''-'..... -r- TflE SENTINEL. - LOCAL IIP A&TMZIT. PATIBUAY. MAY , 1WA PRSACmXO TQMOMMpjr. gputopl Ck By R. R. . Mam. D. Ox Kactor, wit o'clock, A. M astd tf dock, P.M. . M. 4 say ewtM Kpinfoi Church -By Rrv. J. Briatoa Smith, 1). t)., at tOf o'clock, A. M.. end H o'clock, P. M. . JA D.at 11 'dock, A. M,lt7i 'clock, MaieJiM Kpunpat By Rer. H. T. Undooa, Mil o'clock, A. M , aad. M' T o'clock, P.M. Mlhadm CU Ckapd-Bj Rv. Mr. ' r. at PnJbfUrim nUn Br Rev, 4, M. Aw aViork P M KWAkfiiiHKStCBftTSltB Uwb Spring, Catawba County. M, C, Ut opaa oa to let of Jon ant, - 8ire 6f VlUktl Laud, an d ViT 00 si Chatham Railroel ilock, aad a lot of T Editor ot tba .WiaW baa accepted at lavilatioa to delivar aa adJreae be tor ta FraaUia County Agricultural Society, oa ftatardav th tta of J ana. i a - Wbicb Place. W bow hsv two aitca forth PeoitenUary, a a oa Deep River, wilh 8,000 term of matt, la difforeet bodim froat IS to M mile dictaat from each other, forthlatha State ll out $100,000. Tha Other eta b found la utter cIom proximi ty to MrBovtao1 bow, ia tbhteity.--- Littli CoaroajLU The Jan aamber of tbia aprlsbtly otk'yU' upoa bur "labfe, brimful, ta usual, of excellent reading anal tar for young people aad old one too. W aaa pained to tears that, ua Thursday Uat, Dr. J no. A. Walker, of Orange County, oa returning kom Iraae eviit visit to bit plaatatioa and mill, H throws fro a hit bUKkr and Instantly kilted. HI wife, wlo aoompanted hiui,'wu alio throve oat and very aeriotuly injured. Tbie aad aoctdrat iu Muted by the hone, attached to the buggy, taklnglright at tome object ia the road and running away. Dr. Walker was aa eioelleot phyticien, kind Dtlghbor and aietal eitUea, aad hit - aad and nddea death bat cart gloom ojt? the eotnmuuity ia which he rmided, . ; QTXitei hit rnrf(pwd hit teat ia the State Legislature, and aa election, to tit vacancy ek U u ordrred. He could aot be a leader, aad br it one uf Uo who would ruber rule ia hell, than aerva In heaven. lackanf. The StaU loaea aotbiog by the reeigaaa tiow let bim go. If old Mr. Penaymaa, ol PronivlvanU, were her be would tay "dit toVat ?h.rtifcf bninitbotb Kilpatitck'' maB4-- '- - v. '' . Wj hop btvyritiog "laat and fancyof tbia "Burg will taka warning by the lol lowlng: A bian weariiig a pair of ipoited pant loon took bit aitata umW a tree i the aaighborbond ' of Madiaoa. Ind. - A Oct. man, who wat out bunting, taw hia leg hanging over a rock, and miatakiug it tor a bug boa conatrlctor fired a cbarg ofahot into it. W tad tb following rrproduced ia th WUmingtoa Star, and give it without va turing to add any coalman La ot our own. A to it corrects, w leave tbote who have attended tb "tcbool of ciptriaoce" to . Uctcnnio: -. 5 Markud Mam' Diakt -Tbe following, ' thoogh rather old, and therefor devoid ol the gram ol aftvliy -vtih!;a rataint th eharmtot correct a that it ia a lew wry, vary few eeas. Tb ditry which w clip trsia aa ricbanga runt that: Monday thick fog ; ao arcing through It. Toeaday Gloomy and very cblily j aneeeaocable weaibr. Wedueaday, Proaty ; al time aherp. Tburaday Bittnr owlil ia th trnwiagr-'d,, . cloud, pertwuirg bttd weather. Friday Stoim la tb morning, wilh pralt of thun der ; ir clear afterward. Saturday fjlramt trff niniliinr with prtll tbaw; troat again at eight" Punday A aligrt aonth """-"wetter in lh morningf talm and plaaiaat m diaaer tiawf $mmu&.M"wmt&&. Nor ill PaoainiKMT Kart'SUVAa. In oar notice yeatrfday 61 thi'TtOUi'tliaj tea" I dared the Hoaorable aiembert ol Congre, toppipg ia tha city, oar pea glided into aa " error which, had we known tb circuto atancoa, would not have oceurred. W termed lb whole " party of prominttit r pablicaoa," not knowing tbat tereral promt. aont "ttelai" were along. WU. HUr. Never mind Mr. Star, tl t barley O Netl ot Wiltna, ball net thwa at th landing, be would bar turpaajed tb Ooveraor ia ""cutangT' "fhf Tteb fof Irteplng toch Cons pany. Chtrtc U tbe maa oa know who eatraad a dittinguiahed lawyer of Wileon lor walking tbe Street with tolicjtor ; ecaiiawag fberrard. , For tbe Sentinel. LrrTbrroa, N. C. May, 17, 18. Jfr, Editor : Under tb iperial Charter graott j t tb' last afifaioa or th tieueraJ - Ataemii'y. the "LitHtt. Maaulactoriog Company" orgae-aed at thit 'plan ta-day. Tb tuar bolder fuel oa Un kiMeawd acrot ot land a tb praarnt limit of tbe capital eto k f th Company, abi)t teven tbouaand acres of wMch wa aubacriiiad by those prrauot, and tb ntido it expected to h ohtaiiitd Very aiKin. Oen. DaTid Clark, Thome W. flarriaa, George Little, Cbartea i. P. Alato aad A. ' If. Juiinatoit er elected DircctmA At uiiqurnt mn ii g cf th. Direc J tor, liomu W. Hm, Etq., ot Uali at 'County, a!ertd Preid.bt of th Com- pany. . Tb Bw4 o( flirt-ctor irtrortl th - - Prtetd'nt to ir fure the airvice of a conr' ILc-'iiataitit ivifimr, to uty Hit trot vf tbe Turnpike MnA, uthnriticd bytH Charter, to be c-.iiitioi ted IrSm oB3 putst CB Tbe Ralegh t Gattua U a-l, al or near Lit- n " tlo, tn HaaBi' Bridg. . Tnia entrror ie iacunnu need ttader favor- ... nblie amp cea; and u u-iroiWd by gentl. of b'.gh anoral ekaratter, aad buaiataa habit; it prtmiae, tberetore, to be not only euceeealul and bentficia! to their ia tercata, but to tbe Kttenal iatereat of ta p o stmiiV r, . ia. 1 i n t r-l .ic ion of imm r ,. ., (."