S.e pails ffeuiinei VOL. V. RALEIGH, 5T.C, THURSDAY MOIINING, SEPTEMBER . 2, 1 8 C 9. AO, 12 IX, - t WH0LI8AIS MTAJl COCIX. if PBEfiBl' FOft COL WEAfHEBt BUY COAL NOW! BCT1XGIS QUANTI1V, I CAN FCR- K1SH COAL TO CONSUMERS AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN BUT IN i PorrsnocTB. with FREIGHT ADDED. I taking ardor for mj- DAILY EXPECTED I Jading from th iperiene of tb put. COAL MUST A DVA NCE ! DOUGLAS BELL. Raleigh, keg. K, IBM, W. C ITHO4CU & CO. Grooera and General Com. " mlawlon Mercliaiita, BiT A YETTX VitiXJBt ft 1 T7 -' Raleigh, It. C. - Panel gnmanU of all kind of Conniry Produce Boucitei G. T. STR0NAC1I, VAXXZT SaTJAEI. HALIIOH, V. C , DKALEB IX dROCXRIES, LIQUORS, 8AD0LERT, BOOTS, SHOES, At, Ac , . Ban aad arlla OoUoo, VtrtX Btorea. Tobawo, Ae. )ttly-U Wl WO0LD CALL TR1 ATTBMTIOK 0 1 tba Taa driukuw pobho to our atork of Toaa, which wa. aa Agenie of tba MarchaoU Aawrtraa Taa Co.,o(Tr at ro ! Kn ao'tf W.0.bTU0NACUC0. a vm m HRANDT 1 APPL BRANDT! A for pnaarripg Pawhoa. Aa ii'g Pearlioa, IU Q. X. B lUO.SAl lI. au( 31-H N A8H BKANDYI HASH BRAND! I 9tm aaie at 0 T. BTBONAOH'i), MtfkvigUWa.- aug n-u gDQAE AHP OOf t'EEH. A larre aloek jaat awiTUig, 7 aug 17-tf - . . T.BTBOSACH. T EST BCOAJt CtmET HAMS of the aewoo. J At W, C lluuaai'O a w. .. iol l-tf J08I BEOElVf D. Aaothar id i of TUgiuIworad Ham aaa Mdoa. M"Wf W. H. JOWEft 00, F BENCH BIaHDI-FCUX. f ti.ea la etnra a email aaantitr of vary at"" fat Fraeoh brandy wbua t wiu ei t ,i a, will I.iU-iM lod or toe itottle, 0. r bii.i, iUMgh, July 17-tf, ........ : I " pTtn iiia)i vvrmm tnnuti Daelal Pratfa ' Alabaaaa" Oliia. Ti.a "rlmwa- otua " Tba "GeorKia' - - . , . The HHiImu' Bleat brae " ; - , The Istar'Cotioa ' ' . mtl.111 r. 1 1. a .'. nnttna fltaa. I aaa Airaut fc tba eale of tba above Miaed and will furniah. aiioa ehnn aoiioe. at nan- nractnrer'a prKwa, frvaxht a. Wad. fartlee waat- 1b ir (Jm eboald band ra ordtf a now." " - - I ea alee arepared to funuafa. at aiy rouailry, all kutda of Oin CaeUBga fur Uoree Power fur Oina, aod aak tba otoaaoa to ftirilak oor people July lo-lf B. r. WlLUAMaOH. 'rrmuV Cttoai (ala. T A AOENT IU TBI STAT tor tba aala of I iiAkikL I'ttA i ra cotuw uia. a aavw a, me any better or aaore reliable A. T. MlaJ.A tt Laa and T. B. Br Jdyra a, tkie Gin. B- WtLLiAkWN. iajHt (.Inal alM! CltAB tal"e!l. I AM PREPARED wpoa abort aoMea to fumiab any Uottoa uia aaauuta-titrd pj tba lulled Aagt-ti. , WILLIAMSON. ,i - -. . a-avatlita-a. -I IS HFOMEWTH, WATEB-WHEEt f.E0- . VX aaasia, Oouoa neiew Uaila awl t-laf-e rwe, Butla. Uadtfaolie, Braee Caetmica and JurniuKa, faraaabad at my Funudry, proB4ljr.tnJ ''P' rood wrrna aa auj ah a. . Aag B. I". WILLIAMSOH, .-. . fof tula. r HAKDBOMK SILVER PLATED WAbE. eo awt,aK of . u aadeoaia i eiid e-hottla Caetura, Hilaer t nne aad Oobieia. . lea aod Lmirt biax na. ' Hollar fiuiloa aad eee. Iji'eart KiiiToe aad buver Forke. f arrwir Katvea ' J " (llaae HiMllee. tor Caatora. - The aWe geeda writ ba a14 tn frT ra. W.-H.Jt)NEAOU., TJL Oomauaeloo Mercbauia. niiT flr-tsa-r-Ax TO CL08S C05810HJIIHT, AJ.TAXlWl?V";a BRUlUCa 4-hbSMfMU- JaJ-- 1IT. tt. artW. Kera AiiW Hoot Kaa Oinrr. and Oelatln. aanw f , - aami i i 1 1 '.i 1 1, ii Hii i pa 4 I. nll'8 . ii. 1 J " M . . 1 f"t u the biirth t. ant ratal. a,id nuT7 Call- at O. T. BThXSACiTd, Maikt Birfrt, ...r a animlv. ' . aog tX ' ID AS ,1a... 1 '"-"r-l J -" -taBan.ia.- -way.y.y ,-,.' -r -iiw,Tiwf.mCTfi;.r?- k-v t-.