M 6.. lIIC sentinel. JOIAlI ILTvKEa, Jr.,' ZDITOa." WEOXE?DAT. DECEMBER . 1S08. cost or ms ss w codsbsfosx. It U mIi .to mj that litigation eoat three timet m much, under tb "Code, M under oar old Judiciary system. W apeak here of fb actual Court costs, and do aot include tb increased feet charged bl law yen, on account of tba greater tabor 1 and complication of practice created by the new tystem of Practice. - Ad j on may take ,np tb.!fe bill" and make the alcuiiMioh " fur himself, and be will at that our - M" ma'-e is not too large. .'"ll'H- ' And this la a fcjreat evil and a grietou burJtu, tbat operate npoa all cleat ol tbeieopla, without regard to poliuaal dif ference!, and 00 tbat o tight 14 ba cored a promptly a possible. It teem to at 'the praetie tftit law ought to b toed to ' " conform a nearly to tba old cheap a ad taw ' evt'eni aj may he under the CoaatUntioo, antil tb Constitution may b changed and "'the oM system e adopted, Eef all this law of pleading ia tb ClerkV bfflae jeed - taking tadgmenta, before th Clerk, three motion and oroai motion, eoduotiee aad docketing judgments, and otbf torn jfiol cry, ba ebiUua, and tb inpleystem of tb paat orevaH at near -a possible. Tbi - aaw faogted Cod may auit aaanarcial community ' Ilk Now Tork, where Ibey f want a Judgment in taw .hour f but '. J t v do aot alt tb simple, airtight -forward dignity and character of Nmb Caroline. Then jut ' what' ibl Cod'' ayttent I nUng th people. -"Jadgea" Rodman fad . Turge, and Victor C. Barrioger, pic aad flt aaanciate, get 600 per monta bf dp WbatT Why, alinply to ot ap a ( printed copy of th jri Teri Coit P-aH Cfhiagi th Baoiea, datea, &a., to aad fr Nnrthi Cajrnli o Tea, for tbi they .gttOO bld- , C!erk hire, ligbtt, fuel, tatloBryftcj, &. uWb't a nuUnc1' Why, 1 wear toha - the New Yurk Code, tay ao-and b dona " ' with it. If tb LgitUtar dont 1lieve . U tuliU ao, lot tUcia' bar a Comraiftee and smiatblawyera,focludiog "Jtig" . . HodmaM, and ibey will laera, thatarhat w . ''aayiaaub.UDtiallycnrreci "Tbe'RadloalaJ ra latere ted In thl matter a welt a btbr ' tolki "Von't they aid in tfi matttr t C a Can't aom little,, good i com.' aat vi, thU , Nawretb 1 W doubt it. , .They, Would not agrt to what la right, la tail behalf, " for fear aom decant man migbtf b raet : ma. wen, w gam tn Mwycra, ajaueai awcially, th "hiRiier oa," doa'l ar jlbe new tytura payi difgtr I ten m 1 1 I ; ; , -J -"" rf'T- Mr- MJor OBnoral jnilieD. JonetBeav r.-'ena I what "lengthy oaadal appudaga6bf "cat bath, ntlated,';,!f 'Xgaajt'oB Monday, with degree of- araeplabaoat that " r a try WrtA'';.ii,,tipardiiq Sla jpun,) tbat tb niinI had Charged tribefy and . . eorrnptlon upon teiffalators. Certaialf feet1 w trday, wa largely attended, "" bay aoL within the two daia of eur 1 XthU M torial exla'tence, and cariAil readiag of J. th 'Sentinel, an dor it, lata auepiotsfcyeaable tt to affirm tbat th paper Itself ba mad ''" no tdch direct and dutlnct, allegation. Tb Major Gtneral aforetMld 'watpleaed " : further to intimate,' with that. Senatorial ' dignity which tett on blm with eqfhal grace , with hit cluttering martial tlaacalaj that tucn an allegation, on,tu part oi in tun tuxl, wa equivalent to tb aonxvtlitabc of tb fact charged, Oo behalf of buf rstir ; log pradaoeaaor, w admoaUh tb Major ' General that they will attend, in retaliation, . ' on the flrat oooatioa when ha review bit "loir battalllona, and laugh at him I - No, no aack cbargahiaa bean mad la tbi paper. Wi prefer no' tuch' allegation. ,,- htidm rw. Being oataldera, : v mw '.'tl, nothing, poaitdvely," )n tttc'yrewlijb. All that w ara cogniiant of, It th fact, that -, tb atmoaphera U ladea with inainuaiiona, . that rumor are aa plenty aa. black be ' rie, and it ia both a fiat nrat and Jmeta phorlcal probability, that wber therfe it to I (' .t. ..-i .... A ..t ........ . . . ; joucq imoao, were huh ; o aome inre. Besides, when a Bcnator-ii , Tiry Jolever . i Senator, too, for on ol hi political Mipy- ;' a Radical Senator, declaria, frith cmpba eia, upoa tha floor of the Beaat, that b can v ,; fr that venality . bail been practiced and ' - vote r iufiueno bought-aad paid fer "with dollar and centa," wa at conatrala- ad to believe that be can do what be prom' ' iaea, and to wish him God tpeed in amukiog . , . out the raacale, tihocver tbey may ba 1 It la a tad tpectacl anil an unprecedented " ' e, that ther abould be, in HohM Cd.iv fji lgia!atnre, aryvgronnd, ryon..tli ' -aligbteat, upon which to baae.a demand for ' aucti invettigationt, at tbat which bat heea i . ' inetituted. Th apint of tbe Incorruptible patriota, who once graced those balltniay : well bang indig!'