TH E 8EXTIXEL. hAICiUUV. APltlL I. IStSt. " Tb rrvioe iu th variou Charcbet will K a folhaw a tha Habbnlh : Kfitenpai CAW By Re. K. 8. Maeoa, D. U.. l It o'clock, A.. b.. end 81 . v'cluck, P. M. bet trite every day )a tlx A JiuiufM kvimval CtesnA-Br Ri. j. Brinloo SoiiiB, 1 0., at lug o'clock, A. ti end "r" V t L. tteuUreo, alt U o'ciutx, A. At, aod at 7 e etoce, r-;- ea. . J!Wij JYuaiowajw CAea-d-By Re. Mr aiiien utoruiu uwTnC PmbyUri-U IMOrABj Kef. ir M, JAt aud a 4 fciimira, et 11 w'ciuvk, A. M., ifadiei CAevde -B, ft. T. H. Put 4tr.i, f.M. : - - , . ... IMhulie t'Aare' We tr rcqueeted to auaouoce thai there will be U ut m t O'CoumH will vihctat at that hour. To ciABios g.atu'.dty ,- ifi invited at tea J. ' - " Nrtw iortttntKini,-Spring Good at 8. Klin At (Joe. - . . Naifa, Cook guivea, K roeene Oil, Kulte mJ Fork. and Hard r grjutraily, at J Brews' with Hart 4 Lewi. ; - Brgooii Tucker Hall ok April 8 b. Imuieua Stock of Uowla at W. H. H p. Tucker V Co. . . , .- i , -' IfilriBiTy and Gnods' st (E tngcr's. A Cook stirr lor sal lit H. I). llxrriaoa. Wi abb. qattd lu auaouaot that PuWie Meeting will l held at the Court Bullae tUwta oiug, at 9 o'chick, 10 deriae nitaiu to local tb Peollutit7 at Raltigli, - 'Tbkjim will lt Hm at tba Ctb-ilic Cbaieb at 10 A. H., M Buada, Bar. L JP. ICUOwwaMM OtiiciatilUJ. f - Lav tba frieoti ot tb Memorial Ao Kiaiioa bear U Blind that tb Annual Mwt log will tak placK ik Ajiiil 5th, (oft Moti;) at th Roto of tb Prulijteriia Cliurou, at 8 u'c'w k, P. M. All tb raem- n tliould b prtarot. tb ol.ja.-t of tbia AwocUtion iatialf aojre; and ajiprai w-tt xtirJltiary loroe tu ever N'riU Car.illK laa. TblaUi who ar alwaji fl at lqerr good word aaiTwurkT" tb iuat(wu 1iad,Bi J ongbTW"t rsMtl aacouderl bj all ot out oativa and ailopted aoa win. lor Korth Carulina and her patiiotio dtad. ' ltlat Ku oV io., airiOiig. wor Kvw' aewg tie aud aaterpriaing tnuratiaata, hf na atli niiii,l wnil m Unlet! atwfc ot gooda, ambiacitm giuUJIuIMl J Ait u ticie, Tht J pnKM to wll at tb BMl jwanaabla laiaa tl witt b lo th iutcrtat of bajrr to xaiiK tbir tiock bim pitrchiuirig elbje. - Rmu..K.' Wof tiia tmnrftt nt th Math. bdirt Cliurch, In R'Ulxwu', tba -yituag la lie ad KentleDiaa bt place, propnae giying public itrtioiuut io tb wj ot tableaux, cliar.di-a, tinrUq'irt, 4c, oo Totadu; nigUt ut tb firat wat k of Brit Coart, April IS'h. i , ' from tba programme which haa bea thuwa B. we bjj af;ly predict that tit aiitartaiumeat will be a aacorwi. r k IVovUU'W will lie tuada lor a Urge attnd are, and crowded ImuW Br I xpectrd. TbCaaweil and Peraoa Suing Band - will add ta-tlie aiariia f taeantertaiBiBcut ""IFl iir nodar otilrgatiDor tR Hr. l.-T. yalaxae, of tbia &!, fcir ao lTittioa to attend ttie AnaiveMrj Ccl!f4tioa of the, icflanew 8 eie'i of the Uutranitf ol Vir- giaiao the II h int. 't m p. .'' Wt are pleoacd to loeru tiiat Mr. Cbarle J. lliKeaann, of N. C., h th orafc fut th Jcffurtua o i.'ty of the Uu'reraitr ol V., Bt it approauhiug AnalTrrj Celebration. 8anmT, at J'ucWer Jillbd qtrit erowe lal night. Uia trick wrre Wull per loraitd, and gaT entire aatinlactiito. r Th pieiwute '-dien-HMrW wre Jb wiB,. of t ulwtaitti4 eiiaracwroae ot 30 ia rrwBback. - "TrT'r' 'IVniglit ip itiTrlj Kit Ut appernase. Maa. (Euingir haa jut rcetrieed her "rVrlag BtyU of Btliluwyrwhiaf wtH oe optnaoeo for tb inspection of the lwiiet, Mr. (E i linger has uat received hi Spring ptoc ot Dry Ouoda, eVo, wbioh he offer luw ft caah. '. .. ' Ctvi J,' ItottKhe TLo 'teligraph n Bouuuea that t'alvin j. Eogenol thiacuunty lathB Bom'mated y ,PreldBt. Grant tol the guuat Ut the office of Poet Uulet y . tUuUiyrUtUepbivI tlwpweotlBCtitti beBt, Mr; MHr. - We wtaae the anwiunoa. wtentwith aorrow, becaoa the Sjipotntaient i sot creditable to the Preaideut, auf lo the pariy. . " T" There ia wo tsnre booett, capable and alrMTty"7pTjTirrSaTiet7T 1 drre Mtnrr if rhlrClTjTn Iy WWS ortlaU - in th Union. Bi accuiint with Ilia Puet otEoa Dopartmeot aad hia oeeaeaeor toward eitiiena. ol all partlea, ahow hia awdaeat caalificationa for tb place. Gen. Grant ta beoa Kgregwroely impoeed poa ia making thia womtnatUto, and we . know ao one to blame lor it, bat John T. Deweeef aod hi eopartuer ta thl conapir" Bcyagilnet tb wUtiea of the hoaeat people of Jtalrlgh, Aprt frora Mr. Rg9' iacoav p.!te7, ho la almoat onivtrIy eliject- teii hi j'Oi ty tri ndi tj-grtt and deplore ..hiaapuijudnwuh. tST aiftd.ut-U-.hU. Riigtur any othrf wiaa it Jutth bat it b -w.te the puutto aod we eoibontte at - aahtnjttiw tn ey, that Mr. R.- wtiw tn rtOHitly appointed Kiir4 Agent oa tba IT. C K. 12. ni f m Vi-J for 1nfjtr.)ipj 'erfter!Wirg W Brm6.