THE SENTINEL " JOSIAH TUHSZS JtvJPlTOE,. J7A SXCOBSJOX - wb bo BAUtlotl la accordance with tiia )uljlifiet lrd-rffii)-,'ltor frOtafliti Clt WbO ttrtwided tataka-'adfaulaga fli tbi ojrftanity to ... .. Virginia tDkirfld OB 6i tlrJMit. ; Tkrra they fcoad apoa tba Baleiifk A Culot Ilailroad long Uaia ol well 8td o and comfortable paawagT eoackot, ready for (Mr raceptiua and aaaituig-tka arriral of tke traia from CbrUHte. . AHrr a dtUy of aboot aa hour and a tall duration, tU (.im eeareelv heard wkiatla ot . b kcomoUT togetuer wuh dUtaat rum Ulag aoioe, HBoaaoed tUe aporoack of the aoiMiuIr looked for Cbarktt traia, aaa upoa il arrltal tka fact diwJoard itaell tU4 ll eooeUted of tight (pacioae coat he, filled witk ladia and nattnoea. - 4lw a little time Uing aceaarily aptrt Id hiftlng the traia ol the North Carolina - luilread uxa tha Raleigh A Uaatua Ball road aad joiaiog the two traina together, tka welcome cry ol "all aboard" wat beard aad greeted with load cheer, aad ia womeat more (WkaUL AtOrctl iLailyelL bearing away aamathlng orer niue hundred aeana an biiu ww um u IMa ot toe gee lime tary weu anew waa in alote for them. Befor getring bryoad tlie corperaU limit of tbi city our atti-a tioa wa called to tba great and heretofore unparalleled length ol tba traia, aad more ' riecially to tbe truly grand and beeutilul epectacle it presented wbea alaamiug alowty around curr. of length ufflclent to al htw oo Handing oa the rear platform of Ih rear coach to aee up to the lecomotiva. Theooachea, filtee in number, were all beautifully illorjiloaUd and wtea one did g4 a right oi the entire traia under eireum- lUogea a ! (pokes of, It prearnted eciacte ol btauty that one rarely baa tbi opportunity to witneaa. Such waa the large number of cxcuiaioa Ma ad tbe bug length of tbe traia w t firat felt, and eren exprnwad aom doabti, ae to whether wa ahoeld be able to make much headway, but on being Informed that the bcw, puwerlul and magnlfiraut engine, the Wm. J. Hawkin, waa attached, ud the engineer having charge ot her, the well know, popular and ikillful, Mr. Kort, Fleming, all pt out fer were entirely ob Iterated, and away we aped wllh light nd happy irU, thinking )iyoualy of tbe mor-low.- '.'-.'."'' We bad almost forgotten to elate that tbe Charlotte train brought down the Oreeeabora' Brsat Band, con.lating el . twelve piece, and led by Mr, K W. Al ' l.rlul.i Junior Kill tor ol the dreenaboro' Patriot, t"gther with tba colored band. beaded by that irrepraaaible, ubiquitou aad never to-be forgotten, Frank JobnioB, (a bo ia soldi ad.) aad moet exorlleotand etirriog muaic did they diacourae. The run between tbii city nd Weldoa waa of about four or fire hour 1b length, and made moat pleaeant and agrwabl by lbs untiring effoit of the efficient, kind and courteoua CapL A. B. Andrew, Superintendent ot tbe R A G. R R., who wa moat avaloualy M.dt i everv war. bv that prince of' "' Conductor, CapL Arlington. Botbol tba above named gentlemen are too well and laroraWy Knowa la tuia Diaie ha? ne to either eul' g'te them aJirban courtly geotlemea or their undeniable quel - - well and tffickntly fill. In bet all or Uit ofBurrt and employee of tba Iload pieeent, did avervtbin la their power to' render their irorati comfortable. WCUioa . Was reai hed about half paat aix o'clock where we fu3 t, iWof TrnporttloB ol the rJraboard R.B., " ; waiting to receive oe with ev. waria and hearty welcome and ready to take the traia n.. k. Tt 1..;., Hml. p.tiuul itiki aa hour would b allowed lor break faat, the whole party disembarked and proceeded to - the Weldon Hotel, where we found aaumpv tuoua breakfast awaiting u, prepared by Dr. G. W. Blacknall, tbe affable proprietor of the HotrlA tter ampleJiiDe bt lng allowed ia ahich to tliaeux Ibecboio andappetl ting viand ipread before na, the whiille of tbe locomotive and ringing of bell sum nWned us to repaU at one, to it. train, ,d4 slier all were ou board and comlortsbly seated, we werw again rvuU lor Ports- mouth. . "'" Here w wer the rtcipleota of unbound- 1 hospitality and kiudaeaao. K. O.