the hkxtinisia, 1 : . f f r- " JOSIAB ICESE2, Jr, ILITOB." FBIIUT.APIUI. JS.1W8,. 1t&rKtt8LhlttH&M1l1HMimitMmn iniituses vh ..:: MISTAKE. ..: ... . Wi, below, a Utter front JuJg Battle, addressed to tba Editor of tbe TteweSsral ' The SUsifurd Says If rrgrrH Jalgt ;'"- .-....- ,- rUt-Blof. April , Mi. Mihii J. B. Nsareaar A Co. r ' frnt'i 1 14 ao anif le la u Humdord ""id VMtaj beaded "Messrs. io.e. Vent. Bragg, biggs aad tba buprtm Court," m wbu b m tb loilowu-ig wtiuwi i "And da as Ibe lata Conatitu.itHial cneaaa. be lieve. Hub. Will. 11. Be tia oiais eejeral t et baa ta aad around Chapel Hill." 1'iie siaerttoa teat I BteUe p tehee during tot ,te "fjousutuuoaai ceuratn., la a oiiat-sa Toe apoecbu wbicb I wade, esrsjaat Fell, uurn g ti FostdiB-iai cjueaea, wliicb waa aiter 1 bad eesaed to be a Jsdgu, aed wa then, HlM aow, oar private citisen. 1 bare not tbe li(jbtt ui. a that uu is teaded to aterepraeeot axa, aud 1 aia eoa liueut jou will ai aixe curreci lb miUake. Vert rei-eilullr, W1LL.U. BATrLBL New thia talxhood ojm b the Judge a ao niatajk. Tb articla im writtea bj the Uuretbor. Jim Tajtlor omld twear to - n a rramtr tram v ne uumro a "r-laceu " Ai (xral rule.wkea adluiriali abatmd i i faUrtiuoda, and cbargrt. Bade aut dlrectlj bat bj iimeado, )( uaj charge tbm to ttie O'Trftior. V kt iba -; tUu.Jtr4 aay dua aut circulate terj far, alea we aop; la the 8Uul To a boar tba doraraor it the editorial ol tba tand.trd, wbicb aaJutaiiUard Judge Uattla, wt (fira km estracta frjiia it L'tto at Holilm ; MAa to Vante we be lie beexiorted Irttar Iron Judgea ia tba euu tt lor GvYcmat in lefia.- To na bi . iue aigfted to the pepor, along aide tboar ot Bragg aad liigga la aatural aeoagb, b 1 1 asa tt arar tbat of Mr. Moore atuit rocmll aaeavotiea of tbe paat wbicb are UKat tJile." Wba euuld tmm thoae liare but ilolilaa I But it tbU doai sot convince who oaa doubt alter reading tbe followiua "Wa lall Vaocalliat k la to Wail annttiiil with tlx k proei of aa aril career to add weight 10 each a docuotetit ad we ear to Mr. Moore "tail to tb nrarera,' oid maa," and 11 politioa, Vance, brag, lli(fm, and the) huuietua Court of Murtb Carollaa aiooa." ' Wba oould writ thia but tbe pollrooe wb'i r aiuuil red VanoeNl bed and brand I 8 tba "Standard:" "The K rot eat of 1'rarana wu eloquent with wMdout aud terriito wlta tram. , KIwiotbi with iadum aad torriWe with tiulb are well auuadiig laraitol Macaula, wbicb tbe GiiTrroiir la lund of aaing. "But aow we aaj that tbiaasooadare pm tl of lha bar U ndiculoua and ooniempti- lia." J- In tbe twenty Ira ye re that fluid adilad tlia btamlari jou will dud tbt word 'ridiculout aad Oootenptible" la almuet arar aumber. If one autnber tbould fail to har it, jou wi:l find it twioa or tbriot lo tba ant somber. Trttifoggtng lawyer who tab email tee and lad ia pntty Caae tor a bale bring who li-li around grocrHc during eaoatina and telle politic lor lack of aoowtliing tlat to d. ' bad Jutl' ot tba iliiity or pm n ietT of tbe riupieute Court bench ol tlortb Ctrot na. We advia tiieoa to re model tuolr own oiioduct, raforta ibeiroma aiaa re, atqun diyalty and reeiMctability, aud tbeo the people will gtre r to their prutfi egeiuat tbteoaduot of tba ttuprtntr CruiL" ...... tht lent wntrane quoted I prrgmat " With proof gaiot H ildca. He bate little livrirA. uU ft a oat himatir. To Aialt a laaytr jou muat be able lo look maa ia tbr jce, tUi U-iUluB.C :Uld tltrcr dp. . CI. l afttwe.l, but be tletew tb great law jcr. I ke BrgJ!. or Hoora or BiKgt. flol.U n'aiiandirg trandl for lawyer 1 W k-l U ' u wl iiameai "IH a l lv Pll v "grog liopa, "red eye, dtc, Ac. U and b i o, Joe, B,lrd BBiabera of their paper atut oar, going toa grog tbop, taking red rju- Bguriog at th bar rtx.mi In M'a-b iagion city breaking our tickler, driok ng with V'eoua o tba ria,..wbaa, ta tiutit, we bad no little taliBt fur drinking 'that - u,.,.!. .LA ni aa a taalntaUe. - TLi, wi dot vhi! th Gorarnor, himaell, wu drinking Ightly but oftaa, and Joa bean Tte prig (hop, Gureroor, tt, "enuing Uornor, Buw taiai a'mut "laajrr loBng I .g" about gweeriea, Wber did tbt Oar. emor coroe from, to tbt Tuwa Rail, at that league not! Did b come from hit office, in tlivtaltql, or tbe grocery I The trutb of In .loij mult i rindicSoL lit carat frow 1 1 grocery Irora tba grog thOp. Ilia head bot and hi feet (luabed with wbltkry. W beard aome aaj be waa druak, but we aiiJ oot.and wrvi; laoia tbeivUt'iaat W 11 -,,!'t lb'') ('.tuwr t.raodiiblng a ttlck' ofr a .ri b'T'l brJ,nd tpeaking to r r. fi!, r.'f r-r- vtVlmj n. Hnjr, wliei il.itur'oi I, a Court, wa iiniilj bi Bieaa. r- T-o-t wi ',-iif --tjwntrturai jy-fa-: tvnL And wt anni'OTOJ nil lia. aud i jr Ijprli'l to -4i nf,l'iur. liS 1 ft tit 1f 'atiiiul J tifj, flKToiT tetil tr tl.e "rv'3 ere," to the "grrict r ea," to tUe "K'"li "'"'p. ' i"'g t GoeoiBote Wrtf.ti v atr s,'..l Ditaco to Tt-rnr praTPrt and i-t tb ip. .. -The Vmk aaft l.TA-rtaji b it ot torott'9 apitnineta, with but tew n,t,i tart yet known.' 