had srery day. V U. & l i-LL, I hJATOH GALES, FRIDAY, KOVKMBER .0. 188L STAT LAWS, i ft Got. ColJea, is hi MMtp, twcoo. mdi tb repeat of n the ty law; p,ffw oa the Utoi4ok, W btlrn it u gew during th vir.wmW InclealaM wttt .; th people, Tbey werapasaed ia obdiBC ,' tbs general clamor for relief; butw bej Seved, at th tiros, that they vert unnecw ' sarj and would prova Injurious, ana uc th malt hs prorwn, Jnt wbiUw am Apposed, m principle to (Wjf lw, becsuse ' geatrally ooeftracUd adversely to tb Just and proper eltlmi of creditor, jet wa'Jtrb. aot prepared to ssy tbat tbs Wonder, during tbt war, of putlog ty law did not maliy ' creat the seceaiity for tbe psastg of ftneb m s lav M waf adopted by th 11 rat State Convention held after tba wsr. Atlesst, , tbe belief war almost nivsrssl, about (bat tla and tine, tbat boom ocb. measure of relief wa absolutely Impwlooa. Tbat law . did wot ignore tba just claim! of creditor. ' bat gar to debtors longer time for pay ment we here doubted wbetsar tbat law I would really accomplish nor geod tbsa asrm, but w r not prepared to ssy what bar beea tbe practical lesults of It, to say extent II served, for time, tb purpece ' f putting ait class of creditor o tbe f Mm footing, and, perbape, prerentei tb mrcila rdit frm forcing bit debtor property to tal and aaorlfloe, 'thb da a db Iqnaly featiog tbe elalma of otber craditor qua! meritorious, entirely. 'f . To wbat extent tba debtor of tba ' bar arailed themselves of tbe tay law ja cperatioa, w art sot prepared to My, bat ' it strikes s it would be a palpable rela tion of good faith to those parties, who, M lying m tbe pledge of tbe ,cgisftrv af. ; tbority, bar proceeded upon tbe policy art forth tn tb ty law la nutate, of pay ig if. their debt by instalment, to bar thoa w repealed, aUnt teltju. It H tbe poeltlr duty of tb Jeglilatlre aotbority to protect, ai far at it ean be duo with fklmea and JaUloe to all, ,tbe peaple . from rloleno and opprqadoa,- Former Itglalatlva bodle may bar, for tb lack of foroilttt, bluadered, and, by as doifig, nay bv narked out eoura at pofley ' wblejU, if interrupted abruptly, would IbtoIt a " general ruin. In tuck eaaea, tro patriutltra and (I tuple joatlo to all would be rather to mlify, palliaU exUting rtl,' rather thai ' cut then off violently! .if, by to doing, greater ribi and ruin would follow. -: i For aereral year, w bar anticipated tb arrival of tb period in tbU Btat when, from tbe reitireneea of nzlou crealuwt, a i ...11 w , er " ";....... . rv.v.......-....... jTinTjIiTINEL. " tli etrlngency of partlzai Hncorj otadl- V furene to tb condition ot tb property bolder la the Bute, an atWrtpt- would M . Bade, by tb repeal of tb atay Uw,(to ' fore tbem into bankruptcy, and henoe, for ( . om time, weorged atrenaoualy opQUhe ' debtor in tb Bute to eek a general com promise with their creditor Failing j to r : aecare tbls, a a laat reaert,' we! urged, them to go into bankruptcy. V The xpeniireneaa, ... however, of tb bankrupt law, and tn an . certalotie connected with it, and tb ttrong bop with many craditor that they mlgbt Mri out, bar led tbem to dofer the) iril .. day. Wbat i to b tb tffjot ot tneealire repeal of the ty law Sane f -Why, o wbil many iadulgaat oraditor bar borne" . with tbelr debtor, la th hop and with tb auaranc tbat they Would wot b the loter by kindly delaying to ne, th ft creditor, who bar obtained judgment, would at one wIm bdobk tb etifi tj ' c: Uitir creaitor. lore toeni 10 aie ana tla ornbB tbe debtor and the other redj ; tort hopeleasly ! Tbb rtrike 0 a th cer. tal reault. - Vaay abarpera ataodl ready to tak advantag of thecah ale, to po i tbemaelre of th hard earning of tb , deltor, paying no fair consideration,, and tboe a large Uare of tb property W tbe ' band of tb peopl would be coacentra- ' ted Id to few band, forcing imigraiiom r ' jMui-tritm vpe ma$ ur hut fopU. It VlU th 44ign (A EeenuiM reamnwa-i-uiont IttUl on of th method. in vuiici by a cold and Sendisb maligoity, by llch tbe "rebel Democracy" i to be wiped . out "root and branob," to oa th -envenomed and foolith language of th "Gorer or'" organ I .' , Before action i taken upon thl nbject, whif lo-jislator will duly -weigh, it fn-,. .e raulu, and poPs tbemsclrc of the fri.nJt and wtJu viewiof tboie beat ?Ut t adviae in uch an