-Oliio, of tbe Seaboard Itailroad, President Smith, t f the North Carolina Railroad, Capt. A. B. Anditss, of th Raleigh A Gaaton Rail raj, and Conductors Brown and Arlington, all nuiUd in lendennir cvrry coDCtirable attruMon and courUny Vf the party. IjdiiLii, iau iisxiitrf. f atf dutjHi HTtif ttf" , mwiva, n rijulf siall Limu. lb tcoiUtng feevrisr! wf " brwhi wars psassd srusad rontinuallv. It is im possible, in the abort iTtoaijinit imtt spB?, ?wbi?b-W hvits writing at our conta-rand, to give an sde- nttte ynd j4 deawfAUat oiLthe, jsceasv Hpaikling and exhilsrsling cbauipsgnc, ths jojoiia and itlrery laughter and Ixsininp, Botms4 faces of Jieautitul IsUies, slid soil, " 'aweU Mu'Witi tmm the bn;l, gsve to We "cMTcaion lsinstion, tbe memory of a hiih will linf r with the jsrticipsnta tor many . a day to come. V IKJBTIlllOttil. j Hrre, alter btiog welcotnwl by the Mayor f Jiorisifc sad a large VfcgtHB frt the Board 61 Trade; lb faim fJ tnmn (erred to the spleadid aad ccmo steam- erl, th Uumama nad Gen, J, A J", sad tew bomII tH J t at tbenertrreeed bcseiiful hHmmf JWtJk, e M; to Jo Muv. U M good furtBo of tbe riu of tbi. get tfM Ibi fi AmIi, ud MM did of the quilt," Smll 11 UK fare better. Any eudeevd to wurrj t .inaL. end elaborate d-scriplioe ol tlx different objects of kietorienf other i .LL k . ta be em- would Consume t iaieeed space than a an abh to give, ifcetvture, gtv- Without a! eoinntenl, bare lilt, ia tb order which Jthej came, a nmt: sons ding aw -out .wjt,ta..AJI Point rortlrfolfc Marina Hospital Pi ' Poiut Battery, launbertVPoiot Bat- or. Cranes Man 1 Betterv. Bewail's ratal Bitry. Rip ttpc, ., Amtf ta ay otymf 4 ialewet la the. harfaof Mm I Hailed Btalaa, 74 gua, maaf war, tka Stm JTampAif, -mm: at ajUgJia,H.,W.4dB 11. ILAIdrtch, Tiun. fulBC, wrr uta atoopwwar, " a ..l .- u aekml ehiDa. baring I ob board the M idehipmea from tba Kate! School at Aaaapoli. Wa Baderftood ttej .l.l nrncMyf ia a da Of two apoa) tbe BMial umaier erBiee. , f i to uaderteke, eiea a lriet deecriptK af the aaawroua lotereetiog olijecta at UiM placawould require aomeibisg like vol vme, awl lot tbe aake d wetuy wa new hbi fulloaiug from one of tba Norfolk pteri: "The whole parly, arriving " rum were lavited to the Portree by Geoerel HarTT. Commanding, where they were re eerrad by la taaeia dteeoareed by lb eebv ktd Old Poiat Baad. aad wilaaaaed dreea parade of fir eoiapaaiei of artillery, Oea. Barry, eommajidiBg. Erarybody ent military evolutions ol the companies, the rapidity with which they loaded and fired at will aad by platoon, Ac They nerd the famous Prussian needle gun.wbicb wa rare curiosity to , aad wall worth aeiog. After-roaming about tbe Portress lor sa bout tLa Whistle of lb tlrere gave si goaf ot departure. All war soon on board eg) and homeward bound." It Is but lust that aome meatta aaouta be mad of tba kind, hospitable aad cor,lbav sympathy for suffering humanity, tsou insane favwbich the offieera of th Seldom 1 more touching language Usui Old Dominion Lin served their guests. Tba President, M. L. McCreadyi u- peiintondent T. N. McCieady, Esq ( Traas- ant W. Usnt, Esq., aad tbe Agent at of fjlk, T. II. Webb, E q., were prasent, and weia ever active In furthering by alt means ia their power tba enjoyment at tba moment. Refieabmeats of ll kind of both a solid eatl liquid aatura, wt ia Us greatest pro fusion, and tba hearty and whole eoul man Ber la which they weoflerad added so little to th seat with which they wat enjoyed. To th th polit and attentUe conimaad- ant ol the ifcmis, Capt, P. MoCarrick, too many thank cannot ba " bestowed. HI enurteoui bearing nd aevar varying kind- Will long be remembered by his pas sengers. Moreemcieui ana si am saus time more gentlemanly officer tbau those meotloBed abov sre not to be loaod Any where. ' ' " - : Cwi)t Robinson, President of ths 8e board R R.,Mr. S. 0. Obio.Msater ot I rani portktion ol tbi ssm Road, and Mr. DW Hill,tb Treasurer, were lo present, ana prominent In contributing to th pleasure of th ienrion.' From thou who were on th'itemer Lntiiiam, of th Baltimore Steam Packet Line, wa learn that they were treated In th tarn royal elyle, and spoktia term of unqualified prslss of Bu perintendent W.C. Smith ; Tressuiwr Walter Ball; Agent at MortolK, Jons vermiiuon, andeapecislly ol Ppt, T. J. Hill, wb torn mand tbi boat. Arriving at Norfolk,. wer acorUd, according to tba programme, to the Opsr Uoum, where w wer welcomed by Mayor DeCordy, ia behalf of th citizen of Nor lolk, In Beat aad suitable address. ITinto snd Lamb, aud Juilgs lsborns,.ol CbarMte, N. G , also readersd graceful finsnt, 'and cheering sddresses, which wer received with a. great drgres of enthuaiaam. rom th Opera House we were eoudue ted to the second floor ol Burras and Uar risun a Banking establishment, where was spread Ibr our beBefit ntf sppreclsiluB n elegant banquet, comprising viands oi tbe bmsm dt irate a weU as uhslnlil mafiBsr, Th Hall was deoorstsd with American .