: V THK SEXTISEL. JOSUH IUIKEa, Jr.. IDITOa JtOSDAT. JANI AKY M. .. MAUD. The world will read with imvmnt the Ftuitewtiary diedrtrur. rrnad'atualfy julutT (WCbJI ' aaeewe gijtJ l JlfU Jii)bl freed bbb the ' State tbrww no ui vr their machina tion to Mlndl eed cheat. He i a fool whoa charity Impute tba conduct ef the Cummi'tta. to their atupld ' hj, or the aciioa ef thoee who told to them, -a legitime fain, ' : TTu elltr 'in ml lr g Bill tbwe the buyer, bcat b Utter ware trute of tb luod that the combined to pocket. Look Ml; M (bit fact, that thi Commit! , oa which iu . lawyer, tb Senator ire Oraavill, Mr. Leaeiter. II accept deed . . i. -: . r i ' ti.n. vtitAut i warr'aety of till Tbie ded U made by J. V. H.ck, PreidBt of U Jep Hirer kten- niaomrloj cupiiyrwiio--aj tb Deep Biver MeuafectorlBa; Company t Hew did tbey beeom worn of th. Kiv t na i it ud bee erectea 07 m cp "war and Deep Rtver Navigation Company. AuTti iwpijraafiiartWKrof ih .Company, had by parch need fid U State la by OboiU, . Jut . 43SL0OS... and $100,000 mora wm afterward cxpradad by th Stata is perfecting tbM work. Tb work, Jtmt before th war began,' Did tbe 8tU Mil out and give U th Deep River Mnuf-acturin; Company her lntrreet nr any part ot liar lotrt t It to, when and bi tal or gift mad I Out. Worth, ia hi iiggrBnttmroffiraawmirtT, my wtv . tbat a llecp Hive Traatportatioa Company claimi d uOa to waa work oa 11 illilill - liirtnw tb war; biil thai h had iareatlgated their , alaim, aad aieertaiBad that It oald aot b uNeHnliaUsd, and that tb Btat till OWSM werka, aad aggtdt U U be rteamart iwHei. tn at in mat bk tor runner kiirai, that Hi Stat Penitentiary baJuca- td la thii rtuilas. Btina tb water txwr. blch tbaUt ba t peadod o much 4 yand lber!iy ieodinj to develop and mak available, the Waairdeow 44tHrwv t od, to Jem Siat attll tbtae workt at auction. ; N safe, then, we heard to aueetloa th titl of the Btat ia tiiet work. . Tb Geoeraf AwufT bly wai prrotd frem taking 'lay actio oil ill far nuiii'iiini, ETTba iuterrentlua ol niiuary gorernmeot. Tbeo, to tb. WmaaentaDt - of alt honaat, an wn, tin C(foreBtMt, oa th 13Utrr . . , . . M mh, im, give to the Chatham Rail- . taUooanyJit-wWcir' Uonvpanyli i Btat ownu no avicK. ill ner lirtrroal ia to 1 ' wiiikalrma KrtbioctbrT)n on tb Cap Rl rer, both . Tear, 14 th Oulph on Deep locluiu, witb liberty to d Company to rrniir. im inl niikt available. eid hnr. "tWo 'k'i1d wt'k ahd rm Iraachtara and Jihrilrgiaappertinent lhereUtoJh;.aDj L s "rri"' rfiv.jH 'Wfjnj .extent a M putaeaatd by lb bteUVTfcarl la mind, the ordioeno give tb -flirty to tb Cuathaia- Railroad Company "to nee, t repair," ., aader color of tb publi - tlerinug bcacAt from thai making of tbat P rU-ia of th river navigable, with power to trinift aod ) jfo lb aald lntr-et bkr-' la conveyed tnd tranlrd, or any pojlloa tbereof, lor the jiorjoe of Improving- tb . TlUy of iaiJriTar;" Uut .tb Cuotpaiiy.ia ot woulrnd. aa a Oooaideratioa of Biia ri;ht, to mak any portion of thla nvar eii(al4.or torewaU aa art- titfut Snt BBitl Ol 1 11 tbat -the fbrtbrm-Rittmu! Company accepted tbi gift, which tbey duulHlie tHd,' ttoo thejr wwr not required to giv or to d any thing for it,- why -did j ant ID roplieimary U"mmtH-taa Wle frtm th ' Chatham Railroad Company! Had th Chatham Railroad. Company, to avoid rreponrbility or from other reaaont. - auigned and traaafarrad ta to Deep Rivar ynofactaring Company, uch tranater would haUlagaL i- ... - Th power to aatiga waa limited to tb purpoee of Improving th valley of aaid river. Neither tb Chatham Railroad Com , pany aor' their aatigoa ' coald lawlolly . tranlr ' It M th purpo of boildiog aPi a UBtlaTyZITiM! Qt.ljta : ratirm of 6 1,090, paid to bim ia bond of ih State, to tb amooat of $100,000, deed " to the fttate certain ondeflne.1 landa. Tb deed, neither npoa it lac aor by tuitabl ;J jvlsreaora, weald aokbl a larveyor to lo ' cat it Thi deed, from, a ctraager for na di flood laoda,. ha no claoa of general warranty. Tb ded, from Heck d Co., ha ao cln of warranty. Th Buperin ' teadest of Public Work, baying for ' bim . elf, would hv- Ukea no each deed for land valued at f10, mnch lea at $ IW,00v X i thi all. Felethood and lalee atata- mcntv '"d It the lrt, a wilt b en ty comparing the report of tba inveetia tiog Committee, with TKa report of ihi pur ibaeng Committee. ' . The porchaeng Committee iayt, among Hi dvantageof LaekttJI; a a tocatjon, "there ! "water power and th privflrg ft HTFF5sTw-it .without reetnetioa or ctnbar- T-lStit. Th eiamwiDg Committee foand 4b taW J 4i.Sapi4td,oa(Iitioav . . far. ,.4 . aleL wy, and par tire tbiff eoiog to o if tb dam wa ever UXlf !''' giBV ;.-r;,;.", , 1;.,. Tli f tf'cbaaing tomniittee ny, wan mi fit oilvd .'larg toil of land oa Utp River, eoatl)a5oi M i'leet HSM Ttivt cUidinga water? power, Ktherwith H it aibaral aad Biie, ' eoataioUg t.OO aena, at $1 eeet per acre. Th asaaiaiog Coaamftie Bay th 1,000 acre are M o Dep Rivr. " . Th pnrcbaaiag Cu"'ta aey ! "The water power, aad ait f M acre, tngetbrr. aad ciciudiBg tb mtaaval Uad, w. re lu d by I b C e.ii tee t $20 000. Tb w hole wa iMiieliaaed at lod.OUO." " JfiTt fwi p rtroffFomTTSSiid (Joea-tt pafiy Tx.Wl6 witlatii triyjlt, and tb $100,000 we for tb 8.000 T 0 ,WW act', ey tb Committer, "m ft nil ad well adapted , to the anal rropa, nub a Uigo ,aatity of talubl tim bar aad aa abeadaao ot grasita, iroa era, .