. I,' v. rl gjs&rrw- ' v ' ' , . - r --. --. - f t s ii j L.. -,W TtlE SENTINEL. LOCAL B?A&TX1JjT. 1 jtworJat esiUtUiMig iui avltraetlvo fi-.ttirt ' pjmjner, Tooa Co v Petersburg. V. Tta Ms.Mao Hargout, H T,k JiaJI. M April d ' Pitas Tuning bj 3. Bnfcn, i Jtxchangs Hotel. I fd J-f again, that tfa. Cling tun ii to tekl chugs al tb Standard.1 It ts nndewood that bs will mskt bis editorial bow la (lit piper of lffyiilrreq change itt politic I Gentlemen who Jim .cvtrysnwd with .oUaahe.. has I 4 Raleigh, regard him at toy thing tit tbeg t Bepublicsa. f Il WI IOHT( A gentleoua tbif Ban ing paieuaeej a Kw4 f loddef of oouo trysts. At be wst driving la tb gtablt to debtor it, ks wh told that bt mutt btvs to weight. Bt Mti4 not, at Bt told by tht )ot4 U wnt cotnpoilod la pay SO eM for osd having it weighed, ths nui prlot that it shsiged to wsigbing,- It strikes Bt tbat tht It fa) arbitrary and sojutt. ui it then .. -i. Vra(ur-T4Ut,WtiUuw'trttolatioa yostorday, in lt Hum, giving vota of thanks to tha vntcraat'ot tht A lamtnct rs belliot, wet pruawmced bj tbt 8ptsk.tr to bt oat ef ordif. It Dot tblt Verv atrnnga I Art Hit htoiit huentiblt to tbt cltluot ot patrittUiB I Art dtfotioa to country tad bigh cblereiuU i trait of to ttiut lo tbtir light t - Wtif ttiit tsobblog oi "Our btlof id't" (titrtu. "fflMtth" ! J m At I It k ptrbtptvtbt Urtt tliut in tht bUtory of legilUoo tlitt tbt rojimtestttiTtt of t frot tuaatiuMBo; tr ro.uttd to do boout to uBoit-Mipod- 'tbt flelt of gfcwj tod to rttrtrd f itb Opptoriog tmlltt tbt dittia- gaitbtd ttnriottof eititeotolditry. i Verily tbit it tbt mm oi degoBOftar I Wbtt atxi I Di, i. ToL'NoB.,oNcajii, Bnur.-Wt btTt aal tried tbt . Nurib Crutio Mdt ciot, but it It higb'y rtcumiutndad by tint raguU pliyticitat or Pititboro, tod toj mtor proanaoot "cittsrat of tht Stat. It it pit-para b-Dfi Yog, HtBdarans, Ma. F. W. WilTm.-ThU tiofllmt Pitto tuow, trorti tht well known Haiti mora Houatot Enttt A Co., will bo la tbit city oMUt Ttb'ofApnl Hi it alto ftgenti tot latMlt-uf Mtrt. Katbt V atlo - braud piaona, ' AH or len mut bt Ult at tht Eictiangfi HjUL . If yoo with to ka yoor piaoot Uyiad bj aa. txccllaot .wnrk nan, y will toot hat aa opportunity af- wj.iiX.".TN j: :.t;. . t p. ....,....-. CAiACTiir) io In tbt Snnttt, on Mnn day tigUt, tbi rcauluttoa to rodaov tbt ptr ditm ol tho- bauda wtl iadtfloiwly pott yooad. Thty bad no notioa ol aoy took radttctioa. Wbatl akt ftway froB tbn aalvat tomt! ol tbt t? to laboriootly aad taitbBlty oaratd I Nut tbey. "Io aity bmk, o mar rata lot Matt if poa Bat tbt tow 'ttjp will tliHf to tbta tOll" tbm umrnBsiz r or riaoisix, Tbit toble ioitttatWa It ta Tory BOottt , iul opurttlon, at f t lni tr im It latett catklogut aunt to at by aoint tnknowu ptir bob. It hit 4tatrft Pruf Mora and lioto tiatat, tad tour hundred aad . fiity two atudtxitt, tbirtyttrea of wbom art trom Korth CtruliuB. Tbert art ttudaata from at Bttlet, irm tho DUtrict of Columbia. and Iroot Ecuador. FoarKortbani Aiatet art rrpreNMittd, .. . , "". , ' t . Laud Birtaat. It way sot bt gtaarally kaowa that nor 8tU bat beta rltittd M oaatly by quit a outnber of peraoot from tht Konb with a viaw to purobatiag wactt ol :uddrtireOivf ifetfiBtdt ; lately, partlpilrly.iaj Watroaj -ajtat, W . art gltd to loaia that goud prloat hart bcoo cbUitetL . Wt baM..L.Kaaaa, for bajitaiag - - that thatttaodt ef iklitilao will tooa bo told. Laadt lying ooatigooat to tbt , . BahigkaaaV-flaaUHt Baadara , duttl t J t oomaitBd bigh priota. Trucking aod fruit ; rauitg trill bt tugaged la to a lart txtnt by Kw-comert tmi old rttidaBtt. " - .. Tai 8rARKi.a t,iw . trrowt. r Tht proprietor of thct Spring' writot tit, bt hat tiptadtd orer iS 000 la ImproTiog tat property. A flrtt clatt (emalt tetninary " "will toe ftautithed tb!rwn Ootobar U i to bt tbt bib raofltht of tho year, . what tbt fpringi art sot opea at a watering place, A J.Mat Stock Company It ,t0 bt i.jnaed. jTha antirt property it Talaed at 960,000.' Toaro art to bt told oat haadrtd ad twtety tbarat at $509 each. "Attached to tbt fynogt art S0 arret of good land, aod a tat t'.ore h.me all of whici it ia eluded, toKtttber with tbt Jomituro Vid boilditigti akiuii araaatplaaBoach toaoeoav Bodatt beiweto ibrat aad tear bunJred ptrtoat. ' ' ' " Baltimokb, tbt largatt of &rathara citiea, H Baking rapid tuidt ia popolauoa bad la the eliarat'ter of iu literery publfcattaoa. It bar vow tome 50 000 lahabitasta, aod thret puhlicatioot ttrict'.y artl4of tbtir kiad. Tbt f'W Jitmit, tba jTaa Itita. ' lai aod tbt" htalmrnaXTWilMiS to toy aiBila( publicatioBt io Aiaertca, both at it yardt Bwttar aad Bwbwaippeartaot; Tbt loraer of tbrta it par ttttftaati rbo ... . -- a . X WIa hfc tx ;1 at t Jaaa O ki WiawtjreBWTTfB"ajiaawBa BjwjBaHpteatBjiraBaTBBvBjftBawaBB! autitUiai.Br If fin labv-,tfeU w4 for a copy tad eaa ltaderetaadiBgiy. t Tti 9tti TWj paper It eon Sac ; 'tvi wtih Biaiaid nc-aiiy aWtefttHgmbt. Tbert ara w uOLta , i SlwIirlaTp la il l W art ta be eet with ia but few America paper. ' It rue ruble the lioiiex, the meet thoBgbtBl of Rtdif ol ptperf, ia itt general appeaikBoa, but it Icuottic l itt poti txa. Ititpub itbed la bta ltooit iqaarto furm and it dtruted at much