticb we mtk tip Our form on Saturday nigutJ will be aritan to-morrow. .vV.V-. j j"--'if HiraacBrtjOAU A ttypTgrapbical arro; oeearred in ear leader on Baturday, beaded "A Wetai Warelnbicb eeoaped oor notlea. We fTotovJj)rrtieaV. but ; the word wa by no naeaa uianoaa to 8nTdniliB. -We aire aoref f lhi Sberift tM ftlaei raBor ia regard to tba dar frowtb Lengaea to menaVeri U go upon tba elecdoa gr4ed wltli Unxlgeowa, ete, U wholly, jwfopioed, ' anf tat7 aj; k peace ofBoar be 'will ratananaa, nptbing oftb klDd.ifi1wditpM9dobtduty aaueMureM that b iU 4Ucbarg It wltb icatwtialUy; and pronptaa, Tbat i aJl wa'aat.and ww aball aot be backward ia giving bin due credit for tba faithful per-lorcbcjfMa-dttfrKll)'! Ti3r4-Th IUlioJand ; thn Women lartttdrbaTaiaUantad tba hegw ticket bart baan pfiotad at tbtt offloa, Ta lnlial tioa U blea; JfcuTtklt baeabeea printed plain on white" paper nd black Ink with tba full Pemct,atictU'llQt.rjrb ' ticket, and none other, barn been printed in black ink oa colored paper, as they bare beea rderad? Oolored Ink are not 'toed la ourplBcyWe tar 'printt pa twgoa ot ddbepUr Ucke'. of any kind nor 1ire aay aaeb been printed bvthie effloa. W bear of boga ticket Intended to teeele,hnt no far we ma Iraia, tbey kava beea pnat ad at the Standard office and bow here elae. ZinxoiVovr Ca not jju Wt U rnmored tibat the Bank ot North Carolina will be forced into Bakrapteyt fof tba reon that eonae of it creditor bare aoad tba Bank. We do not etata thie aacerataly aorrect,bat tatelt'l a rtmor. Should tba Beak go Into Bankruptcy, Ita object will be to wear te all It creditor, alike, frtroU proporUoo aftt teaoarcea, and to earwafl tt aaa for Ita creditor. Tba Prtaideat and Director ot that fcikTar art Wew Mdar among t oar "beei anat moat reliable eitlieaa, aad wiU da yuetice to every maa Via tba aatoward drcnouUnoat wbiab bare aetallaa tba aoeia try, wbea iu anaaoc had ry thing tla bar beea letnraed, ouV beat ' flnaaclur bate erred la jadgtmentand bare aotthawa tba abarpnaaa ot other, It la ainipTy tieen and wicked to ltimte, ia the allgbteat da grea, incompetency er Inadelity, on the part of aay director or officer ol tbat laeUtatioa, Te bald pa a at present, weald be to pay all tta aeU to broken aad ether, wauar ' laying ita biilV "rT tioa XL Roe br aid J. T. twaa. '. Tba. IF luu'-tr i alaraied at tba atrengtb aodpopu 'ariy of CoL Eigtr. When it amy Pewccw againet Bogera, poffi the one and decriei tba ether, it aboold tamembir the people ot thl Dktrict know Col Roger etid inteoi to e'ect hitn. 'That' n." ,'!.: w r"'" v. Dr. Ve'o-b, tie 1 Cr: t P- '' .'r.,lM ' frtiiJc-t of riaa C md divine from ie TOM S.C BAPTUT ST A TM COSVVS -non. '-.-- Tba tli Irty. eighth aaauoaV oi tLkbidy wea bald ia BUlabomv laat waek.bntriag aaraced o Wediiy morulog' bat. tba abeeooe af Bar.. Jme McDanlat, rayaUariila, who ba preeidad ovar ito de- utwratloaa tor O'artay year, Bar. B. Xaaoa,f ZaeeyeiUa, CaawaU CaoatT, wan elected Pr ideal of the CooTenttoa. Be. I h. Carroll, of JOkfordtWaaataoted Becro- tary. Qaita a Urge and, ipcctabla eVde, gatioa, repraiaatlag the diffarent atctioat of the State, wupteeent. Ror, J, B Jetar, D. of Richawnd, ' Ta, 4 Be. ) ohj Broad a, D. D.of g. CC and Ber. T. Cingbury, of TcooeMee, war precept. ' We learn that liberal oootribationa bare been anada ta Mvaral bcaarolani aatcrpriaat se der the control of tba denomination. Tbe aazt aenioa oftb Convention will ba bald la Newborn, ia Nonmbei','ISe.J Tbe dedication aerrloea of tba new Bap- tint Church building Inst; completed took place en To-day aigbt laat, aad tba aar- noa preached on tbat cocaatoa by B. T. H. riitchard, D. D., of thUoity, wa vary highly ipokca ot, ;,Tba church edifloe i aid to ba one oftb fineat at Itaalaa la tba State, and it completion 'at ihi time te fleet great' credit apoa tba BaMUta of KHUtboro. . A'.X W learn fram e dolegaU that' tb citi- aeon ol BUbboco anatalaad tbair ti boa- orcd reputation for hoepitality, and tbat tbey had made tun pi preparation f.jr the accommodation ot a muck larger aaatber ot aoirgate iaan waa pnaen. t W aare toe prumiM of a more complete account of the proceediugi or tae CooTaotioa. !.. " H 1 i -: IUlhob aho Oatob rUif-BOAD. The tleodenon India aay : "Tb able and efficient management our Raleigh & Oaitoa H. R. hare recentli placed oa t a-' -new and. haudaanial ooacu, maoniactured at tbe Uompaoy Hbopt, aad ot the latest and moat Improved f bioc. One or two more will be on in a lew dav. Tbey have alto had much of the track laid witb new iron entire, and are bow. engaged in further f perfcctiuK it d a to tnako , it equal to any r -Comfort aud plearj. tue omcere aewrve in greeted credit lor their energy." Thb Hatob of WilmingtoB ha publish ed n proclaraatipn regarding the election to morrow, anfl appealing for the preasrratioa of peaoe. Be ba alo appoloted thlrty-U peoial police lot the oocaaioa, aenaiatiag of J twelve Boothern gentlemen, twelve Xankee ana : twejr pegroe. , ,, . . T ii