1 n Startle not at this beading. It sea ' ate M people, ' W are sot, it i true, ot tin mm com m m stockws are not all UerniaUe. or Iriah, or British, or whet aot W sr sot all of Haios lineage : but we are of wt Government we Bean, tboss of us, who lav tieto letnsifucted. WsareBl leant subject U the seme law, sad ealtjeet too ti tb earns rulers, whether it b Grant atAw UIiukI -But- -ere- bmi Bit it this article to refer to Bcallaeags we caa do iiist at utjUmti." 6utijfilS"V tb Moment directed la higher theme w are thinking of twtarf, betae, ear native la ad. And are wt not people! Are there any Hertb Carol in tae who f ia th rtch who faH!Ai' "stire or adopted boa,."aad all tbat f W here indeed U bU boa I lore sot borne ot eoootry."' H bat ao est place of real aotalia and bappy bvaie. Peur. ooor fcllow. i can er 'laaif with trtl afcflgtit tba tUVtal ter! Saturday aight" of iuiraurtal Bobart Burnt. Bat to ret are. What a eouBtry I How raett , Uow raj.abl I Bow grand I Y.a aaay tfarel four tboBaaod Biib it ob di mc'toa and neTer tliikc tba bona It of tb u raat country. Ia all Hia great dlaUoca tb tua will aet behind bo bill tbat do not be Icog to oar United Statea- Wb tba un B, at beam 1b lb Orieat, it it ta cmet bi brilliant light boob tb Atlantic tbat lathe lorater oar Santera inure i wbea he goea doa a behind tb Weetars ktosoUla- it I to bed bit parting ray a poo tb Faciflc ilia aiaila are breathed cpoa tbt peaceful dwelling of the old Si ate ; hi eetptrt art cel. brtd amid tbt qui' tndt of tba dwetfam m tba far OeeidHMal tbrpee. : hIt ie a good laod ami large. : What Intare lie before a If oar poo. pi art rirttKrfi and trn to Ood aad eooo try. Whoa before did one great aatioa aweep orrT to aaagn-noent a doataia and elaiat it aa tuowa f Nerer. Roaia, la bar, wba h'r aagle war borne ia triumph oter many aatioot aad paopla. aert pueaetaed ao wule-aprrad, o grand a fctrltage. "'"'. ' f m tfere la . great people Bot tltogetbrr homoeeatoat aot bound tngetbar with doatat ''lioi.kjo Ul'' but Mill pe pla; tbey are anited under on tyitrm ol aw, or ought tb be. Bnt tbi it aot point, llowerer ditrerta oar new ; bow over alienated by eaaaa tt bj BBaoaaaary sow to par lcBlarl4, W are Kill, at lee (ur tbe pneent, aw pawpla. Xb em pire ot ' tqaily ware eompoeed ol roan J people, who had rtiff.'reol blatnri, and raried iaatltatiatw and arttw ud aclBCt whoa csltur wa dutisot, who bad wxany aad aniiDieting lotereatt but ax art Vtld togtttier, a4 by tb oonaiderat acta of a beaiBB oreraaTierat, but br a aomraoa bmlbar-bood, by eomraoa aapirationa, by aomaio) internal, by kindred joy and aor- rowa, by th claim opoa a of aoble aa eeetry, and by tba beat Intel! of thoee wba are to come alter a. The Kingdom of Akiaader could aot aay tbi Tbt Ring lorn of C'Bwai wt mean Julia, tbt "forwaott bbb of all. Iba world" eou'd aot ay tbia. Tbt Kiagdoe of tb Bern aa, or of JfapottoR, or of Eliaabalb aoald Bot aay tbU Nerer lino tliit world wa laahHiaad Hi at, bar there been tuck domiuloa, aucb it pjuplr. Tbey apeak almeet oaa language, aad btr on ntlrr. , Bow long Bill w b eat paopl f Who i tb tear ta tb boroeeop ot ear tatar f Tbt whole thing, oder Ood. real t apoa'tb rirtue, tb inulligeace, tba daeo lioa af oar prople. II oar pcopl ar not bliad to tb paat, or BtUr'y carvlaat of tba fulnra, oar career may yet ba at bright tad gturiuet, aa our paat may bare been aael- ampltd. TBK -U'HHJMW UOVKRXOR MAKKS Witts Chief J attic ParB broke tba aad intelUgeaCj to tb Goretaar tbat tbe Ooart bad ordriod to jail Heodwreoa Adam, tba AudiUT. fur eon tempi, the One. ernur mid I "Court or bo Court, Chief Ju tire or no Chief Joetbw, d d it my offloar Kulu jail uaul you go orar tba dead badia of my aillitia." but Juttica Judga goea . ia,atar..a JOJ flUiit aMat4al latljf W-au (bt' dugl bad killed bi r ttiaep, aad Nat, t negro, bad killed Taylor' dog while eating lb abeep. rbt juttict aayt ia th itt egaot, but iorci til ianguaga ot tb Ooreroor, r'd d 17 abe abant taffor." Ia tbt batter dare of th Republic, wbea as office wet;) be filed, the quettlos aak ed w ''I be boneat, ia be capable P Such question are bow obeoitte, and art mppoav the qneatioa la, caa b "cue t" Wonder if ki tribal Goodio loet bi plaoe brcaaat bt i a Chhatiao aad doa't "ra t Ws art sot In lor rued whether Uelpx-r, tb At taur for tb 8.1th Dia r ct, lo-t bla plat'4 btct jjat h did sot "uian or did JBOt ateaL W takt it ta br bera tb latter, becauat bi aucoaraor, "Boa. Wisdy Billy Headereou" apptwrt a defendant oa, tbe dttt Docket indlcud lor ataaliag a mult. W don't BBderetand bow tba Rer. Sin clair goyiit place. H wat never indicted tor mult etealing bt tartly dost "c." Wt think bins s policy ippointmrBt. 11m Ooveraor thought by having tba Rev, 'Sin clair appeinted place, it woald givs bim (tb Uovernnr) plao aad eoaaideration among Lbntian" tnao, Tba Ouveroor know Lb tbt Meg rjia It h beet to bar not Irwtnd aojotig .Lntiaa mew-all icu1pf'Woot feny y:.-r,- " ' .kaidei tbe Re. Brother fvoredlt rcoitootlary fraud after It bad tbt Uover- j.-irt. iTOtorsJ, n.tmfaTJ&M-'lii 4 member cap. J tut a good a cuaaiog. T-0 Rvwe nee-rot were eitpuinted clerk. V I. l,i.;li,...Uel.,.m.i n .,.!- .,,-!