Tim s entinei JOSUH TITE52IU JjIDITOa. WED5EADAT. JARIABT t7. lW rr'- JTd B0BBIX3. Tie r world iaevef a? i awt) watemptK. bl ditplay of dignity thta fa inUi"i exhibited at lb Capitol, 6 " iuu'.ed ud narrow minded men, lowaidt fl ercelli olfcBtlcm.iB wee mrtitfc fct -1 JUt g'J 1 know they areM ft. A ihtfH of aomiDtiua end bribery baa Ilfca EiTttSd p again.! Mr. Bobbin; ; An k era beinr rune en it. It ia harped apoa i It U giaited over ; UU w aapriorfpled viltaini, who are rejoicing la Mm bob tbat lliey arc aboat to throttle end 1 drag dowa brave ni true ta They ere bure minority ; twt they "P ferocity what tbey lack Is another. Tb picture presented itbet of proad, wo.ndd Ilea, eurroueded and bayed at by Jelplng CUI. , .''."".. Ia ,b Stflaland out of ji, among at) high minded man, iAmt report! awWy, . tb i but od opinion. Every good man a-quin Mr, ftobbiopf tint alight taint of venality, tbere t no feat louDdatloa tba Imputation. Iadd, aa each aw de elopement take place, it al eervt ti pteaenl tbe character of Mr. Kobbi? la a purer and aobler light. ' ' , . Tb incident, out of which tbia clamor bat all eprwag-, W vart aatttfaetory act uh Bobbin blmttlf which tppear In another ' oo mo of to-daj' papr. It la a elt Meat wbkbtara upoi .It "very face tb mark of perfect truth and candor, udwill . jnarrj ahaoluw eenvictiea . totba miad ot every boweat and well meaaiog wen, $t ia . aleo Corroborated by tba evidence taken btlore the Inveetigaihia Committee, la every particular ; aid there ia net a particle , ofevbleaca4yabcre which gnea to invall data it ia any way. A majority of the Commit ie tbtup-elvet aieacrabt bim from all cbargi - '. - Let the pttbllo bear ia miad, that before the Ooruroittea had Ukm any etep towarie tbe iDBeiigviet UiU eaae, Mr. Robbioe voluntarily aroee ia tb .Commlttee-roarlt, . . oa Monday, tba 18th inat, aad gaa a frauk ... atatemtat ol iba wbula atfjir,ia arary jr - ttcalar, and naked tba Committee to Javee tltm it. Tbit faei la declared by tba wliiileCornulttea. Tba ttatameat be tben made i tbe nine that be made te tba Sea--ate oa Saturday, when tba Committee re ported, and wbiuh appear la tbla faprr, ai above aaiX 1 be glat of the thing limply it, that J, W, SteveM came 14 Mr. Robbiua oa 8tur- day morning, Aug. Und, and ia a baaty , ouaveraatioa, laating three or four minalee, ' la thelnbby, wbea tbe nilad of Mr.'HoU bini waa preaaed with a multitude of other . . mattera, naked bim wbat ha Uwuxbt ot bla ' (Htevena') right ta hia par a'iret. Mr. Rob 7 bint aaid be waa ta tVor6T1T"W4-ebow1d Vote tr iL Tbit, Mr. BUvn awanra, waa - tbe flret ibing aaid. Btevena then naked bin te attend to tbe eaee at hit Lavytf, aad ; aaid be would pay bim a fee of twenty dul .Jan lor iiia trouUla Mr.R. rtplied iliat tbla waa.Juat a"8teveni pleaaed, but be would attead to the eaae, for be believed be waa jtnrtty entitled tT bit prflffravTMw the lubatancarlfHtot tba very werdt, of tbe OonTeraatioO. Tbe Terrica waa reuderad, " and tba fee wat paid. Tba hurry of mind, eoaerqaeat npoa the active dutiea of tbat ' Anal day of '.he aeealoii, tbe amallnaaa ol Atbj JlujiJualt Xawyjh4 lU being offered aa a Lawyar'a fee,, and bia - being epnkra'to "aaa Lftr i otuihd e :--aaa,r aataraJlyoaaed the matter ttrpr- aentltatlf to tbe miodol Mr. B-aimply la tbat light Not thinking deliberately about It, be overlooked the matter oi bia public char acter aa a Senator, lie expreeaee attonieb WeurBoW"t1rltr faaderttnfw-Tnri-att'rvgl . aliaeoie of mind which he eieruplifiad oa ' -that occaaioa. There appear to bim a myvtvTy wrrd w prrrrtdrnc la lt.'v"'v "sj" Komeboaeai men enicrtaia grave doulite. whrtber tbt ba any ttiag Wrong 1f tocb - r proreeding evea wbea dona diliberately. Let It b rememlwred that there 1 ne charge made by anybody that tbla had anything to dj i'-b Mr. Robbiua' auU on the nutation. f tevotia a w ear bat Mr. 'Robf.mt aaid be ' Wat going to U for it, before a word waa uttered about any tea. B publicta Senator Lindsay awear that Mr. B. . aaid tba aame . thing ta bW tba day before, aad argued " with bim JJUmdmf) Wifioul)J5cl4 Lin Jaiy tiling oppoaed to it. ' Republican Ben at era C k aad Harrington, and Conaervativ 8uator Melchor, are ready to a wear tbe very ma thing ; Harrington aad Mulcbor, yi'jj 4M wLiwiM fcrat friy -wjtwmVwVJwV''64,wrf' brriacbed tbe tubjeet with Mr. B., aad all nf tbrm being Ofipneed ta tbe rJaim of Btt- vena. Mr. Robbina voted all Ibrnugn th aeaaion f p&iitm to eTjcry rlitHi Bena tor; and ettri ta tou,e of . tba above . ' named gptitbmia that ha thould take par--fTtiiiar pleaaura ta votingir Btevant' pot - tf 'tU7 b-canae tea waa of the oprai4a pejty,! and it gave bia a chaitee hraLow ibat ' b b id cot bet giving bia votea for yw-r oVem . on party ground, which be feared 'aorne "would tbiuk, becaua moat , of therfjreted belonged to the Conaervativa Democratic ' par!j AH ibesefact tbow beyead dowbt that SHKtih' ina' tn'nd waa fied ia favor ol gxjena' ciaim and tliat.tba transaction. with' cUTt.i saa neujing. 10 03, wuti but ' to:. - Sow., tbia Vinj,.'fett'.1i and Stevea't c'aiin M! a BiatierW yiWawaaeria, ea 1'"' In h Vr., R. an l b a retnatittieota . .v 4 oti tm tow nttfqti ot .dMaMi laracarcefy. maay good awa think that jh ri a aa wrg tabletaMaar -wM be did, for extra trouble a gHtioe; ap i amp lee aad autboritiea, aud praaeirtioR them la advacacy of EBti claim of a privata individual. Thajbret i at, araknoef t k.mm A. mil rw a-l aimilar ttiism. aad U waa aaver tbouirtu C But Mr. IbibUo ia U frank and tHete.e, na to pot ktit rlifcoC1 tipoa tbla ground.' Hacaadulljlflmiia that there it aa rmpmpnetr ta--ch a. tUaf, which, bowevrr, he did af take notice oi wbna thi traiiaictioa u. rd. He d aiea all tbattpM ef wfQji.1yU-JdjjirnaBtlj r. ptia tbe charge of eruptixn ol a.T'"r may ieaiauaia tba be ia caoabla ot doing a corrupt or diaboaest act, be denouocea aa vile and evil adoded tlanderera. . And hm ia one Coal argument, which ia equivalent nlwoat ia a.