n twr ei i i ' Mb. Nicbola N. Mixob, an old and valued ckiaaaf Wilvtogtqicdiad la thai city lt evening. U ba beea wittering tor yoart past.witb , a .cancer,, .which bet pnniiy causea un acaiu aaa inui oeretvea bl family. . . . . " T. : Z It tu at Mat ftaen wieotrveratl why o many corkacrew ware included in tbe fatatiocery" ot Oongreai last m Ion. They were Beaded to let Butler out. f TBMredica'e elai uail tbe anorality. udgiug front h aotuiaa of their1 Organ tbey havn aUo all tbe brayin'. The New York- BrrU ba within a few j -beBnm qnit entmorert-with OfB freek Blair ' alone hi viiit to New Tork- Tba Election, in Indiana. Tba following ia the reeolt In Indiana on Congreaimeo J ' ' " Diatriot. Wf :- - BepaMlean flret. ...... ; i. .1S.0M Seooad... ................ .12 Jbird..-. ,w.t.iv.W.0in3 . roarth.. ......... ........ 11,411 Wth.. .. .t y. r.,,t.v.lA 71 , IhlU 16,151 Seventh. v.4 .'.M Sift Eighth. 11. m nit Ninth....,., lt.SOT Teath ..... 16 Ml . Eleventh... ,.00 J. Yi-Jm'f) .vtm Oamrati nulority... ,.,h. .. -I r It will be aeen that the Democrat have a majnrity in Indiana on tna tngrewtonai candidate, whioh i tb1 true national teet involved, ii th 5 election,! l ia avldoot. tberetore, that our Irieod eaa certainly car ty Indiana-for evaoor aad Blair ia, No Teajber if they will only work, a wa pre Mime tbey will. with energy, and Beat tub yoTBiTtBBi so rrM . Tin a few day tbe bag aupeoea win ba over, - Tbe general mult will ba , known, nod hi surveying the field w Bra' led 'to hope tbat tba Booth' wtti ?hw a power ample anaogk to protect iielt from' tbi degrading government of igqoran Bagroet aaa owe www men., . ,., ., uitA Tbe state or Alabama, ueorsia ana tva- isiant are claimed by our frienJn a certain to poll eoBclurlve DemocrAtic majoritb; and w beg our. ceualrymea. ia ahe.iOld North State wbea the columa anove Bet to be fonnd trurirlinz In ftt rear with anhap ' py Tenneeaee. ... i There b this grand opportunity for North Carolina to. ftgata ia part tb control of bv owa fbrtanea, and ve tract that lie Will hot acleetJireV t)Tnfca s .. . . EbtTCATKHAt.It I reported that la tba Boath the achooU aad college for both sexes are at preat more auaaerooaiy attended than In any pranoaa jaer At the Cahrsr- tty ot Virginia there are brer 500 ttnde&ia. A Vf aaoiDgwa iioiwgB, war wowaj wewcra Lea prwidea, tbera are nearly uo, ana at tbe Vireinia If ilitarr IaatUata over UO Emory and Henry, ia Waebiagtoa eoernry, opened 4t tall heeMoB with aaarty 80 Haaapdea Sidney ba nearly -or o.nite 100. Raadolph Macva, a tba Uteaa aosenata, bad eboat 73, aad daily acenian are being madai Ricfamood Colkg baa largely over ioa Good Lobs Dbuvbb TJa I Gen. Howard has j oat east in hb mrau. report. U asks a coetiaoaae oi taa punaa, wbica ameas as afu-r bearing tmta him torn Mule time ago that it would wind ap ia January- WbitBuenaiiga! avre ins aegroee mora capable at taxinc eareot taemeuivea emee tba arte cfaerioc, or b tbera a better cbaace of eootinairtg tbe Great National Clothing Btors sod Grocery witB a profit ta the keeper I A'sffWA fTrpiataa, - - " ' t ;-. , .... it ' - r - !. t ' SeBMerai 1.1 18,77 1&.&8S KMT li,HJ 1,S1 lt,IM8 M,M 14.6M 14 2-18 : Gait. FomBBST CBAIXBirOBB KtLTATBICK. Ia a letter to X. H. fehackletord, ef , New Hvea,Ctoaayaat published, Gaa. forreet deaoaecea Gea. Jed sow Kilpetrick ta aa mratared terms, and rstrrs hint to Geoaral Basil D uke, of Louisville, who will receive arweommsnicsio& which Kilpetrick may deem propers' Tba latter teters to tacaerks and by Gea. Kiipatrkk. , . -. EEGI3TEU1 X sot orprf it ' Every thing dVpendt cpou your rorttratioa and rP'V -v ' ' : -. 1 Waahiagtoa Zveolaa) Zxpraa, toth. . TBB OUT LOOK.. J If" r - , jmr. Tbera has beea a manliest reactioa la tba pabiie mind stnea toe recent electiona. and saes ,bow ., aad com prebend.: clearly eeoagh-ihet tbera wee really aotoiag la the reaalu at all warranting Radical exultation oa the one bead, aor tba diacouragemeni oa tb part ot certain tainteartad Daaaaerat oa the other. : Oa. tba eoairary. It b aw ptaJslyapM rant the affect baa beea to induce the rank aad file ot tbe Democracy te) work harder than ever, aot oaiv to regain .bet -gutaad, bat to place the election of. Beymoui aid Blair bevoad queetio& t S'AUu k . All aver tb bad. there b a rreat ewak eaiag iadioaure ot tbb determination. Tba Radical see it and feel it. Tbey keep ap a a Sow ! im Jenca bv empty aaa noisy boaadag, by )risttlit mbicpreeeetttiens of Bra aad aeanTe,"and" by' the'' moat acaadaloo impatatioae apoa penoaat char. aoter. i Be are ever toe nances or oea- perata. if aot despaU'ing demaaroQM. and aar iro QtaueaneaiDg irumum CoattitBtioaal liberty and free Government, tbey ought to animate, them wHb frtab M u : i t.L. .A.: k- courage aad atreagtbea their deternalnauoa to win. There are (in throughout the an Tailed military reaoaatrttcted State that Radical ealculatioo there at to be a badly disp pointed a wa tbiak they aasurediy srui ba her In th