-.v-n-- . . r-av-a. .4f Cammmtu Msivlt, I ; . MlSCZLlAJIEOtfS. GROCER: !WbB1S)Wbbb 1 i m cotton Factor. coitifissioN, oJUFFABO ABO FORWAEDINO AW Ik it v a t v u T Mr iron, iiardwtitT, Plow, fthoeB, t lrjr Ciobtf nj Cotton Yarn, ' No."J Market Sqatre, Bouth Side, wvamnHEV - IliETUBM MX TUAJiaS koK THE TEST literal BBteonae'e extended .to m hi mr itieuoa ana ua pauiie general!,, fur tbe teat so re, and Bop: be .in; t and nronini attention to all bnekuewa animated to w, to unit Uie eon. adeuo of iu aabiia. wd "the inilueaio of my frieada. Aa iminn of HO year will enable bmu attend tnctly to alt ahipueale and oa- elgbuieule. All let tore of inquiry promptly an.wered, and beet pueaibi inluruialion furuieked. BVIer to Ui uriucfeei tiuum men of th diet, aug B&-dsi 2 500 tootaESTEU11 8M0KEDHU,E uHj-jm - ' LYNN ;ADaSU. if a. oraata, LINK AtiAKh'.- VTAILb 01T ALL KIND. Xi Alvano hu)), ang I -3a LV.SH ADAMg 1K(N Of ALL KIN I 3, ftwedaa, o(. Kenoad. f Tin. Uuoo. Baud aod Koroll. Kooud. half fjuud, l-iur, Ual and aU aval. Suaat, Cast Mmi, Butur hul, Ovnaaa BtanL alwan oa kand. All ordra will b tiled aa aooa aa titer ara i earn d, aid akippad uauuxliatolr. aimiiim Ll ADAMS, I'rupoaMl for Brlrk. . SEAI.Kir PlUaCOSAIJt WILL BB KETEn'ED by Uia rottianaalifOra to araot tha Paiutaa- ttarr, itir nmr wmiun-w or brick to ba dearvrad oa tlia vruuiida uf tha l'aouaotiarr aaar tba Oitr of ItaltiKh. Una niUln to ba deliTered br tba Drat of JauuarT ; oua by tba Irat of April ; oua by tba brat of June, and the other by tba brat of Hvnifnfl -ar . tH. J he trra'k til He etftiia molii wuaa ourut, ana or auca qaanry aa to ba ap proved b; the Aaalataut Arcbltaot and BoparuH IfPdttit, The tloiuiuiaalubera reaarva to tbam iivt a tba rikt to r jret any or all btiia aa an. aatiafaotory. i'lymaut will be aiade. oa tba de bvery of eaek b.if eailboo of approved bnck 11k1 with apiwuved ecurily will be rraoirrd lor ttie fn a.meut of eout recta. Tba baia wtll be opened at the Citjr of Raleigh, oa tba iohk of befh nibr, ALt htu IXH KtKV, aM-dtd thau-maa. ItOOiAtt IIOOKill COMK.ANOIGKT YOUH SPELLING BOOKS I i 7i) DOZER WEBorEU'S ELKMEKTABt i gjH'lkr Jual reoMTrdaad for ala at II H par doaea, at the lfcioeeUire of augiia if ALmr D WIL11AM l)IML,l'TIO.V. , , partner. h p eiietior betwaaa WIU A A LAMI Em waa dweotved oa tba 1 LlAUd Ural of May. ., All who are indebted to (beat are reqaaetad to eall aud avUW tluwr aoeuuuu. . . ALFBEO Wn,LIAM8, .HaiaixU, June 183. C W. (.AMBki'M. J,TTICaT. ' A epwial hiaalim 1 oft haHtorkhol lera o tha Ward Uold Mine Company will be held on Taee day, ilet of btmulMr nnl at Thouiaarille, N, C, at winch tltue Important baaioeaa iU. ba traneaotrd.t . .. aoKl-dl'm A. B. 8TITH, Praet. L. S. PERRY, DENTIST. RALEIGH, N. C.,, (Offloe over Mr. Hartt'e Blnra, firnerly Men. pied by Dr. P Beuourk.) n A VINO hLHIJULD THE PUACTICE OP ki. pmftaiiio, reMoeolluliy ailicila-oWy a eoere 1 1 lb Ui uial patruwa uf aalaiirB and iba earrouuding euuulrj. aug tbHleaa, BAITIKOEB KEQALIA IMPOBIUX SISCO UROTIIEKSi ' aiA'iicCTi:aKJUiov : Brtallu, Jewrla, Lodire I'araptier. n a I lit, Ac. Per Maeona, I 0. 0. F, kad Maa, Kuigbte of Pytbiaa, and all outer nuoteuee, H . Cbuki.w m., tKCrMr Payntta, BALTIMOKE. Mn. Pnoa IJ funuabed upon ap(,liation ang lWUm i. a, miu.i, imi a. wttxtawaon J. V. TENABLE aV t o, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , n ab aru. oa ouaaiauoa TobartA, Cotton', train. tc. Contarlly on hand a tarir etock of Kaaafa. tared Tubaeoo an.) tbe Celebrated ' CELM ELLE SN'JFF. "" "IfOh" S, laow parnrri lerovjrraa trr., j .'aearabarj raw . . July auCm. ' : liLACli lU. IHt'VE JTiT TtFrTITr-T A rTCTTTT" OP jqvw.itit;. tirkkieu mvAtm. . WRITING INK. Thl la B"t