4 IV,- - .'jMiaamaul will be wearied la th JNtal, JL-Aialth toUowutg rate. Aavaw vUlte Onssqasrs awuft aaiaaequent inawwiiai saw t, M tks a week.-- ... ,09 ... i.iM Oueaouare one week. Koh a.iJ..ltne4 eqnre .nMrtm""1"""' i!vlluii "' ' Owo sonars " """"y" SLTcu wl "W esTnaw-WW - !e r ? S""-" Jw uiur thre month,. ... I. Ml ... b.o . v .. ts,oo ... (a.i4itruuia" ........ Xi,oIK eulaat " ......... , iiu(Ouiittmi - ' ,.u,oa 7M0 g-iir fatsutess card. 10 motion linoej ,01 ereAeuiy . itiuMiii inaerwd m Weekly en Weakly retee otimspouaUiuj with tbs abov. UMeried wekfot 17 or llOlf charged. w 4' J?' A J iS. . J, , , J!JLi:.XIdwT.,' w ? "XW" lBTBBTmPT. lUOSpust w ""-vj j- sadr 4 gricahrl-iiiB r Jam IL To ah. ! i" - TAVt Ammoniated Boo Super Pbo- pbftte s. VY. H. J" A Co. 4 Btock Pet, yf.'tf Joo Ca Frh Garden Seed : J. A. Janet. Whole! ud fktail Grocer, &o Lynn Ti.i. ..hlbition of our loans folk, win trend weee-t. Eety pitc wt Ttpntea tri In uud tFetriol Hyte, and TUcktr Bll m tiiliaut wiih.lUt bUttiul d vailabb jOt In the tjiAcloai tod iplendid nir JuscuKicd, Bd tbe muhUud enteruiuoient. ' I -t'.v. nim. in rrprn lo ft nnWerl request, tb toeaea wera ru-enaoted before a lull audience, wl.h addition. The d iug eoeue- liaUlud Buii, ' wa truly ioiprestire. Oa th ttsge, th Oak City CouneH wen- rupraeentad,- 4- fitH Kettalis the Voung Meu's Cbrittifta Aftto eifttio was also reprotd,- fronting the audieaoe, lorming tsmi-ciicle, Tb funds collected by tb entertainment wer paid over to tbe Treasurer, sJiiuuntlng, w na deTttxnd! to iet ween t hroe and four hundred doHsTK-AH-who patronisad tWTsblesui, . feft Uiftt tbey. l.i4. d-wK'welHii tby torn trtbutlng to'tbe chrtbl obJw( 1 1 ftdrnln. Utennu to tba duaiituto of the City ; nd tberai ot tb young Udieft, wbo bftfft BKiacHred tbia mftituf through to ft ftuo. - ot, ftided t y th jouog men, U up tb lipiolarerypn. w- t " ' y( 'r- Oc market, Tburaday morning, wa wall iupplied with eooatry produce.. W bw ae.domtvea fti niftoy carta pre-nt.-. tbicknx, aotatoaa, boiT,g, rabbiu tod fretb park, beside many otber ftrt relet, .lif99j.b!,Koil jtriceft. '-'I.'., - V . , ,W wottid'ui'i 1 Bnr City 0o8il, to prohibit hucknu-rt' iroia buying up ar , tiolcftfwtpwalfttioi), tintil ty, ftf er 10 o'clock. A bint it tufficieaU All wbo ttitod njaiker, kaow that our cilioft ftrt coaptlUd to "pay tribute," uulcta they are to or unalt at to be io ftdrftnoft of tbfta '.- tpaculabirt. v. Zi&S r-."'' '. . A 6 oB eigr, or a piire artiole of chew ;'thg tbuiutfrVlt tjuitt ''ooniiiderfttloft with all loert of the wed-nd tbt dealerwbo can Bflurjiit cuttumBtbcAt'kJc'g. tod tbt par lent, 1 tur to 6 jd rtt ly tat. The? tr kle. of th Buctt br.oda, may be lotrnd tt M. heif"'. ftlffn of tbei Ia Ftjeiteville hiruet, , W. tt. CrjiUNoam lorinar proprietor f th Exchange Hotel wlaht to ftty to hi ' numeruut acuuutftneeft ftad friend,, that La wiUt hit laiftily it oow ttnpplog t lb " 'Cottaite Uottl.' wher be will be p ftted to e tlrtHii. s in tb guod old .4ay. cf ::-, Jt, -Udiaaogmhrjl. AttocQ-y abo diMdd Ctpt. Or; bior "lb Mili ary Court, tome two yoftr tine, m iohe itj, ttopping ot thTrboro Hone. " MrTUMitnd hat many IrKJncb) in thittom ' munity, . Wist Fukkit toiiwi-Tlie thirty, loorth tnaircraHry ol the Phllointtbfttiao r Hid EuzeaUa' Eocietiot, ot Wtke ForeM - .ThegevotcurVVih ibc tSlfiTntt, ftocf . wiH : b ippi.ipria olerved.- Addretftrft will 1 be dtlirervd o'a th part of the' rhilomt tUeaiao society, by A. U. Uicka, Jr., of HaaSnilr, Tet.n; It S. Prirhard, l Wil mirgtnn, N. C, repreaenting the EuteliftO . Bueiety. PipRKua CuaT. Mr. ' Jimr M. tiudg r, w, on Tuesday latt, liceoted by the uprtuie Couit, to prtctio Uw la all the Cotrtt of this t-tate, h baying passed ta afproTed fiaiiiioatHio. , . -,i - A aumbiir of priaonera, orfivnilt aenten- " eed totna pimivntiftTT, eictpcd from the - Jail, ia SmithR.il,' ft.dsj nr two wtMfti by burning tuioujU Oui.wtllt.ll)j:irute -re, J.ibi'TaTnnftnrSriTng, Js-UukT -Kert,tilick Ncwby and M.ieet Hogg. Fri.Qi t prirate tnurca, w. nnderatiuid lh. re ii il(e-ti'uu11 lo Sutl'tifd, toetweeft 1 !e Mjijot ar.d. tbe B rd of Commiitsioaert. It a. etna the Mtjor i ft Kepublifcan, ) " led bj 6eat.'trn toe Board of Coninii' -nnert are 0'HerTaue- and th. ele ; tneata, oil d. water, wSrTtMmT. Tax XiSTEKK ISTKLUOSNrSR,. jfofca g, Lort. Ed tor, Wal.inHin, X. C, ft new .5 ,s Is ijttaja-ftwl; Krt dirrt ly; gntrej.;j f, Ahk1 tg L't.rBtnre, E luration aid Ag H-w1triril;m'TTirptftf"Wf-tiin io the first nua b r, ye hare no doubt aig lew oajt totte. which weighed 65d .P"r",'1t J "'?. 8-.ii.et no weighing ir to 1 ;6t ll.s. "n-aie tuu&h poik, ' good tiftsd lain'lj. . tut : ft'' Katiosa Lit Ivftcft Co.