.t and affi ighted over ibe accne, and all metf, now, who are concerned for the good name of th State, bang their hua la in buouUutioo. It bat bea reserved - tot tha advent of Radiealiam and carpet bsggery that tuch tu'ficioo. abould Qomr over us like a dark Cloud and avdamaln i.'t ir:e iciine't proceed; let 'it b eon- d.ictd with astern, bonoat and anyieldlng rioi; let the truth come out, lhonghtbe tU'sf..:i. We shall rtjoic a all tba ill- o-s.i oed rr ports that vei tb ears of men be ated and dicpellcd. It will tc a grflat f to know that North Csroiinil hat aot '-j f..;l.;n from her high estate, though . " a lnnni!!ipd that, wben once a down . i s ' is I.,'.. en. tlercot of the At -Twins Avm4." ' I'.iun iuiull (li.lo guilt, '-"''tin t!.e ffTtion of Its , :' i ii a.r-j L tcut ot a.l UVITSD 8T4TK3 CIBCCIT COURT Th a tribunal U now fitting U tbia City,' Chief Justice Ch it abdent, mm! Judge Brook, of the District CeoA preside aloe. - - " i, -t J - . ; ; i Tb docket, wa tatra, an bear?, but G "whiskey docket it sot Urge aa at til last term, but hirgf enough now La all own- science. Ther ar tat few promotion, xcept for' flotation, of the oteraal Rev enue Law,,; Tllie ia patsiBg Strang. Pr- Juries have been m com-asa m Mackburriee sine tbe f ia matters arising withia th " w rarely hear of aoch a.thlag at a praeeea tioa for perjury, Wa reckoa that "Judge" Starbaek, tba DUtrict Attorney, doa't hk totbiak of aaeh a things W woader if ha War think! 'ol 4 naeatm!it mad by the Of aad Jury of tb C, 0. Court, hera ia tba Dummer of l&6i, ia which b I gored aa tfcWflatj ,seu4 at vwearing too freely aiwat bia "loyaltr" during the war, aad a to what did, aad did aot do, during that mm time I i Ah i thla liUi matter time I Ab t thla liul matter wiU 41ck (a rHiHack t ioag at h Hrea. Let ?pM Ut?r" Uw, aad tbM may account for tba atraag aof BiaaiieAly la'a aoaatraetloa a piaoea upon th "aet Oath" preacibed by Cob Th- Civil 4 wketoUbb-Court i crowded with euiit by aoa rtMldeat creditor agaioat oor Iroporeriahed aad diitreaaed people. Thee are aood. ia tb hi ha who! ate, ia order to avoid tbeecay law" of th State, wbfla tb peoplaoi tb Btat caaaot, by rt-aeoa of the "at ay law," collect what J due then; aad, bunco,' many of them ara eroahad aad rulaad aoder that HaraVaVi inexorable hammer. Thla ia adminiitrring jutic JNtjbnffajf to faw, and in awrey, with a tungeanrt I Jadge Brooke, w are ffratiflM ti'iela f ping a otter 4 uagt man waa at nrat B, Mr, B7,B, . K bUl M n 879i upp wed he Would. It la aald that b, too, chap. title IS, of th Coda, of Civil Pro mt kaov much lair, but ,01 ji hooott iod eedura. ; Utttd fa bf ( Committat on tbe aiaaa to do right. B aad tb Uwreri gat on amnothty, sad ha I 1 long way aaperior , tomaay igaoramu wboooeapy th plaeaa of Judge fa our Btat. WffA T WB, MID fQ A DEMOCRAT. A Democratic friend, whea he hoard that t preaeat Editor bad purchaaed tht Snti id, aaid that the Democracy war afraid to auouiu.oujeem. W replied : "Dr., we owe your party apology for what w have aald. A ;yMr. Otahtm laid t Mr. Praaident, I ake'in la to Bv hundred tboutaud, ao ara th hard word wa may bava epokeo about Prmo cracy'jli'fhU yfu&iitj haVf'-'vna; ofgB,aidiiJo qaeationa about which tuoered are all aattieti; .) sank Tariff and Sacamloo MrcaSavttted ; and for u to dia- cua aud divide upon thm, now, in aa idle and unavailing aa to diacua and livkle UDon th color of th laat horae ahoi Tubal Caiu't Mask amidi abop, telor lb uovu i utainea, wa uave maa our wttbi tbaDemrv.e. Whan "MwfatMt vota ta Warrea aad Va la Saab. Th Uat Umaa4wara aeaadidata,,arri4 Naab overwhelming, and jshM only awi Total caat agatnit ut ia Warren f T -,Tha OA orNBdurBd: v" '-V-U Ta IktMiaiATiow Miktiio at Goim adWoXTh aflj' .urned' meeting of the r Im mlgratjon Cooteatlon wa bald iu , Gold I W.M. bftrwooioaa . ia . ita deliberatioaa. Dr. 8. B. Batchwolt pretlded. Eiirhteaa oountie wtr reprented, rTha jfwaaiafu la ehroaioiing tbTeaulU of th meeting, "A revnlatlon in the farming Intereitl of tt country hat long been needed, jtad wouta oe gratiueii to Know tuat tb Baatk ara otatea, geaeraity, fita utuem' tb mtme itepe for tbe importation of foreign labor tbat North 'Carolina ha hone. Let all tb land owner but adept tht yatm and ia a abort tim they . will th beneficial rult accruing. therfrotn, both aocially aou pvcuuianiT,. At tba meeting beid on aatnraay. a per maoent aociation wat formed, to be call ed the "Eaatera North Carolina Immiitra atloa' Aeaaolatlon, when tba following named gentlemen were elected a pertiapent omoer oi tu uoawenaoa, aia t Ut. a. B. Batchwalt, of New Hanover, Preaidant: Jaa. m Woodard, of Wtlaoo, and Tho. EL At. kinton, of Jpbnaton, Vioa Praaidant t, na neaoraing oecracary ; &. o. toraao,,ot v ay aa, i reaeurer j uon. w . I . Dortch, ol Wavaa, Dr. A. J. DaRomett, and CoL 8. L Fremont, of New Uaoovar, Ixacutiv Ccm- mittaa. . si.. A Cooatltutioa wat alao adopted, which. together with the proceeding, will appear in to morrow1! imu. About tbirt proml- BiVyt.tlemen siued tbe articles Jad. paid! their iuitiatioa fe. Tb Amooiation it now aprmaneat ibatltutioa, bad "ageata will Immediately ba dispatched to JCurop for trie purpose ot securing relUbl labor for tae laruieft tb Btato.",. H - -. to ;gsraJ5janic-.Th AebawiU jfewe, alluding to tb gratifytog retult of tha Con greaalooal eleciioa in this DUtnot, xprease itself greatly imueed at th alletratioa of acQoin papora, taat a AwidraaT Radical voter were dnvea from tb polls aj Ashe- vuie, oy tot not, it aayt i "The riot did not oocnr at th bolls at all, -and an hour after the riot was aver a number at negroes returned. Titer- waa not a man, whit or black, driven from the pOllSL,.