? r ! a -i i sii .in '.. end . .. OWU. W .. a. ' v - , . . . atoaia.B.B2 VBrloo triiet rMawrfaritt aiamDlted bv fhil Company. TUK POLITICAL ASABCUT OF TBM -- TUfKS. Kothiag Utter, illurtratea the political tnarchy to which we have bae reduced by tha Kad'wai aaoeadeacy, tbaa tbe laia ctioa ,1 iMtMMM Ml grd jothe ftieat CoaauiuiioBal Aauiaduwat, Cuauitt' tioa of that State preanribe that it thai I require tane-suae ot all tbe aaerabera o' botk Uooeet la order to traaeaot aay buainrea obatevar. 'Without the thne-filtbt tbe Uottara eaa ao more do aav tfaine? tbaa il tbry were aa aaulGeial body a tuM axet lag. - Yet hat da wt aea-t -The-. Bepabliaaa majority ia that body, aeoVr tba iapirs tion ot Senator Morton, bate bad the au dacity to ratify, ia plain aad opta dirt-(id of the Jaw n hick ealktl then into.buiK, ta ameodmeat to the Cuoetitattoa al U United Siatrt, atfactiDf aot nalt Indiaea:' .thM.thjtlaliaiiiatwa-ahat) jb rqamie:.kj toe tseaenu uvwrBaiuat, aad at' tbe vote uoauatoui wiu im dwiveaewriaii iir tau lcntt efnn.rttifcri wmeitta. . tm - I. i,.... r ta that eveat alia.il kae a tuo1atueti- tal law, the moat inpottaat praviatoa t nca wat impoend br traud, bold and patenty apoa- tbr amntry, asd wbktk legally' aooaota twaad to rrepect TUe gnat tuettioa U, What thai I e do about it t Are the peop'e ot tb L' cited Statea to ab aitt quietli to la I outran t ' The ebanario of tha Uovernatcot from republic into aa tapm wou d aot be a gteater. We mj burly conclude that any maa who would eequieece la tha trat would aumbit to tbe eaoood. We are rapidly appmoohiog ti pertoa waea tae manhood and the metal of tb American people will b brought to tavt. W mart otbet preaerv tbe Uov- erumjat or alia it to b dcatroyad by opra atarpatlon. we aarealwayt lea eoneer- Vativ ia our view iccliaed to aubtail to tlmott anything ra'hrr than run the riik of urcibi revoluuom, wtta ail the calamine waicn lortow ta I't wake. - But there are poioU bejoad wliivh forbearance ot-aaea to be virtue, aad wbea roiataace, leaal reaiat- anor, li Uit bigbrat dictate oi oeceni'. That poial hat bten nacbrd by tt.o pre teoded ratiflcatioa of tbe KilWulU tuaii tutioBal Anieadinttit la , Indiana. We do nneaitallngljr reeomaind to tb people, ii toch ratittceuoa ia counted an t carrie ti tmeadnteot, to pay ao tort ol attention to to treat tt aa a auiliiy and a Iraud. n e give oar rUdical fneadt lair waning tbat lb IndiautretiBoeiioa, earned into cflect agaiaat a aj rity of ou bundrtd and tlltj tboaaaed people ia tbat StaU, will not be tutMbittrd to. hut be reeieted to tb laet tcot.- Vineiiuuti Aneerer. A BraUMoa Calk. A lew week tgo.Mr. William Jamaa, toifiaen of tbia place, re dding Bear the corner of tight h and Wor outer trreta, wat tuddrnly haixad wltb a 81 that tenoaety threatened hi lite. 11 live ly recoveiad, but etnng to ty ha never apokea but once line tbe tad " nC" nd bat daring tbe whole periud bru thtirely de Mr. Jfeme It apparently - well with Uie eaeeplioa ot dumbai ' and- tirlBa, and hit condition bearta permantot atptct. R'iVatiayfe 8lr. . Taa rUra Caib. Tttterday Jam U. Abrama, eurgd with having attempted bieomoiit a rape on Mr. Kliaa Jan King, wa tried Mlore juttio C. H. MtU iiirg. "-ItBrtorw Tlmrniipa-irirtrH aay iu avtacBc wat am ao tuung at w bad been md ta bell ere it would be yet it waa auiUcicatly etrong to induce hi im prieoamenL a, Aay VS. The Alpha arrived up yterlay. All eiear below. Wit. JniuA, , A rumor wa afloat lat aigltt that tb revenue cutler Muccaaia haa departed' for Beaufort to Intercept a privateer deatioeri lor Cuba, which tbe goverumant authoritiee had found Impowibl tavdrUm. Tb Moo eaain did leav our water yraterday morn ing for B aufort, but wd.iulit tbat it wa lor uch aa object. A ; , . , Ma). J. C. Mtria, haa rt!rd from tb editorial maaagrtMul ot tha Wilmington hut. Th atabl of the widow Stereo, no the lira teeaoa road, a few mile from Athavill, wa entered oa Monday niilit, aad a do mul ttolen. The thief cloeod and caraiul ly tecurt-d the ttablf belor be departed .. ,ABwM. ' ' ' ' V Mil. Taitv AaaTo.