-" feWte Wm VTSd TeetHday cicei With the thief clk. . ... SerttUfy B-mti ttUry B-mtwell ha-4sje4a--erdjKicmtdw.T swrfFtrs BwrsB4lftgrnv,TfT tn' rJ"7''" e;crrkas cf tna and tfi 'fytfll Brsrevrrrsritfet 111. e.'S-TSk hsstu.t . t.T. wule tiiiCArJ' "Jl v r1"1"10 -.acJw- j fwoae-lj aot iotaeaiaetHll..Urdse he jwelet. - willing to accept' direci T HiiMietTt, - flntl fianta jteat. . . v jtKw.uwa.- Ia pur, n oar proaiia -wa Bakt a tew adaitioaal aob a oi change ia our o- eieat laa aad caktooia. la 1873, aad erery truth year tbereallrr, cootu of tn Suie ia to be takea an dtate aBibor.ty, by offiotr apinUd by tba Secretary of Mat. Bo tbat wa will hereafter ban ceaeoa take every i year. Fiil,bytfKrt'irr'edata andtbea itfts i . aTATionita . Bercalter Itatkoarry la tu la furaUbed to each Etwunrr officer of tbe Btate, Clet k 4 Supariof Coartt. and Ibgiater of JJeada -tba Clerk of ttuprrm Cosn, Judgrt of ba j rliil aad iapreeaa Cnpi aad ill fiamr el Aaaeoi Wy.,- Tba olfc-er are la make re quiairiob for lb totonnl ol atatiuotsrj re quired lor official buaineaa, aad tba Becre- 4.B.- A . . . Tba Doeietary of &tat ia to inrit tealrd Dmooaal lor tureitbiiig ttatibracry. Tbe account for aecb ctmaty i 1o baiwid by r-'iU'eouhty; UrrHofor tba aoBh tf ojficera wtra larniabed ttiooery by tbe cone lie. Of tba Btat officer, oaly tboe wbu bad office ia tl Capiioi building were lamia! ed. And the &ereiry could boy at pn eat aala. 'aooitob. Hereafter th Auditor i to superintend iba 0acal coocenitot tbe Btaia. Alto tu oggeat plan for tb improTement and manaireaieat of . tba publlo rerenue. To dountertiga and eoter all cbatka draws by tb Treaaarar. HfJetoftre tbe dutie .baea bean per formd by tba Tieaaurer. : TBSatDMaB. . ... Tba Chief Clerk of the Treaaarj U to be called ' D 'uuty Treaaarar.' Hereafter tbe rraaturer account are to be examtndTy Ooumieaiooere of tii flnrar'AnibIj, (t Beoator and I KaprtaantativeaJ daring October, November ' aad Dteeeaber, each year. Ueretolore the Comptroller, (aow Auditor,) and Secretary ot Bvatw Bad' tbi t Xamiaatioa. W Botiae, aleo, that tb Traaaarer la, atjeeUlly, reeporuibl for tba conduct of hia Deputy." Heretofore it was aa suet tied qnril0B how far. tbi rtapuoaibilitT ( aded. Tba wiaduai of tba praaaot Traaeurer ia itppointiog t maa to unlrer. aally kauwn tbt nocoaimoi parity 'Bud lo legrlty of cbaracltr, a Mr. Bala bi maoi. ieatad. Ay oae wboksowa anything ol tbe dutta of tb affiea, i aware bow eoa' pletety'th Chief Clerk or 4fpnl7- Trea aror" ha power to twia tb Treaawrar if he b. dlaboaest. Of. etceeeity, aumatimet, million nf dollura of bond are left for wet ki under Li control. -W preawmwtbat Mr Baia wHI b-trpt Is bi pretest plitot its all muiatloa of par. tie, juet aa similar omcet bare tained Is England aad at, Waililegton for toHy or Ifty yeara, so BBatter what party bad power, Vs, M. Oolrmaa, K q.. ths Attorne General of tbe otata, ha been aitminated by 1'raaident Grant at United 8ttaa tuaul at Stettia, Pruaaia. Mr, Colcntaa hat many q lalitie tbat mk hi u leotion tor a tier- uiaa miaaton highly appropriate. lor number tl yeara a rvaideut ia Germany, bt it thoroughly aiquaiutud with tba language and runs urn of tb paopl with whom be ba to deal. M ovurd. W. hearth AVrwvJerelbe AHe4 ed tb OoMalat to Btettia. What a pity I Treasurer Pave sod Victor Barringar will be grieved. Dive baa paid oat ot bi own packet $1100 (or couaael and tdvica wbicb I ia Attorney General tbould bar been able to girt him ; at Watt, Dart said ba wa oat that law. ; Colamaa oaa ba batter ipared aad It a Biiaawd tbaa any eilisen el tb Bute, slway eiorpting the Governor. W aay let hint go," It th Dutch will put bi os Ugef lnatead of whiikey tbey may bt ablt lo asks him ef oat to that country eitBi It bl b can b of bo Bat U)lbia7 It h will drink Ugar aad at Bologna Baa Mg. b may Ik abi to whip " oar lwlortd GoTtraor a" beloved Joe wbea be ret are. Victor w a to bar bad th place of tb At- t raey Gaotral, three moathi ago, wbeathtt Official kept to drank, sad for bo long timt st kaat It wst M Mid on tb street A lad front BaltiuanrS wrots Baking a it V tot or wa a whit aaawer-eetgru. 1 ft that lad meant to bring reproach on the 4'aneeeiaw toeey we aaf bit wrotberi artmild give i'ltfl twitvhtng ; if n mnari'TrThiftkij t aimpl Inquiry lor information, thea wt tell hits Victor is hllew ith aaedy hair, gander yet, frock U4 ic Ub- -k, aad fowl political priaeiplas. - Victor cao'i drink awoogh whiskey ta make t od auceaeaor to Ct lemas. . Tb peop ol 8tnl j cosnty; Victor's eld coettitaenta, pay gradgiogly bat portloa of their lax which goea to pay VaMor't etlary aa t Codt Comtntniooer, for they look Dpoa Vic. or at tbt rWaa who be trayed btanly county Muto icbtaaloo, and now they are tatetTto pay him for work be ia not Caiable ol doing. , . Can't Grant rad Victor to p i!o t Is that treat Victor lika Colemaa would' br acquainted with the " manner audi Ian gttag " of tb people with whoa he woald have to dec). A CaUBoB. Perhapa bo book wa ever mors popular, or ever did mors barm, than "Uncle Tom e Cabin," It author, Mrs. II. B. Btnwa, a woiaaa -of geniua, reocired nvery exaggerated etory of erin-fty,n tbe I art of :T-owora, aa fact, aad era bodied her prejudice ia book to which ao one will deay atinaoal clevrrneea, hut which Uaveetietl tbt) character, both of tba saater and alar, tr ttiowakasbeee. for twotrf three year paat, a ci til a of 1'ionda, tad I rota Ler let- acre pattlMked at tb Murtb. abe i evideatltr greeft; oaiiliijrand wb'.eHwraatty-emrtfi cnara.ot tuf "under .loa. imcgw Uaaak? 