NO. 275 . AA,ii AWi WHO LIS All HZTAIL CiOCIIS; JITlJmiTEfDriKI ' ' "I ' ' ! II'' S'!" B U-i i 4 IT 411 ft" JOSIAH TUASaJU Jr. EDITOX. I "... .TBB.A 0 V BP0T1S FKMP' ' ' f" 1 Wjr ht better t sauotioaed the eaireard.. 1 nuary pbcoomeaOB, armr Liornwib. wbica 4 eiaia tbe death of alt animals that ap T (kuu'Ii llt luiJ spot. 1 lit bow eoetilid; I iueuM,, Aa., AmH- f can itntltHML who paeeed nvee the iewali f It. confirm the onttiou report. Ob tbe Locum be roevi, about 'it leajraee bom Tee ns, tbrre mU wut it here Uroud a ntaf bu baua koowa to MM. Daring tbe lets earthquakes, wtl'ich de v etrujed Arioe aad pertly Tscna, tbe (beck wan etrosgeet ia tie Agibuileood of La- ? euanbe euil the jfrrwrn A mum anver 1 mmy bad bee epiit open, uai urslt I t ream of fetid wuri pojtmf iyt of the J -mountain inle Ika envtoF Nd attention ih at Brat paid to tlia fact our to tbe mortality among the animals that tinted tie Beiiliborbool. It waa ooly when tbe.l 1 . - . . . n- I a - . ' I people uwjf-ai iw mri i Km uv uoe irwiu the Hcxite J Mia yellow Lrer. which -waa deraatating the cities to tlia ml ley of Locum ta, tbat tbey lecaiue aware or Ike fatal effects upoa lliir animal, at a dit t mce at much aa eight and ten mill train th ewwew. - aa-- ''- ' . Tbe stench;" av my informant, -I can O MB pari to aotbing elaa than old tile -water, of tba ainell ol wbicb you. become painfully coneciou Within twelve miles front ita source, my horse dropped down under me, and in fire minutet he was dead. He vomited, tbrre or lour tiinea a thick black igbsteBce, vituilar in couiatency and appcaraac to 'he Mask toniit. I wat thua left to walk flfleeo m'lee to the neareit boqae, two thirdi of whkh I may oall a raulta' thickly wai the old road covered with them. The cause of tliit aioealar freak of ature ia nuknon ! bat it aeemt that the ctae which" have iinpre Bated tbe atmotpbere produce the vomit and death of the animate that inhale It What tbeae gaaee are oonipoeed of aoitoce atone can lolra." Acommiiwion baa been or dered by tbe government to examine Into thta extraordinary matter and report upon ,i 1 1 m W i u 1. . (From tbe hi Loaia Demoent, Jute IS.) A RBAL TRAGKDT ON THIt STAGS AH A CTJIKSS STABS ASD WOUNDS TBS OS A VT YILLA1X F A laree audience aasembled at De Bar'e - laat night on tbe occaaioa of a "grand com--yliaieataiy iienefit!1 to "Creole" (Mr. Mai aeoa.) "Aa original play by the au'horwi" waa produced, beiiif a orma'i)ttioo ol the popular novel of "Marie'a Miatake." Tbe aotboreaa beraclf made her llrat apiwirance, takinv the tart, of Marie. Mra. Km ma 8tone of the stock company, played Julie da ikiurirhc. and Mr. A. 11. Pearwm, an araaiiar Berfortned the Tillaimm part of of Captain J ease Lnwne. Tbe play m written for a tragedy, but in tbe bands ot the amatenra it broke out into a larce, and eftoeed with a aceoe that waa tragical and really bloody. In the third aceoe of the fifjl act the programme calls for a "Gain bliof bell Julie in eearrh of Captain Lu- ene-a eareleea waru a jeaioua mm Ketribution Death id Luxene by the hind of Julie de Bouiilie, Ia executing tba act of retribution, Mra. btone used a dagger Bhej advanced upon Mr.' Pearaon, and reminding him ol hia vlllany, plunge the dagger Into hit heart, and he diee in great agony. The lady, through miatake, plunged the point of the dagger into Mr. Pearson! bacar, )utt behind the arm pit, and the blood gashed freely from tbe wound. He goes through the motion of Uyiog, and the real pain caused by ihs real wound enablee bin to die with the mo-t effective coDtortiontof countenance, groana, ' Ao .The audience cheered rapt uroutiy atd . thought the. amateur wai pl;nghit part up 10 the bandlp," but they did not know that the dagg-r bad been thrnat up to the handle in bis back, ma wound bled finely, but proved only a fleaU wound. Dr. Bo ban uoa. an amateur