- ' Tbi b Tla.Tb land U poor. A tim- a aaember of to Commit tea. There U a fruit om it, ibooga' a Btciaaer of lit Coav airt U aaid to bar awira tht thar waa. Agin, "Tb CoBoiittoa, attar tbofoogbly casTaadaf tb adraataf( of vry pUoa, either by pefxoal taepertioa or otberalae, are auaetralaed t gir preUmao to tbit aiur1 Ac.-, C ; ; '7 Kt oa at th CoenmittM bat ever beta oa tb 1.000 pdirbaw, hti Mr. Iiafrl ; kt beat as tby awoe before tb inreeJigaUDf Commit tr. -r Th Report tortber aayr; "The perti Wab ilaV - m- i t jfca - aWflalHtl fl llT Lut aTTeBi at 1 K a aj vriiiiiiaaviai w CtdumittM, tnKetber w.tb th Preeideat ol tb Chatham Railroad Company, Dr. W. J. Hawktoe, , pya-Railroad iaM itbio, tb wall of tb Penitentiary, a your Cummlttea mty oeain, at an eany day." : ; r - ' T lBWt!"twf CiaaaaiHt "iay ther U BaTfafrpmiTrarx: 1 : Tb parchaaing .Committee aay, again, "iron, copper and lumber, wy, bj of Tree or camtrherbnmghtwftWn tb walla ul tlx Pwiittatiary,'' Ka eaaal nan N tiltt within the-Penllen tiary valla. Tb Climax of lalaehood U reached, th lt page nf 4b report of tb pBrehaaieg Cummitte wbee tbey aayil " Your CoromitU)"br thought tt adviaable lu putchaae t la'ge hudy nManil, wtt Itip- plit d with' mlnerali, and an abundance of tttHrtWUU IXtu rtifa, and lore!, water, and a large quarry of granite iaaaiediateiy on th baivkt of th Hirer, which aaa Jm jlxrtgAiJ1 boat and carried within tba wall ot the Penitentiary. Tb 4nnd 4telf, a.part bomJ 1U mineral pnnera,- will, in a abort time, atone, f"ir dmt)Uth pric greed to b paid t&r'IftWBttSSmBafttilft TM. ! are-iaif i etrnf In af 'n awl BM Itt laf fill tnr U9 viTJi viDwr x'wiunirTTTv i non of tb 8.000 acr parchaa conld tbey teara of ur knurtt; -Th timber I al- it all worn nut liirMintin timW; the tun timber ha been cut off from It, proba- frowa market, that will not pay to cos vert It Into timber. It would probably sot atill " tj,n cent pflf arm, and r" wa It, in tlx Judgment ol 1U former ownrr, that ti waa about to panoet it out tn tmall tract and convey it, a a gilt, to freedman, tn at lo get rid of paying tb Very email tax then wa on it? - ' ' :- -" "- -j D KCKiian tannuaira weu aviwer to .... i n,. . .1 .1,. chaalog Cotnmlltee, whan yoa cam par it with tb report of tba Investigating Cum- mlttr. II w aditad th tlUutdard, we would tay th . reports of th pnrcbaaing CoramUte wa a Ik frm ixfinning to and, bat ucb langnag woo Id ill tiecom our ton j or our t Tin: w hop aevcrta be Li mt I m teal itlak hlalaT 1f , ver juatly juerited by crme and fraud. But the abame and bUme which attacbua to th Leglelatur l that they tk no tep to ceaiur fhiiCommitt or tb Bupenn Undent Ol Puhlla Work, for thi awinill f tit State, whil ear-put bag man (tend in tb lobby looking oa for th eel of the IforthCaroIin Railroad- after haying de clared to a Wall Street broker that h could bay hp a majority of th General A- aemUy, lo further a aciiam of jhia ta make money oot of North Carolina bonda. Ttiberwbera fvthy:ifchMki-;Oh,: puidk (irinr. wbitber haat thon fl. d I Ob, Reoooatraotion,' bar ara thytnum.! Oh, loyalty, how many thieve auvw " with thy cloakTtMl.triltlr, crutbed to earth" when wltl thon rip ajratn AaaiffLTt'aat Mxrnno A meeting ot lb Cap Fear Agricultural S icietj, will be held in Wilmlngti.a, on th th indent. Plan le r aad farmer from all part wi th But an invited to attend. . Tb Star j a th Wlluiagtoa aad Weldoo railway arraagrment hav been made to pt dele gate to and ' frm Wilmiogtoa fre ol cbarg, aad W pretum the ether railroad wi lbqaally Ubertl. Wrj.Ba!ei. who h Jbeei la our cit jt for rveral day, eihibmog rpecimeot ot tuifar made from torghum, 'wilt I we lean. ba pr -. -. : - - : i at t una agrinoHuai u.;!.-, We be peak for Mr. Reentry a warm recep- ioa. It 1 4 lTTf of TttrTTa," and kH7vTt "a 1errilrtTa-rmerpn' rniaah among at thia time, commend itaelf to our aarioua cooaiiie ration. SniTHriauD Cctnrrtt. Ko. 44, T. or T. Th lollowing memlrr of ?mitk field Ceuo cil K. 44, wen elected to hold offio dur ing tb preeent tvtn s ' : -LH "lr " " 1-Joba 3cOuy, Preaidsnt; D. t Telfair. JtTtwM&mt Ct Ui Vti, fmrf Jbn D. Uaeary.Trieaaarcr ; John R. Broekr, Chaplain ; Edgar R. Kortban, Ei-Etajsi dent j W. W. Jilchlo, Conductor ; John Ivea,A. Coodoctori H. 1. Hogall, Iiwtd rVctke! ; 8 rrker, Local Yio Preak denL . '-:' " ' ' - A Er'Bef twortollar wa twyntly offered to any iioinbr ol thrOiinpectirttt iVathera' liiirtnu' whij :rru'd; hindnppett Jffff- rectiy th WoTd i the foilowin aentenr : "It ia as agreeable eight t wltoca th' ntri :pnR!eJ4 -trriiiHjritt . f ,. Jiarataad pcillcr attenij';iti( to (tuoge the tjiuuieify of t pccd DEftfls-vrtrlHr tt trfbttJ-tMwcl with t pooiard, rtattrm ot the tnnnen- 4 Iue ot to bite eorwwuaa Ba. Tbilv. eitfht 'teacher com pr ted for th prize, but not on wa aaoeoiiut - - go n 1 roxim ooan 1 1 f -WUO WILlU VKTHk'kKrVBLTCjht Fjsrrr - . Tb paWie wiH brer a witoe, iiat, U we ar at fault ia any partkatwr, r ihe cew duet of oar editorial dutiee, ai.f oor ! iogt with the KwUeal, it ha htm ia our too leeieat 1 n of policy U. ar 1 bem7pd tb mildoeee of our language ia ebar-ctor iftf,ftbir dd of .lraiil,,filndet: d hiv eadwa TBFHt ffi-farrutaF p t tiaoc ad fta-bearaaee, aad not la ajper too r-ady or tow ajilling to tp ' wickeaae and corrupt ion, prua.ied in our oa aniad, that tb p"pl wcHiid.eB taallf BBd oot th tr.rr, and apply tb correct tua at th ballot- but, urmg thi- to griet :t . . ' Twe tinbtw wt aartauttoa ara abinlng. -brnail A J tent of tlieee United ute not aioae in ITorth Carolina Dot far tfaa- toyaf- heatea. 