i ' , yea AovBBTiaincL . ..... I . asnm-an, A V 1 :"f, ,taerst will J toeerted fa tha i .11 4 nldth ajitowing raias. Aa?ars w th afl guar wilib 0"J". jaoh sulaeijua gt,inwrHm to - awe -' r r; Si i.i.bri'nal mre on week,,.,.,.. 3,00 tiV-t t w.-te ,...-.w s.ua Sam uooI anniretep ntu.uf. I.S0 L, :! eueBl.it.ia.. ......... ..v,v, 9.09 JTl 4,1,1. IK i equaaW OM ODtfc,.,,,. AO gtur. Wp WOlHh..,.,,,,.. ...,..,( Skiliuunai " '..v.......,.,.. ,0 ST..---.- t .iiMife J. Keart r.i.,..LJ., SENTINEL. 10CAL SZFAKTM1IZ. Member wiahiag the &attoI for tb - wilt ploee bead ia their una to fly nrTrr. in ettber Hne,t ead tbem a tWofiot1- WtfttfpWgiWng . 'tairj gat eficarato frporU of the proceedings m amrfbaY Tm term of tb Daily will b tl ZTm&, fa Wfekr1 tad Stari-Weekly -A - . . vg p laraiiaaa ow uuenu term, Mdvertimeatlaof AnaOn, CoibU A (V.ia another eolaaa.' , wITTMTm.lw.MijfaU- Ho tottt dilA"Sai p Mfidat l. UacyV' graaa A Co. Tha fauwaea eompo:ng t m ara all toe wall known la Nortb Cuattaa to Mqra any asdonamaat at oar prtltor ot Iba OubUboro' JMilg Mmtngtr, vbaprapoae to pubtiua uurman ucno- npp m Jrjrlirifftpftleri oiba loaatandlMalrfapuwtfwn beaa pMtaoood. Taa property vitl ba aoldfa (Mat af ( Ooart Hon, a Saturday, at II .'oUek, by Om. XT Whitirg, Xa, , iat..-i--i.''-, lodrfa. F. A, at foaMi VV, t)4a , Grand fteatary- 4t af. aaayTcii,a a JJemoeratic awdkUta (or OteWirioU In (h Eutera RALMH.-fsli aanbar of atrangei la Ua City ll k' uaal at th Unit meet lag aY Lagitara. Oar kadlorda aad atrOaata, bewrer, may look for a biuy tiote. daring ) (b ext Art or aixweek. Tbtlnmlt cj4rt naata pa Uts SOth. jmt tat F4 1x i otHeaivM eoaTanea oa tba TthPat ' Detaabari- and tba Supreme Oeajf aoaart' 'thar aorly la . laauary,T ifl which ..I attract erowdt ot aiutora latbl CUy. XfliX b tba time la ad- Itai Taooo" ilocea, Tbia admK TaMa taUUitbmeoi haap ap Ua reputatioa mom at tba boat Houla la tba country, Xortk or Boot. . Mb Blair bu bo aaparior at aboat aaj where aad thl.l attaat4 by Iba'peri-cfVJeanliBeai fr? VT avY depart men t A b'la boue,'tb gebefoai Hn'9Vmi.Qtoi:.9&:kt titaprl aeeV all bo aojimra jaitb bin. . Wa re gard ibi 1 arborbugh Voder b maaaga MOt, aa ooe af Uu ieetarea ot tba City, .FtOf.miMM ,;.i i - 'J t.citu4Wyir !!!! Cltx oa Monday, Ve ptHh.- iatt, . .W are mforttt UbatTweker HeU bat beaa ifeated fcr the CoBiidorjBg; the term. It will, of ' eaSTM, awiy W Sfjcupled W tb Coarti dur Uvth divtiian. and tola arraBaemeat T. . T :i. . jl-L. WUI-aat preeeai aa fropneiora Hnuriawe i fafka4atagbltwt jot- eiBiDiiioai 4rr otoer fa WuV that eirVr WSunday Scnuola,' af- , taobe4 U Jit raripaa Cbaicuaa ta thW Cttj araUa highly fluatieahiagaoaMlittoaad are kaptmp'wltS aaaTgy; effloeticy and the beat Malta, aVt1Vt- M aaa ordered, Ira aaderttaaoV for the Sun day Scbonl of Vhriat Coorch," (Epleoopet,) which will greatly aaeiat toa chorai exercitee at tM chij.irea. " , illl,.!' 1 ft.1UBlSt.rMaur haoTa7 ahdl- Ugni&udeTru' veatriioqamm & ua- arpaaaed, and bla trtbk of legerdemain tttitToot and aatonitbing, Baaidea tbeae, there are man'y othef' pleating featnret la the perfornwioeaj utta giwa aaothar eahi bitioa to eight, with attractive aovtlttae. Oa aad aea 8aJ dianand ' takt tb UtUe '"f'So' Be eHAw.1 'i V m p-. -.wex-l ..'" ' 1 :-i-f :-" t$MkMUurkmnBt tba arrivale la tl (3tT.vra.ar wkaaed ta.'abterva tboae of Sett. lairCtingmati nd P. H. Wioetoe,1 let'BolB ittt tbeea' ge'ntlemea ara atopplag at tba 'Yarborongh Hoaae. ' : ' - TrBTtt.Tbe i'Tratte'ea of tiie UBlrertity" heU jutotbef Jnaeting at,- the CeoloiJ5vVkeBdTia wern ad atitt aootber vettarday. ' Hotblng practWj to ff f 99, fi pprltad, haa yet T ... t..J'4it. j vt.vH aomahow o other Iha queaiieo of making ' fba alvmlty otited iaatrtatiaa, aoaeaai- Wa to Bfgroea at well aa whl tear-baa axleeo, aarl ILat tb propotitioa i aaly obtaiaed tbxee woteet Vti 'WtaJt; "B." Bobkaw, Jof ' Beart i PiQrii AtMcy, of Mataacboeetiti ' aad Fet IayltrlL. Ho oaa can be earprieed , at tba eonraeof tb laet twe aamed,bot tbat of Jndge JtodavBa, tW of bit peat , aaeocUtiooa, may, prolMy, excite aatoa- atbrnena wtheB-' If tbia rumor U inaor ' rect,jwa w U-eet oithat of toe pwg.a JaU Qtlrif -eevr criaooer. It U a aingalar mat, a (Wad U tb KeWbertt VarW tf tbk.Ua all tbit large aembar of vioiator of the taw, there I not 6a tif aaaa, ton aat oeatw ; . , t JawawwwaVP01l VaBTiB. A general meet lug, for tba purpose 'of fakiltj lato coo aid aratiea 4 koportant to' jt otVfmBiigrB tion, aad to make flnal preparation tor tbe ending of Agent to Europe, will b cald at Qoldsboro, on Saturday, tba S3tb ioA, Tba Ag-nta ('leaera. Atkiaaaa aad Troeh) are erpected to leave f.w thsir miasio ob orjiboutlbeii of .Dacmaber atext Per oa from all naru of the State ara lavited to Hei't, . I K - 4.vuw h'i Lmmlatbm, TivisiiUAr. It aid be otaervtd, by yeterday' 8.aat proceed Ugj,tiat Mr, Avery eM UaUjau place.! pea tb hum footing odth ,hot. of Mr. Okatoa, both bivrtig beea5 delirWct to D' comber iotb-, by which, iime, tt I to be I Booed, the alleged disabilitiee of tbe Reoa i tor mm o itmortd; of th Tieoxttt npon aiaeraat Mt proper liht Th reader eaaaot fail to U itj- 4b eoora of Mr. Barrow, who, ooce .wfctttf M4 MJ auta, baabeoome pnrofbe stoat illiberal partisan! fa tb BttXlht'i rl la tba BoseMr.