emergency Ta SIiMSssirri CoKrnTCTtojt i)cj.B j j Ratub i 1 Our. yaadet may well be' stonbatf t this result ; but it i svei the fact. Tb way in which thtlhinff; w t v ;"d was a follow i . '." ' . j T' e C '.jtional Convention of ytlmh s . i a; . uiu ted a commltts of Iva, who v c!.a"nj vriih the duty of making a Ci i .ra cf l" e Ccttion for. tbe ratifloa- n if i' eTi-Lflltution. Mr. W. IX Gibbs, t' e c' n"1 f' t'l cnmtti'tte, ha report t !, dK's'' " (' e C ''.tut'ion to hare beea -..v r 1 ; 1 by a majority of ; i cast, aud "tUBg aaid th , . " " '. ia t a C'xtotlr Cf Copiah, r , , P Eoto, Lafayette, , . i u : , on account of t k. . ..nidation and viulcnc prarti r Ju t..'.d count;?- I J . , . WSBSQTO US KXCU8SDI. A Nonhrra fKa.ocra'ic paper deln tbat it want "to na E. ..o mu cj yut ita loeaauna to the : u!Ut ttat, tL ob ject being to teach he.eoor ry to "Uii by tbe Dumoeral4. Ptj-J,'- A , following cheerful fcrogramat. It V lb. wt to o"4be Radical ' "Ge on with their recoortnicttoB. ' v Go oa with tbeir a auSraga. . , . Chi oa with tbeir white dwfraoehieement. Go on with tbeir Freedm Bureau. " Xif nrwlttt tbetrfflao . U on wlitnoir, Mirpkjiv . Oiim with their uoraual Uxatiae), diri'garJ bt tlw Cnritution-U.if fiairte ef wbite men, awl all tbedevlllah doctrioe they hare preached and practiced eiwo th r(h'w-Cttadfrt. tbi Irei 6titp(t. Wewaot tb people to ae,Juet what they ve, what wroogi thy can. rnT What ontragek tbey will; perpVtrate." We waot tbe Buna W ro a oO e their dirty doetrinealUat will do tbem for the sest tea generations, aad-'w de waat tiraat td Uad iatbe way of tbat do Je iag throat dowa their throat a Let him go with Congree. flr1 party that eodoraca Congrea elected himf- lie Moage'td k, and wrpryJel tbwWke1y:iek W" wejbar. tnttrtaioed fpf om tjin- thai the fforiog fdprea9piloo of tbe meat with our "Northern bretbreo.Vco- prc4 with tbeir desire loget bi power., Tbe propoetlAiodaBfliAevieaelBabnes. TU'kuh(keerfferMi IMnll&eaJBadiehl sot ttHT3bSiCf,-m& BOthUlji ib jyt :W Vfpitti y r.. TjKScopgj ITqLtbls d!a trow w frtaeii awatracOiop, bar been. told, tbat pur apeedy dellTrtac waa to bfleci4 ai ih band of hi j'gan. roo aad nagaanimou caaaaei 'nt th Nortbarn naopW.rW Wrejbeea poioted td th ballot Iraa,.' 4n,,W(eemUeri -iao3k aattb ootent Tagmtnsf hlch; 'tlU tb wahdW atagiolan, waa to dispel oar-wee eod ri( .K. rfJiAf'tfii Bi""".tiben as etwtd wiih "Blf woeas.1,"' Dd that they would aeixe th f)nfanK(b)sM'j nity of hurtingijfcjfyluuigoaiioB a tn ead,jfi'ojjpiseoi. u ovih m to hav ialieani ether bead. ftt'Wmlrl'mM tot NortherVbSmof eratic editors to be willing fo MiSJrwJti Dart to power, as-sara a tb masses shall becdVaiagQibrilth tbmontrou ureses, sum leaHsa,; aou w iaNWkVi Vtfh "a wfasr ertMbat remit, to otali "t' ,.!-7r i jr; r : r ,yf t eieeaw to thcrefg. With uacf aba goat I however, t,fm4,tkMl patieooe, nc?" w are worried ouWiaiw and oun.V.'wIUt M fueling oppreisimm. . Ww ininltely ' prefer tbat th Radical party, now iu th tush jf,Jt,trUimpa, ball bmM It work of araltT,"lwlssnerai nd ln3utio,-ball lswa,Uba 10A if ftatbrmty W4 'M ladomiJJerl'gbei fo th iaiMtiatlar4 'ib v. 'rank, taking counsel or tb jntpiratioB. ,oi, u en larged patrlniltny ahall jwla fb South, e hsarff M-tmM ' "klndnsswietfai luiticc, Vatbw tBafl further repel KVf "itlckinh" to poller miwu wito ua wu nlg (uihed, t, uch work,U, bow 411 Pwy ,LL i..JU" J ,t4Voi.a TH0SS ARMS. t-ii.t a n ii"r T ' ili t.M n M il , 1 1 jmi In bis recant message to tb legislature, "Oor.e nAllBiBlTwaitf "MlllUal" eeunt of tire mUbtara oait .mall. I dd not deem it nliiAlif nceesssry to avail myaelt of the power conrerrsd upoa me to purchate arma. A eonalderable quantity of arm, wtfbtrsaOLiioipmttl aad am munition, baa beeq procured without ot, ' How Were tbe , arm,, obtained t wbeoo! Wliy ' dU not tb "Qoremo-" dklgu'llh lnKntb.Uhe':Lgt4atirtjT;iB,!lt fery carUiu that. narstarjt jef --(ar did act lrnlab Um,('becUK Ibat, fractionary b4 fUd tspj,& do .o,l- irroundindr bia mluRAl on the Anl of Con- greu -which" jireAiiW 'fn rganltloa oi th MllitU In north CKrhUna, among other fuU Btej'mbsr; therefor, fca beea seat totks Wiowsrasr,'' aa'reply, diul are ubu tar by aaa aattmmmv uowaraatt t py torn Purita bm---?r:if irUtUn' AMictation. u ui rormer. u waa a pises rtwiye'usAnetfiy.Aa;Vrbmp,tia by a