artor and profesaional doctor, waa sent for and drraed the Wound, ""and prontWBced -rtTiiigi4at, TU la-, dies of tbe company were very much agita ted aod distressed by the occurrence;- (mt there was no great barm done, and the wotat result of the accident was a blood -skirt. r 7 tSABFUL J18C0VERT--ARSraK INFERS AL RKO10N3 A JS DIANA, Mr. A. llabb. a farmer who resides about three miles weat of tbe city, brought a strange story la 00 Saturday. Mr. R. haa a eon-in law liring on a farm about four miles from Lafayette, waned Mr, AlilW, Mr. Jd. has aOermaa laborer who, in plowing over a corn-Held, struct tteuDDercrurt of some- 1 thine very touch like the infernal regions, f rArantfocating odorwai fliat emitted, lol- I l lowed by a dense volume ot smoke, Acv '-wording to the German's ' statement,"" the aeaoch waa serenil degrees aboye tbe flavor I )( tbe Illinois atreet gutter. A sheet of f Bane mob bunt from this terrible volcano. and a great conflagration was imminent for a time, but tbe flames were finally aubdued by a few shovelfuls of earth tosaed in tbe moatli or tbe crater. The lava thrown out looked very much like Castile soap-only U was not ao highly perfumed. Oa tbe contrary, it was exceedingly offensive. It Ignites easily, and burns aa trerly aa brim etoew. ' The German waa badly frightened, and. after viewing the scene in titter baa ilderment tor a lime, ejaculated : "Vel dat i n h-rli 1 ' neBB&ffataad that J'rofcar Coi will eiamise the ground, and if if should prove la be aa etMrae to-the fitfrruat -regimia. ne wm setuTfor. t'araoa lirouJuw to look NrtJwir into U. The people of: Lafavetie tkt a roaring noipe can be beard oorler - aeath that doemrdcitv. VN'a await farther J develop menu with luUBe anxiety. Many rrT1 am tH'Pi wi te a ooaz, ow 11 u Mr. Kabb doein't took like a baa ho would derieva 'a whole community hoat aa trifling a thing aa the discovery of "J w Ind iana. JruitamaptlU tkrUtnel, -TBe Oraaba tienid states that tbe section ' ooaetry lying between Wyoming sad t tah Territory knows as Bitter Creek Ha ioa,"and beretofore supposed to be valae ees, has bet discovered to tie the roposi' tory ot untold petroloom wealth. Coal, anthracite, feittnninona, and raanel and . area ore ia nfeaadeece, are aiao touad there, nchqnarttand fertile agricultu. rai valleys ... Ma Btslaaau,eM Mnt N . . W. H. Joktlato, )aa n4a .aUna Com. MamkaniK King T "T'-X f Jae"-- faaawea Coat. WwrWta. 1 TMA 841.1,. A j IllaVaM. I . iani if - f atttoa k Com, JUtdtaaV. 1 , -TTT svaad ItaanaHMna. . W.M. JoeiUtcflO . Aaa.AU. Marakaai.- I 1 ' yowaas-tf L f inrsMfM.W.o d s e-wt(iAi( Je M - AaeUua A Mot. MarrbaiiU. IB male. ' S bhla KaJtiroora Flour, verjr lo. - 20 ' C Flour vary auuriof'. W. Hu JoNKH 4 CO. June 29 tf Aoetloa Com. MarobaatW ob bale. Pnra old Port Wis. Hollaad din anJ Sehaappa pat ap by Wol. w. B.JU.M!tU. Jane S9-tf Auction A Com. kterchast's. JUZI LIME! LIME! if aDtmoatioa be buim at onoa I ran lurnt-h from I 0 to 500 barrela beat 1CKLAD LlktK, on favorabla tertua. BattigbJaoe W tr B. P. WILLUMSON. "yBAPI'lNa PAPER. 100 lUama Urga aita Wrapping Paper, on eon- aifrument June n-il B. P WILLIAMSON. R 0CK OA HT0NK CUTTEUi' WASTEJX Wanted imniediate'r.' two lit WIHT RtTR. 8Tt)MK (.'UTlEHrt' Apulv ( Junaftt-tf tf. p. WILLIAMSON. )IRI IHH UIAItl. A email lot of Ouiuo for aale lv Juua 30-1 f UOL'dLAS BKI.U T BX TUB UNR1VALIJCIV 'Baltiuiora Cornd Buf,N JonalUf DOUoLAS KtLU rpKAfl OOITF.KH. uail and examiua that eboloa OaniHiirilr and Imperial Tea. and Otd Oo. Jtva t),Jf. iuat eeivedat juna W4f. IKlUOLAS BELLI. T ABU, LAUD, BACON. Lard la 1M, AO. 911. 