-At Ilia cootluaiun of the LauiiUet 4li party tliaperaed to their stYeral placea of abode, and if all parsed th iaterveaieg time before departure a agreeably aud pleasantly aa w individually did, the evr)tMly had a must glorious Dana-ua. Next morning pandusl to the time pub -i tha.xcWo. train moved ofl from Portsmouth, leaving though great many behind In Norfolk unsbls to tear themselves way. from that thriving and hospltabl City. Wbea about lour or five miles on this lido uf Norfolk, we paused a noble sod flourishing Vineyard, of over an hundred acre in extent, belonging to our energetic fellow .citisca Tboa. Hogg Eq , snd M rra. Bwepso and Cannon. Another among many evidence of .North Caioliaa skill and cuterpriaj upon Virgin is -eWt illt4Ut hallhg' -frm West of the Bill R'dge sitting near os baring put ill hvsd tt ol tbe window, to hik st tba Vim jaid, suddenly drew it ia and with a look-of n.hunadsd aatoiaht$tAW,4r!aj a, long breath and Said lu sudlll tons 'I'll tfresf t,hiVtb Jrydeatp atdi fetre A1I during the return wa weie the object of the asm unremitted and un bounded kludi.ess.of all of the officer! and eopfciy)!st th vaiioat Kailroada ngxjjcd ia th excuraio. , . TU'eldon was roon jaclied, nlW Btnptng only long enough to partsfc of dendtai dinner prepared by that prince of Ciferers IS atkoall, werf.agaia on the rail iiuued RsVeighwardr -7--r ----- t- - , . Bi.Baiii Weareeached U)ol pt 'clock, P. JL. without accident. Bo eTrjhody de lighted with tbe fnw). It' tb Iu- Jtaohd.MiL M -MttiSslLt'. '!. lturn4- '. thanks at the r-uihiej".a, to 1'ieaidcat Smith, of tba J. C. Jt R7u,l fe"!" '" at Andrews, ot tba R, ft G. K. R. Pr ei ' dent ttailh leapfrtiibd in en appropriate sad oeM liula fp-eck ol ktaaut lea minutes. At tbe conclusion of the tpeakuig wa'bid dia to our Western friend, who, like M, kid oojy one thing t.i r'gr.r, last was. conclusion of fuck cletigbrtuf exeswsson. ' inrnur the membtre ol the re ol thie gteU the following acoompwi' 'he eacarr akau XUbaVEw,J,'aM? boro'; J. O. fi. Jluiell, Etaaiaer, 8lia- tmry I 0. flarria, Indea, HiadorKia ; W, a, Meara, Meaaenfter, OuldolMiro' ; Mr. Eraaa, Kceieeilerv Mtfecr (M Ti W, C Betia( UmbbmcUI . Jiul)tiiar (li:i-lwr'r J. K. WblUaer, Tiutea, Glduww'; yt U. V- We bad the pleaaure ol atiug from Or- anna eooBtr Paul C. Carneroa. q , Huo. J. W. Graham, Captain Berry, Tboa, Hill, Esq., Bam Hughes, Esq., A. Brown, Enq, Tbu. Preelaad, Eaq.,aod other. Mecklen burg waa well represented and among the aumberwasaw Too. iWfy, Kaq., Mayo Dowd aad Dr. McAden. Prom Guillord, aaaaag the rest. Ho. R. Gortel,1 D. W, Murrey, Eq., Wm. Caldwell, E.q , J. M.N Caldwell, Preehleot of the Edgeworth Col lege at 6reeoslorn Wrfe" pieaent. Among the gmtlemea prearul trom Alamaace county, wa had the pleaaure of seeing the Hon. W. A. Moore and I. McBwaim, ol Graham. There were numerous other prom ioeat aad distinguiahed gentlnnea Irom various parts of the Blate present whose name escape our memory. ' ' Among tbe prominent cttiawti of Jlalli more. We ssw Col. PowellJrJiyieteri Eq., Bkipwilh Wiluter; kq , sad other Ws usdrrsUnd that Mevor Banks, Presl dent of the Cora Etchaage, and other dis tinguiahed Invited gueeU from that City intended to have been pnarnt. but were prevtttted from so doing I v business en gag-mewt I ' - A BAD BKtLX. . . Tbe follow log incident, particularly tbe eiprctsioa'of the pour negro, suggests much .sad rcfleetioB to th miads of tboaa who ttatd- Bldom a more sfrikinu metspbor, than find in that significant reply : The stsh meat i that recently Mr. Las alter, of Oxford, peeeing tbroogh Petersburg, aw at the hotel a Ireedmaa wbom be bad known in tbe day of slavery. lis was one Of those sprightly, popular waiters that bs- come extensively known and receive very msrry bibi kvif favor and eeeooragenient from boarder and travellers. Wlu n Mr. L. saw bim tbii time, be espied a little sua of the good servant running about with book ia bi hand, and called bli father' at tention to it a a reason for hops and ex pactation tor th future. Tba earaeat aad Impressive response to the congratulation was, "Ah, Jfr. LauiUr, Vn sea JUs ffom i at my koum." Who can consider, without poignant or row over an unfortunate people, bow many there sre lu this broad land who like poor John have to suffr Ids melancholy reslixa tioa that their lauded manuniiasioa was but the di-privtignjdJhe prMcgfaandooni. tort Ibry enjoyed before and a autjertion to hsrdabjp and suflerings tucb as they never bad know a-or Ivaret I, IXSAXITr-MKSTJMJ Off- HL'PKK MTKXVBXrS yOH I TS CUKg. . - .. . HTmToB, V., June 15. Tbe twenty third auuual meeting of the f AJocUy,)(J uf Misjiti, Buperintendenla ot Ameilcaa Institutions foe the Isaans eon vened her to day, Dr. Kirkbride, ol Phila delphia, president, In the tuair, aad Dr. Curwen, ol liarrisburg, acting aa secrc tary. - '- -- - Neatly all the States and tbe Dominion ot Canada were represented. The proceed ings were highly Interesting. , ir, Curwen, ol iVBssylvanis, resa a ra "porl m3tt the trrslnjeiit- of .the . shm in' private innilurionr. in which be took occa aiun ta exprrsi bu clenii)t for the roo- duct of oetlam trgislatora to. passing fulc, ana reguistions lor ins govrnmrui snu treatment of mslsdiea ol allien tticj are totally ignorant. " Vt. Kay presented aa Important