North. The carpet-bag' Office bolder, and tb emiaaarie from New Eng land, ar aadiaa it a much harder J b to uring ia" the negro than, they anticipated. The negro, ia fact, la rapidly" finding out tbat tbee iptraijar are not, tui Irieoua, but their enemlea no matter, what .their profuw ien mat be tnd ka a result' of tbat oonviction, wbea eleciioa day oom along, we suspect a good many votes that were anticipated lor Grant and Colfai from tbat clam of popuUtiun will be touod oa the other id.. (Jouraim. then, fileiids.on aad aU.aad everyw sere. - Hot tarn to account toe tew day that iaturvene between nuw and Tneadav next, and we (eel certain we (hall have tba unspeakable greiifioati., thl day waeB, tot announcing not only tnai an is well, but tbat the vietor we have all beea lookinff fur loos b ao tborouab and com nleta that Radicalism, witb iueonoomiUot abominations, i buried o deep out of tight a to make lu recon at ruction at any future time impossible. "Let the Union slide." tnul Banks. "We need a little blood lectin." said Cbaadler. ,- -r j "Let us bavs peace, said Grant Great Heavens what a party. ' Thev hare "let tbe Union elide." . . They bare bad not only a little, bat an ocean of blood lettinc. 1 Aad now, as some leading Radicals, Ger. iobeock, w believe, explain it, Grant' Peaoe U a "piece of trianRUlar teel, called a bayonet." And each a party a tbb tba Amaricaa peopla propose to retain in power." ' Whit a great people we are to' what pes the Great Republio baa come I Our tutor j a a tree people I ' perntp wnttea. ' The end ol such rottenness. Igno rance, fanaticism, or whatever else it may be, cannot be UoubtluL iiarruftaiv i'o- trkt. v An ex Governor of Oblo, noted a an ad vocateol total abstinence, once bad his ym- pathic trooaed by an unit r uoate, wbo had buried three wire. . "TbeLwd ha indeed deeulv afflicted yau." aaid tba Governor. Tbe mourner, sobbing, replied : "Y-yea, he s, ' and, paualng a moment ana wipaa uis nose, continued, "Dai I aoa't mini tue Lord got much ahead ot ate t for a laat aa be took one I took ano her." Pennaylvania polled 683,000 vote. Com. pared with tbe next largest vote aver given tuat oi iconit reveal tnese results ; Democratic incresM, 8l ,t5 10 T 10 Kepublican Jacreaes, 7 83,780 , 7 7 JO That Minister Jobuaoa baa made effective efforte lor the satiateotory eettlement of tbe Alabama difficulty u no loeger a matter oi men sacculation, aad that a protocol will directly be agree u upon ia oeueveo. ammo, ia Am. :j u." . .... , . . m-.- At the November elections tbe aeonleof Minnesota. Iowa and Minouri will vote for (or against) negro sum age. , , Vf IW IitW IBfaa, '(:.. Vowfele- OeoV-tth edittan, revised. ' Abbott's ran of Rraetl and reading, lha above hooka nam last aa Moeived and ar for Beta at Pubuaher's pr.ee. r We aaa ianua,elao, BlebaM a (MrmaB-e- a Hand book of Vurma. and the Uod of Uiril Frv- eedora af a atais . . II... . WUXXaJaa I at I a, Oettl'tf i, .. . ttook Bare. - FB0V Mt STABLER an Thursday night, a prime aet of anuria Baggy Uarnsaa, with brsaat OolUr. The Harness was sdve monnv- aad almost aew. Bla my Baggy UnsaaaB, a skLeetharoae. neatly eUfcubeeia Irant, AMae, sett single Wagoa lianieaa. ' " ' I will n.. am aha Malivarv of the above SfV ? to ma, and ash no eeaWBoaa. , , , , 9et smf .if idJL Batter, Bwter, llmter. v ; Oft KSOA-aad Tnhe of PaUMM OOBilXN aad J5U QUWi Bul,,n store, by lbs paekag. mm. u-u a. r. win. is Mua.f ALT AT4S FIA BA X I .! t-XIT 41 0 hacks Livarsod Bait now arrirtna. Oetu-f a. LaritoiiAca. , .taJULt" CBKS8M sa Box, warranted, . . O.T. BTBOXICH. TATA, LAOU1KA, AMD BIO COffKU. ,. , i ... ww . Arrfwala. ' ' f AT 44 rATETTKVILLI UTREKT. TTAVDaOMB Hand aad Tea Walters, "'' r t'Wtad Caatora. Qoud and aoaaaaon . Tllae4Bter ani'as- , , , ... w IW Ksdvae and Folate ifaeiaeiB,'" " Cora Poppet aad PeaUiar Poalara. lUWgh, Oet tJMf Wtti HartALewi. kewBaekwbaat floor, and . , ... f-, tQoaoaa Byrne. , .- , . W' Hrnt rxAs. u 1 ' i , KOoashel, for marilyaaa, end , v ,A ? MB) bwskil Block Peas Q. T. BTBOKAOn. -A , oet.vtr AjUraCtanca lent, Kam ofZneirf. A BOCsS AND LOT ta rent ea Wilmmatua A. Btreet, witB a good Oardaw, witbia aavauiy ve yarde of th Capiloi Bqnara saitabU tot a Bosraing Eoase, wuk tea itaesss aad sane Ar TaareBi e eoabW Uteaen. with two nra-plaoea. - Taos ta waa of ears, pmnsity weald as wet) to aovay te tbe enhseribat saam. . ThThoaaeie a arraagesV that It weald enit two pnvalefaariliea, i , . . Bel-iga,Oo BU-t , iOBDAS WOMBLE. T KATEER, . . - . . : M lb Good Bob IwW, ' , Oaa. 22-e( O T tTBOStrH. irTELEGitApnic: Oar Aftersiw Dbpstfckce. 1 ' MABBiOet.ll,atV lab sotw pts the rtpttln Oensralshlp. and shortly aeaar fur Cabe. i.