t!ie kind that ha to ear Kr.irw. bet IB) M.U K and PKKE when Brat applied, and en cnMlia.'a. In biwiulul OLABS STANDS and BOTTLES. .:,,.k;..Jr.byl,,c ao4L& ang tlv 4 biarWttet t'cmial Jjiatli , ii'imyriE. N c - Tomrncnia .Ttt t. a tut rtv.r of y-etotiei Brat, riftiimf e't'l' UI J a JUT', rtilfnie . A fell e ee-vd-l ta.'iiiwe m all e-an. h. aeeai V twir to Rr.l-t.Uea femaib rWB ta., b-e aTripTyv"for-"trre--eiieii'i ii ami.iav -twtea kviie en.di.ii'g run eariu uiara ee io ea "3 TIItMCR V T If A V IIORX, tvtr, Wi w-,i-e re the Tourte of Oranre, Paraoa and Alarnabc aaal in tbe Supreui toart. nirva-H t - T IP 10 vtfttA S if AM-.! if JF ; ai.oes opuai&y Mks, ; . Xt tii Hiectiu(r )ATIie t$iuTntaqtTrar mad aa iaicreatins Btuer on tu'"Aiooaa ol llairr Moo of iaio, Uagballta, and the Karile Uli Bila: fl.hai kmg beo known. "6e .aliir tiit u race'of inn 11 W" te'ttbaa ierailta wiae'4olt.Mliaa'' Jrrfyry '' j i.l l' .1 .1 i. t . 1 1 .. J vrea wiiu air luat tuey uava oooa oaiteii bairy uta, 1'roft Bick more, during til hit travela orrr the raaterb and anrtuero era of ttie Japan (roup. From Uakodadi, iti chief city, be traveled northward over jpciiBtaiw i kain, and tattie rfcrwii to ViTrcano bay ao BamHl by Commodore Perry ( ex peditioit on account of the many Tolcann alona it aboree. Followlnir round (bit bay to tie bead be came to a Tillage of tbia tranL'a people. Turir bouaee are made ol a rmle Irame-work uf t ckt eortrcd with millet atraw or coarae bay. The wl! are only loar feet bijjh, tad bote in Ibeae nuder tue eavea arrre lor intlowa, 1 b y nv no benche or ttonla. A few board and aiickr reatinff on nonet or block of Wood, and covered itU tba akia el'aorae wild animal. lorta their only lounzn aad btda. llu ir eoukiaff -ataaaila are aoaiaed of a tew iron pot ob'ai'ied tiem tb Jtpanraa, tod tlirir diabe are all mail pf wood or from theralveaof large thrllt Tbcir only clota- irig' ig'istuutai'turru ty fnppinjr tx ttie bark of trre aoumuovlnK tba luroai innrr layer, wbicb are twialej between tl thnuib. and lorenoger into t coniloaou line 6t the ire of a mavkeiel l.ny. To weave cloth from tbi cord a number of piece of it ti tattooed tt n tnd to t poet, aod tt tbe other to t ailck, allien l bald borlaoo tally. The flllinj; it tboa pasaid through (rem rlubt' tu lit and teraara. Ad lie Cloth tbiif bav la niaoufaniared in t!iia lw tod labor iotia oianner. Their drew coniula of t looae cloak or dreeii-Kown 1 he only thing tbey cultivate 1 a little millet, tbeir whole tuliittnce being de- penueni on naniog ana nuanng. i aey are, therefore, pifict aavagea in regard to civ ilitation, while tt tb Htm time their great mental cbaracU riuie U aa orat flawing good natu'e, which mtnllcat 1telt in every poraibl way. Every hi re Proleawr Bick rnur waa kindly received into tueir bousea, and all the many qneationa bia interpreter asked were mo-fpoliu It and fully tnawered. During n part ol the lumoier their bay end Iri'baaie literally fiilud with aalmou, aod t0i h tiiae a 'atock of food it laid np lor tli coming year by .drying the flab, in tbe tun, without eair, and atoriug tbrm in mall h intet bul t high poaie, Eich principal honae baa one' ol tbeae dor houae near it, Tbey boat ibe bear aod tbe deer. The akin of ti e lormer tlieir Japan niaa ter oblige thein to gir op to them, but tbbce ol tb deer they tire allowed to keep tor their own . Tbe (k.Il of tbe bear i al way carefully k- pt aa a trophy, ! and plaotd on tb top if a pole sear to bunt ot tba man who killed it. In trout of t aingUj houae J'roleanor Bickmort counted twenty bin of