- W call attentioft to day, to the lretthwraot ol the Kliooal Life loturanc, ComuanT. Tbit Company bat t;uie.l thftTfttryiccji of our friend, P, F. Petcud, E-Jf M lu local agent lot tb city tlie aelecttoa ia ft good on, at Mr Pevcud bat irteotiStl bimaalf with tbt tcheatet of inturaoce, and U,, per hapa, at well potted in the butintat at any nian, whkhfAiuplB.1 wixjt JU uotirii orgy tod pn-aetera x.e. be wine decided auoonet. Tb I at tonal it ft new. but Dorja Ut Ouiupftay("1lia '''1rll.1yBTBfntI"gK that be baa issued in tbit Company alone, ft many at' ten polictr day. Our people ar jully awake to the iaprirlauco and a4- 1 vantages of -lite- bead of fsmiiiee will neg'ect tM mole of B5Illi!ULf.JilL3tlSSLi.J!ii!5j!5JiJ5 tb ttebt of deftih. queered to tt that tbe hi ur fur the First r&t.lab&tHj&tUialit IjftWiB-ftM.TifiiiTTfTTrir-.-i... ;ttt fTiii LYj- 7.T77?rrL"L""fth, '' V1' ' AaouU Meeting i( the BuKkbiTUlct ii ibi .v j t . . r r r MASS MXSTISO J LKXISQTOX,- A large meeting of the cititie of Darid.. too Ceuuty, was beid in the Con it H uw, ia MXiogion, on toe o n. atj n r ei.ru. n. un motion o' V"l. w, r. tit n'leraoa. tie denoa Adatna K-q, Auditor of the S atu, was antiiimouiiy elected Cbairmitn. wbo on ttkiag tb Chftir delivird forcible ftad wli directnd tpeech. On tnotl in Levi JH. ounaoa , was elected Necretarj. Aa elaborate toeeob of an hour knetfa. wat delivered by David MotUt, ,Eo. ile wat followed ty M. Il.'Pinnjtm a tgrb-i.l om tro quftrr ol ri bmir. 1 lie metH ma til tbta adJrnwnJ I Oil. W. F. tlon raoa "d o.Ueri. All ui ttj ipmliei were wen rectife.l bj tbi) tru.e 1,4 nipiw utive udieoci.' Tbfj il.owoj cnucIuMW; that' it would b to tu lntiret ilikitot theerai. tor ftBl ikhtor u mtii u ottlte uile State, l otiuipraitiiMi, ftaa il utd uUt luroc, iij tegidntWf aactinot,V aprif Mtclrnieut t U 4M oUtmv.at. buut 25 per cutt.t lb loiiTUtul ludebteda'tl: ibttt lL suh ft eotnpriiiuiM-waft oot trlfeUttKl, tlt puoplc would D: ariYtft .loto tMUiSnnrtcrrthr eretli i or oifia Ton TI7utrnilKbur ruiard. Tar folluwioff iftolutiniii war' tlisa ig.' tnxiaoed und VMAimoiM'y ftaopted. . : W BttUL ft, btloro tin) la war, cifom If which bUftinow ftixl IraiU n cbifrtr carried Ofi, eomnxinlf knoq v cut in jatem, tad by mrm t bK.b tbe tntilii btcM. lrgfljr ioTolTed in de ft ; ami WftcKEAft, ttie ai uii-'B wiiicit tbift CU-toU prarallod, or tlia proprrtj wbicb nood aa a raaia and phage, or ncurljT. lor 1wev away by the- r.vw of oivii war. hereby tae po ipte, sluioet in ( vent, are ndersd aualit to psy to tbt full amouiit tlis tttrer ttmr-an ttirwT wmrracted f twit fintUi I I ftt tolute y (ftsfnt.it). that the old debt, wbk'h are n-.w paralttting th energies ol the pople, thouid tie tpti- lly ftetued, la onier mac tu people uugUt turn their attention' to industrial ami eoo aoukal purtuitt,ud thereby btounia uioie able t ptf tates ti- the .govertimett, ti reatore a nfldeoc tmonir "tln uniTm. aLd to r iuaunurai proaptiui ihioughout tbe Whole laud: tbeieiort) Hut'tti, by th peon' of Dariritoo Couniy.i i matt meeting assembled, that it it the deliberate opinion ot this meeting. that all detiu conirautetl belorv tue 1st. da J of May, 18H9, should he ipdjlyjBaled oo toe beoitot tbe debt ir psjlng oreecuru g to tbs creditor about ito p.r oent. ol tbe iu debtedneet; thst the interest alike of tbe creditor and debtor, at well aa H tb whole State, would b promotud thereby; that the creditor .wouluvrealll more m.;ny by iU'ih a oompr n e, than oy driving the debtor into bankruptcy, by atten.p lug to collect the whole aniouot. . Aew.tar, tuat we nenny instruct our member of the General Astiinbir Imui this county to vote tor, and to use their influence to earrr, all such omnrn a tend to fori the eettlemeot tifjold debt tupou tbe pi in tbove described. Met Itt L, That we ca.l upon tbe people tt Wt tie" tff wt "prfmsTT 'emt ermntT TJtteTt Inga, to (( V expression to tbelr views n tbit iubjt ami a-ait nt in appealing to th Legislature t Ure prompt Ld t limine atept to c irry out tb objot aought by these rtaolutloi.s. ' Rt it I, That cnpiet nf llii'fe resoliitioi a be trioatuitted by the Becreltrr to the 1're ideot or tn tMuiat. ana tprsiier ot tb House ol K pieasutauvi North Carolina. with ftrtijUMH, Uiat,ut5r- have tfaeea imarl hefora tinir respectiv btdie. end thnt copiee be furnished the Raleigh itadnrd and sUtd f tt Dt.ltliithm- and: that all tlie papen in the SuteTjtleqtieUett-ta coyyt1'MHII.-,l'l f"''1 tie-ttuauwu. On motion, the meeting Ven adjouraedT J1E.NDER0S AXMjsj:a'n. LlVI . JliKB.l!, Th Cooervatia t3titvention, in-nnml. Bating Colonel Thomas F. Toon aa theit. candidate for Senator in the .Fonrteeuib Senat' trial District, comprised nt the conn- jes ol Jft'sds.n And ..lJaiuinuus. , -ha.j;Ut- taell on nit, ana prcaeuku a name oi wui.cn th District baa cause to be proud. In every relation of lite ,CoU Toon has icq It- Ud bimselt with honor. A RulUnt s l iier. worthy e tiara, and seuth-nisa ot aoihiy and iirolil'y, he atauda bef.ire ths p -ip'e ol the D ttfict not only without reproach, but with noeor- and credit. Of iMt riuUi4. integiity. bis service are parliculavriy need ed in this day a, puiiucal . corruption and oniciul ena ity. In this contest Uolonel l uon bat Tor tn opponent on who is not known in the politioal bisiorj of tins section, and the people oi aoeir i'lwinci must von r-rio. se between them, F.vea without moral of political disqosllficattiint,. Andrew