--mini f tearatbat th Preauieat of the Railroad deelarw that he wt a (Itlaulur Ii tjm pD njonth . i"i! J-lla JW2H. PhW.40i. iLsr fcurtlj iitoj Orant Wbl la three wiattmi wmt rrly opto otbeeiit hea tmea evltr- tm rj;'nnt an 1 'n rnk iji.'rtn"nu B NorjU Caroliua, tie ma-le a b4 atwt, - RAILROAD USX IN A 8TB W. -- W araJnilinnet) (bat I ban ia great at ettencDt luiung taa Kailmad Baa. Tb ptxpfiU good lot a final dcliai to all tkmt aebvoMa. It U amid, ibat ia all nraba. bilitj tba ap)Hpiiatiwa tut t yari'W KoaxM iu tall, bucatwa or tlx mttilu """ ftatmnt eootained ia tbe:rat biftr Tbi rtajark app;i to all. Wlib tbc Biota credit crostnta antl tba Jat att tal ft. I k aiH 1 Mmti a m P - - ' - T1 aasBBK ay KiKa)KaW,waMTVWTaaTCVr3V,Vr-J tj,uw,rxm, all) ba batled witk bih aatU faetioa tbruDylxKtt North Carolina. . Wc ara ttia battri immioU in tUm m.tiA it w are lit Tie taiva to J tlj iulrct ua a if iar M,O00.(WO, bat twa fefalt mm.t r titl - "i""-M' i il l i'iVii bbf fUlK, of jeiyrtitiiu, H after ail . the wi'ul gaml.liag witk atUor auW't iaotuj ''jjb QlltotieachiatjgK f f rtcuyrratiua, ttiera abould uua Uilur i tlx Icurtiiatiua ul lUa bauda, ua po(J aauf rejinc , ia- dctJ.' a weight ot debt wb.ijj anbeara. aMa aatl ..rajjaMajwill h tba ftld M'tbat, wow I tb (eat of tba oppfeawr,. sad ail nee Tert tile' bluod ia being eat ked out by toe iaietiat leecba that have flied duw fruai tlie Niwtbera watara, aad by too Tan piree that have com eat fiua our ova erwaha aad poad. fm bmmk it bo. f Tk'XUSa oromCK- WHAT MAS MCUM DOAJC. Alter ah'p aod protracted 0ght lb touare-olAlfio bijl ba bi dwiiled, A tsomprotnita wm t ntd, tb , tetelt ' ol which giv great anuOjeut to many "I tba Prenideet't filiU'la, who are trying to iaduo him U Tela th bill. The World oma:poatijrt iruui Wb hiuga., aava, that if Cfsat aioa it, h will U buuod ,4ia ttungcit ebatu tfaaa ever Andrew Jjhno wore.";. Scaamr Williams, -who drarterl tfa old I iw, ia grtratlf tialied, lor he tb "aew bill ia better and atnBgr tha tli owe b wrote,- b.caueit declare ut- cqirlocally tiut power of the Senate tirer rMral, fld Bake the tenure ut all olfauat delrriuiuabl bj law." ,'. '- Butler botrajad ai uauai th partt b pre. teedod to aid with, and agreed tu tbia uooia urum'aa," Grant onua wru that Butler waa ''bottled tip" on tba Jainei, aud no Bu'k re)''HoeB ' that Qraat la "bittlWl " Hp-" in tura bj ihitae bill, tbat oulf awaiiahii :goauirJJjiwmejJaw'1 TnrotJn tba.Huuaa wai JOfl ; nj t?.. .b-r rb-puhlicaoa voted an. Ia tb rkea Bjea 43, aaj t. He. epragtM wa tb onlj RepwtihcaB; vbWTOted 0rtB:-OraTrt-ht thwa tier fimBd, that the PreatiiantiaJ road ia a' bard nl to trarM." ' t JtMWJIX jrh.New ttfik Pi.W (..he rditol ht that eerantilegfalua th Uoiea'ad tieo. Hil piPB -Mitu tnt.!!.;") b tarttinB' article' a "liuperialiain," tb otd'-ot of which la toabuw that there ktaa oigB fed plot ta OTerthro th Conaiilutiou, 1 that ia not already d'otie.) "and to cr ate Grit the Ftraf KBnierii- i"f oSr., tlai fork lUroXi is 1 hwaer the tU. ult , on the Uutted State Pe iate," tlutiauto that body with detraction if it eppaa Grant. becanea it aaya, that would be "in Conflict with the people.. It argue that the ft B' i uaurpiug un.lue autU.uiiy ii iBdoaror- ing "to ei.mrol tb rut wealth ol tb na tion" and to fleet roy "the Ex-cutlre ' pow.r 4a." oVtweaa each oontradieiorr articli who will decide I P.oaibly both are true; puaaittiy aetiber tliK oaejor the other it Uua. "lit Of watch aod waif. ., t Tsar lyDUir was. .. .. - By recent intelligence roeeifod from Gen. Ctlatert force, we leers that the Indie war haa beta ended. We not toe that tbi announcement I mad , ordinarily after a tictoty by which eevere! Kxl. I are deatroy ed and a h w Indian killed or captured. Wt are afraid that thle war will Lave ta be of long deralhia, lik oor difllrnHie in toruer yeara with tli iteminntaa ut Florida. W any expect to hr. too), nf ether ont- agra aad of other victories, as I of the war buiag ndd again. Alter all this Indies war it aa tXpentiijLAffaii ;rT fotlnwtfrg bill fahTe-psMtrt the Sen i ateua ltd reading hating pevi')uIj parted tbB'H.TWeT'i'.1.1 " ' "' 1 " " 1.. In relation ta JUn JWU ad4 Testn Ii. . . To allow tay ol Exernt oa before Magi rat, Ib ' case ol aetiuna ariaing aiace May let, IsoS, ad to ratify etay al ready granted, v -. ' - ' In rhe Whit Howe, aa In : JoBrnaHam the uoki aucceaalu ptpii arc lltu Wbtib hr the largeet a u Bluer ot euoauribeia To recent almitiiairatoB ia taut to b like had it teadily tweivee and . porai nentl itainarhaataJteraaV .'