8ba bat bera mack improved is tbe ton and temper ot her tbouirhu, sod beret treio bav yielded to th snfteo ing it,fletcepf home-lite among the lormer- ty ueieaiea iarwowBera. " " ma evooaerviro t te rvtefh '.r'A ." 'H " or iiwei innTeaaioo, and viewa i uiaa vea . ertiittvn anu ..enTtltt. AI In af Cotrrv. A ri JO.leoi. Mr. KJUr:- are J yoa tba caa of Tay lor c at Tumor a adjudicated by jetties Jadife.- . Net U a Bewro Mr. Turner a widow lady. J. J. Judge, one of IlolcUoa" Jua ticta.. Draper waa by Judii mad fipa. rial CoDeJtatila by wd ef aa4itkr aad aef oy i He ain ot pee ana Daper. - tr i hi Uiund Taj lor dog eating Mrs. TurruVe dead abeep. and ba ahot the etua:. Taj It ir warranted Nat betore Justice Judge, wav-'at wee ealled I wr-earfajStedwkylTnjtitatiuB protiabty yield precedtnee to he killed tbe dog. tii reply waa, Mr. Tvtrwr'mitVtt ito Mit rctod f wiled me aad a I danger. The aaid (lit Joaliee, d d if b aintth guilty party aad I'll make her softer. - Bo itrt. TurB-rwsspat is Hie warrant M drJentUat instead of Nat. The aarant a miuuable fofthaitb, aad Draper wa eummaatied forthwith t le- Biirr-sruynile iiliir"Wttttl. Tar star, Mr. Turar- bed -aue two .aiilea froa Judge. It wat sot convenient for ber to g upon aock iu lilts aotio ; ao abe 4- cIukhL laeUWUehikotlkM Ilfa , aa. turned and aaid tbe lady would Sot com. 'MtPiTortg gainst her lor tii tM killing Talor'idog. cieoutioa uaaed Inrihwita ana Mrs. lay lor paid the judgrnen! rather tbaa be b Boyd bv'JuaiieaiJadtia. -Tbs is apeedy juaiice, eaptcially wbea the law in North Carolina sliow tbe per son whoa bp are ktlu-d ty dot to re cover damage 1mm th owner of the dog- Hot a wttoeaa a si attorn, nor JJ taper depu tised tecerding to law, bnt only command ed to eerve tbe warrant Ho body blames Jodus or Draper they acted igsoraotly. Governor Hidden is to blams ia tb whole mauer. Huth thing can't iact but lour year lorger. Tour. NASH. BKKDH Of DISCORD. TbecVewfard, in replying to 'atemenl of s eomapoBdiai of ths Hsw Yotg 7t tbatnnere wa a divitioa ia ilia Krpublicaa party to tbi (Mate, quotes tbe tilt ssylas, ' One ba to gn from home to bear 'new I' Ytt tbe ant article but one In the same paper lulorma tbe public that Mr. Bowman, ol. tllWbell, , receiyeii a tetunionial sign ed by twenty oo members ol of the Lt-gis-istuis, and Mr. Toa, soil Mr. McDonald, sspraMiing their appreciation ot bis eoorte Ooot erniuK tbe school bill. Mr. Bo maa tucc.ettul oppoaitioo to tbe party eff'trl to aeratat mixed school and to provids fat job tor certain mem here of tbe Carpet bag wing ia publi.bmg loyal ar.hool book, waa verj off. tiaire to Krenrh, E.iea, Doaa ing and otbei of tbat strip. French, llaya, and other ol the carpet. I air wing deeoaeced as eakkneed tba native mew bera el their party, and announced their political (leatbs. But the fuel of the, Jaail monisl abows what teeling bad Iteea created sad to whet ettent Mr. Bowman's coarse bsd bees? endorsed, Aay attempt to diagulue tba patent fhtti that there ia a diviaton is th rank of the Radical party in North Carulina is ridicu too sad rtieooeeH. mot only do tba two wiugt diff r greatly at to measures, bat tbe moat watchful jealousy eiiata ia regard le the ainaioa ot poiis. i ns nsttvs lUdi cals, alarmed st ths influence ol thou Northers friends net the Governor, and the success which attended their sapirstion Tor ouiue,conimeuonu WHO complain!, IPSu wiiB Bolted t nortt to eDrt k tb. growing power of lbs carpet-bagger. Fiom a lead er is tbe iLegislatura and tba conscience keeper of tbe (.oreroor , the North. ra Red ioal be loet hi wonted influence, nd si ready there are boo to do him revercuua. A abort time in the ben ate, a diegraceiul and temporary tract ia tb Judiciary, bi course will too bt run. Beaton and Do waeaa matt give way to tbe negro, aud thus will md tii omVial e mneotton of the car. pet-l-ag-rt-r with tht higher rxwition in North Carolina. Wa art not prepared, to say that ths rttate will be beurtiied by tbe cbaogs, bat w tpeak only of tu certain tendency of aff iirs. Ws woald pouiblv jmpatuix with that aitig wbitdr Holden e c" "" believe hi frientlahip and (uppurt Oould be obtained oy any u -aieei oi uoooraoie conaiueratioo. WiL joumnl v. K LATKXKWS. Miuas, April 21. Th Oovernment has ducovered anoihur formidabla Masziniaa cnuspiracT in tbis cily. .Ths pspera di e'osing tb conspiracy were seised, togeth sr with a Isrgs amount of arms and aniraa nitioa. A aumber oi tbt ringleaders bare beta srrested. TKLBOturHio RcHatABT. At ClociDnsti yeattrday a havy rjln ttorro oturred, with lightning and Irnabels threatened ths Way oaB raiimsa. etetmera with paeasnsers for New York were detained on' Taeadar sight at Newport, II. 1, on acouantel denes tog sad besvy weather, ' ; : . Tba Arm ol Maysr Bros., whole! tobae c daalers in New Yoik snd Loaai villa, Ky., Rat failed. Th tlaf.itiile of tbe New York bousa amount to l0,O0e, and tbotr en th'-'iiBieil4--enBB tw- f,00ft.R CtrringUMi, S retsil dry good dealer In trirtVltlB, h S!aO failed." An excuraion party of prominent railroad tad tinlmt irom,..