10. I and S na.Vur ,uuo Ha. Klbaldea. .0ii0 Bolk nd.a tfluo ' w.oul.k-ra. OU " tfraakaat Baoon, (Muar eurtd.) i'ur aaW by Jnnelt-tf. liOLaLAU BELL. T5ILBT ftOAPH, hiehly iwl.l, 4kaiial Ol ive Moan, Boaia 8oap. luM nmrived bv June M-tf r DoUOLAH bKLU QUQAia, Bl'QAKS. Crnahad " A," " E. 0 ," ' 0 " and P. R Kupara, AT UI.AU DM 1 una 16-tf- QOUNI OORNI OOHNI One thooatMid bnaheta Corn, for alr oa own er aeeoaut, at lowest market prii, by JEEP I BCEf 1 1 BEEF III jmitlmore Family Itemed Veel, varv Hue. Umuksd Beef Taneuaa. Just wlved by 1 ' )une le-tX. XXiUOLAt CI. LI. J j" A MB I HAMall HAMSIjl Marylanil Hugar cored Bania, CuvuokI, Ottorit Hima " " . MaryUad " ' Teanvaaae4. . Pcxule by Junelf-tf. IKiUQLAS BELL. LOOltr FLOUBt- Call and (t I good X. 0. joar itHKIi aaok. W. a. A tx., juna le-tf. Uom Mercbanta. rPHI BEST BCT PPEB.tOKI1 1 9 a-OaUua-by tbaBatrL , W. U. JONES A CO , June - i tw, Mercbanla. Tnrea Dwemog nona a W. It. iUHK a w. Jnnel-tf. t'uaa. Merebaate. JHLSCELLA1TE0U&. GOOD BOARD. Tt THE DAY, WEKE OB MONTH, CAN BI oMainaa in a wet raoutv. oa raaoaao Wrma, npnn applieaUna at tba veiea of tfca aorta IWDUoa taanmapaiili 'l-amr ma, . IL W. BkeT. ins Ttkt le -lAWTEES-CASE-DOCKET.-r- sva vax oaB o Lawrana, fTW EKaBLS THEW TO EEEP A BtSTOBT A of all eaaea la ableh tliev aiw intereated from it mmmmi La terulnaUon. Paioa.,. i 00 roraalaby J. A. JONES, iune It-tf, Bookaeuar, Baleiga, M. 0, BXHOHAX SCHOOL, - Bebaaertlle), Hi. C fa. Buaaui. ( Bos'r. Bitobax. I W. B Litem. THE SESSION OF 1MS-70 BFOIKI AUOC8T ' 20th and aonbaaaa forty wrnka The ennrae of Inatraetioa iaalodoe the erdioa-. rv f rnrlloh bnortw, H anotmt laaawagaa. Pronrh, Mattiematica. book Keeping, and tba alemanuef Natural Sclenee. ' ExponMa (inclining luiuon, ooaro, ia Waabuig, book aad Uotbiag,) AKa Cirenlara n oa appnoauoa. .ti.i.w Jttn. '7 ImdaAaw. ;?r-.j..,Ji.ii.oit.IEK's eiaAsical n;-MatlitAUl Ssb eal. - oxroan.-if.c. ; TfHt FALL fEKl -wt Tn-ti fourth Mday to- Jlr. Tbe ttnrwg BeaaioB, Ike Ami Monday aa Janaarv. The Winu-r rant inn will not eireed 9 week, ao abet etadente Rd not be at lb eipahae at ratarning borne bWore the etu of tbe rlpring lb eharre ror board and taition kaa beaa ra- dwoed to one koadrad aad tsaatv-Sv dollara. - iatard, A. , t. tua AUa. JXTMASjatDIKAUT,., BLAt K ibuh UtttSAiil.Mi. two yards wide. Ontv t TS ran t. Jun7-tf - w B- a R..B. TUCaER A OO. VTOVELTTE O Ao. H.A.lUtkiiiCV. UMUuia A at lasi A u laaABL "W ' vr. .. v;"11 I ur aooa katmjui, up wojir ,' , . I - Atr, nr kntrre aatmf Ui.a U, awn al nih.n-, TMa tvoaifr ' Ail ik, warraataA : j a s 1 .'. J vu; .""Mi-.f ' 1 ' ,n IULK1QU , , SASU.15UXD N'DDOOB F1C 4 ' I.Wa'ie fiievl '"TOBY. ! v ' ' ' "'" ail aAef avoeaally aaarade. to ' ' ' - r 1 pToprtkharr THOMAS IL BRldOS, HtrClTESSOR TO BBIOOH A tKlUD, OEALKK IS II A B I W ARE, CVTLEKl', IKON AND STEEL, PAIHT8, VARNISHES, COLORS, OILS, . (HiANH, and alt kinda Houne Puraiabinir ( AI.S0, AQKST FOE THX SALS OT Bt'RIl AND ESOPUS MILL STONES, Alslr Bolllag Cloth, RL'BBEE AJiI).U:ATHt:RIJKLTINa, Hl'EAM KN01NE8AKP HAW MILLH, flKft'LAk BAWft; : Iron Froutt, Veranda. Fences, tad all kinda of Ornamental Iron Worka. No. 10, t'tyettevilla Htreet, ItAUioa, H.O. Loulaburg Itlale Aradrsu)' milE FALL BEhKION will begin ua the eemiod A K noay in wy.- . r - - Taaiia, ram aaaawa or il rau : Board wllb lb Prmelnala la advaaoa. (Mb itik, liliU aal Melt not loeludM.) aw mi 1'uiUon in 1'nniarv lprtOitiil, IS 00 KuLUlar bnaiian ooaraa, w uv Ii ia, Orrok and rroaett, eaek extra. t U) The ternia have baea raduoad to tlia knraat liv- injT rate to meet tba neeaaaitire of a people uu poveMabed by waraad iiaAmnanenia. tlttulua eeui on appuceuon. W. i AIK0. A. M. "IP Jon B-Joi ;l,OOOl tD ATTENTION, ORANGE, ALAMANCE, CASWELL, i'lktbiO, U.H A.VILU X WAKI 1 I aai oMiiinc. at " Farmer'a Hall." tba brat aa tortrd stock of UENEKAL MkliCUAhOleE, at HH AIL only, ia lb mate. Taauty year In tl) 1 raoa win inaure y can it gootia at HlLliU0iiO at U.SM Uian Italeiyb r Vanvillv prteea. WBT-ruttT.' . To-dav I bmiKht m Mew lork. cue tbonuitd dollar bill of Uooda oa ail aoMraa, at laaa tbaa an; Uouaa in tba but d.d for CAJSll. WBT aSCOND. Mr eradit la worth mora tbaa areaabaeka. and aa rrasa good civ be kept ao by lliug beeper than Ualeigb or uanniia. - WBT - THIRD. I am in tba bui of the eoouinr, aa I am aotablatopay eaok, nmat make tbe Biutwy to oav bill ont of tba Uiek. IlKWEMbEK- At "Karmer'a Hall' ehauga auy prodnoe a eb. 