-Velcbj tba1 n 'nd proiaulxig BepreaenUtire Iroia II j wood, J waked ap tba "big lnjna (rum Ke Eano. , wbo aapirea to .ilia iaanaabip din- tba Route,- ta tbeariduBt dugrBBUwnent ,ol Bnatoor. of Craven. b doeeal re&b tba Idea of Hookiag tf1)Ft)mjvfe baatba IseMa traok, (ba tu It; ia raagbly aalimated that, witbia ' JoWr daya, ba baa bees ofe tba floor abont Idrtjflm' Tba remarkabla propoall! o bt '.pt clalr to pay Trout eta ( tba Uaiatratty Iba e par Mat dllegaaa," pembera af tba Legialatareriaawetbet etride' of iBadU caleztraTagaooa. 'ck:i tijngY--'w' an beard atl tbe old and better dayt of the UaiTcrtity. Will Judge" ; Tborgea1 take mileage rwai Traoaylvaaia, -Robiaeoa from m,f!i ill I Hi lah-la- "' " I" Wa bave uraed ilia- ewaaaratioa f Ilia Democralk) (tr'iUW if Via,.8i)U,'0i witb taaaww ef kee)Magap aoonu-at qjx9 aatSonal piililifn, but tba better la conoen-' trete tbe efWrte-ef tbi Ipeopl' !a tmprbMUg oar material ibreKarld iaTatetriw tuch modificatioDi of yx:'i&gSi Uwi, Ac, a ara eaaeotial V ijrwpei lty. tb. DemocratlcorgaBlaation in hot, ia aa addftge; o r Ue,, ptpb of ta( State, arget a almilar eouree. He tatt The more rffectaally to ke-p np the Dem-1 w.-in eMataf a lia AdeaVitK Diairtclat r- r p Ti tr i n - . r i indoetrial elemenU that ara eatential to the protpertty of tbe State, we earnettly recom mend that teaturet looking to the aubjecta . . i i . : ' : !. Of immiicraiiun, urivunuiv, lURUuiautuica, and adocalioa be engrafted upon each club, ao that an urai4t.'liudyteaiue'lflrl)rt may be at once made to add to our popo. latiosu to urotri'tta, 4-te. ioduglue ot .,the Btata, aaa turance um vauae u poplar iBtelligenoe. And, in order to carry out ueae auxiliary leaturee to oe aitecnea to IDe rBWKaaJiliBSatLrovrtai4ih4atate,aid to deviae a uuilnrm plan pf actio., we re- January, 1869, at 7 P. M. i - . . ITellow ciMaant e.inae,f a, pfoe epirit of bope arid UitU. God iu Hit prov idence bat teen fit to deny to at tbe triumph whioh we deBoaed rsaenliaii ta weirare et the 8uta, :jU wa caaaotcwia, Maeb ta : deserve tucceea. To the manhood of the Bute da .waMpeaL ,Xnt.T.U)e. Demo crat ie party of Sonilr Carolifia remain a power and an Influence ia the Stato, Keep year reek? aadivtdtd. ArJhefe to yonr po litical principle up ULbejicr onei.iDyij yon to tbtir adoptleii'1rroB'fc14ara gather wit domi put of deftat get paMence.and reao lotion. Prceerving JoUrVU1erit tblbi eclectic Drinciolnof ybaf parW! go bravely and aararatly SO worc le me mtt eaawriat j deveiounmt. , ;t nt jPUiiina D HiJPlw npoa the baoia ol labor, and tnrrouadinc oar political creedt with the aolid maul menta of weatb,in4emeoce ad iuvye will redeem our brokea fortanee, beal oar bleeding wouorla. aud era too teoure tne peacetui Uiumph 'at taaeo lwitead vtrta oat elemenU eweotiel aohe dignity wf tie StaU and the proeperlty of tbepepjjle " Tba tuggoatwb Ot arSrutv Cot Aitlon, lo tbit city, -at aoma Hmi darmglbe Winter, wa bare heretaiora Uaawa oat luC con aider atlod.'' s ' w-' i Stat Votj. Jwt A t 'cial vohtvf tbaSutartomanTowj Wahear. uikof t rowinS bflt 'the vote dfTai ' oey, rmiapoaaot af laioidiiy; bBb bvw.taa hot think thw la ao,': Wti certain "he (acta by our text. X. . t. . Seventh pitMict.ta aiototn ya, ,t 4 QITA T10N8 T CAXPSTHIAdOKBa. ThaMeV YJrk 7au'eml" to hav beea tared witl carpet-ba agitMlona to .i..i.irininWVnLwn'cdirt r"- " ' ' tW have been asked to tubliV i'1 ealll ini a national con Ten tioa ot Cnloa men, to meet ia VaaBiagV? erty, yefemuev v.faBawi and there to fouUr util kquuaivt or wur telum i neM V ffoUcith Aew, lOxrtp, wad proptrtf of 1W eifiaekt ta th loU 'r t aalOtaOf-r tetf-aKit' 1.,r- "- ' Vie WK1D iu.iu tiii'np., , r it not rmptntiN't Mti,.,?,P?1 we trest bo uch eonveutiojt I .required. Tm better part ol (bote at tbe South eop oartetiBeyaaoawaad Blair ia oar late atrag- e-te aeera aow detiiout to Bnit. ta etlnrU to a ' aeaara peace aoo. 4 ij i iu and to the whol. country" Wa truat tboae effort,' Wtf f eajeadeii thorn of Omtrol VrtM mad u mfpoH,- ntaA 1 At ii mat, let us wait and note carefully th efftvt ptptlojced l tb tath by flea. Gteiit'i !tuav Concret will need a roaptrng A krhat hv riotrt. jtcw . nprmttt YZlLZja ;it." ?'"' ' M-s-f 'oaa. Frita haa atidreaeed1 areolar to the r.r.t.in aMa.ofrlha3aAlth Province, etntiBg tn MiBWfBBf at trf'P tw ProvioOet,-4ot wUKJU-aevprai ot sue nmla hed aked. waa beroDd. the re- ooreea of the ooutury. j tdsoerai Prim act whely la expreeeing to great confidence 1a tk neWieaotoien fot if