-Oa laet Thnrt day eight, tbe atabl of Mr: W. b. Smatben oa B.'e?t-r Dtm, wa entered,- ad a value blrmuleUkea ot. Uiecoverlng hit loet aeit morning, Mr. 8. t oar tartd oa tb trail of tb thiei, and Anally eeme up with tb mieaing animal near Mr. Moat, Wellt' place oa Turkey Creek, torn twelve or fl tern milra from where it bail beea atolea. Among other thiagt carried off by the mule fancier, wat vails filled . wilh clothing and aa overonet beloaving to a follow workman. t Prldtf i)?Kf a yoa ng maa tamed Inckerlrom Milobull ouuuf wat appnheoded oa tit charge,' and -'-qoeoUy lodged la Abeville Jail. lb, Jfuy Taa Latb Hau. btopm. Tb atorm which raged la tbia, and adjirining countie eani t0 or threw we ki eg, appear tn kava beea of. Mtrtordintry - vinleoc, and very devaatating ia it ffect. Abwt Beaver Iam, aad oa throagh a a arrow belt ot coantry eateading acroaa the South "Car olina line, the raia led at. if the Ao-td galea of heaven and bee reopened Jt g md, ad th hail wa of th Mrgoat tit" ever wltnes. ed by "tl oldeat iababitaat." Treat w r itripped perfectly ilea Of "their ItiTrtg;, while corn, tobacco, cabbage, letmce, aod other tender plaata were dettmyed. 8om farmer were Wily engaged laat week re planting tbair.cuia. Ia lha vicinity ol (rreeavill, acroee lb South.1 Caroliaa line, oat building wr blow down, tree Uf rooted aad. froeee levelled. On young maa named Shoe It ley wa instantly killed by tb building la which a happened to he tleep at tb tim being Wow down upon him. AttteToftivictim was aleo slightly injured. A gentleman from Hay wood informa' a tbat tb folk ta bit aeigbbnrbood wer to terribly frightened at th anpneedented violence' of tue nail, tbat prayer meeting wer improvised tar their house, and lor tom twenty miauta tber wer atore devout beopl about tb-re, tbaa there ever were before. Altogether k waa aa ogly atorm, tnd well calculateid te dam a; a nerve, well aicoia tad cabbagi a. rt2 A'en RraoLABa ia tma Citt ISurglara r ntr. ed the bOUe of Mr. H. Partbing. OB Jh w.-' I"l to tireat BewMrw aeatt- ev , earn . M soa Street. Wadneadav Btght.- Tn aeowt-1 '"f,J-v"Mt' drelt entered tbt bone through a window i a ro)iu alwT fell dtlrhta alaptj n"t trnnl Hula ma rmnn, ana, anea iskilk ia cugUl. - ,7r. - i ,,. Tum ig!.l.th boos of Mm. JeeJ, OB' tn vaeae eni, wee wm-ivu, uj i kutaiuiaT tb boit traaata aiar -fe -awaa .a keokea aad sit? tame (lisarraneeri. r.mm .- - ., w- - - ' out et -be-fcak mtaB'wWtl Irwam tts ihou. AeetiwrB rrJ. - ooVm robbed hW4 eont-WiT W WAE TOR THE TKA OE I . of lb young buiiet, th oa who wat ill, 1 BfLl Of 1 IN WATT. bne,ht Jir!k to u .V.ke it thftiaM, but could pv. no 'Jt? . alarm. K very other room ob tbe ground - Tiqnii, of th Waral bi tha yoieaa ; Boor wat raatacktd. Mr Parfting WlitTil v,, y. .,.h, ix-mm I want teem t -I oa leioa. then be white mB. 'Tbey ar y-,nn-1 fc-i f pr !- ;. . i IU raiut T.ip FrTit rV, to V rld ans- . . , .' ; ' CeaienU Sote-a. There haa baea a sraad " tluajp"' ia Micbigaa. A piece bf irround about - eaty iwt ts o.uitttr tuuk to tbe dtpik ol about npfaty fni, bMTtag aa o euiog ta the eeeira tbeoegh a.an-Ma SB at ut the ruthing of tnni-ij wittr. At teaat aueb ia the atnry tutd by a baeal paper. WiMoeiiia peraoa of kieare hat die eovered Ibat ta txii.el of clover aMd there ere It.autt.OoO eeeda, ia roaad aum bora. Victor Uugea two anna are eoiav ta atari wrwapapwta fr); attur' ttyrmt ' tttT Miadoa, . J r y . . Ooll.Ja" ileaouaore aa a piracy tb dr atatiattio of bjor Lade Kiaga, aa aoawoed tor produotioa ia Loadoa. Predrrick Fentoa, a aativ ot New York, ill .ai.a tbni. ha LfmMmmiaiuunpi:-tm aajtauateaaatavaa, tuiiwrtiw.-tt i u-j-aet tmutt it. fuappointnierit ta tor wa tue oaoaa. pea L'arahting it nwvxvrnritrFd i Nw' i Uttrnaa. "twa uweab" tbrnoai -tbe4 I iiIum dMimiH In un kii MaMu r. re aWii"w"liDg- hSiriTTii?ri?ftiin. oaa, eumpruiag . raapectalde aaea aad ruUiana, old aad .young, lawyer, eoldiera, tallMr,.lik1. niMjbanum, day . ,ULwm aaeai t H aattonelitioa. Tb bah d deah re of the gambling ball are a study: Thvy bav aaarly ad aa lapenetraui look look of Weaned aad furtiv reapecttbiliry. A corrrapoadeot of tb New York- AarM aayt u waa puuled for a long time to tbink wuera Da nad lata that typaol lace. Final ly itgnahed apoa bim tbat tbioutetJ gold- board ia Mew York matched them almost at ta for man Tbe funeral ol General Joerph 0. Brtarae took pluc yetterday from bit late residence, 311 Laluyett place Hi remain war fol lowed to tb grav by tb Knight of St, Patrick, of wniih body he wa a mrnibtr. ' Th aumber of emigrant who arrived at thii port toll ay i wat 78 394 j to May 16, 7,st; total, WJ.JdS ; to lame oate latt year, 09.323. Tha balauca iu tnk to tbe erertif of th C"tnmieowrt of -eiirion U $159.l)S.09.