, J. V. i 1 1 ,; . c iSrf (;f tfr ! t - - ?v " ' fl , , C .a. ?. : l- nut n-f - ly ' ' , -;i-n.k .J43S Yt?w T i '' . !-VMm fee ,irt.i.-Hv: .vi tc x - ! --'v"""-:9"-! . j J Ira t1 W.tWBJ " ' T T k ' ' ; . .11,1 I r .4ss'' t:- L-i'tH u4.t' .i,. V.-- ' TT j" , m f.iH"" U a.r -T7aJwiw-wlnnMy3J 1-j . -nEX-S3Ma-XV fj-j,4j- j NO. 91. d iui fl r J iKa ii ii t - -l I 0 31 to 1 tk ft Mi 0 ot H ' sa fe a HI CHiKTT,X0Y. 19, 1888. T aflisr bt abaesM from 1mm m u pol m to my frl, G. W. iordMi, U Resident of tb Bk f Xprtk Crelin, fot my leemlogvant of wpect or do appicciatiaa 5f, tbe dvcfiiwmrat M m klod oOBh-Vtrf liot with. 1 (h MB)agW'4(Mr: ek tino My Mend. Hit. iiordfCai, l BiUtit If k v,tk m M can tDieia uiramiu iram (Uf yuac fadiraatlaa kMBlackbolden, t th bu mt b wbich MvkM baukraptad tfaa Bank aad thereby dcatroyad the TaJua of their atnek. I (hall aot teoabl tb pabHe ooh with aT difTereaee 4etwea Mr. Mordecal . i - I . j a ..i . aad wyani aa w vwr muitnw imhhuvm ; hat I ttackbolder of tb Bunk of KorttfaroHnal ca!lfor an luTeatigation of tb mwoet la which Mr. Mordecal, and bb Board Af Dlrfetot,iiaw aqaaadered soy (toctraa weM as that of other otockboldera. Aa to Mr. Mordecat'acbarfra that the taot of hii leading gold to New York, and baring it wiBtemd 1b tn Polled fltatea Booda, being reported to tbe atockboldera in June, aad beiug tbea apprertd by them, every Meek bolder et that meeting knowi that th eta meat U aot true, Mr. MordecaUt that Dteot ing, gave tbe atockboldera no aatiahutory in. teateakoa aboov tba Back. Me held labia band paper that waa aoppoaed to be bit re port,i)Ut did not read it, and when the Ben uHf,ot tbe naeeting, aopporing it to be bia report, reaebed ont bit band for the paper, Mr. Mordecai withdrew it ' l inb ait, that it m - wngeaeront toward tbe atockboldera for Mr. Monlecal to attempt to aaddta them with tbia great blunder of hla. Wb eed tfaU gold to Now York, when geld waa worth moraja Nurih Caio lioathan in XTaw Yorkl.Mrr Mordeewi oojjld but know (bat every Banker in Jiorth , CnlWboffht ffold in New J York to aell , tot pfoBtkl" bOtoal 11 Beeeaaary to lend tbe gold to New York, it certainly waa not neeeaeary to permit the uondi to remila for months (a New York, liable to attachment, and tbia too after Mr. Mordecal bad been warned by an attempt once before to attach th fual. of tbe-Baak in New York, Front "ftfc manner iiTwbich' the Bank baa been managed, aa I will thow in tbia comment 1 xatlon, for the excluijTe benefit of Mr. Mot Veen! and bia friendt. It looki like tbii food waa plaeedi in New York in order that it might be attached by eome of Mr. , Mor decei't frienda, nd,Tnnlacklly tor tbem, Wt Jbifore tbe eppl waa fully ripe, it fell lita eirtT baada. aad henee tbe tronble I A ta-tbe aJlegatioa tbat I am tbe Owner f tbe bula, tni can mace dui ntue u teiwaee e tbe MockJaoldem wbeWArA btucbed the fuodat tbe fU U in Mr. Mefdtnw,wbownnaeeiiarily,epoaed them. Tbe attaching party bat exeroiiad Ifgal right, pftetr f Mrcised by tbe Bank of North fcwojina. Our, Court docket bave alwaya JMeoaikd with auiU of the Baaka againat he people. ' the Bank were plain tiffs ; now, aince tbe Ublei are tnrned, and ba Bank ar ted oat of the aame apooa laaUbey ae Wag tad the people with, there . h freet watery. Tbe Bank 0a oltea aold for debt tbe poor man'i plough bora and tb mllcU cow, and now let tb aame Jualiao aw melad oat to tbem that they ao wawkwimfly'iwaaiared Pot to the peojuie, ' " Frieod Mordecal, how ernel it ia la yon tw try to array your atockboldera agaioat me, when you know ae well tbat, aa the agaaa ifynrf T bare aaade raida oa tberBankt is tbUrBtaia, and tbat we have oaea toget her ia these reida, Jtaad and yJeee ; wa atiadiog in tbe berkgronnd and reoeir ing wiiboni any corapanctioni of eonacience woar part