KuWi opintoa i ot tmag eBoagh to ttpport the new order at thine, bayooet Wilt, (trau poiaiBg. Mat : ByoB vH 1 antaiog i w ny at la Boala a Weff aa Amnlc I , They ioaa keep (be reeontlraoted thamt afloat ia the Bout bora rMate aoeordiag to jour owatradajoey.' ''Why o then ia the Paw Blnanla T la , Bosnian. ltex;aD!lcantam aa article of aaerior qaality to Yankee Ke- nabUcaniam I - If peMic onioioav ia aocb a nmuna uiin? TO eoain. wnv nen . aers Will toe, f BiwyuuA ujwmu i 1 XJfSrr BfcCKIVEp;;;:,:; ' ! iawtia triek P4aa,q?V -if. . a law M. O. Unn, i r lWittT W "( Tie Ware, a -i ' : MoCAl'LEZ, ritttiAliDd CffU -BaJu-h,tM-U " HaeaWreet, v I Tt veunuia innui" s . A1 sjX LOT en ewiwrfcTO'. ; J aita i'r tj bOlULAd BELL. la Orrtaf - ttratacrUa XeK.kuIzo tuHy U4e"ni apa txiravagantappropriauoBetnere .T WHa.11 : . 5Vv X fiianpiaaina jtereluwV '. - ' -1 For tlie SeatioeL Kortli Catolint IiiTentor olbei, of ua-k V vuuuaam. : . , , Kaw York, Row. IT, 1868. , M uwi rjRoaaxKe doubt yon bare eea. orwiilaee, aiocb ia tba aewepaperi aboat Capt. Moacru-ra protected aoreette ruaHrriasa Ahead t ' tba New ' York t rU baaaa. article oa tba tabled In which It it cberecteriaed aa ooe of the moet important laaaotioaa ia the art at warfare a modern tiises. aad Cnaitraea la arced ta devote apecial attention ta it early fa tba ecemoer aaaloa, v s - ; ... J ,Tbe i Tea tor, Capt. Mnoerieff, la aa Xag liebmaa, and I mail for yoa, witb tbit, Uie illeatrated Loodoa Amm, ouotainiag a rep reaentatioa ei tba carriage, with a beery gun mounted aud tatm-potted ready lor firing. Tba article iererred toia tba World I tubioia. Beaidea, it yn deaira it, yoa caa get a full aad ioteratiog account ol the experimaata witb it ta Baglaad troaa tba Hon: - - . , Thb , Hosnntrw ZkrmT.Vf aall atteBdoa to tba matter we print la aaotb er column from tba London gaeaatar, eoa oemiog the Moacrkff battery, Thit latcet inrea tioa ia tba art of warfare ta one af tba moat important diasororiel of wtodara timea, ia that tt actaallr doaa away with tba cum- beraoma and expeatire forte and eoaat de- Mooee, and makea every run a fortiBoatloa ia Uaeif. , la brief, the aouatraetioa of tba gua carriage U each that tba reooll of tba hub ia Btiliaed to aa to drop tba BOB dowa inttead of dririug it back, aad, by mease of a counterweight, the gua tt tbua lowered to load and raiaed again to fire. ' The beavieat gahi are Urn Qoed witb at amah facility la toe field at if thei were riflaa. . Bat. mam tbea tbli, Iba ilonerieff battery dutpenata with agbraturee; and aroidt the difflcnl tie aad daoeem of . flruig m kwktU, X mound of earth it all tba defence Bc renr for tbe bob or tbe artillerUta. or the ,gup may be pieced in a pit, tiooe it appeart only to be Bred, and. iattaatiy dteappeara ncaiod tueeianankwimt, or ueiow tita eur- laoe in" i be pit. Tba pun it aa timple, and all the experimebta bare beea to ratiafacto. it. that tbe battanrommnda itaelf to Iba attention"' oT goferamenta, oar own eepeclal' t&f - call unon Conercea to devote apecial atten tion early in tbe December eeaofc M thh invention;' Ulna Moocncn Datury ooea what it clafmed for It. expensive lortlflca- , - lor may heuceforth ba aruiJed. There caa be no atieantr. ,or more coaipleta detenoe than tbit battefV ; It aaa be used anywhere on the coast or la the leld it' eommeada itaelf etpecially to (be Emperor of Kuaaia and thove wbe are engaged with him in "mitigating the horrori of war." Tba trot way to do tbit le to make war eo horrible Lthat oationa will beaitate to engage In war; r ' , . 1 1 . .... l . ii . . - .i. aoui inia oaivery, wmci' urvkbt q km only apd offera abauluto immunity to tbe protected artillerittt, it a thing to be Intro duced generally, aad etpecially ia a attioa whpae Freaideut eleot anoouncea at bit plat form, "Let at have peace." Tba Moncrleff battery it a practical illustration, ol what Burke Ipalla ''the oheap detenee of netkne Mow, you may be aurpiiaed, when I In form tou that the late Colonel George B. Siryelrarj, of M. C, during the firat year of tne warvaau wane atauoneo at nkwoern, invented a timilar gun carriage, which, at I remember, had iff the advantage claimed for Uapt, Honcririrt... The model Ctlriug wat gotten op tinder the "operintendence of (Jol. Singeltary, at tba Ship Yard of Hetart. uowara m uot, aewtaKB, aaa n sue wet made ia tbe ahop at the Attaatio e Korth Carolina Hailroad by Mr. Thomat n. (Hudaon.at tba time Matter MacbiaiiV The work wit beautifully executed, aad tbe whole ri fleeted great eredltoit tne wUHI Ot thrf muehanict, at well at tot geuiut oi tne inventor. But, not anlike maay other mat ter ol vital Importance, there waa too much xed tap to ga through witlvand too many otnceie who ancient niiwooa io aonaaii, o el it adintted : hence the whole thing wa allowed to perith ia f ertnritioa.y-." ' ' Only a tew dayt betore the tad event, which deprived the