-t-r." v'lfi Badft ahawa a Bafialeaoy of fifty aaiUioa ater- .Jsoatwa, Oelll, M The ben fcha Stewart trotted twenty mun ea the Elver Sid Par aa yaatarday ia Iftj-sine ainniea end tweaty time these tansr mmelr. ' ..l-:.U ,Svil Bjjgtn. "' ?!8"'w Tf;':":r-SnwToajt.'Obr:1C Honey 'easy at bHaritog'ttt 'eXttfltfif. tfa,ltliax-eiopoaSI;Mweaf. .,- Cottoa aalatuU, TurpeoUaa SU1, ; Euai etetdy at aVttttfvV ei Oottoa tend gown ward. h4 IA I bis-4v- eledwg (,ut after ojeae aa yaatarday. . wJnuauitvs ,,;,, ' . .i" 4 WAaaiMeioBOt.at,P.la. Hotlar' motloa to dmntaa suits acalast Ma ta Baltlasore, a a breach of hi Ooagsaanional priv Use;, wsadantad and the trial writ ptncim Traaauryaaipleyaea, wh raabm, r altowen eoa saoath's leave of abase sa, with any. fHbera ea th black liat, it tbey peratal SSorM ta e- aaala, wtil be soaimarite alsmsnsst ajr in tt The debt etslswmat wiU show' Bttl shaaga. Oiaat, by order of taa Praalilaot, wawa aa der, eaUmg th attention af persona, eogax d la th naval or military Wries, to the laws brUaV din thetoaBterfereees la elsottoaa. - v i . - Oov. Bnllaek. of Oeorgta, Is here;"'. "J '"." In the ease ot Tyluc - Oefreaa, to rseaver pocieesiiia of property sold, an dar eoaaVaatiea, the Oonrt eonBrcsed Pefr ss la pnssweslne daring TyUr's Ufa. The opinion Was delivered byJudg Carter. The eeee was beard bl Wlusnalu,,. ftevaaae far the aaual year to dale is Bfty naB- liona. . , , i - , an v It 1 denied that Erarts has given sty opinion regsrdUngdonbbdiatiAed.WhlaWi-'l .. -- n.t- ' " 1 1 '1- '-' '"J"l : ' bewabd'b ttovra1 toor. -: Ausoaa. Oot, 1, JP,M Seerataty Seward addreeaed a large ateotinyi to-day. Hs deteuded uliuaoi' polio, .Wd.CiaJ approved the aoora of the Radical party. Had trould not take tba award or pal it tuae Another's band ea ande what had been Bane, if It ware aa aeesaaaryaraBwIss. He theoght -that k Oie- troat of tb PemoorsU, fait by a large parttoa af the people, oughi to b raspaoted. . it saya that ba ooa&daa ia ia4 EfleabUoaii party, who aavad thCalen and abolished slavery. He hsUeves that the anoeees of the Jtaoaoeretei woaat. Belay tha restoraitoaofpsae and harmony. ' TBOM HEW 0RLEAS8. ; ' , Kaw OaiaAw. Oct. t.U.' , Gen. Bteedman, to-day, tendered Us - anaaauV Mud resignation as Superintendent of th Metro pohtaaPoUee. Oeorge L. Cain aotiag naperlalendant pr (em of police. ' , The Comniaaionert stata, this ovaalng, that they Intoad a appoint a Boperta Uaadeat, oa Hs leooonMaidaUoa of marobaula and undenrriter. Oansral Boaaaeaa, by reqneet, laat aigbt, visit ed th dab rooms of ths Innoosnte the ln whieh was most aweaiaat bt the troable with the aegrose, and la wtrieh iBmderaa tearing 1 tin exists, oa teeonnt of the death and vooadV lag of wverai of tbetr members. ' l'''::'1? ; In a sharp, epeeoh, Oaa, Booaaaaa, warned them that the ssap nesleiUsy tee aB ewtisgaiaad disorder u Mew Ortewns waa lehtea hW ahonV dera, and tbat be boked tethem toeae the peaos and aaaoarage others te de the .,. -He said fas fait it Us doty to tall them that the law molt be observed. Bad thai every ' aniaf whe bee the right, shall vois amnolssted oa the tliiilfcia dav. t-.r t iWin Gsneral Bouaseaa was aathnslaatloany raoerv ad. The Ctnba pledged thsasstves te sosy hi wiaba..5 . Oil- ft T . : If f f Daring the reosai troablas, ths areaaaoa of tbo United states Batform was always eafllnisat te rsstore srder. ...-t-.J.-. 's foree of troops b the city at ae base ax aaa dad a tew haadredaea. . .,i '.'; ., Tj:iuaMxn.?: ;-.""( lit J- Maw loan, Oct. It, t.U. Cottea closed firm.- galseaf i,00 bales at 16i Tarpontto tiauj ' Moon Ueht at T. Bold weaker at Llfif. Jf cstb Carolina 7. f yirginUa. new, a,,, lt ....... Wii wieatiw;, oet n,r. av. Bpirit TarpsoUne better,. Bales at 41 easts. Boam aaralnad 1.60. -Tar deottned : I eants load . I faun aal.aalaatt. - ' Tarpenttn amsbaaged, UoMonBrmsr, 9XA.1A1AIIUX t At the reasdenos of ne brida'a aaeaVerf ' IB JnhastonOo. oa thsKta last., by Bav. Ivta. R. Brooks. Mr. ias. Aw Ubbbu, of f ayettsvUls, M. 0., aa Miss LauannA C- dsngeaar of Jansas Viiuw, ai fayetle' villa ki.i i fc' t ff : pa in ii o ai " ,. a A. aav fS irW' ' ' : ro -it. irr ifb IsjarhiiOB JPractic .IllnJtrtUd is. u via auui tompany, ia aiona , ,. , Carolina, -..-in .m. . Baesived of ths J!tns IJfs tasnraiiee Compa my, bv toe aands at V. fit (tow, Oeneral Agent. Ave Ihoweand sad aaveatvtrhl duilar b saah, betng la fall few my luiint kaabaavTa aey,' BoTlaaa. of Ibcnaand aVauara, and the $ tt. eaiBgaeaah dsrawaaaV f wrr esot. -ea aae earns!- -)(&'li aOUHV- Baatigh, Dei, 10, laaV -.h. f-u- ,,, ThesnUsetef the absaw lose, A. Xliaa, bna, M sikiet aa the ity af BataigB, pasd W ens noHay ef S4 000, aa foliage i I o. Jsa. iw,saa patd, die. WiJr1' : - 1M7, j. , -. .. Ji4 V t l', ' "188a, ' ,' :v-i!va.