of tbeee Hll-gottea gain." If yoadcoy thU wt Yancey rille and Wadea bore apeak t T-", H was all right ia me and afl yery"Blc ; 1tit the caw U bgU-aiy thead Mordecai'a oi ia gored tbiaUme. . '' ' ' At to Mr. Mordecal' statement about' tJBwpromieef! tbia be ba m'urepteaentedv !roxtunaiely for me,,U of tba propoaitiooa or oompromiaa were submitted ia writing. Mr. Motdabatiomil ptibliah tbeei -tetlaiw If be.eire,adlee90rttblal0' orh oaly condition I impoee.it that be pubKah Q mnd met part, tor "thereby bang a tale' tint Mr. Mydecal will not unfuld, , f , , . VjtUvi iilpoM ioil Mr.. Mordecai'a ebarsa,1, aa a atockboider, demand tbat Mr. Merdecai aad hi Directors call a meet tag at Jji stockholders to iaTestigata the mimmm9m4 tb BlBk- lt k M ';V: known why kit. Mordecal waa ao patriotic . M ta inveat sa mack of u Btockbolders nsowey Ja wortAI paper and ao earrW not : iaTest bia wwa mean in the earn way. II my Mend will pardon tbe illustration, U Mattads one o he woi-y.' patriotic politi , aiaa who aolrnud rll of his tblt bodied rU tint tot tba front aad failed to Tolunteer hiasaelO Levk be known why it waa tbat . uear tour bnndtvd tbousaod dollar ot gold , kad at tha close ef tbe war, wat not v . old whee goM waa worth fltty per cent. ptMiuA,UaaaTiBg baadreda of tbouaaada ' erf dofttra w tbe etoekholdcra. A "Na boalsaknaBaldbaabeeaatarted with capital of lt hundred tboaaand dollar, with tSnocbef located ia tb'tte where tha Bank beretofora had brmncbas, wbich weald bsr aapplied oar people with car , ... raacy, and by this time tbe debt of tbe Bank ewaUi be bean paid fl aad tba atock been warth jar Birthing handsome, Jet. ieu-sd of either of tbtae coartea, tbe g.ilJ, or a part of It, ' was placed ia tba i band 6. eWMr." llorderl' rrieoda, - whs bare bww nslng it wlibont iatrrewt - ttJtJl1Err where tbia moccy baa been tbat ba been bringing tbe (took hold -' era ao intereC"Jf the twenty or tbirty ' tboaaand dollar of expense since the er- reader be looked lata - let it be seen who L has pro wd fat nliflot the atockboider bar atarted.' It n aald tbat these Dirfdora ' , "kmwuiU wenZ a they tbcmeelTe any tbey are served before tbe werwitaoat aompea ' aation. TbeaUa (tockbolder iwceiTed difi ' dead ; since 'tba war tbtae Director rota tbem l res pof and vote tbe stockholder ae sWa4 Let a9 be kaowa about tbat ewteadia ftnancuj operation try wbich Mr. Mordeee.1 and hi Lhrectora, large stock holrter tw tbe Back tbe State of North Carolina, pa;d tbenslTet, Irons tba aaneta of thw I'tak wf WwAarwnwa.parralBa, tor a deposit S over aixly tboasMd dillara, . , doc tbe Baik. at tbe fttate of North Cara. Rwa beore tine-war; a tbe waorr time Mr. - Mordecal retasing to pay other depositor more tisn twenty tr cents ia tba dotlsr. '- At the same tins tbra Director eoaipro. rustd a suit sgirst tbe Bank of tb biate fotvrer, i jrtj thousand dotlara. htuc :. Vtgty ceuu u tbe doUar lor lie bUa. U , yno could do no better With TW1 'deposit, Mr. Mordecal, hj, did you. ,m-t jy Uta eighty aeata foe tbea bilia aad fun tanm freer ia tha Bank wf taaJtoaa- ta .yaymaat of tbia drpmitt" Tbl wold bare eared tliaatochiuldl4 tb Bk qfunb Cro r Kna aweatwear arnt but it wouid bar been a lot fa the stockholders of tba Baa oftUe State of North Carolina, trf wlt Msssra. Mordecal aad Direektrs, twenty par cent, inner partta jaawo ae- pata, by nr. Horaecu, par ror ctaiata agaiast we tiaoh.1 deem M anaacamary ta meatlon nam. ton. -a Let U be kaowa wbr It Waa that Mem Mordecal aad Director, si ock holder! ia tba Bank of tb State f North -Oarolina, aold ta themaelrea, as l:i w nt 'tb Bank of . Mcwtb CaruUiMf o r 'twtbf ity vt Baleigh, sta prio more tba ita cash U; ae-rproperty that the Baak f North Garo -: llna bad ao ate to-tae money aeing taken, from tbe eaaeU of tba Bank ef North