-.Y. T. World, . . r CINCINNATI L A(rEIt BEER AT LAST AKK1VKD, At PHIL TIIIK.TI'S. KBTAILtll At TailM a nil.l.BB'a, . Ueimna Toe Mtu - it a the iaeat la tka wortd Ooa aad au, aa trv it. may'it In TO TUEPCHLIC. ITTg RAVI. BT HEOKNT WBi'M AMKS H aAIia OUK alXIcn ONK tie -THE LAK((lr A NO MtTAT. iAUUl'iVJCIilXliB. , - aTATK. - Ketch lpatrtaaait liKEItbOODa, -1 -. II ATS, plel. nlluilft, ountarica, AmWJtUfit31)a.flWIAW " Thi dyi f Fancy Price ara over ; wa b- . ttlllH. Al.fc AKli BMAL1 IHOFITS. . Our Mtook let Alwaya, ' LARGE AND p it ii Vs 11. CHEAPNESS ' A3 COMPARED ; With Quality : PUHt VhEKH "g'a! BKtiV UPON OUT TLNO THE BEST BARGAINS ALWAYS AT OlU MENT. O U It Sf(fcKrtmg1lt-(Mt-t?AStt7nTnl cad and will be Sold LOWT" W. II. aV K. ft. Tit ia.EB V CO. may Hf fir niiai.Ata A oerUttiial for fourtaen "hm Wt Iflw 'Hi tb k. C Hadroaa 0un m tb Beat of Jeee Uar grae, dee'il, boa tt Urane Ounty. at the end Zt Be daya rntat the dale bererif, 1 ahall apiily a aurviTinn EieruUir of 111 3Kvm4, to bt dupli ale af aaid rtiBuat ewued to roe. B r.PUaUPS, . . Raleigh, H. C, May K, lal lm ki'r, . Jt aai.nj, Oabo)id aad nfty-le tare of Lead, H mile aerth-et of tb lity, on third open land. one-i bmt orunnal erowtb. baiano la ee- ood rroeth, Pinee, . Ta Dwelling ffouae ! ela roiteH are-piae ta eaca rneia. uoua wen of V atr la tbe vara, aleo goni Kprtnit. with roek Mui Huuee. laraa Harn, (iLable aul Carn Iloune, guud Ki cbea and ottiHe baiUIiiiga, wiib oo ereaar or rruit it -ta tana m pertly oa oreotree tmea. a hi ai a aeairani ana bwaltbl luaalMiat, W. H JOKES k CO., AWeuua Loot Mercbania I70B kM , .. 1 i.x ' A eonirnrtebla Dwellias: Hoaaa, ith two aad t roed mt.ar aa t one aura of ertmnd. . v . W. H. iiibi, CO., ma327.tr .. ae. A Cvut. Her, lA I1IVCKLAM AaCtT," rOWHITAS BOILDW. , gent for tbe ta.lt and lexst of REAL ESTATE GENERALLY. 1 ----r- IastTlll, VaM ' . kfEB Bt rtfcVMlHelOg' TO - ay f- mtbertn, Mbnl Tirieia ate arrt- call arsl Burteiy i w. p, reLBnir imnTiiw, Vs.: cue. tanaaae a. rer.ri'iT, rrwwunr r'T- . H - - " - 4 wsa sod rod k aeversl "! i-riee, rut ' ji . ae. v tso. .; per fmee 1 ' ij-r 11 ei par within iw y aa. m w a awaataaiiiiivyj t - 'J . - . 1 . ..(,. . II t Jii?i"p- rva'lifaa5tarr xf.Ttn Wn'f awtjUit , hniaboi'. K, C. j TELEGRAPHIC. iter ait. TaaiarTCHaa T,m VaaUUiUTOV. Waaiaaiua, Majt at, fenaae lo-ay aaatl aaarwwsw-,ro,,.., kciire Miuimw ttawu atwiia luc U;U aa tbe 4 prwuiiie.- . , Ta Waue Hobw aad Uw DtMaeale vUl b iy4 luHBtirru ta kMuur uf ta eurtkja ol ukur' tre. BuutaeU iriWM hi Vwh. t am' te l tbe iaeieJMe of tb br tiati tliuieur, ibuiito fat Ut mumm ul Um wiht Uitv, iUM ue ewni ta ia the beii't of 4hu iiuria, ottu-b u.u .4 buv xH tiUivut Ktr);ni ui ii. f:linn fb (mhire Im ardMwd UM CAbBMlM at - aettei buliiiB el Meove, ut , bel b? rnarel aiaa'e tunw to be trautenixt W la Ueurgia vartcittiarej nuciety. Hu( auet 41I. ut MieMetuuLti.t a Wuhi uiler. new w-aej. tie uirm wen ut rrvet-jeut teet j j lZ'Z .X I auuiua oiaaam be aaliaiiued w a eetteMe aaimt. n ea, re a iw njm ai ukavau irwwi e 114 'eat ruK btittue SWT MrM mi Uia awtnii-eii ttu be, .1.. trt iut-t miliet UM a.iiai of AilglW U. Omm Ke auaioer at etuavoe to tipiiuee lie aiuiuieirau.M, but tbe uupulae vea avuerai W earn tbe pub. ejr iudtaeuMi iu tbe tb .utctiat atamae. -Tbe ireeitlvat hae etvreeeui -hie aetiefaettite 'nwmut nu ftm arir''iawt8Bii - Au ebM-tiia 0J but b tarafrevt eiitU an r Vir ginia vcMea, but Ujuujrht tbe aiMbile f Aaguet er tb tat ta bei4elub a at 'lux. He eal tb potata eai(eete4 br M 1 it if U woati be aub eaUl4 10 a eeele eu au4 probably tMte er two ber elauaee, i.tt-iril tlvuafte bueieward to-aaurrow, well aatianiid with tb reeult of at uaa. Beaoregard' aoeoant with tb War Ds paruaeat abowa a await be saw da him at tbe del of tbe seenptaau of bia rpiitatean, wbleb w) wtMdt4d ajiOV ta law 4 le , , fKOslSk OULEAX1 New Oauu, May at Tb CuareaHuan wa ailed to oiovr at ti oVawk, man? aieikr bav Uej urly in lb day t' s vied to.tnw ava ei. vaia aad we eiamita.nory, did not sonvaKW ear bar. 1'b tulli'ew reaulntbett wer i.ffred brtlea. fvlAr,af lew, eewiaded by Mr. J. '!'. ruek er. u iajaieiaua. sua edopied : . let. Ti,m tbe Craudeat u4 tbie Ooareatloa be miueetad to trleaTak to Ut beoretary ot W ar Aba x.'ul .that bb a-ueromiui dre-lKe boat Arnvma'ana at ami tl I'm! S LiUire. ti be a b of the sieeieai)iir wbwh ta me ouiu I 41 of tb Mew Orleaue tlaedibair laf ColBrue, aaa already deepeaed thwebiuuei a4 ei4 i'aaa trout 11 to IT feet, ae per report "t Uie Oumuu;. lee ta tbe Cooveuuou, t periauted attll to re aiaia at work si tbe inoaiu of Uie neerto bene, tt tb euauaeroe ef tbaa abide valley by affimia ally deeoi mil the chaeael ou the bar at I'aee s LalBlre and k-vUiDe U to this dVtrtb. Slot to OMf vey b th eotereuaeitt the h-ar(y laaake of tbie whole valley rireawd by Una Couuuoe, lie tue aaa ttwudwl w aad booenia rendered it by tbe woi k dot. ao far. and to aa tliat the uwe. auieaof the ooaiawaw af tbe wboha Weal and bouth eeiaad ilae iMiitluuaiwie of tb wor by I In "li'aaa)' "i ' and thai the ebana-ea deenwd iiaiii enarj by tb euguietr tu eiiarge be ata a bt aev aiatibinnry. t, Tb at Mia Coaveattoti meat bwtily eppre aiatea the enurte atade by the generaa oera ateut during the pat three years fur th Ini proreaieui e b Atuaiaai)a nvee. aud dial tbe tbaabeW tb taveauou arv bereby teudered to tbe engineers ia char-, and their ehf, lor thear ear weal atari w tbie eiiA. ' ad. iaai the ibauka of ihie i.'ouieutioo be ten. avred t tb earal euamiiiie of titer uuproee meut eotieiiUii ot Ha. liui for tbetr eareet and aweueeeiai it arte in Una hej X - Tbe reoortof tae eoaataitue is ta t uuveaiiou will imlily eoiuilude ouaim-ea b.i . 