. . . Tb givat AoiBiicas, Deotlat Oraal; only be oua't fill teeth, aotbing but placna, aad old atenipa are of so aecoeot ' ' - MAUUII-.I. In Fxpayth Ouentt, oa th Slat ef annary tj Elder I' liurar ait. JuueobLe braau 4'Ha buu H Uiaaa. . : DIEDt . At hie mMenee, ta Dattdaoo Ooeatr, oa th bib ef Mama, Mr. lumua tutoxun, a aiaaly re porteil uuaxa, aged aa feara. CHABXIi' LOIDOX COEDIAL 611, r faarw Uejenwr of J wolpcr 11 cr- . ' - t - - liM.' Tbi BarorHa bread ol fare LneAoa Cordial Oa, Baa aloud tba toetof Unw, leuuiHiri, Wtraey. hieh tentta aad aafatr aoeipeteoua, aa aull eav )e a auuetaaiiy uknhuiids ea e ; etouanna; chat tree aaaru duae ant ateaya ge aeoperaeiaiiaii. b iffi-rd to th p. i .-lie a a rrf'-ruj rle fit:- in a) (ui .t-k,r.h.i tiaaiJiiK n4 fctts tn - H aeamr.-tiTOn-eha i.rta jc, a direetata ao aitruiD).aa wtuc n.i-r r la raluahle to jxt.ii (Vnr.r tnaa (iKUVKU, L'iAbkrM iNtr.AKKL. BLAt'IlKH, acaaty aad a..iea4 ariam, aee aa ail eaai a vh-m: f-w wr.armwvanaa; e Beaainrin imnvtit a fwj.iirVit LAiiiee aai)e lo paiu'ni BMMi.iruatton, eaa bt nte-ete of 4-ertal loa a tew oara armoaa tn. aerl fluru.e m'n-aa. ort,Ti trf,t r. In attfa uwumrfnT It tfi'iulii ba -tanVaaiui euear aiii waria walr. Ae a auute a4 ttair rhie rtn la nrjTrrf. ,1 aa a p-mb a ia none of tlie lieliu.h r.. ,..r... , o tm K-nml m tl'.- iwi a Je trr-i;: .1 tuiua fcrUmi' wte tit.h' a ut utu, nrao.i, wue a7, ae. , . J. (. maar. i,,.rw t em hn Kr ,-t "Hfctf f Jam o-nt. Haa. Tama Bui T"ai uu,luuiili,lhW' - fab. t-auj , . "' ' Fr th Sratinrt, Mr. Kditr!-1 reeMitt ait-ndid th aniratlAa ef the erlH'lar, riprioglMrf AcadrroT, ta Uiiulord countr, aad wa raoratlr IBexd with the exerciet that I pfopue giving job a abort atotmat of LOc-Oi i. rV-tore doing ao, howerrr, I wUh to rail atiowtina to the plaa at Atyaa-a'pg aod suodui tif p Uit and other aclanula aew fat otwatioa iWW but. They are sader the aag' bmuI aad onatrol of what h ;'lltd tita "liliiflmAj1MiBUjf, Knenili." Thia beuwivhat Aiciaiia,aneB aier the doae ot the oar, awine tb aliaoet OBieenid dtpfva-ioa . and diVHI ef tb people, eaat abiot trsi to lai the aaaaaa rivr tieHiutiKitii'g tvt tb miaa diate phyairal aanai ot the' dietitat (ta wtiich eaa't'f tbejr aaeeaacat a tarv aua Etucaftot and Agriculture, t . ta jfratirj- in g ta the extreme tu reed the rvp"t of the I'nudiBI aa tbej aipr froea tioM to ijhey oninrtvjfl th,-ir rff n ia -tbeae Be eral urjHo-iBHMiia. It ia proper to atatehere that atthotiirh itiia ia aa 'Aancia'ioa ol Frtendu" it i not hy any BM-aua aeciariaa la uiro. i hey onmmrneed their achonls ahobt the elaee ol ItMU, at wbioh time their hail It ecbool ot about six hundred pttutle Kuw at the btgioniKg ot 1830, Uiry hare 43 HchooJi, aad auout ItKKI popilat lo a ret ei t let'er trout iho Pieaidettt, Francia T. King, who ia aa educated and cbrUtlau Btaa, I find the toltowine reutatkabl etate- eat t "ICrery Friend' child t ai echool 1.800 of tbeea ihiMNioirlil d a. i.. lined aud laujlit, and I.7UU mora, tb ohildrea of neiiflilwra, retemug tit aauie tatelheuwi and religious traiunig." . 1 have seen BO ai oount ot tbrtr diaburaa- bwiii lor tbu tear IVHH, bu, at tb rloee of t7 I bey bad expended, on , EUi.oat.iun alone, Bti.B.'ie S. . . - Another bature of Iheae School i worthy f woliee, and which t ep- keo l tij the Proaideat, ta hie -report," a lUHoal i "soaktatacMoot. Durinr two uiootha ot the Dumnter raea- llou, the teacher of our Pnnaiy ocbool were collected near Uiiib Point, a central and health r lucalitr, lor tha aurp-ia of antler niiicit a thorough practical training in improved method ot inatrucuoa aad, Buaool irnvernRient. rtro'te our own teactHra, otliera, rtesimni of iaipriMrerueet, were admitied iato the elars. which, daring the past ateina, snm- b.rert iua. i'bie laige Bttendaacaeeidraroa tb great ieteri at which ia lelt in tni tclmol, which w f trterpwt bf the daily preatmcaut larg eumber of eiaatmw fr tee eurrtiand rug eouetrv, Btany of tlieoa being tea'liag nuo i if inflannr iaibfc.BtlJ Wl Cat her Vf over its .t th Uuliu ot audi a heboid at tbia particular juncture tu th 8ut at largo." -The Preei.lent ahr further: 'All but lour of the bsi'hers (m t Batirea of ITorih t antina, who hsB bsd the beneth ot two acstina at our normal acbo4 They bar rU'ed ihcir aveifio.. to the eatire aaiialao Loti tJ Ibt JtojidJ Thii at Hunan ia ei r y Kepeek Tls eaaonaa. loo euihraoud two Uy, aod gave anwiaUk'-able ertilenee that the si-holara had bei-B thoroughly iu (trueted is all their aiadiea. Porteot avatem, nein aa and older war notioed la tint tt -en lata, aad all tha urrouodin. hat had toa noted and commented noon by th PieainVnt In hi report lor lW, w ar,! oJarly atipareut up-ia thia co bsIobj "It give u greet tibaaur to apeak is eowiwii-edatio