Cam-' Una and paid to tbe Bank of tbe State of North Carolina, fcet tt be known why It waa tbat Mr. Mordecaf, alter payipg, him self aad fnmde par for jtbetr cUira a gaiask' tbe Bask, without, consulting ,1 , rtoekj Botaeca, by Toluetary uiioi, placoa Jiia Bank into bankruptcy. Mr. Mordecal had four montha to consider, yet in all the, time did not consult .hi atockboldraj Wbetber bankruptcy wia proper or' not, ia aot tba aoeatloe etockbolder bare right,' yet, ia ttis moat important aot of the Bank, Mr. Mordeeai ha entirely ignored the viewe ef hi stockholders. I venture tbi ssier don that this extraordinary assumption of power by Mr, Mordeeai aad bia Directors, an )eopartIixwbe interest of hundred in North Carolina, wi Uatit weea aetifyieg or eonaulttag tbem, cannot ba rued.of by hU stockholder. I charges that ..tba Sank nana nttattJ ia bankruptcy ta tax tba atock Bo kler with enormona lee for asaignet aad attorney amounting to tbirty or forty thousand dol lar, and to throw these fee into the baada of tba same pertit who bare orwwn fat on tbe Bank tinea tb surrender. I hotir the ft)ekhoHer and the eredit- a tbat thasa ssxdw pwrties will try to coa- troi tba appoiatmanh; or aselgHal ; Nratch oat for letter andciibolam k thatWneat. Now, Irieod Mordecal, ia conclusion, let me auggeat to yon tbat you gratify me by call ing a meeting ot the etockbolder. I will promise fi meet'yov there, and if I bare dona yon Injustice you will bare a fair op portunity to net yourself afigbj. . With very high MpaMt, 'erar.frleetC'l ' Not. Mat R. Y. MeADEN. . MJSCiiXAJraOOS.'' Fratt Tree, Fruit Tree. ( XTJTt ARB A.GEWT8 for theoWtost Haresry fat VV ths atate, thU now, baa a httt toaktef Choioa Toauf Treae suited ta tbia ClMnat. . ' ti t . How ia the ban season km sett tux eat eaOma ard. aaoa aa jear edere a4 na wilt Sarwa Tree at short aotio Hb1 tur OaUWe.,...-. W. H. iOBSCO.. I AHOiaiB lot of superior LAOCT&A, Conwa, , , M, . I tIHOKi0tt'aW , rt.ANaiatat BAGtilNQ MJYD." ' A lot of OaleatUBagclngeUsdara watcbi. . , ,. 77 T0,f BTBOSACflr lor l-tf " '.' " , ;. ,. a . Ocwn-JUrouanl ; I ' ''i " If 1 " "' ' '' Cofle CfIe,Cfrew. , i ' A VBKHK ntFCBTATIOBref eM Chwemmmt A. Jew.0aese Laroira, Prima an4 fooa Ue Culfee. inat anived aad rnraale mrt low br ' ) ; i t. k. WIUAAMB k CO., (J ' v-jo: j MtmwajLrnrw rmiutMrn. ...i nwr UTerpeel Flu BeUt A .-'-'-1 A CABOOof IiTerpeot FIJII BALI, Tao 7a. beet Factory filled, naomeatly expeotsd and few eats rery sew froaa Tf 1 1. . T. At WILLI AMB A 00., I ' i 1 ' Boaapke qnar. Haw. IX-tf ' tJi(. I IhnMk, Ta. A ! mnd Goo4 Inrestiaent. I TjOB BALK $38,000 In h. A BA1LBQAO Bawr eaav. lst)aurltf Ooenoa liia. ,. . Hot. 11-tf et'ia A Oaae. Menabenie. , A few Bale Soeky hbwnf VUrrmnt.rxb4 eary.' By the Bah or Bo , ' ' 1-''. Kor. W-tf ' ' : . , - . ' ; ST. ft. 0IO ft CO.' i TATA, U0DIXA, AND BIO COFFEES. tTARTBm. ----- ..r;-.-- .. , iVoUiJntwAOT I U0 baabala Onkwa. Nor 11-tf O. T. ITBOKACH. Mbnahel fleam Heal tor Steek I . Not U-tf O t fTBOXtCH. j TJVJB r w - . II. O Cheese, from lb Buncombe Fsotory. Bee. UWf . s W.HJONBaAOO. FALL OP 18 NB7G0QDS! milRY GOODS! NEW FANCY &00DS I ' .. '; v. Vlk- -i J '- A W. COMIKGI twxa Kt. A ' ' COMING!,,. 'iri A i ! ,'fVC OOMlrNiQlIl , -. ,,. n T,a"i;T y K. WSEXaUmC , .'Old BUfld, No. 18 rajettewill St. " ' " ""' 1 i t -('"r ' . KOTICE! - ' J Our remauttcx Bloeh of ' vr "V '' . .v, :. j. - Jk.X COST, J v Andtsaa. Camea d an for ywaraelf. . IMC KJttSXSAACX, VKDIilX V'fctlllL' GXOCIJtt AKOTREB LOT OF, PtTAPSCO TiJULX nxHiUmaalf bbta- at " - j ii i ..t. i i i a J 3 -f 8 9 l iwwn-Ja. H.;f t t I la. b f r .-kVajdaUiaal Ireaeb BTaMarC vl .el .b I Ubsuo Tojartm-j.'--t ..Jaat nU tab) hat koeawbaat tka ?