11, and ad- Juura to-Uay. ' RicHM .o, ay H, M -The a.loie.1 Mate Poa veaiiaua .ibiaraed to-day. after sdona a aawiea af reeoiutwaeletaellut Ueu tUbOy to aire tA eeed maa reureaeaistioa upon b-n.h-- nf coon a sad tu eaevuura eblaa ud aa June of tbe btate ; arittw Wwaob-a nuUifm ta vola. for Lb. fmetttiHKia irsiaed by the 1st f.eiutl ' , bletiiiig tbe '.iiiveiin.nl ta aapntirt .-ttv-.'eta-u ket ; thaiikliifttb people of tue b for llo-ir tH'aeeebmee tu furtuebnig mrtue for the eouoa- tloa of eukared ebildren iu. ibe rtoaik; est blib io eo-oji rauaa with Ibe Na'l.mal tloatention. and aaiiiag the aptMHututeat Uea Cauby with JOT. be Uarriaa, eiilofcd samliiai fur lieittenset Ooeeruor, adJreea the body, soil eipreeeed aapteiuB that oaM id tb wmte Kepubbio o tste tnteaded'etrikaia bis aaaue oil the Uuliet oa aoeoaatof bie tutor. Ibe AufiHau DapUet Krae-Maaeioa Muetatf fbptt-d snsaiaioiaaJv a reeoinUoa euuilemanig tne eptrit of uaaie isv tbe ebarebiw aad adjottrue to laieet ta I'lbOluaaU neat.eev. atef Uea. 1'. I. Orttena.t., Oadutml af tbe ITth tntsattry, an smred beta la eight usys from Califuruia. . v . ' . Thegiavesof th lIotua eoldiera Will be doo ratud to-neirriiw. ibe puatuib.w and oibr pub be ontoe will be etueed uutag ts flay. -. - ' noM KEVT tuBK. ' ' hkW lues. Mar !&-.-. aumbf.r of b AieuJ gi.blleraae as ibia aitr ne urvsiiised themeeiae uta s nriuuira iisiia tj.uisu, auaer a enerwar uf tb North (Voiilta Lagiaieluri. capital fvju,- rnuM LOUIBVILLK. Loeisvuxa. Mar . OoL W. C. brukeonJa-a dnbeeied ibe urettou a' ttelte Qrove tViueaei r. fyataiaaa, IE'., ua tlie oooaaiuo id irailin the auuuauiifbt tu tb uotiteoerate iaai. - 1 .1 ' " ' I '1 ', I Kiw fun, May idl Cotton trawer. Haiee of I IG.OoV balr at imi. wiur snail 1 nmr.- es arah sxta tae i iiuet ebeuaeo by Ibe sdvsoe la reelKbtl tior taw. biw. r. I'ork aha.1 draser at Id, as, eaab. Lard timer ; kettle le-ialt Wbieaey, groeenee and JUur.liaiiKl.il. Mianee seen alfiavT Hiei-liua flruier. La 917 ait 101 (told SHI. DVwde set) aad kwber, SJa,a'4,4. eliued quarter. Wheat tower ; i-huu. vsiley rsd fd.7oaAI.74. Cora Brat. Hat dull. Trotis. tofi dull. yitWs'atuB'. isf w aaftn'Twiiwniu .witi' earn lower, til strsined Hiain tl,7tl,77f iiruu uuponiuie st-ady si tl,7ii. I'ar i.ijs M,l, . . it - LiTasriob. Mar il "Cotton idoeed Uuiauds !1 il ; T)rtan tladr-l-stMi -if le, Staiak auoaSus,Wse AVawrieea Itewol. . ' trrttittev aar'r4iia, ' ' "IBitl WASHISOTwa. -- waaaiFOTo, Ol) M. k poUtiotl tar "- riiH--iet bMmea u. .lav, iB aacouit uf tbe daw. rsibm-ar bVHrake. - It ia aedereUKxl that the Direetora of tb L bee- speaks A ULio Haiiroad have eaaue srrane taenia wita uorflier sapiiabala f- tu tfswieu! te oo pletiua uf Tbl Koed IO Olno. . -V : MAKkltlaV --r . - Ftw Tag. ' far W. M. Money ear? at 7. Btoass aneeiiled. aMerlmg . -4ol4 jeeK- Al' iui Nor in Carolina a Am ; uw ftif. Va'a a floupon, 69; new 6, :utMa firmer, priona ua-i-bauaad. rnrpeaua aU, boats dall i aoav moB siraiaed fo,t4i. . . i. . . . Uvaar e. Mar f). M Cotton asiet an.1 aitadr. FpUavte 114 1 urlesne ll Kalaa 10 vju balea. Aitemooa, iHttoa a.eobsuged , me f aeaealeeiaavr aW lhae PaMtlinallawy, - Ral.tioe, If . C , 1 Id May, iNje. mHBCOsMIilONKIW ftf. THK fENITtCN X 'i f AKK will reoeire btda tn ftirniab tbara at tae art of tbe I'eatieuttaee, wear tbta at y, tbree tbieetd r tand atraubt itiKe, oak or piw, eeb alnetee. I i loujf. aia-aeai ioa; aot bae ihaa eev eaj aor aaor tiisn slue tucbee as dietBete mid. wat tbe tesgih ef tae to ; seeeaty-bse taoaean feet of pibe piaitk, eiateea feet tone;, lock and a bail lb and fittta sight. tt .11 .lei-b.- bixiad, iU.as let is Ihm aunliest of H b) fret eacbj ; afieea tbouaand fea-tof quarvtrcil weatber boaid tng aiateeri feet loiif ; teu tbMiaDd f-et of aheet l a! ; sir th maaaii fret ef e ai.l uig aixteeo feet i'M.rf. Ir ar lin-hae br trmt tc-bee ; tare thoneeed fuet.uf a:iiii ling i1i t BWit kmg twa andt half aeria t-i i-ue Mw.e... 14 eui.tJfaU t.T tut- eieliitig tbe- ea4.e4 tuicu-r a-.a b uaxilxd St.. Una otti?f oa tbe tt'i (A 4 uie, Vi4s ar.a ttin Cam. aitaetooeia reeerre tb risbt id acoept or fewest aay or ad btd aud. ... ' Af.Pftr.0 DOCKEBT, may2& Xy 'i Cbairaisn Cooti&iite. TOH .4LE. . 1 1 rt mr.i:s .-c, a. r trorr 1U JUrit-U.