J J-ims come under ibe out ot tbe Fourteenth Ar ticle of the Federal Contiitui ion; for shhb otfetic Ool. Purdie wa detinVed - of hta h 'Mr.JnnwifMR Rtnati'tr tf .' Kiiwift. war was ao agent ot the Coalederwie Gov. ernment to purchane homes and mule toil wirrpurpose He cannot. tr.fT tnre, .t ai informed be alietti, tKe t "iron Clad" owfb, Ui t, fi? fori;. I'f blmset1, g other ia liie B Siih hate ine for emus al- miat'4ttd.ftUannfttaV!ir wootrt" irtwi f t s fenntaaor o4 toe aesaion, 11 he all ni J t elected H'ji. JuttnvuL. jUAhM FUUBI FUiCBI Ps'sraeo Family, Beetn liiha 8ur mind Sir. - - ----- s K:a atav ijiiaw. - ; ' "-1 A n-aereetrl stwli rf of ewrr kin.t, wbicb will be sa cheap aa Uier can be SHMttfiH US laia wuaoa. A I) T4.TLOR. Fes4M( Jf2. loilWa"--.!! SI... IbJAi.' Jr-I- l.l. KIVri. Ixiili r'it niuiakHi a , ... ". . ilrnf on Lv'nleoe, and other aiadarl law. W-aa, f si fi-h'i.ni V'f'."e. - " '' f a -1 t s law Wri4iiiw aetiuavsslirt-Bw.i ties aua kwe.t rues, vj 1 A -arVs' r.b.t-1. L.-TrV. . . : '.1 ftElA Tt fB TAX A TIOX XORTU AUD la ear latt, we twumed that the amount of money aeiually lollecte-d by the Fedtral RuTernnient, trout the wbole rountrr, wet tbre hundred and tea millions. The ptr etipit leiry upon the whole population m. tbertf ire, S Ss and ft fraction. Taking It to he tbirty-sevea million (it North and West, and 11 Booth.) it follow that the ItOTTE-flt-d iipoii the Ifdrtb tbJ West, (iiip: iiSA'aelflt k-f to r.txactly Jttfrj wou!d tie 2i'j4HU.OOO, and upon tb bou'h pl tast.ltiW, ww-Mi.aiaiai- a i ag. "H prcwiiv luiuirj. put iit voDim vniui at tioeaincnt reierred to, make th turn actually collected from th 8 Ulb, frnrft lu- Tirfrial HitTimut to bn U"der 83 rnilhont. tbe ci l lection fMin the du:ii lTid at tiie Cus om llouai't. upon the Soutiiers Biaie. to fall off iu t:ia tame pre- nrr:inn-t-t boaa Stnm lultrcsL. IU vto . (nhlcii wedn . not be.iere end ftarum to avoid diapui,) aud c rrveiin th calculft- tuin ar.tnalW leviel nuon the South rather I v T fi,nw,wv nun u.in l"wi,, wj. It tol4wwt-thatAb actual lets upon tb article we stated Hint, the reducjd freighu on the eoitoa crop ware proliably 1 135,400. 000, wlii h U clearly ft lo s to the iuduetry of tbe N'.irih, more or has sflocling itt whole 'p p ilaiion, and a change apoo it to that am' unt, 1,K),000. We bat bow to add that w ataum tt coonnniption ot raw cotton at tb Norib a went, to veiaga.iour (.oiuwim we ao this auon our iutimate knowledge of tbe negra cn.uniption Ufure 1810, reducing it one third, in consequence of the gieatrr amount ot w.miI, winch mar lie tied tt tbe North nd Wiwt, and we a.timata the n banc I price of the article to be 121 cents a pound, equal to s charge oil the North and We t of f IS, 000,000. Tbe total collect) in Hioney, Imeet," ftndr(Bhticed'lrTOn 1 272 220 000, o verge uf nt.ia ot tlOttUO, We ftscertained anil atated aiiove, that ti, money actually collected by tbe Federal if.veri'Uient from the rSouth wat U 940,000 The Booth lost nothing cliwgiuiilteit StHirt ft (tight op jbe conirsry. at tbe cotton crop ol tbit year (ilH48j it supposed to produce ft much in hiooet, a thst l 1860. aid at the freight on t he i,lus J-qiiuuiit j i ().itit ene-liit tney actually gala tbe mlunltoa, vn: $1200,000. At the North tnd West mtke no cotton, and as every rite In price wbetb er caused by ft dtfliii.nl supply, or ft tat rrvied on home produeriony eitner tor lev Bueiir protection, ia a bounty tj the pro (lin er, aud t buflaoa tbe consumer, h follows thst the euiiancod price of cotton tse i at the North and Went, ia a gam la t'.e fch-uiu of 13,000.000. Of owe-aity ibea tliet two sttta are to b -deducted from the hlirten on the South and reduoe it co t3t,0,000: orl t-p'ef Hipila.- Com pr-4 -wHh-tbat up. hi tha N-.rib a oee to nearly three. - 'There is, it:e;'ffef a"1f rTSfTHlhd" wi fotettrte a fairvasminaSMiw, -i one erais tiou in Die prin-ess by which we arrir st this result, vit i Th relative burdens i poaed upon the d ft .rent parts ot our coun try by thoa ddtiet which are kuowa it protective. -This ia not designed omit- ti o, it ia caused simply by the want of ma tarislt with whieh to oiak tb inquiry. Admitting (mt lor the take of argument, hut to"void Vy-thaf the relative propor tion ot those dutiea, being touwled tolely on consumption, are now equal, whic h wt do not believe, we t 'k the caw of cotton alone; we ignored the trope of, sugar tnd tubkcn, w said nolliing tlxjut the lost ot frtlirli' upoo these rnps, neither of their inhait sd price; permitiin thtin. Jfcr? Com pensate for any possible over proportion of h protrctiv doti t paid by tae Houtb. But we see that the uer crop ot 1860 was 43 000 hbdt. airaitist 73 000 in 1807, and we are willing to leave tbe qtK.tiou whether the enlis o d price, adde'd lo tbe lost ol ft-ei hta A.'... would not make the balance ol the i nui al hurileut ol those proieriive da tie heavy against the Norh and W at. buine "l our readert win etcit'm J "luv powiblel the annual burden upon th North and West beinit lated attlU 04 dol Iftrs ag ti tt 8.40 dollar in tbe South, proves r0 TuiHrhtbrrw trttit-bc tonig mis(ahf" In reply w ssy, that our-'oid ct bat been w a..