THK SENTINEL. SATURDAY JANUARY .. 1W9. .i a- - WOlXT OP JSKWH. &4d aloeed n new; Tort, tut eTening , at IJeb I'otloa wea'Tjonted at J. , i..t. .ull,.. llni.A UL4 X - W.w Sl Tifi.ilnr " "" Penitentiary, "our Railroad. " U affectionate style Bow Bead by the ;wJWr.l That i ao Joke, for it the Rail road, LegWature and eAher ftatt usvtttaliuae doa't belong to bidden, Lbtiefield A Co., they eooe wiUV Thia, front th OfeeaaburV. Taw, . .jidf sod igond. - Tbf fuUo'fl. dttftotMl diarbarg e in bsuk- " raptcy are seamae "l . f1iviioTi. Qm Fox, Juhn gtehtua, Timo thy llmtfxr, Almn KrtT. Ol rruc.-U. Mti, I'd?, M. . Ferebee, g. t rWeb. ....... . -. - t'aaiwte.i 1'iiwty BtBdrr)ia,-.iIub Mtl'barsuu. . BrBTH-J, l Ba-h, 1 IS. Frcemea.. " ConBruuiitt. w'. 41. Gun, Juhn Usury, Elia Oeney, Holt. Uaney. . Wjwmnwmn. -F. Banuorlin. v.. ; t-aonmi,'-A. It Kllmu. Hmwi.-Jin A. WorreU. Gara. hdmend J Parker. Wo. A. Moore, Bad.; baa fcero elected Bepre- aeiitative fron Cbowau, view Richard Clayton, 1IA&, 7. "V.-- - ... "Judge" Watts announces, through the "a oWd, that "atatluuorj (b epell it alaiiouory.) and "poatage"' (he mean stamp) bv "not yef beea provided fur the Judge," and that orr- pondenta will plan remit stamp for return pi pers.. We vera not a war tbal thee thing ban heretufure been furiu.hed Judges. The Judge's hint, however. Ought to bring lb etampa. ! A Borate BViabery.'oa) Saturday eight,, ehot " hut wif in tb hseL'. Culik Achillea, that la th least vulnerable part with a darkey. Tb Bret ahad of tb aeaaon vera caught below I'Ueimgtoa. on Um ISUazir v : a)0i -ml iT'r-i ul liurlb Car'.'Uaa, waa on o .-1 rreitvU&u 0V iiaiwiTMUw, vi tow tb4 7 in th Hoaaa of BepreeenlatiTe wbo to-WfgMM- th "tpxal of Uia Xeuure of jpffio Aot ! ' . . In lb , annonnivmeot of rr aldent Jotinson'a ""appVimiBeflt, llf Oalrtu J Cowlu ta b AMayar of ihi ipbariott Mini, 'A publiabeA in the New York para, tb him it iwiaJrd CTlartr . JiiultjuJPstlJ U fame. OajnUraa, i nfigro put tt Kurth, ha beei F.-yimg Clark ul tb l lorlda Mats BenaU. Th iTHbin aaya,ih American Ouiamment ia "a Ooreruaent tbal ova Two Biluooa and half, and l Ul atat of rirtual, ebrouis inaol ancy." '. V A Wathhigr eorraapoudent of tb K, T, TH bunt ; allniliin ialbatO rt of Hon. A H. H. gtq v art and othera, aya : 'It ia Botewoct by that im xt tb Weatem W auerAU, and tbia io Cmigrea from tha bur) or MUtea, loo 00 th Virginia rooramant with deapair, and regard it af a -mia-. tale. affirming tbal ill Wet u) uijuuwd au a.igw A Georgia aorregrwP' eontert focCoaV"Pnllaii 6B ttsOoTi-Ajyaav not pat omt of th Uniim again, tbay will aleet only wbita men. ' Tha nKoa themaaive refua 1 tn be at In Waanlng- by tb ir nwn party, and -r tfitig ii) lrysi t 9W)to etactaua; wiui "tagger are "howher.'- TUaCdCrjt. ISaOjHHCtt! tioa of gtrla. ' He addreaae a brief tetlor to th Bitbop of Montpeher, in which h apeak of " the 14m t' " y"-t"iKm which U P"Prl''tj! -mat, good mQtbi-otJhinUum.liAJoojB.. mttkH nrrwitHaalilTSHd ampfcr srVnSSi had whieb ha aeulufes aa ' ll that It family aaanaeea at the same, time religion, tb and tb eounuy." ' .;, ni'atco iff 81.WOTt5reevcT - return but S9.0U0. The decrease ia attri in ted lOdar faAr nltivt to the terrible condition ,of Teanaasoa Browakw and tfee negro role. The Sew fork ara'd Rivaa th fallowing Tioa W neooie wbo want to be elerted United 1 1 Slatea Heaator froni lliat Blkte ! ' Ou to Albany, - and uke s.k. gllhyuofojjgr .ibiii at the sureal way to do ttyand her tim to b loai.-, , , 8nb)eeta lie aa artist : Bntler affectionately shaking hands with a parly ty the nam of Johoaon " and Daddy Kowlea accepting aa ap poM4aitattb litnrta nf the leiMeafty: Uisaei BVt, waa aatl- I era a late aynaniiT il Tb .MeVTork Wferftf Waahiugtoa aorraspoa- oVnt, speaking of Mrr - jfade' sppninlmgwl M limp Arkansas and Abbott, W Itortb Oaniluia," as llir adrhtitmai y . Baambera of tb senate Committee oa the Pa . etfle lUilroad, says ; . "hi k not bieormet to atata that thee eppotot wient preriaely pka what I known her a the naiiruau nng, aiiu in i- h.j.i 11 . Baewberl of the frrn'at whwTemre-i mmiM (lea era! tiraot'a reaolutloa to Rrant so aiura snbsid it to orrrtand roaria, and to faotd tbe-uder aoutraut fur aubaidiu to a uiore rigidaceonnt." r X Capitaa. lIoi2sm.