tbeaeikulla. Tb two groat pbytlral cbaraolerlatic ol thi pr'p'e ara--flrt, ihat tbetr eyelid tie kHnmU4 and open "Widuly, and . ar Hot iMiqu and npeo but partially, t in all Vauchea of tb Mongol family j and, a condly, that their chk boi aie Hot prt tiii.att. TbcW two important characteit, which tra couattnt exotpt iu tb deacend. ante of tboae Japanea oflicer who bay takra Also women for Coaeub nea, teparal then Iron th Mongol lauil y (to wbiob they bav been hitherto referred by all etboolngiata), and abnw that tbi pex t Ur peoplr-, in that rimot eorm r of lb e a-tU are really fragmeot of our own Caucasian, or luiio European, race, . iu a view la en firmed by tb woodirful development' of their bair, which baa been regarded a tbeir chief cliaraeirtlatie, though it it really tf only aeennoary imKirunce. in tmtreavect they com earaat to tbe Puaaiaa, or tila TOnian branch of th Iudo-K inipiaoi. Tbeir lannuitgi: ia peculiar, and ie known to difler ehtirely Iront that of tb Jttuane', and ofevery other people near them. It it tuppoeui to ba navllald lanuai!.. t " prom the Japanea iiiatorloa we l arn flikt tbia people bav inhabited th ialaoilt kw.wn t tb Japan gronp tt leaat lor bal t. Cen tury before the time of Niu. hadnea.ar, jet ie that rwUWX SuXt ro'irt a reeearchea abowed tbeir true poaiuon. Their entire population i Miupuaad to be from 10,000 to 12,000. Inder the inn tyranny of th Japanrt th: piwpl are mesial away, and Frohwaor v Hickmot think ihat "if tb tnl gbtoueJ naiiona of taa weatTB world hq been tiut-a-w era- turiet later reaching ibat dia'ant rgioa of th Eaat tbia pe-f e would tiniy have bea known to bv a few paaaagca ia tb writ ingt of tb Japamac biaiorraa, and oy n tbea tuch rvteren.! would have lieen re ganied by arruouloua iDVuetitratora apoo rypbat and mar cleeetd with mv'l e and fal.b." JJ?avleaoT, JJxk. rpofe fxl i1 ttod ;ivcril iter loaoHi'C Viewa ol tliuu Ainoeav an I map carefully colored to abow tb arn.tr tbey -jrcwpTr. 8 u' -; ; ' At th cooclu ba of Mr. Bickmore' vpaier, 1'n !.! W. P. Blake expreaeed the atiiaotK wiU which he bad liatened to rt, particnlarly a be bad brc nhe familiar with tbe appearance And cbaracivtiatica of tb Ainut by eooatanl contact wild tin m ( anm month a,bll tfave'ltbg lit" Ibe rueontairt of tbe interior ol the Northern partut Japal. 1 CiaftroieJ, ia goberal, tbe itatrmeat ad Air. Hiokniore, aod de ecribed the A I noee aa a rare entirely dis tinct Irnm the Mongr.tiati racra, an 1 a niore Bear j allied to turopran type, but yet djliorent, e patially in the jrnni qnantuy el loop, b'a k lutir Hiing"tm t-rrs, -CUttT, and tb Wlifra-t3n'ly7 wveB to ttw 1C rut aid few) ; fcroail, fl.ttarieit Booea, tod fcud ii lioru mlal, anil not oblique at in tb ilnrgol j-oet, Tl.cy. Slave (joni darl;l m't'aixal ek i 1 are lord ol rirvin wiodt Wifl r veaV MM 151 1 tv-if jj-tf will "Ttpy lrwtTiKfm'UnTilntitT wuiji ttr: Jt pewatr -ep"TTW,-wtrt-Ihny art tmrtt-rrf- b!tn-fc4 ;Btog t're in-enr, wh-le eiie J,ee aermr to prcba tivii g on aud rttr.fSojH. I the 1'rjr:na f .tht gut Ua, ' :il t Al to the origin of tbia remarkkbi race ot iwt; w ' iiti.e twii m l jet ta vi if oaapamatJttkiiwy tliat tbef nut have on'inated in that rrgma, and that tory could hardly bv regarded a hav ing im fcrtcd ia early time liora Caotrwl Aaia. Tlwy appeared tob raee capauU couid only I ratiofed from tlia opreeaiua rt.'