-f h".;-''''? -v:,..,-ti:: i-inj.t W have heard from good authority that In 'Polk county a n amber of Radical rota were polled with jooe' nam cut off. but tbe fBaoagera decided that those who voted them no doubt inUndtd u vote for Joaea andaoaouatad them, if tb election h to turn a pan aba Vote that www not eeat, w tti Ink Durham it far of bit eat m -Cobw gross ty about iwo majority."- r, , a-r.:u ..! .u .... Jwm Cg's Orobb. Tbs werv Drone na wiaa ewiw maa oy 4 uage vtne ta tbe United Stales Circuit Court in this citr re lieving Jurors from tb iron-clad oath ha Deen tavorabry raoetvcd bv leadinw Radleml orfraae of the North. Tbe New Tork ttnm sys -tne g. c-al jungnnent f tb public will ApprBvetbirf&mm'mtd regard it as ne naroingeroi ywwr. - rw eortffw, JroN y is vry muca iuatroM with tbe mm of tbe Chief Jusiij, end declare tbat it i the firs step towards tb acquittal of Mr. Ivil' Tnere could be no better attest lion of the propriety and justice of tb ct thsa fts aeouiiciatioo by Forney. The Cliit f Jusiic onsrutv b profoundly ob-, Vr- i to .ijL.2, Di'ivUk 1 of KortJi . farelis fZNATE. Tb SeaaU Wa called to ordur a' 11 o'clock. ? H ... f- - Th fo!Uwioi blUt ea from Com nit- taw with mvariibi ref ita, vV; BiU M aeaeaiidat the Atlantic A Moethj Caroliaa ao4 tha North Caroliaa Hailra4 Compaaie; . v Bill ia raferoaca to 'procuring ticaaae to practice law j ,( , pt jtttttrnr Bill cojiceralDjICoiay Ttarl f L i--1 - mil to pmnitnt obetrnctioos being pi ace a 4 ' n .I I i 4 i : i if . LIE- ttl J Hill to lay of! aad crtaoliau Daro county ; Bill to amend aa act eoaoerotBg tba go arBBMatofCaaatM; 4 .Bill to iwoteM cart&ia -eliua-of citizeu who featad iaad from W V aVTrtaeury AgeoU. j -Aaamg waa reeid from tb Hoaaa, traaamittiag tba following bill, wbicb wcr mtarrad to appropriate .jQpmatUiee, via : BiU for tb reliui of J. 0. Whita, former SberifT of Gaatoa Cooarf ,o f t ' BiU to ioeorporata the Ifadrin Miaiog uompaoyi - ) oui autaonmag ta CooimJiaioDera of foTtalSmW, Bbarifl ot g, WUBt. . T Munty, Bv Mr. Beemaat A. tiillr ta , lacorDnrate Beaver Dam Luxige, In lb county at Anaoo Befenvd totbCCeiaaiitte oe (Jorporntiuca By mtt awllatny : A but to amend Ubam , Beciioa SM, of tb Cod of Civil Pn-cr dor. Ret erred to tbaCommitteu oa Salaries and Fa"''-'ia'i'u" . By Mr. Lore; A bill to repeal chup. St of the Uwt of 18o8-'67, relating to th commva Uw fight of, d iworn Barred to the Committee oa tbe Judiciary. Wmtera Turnuike Bnad Referred to the Commltta oa lotarpal Imaaoramaota. By Mr. Riohardaon ; A bill to amend tba Ordered to be printed, referred to tb Uwm- JMiatarw. i.i .! a :t . Hy nr. waoarai iaa loitewiag -reaoiu ttoai JtoU Tbat th Publlo Treaaurar be requeated to report to tbe Senate the aauMW of the peraoa to whom h tuld oa bSf. dred aad eiehty thoamnd dillara in bonds of tbJTrth Carolina Batlroad Compupf.l paid bt tbat t'OB)po to the Btat oa the 10th of October, eadjTvdeBda ; from wbon piwpotal ti BoeeiVet, and tbe price of Mad, aad what ever the eaigenciee of the TrtM0? wblobTdld aot allow him td re ! tbehidi. ' 4 tM reprirt ol the Public Treaaurar, i tfaia atatementi "One hundred and eighty tlx, HnwM ftadorfM ortsuBNiioa Ji foadTombanyivert i1rrbf'tha"Crai ay to tba Bute, en tb 10th of October I loit no time ia endeavorinir to aell thim. Failing to obtaio aa eligible offer at private ula I aitverluad for aealea.iHvtciuU to be opened at my offlce, oh th 11th day o November, 188i Th bi.U aggregated 117J0O.TUxtgncie of th Treeaury Old mt allow aaofo ngect tucte Diai." Tbea bonds were 8 par cent mortgage lSTTTCr2.C .:ttT2 tax Co., ail million ol dollar ; a marbran hat been executed for ptMro.oo to aecur tb pay meat or tM twnar trbon -duo, land provisioB jnad tor a " ainking fond, each year, from tb , aarolngs of : tb Road, for thl pnrpo. 1 aistf learn tbat only 1188,000, of bonda have ictballi been Isaued. it U reported tbat the Tret are, .with the oaeaptionipf $t000, .old these bond for 85 cents on tb dollar. It it daa to tha people, - and to that officer. that wbouldhav a full aiplanatlcn of tb matter, anawie ejigencias, wptca re nuired hi in to submit to such ijiim fall slated. It our Treasury waa ao empty as to requim'.tbe money at once, wa have but a poor prospect of carrying an aur So vom it ror we. Dcat'yeur ana meet in e our ob ltgUon...OI w aaouia see a private inui vidual sellina good bonds at tuch a du- oeutt," would awepect tbat be wa nearly, if not quit, Danarupt. i nop tnis la not th caa with th. State of North Carolina. I make ao charge against tb Publio Treaa. arer. and tatroduoai this resolution to arm bim an opportunity to vindicate bis aotioa. But I must state that I think It waa aa no tortuaata trade, aa th part of North Caro lina, a theee aama bond cannot now be bought for 80 eent ia tb dollar. Tb raaotutkm araaadoptaa.