to Ijternlore . Bad.acttaar at to jMi4uiari.Iu adUnat It Uauia, : - . ; " " - ) , For tba BeatinaL . . COVrSJJttATM CSMSTBST " tdittr Stntimtlt Wt Botieed In your tneai oetutt ot K.ifta,f,JtliLtctt" titt; ah aruoia la regara to our Cemetery, la wbieb yot tpokoaf tho dttatag that wotld bt anved trom haelag tbt graraa nil kod by ttoet tliba, instead of tba preaeot woadeO " u jour tuggeiiioa, oat a tew arordt io Jml3t.a4oatliiatio. Tat-pox- bi Btaa-oartt are ia the beat bt-trt-pic beorily paiotad. were pdt dowa at onsaider abla Mpeotr, aad will but a' Itttt five yctm luugt, to it would' If Boing to BBBiDttttry txptnat to makt the change aw. Uariog aoeofflpllabod to otoch, tbt Udtet lOKoeedauoo wttb tbair oritfioal inmotioa U ao oslf b built taction by KctL.t, at tbt fuad ea hand it eo iroly too tutil to J4,..Xh, BmmlirjasK .lb AtwaiietKin ,.tt aek iur tootiiiHiUuat bob aot and til tour- a wt Ban Dart, ptrnapt, a Iargt-r uutu awt or ywaioiia aoioieta rjurutd, Wtaa Ui aa other oae lao i the States Matarijzt a oeatral point, and it tbouid bo a matter of pride, to all true North Carutkitaa, ia etory part of tht bUta, to bara eracttd tn tbt Memory ot thoaa brart doad, a nvxiu t, BdeqoaM to tbetr vtlor, proportton- Bto to our affection. PoTortt ia tbt uoirerial txoota nattered for not Ooatribntuig u tueb otjctt, but w art sot too poor to tpead mnoey on tiauiw. men It, tad it hat beau tttimatod that from tbit city aloita. orar two thouaand doJlan Oat beoo carried away, by traralling ezUi uiuoaa, wiuiia lot laat tut moout. Tbta, in behalf of tbt ladu of tbt Me morial Aaaociatiou, we would pjeil to to Iitioc toMlert tbtt remim. -Ho- -!Amr f rieo.lt, and to ll who ttiti cbei ttb in tbetr baarta, a lore lor tbt aioMout dratl, to aid ia perpetuating for posterity a Sitia m .n- Fur the Sentinel. Mb. Editob: la tbt oaoVtrd of the Idtb. intt.. 1 tod mytell tht tut jtt of t.Be funey and ' rtdiootnot " reuiarka, tuch at Sbttfield Xnglaad, ktwekey Wrench, Uuar diaa Angel ot Jot Turner, Aa , dee. i tailed OS - JUJMnUlterf jfcuu tue Standard, and requested bio to. publish a few liaea. tiplaimng my position and the psn i took tb rheafttr, Tind my reseunr torr - eo a. iloc, wolco tie proBlara me o aoui.l do, but bt hat tat lad to do to and you will confer a favour, U yB will loaert la your paper ana oblige youn, BAM U aUbttlllULk RtLEioa, March 7, 1688 1ft r. Editor: a your paptr of the lain l.. Sod Bfteil c(tmn.-rt tl 'lh man with tbtnuwkar-wrcocii.' Yu will pkase allow Bt throngs your o)umt to explain the tart I took in tbt oietter and my rea- armt tor to doing. In tht first place, I berd .Mr. Uolden tsy thsl bt..uld aee 41 r. Tur Oct in tot ereomg. aiwt oinnor, i oeara ia tht hotel that ht would meat bun st tbt" eara, aad, witb tht iutlioot ot my country. maB, teBeraltyvwOo itlre to tea emi rlrwt- i)d fair pltj;,! wt aiakit g oiy y wa to tbt depot; when I mat a gtwtUsniau wuo told ate tbert was a dncm men waiting to beat sr. Turner. I tbeo deti rniliiea to . Ufr him ot iha- dttfgef; Altixnitrb my ualntaaoa wttb Mr. Turner la urittnr to hwg aor as taautar at wits nr. nrttnerv. ot tho eVaaaVtrd, (and it it eery limited iu both natet,) I !pot only considered it my day to inform bim, but my duty to tba fawt of tht iaaa ana tot lawt of u hi, aua if I bar b- ea tbt meant ol tatring oae man from btiog erotlly rxaiea, and pttrbap killed, I tball tbiak I bare only tioue tba doty of "the ataa with the aioak.tv wr. ocb." OABt tu nr.Aiui.1,. RAILROAD MKKTlSd IN SALISBURY. A ateotiBg called by tbt tuwa Council, tad attended by many ot the beading citl- eBt of Salisbury, wat neia ia tne t'ourt Mouse, oa Moaday, tttb nf Karcb, for the purpose of taking etept to oowprratt ia tbt 0Bttiaet!oa of tne Woe tern Kail road ant Booming the locatia"Of said Koad to at to mtktbaliaiiuryatbit point ber:k-lill strike the N. a llailfuaot 't.-w, Wa, U. Kobbina, Benstor tnth Rowan Bad Usria, wat appointed Chairman oi the BMeting, and Col, C. B. Moring, K.oretary. .Tba Onairmaa ttplainad the objeol ol tba meeting, setting forth the protpeeit of their aocomplittiBoot aad tht great adTsutagrs to accrue tbert from, . On motion of ibt Mayor, T. B. Lon, a eommittoaof flea wat tppolnted to draw up raaolutioai ttpreasira of tbt seuse ol tbt Boating Tba Cmmittte CSBItifed "tsf 0. Ifina. loan I Bbtrer, Moats A. tkoitli. Andrew Murphy aod Jowpb W. Halt, who reported the following i i Waaaaaa A ueeuug oi tot untctnra oi tho Wettera Railroad ia to bt held at Fay aUse.ila, oa iba fiut,-of .Apnlat abicb meeitnff tbert writ prooeoty Oo- a -neeioa made at to tbt point whtre tsid Bosd tbsll atnka lot n. u. noaa ; ea tcnsrtw, we tbmk it of tho highest teterert t our com moolty at well at to tbt proptMod Railroad uaeU laat It abuuia DO lucttta ta toit peiat ; Tharaiora, - JiVwlBNt-TbBt aetOrtrtnB 8f 9rrU t appoiatad to attend the sforrtaid mtetiug ia FtrttttTilla, and to argt tba importtnoe and tot great ueueaa of trrcfa a toot'tog of taoatd Hoa. - - - j3aMstA That look t location win eofi tribute to tba greaiMt good f the nretMM umborol tao paoptt ot Hortn uaronna; will opta ap a kast aad tortita region, and Dour lit wealU into tne lap of our atater city ot Fayotttwrfla, aad will