'yoa raa ex- WASTED. (SOflOO lti.-BMift Brk. M MIO lb. 1 rted Fruit in 1100 Iba. Bv'o. ' , 1 KIO bbia. Flour. . 10 bbla. Corn. " lXod Iba. Bnaatr ' 1VJMI Iba. baaa. At my Metail Shop at RilUboro', N. C. maylt-tf HENBV N. BltOWN. uperlor Whltkey. I MPaXnntJLLX UVITK TU ATTENTION at "Conaamera" to a lot of Pur Mjra and ore Whukej winch I bare ia atore fur aale oa ac count er the Urrtlttar; it ia pare and atrong, aad wjll ba aold by tlia cg or karraL A bbenil dtaooaul will b made ta tlia trade, : Balaigh.N. C.,Janat-tf DOCOLAH BELL. 1 Wibiiie to their friond ia the ail of thta CoanK, will be allowed to Oorao- a til-i dayaf aasa woeavand at auUiei iunm T. V. l.Kt. Vinur, Jane IS tf. . VtakaCouuty, 1 atB STat k Or fiutiva,-. lXIMKSTli'H. I.INLNM, Ae AtUH Jaaa 7-tf w.n.a h TuuKKitaoo Oxford Female Academy. THE EXEBClHKti of this Imtitntioa i! moBMa oa Wedneeday, July 2nth, lw II be Miaa M. X. MTTHELL, PrmoipaL Mn. K. N. OBANT, Aani-taat Maa. W. B. MOBHOW, T.aoaer of MtfiM. Other capable teaabara will be awiployed, aa Uiey are aeodad. A braitad aumber ol baardiug pupil eaa be aeeommodated. Cjeolara forwarded oa appVoaiion. ' June audita " '" TllE ATLANTIC IIOTEl, I 8 NOW OPEN FOB TUB ACCOMMODATION OF VISmiHS TO TUB SKA HIOE. Boata atianl the arrival of ail tba train aod will eoovey paaamgera to (ii Bote wharf for Board pr Bvm'h. V n U l I.U.Irn half T; m Mil p iti rate. jaoe ll-d2awtf. 1'aoi kia-raaaa. Chatham EdacatleSai &iwiatiBV TUB ExecuUre Committee havw dueJ It aaceaaary hi ehanx tba time of m-fiog, aad beraby giv aotio that the Cba-'baai k.lnoa lional Aaannstina will meat at the 1 ituooni' Hoi. entifie Aoadamv. at tba town of FttteborV C'bat ham County, on July lid. nu nufii, tuna, I IHHAtf 00X, i En. Com. V. a DENKON. I Parjara friandlv ar riaetd ta eohv. . Jnn tf ;7 - . ' RALEIGH A GASTOff BAILEOAD. AuuiuavJaaw iw, lavit. Tba next anrraal waWtinar "f ha Blorkboldera of Hie iaip.h 4 Oat fcatlmaA Compaav will be beid at (lie orfic of (T,. Coair-aay, n tba City of Ran-K'h. oa T haradav. J sir Lth. lk. soas. jocing at 11 o'clock, A-. M. I Tna traoeier book a .11 be etoaed from tba tat te ahe totA dwiy, kaetaatra. ' W. W. TASd, . Jnaa Jl-td Treeearer aad kacy. i ITt rt'tt ' T.m "'ft - tat " -. ain ta itaajiii Jj'AL i- $17,000,000 IN ( OLD i pea rrrrd fiHttarw , WiinvmgU' tatalaV-eiSBanOTWi! ryuLio and riiivXTi buil ; shops, iinixisa 4fK.'K, r BRIUOK-! AND TRAt IS, rACitnau Fottf MIt.aM ANO MKItCllAJ. I A V PART Ol' .OI(Tl ,. kK LHA AT EKtXUIKU , LOW RATKtt. I vaIII hra desired taaaa ler HiauaeBt I'ollrlea tahtr-h latMtre Ike Brep-y ssvevrllled roa ever, MMlewa M aaaareel 1 rkeoe ( ran if I hla I'wllry la .. . . . avhteh evriat . " .. all the . " premlaaa ha hau paid will te relaraed leas ' i - r. gjyc ger. iigiaiaaa. Tht loss of a Court House or other Pub lic Building at the present time would be a publie calamity, whereas a trifling satoatpaiaV for - w WILL HkTt'HE 5 fOIENT Bl'M TO THE PBO PEhU BKIIKNTBOtKD' tK KIBR. f I I. V. ITK I D, , I Ou'klaai'aaJitw Ao. M.rW.l.t . AaWmky -A. G, IvrpappHATku l.V M6. i TUEUlNNBOTICtJT MVrtJAL UFA LN8CB- . AN CM COMPANY. AaaCTH OVr.H I.Oett.OtrS.OO. AHSUAL IKOME OTZS !."". ' TOTAL, XOjibti PAID, OYER 8,000,000,00. ' TOTAL BIVIDE5DS PAID, 0TE 5,000,000,00. SURPLUS ASSETS OVER Lf ABILITIES 7,000,000,00. 