.R SALE. TaJaftW ErtatalatGreeat Court j, TAKHIBOL'b of changing aty rtdene, I offer jlt ror aaae ay piauvanoo. auowa aa tue ; rSTREETEB FARM. 4, ;'--B-Wlw--l;tl-aWi"i: guodfcno. Atari and Bwarap alack, for eou puating, iKKXaauanaxav Xtiie ia juaily regarded aa oua of toe AaeM Cyottoo Parai la bortk Caru. llua; There in on'the orAmiane a lilVffa awiMnJiAH. swelling nouee, wnien hi oeiug repaired and re tUad. turetber with all aaoaaaarv oua-bnildinua a wui aiao aeii win toe iaua afureaatd, all tar kNU H.M.ii. mA nil,... ...... 1. . f .7 . , ' t ' , iuuin uuiMe- aieata, aa well a botteebotd ana kitoboa lurua tore. . . - I 'i'uiaiaarareoppartaaityfuraay one wiabing to imrukeee a nriaa Piaotatam in tlia u,u.i. with eTeryibuie deemed nvseeeerv for Ibe iaa diate eotuineooeui -at of farnuug openuuu aenua maeooaiue. i noee i.'itni to parebeee ia apply, for further Uifuraauob. to tui Auor- " . .ueiwwe, ufweuviue, a; v., OT to tbe aodereigoed. Haa TU1QISIA WHITEHEAD, aagT-dUwAwiot UraenvUle, U. C.1 cP- LIRE INSITB AVC'E COMl'A.Vr.l ASSETS OVEtt J4,00,00),00. ANNUAL INCOME 0VE S,SOO,000,Ow I T HA tWAWITll RECOUELI ISYE8TED for every lluu of lie Uabuiuea. Current Divi dend tront to la 70 per aenv. A rarcljr Mataal Companr, All 1U eoroloe aqaiUbly divided among tba Policy Holder ia : AWXVAL DIVIDEXOS. Paid ap Polioea are granted, If deaired, after two or mora year, or an equitable eouaidera- n Cub. Will b Giyen Therefor. Haa adopted in It workiofre eeveral BPE01AL PEATDbES, Oriirlual with Uiia Company, and orrcau li ao raaa. a. t. vtAir, tfraerai AftHL July lS-tf. Offio kaleigu, ti. C. . Bl'FFALO SIUIGS. . JiEl'KLENBURG COUNTY. VA. ' THIN CELEBRATED WATKKLNO PLACE will be opea by tbe lSih ot June, lJ9. Board per day t :,60 ; per week 11,60 ; per month 10 j children nuder ID yeara of eg and eolored ae vanle half pnea. ouHtee wiu eaeet aue arwia aaiiy aa DemiaDOTg Depot, Itiohmoud a Danville H. U., after July lat. Tbe water la not auroeeaed br any In Vir ginia. - - Kmamrr.-frl. Thoema f . Uood. Jndr Chanibere, Ool. Win Townee aud L. JC Puaub, auiuir iii uje luuKwtiBia. i UMlC! euiraired for tha aoaenn. A tbroe-borae Hlave will leave Bendnreoa. v,. every tueenay auu naturuay morning, at a'elook hm the btiriuK. and rutura on Moudar and' Priday. k'are (t. Jul;l lui . T. l'AION. T. II. UIKUE8S CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AKO BHOKEIU IB Hidet, Skina, Grain, Cotton and Tobacoo, 1 15B Pratt Street Wharf, BALTIMORE, Mn. WE RETUKi. uttt IHAnM for the wary liberal patronee heretufur received, and by prompt aud pereonal attentlua to all boaineea entrusted to aa, bofle to merit tbe oonndeiio of the p u lino and uinuenea of oar fnenda, and ra epeeuully eunc.lt ouaaiirnnuittia. Our Pnoa Current am be aeni regular ly te oar patruka, who deaua It, m order that tbey may te kept poetod . ta regard to price, Ao. We do etnotly a Coaimaaioa BuaiBtea, and engage ia ao apec matlve operationa ot oar own. bluppera ill be furulabed with Btencil Plaiea and bhip ping t'arda, if ueeired, aud Bud ua prompt and reliable In all oor inter eoorae ab Utetn. Mo Dralte an 1 be nerved, aaueea b.lia of lading -fur aoodaanitiped, or balaooe due tbe drawer of Uia aauae la u our naaua, we will aieo attend to lb purchaee and ebipment of giaida of evejyde- eeriiitirm ; anrb ordera must, hearew r, be with 4jaebrCny aecepteneee, or Bill of Lading , for r norra ebirrpw wmet-a n ear puii ii.i.u. - . .. tloyuut Ja .receive and merit auor patnrnagt. a remain, tour truly, T. H IlDRQEra CO, Bxntitaitcn : BilUrooee rcferniloee by PermTaelna. Bank ef (Vmimeroe, Hawkina, W buameue A Oo I'trnn, T'aid A Co., Wat. Crane at buue, tt. Deford A Co Wm. al ill. r Co , Walter . Meora A Us Ate- Vivien, nivee co., aaa. Jiyer a vo. WilminKton- Kelereueee by