-e.Vi7urQairatted, by laTiUtfon,,56.y,rteTdyi a theh Boarding House ot Geo. T. Cooke, Esq., where, in .company with friedds, we enjoyed a most eicelloat meat. Mr. Cooke's Hoase b ad. i juixably kept, in all departments, and is " a good ptsco for tbe "wayfaring maa??,oi adj other, man. , to putop at, We Only fear, he feedr so weli. -that the saenilwraet . tbe Legislature, wbosnioura with bim, will be How to rote for as a Ijoorauteau iz Rci.toTot-B NoTica. RA. ReT. Thos. At. kioenn, Bishop of Uia Diocese ot North Carolina, will preach in Christ 'Cboreh.lfl this Citv. to-morrofc morning, aad admin ister th Rite of Confirmation, ' Ma. Biaalet, now ot Kentucky, former-. ly af ibis ftuto, f whom era apok, on ye " tcrdsv. as engAired in tbe maDufacture of augst from Born-ham. ia at preaeat id this -Citjr'He will exhibit his ipecimea.. , ' ' ; '-. ; v . ""' i 1 1 1 - ' '.T; Tag Auuetiue Normal School, luca- 14 wear the city, OB the SeaweH olaee, w ill to dedicated to-day. (Saturday J at ii o'clock, P. U. Tlie RL Rev. BUhop A,ikia os will officiate. No doubt, tbe oceaaioa witt be aa Intereetirg bo. Tbe public ere , invited, aod we hope buay may be able to a'tteod. - :-. Ksvw eVovKKTiMBMEiiTS. A consignment 7"" " of Hege'i famous pure CAUwba winer W. U. Jonrs A Co.,' Auction tad Commission . Iferchants. ' . Connect tcul Mutnat Life Inturance Cem , paay 1 S. dJ Wail, General A goat, Kaleigh. . Thi flueCompatiy commences (he new year under brighter aaspicct and -AjUh a higher r ir? eepatauoa Uo ever.,. It Atand at tb, head of the list,- - - . ' " ins-i m tton rWd -KealIv Plow sad Outings, Ac, A-r.: B. P. Willianiaon A-'M. Mcimeeters Agnatet W. 1. ltejuolds - - I ' V t KOT1CE ,EXTHAOHDIABVI lMfooo REWARD n 1 : Th Editor rtU 8mfWill pj riFTT pperaoeo of Geo. LittlrBcUl, Editor of is Beoator Sweet, as It neat to goiieiort fUa LegUlatir CWuittias, la toatify a to th alleged bribery of ferta!n metubern of tba Ueneral Awembly, whft, Hoostnc wagt. ob the floor ol the fcU mU, lias already da- clarexl, race! red VWl a(i antt lAntr .' ... -"u Tua Bdltnr lefb tbls rttr attna after tba purchaa, wf 8,000 atrea of land at $100,000, for Feiriteritiarylocstf 06 ffie liiifd tinjf I purebaaed, by tba Uiog, at 6J inU per abra, ainTauld bjr tba Jltug, a ( (Uyk tUrnxlUr, atjll 50 per acre, I'euiten liaiy tiu.', oibir tuiuatiry cultora. rkTd ia Uialdoic.- ' - Wha Um EJitor tett, bo bad in bia left band sutall earpet bag. ' L His PBEta. lie had on ' shirt, sboea aod Vft JIU boa Jiiat the cotur ofous huadred awailxrt ol tba riuutb Carolina 1 gialatura and fifteen members ol tba Noriii CaxoUua Loudatura. -f BIS rKHao. About 5 lest 10 or 11 joobe bijjh, ia bia stocking feat or bars footxl ; round about drd, bead beariiy buna;; athletic in eoa Bguration, runch after Um model of Cuffu ktayj, pegro ciil league of Sfiistof Lasiter , wba tto'.a tba piaud, (pialol lu' this adrar tiaomeat referring ta Cuffoa.) " . WMCati. --'1 " '' ',' -. rTBofTTb-SBabat of Gallo- wij, aod All waijfbt ta lit Ukl, aa bare learned, aa alaawbua stated, Irom hut awn Senatorial lip. :- BM INTELLECT. ,i . ot equal W " Brwrie (cniored) to eebot arTf aiUiiiiWBts, nor to Qallowaj ia the charms of eloquence and gracea ot oratorj, Cat superior to 'ndJ Jones and BoIihiioo Bragg in both', Kevrttileaa, not wa por ratotlect a. not to be AMB WTroinpt and aid Oen. Laflin, aa State Proxy ia tba late Railroad meeting. 4 f ; "" He U -said to bfTtpaW) $1,000 tor the negro barbecue, fare, hat tall, and to tare euLacriDeU UUtTBUJ VI woe rrrgro coicura- lloa tii$j'y&ijl1Mw;fli Ooternor tiolden, as emtor, put the aegro oa tba grin, from a party platfom, erected bjr the li)ubiita, m uia vpii. being tba same public tquare uuat 41 Oofenior fubarqiieotlf teruaed to allow the lailius ta larmhla in, tf i ftiia,KaeiiUtKiB. fBe is u ppoaid to hsra yTva aoUoelgywttsluiasJ Street That the iniereat OB Blata -BoOd. wobld Bol be pif.i:"inSrr6 pen jthe rtppredi den's telegraphing, soon alUr, 10 New Tbrk, that the interest teuf b paid, then be ta ppaaad ta hare 4i. "Wheq the Urivernor and Treaiurer fnflrt Irsve lnowB"th any I two Praaideuta rat oar Usitraada aootd bare borrowed (be litU amouBt wanted, on tbe Int. of January, to psy the interest on Slat Wo said publicly, Id Dt-cember last, that the January interest ' would ml In paid, ,1a.,, i.iit Balitlllll aa Ihavifl lit tlktyi W IM' l I W UUP. WU WUOBIwl MeaAA MU .HI I B.aal, W i w W after that time, and tbal the Editor of the 1 glwtirif by t lie opefj It was a sbsnie that tbe Governor n . .. and iJul.lcTfeaurer ahauld tbe honor of tbe State, 1a tbe absence xf tbe Leirielature. when any two Kail road Preei. denU oould have borrowed money sufficient JeJtavVpsid the tnteirat and Jhereby bsva sayad thOeredlt ufthy BtaUi. :t "JTiri MWrbo; Senator 6wee-aa,y, La aa'l reacb hsx abusi v.emoriaUjBf oj blackguarding and scaudalixuig Ui, ItI" toriala aeid tone written by certain , Jadges and members of Abe Code,,,. t',i,,u't, XU-boaeat JJditors of the Slate era reqnee ted Id' "pubtlah;:ThvxrtTertmiBt;-6r weeks sad torwsrd their bill to thi office, Brick ,PoBray,,,tbA.IItw lofk Jforld aod ExprasiialoDrFosi, NeW Ymk Jeui- nat of Commerce, CbeagV Tiawar-i'luiailul! phia "Afearr-Bnlrmn. Vaee ara Also IjHiuaaUd -lff. publiab for ai woeka aad forward their billsthe ebarge 4or aflver tisine. at well astlie reward hereby' offered U be ia Coufulerat mtneyit iuu4 t s: . - - Kirw Ot!ttW- Veara that there will toon; be bill iatroduceJ-ia the Vgi datura, Keuki a new conntv- OUt ot portiobs of Oranc ebd Chsthim; Peiitien ara la oif- cnhrtHHi lor that pgrpoaOiS: Tbe a ooUBty wiU Uke Iron Orange tbsitingkam amlPattersiO BilghbohnodA The line will pas at or pear New Hope Bridge,, bet ween Chapel Hill and HUlabora. The pre tl said to liAve orlginetH in Raleuh. and not with, tbe people. Bead down joarpetitions pr and aia. Tub Droceedinin in both Uouara. oa. tbe Penitentiary twindlc,' on yesteidsy, pbatl hawaaiur attantioa IB doe time. The elabe raU and searching report at the Committee J .ball he iHibiished. s obob aa w receive a t - . ....