-! l',iatlait , Al fcf aA-.'tt-, 'HI" CrlpaieU a. heaay.""4". f'y f n.., UToTf i 4aareerid:br W! r NoTt-tf .is oooai OPAWUflJCwaA. T -t M bbla. Bo4 track, ti i..n,f i iTeimni 'Oetwi-tf Tjrxmr;no:rx)rirf. : QU GOT. JAVA GUffSnVv . n t 6. () PQCOLAS Mfji'g- jWfiTHKB jjot or rium caiEsmi, ; . Dtt JaetatT aad . T. Btais Obnsa. J 'i . jastreoMTedsMsiiraaiebT .OoUW-tf . IXXjaLAB BXUUj too FAmLTLOTjit.' ;t' ; Baat utb market. for aal by ".c : Mar -U . - DOUULABBUX.: Q.BJcgtf ap fun i . obkkii Arruwi . A lot ef an Apples. Jnst arrtred at ' yt ' " ! Mae M4f r. , UPOHDBOH A DOMV8, , JjX Fresh Corned Mallet, at ! . bar -tr TJfCflUiWH A DODDH. BOTTOM TABKli. ' ' V Aeotber supply of Holt's Cotton Tarns at lior tvtr , , , vtvuveoa a wuxy. T)ACON. JJ Hhhda.RIb Wdeo, at 3.1 tit Aot M-t CP0UUM0I DOD1VS. Another sapplr of CaOTas Hams, at MOT HU UPUHUnOIl A IXJDIrF. ' ratapseo Family Flow. ' . " " , , ' i AO hUrrlsnd ana. ' win- lycrt j . f , Xitra. at i .tt Nor M-tf PPCHUBCH A DODD. ! . JJBUIB BIOOOFFEBt .. laaacaa mm Uia Ooffae. , . .. , , i do LaKuira .do . 1 'do OoT-atyaTado '.' ' i! . 1 ' Fnrsalabf HerMtf j POUULAA BX1X, I' . Bed Aah Cottll . . . 1 a TOMS FBIKB AMTHIUCITB COAL. XV jisoatT uim oar, by '.' Douotlil BEZXi" IbtlelhvlleA4f . ... FayatUrtUe rule At. laUtoACTd. ... ,i i ,i V AlotefanCbennts,l 7oj-tf f, vevuyl at arrrrad at ' jHADOOtn. TwairjviAn etjAnroi X Wa Warranted canalaeae reeahed br the Fe. rariaa Oorerament Agwt, , i aX Foreal V ' SOtOLAB BELL, Nor.lUf 0a rayeuerui Bares. Utndatrel Bagiigt laVUU STarsfing tlM aoaad jaer yaid. , '. ny ..! jUOLAflBBLL. i jTEnTnfsB ftfiUVlAB GTAHOf f VT te beaks in Btor and tor aali j AerBt-tf i f DODQL. br DODOLAA BULL, f POOL & UZZLE, or GROCERIES, ,f t7r AIJaa?i Sbfi'rB'iBD iHOia;! A-.f ' ) , BATS AND CAPB, , ..T i" ' BIADT-MADl CLOTHIBd, ' DOXE8TI0B AND PBINTB. Wines, Brandies &o. ! t . .- ,OWtAEXIYII. a rdja. IXBUF Aalt MOIASBRS. t,,'ii BEEF T0H0UEB AND COKSTED BEET, BX0K& BEEf, a CANT AfeS AND FLADL 1 CANtASBBAKB, - ' ; rWT"HC9miDM AND MOtHXlKS. 0isiIHj0W FOB CABB.-" -- - 31 JCSCKLLAJTEOUS. - iiirRr4nAiroo,'jrF4: OTTIBit bia Pmfeeakxial awrloea to tbe eitt am of BeMrb aad tb earroendina; eaaa- try. vrnvm ta in rear oi iaa reataeoee or vt, FA1, Barweod, opposite the Preebyteriaa Cbareb. Oct 14m.. fa) tk) Geraaan) PeyalaUlatai r 'Jarrt BeUlf CatrIUiAViyi O OB BEFORE Abe Bret of Fbreryai (prorided H eabreriber are ebtained by tbat tone.) th eadoretrnad awifuses to wane Atb tbe PaHf Jtoseaear office, a Bre -OEH-JtAJt Weekly newspaper,7 to be ail lad Taa Caasua Kxaaxt liuscwum." ...... 1 Tbe "Oermaa Weakly Messenger wiS cootsia sB tbe bteat Horn and Foreitra ATewa, aad as te ba deroted to tbs adTaoeeaoent of tmaaixratMa to tbe Hmtbeni 8latee, Home Industry. Aarioat tnrs. Roral Keonomy, tiatlunirai Aiteaud tba Twelpenw.bke tb rDaf!r aeen;erV, WiB be tnaly Deawcraii ta porutee, and itm aias wdl enr be te eeeoafaa Lwmiruoe, aad to aid ai tbe bnildinf an of tbe BuaiAem Btatoa, wnash aiirat be emi at all bacard. - We emit'tin-ly rely ew the Pi easy and ' na ear MwdsaBiwaiib at lb lantham Butaa, as wbna laiatiat ew abail bOKir tee latarev a na the paea. to sestain aa ia afabi iaionrtanS swmniaie. keaesef eabsenaai . per aawam. . Adores ibUtd A. HOblTZ, , j.".-. 1 gaily Misaiagir; UUiriUU a ir' KON-FOSFEITXNQ CASH RATES" - r . , ,,,. - , . - , vv- lit '"-'. , aaAU4JEVUtfc Wflit. ... ,. ...j.,,.!,. ... i AMBTi, !l :!HP, - tltH' I W- " I rami v.- j ji '3nA. f pay every iw f. JUatkllltsCw. i- .b. ..- 4 PK3ciumoN 1 . . .' t '"' FlnstWbol Ur PoRdea. 1 " '' ' ,7 . Bwe4Ktowment Fobotea, far term af tan, reyessa, , .... , . ' . ; . u . t' 'ew wilaxaaw4wiaBagaMnaaBM .isp o f .at ! t r . . ." U. T r m .tt 'Vai.vt .j tv(M Liia a..r f I.... , f NA LIFE INJUBAM0B WkWANT baa OiU Beaarrsd ef tha Xlea lit haaraaea Three tboaaand aoUasa. m fall aaynieat bead, Larki F. Aaaa. ale. ef eaid Fobey 4a, TM m aiaay mean aw aat feemat nsyaVsaA la tbs bear ( ,l-.i i.tai"dl v" j t i5l?T b?,i,ub,,H,, Mloi,l?r la lees tbaa tbree year tbia Company baa done aowe ana erpnaae or orut vm It ha paid r alloy. No. km! ioai " - . BltkB.. BOO " 'k"i ' r ,'!t'," ; i " Fi4ii....io.oua v 'ij a r-.l ? 