deair to involva our peopl In fratricidal .Lrifi, 'for ' party purpose if the' latter, tbe ttWivMihahatMChzUtiaiia phlUnthrMiy Kbjcb KBt,1Bhrpei M Into "bleeding htaasat,"- and which aSp-l plie.l.ttatold tlU?' n(r .murderer,, Joha Brown, with pikea smd f una at Harpar's Ferry.' .7'tt,'V-T , v Jut tbe armi treberei-iTiowrr obtained. -whether brgged by th Ezsoutivs or of ficiously and murderdutly vdlauteered by Northern .sealot r Goveroora. Let them nut ia tb Arsenal. Betas better anything', thai that JheJ ahSrild ' h 'plated. U tn nanda M wn, banded rweuief n th tnrnaclag preteac of exclusive "bUiy," Uok at ArkAosm add tekra a lemod, Gv- ernor. '..,w-.'nui-w-i-l t A The Governor My, In: hi nossag that ther r peac and quiet ia Jlorth Caro That U id. tf heliM (V e dtspoiitloa to prmrxt tbi quiet, let thos arm atay wmra tbrv" art. " " o The ennnlrvof ifr. Jfaore. oas of th. Sen ator fioui tb. 19tb District '-derisndlng tb report of th Cqm,mlal0a(!r on th lo eatldb l th Btat JPenitmitiary- call to mind a rumor, which we bar beard lor several days, that tba CfemmlsslboeV pot only located tbPcp!fcntijiryrt.,lockrill, but pun:haed,"for'iU eit' and' nte(jfigt thoviand tent tXt JUtU mm tn hnndrtd titvnni 4otlanf ! W. bar no rpecifio infurniation usn tbe, subject, but find there is very general 'dissatisfac tion expressed at tie outlay of1 so immense a tarn, Jar Uwl oUm, at tb. outset.. - J are v ' a.. .UA, AT' t 1.. Tbe ! satr sa illed to ort -lack 1 v I I .fra-lhv j U alrr'Us, tor froia UcudsrauaT ' , ; lBTBOODCTtoa OV anxa. . .- . Bv Mr. Wvnne i ., A bill to separat tb Ltgl EtaterBd Wter dtvMe erth4tmt it gave-me paia to see, ia th reaa- asingtoa. Cbarlott And Jtutaeord, fUilf road. (las xtiaMjayiuoitrnvmniikx at Charlotte, aad all former appropna ations nsTOH Westers divislo to eitoanftf bi ,Tfs ri saliaBd to b koAwaaatbsCbfmaeylOrSfcWir'aotf eoociliationandgoodfeeHnga Back aad Broad River Railroad : aad pro- rlrfin lor f 000.000 aDOroorialioa for tWt dlriuiy lb CommiUea p I.temainnaWaid.i, f .11! A.lflaKV. ioprdcf id pnriiethhi.Wausa By Mr. Wslkari bill to allow Admia- istrator aad Kxeeutnr,nerMo oshrr deterred to th Committee oa to Jtidicia 'Iff rogdea cresolutloa "Instruct -t UbfjaAaa t purebaas certain Instruct - ia the State book for tb Dials' Library lie over uf- tier tb rules. 1 -rsylfr. Rabtuas' j A vmolutioa, making a chaoM ia tb rulV authorisiaa; ttis I'taA mat tdarM Wtjs and eeaoiutxius to ap propriate Committoss, unks otiterjaue or smrid. kipm4 f fnrm1' ',,. By Mr. Jones : A resolorhm In '' .vo t QueiaiusMM.'t0s Treasur r ut ' H.ui Piog Fund. BUm9&ptltJ)imfkvik-M Finai ce, -By Mr. Barrow : A ilrftlcVearilg' vacant tbs seat ol A. U. Avery, Benstorf- elect from tb 4 1st District. . '.OamorfeaMMr.'Kk'ih'het'coad it; 1 -Would bare. slaeratioa, or tnis resolution wss postpoaea uoUl tbe 10th. of December, by the lollowr ins votes . J AT.-M.n. BeMley. nja5,UIBf?gV deo, Ksves. Epps, oolored, Byman, oJoC Jones, of Wake, Lass iter, LmdaatLWve7 Melchor, Moore, ot Ysocey. McLanghlln, Purdia, ttBetpasaf RobbrnlC 'ShoffneT; Bmiib, Wynne, Winston ana wuuamt 3 Nat. Messrs. Barrow, Bellamt. Blytbe, Colgrore, Cook, Davis, Eibsridgs, Forktmr OfS. U"n, o(?reret, gteph- rs, Wslksr and White. If ; Ml. Moor; of Csner'cVllexllot tni; !M port UOtt thrfComlnlttee apnratad&td t6i cat th Pnlipti7, Hadsaimd t ikw something about the purchase of a larg n Pi-LiiV'4il . l . i. y amnnvv VI taaoa, tmmrm mmw vr enMiettf jierrea. r!"- L afii!l hrfviA4ivt Mr,. Freoehi A blU as ametHi the atloo of tb maltwa IotpedhnttlTCo' th Crty of Wdjngwuv",- i4 UMfm smiUo Msaarfl mom tet euuDia. Tbs Bill to allow Attorneys, who have H-J On motion of Mr. Bowmen, tbe special ns to praetlo ia Ctouru of Pless'Bi,wderffiis-i4s0libBfteerdaT)wa taken Quarter Sessions, to plasties la tb. 8M nor aad ourem. uourts, wss reierre i . . a Hnnneu uld, Itiit as to tbe prnprt ths Committee a tbe Judiciary. sumoI tyic(rtoaashig tbls section at first, be bad Tbe Bill providing tor tbe collectio,if t-ac Whinrf to ear. "But now he waa en tases ia tb County of Carteret, for thejeajJ lsoa, waa reierrao w tu vommitte omi - nanc.. . .. . " :: j. . ... . -f A'messag:wcvi4 vmmMmMtmrt.