- a.,,, Vocho Mnis'sCoBtaTiAg Aasociai'ioh. Tbe Rv. O. Naah Mortrm, let trom Bra liL will preach ia tba, PYeeliyteriaa Cblfrtb, on 6a(th mors ing, at the oiaI bonr, sod. by Invitation af the toYeag AjoeV-CteT. tian Assnciation." will deliveT-'aa addraes at night, ia tbe same plac,- giving an... c. Omiuf of the rellgtoue oojition of the Sra- silians, snd other facts of interet . After tliaaerike, -eoIlwUon will be- iakea up, aod the proceU given lof the benefit of tbe poor ol ttaieign. .. i-.i-i - v( Tbejynv-itioataid f 30 !rr wooJ and proTKiena foe- this class of peraiw fa oar community last rnopfh, and, flultOI tLeycaa grl addiUonal belp, the Aasoetalioa raTVt meet tb necesvues or the Jxiiif, aul tin J ift... !.:..... i t;i-.r.iii. in pi.r . . . ' Corripojxdenoi of th Sentinel TBS VmVKRSiTT-rBOM A fOSTB , . "lU'iTaAD Law Scbool, I Gambbidm, . J J'ifr, jfjiiar . Bin)T a subaoriW U yotu weekly editioa Of tb Bmtiitd. I will Bot erxJuyia for adilrfaains: yua this Bote, for I h to la yo know tutw bucb ptcaaar I Oenr liuua (ewtmf tba tituii. I B t, I soppoae, aoch of a ludgw ta ' suck saattai. but it-saVBia to at oa Bav bea very happy io filling your ehluron with T, niaua mMTTOTreTOfTottetriwiyt lntm the Stale and about ever; topio of lu- . 1.- . 1 1 imai yuw aave waxnau upin. . I waa especially erartthxl with Too sev eral article oa "The University," , and. I take deep, hiteraat ia tba meaaOree that are Uung instituted for Jta revitaL L Infer. Irate, your articles, that certain fiersui have bcea appniated Prolrsaewi ia that ia . autotioa aad asiL'ne1 to lbs chairs re pec tivUy ot Latin, Greek, Msthmatica aad tmbs .Lettff . Btav tie excue We la one. D.a .Ml JtatLlllC g'Kd ion u" togr' oat at ftispet tlitt, it hrrcgrrts to b4thathi lit ati'l valued loalructora have been rs- laOrO br- paraaoa: vaxieB be baa out tea nor uf knowing, and that Uia youth at North Carolina and of other tttetee, wbo ill reaurt to Chanel Hill, are to be dVprired of tba aapertewa -and liii learaiBg 'poaseeaed by tbiaw nunubm ol the Old ac uity of the UniTersity who" hta aurrirad the vicissitudes of time and tb casuaides el Ufa. - Tbrfe were not Bianv ef then left 'and thay bad served the State long and faith. rully Uoverwur lioluen arid tba Trusieet of the Uoiveivivy might, with singular pro prtoty and without detriment to their par ty, bave retained tbem ia etaua as au appro priaU reooiruitioa, oa tia part ot tb blate. uf their long aad tried aorvicea, 1 i , f Binoe l have Oeeo at tws inalitutlon, I bave instituted, en all occasions, rouapsri: attee between it aad Chapel Hill, end, a toe reaoii 01 pay oiaerveiiona, 1 can aaj, is St t sincerity, that were it pnaaibUftr 'aveta go avet my Collage earea agaie, and the Itornativa were given me to graduate, at llarvaid University ar tba Laiverstty oi H. O, I should select the latter jnstitmion. Wbn Dr. rbillips nikd the chair ot Uixed Matbematiua, and bis son. Dr. Cbaa. tfi tips, tba t Pur MathetualjcA, fwf. Fetter, that of Ore. k Langnage and Liters . aura, aad D. Ilubbard tbeLatio depart-. ineatProf. . biniib, fio'etaor af MouVra Lsnguagea, with Prof Kimberly la the de- partutuut of Agncaiturai cnemistry, Hep. bur in that of lleirapliTsicar.Logte had Khetoris, and Martin, Profeaaor of Chsnv latry. Mineralogy sod (ieoloV, I aentura to ssy tLf waa not a I H-tter anicered literary institution in tba United States; and yet I rememlier eil. the Aealiag BaaaitLStad ia many leetiooa ot the State that it would be well sod duaii able to bave tome at those gentlemen nepleeed by. others, whose loyalty to the Inst Caae had been snore oonaplCB" oualv diiptated dnftnftha- war.- - Wniinu tbiiM lamtlt uhim Aarrtaa mtm irr.tibTvl!a5TrinBerifn iy wuru in v niveTBiiY onr, v. waa tn ina araitb of her glory and a tuat source oend to every Norte) Cerotiutaav But eved tben the excel teooeof their hi sutution was Bt fully suureciaiod by tbe ptopui of N. C. and tb annual catalogue Other Matas H OeO i tu n. ui nw uiucn wa Bocoinuuenett wj gnwt and g od nan, now 'dead,-David L. Mwmr-mn h- ..ft, n ffTomt tirart BlUSt hav beea larratrd by tba injuailoe doue him by bis tiilow ciUavn la the astiernons cast ujon bis goat same a a Southern man, i ilimuihtlea and wicked iMopie. i oaa VTBff " Soft OB will he suede grpni to perpetuate aa Jo- titutionlo wliiih be devoted most of hi lila and which Was the dearett object c.f bis heart, ia order that such exertions as he -lit rary and acseotitic peiut ufriew, bave beea mad in vain. . uayK6T a. ytbe R..iie.l . RAX DOU'Il Emtbh-Plfsse 10 puWih a Jaw remsrliiTrom 4 Winrt ,iu ami throBttb MHir'J0.. of