4-. ! . Z ISiSa-'l!!! '--"' t-5J- tvi. si - j aTl!"i"i t'v?'l.f. fc si-. -vrt wM.!.l i C- f'i" f'i i'r" '--"' :J b''.wartt. Beinttbaa bwaaUfaOy trial aad peered, H wwWibtonoTldeaa t i HepbiVma.. t'T EQUiT ABL1E ra-T".!. . Ab W sa1 wa. ' A t nMwABkWaMS..A aw - - - ' ". - ..: ..'... : . ' ' -s .T .JwwaM.l.ftl. a 'tlmta1rft j ;(! i-tt? v-AtAJJTi rra rani. iTmbtement of eftl WPmBU,' the tery tront Wnk'oi'mertcsA tifrln. A "r,""1." najir.Bsasm-tol aaaoaat efAewaai awawaaw Bar th year endtaa Beptenv barlOth, W68, being aref .'.i'j. A'WriiW l.w'ui v.1j 3r T t4 (r tt (1 frJ(tVj) wAwFt.f'! ' hrp aeonmnlaUan by H ef EMHT MTLLI0N8 Of D0LLABS, toawtbanwitb aa aamal Income '1VE aULLIOAlt OF JXLLAAH. aAnrd tbe Van beat .rLUlTZ.Tr'rJJZA tba ef FIV raltabiitt. .. , - . . . "....( I A brief esmnariaon of th SoeletTa bailn iaa tat 1 ? . . i. i i ''.r I ;,.'lrt tf ' noOBZBB 0T .(v? tfL l';i.' T No. , s Inued Bam Aasaredl BTJ .t,lT,()0 W ' ' . " 1M0 ("! r. t IMf ,. -jtf , mat i t . . u ija t j ,it.t.ia lata ....... e-, JMlt.tW '1 1,861 A ' l,Bj A.V-Aei . A.MH too 0W a,7M,AWul ls.Tts.tiao out W3t 0,071 4S6 10,46 t 7M ftJO r ll,IWtltAl ntoU aawkiaallaT aVnltlt -wt a r i t "tixbtxo a rn EetrmnLa woa rrs OaoimtTtoir. Ia 1860, H ru th abrih. ta IMi rho' r ejgbtb. Ia Wflt and HMO, toe sereaUi U 18M and la, the uithTtil, S. fSh, InTiaS. uW . 5 , ' ''J Hf kJ. to . ji i ,ct-k iVLUAAJJB JrAAAf agent wiafaing to rapreasnt the Society, ae paraan wishing kiformaUea fat regard to lit, Aasor anoa, will pleeea srt.lrees special Areata. - . kiA r'.t. r-" 4 W. H. FDTCH; SDeoiaJ Agent " f. O. HOOPER, ") ' , i J.R B. HATHAWAY, V Tbatblimb J. RMABT1N. lu . V, BepUllAm , ' . . ' FZTXlLSSTjrxa AfiTZSTISIKSTA JJATIn, HOPE S A CO. j . " ' v ' WHOLXSALI ' " ' y'l,Jl Groeen fr. Commlsslea Merdiiati, No. IBOR FatuNT, ( f . PetevrmbttTAT Vnv, i aeee eonauouy oa aaao a urge autis ., 1 1 .. rXOTJB, COFFEE, STJOABS.' 3 -, BTB0FB, BALT, IITJNNT 'A ..vmw'i .7 (. 1 AND DUNDEE BAOGUKJ, .. - , llJIUra,TWUA,..' - ' i -. - OANDTJM, COAFS, r ' ' ! -..'. t ' NAILS, TEA,'" ' i.".,. ' ETC.. ETC. AO of which they otter at tba eery lowaat rates lur eash, or Frodeoe to hand. . Tbey pay eaweeial susatiea to tha sal of POT TOM, TOBACCO, WHKAT aad Oenaary Fredne aeeeraUy, end will autaaaanb edraneas when to oerauy, m and, or oa OotMe nana, or oa a sums a nut ta team; u ,4 1863. srme stock, 1868. BOOT. CnOEl AMD TUkTHKI, - i,,-AT WB0LE3ALB OKLTI" VrTB BATE EECXITED A LABCI BTOCB V-"- BOOTS AID E20tfi,' ;t rl? A!rest frass tb Naanfaetnrar. wbleh wa will at ae tow aa aneoe ef tbe eaejeanality eaa be beogbA in New fork- rhllndr'r-' to mew ura,aa--t yt'HK A FAEKKR, ' " . AprBt-tf.. N. Iroa Front, apttiaiaa, feterabwrc. Mr Then bwyteff far aah ti& bave lata b fwefetoaear. . Bwcky BfwwntCeHtwni Rills. TBFWE tnLLBarawsfaB eneraNoa, to Ae ereer.aae era torawf otf TARN8 AND EXTRA UKATT BIUl tT- f tb beat wmalltT. V . CaahordWa ad.beawd to tb antWalneA Wat be pew AitoA . XfiXZ'hj, ' J MoaliVCeV.Cr rwfaw.an; m-smt Hit oarts.al rr , jn N.mPWH,' W"V . . 1 1 trw.f".i 1 w i of poucaa. -n a ! . -w- 'f .T01 ,' 'tj -. atwd a.xj.i .! .(-. t , afl an, twaaly, twAy4re; tblrto,and tblr-v . itviv;t erf .;i t u,... e . : M)jHi. t ( tl . aw til r ;. ITU H(l SUIT XH 1 .'. aald aooibs, bmV,l leal tba faOawkf a UU j'' ..; ")f l'r . ejr Xrf'. ta , fa. aw ... M..: j f t m vt sua 1 1 i"i avaoaaa) av nuan. -f. xl !ft t" o tM ?lrta ta bseal MaaMa tbentaebweoaiblBeeVtorliTttb I ,tf" Wjiantoro 'npt. i4tb,lSSS.' OmtntUIV. HV Utah BtdtAbAan bl W I afWmm. A rf & sUlU&dEi nWtmm lalLiiWt kuLrt af mm a J tuna. .?.. r..,...,i .!,:,..it . . aMd-bi.. ' ... ; 4iite'!,'a( A tfinwtwt ,M ti- i .. .BtLina i -. -.ii'."f Je -: L.