-JnaxbIBa!kaJ . de atraiB, that lfrv R-rbMaa muld ut have abn.ldt red tbla aiatter aa at alt akia bay bribery at the time. Mr. gtevani aa almoat entirelv aninown to bim.- Mr, a bad beard of bin vu not at all calcula ted to loaptre coiifl it nra, to bim perapnally la It. ainlxabte that Mr. Mubbtna Would ii eouage is KMcutut br bfp with auch a man, in auch a wav : and that ha would tbui place bit reputation, hia brilliant project, hla eartl.lv all. la the kwpift of a t Tbia ia wbat be niuat have delibe rately done, if be tbotiifbt of tbe act at In- anlainir brilierv r any wrwir. Would h lo tbia I Would be do tbia for tumdf dal Unt Would be do tbia, and net evra -peak of keeping it a-cret, aa gttvena aweara be did aot I - Tbe euppoaUioo ia too aiuuud to bear a moiuioi'a tarn lid tbougbt. We re eatitfUd that every hon-t miad will lake tiia aaiuh view of tbla matter whbb Jiaa bea eipreaaedijbat Ja;jbat tbia waa a m re inadvertence, into which a noble, true man might happen to ttumM, aud that none but vUlaiua, who are a disgrace to human oetuVe, would at k to maguiTy tucb a triflo into a crime, aud lor t hia to blackeo aa honorable narria, add rula .aue tonBfuraTHrufg-WDar R ared ia poverty, In bardahlpa, ia toil, Mr. iiobfiiua iJut beginning to claim that pot it ion amnng men to which. bla talent tad high character entitle bim. What a apertacte waa tbat preaented in tie Seaate on Honda) 1 There he hd, goiVyel calm ; beleaguerwl yet wediemeyed ; tortured with ebaraeful acrnmtiooa, yet bia eouata- a'tfica braniing with pride, with inoocence, and with courage. And there, one after another, Mr nilnlattn of tbe Ooapol in same, reviled binT aiid an weed at bim, aad poured out tbe malignity and bitterneat ofk their narrow eou't ea bim. ' Oh I it waa a eight aever to be forgotten, a aoeae to make tbe devil bluab I Blytba Smith Welkor't Tbe people of North Carolina will act thi matter right. The yuaimiletied" TfepublP cant, at well aa Couaervatlve, "of the Sen tte, will ae to it tbat the body i not hamed by the malioe of a til ft I QUBKRNA TORJAL 'aSD OA&PKT BAOJNIMOJfAUOy. The Governor, and Certain carpet-bag mea, are indignant at our into lion of the naaie ot Mra. Cavalry. , -J...; ., Wa dont know that lady we never taw per ahould bvt a mean opinion of ur- atlfj If w ahould write tbat which Gulier- nabirial or carpi t-l ag mtlcvoltnce could tori art Into ae attack upon her dep irt- ment a a proper wile, And benoe we were tpeeiat to ear, the Editar, "arxaltedof t,he Htandarfi Interview, war with the knowledge ot ber bualieqd. " TbU laiiy apek to mora than ODe-carjiet- baf ger ol bribery- and corruption, fiha waa warm - aiirl i'nrliirnant &ltnut It Hha wait "for TnveetfgaTmgtC:On "CTpot-bg-' get required her to make laa adavit of bribery aad corruption betore he would move lor a Committee of inveattgatlon. Her convrraationa with the Atoadonf man, ?en. Liulell4ii, and her aa Idea eiit from tht pity ia all wa intended to apeak af and nntliioR more that it all we know aad all Intended. tav their In. lignation and beaaow It upoa tbeartrre-Wortr,"4atrja atW-rat of the 19th of Hrptrmlier, where tbe chaatity of atery tartoooaA WOiawa 4 Ua puU-M a. tailed. ' let, there 't aa ample field for your indignation ; wby Were yo not tbea beard. Than, and there waa tbe time for youa, ia dlgnauoa. The following ftptrjlon have been -dUu erad by tbe JuUgaa ol tbit tribunal 1 " error judgment allirmtd ; alao la Crawlord tilfoody, Mftira 1$ lUtaoa, i tw Littlw atv Ptantck, ae error. Ia Hedavmd . Burrouirba. I'iaia till entitled ioaa . account, aad cauta n tained, - - - Kobmaw. i.i In fittfe et. Yrnar wnir it aave." la Beckerdlte'a heir va. Tatto's. Woodfia At Co., order reverted. Appellant to recover aa oat ia tbia Court. Dica.J., ia Roberta at. Ollham. order afBrwt-'iw-'mrrlmTBr tlljB diaaolved aDd caua remaaded. . Uarrta, J.,' (a Ki vett et, Maatey. no error. Ia Baker at. Robiotoe, judgment affirmed,! roatajtot'a DmocaaT. Tbia new paper haa a wonderful circulation.', la aenrly ev ery towa4wthc-wouiitry- tbw Demucrataand wai kiagmea are getting ap claba for lU It ia tba boldmt, abarpuat paper publiahed, and walk lota Coogreae and tbe bondhoMer regardbwa af reaulta. The jviper baa over Itiy tboataad aobacribar -i tbe-jlAo j Kw Tori "alooeBenti lor etmpla cppiet, wh'ieb are aeat free, and are it for youreel vea. Addreaa' Hi rt awrtlyr Triaiing ltoa t Square, Jfw York Cirr EMitA.fSaCouliiD Plantar. TLIa wna- deffut jstautst, wR9" 9 aaitt to icelevea blind Tcm,nad her, flret ppearhc 'about tea iraya aio. hefo-e ai appriciatiya audi euc iaVkkabiira.