old Raup7irthre baa beea maoh aaid4 regard ip the Various routes of th R .fjroed from Egypt to Ureeiisboro'. I think there are ample reasons why ' the Iioad Abould run through this manufactiring Br-ghML-e- Ther are in th ipso of twelve rail, oa DerD River, fir Cettua Manufacturing tablihmntA, wuicu, witn tneir present uv ciliiias, coueuin an average of tea ordina triweWtml oollna i-r tay.wUicB would be qalie All llfiw 111 tin wa; m bright, braide the manufactured goods they et-nd off,1 which would be eonaideral la. Abd then the dry goods they bring ia, (lor each pAetnry has a store.) would exceed the Art eooda trashiest ea aay ether line -the Road could be rua tbrougd this (ounty. Tlier bra also some good tlonnng mills oa ton nne : aim ea forg), ior ui msnaiao- t or of iron, with n inrthAustiblr moun- jaia at irua ore. -LVep rIiivet.urnilicl S Mrej;JitUlMfl,t!MU,X.orfater ana some enieapruveu eue.. w uiua, eu ui'i wuuiu be iwprovei.if JAbad the lecilitieA of a. Itailroa.1. Tneff aavw owea tnemsaaits 01 didlars spent at three eottoo mill tor teero ing Ba.lor tlie torpid state pf busineas caused by their hAjrWJt laclliue ef im mediate connexion with the markets of the world. Give then these lac sad their btisini tl would be im reused and -the eoun trf snd laboring risasea,b nfltted. .-; Beelde, the owners of tbeee manefartar in if establishment Would stibarribe lergety I if lb R"a4 cuuldhe built an this tine. There is no d ubt but wlist the maunfae -Airing aeai ake would subaciibo mora to this tine thaw one Id tie bied aw eitber of the other liars through tbi conrtty, tor. as this county is not rich, nor to be boasted of in the way of farming, it ia aol xpeeted that th farmers can do mace) lor the Knad. Reason Would sngireet, thee, that tb II ad alipBTd he located on the middle lice of Deep Kiveij where It would secure th sub BiriDtioB of the manufacturing establish. merits and furbish the greatest amaaat efi buainess to ttie'Road. -1 ' JIr,ParawhojBAgetof the Randolph Manufacturing Company, located at Frank linaviile, showed ma aoou of his yarn aad tWtinga, whiub seem to be iil '0 any I bars examined ia lbe-tatav-He has anade ansae improvement aa hie m hi aery in lli lAt w.Its toouUia,, I think his goods exceed any I have aeea 4a the es-tyv-- Unbe by,- - Mr, Parks ia ar thorough ft oing tioi.Bra maa B-julta agroutovafl,. outd say o any toa sovwia aappea vr nans tfaretieh Ikia cosnlr, that baa tbe I comnaor and oooversatioa of sock men. to I" . t 1 . 1 ..' 1 1 L . - caji oe rum am Liitj win uaii uv au jo. say tbatlhavmuueprenud hiia. -- .. . . WA-NDEUER.' LZj iiMUnevIilB, Jaa. Ilth. 189. 'C t "atiil TfTBtsw !lmryyr-; C KtESTB-bffMO'lO' maawso ..00 th nrat hJ kUwday in inn-ry, tee rWrdew see aviuia. Toitioa M to l. . for full perueuiare, seed rVg fSrn, wr ' KahAJ. AtAhe, ' " .. Kt' Vema tipruig, ... Jaii.3 - Cbaiham Cav. k. ii. ' All l augriT?y.-rrsr an tntu aua. i .-t , . : u - wv-bl jokmaoo. TELEGRAPHIC. Omt Aflernooai Blupntchoa. OOHOBEHB, - -WaaauaoTua, JaaS, la, M, Jam alt Itiia-i. -I Ibr "" fj" "'" rapurtsd favorably ea the veaotutiua tur a pro. nosed Ceoautauunat BSaeedBiiielf It rrOTKie luf the rljtbA of aB dtiartA AO Thi shall not be shrieked aw a. mac I af 1 aukw. Coogrea is esanowefed to ee- Ibroe thaasove. Bouae enaaiiieriiig priTat Bill. ... rw) bitw jjakhey: . Tsarroa, H. J.Jaa 15, K. TV Daaaaoraus eaaous has ausaiaatad Jae. p;4nakaua, for nili- ... , . . flHtKHJll. BavaBa, Jaa. IS, The PoaieA eaatarad the arm saorsUd ia tbla City, la a eaoteet anwaua the Bull nans sad aeiiliar. two etbar wer wounded. Tb peraua wboW UiaaUi tt pUUia aarre4. " after aeversl vtetaries, had formed a Jaartoua uh tol. Loeia. Tb auiled ba-ees war mpvuif Bar an . -v' Oetr sflldalght Oiptchea. - .,!':'; TBOll- AIIBIl,V'-:' ';t-' . i , " :j.mWaaarBOMavJaau'Ju'P.; After many eonfereocea aatwaee th Virginia tl. mmiilir aad ita kadiviJuai awmbara, with th Jadknary Ooaaauttaa of tbe Seaaaa, and mem ber of the Senate sad Hoaaa, a) seema preMy well eaderetood tbal the fouoaug. dollaiU ai raoirunaat has beea snbstauliaUjr agreed 10 FoUewtng the araeadente ia the Hiaaoari euav proatiae sad th proceeding aeoa Um adauaaiua of Oregon, Sanaa and Nabreeka, a Bill will be prepared, sathurising the adauaaioa of Virginia spo the adopuoa of the prof ueidOawtilaiiiai. with aertaifi obauaioua else, wub regard te diefraashtaamaet, tbe waBVeath aod, probably, gtbtr gl j-r1nnlihi fo.tnm., alrirkea nut, - - Whaa Uia bill la paaaad, U I believad that H will b loQuwad by aa Amnesty Bin, enfaer waV veraat or with vary lew eaoeptlons, 10 tax tffi apoa the ratineation'of the CoatitaUoa. JXit aoilerngiid that Una aOJUMnuoit maeta Ui svptobaiioa of OasW Oraua, Oajn, behutd and a large ajusbar of tba moat prouuuaul aienibkr of both Bosses, t ": j".. Htm. Qilleaa ha oonoluded bl testimony. H aUribeAed the eefeat el the CoaaUlnuoe a iu proaotlpUve faatnr. Tb whl paopl war early all opposed to It, and many Begroea whoa gauarosity waa