graatiy toad to derelope tot aooit aai too Boca aegiertea t-purt ot wiiBingtoa. " --i That oar uennlssre roadt to do all iaihek power to aid ia tbt aomplttion of tbit great aad important HoaO, U it tt located to to it point. . , - Tbt resolutives Wars tntBlweosty artobt- ad, aad tbt following delegaiioo wat ap ffOU S 1, Til ; r. a. iw. u . . HhartT, Andrew Murphy, Mayor Long, Tana. I. Brows, Ita. Nt Boyd-n, J. & McCuLbist. Mottt Uolmea, Col. J. M. Mc- Cw kit. Luka B.stkmer, Jfcq.. D. A. U.f, r..., nr u ralani. B X fL Tillinir- BBSS, DOB. pvrwm vrtij rt. m. m. um aerall,-: , ; - Oa BOtioa of CoL Bhaeer, tba Cbttrmaa and Socratary wrr added to the delrgstioo. Tba Beaming tltaa toot Oertaia tiopa towards providing near to dtlray tbe ex penest of taid 4' legatee to Fsyetieelde, On motioa of Jiisjor liotg tue proceedioge nf .Bit footing Writ Ordrted to tM f OWtstl. d in oar f owe paper, and alto ia t ha ptpcrt d KrigS aa l n aaiiTillt altar which uit aioeung auJourr..d: ' " WU. X. ROOBiyS, tii'm. m HABHIED. In Parana Coantr. on tht !5-h nf Murh, XaVrsa t,tiis, ia'o-.Jtr. ,.B . .' 134,: jiT-Q- iga, te aiae at. A- ysuaaa, of rersoo to. Mr. Wa atasas m haait.oaiLio.at aJ ol wr j tugaa , i j DIED I - - At flbe raWsat at her eno, TUrv. Jasae B. Bsoas m B.wn tminia a..oa thstvh Inst,, Mrr, haara Beusa, aged Tt years. . - JifF'. t Coaitty. on ar abmt tht IM intast Wr tuns lavrm a WtaTtJ rrB, IwrpouNI Or te whs kaew sua. , For tbt autinoL, . ' Caarci. lax. If trek 13,1868. UUar Hmtiudt About aa iaterrtting I awf iwr at ary tn ftrtfr ttio Legislature e tbia : gball 1H,000 be tppropriated to Umww.ity expeaaet er not t II la hard to bk at it eooiy and ditpanionitrly, to at to tea what it jriglil. .'o .11 hfgin tn era At ootn, tba pretrat Faculty haew bo boaiatai J-ttA-timit t.Mit.ud.jJbojtgbt-.i lot tight p bob, aad it there had heaa rry ecimn.Mt aeute or ordinary good )a1grseot eiercias.1 in the wlaetia of Prraidaot aad ProfceMKa, tbt UarrartHy weald aomouad t'.mt iwepew and patrnoege, lad would aot tiaog O dead veigbt to be topported by tho State. etc , etc , tie. '"eriwie ft lfastta,,,wftfyrrOl"'rffifBrttarL doae fo tbeai. Pr.tideat iJool' att it prttty ramtortl)lr ftatberd in tho Here ojtjtwaWyftNtMt Itasoit bavtmortd bitbr at conudarablt t xpe its ; tbry art tuppwd not to bt auea M..BmMa..atd tboy tiati pit of tbe; faMi rfa dpendrnt on rbna.''''TkM;daj'irV)oT of In tia Cbapel BUI hoys aad - Mr. Pool's tupb wt, it n.4 going to ketp them in shoe atrina. It will tw a eery small sffsir, il ih General Assembly adjourot without at least voting ibwa the ateaua to yet awaty SIM, Beidea, the buildings belonging to tbe uuieeraity, need aa appropriation to pro- vent lortucr aeiat tdauoa. Tba four pnvata residences of Kit Prolesaora, are scarcely naoitsols. Jt uov. bwsiu'a Ume tut policy tbat prevailed in rettard to tbe dwtlltngt of ttie faculty and tnetrseed, wast niggardly one. 1 bo 1 ruste.-s west to very much for tasking OMiney.' With lour nr bt hundred ttudi ols aad a oot.ltt audowment Ot-atdt, they kep; tbe talarMa ol Hit Faeulty dowa o tbe lowest living point, aud tue four hoawa w cuiimi wy b4of rtamor Proles- Sim wwfWBrMarfwr1 ttrariWKltWMlaat and tuabtif to tba last dogrea. Tuo lour yean of tti war aod tbe lour years pov rty that mcceedd, hstt very nearly finished thVse nsidenws -not one of which it OBiier Htty yearr or age. It it almost k pity to wsste in .0 y is -tttrtiier repair, wuen it w .u (i be good economy to pull theru down sud l.uiHi new. . MJfa 4 1,001) is required t once io puMbrtaw-dtoswrTTdimiictngi, out bousot and all. 1 bus tl.a Coileus bund JUa.4 JldllJMMIJIt ll.HMrfl,..: ; Seven Uiuumnd dollars Was ad tbat Uov. 8si i ventured to ask for ai tha dote ol the si 1 1 m-iuiburt tbt eigbt meuitieri pf tbe Facu ty ..f thst day, ao had l.tlJ oa to rt y nearly the turvation point iu order to ktep the luttilut.oB aiivt till pusca should cotue. 8 v. u niousaud dodsrt wat voted, sud id. that f 1 HO wat picketed on itt way a,, to tlie U,l,, sod I beueve tba gtutiaoira of tba FacuU-jt lOieived, ftUQ sttthlaV .l.-,--ui-Si-vcn tooossiid Uoiisis would baa very fsii tptropritioa to Uiske now with tue p ci iauuu thai tiiOO ol it bo Honestly n pciid t i.i necesswy repairs. Toe reuiaia- uu -iv,uVt tti,.jr ti e jnamt toar or tive intuii'ors or me r uuny will acrva to tup- port toeni tid it can. fairly be aeon whetbon tui y aru ever to b moisnii tbe patronage a ... i i dif'olHiierSii-. ' ' hgT ne'it- "le-' cenrbvi , it will be tetrn that tbe Mono Caro lina I'lilHic tiill decliuM to have tht dipio- Lust il too ruinir ir Deration adorued with p,Wte--,-i"l "M"1 tijter't autogrsuba, et I )i,,.D in,. K,, 't,,.,.Md l rHaiirn jiA tin JEtocutiva C niuiuus cut. try aaiu. ,.,UBiCa -id .'.'