2Tortb. Hew ieraey a oa ot her Irgiala tor ifUb Pealtentia'y "T th crim ol bribery, aad a 'i(kruW ?iw Yofk Bai kal i bow u8fring Inearoejaikm, fir rae caiityTb bowl i. raiad oLjdwiupUoa ant th Rrpublicaa - pr treeabUa, and taggar aaUer tb preneurwaf puiote fadig - nation. The, Republican 'party U goo T aad among it' multilorl ot couuaellora, there i ait oae to atep forward aad reat-ue it. Corrupt lo rta inception baa In tt gmwih and maturity; tbey tickled at on to arcure power ; aad once ia power, tbey pull dona aational and Btat credit ; bankrupt tbeirpl. jy ikb-iuiUnJ and drain to 1 iaat ngg4 penny, th Tree aery of North Carolina.- - TLa TWataal v - p" Iud.. " at VyafnfTI It g IIV 4twvT I VT m nrwwwny j w"! weaw ruMif alarmed; andakl tli qaario-.T,- '-wfio will Pud be beard brWfly t Wbea a political party ha a great pre. dominant it ia pretty aura ttf rtrW to it ;tt lu loiiuee. tae uncropulon. anil lb il geT TimtH muimuuilr,- mil I 'lieikmLtf ot on ia ai oncioui to him aa liaiUt-V' UH Q iwillllin:j. 1 may become tb tool ot corrupt men, U l. 4 a - I 4U li leader r careleaa in t orirnoon Biietit of their ilnnKib, an l liet-auie' the rogniiana1fmaT-attraCT Irom a deeir to uae it a their ipilrunieoL Shenjafarty lxmu! surrupt, tb pta-. pi, who cnduralor wiiWwith that paiT bleb abort lighted poll Iclan are ao lro"inUttnaeT.tIiril, irffiiily lt-vr it and take op the other party, even ir tbey rne thf rik offalrlig tut llulelmt ter by the. rhaim. x.-X-'e.la..'g ""..-- a - w. . . fs: r Who, then, will uv th Republican par tr lrnm dearruetion r Who wilt regain tor it the confident of ttie people t Wht-wilianH-! to loip C omit It wle tueaaure, and de- aouace aa coutrary t j it pheot and policy a4 orrpti, all ilragaae4 4l mvtirit Uin, all ' partial fc'ilUou f Cuttaa .iae -. -- i L m. 1- -1 . ..tA nil ea'iiwU' IweaWaaaJB ptJJT.l.T aTmwaV f antll I w- nw wiu mwnwnj nouicfr to do thia, it it likely to be cruntied. JO lnU lftta grnejat.njfrc tmor to miuiatratloa of Urant i bait over. legislature of Korth f aroUn HOCSB OF REPRESEJfTAf IVES. JHPHImlJ yaii)4I,Jn.?, 168. ell'L to otdi at half paat J Hou o'clock."1 ; Ml.' Downing are to a queatlon of priv ilege. 11 wat torry to trouble the 11 out ao ofteB alyjrt JiliiiBtti-r, lint h under a oxl tiiat a Henalor: had naid, to (lav, that tb ' P-Blrentlarvingut'ii .had ninticd. Their name lo Pl,l Untruth. H allu dad to bVntr L"e. After cnntuliatloo with hie (Downing1!) friend, at to h prop, er maimer a to how he rbould notice the charge, be bad concluded to pronounce the atateioaot fala, from hi aea in tb iioDke, ie: ' ; '" " Ha then characterised th report nf the Bi'Bata Commltte of laveatigation aa oa VS.y . ., ALJrM.' ReterrWI W tba ComittM tb JJt:Z,I Mr, Wnrlair are- to a aneatien el pelv ilrge. Hi atteniion had jut oeco cullid to th remark ot Mr. Wekb, an yeterby m'oroing, in nfenncato the conduct ol hn rnmmanil, during th baitle of Neabern. He had exoUiatd ta Mr. lkiwmaa'fieiore Mr, r. WiUii aroee, thtt hie- Sinciatr'l r' mar'xa, in regard to themriiminn puriy. were ma le in a tocnier manner ; Threlore. ha conaidisred th rtmarkiof -Mr. Wekh aj ea-trwiBvly uncalled tor. - Mr. 8, then preiM to giv a tht ketch of hi military career, and attted that if any blam to be attached to any on tor the conduct of th battle amnhd Wrwere;'tr WouTdTnticS tuber it abould tall upon btm Ih in any of thoan ltf herre, tor h wa Irving anil firtlyabt to vlndicaU JUoualt,- ti a. ax4 ebaa in rooa lortuae nan irvt Biia to a rv.- on dr ao brav and galltnt a niaa i. (ii eg.1 Hrmnch. andifan 4rtta Hieawl ii rli. i n n. ... b im t CUm. Itrancb TTiranTT.Mil. i . at nrar men and gallau -aoldirra, tuy poke falatly." Mr. Welch aald be wa a North Caroli. nlan and wat prood of the ricwd ot ?tir Carolina aoldien during tb late w-.r. No man held th moiB'iry.of ties. .B aLhai d th. itallant ma of hi Brigade, ia itraaier aawuoa aad reverenc tbaa ha. Hit ;ln gnn, an ytrday, could not, poetbly, t contunad inla e&aoting, ia anv way.-npoa ibw nobl and brv men. Wt iitaid had been couched in plain Englleh, and tb gentleman, tnd tb public go-raily, could ttt-w4tnJj awe ialatiatia, -Th tmrg b need wa meant, anlety, for th gentle I . . , maa woo w Bt to tie . rncntar at bit Klui la ,uc, 4 fcroad .maaaer. It any otBt-r conatruction wa put nnea aia Ian tioa. I . A mra-agt wa received from th .8eqt refnnng t concur ta the Uone reeolotioa authorial ng the Tp-aarer to pay member oot of tb money depoaited by Hhenffs, Ac, By Reyaelda, (colored) : A till la rel tioa to apecial procedure in caae of mills, Referred.- . " '-.L .i -Oa notta; th rule were iopided and Bona bill fie, IT. (ra bill) waa take ao Alter varkiii ameo'I'iueaia, flit LiU pa. aa tt rnira reatimg, ana wa ordered to tw ienrroaeed aod tnt lo tb Bnat. On mwtioa ot Mr. fatuter.tb How the edjouriied uatil 10 o'etock to-momrw morn Th Bt nat wa called to order at tea 0VloCt." "livl.aT!ey am to t qifeiiton .of prT. ilea. Ha dcsiradlo make" a tatement t tb 8ena fa Matin ton matter which b thoi kht d'mtn led Jnve-,lj. He. had c'el'oh'fhe tint m f:a.'mi,rj', 'ud tBtormeti by kim thai iiw had- a on a.. He, tb Clerk, bad trnmiHed order ta, he :emeafyrw 'Siat fir ' itaiiimery, ai4' be ('be Secretary) only filled esr-hail the reqnfc l ion, aud fiitd th order fortlu whoi amount Why kt thia, aif f Anwaaotaa tii'U.t to neoavMUT iationery. d ia iwt the proper auxt lo pu it 1 Ue ffi at iatetid aay niijmt r i etjoa roa tli sVcretary ot eVae by making thit tl mant ; he only deairexi the mat ter' to b coa ducte l properly, and U tbr i aay wrong dun i 1-B.ilutd fa riithted- -jc . Mr. Barrow mti tbat a Cominittee of tfarne a eppoMstid Co iarttigailh matter. I