paper oa tbe lew of insanity in which were des cribed ee veral rrren t jiidicial deriaiona, snowing most grsmyuig pngrees in me right direction Tba dwiaina 4 the Chief Justice of .New . Hampshire, lu a recect criminal Case, was rrganled as embodying the resllv correct law in renert tn tnssnitv as an excose for crime. All -'-questUm of inaanlly, including tests - and UnOuiiious, ire questions ol lact, to ba determined by tbe iuri : and the duty uf too. court i con fined to giving simple inntiwclhina that II tbey find the priaoner to have Veen insane whea he cnmmittnd the act, snd that the offering nXsufh iliarsin, lliry. must , acquit aim on tue ground el tnnamty. ' Afhor sa amuaiug diicusaio in regard to th treatment of the ineane in.Maasacnuietts oa bundrrd years -ago, by ducking ed connrMment, ia high reerare comiresseJ water tanks, and conversation on scientinh tubjects, tbe convention al)ouiaed till Bine O'clock to morrow morning, A Rkharbsbi. Cava. There ia a cava in Russia, not far trom Orenburg, which pne-etse the remarkable character of being partly filled with lea in summer, and to tally destitute of it in winter. Ths hotter the air outside, ; Sir. Roderick Murchi soo, tbe colder it is lnsid. Its property depends oa the arrangements oi th eur rent of air, and the principle that evspo- iti'imsu:!Mfc- rreament II tuhcnclt aoptieit toe same pnn- riple hi-hos(sa4i br -Iihi "wslt of WaSMIiaHsWsBT.' -5 ..,; , .. The 'following amuaing bull was latrtv perpetrated at BrLnot, LuglaudT A Laai rate saked a prisoner if be were married. '.'XoI.''bl- lhatusn, jfl his worship, smid peals, of laughter good lor your wile. "u'l A contemporary say that tianvindent !stn t tWpirHest .i'gwiiaeaw f f-yrwd-ogieal irrefragibility, connected With ena cnitsnt ademption of encolumnieat spirit Sality and .elbe'rialised con.lntjoo .r4,..eub sullory concretion. ; ; " . John II. Purrait.has nmied a pnnluce and eummisatOB bt in itsltiutore, : IM Tit MA TtMB CM ' jfif. JtQOM . KSQUIB. ' la aatwer to the ott expreawd wbbea of the paUie, w gie to-day full report ol the argumeat of Hon. WiJIiw B. Battle, befjt w Btipreae toarv, u cue cuuusu , which Vtac kinaty femiab! fu tka parpeee. We hope to Uy belora our readtf the arguneeta of the other gratia mea who appeared a coaoeel C the iw epoedeata, t any early day Mr. Williaia U Uattie aaid : lLl," a one ol tba aoaaael Inr Mr. Moore, be wowtd prw eeed to read hu Mwer to the ruia which bad beea red npnai him. - ----- la lii ttupretu t oon jua Term tmn. Ia the matur of a. r. Muare,- Shama Brac'g aad Ed. Orahua Haywood, " The lereral answer r. IT Woww toThe rale hereia aiade by ald Cwurt and terred ap bim : Tliii Kenvnilent prnteetinir that a rule wt,uh aVaile U,hU 'Uwiporafltr.nt km pnvilji aa AiliHary ot tmil t'ourt, ouht not to hare tieea iuade in hit abMmce, without notice U tm, aaa wimoui aiuoa U or other kat proof of the lact Jipoa ifi I. Ihst be admit th signing and oub. I lislang ol tbe paper called -A solemn pro- teat ol tne 0sr oi itonn uaronna sgaioat l Jutlicial intcrfereBoe ia political aHsirs, but Insists tbst tue bupreue Uourt uam no sutbority in law to make, or jurisdktioa to enlorce, said rale. IL That the publication referred to in said rule is not l.Usllous, and doth not tend to impair the respect doe to the authority of said Court III. And for further sniwer this Re spondent ssilh, that ssld paper wa coo. ceived and prepared during the recent political canvass tor (he Presidency, nnd its oubticatioa deferred anlil after tbe close fcf tba raava'S) to svoid Its having the appear- w- .if tiHisAM M-Hinfii Its ajlinila Uast bis purpoas wss to express nil Ultap probstioo ot the eonihict ol individuals oc- cupving high radretal stations, vet, as aa act ot justice to nimsell against tus cnarge made ia the rule, Be not only disavows, in signing snd publishing said psper, any in Supreme Court or ot impairing tba respect due to il authority, but oa the contrary, be avows his motive to naVa beea to preserve the purity which bad sver distinguiahed the administration ot justice by the. Ouurt ol this Htste. ' Mr. Battle, after reading tba answer, moved to discharge tbe rule, and baaed bis motion u. on two greunds, upon either ol which bs lelt coufiilent, it must be sua tallied. The first gfosnd was, that the rule had beea improvidettly liaued, becsuae there was no contempt of the Court, and therefore bo caae for which hi friend and client could be called upon to answer be fore th Court- It wss formerly difficult, tmoa reading the autnoritiea, to ascertain wAh any certainty, what could ba deemed a contempt of Court Io Most instances, oontempti are committed in opso Court, bv rude and improper eon' duct, either by officers of ths Court, or by person atteaUinii upon It I out lie summed