.tnet tidily it it to b leerrtl tbert Will be nt a t.tu left ttsbdiag n tin. yor ls of tbe bid Fscol y, l'roi. Patrick bat been compelled, it seius, sl idjr to cut t-lomn two ot the flout oaks ia GoVr fcwaia'tlatt yard for ttrewood t Old stu.ieuis will rtosll with regret the mnguiliceut oak that tiood to grandly on tne r.Mtitol tht iront waik. But it was good u-r tiyersl corut I fetvt ' no douot. Por Pr.it. Mclvcr bat b an obligt d to tacrilkw eyery tr.a m Or. alitcl.sii't old y ard, except out, for lenoa posts f Let oalp oouis quickly. Bat while oar couiinon schools iio prottrsto, aad tba poor wbih- cbi.d, ou of n.e 6 ate are growing up with fewer adv.tnitk-ei tbta tut colored cntldrea ait receiviog, I tiusl tbt Ooueral Attem'dy wilt mske eo extravas;aut appro pnauoas to sustaia imucurt ,othces tt. it- STATE KEW8. Thu Wilmingtoaiant trt to btvt a ttraet rallwny. T'V Ft srln tn 't Bunaa it to bt tuspead. ed in Wilmington, Tb" luiuiigratinn mwting in Goldsboro rill bo oa tie ind April. - Tbt Catholic Isdiet of Wllmtntoo tit to present a ailrer tininpet to the flia company tnat recrires tbe largest number of votet. Tho WiLminjrtouiana are to hart a Hose Cairiajo Cotnpsny. - " A TCTfrii it nTw hr prngrrat at the Ban, titt Choixft of tbit p ao tht Rev. W. B. Gaultury in chsrge, ... T." Re. Dt. Pritch tni, ol Ual.-ifh, is tttisiliig. There art It ptoiteott j S ?ti4nt,dUl&jn Htrdr. Tbfypick.d our pocket in Richmond. 4aO. ttt book" wtta 'taw'aamat of tv new to tcrib rt. Tbt tnlitoribart wars to pty Ui sliuckt. Let tht tconndrelt saake M n"a-t ttiifjjeara totumtm. Eft fc. A leg. Bvlonistng to , a aairro acbjo'i taaebet-at kt lnusvitia. , ileftUout tb a "braddrr"'-. Tha bradder knocked bim bito a'ditofa and Jumped on him danc ed "chicken iu da breed tray." iiikWt iUOrder. . Raw AB&aaLa OactiaarioBS or a Ra- rct'.usa tiKSAloa. Benstor bprtgno on Fnosy made tht following: remarkable a ltai-ioo - remarkablo-wt oomiog Iroin rw i-.ngiand It. poUlicsn. He said ; I'h mais spring nf oar prosperity bad ben tlavery and loreiga immigration Tbt la.tber bad ttimu atd tht irrowih ot oottiHi' ta I niitde it to American muooply, and ao utd built up ins msuulsctur.ng and coin mucial aad railroad interest of tbe North, end tht bad ia tora, inrittxi and grown up a lorria immigration.'' AfTMo.. Ue tajt t. . I be (bct d tot m dorlty la cooareat t-iueii to bt raiber to perpetuate the exist anct: it a party tbaa to promote lot wclltre ol t people ; t ut no party cool a Bars bie sujiporc w hich did not makt ti prosperity anil om.tentmeut of tbt people Its ctuel ol jct. - A ptjitt which talleni la tbit Iniled in ttif ffr.at, piijtiQseJrj; wbiCn alona H bad s r-yl.t to t xist." - TUE WELL UXOVfS ATLANTIC MOTEL ATy - qw dOl-tBimJiKj lot roohs I" IT. T jl ,ih - iKsn. As s sumnier" rusorl, lbrs is eo planar su -te to tt 'o ins Ai'amlc toaivi, Bus fscuiiiss in itainiiit, tisbiug, 1 sioliUug AO. 'jro r-y. A DAT. ksreotw-is . Goldsbero, . f". 1 AA C ft H J L S . f-H OOAIS, JAM .-..--s4. Tw'asleKs' ' . aaaruASt-sl . . Wv,fc0.UCJUCQ. TELEGRAPHIC. Tib1 nidnlghf IlpatrkfV FROM, WAiiBfMQTOSf " Wumiyrox, March W.-Osa. Oraat baa ts Ths aaly amslasttoa wat C B, BaraHteat Mar- The debt sUSsasnt ahewrt bat B aUtht ds- aressa, owing to beery pension ditharssaiMits, Tba katunstraetioa Coaimutst awtad f ta t to report Ba lei's Oaarsta htlL ' OONOBESSiOSAL. Baa tit saibiiwiai iat thist I TUs Wtiorsf ufflos bill inns frees' tha asaals with a reqasat tur a eoarseeaee. Tao ttotisa a a) So lot, 1 mnmiiM ef enaferesee 'agrataffoeanatal of BaUsr, Wasbbaraa, of Wiaoenaia, tad iUf- hsw Tbe ElscUoa Coausitsaa tepantd llsd,ofUis Uilrd aontb Carolina district, lacspabls te iaks ike teat oath, Tbt mbMrtty reported S hUl re. sovub Mr. Baedt Ouabilihea. BeJerrad ta tbt BeeotraetioO Oootmlttse. : The bill aiteading the Base for tba wltkarsnl ef Wbisky from bond to the Shh of April was lost. Adiouresd. BaMiTaAt Inaffsrtiisl attsmpt was auda to past Moaat bill araatiag riht ef way to tbt Mmpfais aad B Pate BsilnaJ. Ths ennaney btU tapplaaieotary a tb tar rsney bill wit aisonsssil to adyoarnavent, rBOM WOHMOND THI CASE OF OOTKB VO WKXLB. ,r r, kioaaoHD, Matah ku la tha eaat ef Oorsruar Wslls, Jadts Bond and others thsrftd wttb pot kIuing t letter from tht mall. Use tI. Ji. Csa ausaifmar lo-dsy disnhsrusd all tha parties so eused. . Mtka-aTi ... WiuHvarot, Marek W rpintt Tarpenlme tT 047i. katn 1 swat. Cradt Turpeallne susdf at H.tvaia. , Tar steady at ll.7.ul t. Maw luaa, Msroh all. Coutn id. bsUsc aad aetteti salrt of tWblat at S9329j; Floor so- tlrt and BBekaoga4 Wheat winter, very Brat; Spring, dull. Cora SOIe. better) new white Or leans t ; yaaeWtnifSA -Park dTsopmg t M, -WtSlM. Lard aasisr. Ksrsl stores and freicbukna. ,- -f r- auearnaie&ra akwed steady. S's, IS. Tb ftnls's SI j csw to. Oaorgit't 8 Money vary tight at I, gold, with J oommiastoa, SUi llntt. Omld Hi. aueat gaatrally katry. .. - -i WeelBesday Evmlng IMtpstehea, Wsamaoioa, March tl, M House A. largs nnaibet of bills were tBtradntsd. The Missis sippi bill was resnmsd. Tbe BeeouttriotioB Coiamiitea reported aotlnnt;. - - ' 8nTB-Tbe Feasts it detwilng tht Bones res- oration to w jonra swUit tth prox, Tht Confer sees Oosamitlat aa teuurs-of-omos sraed the oaareovsr ef ttie aAraemeat is unknown, ' BMf ett re-tppoluted Psymsttar at Angtula, slot aDUBsr raiaaved. FROM FOL'QHKEEF&IK. j P.coakisrsix, Maiah tl, M.