army of one of It best aud brav.it oflloera, Colonel gingoltary ob- atrved to the writer f tbit, .that ba waa tilt taaguiae of the eaceeet aad adoption ol bit gua carriage, at toon a be oould get time to demonstrate, by experiment, to tbe proper authorities, lb grtat advantage ,U i-ave, ta war,-over the ordinary aarriage then in general ate, ,rn-''iH...ri-A i. We uutt tae maaei camtg u tuu in exiatenoa, if not io tb poateatioa ;of tbe rtmiiv of CuL Bineeltarr, for at leaat let tboae to wuom K u out nave tne nooor, u no other beoiflt i to be derived, iron tuch n important ieveoiion. While oa tbis lubiect, Twa will mentioa tba fact, of which we believe yea are aow oognixant, that, in tb year 1829, Joba (iUl. ol xtewncra, inveniea a revoivia goa. dmoat a model at Oolt't pistol, and, tome year afterward ana previou to Uolt't pateni, carriea it m n aeniogioa to nave ii d at en ted. Unfortunately, though a maa of . . . , . . . mr . li . I ir re at mechanical genius, he wa a timple aod confiding a a child ; therefore; a hi retnra home, hi rr neons were n"t aurprtaed to learn Ibat be had met tmd frimd, who informed hint it wa waa old things and it would bo simply throwing hi money and tinto away to aUempt to get a patent. In tb meantime: an opportunity wa oflar. d and availed ol tor thorough examine lien of (be ean. Utu aiea ta poverty, in tha count v wbeae h wa bora, aad ia oow atmoit forgotteo by hi aeigbbor, ' while Colt died a millionaire witb a world wide icpotatioa. Of inch Ulb kingdom of tbe woria i -t - v Th flili Gun wa ia tb poemioa ol a geatlemaB raiding ia tba city of Newborn, aad waa 4ot when that place wa captured by Burutiae txpeaioon. ' Wnen tOi.. nomat tvuuin wea id vow great May facts ia refcrene to tbi laveav tioe were ooltocted and given to him, a tba children ot Oil! war iett very poor bat Uw war, oomicg on, preventra Hi taking aay actioa ta toe matter, which could ever, ia aor wy, redowod to their lntrreet. . . V y ... .-'" "' D Kbsro ecmu KvaaTWSBBt. Tha I.iBrhlriirar Tirainia al I 7X..! .,V- fct ouilva, we Buy aay that wa have fought tbi matter oa principle, never nav in beea able to view ft ia the light ot mo diemfw : bnt it w are to be overborn by tbe remnraeie majonij m sow tbey win applr tkU frlnapU to OumMthto, wa shall bare mace leee nguv vu vuminmiu, wea thoogh a larger share of tba aril ot aulimited aegro eunrtge win wu w ta that caee we abould acoept it tor bettor or tor worse. So, go ahead, Mr. Greeley, and i l,are eon U brtora ttie uw, wna ,. ricrht in rhoos rrpreaeotatire la all tbe buta alike. A tubmiaeioB, not ebeic, i tb alttrnativa presented to , wa win Mibmit. Mow. what mora caa be asked T . atow lk TBIed. , STOLEX FRO It ail HTABLE,oe fh alebt of tha IC'b tt., a VkhK bkl JtAKB, Urn U rws ehl. with darfc er bwHi mu mm tall aad shoot i ( high. I n thief has prohWy (piM aa the diwcuoa ef Oold. lonr, aa a thrMKh hehon a thie CwtatJ, wheae be aad liad inn sure shod. . A rmmmri mil ha rl lOT beT rr. r m inform thai wdl lead loH. tut lki om wii aa Ut more. ' n.nm M.aalna Co- Hot -St - , 1 Go4.Wo' Kewa, Sewbera Joatwal of Cnaneaeree mA ttilnmrtie ioeraai ptrmam Mif wa Mimm pA mtmi piii to A- liucwa.CUTtow. TELEGRAPHIC. Oaur Aftcrawwa I)Upch. , Waabbarae'a repeat from Paracoay haa beaa emvad. b M deeided od effaetire. InaSiaulimia have beea teat to Mahoa, aad Btatr idaaint Pavat, ta proeeed to Partfaay, wuh aa aaeqaatt fare, aad vincbeate the Jiatioiul koaar. aad mlr the wrta aaid to haTe beaa eommitted by Lopta apoa Aaaanoaa aithKina. , , - n.-.,i.. UTOLDTIOH IS CUBA. . ?n -J. .. - . .., h Raw Toax, Nov. la, hf Tba Sarald haa. Cabaa adviemtaa Pwart taaeipe, 8anUao Da Oebasad aaaatoiUe war baatagad by the laaaugeata, Trooa er fortify- tog aad barrios iWag the arrest. The maargtota atgregat tea are witbia a few Bailee ef each alaee. ' On handred badnea left Bantiage fa tb Pretxih tttaaaaer. .',"' ' ' wowaaxS ' '. '" , , iiMiBe,Vev.ta,M, IbBeakeEeuj4 haa aaieed the rata of die-neat to two and a half per eaat. ' BaflkVuBoaaeUwaeieatod for Parliament. fetw, UaLikania gate aixty and the Ceo arraahre thirty aataabara, ; :m . ,,,..,. nH "':- PBas,1f0V.t,M, Lettera (rem Madrid report Uuw great axeit- NMtxiat taiwngteat apaio. -' . ' r ;. . .., hUMaTg. BwTeut,M6v.ia,at Maaeyeaay at tOT. Sterling . Ooktlli. Worth.OajtdinaaM; aw M. Ottoo arm ; Uplaod Mi. r Turptotia oroaptag, aWt?. Boala ejatati etraitaasnaaoal.tO. .".;.;'.';'' V- Lmaroot, Ko. 1,M.' Ootbaa steady, atlet ef 1..0M Ualoa. . Bread- ataSa aaeaanged.' ' ' Owr nidalgbt Dltpe-tcltoa. . vioa WAaamoTON. WsMtniovoa, Mov, 19, P. at- Traaaarar ' Sptnner direett Matkxsat Baaka, which ardpotorts,twitbbol4 trameireBla- tioa mntuated legal teaden, aad (lee all tUUee thay hevtaar beea enoee-afalljr eeanterftited. Bollin Mtimate tb Intarnal ateveaaa mr the oarreat aaeal year atone handred and dtty aslV Headt of Deparbnaeta have