1WIA 0OMPAKT BEINfl Pt'BELT MITUAL, . then are ao Mtorkbuldere ta abaorb any por li ut It aurplna fouit. bat rvtaruad to tlia PuUrybo4ra, aud divided equitably aawmg Uia by a dtvidend of ova; dtv uer Mauanuiiv ativ hsaryaara. Taia year Ibay hare olee! arrrdavirif all niih preauwaa kio aw tmNMduiar amaaal diruhma. All polio, ara aoa-forfaiting a atatad amount alurlaoor llirn payment. urauiru in ail ilia oiairahl rnrma. . - . '.!. WAIT. April M-lf vranaralAgt, atalatgh. N. a r XISCLLAH0TJS. A NIMMENHK BTOCK 0F0AU0EN 4 OkAHl atam, iron av. AHual, it. tab. 16-U P. F. rESCL'D A BON. Importaat la Cotloa IMaatere. nAV 1NU auda aoaagamanai with th" Paten. lea of tba imprava40aorgla 'luttna Plan Mr, hi aula Agaut, I eaa aupply !a) or aa of Him Pluteraat onoa Tbia a tba third year they have bean aaed Wltk entire eatiifartioa. Ta a eura in time, ardare efaoald be emit ia at one. Prue I'iS, deUvered at tba spo4 witboat eharge, 4 laaalav aapply tba Foeu 1'taaiara abort ua ho, at Mo aud freight. J AS. M. T0WLEA, Maroh 17-tf AaaUua A Coaa, Marahaot, Office. K, C, Rail Road Co., CoMrANT Shops, N. Ch June IB, 18C. THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEKTINO OF the Mto.kholUnra of tbe North Carolina Bad Hoed Company will be held in Uie town of Salie bury on tbe aigbth day of ioly next. Tba treaefw aaoha are aluaad fraa tha (rat day of Jane natal after the aawtlng. JunelT-dtd. hnwaraai. . Stockholder Steeling. WlMrnwvo. M, m a - a '8PECIAL MFEnSfl of the gtorkwntdaraof V. the Wilmington, Cbarbitta A koilxirford bailroad Gomoartv wiIHm hnia in U',!!,.,,,..!. (be SRnh day of July. ihef. for lb purport! of ra-. arxaaiaatuia aadae the aueaidad ehai iar of the Company. Traoaier nooka wUl be ekawd on the 2uUi day of Jane. Bv order of the rteelnrnt and riir-elora -Jli I d4 I, T Al.l tliM ,N riot'y. Cllalon Hale Aeadetoy. ft. F. OBADT. Jr., A M. M LKOD. I"ai Kdraia. rnuB t. 1 ith. "Titlo FALL BEHblON win heKia Monday, July a. and conuon twntr wel.a tit I7,W aud F,5n. B,.ai,l 'fua'tar 'h. Ctrealara awnt on aitoU.-! u,b July 1-dAwijaiyat Ta Ibo rubllr. THE BANKS WILL NOT BE Ol'EN m Mon day, the ttb loat., being tba NatKwal K-l. it, tba 4tk falling aw Hnnday. AH papera falling due en that day eaua d be aMaaoe.) hi ,.o K.titr day. W. K. ANuHimis, (aoarhlaih,t Huk P. A VII f V. ItilylAI - Caahier Balmgk Nat tiai.k. di?iif.i fkOTirr. ; KtXEW a RATIOS AL B4I OF BaLUoS. Ju't l. i .., ( The Board of Drraetar bar tfct dav il-'larrd emmel tdedof -ma ii ti:f per uai, i7)a.a 1 fra f 41 at aratl u HtWkbm.lennK nrdrt, on ,! ilur wla.T. July s, lnoK. p. A. Kll.kV, ZL ST, Jon.Vi COLLEGE, ". Oxford, x: p. - .' IXEBCISFa raawmed oa tba FjlTiTH MON j UAI la JULV. lira. taaa lnirw rirea to dnRlitr of iJmw1 Maaoa. The fv-feoot elamia u U . l:i: ,r. CLASS FEMALE UuLLkOK, aodvB,td the mot bberal lerma. - For partieniara and adtniaaWiw , 1 1 J.ib K-tjuIjrM ' (tewas Ituptlai FK5IALI: IISHTl'l'TJXIl MCNFBKEHBOao. K. C. COMMENCEMENT FXXBCItF -Aarmal harmon. IiikIt, Jul, tt h '..i-it p M b Bev. J. W. M. i.:i1mi." r. I - '-.'i j' leierary A4 ij na, .(. ( . ? j( e'etoek, A M., by Bar. ium U ,-r. li ri. L. It. D: uaua, f . C. nij 2- t.r I , , m. ! l-l Acl 111 1 .lANUAUV Aiiiouiit of Income 0,22,071. THE tu ia tho LEADING LIFE l.VSrjRAVCE COMPANY in North Carol ilia. largest atnotitit of LtiawM to Viliwa aiulOniliaiiH ! . - , r. iim u&g&n ueveniw to thafkah. Ur when compared with 58 (iiiuiunia riwr,l Hl..,'oii i. .1,. . . . ........... .....V,UI. flit, will be bixmi that the Atna rsnka aa one of the finrt CouiminVa of tht) Continent. Uut two of the nfly-eight Cornimnirs perniittfij to AIHwne.s tnKuw York and 'UaattaV olaiaeftA hat ao lare an iutxmie for the yt-ar 18(58 ; but two had ao large a number of Toliae 111 force, but one among all tluwe iiioorrmratwl under t he lawa of the State of New York lmtl ho nmll a wr cttnfaL'e of Kxiwiso to Inoonte during tlie year 18G8. , ... Its eipeaae are lower (haa ani abulia i aaako aad pay liberal dividend lo the Inaured la greater Itaaa Heat r oaoel ather Cerapaalea. It Is one