of (be Wigtitam n4 natural intelligence ol the aehnlar under oar earr, un I tin avidity with which they drink bi the k owWge pt eutefl tn tli-iu, t'udur th judiciou ruie ot ditciiiliti aod car' tally graded yatm of ioauuauoa tn d nirabiy carried out by our rmirinleadent aud teecner they har rnpidiy advanced. Aa air ot Beato.a aod order ia iooreeriogly aoticud Bit only ol perawi, but ol ad "tueir aurroiiadiiiga. The example ol pioaat at lot th.iir best Intere.ta ao ceuerally ahowa by the teacher haa had a ntatked ikflucao in good tt u ta in puuiie. ""rNo wtlijo BDOuii -ter that' all tbil naa heea thaw entirely by indtridual liberality, tad SBiajtly by atraBKBra, would it b too Bwcb toca' l boob th npl ol our on a rttas 10 0"BM lor ward aud leader um aa- tint two. 1 bar bo plaa matured to tug- ire t tal I would aak that hbokuks irieaxl l etluciti"B eiiher in or out ol toe L "(.tala'urc would uk I hi mater Ib ht. and Berer ecu agitating autil tui bracro-h-at aciatioa ha bee reoognia-'d, and aasrab d ironi tb rttai Treaaary. It need notour (l.i t witb-an other ayateaa moa he lOol a,',redy la eoiitenip'atinfl or which may nerealier b atiHd by i. II. re ia lb mecuiueiy all ready, all that b lacking M a hi tie mutir power la tb aiiape tit niooei. wUea aumlom aud accept ah'e t'm ot etlm arwa Bight at-oore be tart.t all orer nttr (tate, Tut already have, iVfcoutd. prucuta IU ten c s. of aa trncieut oora ol .teach "Trial" fiy e5MeTJ"lJIyiI'"',f,""l 1 itcie ia ao eae tiling that the Benptc wboM b)hwrtaWy pay-ease 1-nr.a tor the ottucatuHl ot their children Bona aou aoch I laa aa thu.tor they aeejor themerlrea, hat it ia tnainly a iaiH of lor " Thri are no high aalari.e pjid ; the Is bo bb aereaaivy eip-na allowed anywhere. They ham taken us hy tb bami aud arc geB.r ouaty enueavoring to htlp as to our teet. it tbey otcd ta aeeaHibtmrthi.stef sod permanetly I fiioily hetiere Iter ia wuar'-: wiew .an- . eewsan eat - wuwHa"" avei amply r paid, withi nt reaping s dollar ta! prtitU tor tlimaell. " Dl..W.. . COiniSSIO.CU'B BALE. -- ;j1 . ,OF . - - - ' 1 , t M) A CItlCM 0 17 VA LU- IN WARREN COUNTY- ITtT'VTRTTB Of A DEfntK OF TUB nr. It revnw Court. I altali oner ire- aal, Ovurt buaae duor, 'ia lb avea ef w a OS 8ATVBDAT THS 1st. DAT OF - MAT KUJt, ttrw Aerna nf laao, Wlaiein te tlx aetata ef l-M T. Chnataaaa. eV-wd. Baj Un4 le attoa ad. Warily oa tiMnn t.reek la Wama Coeaty, noot 3 none Vm.n-wuM .if Himntua and jnlra frnta klira en the tu.ii.ith a Uaetcio U.llr... rhaa huid BaBia tan- pr"r-a Uua at owe) ae elaerW lea, aa wnalaeaa ehat, ban erttoe. mrn. Ba. anal rwnni .MiUuM lMf raach at Oy.oV.reei aaarkeia at ilw.iMt .taauat-iia atuwa g!aaji. tafvaa ta B,arjake Imk, Tp a'itt iir i..r 11 m if a a4d ID la or Uae ai'ar! .4r...ia. liaai: !' eaa Beiih 4 the pnrrheee aa eiey eaan ani he erq.unat ee iha day at eel a:; a ttaif of 1 Im r (1 m psiahte Me the lat e,y .4 I7"k rt Ih. ot),.T li.lf ..11 (t.e l.t ,), ul rfaoaaty IaTi, eeuareU ay buaoe eua lao goml aaeartu a - - - - wSI. BtH FT, . V atflti !d. , . - AJflaoiDm a. . a m r i,uje ia uer eof y UU Aay ot ea mi:hciiat TAirXII, Vp"lUl XaiAiH twjaar. n a Jf-T HFreiVttt eSne eVtifin oaV iw -- t"t mmrMt t iit e-4 Lwa.t,,M . 1 4.eiit im4 a entuv aa- jM'eai'ia. 1 n afl wMinai.iB warraaU'U. Jaatva ib-aa- - TELEGiurnla . I rtday midnight Plapatrhea, . COKQ fcJwfclOBiai. VaaaiBoeoa, AarU A la aata, and Wiino praeeuta it a Botiuoa tar the reawrsl of poUUL-at riaahtUiiea. - Mill extaui tuee-a eeeialeal the tret ar. Uoa ef the Uttia Book aod fert aauth Baiwead waa tntroduead. Mr Bowa Bwodweed a hill proTidrag that the ttuareaieaoeH aw.K- t laaaoniiey a) a teat abaa eaaaaiae alaiaaa lo a new ly lahea or aaad By eke amy of the Caned tHatee, ant rep rt to Coa ra ail feet. No bhumy la hi be Barable antu Oanayae titWaiinJBV..A,u.aiaiaBl,B aatj witiiia tee yeara, Io4ia eiproprieiBe aaeatd. , Aaiomad.- ... . Hees.i-.eUeer aed Berber aewrepeialeaa ev eial arder te-Brarrow. . - The Curoos on-rt was re-aoeiBiItt 4 with to- rsOg WAbHINOTOit. Wtaeieetiw, Aura 1. Tba aneUayets at the Kajry lanl. hare atrnek h oiuwiii ane of a. JneiMMi ef B8 aiaT aaait, hie hiioni eerki par At tae Oaaeral Hoare eeeiaBie. Coateuiteee woea aaeeral ef the Raey Tarda are here argute a r enealdarenaie ef the eweeaaoa. A putt of the B .male aaowa ot anjomy b av rer of Lengetwiw omanriina ' heetdeoltal aoaaiaattiaea tor the Dtatriet ef Oataaahi k Jaauaae ef ta Peas lactase two MaJ arOeneral Tb neaaaaata at Tirgtah) SB td Caobre erairei. . Oa haadrW aud elx 1 aoaUaatkiaa ware saaoe B-B7-r""v " , - - BoBtwed will aalkiaate tha May Inlereat oath fjBaw aeha. v Oea. Biiward 1N raaaaia Bt tb bead of the Pree.ilaaa' aureaa. For aw hoara the aabtaet waa B aaaatea. . Tba ehril teaaraMir-offiee. hill 1 ailH aaaicned. - KtMkuoatkHieef Attorarya, E. C Caaap, EaeterB diet! let, Teaaeeaee; IL at Bona, Mid 4.1a Tannraaai ,A.Ti MerauuV 0eoT(uv:. Msn ahala D. B. Parker, Vira;iaia I Oolleetor of Cee- tome- Was. Miner, Hubtle M. i. Ooaa, at. Aa- Saatii,, PUiriaa. Oidlaetora of tuteraal Bwenae B. H. Hebaoa, tth Kmtaeky 1 1. B. Frioae, tnd TwgiawiT O Btotlee. h Tueaieaaa; J. k. Jotuiaoa, eMbmbtteua ; I. S. Ohapmaa. fed Lna huana i, A.