-Tha rstlrosa utcat anoota. an engine wua tan out ran in to the rirer. Me oos hurt. - - .. The Daatseraia hsrs tarrlsd Sing Sing by 150 msjnrity. A gsia of 190. ' FOKElail. ManniB. March (i, M By aorraatad Oonatlta- ilea the Km reiRna tor Ufa ; ths otowb deaoends to bis eoa whose majority It axed at abyhtaaa. FBOM HAVANA, Bsvabs, March tl. M Tbe Amerieaa Ceatalsr Agent broaght froaa Oibsra wousd, hat been re- saed, Sugar ttaady. . . MAKKKTA ' :' V Ntw Toaa Mareh tt, M. Stocks Brm. Moasy sharp, v. Oold taobangtS. Oold 114. tJ't, 11 ; M C's, OOI ; new Floor dull, drooping Wheat dull 1413a. lower. Cora lo. better. Pork lowtr j sew Men tl). Steam lard hiary, 181 Coium wssk at . Tar- psatbH quiet, 8 ,Hosia, fair reqneet, ,W XfraarouV Marek U M. Oottoa opsos Aro se aot higbar. Uplands Orleans U. Halee of 11,900 CHARLES' I0SS0V COEDIAX G1V, 4lr ftire Llquwr f Juniper Her- rtea. This fSTorlts brand of Port London Cordial Din, bat stood tht tastof timi, trmLsitun, ptrssy, higk tariffs sod aufsir eoniMtiiloo, aad siili ea juts a eonstauUj Uioressing ss s ; allowing that trae mer oosa aos always go anappreauvtea. CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN is oferad to tha pa bite se a psrfwn ly relisbls spe eito in all eases of OIkMamKU lilaDDKit sod KlUNBils. It sots diesotly an these oritn, with s dirsstases and apseoiasss whioh mat n a Tsluabla w persons eufCTftTw from OUAVU TO.VBtCTRH INi'tMhUttt,aIJa,M,eaawd highly eotond nriut.and in til ettaa wb, lu wbsf west esusa, a basiihfal dinrstie is rsqutjwd. Ladles sahjast to pstofal amutrswion, can by. the aie of lordial Oms few nays prsrions to, aad daring illness, obtaw araat rwtier - t task sisasns u, anouiit at. laaaa wit tager and . a . tMtitM Utrf llMMtf, ft.1 nil. la ...nnil.t hsadsobs propsrilss tu be loaad la tbiaw polaona, bow sc Irsqasady sold audst taw nsesss ef trua, Braadir, WUr srv fits). kT. txwwajT. Bolt Irorarter,- - tl Park K..W, New Turk. Bold bf F. F.FcacoD A Sua, Pau. Tuaat and Tatta Wiujsa. fc-slsih. M. tl. - - - jrsw. t-aat 'w-... t ,, ,-.,f .-ijx . . P A TTTIOVl dssirsiu.araibs V Ol UllVlt I dftslsrsin. wdoonsuos- eraaf fcuuff gnasrsUy, that siass Uis war, eertain I'onasett UsuutaoturMra swioa. aaawa ta Boo a aisrket for thsir suufls. fnit ihsiasuivas ubligsd so eounlerfrit tbe gwural appesrsnee eg eur pauksgae and Imitate aarTraus Msrks so that s aloes HMpsoUoa ia aeesssery to dsteet ths spa rioas srlicts frcna the gsnulne, tod ethere going a isr as to saasrt that "LeruUard'a BtaS no lonrer asaita." - I In seeking this poblleattea wa desira to wsrn tfana, aa tttsy are tbe losers thereby. It will bs fas mi, npoa oompansoti, tkst LorUlerd't HnuS ts "tar ab-ad"( all orbera, being roads af the best stock, aftsr aa erigiaal and asorst proosss kaowa only to ewreslvss. bseides poassasrag grwsj see, etrength sad poBRsnoy, aod ia warrsoted aot te auciisia any dsncrous or SeleLsrioos sub- siaiieae, which ssoAot be said of msny worthl-as sruoies pnten saw oy otnws. ...lot seet is tne eksspsst is ths end. A eireulsr wiU slwsys be suited on sncliosii us. In orOsrtr s oleass fy if Bsii nnutl ifiiKb Tosat,) ar kieeb bean ttt- ira Booseoj lease. rso. r. s.sttii.i.ABD, Nsw vera. Mareh''lttmd. , ir BUkHCiJt PRislB MM, UKJ in sure oa Uonstiinmeiit. - b. P. ri.iiaaVOS, Msroh IMf lanpnrlainl totsiltnra t'lainieira. Tl AVi M mvit, artaacenMwta with lb- PM.n X a. tea ot ths uniirorwd iHws'ls tHU'S PUoiar, -Tts owr-site twean, t-reai',rtyy tAtr of 'rtmsr Plant ar, st i.i.hk 1 sis la ihs tiprd year tfcay hsro taMn oswi with entire sail.fauiico. To sa. e firs in usqs, orders shonid bs s-ul ia at onea. Ptva Cati, dsltvsred at ths di.pi.' wnboot shsrgs. an sl('ji)ij,' y tue f -t i .s.i.tr oa smat nu two; avr taeraud t wat" i-r '"" JA9. M. T0WLg, msrrh tv-tf Aastiaw a 4mm at Cntritfti, Ciranlle, t.' ran lie, rTaKB T.iW fMlonrUMir Iu IM0SM ibs ptU,.i Uiat 1 am ptuafed to. i,ira.o.fci t,ra.ia of aut en.ir qus.ii vm i.i.s re: 'j a .'a f.jy hmi'ling or Of tier pnrpusss, oaiUar.u.( iaviM-ai,is tarma, sun ii (iair-d can iiirmaa st,r noaoiaiyi, of e sssiio WMss.- riasna a waat as nim m if) wn.ii to so i rasa Ins o fore wift,Uj tli-ir o;), is ttsii s his , as my-tyaatry ts the In twn aisuy. Marek AV-if It, t. wUiUHoo. Orotnabors' Koxty atajrkot BCTTKO kATia OF KAMI K0TKS, aVa, BT " r' VILSOa BHOBEJt, TiAtfUBS ADO ' lirantotstauaaaa, Mmbsnuit ua Sank of a, a (Japs Fes.. w a,. I'twriou . .. sdesbara.. lUuihituas. . ...... 1 a.aaasirtUa-.,., OrsLsai ........ Isuiugtoa t'rfd) , asw . to a ; k s .-J? ' f lroda....... Tusturrius..... ......... ' VtMiilUKtuo.,... Y.DIH-VVllk, . TWi,,,ts'i(aiitl'elaea . rarthm' Ba OT luWssatoattr . ioui; (BfW.J . W ..' at ., a Klaarsad Ftantare Bsnh Oiiaiansissl bauk r uaoBrU, VirtemLs Bank holes awaae shoat f'tli'.ata; trv.hat ,-g,,'f. .wyvaiwi'.v.'ay " M - 8.0 h. si ttdB3 Scrip ......... ...... w ay sb4 sail at UOsral ptues , Q'14 sad Mu. . Hueth Cardma btioda. t'unad Blent btiads sad all ether aurfcslanle esuake. Urdars tur Batik notes tor oaMora Bad Stoat- aoldsrs of Bauka will rsesmi prompt attsutK. kWt aras tw express paokauss of bank aotae aa. will be atad ea the osj resetted, ay aheek ea haw fork ax Baiuawra, or la earreaey, at de stred. lafeaad Ptra lnsarsiHW PoUcms lasasd la food Oompaioss. at bast ralea, Marvk 10-JD1- tTATK KATIOXAL BANK. lCA.X-.iaCi II N. ta.. Jko. 0. WaUMl, PrmiUni. Wn. K. AxoKBtor CsmAm ' t ". , BAntraM, O. VVaiTa, 7tUtr. nutrsa or asita wona 1 Beak of .C .., At , us rar. .,... , . Chsiloua . at - Lsimgsott, f"W..,.. to do Oraaaas,.... K ' BosboroBgh Stl Wsdeeborouga to TnomasTtUs , W wuuuumoa.. .......... ........... tl Ooatsaarea,, ..',',. . tt Wsstungtoa ............,...., I -lkyattnilltmianiraiisyl,,rli CisreudoB 4 Ysnoevville 1 Vlnais and flsuW. Bsni. ................ . it KsmMrs bank, tMaensOuraaah. asa 10. eld M CouiBKreial hswa, wuaungUMi., ........ .... J Merchant's Bank, Newosra.., tu 'uWmeborongh Mutual. rr;rv.T..-;-.vvr.- f Virginia Bank Notes, about.. ...... .......... M oouia varauaa - - , .,.M.,', Oeorgia , " tMd . -..... ttlrar... Old Conpuns 1,... North (arouaa Kail road Don pons. Old tiixse. ,,..,,.,.,, EtoBaa New Tork.. K, A O Itsiiroad Blouk.... ..... ............ . .4 , at M) .S a Kil Hoed.; L J... R4, 6s L.ht,. ........ ,,.. .,.., Kl. KsUottW risuk. State National lisnk,.,,. ....., ...,',...., no" ira 100 aUieUb JlAllonal JBuk of h. 0. - - SOABD or JUASCTOJBS; 1 CHAItLEa DtWhlf. President W. H. Wmjeo. Oacv W. .wsSant,'! W. J. Hawsibs. - A. S. MnaaiaoB, B. OMuoais, K. W. fsixua, : P. A. wriar, rsahlar, . J. C. Biaaa, Twirsr. - Deals In Ciohsngs Biiibt Drifts, (tola snd 8Uwc Cam. CtovetwnaBt and otnar awanrluaa, ' tnourreut uauk aotss aoucut aud tola. , Quotatlnns for Korth Carolina Bask Hotst, from rvsisigs u auonai oaaa at a. u., saa. is, ieo. Jtsnkot Cape Fsar...... Jt " Chsrioua, ....,............U " OlsranduB,.,,.,..., - - - C oSBiBsros.... , 1 . -, .,, ,lt " FsyeMertlle,. ............ ....,.,.10 -j " Islington, (old,) I (BSW,, t Leiingtoa, psyaUatAOrabatta..,.n N.thOsr.ilms,.... M " " Boxboro. ... " Thonnsavllle. ,.,..,0 " Wadesboro', .HQ " Wsshlnitton......... ,.,,... t YsoryTille I Wilmington,.,.., .............S Cemmerelsl Bank, Wilmington a. Faraaar's Bank f Monk CaroOat, (oM,.,. ,W " " " new,)..... Oreanehoro Mntaal Insnranss Ca., t Morebaut't Bank, tiswbsra,.-, .00 Miner's A Planter's Bank, 40 Jsa. M-tf Taos. Basmnt A Boat, I Petersnury, Va. I Tans Batsca Co, suniMHH fa BRANCH ONfV nnrr-BRAKCW, 8COTT s CO., AUOU8TA, On., Bukert snd CommitaioB MtrohanU Adeanets made aa soostgnrasots of Coon try Froduoa. snd on shtprornts ot tkittoa to Mew fork or tirerpool , Losns aaRotistad'i UsilrosH, State and !erporatioa tlos.ts aad fttnoks boagki tnd sold j srstabtt wgonsols pspsr slasyt ou hsnd, for sals. Oold, iler aad Bask Boise bought sod sold. we give bsiow onr srassm Boymg ratal mr Bank Notes of Hnrtk Csrolwa.' Bank of North Osroltna.. x Osiie Fear , Ohartntts, . ...e .... dsirsnd.ax,..,j,.,,,.i,ht... , it . m , , IT . It - I tt & H It , t Mi tiotnmrea Fsrstteriua,, laxiugtm. .............. u - Orshsm. ......... noxbovo.. ....w l'homswlle.ri.. ,..' It sdwsbore'. Wsshmffioa.. . ... ............ "MlipiiiKton... TinoeTrrtrS' . .- t tat sh W Viiis ms I sa, iwiWffirbT Fsroiars Batik ol Grssnsiioro' . ir, i tftrasiisnoro' Muioai tnsursaoa uo.........,. y Mt cliants asi.k. :. .ai. Jiinaxa aod i'lanisrt ........ ...... t. tu Felt lAtBV - l Anyoftktabowolbvnk Sotet m mini to tart . nV" Town of Witmingt.Mi. n Q. Louds, ' auUt . C.K.B. t peroent Bonus, ' ' - WSJITKB, - I.0.1.L 8Uk. ' Wt art AaDr axnacttng A aartn of Prnta (lo. inn, whioh we will aall ia lota of tvs toM or near, dslfvarad oa tba cars in P tsrshurt ar daliransi m ttsieiRn. eHa Jsa. I. IHSKV 0.1ITJIiSIO.VEH'S BALE, , " .,: -'i its 8?,,.. ' 1,1 OO ACHES or VAH.Ua AltLE LAND ' IN WARREN COUSTY- Bt TTBTUK OF A ttf,IX OT TBE tX. prems Conrt. I shs't offsr (or ssls. st ths Cuart Moose door, la the town of WsrrsU. ON 6ATCBDAT THS-- for. DAT OF MAT IMS,' 1HO Acre's Of Lend, bsioogiog 10 the teUte of !, : i,linstnis, i ssrl. Bsid sjDf hi eivus'su, aitiiy on r.i-.io I recs' in lrres mmnt.v. snout mii.-s t.Mtm-wsst nr Wsrrfit.w TsSJ g wiles vrom tt.ir oa tbe atsintih A (Iji.UjB H-Utoa-i.. ThU l"-d u,a.lau t . i fr: of wood sml atosrau land, and pr.tduoss wnssi. - tatftmvf rwplr s-"rrtTrriTt-iii ra.im'g.M tnbsAoo, seison. som. So., aod btrg sirnsid "oas af tbs ttosteaiaaiiisiwrftih n W srrs,i fymTir- 1 o sum purRhsaara, a sany Bo tasd la two er thine j sepsrstr psreaoa. 1 1 tsm ; Hot on fourth of tlis pnrohsse mocy t i-ia-i-s u hs r.io iratt on t hs dar iat sai a. d xu 1 li-s.-f of Bitr re-ifne pvr-,"t rtis.t .y ..f jiitiiarr inM sun wis wtti-r usil uu ins 1st. Oar 'st otiy ttt( asisssf h lbua w4,B tww yini k H Bi.ftt.rT. March rt ksa-tds. . Caimissauoar, V srrentoa paper eopy till day ef sata. a(y)DI'Kl.lVEUfD A'VTWtf ERB IS THE City wnuout nira earvs. h'"., , . . j,.-. w.amiti,.A(;nfXca. X. wamm bbttMaiB AV JtoBaO rorssfc Airayetun:,sBirset, Feb.Mtf saasst,k,VO. UTt T8SVZIVCZ... iu lAAii mm or tujc LIFEl.tSSURAKCE CO'PASY. 1 ' ' OP HAST FOR O, 'COJfJT.- 'v V. H. CSO'Vr, OenenQ Agent for Forth WollM And Virginia, boaUi of too AvflitattjBfral fsjpitaJL' r : 1 over . . f Iw.www.wO) Aajnaat fnona, MMH Sorailna, altvv - LaaJtll ItVea, t.wM.wvt) : , "THBETNA' Has tWBJLptoU for srary 1 100 LIa- - a " ' - btliUcs. ' 4 ALL POLICIES STBJCtXT SOS -rOBJlTTINO. CASH 1UTES! . . CASH POL1C3IES I s f - , QAW DIVIDENDS i oivtoiKDt rtto tmosM.T, ooaaaKcwa AT TBS BMB Ot THB TBAB. DMdeads auy Be asad 'td red aos thsLiniasJ , Premium, or ineresee tht Cash valna tt tha : i i : , Pciioy, 4 ,. t a? BOH-FOHFIITLTJO t A8I " TLAXr" Tha JEtM astjs Pollrlot on tbe vanrioaia foraaa of wrhwlw llro and ettelwwBnrnt Instiraieicie, wllk 411. deatds ih tBtrikNtlwxi pbw. vfelcfh ttwr ttppiietl ta Uiw r durtloa aret-h itnnual prfnutum mtXer tbe Irat, sr tbe fall presatunt, Bttty paid eatch yettr itnd tbt) dh Idetts ttppllrd to) jrMti tho Btsmbcr tf mbsmiI BrrsaluBii. together with tba perios! Bxt4 for thensuurity of ths iBiwraiaesi, m tbat eBdwwaaewli m b fMtld ta tM luiured befors) ths Unas) rlgt taiy spoelOtMl, staitj llfw pllcies BtsTtMrsj maadJA, .''