peroiiaalon Worth liana I, I'trway Mo. re, A. Jobueou A Co. ltaieti.b tltteri.nee br Perfnieelou. -Co. eburub A Do,id, Phillip A. ' Wiley, Caeaier b uuuajaoaua, I ra uey a cimetoplwr. July itt-dteep: UK...B.lUli!L.,'4r .... HJOLDKPf-HEMKDIEa Q1 rr REWARD for nyeaeeof dlaeaaa lmJJ la I Cure. i any stage which lby fail to A. lUcaai!' Oouica Baxavta S o. 1 enrea Clear, l nwatiMl aire I ii ano Al.iitth. M. ve Kvm rruptioha, .tper aijorea ivlmehea, Morefal. Ao : ie the graioet Pnr.Bor ,eoaB, remove ail dieeaea fnua tbe yetem, andiarea -tb blood pnreAud bila.thy, " . " Da, kicuau a uoi.ni Bla No I eurea H. r- ennal Afl.x'Uoua bbeamatiaoi ia all it forma. give intmediata relief ia all eaae. Ie dietiug aeoeeeary. 1'rit of either ftoi or Bo. a, ,w per tutue. or two twttlv for ,IM. Da. bii.'atr;'e doinyji Amiuotk, a ftafe. aneedy. pltant and radical cure for all Cnnary Derange, nii n'a, aeooirpauied with full .direeuooa i'rioa fctial ewr boi'M. m T hi- Haifa -Qui in Ruaia a1 Awaoa. a eadv eai cure f.r berv.io or Cneral Debuiiv. In old or yuuK-iTjraeitfe;rgy wtrh-womierfnl -rf t t, l iw H,iM pat boul or twe bottle tor e, UieevlT.ine:liea''will be Addreee Da. D. B. RICnAI'.n. Bo. tit Varick bl , New York, "CTnrniar Brnt. tf It.f d otf.i t tTE HAVK l.t KAItll, and are renrl V -Wtnwwvk of trot, eout iriania beet aaa.jftma.wf .tree.bafaing Coaia I luVaJt aaM-w4A fca, and w hii AanLuou.fLe;.jF.ouAurf J purpian a, wnicb we odcr for aaia aa a aniall ad- 1 v.arf.?..Ofj. n.ret cfiaC ........ 'feVt -Aujr.:' a oraeoioBiu. ia,ait, D (l,in ualeicii, S7cC KU1CAL 1'OLLKGIfl OF VIUOLVlA. AT hk'WMOMt.Jh wu-xt AM!U. yittXT MtihbA V t KrtHW. vm, A etmttim - - Mw.ul.v - nnn ',i.uirikv uu ilia 'frT 'iff f MrfTli f--trr-fiiiiin ."'I'M mfiiium .a- Hvur&l ill. i l. r l.e lltOrmary, Hovard'a Orura iiuaptui au4 , Ail raaa i aairu-'tuauun wo ; mil eimrae of leetorea m , uesMauveAur of aualueuy, liu ; grnduauun linarr! rl In i pr mr,(,ib, F'r ry nf , ,ife.aiitaaa1)wiwwww.Jw.aa Hv ah at. Iv ugeawiw IMan of tbe r acuity. WKt SWOITII. VavTi 1'iU'PUkTonv , llua H.mae baa been tboronghly refurnialied au.i raaiuu, i ue patronage of tba trareiuni; pubbe reapeotfully enom.ed. ang e-dlni P. WHITEHEAD, Bnpt. 00118, WiSUIVfi MACHINE, Aatblv son latraovcn, AND THE NEW-w. TJNlYlSSAL CLOTHES WBINGEB. Improved with RowaXL'l Patbwt Doubli Coo waacia. aod tb PaTUrr Irror, are bow anqnea tiouabiy far aupenor to any apparalaa fta naab big eautbee ever laraaled. end will eave ibau aa xaio a year, by earuia labor and stoUw. i noee wuo nave naea fullowa : . give teetuaony aa We bk ear maobln ataeh ; eoold not be par. evaded to do wilboal it, aud with tba aad of Dory, we feel that w ara nue'eri of tbe pueiuou." aee. a, own, jiiaaop jb. a. c-narca- "It la worth one dollar t week In an family.' -X. T. IrnVwae. ' "'in tna lannary or my bonaa there hi t ner- pain el thaiiknaivti dondaya fur tha taveu ttoa." tin, Vtodurt L Vuutt, "1 heartily oaimend It te eoonomlabi of time. buuwj, aw TOwnwwui. Aea. jsr, iievouj. every weea na given a atronger bold anon the aflwerion of tbe inmate of tbe laundry." JT. Y.Obtntr... ' . 1 "Knead Doty Toar but Improvement of waeniBg aoaineie a aompiet aaeeeeai ear yoa Hmr ataobin,' aftar a yvar'a aaa;' la tlionvbt mora of to-day Uiau ever, and would nH be parted with ander any eireumatanoe." buttm AMfouoa. . . . , , ...... "Year Weaning Maobiaa haa been fat daily laa fat our laandry. aud tba hoaeekeeper aipreaaea bereelfaa highly pleaeed With it. It oertaiuly aeoompliahee a greater aejonnt ef work, with leaa laanr, ana aoee not wear Uia alotbaa Bear as much aa tna old faaluoned warab-board. By Being it one laundreee i dianenaed wir.h."