-- ..Ta H, )j! TA k )0." . . , , , . u . ,fKl) (nut tirrf a Ai 0-..!.jr;.;ii,ai.'i, T .in I a . I 1 f B ' - AVW tw,lww-:essiyaiiiiiiaaA; by (majal-tt j J&OCniA EIA Special K"otices. Uageua'a MaignolU Bal e, -Taieai- tnfayltaaa iinit.a.hattb M..bl. r"aaht,iatiU Ladie. AiTtreaeea awl Uaera'aui--' are aaa udue Uial eaanated eVeM? aeienavar ao am adatired in tb Vvi ul raebna. . It neaseea al aoaiKbtlr JH'e, keoaeae. Ten, tMutbata eo4 knWu at aH'u. Wind, a4 (ire fc the Ouavsleu a iWaiuin Farr " trimparmt iteBtat y afO uri h lalt value a no CaxntaViloa eaa 4" itu.l t! Maa-uuh lUUm, 73 aeata w8 buy It any ut ear mpeatabi dealer. ' Leua'e Katbairea M a eeiry eiiahltul Bi abv7KUwaawlia , t wtiifimte aaatiaai I.tUtAYs OS TMk kkbollSOl' Vtinti, AMI tbe fiiilu-e o! Ave. ia rrcaid ku BVe'ial Fi.a. e iui cerieia hr"itn (be Wrlt-i "ea t uiirnrtatiatic-f lil'HAUU kScK H IA (10 , "-bnx - fr, - aasy ii-daadta GrMiuboro Money Market. kUVlb'li JUTU Vt BA1 atritA a., si , W1LHOW A bHUBEK, BANkLHii AKU Kionutaa lvf- L Moot sxa Braaav, Uataaav auaw, X. 0. fjUukof tt. C tor Cp lar, ................. a Cherk! ,a Kl.b.aro. VtilmUMCtoa....... .............. Rulburu ' Tnoaeeaefli - Oreduua . Leuugma told l , ' (sl ...... Ciamauaa ' reeettwrill " nsebmirMu - . Vjuaou.veuia......i...ia..' Merebante' bauk of Mewbeitt... s-anaere' Dank of IHweawbor1, (aid) MlneaVsnd I'uaware' Hank... . (Iiamainrmsl llauk uf WilniUurtoa nraaMiiUvara Mnlual law. Ou, told) Trnrtnlt Hank Nere seeeega sbewt.v South Carolina 7 ; . . . m.irtimm it! tMMureia Wt m h. C. lUllroed Htank, . si. n h at. iHTvlmid Kerlo ................ T tv.bne end ll at liberal orioes. Gold aad Bil ver. Km-ili Caroline Bonda, Cuiaed Mtate Uomd and all otner aiarketsois stosks. Order for Kaavk aatea by debtor sad Ivuek' buldera of baasa will reouv ta-oaui4 at ten una. nVtama kar eijtree pauksite of bank Jle.. will be made oa tbe wsy reeeteed. by bnk aa New Kork or luiuawre, at ta eurraiaey, a ee- u4. -L,fv sad Plrs Insurstia Pollei bened la good txnnpealee. at N Marsh to-Sea Tana. Ha' a Boss, I Taiai. llaa:a Cv Asterafamg. Fit. ifKAnnH, fa. BRANCH 0 NM A CO., and HUANC1I, - B0OTT A tt)., - " -- .. '"CIa vavmTCA,- a a, . Bankert and Commluloo KerehkntA Adraaoaa soade ta staaaigemewu ol Owuatev produoa, and oa sr")ueate of Outbat tu kew York or LierfHHii , Luaua aegotialaKi ; Itatlroad, austa aiid13orortios Honda and Btoeka sotif ht so aubl ; Brat-eaaee negidiabb) psiieralwiy tbt hand, for eeW. Uvid, bdrer sad baaik. die bought aad sold. . We gl below Hiae vreeest buying ratea for koteaee Mul lb tarubaa. . i 1 bauk of bbictb Oroluta. " cspe rvsr - - t'liarlotle j C'lereuaVai ; e .. i '4teaaenie .... Arayetteril,,, . ..t.i tinKo ai Ml l It s Ii IMI ill its i i ! ill ii .t...-.'..v..'!f... Atrauaut,. .ae.K eaxjta&axa. Ttotuoro -,T.-j .Tiioraaerilk. , - Taieeboro'..'V,i.j..4..., . ai Vlaidlili)ioit,. . iluiiiU:'lK.. ............ r.. yiiveille f(aiBi-n4sl lUuk ut wilMiiiiiuiu,,,, Varaiers Iteek of tareoaebiii' ....... Oreeuaboru' Mutual liieuriunw Co... aUtcbaata Itauk. .. . . ...... i...tV Muters u4 fbtaura... "' I, ' ' il SAI.B. Any of tbe sboee Bank Notes tat unw t aait. soul Town f Wilaungtna, M. V. lbaids, t ' s) N. t II. B. t per seat tbeide. tone e untisetob e per nt., bs. , - . IUI hlisree ttaielgtt A fiaebia liellrus.1 Stook V t .'is w AltlaU. - o'.-i n.cu, . stuck. ., ; , e are daily etuortlug rgo af Feurtaa Oav auo, sbbib we wul eeU ta lota of tea tone or seer, deUrrd ao tae ears ta r -Here burg or deorered m Kabagb. Mead your (vdari t oo. lee. I SalelKb KnUoiiAl Bank f tL C. , , BOARD or DIBECTORk J - CHAIUJJ UKWkl, Prwidetit. . R. Vi iuua, , . 0K W. mimt, , W J. Iltwaiaa, A B. Maaaiaus, k fcTuoasa, . k. W. i-kulub, I. A. Wnjrr, fsaluer, ' ' -' a. C. JlbABa, Taller. " ' "' Deals In Ktetuutge. fUahl Drafts, O ld tod Irat lloin, Uoriruiii(iiit and oilier fb-cmntiee. Uiwurrvtttliauk Auta buulit u4 ajibla, . notsUoeja for Vorth Carobaa Baek Kotmt, from Haieurb Kstiutud naak uf .1. ti.. dau. Is. Iso. Batik of llsti fwtr,. 1 - ' . I liarliitte,. . -fcUtyandan..4-awvOWi.iniwai.i.i.i..A. t '-ooiauerne 1 faeetleellie, . . . ... . ... ... . ...... IS Uaiagtoa, foMj,ai.n-miwt- x (sew,)..,. 3 ' e Islington, paysbls at Orsbaai,.,..iS " MitbHarollua...... ... 0 ' ThieaaeTi'lla!.'.'.'.' Vladeehom' a.i. N 1 aehuiarbNa . .,... k, Yar.oeyvtti,. ... C -- - tttmtirt', ;v..r.-.. -.B Ooaiajterelei bank, Wiim1nftow,.Ti7vTTr.-.-Tr.-rjlt t artser s teaak Of Vnh tUeniuna, (oid.l..... i . uew..,...Jid Oreeoabofo' WniusITnaersnc C,....r...T T Merebafit'a tWik. bawoas.. ...... ...80 MUmt-s A I'batar Bank., .40 eaa. ln-tf ITATH If AT I O A f. A ti , lfALfciICJIl.IM.tJ. JbO. O. WlbLIAitl, iiialeaA , Wat. E. AkPrBtQ. Caenier; HaelfM, Cr W'BITB, iieV: Baal of W C, ffl.B.;..., " Oepa Fear....... " Chariutt .., " , aUUglaaB, (oid. Bt .... 8d .. 10 f... VI .... M ..... m aa. B .... si '.'