that there were circurastanret under which a contempt might be committed in the ah-. aenot of lb Court It seemed to bim, tbst for the purpose of nettling the dttncultiee which hsd rtentn wttrinptmg -to -deter' miu what are coutempts of Court, our LoLdslatura bad, at its I at session, laid down nod prescribed what, aud what only are to be regarded M contempts ot the Courts of North Carolina. " He referred to tbe Act In relation to proceeding in eon tempt, ratified , the 10th day ol April which waa s Isw at th aiiue .wtiroa Un rt4 test in queeUoa was published ; and be con tended that by that a;t alone this Court should be governed la tha present case. Th set was. as presumed, prepared by the Code Comraieaioners, and was intended to ba the Isw ot North Corslins upon th sub ject of eun tempts lot lb future. Aad it iraa en.inentlv proper and right that it should be ao, lor the llbtrty ot lha citixea Mtulrsd tbst be hiuld ba eertunly i tormed as to the law, before ba should te held responsible lor obedience to it. Ti e counsel lui B rel tne nrit (even spect ficatious ia th act for which a person might ba puuiahed tor a contempt, and allowed tbst neither of them wa at all ap ... ll-.," . 1 " 1 pllcsble to esse use lue present. lis aaiu thnt the 8th ws tbe ouly section upon which a auestioB could bs raised, '1 bat sec.tioa relates to th "mubcliavior of aev officer of a court in any official transaction," and cannot apply here, because the signers and publishers of the Protest wer not, while doing an, engagrd in any official transaction. It wssBot signed r published during the amino, and did not constitute contempt, of the Court ; aad aa tbe Court could not leal with It except as contempt, tbe rule, as ba confidently ked, should be Uis- cfairgd upon this grounds 8. The eonassl al4 UnXrif rvrevwtn1hj'f taken as to bis first ground ol defence, be thrfl rulltd upon- the second. . II argued that, as it Is welt known that crime con aiata of' bolh' an act and an inteut, there must be, to constitute a criminal offence, aa act committed with criminal intent. Hence, nn insans paraoB cannot commit crime, because his act cannot b accompanied bw a iwtliy- will.-ia - ths third article ol Uis answer, uta jneaa. aaa client, Mr. Moore, baa dmvowed, in tbe moat solt ma manner, that be Intended, by signing and publishing the Protest, any contempt oi theOooro- Oa the contrary, be adds, that kis wiouve wsa to preserve the l urity which had ever distinguished the 1 . . .1 . , 1 .: 1. .1 ' . .1 auminiatrasioa ot uaiit uj vw.ii, rau as it was only for a contempt of tbe t'ourt that be could be punished, bis disavowal bad removed tbe imputation ol contempt .from what waa sought to be treated :'ttrtkjtT etrrrpovt-of- tbii pinl tion, Mr. Rattle referred to tbe case of the 1'eoule es. Few, which orcurred in tbe State of ifew Vork, a reported in t John, Rep. XSSI, in whicti tns-uourt neia, mat 10 con stituta acoBtempt nf Court, there must be aa tNtenttos to commit such contempt. He insisted that this ens was entitled to tbe highest respect, because it waa decided by one of the ablest Court which ever sat in tbi country. At th bead of it, was Jauits Kent, known throughout the Union a one among It BtueA (earned aad accompliahed jurists. Hit associate were, first, Smith Thompson, afterwards- Secretary of tbe Navy, and tbea lor many United Males ; secondly, Ambrose Spencer, scarcett infutlor a jtaftfBad, tawy ta Chrf Juca Kiui, to B-0iSceaiTlerr wards SMCoaetL' and..tsllj:.. IlssM Ttskn b. suhsMWft ernor of New York aad Yew President of tha United Stales, Judge . Tompkiea did wet ffrWvrrwnr op i n ioar-e)e)FWj beu e he had ivt bvea nominated lv tbe aflios of li)vern.ifJn opposition to gov. Iewis. at wboSe tnsiaaoa it wa aouwlii to have- tbe deteadunt, Few, punuhed for a contempt. Tbe counsel remark, ed that tor all ba knew to the con trary, Ugvb9 lwi wsa tfefosta in th electioe partly ia ewnsevjneoce of that pro. ecution. as the casesnowea mat it. grew out of tbe rmlitieal eontert. Upon these ercrundxMr. Battle nitceded Oiat thv-lvart must come to tbe concluMon that tliis cae did not fkll within any Isw ol KorthCarn. lins moating to a contempt; nnd il it did, tint ihatver a contempt miarht have ia sappoeed to exist bad beea eunipierij aentiv. 