forbidden fartbar pahUeaUoa ot reports by aobordlnataa antU uh stitted to Ceagrea.: . if ,.k , y ii f - :s- DttWarie ot tha Coo(i(rUooal Ckvreii aavs wambled here to eat tie a trouble ta Br. Boya- toawebanh. A large minority desire his raast val, beeaaa he epposaa mlagliag rata ia aohoola tnd ia lnkewtrm in adsaittlntraegroa ta fall leltowahip. Mo reaolt. , , TBI DEMOCRATIC tfiJOHTTTIH OBOBGIA. jnmk, Rev. It, P. hi. Batara from all bat en aoaaty give a Daaao- eratie majority ofarty-ai tkovcmd, tare et dredaKdarty-isbie. - . i -. t . . . . , . PBOat ALABAMA STATU , FaMB TSX ISO- 1HLATTJES, tw 'AXk Moirraoiumi, Kov. 18, P. M. rt AbbMB Ctat Pair belt amae ISM meneed la this Xitj o yeaterday., tt fa lyaUandad. Many visitor from ether .ta are satitai. Tha aembar er aitioWTlna sajbited is far beyond expeotatifla. It eoaMna twe dan ft I looked apoa aaagraBdaneoeat.' . ' ' "" liegialatHr adjourned fat the Fair, oa y nd will probably de ao tmelaeea thi The btate give Oraat shots mar ibouaani and two handred majority.' V- f Tha msmber ef white voteta hi tb StaU, ao eordiag to the eeata ef 189 , I 100,000, and of aegro votera 90,000. Oraat received, ia the atate, aevaatyaia tbeoaaad, three handred aad ahrty. eix, and Seymoar ' aaventy-twe tboaaand aad eigbty-alx, II le estimated that at Uaal tairty- fire tboaaand while did aot vet. n.sr f. Tha DetaoeratseaiTT thirtr-olne ent of ai xlv- oneeoanuee ana earry wree or tee six im graeaiiinal Ifiaunot. -' ' , FB0M BJCHMOND. " : BicaaovB,' Kov. 19, P. M. , , A land buying party of Jorty-iv PnaayiTf aian and Mary landers arrived thie mormiaf Tbey go to tmtbweetera Virginia, aad thane a far boath a ColambU 8,0. ' FB0K FLORIDA ' 'f ? a- -, Tu.LAs.uaca, Nov. It, p. K. It a meeting of the Snpreme Court, ' thi morning, Jadge Btrt and Weeteott were preeouL Inforniatian giut Oov. Oleuea wa BMd,ad the rale aM wae ordered, returnable oe Tneedty BexL aalling ea Oov. 0 lottos to haw why th writ of fuo momutttr abonld sot be leaead oa apptttatioa. Tbi will bring the eaa borore fa Bapreme Coart, when ft merit will probably he fully ventilated lu the report of the proeeed- UriAlTB ASTLUM DESTEOTEb BT : FIBX ' .. Clbvburb, Oaw, Kov. 19, P. ht The Oeatnl Ohio Lnoatie Aaylam, atOolaav baa, i totally barna, 8ii womea were emotb- Three handred and fifty inmates were re- BKocdtootbaIastttnUoaa, . . 'j , J . PlLLlBUllTEaO. -' New To, 5ov. 19, P. M. A deoaiatioB front tb Cabaa Insurgent are repevtedbar hi conference with FUUhaataring hadara,' TB80TIU8.,., ' i - Marua, tf ov. If, P. M. ' Th ernptioa ef ThotIo ft increaeud with vlulanai aad araadeor. . r i t s KABKBTS. '"I f ' T " . BawToaa, Kov. 19, P. MV Xortb Carol! aa, aow; 95 Baked. Money easy aad taeraaaiagl call SQfl, Oelddna BaUe of taoe bales at i. Tor- peattaeaaddosUanehaoged. " ' Vmt - .:: i.. WnaBaoTOBV JloV; 1, r. at. Bntrtt TarpeaUoe 3itf, Boeia, Common I9B. Tar 10 4 a -i f Pin-c, frvj.- Ceilon, mixed, 2tt "A1 GOODS AC DOUGLAS BELL'S,: ! . . .HI , Freak Batata " ! tHttVB. I 1 Correat. Furs. -' ( aanal Trmet-n V a . a . Cera,, . Peae, -,"fl - Beans. - ff mat and Catsup, a, - Kneiiaa aad Freaeh B attar A ' Jelurt. ' Jtew Backwhesf. ' .1 Pine tiil Cheiee. i Freeh Crafk ere. - CoBdeaaed Jtilx, . ' Ae, Aa,,- . -i',;'.' - a Bo19-tf ... pBOCaXBI AKD OLAJW WAKB. - v W. ft. Cava end aaneera, with aad without haaiileei Punted and 0 C Cape and heaeers Uoala aad PKebere. BowU only, rlalee. es- tr miiA gf t hem-TVi TawUereand Oohtae. , BeMgh, Be H-tf ' With Bart Lewie. eria. 1 s Notice A i m-. OTJLU8 10 MAIUUAGE. '-.U ' OatAeto Bh 7 Uarrlsg tad Ceolttiral fckuity. Tha houiaa new of beaev. mlnil ferauuua, tba trrurt aad Abnaa iBi deoi to loath and Early Msabaoi. at ia seatot latter enioif. freed charge, adraaa BOW. ABD ABWX UTlOJl.Boir, .Philadelphia, - awps. SMaesa . Wf steni Ut&s ta4 ErcirlUcs. ri APDITIOh to Oea(tnaat, gtaa and BV na4 tWDria aod tUorka, w bay tad tmU load- lm laiaola, wfawBaiB. yinnowata, low, KiMomri, laauaJtd Be-, ! '. ' ItreaVa. The highest arise jw lAaTB W1KBAXTI aad tiikat LAM' BOLD Fust tUIt, , - W alae aarehaaa, at heel ratee, ail ' DltiCKKDITKU WK8TEKN OOI7KTT, i i ClrT ahd Tuwa ttuNua. OorreapoaOaaoa eulietted, aad aay lamtka ranmr raraasaee w wm auuim . aiiutis oki.ts n . BaaAafa,aew XectUiy. aMudwdawam . J-;; ; .i-,-i.,.tt -: Omaaboro' Eoaey Krzt, y ' BUTDiO BATBI Off BAH ' BOTMa. u, BI WTtAOW a KBOBXS. BAPIKBI ABB - i us an i. li i in r - t n . " Baaaeea. ....,....- t. -v" (4parar j.i,iW.i..rvti)v. ee ChariutW s V.lUora..M.,,.....i..i.r OT Wunmigtiaa w Eoxboro , . -M..-.M- BO 4rehaa....i-t.. . fiifryii j99 Lailugtoa (old) u, ....... le taew uwwmw.