-. Aie ami . . . .. . . .. . ? aeaunna nw& w th airoaataswiU' I aepeaduc oa I td? w Aaamgn, jvvi ntv :...; .tJ V' 'wV. AVltll.: ,,; TmTTZ tbe AM: aL..i... utn i . TH irtrnrt-r '", w-''" l-."'l - t THE POCH.TT. ,,, v'a rjn.tj t t r..'' ':"uwu.ii',' rfiliJtrt. J j -u!.9i ail f j. ., ... 4. w,nt oJ".lao,T7i WZiZTZtX llA'tt Oi 161 a on J i -j .... ....... i ..... ....... ... j ' ,.?!fl SSI v I" . o a Jl . " B11H.47! Bffl " (IK 71 oa ' t Ii it.AN oo ai rf w tKM ! t i ; 7i,&a fl . l,H.6.ij B..n..,n ya. tiY i f.0tw,07T00 B.07Mewtt ,ar laail 0O) ltTOtift t,l-16,'JllB .""- '-; ij 00 Mffl t QuolouQ po AaO- ! llatr AhtM b IMaiM " swaaawaa Mr tAcr y.-t--."w' AA A U AJLLX . .LY CASS,'..sJ -1 ti . r 1 for N. 0.- i i " " I "r . . .u Cbarlotbt K.'tt'" Ananav "i - .T.,-. a . h " -T ba il..O') , . ' '"1r-.-. .-dew -m II .lit J , NBtW AVAW iav ', - " AMwtt Form of Fraetkw aud Flaetllait. - '3' - Tbe abore books hare Jnat bsea reuaitud aa4 are tor eala at Fabbaher'ii er eea. t We eaa famlab. ebM. Niababi A n,a'a Band Book of Fwa, sad tbe Ova af Civil Fre eadere ef b But. J wILAtlAbW A LAMHFTII, :. Oet JWf i . ewwit a Uouka lersyt A TALXJABLB IABM OF a , AOBFA Mil A- ?4rts ; a.Miii , Uf"iJ'',' Futetoe. FralC o. r- - Is Is eritratod wiib In half t 'ton ef th 01 ty ef seen, ai. v.., ana ewe mew taa naiiroaa j e pute, end every eAwoaatositoa wf lllimbae. Aa fcebenia. As., Aa. it will be leased ft a aaaabe of year, tt desired. Fur turUiar pat tkulatw, ai ply to ' ' .... . - .. . - w.n. JoiFa a oa' ' Nee f-tm Aaetlaa A tiaa. V.-nhanba. . Racwretoww Jfug eopy one nionih aad aeed ph to uue emee. - -- v'f r-. t " - ! Jbof lew. i . . A TPUCATION wilt aeaae.le wi tba sewtont la, Oeaerat Aaaaeibly, tor a t;hertr tor a Life luanruee Ctoeiiwr, to b rill, d ' tiOH rU CAB- OLIJIALirjClABUKASl'BOOMrA?!.'' ' BENX. , ft -k Ta ELI. FTTRKImmkD trt0M. with er erfibowtatoarw. Apply at L. F. Hearua Hter., Not 1M - ' . . .-., t - for Salt at ZxchtBg-t tor City Property AT ALU ABLE FAH of nn arrwi, to Uiatbeas Ornate, to tbe ati.iM of I). al and mar- el racvw. to ra "la ef tbe Ore h nl itea Worka. Oeod Iwiufi Houae and tH.t-tmiWiiitee evnil Atmadtfw. Site Jimut Or. bard. 1 u Wnun Rati tued, Cbaifaaaa tuiiruad aiMi Chrw ttiuoad aii ran near ta prep was. ur titu upti atUua 1 ",- Tf! R iOVFt AO0V 0etr7-tf Aact'raA Cm. Merobauto,' rerPriit er1. JfT LAW OKFk E, tw ynnd mo. enrner . A. ef Mart .a sod Parana b'rerto If rrattl, lea rtmina eaa ba foraiabeiL if autd, tbe boittl- to to be r"uirA .oT. to-tr t ! a.- 8. W. ErsTFD. rPffE BOITX. and tewny nf T . I earbrd, rBt'wa an Iba fchKA JiuslJTAL OToolbelBrlTter Bmllh'a. Jicw.ie-b1 W. a.;0!TFBAC0, ..u VTH13VAXX a THOMAS II. lilUGGB, a.:t tamr jxaEB Df. PAASWAttl ,AZ? CUI1X1T, j Mtit'ttoutukT rmwrsniNQ goods. WRSUGAMATEKIAL, 1 v t l . f Wisiuta, w ad iS'"!A ?br r t-. ;:.. A "t lur Ui al of . . . j " L.urr Ht Daupita J:'l fne. 1 ' - I- - .--t!i. Xudi Rubber aud Leatber iliuig, Vireuiar sawB, iron Vr&nd&ru, , - ''rtoea and all kintU of Ornn- BMntAi Iron Work. '' m JW ator Ma dawtAsm Aprew W I aa .ISfti! - -Sr. i i , AprUIO-tf , . ,.r , SASH, BLINXX AND D00H FAC- Mn't r.l ! TOliX. - i-i'" n " .AB ardem aroasntly aateaded to. . , v , VTTyH.BniaG.a.u 'aiy t-w - jrrepriaMr. 