-i" By Mr. Bweetr A reeoluttoB tendrrina th use of th Senate Chamber to th Pes. ldeotUf-JSrector, alter 18 o'clock to-nior-row which wat adopted. ! ' , r Oa mo tioa of Mr. Bobbins, tha' 8nat Bred.' whea l t adjomeL, to' laeet to. tnerrow at 10 o'clock. ! tfr Vwtinriala flffureil a nwliihi,n 1. re&iW to aokrtiolo, which' appeartd ia tba Raleia-h SmtinA. of nhulit. lf".Tti,lrr. Story Hid : , If awarthbday VUouia opuie. when tbAet Went and bert virtues should b drivsa from offic and plac bv lutfieue' oroorruptina or by tha ostracism of) the rraat, an ta atm oa unraieutug -partoco i'lWOTffll , Tb resolution prapoaad to rait a Co V I mittee ta inquire if Judge, Story aald ao. ana, u n -ena, wa ( wee s ib i Ut. Breet expreeted ma .aurpriae all the Inrroductioa of t"b resbfuflona. Hetauntrbt .i -i i j i. j . . i . . . . . nation Oi evert 5enatof'6n tile B xi'r. They LUTT IUUWU M eiAIBDVU wilu inr conrifm wemeaumlated to bring tb investiiratiou of th charge of, eorrupttiinM into rictiewhs aad ceo tempt, ana, n true way, erippi tbe Oommitta in- ita effort tq expose eorrup , Uoa. It wat too much like cracking a joke After be had pledged hi word, at a iron Ueman aad a Senator, to locate bribery,it 1 m aeneaia tae aitrnny ot in is ooa v to tol- erat each aa attempt to belittt tb iavea- ueatioa, aad ba would repeat, afftun. it th atoat emphatic term, that he could estab lish, beyond a drmbt, the charge contained in tbos resolution oa bribery. - ; Mr. Davit desired to know it th ReaaW from Craven Intimated that any Senator-en the floor bad been gtillty' of thi charge mnoitiA In ihA ttar,l lit 1 nnj V ' ! I I I Me. Bwert aaid ha did net intend to! cjc pose aay of tbe tr fa tne poswwrion f tb Comtnittee." Is "fact, there 'would ha no way ot gvilxw Lwid ol ma, until thev cam out ia proper sorat, aemveh member of the uommttte wniil betvqniref) to take n oath of sPcreF.J.i vIle could say,' fo th.i oeotut of tbe ben a tor from Sinntgemcry, that tbey had net received ? iukirmatioa' thai mr, which wuld criminate hi. .-,. ' j Mr. Bobbins said , he desired to exprea1 his admiration ami approbation.: of tb r. marks atadt by the bonatar rrom Craven. He was i??wied that hi frfptid froth ftf tia should bar intruduc dthr$olutiums and hoped that be, would auhdraw them V Ba Tbey may bav beaa intnodacad in ieab h it wa too serious a matter to Jest btJ. Tbcr are two thing that cannot be trlSsd with, one ii tb virtue of I Woman and tba ( other th booor of a man. He did nak Uiete remarks, because be koousbt ' tbea reaolutioo reflected wa him, atrt b eaui tbey appaarMl to ridicule tit aeaoia tiooa which be iatrodaeed Pa yeetertUy. Ther U aotnrthiD? babiad thee. Tb asoadrela,'wtM ara guilty, ara qaakicg ia their aboea, bat tbey caaaot aeeapa i tkej aloB aat aacap that poaiabmoat which ia tat Maaj w-.-i f r4 rfltio a odiam aa aay Seaator oa the ioor J)f iafrodaeiaa tb reeolutioa. Tba only ol'jact ba bad ia riaw wat to ra- Uhate oa the 84ntineL L After aom farther , diaameiati, tt reao How ru witbdrawa. u ' Siereoa iatrodaeed ioatrueti jg tb Committee . oa privilege and 4Maetioa to iawratwat tba charge ta regard to the eligibility of tbe Baoator from tb H.h. Diatrict, aad to report ft once.; , Mr, Bwaetoppoaad tbe reeolutioa, oa the grooad tbat a ceoeral resolution, aortrinsr (.the aama ground, waa now Uthe haoiaof tba (Jommijtee. After tome diacuaaioo, the reeolutioa waa lata oa tbe table, oa motion of Mr. Beemao y traout omoaa : ' '' '-' BiU to incorporat th North . Carolina Mutual Home Ioauraoce Company. 1 he merit or tbe bill wen dUcaaaed at aome length, and, oa mttioo of Mr. Davia, it waa laid on the table, by a tot of yea 81, By &,..,, i Oa mios, the Senate adjourned until W npnreva in 0'oiocb:. , i Moxfei fiF, AEiFaiaBNTATiyEa. rr Houia.,v!yi to ast,.t 11 o'clock. Prayer by tbe Rev. Mr. Sharer, of the uouae. r JTtu)bU announced, In acaordaoee with tbe motion to rter J. 8. Leary'a reaolut on 0 the ruuioral ol disabilities to a apeciul CommittaB or five, the biUawiag gea lemen, to rosiaiiae aula uommtttwt. vn: M a" ot Itichmond. Mr. BarneK, from thCamittee oa Cor poiatioo. reported favorably - apoa tbe bill to iucorptwate ibe several acta in relation to tbe town of Salitbury, Mr. Baroeit moved to print. Carried. By Mr. Seymour: A bill to change the name of tbe Pitt County Female Institute to tb Aurora Female College. Referred. . By Mr. Ingram ; A WU to amend tb Cooetl'Utioa. Referred. By Mr. Malone: A reaolatioo, instructing tb Code Comioisiloow to prepare, a toon a poetible, a. complat oompilaUoa of all the Charter!. Acta and Resolution la reler eope to the PuQiic Work of tb Bute, with a lul'tble iadeg, a.; "adj alao, that tbe be requested to prepare a bill prescribing tbe done aoa obligation of tba Bnparifl tendent of Public Work. Lie over, i By B. VT, Morris, (colored,) : ' A bill to amend Sth chapttr Cod of Civil Procedure. Refrred.