-iv" ; .V.4IM se FaTtsvtlkv.,- ti.Mlul) Waaauaurtoa.....M,....., - TsniniJla............., 4 Faraseta' Baa Oteewbor. tewYlff 'K 1 M! MlBsra'aad PlaatsrV Baak C. 0 OoauBMreial Bank of wilaiagtoa.. ......... M OiesBslmie atataal Iao. Oa., (otd) .....m. ' Tinrlnia Bank Bosaa ataa aheai.... W Boaib (hooiuaa " ..... H Qeorgi . N. C'. Uailroad BtoeB,....,...tua..t,... ,U B.O. at. iAvMaaat Ban. , : VekwaaAeaUMavataiwrieee, Gold sad h- M Ti. " - UAm IT u . .J. aad all other marsetshte asaeaa. , i. I , Orders frw Butk aotee by tWbter aad Bteak- hokiars of Uaaxi wUl raaaln praaapt UtuUua. Betarae Ow exateaa aaaka of Bank aotee a,, will ha saade oa the day raoahrva, by aheak eo Bew Itork er U tinware, t ta earrano, aa do- area. ,"-...- . .. -" ,t fads ad Fir waaea is annate Meat a geaa OwpasiM, a4 batt sat, .. HA LEIGH v "ATIOJAL, MASK : xtnrnjmimot as ' B0AHP 1 OP pntfCTOES t . Ba, W. PVLLMBT, rreetoaal. y .s . ' W.B.WTTXArtD, OBO-W. tTWEPfJOHV '.' AsVMUUOMOal, W-AaAWaiitS-i - ' . s, tl DYtTIT. ffaatilop. i .'-n f. 0. BLAKXTUc'' i.'iw H. TWh wm. f Trrhsair. Blebt Prtfts.' rhU aad but Cola, and OoveriuBeut, aad other TJusairenl Bank BotMbongiitahlghaetprleea, Pakaa(eatby Xxpns wiU ba readtted fcr pawmutiy. fa tarreoci, at to Bw lark pad at, f Bank of Cape Fear,.,., A ", CaAUMrttdBa.tjjtaaM.) i r4 C-TOI. .40 J" iKlaa, (old.J.w.,,.,.t,v.....; 1 ' Irtoa,pyaLUrtOrbiB,.. " , VurthOaroMuV."-""."-""-4 '. I .? Itoxlwro",. ...... .,..t. 4; l v- ThomMTula...OTM.t ..MMlt 0 fri Wadeabore', .wmiii2 j,.' I " i.i:,' Waafcinirtoa ,.,. itF9M I i u ri: yanoayTiUa,....,,,V(f, ' i - . Villainftont..,.....,,..,,....J3 Onmmereial Bank, Wilminatea,.... ......-.. Vutm t buik. ol KorUi Caraiiaa, fold,).,..,. -..,. . (nw,).,.,r19 ftrwmaboro'Untnatliituiaatt Coi....... Marahant1 Bank, Kawbara,., ...... ...... ,.. Miner's ) Pisatsr' Bank... ...... .....w.....a0 J. C Coupon, A,M.k,,A,t,'i,t..,4tf0 , iya4aVf 4-e tiVtatr-i..: ii. TATE , AJT IOMA IV A Mltj M 1 - "f 1 JllWq. lfiia-!aafc' of "WM. B. Auf,;w't f I .,ppP".tjJ!.oot.fT!?;;i.i;iim,v,4? f j ii"-!, Bsak. of f.c (u.o.)..,,., ........ Tift . M . - 41&na Foae...................u... us I" , iChai1oNe,........w.i.v..u.. w ; laxingtoa, (old)....,.....1. .....v. 18 1 .OB, OtlUBl..,v.mk,,.in M . BoiuoroOK. -J..-, eu i ' Wadaeborough.,... .....80 V "fl Tbomaar(ae...rf.',i....krf'. 90. jftWunsiaof 4ert.v ' i --,a , Coaginn,l,.M.fa wh.mw f a- - V'tliinrtoa....r.. .. a i payetteTill,......,'......'...'M...., 11 Ctarenaoe -.ta'aiMi a J '. tuioeyrille , i, j . . . . . . . . MaWted ilsoW Bank. . , A.'.i... A . . 40 f arawre' Bank, Oreennboroiieh, 90, ol( 0 IxaaBBeroiai pn.. nw.w.w.wut.i. . Marohaat'aBaiil Kewbera..... ........ .. 00 Oreanaooroairh htateal.......k....l.i. Virginia Bank tiotsa, aboat. ....w.... ....... M Boath flamiia i. ' ? r..;tMiw'.v.v 9 ' Ooorgia -r,",. - i.int Gold ......,.... ? 'JjJ iWrer " JJ Old Coapaoa Worth Caretiaa Bailread Ctnyea ........ ... d OMBixa.......i........n.- : ri.nmiM n a ore- ..fa, 1 i a, a a. Bailrosd kloak ....... 40i H 0. Bail hoav,............... M Kal, Oa Lieht,... ..u. ..-.- I' Ril. National Huik,.,..,, --...(. ...... J' oWabasiomibaak, ,.. JIV- one me. ma mose ana avjouuera, - 10 aiaryland Ham. ; ,; J QH11& I'ataesoe anu.y Mr- . , . tt. v t Wsh'FaeailFloer, f. . i , t. U t, , Paragew ramilr FaiaC. , , n' Prime WhiU tlesL' ' .- - ; . , - . -10 httaheta CM On, mm; 9ou lb, fcboioe Coffee. ' . f. i r . Ta. u 3 : . ? .s ! 40 bote Candle. r . .--'Bna. ' ' ' '' IS bbU aolaase. - - Borr. 't !'--. '-ii w . 0 Seeks Via Bart,-' i"1" '-'' -loiw lbs Wee., iltl'lP- .nirllf. I bbia. Potaioe. . , . ' I k-ua anda . f.i t . ..!-- ', '. A balas BMTrln t ,1 . ' IA tUila llorrliiff.. AndeuehotbArartuistar anally kept la I Oroeery, (A of which I WW aH eueea. ... . , ,wv;o:-. a s IHIUOLAM BELL, ,'V Nov. t4f i jrayetleviue aMne. U-v. KOTIClV,.-..v..J rnrrKOFrtcB tyf Trnt tni. uf iitHn- raaeeCo. haa bean ramored to the Bpr inn A Co.. aad ail volume the Meeers. Tacker' Hail where the aahua are fctrtted to aa esami Baitoa of ail the eftioal Bpart ef the variuos Iaaaraaee Compeee of amanea. J li-ir proe". . -a ui m.T thus beiiaaUr and rtlublr MMMiiwL luepriHmne of the old A.iaa aa thae to be eea. will solhilw aeaere aanriilaaee and aatmce of the drtag to prorkle for thesBMlTae or IsauHioe. Tha Company baa ntompt'T m "T tuty thoed dollar, in death hates til North Carolina anthia three year. And, ae a guarantee for th ratare, aaa a ew,www,www, sad on bwndml and tlitrty doIIrt ta pay every I hundred af bar I or aUKMHliau. lovaa wtwy nu aniioua eoonirer for p ot aafa femeatiaent, a k.,L m aaalth and ".: enoa th eob- scribxr aad obtata trues i,0"j u tM Ihju. JDelaya are ef tea fate. . . t tt, u. n.u n , Oea. lfit fofB C ! rt of Ta. Ootn-lm uuitt, jkaina .i, n. v. Bp EiacntdTIC"! At Ia S Soatli Eil ruket Ciurt. V NEW, SUPPLIES I GrssTf Aooisa , " , : ' h.U.or ' ' . ' ' IrueTi.o. - " -T" a Lomon Uecker. '.)'?.'' - Guieet Kale, ' "-''-. .. . ao Cahea - " I - " ' Tea Cakaa, by th ft. ar Ud, s ' Pole lAWMhee, 4 i tpr do' " 1 ' Banwueao ' " ' " ' Boue Thread. "'-' - -' Kaaiacty RIB Powder. f t Bard nd Dqairrei Hhet, ' NftO, Oua lata. : Water Praot Ge Cap. ' ' j Mattel Otne. -- tiaila aaiortsd atoa. -' i . ! Iraa nr farmtnf i try sea, . - - Bora oaoe aeva. - r -"i Boree Bin. ' Hah) Bheoa.t.