-. i By this pisa of snplrlns the dlUetids to W aaa the coat of the inmram oa tha angmsl pal- mr, m ma-wswiiur we Barnaul er iitsa- oaa, snd of sourss its witai east, tod tbe pirft sum wiU fasseais aalaa-inning auuh aooast thao la ,Uwr aompantos j aod hi oaae ol lusouu to oouuhas ps;usuia, girs slsisr paid-up-poi- VbecW"adding'tba' aiiiitaat: 'to abafitai valus, the sonamuisUus on auy Psiiey shall hsvy awotAns suilioisiit to ksp ths same til foros for lie ll timmM, without nuuier paymsaisy-aha ansarad nuy, at kis opnaa, sitosr- wntiBue pay. OMtaia' pesuuusss aad aulsrgs llwrup.aae nvnnnugi WMtlSH vsro--or OlSUOOHnae tbem.j sud in sitbar aass, abaa ths aoeumnla. Uaue shsll am bsmsss sui ta Ms saai in eemd, ths sanasl dindnnds on ths Policy will bs dwslarod st t per esoug. af said sum, aod paid m ansa aod opaa aarrssdar 'of earn rsuiey U,s earn iworsd UirsBy will bs paid , withuot reward bi tht lint Baed ther.'m Kir lis payment. Ins sysisal et applying the dividends is para. liariy adwMiiaaaoaa aa-aba tssared, sssariat, at aa ti'Masssd age, sot only reiiaf from farUisr payment of prenMume, hot, at the aaaw Sims, aa aoonsi UMoais asul dssth, aalssa heehaUkavs prenoa'dy rsastrsd fall psynisni of tha Pulley, Tha hew (orb jntsa-aoot Afusuwreays of ths JKris t . . . . - . . . . .. . - - - ho Lift tnsnraoes Compsay ever achlsvsd it sompuas a sucswss sa this popular msuteuoa. Us popularity is altogether nnprasadsatsd in ths aansls id soaiBMreial autsrpnse Im thai tountry." Msroh 17-tf Uiaorum op statemhnt fob im ot a. j ibs ve'x,.ni i i m ui jk4 aura lhdUilAJiU! OOMPaJiX. fVesa Prsmtssas, from Iotervst. "" tt m v ii IjM at t,7t not tw I mi, tun oe S in mi Iki loeoms friMB lnur.,at. Total ItMomt for tbt year, tjossss pnui, UiVKlspda said. Total Losses paid tn data, ' Xotal DivKlanO, pstd to dsts. S.OxV.HItl 00 lltl I f US Ii wiU bs sssa IrcMB the etwee that the lmi ran iwTsaasf nuei, grsaUy aaoasds tha iosssa aua wai uts vorst, mom r is sms ya,S is must tbao the torst toasts rsis to tuts. Ths Asasts af tha Conusor art Bow aver Twawrr-vaaBt toum o muh, sot wtta lis rMaaesa taooaa onww arsatsr mdassinsnts la Wt Waring" thst : any olhw Oouni.nt UV tha eountry:-. la addiooa to tha asnmuiu praHtMHBBWMb dteldeiide arrnnairy psyarils an tar kn yaara, il wmsss Pmiosm apaa a rsdessd sis-ask prsmiaia. with iaissadists sasu.i. air. iiwaua. It esn he plainly assa that the Unease. ttoat Mntaal Lifs hsa bsaa dutag a ssls tad ta twsssiut bnsiusss h thr hurt twsatynws yssrs. It dose not dim it aaoasssry to awlte grsad prnmisss of what thsy aarans dung, bat wul in snrw persana oa sny plaa avosi d.wirabis, and it a aeat ail its pnlimit noo-furfsilsbie, tor a aiaisd aosouet, slier two or trtrse pst issnie. ASst ra ! nismlMir. tins Comi'snr hss I i."nl Xaau -- UlTSStsO luf tWf tiuO W 1UI LlsMitoe. . . B. ii. WAIT"'.' I Jfatob 1-tf - - Asparal xt. ttstrich. fc, C. MISCEIXAjTZOUS. ---- toSTwel felmi f:-fk Sack uu t-'Prisg - - for ssisby " ' UKJHUatrH A POPD. Pb. UMf ' I'lwar, S'lwtip, ' J ' 'I'" su xrs4sa.jB tack, and Bam it, fir aa I 300 ro is-ar ViCUUliCHADODP. HDLLOTf gad HUV WAgt aod by . . - W. C. HTBrt ACH At CO. QAIWEt, I,I KhKHwlMtf CATSC'P AMI kj VaiwM utotais, liar by W. O. BTR0H ACH 11 (JO. Mn and PBHHA4 BMOKINQ akd BEST uraaos UusWuig lubaeoo. auid by . V, 0. BTBOMACH A CO. STHtST P.lTfiliJWa, TCBtTPa, CABBA0B aad etbar Vsgstatasa, alwai s aa head. V W. a STBOKACB A CO. bulb M.iNrrOlt ," tbe set variety af wuaMWau, ii , .Sand c. ex bosach acq's. A hO. I MULI, atareh 10-if - For sale by W. v. btk0ACH A 00, E. -OESSON, Opposit Mvkst Snnsre. HAS JTJlT Ttr.f FIVfTi tnt ealacilnn n) Frth h soR Ann rl au riotLaaftff :aa.aras. Sa i 'h tb-t z n.als to ord..r st aaart auitina-. ft w TrmT.soip wsrranrd. -- aiaret. is j'"" ' wVdV-AFgOSii fit -sb t tjjt" G roots raj B ttci faStttisr-ai 1 C7am. tulratlott Merclinnta, ;SS,F A' l T TE V-ffci. CoBt'crmesis of all kinds of Country Prodaee Aoiiiaut lw HIAT. - A t'WFTXrrri noChX. " I rit tan R'V'y, j font die plsoas, go.ni kites and nsosarr ilaM,ha-- l"'-,lla'' OO harst f 'r-l, HHA.l ar-aosne tsie raevae e tt ur .wi,, :-' " w.H. jai.ro a ca, ' March tO-tf Aa. A Com AUruaAbls, c-sw'ata''tia el "0 rroa. igrfWrvl-i, .-. , itW -:s -mum w to I . . . UT2 DTStrBASCS, Tbt Kott Yigorons sod tbs ilott Lib . art! luiiunnos Coiiipsjiy la Uut i : t ' Coruitry. " ,7'."." BH00ICLYN life: 141 Ilx-otvilvratw, XV. Y. assetTotir 1,000,000!; 3m$virvwr- vf-Mwmn rawSMs AHhAMD ItU.W k ! L4.stMa-w.w 'm VsAUrmsV V. II XI AM W. HiUL AttttFAWan. I) J.'. i AUh Lr H.. y t m reJaVistay ryrAat-W - A'A.- I T.U s-tfliaV. BI AJ,. 