4 by tba aaswar of tue Kesposioewi. Ilaflnarladad vitk ths aenDbatW decli tion tha be did not believe be could wot believe that the Conrt would punlsB, oy A,An frnaa ska- Has, a-ese asvvaa . tw-a (liatinmikahiMl turoturnotti me io fae of UW aor briler,knt whOiw thaUw civil troauies baa never aworreu Iriiianos to th tjoasututio aad toe Lnuia. IIW ADT1XTISIXIHTS.' Call sad t good If. V. ftonr at M s sank. i)sm Maeclaaasa. mm 14T stCt'fl'kHNOKa W1K - . . . . - 1 1 L- tl.. 4..1 ael-tf. oss, MerensuU. ymm w. W. II. Jui ffhit 4)NF tvdk. staiefasuta. UbT KEClilVEO. . . VJ 'It; Jane is-. XHTH PUIg vbitk fsorr II AT t. iH. B.B. TUCaAllAtX), lils-if. JI.ET-1IAKKEIJI , or BUT BOCKUID LIMI IB PERFECT ORDER, T rale ebaap by jun is-u. LEN H. ADAMS. "M" As T V . l-ersoaa srisiiW Is eae I hair friends ta tbe JaO ol Una Cuaatv, wot heaHuwod tu iM ao oo tn Aay ol sack woes, asj al no other lime. . June I If. w'ske Oouu'ty. H. 01AVW BCHOOU r al MJkMA ., W. -C. couus or is st a oct ion : (lasalral, SrlcaliQe mm4 PrtrL so:. tftiA -aid td Jail. 1 b ekaree lot poara ano i aiuoa v I of leeniy weeka tisdsowl to ami tne umsa m fruw N to 1IU aa apt-utsed la s emar w net os apvlioauoo. . a jinx IS-SeAaw. a. UKN K, HALL, i H. VAN ALMT1NB.I Jbsielea, Ay. HALL COMMISSION Mr- UrisuMS, La. . & CO., MEECIIANTS, isn souis ros res atu eg MANUFACTUKKD AMD LEAP TOBACCO, lo. 113 P'lrsM, filreet, KEW OBIJMrS, LA. Hneeial attentlna ia to lbs Purr base and Saia of BovTaasa aud Waa-rsn Paoouoa LiUieai adTaium aiaile oa eonaiKnaieDt. ' ' harass sv I'saauaioM.-Pika, Brulber A Oo, Raukora, N O , U. ; K. W. Farl.y A 0, !., Ia. ; J.JisT Wsfn., tl. O., I.; , Bmilk A Oa., Bsukers, oirtiroBrjr; Ala. ; f. AL Uilaeer, Jr., Kaq, Montgosaorv Ala. Lobinea, Inxrt A Co , tkHtoa A Coasmiaaioa Msrehaats, Muotiomsry. Ala Harrey Williams, JUch mood. Vs. ; Lsbaaaa Bros , hew lurk j J. I. Wkilted, Hiusboru', M. V. .... jnna !-! JABD, LABD, BAUOW. Lard In 100, SO, U, 10, 5 snd I packages. t,Ml0 lbs. Hit aides. S.HO0 " Bulk aide ' X Kill M Hhoulders. utf Breskiast Bason, (Bngar eared.) Vor eels by Junele-tf. 1OUOLA8 BELL. gOGAHA, BUOAWL tJrnsbed"A,"I.b,' " 0 " and f. Bnrars, I DOUOLAa BAXU yaus lt-tf- r""'" jDTTER BUTTE B. Nie snd rresB, lor sale ay J.iu. 11-1 t. T. BTBONACH. IABD, LA BO. tiool ud whit, tor sals by Jnsl7-tf O.T.BTBOHACH. LOb'B I fbUUbl ' I RACE! front 4(i te par Back. Jane 17-tt O. T. nTHOMACU. rEATHEB t LIATBKK 1 1 - the of good Hemlock BoleLeaihsr. jiiae 17 -U O. T. BTBONACH pOBa HEr. Will reeeire a eoaaif nnMnt of fare Cora Wkia- - lime 17-tf. "- : i-w-rBOA0He- ir BBtl CI.l JIATaiIJTI- tlTB. - FroC M. Eawsa, A. t, I wi 1. A FasD. A. rarrsa, A. St. ( "metpaai. C. rsTTaa, A B. Assistant. JTh Hieenth BSaaioa win begin oa Tharsesy, Julr th. Iks. board (tadndtng Faat and Ughls) sad TaiUoa from 4, to tin , . . Fur Orearsra, aiklraaa either of the Prlactpelr, stnaaomna, uraariue eoauHy, a. v. pine 17-d3isw-w. .... BIVOHAX SCHOOL SlrbaiirrUile, Bf. C "Wat. Biiobaw.1 Boat. Biaaaia. W. 8 Lracn. I mRi BEfwioii or iws-70 Broiirs Auourr I 1 WMk sad eotrtinaas rorty weeks, rheeuarss uT linUaeuoa tanladaa the on ry F.iikIiIi branehee, the sih-mI laagaacae, I rreaeii, MatiMawUoa. ltlo-aasiin(, aM Uof Malum Hciewr. - f llaalartine- Taitioa.- BaaeaV-faehi Waaiunf, Boosa and CluUiing,) asM, Circulars sent oa spubeauoa. June 17 Imdwkew. flic. W. C. Rail Ktl Cw Coursar Bhom, K. June Ifi, 186. rpflE TWENTIETH ANNPAL HFETItlO OF 1 ths Bio kboklera of Un North Carolina Rail hod CompariT sill bs bold ia tba towa of Baus- j burr ea tbe eighth day at July nail 'the traaafrv twAa are ekieed from tbe first dajr of Jane aalil after Use meeting. i. a iTAoa, yuneltdtd. BacavrABT. E. BESSON", MM1CIIAPIT TAILOR, , Oppoails Market Bqaara. TTAS JTJHT RECEIVED sins ealsetion of ,..aJL KiMiw-.i and Aafrita I'bHbii a A Oajai mares. as vsntinig anon to ttrdar at snots bouoi Fit 1. VKkmaaalMS wajrssiied... :...Aiatrb.l-sm.:..::r..-..:..;:- :.;r;.,-::--.: QOBHI CK!II COatS I ,- ll.a tlinwax I bmhlo4Jarw. fat sals W - ere efleoent. st ki.SSt smarkot pne, br mal-U IxjUOLAi BELL. LAiSii; ii a uia i: k t i i it it. --' POZ, LADlkSt IJBF.W HAKTKIB ) ehwrs, eui. hl Hsadkorcbieni attAasala ma. a OaSAT iiaimais. JarwJtl Vi. H A B, A -TrrJlFB A PQ. Hotel t Fitt.boro.', Chatham Cs y. C. MR. H. B. M kK F has later relUted and pat id hrot-ctaaa uitl.-r tit H 41, m 1'itonieo, tMtin tnte the fextentwei of the' trawtine Pithlie. Hia 1 14. as w-tl Mpflied with ail the Market. ffloroa aud eood ad tttment wkitaes are fti.ara Ht ait-o.laars. 1 rme walarate. ma; 31-a las H18CEL1AM0TJ8. . SECOND STOCK!. 18G9. WI TaKB PkJtixl B iJi ASJiUiiWjuno te oar friends aad tbe pebtte, Uwt we are bow rseeiTiac a new aad desirable stuck ef KFKIVQ AHD BTTKKEE GOODS. of the LATEST ftTThES; , eonakeung. in part, of - . . GEBIiABlXEa, 4E&UCB8,'. , 7.--; ' MOZAMBIQUE, JtOHAIBA LISEJfS, , LAWK A 0KJASDIE8, faTBLni PEBCALLE8 AHO LISKJf LAWX8, black 84 roon OKiarADisr,- - I LAMAETI1SC8, CHALLI8 AJiD PINE ATPLE BEa.At.EB. Ab satire new stock of . 