-0lbraatB, tat TeanBan.e j U O. Brown, Id Tax ; Irnag F. Wlum, Ith Tu-iaia ; T. Puater, let Alabaaaa 1 A P. Shalt aak, td Mia. aiaalppl ; B. t. ioebert, let UttUateeei g. H. Oobh, Id Ta JaeM Abraac, let Teaaeaaees U, a Peoigo, let Texe F. W. BWiBaer ith Tex, Peat Maatera gindriek, fhatlaaoaaa, Teaa t Drouooex, lf.itgoaii.ry Ala t r.ournoy, Aixaa, S Fuomc. Jaeaeoa, Mum ; Kgleetoa. Colnav Bwa, Mia J Cweieeka, partaaaoath. Ta; ViikW Columbia, . C; Woaurd, Coriath, Miaa7 Bug- are, Bakuga, X. C , Mra. Hupapa, Tallataaaao anortthv MAtULKTS,- Wn. Biauriuf. Aprti t.'Htphit twrptottn antat at is. Beau euadj. Crade taryaaibn aiiaet. tied fow,prtt Cttl tnohaJifaa. Hah- tttxi halee floor bearr i enperwn Bute Bt Bti t&Bt t r eoaieMieeo fkw eaWa"8 07Jtl Wheat eery dall i white Miehlgea II ta. Oera dull aod deetliiuig. PorktSitU. Lard kaary. Wblaaey ulaa. Biea duU; Uarolina tidti. dan. Haeat wtorea utet, - " ' . Boni hern eeonritlee duU.. north OaroHna to. Tea BKiaey BtrtBgaaay le aaahaud, eioamg aharp at f . O weak at ! IMoetta ateady but bib. B attar day Etrtilng DlapateKrA FB0M W AatUIOTOi. Waanaarox, April $, M. Hueaa anoal daring Farce BViaeta Railread aaenere. the Klaetlea ConUBtttee Bare done autbing ' Th B.eeaelrae tone. Commit tea beard the Virginia Bepubiioaaa who fttror a aprlog taetloa aad aobmlaaioa to aba dtalraaehielag alaaeea. . Taxaa agaiaat aak Bteetoa ta the Coaetltuttoa aad triatoa ef the State, A private eoUuquy ketweaa Butler aad Walttoaore bidtealad a diapnetttua le poatpeoa the Taxaa bin aad t let Vugltit' aude that saw . FB0M bohOOB. i Lmbbbb, April A M ArleyOotuary.l laeailitre. aitikiited. kiiliag IT fi taiaaa. MAHAgrt, t Msw Toaa, April , Bt.-Mooryt. Btehaase TJ. Q Ad H i. Kurth Carouaa' rj 1 sew Pioar tVffilne. lower. Wheat lle tower. Corn lower. Fork beery, Sl. Laid beaeyt eteataed l'lHI. Cottwa Sraa, 0L Tarpeatiae lltt. Boaaa, Wraraad. tl-.4. ... tprit X, M. Ooooe eaeaa tntaer. But higher UflandaUjam. Orleaoallil. 18G9. 8rRI!I0-1869. CLOTHIERS. ARRITIXO dailt, Our SrBIKO AND ht'MMES bTCICB OF CLOTH 1X0, V -oi mim aisd novk.' MaBBiaetund by ear reeidawt partaari B Bew Torh, ,. :-. 4 , .... ' - - - ' . Oor MmuJaelaain leoarteieet fa wader ttia imnal aaaaraniiaef ear Mr. B, L. BAoAXBO, eateb le a Stateiapt gaaranvae te, ear Bala at BairaeotbettaVaOoaitewilJa eqeat, tf aot. aa peatio. ta Bay eSeed tathaaer any elbei Ballet, We eerilially htrtte etraaaer aad ethera B laeJ Olljr, wb haa ant laeavee aa who tbea patrea Palate alttajitna ahowa t aaetiaBate Bnlar aB ewwwil t I B. B. A.KPRE'WB TO , " ' iroa frunl ttirirtinire, layette il ' raet, asrl-tf . baa-tga. Si. C F A N II I O N. KREIH! Vi'EIKEL I IZTl CI I'ANT TAI LO 1 1 bj - - y l te writ tr - a jrittit ta tu Tvtta. rtnsia ts.o i V t j-iit-.i. , il.l 11.-1 baa I'.-l i-HTt tlinr fl.OTIi"!. 1 lAtvTitrit t t. MI.Mil. V.l-h 1 t tu'la no Lr tliu. it a.kixusa ... , I j ) 1. k M ai 1 M,-d 1 I. - . 1 H.UHIIIW Dn, MMH,,M,M., 9 I , , mi . ' i ...ill if ,,l,,ll ,ln a., Jjaamlmaie. le M.a'L,.,.u.i...-,.i , .ta. t m..., ,.,,mMi I in . Ra I M arte it aoa. - GraswAhoro' Eaitey Xaritt . BUTDia BATES OF BAKK BOTKb. As., BI WTLHOV A HHORKR. BANKERS ANI Itrfflnmt hatenaa, ami hto awaaae, (iaeaaa- Buaa, a. HA, Bant ef M. C. ............. ...... ..,... a - Initial ....m, i.ixu-ue tu .. -.i.ljire..... ...,. .-,- o B iiuuAffwue. ....H ....... . a h'.&iMjre T-'-""'u ... . i . i Oratukea ...... ,M e " ifit'.''li.'."Bj''il I - ,u 1 1 1 1 r ,- f -i t i,i :i i. W . r- luj ...,.. I o rita.rte ................. .... IT Ciafiilni. ... VavittJUiviUa,, a iiut,-kia. . ' aaehaow' 'tteaat orWewtMea. . . . Faraaara' Baok ef Ureaawhere, fold) . " - ow.. " m.-i.' a.f.w ateteal baa. Un. tontt- Vuriuia baaih buaaa aeeraaj ahoot Hoeth taruiuaa'- r. We kuy aad end at htawal prkM, Gout aad ao- ver. honh ceneaa thaaita, aad ell ether eaaraaaahee I , onitaa . .XBibta tut bauk WMm by Aetitera and BYteaV holdnniuf Bajyui eul tomi orumH atiwiiUua. awtunaa Bur eaaroae aaokaiiae ef Bauk eueae ee Bae lark e Hi III win, ee ea aarraaiy, aa aVa atrad. lata aad Fire laaeraaai fonai aaeaad B gee Ootnpeatee, at beat ralaa. Man to-aaa TATR NATIONAL BAH Ii, xAAJLiXvIUlL. N. O. JKO. G. WttXIalia, arVaaiifaaA Wat. K. ABDXBaov, Coataar, BtMtltU. C. WniTB, leaier. ' ranwe or babb twrsat .. . Bank ef I. (;..... ...... ............ w r. .a. - vlrlaoe Fear.ffwwtnvf-r.i.a.t as Cbarkaiie ft Laaumuai, (oldi . ,,.,, ..... 10 a do-u- Oratuua... IM t, v's Boabureegk... ail ' a Wadeebunnigk......., a - :. - " TI-. .aaa.eiaa ,. .... aa o oauiHttoa..... 11 . a Uoauaweue.. ... r.. ... IB . .. WaatuuriwB t ' o - raawtaanUM..., , It . . Ctareaitna ............. t M Haaaayvuia I tfbvare' aiwi fuvntM''a Bank to, Fanner Honk, UtetmaUur-mirla, Bew tu, eld B tloaMtareud batik, b uaaeigvai B Merehanra tna, KeeBera. SB (IrMt.tXamufa etutaai ..i. ............ Tlrguna bank bote, abuut.,,... souih Caroiaaa " W Oaotgia . ' -;--,-.. U wo toe Bas at OaiWfO-e-oo ao e e tBBt eoveaeo-e 0-o ao - Hltver M ......,..,.,,.. i'JI Old Orapoua Nurth taruuoa aeilroad Ceauajoa.. ........ M Old thaae. ........... ..,...... a... ea Eaehaiuraoa New Tork... ......... ......... K. A u Railroad tteok. K 0. Bad Ko4,.......ii..v..... Mt . Bat. Oaa Li ba, ....... , II tut. hetiuBel liank, , I'M aaaaakfr BAlelKH Ritioaal Bink of I. C. BOARBOF DtRKCTOM : CBAKUCd WWbt. Preatdent. W. K. tt'iLuaa, Oau. W. awaraos, W. J. ttivama, , A. at. Mraaiaoa, K. ta. luoatca, hv W. Putuaa, A. A. wuor, raahtatv t...7 - peahrir CieBanire - thgtia Brafte; OeU eat , U. Bull, TulMT. IBH'at Ceae t iKJUrreot bonk hutae buughi. aud autil. , . Qnotatinea riw Knrth OaroJIna Bank Hate, Irnnt HaltiiKh Jtattoual Bauk of ta. 0., Jan. It, iHu. - Blaakel t.aa Fear............. M " Cliarinuat.u.. Cteiwidiai,.,,,,,.....,,.,... $ a . toaaiaaeia,.. ......... ,.v.,,..l " . Fayeateatiia.. lit - a LaainfiVua, (tii,.i.... ............ (Hew .. t fineioayaiaWattrahaa,..,.sll - . ll.irth CariiUiav ,.. Koabore- ..he " ' TttonaaeTtlleM,,. Wadeahero', Wee4iinUovv..r.,..,.,, Tl aseeyTtile . ........ . Wtteitturion.. .....,.. to talfeaV .". ".vr t ..Bt St Onaaaaarirlai bank, wUralnabia,. baa of Morth Uarohaa, (old,). .... .Bt) - (aee.k.. St (Vroevoro Mnteat Inearanee C.. ......... Mnrohant'a Itauk, K.wluirm,.. .......... Miiter'eA Plaotar' baak, aw Taoe. nana A Soaa, I Ia (uri A O9 , iew'eeery. ra. . . anaaaaoaa, ro BBANCU eONS A CO., abb BRANCH, BUUI T at CXI - , ATjaiTewTA. On , BtJikeri and Commitaion KtrohanU - Adi'aama aaada ae eoaatgnmawte ef Oosalrt pTodaee, aod ea sin omenta ef tarttua te bae York or UrerBooi , boane aaguliatad 1 aUilroad, Butte and l.'orpiMatioa boatta aad Mouke tiouahi IMMIgut aad eold ; Srt-cleee aagittiabte paoer ahraye oa head, tor eai. taeaa, OUver aad Beak bouirhlaae eotit. W.V gie bhw"ear ereaent buying retee tar Bank liutae af tinth r-arouaa. . Beak af hurt t'rohaa.. ........... ..,.., H - -tiee P?er..............yn,i.,7. an Vhartotta. iu a (.Urauitua................. t 4 - OaoBMrea... 17 a. Faeeaaeauta. ...v, ,........ Iu xiujttojUy .rOT . A uraliant...... 14 . JWucro" ...t,...J ,....... , TBeaiaeaUl fa WaatttngUlB.. , .i . eUaaniKfie...... B " Tauearvule . . . ... a fteaiBierelal baok ef WlhltatBi...;.;.'...V."'SM Faraaara bank tat OreenavlxBro'. .. .... ...;.. at ilieaaalmre' Maaeal laataraaee Oe.. ......... 1 MMi hanta Han tl Uiuen and flaater. , to . . Fob Satta. Ant of the abntre Rank Notao Is enme te wtt Town nf Wilminirtim, N. C. buuue, . BUUt B.C. BVaVt m rant -waatBD. - La&aVBtaek. We are daily eineetlng a earn of IWartaa Oe jm, which we will eell ut lout of tee toue or awer. deliaerail ea ttae eara la P aarebar at atehtered Jaa. I. beav ... , .. , CAUTION! dealer ia, and auueeea- are ef linn" scnerally, that eutee the ear, eenaia Tuhaeea Maaafaetarra, beuie enable ta Seat a aaanrat- Bar lit air aimnV, trrt theeia4itB ol,!i jfi d to eueaterfwlf the gtmerel amicaeaopa ef oar teeaae. aoo tatlbite ear Traue aiariia M11U1 a etwee inaHMUue at aiinee.ary la dalarcl tba a- naua an ine rrum ane rrenaine, eae ot gnaus ee far ee te saaert that "Lawiiiard'a BeaS la ae haaaer ma ea. " la maaibtf tlria eabttt-attea we Beelre te wars tbe paboe agaaoet the hnfMmttniae prautioed apua ihoaa. M they are the leeere therabr. It enl! be foee'l, enua eimtfiartene, that borillard'a tmeS at "far ahead" of aU eihera bah.g aaada of the beet ever, eft aa ariguaal aad eaarnl sineaaa keawe ear aeeareetaee. haaideB piiaaaeaiue eraat aea, etrauglb aad aefitreaey, end ia earraaied exa te eujnuaa eay eaK-irue or deteeeniiea eub etaeaaa, arturO eaeaot be aaid ef aaaoy Wurthlrae aruriae pel ea eal by otbora, Toa baet le the ean'piat a tbe etil A eirruUr aig eleaye be meiii-d oa api-lteatKO. la eruenrig eleaea epftfle ryil sail ariiifl - H,t Tuaat,) er r,a nnej ihi a axamwy weejaitj a. t,aBlirba.ASI, Haer t.