appealed to voteo agama veay OilkMS thinks, that If the OonaUinUoa was r eabeutled. with tb aDderataodiivf thai proeorip- by tb Heeoaaaraetuia lews, tbe OaoetitaUoa would be adopted, by a large aujerity. , - --: -r-- i i "VasHtBOTOir, Jan. 15, t. M. ' rUuTB.T-TaArJudkiary Oommitta reported sdvenaly ea lb youM reauhiuoa aubag she President and Vies President waligibl luraase. oaa BBraar-aarwarsirr- rriiUr athar nimiiportant . "the gue 1 Murphy sffr a Timg argn neat, the wboRT maiAer, with vsriuas propo- aiuona sad amoadsMats, waa"reeaBBuU4 wu oal diseassioB. Tb beuata adjuanwd bloo dav. " T th lib Georgia Dietriot aabalauatally aa hereto fore aaated. namely 1 Wimpey , BoA ekwue, elected but not auulled Ul a seat, baring towiotu, . . - . ala bill wen reported. The .keea Ubip Oaaa). prie,prlail tmOf miBieae la udaf U eaaerprue was reaemed,. t Among rb-oaiH2 SKSt, tie, cypher, of Louiaiene, ia oppoaiuoa, aaio that gma wsaWw being hilipdrrum Si. Louis to b.w tork.eta New Urieeue, si seven leea eeata per beahel leas than via Chicago snd LijIiEraria S5T3" baahal o New Oiieaae Uiaa a hew turk and ia eae-Ahird laaathne. The Iranaporvalion eia Kew Orieaaat la atsde wim parieot eamy to una enwwwtT, eoet 1 eboat eas seal per boabat.for traoafetrtng it at New Orleeiw, by meaea ef Hlgby's Bede IhsliiagrA Hbip L'Anal would bs ftusea jr -t- Wj4UrriAs tl W analy avbT.--Tha Wt war natty reterrad to a CoeittiUee efthe Wbeie ebkh i tsstssaennl to Ma defeat- Una seaehm. -Tse.Houaa Ibes adjowi lo Mondajl. - 1 P0RE1UN. . .-. - Laiai, Jaa, U, F. at, jf - Th Kto iaaewemall etaamer hnngA Adrteee, I... 11.. .11. t-f'ti 4palbajtl)jjaated TUlsxa. . 1 Lopes' srmyws aOerly B led snd destroyed. Lepea npd. - ' InaaUie eaptorad three thoaaaad Briaoaers XsBraa4baabCiadabaTgooeto Aeunci.. ! .' "' .' MARKET. i ;'. J VI it L,lbW loaa. Jab. IS, P. M. Oeitoa a abada firmer. Bala of 4,400 bales at TarpraUueaiM. Boaia loffiS.W, " "-QtM l,t&i. North Csronnaa, old, !- 1 11 1 : i jf i I yiturmimf Ha. II, F. M. ' Spirits TurpcBflna ITt BoaA-etraiiia4 'and No a.1,0- Tarpeaua. ,14ii3,Xi. Tar IS. Oottua smthlng doing. , ?1HE POLICIES lahUED BT THI ' . , rooklj Life Insurance Company Bear aa eedureamest Stating pi'Mtwl. ia 1X)L LAhA at CEKTS, thA BAXrea t yalos of th asm a see atms, Astaa Tw. UAh..KSj!!i' have beea paid. ;, Tbws a rotter ta Ihkf Oemesay b) aa geod a a That tbe PeUeiea ef SO OTBEB COM PAST bear sack eel aa4oramat, aad that yea ea only so- Ibis . LAtaet and Greatest ImprovemeBt U Ufeasoraae by Ukiag a Pouoylsthe BRULY mfr iri raVce CsMBipajiy, f Hew York tlty, . , .A. W. LAWBENCJ1:. - "--or;:iiiArh- ' GsbkbaL Ao"t fob Nobtb Cabouba : Do U-soi . . . . . ' THE COTTACiE HOTEL. - mnliorjKfr m k r a n Tff cestbal- 1 ...... lUaV atAAjAilvtt. : V- , J II hvUw being refltiad and nirai.hed fur the saewsauaaawav' taefraeethog pubua. " Onna Boaan at Hpr day.1 -. rr" On Imager llateae par utttrct... Im voa with trr aevw Aha- a 1 pcime rtma'lwi sa0lreis? TImo to the Uivraee Herat. all aaiiet.y.Jd "beina bs-l" by th l'raa t Tbea eume lu the Gortaoa Do lh O.W1T) rREj A CJ.JEAS BED, aad aQt'UT PLAt'Kr .Twaa, ! t thei OTTAGB lfUTEL.' Itwir WOSaOE .imply t npi'd ikat havii g he er,niMl wub tba maa.uinent of the FX -MAV.E HOT lb. of h t-ny, for s ! f-ef Veaiaij 'Okrtwr ah- pataty- lev Mf MA I rn..-"i Nfrwl p"Wn.t a rtre IfwK U..t ltf Jlnee err'aS de ualli. aalaaaw sgy .A fct IDE TO MAUiifAGf- Teamg Mew1 AAatdetu Banpy Harriag and ronjural PeUdty. Tbe beaaaae vaews at -uaaut mrAeaaaa, ea the Etrors aad Ahaas Utd deat lo t ornlh and Early Hasbood. rt ia eaaWd letter eareiupea, tree of charge. AddrasaHOW AKD AKKIK'IATIOH, Boc T , fhllmvkm, BepA M-dAwaat - Webtcrn Lairds tnd gpe-rniw. IN AKUiTloii as Uowaav-at, gtate and Rail road Bkstda sad Mmeta, a buy eud aell J . LAndl in minoiA, Wisconsin, KinneaotA, Iowa, MiAsouxi, Xaoaaj nd Ho- brajVa. ' The hirW pnee paxl LAND VABSAVTS and tttka hi LAN' BOLD KuH I AXM. We alM pan-faaee, ai heel raw all DltJCUKDI l'kCl WEKrh.KH (KiUNTY, - CITY AND TOWN BONim.-! 1 romwcikiuM eobeited. aud any uiforsaaiioa ratjiure)!. furuiahed wiihont charRer A.ldreea ' . , ttusra, hew lorkCktr. , Be swAewAw j TAT It NITIOi I, It A N K , Jao, 6. WlUJABls, Veai.feaA. s Wat. K. Aaaaaeoaf CoaAaar. , Samuki, C, Wawn, TtlUr, , fWOBB Of BASS BOSA 11 f uaai of a.v, Oane rear.,.u.j- CbartnAte ...... ..1. M.v.,,.i . So un Roabta-OBgh . . . Wadeaborough, TtKHnaeviUe ... Viilnuniruia.... ""Onmaaerea. Va'aehiuirum "-FayeMenlle... Ctareudoa.... ' ' VaneevvUI Miner sne ruuners nana, .......... v r'armera' bank. Oreenaboroagh, aew lu, old Ou CoearuerraaJ Baoh, wilmingw.. trrnbanCaOauk, MewbarBa.,., .ul. , ... .... 40 ilteeoaliorouirb alnAttal. . .... w Va-giauiBank Notes, aboat...... ............ M.M...1. lUMiluia M i. Ba OenrirlA' Uuld...' .t..4M-t" llW , J27 tut iowiwa' ,.5. a INortn l arouaa aauwian vnj .ic.i Old Mile....:.. U3 bl Eauhanga oa new ion.,,. ,....v... a R. A O Kailroad Btock... ....... -w. N O. Hail Hoad,..,....,..,...,,....