-6, bsttj aim miieere. In 8t. L ui y tsrdty. s wagon team and twoBien were buried under ths ruins el an old fc uildjng In pMctst of -wdartioa. . Ooe Of tbe men ws kiHer, Burvlare tirlce into th bank in L'mi. New York, oa Tuesday sight; aad bsd msr. IT rem Bed tba vault Wkea Ibrv were die- covered and puiaued by ciiistna, but eacap etl, Itsriog their Icola. Tae10u Riimwslkins match for' 1210. between 1'ayne sad Weston, haa fceB de Wded io favor ot PAyna.- Time.SS hours 6 minute, WettoB gave out is .tb 90th milf)......: . ;. A cosveetioB of work nir women wss held is Maconsoa, Msis. jnetenlar to one tutt a to tbe specisl want sod genera! rltir TJf smireaaw-' an4tuia,'Sod dvis mertnt lor therr rtlieC Tbe United Stsres itntrBer R tjeccs ba bees ortlered ounrf oommiKioa st Mare It land asvy ysid. A tnea jra arrested for so on' race on tbe person of s young girl iu on ot ibeMrecU ot B.Mtoa oa Tuesdey aight. A aaw buililing in Jersey City was blows down yeattrday, buijmg fight or tea tar peuler ta th ruin snd killitigooe..i. Twocbi.dn n asresurt4crdZ3tB a burnint building iaCsnsda Itat Bigbt. A larne maaicsl feativai ol the Stite of lo. disss i io progresa st Jt ord .Wsyne. A labor oonveotioa ia being held ia Nsw Barrn, Coan l organise s State tctgu. stADRTn. ' Afifil 31 Aootber lnorm.l wteWMWalBrt 1'b the Corle was iwld- lo-dar, te eeaitesi a cuididate for the tbi one. So irrest wss the rli verity ot opia ion,-thst- the fateeting brokup without a result, leaving Jh meat, beraraor widely divided than betore. trims Miniater St-rrsiio d. clar-J tbst ths choir ot Mon pi oai.T ror Ri i, t t ii de Cttltltra''trr'"K Ifr-piltslld, WeT e'Tue onTy " IpLa siblt siteroativta . General rrim. woe wst also prtsent, -re- KKnTj'y-mmuuw 1 .t. t..... : .t. ..t . I a : .... . . tu ivatutrtH-y vt uiv rpai!ku ItcpuuillX. . : Fn tbt BewtineL I'aivsiiaiTT or V-, April 17. 1861 KiUrSmtimA: While em barraaaed with political dithtultiea, which harrow ths soul of ths patriot, aad which, preasat s Bed eomment npoe sa sg of pmgreaa, with piware aad with profit we might torn, lor B moaacBt, rr ta thia dark piitare, to- be- bolil, n acligbttul con treat tne spirit sad energy which ebsrectsriat-a ear people is toe uevebipmeet ol tb intellectual reaour M ear bout bera emtMry. eVaa.-a tot ao other ia eoatnbutiDS' t tb eoswanima tloa of tbia glortttu aad,' I ht veeta and cbaractert "which bar Biada this year memorable one ia tbt history of tbi Inati tut ion, may aot b a holly deroid ol inlef ' eat to tba read r of tb &it. OuraaooBd literaiy Jeeutal csjbs off. PS tu 'iB?wy.ki9kjB..w ' a' atrtriiaiy interoietiiate ceiebiallofl ivf "Ult' Jrff(Toa ota;ij. -Tita'Uall waa Ailed "at aa. early bour( aad eria to th most Bare fined taste oould not bava failed to preaant aa ettretve ia teres. The pviparsitoiar wwr wortbv of th ocraaitte. 'I ba Hall 'waa cboicest flowers, wbkh diaplayed tbe tssie and artialie ingenuity ol 'thuas: who bto oosirittutad ter its' decoration. "Ttiw time ws propiltoo lot enjrrytaeec tor the Tight of every eye and tlwaueeat of evety lip aetmud to indicate that aecb and all real ised tbat It waa s common leauvsl U -Bright Th lamp auuee o'er fair woaaaa sad admiriat ,ao, A thotuaod bearta beat hattpily ; aad thea, atoate aroa arnh voluntuoee avail, Sufi eye eyas love ta e;ae auat apaka again." The leapectrve literary Waab ingtoa and tba Jefleraoa c true in, in order, slier which tbe corps ol Frofeasora, oa the appearance ot whom, with becoming deter euce, tbe two anetaiie roe till tbey bad takes their elloted - pneltioua, Tbe Pr.i. dt-sisel tb two aucietiea earn sett ia order. Utllowed by tbe KeSrier, aad tb proeeaaio closed with the ora'.or ef the evening, Mr. Cbarlea f. M Keaaoa, of North Caroliua, who was greeted with eatbasreMie ap plaoaa which oould aet bat faded to luipretaed the apeaker, not only ot tbe ai I ion aolicitnilo, hut, aleo, with tb abi ding thai be would uphold tht dignity of tb oocaaioa Is a manner worthy el the paat biatory ol th Jed. moo Society. 