- At that Maaa, aaa Cempaay sal am a Oseh div ktaw4W0Mrent.iiiis potiey b pud, aa above, t,7i, reeaipied for. The eattrs eost iveaivad by th CoWlpsaf was IS19. Had thie baaa depoattid tea (tavuea Bank, aiapar seat, ail neat, has awrvtriag.wus aad eWw-voldaave, i Prinarpal. " ' -1 Wil " J fwe year, moath tad days Iat, M Bt . i " Total -'-'-H- J4si - . WAM fat ' 1 Oeatlaaaea of asataeas lnunfraes rawur ae sreaakan te dieeover aw sopenor advamags of Lai laawranea, siarply as aa favawtmsnt, to aay M mora. IViewie emaamutating Sine sasd of mveatvaein wiU and 1 a taoir jf.lerwat to aall ea U eabseviber, erena an sf bw BMal Ageate, Btdore aasaring elsewber. - W.B.CBOW, GvwvwiAgX ' Oet- IMm V Owlos, ilaimgh, 1. C A MOTMKB lAXf Of fBlMX CALKEdKI M factory aal st. t. BtaU Cbeeee. '' joat reeeavad sad for sa by Oct. a-f - . - , . IVCtiLAB BOX. Just atcclvci. : ' AK0THEB tot of Abbott's farms and Tooe hiae' t"rta. OrdWa f tbem anitcited and pronptly fliied. ' AM AlanrBevs, WA have not iunciied tb'smilvae, stiemd do ei, - 1 hae. abw, s w eneae ef Kt bo VA brfrtli. Huh e-tiono, prie SH. A o ti, ( of Ctvil loceoora, andtr tb aw (' -" - iuuo nee 13. ..." ' f , ;- p-.- ... OetltMf . - fcaa.h.C. , ' V J i-r GUIDE TO afARRIAGE, Yaw Meat's OatdetaaUtrnv Ataniage' ad Oonjacal Felicity. The hnmsne views af h anev ebnt Physialans, oa the Krrors and Abases ci- dsa to Heath and Sarly hUahaoj, sent ta sealed tewtopee, Brwsef eaavna. r aVddmss MOW ABO BBSOCIATIOM. Bot P. I1ubelphia, Pa. BbA BAAarXaa J - -. V .- I" ' - . .. 'f , 1 t , ; Westen Lands 4 Seearltlps. TM ADDITIOh teOovaraaMBt, BtaU and Hail, lluaa Boon, aaa iuy s"i eu , Land in HUnoi, Wisconsin, ItliiiieaoU, . Iowa, lGttonil, IJtOaaJ aJld a- '.'' vu.v. 2--'. " The Ughast mrie 1 jid lor LiKD WAIUU9TI and Wka a LAB afaUU) oH lAXSa miim. We elMBOxoha, toeal rate, au s . DlbCKEDITD WKUl'tUN - COUNTT, crry and -town bonds. -. t 'ObrreaDOBdesee euaMSad. aad any kafenasMoW I requrea. rarsuanec-wnaom eoarin. bk i i- . . ' AUrtl IN OUKlllN k X., i 1 :'. ?.;-.. .l-.iMi,ii., -auukara -Bew YoekC1r.'- Oraeaaoora' Jtoaei MW1 WTraoS k BHOBXB, BANKJCB8 ARD Ironaaaabaoaaaa, Boirra Kui hTMjfT, pAXt- . i. -- aoaOfc it, 0, fclc; i,.-,,.;,.- nana of tj.. .. u . - u Cane FMtf.-K.........ii . 8 rhriotia..w,..w.,WTftv W -Wadaaboro.. ,. t.'aaio at , BVilniingma,Mwt , 5 . H VuiUm, . 60 lliouaaviUa..v.,W'M,f, I tmal...,,.,.,,,. , JO tnew) il I ul' 5",aree.M(,w.T-,Mf w'twiiif a l.imTluUlM . ... ...... .s.a-.... 1 . Waaluuirton,,,.,,.,.,..,, " TaueiviUa . . , , mam MavesM,Bashof)swberB.....,...A,vM S farmers' Banhtaf aiwanahmV. loU , i . ' jit laeW wjv ii! lnnsta'snd PUnterr Bank.. . tv Oeaamsreul Bank of wilinngtoa...:t..,,, U orasneuoro jeuioai abs. vih, iwu; Tirarutia ilauk Mote averags alwutv-wa-viB oouia vermna Osoraia .. - . aaw e aa ' aMfaMMiwS'tf-.t. IWa Lav and aall at llbaral nrieea. Oold and bll- ver. puna varuuua uouos, vuiumi owe puuua and all other marketable suwxs. 'i . ' Urdars for Bank Bote by debtor ana Btoex hoi dare of Banka will raoeiv prompt attention, " batnma fu ainesss naokanea of Bank notet aA .n w J- .k- . - - .Lub aa Ww Yur, or BaiiisMta, et la ounreaey, a de- - Lifa and fire Inaaranoa olloies luDaAlh good v uo bs lavs sm . t,...,,,.. , , . WrmBB4BaaaaviaaaaaaMnm. w-"A vmrnti" , M,i !!, a iriaaaa,! f .'Vt.. mm. Vim. afcABDBWoaa, Caaaisr. 'r'.' to . 'i-i -j' ' i-n iw di tntt- I 6BAItgMtt'' 8 - 7;1 xVu fSrajo ) old v ? I?. ThomasriU ,.,.... .v,,40 yiimingtoa,,,,,,, t ..yabmgtea .-,,.,;.-,.,.." . WH tf(( .If t.t, Jl ' ifl.VIIM(MUlW., J Vrink:::::::::; A M ''' ' fanoervlllr farmers' Bauk. Greenaborooah; new 10. old M Merchant's Banewber,,, M. Omonaborouarti roMhBtttual.. ..,....,,... t Tlrirluia Biuk Notes, about... i'MMfiWtrrTdii, tWtbCarouu' ' ' J- ....T..... V.ii'.'J M 1f ..ffW.f Oold IMS voopon ., .....,.,,,,,.,..,,,, oo North Carolina leQroAd fmponf . ', . 1, .;- , yM dim.. ...,.... . w . V MU.MM . a Xxonenge on I a. v, , ,AM ,. . , J , , 4 a. At u. nauroaa oiooa.. ,,.,.., v BAXE1GU , , MATlUHAlat UAAIi )! rnvfTrr rtvnirwi ,y, Mvaasaat waMSWAaSMAHt,-, 4. ; B01HD "! OP DIRCT01aS i-! ; f !.' W,aT AAIASa; rreafdeat,', 1 1. It WtTXAMJ,',' !, OTO.'If. ftWF.PHUJf, A l ininkiunir ' ur.y niwima ' -aS ttjrrw f..i,u- -rtn- dVth BI.ABB, Teller; .'... Bsabb Bum efbonanga. Bight Orafta, Oold and BvsrOaaa.and qsrsisassal Bad oanac aa saritave, 1 e - ipi . ,.,. h .1 '-ii TJaiatviat Bank Heeee bourht at kWkeet orloas. Psekswae sanl bv Iiiitan will be resulted tot promptiv.nl earrsasy, sr ks Mew Zetk aaada at DOS. e -i i-..ii-,-, hi :a- rfiTtiM-.iu sr - f. .1 - , awl fnM bi n Bank af Csaw fawr,.-.v.,.i.,.w'.w.M... Jt Vnariotaa,, .U.t,i..,i,U'.nii Claras it on,.. 1.,,,,, t Commsroa., t .t Mi .1 t J,. IW ,c fayaauiTUia.'.. ..H,.nrit.j.A.i,.lB !- trstingtsw, etd,)..wn..,..t : hi 1 - .-J..aw,l.w.i.-W.i.awl0-' Lextairten, payaabiat Orshaa..,? Ia I - Nria0arousa,.,.:,.,..,...,,.t.s4 ? , -: Boabovo'i....;.k,...wti w, i ' ,. TbiiiaaiMls,j.i...yj,.wjw.M4 " . p Wsdeboro',Ulw..M.vu(.k.i 1 " , ... WaaMuirkaa.U. .J......lt.uu. A I , t , Tanuelilt rtnt.via4 il. A I ' ' 1 . 1 H'llmnalyM i. ..idi.Abi. .i.. ... Jia. ftrwita aaiWal Dank, WUmtaigagw,,niv.,4.JlA farmsrn BaaB ef Bona tarouaa, (old,)...,Jii MaSoaal ammranee Oe.,..t'... a Merahanl's Bank, Nawbrwv.utAvu aW Mlner'aA Plial av1 Baah,.t AB M. a Ooanenw. 4 , ,Jay W-U-f l tWBMXOTZD .fn J0BDAM WOMBUtV 0BQCEB ' AND COMMUtOOM , MEBaiAMT. lueo'v::i.r.'