1,1, Jn'rl TfrilatdP, POLICIES TitCABLB nr "AT IifiAfHt - lira as TU BBOOaaETX XirC IS Ukaj sly Csxapaay ist tbs twalry whlrb aMtrttatle stefinUo sur- . reneter-wavlao e every gl!ry which two op ur ttunuaJ pr ilauM bavej bcew patd tbt ' mwusit, (A ttollart an4 eenU, 1a B4rMoJa avrtfry- afwllrw Ittttett, ' Should sty PwllcvtAldtar bewwiej avblo) ta pay bla preaalnina, bat ' cata tbat baww tb eaab wrwrth art lb Pollry sit aHf tlaas atfter Iws annuls.) prrmlumt bar beea paid. This eertttlnly It tbe grottteal la- daooiuextt aad aueet tuxtgibla ttst- vanlage ever aroorded ta p&rtles IntarlBg their lives. i Aasaog tasadyaataget offisredby ths BaOOrU LTN, wbieb thoroughly eylnot the da)enBinatkHt af theomMratsBMks tttbevwl uaaau. Lue Ixaaraaoe Ooaapsay ia the United htatss.aral . . 1st Tots. sUaerai. so su. Kasmionoaa eat TiutsX aim hssintaot. Tos Aaaarsd suy rssl or testae any where thaiy thteea,Wst world sssa -withoat extra prtmiaja or tpeetal per si it. . Id. A Loan of eae-third of the Pramiam to tao rVillop Holder Ananilly.. j . si. All PoWm are Boa-fbrfeltabls aftsr two " fail aaaual presaicms hare bsaa paid. tth. Bates as low as are soaeietea with Snas sisl toBadusss, tad leas that those of si mast all , OompanlaS whioh tncMnoiodstt - tnstr assured si k losas , .... , , Mi. biridsnda aannslly (sftar aeounj yaar) fat Of an- jJirutanili am Alittdsd eat tho t fraiao Tieg Plas Uw only tqtutablt manner uf difluV , isg tbt ttrmngi of a Lits Insnranat Company. Tht Ontiibatioa fUa was Aral eouoairsd by Mr. ' ihp. aoklt. wow aotcry of UiisCampsny tnd has oaan adoptsd by most of tha bast maaagad Lite Ooupanisa ia this eountry. TtBWAt. -LWK-haapsld aad sow papa. ts ha) Pohey belters La HOBS UlVlOBtDS abaa STO baiom psldby s 1 inaantBss 0ueapsor -- SttwPrompatlapsj.iagfessea. '.?tb?ohai4jlvi.iy(jitawp... - ' '.. IBs' suSTWrowb the 4He JELT3P baa ejihleeed, fully exeupliasd to Its rapi J snd heslt h M growih, i t tonajnclttg priaf of tht eona isaos npoesd by tht pttuba in Us aoondnaea, laa sagrltyar41ll.srslUy. " A. W. lAWaESCB. Etieirh. -' G xt asst. ASsUiT PoaiSuara CaVatsUXA. -.j. Karon Ju-saa .. SEW SPBIWO AXTi H'SSEIl r OOODS FOB 1S00. FACTS FOB f HI rtOriK THAT tkVK. fill and wsll triad boat, nuking throe and l,air tULiostsfuJ trips s year ths last twenty tra yesra, aoeuuniering tbs st'wis of An.y. six sn.l ansa, and running luromrh um Waras of sixty ssssa wuh aa Isohs sod tun b4 ta sd mous Arm to the hrssas Is wins to L ie. ch s. Jest srrivsd and la sow discharging bar Isrua and valusbta esrgo, at A. Ctescu't wholeaast ' tad retail dasler ui fittpte and Fan cj Dry Cecils. . Where voa will tnd for Ma aad Bots waar. a largs and tna sssnrimsot of CABBIBEBh'd, CAu 11 V FRET'S. " ... TK,IMi ABSTlK'Kr JBArfS, ! FLAIH ANI F ANCT COTT0SADKJ i: . AlDUXEJiOOODd, whtoh-wfB he sold tt efceao. or ehssnar than thaw tan be bought sliMwhsre in the City. mnsrayoa wiuaao siarge aod Beauuibl as. ui . j LADIES DHES8 OOODS. smhfaetni aJmat svsryiiiing suiuots for lbs season, at lee si.l, aad aooua prattv, ansso aai . right, bs sure to eome Mi Cresoh't bafure yea boy. IlATSt DATStl Cheep enough. Vbat w Ilia was ta re Vara beaded wheB yea ate ibis to boy a bow (1st f BnOKSI SHOES 1 1 - . .., Ahwirs asaortMant, ooms ahm. hrbia ft'seiiusots, Creeoh's at the place tu huy your Bosunda. BnHnr srrtsa. trims Sirt'Tt snosh ind .. sum largs s.. li'ut Lavliss. Misses sud (Hi tl drai.e tnatatsd sad aatnntwiad Hats. Abaaaunti ' msisTimsnt, aomelsy away your sad bat, aad .. tlwsyt oiwie to Creaub's feature yua bay t sow .awe Aav-i ass - Kssp It srors the paonia.ttiet I told the nssnsa - .. tlx stontha sgo, thst i iutsudsd to raa lama a mff asoipai'a, wnh ray motto to givo aa-h aod srsry luclividusl rs'we teoeir-d, ..r the.r ss.h aUs'sniart.girisg tla Ls-lies a lao(ipnrti-inr to-aaeroo, tbsro -isa iwaaias sujrnss. as w.oal aa.-.c'r-r. the gstatiatuaHi, and sias that Uma thonswa.ar -harsaliown thsir good Judgment by oommg aod . dsmenwrsttng ths hathW t Wanrmo. .i tsal -. 'S yoa trsoob I as ths plaos. And psrailr me to sw- Inn mr stnaasa Ihsnts fur y.mr ry hlaarai a-a4 rs.uab Is psrooaars lor ths last tw,. y fl,- ramra, . I hope by etm-t sttBtlou to hoatasss and honast daaung, gmnf esc snd srsry ons tho worth ef u,'r mtmay, last t wtit soatians ta rasctaa a Inwrsi al.aja of yonr pa-.r-,-K. Ihs nst af me 4 tslttog I atiirliinat niy p!a of Vuaioaas won a tarsaob's or Bar rsystteruio tHrest rtai-..go, . issrra ae-w - - v- utu.a , - D0DBIX A f EASCB. " - " HOOT ASDjMIOE MAlXtaS, Oppnvlta Ui Kwktrf on F.jiUTi:i C. ( RVTUKK thMk. Ko tnhV iW ftmrm taai. ftttfi aVrtl rr-vrfirK. m0sstint(adrt unti rir Xi kmim W whrrn, iu b m vt awt W kwiv -nim fm hfend lh bMM ntUfmL, FoH i HK LAliLA. 1 tit u K mttxnm lh taWltt r-Mt Umf W.H kt IrpoMgst,. ftlMrfilKiHw trf ti aaWtfii.r wf kind Armeimm hom .TsWl (t'nw" tht.q'iaviuy t q im 10 tha bn jtriiajVtm -wmk aUMl m abt m h aalXXXsAWai blL3 ILa-tastr,- -1 6Pt, fettswswlv t ureattirj, x r.r..-n,P... -.orw l - v. . - tti i. h r - - i r-n rr, u c r. u i uai.i-.a.s ru t Il'll' ae.lBAlti. a-, aiu.uv.v. 1AA ffTrrs erro si.AL 1 1 1 t he-h 1 sa aoxvnt to Bra-f - B. t' W.LntV-""?. " """ roil KALE.-' 5a w. n iuit i fa.. Ateanax A OtsBi aasrsaaaom . iUaXh 4s-af -

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