-.i . U jnaoy. countita ibc teaaarait(aVth.enslUd resolution in fa vor. f SUerjjf,, Whl4 w rafleL ijr tbe Oti motion of mr. Moore, tbe Senate ad hBd uniil tomorrowt a'ilock. ail JiUUBJS UF KJOTUCBfiHTATlYJcak TfflgBbaT. JrfPg 1. Houa.C.lledWrera Th h all lai linn ilaiamai mill II I Ii n nl iMtJVtdtM 5fW.vnh1atr of tb. fit. i Carn. amoved, ot th. Tth i tZ bt, of tL..10th ar.!th lit., aad dAU ."Tf... af!.. liala ra. '.. . . . sa.l . ..aA.,..a,,.w4 l . . : . - . . C "r..-. -' a.i.L.r .4 VU,t.i rrZZT-L; -Ti JVu- of Mr. Fraook adootacToV vosterdav. r.ian!U,rt-. M. ?r Ptl of k. u ,u a.r .w2i,Wt thlai --wora! was, -almost complet 7- Tk.-7n '7f siK 7--" ?jrv!? r B. Mr. RlclMrlTTAaaol.fia'dffvlB t I0t, Pr members of the, islaturs,,; tains a . t dssm aad mileaae ar aaemoan,! wans bj;wasU beasd 1 parformtaf dutsss ooriatdud with that Trastm ot th jrbfttnltfr'wbo wer, OfttJr ;7T 1T 7""' Saadted with That ln'.aaiipsa,iocouncy uommissloner srs re sdtutlaa v "-.i i 2 ' Mr Soclatr Wim& m. lutlon, Uat ioia lU TrBse w very- poor men, and could not a.toUiatreouirea.wMsooaniy. ., and malataia themselves bar at their own I ' Mr. Bowma took the floor and proceed! axpcasa 8om wf tbem had- foiled Th resolutioa lie over, under tb rule. Mr Smith, of Marti, TflTfpriCirWti ha would, oa to' morrow, introduce a reso I lvwaa rard t tbtiWiawU.Ww asanitba Gommisawaaea should b nqairscV Mr. wmutt onrd tb following resoio-1 tion :.' A IKIoaUl Jsftaaiu,r kBaaamffered, on ye. tordav. bv a young member of UJs Is.KoU hatM taa.Wimmitt oa rnvnetre aad lectina be reqacaUd . aad iaatructadtb aquir whether titer were not members bar, wbo www diaquaiiDed try tbe Htb. Aruol, knows a tb Uoward Ameadmaot ; ABO, wjtnMa jtt 1 1i jHidibattbraefll&KS8iTalVaA - VZVit23Tll casrobess, eupjira f (l assembly, wuo ars pen; vuiswsui) pfV'r'Htie, i A JAsreera, H xrfo, ou wmnrryt mitto aw'fawtaaC (sqsMsted 4 4etn ted p.eMnrrhlirretwirA'rht'mts berwho Tirkltiiertry tbtlftt tstea. nsl coaieqneotly laellgibl as msjajmr til Gsweeal Asssaibl; Mr. Sevmour tatd that rmobrdn acttra duat ajjt nty of It pbraaeowg.hwiwwKtoUj aaaamM.iu - . - ..- in mi Mr. filaclair could- not - for such a motion.' He thought tfi Reiub lioan party atrorg nough Ml aromotlAef, and be was willing . ihs ,a, rsswiutioa sboaia go t an vommiuec v-v.ieu - i JarBein(ur, n part abf rveaKVonproj ii tor icily drawn, to inoutr Into the quaimcation f, anybsdy.jbut! the'bn tmbtoj of (thia bad Bothlng toUU.witbl siist mltii.uostcnaibly' souebt alter. J4 wa imply intended as a "r- -a m H-...taAa . . '. r Air. Qa'JInfi CalltJ Tijf kTicadlna dL lla 1 resolutio;, 'JiV? I, f . Vr HuamiMir nli,iifTT Ins a maKml li two bis meWthvs-il-tMj-l v, J f Tb rmoiutioa - wsa aifaitftrmp9an Mr. Beymoor renewtdy'JuAtnotioB and It I waaiarasireaitfed by a vote ef 83 iu the.! aHaatito2SiatbBeative; when j nt narliainratarV ua.-u.-e aa vera limitarl. taJ taust my thainapraiaioa,ba4 Psvaiied iticawj,w4 then offered tba toUowaat ; " Dim, IDat ins vote oi a qnorum,T reasr,! imima, turn mmtuBg aa iwi acsMmil wa newsssary 1n th ('eferaiinMmB, cf all IbcM coftMrwed a'to forbid actual survey resolutions and Ullsher.'" 'Jffa taW; tltTno ni8pto'b made k counties; when lh a tnorum did not vote to lay tbis rfs ilu-i tfolhpo4 M tablet la ibwr ts ftrn'ra. mark oj the gent'errm jiio opposed t re Mr, Pfytnotir arose .tnatxrini U h oMir, saying tu mat t' t bI beea 'tleclard ettled, and, therVtore, H. Welch was oat mt order. n v f.rtrr.m yVsi. f t Tb t-h sir replied .tbat Ht'Taoctbi fo.arjyu.inif upon to tmenrwr that -eoakl tnarki of tb teutleir.n irotn Hajwood la ! ., l. . .!...- - - - i uia iiLrnioi an BXDiana(,i(ta. - . f --f - Mr. tTrno-rr replied thtt b d d not "ara bow thty could b o construed.' I Welch reulied tbat If tbe sr-atlrhaa j would uld have patiemse. be would emteavnr to Slightaa liUa. Wa Mfv ruUnted .' I ca cuform tba geatleaasn that I was iufluenced ia th iatmluclioB f tbe esrilutioa, bv tbe purest aaotives. I ante into I lis f iua . L ; , i I . I ... ywi, oi nwert m ru vuouum, ps I bnfee, the interest orrhe people of tbe entir eompelled to traul uUo tbi House so nils UbtimsJtetpassvimand prejudicesauouw skoald mark our dtUberatioaa. Hal H a rPrtioa ot oa are to be sa acmpnlooaly I oje.asurcd. by th rule and aquar,,? the l iniak u equally ImporUot tbat otnors rvi,i kHyoifyaurofl. h tbe law of the State cootrolnog eUiumitip. What an fairness is toer injutu H am respooaiMffiue 1 