-eHfa Inula s"ll.yWHat..-- -Wa.,kall not in tU.a'tvIe atatc.l tl caust of their i i:e'eire. VA e a lmiue I that we were not ei pert at tuc.b ciamioationt. Our main object being to auk everybody to a-'tich.ft'.id eivluf liirov.tb truth ot our dedticiiont, ' or n-tmit them. , ' ; But w will atateone tact to our retdert, whu b rosy not have not urn d to ibm. In IHHO the crops of the Booth tre estimated at 00 uiili luLa-In J 66 3nlLus i ug U. feliKfout-, ly lallea off in quantity, their marketable value ia sui.poaeil to have been maintained. TW7bor-dr--pr'd w ti.sa l'n.ifi ur isap o luoa. " la lr.-wtlh-iweonslderable d tlucfion,. the huridrud million wor;h of ifhor tx BtJn WaM rtj-ayty ffJ'VTatUlrtlHw lal aVf NlfcaT way ftinenaiii io tsxatinu. in ibb( on tba oi her hand it was a charge npou the crop tnd, lo its amount, ft tlch nee agaiptt the tai gatherer, out went mio Dunns imm which it ciMitd lie collected, only oa the ruUM.uici4 ;-cir joa f-Hrer1a iorew. : If tble to recur to tbiaiu! j- ct again, w hojie.ta eoKTinea our rxm heis tfietid- that, while w won id not rec-ivc siain 8300 000 of slaves, It U impossible that .negro n' frag can N maintained in this country, as abiding luttiluti.in. , . CHAULEi' LONDOS COECIAI G1JT, oc,lre I4ttnr vf , Jouipcr Her .' . rte. - This hnr. its brand of Pur Loiuloo Cardial Oin, bet aio aj the teat of tiaae, imitation, piracy, hiith tariffa ind anfair competition, asitstill ew- jora a conau ntly lucreSMUK aa s vatioartnt thst true mem a-a aoa aiwara nna,.prev.aia. CH ABLET LONDON COUOUL GIN j otfermj tothspnhliesa a "perfectly reliable ape- nitln in aU caawa or 0l.sh.Altl) llUDl'K and KlUNf lsJ , It setadrtlyoa iheaeorKSin, with a4 apaadiaeita whieh rwieW i iu. alnahl to neramta eufletii bom UHAVtL. mMum 11 uaJi JOJ HI ulilil h, ut aud Uletoj i1 ilea i 'I eiiiK., aeii in all f am u wlire, frcui wliaieecr sausa, a SallRfnl diaretie to reqnirrH. t.a.lu a ialuuot lo itainful menatraaiion, eaa by &,ZJZ2ZLS. inianes it shouij be taaiea wita aurav and WBJtu aater. " " Aa a-tuoie and beverac this (hn Is aneialsd, :sa-lt pcaaaaaaa aunaxjat the. ites&iaidUL Arjiartlea to be w and in thn poinivna. now s Jrqrtent!y a-ild Si.fter tii name of Uin, .Bratidr, i,i ktXf iM- ""- ... - '- -- ..." ' : , . Jltrt. F.MKiar, Ironorier " 81 Fark bow, New If wii. Sold by P. F. IPsxtb Viuu- Xuaat and iniESH NCUA) IWI(Pj Mi W ; yi. i-aiar - BkR.4l9 BiRGIIVS! GOOD S-A-T- C O S T J IS Ol'.PElt TO RFTrg T hTWK, Mi rot a rhan're in (rie buatrieaa, 1 will sett ar i,ifL' i the utit thtriy d i f yba-lw U IL HEaBTT, As't. 'I Mg Snnrt vrntFf-'rcv nVTKH sale i He S wl. .rr f.arae-tWs tn th th y at Bak.(jh, wiiu-l4rtoaHi, r)r p - ia mV . . ..Fe .s-tf Jl " IwwwrtBfw ltweuntj House ta tutUrjr. -TELEGRAPHIC. uvr Arirrmeum llapatcboft. - ' FROM WMUtTON.r; 3 - WiaioTo, Fsb. I. M. ApnHoeiioB has baee nude to th ftaprwns Court tat writaof aahms eurpat in behatf x4 tha Turtogss Briautors, The Court bak aw aatioa in tbe nutter. ' ' ! j ,:;- ,... Out. Iloidaa. of Kur h Carolina ra bobalf of aiutseu ajd. mlt Iu)kuu UiUKrtiW iiona fiani tut jtenaUas toutiuatauraiiattfM.uf iif anaf which will reduoe the FooWrsl Uarnauna -as'Wefg,gf (iBci.' Sis r.ist, Jab. M. M, Tlw Hmasa, hwt stj-ht m iiKuod in wwataV- snaj the Keveaus, and adi td tne amaodBwal finuf OeeBosuMauera autbority lo "exempt dia. tillers of pl, neactt anJ ftrsti.. brtihly from the proniuOD of tbe net to relstioa to aplnts. si Uonbut m4 to reduce tba tat J tbw pUeiug IWmm ulk utk,.. oil 1 i'..l..L .L eosotim lit tbt iws hit rrtsnlent. MKK1H, " -i K !". 'eh. . M. ToBtiuwi ate4yai0i tw aOJ. " fipirit i or p alius trat at ta, Boaia Am at IH tot,ao KurUiOarolinaanew ' , -"7T" Ursarooc, Feb. 10 M. Otto Srwi. Cplsnda U'M. OrWau J Sale of 15.000 bales. - - , - -1' Our Sfldulglit Dlapsttche, f . FROM WA8HIK0TON. Vajihisoion, Feb, 10, F. M, LongaWew' and Frank b ur ars hers. ' Oea Orant ha returned. ft 4 owl pan y ol United Htatce Infantry, from New Tit, asassd here (ur Witininirton, K. 0. At 1 o'clock the beaators eama tot fiia. Hoaaw, arm ia srm.' Wade to. t)i Ctitir. -" Colfat wai seated near hlu. Keftators CoukJing and Kepr. tentative Wilson, of lows, and Frwya 'eating a teuers. Fruyn rwsd tb peinvoratie vnttw. Conklliif and" WUsoa altomatsd r-diug the aVt- BAlblMal, ... A.11 went esnoaibly awtU Louiaiao was taaabaa, when Kn liana, uf Teamwara, ebjeoted, declar tat that an iraJbsleainnjissjitdd A Joint sea aion aepsrated. . , i ' i Tb Huns voted W to (S, to eannt Luaiaiao. ' Tbs aeaat. star a evrs stratKie to draw hi ettransoua matters. votd tosunul Louisiana. ..The Houw tatai met awl proeeeded ,itb the eoonl aalil Oweripsawaa reauhait, whaa Rotlar objeeted bMM the Ovurxla uilt hsd not voted on Ui proper day, aud (ur other raawuus. Vtooh eoiiruaiun sasnsd, wuidi Wd udd try scderiug tb tmnsis tu iu wa Cbambet. ' , . - Th Uuua tha TtaWd IM to ti. tiaurgia will not be ouumsd, !. - l b tjt,T after th toott perplexing 'and kaahtbi atrwggla, declsred that, u the lae W th eoneuiTsat reauiutaua eunoamitt Geortia, the ubjedhan in Jotut iaMion ass oat of ordar -Tlae Hfiwa nil Mt yotwS anainw 1w whwurnt eotiflict . Wade ordered Oourgis to b read, as diraoted by th eeret-nt resulaiion.