- We have met ten Hern an. uvt the Oaivy .XTe;.al Aet wuo win.eaari ore perioru.aoc ana lrom kit accc,ntrt af hxt ahe muat certainly Imlin moatrwneomubtibed performer bv ear oa tbe piano wow la exiatrnca, 8 be fuHy aaiiafled her andienca of tbe truth of the marveloue re porta of her extraordinary taieata, which btva bees puUiabed. She la atxtsl twmi yeef ef tL U aa t4e aa 4be-are efpada, aad b aat-Waa ciiarartnt'litatt wecrax it4w agrn If Klslatnre of KortSi CiroIlB. , HOUSE OF .REPKE'iEXTATIVEi : aioHV efcaaiua." Moan v. Jan. M, Puranaot toajj mminwit tua Huuae, waa aaliei to order! at 4 '4-dt . OamriaolMr. Inreta, the mlea were aoa(n.if. and the 1)irf-ntrtariMig-i Cooiatieaioaeraot Anaa euny. to ievy a iMM-tal tat tur o- rtato purwe,' waa takea au 1 paaamt ia aeaeral reed nga, by a vo-e ot yeaa 81 Bare t. - -By Mr. Larliri : AT)lutio-elenWg the tiwje(tivnto tbe t'ommitte Harlka. Oa bioHtb el Mr. L a. the ru lee were .omm4-J. and tlie reitutiiB waa n-lotited atiefirnilBd and tbe bill taurporaU' g '"1 North Carolina Land Co., waa Ukeaup wten, J. A. lrt. tAmd mw ta jpr'nt and make it tba peftiei order, for ThuMlay erewingaef ; On motion, tbe anum-lnient rneiej oy the Ufmmittea that report1 opun it, wa cooeorred in. The bill tbea paaad tu eeTnaf rtadiiiga. : r Oa motloe ut Mr, Laflia, tua ruM we e, loweit eounfv. t JUbeVilW in Buaeuuiti j uunty, waa takea up, aud p-i it third! reafHuit. bv.tbe htllowiritf billot : Ye At iWtaara. Arg i, Bnn-r, Jttrrreit, Baruea. B air. Bowman.. Camll.r. t a t n. Carev. cuiored, Cberrv, colorwl, ( rawtord eMlored, Ividaon, Uowuinjf, liurbatn. Elilngt'in, FtTitnef.otoTwT, Koeter, Kra tin, Frrmu, Uahagau, Uitliug, Uiliou, Gilbert, Oraham. Orwa, Ilemtricka, ifod nio, ff udKinga, Inurara, Juatu,. ol lI-ii.Jer .on. Ju-tlia, ot Kutt.erl'onl, ICillv, ot Du: Kelly, ot Moore, Kiuury, Lfcfl u, lry. x-otortd, Maloue, JUiln" n, Mayo, onlorwl. Hct'aiilea, Moiiutf, .Nl li.il m, 1'i nu r, P. era hi, Price, colored, i'roifil', IUjUo.I, lti'tblb, Cotofid, ttotiiirann; tit y.iirrar, rtre- griat. M.orUir, snu 'ii'la, Nfii'th. et AM gna- ny, htilb-jr V''al, Viat, .v at irop, v,lcU, VV bita, W uitby, Wiiliaoiaou, co(rid, , vn- Nat. Motart. AliieoB. Clayto, of Tran- aylvaoia, Kt-reiiee, Haekina, llavet, Uigb, Uinnaut, Ho'inrtt. Ifottmitn, HiiOjhr.ra, Mi'Millan, I'arker, Pou. 1W. JsbaviT, Suiuea. Htanton, Hweat, eelor. d, rj)koa, Tbouiptou, Williama, oi lloroe t. - - - CUI. or.nga . . Mr Juttlrfe, of Binhcrlord. na ilntlon ar - "eutinn the propo lion ol Mr ilorniiig tu Lpurcbaae tbe tile and laud of toe, IVui.tu- tiary The ret 'Intinn waa read, b n. Mr. Jua lice, t ok tbe ( hit and adK-ate I, ttii adoption ol. tbu ieiutiiu. He wave a aketcb of the proceed in'irt of'tlmt, Ci'iiimit tie: lie thought tin y bad lien, h .rillv da't with and huTljei ft rrn-tired in lie lirileved I hat ail tbe itp-ffta ol Hau la were only t'aned to mtike Militk-al capital. J. 8. Learn, colored, m ,.! th lud. liui e pnetpooeoien' el the teeoliition. Mr. Seymour aaid, there waa no douM tbit blitne alioald tot attached to ill body for b tring patted lbi"biTr"wtttuut piopi-r Cimaidttati'in. ic. lie did not think taf au'horlty had been given to tbe Committee to ptwhaaa the eiki tbooaand aeree of land, nndir th bill. In hia opinion the S'ate did not hgilly owu the land and t heritor a he enuld uottnppirt a reaoiutiun. diapraalof popertytbat pm a. aa So. ' - M ry t t oppoted the mm ion to Indefi nilely poatpoue. . Mr. Powiimg taid tba Committee had acted from beginning to end., aad if. the Uoute we thin when the bill paa.;d, it waa nevert beuaaa a Uw, and waa binding In re gard to the power and authority given to the Committee. Mr. D. aaid that the gentleman from Craven tWywrar) bad not- read tar eoouulul (Mr. p. tbaa retd tout etracta Imu tbe act J Mr: Downing then In mlwtance went over tha-eam ground in vegartl to proccelr lng of the Cotnuiitte at he did on a lorraer occaalnn. Mr. Inirram aaid be haa no pereoaal fWU inir in the matter, but the ueopta and bit cooatttuenfa ei pepted the- tfouae-ro1' have I tbe, matter inveatigated tliorotiKhly. He would not eay thaCommitlee had aeled is bail taltn, tmt ne Ihougbt they had been aadly overreached in tbit purcbaae or acteil very anwiaely ia tba matter. He did not tbiuk tbe Committee had a tbadow j,f n,tiirilw tn aii-lit, lK.m ii ,l.t purclii.te." HWnuld TjrrrioTt-B-T-edurrm diapoeing nf the property if ahnped lu tbe manner he bad mi btioned i few day ago. J. M. Ifarria, of Wake, colored, then took tbe floot ia di lenc nf the Coniiniilee. Mr. Ferebe wanted to know if tbe water power and th right thwiontd: arrirbe4citio - to aeparet partiea. and did tbe water pow er belong in reality to tba Btaie when tbe pnrobaae waa ma'la, ....... f Tf arHt ' rpTifrtthrt;knew but one par- 1 if. in inr (raoait lion, jtr. rou nrxi toon ine nnor, entered into a detailed account of all the fact in coo-weetio-wih--tbe aaattee.eiV fevered the' motion to iiidt fiuilery puitpone. : Tbe q mat ion recurred Uin the. motion to odt finitely pnrprmi and It WM ad. p tad. ' . ..epvefats Tb rVnalelittl Miealing the act. o ovi. ding tor the emplnv roarit ot m.vlrjh., nT tbe erection ot a Penitentiary. Tbe bill w& "reaiiroe6," T ' "" ' Mf ."Teat fiovur ISttpTnSeTtT c"i3dl ation anfil tomorrw evening. Lott , J. H. Ilarria, of Wake, colored, aaid the Senate had not ronderended to contnli the Iiouar In thie mailer. He did Dot think Kewilemea could vote to concur in their ac tion contutcnt whh il m Bi.ct.- lie mi tha i aitejtpuaiejent'of' ..tbwiddtj.- ar, uownuix tarn oe looked upon the action ot tna riouae to ulght at a-. en lire and a reflection npoa hi cbarct reputation, 4c R did ant oara what tbey SSJFl'liai Pi ! U 7". on. mouoa pjl. BrianinnHi jiouaajp unul tounorrow morning, SENATE. ''I'.