resolution, aad meaa Jutt eaactfy what Mr. French said that if ther were In VhVfl accord to tbeGooeral Government, wbkb they should be,ws mast act jiplto the require aseat of the Acta ot tiuaavts II aimulv offered tb resolotioa to prgl )h Jfyuaeof th aaemtxt lalorina ander di-aljilities impos-iffty Act of Coog-ss. He, fofl su it sny resolution, properly drawa ip, looking n invititKJ0 otbe q.ali- iiuu ui muj juesauej, aua wouia auppori ims resolution. if ttre urcaintilo wereatrick Mr. Welch: It seem, sir, we ere both working for tbe ssme end:-baVv WB'-fcke uu unjiwiuo w,mni uui uu preaoiuie. "Uere the Bpeaker annuBcd that the flfscuaaion had taken up eooagu time, nd 'the-faarvts dropped A -TfyJil French : A couple of bills, one atrherifig tbe Attorney General to enquire Into the qualifications of pma holding Soffiethe ort.rr prorldfng for" Mi 'main- taming oi public roads. Both were jterdl aj the appropriate Comudtteee. 'By the same : A bill authorising tbe County Commissioners of Kaw Hanover to isaos bonds in sums not exceeding 1 100 aeh, 7yable ia the fatar, toot exceeding f per cent, fotermt. Referred,. , . ' imB1 A,W; Morris, colored ; A bill to grant a charter for s Ferry on Neuse River. Re- tFVW'it -', " i." .-' ' "I .. aiciAijoaa.' -it- ii- rop've1 poLjp tbajtnolution ot Mr. Bowman, i peaurg id provisions or ine itu section Ji)ttkfi Ltioh) of the -Constitutioa. .coacern wora of tne survey ana maps baa been completed ; in otbeis.almost completed,and, in a great many, already begun. New som counties bsve been put to,, seme ,j:x- uense to accomplish this work, and, if you fas tbi measure, otber counties will reaps 1 ine peaeBt and pay coining lor it. But TM u'qww ftirrjl th matter. Itcan-J XTMIi:reaBrFT..? 9 r- " r- wm- ihe ,,?rB W "t altogether WfoM &tmVk.conotMd Z?Zttl?T " m fr 1 "7 ..ATLrJ W Vt Krw ffiruca ia, IDUUCe MOD . OI MB 1 uUfM mXTm mmrattMl dbUt thai aanhirwal Mi -.rM lWlbd any on wishing to aetttli Ilbiiitf, without troubUorloss of Urns. Ne I ' T oountUa, he doubted tb: ri??"gi--tb. bo.. fTf JT" waouoaym woaic ain ai..a, . a.I t 11 JlVfh -ThatlaOMOountie. wherl 4 surveys md pitp. bav.ibeeu mad. or com i " r jtt i nit in rnnaa s QUirq so navs payment maderor tbe same.T I'.'aUc4, ol Buthsrford, wa. in l,vo af tb rsolutou.; Ne survey r map wa i4(toTWptto'Mr. :".flodne) aadiw tbl 4woTiof' bis'rertnrk. md Various grtjjJ ittnes to th proviso. ffto Bodneft (! proviM wa mlsi anderstood. It wa merelr to provide that td pay tor wa Week atraady doM,1o Ckatf mi eoiufimi was adopted. But a be h understood tbat would be don In snvcaae. ItBwUbdnrwtbc'prrivisir-' II . Messrs. Blair, Ingram,i-Lary; fttldrcd,; aa. Maofpieei wis iasoiiinoti.it .71 u .- jar. vnwaipg 01a oofuviU ms.Kxrlen in his county would ieeed $100, and"' h waa alao eppoeoa to ins pasaae ot ttis m r wit. oirmarr mia inn 11 mi ysteraj9t sxpeadHui wtA 'o.rthsed, e cotfldfl-: eur gentlemen, (bat their msjoritiea, ia th e it elect ln'.' 'would t 'still furthiv tuattdtatf d&RaM ld'Aie: aa sa psxapMwviua. cat n slow to et the last .lection, Mf. "S. cohlinbed to'orli obbjcUoo to tb measar,tb iufef argu ment being tbaeoormoa takstioa jawpuld! ntail po the people of the . ponntiea. It would coat hll county 9600 or 9700." : J Air. tiowman agaia look ttH fttnor in cty plaoaUoa of. hi resolnuna, , Me said thai bis position bad beea misunderstood. II J wished W ireptal ao rnaeh of th lew 4 sa.s it ,euaiKtt oa tlw county Coirw muuuouers t asvs toaaia map aad ur4 r'ts, jr would oust st county;, at Issat 1600, and be of no earthly hcnefit.'Xa as t wMhr oriaat . other coawtir awotild hav them-wbt tiiat coutd 1 Mt to their "J7 vt t - :-r'..i i." 1.. .. I .'I -.. tad Mr. Sevmour entered into aa aaaaaoaaiaii ifiUhJaapUhihrtha.iLmntJm, lnr tstt ttis law rasserl laat am i fird o thUNneUef, was Merely a te4nso? ,arc mi pttariaioasrjs ua MtMUaAn. U wnk aapporv Abe- ttpnlptiFa, It ther wa incorporated a provisv in it, that aould Tprevtirt H Worn lof bid din? any future' Air Baicht deed it hecessaril ko have ma. (a - .