-, s .-;?s T Oaakaa hone. 1 1 ACvCk .Uj!,. i 2 Ex. a do .' . W' Crnna Beawa Bnnr. . iaraUaf i Bdgerkw' BUdatr BaaaV, . 4 ftro PaUpatoFleoA. ..,,. . OouUUg ButU. . j . . iWloraauaaa. -BtMh Csadv. 1 Cottaa Varaa. Bboeuaca. Praae Ohooaa. : pMh Cotaad JCulleta. , . ? . Cieabit - - Bev It-tf - 1 ' 1 wrtr CetiMi Boeel. - - : J" BiTB a sapermr kmd of vosim raiaed tram anad broaKUl troaa Arkanaaa by Mr. Robert uteaiaa, Wbo paid tf ur bmahel air them. It ta the heat Oottoa erewa hi my Uttsriot, aad lb feUowlag geailsmea Townh too the aaaae. via UaaaraTll a. llama. W. A kin. Wat. Dew. A Hmiih. B. Baaith, A narraa a4 4V wno. ail huwe laravar of JIM. To thuaa wiahinc eood aeed Iwfll rarniak thoaa. whrered at 1 Uaoa, for tl pat bawhei ad , aatmiwhag. Awlyte Pitt OeiB. C. OotU-tf TT v. ..... Crprooa styfrnx a Bklaglea rr BoJ, ' Ci!t Fn.L UL0Wr.R3, at abort Bolloe, tut CYThlieia HUINULfcifc Thay are it bwlies f laobo wide, f iaoh thiok, drossed, edged tad put a iabaatUataf HI each, all got byguag tad brahded. A. . . . . . Thar will he aat ea tbe ear free of en are and a he asut lo ay patat the dilonint K , il raada , leptfa-tf Tv .;i(:,BeeayMwiBt,lua : voornia' uws,-a temas. renaan. AhboH'e Forme ef PiaotlM and Pleading? '1" f ha aboTe boots hare lost beea reeelTed aad are forsale at Pabliaher pnoee. ' We oaa farmah, aleo, Ulehala 0 Oormtini vew Hand Book of Forma, aad th lade af Uril Pro- eedure ef the Btale. - ... ... . t Ttn.uaan a uinnrri, potU-tf a V' Bwaaeuara.'' o- iv;A.U fw A VAXUABIJt FIRM OF tdO AOBE", Wall tdaoied lo Wheat. Kr. Oals, Cora. Cotton, Foiatoee, Fralt, de. . ; .. It la utuawa wiuin nair a mus no vi'y alaluh. N. (J.. and one mile of two Bailrosd ue pose, sod every denumtnetioa of t'liarohaa, ine Bohools, aon da, il wi li be leased Aw number of yean, tf dntiradV lut farther particulars, p- ,( KoV Mm . daeUoa a Com. Mt-rohanta. Haeeratowa Mat! aoev aaa moath and aeod bUltwlhiaiXUoa. I SEASONABLR - OtO THING ITOK MKPf j ' H .Ww "irnzBH anb rnttKoiRi Tiarnso bv j algh, wtu Bad the " " LADGEST STOCK i 1 TASTITUL 0AEMIIT8, aaa at tb LOWEST PRICES, v. f"6 'il's't a -. I, - "'0 R. a ANDREWS A tXl'S; " V Ui door to W. B. B, a. Taokar 4 Ci. Nov. M-tf . ...,.,'.. . Vwatf fca-l awfT awNfwa(aaaftf Mept. a-uswawiy. the; .' - tart rf -r. I iETN A LIFE INS. CO. line '' . '-' '1f ' lif Xninntne Practically Illottrattd U thi Old JEtna. Compaay, U Sorta ai54 by 1.1 s. C&rolioA -' " - " ' ' "Raeelved ut th ACtua Life Inanraafle Cnmna- nv, by the bands nf W. H t row, Itamiral Afln. tva Ihoueand and aailyl((hl Ooilara ta ease, uemKln full for aiy deonaaed amabend'a aolii-T, Bo. IH.iatt. of naa in inuaand dollarm, and the fK biuaa diThlead of AO yr rent, on th j Balslgh, MhslijiauB. ........... ' Tbe sulW of the abore baa, A KHn. Fqr., lur bit K. rohant in tl.e City af Raleigh, paMi fur riiicy of W 000, aa fotlmre : Jui. 1 1H. eaah paid. tint. .- ' 5 Hii7,, , ,IM.:.,,. t ...'.j, UK.B,.. ' . 'a. At thie time, tbe Company return a Cash die- IriflUd of 00 par cent. . Ills pohry ie paid, St Ihm, 10,0711, roeoipUvI r.w. Twe autre mat raoelTad by the Com paoT waa l 'A Bitd tha nea poaued I a t tt nt, intnreat, ha eei In a Heauiya Bank. rriTing wile au fhllilrea wouiu uave Pnaanal. - . a- . - - (a 9 1 we year, 9 moath tod Id day Inl, MM ' TotaJ '' ' Oentknnna of bualBes tntelllraeee reqnira ao srKHeimit to diacorcr th enpw ua ailrajtaea ef Lite lueuranee. suaulr aa aa inaaiment, lo aay no more. rsraoaa eoatamtHatniM tut ao.!e af tnTestreent will Bud H lo their tnieraat to nail oa the eabtoribar, or eorae ooe of has total Agents, before hawuing rteewhera. W,U,V,H', wamiaiL . Oet l-lm ." " Oibce, Bakigh, N. a -r jtmiiNO, 13 10,0 jard Bagging, ' - Oet U-U '' '.' : Cesa. Mercluat N KW CAKOIJNA KICK. far tal hv th herrel en rxtsn, . br OOIIO-U 1XJUULA8 1 r.i.L. " rjooxisa stotii v.. The efb-brated 'WesterB Pmplre" Cook "tore, eamidelely fornumaa. r or eats or r 3. ppotv. BeietKb, Jnty It-tf Tilh iiart A Leva. . - Tor nrrtt THR HOl'KE. and twenty aeiV I tabbed, known aa iU i.r.X lloi at- llAi. LOT," twiiih vf birlveate il" a. Nov. iU-U Vi . ii. JOKES A CO. i .... 2.700ii HI.H . ty hur -et is. II. I l l , '. (Lale of Cl(.d lii,!, M, 0 J Fatnionabl Boot an$ e : , uurwTaB'a. a. Knm ' n .r' rAi fTTKiu r f t ; a . .!. hit. tl, f. i HAS JTBT REtUVKO a ear. i, , w to. k of tiie aauel Latliwe aiti i- h.m to utahe all hiuda ul eeatfo-, & ux i. pTH-as, and ruapaethit1 a-,... ..i t Mub:K patronaace. rUviii. . . y trt t ; . . . the huaiaeas and bmhtr . i i : faass TiTlisn. bft in -' ii i r- ' i t his a era , Haass, OurabuitT and ouatuv ol niin. i- aos he sarasawA 1m -.i ut uuaa m ue i Ootl7-Sut ,.-. IJkhUVUS OUANo.v A. . . 