.,,.::;..r. .".tim-ii r BAtT. WMIem, 47 A) 1 mwn aii.,Miri1., w-wpw, M,j CUXCKaKB, pring,.,,.,, lb4 J,J fytflt. .Jlsw ea$M0,0ld .l ft 'rtl id', : 0OKKEB.... Vio,0 ' i lWfH, . is.t.raWteiea sBtfia 17'Caw9 . , fOM'KR, w.,,., 1 tyl 60 . Bl hKLbO....,,..oIKlJ4U, .. , ,li--Orsa..,. ,4 as pr.th, v ntvawt,':! dw-j, eu.,., CAi Vi.a,...........,,.,.i ftl to Na.Ujs.........,.,, . 1'fu ...j, A"ii. rta.,Mwi.j ckioJi 09 W hit. A n, ... n ,1 t OTATttha-Jriah, asvvMMI v7i l ot laaa . . HI,', , J 4 ' ,Sni-r me ......Mai.,... a ffK'14 ev 1 f " iroand,,.,.tvw. -- aa , ' TlNaAlABwaw,wwMte:-. fVTe i faatr 0r..., 9fr-r I ae 1 , Ituawi, : . . , . ai,,,b . 1 ,- T. : . ... r -'-"" '-.-"". . ...-vw ' M 0UAS...r.. ......... -mm., I emtb ot t ! ... . . ..kFatAkRa. ....,-, m..... .. CoUoa.eeiive,soblle-daataai - .,a , ... ., , .... wnmnxa aaxaa ; ; ; n". beix a nno (soooassona s AaanuBssus aau,) Ccucral Ccmmlssloa EertJiaEU, ' " BELL'S WnARP. ' "' ' nUIUAJLilk, TB,a-4 Oneiitgniaante aoliolted. rTomptretamsgaar- vvwiVas Itanr JaWh. IdiKa Bfobnel " , Oct tv-fea Ircxt Axle V agon. OVf, X-rw rf1 ATT r, TW0H0R.f Wagoe, wnife I wia e-. il cb-'v 1 iUAAl ACCTIOS IAUI KQVf. TIIE TIME TO SUPPW ; i-nnTiiciVT.vran'-i ,t v v a ,r a, i.a A a THB CEOOaO DAT OP HOTJUBiB, V (Jtosuay I a aaau aoaaaiiaaa SMuag sas, , ; , AT AUCTION, , my entire Btook of Bslisja, natfl the whole la dtsposed of. Tbe sab wdt be sontia- aad&oaoay assay. ' ' - iaatohaiwilija.ia Ba,efi .rl . , ltrovs, Cnubad and ParvarUeu 8gara,I j Oofft-ea, Aib and Java. ' . Teas -Oolaai! and Oaapowdar. ' i '- fYl i Mohaasea,iBP.Ir4, Bam. , , ; f SnaAhM Bua IUII L 1 flear, M. a, fataoaoo, family aad Howard I - extra, s .--jjr:3MriWM , . - haa Market Beef 1 Wv,. tnrf IMirU" rr! ' Aud.iu faot, evervtBuie in the flreeerv Una. HEAVY aad f AKClj, aauaUy luaa4ijaaJsMlaas swijaod i. W.BOBT.AJlCSiWa, i Wi-jy ..W1U .Wreaa, f vig bicsr kkhukkmboo,,. . , At nv ela. per gaitun, a f '":V"T TOOL A VZZLB'b. ' 'Tjnnu Hama, CrtgUt Bids and naak Bboal- 4daar.at' , -. fMDlVt TINKOAK, Old Rye Whlahey aad a y pu.anwea xnawjNwaj,a rvuuavBuaa ' i Ji inir.' .ii ..,,1,1.1,1 . rflHB BE8T ttWEBT POTATOES brought to 4. jaanraa eaa etwwe n aaa as . ".1 jti-.xo.uAj-.) ,,.,1 POOL A ,DXZU B J 35 NOT HE 8 variMy of f reeh Craokara and So. uneaa juai arnvaa a ... , asll'aaISwmessndruM Aipi,i'. QHOKt). Hoots Hals and Gaps, and RoadyHBads O Oiotbing gpiug php st , . v 1 , . i-l ,uri rOOL 4 CiZUk b, 6 iJRTlUaUAJIBCAUU. UVU A nVTi ,T .F,-r w ..... . "aA vSr WWtfJ-- . . 11A1UJI AlAAWl fdAfiai,- -VivM-iBlad I BTIsroMT't A0 ths,, hses Canvass HamsT vou ins. prune Honh usmUus - -' mU i I U A ft IT. TlAMMOyj-i 1 10 tons Psruvba Gaano to store, - OotW-tr WllXlAMSOlf. 8 EADWUXAT. MO baahalaaaUaAad Hd '' ' '.. ' Dot IH-U., ,.T , , . B. S. WUXUMS0H: ' iiSB.iaj.m. ' 1 mil HIHIip B, BmsMi.wsiiiisysjiiaassasia, i m 1 1 aamy 1 I T nttl UMKI LIME! ..1. ' .! '-. .; 100 Tons Of thla Laaviani VaeaUiaaaL' aaadvl Bv deUrsry at Portsmouth, atilMJ: -.t. k, f WDXTAMBOM. I' " i f. PEBIT fl-a.V .t,, .'.4 ii. . .... .i . .v... ., to-day rseeivba' five Toaa Ganaine Ia ruvian unauo,B ssla at Jow prtee, . - . 9-l. ,g il 1n i UUUUJA4 llltl.l. .. . , i ... ., --it 1 TriMIIAt RKAATUB BAY, AKD Y f ObrlsUsna A. JUy. his wits, on 1 as II h day f dan A. !., ISoa, mads aud eseented a mart gajo te Bobert K Lewie te assure tlie sum of two taunaand, ' two ban it red and -asventjr-nlns duUareeod forty esuta, (Sa.7n.40,) say.bla to A, t-wwert A Ce,. of theUlvaf New ork. wbiek iwuin was rseoraea In th ottlce ef the Begta. ter af Waks Ooonty, oa ths 11th dav ot June. J Idea, at g o'clock in tbe afternoon, lu Book Bn, Ii. p. a auo me aoove earn at ss.J'v w prinot aaL and eighteen dollars anV tweaty.foar oewts, (18 U ) luterset. is due oa aaid mortKege oa th a7ia day of OrAober Ibe day of the first publica tion of tin notice 1 and whereas dtfauU ba been mad in tli payment ef tbe money scoured by saad BMrtgago, ths said mortgags will ba or. Mjam uj . wie oi sain promwB, sy vuxae 01 toe power contained in the mortgage 1 whioh sals will bsnieda by the subscriber, at public Aas- uon, st ins jjaan aoaae ooor, in to cily of flai sigh, oe tbs Tth day of November Best, at cue O'clock ta the elVraeon, r , . .The foil owing is s deeeription of aaid mortgaged premlsae r w , One Lot to fa Cltv of Ralalsh. Mni aa Wlb mbigtoa Htreet, pnrohaaed on tbe Bltb day of O. semoss, leev, ay sue aaid girsstns st. Bay ef John Q. Adsms, and desert bed in aaid Adaeae deed a kit No 180 in nUa of aaid Oltv. anon which than Bl B Brick Houee eraetsd ; being Ml feel T inch sat And Wset, sod froalina oa Wllminirtaa barest 1st fact with all ths eppartsnnueee tliere- buso namngmg 1 auuMei. noacver, to e mortgags heretofore cseouteil ie p. f , Moore, fur the, sum of mis thoosatid dollars snd Interna. - ' 1 . Also s certain other lot in the t'ltv af tUlnlvti sdiiunliig tbe lot B.U.IJ Vwaed by AJItt John-M aouw,.VM.j a. U WciiitiW'S.os the ct aide uf sew atreet, ruantng Warn lot fact to W W. Vase's Itns, thcao Swuih to feet to Albert dubnsoo's line, tbeuee Ea.tw.rd aloag said Jobn aoa'a Une lad fact to Mtreet, thaiHts with aaltl rkiwettottji Wipnlof : .