- ; Wtunuaaioacra suail,, Oetcrwloa . to -asak each surveys and map. ' . :( V ej Whtrh mm adoptrd, and th rrxolufimi 3I-wa.h moved tba t to"elk,ij.'lif I re nercaiwr mo aour oi assmTjlin. " ttri aJJ ' 1 ' A - ' 'u I i Mr. Juttica wishod I know If tber wal properly come before tbe Hons now Tk r. Tb Chair replied tbat Iber wa Hofhinir. ft. V It- A a. t - Jt . I . - ' row morning, 10 o'Ucck. a J ivj Ml'. T"sf nu v eitixens, Mr. M. T. H ftoit tiAarsbr t 'f, pMMiiiBiOiii.Ji U tbs A Hi'l N - ijaox C. Omosae Oa, 'aar, Oaura Lobob, . i IUim , , 0 Sot. IMS. TIHE OBiKD L0D0K, F. A M , of Morth Car--aiinawisl sittl ita Dazi.AsaajU Ceaimiuiies tiB tVaiudiu RauV.u Tth ( Itowsa- er, eomuwacaug s 7 o Muca, r. au whicb tbe Omoera and ReomimitatiTea aoviv-td e--jrrt-jawMBwarF r 0 Doase and Let Fr 8lf. v Ciwad Clisuico Cor iBrestment! ?'F n dispesnd of priaUly before chat Itaas, :w tMardar, N9r.-lM,at W e'oloek, M., I ill aaU, u h-oat of ttw Court BoaSs doss, to Uiei biffbaat bicldw, s HOUrtH AN LOT, situated ea Lsaoir Ht,, Mi th Soata-Wfxwrs paruaa ot tt Uiti itr. e owns itn pert ef Las Mm , Tbastoas. saatatmBa aaar rooms, is" SaiUWe Curasmalt fanriln tinftiotant tend attached so mi a iiniid fdiiaii 'a in imiSi n 1 Ts. the German Popolatlom of 1 Mortal and utaf CTirollam. t OH OB BKOBS tbs first of YtWur asat, IWisieiedAUUj sqlMorilers ar obtwaed j tbat Uuie.) tits . nnuaraigued prupuses to iaeua from the Daily Jtmmnr, .affios, . bv 't)KUr MAN- Weekt, Uf W jo le called "Tn OcKiuii ;Wajr:pi Mwiuiau." . . , . Ae. 0erwu.WtsijMenger" wfflwutaiD all the Ult Home aud Foreiiiu News, and is to be oti ! JatslasltMniaur iBtaagavuon U)Uie Jiumhff. Wains,, ticpne adtiatrjc, Arif at. ,. Hcpne Buatrjc Artf at. MocliJiiitsal, An aud th lure, narai jliUODomy, Firftodu. , . Tk. n fik)i 'ttiily UM.nnrc." ..ill be atiictl Ieiutcratic la po'itiea, aud Ita aim Will erer be to enoonrage Iminieration, and to aid Is dUhkUiuk up kjT'U.i rtbsiiieni Htatosi' whiJb mn be done at all baaesaW i-"-- u -i , 1 1 J . Vnhiiisiaii rdlrau abs Prea. and oa eur friemiiilihriwuh BtJts Bunthsra hutas, in wham iuurtstwe abaU Ubur i tits. tuHua, as iatbs pant, to aastatu us ia tbls boportaat sntsrpriasf Kates of subcripti 4 m uer asnunv. , ,., " Dull Meaeeiiaer. KovlO-tr - lllllllilll Ooldssaro, .C. c. - ptoPABTf maiiif 7iFIti. iy. f ., H.p.li j. of Warrenton, I. C., U this daj admuted as s Fartnn- in our Honae. TH BtTKD KRSItKJ El) hs tM day fVmned a eoparlnrmliip tor th;orioe of tranaaoti-g a UktiKKAL (XIMMIMUU.N . atCa-iiA WUW la tb (Jitv of huffiUi, T . juidvi tbs firm-name of XAAMfr7 . . JKQS. DANCY . Tarboro', N. C, P. M HVMAN, la e ol Warjiii..jLlLC. T B. HIMAK, lareof'SewtBT.. Kovwnber Wth, &&tJ ,, . ,, ,, M(CH1J. 110H'')'trTl, ' '.W- Kbsrotl, Va , NoTember 17th, 188. "Keferriiig to lb shorn nolioe.jre beg tosuhcit tbe WlTTi'Vr'lIr,eiry'. iaii,Dia) cn- llyl pledsaig aluaja W do our beat (or ilioir oral tbeir produce sold ia Norfolk or New York, aa they niayjdeaiBa, audwii-tl vim csarae for soainiiMOD. ' HYMAir ADAbCI. ,1 W 8PJEOIAL. EXTBAOKDINAllT i ' ' or ntu firv.OTatMO,, - 1 -UuuUUlJu, iflKAl! S.O riY.VMA ! WOOLE??6ADS, 1 CAlicOEC SHAWLS, ' n-ftti s B0OTB; BUOESfAii., Ac.,; ,r.iai'i j as niJA tr.i i ri ,miiji ia.i,.n:i ; Wf ff Mt'Yfi ' .it iTJIOLESALE 1SB BETAIU .u&ioxcrx 0.J te. ' Erpeciaily Adapted to thli BeMfJn' - Jttrwienttri the moat tsualva anil arid dadrtmerit'ni MarkK'st thJ-itrnery fcw priees iooideea to thV tMt'ahrmkage of values dnrtag th vro44f hKrWsma rasaiesaf KjraTa aTAVFA& lsssbnV . BMiBtr-aniDS without Cbimnera. LmUrsa. Aeroken oi) at eaduiea, tsmn Chiin nets and Wioke UmW aM BrukeS Xaaapa. ap.i,JiBaoWN. BaleiKb, , Kb, Not lS-tf With (ith Mart A Lswia tf..t.til'i1 fWJ Hli00 Mi4,, lulled fttsUM Ba Bosata, f .'"imiTfrm of FWraT WaMh WeilaAea XX fix lt-'U,.elJiatn W jee, Cterkahlpa ttod fyiftloii, nnaA tbe r.ierttiire, CongTeaaoa all Wate,' 'iWaurj-Var,' Xavy, Attorney 0inf- ara, nunaai'r ana oiner anoorauiate uepan- f VrirtI Jttctsi; Bunt JMT mad on" receipt of prlos. hd ""'i'AJOSB'J.BootaelU-?, l! -at1 noME'A gha i iy ! f i li'tWTfaW r'rf f -WVft ' X ,f:Tt ft, -I 4Mlasl Ol tt-U t UlUI hF,! J litB ivf -rw, 4 - .spra'Tm fU ttt tri'j r-.v-n iU.fi'-J 111 Wf.tl1 W V Si.