'Tbe band then playnd aa air beautiful, ph-aaiag sad appropriate to tba eocasioo. Frayer was thea offered by the Rev. P. Tea ale y, chapters ef tb Cut verity. Made fol lowed. The President ef tbe Jefferson soch-ty Mr. R. rj. Willisai then very gracefully in treduoed the Header of the occaaioo Mr. 8. P. Tuck of Md, who reed tb Deetarstion of Independence ss aa Spprttpriste osremo bj in lb ceiebratiot) of a aociety . which bears tbe.aame ot tht imnaorial. author ot thst vsuerstad docuiueut, end that too Is ss Iitetttutios of which be wai tbe illuttn- ou founder. Mr. Tuck presented s grece ful sppssranc on tbe stage, hi empbtsij wa good, bi voice deer, hi eaaauoiaUoa distinct, bi atyi aniq ed, Jy. watch b elicited ths aiteettoe tad telerest evee -vt this fisy tbrong to tht uraud piinciplea etu- botlied ia tbi proclamation ol ths lualieu. sole rtunt ol treemao. Tba band than made their happiest effort alter wnicn. nr. winism with an sir ol tv- idtnt gratifioalloB. ioudujed Mr, JllcK aB, lUe anuuncialios of whoaa name wa grtetd with f be moet'oatliut'satie cheerr, In the miuat ol wbicb tus orator cams toi ward, and alter a happy - aud approprisis prelude, announced a bu subject I " t ut Itinutmos or surTttaaUinirs oa man." Ia speaking of Woman's infla nee, be paid te woruaa tbat apt and bed ttinir tribute which only few can pay. .It was do fultom oomplu mcnt of a sickly sentitueDtslity, but th eiogaat and d gained tribute ol one who ewi prebend d tbe aenpe and majtwty'of tb eiisrscter.oi wumas i real worth, tie ad' rerted to tbe influence of climate upt.u ths bsbits snd customs ut men the lufluenc ol circumttancee on liis fortune, and ot tree and lyranical government in giving miecuoB to ina geniua, sue literatare, aad tb tone U tbe cuaracu r of the astit nal body. His delioestioa ot ths mutability of human gtsstweas sud grandeur, waa as . . .. 1 I . ; . i ... . uuotoaeo uain ut oeauiiiur tnongot f j. praaaed in aty le of almost onrivslUd beauty aad elegance of diction. He conclud ed by Bitting the infl.ience of ebristisnity, sou inea ofton ita immuiaoie principles oob tlrocted s " platform noou wbicb all mei might atand, bidding defiance to the tore of eircomMaocrs, s pnocipls which bsa corns dows through th Ispes of sgea main i aio ing unchanged iu eternal doctrima, and which wilHollow tb Sgea and tequreth tbs legacy ol iu iroiu to toe last gaeration, ana s me tieetu at iia ent m traneuirt ted by destiny, so ths Heaven of its origin iB lb auertioa of it inherent Immortality." IJis ppearaue was moOeet, hi ea t a grsoului, li i gcsticulstioa eloquent aad lore i be, bi Voice muaical and impresairs hi tt; I animated, hi Argument logical' arouud which b di-piayed tlie beauije,' nl roeloric wilB lore and adaptation wbicb ; belongs to the flniabed orator. H tfiiictf first tow snd Impreaaive. like a muaicsl iucanisuou, winding iu war tW in louermoai receatet .ot ... tfit beirl- thtn rising gradually in tbs Scale of modalatim . t ww tee' gfBitWf,-ltiiliiueas aud trtrfw'tf lfrT:rgtilSieB'flNI IB taffitenco ot hia own tmotiimt into tin bran of bit bearers. ami gave iu snn.marieiuy lo tbe linaget t hit awn pometful conception. The Uiutl see! proloegea - ppltr-e, t ho sbcrwer r f boquets WhicO led Udck and fsat around him attcated tb sppncistioa of the eflori ol l lie orator, wail did we see the torce ot the Sentiment attend, oa the aight of h i necuon vy a is nugusnimous and cbivs' rott competitor: "My lance wat brokea by s gallant-Knight," i,, - The bai.d toeo s ruck no "Chamiacrna CTisrley ia my astue,' Afutr which tbs el erases clilaed.Bod tbt "young folk" rftirwl to keep pace te tbe net ot the Wtt!i- ingtoa band" in tbt prraialatioa rd tb beaotnul walk which aurroaad the College lawn, i at rroanni were eplend dlv IMn mintted, the band it the ctBtre axnus l wbicb the "pronvenader" snada tfasir eon. tiausl ci euita, ioveated the aota with a lomantic Interest. Such an occaib a me think would hs esused ths itliehtrd lover to reiterate hi rows to eiake aaaur- snon doubly sure,' and tb timid sad mod- eat mjnut nave cangbt initpiratioa for tbr tiiKiosure ol tbe secrs(,snd no doubt tbs si- ivai isnguagjoi tne Beart uttered tbe ten- timeotr ' - "And if there be an Eljatrua oa aarth. Bi Bus ; at ie tlua" - " Asd those wbo were not so fbrtnnstelv sitaaiea, ware et-rtainiy entitled to the trur: . . i . . i . . i . - i ... ... ..... .. . . Hiuiwvttiv wnpnrjitLluu itirtuae, . After t hs promenading wss over, the Proleeeor houeee Were open tor ..rrnjloji.fff. wtiere tne tm tunate eutslt partook ot the "No deep till ruers wbea youth snd nleeeare ., at,...-... r.r , Ji. Teaaaee tb flowinc heaitj with flyinf feet," - Morning came and tbeV tlrVre were sad partings 'such ss prest the life, fcota -out tioa ruiL'lil s;aio buoy their hearts. with hope snd promiae, aa t,b Dual e-'tebrstnio tak pUcc :n June whica will bring a re uvion of fdeoda, aud a prttlontft-d ic eae . mint of the steriCTW-hiWxl.mAfiawtrr past TtstivaL , "SoTiiiitc it be. " .1 . . . ALPuA, . IIT AJVX&TISUffiyTl ion hi:vt. ATEKY IEIKAliIj: lit'nlNCaa WflLl 3 wt Suu-a taat ui CaplUtL Applet- April at af a bTbokach co. 1.BsOOV WtMrT,' TIABOOTr illl tnreet, tUreluok and Bett Matauig flour tut le br April 21(1 W. C bTKOVACB A CO. CBJ53B AnhlVAtjOr ORAJSttEg JJJIONb! JL' and Cooua aala, at April a? U- W. ti BI BOKACH S CUT. ItOTM'E. MB. CHA. H. IEMtFtTrKK f. CONKEC Coe with oar ainatae. l ut Aeati auti me authtirilj le eulieet saoaey aa aa maaaa ITtaWI, thll latas, i' . uvesxxttm- - - D4KBIA0O. WboloaaJ yraiterera and Cuuientiuater. ' Uiril i it'ii t i. i .