() Int btng half of tb lot pnroiitatd by W. W Ytas !od W O. Jobnaoaiif Ihema BhB, and b Va, oonvered on sVal Oetuber, iMi, to Af kii Hht latter deed rrgtntend in il.gia'r ofhos of Waks Cuuaty. AtoukKs. Bt, nus TL.-'- - f - -Alsottra!t of Land uittg in the Ooanry of Wsse-sdjoisina ths land ef W. H. Cnnlngrim, thslats Wm. Mill, aiidotacrsi botirht by said U H Bay of John bay, fane Bias, lbo7, sad een tainttur about 71 sore ia,'i n'.-1 n J Dual t I aim properly will he sold ftwOtaaV'-t .I ..., a, ,i .... .ia,.0. Lkwia, ' fiwmrm sua Attorney roe A. T. bumurt BVO . haleigb, Out, mad, .! w.t -. T ' -' -"" - ' - 1 ' ' t Iloraea AulB)iad UowrtreL, Tiwu SiOVD iftrnaaa wer Stolen from my , Blabbw, on ilbutaday night laat. One ef tiwai we Birrl Oeidin, b .boul 7 yeere old, Wil h s sear oa rivht .uuun.er reeentlr eared no and his WrVefe 1 bad.' To lh bora a aretaut Htirrel gelduig, bald face, with the film of Ots k'B era white, swd white hmd bms, end wax ouehhist fore toett shoatBsrlf yeassoid. I will give toe above reward for their delivery te me, eiKht miles North of Baleiga. I will also glvs tst fur evidawe to eowviot th -thief or tblcrref or 111 pay hberaily for InforaiaUoo, so tfaalleaagetthesa, tt . 'w. - - 'H.! '" ! f .! i": WAJjlABdagaWyj.,. WAM,fX.aefciVr,, m it..;.,!. f" ' I. -! ' : TEXXX t ILlXIZE'f . . tt 'wjt V flTT A laT r wv 'es l.f .... ' d i. Thb rivBrr i-ib mmmm and in, S.IABSV OAI,)), ia the Booth,, just ...... .4 JVCKzi'niVmt'Tiiti ' The heat WINKS, LIQUORS, St, also to h bed at ths LOWT PhiCfcii. Come mtt taene all and fady far yoereetvea fvsry 0NTliKMAN a-tii ba waited ea with po Btwmm and yaees.sa by h-jsj ' ;''.. - , rfslyls-am THIE at a KILLER, ktX. - " j. v flnpcrlor Cottmii tead.. ,3 IEaVK eupi-nur kind of (Mtou rtuied from seed bioUKW from Arkanaaa bv Mr., Bobert loremaa, who paid AS prr bunbcl for lli.tu. It va the Iw-st lttoa emwn In my DMriet, and tb fnttowing giw'ifeuewach for the same, vuit Meaaea, B Uarria, W. A. King, Wm. Dew, A. Meitth B. BmMh, A. Warren snd a. Pippin, ail trre faiaaaie ef til.' r --. . ,, , . . To th"e wwhing good wad IwiP fnmbih them, debvaved at Viilaii, tor tl par baabel sad 26 cte. estca fur bag. Apply te , -' . 4- 0. niESSOAW. ' falkland. Pftt Co., H. C, Oct ie-tf Cypceea Bblng:lc far Sale, f TOAt fll.t Afr.fiRDr.H3, at short nntie, Aa-Cl'l iil-H MilM.U.-i. Tbyar faichee kmg ttnene. ai(1-, it U thick, di&Awd, edtfiid sod pat np in su&Jk-e at W ewiu, al got by guage and branni d. . , - - - - They will h rot on the r-tre frc of chira snd Osa be sent to ai!Vvrrtos tlirtij,.rMit t; iHw, - Mi l to J. ii. 1'! ht ! !'. fit-v ...i:,:. Western r. MEETTNG OF. COMM:s;1u.NL;;3. PPRWAMT TO PEKnorj nTV v fz I (mwrai CoiiimiaH.tit ti-vnn..- ,, wopeaBooka f eo-r:j.i..,u to tilt " 0vuKof to eian Y.unh (r..i . , I BM attltatoiraef at.i.-uiuju,iti t! 1 , r-1 ia aaid Suwa, oa in lotn d,v u i r 1 Oa mouuaof Oaa. at. B. linlrnel,t J..U 4 T1 Dayruama wa sailed to tbe Cbair, ea4 k. saonMm appoinlrd Beet-wary. , 1 r Tn swrf 4JuauuMMf waa Ihee rstt, wbea w was nwuu),i luaia m.hnv 01 u.J Comnuauunera aiwr. hww. , . . I Oa mown ul om. V o LiitlfWld, a fVaimit- taeef tiuve waa ai-pu,ii by me t h.ir e.n- aiatuigof Oaa. B. M. iiurv,J. W. e, 0 and Ur.a. L. lova, to umk u,. brok. u( hLor Boa retura.4 by ua Comniu.ii taiawbatamwuitef stoek au l.o niM4 " Oa BlOllOU Of OOU. K. St. ll.nn. i. La; La tf 1 solved tbat Saul Cuotniuu b ui.rio- t. .i 10 do. eiaraaUwoik aubturd na aux-b 6 i-r .-nl. i and not beea paul Iwruului, or at i:.t, tun. t void, .....' , . naid Committee retina, and after a lor' lima t repurUid U,ata,tMUaba, of l"u aab. a-ui i luaoriiwa, aiuouauaa to smia.uuu iiH-a tbe-4 per east, bad been paid, to ail : tiO.BW, ,. 11 a aa Ibea ordered Iba tiiml lb. tuMtL..,, Uua reuorwd bv tiie Couimuaiiiiiua L. ever la the BUx-khoidara, -a A.. AWTD1H II B, f . ahacsiTow, Baa'y, . f ! BTOCKnOIJR " AlEETIK G. '.-'m flrat meatln af (ha Biilita v mi ,1,. w...i. era iNnatua of ta Wartara bwih trl-na LiJ. road, was bold la tb Unn lhm.. u 11,. .. .. OB ins l&tb Oet., lMie ' WBmotaua, Uoa A. B. Marrtmnn was rail, d to ths C'bau-. and O M KoU.ru, aiioiul d .-n-ury. aunmima! una was turn ai iajiiiii-d to verify prosies and rrl the nnmber of abana 1 rnrasented In the meeuu. to wil 1 Oov t B Vaaee. O IV Inokav and (t.o T I. n l raponsd tb a amber of ISlo. kbokkta uaeaal, . eighteen, repvaaeutmg 8 0HU ebaraa. . - On BlOlioa. tbe BtoukbukW. inml In ii,. aleclioaol four Dlraelors. to wit : Hi. A T i a- .. ' ymaoa. ueu IL ouugmn 0 U nubarU and Jae i bt Merrimoa, Kaq. . . , Jteeirferd. 1 hat the hv-l,w of th. v..,.r. ru . . vlaloa ef Iba Weebva hnnh Car.-uua hum,! be ' adonted aa the bv-lawa ol tba Vt ..(em Ijn i.i.k .1 of the Wetern North OaroUua llaiiruad. mi ft, as tbey are locally applicable, aud lliat a Coiuuniu ...j bs appolBtod to draft bj-lawa aud reuui l al u.. aextmeeBng. v-- - r . .. ji . Tbe Cbaireua annnlnlatt fla af 8 T ' Oaa T L Cumtmen aad tt W ivewm on m4. " ComattUea. Im mniioa, .