-i:3?i ; J5y, Mr. Et,; K , rejolution to raise a at&Humlttt aorflva, WtUpwer to em ploy counet and to aend for persons and apr7wj investigate th affairs of tbe MU,ti'(bJw"'Vf'H. i .! nvor The special order waa then taken up. riij , Th fport pf -th majority of tbe Committe on Public Baildinge, reoom mending tlie adoption of Mr. Beymoar'a yworaamu, ainHin aae puareaie oirt P fbtai'Toomi. ' ' ' nr. r rroc upporeu too resolution, qu aid .Uiat in the Cpmnaittee there was only on majnriiy lor tne rocommunaatioa. si the Ouperinteadeot of . Public Iastruutioa had to vacate bis office, the Auditor would have to be moved. It was necessary that thoa offioere should remain where thifj nra. I orditr that thevmitrkt b nor the Bxatlve CfBoawitb wblcn abev bad oeo. ttMittibatbeaaTand there wora many gentle men caning on Dusineaa npou tnoae omeera. Tba message of the Governor bad informed them that the Executive Mansion waa vi oa of Abe an thoritiet! M4 aid nut by the Buprenie Court Could hot have rooms ia that building, 'ind b did Mr. Bioclair, Mi.' Bcymour said that he hafl Introduced Uie resDlutloB at the request ot some mem bert of the Supreme Court. The room in which the Court is now was well known to U toib j every particular uoeuited to tbe purpose. Among tome ol tbe objection was that tbe vljrk had to occupy tlie same room, and there was no place to which ih Judges ooulclr retire to consult, as was fre quently the hbit Tbe members of the Bar, had continually ocetsloa to refer to the bpeka wbicb wre bow placed over the heads ot tbe Judges. As to the Governor Mansion, there were aeveral oblectionsto it. Tb ugh the preaeat Governor may not aesir to occupy it, yotaome future Uovernor Wight do ao, and, lay that oaae, another removal of tb Court would ba reo aired. : Mr. Hoaglo, the Chairman of tb House branch of tba Committee, reiterated bis former remarks npoa tbesuHecL Ha op- pusBu iue imseage oi sua reeoiuiion. Mr. 'reoch ottered a aubstitut. author- liinsr tbe Committee to have rooms in the xexecutiva mansion prepared tor the Bu oremeCourti ' . ' Alter considerable diacuwioA. Mr. Bites (aid tha beat, mod of dealing with this matter wa u arop aere, and, tbere fore, he moved to lav both the original and aubstitut on the table. Mr. Bites 'withdrew tha motion, in order to allow Mr. Bobinaon to make aa axplna-f air. Kotiiosou aaia n aesirea, si esireil, as a mem bar of the Joiat Cammitteeoa Public Build ings, to make an explanation. Ba bad at tended all tb moating ot tbat Committee, laat cession, except the i last, which bad i... m..l ; . ...I. ki..u . v. - . i:.. . J ii : . j ooay. tu aesirea tue tact to be known the he waa all th-iiner opposed W Chlofi- tog or inuitforing, la any. way, with ; the rooms a long occupiea oy tue supreme iourr. ... ie nuuntaiuea tnatuter tbe room had been net apart fey a apodal act Ot ' tb aiegisiature, the-Vammittea,-nadr a was pie resolution, had Be authority, whatever, to interfere, without flrat repealing that aot.-, Tha Committee could, with tue tame propriety. Older tb Executive fRo to toe removed to (be third ttoryot thia building. For these re ea, b opposed tbe eabeu. tut of tb (tentlemsn from New Hanover. and favored th adoption ot tbe resolution. mr. tt. ranawea to motion, and n 'Bat aatoftad. k j ,r yn, A x T" f Br Kr. Sinclair : A resolotien emooweis. uig toe '.governor tojemorr, wnen neoessa- i .i. . . . . ...... ry, mar itratea, &c Beferred. . i Pf Mi same A rtsxdnuoa .requesting our Itepretentativet and Benatort in Oooieresa to eaueavor to get an . act tnrouga that body, ajhvtng all tbe citiaen l ttiawBtat lions tu penal ilea of tba lath articlei 'He. fjprred to the Special Committee. U Mr. Freacb moved that each BatunW 11 ostaclt, be set apart for tb atroductka. of toon let datieoa, " .i .Ml. Bicolair moved to I the motion on the uble, and Sir. F. called for th andnxys. ' r Tbe call beinff sustsined. the CUrV. i.n. d the roil a4 toe vote tiood, yea nan Mr. Foster moved to reconsider tb vote. J. S. Learv. (colored. mod to 1. . k. nioiioa oo huuie., , , .Vl,,. Mr. French waa allowed to asnUitf bi. reaauo lor matin the motion. v t Mr. Sinclair said it wa uatlesg fur kay oat endeavor s throw ridicule npoa each reaolntioa. It wa well lor tbea who labored under disabilities, er thoa wn naa been relieved, to touch aad aa&ka J sport at them. But they eawuid feateMber Mhttbr war trifling with oma f tb wavem nopea at many of ibe beat citixaa is VBtAta. ,Ta time moat, will aad ehll eama, wnasj-all to cuixeaa of ear saau eo)oy equal rjghte aad privibge. 