- BwMaw . ioted. Wsrki woald hear a objection. Batlar appssled from W site's aseiauw. Wade would aliuw no sppwwl aa4 ordared slat ownt to pro- Budsr moved thst tb Baoats have nermiseloa tvratv.- Nat ia arder - : Butler luaelua that- tney ehnald aeatrwl theft ownHaL-,-.. ' ; ""- ;, "' Amid the naoat lntne eteitsment Wsde order ed th count to prooaed. Oonkliug aouauwaoad I rsalin tba result but bis voies ws d rosned by eries of order. Tbs noise becsm dSafbuiog, wbsa Rneskat Colfat aprwwf) thwdawAprocbuBtUjJte TLos Fiesi- dent must be obeyed, ta Juint eaion," and or dered th Sergeaut-at-aruia to arrest disorderly persona, : ' N ; Collax wa ordarioa;' and appeannf, probably two sainnlae. tturuig whieh tint tbe Berg Matt-at- Arais had diatjcibauwl kis awa ail tfaruagh tb Bona, tw.ay partial order wa restored, wbas tb rssding ot thsreMtt tad prootamatloa A4. lowed, sad the Uuuawa separated. , '. Ths Menat inuawlUtaly siljoaraed. In the Hons, Butk-r lutrudu.wd a rosolutoa thst Wsde' and tb Bensiurt' action ss a groaa iwvashia of tba rtjrttte of th ihinwh-, whlab twen latioa wss pacduut wbea tbs Bouee ailjonrned. MABKiETS. . - - !, f. Ksw tota, Feb. W, F IT. Cotton eearoely so drat, ftslss of 1,400 bale aimiSKij: moa'Jyi4. ...'.-' RptriU IWrpeetiu 7H. Koein ,aJ,l Ooki 1,16,. M:-' - '. ' ' " ' Talnabit in USZ u weU at at DEATH wifolicieo irwtrtD Br thr:-- Brooklyn Lift Insurance ( ompnnj a. if ilin t "'r an eHdem.iueut staduit aweeiaWy ut 11-Aa-AUa w Mjt ami j rtfa,baii -eeera4- -ai4a -at tba asm at any time, ansa rwe AH acta, rsjutiutia bs been psid. . Thus s I'oiievln Uii Cuniiimy Is as rood tl 1 TBtAiPillC KiIB. , , :,,f. ... -. ; It EMEIB EH Tnat lbs t'.lieie of SO OTHER COMPANY bear such so endorsement aud that yoa sea only a. car the benettMg tbl . -. U Wa luaarsoiS by tafelng Policy, la th Company, f Sew Terk Clffr'T ! A. W, LAWEENCE, ,,, , -f ltUalelAa-li. ' GtfNBBAA. Aej'l lTO Nujtra Uavuuluiav Dee Is-Sta 1 : o in rii.iwjiTBft iirrtr. : ' The BEsraod CHEAPEHT FICBTll.IZFR ever offered to the pnhlis. nfio par ton of H.UoO lba., Inclii.ling b lira and draeatta : or i,"l par ton of J ll lha.. when base are aeui oa lo hlL '1 here will be no Ireight en saipty bagt sent a to AH snd retarn. FKitVVIAN GUA!0, an! all sTsndsrd Fertil isers, at lowest CAbU -rua Ssmt voir otders to . i. n. ho. tkii A jo.. Ueperal IJouiuilatln Mxrehanta:. J VI liiOlCli ktJUtlLjLNO HAAta. at jleta. A. u, J axaj h, -ffe4f. 8 18 Bata;ett Ht, "" 'Select Eo&rdin j tod Day School. HIIX-sLUHO', N. C. Tilt la Sitittiod SJaa KritxrrK. taet. ed,aa wetiurw tty CiabuaSont teelrtfc'U'ra.. ut raiiuie n. awircisea of uteur rchout w Frv day, Keb 6(h, 11.1. " " ----- - DiiAtin aud Icitiow, "tirl Cnrrwwey. . ; t ircuisra ft.rwanleJ on aipllL.aKjD. ' .bee It-atatalm' - W - ".i - Tttlitiahi sit'Ml .siatte fwP tMstev-- IOFrntroH A LA, 1XW, the f.!lnw1nir irt-.vp. "'F1" " "Owfl JfaJ- fittW (J U9 n4 M W ''iv'afr't' at S 111 ttfc-t" road' tttT - k 7 ti bursa Stoant Saw -Mill, Loeattos and Fu tures ' - l ... . , : . t er i imtirtwwl.Lii'a is tbs Twn of HTW.-iod. 7 Hui .1 r l.ta wftt 1 hi I ta i aert to Oo Blall 1 arm. S"d l.n'i.r l. . do 'tusitttl jfcma jijtt Lj'BI 1 ; ei.i ina'Land. - ?t t . ii i . i -. i i. . . aa e :- i(rt lail. jvl H.M--II, iiywHl, OiathatB Co S. t . Jan. -w;ti - HtHliStJS... J Heavy, r, thai) . u t W. E. JvJ.NEn ACa Special ISToticey. Tbe llealtnf l'oaL Ax ur.oa Tt o Mta e tu Cstws or aourcua, ana tbe vises ana aonaaa mew eraat Impedimenta to MAE HUGE, with cur seen of He lief. Bent ia aealed latter cu'eiot a. see of tharga. Addraw. Pr. i- HK1LUS UOCOHION, Howard AawoeiatKI, fhUadelpfaia. Pa. - - lanl-tr A gentkmaa who su 1 ml tur year froet . N'er vwa tiaUliiy, Pnaanalura Oaoay- and all lb f- fneta af naihful iauliawwtiast, wtiJ. lur .the a.k uf WnVrtng BTrrnaarry; atwd ft en wse it, tb rsoeipl and dirwewoa for makta- th si ls rested y by which h was surest, tutlorer wisfamg t proflt by the ttvsrtawr'a eiferiecn-a, can do ao by sJJreaai uf, Tn fwBn! W'irw, J.iHM R tibli.S. Ib, Ko. ti Cedar BtN-T. T CllUBUtll f . . The Adverttsaw, having besa matured to health ia a few week, by a vry impl rsmeds , afiet Tto;gkfiftVi'M'aWist-ys'h-'eW''ae fata .auui and that dread mtea.Ciwaumi 'Ion ia smieua K) iuak anowtl W"n-WoW!ttnVrwrt die aiaans of tauAv To all who desire it, be will eend a copy of the jrrwpiion""Crr'y the reetiocs for ure panne aad aaing th earn, wblrb tbT will Sod s scasoras fcr CeMamoii". jU- a, Braachid. at Tiaeobjwetsf th sdrartiaer ia esndtng the iwwawrtpnkie) I te bsaent tb sfflia- tsd, tad spread information which b oacUra to b iaraiwabia : and a nope vry surr rw will try his remedy, aa tt will oust thaws ftoiuiu, asd may prora a bleaaing. Farus wishing tbs praeartpuoa, win pwase sddiwas BeV EDWARD A. WIIJWN, . Fab. 4-wtm Wtuwmsoarg ainga w, n. i. tTATK NATIOMIAL HR, J so. O. WaJJAMB, iasiJsat, Wat. K. AsDsnsor, CosAtsr. BamVIU. C. WaiTR, Taiir. ratone ot basi noma i Bank f.C,lil,Ai ........ ... 40 ... tt . . . 8 ... 10 at . i .... mt ... to ... ti uape rear. ................ - t;uarha. ................. LasinKtun, (old).......,... do (iraiiara,. .... RoaburoOKh. .............. V adeaburough. ,.,,.,.!, . fhneaasTiUa . . . . ..... . . tt ihauuirtoa. m . . . . . OoeanMaroa. ...... .. ...... a.. J VI aentttfrtow r avelU-viUs... llareuuoa. ....... Tauoevvliia ,;-.. .nA ll-nlMr'a HmmA to l to au t Karmars' Bank, Oreenal-oroairh, Daw W, eld Commamial Bank, w uinmguja. , Harobjuit'a Bauk, , new linMaoMhortMlirh SSUtUal. VuMUil bauk iiotaia, sbuUt. . . ..... a Alia uaruuii ... trs TTlsrr .. W7 ...M uvad. HtWer. Old Coupuua-,-. North t arubaa Ballnnd Ooupoaa., Old th tae. . . . .-. ... . ; . Eb'haOKon new Tort R. A Q. haUruad 8 tusk . 0. Bad Road...... ... 4 ............ so no Bat. Oas urht,.TVriiTTTrrivisT.in PH. XIAllouei r'"a, ,j wa'ti iJia,VWli5 v s a: , staiwNaiiMial Batik,.;.. ?lu0 ...... "i ,i" tun Orttntboro' HoBty KArk-tL - . - BUTIXa RATER Of BASK ROTES, Ac, t WnATtli A BBOBER. BAKKE1UI AND IiomawusBsoauue. boor Ki.M tiTsaar, ui aoao, at. u. 7- - Rank of IT C... ............. fir U ti 117 at an . so an 10 iu in 4 ,M 4 4 u M It so U ' tn 15 as IS i:apa rear ...... ....... Ohariott Wadeaboro.. ....... ( WUituiiKtonu...... ........i....'.. BolbOTO . . t.Maa.n...... .a' TbomaariU Graham ;..,.....,. ?..' Lexingtuei (old) .......,,," . - (new) . ....... .t... ... Onmmer............. ...... ....... Olarendoo ;... .. .,. i ... a.lllll. ..; WaahUMtto Tu,M.TVliha . . . .......- yervhaol' tlauk of Newbern farmer Bauk Of Greensboro' . (old) a (naw.) Rmars'snd Planters' psnk Ooraaseraal Bauk of Wilmingttin... Oreeueltoro Mutual Ina. Oo (old). , Virrnis Bank Note average about. Mouth (Jantluaa ' Oeorarta ....a I.V. Itailraad Rtoek, in H R Inn.ieud Berio. ail We bay and weU at Baeral prtoaa, uoia sna sit ear, httrth Cartatina Unnda, Untaed btatsa Btaad : anaV-aU otW wawrkatavi atuek. Orders for Bank notes by debtors sod ttoak hohlera of Bank will receive prompt at tntaia. i-eiz awjgfd fg ftaV WatpwatT ' tHlfV"1 ai' rttega.- o, wOl be mad on tha Oay reoeiTsd, by sheet on Nsw lurk or Batumorv, ur la eurrwney, a da- Lafs sod Fir Insarsue FoliSM hwaed la good Urntauiies, at e tMas 1-aaa lUlelu lVAiional Bin It of , C BOARD OF DIRECTORS .'I? aiAtULU imWMr-ftatila" W. H. Wnxaao, ? . Oao. W. Kwwaoir, , W. J. Htwaiaa, - A.H. MraaiKos, . R.-wV.4waw,..-.- B W. A'UUaJt. P. A. Wnn, feehier, Deshi In EiehanKs Nmht Drafts. f3 J 'snd 8Uer Ctsn Government snd other Beenniie Uuearraot Bauk Notaa bought snd soil " OnoUUona ftw North Oarottnt Bank Notee, from Raleigb National Bank of H. 0., Jan. Is, I8.M. Bank of Cape Fear,...,.......,,.. -M Cliartotle. Clarendon,.. "V. r"a Comoteree,. . '' Farei teellla.. ........ .. v. .. .'. " La ml. ton, roM.t-: :w . .1 . . .. .1 . - - tnew.T:r. .rrr :r. .-.'.- LeiingtoiH payable at Graham, laurtb Car.iiiita,... ...... ........ Boaboro', Tboraaaeill. ... ...ID ...10 ti-.- rrrit ...SH ...4t .SKI .1I& - w artwabaetr , . r . ... Waaliiairt.iO,. .... rsvr . . ..rr.; tn " Yaeytll.... ..v. . aa WitKitigioa...... M Oomaaarctal Bank, UtlmlnRton . Irt Farmer's Ban of Sorth Carolina, (old,), .,,,. f , 1W.)....JJ Oisensbisu Vntoat Insnrwnos to.,., Mercbaai's Bank, Nswlwna... ...61 Miner s 1'latjtar's Baniv..... ...... ........ .40 Jan. W-tf i Tana. Rat sew A Rosa, IT Baaar Co , AaeA'owMMt, 1. ta BBANCUJBON3 A CO., ard BRANCH, I HCOTT CO,, . UUOUHTA, Gft, Banker Rsd Comraiatioa - KerohanU Adesneea made am enrnrliminewta of -Ton nt re odiHia, and on euipmenT or lyOtuiu UJ.ftew York or urerpoul hwa notiai.i ; puroal. Htata and I'orixiraUtni Bon'ta aud Mocka bonuU Bd aotii Bi at iilaam niginabia pat r aiaa.a wrnra. aata.:ior saiat uiftjl, surw iwi SUI l.Hs brmebt snd d. --- : - e giva below oer prant bnytng fates fur Bank of rtoitn t aroun. bank af Nlh ' -r.iliu. .... . , 47 ........ W 1 1" . ... 1 .?... Si .' . tin Cm r ear Ci.arhrtMTT.T... . . ; . 4rHaeebaS . Oawmeree feJtelils... ...... Le'siugron - Grabam. rvahoro TnomaeVirie -. -; ;r;;Ti W adearee-o' y arttir'if lOWi l . i . . 81 yaocevrliie .. ...., rvjnHsHal Hank of Wtlmtnrton.. . ; Fsi mera fta.S i it re FTia rmro .". ."' i frMtu.li.ro' M Htaai luaoranea Ct . . , Mel hants l'"k Hmera aud i'lantert ; ' j ii "."- '"'" - t'ti t.R. - . ; 91 (There BaHirh w (iaaton R. R 8ffv.k N. O at. K. 11 M'"-iratr,IVil. a jiJtrrr; Sat Ctteii"srtn ' Ctontn, N. f , Km la '" LvU M, - iA.ta.Jied v.