- It na. M. r. HiMMjbupitilmdmt qf Man! Dipartltt,4 of PBICES.-A Fair Offer. ... . I x - - Bend lb retail price Waaher 114, Extra WnnirertD and wa will forward eithr or both maebiuea, free of freight, te plaeea where en on hi Belling ; aod BO ear ar w they will be liked, that we agree to rufuud the moaey if an one wi.hea to return tbe maehine. free of fmnriit. after a month' trial, according to dlrevtlona. Bo hue bead, father or brother eboald permft the drudgery of washing Bulk the baada, fttry wv ueje ui me year, w uea at een oa eon oelti'r, mora eipedtuoaaly, with lea labor, and no injury to the garment ua. by a Doty CloUie Waaner, aud a Univaraal B ringer.. Canvanin wiik aielaair right of ! maka, aauoey laea aeiuBg tuem. , bold by dealera goiierally, to whom liberal die. aonnu are made. a 0. BROWNING, Gen. Agent' ' ang lt-da tl Cortlandt ba., Mew York, VENI, VIDI, VICL What ETeribod Uj Host Be So. Tlu Connieror of all SnnflA, C..Q.QGGG0AaX'3 O. W. O. A A AAA A Alt) 0. W. 0. I I I I I & AX'3' G. W. G. L L L L L A AX3 ,'OTLEniUTED ' CKLKHRATKU ., C1XKU11ATIO ; SCOTCH-SNUFF SCQTCE SlSUEEi SCOTCH SNUFF Hava bMO fullj totted and proatnoneod by all aniAteur dipprt to be tba burnt hAt rr ouw in w lu aapriur Uttt and parcif iroaa all dniKa aM uijtinnaa utjrrmitnim,tmwn, ly ia is Ua w. .rl . I r.nnl.tiiin. TUX XV Do not fab to try it f yon will like it, . Aaa ft it and tak no other . . ... .. '. r loa aala ar i T O T. exrooaoh, ( , V , r . -W. A. Mi bagaa. ' W. Q. bu-oaaota,- UMrAdam. W. H. Jobee A Co.. - Laaaiter h. rater. ' B. P. Cheatham A Bro Poole' rrrtm, ' W. H. Hollenaan, B. P. VVint.ineon. Henry Fonda, - . u Aa. Cpobnroh howiand Uto-VTlmlwiala (irooera Agent for Rorfoik, V. . - ti d ll WkrdiBalwgovityvitioTr-.f Krtf for Btchmond, Va, . ' . - Kimca in fiiifh tnrvtatbm-triaTaTnf KiiiirT kae all-eiiu-d hae UMitiied enrtaja eaainia4iLe..M S ff iKjl-' ia uintH orir- mn UAitt the ,.ii.".(iur u-Xf aLlfTH onreiir.n ii'bih iitiji hip ttiite tni'l r.tit ti e RiparViTBaanryW UXO&eS It t Fliii7S', nnr-l',aT. u. W..UAUi A Aa. Jnn Il-Ar. . . . IT 1 h Arm of K trKB hl HIH A Vr.,: onrnrwrd - fgjilta ijiHT tV HBtlt ggMpaaa)t 4 1111 bAl't.H illlitin M hereby ltboHeel In rfr. ue aarujerauip ou-iiiibb., aAlltirt hl'i.tn, r"i. Awy B, t..a To. Oeneral Commiaeiorl and P.wwarJ'r.e; Bn efneae witl be eontiened bv AADtK BITKvBiad A."A BllrliH, HU of Nnr-U Carn-ina, B'ld'W toe ore swore nr i.iurn X. Tl e eot.,m.r id lij.' !'i Ptmi a:, t 'I nTA-" tirij"i.t may b a-ii.e! riiif hii ;, ., eoandrd to thea wiU receive proaipt and dua. gent ataentiva. - . KATim II KorrIk, anr S-dtat AsA bi.jiii. 'to tue m.lQZSLE T R AXLE- CP IN INTTTINO THE MERCHANTS OP KOKTH teirouoa to an euouuaiauo of oar . wa-ea na aaVa. W WJbVaW -'"j-aMJ.ava.,tw.Hiii .at,iuiWi.a.t.ie,ui elwv w doalr to li.rn ii., n . ' : .. i i. . ; - .-Hv-uig esinraia WHOLESALE UtJSLNESS, U prepared to offer Ibern, tbi aeaeon. FoKlga wBd Domesttfj DrFCoodi YANKEE IcVOXXOIVf wvary artwie aaeued n v.....,. 7.J a. , . " abiiaAteri4uu.aa,aat wuiui w uituad to eeb at GUAaAiTIED BALTIMOiX PHICJE8 r WAf?k 01 rnna. d tii WHOLES AL1 iKAUn, generally, an eiaminaUon of our Block M pnw vie ar eoutdeat We eatt aava time exueaia tu Baarcuauta by baying of a Una On of our firm will tuig tUm lour mmw. ma Ail iikMhBn 1AT1S, UU.lIiE A CO.. " dWJJBjijjib OF DRY GOODS, voraerw Hank Byeeaure Btreeta, rATKataaiiiiai w. Pea. la-tf f t . -4 "iii VITIIOL, V Ju. teoaived and for aaie be JonliAM irmn JuaeSB-tf Drnggiat. puierahurg, v'a. I ' v utuut, .1 VJ -i : Juet leeeivod and for aaie be TT. " I . . , . Johuas a nans JauaaVtf DragijuHa, t'eterabarg, Va rifin OLTCERINE, alUble for V-Vr V maiiiilaitturmg purpuaee, for eale vary Vary or June U-U iVtutAM at vAltlt. Bmggiela, feterebarg, Ye T tObACUO PiiAVtlULNtiB. 