-limta. , j . -AiW'a WW m ep.fl pl-vfAA-.! V'? a-3 I' ti.'t .r:l ifm Sot-, Lmiof. lOoodi U for CeiiUaaMu -""-Coodl PFdr Eiwei' GdorM ! Tn '-f " .SyCMdttiattoibr CLil- ATT )'fpC$i?, J-AtHiK AKP, VSBT COM- X,.a jjit-io. .xL.;tw me au Bay mat yit pe very iran?e ad' ,.iTpriJ''metit.' Boot ray they bought goods before tb tim, soaa afiar the dceuas snaae Jaat ia tiaae Jm ia lack aaia i sonaa batj, aooaa sbaWpiiT thaa aoybady etoie soaae aelluiK (roods a a apreandeuyBdly-ow ' iti- enninMnug uaa rraaa ac , Ac, anal ail aweeuia V ba atark aet of tndaa-aliiala I hoar )awt let Atii Ml, pua, the rhara is ors hamt; than ywrji in ail thia, lmn'tamry loaa, awouui aud ebiid know that it is hambog VLI1 UABm KtmiA wlvw;eur gooi nait!it hf. ,rt , i . a ecT. comiwo to CraAiicira telfryflnr roods' I irrtw.d tn nra u.m,Wi u.i. imwttbtnTBVHroj to girt saoh and ean laoivianu vain rerwrrfl sir tbeir support I A &as enoortinitv fr aba ladim 'm 'mu Hreir hiauamalita-riyht, web aa th fntlaea 3 ."hi. i uJ j .a LViuylfi. Son williu.,1 u.e at h. emiib eonr, attetKlw lnr bna. waa. e'vaj reaj to mvs you Uis soAh of war Bisir, " - -.. ... T ol k .fc "CTtEECTI, t i -V -a. a ' " ataeTii'0 t-tiwU; i , aVpt B-i .. Saieigat, li.fc. r-iY'--.v.iaii unJioai SOUTHERN LIFE IK BOUX f r - 1 1 " ' JPBniCTPAL A(!aatvCrf la) JScaaphls, . au, .. ., mTm a a am d 1W Hett Aaaeta f U Caaapany, Insures Htes, aad promptly adjust and paya tosses. It priaciBajj,,,;,,,, outbera BUtea, aad to Ihem H appeals lor pauoasg. It has ample aiui ' 1 " " fully pnitcctrolicy holder and yaraltwimt A !Z?.'9 Tb "Soothers" eombinss tb advaataa ef nutmsota at hoots ia sood and 1 oleulr ia oar nudM.and to aid In deTekHJUi BaJa draia of over ha Millioa doUaia, wtueb are hoiug wu North for Life Imm,, rub. lis proflta are equitably diatribatad anxw( foliaj bullion. anJ btockholaera. Tr --i It f ' ' la Its orgsniaatioB are u sseuted man ef eapaneMS la Ufa luauranoe, and thetrsiMwnt . . the "Bombers US" the expoaenter the , . a r i.BOABO OP VMCTQUK ATMTAGm; t " JosmBOoanoB. - -BaaH ,('.-.JL pv?i; A H Cnnn ' Bieaan, WiDI, HAHJTOa, T Panrin, J f Bravaxs OF 1 1; E B I ,'" "'" ,i;i h Wj AJIOowioitt,. VlosPraddent. w ,rtulaHmt aamifyv ,r.ra ia 0u . "7i BOARD OF DIBECTOBS,' MtMPIJIk,,TrESrtr. ?k., ... , B C BBunturt, Pie Mem A t Reek B B. ' T A KsiAokCottoa r actor, MesirV. '-. , Ham Tavw. Free Item A Obi t M Warn. Psss Miss A Tsoa k B. Amos w jovaurrJtree Meaa a Lb:s tL. JT e) Oavsa. Prea let bat Baok, Mempbia. C P Nuhmia Culilar lut " H A FaaTBB, Meaaphia, i amob irooDHtrrr, president : ;,, FMwSHt"' jPrmtltonta Asbvs sad eautsot Aseuls are wanted to ' ' - oommicsioB will be green by ib uudvraigiied, W. A. C'k ' , ' CUEOw II. BHOW, Balelgb, Local Mot. 1Mb, , , , , . , ' Loaaas paid b) 3D day - No SMtrioUoiu ea , TBATEL oa BEitlDAXCB. LIFE INS UR AlN NEW. MnaYuuK. . r. .Ip.'f- ...jo 1 : ,..).. .aapf ,t aj. " !'.: vif fliM d'tixj s 01 9,. Tbe Original Joint Stock Life Insil-aiicf ( o?Bt)M la'tiij taUd ' . ! 1 " I 1' i' .unit 3Cf ,0, iU(Vtfc t, r Th. buiiita. of tliU Company i. EXCLUSI7Elt.'tOD4&d, 'ta ' u on--1 a ,'. ' i t, j ' - 1" ''trn iFJitow,,, sk ol th Btoox system of Life Insamne) as oppessdi I'Wai willow rale it'Sr'' 1 f statsd earn assursd. whieh Is 1 I UHKDIATB, BEOI B Owavptoniaed omntDBiannm, wwnaounr, am aKOEaoatB t this ao-nllMl rti.,,...nA inMnarslv a return of a portion of the sxoessirs.and :ousiMisatt prwu aavabard m Its t msaiaii. ; i(;4' . . ILlVmTHA. ! i,f f8'" ' .1 t MroBdSh that aa hadivMiial amd thlm rtn.irea an bauraooe oa b is lifs : this saaonnt will Immedistidr Seeurt him In the T)alvar.i .., . . til Ta;.paTab so hi Thia sbul oaid Wo ia aevsrs UB tba The diiterenoe bet The dilfarMMM batwaM thM anma- Won to the policy to be ma dv tae rormer omoe death of the loan red i It is tras that if tbs t SSHsaee as -the paaiev "wt, f w BHwuiw ui.iwiyiw wuni .... m 1 Kttgt'jy n, awa may eeita m-A w. vi. , At..i 1- v.. nun I un pw avtK'nwm tw wo Vfta,;y: ffJF?lfa, pM0 ;M,t appusaoi peairaa so vnare sgwnai, an ounaequrauy ie greater the aura in eoBtinrent a this evtat. the areaiar the advanUire lo the oolirr-hnhw. aaay t sUtad that by mdonttoa af OandjJiM per pent in tbs.'rste.of promlnni, thesams t., of money will Seonr a policy ftirfy-fVes atut ons-SWrd per eeut jrref and hkeWlae ti.at a r- 1 M J " - " . AI.1m4 n . . J v .J .. ... . ....... parable at thai -my tbwAt. tne maipayy pauwaoi Rate to SecurA Ordinary Ufa Rats. Tea Payments Pate . , tt '1A 1T.0J M.TS aw. 10 M Till I M 1 0 j as 44 .