-ij.w. r ,ara N. O. K A. aawek. Jan. 1, la-t MISCtltLAIffOUl TatiavXUIvtKI.JLKtli SI UT V A t. Lit It IXSIKAXCE .oai,AXV, OF NEW YORK. Sooth era Braaoh, 8AVA5NAI1V 0 AttQUV J!kvtkm4 -RCRAiiCt IS TBI fcRCTlOM WHERB: FOLtClEft A BR B8UIU AMP ' - ' LOSbtA PAJji." . T" " ..ABiSrd IftASLZ. $ 5, 0 0 0, 0 0 Ot A? WJAL' INCOME KEARLT ' 83,000,000. . Annual SiTidendt nerly 60 '.per etnt 9T3,3 twi LOSSES PAID BT TIIE SOUTH- : J IttJTBliAKCH IN TWO YEARS. THI RXirKRRB )TKRB W AN OLD, RiXI suia Compau, and o flora aa grwat uadaoeaMuis ls Inaaraea a any eolvant Company esn, lasnss Policies on every desirable plan. Loan one- thud of Premium to FoUey-Hulder. AH FoUeiea aoa-forfeiublo, as th Insured nan at any titua, on demand, get Iu aurrendar vala. MO RRsTRICTlONS ON BRrtlDRNCK OR TKAVKL, - zn r-XTpr ca.BCt officers or us ARNT or NAVI, Offioer of trst-clase Rtesm or Jasil Veasels, ar Railroad Cubduetora, A. Tlas,'K'lKl!:noKt:R I 0K of the TWO Northern (' punlMWboaf I'ollrlctln the RoMth were krpt lotat t durltig the entire Hrttrllf nn, tt hrx IMTldr td were itrrrrtlllral tm Pollry II older at tbemgli I'remlutnt vere paid. - .1 -.11 'i .. r - ! - . And to TIIE rtnpitnF that paid all Itsaao aflrr the war, that eurrcd during the war, that prov Kic lie lotrgrtiy. the honerabl turf bod of conducting Itt husluett, anal Ita Indlspulithle tol vnjr. Th KSlrKESBOCaCR et.U pay all biases, Beeef diapuies s net olaim. snd Is a liuaral and ttrtn any ajowtpanj m awientm. Qoneral Agent for N. CM AafsiuA Gun. H. Awogent, BaWgbr- - - Kelrd Male and Female r-chool. "t I ril r! A Vlltlolhs stluuauoa of my chil- 1 1 dren. I iwobos uuauuur neleot Hvltonl lur HOYd and GittlAi, at my r.ni.len ss, lo Warren OiKintv. North Carulliia. ua lb lt Fettruary next. Tina nchnol wib be uiulr ths wtmedisu ehatife af Cant. J." A:"tOOIiW .---iretieaa w fua lutet, both byeirienes and Utorotia-h asiu- Sauon, to inatruoa in ail in oraueuaa aauaoy tauirl.t in lbs biebeet Hebools. Toe striotnal t- teuuoa will Ih. pa'4 to tha Ptttn AKY HHA.Nl U trt, aa cell aa to the Claaaisav and every eOnrt wdlbsuaad to maks tbs mode of iuatrwoiioa aUoroath. All wnu may Nt satrweled to my ear will re. iteivethai k.n.l aid pareuud atiettttun ilsud4 m my wn-enmrrew.- ..- Tssms : (wr au of rs month, Board pay title half 111 advance : Board per month, inotudbig fuel, light "' - and wahotft, . , r - -. , I 1 fuitsmin t iiti'tab Brsnehtu, XI (m AiituutLauiiuagessadFreiich, W ti.aio on l'ian.i. J it taU. pupal will be rattiiayad -A, furnlab tuwula and cos pair of sheets It Is ear neatly requested that pereraaa wiahing to enyaite ibeir ehuuren wdl apply ml oiuw. - Fur lurther particulars, a.lilrees Ub.uKjUUK HKLT, ,. . fr v. .. f Warreiiton, 1 ' Jan. C taelra " ' '" Wsrrn Co., N. C. v i.vw Aotni. Iron and 8t'l VRrlehoaie( KttP itouAUAuitty dnhand a till aaaut tmentof IhilN au4 til Ltb,auuh sa tiamtes Iron bar ai.uitig HMMea. k. Kiuh KeflBotl, f.ir lira; it.mitd tit tl, lotif otjI, bi 'd. II-wip, Ao. faail hVida, tfhiw-t f rrm, t sat SraeT FMwr rltret;-" iwatel, of rottiel. atjoareewl Sat ayses The .aarwew saw ha a. a.Lam4-atusk-4l4 tbs. -Cltjr. .Ut? . leis ft out a dtetauce will reueiee prompt ait. u ifcju. . .. -t i'tih , 4:if , . - - A. IKTAlXOIl, . Grocer and Comm union Merchant. No W Hargetl riirtwu. Dealer ht CHOIOK FAMII X iiBPPi.fFrt. Ll'mors, ieaa, Orffa., eaaetat,. Uruod -and ttuaow wars tokac.m, ... , ; asbRAf THR LAntE VTVItr.rt of orders ws are re retii e I.- tt 1.1. I.I HI J baa eauaed iuaiaila'-lri ibtiay m H 'letT ma.iy wrdrs duHng" he laat two' weeks. Btt with niercaaalgf taeiliuwa, ,w nut, A.'uur this waek. bt autf tu sutr wna tvr 4U, eaDKWW fm fp1 tJBASTlTti irio t7,i0 per i. ill J uuu Jba. ... Caab wtdtas aoheited. ' J D nrvTr.R a co , - ... . Gon. Cien. Mertdtants, Feb 3 8; JVllw ' 1 ui wuiou ill, Va t NOJ HiiR CONlalONRICST OF HUH, OA .'V taaba. BeupuariKHig and Uinton Grape Vin s. Feb."U: W. H. JON 8 A CO. Ht'israaiasw tcrrt t,' Jual reoelrei, sweet snd ri - h. F. b.t tf W. JUNES A CO. A ruti.tisi, are-i.e w. . i " . 10 bbl biat reeeleed. 'eh.-tf - - -,W." rr-jr-tHH f a)n I lSOF.H'Kli MOU'IH AMi-IIICAN si Vf-tfUK As at ai-ttl par Ion nfjl UJUUta via raetiBieett ch nih the tawta wouAUenee. w de Oyater bliell Lns Thia ia fr. ali bnrnt and 7 -t B. JlCSTEt a CXJ.," OehiraJ Cotuutteeioti Herchant. Fd. td.fwtm ; - - I AND PI A?1KR llFI.IVKlitCD AT iylil'OT j.be.-a fJtsiAUutot ttkas .., -t. . e i.iiiua- 1'ir.ivu.o, Guauo at L lowest ktarkef rat'. ." ." " ".'".'.".'.. ' J1..I11...Z;... .1.L-. .1 iiaab'aeAera aaidiettwij.; L- -- - . J.B. nCT 'RACO, FebM-twlm 1 octamoatu, Ta. Geneinl'" C"0'jki:3IO!i' "EX2CHAST;" . - aan bSAUts rs - P B O V I R I D N 8 , L1MR, COAL, gAXT "Lttialm, fcUIi, Flatter & Cement ' 1 TEHl'VIA N Gl'ANO A. PrrElt PflOS- I'HATE, -HtW IH1NR, tMf" niOBT SrKKKT A t KSTRAl WHARr, fOHTaiVIOriHTw. ' ' ' Pt,f Af J ti' wis, n k.a tamrr. f- ..s. aro-.-iaania tr-aJie- xU.ii. - -'-'" nautajuiaa, ... ireb lu-sHu ' ' snicti'LAytori S. '. 34ulutl liuiue liia. to. TV It 11 ...si AM.At. i.t-1-lI..u OF TUB ib n 'rli ol U-.a t . mi u im t e .1 at itu ot til. 1 I'-e..... ... tl. t to uf ! au ! ft uo lltv awe -ii.l i uut....l in ieot ar)', tiiat betug lbs liW O'.f ui lu auoLm. bEATuSOALES - Jaa. i 'iawsd bela-lMty. Sortli farolina Mutual l!ome la haraatc tumi:j I ltetrsKAtrn nit nnaai, Cbaktrheo Can -1 Amouht bow Liablb vafc. I rm Loesta, 50t CO 3. I IT,v. a o r r icKii JtWH d. rllL 1're.ident. w. E. riau Vit i-re. . btA 10.1 ij Aixs, . j k-Jk. At I Jt ., i teaaurer. . W. F. Pati, . 