7 n M va peace," wu uHgusi sca measure a wts- n complish tbat eaii r. rKecktdiaelawed any iateatioa of trying to throw ridicule aioa each measure. Hi aamtwa wouW mat h.ve that tffue. w -Mr. Puaaail wWlutr it waa ao iiiUadAil or not, h would certainly hare that efectS 'Mr. Foster withdrew hi motion to recea- By Mr. Malone; A resolution raisin a a special Committe to inouir whathar not iae n.u aju bar ctawd to exist in tb Btat. Urn ... By Mr. Jaatheeoni A rrwilwa inatruct. keg ah Jadieiary Cimmitie to prepare a bill to allow tbe depot d a of fmoale wit n esses to b taken ia criminal eaaea, with oat attending fiourw . Unxri.w, i - a Banala Resolatioa No. 11, aataorlslng fh npennmom oi in insane AJTlnia to ineur tb bud'Haga f that iawtituaen 'ia aome Fire Insurance ompany, was, uo mo tioa of Mr. Bowman, referred Bouse resolaiioo. No, 18, totraduotd by Mr. Buehur, and th ubuuii 8mti by Mr. Kates, ha rotation to a Reveaaa Bill, were aexteiNUti dei ed, wbeo, Oo motion ot Mr. Bite, the aababtnta wa adopted. Publb.h d before. - eaxanoaa. The bill to amend the Cbrterj be Green Bwaap Co., w taken up, antt, on motion ol Mr. tes, made ib special order lor Friday oext, at 18 o'clock. ' Mr. Malooe's resotunon, directing the Fi nance Committee, if necessary, to report a bill, as soon as puaaibie, enabling tbe Stat to secure the prompt payment of 1 inter est doe to the Bute from the bonda of the various Corporations, (publiahed before,) wa nxt reached and passed It second reading. Mr. Este moved to suspend the rules and take npMr. Maloas'a resolution ia refereace to Kb Klox, and tbat be, (Mr. Malou,) and tbe gentlemen from Anson. (Mr. Inirrhm.t be selected at tbe tpecial Committee. , Mr. Bowman moved an amendment that the aaid Committee be instructed to make a report early to morrow morning. mr. jiistet accepted tbe amendment, Houae resolution No. 81. fiatroduoed t Mr. Teat,) tbat the Senators and Representa tives from tb.it Btat in Congress be re quested ta bar alterations made in tbe laws so , that, a poor man might have the same eaaooa to distil whisky at a rich man, came up Mr. Kate moved to refer, Mr. French disliked th bhraaebWvl and moved tq strike out tbe word "distil and insert "drink." Such amendment would orive tbe resolution at much force aait hud I it present, shape. . J Mr. Hdtes' motion to refer waa adopted. Tbe resolutive of Mr. Justice, of Ruther ford, tbat the House take a Baoasa fram th. Slat ol December to the 4th of Jannart next,, was next reached, and,, after varipua attempted ameDdments. was adoDtad in its original tbapei V , f), ; -Mr. Pou moved to reconsider the Vol of yesterday, by which the bill t limit sale of bonds issued by tha Btate. 4a aid of r.ll rearlsi to aucb sales aa ahall lie made at par, WM indefinitely postponed." He said h did not sxpect the bill. U racoaaidered, 1 t be passed exactly la It preaeat thane." Fu ture Bale, ba the, railroad corporation right be stMilUed o-0 ee no oeataiu the tioimr, ihat amenaroent wpuld,b t great advantage to tho -Btate and W tox payer. The State bonda are being hawked about cemmerclal fieqtret at ,84 and . 85 cents ia the dollar; to the duruae of fax-payers and the depreciation of State crt.ttt."- The rapid increase of the State debt presents many grsve considerations. Tbe Constitution forbids taxation oa tooney, credits, invest ments in stocks, bonds, joint stock compa nies, and all real and (personal property, beyond 68 cents on the $1,00, ol true value, pet year "tor Btate aud county pur poses combined. - ' If Abe State draw from these subjecU of taxation 40 cen's in tbe $100 per year, the turn ot 2 -it left to be rud af j(fch 4100 of valdhth.n of these rut.jectCVno! no more. ine treasurer euggests" cents In the f 100 or taxes tor tue year ending Sept. 80, 186". We may go through the present fiscal Tear leaving to the County rCpmisioiiert 28 J eeht ort the 'itOO for eohmy prirposes, rmw traiy, imt njoa? a ece6ty by our profuse liberality to Railroad Coinpe mi. But ow staAvIa tbe account for tba next year, from October let, 1889, to Bp 80th, 1870, with tbe present indebtedness oi me ncata, aaa suuDoaioav tbe eXDenaes t tne Brate government the eame a for tha present Steal ' year li .-Tbs'J Kmeuot' to b rnued by taxation,-. will be greater 477,633 than it it tor 4b prvMmt yean by And if the Chatham Railroad and the it iuiniioa ana i srooro' itaiiroaa tail an meet their Interest tins amount to be raited "j wuo. wui -ua grwaier tor tne next year by . the sum ' of t6S7.ii.ls. T nu.i tuch a turn, more than 40 centa iu the h- uio, mm jirufreny tax, wouio be reqniref Vwd tendiwiaei T. r . .'" , woyie fi ton tra cents cider, then, onr: action .of eaterd member here will persist itt spending ovj Btate account, th 66oentrper hundred of lli.i It..:, n ... ". - ... V PVi I . CBT 111BT HA Itl ltMitMM wituuee eaauos reea 'prtBenert or build bridge. c, , y Mr. Downing replied and doncluded , bv moving to inrteflnuelv postpone Kr. Pdu1 motion to reconsider.' , - K "f f .Vpo.-tl.tt-- -moUon;' Vrlondemanlia tu..aa aay, "sueeall. was not au.i ""i wi mr. ; uowmng'' motion,' waa u, rr,eicb gave nouoe that ho would trod uoa a bill tor t ue redemption' of fenl estate. M L " 1 ' i Tbe House then ' idibufned' bntlf eUJnn. nnr, n enoct.'