-.o. :jr. 4S8t "Tlrr"' us taaniasimmsnlarrsaVi plsa lbs easA tftct sr She preinlnm Ii Immerfiarfji aocund to 1'iu n V ', ""ii wa 7 wt fo, luo run TBine m mauranc px iLa d,,,,,,,. a seearsat the pouoy-boder, wbo Ukea a pxrtiaa Vtht ritlihinwslf " t'1 l AnthsawaiwvsCdeeeripttona W LuaaWotmtint rrU.!i iuod M t h , V 1 , greatly ndueed raaee. - ti mi- fomaaa aisosa at rats less taaa thnss saargs aw Mutual goaaamea.' aatlls thArst- .f .11 j.. ..J 1,. . ....... 1 . . T roHoies isenea ss rates . tkm of fmr ctnL at th Thsundsnlined havinrheea appolated Oeoeral Aftsnts'tor Vhl'tttes bt Jforlh ui'e oHna, for the abors BTEBLlltO Company, deor Agents la l)Ve- prlnrlpaj towns and r said tltataa. Te Mv and smrfetis AsenSa, whohr wasauk sod sxaspoato Work.'tibsaal r. ha eaiad iaao VOMJdUOiONS QOOD. ,u; - -t (. ,yTTr ; urc" JIAaU 9. MTCHrOBD,. Lsscftl Bept. la-cos . 1 hi-- ur, .1 i BROOKLYN LI MSURAZNCE JGQMPAI a . 5 i..i an - j.tyt vj5-. ' r ' 5 1 - U fa) f1-1 ' ? a , ;:t . - W il li if, a td t a . a ir t Tin- i -t , .H i.t.i ;.! ABSOLUTItT ITO KESfMbTlbS h m r AU P0UC1XS. POSITITlaLY 6EfllTValalt;",; ' , , fSSrart pf ilxe premiuu loaned, 'atid no loan on premium notau ' v.. tw xa too poller m case or, aeaixi wtef the second yeAr. if rjwB oowabi ormsiicrjiiAB adaotao!e3 Tb T?ffll fetitjiluaf. sr :n" : j lierIl co3IAlrIk, the u:?ited statcs. " ' ItoratciasBWlssmrlaaatbjm OfflocWo. 141 JJJvm," NcW "Vrirlc City Wn. n. COLE, Sfcrrtnrr. - f t iUllSTIAX )T. L C ft awaauw iauy mrasata O MV jy -. - . .:vrf.- . ...- J.jv ....... ..at. -e ' f nt "laUHr-.. Oj Jum ttltjta jitrr ciriivs house;. HAXEIQH, S. S.,,r , i.r.i,, ,. . (Taiura agrjiao aarr or-nrs OA?oot,.) - rpTTK "HTJTCHPJS HOtTKE." So Ions; palroa. a baad by the pnhtirt, is n-opoaed aad fnraudied for th aoemimodatHia ef Bwmhm ef the A exronly snd ouaac peraoas wwbuig board. Tbs Vtrj keel fare ss moderate proas, by . . , Mas. WOSLEX. A Vu KI5SS of Couatry frodued at AlaVw DRAIN ICECOMPAI, . AJLAUAtZM IN8T1TUTIO: OFFICES '; ,- r... Teaaessec 5 LouUvllle, Keatatkv - N sTP T" iaw July let, I6, $330,04 fj. both not sad . eaah sytfaA stank J .., , reliable sat-wiiies. tbwabr ina,. V" tlu miwrixt ol our otioo. uil ' bnstneaa, mu-paM.ad tMgraw of " .1 '-'iSuMa'nr.v.i," s AUxAinwa, "7" i "txJiJ.J3 ati. 'iuT7! " . lABitaa.ssiSrseteaj i H i. . ,t tup KuSTAIB' . v w r axKB, auv ai-uw "hw ttiamo- fj ""tma B 6 anuB, AUsata, 6,'idia ,u . OFFICER f "' awtj . ', ,' nui ttiit. reerettry. 1 ' a-. i ;i -. (jbabT f Arttasus AasSstaot eacratarv -,-' -r.jJl J:i.l.ts4Ji,ii7T 0 si i - osnrats - " v wbo is 4tttmrU'i9oHar A'T-JT"?, 1 -1 1 4 - OW;X.i.,3r1nmjd ' Getwrai Agesik im.JSatUk Carr.1,, ; " AonNTi .ni" duidWi.aifi tt mat, '''" '"'., viae j .di ' 1 "fUtJWwuJV' 1".'fWtMMa, l.J. 1. 1 .ttaet ttsytovwo,,, ' (a VkrA iU,'ai- . i r JS TSSlal. saoimBAiai 4xamliimi,'tocM'ers: il ..... .,r. ilj art w itw . ""ai- jrfi a f win ,i ; CE 0 M t,V it if TORE,. ,-:L!,, . ,. - ? ' i-t Riw 3i,rr B, Sou CKBTA1II j Vi USu or blifh tais Ol I an ,lenf Mnn A A. r. n. . ' om, pautio a topawj- sharglarf tatdasr,muai SSZAsv&r&iizrs fa.v "n",, " ' lo inanrvd, LHiiiey ts saw 01 th in an ome eliTKli'(r hlih ratoa,' tin I or aarpAHa t t ti mtt 9 iiaedlateiv auMMaad lire TO MHi mli(v.tinfiav . ,-.; -a uoliev- - holder f low yrMHUH fl.Tjoo a. Beats.1 sd'eta II .l III OTIPltl 0L1A l.fJli ,." Ml N il ia wpa 7D id bus ltd ff !'ft. .1! w) 4ii.,i t J ., UUoo to tlM i amount insurad. ,, v, .. ) j r! ;ui;. fess than thoat oharaod by UhlQaJ forapanfea, guaranUetxa a r preaalam afisr the third Samoa! payotent. , . ' : ' .. , li ir : j ,. .A)t ttut V.;. CALDWELL A BBEI7r -., Lilt ' i il-'is ! 1T I.-"! -tf ij ' I liiw ail JsJl b-iJM'-B" ! -r d rd-wfiif-at'-'Kll!m pi ,4:u sJts-. I ,.Jn -nd jiiSxj iiswae a-" , ft. ,d As 13 1 ft, yj IW 1 UlSiSSS l.-.'i.J i'a,,M f J rs v ..l ni fSt-i .'U .tSii )l.W, ,.l aiiil fl 't Hi ""i t vli ts. 1.-- I, V.) b . jj'I : ,lut .it triMA -'a.r--.--"-t. afl'f S 1r.l-Kt !. . J'avtil i i ju ntl i -trafeb ORTtrtorcs V'1-1'-IV,k1 " w i W. ' XimTTILb. , - . .' r I : 't fA- 't. L'wrjt. r uvuua xikun v iiv aJite vl A-ivi t.u v' .1 1 . ,ar1i I Notice. 9" APPLICATION wlU be made te the J" Oenm-tt A-somblf, Sar tiharrT f f a lunnr'anre 0,pa-'V. u be wtd d " 1 1 CU ,ALKI.)a:lAl-ityvIAi. hov. 16-tf ! .. . ,t i - TTHITI fcKVP - - -1 1 T' a ,W ELL . lUiiMit i l n-1-l..il I! aid 'A,?ii t L,- Kwtiof, Hrntcr, I "r . OA K1V.S eorVTnh f T Rtnir VJ GLADj3 Buvmt, n at re- Ccklt-U . fi A1. I - 4 I I :,: A 4 rs i

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