.7. $ .... n ..... .... a .... to aid au .... t .. .. m .... .... v " uo Un nVateabroiujb.... Ttioaiawviue . ....... ....a M Vi Uiuiottioa. ; ' CVmiaieriia..,..M. ....m. 'SHbuiiB .....a...... Fayetteriua. . ...... a,. s Clatareaidoa, ..a.... ...... ...... M Yanneyvtlw1 , ,,..... ... Mlueraf axni l isoter' Bank.. ' .. tarmera' fteuk, ureeneiaieuaarh, aw W) t'oasaaarotad Bauk, Wilmington... . , .. KerobaiH'a IXai, Sawbera, ,;. (Ireeneb-arieigh Mutual -kirnnuv ;. "tet Sxt. ... l . . . . .. laoiiih trutua 1 . . . Oorgia. . -;'-i.l'" .... f Wild . . ... ... .... ... '....: . ... WW. ........ w..: ... ... (,.1 CWV"" "i-irth t ajoliu kattroa t"Bpcait : )4il ibaeai -- - vb. .--i .. tt -f ' I.. .- hi fearbeae tiea. i.a.vaa..- A. ti. ttalteoad mtask. (i 0. Kail sbasd, Rai. Oaa iJa-bl, a ....... . htl.laltwnal Bank,. ...,.. Steie heiieiaJ tlauk,... .... v: - 4 ... 110 . l'" .'. t J - rou alk'. tail, rurs OLAd Ti at in ncr .UaySl-U. j U. eo.sti a 50 tVWS I t'll:it (OHM "J. .ydJt 'tbonaaif "? era a.'.'1'o."' ec 1st - J ssayis-a aa,.!efif. f" ! on Jeauat 'fw,' ' '-"'5 tavtoutici iu HEAD II IGilEssT INSUHANCE AUTHORITIES BAY tJ& k.-it W laiv ' "A Cunpaiy thai Btaae ark atfctureeaieiite on it 4ivia, lea the etror,at kdtt tbat M n I fu;r!Mt trti .1 fm'lifuliy. n4 keee it tveetnaa Mailt! iio. Xiaca Wawtar. -vtte?t4 K- ttffeka lit CuBinuiy tbat an ioa full and enapleat )uUo Tiir Ht:vt.Vfr-g.i nUHASCE C03IPASIE3, 0UARASIIES ADEfllTITE SUSEUDrJl-VALUl 15 CASH. AND EVEIY POUCT ISSUID BT THAT C0KPA5T. I2AH3 A CERTIFICATE 8TATIH0 WHAT THIS EXACT W0&TH WILL EX IV DOLLARS AST) CETS. AT AIT TIKZ. AFTIS THE TATKEJIT OP TWO on kojlz parmBMA "The JBii0t,)ia,Vg Lir La oikJ do half waw woik f the nlorition of tti irietitUft4tlurswlti connection, m merit4 tribute to ihe-execiient (mpany. (Bwkljn Lift,) which hai ao gallant! ra iiMxi t he Btjtn dard f refvru ijif IuaurnJMs), tLat wa fiiul iu tW Uol -li-4.tif Aaolug Cvni,nit3w, few ctympeiitoni which deacrve m much credit oiM'tiuu of rieka. Inb. FrEO. Jhu. The tllOOKUK UIE hae paid, aad bow nay It lb) Botuy-hUde, AA.Bat Bbitai than aeat before patd by Ufa laaairaaea Oeeipaayl IHndncd. sr paid If CASH, or applied ti Ik revmeaent uaereaea af tb toHey, or left wet. th Coin pan j hi aceufmdet at tutereet, u silh nay, al tb optlos of the Belicy-kokUr.' 4-lf KMTIA -W. MOICK, raabioafrT. ) . ... I). P.-KAl KXEU. Actutrv, WU, M. CoUC. UmV. Ae Wa LAW Cf ,lh. ' 1) A K I K L AY RES, M . I). IX. D., Med. Ihivetot, tUraeravl Aenu eorl0-tf j OfBoe- On Oih Boatk f Hsblar' fewelry Btnre, fayaaaalUa kt.. lUielab, R, 0 Ti aUSCELLAMEoni ; (hotnn Batpllat . rKfAi.k iNHTixirriti, ' kll'HrKKDiliOitO'. K.C. ... , CtiMMkM 1MENT tlKkCIIK RAansal anuim Tunedey, July sib, I o'cl.irk, p. M , Ik Bee. 1. W. St. Williaiua. I). U. Hallieanee tl,l Ulerary. Ad.aresa, wederetae, Jul a 17th. 11 TlTtorttr fat ,-br flrvHAtttasa IWe,li. a 1. L,il., Wd.m,j.tj, ,.A mtyisvif Ayer'a i Sareaparilla, roa ruinhfl the blood. ? Tlkt itttWkm iht r tfafUtnit llMtl taVM wmtvak, In 4it-ir-t1 ln.m tU tMirvft, many nf wJiii imul a rif Biwvt'ttwii rhvs H'U. IVMrkvW AeseWhS - trf fhitufhtUk, lattra tlM vstfatta wn ot't .rMwkrtf 1a All io vvlUlA, Ikatv- kllMl tU UlU sMa 4 Of iiU-rHirwHHw vt'rt4iiti tyutt, vu4 Vl ftOt(HU hl fa eVT BM'T-jlfT MfrrThvtfvl br tit praam ol. mt rotuitmA Mur, kva Wn rurH'MkHy mirwi In im wiwfwii la. iUaiit-, n fvf y ) ,kTft in ih owmmrr, ihavi iim pulilro tlo txM ttettwi to b IAtrm-J fear tiukl M M it) ttVt OftlbfM f"f-f fkiMi ftia4l fVltVI'iy'. 4V rtylul.tiu p-m, aa Nt taf Um w4 k-Utf-li) MtaHMlA) jt Mir rtrr. .kflasn. ftlit UfMi aVIti Hiilwtti ItAfUtlH laf etW IWy7WlU-l Hktw'raaUlsw ti) OtHgreOttlliijft. al ii UlvtUM IIraUrTMtrfvVttst,ni0 tWUht tilaramJWCk, H ithmit asxi'iiitiv a -tMilln t IU jirt-!., AgaViM. tt fHi to brtMMl mi'kin HiitiirtHMit thw bOftr, ti'fWi, on KMriM ftir.irf osdaaiii'n, rv,tlT slrJip tilt's oil tr ttttwe f iu lirtiawiHN ritrni, trtohar on Ukt Wlf-tVl OT sWOtr lh VHaWa, Ift MM) tUr, wt.b cl.-g may hm MiitiWttv fl.'H.-M-f1 Im htngt mr lH-kri, Vf UNMr gVATIHrxl tt ttkn) Uys-T. I" faVti v. Ur tmruBitttm il u f U) Mmi tnpmtUn m BlMtlV, !. tsiNUie, II I ft mUukai Io ntb(hrnM ffirgt m V-nff M ihrnf. Hub or iMiinnri B.rw, tiwin mtitt bviiwBwrvi'ui.u tfWnWt'tvoMi Prti of .i"rawitf"tiM4 lnf mm tXHttir, ftM r4 (ts V kWil Airixw iJ Ukfl Ifvr. MMffi Jht4 U vuinht mwy f m HiMih .Mv ti imfviilf tliin htwtiti ftfid utMirtdti Uvfl tliinatua of lirX . I t ft ouminVMi ttrrora mi, tht furttfuU t attivlly hariU Uiy. It -itkiM, hni"-!, (iivBiramti ftwm rml tu i4iUtl, ttyl It t rMtrmMfryriwI la rriun Imtq of . bl-rvwt linn, VA4if4ha, fnui mir, iiWKVaai lAt III ti, BO'tintJlfss. Uui .lirw-HinM; rtt-iM (so. mftV, ttHilr It, WMrTikOtt-.lMtrtJ'Ht,Wlkrlfti ft4 .rtltJ Uf hm cotitAnt ikt.it jtiiua tr, f iHitl tHr li-.i-l Ia ti, Vrtl Ut riwtt, .v.. w)ttfvvakil tUi ilUtOd t lla) tf TOtllft W.lh