Mr, IVy dir-d to brin: t? th atten liwa ol tb tsetitre. a atTer.iaemcat of on Joke Areiacr. md-B k hunter abifhappeart i it tlr atn'i Ucmral Aitmttif, at Bt aaid b wat 'glad tbu manev. had lta brought to th atten tioa ol the Sroai. and ho(d the Commitutj woull la p unted. l!naadtitb Seorttary of glete tbat l it Inrmigatioa abooid be bad, b believed that the secretary had the in ter, r ot the f(ai at heart; aad wa glad we, bad aa ailicer who would taike the r tp Xieibiiity urn bimaelf ol withoiding re aiitadntB but. ie tu iudgmsBt th article iI id tne aiw. it Mfamact vjat: -jaSpmpsXltssz, a btitifl-l utrta-iaiuin-Ja h4 tb. win tie turpi iacd at lie euormout tatuaiit . g.ationery ctntumcd by tbit General Aaeemulr : It will amount Te enough t tiatain the I'nivartily of tba Stat lor yr Mr. Davi aaid he hoped ta propnatttos would be voted dowav it ngeened ta bim thia Senate bat a mauievfur retain; invetli gatiou or aiaciiiug Committee. 0e would not fan turonaad at aiir tiru if tear war - - I.,. f - - mti" amrnti nj at wnawa ami 1 1 tana I p rn 1 levHI awwCwVrJBaV 9ffjJWtww 9 nfml am i I m t to aairtia II tb member paid tnetr itotei bitli, H wat tired of tuch propotiiioei aod tko iubt there ibould be aa oad to them U. Barrow aaid b made tb motion ba- oaa hlhuii)ibl it a matte ibet thoul lb lookod into. ' It wa a cbiooie complaint There art rumor oa the atreTtt that the meTtrBtrfar" th"0nrrtl Aiavmi'ly aw uhaiel aa high at$IO0ech farttationery. He had not acd on (toiler aortk, and be Ji Mr. Lovraatd 0 did not agree wilh the I ai'natm- from montgomery; tiiart eiatturt ! tbi character tbouid be tn aed lightly.- It la wklft'r'uTaeiTiiTii'cllaracttr aad" abouTd b iae'igtd al aura, in juatiee to the -tary of Btat aod of the Dirkepert. ItiHxu that Uuj-e U conaiili ralii iliflnr oca In ibe elation which they fill, yet the tbat : - . ' . .r : A. II. Galloway, colored, thought that after the raarki 4h aWator Irom Cra- vea, tt woald be aimple Juttica to th Door a v. . : ,i.. . r i . . .. t oioigrai ion m u'W'iim "J Hcuiuci - , . H..tt .'-- -T I the aiupeuaioa ol u,m uirTill. I llimjld twjing had. The idea ) conveyed that they have ner. . It bail tiesn lalorined by tb JB re tary ot Wa' tint the Innate bad cooaumed ui ttatloiierf thiil the Tl-mi bf RtfreiPTT utlve. He (lid not believe tn itauiment waa true. Bol.irai n wa concerned, he had bnticht bU owa" t alinnery 'l 'the tM.Tt.TOrtBTEt reeelpta, theref.ic, tb cbarir or eonaum Ing itatlonery tilatiglng t th -BteU could no u lam at oia our Ir. Moor,,of Cartit,l!alll ; Hi prrvl- on Question which wat tuttajned anil the motitdi at The Preeiitent deetgnated tbe CnmmUtee, i ni iT-a wniEiinuvu wj vv'iilti I ivwi Satjadaajf BoafTiirityw. RKrOET Or COM MtTTKKB. Mri Brogilen. Irom the Committee on Fl nani a, reported favorably un reaolution for the riiiel of A. J. Murray. Mt. KolilDna.truut. Uta tituumutaa or uut 'poratloAaVTt potted favorably on a bill :to amad tb charter of tb town of Lenoir. - Mr. Moore, of t arteret, trom tbe Oooirait- rigCuTlSofWbg; repttrled tavoralily a bill to iuoorporate the town ol Liliingtoo, .... ' c' Konca o atvu. - , Bt Mr. Laraiteri Of a bill to amend the oriminal law; ao at tn increa tbe punjib ment tor burning barn ago other build- lug. Mr, Graham gv notice that he thould offer ho uieotliuenT't'"lliTuTFfDf order, ITHOD0CTIO or BILL. By Mr. Bobbin: 4, bill to petpen the tlm lr lvying tb ,te for 180 Re ferred to (he Couimltto on' Propothioni tB'twnrvani Bis Mr. Btioff.ier: A Mil to protect Con- tialilea Ir "in nnlua: lirttnliUea oa their bond, r..lu.A.I I., tl. rmntniilM n.'l. T.tJ!,iar dklarv. - Ilf Mr. Blytbt - A roanltrtloa directing the puolteotioaof all tbw general la wt lor he nee of th memliera. Lie over. (PBCIAL ORDBB. "B1II I provide for' the eettlement of the eel aura or ilocaaaed pertout, waa eoeaidered at 'mi teegth: when, oa motion of Mr. MertiadaJev It larther oonaideralioo, wa pot'pood nniil Monday at 11 o'clock, j v- OALBBVaa.' , : . Bit1, for lbs re' let d Mr. , Hardi, late aiw-uir of t umoerlemt county, Mr. MartiiHlale mvd to'ameaihf inert ins the nam- ol tne late &lier,n ot tbe couutk't .ol Wjwhlngjonj SCitrtin re!l ' ' ' v"" ' "Mr. fova moved to amend hj inclndlnc aft the t-Thefiff-ia h-hatv- After t me ditcuaaioa both' .amendment were i I"1" Mr. MooreCTif CitrteTgt, erttad th preri- awirqtieatioa. wbtch waaaaatained, od Ibe bin naaaed It tnira reading. L. RolaUaa a.kihgll' tiiioionof the 8u- nn-me Court in Meren-e to tb following enl jnrt pad. tr wit : 1st. Do article 10, of th Siate' Cnatitution. entjtleii ' IlomtokaJ' aiidExeoipti.n,"" exempt from ar uxr txur fwumm omalned on a oniia-t complet before th adoption of i ha Mate Coattitution, a realtv or home ttced of the va ne of one thoneand dollar. 2nd Ia peraonal pmperty ot tba value ol fire, bundri d dullar exempt Irom aaia na- dev exiviiiioa of a Uae coaraefer. Bill to Incorporate Gaatoa Lodge, Oaatoa couiitv. panned tta aacond reading. - Hid ia favor ot W. G. Hick, let Sheriff -" 44twimowWBrfi:po(Jt Bilfqthortt.ng County Commiationert to elect a Countv AtUirney, with a aalary not to rxwen w, at er enme aiacuauun on motion of Mr Porkner, it contiderw io wa piipnd ft if th preeent. - Bid aulhorixing tb Comntitionr ol Pitt County to levy a apecial tax 4or cer lain Dnnx!