1 PBlSfTfl, THKBAD CAMBRICS, USD UN CM LAWNS, BAISS00K9 AMD USUAAU1KB, trwias, htox Jacoset ircsuHrv .,.m,ih umAnm,smmm BiamA!rPfiBir ISDIA TWILLKDLOKO CLOTH PERCALES, BLKACBED A BBOWX COTTON", HOOP BKIKT8, HOfflEBT, A OORKETB, LA CAVA LUTES CpLLARS A CUFFS, EMBBOIDERIES AND LACES, , S PA8AS0LS AND OKBBELLAB, - At laWanr u-rlaul ot LsdieV Gent's and Miaeae fkia, Faaey asvd Hem-aiilebed Uandker- Sblf. . ' " - kiuUxia. lubbona, Bibbuus.. Udies snd Misses' Hals, Poaiwta, ttailera, aaoea and tippers Oaut'a ana Toatk'a Rata, boots aud Blioea, UeutS ana loam a iwanw, Unsas and Cottondes. A good asanruneni es aeai nair Drama, vmi te. st4iir Brsida. Uoila, Hsu, as. iu bol ear etjods low fur esab, sre 1 assoiwd tba we eaa uSar tndnoamiuiie to oar fruads and the paobe, who hare ao tibsraiij , n i U L. i. tnmitA 1T SManisws w www - to oar etoea, . .,,.,., Jouel-U rBUlltUa, rtl 1 1 a ninua. JnrilliiJtt.skbjtiiJ THIRD SMALL DBltt 1X8, TO TAX rtAC AT TUCKEK HALL, July Iwtk, l0. BOARD OP SCPERVISORS. 1 Boa. Bios Sf Booisa, Tt.Weh, W. O."--t'rai'a t. Hopuu, Oretmahoro, H. O. U a Lat Plymouth, N 0. Jab. H. rwrre, stsK-iKb, C 1B J. H MaUuwruM, kslsigh, N. O. J. VI. Usasisos, " ' Tbe third einlsnatorv drawing of the It, l uul Panunal Ualiu Aeeuov. Will earns I in this City, ea Uts lIHh Jnlr neit. betow, We I m th u'luiius. siiiek at s brtllisut oue, aud I oAm, aa will bs soon by s mvUianiaUvsl eskulw I oa ou Iw tentn tea tukets. I 2.750 TICKETS AT $1 OQ EACH 'Bend lor ticketa uumeitiately, And eocloae pos- tegs stsmf to prepay letO'r. Luff or rni.E Press lssvta) Hssie, ? Oeteea- ' maud Comer, 'freaMUUe , " Bros., Sew Vork. can 00 jui uo 1 flue tup liUKKjr, - 1 China l a Met, I Cnauirjor 4A yards Bruaaels Carpet, A ....; j ... W - - A 'riy Carpel, t - BatUug, . III llartMUIlg, "" 1 1 Hewing atauhiue, each, 1 (irean eiik fJrma, 1 Aura, Biuldiue; lou, tM each near HI. Mary', t Lady'e Ould Watoh and Chain, siKant - ' 1 Bilw Foddiug rluoon, 1 Musis Box, - 16 yards OU Cloth, - -XA Htrified Carpetii g, . 0 White Mauwc, 1 Haratoga Trnnk. liv 00 1M I - w on 1 00 4k Ml I M 00 as UO aa) 00 no 0t tai on va vo i UO US Ou 26 00 IS 00 1 atnroooo BalctaBlL 7 UU f "1 tarda Oiugbam, each, . - as oo . AO 00 an on 10 m I Alegant Fan, each. ' - 1 0ot'a Hat, Kt, 1 1 Tabts Omir," "sv . t " I Mmdin brass, 10 yds sack 1 " 1 Brooas natukaaa 1 . " 1 latftasd, . 1 r 1 -M 1 Prt asiiig Com, mwh, 11 Uktas l a aeL pMeM, I m j m . ,. . 1 14 1 Parian Toilet blus, 1-1 TuUd Met, Bobsuisu, I " 1 Wins nst, - - , . I w . M tt m s. 1 1 pair Bilvsred Olass Ootiinta, M I. . . . W ' M U M m 1 " 1 Silvered Olass Sslrsr. 1 " 1 - 1" 1 pair OtaasOslsrv Stands. - on uo on , , oo I ou i 00 ' A no t Oil i oo A oo ( ou ' on A on " ou I OU 00 A ui Sou ou 100 at ft saea, W ' at tl each, . , J 00 tat PTtass. ...-'- x,79U 0 -ruaooa sedcemg Ttekets will ptsaa sd- nxeas, "BEOKETABT . C. REAL AND PEBHONAL EbTATK AO BIICT," AtALAlUH, At. C Vitk etamn be retara poatage snolunad. June l-dlA3 POPCLAl 61 MMFR EESOKT FOB HEALTH AHO PLEASURE BEEKEKI MACON HOTEL. IIAtSALL ItTAIllE dk (O, . . . Irojrlctora, il0BIIAD CIT1', N. C. 18C0. . Boaan. Per Month. . ..I4S on .. 11 n Weak... -DBT.v.-;; yane M-lw. ' IAWTE8 CASS DOCKET ; -:?- ::" roi nsMB orUwtsa,t. mo EJJABUI THEM TO KEEP A BISTORT X of all eases ia which they are interested fr.M It. MMMMMHt fcA till mll.llTiri Paica... .....$ For aaia bv June lt-tl Bookssuer, iudeigh, K. 0. A eery tnpunar 0. Spring Fbwloo good as Alan Ina inl Haraaaa. A bareaui eaa be br evlr esiling on the eabseriber. as ha has no farther a lue it. - )na U-. , W. B. t'KUW. JV .;? OF . - '-.S p UNA.S,Aa. . It as iT! anaa Meaisl. ' '. Jaw 1-tt W.H. Aa a TUCaER CO THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, -EA CFOR-T JrVAX, -m wow ripe roM tfr acoommodatios I or VISITOKH TO TMB 8r,A MUK. lt.i. u,.4 ilm imnl of all ths trais snd wiUeunmr BsaaetMiers to the Hotel whsrf fur "fl taww per week, t wee day 13 fat Chinarea half ran . H.,Lf.lftnEVft, jane 14-alawL Pitoratavassa.- TovKi.Tir. ts i.Abir HosriicniEi-, b est-oliaea, Ijkssm1 Mn-'in I'.-n.i-iaoae, A. ... r.a. AS. .CthtaatA-. Jim 1t .sflSCElLAIIOTJl GRAND SALlT" OP . ItEAt"KSTATK .-.-.--i. AND PEBSOSll PROPERTY, BV VHS - BOETH CA10LWA MAI ASByrw. ovja at, x.9 1 a i a, AuldCT UALfclUll, N. C. CAPITAL B TOlli l3,0o . I aSMMU n iwmim,, ,t eausTcuo bv vb uwisut-rvas ut .- ,,:;, : saw use. .. - JOPKPH 0., jMident .'"e ra.i!iAVJi.iaaijiri JnllSU. Ukil'AB,stM, 1,000 Vauubl Fibce o PorTT , i sUMHI .wo wa 4,lvt t ' 1 7,rTiciwi-ii"arBj n ua RF.AI. KKTATB.- IXKSJTljiJS MUirjIUnikaw ea. 0ns Beauknos teBakiglij H. a, fi6.a , H.uie Ob Oss 't ..." I. ... , One , j ., Vameten ". One CluwlBiU One Hotel hi TaykrsvUis, M. O., I sue t.i-t mm rasnL rpatTr namplee oa eihibitioa st BKATEK BKrm. Sin Bo. Mi PaveiUivUle at , KaleiKli, . (; V . the regular eaah aema. , 10 Fiua rba-tuus. nauli, auii te BV' Ll. BVhuoUt, Baiuuxira. Mil. t lu ll Fius T'p BunjtK, lO eaek. ma.U by H t Hetmudt, italtiwMra, MJ, )M M 1st. frsnanaiM 7 uetavo Plan., wmlm ' bf i raaaauia Una., M. I mm i Parks- or t hurr OrnaiM, ( alufKlui taua ot i reiaauie nrue, l. i l,tA iOt Hawiug Maeiinwa, Wilaoi Uibbser - urueerB PaSars wuaaon, S311. ' 100 Bilk OreavMi tea arucka, IS yards a -each drsaa ttO, - . -. IDua I VBloeiiiedwi, I7S, " ' " 1 "14 sWlUBraaaUCrp,Mdaaaeh'l,Kl t iZ anslsBuadw naraa, Wiyarauaaw? boat ta Un world IJUU, , 1 M 1 Caab Friaa, tl.ono guU, '.. , yM HI Cask PriMa, Ilia) mtch, ' ' U,Z " ap .. r . . 