.i. i I ;tui Liti'xVeatiee.1 A TCATtON wiU U made to' toft'toMea Keaeioa at the Geaenl AsmbiI.i t A. raie tue e''eigh5emirysotaiooj' r flOSS MEAL J 100 Bushel prim.' " ? .Desl-lf ,.,rw ., 6.fcTEONACt I J i . f ". i-.'iv J.- - i - nitu nl i)et-trrr. r , f v, &.T, STBOSACB.. r':i j i"( i JlL . - loOSscksIns'ore; O T.aTEOSACS.. flOtfms AMD 8TOABS. 10 do ' rood Rio il.. - . i 1 t'-mnhed, Loaf; x. "O- aadO" fellow Be- .YVthokach,." i. ..y-.i i-t H' Selling Out. at Cost. I shall offer my entire stock ut i 1 ; Eockaways, Bucp-ie.' Wafjoat, EAraesa, ,i M-Whipe, ilaterinl, &c, t- , at cost, ntllrhs 15th.. " , .'' '' i ; If not dwpoMid of brfhat time, tbev wiQ im old to the lugbest Udder. . , 7 , ia '. ; jat8, g:jexI54, THE Fit" 4 .;.',:(.r..-. PUBUSHED AT THE CAPITAL OF THE STATE. Dallj, 8eml-Wef tl and Weekl, few AlailaUfOIlkENT. The lALIIOH RSTDTtXi haviaf paaeed un der the Editorial ainagaint of tbe ander stgned, It will, from ths preeent dat,h eonduot edbyhfan. It w01 h the Sssalou and fearlea advaoaU of the CON8TmrTIOH ef th Pulted 8tates.sk--lng to bring th baopl beak to their anoieni reTereneefbrthat immortal instrument, and to restore the policy .of the country to tbat honored etaadard, ae tba only guarantee of National prosperity. It will do luetiee to the ma aad meaeore of the present day, wbtwer tbey ntay merit it, but it will unsparingly lash and denounce all who set toemselvee-ap fat opposition to the Federal Conatitutlon, and bl4 UP to th public lndlgBa tto oormpUoa and faabeeiUty m high plaee. ttwiU ardeatly aeak th nrantsoaef th best InUsests of 4ortn tolln, Jnloral, eduotuonal, material and poUtloai. mi: f. Hi ,Vi' 'A n THE LATEST rM.mvory qSar; how fey matt end1 tilegreph. wiU be eirefulry ooUaled and presented. Fall aad eorreet market and nnaaslal reporto will be vn.t V." . i . And, in en word, a effort wi be aparad to auk the BBNTINXtt ta all respeet.' reliable Lr.S f i:-n l FIE8T CLiSS II i. 41 t.k S: fait iis'JUxff .s.XJEBMS. ally, tertaoBthc...-..I.,...1,.-w.4lO 00 00 00 neml-Weekly, twelve moath.:.. t 00 ... .. . , . .. . 00 . .. three , -f weetiy, twelve Bionth, , ...., , ...... I no " tu - .....:............ too an;' J.U.u.U:X.... X W S m Tf A,i .-o"-; .-t, ( M !' tt .-;(. '7 Jut A St ;iiT ihi i unit.; fri f a v w 1 If '- '' ' i t.i tJ ' The RENTlSiL be already the largest aub- soriptioa ia th 8tat,anC a its eelomo and otreeJatto aUfst, it an ananipaastd medium for sdretdetng, . ' Th frlanda of th paper aad ef the eaaae ft advocates ar eamastl; aoheltwd to aid taKa" far ther etraalaUfaa. ., '-1-,.t, Wl l-c. of all meneatBd xmtlty and ptemptlr a It's AH letttr should be addressed' to ; ' " .-. ; '-. (' ,,(. ft , t ;!T,:,- .j,mi - ..-,.1 - ! !-n ao ..v. ' ' - i - -t ? ' h" i. - -. r-i .! Uit KlbCILlAl'Io ITS. Ut3u 'wiFthll a th teat. wtoelv Imewa a. wZJT7?Mi b waa iatmdeeed toteth maZTJH. f lwtnsadha4U. ttediaal profeeaioa eeae w mrs ape tha aenaltv attaohai t . - vpmam, na, taerera, ej-J; ". v it with tewptZ " rato it dUfieaU anA . " : It to' djaUtraiabed ebMniitS fr t hi lba the u wl tared, tha earn tea thon,. tojj waroed i tea thonund pbrekiian. i..... us leaenig praenUouers la the i w. "U or pirpewa or kkwuwii. , A, sito . ."" mg . trial of tbe nrepatstiuo tuTt " aad tbe moat amiut Wi? a t waaiiiiiumwlg . jiroMMtoa. i ordinary ljiii aeUaiMieuu ,i i ot euounoruti were more urteaa sda. 111-timMed. Im! t at mrBMiiieal Mr BwdwalpanMMea. .Tu smu I atraairta ot taw oil (imu.Z. n ef the adiMtpal ibTMiwaiTarri,'' ' ' together with an uiudluwd biou,r , h'.Ii.i slewnut, kit It, firth Ti . raclty, a auu-kU suorut lf'tl1 b vebeobmta.mae Tbsatlsfaetorl eietiUifro- , the nehnappe, a. on uf tk, geiwuiene... tHhw praasntuCaS frj! were alao adoptoit ; patent obu'fiS rUcle, the label wapjrighW4ViS1JZ,tt! tb proprietor's BBtogmpTitrhiam ' UMhMi . eaeh label aaa eiS,, t Z Z? ot to, prepsratiOB wereemboaSSSiX ttJ? and tlbeeorts were MM wjA hit .5 N i rtlule bad ever bera sold itfckV-I,..JN'' der ths nm of aehnapiM ari .TTii " the label was deKteitea7ariTJS, ilS Pulted Bta ea fUtriot Oeurt tV uL ' " Distriotof NeW Yorkderto. ttSl',tt1f h i might i be sutHa h, p.rtaJJ.A mtb the dariug eharaotw at thaTSTrtl ry U)wn thBrepuUUoeuf heerbfi" 2 veuumg deletervns bank aoder thuir si? tbat the protection so eusfsil, tk.l. whappewosud hMspnKltMud Ifc.! au aud mO uC eusmUrfwiTTUT Si rer onlj til have atiniUMsd ths r. . duetitias however only taBBlatad il. - ., "A imposturs. The baa been stolen bYjummUib Aomstiebebiaai 'BsalaasNM,, "bss. wis &mt k : Tzl tue uivuiuu prow aiou ana noea Sum by daoiMU huuibuga: ui lalwla aui bei iu.it.ted, bla adrertieements Bus'i iwZ? hi etrauiara WAed, aad wosae than tii, orbl itoumws, after vclkowiit ol tht imKm ooetwite T bia iMiOea, bars fiiuxl thim nk eouimuu gin, the ntost dWIeterioas of all tinaT and thus wade his nam and brand tewwS potsee. ' ,ici!i vd.u k. h Xn pahlkv. tba medieal: proJsuios k4 at