-.;.. . Bel. Oaa Light , ... ...r... . yj, ..... ... Hal. National Hank,. . . . . ,....' - rttaie NaiioalBault"r7tr.-. .;. t;.--v...... 0 GmMbwrwTfonoj Market, v t -x WTL80M aVsHOBKB, BAKIEB8 ASO T ."', XaOBaaas Baobabs, Bouts Kut a-rsjorr, (HAxas- . aoao, b. u. Baakof at. fX....-...--.-. '.v T--t'epe rear .-.... . ,ai m . t'harlo .... I. M Uadeeboro....nB.M.i.-.., 1 fl Wtlmmglcau.M . as Utelwiii., Tbomaaville. BU -Si Leungtua (old . u jr. - Cnmmeree.. ...... J...... ... aa- .1 ffaiiid.'n.;irn.,....""r- A FAfPlle'i umW.ia'llaiikofNewheni... ....:.....,. eu yanuera' Bauk of Ureebaboru. rtM) 89 VtHnial IHantwr ' id Y ilmliis'ton. tireenaborB stuvaai Ins. fietf iolSfo Virginia Bank Note svaraga auuna., Hmitb Carolina " Oeorg'S u tl H. h. Bivnlend rVrlp. W buy and ai at Ubnrai prtoe , Ooei 1 a. North Carolina Bond. Vinaed Jttatea Onld srrddit- u.J .11 mhitf mu-kelablA Bboelr. - '' Order f Bauk Botes or nensnra ana wmim- (tnersaf llauk. will wmptmupi. aitenwn. ItuirB. Aar eaoreee aaekavee of Bank Bote Ao- will bemada aa thd dae reeelTed, by ebeck on New lurk or baluaaern ar uaerreuo, aa ua- Lu aad rlr inmrano roueaea Mwaeq im gooe I i""1 Ten. Baawoa A Hoas, . Taos. Baaava A Co,: Atoketetxl, ) 4. BRANCH SONS A CO., aid BKAJiCH, SCOTT CO., A ttn TT6TT A AiiA Bankeri and Commission KsroliAatA. ldvibiesw wtad aa eonaiga Prodao, sad oe ehipmenia of Coatoa hew Vnrb or tjTeroool . Luana aaciMuilad ; aUilroad, Htat and tl.vaoratiou Booda aad Moeka ewttgbt ... m.AA inuilui neeottabla naoer alwava oh hnd, v Hi. Ooid.. BllVer and Bank Mote We aire below onr preeent "baying rates far Raak ef -SAU Caiplnav Bank of North Carolina...... .. . " . Tape rear. Ckarbala,. ,.... . ii Fayettev die... ........ 7 LesingK- --v - Oraham.a.:..u noionnr .......... w "ThomeeVflle x&r?;.'n.fvii ..-! "Vadabor;.vT;TJ7mr.i:iR"A ay aahingloa. A a. ilmmijt.i..... K TaneryviO . CVraroerrtal HaJik nf Wilmington.,, T u 1. k J - I --. ttMnkM1 Mutual timiranos atiaata. ani .lalAra...,.., : ; . . -s . - wob, sai-b. rri ' Af Rbarea Raleigh At ftiatoa . B' fttnnk III " North dan Ama I " . fm Tows of Wilmlngt.m, C, I per ot. Bonds 'A tutl . " . FayytteVtlle, - ' i ' tuuu Cllj of Norfolk Honda.- -- - r ... ' . wanticd. n "! ,; 'flh Horth Carolina B. A lavideod ,.Br)F.. 3 f c- - Ot)rmBCTKD BY JOlUiAJt WOJalUJ&V anOCEB AKO fJOMMlAilOH MJIW aNT. BAOOM BATT. A WBnTEBN.. EF.r.F ON HOOF t.. BIT..'.; .w u .-.- COTTON. CHIl kMJS'a, SpriiigTmrrT " Urown.......--- -mitj.JjiifiiUv (XM-'KiUt T0 i OH-OO.'J All'.y lil lfWiS 1 A.Vi ' -"il fU, aw.n . r ih it . Pt)lHKR, New. HEKKISOS..-;-.-1 HLblu Oreea , HAT. .. jo IjA KO. e a e-a-a a i. I XtAL New ., kUiLAasLoV S ln. la. wc'si no 1 ,,m.;.M amiie tweia pr lb. 1 '! IS ar. ewt. . NAIIJi ........ PhAnV- Wek j . '"WMt POTATOhd-Irtak, New - " Sweet....... : SALT FfiA '.. .,:; 'til . ijrouud.. TOAR . . .. . .;. .5. t IAMaiW.V... ......., r .... IH ri .5Vrt"-.B"'0l..e . v.ill 7!v.ta- v ea ...... Bh V y.. o.i4,, on ,y . ' . .He . fTB. hlMlt v. J ; k vu m:......r:v.jiiS m J SatKis , 'KaABiSSzt ' fXtn at Fif aieadilr adTsnetag.' yatl i ilur j- - aa..a a ... .... . . . . -. "". werwarwm -J, ' ' '. OF VMS BLANCH K FESTRRSS" BCUOOL wwt Jan. A. a. t.n. ....... bhe aincmvly thank, the public for thatr'tiUwaL t nt.-nur?- nil tlte p. twm, and wilt return rt.MMHMaiiaHmakAibv .4fei fc.'totaa ei-n ed. Ilrt-l'. nr. r.&nc-aiFd U.r.ttr. an W-w,w-------T-e--a na..aai.A.teI.o in r-e- -g . .tir.n.v.rW .................. 5W a SI . lat aeaeoeaaiea-a) S e-s.. be eaaieaia 11 , ............ ..... .. W T Jaa 13 laaW" ' ' , .... . 'titj.41 . r tWl OA ....... - rii AO "Wi'ttl 0 tv 1 m , Blr-. msciLLkttovV pB SALK. - ... ; fmk.O. FRENCH bTaXPT. made from the aVAiipenioeg Wins, fur -.liriiil parvueea. W. H. A tn , Jaale-tf Aae're Coaa. Merchants. A 'OTHKB CDNKlONIfKHT OF THAT FINE A oid hcL H'EUNUSU WIE ta near! bertfc rjaau-tf w. H Jo.sta A 00. -r IS . ; 1 BrbtMl fr VBB LjAellce. f TIHB HCH'JOU, hdety twnJd s -a 9. t. li.-wr J'a, r. -ui Jaa t'4, J, hfi dv tit mb aiaimg. tneut W Mra Mat BV' a.iMHl l aKewii, e.ea ii.irueti. m Hi KStk LHIi HKAAM Hath.Tfee.Mt M nt imAWINAj-H Maw lauglil by II iM 11'I.UI H.llMll. tm teraaa, siilri 'I'eacbera. -4- A "C-minoa Seoac" Sewing Machine, ail idrt. Van. ii h W. H.Jt 0O Select Boarding- sad Say School, l - HILLriBtiRO'. N. O. ' nlE Miaae N1HM and MM KOI40K, I ed. aa bervbdm- "bT MauweMnil eaelractore. eiilreauui. 