'tOLLTSa A HEATH, , ILJOHT ai'hKET, BAT TTVOHH, H4, Memt teraoalOaek Faiauaoe Ooot ' . IiwaPu!, it Murar WiUiaaate, Vnl- Beeba Bauaa, ' Ausefaaa Kaaga. -j 1 kMa hane, . Hu-es ttaiMr,'"'! hmeratd beufre, . ' il ay ward, BarUett A Oo PurtahU Fafaenaa, Hawe FaraaeeaFor- nassa uaeaa, . i Iroa, Lead and has CaU Tube. ' - "5 tk bath Tab wtth ' Heaaara. ? Cltito, ' . true an uwu nastna, Rrtlraula, , f'aaina, 1 "It11 Oardea Vaeaa, ;e l Waterkwlera, , , , Wriirenaiwa. An." . aauta auu onu. i Fartar, Obareh' and Hutvaa la greet rartfSy. All tba duiarsttt Style ef li 1 1 1 ae . . Eih lp aad Lew aioa ana onox. Iwwn Faiiabl .ft . I lrbie.A- Vhioh will be old to low to seal had in the -Mi IWy iB if OMSv Biiyri aaa conui barrel nnot a Bbut PoutiLoa. Belts aud Pimdar r laak. 0B Nlptibw, Bod Tips td (lu nuraM. l,a.ir au 1 4t u u uap. Chain and Fawny Dog Oonsto,' A ,t'f rwM AM'aa, an ransty, i vim news aaa uammon taanrra. . v? . XinToilaHaatU.,., , . . . ; , i Vj, jCone Mia. atl and Flear Bare, i j 'f Loag ana anon aaaui f ry ran, lira Oarriera. Fue Dosta. v '- aad i tong. F- Atom and tUtTrana.. si ia aag s vm m atie. -t t, "-i-. t Oettoa aeed Oil. . Jt . -V : a VV k i - - r . v tl ! I Aal Ore sea. l!f. VS0. A-' " toomam a. BBinon, J a Mn. la F.vatui.ill. ML. teov.BMfclti;.. i BeJebjb, M.C MEttCflAST TAILORS. CEVTLEMES't ' FAMIIONI ! .9tita I tit 1'f MERCIIAIVX TA1XQI. 1 Ann DXAT.wn tW . f TEENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND AMERICAN BBOAtX . CleOTIIS, BEAVERS, C A3 tat kip crw-'.'yi.'tj'T't'r'nj' 1 ..aa ,n.-M 0"IAC.. Ac' " rlFOHX Aid riilKKO- THAT RI BTAB svtmrea th serrten at Mr. B, at, Bkarwoud, one of the very Wt Oatters In tti Htitilh, snu will b bettor prpea4 tbaa star beftir to atak to enter at abort aoUna, eiseant and enlt-rHutie anawn ft geutleaiea'a wear, at tb loweat ipoaaeHepnesa. to t ,'- - ae u -. ilia aux:k at . ' ' ' fi . UBADT.HAO& CLOTUISC. BATH, CATftV- j j ; t0; ,i BOOTS, SHOES, , .rxs0 .11 A AKD v ...!' : -a :: ..Ccntlcmcn'i'nrnliihlrjjr Coofii la vary UTre and bee beea ealaetad with great vara, ft-ota tbe Brat eatebliakateuta la banbera i!iUK,and eaanot b anrpaaaad for quality of anoue, iaanioaoia mjvm tat good, vera man tis renrwxtfuffT al 1 a"en front hi friend ai blaeklljand,ea Farettovtlie Htreat, wber b will aril hta rtitata at reaiarkaliiybJW Prides. lalbtb.Oot. l-tf - -' . ' KI8CZLIAVZ0TJ3. ' Bugnr mt mil AJraMtee-Tcry Clirsn In BBLM. Crashed, toderadbad OraaalatatL O bt.U. A, h aiid extra V.' . -.v" t , . M.f 10 bbue. i: a. mh Vviat laaaara, u , i i ce- -. ' Fur a. Is v. rT cb. ap h . ? w, vi.i ( ., . X. A.TVIU.IAMH A PfK,1' -;, ,.'.' t. Auanvi. H.r. . V.JBolt4f i " ij X.".....'i v j Aorluik, Va, Typr Bblnglr for Bulav JCA1 Jor CAlf FII L ArLOrtrnUI, at abort notice, ( U1.I.VI Mll.Mil.lt. ikarara'ii inciia MMifl inc.. f wi.la. a tn. ll Utirk. draMwl. mI.m! sad pat op in bandies of M seen, all gut by fg aa4 braeibrd. -. Thay will be pnt oe tba ears tr of ebarre and aa b sent to any point uBU.Hirt..ni Kumails, ai.piy to n. vi uitr i r, epbtAMs - Rocky Itouut, A. 0. t JI'IT ft ECEI T E. TTlATlbG ITObo. i II FOB OOAl 0B WOOD. Luoking Btovs eomj.lei sitb 1 tp and Funt tore. " beraaaaeana iwnnnmt cm, )beumpM aaanrtrt u( iMrp ant CM blUat and ai.Ht leifrt-OTMl bnratirs ' " Irni'i ait.rd ai.d r-p)ri d. s k : . " li.ig and OutK rii ir 1..ti al alwrrt notln. All ear work te varr.i.Unl aud vr Bttmr auo aea to all wa eall. 1 u e e' as a eaQ al tb aid atsad, en Fay. a'M S rtH-t. oe',t-a '-1 torflfB A r::-Tnr3. lulled I . i i.; i i J 0 . .-n. a. I i f ail l;..-. t i i..ntj. ( ..... A ! t- . Ill 1 ... t. ABFr.i Brr.TOTTHof T. ai... iwk-it,.'.., u.. r . el. hi . 1 " y i ai'a p.. .i '.u.t? a at"t n.U,w..ti om..tiaaUun ai-at-i.. -1. trK-s 4ct. bvnt pr .n i r t rfprka. i A Juitii, but.r .ir, HorlS-U - vtat n. X' TO iun i ;::tj. NOB Til . CA r, O L IN A ikJiluL, STATE .. RAILWAY LIXES, (that skb to bs 0 THB OLD BAI.FTH A ot.M pArT, F0 JHEeHOhitor, will l. .,f.i l.,' t-lKlOil'lV'i, i.ii.i . bAX tiA. K A O. it, A I WK biauitai-ated as .1 are the f,'" ' .-t w dir i-i.t0 jiH( f , .uu, Wltoat tt-a , au,; h , ....... 