-i ,tTceapi, Jan. 28, 1(1 wtt called t order at 1 B The Senate o'r.Ua-.k. ,"" ntrtmaaao BcaiMEaa. Motion of Mr, Cook, to recouatder tbe vota by which the 'reaalutioa. to reooininu the teport of the Comtiri-tea flirbritiety a at adopted. . M.tWrnwrnovld-Ut-thav. motion toii;u c.'tnBfrf srkarni ml rerontiat-r on rue itnre, wutril we ( .at. tba Mera.B irmw, BVf ttier Eve. EtUridrfe, Eppa, (colirfwl.) Mrinan . -fcoiur ej.j vBi, jiooio, ui j auwy, nr in aua', , , T . . Kl . : ii - 7. vvynne pi. w 'K AT"- Metar. It-aleT. B tntn. Burna CK.k. nVia,ili.Wty, (eot.rred.) Giahain, IIyT-a, iiwuuKiii,, .'Bi'l, l n.tIB, UASAI- ter, ijndaay, Hartindale, Melchor. Monre. of Carteret, Rich, Sboffner, White aad W.I ton 19. . - . - ' The motion to tjpy.lee prevjTJejJ queatton recurred oa tli" ailjpi.n of th retnluttoa.. . ,. . Mr. Barrow aaid h dtJrcd to atk on queatPiBi ante any Sew.Uir m the fl or deny mat important vioaoe hat beea tup preaaed by tb Committee f ' Mr. Rich taid tb Committee ha I taken a orm.tn: to dncitanra, tbeir fto;i ratttiiMy,'ya .report tatt tt'eytd-encV' material U tb auli t aader iavattigatioa. Tie Cooiuuvt' Were eomoterd ot geatle of fatPgTrft;-aH k vWa tm '"1 "gtm tvi et ton oa Uta auetatiera ot that Commit tee to paae tba reeolutioa. ' Mr. Welker aaid be tboahf, thje waa a atrmage prmeoittuf. to awempt t abut out iapiirtantgyeijcet. t tba cbarife had beeii ma-la that ttuUwn batHWT rlcia out ot tbe report, he tliouifbt tbe reeolu tiua aaould be adopted, aad did aot, think tbe reeuiomitment ot tbe report eoald be eoeatrned aa a rt-fl tieo oa tba Committee, or Mipugniug Uudr molivea, .. ; , - Mr. Torkaw amid it waa due tbe Com mittee aad tbe Beaetc aiaoa, tbe cbarife had been medr, liit avidrnoe bad been aup- the lartaaa tbev atotid. 'lhe ramr wt .that Mr. tftepbeoa bad aaid that ha had tires mian-prrat'oUad ia the report, ia otber wur.ia tbat bia entire evidenoe did sot ap- pe v. Tba Cumrtiittee when they eeer entiled ite'ermtaea ta tM governed ainciiv oy ma raiea ot avideaec, aad to report aotblng bu' mawrtal evidenoe. Tbat portioa ot J(r. rUpbena inlormatioa ahicb doe not ap- uer fn 'hi' report tbev did n not c'tiiai-r m tri kne an t 1 ttiai -Uw c cltaJ. btLrii Would aabmii it tu tbe eWata. - Wbea Mr. burinir Ben aloe H-tbbiu vote. Ait jruidyrd not - t l I, . .. because J? be iMr-Jto'diical had) alrradv atated tr .bim "ikat he-thouKiil it waa a j'nrt clalia and a .oil d vote lor It, (but kt, HteyKti, waw of tka)4ittm tbat an waa buying Mr. Koblun lufiu-ince) tbat wa oulr Mr. Birpliena'opln pin aad not nrd ot e, con fUe,ully, ii did not appear in tba frport. The Committee htve au'imitied all tbe evidence In their poa-eat on. Ii it it rocnuwiti! end they are ci'imituii d .a lit 'utiuu Coiiti pr-bai. th y uil'ht be enall.d to'aocure other evidence in tlie e-ur of time, but ihi y bad aone other at pieteuu lid, aa a Hi' mtKT ot the Cotauiltlee,' it it waa recoin amJcator 10 do Illt-JW bole lu y, aa be b li veJ tlit entire Cominitue hd done hpreiobire. Mr. Robtiini bad made a ttt nunt to the Committee which liejea. :L!iflg Jo guajjtj to, aud be .btdieved. tbe s nilor Mat ready to mike - any U: meuy or eer any que.tioua ia the proa- u.' 01 tbe Senate ia ruf rente to the matter. Mr Graham taid, when the report came iriiiu 1 be Cominitiee be knew tbey hat tub mil ed all the mat, rial evidence, but when (lie charge waa blade on the . floor, by a Senator, 'with to oiu :a earneHtneaa ami 1 al. Hint ihn t 'nmiiiitieM li, Biippreatrnl a jmr- iton ol tiie evidence, b felt compe leal to vote, tor a rtCiuuniittal. I bad bad ao euiivertion witli acuaUir It dtbiut, in rel rne to the ma.ier. but had given tbe wiioiu tuoj'Ct calm anddltpaaaiouate con nderattoe. not ma ernoTial -or' partlain ene, but at a juier aworn to act on the evntenee preatniea, without txlujf Inaaed li piirxjual or an other oonaideraiion. but to dtxdde aimpiy oa the fact ia the Caau. I here waa a aea eaaiiy lor caatina tbla alur 0,1 tn lonimitiea: wbea, H tnere were anv additional tact to be br U4bt out, it ild have beau done la tbe preaeno ot tbe (fee e. whun.llje report waa pniperlyfitifor id tux Aaotuer error occur in the tte tnmit tbat a mtaaWf of the Committee rv on rated Beuator It ibbin from, intendei gOTlt, trot reKarrtad bit eonduot at inad vertence, Tha fault tra that a mjori- ty of tbe Orirhmitie aigUed, that report, tbt-re war only, ttiuht lu all, aud faut ol hiWP-d..Uie Jcpiirt. tkinator Itolibina, of course, bavrng ctiarge prtirred againat inui, waa not aiioieU lo Uo to. Mr. Part off r! a tiihatiinte for the n- nlution rrninnuir the M r. It ibbin. &u Veil and Fofkner to aflakta lull atateuient of the fact la their pretence to the Senate Mr. fork net aaid be did aot tee auy pro pnny or neaewuy tor piaiing ancu a reao luti.m, inquiring cWnakirt to make etato- mentaoa the H"r, wbea they had already itjfnintjd their wiUimjniat Ja-iliL, aud tbey wer ready to auawor any queailou at any time lu refi renoa to the matter. II hoped the Senate would ont caat tucb a re- ftocthifj on tin m" Tue Idi t ii eiiDveved it ome that be or (hey wre dfapod to tion coal knowledge of tha corruption and are fnmid to reveal-it, waa uujuat, and ahould aot paaa. Mr. Stephen aid be concurred ia all Mr. Forkner bad aaid, and would Hale that he. Mr. rnrkntr, bal alluded, la bit tormer re mirka, to tbe evidence which bad not been reported by tha Committee, bla itateutent in rela loa 10 tbat matter Waa correct, and lie knew of nothing elae to be brought out, ne waa read tu wuawer auy que,uou in r- latiou to tha matter. - Mr. Winttead aaid be voted to recommit th report aimpiy npoa tbe ground that cbargi had beea mad tbat tvhl no had been auppn eat d, aot beea 11 aa be believed the Cotummee had dww a wrongrbut, after tbefrou rharne bad been made, be thought it due 1 he Committee. lie thought th Senate har-t to antiaiy a relation to tbia natter. Tba Committee had beea twitted time and tgaia becauaa they wen to alow to aot, and now -they bare reported, the Senate are Bit aatia9i.il. Ha tbouifbt hiy bad prtauobtd The q twrtirin -rncarrisg. Mr. Ktbaridge't tit iluli iu to recommit waa rrjected. - Mr. Rieh-wMltdrcw hhj retolatiuD,: and the report Wat accvpteo. Mr, It ua tbea latrodujied bia naolutioa in auTiataoA-e aa ToTto wt ; "While tbefieuaie ilitapirovtoi.1r.ll, 'bbliu traua.i with Mr. filer, nt tbey aiill bare eootldence ia iua-Anuutuy. . Mr. CVitik moved lo peetfwm- tt tTmtier cohaidetation until Friday a it. ilr. Ctberidge frmvisl te amend by loeert lag We-lncaday ntat. - Mi. Sweet hoped the arneadment wonld not prevail, be believed it waa tba intratioa ot the Stetiat to deciila thi qii-etiori accord ing to iba lcl preteuted in the report. and ll waa impo-aiuie ior ocpauir tf b couieacqui ued ith all tba fact turfi, I etieVTaiIote tntlligeBtiy, not Trport covcrtD 50p?Ba of maiinciipt In to hort a time ; he hoped the Ken ate would tee the IwririiidlfW ! 