0e eiereiaea or laitiit Bchaid On iare day, Feb Kb, teea. neanu ana 1 vmtm, siaa. uarrenry, ( weelara Airwarded u applieami. te Ut-staaSIm I . Aairtlwn Umlei 0M MONDAY, lath JANUARY enrolng. I ah all cell to ibe higheat bHlder,. at the tlnaierv Hue. adj. 4niux and aiiaehed to- tin Dry Oouda Stusa of lha sua A aUlae, all at the 'Block of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ac The etuek.emWaeaA b O. II eelaetad aan(tmeett nf aueb artiele a ar to be fuuud msaret-alaa I'.iailT Grocery. Ibe sal MltDmee;AUl M lhiI. JByj Ui.Muok leel-udool, HI, -. I i J! U , j 11 , aurraia atenranaia 1 J. M BOKENBA0M, Agent, jau. 1-eodid " r . ' - Marjlaod MmtaiT lBfitItw.e;t'; aWE rtBST HFJ1 OP THE MaBTLANP M1LI1ABY INH't'lTUTB will aewbieuee HoB-lav. aeut. itn, inn, la lu. imikuing. niuiene TiilUiiiS'a MA1.L, Br vula, Md.,Ave mdea weel of Baltimore. l...ACAI).atl0. TAF.F,.L Coil MsxarvsBrsToif, A. M., Banerhimndeal. LiM V. LVl. J. S. ii'rrai. A, kt.j hmm&tl f -' ! ifoVf. Profeauoeof Maihemauue. J MaJ. U. H. T VVrSAW, A. iLynf. of Ai loeoijhr and Chamieir--;. . - MaJ. J. . Fvbbblv. A HiT'lf , IWlI-Urp. I. D. Hrema. A. -, w. v.. rr. ec mmm Tl rm Vb.boiikrand Kit Br. W. MiK'iu.gA, A. M.. M.T.. Trof of Intel- tecrnai PlitbiMMhyand CnMUnal Ecaamay. CPs; V?, Hiwiia.,-Ar-M.T St. D , Prut. -of Uf- etrae. pnyeM4ogy ana aaatomT. ... Car? J A. Haaaiaua, 1'n.f, et Modsra Laa. 1 Beatee jm..l lj. j tnn t .;.) .. Ctt. ho. b, JonBCTL Aieauut Prolmwor or atatbaniauca. " "--" hr- u-.,A 1 ..I Ai t .W".ly j lrt .jjioTevd !., Vargannf-- Bir. ! Heerro,, tihaplaia, xJ!lw,j V.H.Ji" Artintam nf the bistrhjter iLlm ,rl. j-f i' KJIHii. caiUimia. Year ul ini Vfxll i Hist teai twrwr tiinnan imi men Tuamar,!!) IwadiogI "4 Ijirl NoeAlra aae iuri4w'a fee, III) p r ji ar. ifiiwiuir hifebtj AT"! IA."" eirHtrt, in wiue.w'f piiiimiiw!eiL rewwwf! I Fur tfrnlar b.furm.iion. addteaa L l-v ii,,h mk ZZ'f irrTRrwraautl'T, ry SlTwaiJAa I, I- .CeeawviU. M, f A Bushel of Applet Belli for "tkil syr mors tbsB a Bushel of Cora ! TyB AHR PBKlPAKKD TO SCPPLt APPLE TREES, in large at ag.ajt ajwaUtvapoa jbjgt ajdjah W. II. JOAES A CO.. i aswloYATwiaealagoSkJstohtt Balelgh, .aa la-H ' its itewmroi." ""' ' .", '" mWO OR WORE PEKftfrVS brokl Into B1V rvl- 1 sv. aa Biluday aigbl Isai. " and Mai ilbeea-f Irri uiu im worn 01 luiothum oiner ueaiiile.1. Joe .iiuam. 1a.11.1n 1 imnrr : ana one see eeuAaiwsnej M aalhwii. af vary- Sua Apple Itnuuiy. - I will give FIFTT DOLLARS reward fw the am r. bf 11.100 of the thieves, and lha reoovery wf Ilia above name ertteiee- - BalMgh, Jaa t-tf B. f WILLI AlWO, RAKATOa I'UI. AT UAL, - T S- ' .'' -! J ..' I CALL AT . 1. . V. 1I :mCJIJI a SON'S, AND TBI THE EXCELSIOR 8PRIH0 WATER, -T'" ON DRAVOHT, , I'resk mm iht Sring ai JSaratog'i, Uaa. tif - - . . . -:rr : TA frrei rat FORTABI.K STEA1LSAW MILL bd JXtSOIh.K, "I M,aa. all Uov oa Mhia tire a rneeee wuie. : -. : I'ba'oarnag esa ha awreil he twogead horaoa, .,i ... W. ). JONhJt A t'O . - Jsn. l-tf AneHuo and Cum. Mereb'ta. w ClIATIiaA KAII.NAarilWIAB ... BALi-Uili, Da . l-lu, ... A special ttl lite Bukbot.lere uf tuA Cli.LthaiR Kailmtwi timuanT ta called, to wo-! Aawtlwewuf Ota itoipanyv la tlie City of tallKh,oii XaeaiUy, imb Jaaaary, f wab t , X '; ' -T tee. M-b - - .. Treaa lad Bec'T. J aki'HCi-NlOKAl. OARIJ. .Mr. P.twres A. Bu JL aa, b.vuig li.-ale.l in rUiHi.'n, will gir ln aiewauuaa m 1'IANO vurlrii. playing, m i-v ' aisu eivrn In MMilMI and In tlie Im iber atudy of U AhJaOh Y and gijueral TUEO I. V ... A..-1 r . jArugii ; TV:-et per mowh. i 'Kli. fiKrklF.Xl ui : -Son.1 . V.-'MonrS. BuauabU. luwla.i,,- . .... . veri Ad lreaa.M J;Hg.ftltti Doosatore. Jaa. 7-eodJ ir;."K e4 PISS MULE AKD TUEPESTLNE , STILL FOR SALE. flitTR nbaortbor has a Sns Teas af Alulea, I wugga. m.4 1 arpeeilee. axil ia naiwree, wbu-h he wiae lo aell apoa the aaoat reaaAiabte term for oath. j" ' j.-4uy4ici: wuhing to pnrehaaa sneb property would do weli 16 aiidreas ur callus ma." " . . Jjjt. A, JtlHNSON. . ; BernlaTitle, Bartwtt Co !. So 4 ROCK aiHI0 BC'IIOOL, Tpmutfuryttiir rt j t-ay-. Other College of for Suubcis. rrvHE rina jejmoh opens jar xth. im. 1 Ejrvaewi: Board, Waebin, -fnmiehed room. ZZ?' . U tJ3 WM vir rftnftnirte Wedin iW family wib U Prienlat i ftu'l Mtt n('C o sna Omoiplin aa. atay be I eweaary tur moral, aa' WaU a lillellicUial, cul- pirn - . in. pr.iw,w w, rit-cugiiii ,icnw in we F.nitb ' d'-partmeht bav. been aeenred, and rvw lm fanu.iea have beea enlarged by aew bill dinit: v . . . LooaUua I mile Southwest of Htlleboro, an the N. C. R. It " ; Aiiijaasft4mSTjpti ration ta the .frjjctpA), J at Br., 1-i ui . 1 1 - t o., S C. w . i',.-aviiaB V-.-v I. hrt r f.KISCriLAKtOl'S- LaiMl.buig Slatle AcUcKiy. ' THE SPItlNfl BF.S-IO m rk! aud Bout.? ia hiwi, lX N oa tbe see. Board with tbe J'r'.ucioU.. Ui a. ws iwaabiug. Iignui an 1 we.-le&.a in. Inatl.) IfiO ot Taitiej iu rVuuary Impart ment, (i 00 lu IA ua -. .T.. tMgular Kl;li-a wrev ' -- ' Let 1 , lr.k wj f n.iei"'eaeli, eir. 00 Hiiai atuai. ta dwrtee an li iMBanrer I The B'Uriie enile-aeee A rtt l.eeHu A-Iia, tlerfnu " IrH'aioeieiry, lnwiKif, Ai'.:lw aiwt (JU. uiufc hurvayina '.' IH tlir.mrlf ry-- aad uraeswaUr.' ' - - 1 1 let tersui or board and Taitem aave vea pel sVee to the luwtvl imoK raia, tosae iheswrrw. Miw of a peuf.1 mpawialml ttj war aad Me eJBsJf "af 'll(S('iB i-rz:. .; i - . ... AT I'.'t '.-.-.--t ?1Z VUuulara aeo ea apri How ' ' . A i M. H. I 'A VW, A. M, f,. .' , ' 1 W.J.hlN'A. i7.J J'W A. . Tbonitaat Hie 1ihhI Collrgr, qiltERtXTII BJtv-lObwiU a TnaaVavtH 1 Die lath day of JaBeaura, aeaa, .and euumnte 11 wOHaa. ... u,.