4 bhtiere ui Aorib anas. .utb taruune m v. ..i,y Wa pud MtaeutM near ttuuur.d ii.. J DolWa fcr bar liiwrt-i ia tusiKuaaii.t-.ieby seruig tb people hui luatiua lur ail l .. ui siasn Ho,ii t-jt Te-: ,il unJuu,.i.i,u... elare tbai o oau ami w.u giva wure tliaiuib to all puaika, burib auu ouuiii, Uiaa an ut...r Liue, ' notk:i:i i TMa) Crest laUttuI Air L.ue l rel.ttt TiaTSi mr.noa a qastok hail aoab, the Bhert Lin Bar Bnippers, anil yn are re wraw areot your frmJM. ar Uioj wttf be laaaa Dy aaotuer i.tue I le iueara veur traibt bain; eajTied orer ttda Oesol lulaod Air Luia aalolT. uimui .....r era to niars Toor i. ri... ..t i .... ,, i..,. u .a Aeent, J-uriaiauuiA, V or City 1'uiut Va., kMum'tl ifMMV M nkip a , FBOM BOHTONl I Marrha&ia' A aiiiiftrV 1 j..- ..1 nt t.i - - , "... M VWHM Wharf, A bampeoo. Agent, ' . - ' KOM AKW lOIUtt Old DumtllbyB AiauiKt.lB ( a Ll,l,l.. luiJ Pier 7. burib Kir. AouS Doacti (,., luuc to?, sawaab bb Cor. iay 1 A. At Atocreauy, ei ?it FROM PHILADKLPHU D(FIa AnuaiiMmki,! fiuia., wuiiilwtna an BalUtuurelHipul, or Ujda i l.u.n ot iKiuot. It M. IXtoarars Aveuue, W, F. tlao, Adauk J j , FBOM BALTIMtHiB Baltimore ttta.ni Fackaa (ju.. 1 Line hum. sra, lost L'niua tHwa. L. H i-. Fowbaaan bieam boat Ce , tu Uht Aag MOMf - 7 ' itlla Vo CIIAItCB OF BlllKlXXi:. IALEI0H A OAdTON KAILOAD ) ' ( i . buraaiMTftHiiaHr a tir.iua, . RalolKh. N. O , Alar yuib, 1 J fpa ajiA .t... Vt . w. .. ..... . .i oa lb Kalaia UmUjs hWoeU, aa A.ikiwa : tu iiu irwvu atlfU...,,,. ,la a. M. ArriTfiaat weitloa ; ttof.ll, kaj iVaiakHwaa Weklua..,,.,, ty,J a, M. Amvaast KaloiKb p. M. rglilratub.avw kalilch... 1.14 P.M. H tm.ta.t t...u...t. If. .Jt . Tbe Kail Traiua suaka 'iniu....ia o,uii.. .a with all point Monh aad aonib, . i u ; A. tt AKPBSn'S, may U-tf " ' Bupt. of Trauaponation, ' AOUfOLK AilVATibAMi.J,X(l D. 0, C'Ovt AND. H.J. IIAllHUja. ' COWAXfilk IIAkaa.ts, COTTOIS' FACTORS General Coiunilsslun llcrcbants. uommeroo htreet, ' ' bOHFOLK, TA , Will attend prou.pt y Suaulae ef Cotton, Grain, Lanibar. Tubaovu, baval buirea, to., aud diuw obese of "ni.plia. mr CunaignatasM soHnited. Tfa ' opt. to tia " A. MYKlJBt, : (Tormerty of D.Usuury, K. O,) WHOLESALE DEALEB IN i'l " trOBEIGW AXI I0.m.BTIC LIQUORS, J;o. e coMMEucuit now, , ' , , ... IEBBT WHARF, at, Tn ranaa . tu, -. , .t ttoiwaa axu.. j, w. iiell av rino., ' (coaatia to ai.ARoaa sill.) Ccncral rornmls-ion Bcrc!:anti?s -t ... .. . TiKLL't VV11AR7. "J-r n NOIIFOLK, Vn. ' ..' Conalgnmeuta eulicited. 1'ivuiot retrwn laar tnteed. ; . .. arm to JVmelto Ball, .Hali 1Kb. iliu.rs Hanbttvl " ; Oct to-Hm . WHITE, WEAI A to., AS THB ALB ANT, LIVERPOOL, ENOLABD, An ' Jonx n. KAii & co., NORFOIJf, VA., ' 9 KKKHA t COMMltiHI 0 M MtiRCTliSTa COTTON FA.GT0H9. ... .,--. ' IfKVKIt TO Eiehanr Nstlonal liaok, Norfolk, Vs., and Ab eiaii.l.'f Oollis A Ctl., Loutlcn atd tlanebeetar. 4 Got. WI 8 iciscEitAEroiri ' . Uncgy and I!itrn. 0NF NEWBUdOTAND IUI.M H, vhlch t will sail ur ((173,) one buiulrtU and aarenly- live dollars. UotKi-tf B, F. WILLI A II RON. - ' (LaU of Cii.pol Hill, N. C.)s FatMonabla loot And Cuot ITakcr iiororr o. snvmiiK rx.vrrm ni.nr, ' . fAYKTTKVll.LK 8J RKKT. , ar.At.itK.il, n., t, ntMJVer KI'CUVKD a ewr.il!y snHelfd atoik f the lintat lallmr anil I. piafnr.id w etaka all kimia ol nittt.nt'i.rk at r.-iiia.'.e pri.-t, an4 rif.utfMj!f a..ncua a al.artt of ii-e pnb.ie ptu-oBaitrt. liHVin it.i Tpre "t . 'rmi.. a in ilia bnu!ae and binff a...!.i on v tv wm elaae e.irkniAn, heiaoonii i.-nt t...t i.. vork f-t aaetnaea, ditrabtiay and ohh hv ..f n.:ril, cn iwrt be aarpaaewi. jiupainug dune in tbe beat Btannr.r. Ot17-m , - BOLE IE .t:;:::i vaT. LI, " ' ' " . . LEVT'P ill ' Tbe beat anality auJ Uif;" t t . Oan be (nmid ( . , ....it. . AKDr::-:-..s a. . . Of.S l l,t v M 1 s . KoV. 11-tf M .i .,Mi .:.ti.iA,.3 . hi! City, TT"K.X:i,S A : I - " ITVC' l 1 IXSLARdFD A ' x ' : i I.- Oct tl tf

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