1 1, . I, kI , 1 . . . . , , . I -1. AH' miliar , 1111 ,ii wh KUt, - irr.-SiHifliier movi d to make It tlie i ecial order lor the lb, af Fti ruary, whcBwa loat, aad Jar. uooka motiua prevailed. rkTITIOM.. - .. jMevW-e'lttT pteifnlr "retTiionTrom ceitiin cttuena, prw'eatina aeaioat the re- jieal of an, ordinance ia relation to tbe aale f tptritoooa liquor Bear Company Slmpe Keb-rred ia ib Ooramittee oa PropoaUiun U'i ta irTawi-ea, ..-.-,.,,. . , air. A, re preeentt-a a 1K ioa Irora c-r "T.-ADaTtVlnfS (uMintitaj fa rtta ion to a rbai ire 14 the nouiity bn tieiw.eu aaid c-ti itK. Referred a tn. vom'ntttcw 04 rittmai tiona.aad Uiuiut r tat, eii 1 tt ot C trri Hock am at. pruteat'iuS ciia4 tiiepawgia'nt any bill,--whith wilt aj!e:t their acce-a to nmrabe in CtfTitck Sounds to interler with their low iing ia treta. llrtem-d to lb CrmittiX-OjO ttoe Judciary. ' , "'bti-oJiT or coitfi'iTkka. S t, Moore, lrom tile Committee oa iTrrH r.4 T porationa, reported favorably 6a He niTTOw ins -Cilia, to wit x- , , . . , Bill to incorporate tb ReJeigb Ctmcterv Aaaocatiba. .. -,,.'. 14,11 M lncnTrMte hwift I.l.nd Tanurc Hnitr Dn Wi. v; to tfe t-oftn-j- ff y nx; pw't J. ; iwffws ieiw7i,.-rt,- . Mr. Whit pr-ened a prtitioa hHilr'f'J& bo-d of to. aea cliTtotCirff HorkSrei., eu4r-irt.;s-H2:.e -i.ard bj thu acw- ; ArlewierL lriODtxTie or aiixa. ,. By Mr."rve i A bill' to incorporate tbe Trewi.T.aic.a? BtjpiTatvllqth aajionl. in toe uoanty et Macoa. IteieireJ to we Committee on Corpofationa. J5y Mr. tirauam : A reaolutfon ta tm( 1 rule acoal, of the nil -a of tirl r id '"" ta taloilar. eagf wae rTrtCHrttiF lfouat traJiauiiltiue tbe following liilla. t i: UiU tocbanira tbe tiuit, fur ho;d;nir tbe Courta ia tue itb, lOib, llib aa.t Ju dicial Diatricta. B. Crrednrtbe Commit tee on tbe Judiciary. J Bill to incorporate the North Carolina Laud Company. Heferred. to (be Commit tee en Corporation!. -' Noriii Carolina and tbe Atlantic (Mlb Carolina liailroad t'ooipauic-e. On moitou. a returned to tbe Houae with the r qurat tbat Iba original bill be tranauiitted itb tba eubeututet s- Bill to e-tabliah a . Turnpike Road from tbetowa of Marina, Mctiowell county, to tbe towa of Aabeville, Buneouilw county. ReftMred to tba Committee oa Corporation. Mill to proyjiw tor tbe coll-cnon ol tae thn Stale, 00 proper! , p,itla aud JllU'OUlea. i.ntiel ta lae printed and referred la tbe Committee of n.oance. ' -2. !!.....'... liill to amend tertion 3, chapter 89, ot be Hev.. d Code, in rem'ion to oliiatuin a divrce, -Ib-f-rred to the Committee on the Judjjary ' Bill to anteod dhe charter of the Green Bwamp CoBiuan. lMerred to tbe Com mittoe on C01 pi'irattona. CAl.KSDAR. Bitt crattng the offlye of County Attor ney, Nr. Welker moved I t Initi lltilte potpone- ment. Alter aouie dlacuaiou the motion prevailed. Bdl to amend an act to lunlce baok hill, a 4 (!, panned it eenel rttHijja. On motion, tbe rVnate a, jouiiiud until toaiaorrow at 10 oVin k. fi t: 8 0r BBHHritaB-HT h Td V IH. -TtitPAT, J.in. 2'i, l-9. Prayer by the lv. Mr. Pritcbaril, ol tht Baptit Obnrch of th etty. Journal of vraierdnj r ad and approv ed . ' Mr, Uinnaut from the Committee, PH En roluienl reiNirti'd aeveral biila and raou- tont abvin corrtt'ily ejiroljeit.. Leave ot alienee waa U ranted to Mi ar. 1 Lifim, llnu h nj ol "rid, llama, ul Wale,, j r ' e 1 'tine, Parker, Ilana, col d. and Shaflner. . ... mae ktrv ncilved from the ! Sti'f, nn nnr-tnj tn. ir cntirurrence in J teVtTal Houae I11I a and leeolu'iuoa. i I KKfKUIa or loMHtrThK. I Mr. rt'i'ley tnm Jti!L.ritiOC'y'-t to rlaiiiina llie rcaoluttuua and ordiun)ii v uf l,lie late (imvi nuou, ri port.-. I'i Ii. ro a as no ieoeiity to uiakeauy mat. riil,'cuanii;ea, and wished to lie diacliarg d troni ila lur the lonaibiia'iofl. Tuej were accordingly illaLbargud." Bit.ia By Mr. H'iHeV A .bill concerning the R'-ltfaterm iJeanl. - iia miUiuniiLMr.iililUji, thu. rule r tuapendrd .aid the 'nil p:rfl iia aeveral rea linirv Bv-.Vlr. Barnett : A bill entitled an act to reatreat t jiUtKi4,i,. . f amjiri. t uuru and da-iuea '! iti t lu one fourth ol the principal money due on old rtebta. Rv-lerved aud ordered to bo printed.- -...,- ' Byconaent Mr. French, jfrom llie Com mit ee on Corpora lout, to wbinn, waa re teried Mr. Fereliee' reaolution authoii.inn the Cuuiuiiaai'ooert oi Uam iou ccuaiy, to levy a'epeclal tav., ri Mir I an acl ia lieu o lhe"rea(iunii6",TknTrfucoH the p- aje of the cr. 1 Ptuced W ede., . On mil in of Mr. Kate, tbe rule were tutpendeii, and the bill Incorporating the Cattle Havne Vineyitrtriwnipiaiiy, wa;. taken up aud pataedilta aeveral reading, On moil n of Mr. lnifiam, the rule were tutpended, and the bill' authorizing the Coiuniiaiiotier ol Anton county, to levy a jieeial tat, Wat taken np end paaaeil , u third reading by a vole of yeaa 00 Day i. Oa motion of Mr, W.lcn, tbe rule were uapeniled, and Iloua bill Xn. 23'j, A. V. M., at Wayurtviiltt, IUjWihhI c.unly, waa taken up aad paaaed itt aeveral reading. On oioiinu ot Mr. llumobrte, the rule were au"p-ndml, and t'ie lull to incorporate Atlantic LoJife.