-, Mr. Graham moved en amend t tdtmlttting the qneattoe to a vote of th T"le at Ftrt. whir Wat ioat and tba bill mw r intra reat5; ; '-r-- - Li t t anwd eh e to IncorporaFa the Pitt C'j untv Fi-nul lastitute, pamed it teenri ranng. . BUI tnr the reliel nf 1 B. Jasaa. lata aoileetor ot Buncombw County, paatcd iu arciHl reaning. . . . Bill to am ad th Charter of th Ftjette- vi.ii- r iori khutovi tMmpoy ' oa motion ot Mr, llayra, it w remn mit ed to tb Committee oa Internal Im- provrnaiuT Mr. Swet t preiited a volnminon report I rrom mi niqimea on a niery tin W tup i, whii b wa read, and 1 ; JJn motion of lf, KH vl Carteret, it i oti-ii.i.ruoa waapiMtp mod nn it VeUst. (taviar ; -r .v- , - Ommrnr tlUS.iaaajowrnl wntjl Monday at 10 o'clock. . . ? t'ov We ehall reClrto tbi rrport t aaunA w caaubuut a piiuted apyr.J ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - . RTt!BOAr,.Jaa. 83. lJi. - Hon called ta order at 10 o'clock. . prayer by th Bcv. 6. 8. A. bier. Mwr. Intrram ae.1 A.baorib changed their vote npvm Mr. B ivmu'i atneadiueot, exeuiptii g ptoviaioat from Uta Kin, from ye naguv lo tar alBrmaiive. Tbey bad not eiactly- eomprelieoded tbe quettion wbea it wa put to a vote but eveaiug. -Jlfcaat'oe, f Rutherferdj msved to tut prnd tb rules, and take up bit reaoiutio I rgni.ti accep:iog Mr, Uoaninjj t prop vnrt.TT: H aked for tb adoption or nia reaoiu tioa. ia ord.v that tbo ljcgiiaiure might get nil of further trouble J 9 regrd to that tf.ir. li thought that all th aoiaa ratted over that matter wat'aoUsly lo make piliti cal capital, hi. " i. tw Leary, colored, aaid th attempt to pete thi reaulatioa nader a upniop it th rule, wa a dodit to nnxth over tbi atatior. ... Ji wiabed the UtMite to pa- upon Tb entti hrtt tn regardr n lepealiug; tiie art :mi&a1asgatarit teetiarv- lie rtul not regara toe purcuate a legal, therelWe did not are how they cooid aeli a hat tbey did not own, - rmfi Siatlair lavoreiLJh MiapeuaUn of tb rule. , ' Mr. Downing tIil,th patige of thit Mil would amount to aotuiog wuitev.ir the Committee bad made tbe purchase bv law, a Iaat ot the enactmeht ol tula ttry Lailatura. If thit lull paaaml. tb uiaiter would have to go into Court lor a tetile aiol ; tueri f re an ac -eptance oi hit pro p ai l in Wotiiu ave.u an tuuir innie. ilr. lograut aia lie rnaoe no oro, etion to I ipenaion of tb ruk ; hut he w not wil tug to aceed l the principle tuat tbe oii.-,l lelly lllH IHIH riyiJ-n4i lioo. Ho VW willing to accept tbe oil man' propotttioa lar at tbe Lam nai title ol the Brat-: eoocarawl, to thr lengthy arguni.at oppnaed the ru.o. He boitil that the reailutioa would lie votM down, a-ul hetenate bill, rejxalii.g, the haty, uu. vif aodf uncoriltutiooal," acrlon 'of" VST a.b p ad, , ' ,i. Alter cont-hleraole debate, the qn -ttion recurred upou the motion to urjit.nd the rub a. Tb motion Iw in adeptcd the n-olutio 1 t taken up and made the i-o c al order fur Uouday wau.g at e 'li!ii. On motion of Mr. Seuiour. the rulet were tuapended and 6eoaie bid N . 81, (repnal- u wat bikes ujv Mr. heyaiour"nioved to rp'ke it ihe- tp dal order t tt Mi-nduy ryiiiunj i .,liH.k. Mr. E'lit moved to amend by easing baU W7 o'clock. L,t. ' v.. -. ed to trownd tiV rn'ik ng it the epreial or. ter tor Tnttdxy eveotn)i leil. al 8 o'eloi-k. Lout. tMr: ft-ymour' motion wat toen put to vote ami tamertr 11 .. . Mr. Perebee presented a petition from the Ctifnrumioiiett of (ani'lin ('auntv, I a re gard to the flaanoial ooadilioa o the Couu 'Ji kl"!r l"" MP tax to meet their indTbU'dhent. - , Ml J"KreIiss. Bi en jrirtff ft tmM una. IT:. towing the ' i eoittiiaaiomna nl Camileo i o ---- 0oHMy M Iwy i Hwrlal tag oa tUa rearwar pereooal projwrly ol the County in order to ran money tor certain purpotua. Ou motion of Mr. Ferebe the resolution wa reterred to the Comiuttte on Countiet and Townaliitia. " . : I&kzz Aab worthriroin . thar "QraBBBttf mt Mitttanr Affi teportad back the btll to urgauixeth. militia otKutUi Caiulin. with certain amenclmeml. Tba bill waa placed Mr. Malona front tile T!p3raTt?omniirteTe to whom wa n-ftrred the hill, making change in the time of hoi, ling Court in the Kin. Jil.b, VU, anil I an, n ported back a hillflaing tb time ot the Court in the jdurtdin jmii.ttl Ultijct. On niotiiHf ontrrBrtn4iutruJe were juyranded and th bill ptsud it teveiul reaoliut. : . : : By content, Mr. Davia pM nte.l the re lport ol the Coainnaaiouer 'of Carteret County. It- i.rred. The bill entkhsil an ct amendati i-y ot the act to incoriiorate the We era orth Caroline R H Co., andr act amendatory for tbe bill. Th clerk. rad tbu tuhaii ute at length, and it i adopted. Upon the paage el the bill in it acond r.ading ibe yen ana nay were caiien, ana rttulteu in a vote or yi-a &7, nay . The bill, t geibr wjth..th'! . following amendment off. red by Mr, Malonr, a a or dered to r-e printed YWJ fHrthtr, That no lid thai I be u-tiL-d Irom tb oat etecpt in the -eram!; lw tf tb tsradiug of tw. nij-live niil. of aid mart; at toe axp-rauon ol whicb lime. and it being certified td tlieTrensuier under the path of the Pretldent of atd road, it ahVinld be-thidy nnheTttfi.'ic Tfeajurcr tolsahe" fiO.W) m'bdnd '''-per" mITe njider the rettricxioo of tu act a id other general tan in ute tnanagemeFtOL Itaiirpad. Om pnu. And it ali;i t- the rtatv ct ihe riea urer to tubsorUie the tk from timeJ to ti ne at required in thit act, at the ia e hot $lt),000 per mile in the ecmpletton td tbe grading of each .twienty-flic mile ol aaid rjad. ' - - , . ''.. . ..On motion ol Mr. Laflin, Senate bill No. 47,; to amend an act - entitled an act to amend th'ctiartey of the Wcatern R. B. Co., raliHed the 21 t. al Aag. 1808, waa taken np, aod panned it tecood reaiiing by a;vww- yea an aav 8. - "- Oa motion, tba . bill together - with aa amenlment,rfftreil by