of the ari-al loauuaalea ''. I" Ai'V IB AUMiber 4r polit ies, In Auiount I Retired, , la Solidity aad Hlrenglh, la lioandaeaa, Cheapaeaa, Proanpt f Aueeeaa. Ieraoaa eoalrtnalaflnt; this mode or luvealiaeiit In the ruiits-e aula the naut would da , i...imil. .1.1 ... . " all aad lakoaaollry aeeurttlncl)-. f.w iolicii:s imn:iMv it, ..laaaed.. . -: .. ' 1 itUaa '." . ltrttoklla . Aoaaeeileal Malual Equitable jlta. do. do, Aiailoaal V, S. (organized in Cren 1 Ag t for MeyS-Sei SFASKLLVO CATAWBA SPBIKOS. CATAWBA COUHTV, N. C. flMIIB CELEBRATED WATEI1IN0 Pf Af!R, A formerly celled tbe North Carolina white Mulpbtir Bprinira, will be opaa for v tutor on Tntiailay, lha grat day of Jnoa nett, Ifciiiig ailoai.d fa the aiwtbweatern pelt of Hi.) Hla-a tu a aaaaulry remark able fur Ma beauty aud baaltbtalua.k Hi, aoawher with lha virlua ad lha wauo-a, aaaAe it uaia ol the i t! deaiiaba wawrina ii,Mia to De romirt. '1 lie MINAKA'L WATklot ut u.. K,,r.,u. ... tin White and Blue Kulnhnr an.l i'l, ..r Iron, aad Ih.y puaaeaa all the flu. at qualitiee af theaa watera, and are aoveraigu ramediM tun ail diMwaeaof lha brar, bowala, Wotnauh and ki.l nta, arantlona of tha akin, aeroliila. at. an. dfliillty. dyapepau, rboiiamilaia, Ae. l b proprietor having apeat a Urge amoant ha adJiUouai building and nuiioimi t...i-raJlv, thee Bprinre are now io a Uu eoajibuu, rooui bu-ga aod plaaaaot, and good aiHtage oouiaiuiug from twa toaia rooat ih. aU arru,J either large or email farailtee. Uood 1 EN PIN ALLICld, BILLUflll TABI.Ks and other amnMinenta. FINK BATH HOUNKI. far PooL Planga or Ahowac BaUt, Bulpfaui Bath, not at Cold. A GOOD BAND OP Ml'eia Win be at the Spring the entire eeeann, and a good Pbnieiaa normanem! hiaaiad Her tha oaa. aiit of iavalide, who will have every attanihm. Bavliig awured tba aorvrnw of Mr. J N. Caa raa, ef VtraiMa, who haa had Brack apMniie aud etaade hiKh aa a UoM keeper, viaiUira mar real aaaarad that my labia will ha aa lulled with tha beat tha aaarket aaa afford, aad avarytrrmg dona that will add to their pteaaure aad comfort Ilia oar om tbe WaeUra North Oarobua Bad Boad wiU laave Bahabary tur' HU-kory Nti.'ion, Uie Bpnnge' depot, every morning, (Hundar as optMl,)iaeonnacUoawllk tha North Carolina BMlroad, avoniing atonpage or delay at Hall bury, aod amva at Hickory Btatioa ut lima lor btaakfaat. whatw eoad haokawwl he to -mtniM to lake peaaeagan over a, wall-iadnaJ roau w to. aprimra a dittaaea of an milea. Aa aa iBduaamaot far faauihw and TanlarTS' mwBMMiieoranr. f have .,lJ.J m L put aoara oowa ai toe following low rau boabd; For one atngte month, ISJft For two or mora moot ua, I tu per ai.ailh, Par weak, If 00 4 at) rot oay. Childraa autdar tea vaare aerranla, hair pnoa. No abarg fur lulauta ehudraa aader Iwe year of ait". - a. itua.t(F.n wjrTr, Butyza-dAwlangll Propru-tur P. i bona, " H."kkkoT.n 0 Of Waka ., R C. Of PatmtMirg, la. Java ttBBME, of Balttamra, WpeeMI Partner. ' DUNaV, TODD & CO., tlENEHAL C0H11ISSIOJI MKKCU.!if8. roa ratauttft atra'aaaa oa Tebacoo, Cotton, Graia, rionr, Prodnce, Ana Merchandlas ol every description. 41 HemlA 8L, near ExJutn,j4 flact, ttTIHSRt, Brrmawowa. J. 0. W illiarn. I'm. iuitKa. Hoaataah, klalearh, N. 0 n B. ftamaoo, Irr. w. av auuar avaMxa, . v.; ai.-llwaiiv- A Co, Petarahurg. Ta.. T T. Brooka. I "raa. Merehama' Baoa, Patarabarr, a , lu-i,n lulaaa, i'etxre- tmrg, va.; i. i. mr, 1 .. 11 BrothaC., liar rw I A BiKtrine, M v. -k A Ci. MarehuMe pauial baok. Miuiia 1.. j. . a, , . w Turk ; Kalf liirn A Co.; NorTotk, IT.; C Worthaaa A Co.. Ttaaaaa kVaarh A Co.. kieh. lad Va. Juoe4-Ji XT & MB EETl NO AND IABN, juu i-w, vv. a, jon m a co. Utm BADdEtt IXSTITI'TE, Ur. WtlAfTf,aT TOaat. Pre.l4e.f THE SECOND gKShloN will open jr l.V Srtth, Infitl. Ample aMuaemai a Logliaai. i.'im. aai aad MetbHeatleaJ aoaraea. Tha laatilnta w.U baaHphed wilk AF.ADINO BOOM, L1HRARY, . . . , APPARATUS and - r.f...UtmXX at ttkaUIi& A ragnlar aoaraa of fetnrea wilt as eit Miroahont the whoi term, Tli loealwm k haaltlit. and in a a oral au)l,. borhond. eii-M m 1 1- rr.oi h,rn,iiia Iiria astha N,4J. KaH-tnd. Oond Hmr at 110 fe mos'h. P. O. Adtreaa,Moriaie,Ji C. ' A MORiNll, )ia 25 ?4Aw. ,,PrrUerjt B.rd fmata Kai. h r inaoopal MetlwHia aad Ohm. .aa an ev lonrtioMw, aud fojeera tarn lo A. at urine, aijiiilUa, A. C . 