-t -. .... I Tin. Itiatltntina la o an a 11111. al h..ia and baa brubiu prueueuie tw .Iwi. patrwaaire 1 u. nee. 11 baa atua-. at aw aa fur jpublt farug ailb atnwiag rrtUfcy.- i Taa ms a ya rw arw ee ;' P-oard. -- - lli iBMnth." - ; TrntAuamFngliah,''-'''''''--.! Beaexaa, ! 4 BMW.'. -, j go -"- A Freuvb, LaMn or - - 1 1 o ' Grriuau. g nr'"" :'.) .5- Mabkntlaiuin. '"' "' t OA i.r.' t : t. Faiutbig, Ac.; aa horetofa-e. dr lull uvtiuakua, 4.treaa l 1 . .. --ate. l, at nmrmw - 1.,.,. K.Po.l7-awAww.-.--.. - - ... :- '-..-tf : gelert Male and female rxhooL ' I tl "tu-aH af my ehibe. upeauug a keieul hriuiel tur air 1 1 w.liu.. w. in M ufmi 1 oeinly. North Caruliua oiitbn )i 1 .l.ruary uit. r -I ia tx-liftol ant be un.l. r tbe Uomediate I'ba. git ' I of 0ae.''J. A AlOOliWt'!, a geaStenaM eretl- ' iu.uuxi, eutai avr crwmbu. ao atuweuirb sua. h . j oalieu, U uiairuol lu atl tbe hraiwhaa uaua. ir .. , lit Ul 0u- blKllret PkIi j..!.. 1 lendoa wra be iiil fmtb PltlMACY iiUA.Vf'H- ' sa UilheVt.rtlea, and every rt ail LeUHai ata nuke We auKle of liutraaiiuai . tbocuab. . ... i Ab lii iha'y he etilrnt-d tn tnv rare will r. I ceillW tln.rxi.rf faTrntstTitioir-senrltid---to 8y ewa chudreu. . ,) . i, .. t if'f'Xy.' 6fe aviiilba, Jluard i.23 ;: atvle bail hi auvaui:. ; i . Boar.! Widii.g 'fu'et tW VMTf aud aaJui.g,. .-.-Z': .1 ; y. I IS J Tuitumia WU'b rtrnebe,.i - ..! i . , . Aiieieig I tiiawaaai. aad fnsck, . lose ,1. M4n; on rina r- -t. -.-.-i-t-r m li.t lMinll alttbe M..i.ifrf.Jf l''a,..:jf ' ani mie pair or ahet. . .i-a.J "r- L Wiaaa-e lUe nliuuraa ny awitlsT M ireaa v uuuieruatuuuiaia, aildie , . . -- t ... r:t'. Trr-riv1""" TTiMa-aaiim'nt v! mmntm Mi -ft HI mm i' llu!rem leaisla leail 1.." I.I " HENDKUfAON, W. 0,; i1..'...a4j 1 l-l?4 L. I'ii4iui,iiUilVUIUyk IHAVg XOOA I Id) m rbmder.m. aad will ozweui I Miiale Aenooi m LL i nb JaUua-y, Lxil. aa-. auiuikiuliu.iriivtura . "... , , , . L, ,, aar..;,. ea.r, . -fijD' A.j.M ---ssMi--..-'.'-'--.A-AW-- -.IVreeeoe.iwaUa. lif ru ailranna a .i.-n... .i rrunary d.iiarlaHeut-Biigwh.T t, j17 Kl ." . i. . AiiW.-nt a ai.H4i.i n Li.fa'ua. ea. eavb lti on aob ' l ( oeswrwawreaiainj . Kiril,(iliieejii febtasai'iajjiwa, a ;w .ru ttirt.ti.itea imuc. t.iU, hm, uair Jvf , ail of al i.h, ailb . ki markrd. aha-ii an.! tad p. II htr iwlmig, lMiiid be tbuhwi waim ia wuaab-a m-w a TImJr"'"!l,'''IIH,.,' WJlweajaTii o. Is a) 1 1 1 1 i Is B r t : ASrTaiin.Hi will Ae 4 B.a' sum fort ' ane eraiuueioi aa piuiiaaaul e Bv ar.. i and guajidiat if u ii 4 Jin Diw!t; Z 4,iT1 J -r--. - i..l. X i "4 4-1.' ! ' tome3tlioljlood; ! sampIaE hooims ANO n RE S T A ANT, .'!' r, '! j ! ' . tl FA Yl'.TTE V ILLE STREET,: .ij'H. Bilboul lite Oonm.nt uf parent leTT T' ' " 1 '' ' .i uttttiTiif.if. ..' "T-nALtuaf, rw. - rnnis fi foant ash WKbHthoww bk- J 1'Ai,P5:N',!'r:i.''Ti'd' llarae. ewaeB-t thMwilf tr.w.wa 'alr. r .( St,' wbo i fully deterniined make ;hia famu Tbla ftouiut haa'tMUM miIIImI .rfluMtM.- girw tu'nene,' andW o tii'sll'lts appuUiUneuyi And. If stippUrf W!tb;hf(t - KEAT.FISII 4D 0AME,-. , : r- fenealhe it-rhM, BichmuuJ and Batuhih Mar. 1 ' Tha mnmrstmvai'tn R ? of aa extra unslliy.. ' ' . " '- ,t.,:'t ''tltYVtA-Atc'' ; 'F f . I-. f anppTied with th buait I'avh,'n aud Tmea(i ; It no . I.iinnr. lM.Kar, elu., aud M vbarg uf , MAULllilx wbo know bow to "mix Viu." f THE XIILUAlln HALE. b a very floe lt'- Iti oliar? of lili'K Im tl.W Elw..itl, . K J jLia'lS Hi fuieat HuUard- -V. V,i tt iiai, ' T ' fropnift.. -"ln7,e""" - v:r- r--i- dec J3 If !lle II. COWAN & CO., wf neral Com nils. tin and Milpplns; WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ment ft M. IHvb. itrnt-(Lihrrtf , Ta, eeOe. 1 braled Virtrinia tiw-ai'.i Ttdeweo. AUla.liJr. lalax litu'a Jt.xh'aylnta uf Lhsa. . . r a tia tuum m.m. nut.., utiuiuAMMa, ia. UM tU TUUM O Wt Utt-UIUlMMa, IB. UOWJAHg C,JJ A . , . w, cam khob, M llmlnglon, Uf, Cn.' tt. B. to was. IAB. j Nov JO. iboj NCiiooL, jvo r ici:. ., ... - THE a liixii. of tLi R... Or. rt. H. StAWiV and Mr. rtA Mt:Kb ft. JiVA iU rminiin- . oa Janaarv Ibe luth. 1 . ; i ' TrtiSSf-li'TWir a.lm f.- riair-.l Rrtiolu. 5 j-eti' Alii lot wbora.wliM il ta ., , ' lha acMKiQ to eoiitinn twenty weaa. No br.f taken fw ba than half a aei.. 'f iiee lo tatwawy-- a-,-. ... ;:-c.r. . - 1 . . ..... ..if - ; Bulk ItleHt, pit- I'ork, ItHron HHd I.nril. rS OR AlMXIT THRSOih af Jann.rT,! . . V pw. ,eiiM-B.. iiirtitna.1 anu in e..4t. an l a. ait ornt'arlT itt f mir enofhi. itt Im w.v f BUI.H'MKrr. MHtvAl-tlfcR' aod l.Ai't uitteCeevue frem u.atdirMrfinn Ut.e r-.m..- at-,, au, I b..g to ini--m Hi. .ol itri tuai I ,H a.t 1 "peaefeaeea, a.l ft.ea.rd i.-.-- ilw. t eupiinea to ail wb wnl nwi dAtl fHotla in u iuut.ta tor lliat parjwee bv- ih.. iih mMc , . . .. : . : .. -i -'li. I". tULUAVWlX. . ' Baleigh, K. C, an, 11 U 7 . VRKyK.J.'V bkai, , a f J I i I'll. . I f . ,i. . r reweh Orewaig sad loiiililH.1;.. Jaa i-a .. ... it'tx; JaaHdAAtw . I gawV V'aam V .... " - WVeiAiAfBay bW.- 7 ' X&W i- ,-;,.u4te..ji