Mr. Harnett, wa Ternerro 10 ie pmrren. On motion nf Mr. Lnflin, the bill to smend tbe Charter of th Tarlniroand Williamtton R. K wt taken op.' lis, LftSift iJffi . aidji-tiiBta J&r tb bill.. ... i... Mr. Malone moved to amend th tubtti tnteby ttriking nut "Cov Creek" on tt and inarrt Witmingtotf, and In Mction t line? tfer the word "million" trikont u-fn Insert ivhfldrei thouiaod ; and in section 8 -Ho SI after tb word "the trike out "ten" and insert . "fifteen hundred thooand dollar." In aection 1,1 lruc.,4 trikeout "five" and iasrt i-ix!" PrvuUd, That tbe five hundred tho hftan.l additional. appropriation by tffit -ct thall be expenle4--fTom Wilmingrna' to Cov The tm rd ieqt were adopt I. The bill li en pisae ft -aaoil read'ng by vote ol yei 61, nijy 23, and wa or dered to b printed a emended,-- ? Ou motion M Mr. tsflin. Senate bill Ka. 88, to rtpe,! ' an. act entitled an act to mend an ordinance of th Convention: en; ti tlt3attJirdiBajica to lncori.oe.to tbat' iitiiumira ft, v, tv. tw, " we taken an. tnmtuwhiBhbeM ' . . . , . . V. .1 . H . I' tnotrporated into tbe bill. Tbe bill then paaaej in K-conii ria ling a amended bj a vo e w yea oif aaja, ti.m, aubmitied a report wiiit due tetiniony' Uxn.nd a .esrl-perori hwv- been IHUaaiaM pear, they iiked to b diK;bred from the ! further cnniulefaLen of the taoj-ct in regara to tb caaawl tieuaior Hobhin, a minority of the Committee con'initg of ktoera. Eaiea, 8eet. Gatimg aod Biwrnan dnemed It proper to lay tbat they regaried thetrantattiua between tbat Senator and Sen tor Buphent a an inadvertcm on ibe part id 8enu.r KobUaa abd ia their opio lon acquit him (B LiIjio) at aliy inuntiooal wrong.'. . ' Ou motion of Mr. B-ymoar, the report j " """ "J- j priute.1 and ma-k the apecial order lor next 1 Ou muiiou of Mr. B trn'ett, the bill con earning tne Oxlord branch of the Hale in h and fim-in tttilwad, m taken up arid parted iu aecoud reading bf a Vole ol tea 57. aay 20. . The hill wa ordered to be printed, to gethir wi'h vadout prnioent aiuendmrata. On motion ol Mr. L fl n, 8eoaU bill No. 73, iucotporatiug the L'aiVeitiiy Rilroad Co., wa taken up and paaed it tccond reading by a rite ol y4- 8a, naraW. . The bill wat ordered to be printed. Oa motion of Ur. Lflio, tbe lnltUi meni ti.ali.ttMf rf lllu Jt .'LtilU. . lllliil. JLati T ' ni xe HiilroK'l w lirn uu-an.i paaaeiT lfT aTcoud'TTW rrng trya rrrxA year St. irityt w -On motion, tb bill wa ordered to be printed. 71: On motion of Mr, Luflin, th bill to, aui.-iid au art entitled au act to incorporate tbe l'laUr Bank Railroad Company, Wa taki-u up anil paaaed it aecood reading bv 4a vote of yea 00, naya 14. lie liili Wu uTiltied to le printed I A'hde the Yit i-n the above bill Wa be Ing take i, Mr. Kerele aroi aad aald, lor the lt halt an hour ibe pincotdingt of the Hon ha I been nothing more thau a bur tii-que upon l. gii a i'n. They ehould, b ive olj .iirneii touiKtiuic ag. iu reapect tu Uioui ae.v.t 1 On motion of Mr. sVjto oor the Houe then nijourned utitlT Monday morning, 10 o'elick. . - MEW ADVEaTISEJiENTS. U)OOVEli.NMENT JWA VfiHrK. j ui re.-eivefi qv t-lUI.A-l BKI.L, Vayaiixdl axrW,.- attf LHa-Tki-e- a koihI toek. carefully aeWled to mit averv- bod j K. r na'e hy . 7oiTEiTr DOTOrjS Et'LU oa- t liahi TttttrA ttirf- Wi f neil Yelkiw. ml lro'T' Hiir, H of which 1 mat 10 yni ' , vn uj UiCCi, (im kel Reek Iml I Rrwurd J-JJJHJUIY rtTCKTT BOLJU4nJbaJir--ut I Italrixh, un Hatnrday lul It nnitawed, in un...l.ii.k. klint ai.. liun.lM.cl tl aim a.iii&r. anHMmiKlwttt I Will alva the alrnv re- wmil for lb pket book and oirfilenu, and hem- iff rn.ewai u a l p. m.l 11 atunn nmu tor mua uotaiiaiui ..aurnm lHy. Jmi EPWIN t -MITH. I'ublU' Utile or VHiiiulile Lwta. A Uir.ir.i. Qiiiil!e"Co ,' '. C , IT "being the 3lD aay um uie nttimti. man? vainani nuiiaing tote will lK.oid. l)hee lot ar adlaoeat to Ht ii ha't Colh ue, 1 mil are a part ut the College prniH ity it hit will be a good dtaaoot lur love!- mn.t.. '. - 1 I 1 un. one-hilf cinlT ix monlht credit 011 haiince ; . ; . H. W...J1R-T. .. " CAatrliaa 'f.BW'WhJT-aBefafr - Jan . HS-iw . . . .- Aycr'sCathartio Pills, elm ut t uiiWoi Kjiilv. re. qnlrtHl by TrylMMl)- im r UahrUfl, BaW WAM V4al my ikHitnv im uiiiverrtK vry wmtitrramt TBonir au eia?eti, a ou mua villi Unl ui-khUv 1... on im. thtti it ia moi-p rv Mrf. ... oilier. ThoH who have trtM It, know that It rnred them ; thane who hare llul- Ww Unit It cure their netKtihoni and niemtn, ihI al kucw tlijit what It does muimi it due alwn) a liiiii It. uever hulH tlinmh anv Inult wr nexltH tnf IttLiiomtHMitlon. Wa huve. 'all can iht.w. thna- n"nml uimio ttiolumMft of eertillealea n( n-marka- jl.e i-ure or Ihe lollowln enmplamUf but mu a r ureri are known In every ni-lelibortiooil, and why thouH we pitl.tiAfl them Y Aihipted to all nee aud conUiiiouii In, hII i-hmaiea : contjilnin neitlier ralo-mt-l or any ut-li-turiou aniir, tliev may tie piken wilh Mfety by anyliofly. TlHflr aalrar eoatlng pre, nerve thetnvver hvKh and make. Iliein iih-ai-aul aa take, while heine purely vemxal.t ao liaria oaa ainfe from Uieir un lu any quantity. They ofNirai by thd poMerl'ulinllnene n th IntemHl vtneera to pui-ify the blomt antf ktlmulme it ii.:o Jn'. til fiy action reinuve in obatruetinii of th toumfcr"howeli, liver, and other Oiyuna of th tHHly, rentinnr their IrrefruUr-aeiioa to Ih-hI1Ii, and tiy eorventinir, a lterever Uiey exit, uca oerango- UH'iu a are um nrw orurm 01 ilinent. Miiattte iHolkns are tfiven In the wraniMr on tho Ihx, tttr Um frUutviiig mpliiixLii, tLu Uiui9 aYUU rii,iily cr: r ItymfAawiMrlaft or I 4TPa? ", LlwllMlta i'BWdrjir d atemm fpf Amtitmy hry vtHvulv bm bLkcni B.OeJetiiifjIy 16 Minitiint Ute MtHav V ltUKl IVrttOfT ilB htfllOty ton Attfl aU'ltoD, Kor lilw C'oMlMBt anl Ha rnrtnut urmp totim, RitlMi HrM4ncbf. 9Hrh HttMlTlM, wHfjnltc nr awrrM . Mckmm, MIUcmm n4 Hilw Vwm,iW ftttM he h tMtt4y tvfcm fwf t l4tL, It auiri c l Ut? UiaMrajt.