10 waa rerBTlaa Unsne in ' Oetas-if i).r. iw.n rp a-Aiai , . v, - I Wish to bifurm Iba L.,i. a ef I. ai 1 ri -etnity thai I hare Jut avmtl a t , i 4 , LAllitlTFAbUIOhh for Lai lies aud Li.im,h. i. o auaal wyloa from stadante 1 'rawHtuti , ano. an., a great (uanv hiamue lor i.Ju..wiui.i...,.j n a aud BhAllIBu. . ... ., ... .. . . Ladwe wiH do well ie eull aud f t.r i . m el.aa, at karrar' eureer, bfh, Di V -m i .,.. aore-w . , eAi.u hi. iAi.i - jos. w, ji:.ki v . COTTON FACTOR C0MHI8S ICN HEECIIi!I3,v, ! UU Houtli r-ifi-f. . a Box m iiali i ..out:. Liberal eaah adraaeee aaiteienmnnpniiii nia. ' Orilera lur tuppuaa pnnnpi ly and relW4j juuedv : I wevifrrto ' BeehaBlre Katioual lAok, BalUmare;! -''! "' d Time. 0. Jenkuie,, , . j " ,j ... ,. ,,. ' ewge A Leukine.'. ' - 1' '' ' B. k. Briilcere, I'rea't W. 17 l.lt tv.i a foo. L. BtiUKera. TarlH.ro', N. tl. , . . , , ixua vrro avwaro, tarooro , n. v. ., eVrJ-B):M4. a.nit w" i raXTATE UOAltDIMJ . j,) FrVIOB BIX MEMnrRH otl.a L. i.-i.-tHre."' WiB be Maomuodalod with gmnl r..m ami ' , good (iaardinf, darmg the ttwinn mi immi) - ' Ivnua. Ai.ul? lo ltT. h. L. b L.M'Li-. a ahuit - ' Oietanos olUl ot Wis tpiun,. . , asr. u-oi V " II W BTOM AND RTW CCCE3 P. w 'ix "woiiiiiii; ' - f Oiaawra Maaaar Beeaaa, '( Wish tm) TBATB is stouk, and isre.M) id Ki:i:zv,' & w-ii m1-.ii..j . l, wi. r.r . . i . ' ir it'T 1 a' i nrtrtnnTiTnii . , f Ut lkU Ullilkll J( j-, ' 1 : rl ,t. Best lagar etred Bwna Hams, at tea in.l ohoi.-e ' Leaf Lard. Bio, Lamiira aad HMln; JH ' CoKKLK. Greon aud liter T. . i..,ik1 manl of Hngara, froin l- to' l,'n. i r it., g 1 r OAHOLlNA BlUK, Molnniwe and J ' r ln Fwf,( A Fraah Belter aud Mode Orai-Jtars, and a . f LhstOM CaACkkU. PUliliAll'i.aVl.Ni. ..! he. 1 Chewing iubaoco aud Jui.mi t.jun ..j, Banff. - ' . . ..,, Ileal sjaallty Bote Leather and a Bn Irtnf" , tBBNCR CALF PtCINS," ' , ' ',' . V" A.INIK0 flKlrya, vt'fti'il feolorq. t wfll alae keen the wri) tnnon ? . us 1 i-o PLOW.ealh-d'-hiNUoriliKhH.l in- ti ,.,, the ri natation, from many of our Im-ni Fsi nipia, Of bnuig the beat oae-hrB l'hw In n-n, , - r Oivemeaeau, 1 am ALn Ai.S AT in'M K. Will alKn liao. In liUt or l .. a l. t of (' o fneet CULwJi that ban born Iirist; I it to li. a Biarkat,. - , . ' . , ., X "' s. not. la-la . ,1 -i j ..!' i , .'a -.. 1 1,-. DOAUUlMi Ho I r. AM LI.S-m TAVUA.'r,., vnRODOBB JOSl.ril A COMiSR i eitll at 3 I tin tie Na ii.ir old aland, ou UnrKi.ti Nu.'t 1. L" inmu a hauonal Imii and thu . Nirftifiu d 'p.-. Their are la to pleaa tlxiir giirata and ru.t, : i era . y j,.. .; ,1 ',. -; 1 1 ! Ciiraforluklo Itooitit 1 ami :.mt Uoard at iBotlcintit prii'i s. 1 FHKHH OYriTi:ilJ u . ' alwiT on hand and prepared In every aijlu a . t aaaunoura. - - - ; - ."" Till IIAII' . 1 .'U .is ilantly npiUad with the U ftf l.i.tv,f.rn fe ad Wkv -5 ; ? it '''" . " ,V UiveMataU. ',.,. I tii J.ii tl.i Jifl" , NuT.lu-tf . . , . 1 . I sj; ! IrlVttt IIHri!-5, , MfnlAll.OOItllAN is V-1-i.k .r I', aiodale koarilpr oh i.a-iniHl,M. 1. it. ruaiinatie, near tits 1'iwt OIIkh. la n.iiii.n the Cai'ltiu and lu the buaiuuiw i.imi 01 Hi BOT.14-1W , a-. . ; ,, , , .' For Sal or Etching for f;ity ft ci ty AVALUAlllj; FAUM ol Do-'an., mi l.ili.ia fjouuty, to tbeauttat ol il., ( . .1 .,.( .u r al reeion In one nnle of Die dm 1. 1 I li. n ,. !.. Ilawf DwelllK rlmiae toil itMmi ilm: im '.mil Meadow, fin yonn Orchatii 'loe Vv u. u l.a.l road, Cheiiiem luilroad ai d (ln I, ,.,.,o...i n l ran near the prennw. . Oie II il J a tminu W. H. i'lM"' ' ft, .. Auct 4 iUms. Aivd l.. T0etlT 4f . T ur I'atron and I i l miv.i ui HAV1NO COh'NKt'TH) ouracWra ihr i f, Uehle aud ponuiar CuiiiiuM'aiun 11,.uk f MK3SnS.BEU.EUa,lR)r)jJktiA,C0., He. lOf Korth Wster Rtreel, and K.miliwpl cor.r of Walnr and Arrh hti',-ita, PHILADELPHIA, Wewrabep!fM'4ti,'wt' th t."i r'rrr frtenda, (ruwaM'snuir i prom-1 r i.' Mi heatmarkiit ria. Wa ar- j.re.r..l lo i. .i.-h liberal edvanceenpon all tiroitiioe alnpi-Pit llifwuils ua to our IIoumi iu liiiladi l liia. 1 lutlura to our tare forwarded fn-a of rl'i" Ti t rrai:ein.it a ill ' t "'r-"-i ' f bueiueaa iu-re, ui-l a N'rii " i .. ;.t -a aja-wwrai Cuuae." . i m SoTlf-l3.1l.li.il lorieiin-ui I A. . ' . -A . 1 II .l 1 vnt nnanpu j urnipa. Imaheia Ubloua. Bov 17-tf , .. . , , O. T. PTP.ONA( II. 1 . A-. . to nrianait voarae aii ai i"r Bovl7-tf i I t hii'-O:.'!.-!!. rOU BALK. ft. u a'neeaa, rrom u.e rnnnn.'. rHcu.r.. Bon llhtt- j, II. y-.' ' rtAatrai r Wlasf tiiirti Cotton Warp fiw Carp..t, ALT'.F Vlv Mill and BRADY F"Tl fSH." . ' ' t KOPJtl llOl'KIl ItOiKl!! WKAri'I.NO TWIM'., - '.."' ' ,-, ,CuKlWi,;r.,.ta BoV.ll-tf THtl It liiiu i.t Sugar of all i.rni! , t .. CronHed. I-...' t J ai.d Gnti.i 9 tola. A.U ai.i . ... f. 10 hhda. P. H. aul ( u .. - , I'liT 'e V. . I v : -ti:,-:;.. a. a. ,;,t,i. j Nov. 11-tf T0X,PAH1.NA,AJ TTtVIsrj u s I A made by J 8 ! , ol C00D.5, 1 tntv., I li , . aai.l h, p.,r l The Ar, n... ... il. a i. -e l.,f a a a 1 1 b..t 1 ..I 'T 1' .1