- n AUCTION HALIM SATURDAY, APRII. M. tttor tie Wiia.mKi oirft4fcuooeiBnc meiic ai iu e'utuck. One (iuud Burint Waarou -- ."' Lot ef t urnitare and Uossebuld srtkles. Que nung lt.iek. . . ,,, ifgfx xxsr. . t ' " ' Tr ; si - Wtwy W whndi T " ' JUady-BiaoaClotliiits aak,Aa. JAs. M.1UUl. April It Auctiuwer. tOST.' ' IOTT ON TfCSTEBDAT A BOOff rOSTAIM J log to aoeounia and nntna pjabl to lr H. Ir. Uardear, wnieh bava bees araeed betar Keqaire Wumbl. Thee nepera are of ao hwne Bt to any one but the owner. An oua 8 tt.iiur tlt book end patwe. or any part oi tnea, wiUareatiy ocaue br retunung them In s5rU4il HM.H&X PESMNOTOH iftisrt wcis(e it,-. - A? Freeh Twiiaiuee, Freeh Fa.-bee Umaar Vaaebea, . . Freak humwbarn, --' ', feeah tlrier, - .. y Frrab aa-moa, ." ; t' Oraaa Peae, la. er.l OodS.h, Cof'a Ualctine, - SaWta d and Priaia-t Jtuliea, Peeaiisled Ooooannt, . ' :P- , .tw. ntaren, r- t" ''".f.t, Cbtm Vnow e. v J ir 1 April tf W.C. ST HON AC H a 00. SPEi:II. MWKl'APKal AUVEItriBiNa AND Ueneral Collectana Asaatcy fur hortb Uaculina , WlTl.'HEARXE CO 7 Itpeelal Areata lur th Kortfe Caroline Vre. ai.d Oeaeral ewnta tne twetX-oeetion fame ' ef erery deaenptitaa iiiiuaKaont tu . " . stale, umtie, uouteauao, a. u. , . , Are aathwid Aenl lor the April M il SENTINEL. u ur ti o xt n TTf 'ur 0 0 M P O U N D GENTIAN IilTTERS Caree ChilHi and Paver. IWaoenia, hdleealiea. L. Axilla. Huk htoraach. JtmneSiiia. AaaitMia, - - n.-..r-; Aeurataia nlieumanaei, Be. Pf A UNIVERSAL TONIC. ,jH A eure, sate and reliable nreentlre and ear foe all Malarial diaoaaea, ami all dianaa requir. lUf s general tout inipreeeloa. ' rrepared m pj V for aaia vrjwbre. . pared oolj by Ur, A.B. OOI!DIS And. llaitaotaanr to J. II. 11a h wa A Srrwat snd Wholtaal oealer la fateat slediraiee, Norfolk VlreuiM,. - .. . ; . April S wljf BYUf HAMS AhDTONOl'KH. . J-alhy W . C. 8TEONACH A CO. tOttN, KJ Prim artlis of whlta enrn st Aprfl ls-tf w. 0 Bt'noN Act! & C0. . . 1 1 " i 1 Kew PJ. rt Cut llrrrlugs. ' BB1A. FC1XHIZK M e Jaat reoelveal and Ire aala bv At.rill-t 1-OlkiLAl HELL . MO DA WATKUI SODA WATER ! I- ADIEU ARB GEHTLF.MEX DE81BIN0 A J nka tilaaa of lofCiailmxIa Water, - , 'BOM TH B FA SfODS AKCTIO FODNTAIH, Can Snd it st BBADLKT A CHAIRTOPHERrT. April 3u-tf Uppuaiia tb roat tilho. ; A. I. ROUTER atk BRO., F AYKTTET IL L E SIB III, j i ' ixast 8idkj ..rr. HATINO JUST BEFITTED 'THE1B EfTAB baliment, in a neat and attractive at tie, aud received sew and cboiee Itepftrtatuwa lit their hue of boeinaaa, reapaetfully sail the attention of bi pnblie to their ai.M-k of 1-a.AiN and Fancy cAvnutt, WiriNUIAFKUlis loannedinil frnah.) BAIslVn, Wit, FKIS . PKUNE-i. - And all other artieire and dtMterea- mm&to twos It t riiieT eauh sa . . i. .-.'.,. ,,. BttANDltvO s-KCI rrV-t'lCKl.B'S oFICED OYSTE114, LOHarEltA An. jtf tA j& J JiJaavc.-iB- , y. 4 TOBACCO, ' - Mi'lW eYe.&c, A-rreala anntdv nf Aalilttwa OUASiiKjatul BtMANAji to be fobowod. from time lo ttiue, by other Irupioal.aud UUiUi las ariee ALL of their ennnbea are ef the Bntt anj freebeet qaautr. -.- : OCfrB AXD SEE t rr April M Jt HOW TO KEEP COOL? P. V. i f i . aw al vr m THE A.WER I EAST. V. D ROTSTETt A BIIO., H tTB JTST. IS- trodnoed. in their newlr Sited np HtAre ert r'ateateeilla Jtlrret. (ttearlr oppoalte tba Haieittb titieial bank ) nne'of tbe h,.Jndid sad euat.y ARl'TIC SODA FOlSTAIX', tn . 1 ' thai ' rrnm wmenTntn- are preparati re niepenae thai l . , te imng a(iu Tua r r.:.r,:;r T ,.,.t,J ItVFIOtlA AJIDltAltO AXU 'OEIJtTI.NE t AR-l Vtreelli-i)ciaieetad tloroaout aitd ratal Catl. '. auat ticetyeo i t .SXf S ABSirAfu. '. ' -. Tpj Ltmtniirri fle; . .a , r,- - m . ..... G It AND SALE or . - ' REAL ESTATE FEESOSiL FKOPEBTT, t m .. . SfJHCAEbLIBARi lerfiOKAirXbTATS A6iMC. - ZtV-: ' BALEIGH. H. C- . IO,rXa CAPITAL BTOCK, OBASTlkSB 1 " utouLaTcai or sojits bas , 'tll-f ia JO-EI'H 0. BKnTEB. JVeaidetat, JOhkl'U D11UM, I tot JVende.' tlDBr i. IIWW. ieyul VomotHor. n Dtsrotavi) or-Woaru Ud,6 j ... . V i't ACHANCEi HEAI. EaTATE. hEVlf riSR EEUlDESoVji.-Foca m ras Cm ur Aaucuta I Una kveideuoe la iialelgh, R dseritaad a"" , tUMMO On . lee tt t e tjtM , ; " . ihe Warrenbie Oua Cbapol Mill Una Hotel at Tatbnvuie, tl. 0 , ,'! , S,'JO tJo8 i-laT rUataw 1AL FBSriBTI. iamnlta oa eiaibltiiwi at BE4TER BttOR. k CO., . ku, at Jaywarniie m , llalt iiih, S. C.', at the rtgutar eaah pricce 10 Fin PIwuhm ) eatih, aaad by H. , h Heliioiilt, Baliunote Mil ..... . A Mut 10 Fine Top Bu.Kea, I M eauh, aiade by li A h-i.uM.Jt, oaltiwore, U., the) KI let. 1'ruionial 7 octavo Pianoa, aiaHa ... bj Treronv Mtos., Ji. ., MU aaat h. M tu) . j t'ailor of rilirn-b tlriraua, t. p ti5o ' ; -Tnsrteby Traraarn Br.-ia, M:T. "1,t3A HlOnaaiua Mti'biuoa, U .UxltS nbba or Oruet A a SiiOeavh, SOOt. iM eilk Drewea btat al iu W, It yard to - eatb .lrt. til) - ' K.(M ' (' VeloctpediM t7S." SM ' tt ItoilaUrnaaeiaCareet.tSrdKaacht.ati. S t aiautaotier sab a, vt uUm a saitMtt, l..i .V 1 1. I I at.1 ll Mhl'nai.ll lloi y .ll 10 rab PruAe,' nW ea.-h," w de do IU do W do i Oo I no IWMI so tio 1 do 1 ... l..15t . 