1 tkaw - toou do do 1 du t . wl Prises Tains of ths total aniV i Aiu 1 Tka auurrrieore will b vanUeman wall tiua nd aotad lue kuaaats ami latsaritr. wbo .iU u ba ailowml pnruliaaa liossis at ewa aa; Mat tn ui totiauy. - iaauwijara aud piiat ig tea drawn rrotn each wliml by two bllud buvi m4 a fall rxpurt of all numbera drawiu pruuii 4 ' be publwawd la soats pmmimi.t aauawr aa sieihauily efur Mas ikswing. Aa Uia qntMUon baa twen aakad fceqaattb wkt is Jos U. iioauar, Promdoot u( Uit Wtsv Xu- Una nan snd fermmal JlstaU Aganey, ha hn -niakaa the toUuwma rslieseam ; a lam pornouelly aequsinlod with Capt. Jos. 8.1 Beater, and V I t hisi In hi lanlna, iniliiiliwu, auterpibiuiK eorroet niaa. . AW. LAWBU.0E, OmstL Annrr . BrtieAlTn Ui lua. OiaBuaiiy. BaSaieb, M, 0 Feb. HO, ImaV . - . I saa . alao, perannsllv ste,ainied witk Capt J. t.ilMhr. and fully euawar SUA the etaliawat awda aiKe hjr Mr. iawraaoa i. A Jo Siva, - Bookaeiiar and HtoUunnr. Bataixh, H. C I am peraouelljr acnnaiutd with Capt. Jus 0. Busier, snd lolly uituraa thaaoee lestisuniala ' JAttrHH. ENNlNI, honsseuw, as, 'BaleigtHM.a,Ae4.lMi0.i I bare beea acquainted with Capt. J. 0. Baa. tar for eereral yuars, snd oimear in Uiasburs " atstements. JOHN 0 PALBKH, ...tfatcb.mak-r Jeweler UsleiKU. A JL .... I know Capt. J. O. Ulster to bs a gsaUemaa of auml worth and integrity. mun, t. sun, ; Wabiluiiiker A Jaaaisir. . Balsigh, Md Feb, IHtrs. Mr psTBonal'SMinabitaaee with Cant Joe. 0. Roaier, sa well aa my otMervetioa or hia baainsM KuiTeinenta, jaalifies sir hsarty ndurawneut tl aba forvKoing eeroaitM, and akall regard bus m w.ll uiwiihed for any branoh of eoiumarsial purmiit. W. R. CHOW Oea't 'Kt. ' ' - yrAna Liira uieerauoa vo. Raring known Oapt i. 0, Heater for aeveral ars. 1 bsarUIr sodoraa ths slurs taalmonn ef hia worth aa a goutlmii and baaiuaaa sua. ; (i, w. tiAHUfciu, puossDuar, as, . BalelKh.Vub.irj, lot I cheerfully endorse tbi frwemnr; 7 ' DKAltiN GALES, (Wi M. a M. At lue U Balsigh, Fab. IS, loOS, , AlUumirk I kamkaewa Bat Hsater. but t - abort tiuia, I taks pleaaure m ! Uul 1 ki Aeud a hnjh iioinlOA of hia iiitalliirtwoe. aui snae, aud uapaePV l basiwaaa. and that 1 bosa otltrewlaS fseorsblr Imuraaead by kin. , PAnisd. A leuOliw. . , D. A MahaL I entirely eonmr with Mr. C A Ouodlue, M tbs sIiuts atsteuient. ..... H 4 lui't'u a. Clark U. A Circs Cuol. Imura Aurrra or Koavs Ctaoini. -t Baleiirh, FSs. , W f I have kaowa Capt. J. ii. HaatM, Inaa sjs k fancy. Me tt a genUeataa of integrity, Mama qaalirteauoua and high pMnonjl r, im i . . ' " t pbyaioaa A naparuilewhiel. i sntlrslv eonenr witk Pr. J?Wr,,?'u" aboy.. . - -W. w. Mulcts. I hare known Capt Heeler two wa aas wneariaUieabeTe. ' , w-V "-" T latsoeajiat W. Uia udara.meA" hwreag bas sptmotel. . awnertiaot. of 4b. asses (iM.Sii asi !...- that we neitnar owe any at m - ; wa, sod we wiU ha. ataU Uiat ths drt-mr s4 bs omdaetod thirty lor ed who bow o". whether piwut or not at ins orawin. pnlihali a mil hat of all nambera dr.'i"S pnan. eliM'b will be eaut to any one deMrmf H. tiaua r. aioi' . hum H. Boossa, - Janes U. Auavs, ' , L.0 Liiats, " . BnperTiora Wha Am aa PrairM. ': .Ws puhlhdi toUj, tba ftrat a;h'me In t " of nasi and Personal bU M Company tend by tbe last lui.laturs, with a hnadrsa snsv aotrtji. ukh - with puww ttMOcress. thai aswtiot w a dewl lh,l. I thaUara. AS ejamtuaUMi or w charter aalurhw aa that P. Uanpany ia pur 1 HrMmats bnnM ; they en. r'-" SW-a of Baal and l-raai tMf or -rm they may '.-",.! Uwa, or elanaaa . - ... w aad annnaUkabl hngurt a lha iraiianf'"" " u" "r 7 mt inn-- e. to tba property nt r-' o l ie examine : wr. a- """"" H iiieowa sps which he -l tod,.pr- of " tbe wiarhet, end Jaiia to eet a bid u.aa it in th. harnla of t1-?" , .uca, aai ftn-aal Ki-iaie tl,, ,.r ra th pro,rrr WsWd by Ut low d-wa - fZuaeM. a atesd. whieh wodaranyou.- a. bars r,m, as si Is Ikvefn. wm ao no 'rw - aet- -JZZi. what h P-rpo." ".ZXZZ CT lor th aala of pnnwrty. . refer oar reada th a tbs spWodid n-1 "'.r in .Fte-end Uie twadar r . i A.i.. that thsrs is en pro- - awPT ,ia. unpla m .r.""?TaT.r. th4V :TrS aSS't' lal OW a... - btem. 1 lit re,- dlhTp- WSTtassaeel:- arand drawn.a baa Ua prsea. ,a javUsUteexetHtri o. M t ba -M: Wa leax. fruaS H' ... ml pWlorr drawii'S " " " 'V - to I Lunatbrr-e f.l srtmp '?ZU iw9 Ail ti.-V-t ;n brVtoaew . --- b1.t snd -rotors ef fer M a, -Zr refer to any Merrbwt. r-s ie,- souse nr-sTr )ene2-tf