- -- ttanh ttameV rou iiKPfx. for o:;e-C3-i::3?,e years THGHI IXhOIVt ATLIUK ' " HOTEL, AT" - - - i3KuiraJ IX, Ks Ca TnrtKorEHtitovet i rk)m nt it. wilt an !e al .eae wII tt.iM ar.d all tthr it. eeaaarr eet tranotnire. erauite flrraiiy ever atie loaaak IAa a mtmmrt riaort. thwre M ne ti.ea L t-..(i. i, n - ana - A DAT. Ouldatjee, A. 4i ltaritia IIFZ IXSCXASCK. - NATIONAL -w;- LI F E INSURANCE COLTASY. auin y.rj US 1 1 1 D IT1TE3 Cf 1MEUCA, WA8HIS0T0K, p. a ' t i " CaWrte ty P peMof AA CVapreaa, Af Juif vuk, lsaa. CASH CAPITAL, 1,000,000, PAID IK FULL. It la ae tnager a qneeUoa wiik any Baa, wb tame hie wife aod ehildraa, who auar atdora how hetolee would ba thatr aoadntoa ta eaae ot hia deatA, aa te the duty ef taktaigoat t Ufl PObrUT, but aa t whioh tompaay he bag pay hia moaey. ... . a. If he reaeete a Braaahl he wtn eaaojade te patreaia lb Company which, ahowa the gtaitaet degree ef eitality, which eiteada ite boeaaeea ar th hu-treet area, which I a H xne Onmpaby la eeary hwallty t whlek rent tab ae toeai-aaee at lb iaaet eae Watah leteil ae pnlliae that an: aurteitahle eueold he he unable next yeer.armnr enbat year $0 paj hla reneea'j at4 which la tuat alaXtg a Wa to Bteet AU. ITU PUuillati With theee faeiiage and Tinea, he kxika seer tb aewepapere and, by the time he gale thraagh reading the adTartiaemenui of Mutual or Miied Oompa ilea, he tad. bw adnd ae 'addled that ba Ia at s leea where te g or what a So. B aaa not eoniprebesd ane-half that ) writtaa, and eaaelodae that Bone hut Aonaataa, who are fe mtrtar wtth rhe pi tnel)ilea irpnej wtMeb l.tfe b"e ina le heend eaataiiaipreheod or aplla aey- tblng el-eat dlantaada and bu) liability fur aotee gtrea In part eaytaeBt of premium. In hie d tBHuaaa, be laota Bka thaplaa adopted by tbe HATIOIIAL LIFE INSURANCE iCOMPANY, ' t-'TTa.', 8a - A,ee-. i i .. , aad Sana Jmat what h want t Am ALL CASH PUT, rrdufd l tlio LOWLST ni.I.Tll.-rI Bate, llkw stay commodity tit narttel, ao Maich laaHranro for aw Bultrli Bionry. M Bote give 1 1 lav lereet I aay mo nxleir ttbotil A aaesetaeMt 1 ta apprehension of hlB policy being fwFrr-lled Best ttr If b doee Mot maty his sua- awl Renewal 1 and Iho RATES ae tattH-h LOIIXU than tal her rontpAttjes, tatttf he reulUes Urgor Mtldrna, l A0TAXCE, thsiB oilhee t'tBBwpttaleK cm ay hlata In b fntnre,' . r ,- r "Ff find tha-Wawed ef thl TOCTfuTAIJI FUtIMjand preeea high r', tha ... eraeawta a eertata and definH aea ft saaeb tower rate, and put ay ha paid ay Capital af . IU, ae a eaiw lw fhn; at ertt.TrtaU Wilt ba fulflued, aad. Ilka Utouaande el attune, eheeev fnily ealle ee ihew Agent te make but eppHeettoo lor a Pulley. Mewee ike enprfeadeeted aad aaeel woaderrel ea.eea af tbe NATION Al ea.ena IraiKed ltk the outer aad Mutual Ca-apa4e. Tbe rempaey leeettl be tret poliey ea tba lat AbmB, JBOI, and up bt March Ul, 1W8, badkataad - Aetoaoomea. Aaaeenat Inearad, , tiub.AO.IW Total preauanae, ' ,;, ' ' " tw.UTJM The whtda eambec bwttefi by the OMaaetieat Mataal te tha Sret year ef ae erdatone wa S9t By tb Mataal BeaSt of Bew Jereey, Ml " Hew Engiaad Mataat, ' Stt ' Ph-eatx Mtttnai, Bag " " " Maeaaehaeeu Met Ufl; -- git Xb Mataal Ut, af t.a tnrt. tu th Sret year nf rt ertataiu. only taauod (70 p4ieiee. teau ttM. yaer p-,t.t)-.' And la it h veer,' ' . ' m thle Uii IwtH eo lea thaa wee ewaed by th I A 1 ith tti-bj lie ant eerawatuataa. - J A V -t tO U I J CO.. OrNFKt.l. A'iFSIS PUB THB r rr r-a, STAl IS.- , .a,-, I. r. lTM I r, Kalelgh, 0u-ral Aiixnt he North Crulii CIIAa. K. JO',:(iH, Eait. a. ' " ft rae. " . BY u? . -t - F - MMiral JkiaeuiiMif aad iwaiee tot Juli. i U , . .. " . UFLTT . ' " a --w ' ' .. Tab Aiuet Vi-jorout auu , .. - srsi lutarauct Con; at Th Lib- " f Country. ' - - ,n BROOKLYN JLIFE ''iif mi- I-AA lironily, JS.. Ve ASsi3 ovlr rFRiurM" w. pf'i( k. IH.AM It it.. ,Vr.trtit, f i-TT t. y,i. itii. U 1.. ilULi ti tu UAhiiU. turn, at B.. l.L.t...Jl4. aaaar. POLICltS Issrrit a.e ennn 4 CSIIfB ' rtICl'E3'-'TATXA .:i.r- tS' "Lti'S "Ar AT 1'KAllll ; V Tbo rtRooitTvti i.irr: u ib owty oniHy tn Hie routitry Which guaratillr at dt lluiie etar- reader-talue lo etery Ptatiry oa wbleh two 'or tutor) an u tint pro se lu two- have been pa id Ibis aatouut, la dollar and rent, ta adorned oa etery I'olU y laaued. kbould any I'ollry-boldcr beeemo auable let tay hi preiaiunia, ha eon tba haow the rh worib ot the Pulley at any lliue afitr twa annual areanlunaa have been paid. Thl certainly I the grtxtleet la- daremenl and tneat taaglbla avd vanlage ever accorded ta .pnytleA Inaurlitg their litre. Aaioug Uteadyatalea-aaered by the BuGOnV- LTN, ehlch thuruohly evince Ut detersitnattua ef tb