1 uuu . . SNU I.Ual iOPriaes Vilue of the Iota) 'ami, Total htliulmr of Tirki-U. 73 !U'i. All ef the above ut put wt the drawia at la r((Ul J oaab elllit price ati'l wilt ba dwpuwaS ef It? ansfidar til tmwuqt, and 'ia order la . atxwniplian Una, the Corapauj wiB aell 71.S47 tirkaut at ?J eaen ; lor luriher Uiformattae read eietios 10,aud 11 uf tne bj-Lawa of tue Cutapaoy l Sr nw. ' . . "" s8 Kt'Th4 p'an oT drawing aUll Tba aaf .l- " km a i ttiare ahad htt two wneels, one a priae wh t atii ooa euriBtbar wheel, arianRed in attuie punheuuue in .be cur, wlitm aaj awe holding S tuhel utaj oa preawui oti .the tlaf of jrawui). la Uta natnher eni tbwrv alts 1 he aa many tiekmtorreioorliiJK ia mnubur aa Uioae whi -4 hay a beau told : In th. nu wheel there akaii . a laarr -ttrltat aa tiwut .ate nnau. Ihnaa Uvknia aliail ba depuaited m the wbaela b a taevtettta, w bu altaM be ertntim t att tv alia tHfwHew7- wltttr whn.B 'ee rne ettall toe aaabd apattd piaot; 1 in any baukutUie citj, the Ouh'tui'a Siay direct, nutil tna tame of tlra'.iim, wsee tb aupariMre ahah bnus tb wneal ta tbadrawiux, brnak the aeala -and th drewmf liall be dupoaea uT Uj taking a uoaet frnaa eatia wneel,''attna aaiae time at id u.a pricoUckal taknn tutu tii prtae wbat.1 ahad dt aifsoale LLa pnaa lawtwa by tit tiekateurniapotiui .g as asinbar a ih on talttin trteu the nunttter wueel at Ute aaate tiian. lb wheel ahad be wall abakea attar aaeh ut-ket la Sritwoi . Bw 11. Tba mreetoreahaUdeiHk-WetneTin snd plat ol dra ii g. at whine uuia and plane the auptrvlaora alutt bit reqiiirail to be pr-eent aad aatt tuat the diawiug ia ouuducied touraiy tqtiiiabat. A lluerd of Bunerrlaoea. will be ai noinlad whs Lwill haee asi--luive eonuul and luauaeaiwnt uf uta uiawuift. a uvj win wuttuuet tne UUtli lOUtHNB and U.t eevh praoa ia b iiiilr iurealed w.ia tbe properly h ) draw. A dupliual rt (Ulry even; of toaa of UcAat, the awideut maj be i died and no niAtau ou ooenr. thatiraauiiiwuiudui pi-v ia TUCKKri UALL, bt the City oi U4ttit,'n, iiuuiediaielj alter aala uf tltikehiof Witiuh ilua nttu will be sivcu 'iba Couipauj ia auraius uudt-r tb pruybiieua of aptaiial Cnsrlet gtautetl h lb Oeutiral Aa aetnby of totut Caiolina, which .eotula ibe Company loeuoiply faiuitullj aith all eouiracie. Coiti can be Lad on appjcaiwu to Ui Cora. Ad the above nentinaed pmperty wdl eeriaialj be ilia) oaatl of aa above atauwl, atttt taoaa draw, trig it will he ibfaeie4 with ihn uUe as fee lira- pie. - No maejbrr of tbs Company at sUowed te pur. liaMi aor lauti-ta. Aii awttey evttt, Stc .ml. at the -fMeaar'e - elat t. Ilis atM ity Itxtinm, ititertd Lettvre, ClttteU Vr Drafia, at tu hk of it. teuipany, proprty will be luuid anleaa th title I in diapttrapie. . Th 1 rttaaurer baa been required ta gi bund of By thoiieawt dollar roe the faithful perturu anoa St hia dullea. tie 1 nxplirrd to dep.all, uaiij, ill tne biib. alt taotitea rweelted, Wliar it a Hi reraun nolii su. tb iit a.u ara aukt and all MiWtntTk4MMirii)t,:diitM au debt--ererteothe wantea drawmir, or the htooey 'rtt ituiltjii.jttM.uVtwtiitotlafe oy. aipuNp.- eoatntVe ; order, rrg.aien d letirr or ari!t, ar otrr rat, nr bl )untiiyuiii..lUa ahanne at the . S,ud I valuable pt iae orTured. i K-keu wilt ee eertt sey where ia the t nil ad -wia at lite thMnrtattr'a nak. TOfH il ii' lei.i.lru.ti LUixt. t 1..- in tlta " Ml ntiproritd tvte, tn the fitv , lial-. - i;B, witheiht atTtia uf uround, arid ail nuiaar .ont-buituiujca. wtiu etaay Sua uruaui ttutla ahuut the atu. ante 1 111,000 One tK"d ettiivaioenl houa In tii'F- W lult.iih. luaiii rw titeett, . ti.irianutr)rt.cvaifie iLu- Hnia mmnia r- - )artira,wim all botaaat v oni-hutldir.;,. lj aeiue. arouud, aud freaauiai tavS S'uvrt. Nan... If.WO Ose-iaiirn boo -a on Newborn, sud liluod yjrutaiive'a iui iai-nt).-to- ui '' ' eo tatUe lor a bitaioilta; b.iUae, ail fte- " oe.eara ewwbwtlntotra. tah a hean'ttoi ea enrre to the rard uul 1 sere of ' " rotiuit. Tt oe. I One hnantirtii lr( Kat i.iei t ns Kew-b-rt e' retit ei nl nmiut atMi h.atimHt, Sir titi'.hniti igf aod Htalua, aVKti - - srva ttf prvHial, eiiw (retre. yery de-" '' atri4 ai o aiu aotl Va w. I B,Q0t One in Warreni'tn, h. O. kintwn a the . Ai"t e p"P-eij. lit rerfe. t i4rr, nit ef ha iaeH-aobJiW-Mi, ia the Stete, - OitutaliuBK S larf7 rttib.a. doable ptea Bit ifid VMtbw, OAV ! wt'Wt enta- BlandH. ab-i neaaitftii reeidtatv ia tna ploe, aidi Sanetwttf grtmnd, iiit or'bard. b-aoutiil Mk erava in Ibe -yard, auU at! tta-. aaara nii-haildiutia. V.lne.. S,0ii0 The property tTlonrrille ta very at ttaetiye. Talnatiti and nbeap. It ia a rotai at th eountf aaait ol A-inriab. ,tl atKirowioa Till? of a thoaaanit or sit inhabitant,- and atthaie.1 otta "wtpiaru frun a f 1 a id '.nrwbiue, ""' Coilt-ea, no W u brttar trade, oa tbe line 4 tne Atlaitie a utoe batiroad, attd utouii amw t th reioti, lite a. eriery ia traiy dv'thttal and faarinat4jir. initiat ,u . twtu.y r oca ami Uta iiuHuie ere . atew... itiiin. .. t tine tn t i-i wilk -tin riiC a una in t i-apto nut. emttui!tit t tire pia.'ve, oi. fia-i f.t-4 4tWtV WHr-- l"'nt i!if ;ri,ut 1 tu 3 .14,. II the Huoiber or.iered ha ea isa, lue naeiiw wear- ef will re or tia eO altfijrma7it''a:iViii,Ari rverr" otoer. i'jow Ainr(( any further tnf.irma' (.hi. will jatiTltiL. i iJ-w : -wl,'sJfgyVeTB- TOfT4)X r,4XTIG, a'V Vr-fi !. eg ef I 1 iflt-rft, jdstrl ri-tv d. tr-'. 3A VE M TOWI.E r MPfriiA I-

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