-ISo. Indian Hridii Currituck comity, waa takeu up and paaaed 11a lutru reaiiiur. Oa iiioiloo ut J, IL 4TarruL of Wake colored, 1 be ru ei were tua,endcil and the bill ta favor of Mark M. Williama, of Wake aUTbarikea Mafn. Williama aatole tutviviux Truatee of tbe Bapttat Cbun b oa Moore Square 10 aell, roovev, or Uaae a id bu:liinir otovided kUUkuJtlL.be.B'iCd beieal.tcr aa bi relofota,. only lor the Wof'Jip ol Alutightf God 1 - .l.--. l T -1. f- . in rooinm to. jar. ingreiu vu mil wa potpeeed f-r tw week. , CAI.ESPAB, ... . The bill coooeruirg Lake Pbelp waa Hke p and ptaanii Ila tbint reading, - The joint reaoiqtii,n in relation to paving wifnet-et tainnroujti by Ihe Ciiuiuiiileai ftrtbeTT and Cormpiinn, waat-atr rvacbed -aad paaaud iUlulrjlj:tadi Bjtl'JL. rot qA yeaanu ; nay a. Th? hour haying; airh;e1.t0 contUut Raitroad matterw, the " till to" amend' in Charter of the Wilinintin,: Charlotte aud Umber lord IWroed, to provide for the eoHipWtioaoi ael lMad, aud to aerur to the State a r pieaenU'ien in tbe Company, wal on motiuu of Mr. Laffin taken Up, ' lit Becti ia St .line Mu.-.. Juaiioe, a.f Hnt etrtiird mnve t to m i l by inertini' atti-rtb- word -rtiv1in' the word. -'lUt tm poit, m ol taid amount expooded to tie e.penuett in cfiinpleting id toad lo Hurnert'ira." tarried. ' Kt. Bate proviao offered aomo dart a wli,i,il.ie la-w-t H " iet I--: I i,"i.i-i, mmmi I tOU O. II Uh nore.r Mr. F ien"6 moved to amend l . S alter tlie no: d "cent," insert tna woriit In g ld," and alter the word "tbereOI ia lint g, inaert tbe aame wrmia. Mr. Hodmu characterized tbe amend m pt.t ax JTtiovi met t innda lu' llie Intcrm WalPtreet, A manoeuvre of tbe land holder, Ac "' The ometioB u.oa Mr. FrercVt aroend nvnt r-inK pat to 'I,11m rejec,4. Mr. Durham olfered th followiu auie id meat lo be ka wa la thw hid aa ai. O Bya - oen'af ler aeroi tn II,. a..i. m k - II... ... i. - . . - V " . .-"r, 7 "V -. mtl .JJJT tl i man in uu it'i io .i to. or e wiei, tucreoi t ma y tie Diie-ary for I hat puae, tbail he appiieif . eic,ulTe'y to r' I he uu, t'.iou r curred Upow the paaaage of tn LiJ oa itJiiri.jl.rwUt4j,,wb,,..' Mrr eVvoioiw Ih4 Uie B aad m-Lrt into a long argument tfafuajt Jtll iheae la-ii- t , ru.l . ....... " r"l topi ortwt the Old ia h prraefat ahape. fctff ..rf .71WI. u - ----- ... . ,,, toe ujb t ma a n. i im nu tueuo .r in onjotitioa 10 the bill. ' ' . " Air. LMirham ofcred. aa ametidment td in ai ID iw m tna n. Ado, ted. Mr. Md 'aetoovt to.iJit He fuU4a '. tte i.?tt t 1 7:5i4-; hare power to feetlveubacription loatoCk in aaid Compaay ia lamia, monie. boud, ttot ka or any ptber 'property, and ia caae biotU tie tulaKnbed a ttik. the Diree'er may provi tba mod ia which tbe value f tba aame ruav be aacertained, and con- 11 J inn I 1 11 ranf tin nil if" atiop tu. ibeaueatioa tuen refurnnir upon mo oa iia tiiira 1 aiagT - 4nw lollwioir bailot : Bat-ocr. Harnett, B'JTlt a, Iki w oiaa, Candlet Carton, Car. y, ( colored,) I'awtbora. (color ed,) t berry, (colored.) Clay'on, ol Trauayl vania. Crawford, (colored,) Davidaon, Downing. Durbaiu, Eliing-toa, Eea, Fork mr, (ctilored ) Twate'r, French, Gabagan, Oai.lini'. . ..fliltiert.. (irabam. ureei!.. .u Ifarria, 0 VdTe','TJidirey,5llenfriVaa71Iu vbia, Inirram, Juatua,of llrndt-raon, Juatice, ot Hutb lord, Kelly, ol Davie,, Kel'; ; of iloorr. Lallin. Leary, (coloredj Lunu. of R chuioDil. hi alone, ila: beann, -Mayo, (col ored.) M Caolea, Moriuif, Morrill, Morn, (oolored,) Painter, I'earaon, hrtor, (eilored.) f'roctor. Pniffiit, Kagland, Kenliow, ftob bina, (colored.) Kobineon, Sii griat, Biuclair, Himonda, Kttvena, Stilley, Hwi at, (wtored,) Welt b, White, Whitley, VWIIiaiueon," (col Nata Mewni. AU;on, Armatrong, Blair Elba, Fcreboe, tittiai n, tlawkina, fluk, ll ii, lliunaut, Il i.lgiu, tiodnelt, il tf nan, lliiHiphrte,! Jarvia, Kinuey, MtMil an, Moore, 1'arker, Pou, ftea, Heytuaur, bbaver, .-in tli, of A'liyhany, Buipea, btantou, 1'lininp.on, Williama, ot llaruelt, aud William, of riiimpaon. On inotiou ol Mr. Lallin, the bi'l entitled Ian art am ndat ry ol llie act to incorporate the Wi aurn Jlurih far .iiua Railroad Co., paat'td t tie 15t i day ui February, IBM. ami ol all oibeia atueuuau ry tbvreof, taaatakuu Mr. Eljia niovetl to nmenr! a c'ion IS, line 8, inaertiug af er the o,d "Paiijt Ruck" lilt iuid "u4 tba -brautU rad' to 4w-. ton " L if. Tbe que.t'on tin n recurring upon the bill upon iia tnild reading, .Tue Jkeaa and Ui) a Jjiug abii, - Nultl iu '.he l!,ilioanii oaliot , YtA. Mi-aar. Alma, Argo, Ashworth, llii iii r, Oiirnetl, li nauiau, t'andier, CarMiu, I arey, colored. Cherry, Colored, V'layton, i,f Tia.iaylvHU a. Dav dvtn, l)"wninif. Durbntu, Eiiiiion, Ktie. F.irkuer, coloreil, Foater. Eiaiialiu, Fietefb, Cabagifii, -G',lm,.Gra , Imnii' llairia, ol Wak-, rolored, llayet. llrh Iricka, Uu k. H 'tfinin, tl u I ; 1 it; 111J on d, Ingram. Juatu, el llendi raon. Jua icr, ol K'lt'n rl .nl, Keily, ol ttavir. Kill), ol 1 'r , l.i ti n, Learj', colored, l-oii ol t'hntliain, Mimie-. Maiiieun, Mayo', c .l.ned, Mi t 'hiiIi a, Mirri-, colorid, "Nicbnlaon. fatntcr, Faraa. ' Paa-k, ' Price.: "cob" -red I'r.'Cior, i'ruttit , ltailiid, Kei t'row, hole. 'on , I'.itiired. i( .biiiaon.- Mrouat, Hn clair, , . 1 i Mm Hid", S'llh v,. tet colond , t,. Vt:'. W ''drop, Weith. VV li t Vt tliiAipaim Hid 1 Ml NT Mcaara Allium, Armatrong. Fet lue, (liioon, Haklus, iiijii, Hinnant, llodc n, lUtleK'tt, JafK Mcilinan, Jl!i.re,.-J I'aiku, f ?U..ll4iil,ic,iUour, hhaVer, Mlillh, , ol Alleghany, Maupin, ryka, coloied, Thoiiipaiii, Williama, ot H nett, arol-Widl-iiita, of tmmre n. - Toe ft-. uie, t!o-n on mrrlKiitT-adjfinrBed' uu 1 1 half pail 7 o clock.. N n k. The crowded Hate of our col oiu it co 111 puis ui tu outit tbe Very iiupor. 