-tl mim or mtw ieiru4 f m whkik emu it. ror yvm.tery or imhti Um, but ow Hik For IIimmi., rTa. lSilit tnttM mt tlMi Hriirt, im im tmm mm. l-vTrtt n'e'UITt.l TBatrk ami IIm, Owy h-tiiil be foiiiiniKHir-lv .laaattai ea WWIWvtv tfllM WW W v1tFffnar1 rtvtvf nf tlte KViiitMii. V. ilh ue! chtmge Ummj cumiatettta r or Oropay antl Droptttcgil Mwollla tby au e ute at ul a ui ataic uurtre. Ker tfrpBiaiaM a Im , hoM he taker a it )iMiiMm u uir4 yii4 1 An iHnnr till take one nr two i'UU to pro BuWiie titwwtiurf and rt-litve lrtuvmnHh. An o'4-fi.i(iijtl tlo-t Mi in uln lee tte vtomiirli an4 Jwwelfl Uito hwlihy v i.tHir rtuKnree ihe areeltte, ami invurorattw Ute yU n. Ht nt B it, ohtviuh Vftntflippou where no wrwme iivrTnrrf)Hnt eaiHa. On a ho fiwla tukrab.r well. ofti Unrtt Uml a tin Of the . Dlftkni hl'tn ttfi derttUtlv laWJiar frrux. J their tieiaptrtait alitl rvuuunj itdoct oa .Hym. wve pparmii. liter are nuineroue r-M ltr a purxdiivo l requimi. whick we ratuioi miuiiht-at- hei-e, but they mtggeM thoinwlv MifvrrjtKwiy, i werf Ute t-h iuc. of lata I'M aniuwa,iia ubik as fcMager iVuuU what lo uilu. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Xfwr lMteaae mt tmm Tairowt mm i.aaa, Orwra ', Twlala, hMpta; tr, MiMcaittta, takat, . ProhehrT aever before la th whow hlptnry ef Bie.ll. me, baa nythlnf wne m wMelr and m deepty BMa the eoondeur of nankind, a Um eieelleat remeny rpr ptiHanaary complaint, l hrotiirh a kmc peiiel of rem, and ainon u.i.t of l!t rare, .,r nii'tiShait'rtften h'jrher and h'nittc m lair yuma tl.ia. aa B ha bei-uia better kruvwrr lu eninm etnuftrrrr and power to ear the virion affertto of tbe ! and ihroat, have auule H know a a r. fertile proterinT waa them. W hil adapted tm I mit Vr torTH. of dinae and to yoon caildren, I at Uie Mine time Ihe ot effeettial teinedv thai r be airea lor uieipient eoaumpleiw ana eh daa eerout mTeeliteuior the thrnal and lnnra. Al t pro visto aainiit wdilea attai kl of 'rtmp, l should be ketrt itn hand in every familv, and ludi'ed at all are. tometime mneet to r.l.i aod eoinrn, all ahoi ld be provided a it thi antidnte r them. ; -AlthwHelv artllrd mttmitmylimi & tftonrht tas curable, atttl erevt nirmhera oreaHea abere die and lh pafieiil reilrt 10 ninil bVana by ilZ r arer fninil. lo complete it IU BiaMery over Ibe dlwrdera of the Lur, if. and Throat, Uiat tin? mot ohtinat oT them vieUl to .Hlu. elOert, kan bee rnoii.b-n.ly ewvd. t" e4e.eoBliTere; thorn, ureter the fliet'i iew ear. Amtkmm i alwaya relieved an4Aea whoiw eawdiiy a. Hrthuu. hrenerallir r-nred bv takin tba. Cam J'litataf tn amad awl lrwpiinl doe. ho Cenendlv HT It" Vttttln. hm. rl.-f 1, I. mm miry lo pubiirk ihe rertiUaaie of tbra here, or .to mnr tlian trrm tba. Ouijlu: UuU k walttM iaAiMrwaaaiataa). . ... ... . . pajwwewat Bay ' ' .' n '. c. Ixr.M 0 co., vomxix. tuts. eot o ar " U Driiuiu and f)l- ra 1 my! 'r"' - ';i . dee 19vodwA IN e.tio will be ma.l.'to Hio ort (Wrral Awtuiiiy or Ah.laroLina for ait act of ibioe-p-.rtirn fur th lown of Durham, in Orre tjouulj. . ... . lAuH-ti tel aaai ' .,,., it . MIECXLlASIOTja. . r .'- jTotb. People cfth Soaucra tUteg. aw loa. Kov. , iM, .' , Vbeatha pore mediiiaal reaiurati,, auw a rij. 1) , kuun a Wu le t eWiwidam tJ,tiapL wa Intrviuoe'l into tbe wurkl under tba .. " mel,,"' f,,ur thoo-mid leading avemtian mt .1.- utm'Uatl iroieetuu ai'iu ar ago. Ha prom. Uur .u j olOt ew.d au tulltT uafw ibe pena tv aiuuhnd tu tu a--w ud aaelal preparation, it, tbereft, eudeatorad 10 .. ee u with ir"i.t(eei puatibt eeleynard aaaiu liaaaa(uMal.i kt tJaU naa alia ia an. rata u dimcau and aaugeeuaa, u waa uauttd to duunf uiaoea oiirmi lux auaiak at4 nsunc by thota tn par! aptra,evr tarut iu purity and oivpcruia ba'iig be tli a aaeeruuwd, atniplw ul tb aruule rt,Ew. warded le tea thoaaaad phyieiaue. uiettutm ait Umi le.uing praHiuutkir iu to juitd BtiM lur yitrym o vipvnawaa. euvaiar, a.,..T mk -wial ul tlx piefMrauoa aud a report g .... .xtuuat, fcd.uiy.i.W ech ajeenuvii, uuj uw (Uuiu uif lb luuat vuiixMpoi ttoMjtuei a... ritam-iaraayw-HBuxjTac Ihearu.le weri- iotiaoaly faiuraUitt. InxT tun bees waiilWT'l..' it Keui the prutcaaiua, a tut reiiauu .i4 b . ' . ui otuiuaiy iiu,uura ul oouuttu U - ur luu aaa.hu uj, ud tlMraiur. ' Ui lor aieditfal purpo. 1 m p.diar nr-..t mtl lf.j ul u uU a( tuuipar, auwi hjttumA ' ' kigotlter aim aa uumiiuwi eharantar al tb a-i.' euiamut, aiv it, lu th uuiUoa .k, laculty, a ntaia upriiritf ovr vy eaaar - d noMii auwuuuit a a murotiaj loul - 1)t 1 lauv. 'lima aatiaraeaurv nittaiinli aa mf,. ; aliuuu ul Um uiuei rank .aer pub iaa m 1 eouOouatiU lurtu, uU auuiuMid wiUi ac Ooutt at ilie Muitae, a on ul lu gaarautaw e tat Kuiututuoa. oilier preosuuuu aaauiat fauut wi o aiuaaUHi : oaxeei wa obtAiuu L . .. ruui, lii laoel a eo) righted, a Jot uau 4 lb prorwior aukrpu aiguaiur m Muut.DMciwi uu ever, itim nmj nr the prepuriiuuu vrv"iHboatta uuum 1 ana lu uuik ei asaleu wiiu liai mnu , No rtul had nvar ueau autu ui tin uwum . the a.nui.ut (M luiapp p wr 10 Mm uiukuua. uon nf Woiiw iv ln.j.ui awaiiapii; -ta isatT L i.lu .1 i.u.m i'iuici Court lur Ui aoataara ' tiiriot of New Jure during that year. It UMdlii he uptji hj peruuua aurqaaiaa4 ' wiui tuu uariug eurai:bcr ot -tti . " "fvray upuu iu lepuuuuit ul aoatabw aaeruaaui . ' 4 4y v4Htmg MkWkw tta wtxW W nmna - tuTv'prBel adod "Sum! tho M:iipp would aavo praeludod the iuteu. i hoaevor out) tu hav tuuuiamd Ui rapatuiv ) . inip.wuira, tttm trmd atark tat Ui piOfrivT ha been alutea ut iwaoravaawil ahioh km uiua aruuuuic ncunapp alou reeoiva iruie aivu bo liewu i uuntt i uaiuiod u uou. U liuiUiou. ui aaitiiatt tiarai.l im mart on, it J, and Wor ihau au. uraui miautia, alior uiapusing at ah aouaaua' oonteol at nia tuttle, hav HilMl tbent ua hh eoasmoa (tm, tne ui -j d-Via lima ut aU tiuaw. .