aiek for aliura inesmbiedua Arom.ii,. t.i.u is prcaoribeii aa a remedy, ar equtll; kicruS ita lite proprietor ta the detaetiue iM mtmw sioa of tlieee DBtarteos pnwltass. tlu f.umn aruo, maautaotunMi at tbM)Uiawiit A . BiKtmaiKBeit IU rnikleuiua, o.ltuii, diiM froui a barley of tbe flnest qualilj, in , UtvmS with aa essential extract of tue barn x tin kv Ian fuulpur, of uasqosM parity, fij frmm BBKBuwa to tint preuaraneaol any tb lu)w, it ia (reed from ever aariaiiaiiutts and iuu aienwnt. ' -v.. Comularnnrhave heWrsertved ft M. big phjiuinaiMlaaiiiK ia ntsMieVtcmHoMi of the sal at be imuauviisol tlu tn liirsia AronutU) tMihuapiiii in those mtrketa ; o w Hers, who are ill Ins b'b't of nsuig it an w an, dote to lb' batierat ioflaeuoa ef aavkokMes river aaier, testtfytibat sbsap g yutsya Buhieduu bott-aa. ia froQuewIi vLmd t& wa tb uuary. this swtuil ut ths s' : - - m4 nave oeeu requestea ip uuutuis iuqturit uutw nteet, mi 10 forM d u uiai tise usm sat paruea a they may aasertiUB u ba tntnet a the Btrouioa myotvia ut utme.Hie :1s suaia ion, tbe uwtei'sigue wtmld sar pist h hs p dnced, trorn under tbe hauda I th stout i -u KUtohed weu ol eiea:e in jkaMriu, vn-i- uus swerafiie ut tuw puiity aud wmueumt -nia Of tbe MUeUiuB Arouia'uj.Nihnsjnj turn " expended (uauy tliuuaiuid dulUr, in tm -i . ( it with guaiautem aud safnguardi), ( -aigned uuiirt pruiSot the pubu mil t -mi agaiuat ffnuduiaut uatwtuiua Wuh fee IiwiMH uwU ilo.4 hquuam ths wocid tl.u et k aaiurwu dcpeudoii upon -as unadulterated, U tie bsw dual euged invetltrap,'D, siiaijus, ea parison, aart eijf imeot -m ail- ita tormv; asi (rem emu brnikt the npitataa.,wiiiea ka biutoer ii aud traueuiark. ha ooma ofl n auijokant. He therefore fet to H a dutyheota iuu. tel ow-eitiau generally, -to tin aicobal prufeiuu aud tue sH'ti toi uWottaoe aad W e po tus s larlstaiia who (fiuiirteittiteH oe et iumituy au no oh hu Uuj urewtsl th puhus W aid bin) iu his ,.prts 'M ! raiueil areata., evil.""- 3T.-t... svifl- . ;M 7 TberoUuwiti tetters ao .ttbleonm leaLUag pyakuwaBU:ouetataawt iiieilTii prov te this readnr that aU guo twld bi ilieat aenmuM are ail they are reprenriiUid tn iw" W- - ' - CUOUPHO Ui.tl ' in .ilj i.l u.' ' is aim ui I feel boanj to sayTthat I regard yonrMnsni; is being ut avsry respeet preouimnu bv yurt. au4 deaerviiig of medio! patrouage. At ail erenla, it n tb purest poeirihie article ef Holland 0m, beretoioi auoWiaatile. Bud, at au nay ka aatauy ineaurined uy pbyisiaa. 11 i ).) , Vlt4. Utt., ".a, i , Phajmaoeulkcal Chemut, " ' ', -' ' A . ' ' '' ' SCPtst 8Tnfr, r?r T "f ' i ' I ii t,M J,.,. f Cnotwo Wotan, Esq I . " DxaB Hi t-I have Blade a ljMMal mnaw tinn of sample of yoe aMundaas k1" wita tha,iwijiiit.ir.dauirmiutur.if swrt"'- : usurious subeiaae had, been. added k' " f pie du tilled epints. ' ' ' , , ' Tbe examiuatio hasnsaltsdia lb that tbe earn pi ouutaaosdao yoinonom a ful admixtura I hare been nnauie to " any trace of th detotsm as sabstaww k are emplufed to tba sdulleeaUoa et lnj ' would not haaitat' to eas ayaelf or u ' mend to others, joy medioal purpiwes, t! ' darn Schnapps a aa auraJlent aud anolj- ble variety-of ttiu.- ,J ' ' ii. WnbCBAltibjCit .-)',! 1 fc.q t H!'f"!' I 'i 'i- .r. Kw oaa. 69 Cbmb f""M i . v.: t TlnMMAjPM.M. Km , JVaeatli.e 1. -i. 'PWI1 .1.1,,, .--r-r--- ' t j fw..tiM. i k.MAMitnlitAil Ia aliainir yais two boitiea of 'icbuMlam bcnDapi. 1 tnok fraia a rraah iiaiikare in Voarbi""" beaaw.d Asd, a before, that the bquuc is free turn iujunous butren.M- ' fioation .' that it Las uu luarka of "" -uo reoeutlT weTmrrd by SMahaunai a ef aleeholaud aruutatH. mis ' ' ' , Cnounra Woija, Jleg. t .., i Uf HI Daaa bia : .I he want of pnrs V ir " eon tor mediaal onrnoeea has bt-' the profession, and theusaad of i' saerutoad t ta nae of aduUsn"- sraia r FMS a aif uiiwa tremens. and other diss a- and nervee, ao rue in tuiaeouiit , iu ICuiope, owing, la great d-, ' ' ' tereuc irf the parity of tbesrsw""' , Ww hT tsetad th serersl art""' aad sold by yoa, iaysiading your l ' s aell noder the nadts of Axon " behnapps, which w eonaidM I"" -' , the biKb repuuuou it has acquired m ' ..i wamm l .... Mu-rifrHM as a . a ear importer, your itettwd Wines and Ui " wees wita tue aame oemanu. .1 Wa aroittri rwvinm.nl TOB K) tripa. .at tbe NepeetaU BBotaeeane w a,ti--r' th ail v a atrewta for tb sai ef J"'" aud trViues, vlwra tui nrofcawoa same wnea aeeoeo ror awi r- V tubing yon sneeeaa in yoor . We remain von ebediewt rm" TALENfUiK atoaT, at. 1), -" a emua'HiV M. 1) j,rr, r 0 t.r.. Snrr.Hrll-Cblof tnttorS"1 ' .., bo. 14 k.a bixena 8,,''-d.j. NMjON rjl-EELb-M. D.. So .1. B. L RAl HAbU at. i., ' t . - - wlea aud rtaeue oarp.7. ( ial ,olge. A Ob Hi uitil N-' ff L. 4-.-, rj" Tb wrr.prieior a teo efTor tar sal ' 1 ' , Bottlrd Wlnei Ll,"' a j-.., . 1 fW importhtd a..d I -'tli t.y bi'n m d.-in .1 . E- u"1" Its VT"V aaaa Wet-5 J)ea, Wf".;..;!-. ,. r fjntu S,V,VS4 a , .. .- . ,.. t 3k. -'

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