1 a ti ili-UaiAw ih j lng II uai 1 1 day up. n tba.. llajiiu.i fbi.lt acimi upi. En.) " , - , 1 1 aaiawaawawaaaa.waawaawawaaaj' At hit residence, lu tliiatlt)!. on the everrlrbt of , the hh me.. Yi-. B. .Akpaawa, Kail, tor many Ti ai. a ciuz u uf thia pla&), aud liitf uly eaUMnued by ail who knew hnn, , 1 The .fiiijeitl will Uke plr from the Bantiat Chnroh thia (Wediieailay) afternoon at o'oiK-k. Ilia friauua and ai ipiaiiitaiicct 01 the family are invited tw, bo prtMuut. NEW A.DVIETISEJtttiT3. rim; Littioitfi. I have, ahd..wiiX KEtp co.vatAsn yoJf hand p ire N ti. Apple and l'each Brand v. N I., and N'irihern Whmkey, aolif cheap tor ranh 1 i au lie luuuiL atail tuai, at "W. ii, - 4'4nra- hiirK On',., U .11 a eorueit: llraham, M. (,'. Jau. 27 lit V.. U. ALe KltlHT. ITWTIIfk-BT A YfJIJ.Sri OtlfTtalMA'S Vf tweniy-flee yuan ia at;e, wub a eapitai of nmuiiiwiiiiwmH,, r All t tilt to jtlie tuer oautiui buaiueat, for iifgtluM, villi a niiiwpiwl. 'K pui. n yonue .am 01 lieauiy. luuhueoee ''"" " : ' A. PAWIX'8. Jan-rnt' . , Clayton, m. C. pHESII 0ARDZ5 8EID3. - Wa hyj reelrfd our aupply of GARDEN HKKDH, all warranted of lb beat quality, aud the growth of lalW. WlIXIAUei LAMllET II, Ja,tfHf fhaik-eliera. .i:. 11. gow, ATTOIIPIKY AT LAW, turnc at jUocnr Hocat,i .1 . .. . - ... atat.BiUH, w. .', VW4TIH rwti lialeipdav Jaw I I WAS FOUND ON oa retl. Til, Rtreet aniehlhe owner call ha' tie t-alJine al H P WrmBfa.lfia Mi've a'n-4au-2J3t aweenU',.a'ii.'. . Ni.ini - Yalaabls Sooka kt Auction. LIflU,iita4l.aw ty AuclKio and' Co wits' iilmniHimi W.MI tl.ui .... WiluKtualirTlari(e, culiecuou al liuukLs. rare, queer, carioua and otMuiuai. Many of Uieu iS'lV".?'!! PU.0f,,ret au1jhm, r - -- lt 27-H at. TUWLEH, Auctioneer.' - D a lEL Tr C Kit A W r CGJIMISilOX, , ME RCII A,T, .. ... aan DKAi.aa rar : GEKERAI MUICHASDISE, -,: --)eawe illnwat hvnMn,-- r ' i" NliWIlElt.N, IS. C. a Special attention Riven to PereMee an 1 Bali- of Oram and Ctbnn nu r,imi - L. aaa. Il-i Paotlce, fS THE Mtfi day of Febrnarv. A. D lara. at V ine o-Ka, lira nf I, H t n.. ,1,- "I Jayelievliie and Morgan Streeta, in the Citv or Kaleurk N C, and in anonrtiance with tha proiiua of a aed in Treat eixwted to m tiv th.,Mortb Carolina lnbliaDinK I oninaur, on the lota day of May, lre7. 1 -hall pnawad lo aril, at ul an ainntha, a Tery vuluatue hit of Hhet atixrk, and anlmnnd enpiaa of the North Uerolisa Law Hepiiru.v a i Vajloe and-(nf.-reiea Law Bepoe tPT a.d Term; Haj wood. Martin, lie races i, Mnrphytaaa. ireduu, Joua d rhnfae Leporta. Ao, ai th aa-r'a Pnie and nhtne. an4 . '. I ke credit, an aduiliiHial nhn her nT u.. ...j Taitll X,afiHiiui heb,a,ca-:'',t.. J 'i;.'..'i'i j . . .1 : i l. : i :. ' . - ".u ut aw. D..Trner. deoeaeed. f," J2"J- ''"' "iHM aVmmialratae.f M, by Jaa vT-ti ATSatee, AdoTr7i Porkrf nk Leaf t I Reward T ?'TrK"T nSKT7 ' City 4 X -Ualawh, en atd I.M It emuine! 2 aneobaeaa, abmit una tna.ir.fl mJ nt'T rh4lar audijn. D.4- atraoua kanan, 0,Hv, for f inu with a eradil aw it ha- tlwitt jtcrt th.. jOm.,. r-1 r;rw inrp c N. and ehniraMl'aiei' bee.. , lit f eewarn ad eer-r. a..,.., A,rg . a-ile anio.,t oaueoal lihiiy;- . Jaa. ii- EDWrS 4. iMITfL Wet Bftarnftrtlhry- StlirJolV niLLrifiUHU , IU, U. Tad ea'tTr" M'- h01'ICK. adrt X t, aa lM.e. b, np.t. umtrnn, will re-urae tlie aierciaea of thett Scitaa oa frZ .day.". - . Una. -: . Jzt?i?rrrr,J nj.iv; Ta tli People of the Bouthara tiatta. b aw Yuaa, Sov. i When the ore meditiual reetontive, m aid. Ijr kbwwu aa Woife'a boitetdam heli.n aia.ly kuowu aa W , ,i bnro.iuced into the world auk, .t. - 1 - or n.ur rBtmt.a ti ajinjf mi-ibere ft. meitieal probeeioii aouie- Mi yrrm Uf(ir , bun waa aell awaia ibai it cwud aait whajje eape tb penk ty attached to aO aew. ud uaerBi preirattoua. llti, iL. rafora, tudkmna M real it aitli auoiiKe' poaaiole aaleg-uard ajuUHi eouiiterf.iir, ad 10 rentier all attempt w rate it difficult aud daugeruua. It ,u uunutuj" to diMuiguaabi'd ctbeuiiate lor analyaia, an are. ' ' hired, lie purity and propne. hmeZij Lbua aarcrtauue4, aauiplea of tbe. articl werajw."" warded in ten tbouaalid pb)atuuuia, tuoiuditur .n kue leadluii piaelllKMierr 11a the Cuited toTTiA lug ul of ma pruparauna aud a report of uauit, acoutupaiiied eaak epaaiSM,. - kour ifcZ" -aauu uf the luil etuuielit UleUieaU Bleu UtlZh' liiiwu prumpiijr napouued. iluur opuuouT5 Uw aruula er,- uiiaiiuuoaaly faaurabie. preparauoii, Uu miu, had kii(( beKuwlJ tnkuitcuaiy iijjwin of aoniueroe, ail vTZtft Were Biora or lc ada-twaied, aij therrur ' at n aMnni.i-pariwwiMj' -lyivmtrii,!Zm'' auu atrtuigui 14. lue uu ot Juniper, wiuua "T7 ' noe of .tbugjlhoipal h,ioiuiiu uf ib aajlulTiT ' latfeMwe -wiut at- uumlhijod cbaractor of tuiS a-jUu element, kiv it,.iu the (wutuaUaa tkL taouitji, a mai kod auperioniy uva every Jz? diflilaira aiMuuiwt aa a ttnuulia, tutiie an d -rativa. ."'. ineae aatiafacha-y eredeutudt from IfeaaW al awa oi the hujUoet ralik ure pub'taaMdm uouileuMid lurm, and eueluaod eitu aunt UotiiT ? the Buiiiuvppa, a una of the auaraMteaTu ' neuauwuuMi. uthr Mraeauuuua anaiuat, a,J3 ere alao adopted ; a paU ui w obuiuaai tor uZ ' article, the laiwi , vopynglitea, a ue tmuk of 1 Uie propneua-'e jiuirfh aiu,uire wae at--. u,r, uw auu, end Wat. 1 ul Uie prcpralu)U were aiuuuaae.d uu Hie hotirtZ auu tha cofka were aeaJeil aim Lie private, u riicle had ever uu aula 111 thu uouulrV a.-; Uer the u.ui of rwliuappt prior to the tuuwMa. Uou ut Hu.iv', raiuiouiuii achimipe, m la.i ; r'. the anil aaa depmuuni, aa hia rade uiura, u itke tmud ,, iimiriot Coart for the Oouuiub ' tluMriet or he Turk duriuy that year. liuiiKiito. aupinwou h raoua 'uaoquaiDte4 wiih li. lLj cuacter ul tuai piea.. m ' ' pfe. I1JI.IU Hi. epuUliuuiil.huu(4'abte u.r..l ... ' IIV Tt'lliilllll .I.-I..I. .l..i.H ... . ' tlial tue pr.o,n,,a, ao earelmty Uirovn aruuuii " ilna tHiup noma hav prwiualvd tba tuue duviloua -al.d alo uf ixiulilili. 