vfheore te mat rt ' aniar Littwui. Lue titan raiire Cotuoaoy u the tiwJ Mata; arat- - tat TuraL haaurati or aim t(rarruHrtoe oe Taarat. aau Baatijejica. Tha Aaiwred may brarel or reatde auyabere they ahouaa, the world erer withont eatr premium or eposta! peraitt, td. A Loan ot oca-nurd ot the Premium to Iha Pollay-llniuer Annually. . Id. AU Poikuea are Bue-tbrteitahte after two fall annual pmnrcne here heea luml. eta. Balee aalow ae ar oouetetMit trith Snao atal anandneee, aad leea thee theee of aimoat ail Oom peine euioh aootaaaaouat their aaeured with loan. tin. iliTideada annually (ater aeeoed year) B iak. Xlivluaade are ilto.lrd 00 the C'ueraiae as Piuut-r-tbe ouly eifuiiable manner uf dirub htg tbe earuteigoof tufe inettrauoe Company," The Coub ibui luu Tien vu firat uuuvvited b) He. D. P. Faekle. sow Actuary of Wile Company, aad aaa bars adunted by ntuat of the beet auaaged ljS Oomoeniee a Uite eunutry. The trtl)Kt.r tLtrr. tnu paid aad sew say - lolta Puuey-huulare LABiitg 14 VUUaJi liBtueaa ever beture paid by a Idfe lueuranoe Companyl th, rroniptltud tn paying katem. ' I th, JNu eliarge fur pulit-y ;er atame. '- -The eaeeaaa wbioh the "!ln;"K 1 y'" ha tehlevrd, fnttyexempiirint in it rmprd and beatrhe ml grow lb, b t oo rinsing praof of the eeutW denee repuead by the puUte ia ite oiumuitsea. In legrity and lilvwaliiy. . A.-W. LAwRE'SCE, Ealei-h. GxKHl, Auaat run boaia LaBoiiBA. Marsh IW-eta -!. x- hLvr biuiu cuuntt 1 AM hi Ti tii:it o IMS.,; TRACTS FOR Tilt? 1 .l'l C TMtT FAITH. JC ful and vault turd, Uirae ainl limr uioitehi tritM a vviar for M.e tt twiur- live yeara. eti.-ottiutu .1 ir II. ai-u a uf li:.y an andaeten, and riimu.ig tiu-unli u.i wavea of aiic-eifi elih t.u e-'.ta aud aim btrti.g end ai.iuo filing to tiia brttit i otmie a t:r'''h'a Jna arilail and la dwhariii; hr larice and val.iaUie oiku, at A. C. u e -- -1 -in eua retail oeaier ut BUple find rancr i:rj Coeds. Wlier ron ei'l tln.l l.n I! and I, u a hlge and Hue aaaoi uui'nl of "-1 - . - tJAbSitiaicB, CAKM-drrtrrs, " TWItkUM, KKNTCt Kf drtAVtt, V. .. IXAIS AAD FANCY I OTTONADtT ' ' AND LINES (X)la, whioh wTI he enld aa eha'ii, or rr.-!i.r they eaa he boeahtalMf-whtur in the t uv. , VVhere uu will Dud a huge and twaniitui aa ortiueut of LArtrGs.r)RRs ooon.-i, emhi-ax-liiK aimuet eeeryiliu.g euiiah.e the eea.ei etylea g.itl, eii'l g ! ruxiT. pina all nglit,be aura to innue to Citcii 'a Im-i, 1 u ym ii,j, UATSI IIAT.SI! 1 Clfiv tumah. Vfatvi l.H t to ro Wir awAiati wbsttt u ti hulu to bu nmn 1 , ,,1 . -BUOEi; BlIOES!! , , " i!V-jf iiuViitiTfr-hi'' tmf:iw; 'hrtfjnnr 0 B'BAAaVi-Uw, 1-fWCttl II Ut nUtaj t i Tout ' jhfa. - Ufui., HfAf in if ! ylt , fivnif rfttt1 r.-iSJ:h 'v 4vJWfcTfWl'Wt;l(. a-?rTij-lltB H'ai f irv iritunml Bil l miiriniHit d Ji-tn. Ai Hi'f A aVwabltftnft4, Ikuli-tsi t.tV BtWHT yry.jf (Mtt Ii', vn.l tVrnM. wvM -W iarriwm.x'- iwf-tr-n tn-j ty t - out fca, . J , r H-wip it U-for it rr)(ilttht I UAA thm iX itioiilii (), ii.tbt 1 mifiiil, a vo rwit tiinniifl. my atufptiKU i!h m uiut?u U) tad' . '. Hvurr. siiUtbitiuta wnv ttwtv r tit if iglH. 1C arrtptyttrt K,vtf ff ft I fjriC ft 'JMrttHiity 41 Wlftft ltte (lit T Ii firtl.if' I 1 t, h Wr-ii R4 " trt gfv ut km imi, antl t ! thstt h-m hr-tiow. tri KfW,,1 WU'imttt hi- n-Ututi, -jM :::: tifmiHiM Ung li.r? tt tt ii tI P v ,, Uvi( i.l'4vli III Ihr i ,n'e... :fl.i j.- ; .V , . tut I tiM: riiy im'viw iUftj.tkM fit. yuur -t t LutM ViUb Ma4IUtlfc Ut ttott ta't tWSKt Jl I; W WettlBi, V tKiptt try tttrrtH -4--tviH i trnt ' mtvi - lllaVllllir,-AIIVllljf tVSMil BVtl'1 tft-f-V m-eU fl. ' ryf ttirm-ifT ih-it f n-'if f,i,tTui i 1... 1 f, hW-rtl Bit.! uf yuur .'u."iuti? J- ----1 vt iv ., 1 ManAVtl W 11 pte f t''1lt-W f ti! t rtrt ohtt Hftbtf JrtLtAj-iiil bmt if -Mi-rTfa V-tf A i i.f m ii boot aVd iiioE murnv Oppo-tit ib Havrkwii, oo Tyi&vul6 HU, niTUR! ihutka to tb unM.s ft pim,- tUtii'lr-d, tit 4 fiv ftrH itM.f'Kl t ftinii;A rn btltj FifXvfr ili Bunt ni T..r g, m th )- ... krtp iiahfirT no tA it, h : ; KtK I HK LMU i .- I- tf hSv u, , ; ,-rtj tiM Ifetlttw ftla ikt : fits' i iu i -i.-o to lt .twnutsfttir Kit k'li-ln -t h-fttim i,o Tfutf HiHbMt wVCM f H--rtlti-rw the. f - i r , lit Brt li-rUixiJ w-i ,iid u O , t. - (..,- ""XiiriowCS' tl j et. mC - - j . IH f-A"!! lfi15riHHl To f iflhni UK I N! IP- !. tllM . 'lit'-''.! '.!, TUitwwi. ') i - ---- s - i - e..r -V-"-t" -BtieVet -Af .-V. f -.:-Jtl h--.' e- - - htl'teT It n -k.aBi'1' -- - hwvH-l"' "'-fr . t.a, -.Si- tti tlftf. "T-i'T bi! -,-! r.. ' . . , lrve t .,i. Ill utxta-l -n't ti-nr , . Vi t , ( mi ' v- nir 'T-r t -n- "--- - -e, ..;i Ut. u Ih' Ri.i h Mff-h 17-if iui'.U'-d it -i. '. : ; ttrrfrTn t - Jt u ? ? .