bM tfiMVt Wiillr tliniUrtrit tl ililf, Unit Oil-. otMtlnHilikHU!. ikd on ttto r-i-vl io M miwmiwtMs l ', 4 fi t fiwtiii'm mn rt"pTT tm HtMiMttm H , nnr fpol ftutttuUjte l tbv UapxvuH of Ml la J immnv, IV lvfe--, Jl.n'tt ittvnm, mid H-, Hunt awortai. tttim Amrm m d . wmJ ufiir uieUt Or Vt-l M f'rrt4 Mi ft? fIln'(is?lBl 'Tlilisoil U.itejuU Uf I ,, ia acsiUixvyM lui :mi, I'm aTOfav.w-ii tw C HHtrmiAit ft trmt, an m lrfrwaWw, lraaw, f"4 I 9 iTewMeittf m ti mmrmme aam mmmm thy nkmm (f-ft,,tv. lrit-'tui tU )Mriiiiu iwwri1,' rm IMtlvta. Uiat AwViMal Oi llaW tiik)nAtr aVHli prtXtaoaM siwtA tttiiir mir.. - 'ft Br-fi lilT"! rop f ttW trV-" lllwtj fky try BJ-tl'aVttl.t tt UtHek U'.ult. Tt I ftl-U-I lt fllwrt- tin. roinUi t'.l " t.h UatfitiU intndtf BirY. to t.h tt,tri.iu (rrt'oi (' M H Hi U rJfl Uf lMna7tr VlllAlfM, VkymAwftay OT tt, Ubtmet) hmu amuv4 r--fii IW ii4oifii UiMrvO ftuiuiidjjiBaiii' irim' iiHwli'ifo. JMffMda OT rwsear 4-'Wijlt I frWVri , Hlul A taV-VrSaV lO If -nrnl, BVt etLfUmiilif ' fOltOVfttt ml mtfOlit Cttrte.1 tfe ttivtajorfi'ina bVH'( pat fc'.t."! tf"t fHJf twrffiff, AS'.MeaWAAkViMAW Oft '(, AirfltmttwffnAwlaT txiniwittt awi-iu- it bbi Uka4, iMim Uvu rmmif Iil UjlIS mfriHO, KT lAwm 4VawMiavf, fsrju.iiry. i(.n.uini.aiL.yn( abf1!, otp., raui-t, t,f rvnkUug jt.nHMt, id li..M.JtntmM if mi mtln Ki rtttitfl ao1 wUtnr JaV"tttt. itW M r1l-.i(ilteW,. Hi Wra lt i'ttwkvt k aVA'IM ft ft ty tlifl Witt ftf VnttHUt, J iMtlr-m, ! f4rnt, t$ifi, aWl ftilesd W Itnl !- A yrv A)a-ft) r ffjBO(or KO 0 UuubitU jj-ti M-'i i.vi ff Uks an) uottimrv tiMBissiMlr M wkaaitiaiaV, MaSA!,. aUXata" - "0 ti ilaT trrml it-oi'iy, . in-i a H um ytttUf ful Viff totiewrli-4 t Uw-tr fk-rviit) rjtt4, Wliw tt fswjsfntVt rftmt Wt ttMt trff ftbas Mm Mrvay lWl tiwtitriil ua Mits atifKn t -m. tM'tm n, wht (UUlaliM 1) ll H FVm HITI Oly.Tlt.ata, ak tl'tWtwMaa wMAUMU W tt OT ftU Vbt bUU srsaUIAIgtt. , Aycr's Agu.o Curo, JTa Vrvtr a4 An twill H eBBailB a lkwttl ft , Kaa7-tstlc feftl fl 1'sy.tsj.nf, tftt., Ml 4 4 -! till ! 1 aiaM at kt mrimm f - aaaiiai aaarls, Ht aateawwaltc ta-w Al ba seine Imtiti. K dna riw. and itnee ait full. loiMa-iiwe'ii.iiw AmHif, vumni". hi-iaaia, Ziii.aor .Miy viit-r ii.nn n .r tMHumH aiiiiaLanoe iiiii?, it Ni ti.,ari Mi i. iiirwa anr (i.iu-ut. I t eii'iitjer a i t Hnri'Tn.we ot eau-wa in ii aa-ne il.e b 1 t-. ai lilHr.u.s ih". .in.! aioMiii. ami ea tM-iin.e e ih nit a r,fnil,. m io. e.ti.re .if m.-.lwtie. Mf Tf -wan . e4.u.4 ba..le. a.....-i ir'fi.-iii. WW ae- i.wf 'iwi..l,.-jl iit.-.e' - - 1 m .-ii .lai-saee,' I .11 1 rHN'ria fc-t eholn fiimt. I i e-iiia il( pvr.., .ar rilrnl Ita, baff.'jot. iii.-uea-li ai,.ii..or t.K-ali'MH,, ul tae ee u li 1 i . 1 .. i 1. w r-f we ?iii- l-;,jf f ':,, :,T,-i?;'., a-il-n.,7 fir.fi, nrcrr t&-r:x?t1f t .ti.H:, Ittsm oT--n nwtti. te"i-HI ; tar iTffpi.l ii 1-... .1. 4,. Aire B la, piai-iu'ei "! ItNfio mi Kt t hButwaa. tiowett; ttaea. aai aUroaoMl werlil. -1 - . --. I.O FA'At MOrrLB. - "i e er tvjt t.lA! KAYW.-h., aad r f; flvHi'TT b'.ias- Sti alt irt-ttftaiaj ar4 (liiara .v. , eto-e. - See le-eoueAs - I fr VVIs.. w.nsiiiiiina4,.ifa.ai:Ti--, i , . . r j 1 J I I'l ' ".. '- ' ' "fni jixepy iVt'Hfa-fy in -l:"p.. !!ttf.tl,eV.r " ew.t 1 is Ut'r k 1' . i m,i.tt WHAT THE or tut ta eA4 4 HmwutMtnJ ia ta out to tka Bwar4.lvkaica Tixta iui. CP ALt fJTTrra LITTTT-'" kill a4 - jwlgiiM-nt ia U.- 1SC9. KISCELLAS KOI) a iBTiVA'- COMPANY 1 ?. I tXI f ... CAH ll I.l jNA... TBE LEaBLNw (OVPiNf is TBI. , miK, . CtOWrislaCB t atlerhl.fe i abits a Heat vtta niaea.Bi'ae aad at.ll-;. A MOTH Hit , PAID. Bead ibe rutiarln( Krr-Hpt ! keeiee.1 t Ike .1 T t I ! f t ,. , v-.' W"tPiT, St J. han.i. . W. )(. ( ., fUr rl Agi'i,t,.R m roll r.ey ids btmnl 0 my" d-naaedi haabaad'a pi!i. y, Ki. II ,i, twr Tew t haaeasa tbatiare, add liii.lruil of Waa Haaln taal Btaaeleea ai.n.r. a4 . ' t tan balnf 4,.wd Tt ia, ti. lb. I ark tb STtH.nee of li e 0p.i,y It, iu,,aritg tb ottlif atloa. Blent n,y tbanaa Wl' b tfc reeMpl, '..,-'- ' fMat. KAftUtF AM'kClill, ' -iui-.c m. a Tb servtee of tt.. t. n S I'M bare been aevuri-4 a!at ao!i,-lior by tha aalanriLsr. Ua will mix at oi.oa epo ta dntle of kia poeilioo, si.d f e al mf jrwaib v Wu:i:':.. w. 11. u,ir. " tlatntal Bee,- ---OuVaBaJi(tb, K. (J ai.-ij i, ' Jaist Arrltrd. r.l Pi'Tf Kv rsoiwm - tr krxr. UU lrt( k-treoaj U.fiiiMiia alrf li l i t Iraee tuama. till. taeil, mnf tlarter 0.ma. Till ai-eifftlauut ol 1'orkal ae i l. a . Apttl BU-tf , 1. H.'l...faJil.' Pillesthsr:;:! Biai ky-Asata,vtaa, t evapt. ki.ea.lj. . i rTi lei it rl TlWiM ft ' 1. 1.... "rlV Ui...e-it - I. 'ifr a . a.,r I ;,.,) y -a, f. . -i.-a.-t I - - . I .t 4 .1 i'aO-1.1 i-l-iii-r i-it.ira a- i-s an 1 r a, a , are lv.aei ;y, . aayHU Mill.l "njj (, t J aati-., . i, V . ..-1 . V.5 t .Ai w a t .- . . 4 - . . .

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