1 A, W. l."urt ewsitte Ooaatwiiia. ililWi Liiy .4Juu.uj'. -f i ---lT8XtTt"S'Sr H Fwn. - f.n fitrrt. W.- v.. itu. A. W I..w.e.s, w. . at. Sua a-y-- Vr.U iuaaa. -fr A Pes. ) 0n. Ag'l tor Weatara B. tt Osw.R. Ii. TAKCR. - lUua.'iUuifi'BON. - $fflot : First door Bou.b of lUWtfh KaL Bank, mttiu, at. c. "" Tni8 HOV 6. CUBFANV. t'HABTf RED BT the L. gitalin ot N-j lh Carouaa, tuaure ptoptirty ai,ati.at ioaa ur4lainag by Finn, LKJti 1NINC1. OH 1 0OAD0, and due buauisw oa lbs Mutual aud Joint fttuek Sin-liS. liis cliarst-Ur of thoee who eoutiul Uis sff.ir of the iH-nipsnv la s snrhjM.ut iiarauu.e tuat i is,":.! prxAmaa ui be, " a'Hoklfi ESlKR- " I'l.lZt, oneriim awtuie hud attatrai jruvuuw aKatut ka hj lira, ., uo Wue aiuat aavay tVl . Uterai terms t - ilia'lrera. IhsTwftXTir illUlaASD DOIXARH Bi ST. C. b.t t, re.jinre'1 Ity tha t l.arler lo be ditos rted with tn fehns TreMtn-ef. hse irouii..'v been so uepoeaud. and tb irrtearert recipt.- theretor OOtatutHl. rolioaes ar iseued for a term not to exceed &r year. - , - . re otnnr uouipany orr greater induetneu s to luaurera. Ni u. in time f,ir all who feel any intereat In a BtMiR INai i IU it. iN tu e.aatward and ot ouuratte tine C..iii,.atiy retieivtua. aa tl.ay wtu, teuitui-ai Oeueru iu ilia eiihauoeniuul ut fata, arid pnittKujiMi .4 their property. Fur lurUir iiteulr, aiidnanths weoreisry, or ooo.un i.euei a) iv LuaJ Ageuia, aha au, tu dne toot, tie anuouitoed. ItT Al l. Lo.tot,s iKOBPrtt AIWt'BiEO iW FAiu . JJEtTO OALES ''. ttwueury, "Tan." !".: -' , , " pJlESi-. OA2LDEXSEi).3. ...1---..: Wa hav Jn.t rcoeired a targa Slot'k of BfJISra New i.'rtip H iieijuius Garden eeeda, emhraciug nearly eveiy laid ul . . - Arti-hoke ,. Asp J'aua l$a,ta . ; .' liaei . Bre-ndt -r- . M oak V atur AlekMt Atuatard -Nnaviunium . - aata Out. in 1 MJay , i aratap liats - t ' l't-pper . I'ltiui.kin haih.b hafia Nuuoarb :" h.i.ily holiia -h Kjtiaall Braetela Borout -Claldtatf . : i ant. t Cnl'o jer Cwiery t-u.ia.cU Corn .."'.,.' t reaa tWaHalid tig fiaul . 1 ii. .lv -Baas .. Ja-. k Lettuca luruip Rerb, . ALU), Cl.rter, Tuo-nny,- Orehard, Hard; Ksmnvky blue aodJln, d Lsa tirs k.j i. whieii wa wsrraut lre.u, an. I will a. ll vry low 0MU' . .JimOAN ACAKH, WbalesaJs aud ktnail Krusitist, ' Jan. J-tf l etor.uuig, V. . DUIIXT, AUItAH'AV, C0MMLi5lQX-J M B it 0 II AST, , . - - AN PtALAU lw '..'.. OEaVEHAL KEfiCHASSISE, 5- : . Cotar Housa Uuilui-io, ... ,., :. i . NKWHIUIK, IV. C. aV Koenial tlenll.nf el.ea to I'l.,),... .A gate ut Graia and Cotton oa Cowuuauuti. Jan. ti l Ig XT.-nf j j,' nil , . - - - .- . - W. H. & E. S. TTJCKEa A CO., 18G1). 18G0. IMPORTANT TO THE fhotevale and ttftitt Tnli. TiO u l lJCH THS KK.it IW U ,)F ol R WIN Itt M wt l M Wn n a'tl M-.n'a, W im. n', Boy aud Girla' Itrv Go..d. Kh.a. - Uata, . a uMBn nrorcTiov. All tool I'ren. h M lino at il : t oinm andw.W wtiaiiMi at ki : Flint. BteatikiHl aiul lba. " hleaeheil 1) ituo.liiM. a LA Klifc. .a.illH im'uirna isonr i atlt l'blu ll io, iu UeMiuboi. U.im-a ths rise lo t, .S'1-.ti, wbn-b ill be sold to tie.... "' upw'tn rheprnw-t THK.t Fill), 'WJ The price of our g.NMa, iu Ui:Cre a low" aa the tain gouda oti now be purchased u New a. ..TMim.tli.ta ar aw., to, is RalelVh fe JWv:ad: ww. wte neer totiht nere o..jie, neean-a liry : iooda t.ru. erua Hardware. 4o . ire ..:rt lo.-e - m insin tnww anv ni tier p's-- Tln tim trt' tal ti to bat. snd bur Tour live ti.Kfri. ku. ohnes .', " " - . teb Vf W. H A R. 8. TUCK F.R A CO. llfiiJeraoa reuiitln ttt'n.lii.try, UENDEItiON,N..C. : - ... T- Ttrefitr IT- I.F.N. H FNIH'RWK. - J BAV K IA"'A 1 E,D in lleuacrmamotl will joa ' S f emaib ciutuiualM AuilaMtryt itea Jt mateu A-.amiatet.t I'lauuetiirt, laans: " Persesst-m, rie.au o nlf in tdtance, Primary .lenr1 mi.t inrt.u, 1170 ' Melimrdtianinent Knulmlt, " Vj 00 Aueantaaui t"l-en i.ii... each 111 i ' -Mini.. piaiioaii.1 Uaiutr.auKh ii w) I'ae of ilje.lttm.'iit, ' 3 ho-r tl, exit uetve of Ihtht an J waahinir, 7S tt l.eli iiui'il fa'i.iae her f.iweu ., ..e htaudtwo Bdlow asset; ad .if whi -b. with her o otitni, alto. nd te aiAiiucir markt-41 ..Jtaajtlrtatht twiattusAad Ut a iiitu ami ItrsHhT roitiim ofcmi.try 'ik. m. m t.i ma. ru nr. ma Uie iaif. liumet,.,, ou toe .BaieiKh aud ' .ieswia rUilroa.1, kv. ry auaiii.in will 1 (riven to t' a cwT'ort - tsd traininsot all pii)iin.'Kini-td to uiyrme. A llnine.l i-iiiuber Of i.wj.il. rei He aee.-n if.. .i"..l ' wiCh lrd in mv f .nii.v. .kl.ia w .1 l meted n pnmia without the consent i f aaui iiaiuiaua . , j Rspsr..,. Jan. lJ-nJw The Si. V. Itntl ( innn;tnr . TT AVfc aii.h.':;.nii tri.r'y i,j s , ,, ,.i,rra. A a. iiiipai. ,-a riri!H ami ir.-t.jf iiwUrlj .a nun . of . Si- Aif. Mineral Ahh-. a. - N. C L("l ANV. Feh.t-tf .'.V-' - K.lwtn ...( f-'PurifIc3ti:::l Few aat y Drwggtat I TerySrherw. Rrrt, t-dawwwly." l-ft fe-t'iser; sa. rvurtrre; -;"Y ft rt.nti, rsrturo, N. ti. lil- w ,rr.. n V r.U ' rf , . -. IIVJI.IX dv ltl V, " . general (c:ti"i!nI j3 JlcrUasf. .' S. 47. w". ! Wsttr -it., I ii' -.r r.f Cui'om (f .'. T" DAXC'Y, 11 Y MAN CO. General C0X"IV.1CX T.".-- r - .' Jona wt ew ,n w, ,t.-,ua , 1 ooturoiaai .u. ;:S3?7-:"";.'V