2w tuuu, hoautur ony tii b.ve .'uuuiauiii ihe raoaeuT? 1 . 15 .... u UWH wnih lUIIU UtUinMUir. lue time Bunt of toe piouratuir uu. Iieea uluiea; ll.e tud. iraemem wk.. t-uii.uia Aruiuui iHiton.,. uuue racwuaaliruwk ihe inll profu .l-,u lu, beeu cuuluoU u au!! tUvwua huuihuioi: nia iim.i &.ui t. ' In. tiatmeuu paTar.;Er..TIr F , - inM, Ul, II Mi ; irblu ivuuaia, atier Ui-jiiujC oi uw a ' cui.leul. ol t,ui uoue t, liv. u.lll Uiom tu ' coiuui.Hi xni, u,e utiait Oeielerioiia'Or all haivuV 1 lid tiiui niaoo ui. iuuim and uttud ourjf aJr e..-, .... . . iapiitle. the medietl rMfewtiua and tbe aua lur ahum ine fH iie4iu arouutuu Hubuapua ia pr, a.nu ,i , , ,xUlvlii ,4U.U uu!ttZ!rt ami IUi pn orieUir lu u ileleelluo aud Uprea Kai 01 luuu uoiarioua pnti lie.,, 'ike aaaiiuaw Iiii'1' u'uul;lU"-u at tua e.l.b'ialiiueut ut h uuil-iBiht 0; m rhutaiii HoJiiuliL aa ilotuiku llo.u a nancy ol the m,,i .mtlily, uid lUtured wim uu e-at-iiual eiiraet hi ii,c berry uf tua tta. unauoau u, to. prufiu tiuu u any uUmc Uuaur, HMihe.d how a, uy mmuuiouaeid eurruaiva Ciiiupiab.ia hare beeu remived frora the lea." lhti uajfUaAuei,! hHuthee letfaeOowOWaj atajei r ol the aole M cuc.p luuutuoua ul lite rfhiiiaaa Ari.iu.ue nehimpp, m u,oa uarkete ; emt rav' rttra, ho aie tu the w,a ol uuua Uwui auu dote tu the liAiwrut indnciiee ol uuahyWuMi " nur aaiur, u .my iiu,t cotu put uti ut sehiodwa Urttie., m Irenwiily piJuaaddl ajw : the unwary, iho Keul. tut the uudelue3 Ham teeu renuti.u.d tu tnamote iBiWiriea oai tii auupxt, aod to toward to him iheuauiea 01 aucB i -para, a aa they may aaaiurtiua lo be eutiamu tat i , . Ui auocioua ay.Pu ul Ueoepuou iu euucU. aliui, the uuoer.njued would any that be kaa pre duced, fr.an uuk the, hanua ij the moat uiuu guuhed mea ot erm ui amorioa, proiu ttuan- ' awerahu. ol the pmuy Ai euwUenua . of lue euuiedaui Aroiuaito sehnappe 1 Ual iia haa . expended uutuy thou.ud uiiluuV iV aurniaTuuT Uwilh guaiautea.,.dfKu,lK whieh bTdS8 aiaiaed atiimiu prowe lkuJ pohhe Ji.o nW an w "at Irauduleut luutatioua ( thai bebaaiatiuwia) u tu be die u..lj liuuor la the workl that ea-i bw , inr,uily4i-rwudud upon aa uuaUUiUiratea ; that he haa ehatieiigoa luviaitttij aualyaia, taintei-" pariaou, aud aaperiiuciil iu all iia toiuar and a-ouier? oiuuJ ihu putipuauou wiuutv itmmn hia name, ca1 and liatiouiark. haa eutue oU lav,, Btpbaut; He.tlirreMre pjiibnt a Uuly be 0a Uihia Uiiiaw-w lift in, jfeuerally , ' to the niedioa pndieatoii ami t,a mwk, to iluuounce and to e- L fom tut aoariauuia hum coiiuUlleu tliaae eVutan- , 00a ul uluuuty. nd h. uau apuu ihe preae aud -the puhhe to aid lulu ui bla tflurl to rwtMr aai ' .awrt, i,etti' '- . . . -v' , 'ihe following 1i-ttera and eeHiioabM 1 froaa tb . Utai-iUK phyak uu iud chnwiaie of thia oy wua pro ui the rowi. r that all twoaa aold by tb ate. duraitfued are ad Ibej an) represented to be UKOU'UU WOLF. r I feel hnnfid t aar. that 1 reari ynttr rkhaarmw t aa bolnirja eeerv reaoect WMuauin a. .7 daaerviuil ul auedioal uatrunaira. U toth. pkrewt enanhe--erticMinr Mollaad inn - At all wveaia. hen lotoie onoLiainahle, aud, aa auotu tuav ha r aafeiy preecribed hy phraieiaoa.. j - - ..'-' -, . LaVlll U alOTT. H, 1 -- iliarmaceuutial-Chc-aiiat. Kaw lurta - - ' K Pua BTajurr. .w Tom, t Auv maw.. ( , Co dJiBu Woib,v.4, Yaarair .. i . . s Iiia Kim : I have aiada a ka.t.i A-AaJup1 r- rtT.Ia fcliaapua. " yrTIi fh. miem of u-cterniluiiig it any fJLuiaW . njurlona aubalance bad beeJt -aulud ta rtuT.i- pie di.Uiled .pixita. - ' tawaaa. . to uumuauun hae TWantoit t -rfca 1 ue aauiple riuitaltied BO ptaaonuna or harm. wi tneninra.1! trtre-twrr nn.tita- .i :v,......i' fairr triuia nr iu -."i .T . -m.b. -J,. .. ua annatanee wuaa . ,1 1 auVse ol-uqaora. "1 ' Z.Ur.r ;.t W.nnaaif or to re. .1.... m. ...... . " , . .11. iiuti " I m UiUt-ra4U'aMr"r-M,r.-- .1-. hlA . .... i... - , . , SS . Varv reatMNHfullv .m baV,; .. tttAaV-a, aiaaj,, i :KwTita- rrnair Uram, T CcMLree Wout, Fm . 7ranf : OTuTmuuer ab, Aobf AUU hi I in I baraanhmna it ta l.ii .;i ' vu. tan bo. tree of 'Bcl.w.m ebu.,4- ,hi , hoiiae. aud iud, aa tmm, that (, ,irl,U(H1, -" Nn, i. free ir, uuurv. ltrv,V nuauoni lhat ithaatlieaaek,a haatia-aiaat aad- -cm recentiv i,r......i "xaaweano tteapectti He,--. FKtll. F. MArER, Chemiat KW Vuaa. Ti 1.. X.. I iSmmMm,wm,-Sim-in' 1 i. IZSStt" W. P ' - Li- .TT 1 ' beenautie fcllb-, the prnh-aaiou. and Uini..uo., u,4h.erbT aacriSeea b, the re adnllr...iTri.clU l hnnw tremeo., ap, wher dieeTtl, brM and ner,., w u,H ZZ? Verv . to Larop. owuiK, 18 KrUcK,wTto ta mfr i UieVanveral ariicl Importer ? ". tnewain. yonr U,n. whji yo. chiappa, whKb w. eorieiueT Juatly entnled the hmu repuiati, it baa enquired m tbtaeoW VI i andftoaa yoar experience aa a lor i en " -eTT; VF? H "d U-Juora ahoaid BKiet with the aame doimnd. ' - Wa Wonhl ,i .1 ..... 1 , . . . . h rea,;il,ie apirtneeau-,,, i, d,ffBrat aaurte of . .. the wy ta Ag. ma ior Ifieaala of pw Jlrawdw. , and here Ihe prolaaan M nhaara tb -aama alin nemlnd n,.l,n.i .... - . . .., ,.nirnew entarprwj, Biirk-ii. i ., . ...i ui aareauia. - liilverauv Mnucal ( o. ,. Npw v,rt '"tlArtwtat'H tx. M: D .ffiewr .V?un.rJ fnraery , Huron4n -t:hifp,thntteH oami al. ev-.. No. u r.aa' huu-enih iit. lUlt VAtil i' ' Browdw.y. . '.K.r.B . l)..n 11 W,a ni a a, I -- aa-X .. L 1. a- VI . . l 7t w t U DX tauj lvfa pb-i ud 1-ract.ce a. nre,ry .New -wk atl uU onega, ,j, WhJIrrw and ptlK '. Tbe vniprletor aTe'oirT fVlr at! ilottlcd! Mlwca and Mrjiror. lulaiiai - - I hai rartinnalaut- I i t f i V 5 IT iTuVftttlrtrat'irta-llun W, I . .. ; . - -.:x'. rev.a4a -ie.rae wi,ri " .i t, I r"1.'!

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