- ana Ihu uitu lu luuu aud brand a eovr lac poiwiu. r rr.l, i...7. . J ,i , aid tor auiun lu bvuMMtam Aiuuau ntaiaeuut ' u pr. atribed a a reality, ar wiaolly uiteroaiad v iiii l proprietor in tu detmai.. aj..i -.. n, " 3ioii utTEEEo TtaTiiaxui prauuuae. 'iu Knuu. J- aruih, niauufautund at the eth'iuujeni ot iiiM.riaiajin-.i, lu aemailaw, I and, illalud iioiu aiauley ol tli &uet quality, and ttavured Willi ah taai.titial eitraer nrjrrie-terrv .jTii itr Tn ttjptper, of Uueaualed uurkv. $Ji a. wukuown in the pipi ation of auy uihmt Uquur, 4 vow uuw vvvcv tiiriaaifiiaiut aim euRuetve' w, lueuianU .( - , 1 Couiplalpla bar "been received from the feed. M tog puy-K-laB iliatamiliu tuTJt Srtriai? ot thvlate tf ebeop tiiiuatiuua ul the aJ.t.IT.rnj' Ar.uiaUo bchnappa ID tlioaa maji'Viiurr ai.il o.. ' " . iitir f ai "Who ar tu vne inr&ffof natirg it a an jyipr" river water, kauty l ha t-ueap aia, put aja-. Auliindam huttiea, l lre ueuily pajtuad ut Upon the newer, the utmia of . aau.ai.nd ,T aa imw raqneauiil to wautule iuquirwa on u, . aaivet, ana ui tui ward to luui ta name anb -patue at tliey may aawrbuu Ut be eniianed a lli airM,i.kliM ............ ... . w - - "Jvkw wt wuuuun AU avo w wwnMiiaia nail. atuauu. KUiabed liea ul eua ui Amwiea, Brouh aoaa wcrahui of tli uuiun and ai.iuuuI ...u of Ui hekwdam Aromai to rwauappa i tua tm baw " iwudl many Umaaaud doliar Mf auTr-wwIi-a lt wilhUaiau(eaaudaaii.Kaarit, abioa W. . iwl auuunl proieot th paune aad bouaolf aaol Ir. uduie it uuiutiu-iai auat hhaa thowa -it lo b th w ly lHuur lu tu wurid tbat a be a uniformly di peudvu upou a unauu.urlu j tba ue nao UiioMu ,uvt,uu., -'j-n. mm , pai iaou. aud eaperibieut ut aii b Itaimat aud troui vverj utueai tb proparauuu aloth Boar Ui name, and traoemaik, ha puiue of rw- uui4inv. He thetoi lie frvtm it a Uuiy heawea " tub. lei-ow-uaiu seuecaiiy. lu tb uiadjoa. ' pri.t.eion and the au it, tu .duiiuuuoa and to ex po. tb ouaiuiiau a bu puuuurluii tnaa arulaa. ' ol iiteutuy aud h. euil up. lb urea and the puhlie to aid him iu tua- eaV la u raauad a great a. evjl. ' The tulluwtiin' tetter and eaHineaUa frum tax lea.iu(( phyati tan aud clirtniaw ur ihla nly wut -prov.w dw reader tbat ail goud wild bv ttitaie deranuea r ad tbuy ai feprawnted te b I feel hnnnd tony, tbat t reartl yoordehaape aa hetii ta .very reapejt )-uiuititiy parav5 dearving ,ut u,ediui patroiiag. At id vl. il 1 tilt purm pi .,Ui axtuk at lioUaud tlm. ' Iteretoiuie .oin.LiaiuaUe. and, aa aaub, awv he alUy prvtcribed By ptrrmeaana - ' - l aVlu 1 non at. a, Fharmani.nia-al Cueaiia, bw York, - 1 ' . K ft Sriiair, Kxw Toak, V ,.r. uv at, lea.... ... Cfr't-rao WoLm, Kwj ; frttettt i " 1-.- - - fa4 ?H J 1 have njade a cbeniioal xaadoay doit of a aauipi. ol H'llel.l.M bebttappa, - with tb intent of d. iernniui.u if an t,-7Z.. ttilwnHamwtaManoa bad baa,, uu i. ,k. pi UlatllMd pitita, . ,.r i ' iTf, ' 1tui"-i" ha r-oolted ia th eonWavdoa TT '. mpi avwiMri wwpoiaeaioa or bano'-"5 rttl (USaaan. t un bsea aaal. ao a tat tb lieu, tort, a r ha tan Oa WBKh ' a eeipliiied tn fb idulterauoa ol uqwara. I ." awtid to other, fur aioilieal purpom. ti N k-- hUU.l?"?,.?, VaWftooAataduiurtiuo. Die variety ol (iia ; j ; .(annW' CtBS! AbiadA. Ctyaaiia."' " a" Tox as Cuata wrwaai, j .' . bovewiumr a, m.7. I rf TDotrm) Wotliirawkwli '.: X ' .J. -hmiHed to ehemleal t - bdu. and i,d, a. beioro. that tb tpirttuou bin fro- mjunowa rttn2Z tZ. " "aa tu aaark of bmn avtdao- of alcohol and aroauii,;' -""""T Jtpretf llv " FhB. r. MITEB, Chernkd. , ; " i- -Theant of nar Wrae I h X.",tauM Pfpe ha. km loo leh by T'"8; d thonaand. td hvee hav tv J v-T ""Tr voui erarea ariinet IV inn m tretueBa and m v.. ... ... , ... and nerve, n nfe to tbu country, are very raia V' ?". 'a a areat d. (rree, to the dil- "r""c la panty f tbe (.irit a, id. w ebave teaieil tbo r.i ..-i t ... and eold by yoa, ioe adinr yohr Out. whh b yw ell nndor tli nam ,J u.i.iuf "chnappa, which w enftaSdec Itallv entitled l uie niKl- repntatton tt baa acqaired la tbwenww try ; aod from your km eaperiene aa a Iori0 t.,i W Wonld reooaioiend iia tn kas th rteijoctaUs i.heajH..i pt,!,. th eiiy at tK- nl for tl. aau, ot yonT Braodte and wine, aher th tw-nfedan eaa abaata the awm whew needed lor medmnal r arpooe. : uWiawng yow wai tn yowrnew tnterpriaa, : w remain mnr nl.l.. . . . ' . - J- TALENTl.Nt M.1T, H. D. feaaarrf afw.i 1 1 wtr,,"T,N' d'"u ' otr'1 bew Iwk t. -1:aR. HtM. m n i;VJ. , n-J wet y, mmdlmerw-.' the etii Honpilai.' t-v. No. 1 lie K.a-. .. . ' -- . JWEr-H WittWTKI. U: D.. Ko. tm Knit, m. t:.k-. u a I. EA1H AKU al. D., rrofeMor of tn iTinoK . F!' racHo nursery tw Vork Hwtf e.Jf Uaief a, eta., bo. 3i Ultb Street aad wSb- : m 'F, e V l"- C "w. i - Th twoprietor alao on-r for tale vUrtUV wa lrc atrtd LfHwrw, mjrortled and boflVd by bitnalt nprwly w rn.dK-.iiil oa. WS botii baa lit elrtabcM of tu purity . kov. tt tui CDtLfB WtLta) v

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