1ST., 1809. BI'sfl'LI'S OVER LIABILITIES ,T4,ww,4. And hna by Ktr tlia )artRt 'lium- i'in,.u,.i. ...... 1.. awaajBiaaaaaap wjAT a SB) aal BBVSL . - II two. - II . ' w:3. ltl . North Carolintt mid part of Virginia, t il IVuE O P fkCII ci n E. HALEJ0U A OAHTON RAU.KOAO 00, ) ' HurraiimxiiKNT'a Ornoa, ' - Kaloigb, M. il., Aurli 1(1, ltaal. - J On aad anar April tilth. I ww, Train will raa oa the Kaleigh A Uauai Bailroad, aa lollowa t Mail Train Inavaa kajelgh SWAM. - Arrirraat tteidua k.oil I', M. Mat) Traui Ir-ame Wid.lo., )n,lll A. M. Arrtvnaal Balemh :::...7?k.1X'lT. M.'" Freight Tnualwraa Baleuh.... II, .id P. M. " " arrivea at eUWigk ,4i A. M. Tbe Mail Trains ataka raaooaa evhaw4uaaa with all point North and Boutb. A. B ANDKKWrl April Is-IT ' Mparinlaudeni, 1J. T. viElJaM p. ' GENERAL COMHISSiON MERCHANT. IWo, I, TOBACCO F.ACIIAi:, ; RICHMOND, V A. QPECIALTItS-LkAF TOBACCO, AND kJ Oram. , All btunneae prouiiit'y done on Cmmlioa. April la tf , . I'lEl.n AMI tiAHG. ft EC OA. -- Warranted Crop of 18C8." TUmT BKt.lVKO, from lha oldoat and moat reitabia hWduiaa ia tha houthern country, a lull auin.lf of lha boat vartetlea o Uardea Hevda, Alwi, hd Clover, Herd Irrawt, Timothr, Orchard aixi blue Oraaa bMal, Ordora raaoalully av U.ited -b-tf JAU. JL JTlWIJtS. : II AITIF4,I.VU. I HAVAdlM't hfaXlVtil ALOXOi'UUOKKS MouKortmive Vioiit Writing aod Copying Hn nl. The euoat InieiiUrul Ink yet lritroilnil, lieillnot eorode. a pin may be uud witil it litoraity aa,ar uw. tt at new I j pat up in of ran hi. aua-a, ranging ui pi wa at boa voft.tW. . A JONEt, Bkallar A ntatuiMr. April lAtf Cabinet I'arnllare. T H8 UN UKIll'lK !'.!, having eomoloted hie barge and oomiuolioue FURNITUKK fi(XMH, ra ' Trr ravma -rttrert-11 rat " Mrwr TjetriW h VarbrooKh 11 mi a, ha aoe oa ethilhthia and for aula tba large and tuoai ouniuWu atock uf t or ail are evar otfred u tlw puuim of North Caro lina. The pubiir-are reaperifullv Invited to oall aod aiamio hia aw aud deairele alork of Far Btture, eoo-ting of ' Parlor, Diuiug H- And CbimoetlUI, : iiin-aaa, ifaa. - c Jkiuw la, Waabataad. Koukiug-( liaira, Chair, . Tabiaa, Caomaua, Aa., Aa. Mattrmr made ta orib-r. It mpceUuil; retarua hia thank to hla fia--awr petrone. A W. Fit A PS. tUhugb. N. O., March teMf 4 A.It.O bUODI Vr. IWi g s 1 " ...a--'au FrMih Tooetoee. Peaohea. om. hirinji Btaia t 4a. . Maluuav .: (Hi ire (id and Womeeterahira man. f " J-iiit and Pi.1!" ' Maooaroui aud Vaunaeelli Aa. -..l ,. i... liutt ROairad- bjt , 'AiirtTlAM ' iHjUuLAi BELL. ' JjTaiBBAlAlN,, Ite of kauaoyvoltt. ' JOHN 0. PATLOIL Lata of TlioBuaviUa, W. V. JAkU'JJ M. UISifTEAtvi - : Wooruj ti jC L HAERALSON, PAVLOB affo, TOBACCO COTin..0 HLBCIIAXT8, . Nv l, HiHaurwt ra Biooa, MACON. UA r aprl a-;n - ' -OTItl llfKTHR UN OF. Its ION OFfTR F0K HAT K Y a Uratolaaa Marvhant Mill in ood onlor with laMa f land property, Jocatad -a-.joujra Weet of kaMgh, il aatu-a trout -Uie hi. o. k, k. oa Bred, Craeh. , v Ivtooa wibine to yMrrhaae.n lfi,!r 14am4e J.i4ja of , W C W. KV-Ut !. rta'ila a tt. U. A,iva Aabaiy N C. i , J. k.,' aayU-ta, t WHOLESALE Til A D E OinilViAROlflNAa. 1 fNTmNa THE MEIU'HASTH OF KOMTfl taarsiiaa la aa eiamiimiiat laf oar t - , - i: T V. : ':,'. " ji itf1i SPIilNG STOCK, ' - - : t - -irf v Ml) H rt"' --i rl' ' . - t. i w L,imi m m mi i ' ii v - . j . -, " .- it;", " -fT we deeire to lamraa tbemabal, owltaj to ika rapid lueraaee uf ear . i 1. i- .