- . ..- .. ! Ibeaalaryof ths fraiMent was fixed alt? (VA. Tee salary of In Obiaf XnKunr, - - - (). b ' XbaaalaryofinaBaoralaryaiidTreaaiircr, 1 an,-". Afue s snort rarai.a - r at. L1..1.L. .1.- . ., . a .: twNwmit, mm itmi)i tjmrnri I ... ( a.att .tnK1110, CTnt'a.- 0 M Bubuts, Secy, 1" , DntECTOlta' KEETISO,'..-.' ". .'. flrat meetlne of tba Bnard af DImm -rf , .a. Waal era piviaioo of the waateni Bortac:anliiia Railroad waa held in tba I'oorS atoaa al aiup. ' gantoa, en tlie Uth Oat, lHos. . fresnuLBim J. 0 Al-lwtl, O. Vf. Bwerann, ' VV.Oahagan. Q. W. liuhey, Oen H. at. lion- anas, n- ammons, iirrtors on the nm-t of. t Baate 1 and lion. A T. li,lm 1:....' -t 1 jriMJjuid 0. 11 Bobarta, oa tiia'part of tba, 1 Oa motion. Hon. I. fl AliliU v.. n.. i 11.. Ckair, sad U. M. itoberU apixiinliHt H.-ni t-!, y. ' ,t Oa motion, the Board pro-nle.i to the election of President fur said Weatern Divlainn, Oen. T. l. ClliiRinan nommaieil 0. W. Swcp. ' 9 son, waa waa declared duly elwted. ' , Son. J. 0 Abbott then VK-.t-d the Chair, and the frsaidant aaaamod the diitm of Die .a iiic On motioB. O M. lUibmta waa ai-m.ini. ,1 l,, ...i esHeerelary and Treaenrerot the iomp.nr. fla). 4. O Turner waa eliwtml (;iiit hiiKiiKwr.' I was ordered that tbe Chief Kunnu, .....,-..1 furibwitb to survey end locate the 11110 trunk of tb Bond from ths frimh liroad to Ilia 'l .uuiv-i eaa Une, st or near liiicktown ; and alwi the' branch of said Road, from Ibe liiil iwck to tbe li main Una st or near Aabaville. im motion of Oen. T. L. Clingman, It aaa aVeserfsd. That tbe Picaiili nt aill:l.i..r t',,..i. neer be, and they ar hereby, auihoiiaud to li, . But by eoolraot, th whole ot tbu lumd .ii ihiiii,i apoa th condition, Bevi-rtlwlem, tbat tne riKbt ,A Isreeerved to re-lel tbewkoie, or any pai toi ma said work, at any tiuia heistfter that tbey may rw . On tnotioal ot Qfm. R, K, nnnrr.lt Wa nrft.rt,,l by ths Hoard ot Director of th Wenb-ru i)ni-. loam urn neaieru n. u. n. 11. umniianv. t int books as opened for the subacrlptiun to and for tbe Cap ins oatutel moob or aaia ikmiiMnv -,n ,i.M aeretorors obtarvea lor tba .iiMin-ibj, n.i westers mvialoa of said litiad, al tbe to-bien, named places, snd nnder lhaeu-erviaiuu at In wu aarwrai (uaeee, ute (ouovliig named Iter- - Sues. towit t ,, " At Haysvllte, In the county of Cltiv, nmbrthe - t snperviaitin of Goo. W. bri.tol sud Allan bli.arer,i AtMuiphy.ln ths Count uf Cbcmk. a, onuer " that Ol a W. Davidson aud bamuai Hnry. that of J. L. ktobiiiaon sndJtiiiallian 1-irU. 1 At QnalUtowB, in tbe oonniy of Jacaaon. nnder , i ' that of J. W. ferrel, and M. itatbary onoa, , AtWebaler. in ibe oouuty of Jaclaon, aadar - a that of Joseph Keener aud . U liriud ii? - "i V?y!'!5iU?' I" ","t, .vwood, ,t, nndsr that of A. L Hareo and Iir. 8. L Love At Aalieville, ta the onunty of BiinoonilM,, sader ' , V that of U M Huberts snd Uoa. M W Woodiin. 1 .u'.'lf i onn, Msdistm, under ' that-of Mat. W W Boulns and i t Ou-lr. At Morgaoton ba Iheooeulyof lturkCnrtlcr' thstof B Mol) Tste and f B 0, 1.1 wed. S ' At baleiijh, in lb county of Wake, Better that - f of Geo W Bwspson aud Oen M B Lititcrt-jd . W .rV1" "i K f""0 oa tbe iitfa m.Unt, ' S Aad to ta resoivsd by ths Board, tbat r.,,,,,. ' Ma persons who shall subscribe air such ' " Btaok, ahati have ths opponent! y to p., liir.iicli ' etunfc iu work, aud te tli.t aud .ii.il k... ..... .. ' abk sontrao a to do work on said hoed. a-,n t ,. JtaaoJwd. furtlmr. Thai ia ti 1.1..1 , ... nnmm r.i,La lt.t 1... . ' ,r nraper war. the outuoletiun ni 11,. w' ...... i, mwv wa m.w .iwuvnUVn. U CIWHIIM. la i . Twoamaaia Koea, sua ihcy eor.it.lly iw tb. . oiwpesaiaoa or an .persons for Ibis purtio,. 1 On motion, th. Uoard Silj.mnitKl.ubj(W to u.' . by-laws or the eaU of the Pr.incUt. tU wjTt-v- "'s'Lii- " ,!ni,KnT. ' . . Oot IT4iw ; .. aVerafory ad ZVcu.m ,r. V MISCEILAKEOUS."" -.1 ..--a'l rr Uent. a jtwir nsisnro st-d X itoem, eilli.uKj ImmwlUiul; tA Wl,.. 4,. T 1. w "iuman s oliioe and br J- aistted or uuiurttobeU T'V, - "" oa mooerats ter ma, fur-,. ; Apply 10 UBS. A M voi it iw OOBM.tH. 'j Buggy and Harnett. -v -I aVc afMlaVa. ntmuran sue sevevty. dollars. votfci-tf Iss.M ! B. P. WILLI 4 MHO N JTJSX KKCKITlill). :'' hbl ftoMen ftrrap ? ,S00 toe Prime Feciory fheese ' j 10 bblaltelirmd NnKare ' ' L'" 100 buahcU li-i.n l'ottoe. 1 .-.'( '- ' . I.0O0 lbs, ilaro ina Kk. ww t ftOO lbs N, 0. Jiaeon ' Also a large hit of i in Ware at RaieUh. Ootil7U Uarjfi.it otrT, nooAiAiLrc V" ,r,,s'u 1: very where. f Bept. A-dawawly. FOX, f ABI3A, If MOX jvn n(i vv. c;. H tii.xAi At'!, Ttor,iN. W,0U)yatds Bagging, O T PfRnv r- Oot u-tr ( cm. . QOOKUQ BT0VI3. Tb e1brted t.ra Fmi Ire" Co- 1 1 completely furnished, lor saw bv Baleigh, Jnly 15-tf T, : 100 ru.uii.fi lit c per bueuuL al VJ - At - V. 0- VTBOXACH A CCA C t. !u-li A. P. WILUASSOlf. " . EMf - fcH-i.y aoun Ji. 0

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