-.I i' ,.;f f i WHOLIAMBUNlwSa, ' ;. -: ' -' . : i- .i ;'' .r :' we ahaH be preoarwd tease, tbem, thla eeaaoa, aatuckaf . . .." . . rorelga. and Domestic Drjr Coods -t-:-'-'' - -v--'--r.T -A,- YAINICA-iK ISOXIOMM not eqnalad In trie Btata of Vhvlnl. ' emln ah, ' vary aruulanaadod by Virginia aud Hon Car. unna Maroliauta, aU ot alu. h we iulead to aaU at 0U AKAITIED BALTM01I PRICI3. Wa aak of aa. fr..A. ui n 7 it: ,i , r o TRADE, geiu-ratly, an eiatuinatiou of our atork ' r- ne are eonniieut wooan aava time and aapauas te saerobaaia by bat ing of as this eeaaou. ' One ef owrarnr writ mnaia bt Mew-Ycrk de ' ttng tha auwaaaiiB. and wa will lharrl.we.tie ta oooaram raoatpt uf new good bought at aaa tua, at Maaafaatorars and iuiportera. ' IAf 18, VRAHH A t O JOBBERS Of . DRY QOODi. Coraar of Bauk A Byoamore Btraeta, . asa-M''-Fab, lAdf . GUM 0 Kill) A -Jut raoatvad and Kw aale by JOltOAN ACARB. Jane 15-1 Cruggiata, i'ataivburg, Va. 500, POUNim OLICEKINE. tillable for aianalaoturuut nnrn. w, t, hi. Mr. low by JOgDAN CABB, jOttexo-tr orakgwie, piefbarg, Va moBAtruo Flavokinub, OU Aaiaaad, " Uorganiot, luiuauiou, Citrowaiht . " CIovm . Teuke Beana, : rlaaaatra Uatk. Lai Moot Orria Boot rtnaha Boot VaMrua Boot -Uum myrat, tlaoa kututag AiiiimhhI tiardamoa HoaA, t nriandar Head Fenrwl teed Orauita lmoa Mirhaui. . Nauuegw WlutergreeHB Baaaafraa Allapua C'muamua Bart Clovee -i-'r Ubve OIL Ao. ALIO, Branding Bnuhaa and Ink of all kind, for aai. al the lowest market rales .. . JORDAN CABB, jane Bt-tf . Prnggiate, Peveratiiug. Va. P&DOS, MEDICHiAS, Ae. 'ajttartaerahlp.aa--: I HAVE, Tata) DAT. eeeoBiated with sua my eon, JoUM a. PtrH'lJll, and tba Drue bn- Iwaa baraafutr will he aoaduolod uudar iu. uru. of . - ""T f.TJiscm a sox. - The CAN II PLAM will aa anu . ....... Wa anaatkaira tba ' ur au M J brary of gnoda. iu bmoot tiartnav ratuma hie tiianke to hla frteuda, aud the uubitt aeimrailv. fur uuu w.n.r. on aupporl lor tua paat M yare, and bojies it wui oouunuaa as uie new nrm, aba will aaa their BUuoat aaariAuaa lo auuru aud abara ut- aaead patrouaara, AH uuiohunl will pi new ear an tbia mouth, aa my otd bnameaa aiual b closed i.p. ra.'v ' aaaaiow-tr P. F. I'hMCVD. ABATOtaA lHI(.w AT H 41 KICI...i "ALL AC - l". riotri jia HuxM'oi, and Tbt jut; . IXCELSIOa 8PBIN0 WATER. xtsi DttALuiiTr:: Fntk from Hi Spiny ut Sarafoja, aa. la-ir ------ - SIO.N4aC fiwri) a aote Htrr tvrtm- 4 a ohutoa atnek of all kimla of Hnoin A a ewrad aobuio eoa of wbieh ia tlta Bun beaaufol aad Bwag. hia wa hea aaw (or manr tt aia. Feb. 1S-U ' ' ' A "BB BUPl'I.f OF KXt'KLsltiit ZA. toga i wsser expmtedr Ttmr.Jy, ai .h. U-tf P.F. I'LaCUU A rXIN'B. MISCJIUANEOUS, lA!w HIV tR LAI AUL.ICV. POWII.rflTTuiii.iiiv. AxeBt for ilm-baltLAiiiL i pase of EEAL ESTATE OENEUALLY, InnTtll4. Va, . BFEBB BT PEBMJStilQN TO - "T. ftittbarUa, Preudent Virnia Btata Aflri. '"'"- , n. a. i i ton, r.inker, l)aim,ia, Va.l Atop, ihoauaa a Flonrnuv, lw,.nt to. foikaudOreat Diwni Kajir.wd; John B, M men.o. frrJr iiHiaa, a, b.i. Juba M. bakiwaw, HUautoti, Va. . ! .BsatK i moi ki 1 aave s teftre' ooaiitifT nf Hn'fi ;!n,--v...t-?.: big BMaaa, aa IM aid I'fcttter Hnnf - Iaw, wUoB I a 01 aU low,H B4feStioB ada aouaw -,., M. WIUJAMUOX. Tttunderand Ll-Iilnlntr. " '. TtTEnEIS Aft ISfALUBLK PB lTK rioN atraiaet LiKhtuiut. and it ia Kniurl m u.. uj. abraUMl . -JaOHTB AMERICAN fTAR OALVAN io.i ijttirr.Msu nt hi." Toe Btiderauned i tt.e A.-ni fur ake Co. Puimbuig, l.aaeud rlin ,f .mng, Pimi. Ren; h.Mbnt- fim, .,. v,.,, i,,.,. .2 haoaer-Balb. Mii.k., .u m iUiu, 4 - lea 1, iro ana 1 r l on 1 ),( ol ail mm. AO oriu-r hft at Mr. T. H. firK or, Nci. i Fyttevll Hlraiit, will rN.u - tt,.,m f'l . thxs tilWl'Ui,o. '. lUtvAi h, Jane S-lm tT.-r. ft A-ujw.-wtpttp.n i.1 . Hnlm, o,l oLiali:? auJ l ai.l pi- a. rot aata ny B s, Cit Latham fh, , aart.i f? Viiie. ioo 24-tf