00 Anlaeed.. Tunka Bean, Baeaafra Bark. k,et Moot Vrrwboot t buake boot .Yalerian Uoof Cium btyrax. Maoa Autmega Anlaeed -, CariUnnai Heed, lortaudor Hoed kennel eeed Bergamot, Cuinaiuon, Oitroiielia Ciovee alereuiam Or al Ik e Lenjim kliruam. . btltlueg Wuiterreen Ailapiee Linuamoa Bark CkiV CV Oil, Ae, ALSO, Branding Bnuhe aud Ink uf all kuida. for aabj I at n loaeet market latt I JOltDAX a rirrn June 85-Lf Draggiala, i'etaraburg, Va. pxuos, Mipicnrts, &. CopwrtBcraailB). HAVE. THW DAT. aaaonlbyl vik . A aou, JoHb a. PtrtCCu, aud lb Urng boaa. wewiOT wui ue BMiyaotea audea tu aria P. F. PESCUp SON. Th CASH PLAN will at rnim.r oaanvBB. e aiuat bav toe eaau or an auumuut very of good. ' Abe BelihW uartnee mmm tu il v - a.,. frleuda, and Ule puulic neaeralU. tut near one mtpport for tna past A ysaiai awl buuoe rt wiU be eununoeu to the new area, mbm m..i tbear aiai.iea aaeruoua to maru aad ahara 10- eu iNhtrueaKS. Ailuiaeuied Bib nleaee oav un U.la m.ii. j mue we nneiall aueeoiiy.. e-anteo-ii v. u aacnn. SABATOCiA kl'BI.VGS AT HA O EIGH, X C. . . 1 ' Call" AT ' ' - ' PESUUD Ac HO.VM. : AAD Tbi 1UK EXCELSIOB-SPEISO WATIB. u.i Diu.Cv.ur, , Fresh firm the Spring of Saratoga. eaa. le-tr MISCiiLLAliEOUS. DAY BITER IAMJlAGEJkCV. rOWUATASl IWtLDIS. Ascot for tbe fiale and lease of 11EAL ESTATE GOERALLY, -", a,., ........j ; BFEB4 BI PEUMIrlblON TO I W T. Rutheriin. PreeidVnt Vinrtnia Ht.a a c eakuralbocieiy ; W.Jt, i'auoa, Iwakar, tiaavaae, Va.; Ken. ihomaa . kumrnuy, i'reei.l.nt Iv. r. loik and Great Wnefern bai)rid j John B. kd B4a, Leo., Howe ferry, HaUlax, Va., hum. John B: Bakiwau, Btanatou, Va. . -may tl-am "'..,. X&Uk AUD WIK IEII IMPOSTATION. Va I t I 1 i 1 It I NJ'a-i - 'r cjmiXOl auuvThoxg. catob a CO., JIIbVo. 'eeeaa- an nrnraB or vtmmtYD ntsstxsmtir: JibT VtJtJtiV BATtMt ASM VW,t.m rtnal'ibk. K-iada. Laoe. Eo.-Va.ina A Cibom, . !43fc-Ua4t.em iet4M(jlfg SfttAW B. S E IS A l LAI iIES-H AT3 f I MM I . 9 A , il M A k K X H . X I . fHnrv, and aue.uailed m ehevan-ev, which w oiiur at pricee tnat Bill ewly e.up,;tuuu. uuiiUkij BCLICITED. :2"..llin 'Encouraga Homg Maanfactur. Auta. Iittiaaoa.- WaT. BHwiaueoatT - AtAJUl AKtk wMLL r rQUJSa-aLiMI'HOVKLV - -SMUT SIACHINESr" H or?"?S eattei of anquiry, addreaaed to then t UiiWaav1; cnar.ee uJ, b ciai THE A IXAiTlC HOTEL, 'iVjtktaaiUrUJtiit.Bt.rriVaai.aFa.il - f-aWrt f.t ...i.JBBW.Bma.aiBaijva aia. . auaa. ifmiaai M rwtn oumey paiii-ui, to ii Uutai wharf lor AL E. PETKBEPX Ifaoa-aiBTBiaa. Jon lt-dlawit CUA.VUE or taCUEU LI E. , BALEIOH A 0A8T0S BAILROAD 00, k , BiJraaurraiMurr' Oroa. V Baleijib, !i. 0 , April t, UmT ) On and after Anrd ltuh iieta- t-.i... u ""w." kauiroad, aa an low. i Arrivee at H oidun " ., ,w JT J" Mail Iraia leava Weldon..,..., lu,W A. M. Arrive, al Raii h P M Praigbt Trait hvee Kal. b.SVtTril36 P aL Th Hafl Train. ... 772.?,- " wa V,0 U Ja. wBAall puinu hortt aod Booth. - rvlmm Aneitia ir -A. At. AMiREWa, April l-tr anjni.i-,, .T.WIlLlAJIf, ' OEKEBAX COMMISSION MERCHANT. I, TOUACCO EXCHANGE, RICHMOND, VA. A$uT fno'f done ob CoBimbadoa. . " " "" " I DOUGLAS JJELL, BOCEB a.d connimoN nEBCIIAT, A0IST FOB THE MAttTLASO SIPIg PHOSPflATES I POSSIX B0N2 TJEposiTS Df ' ' Ashle BIftr, 6ou(l! Carolina rrBnaredtaBalUmor,. by. pw-fecUy reepon.. tue Company, t Atv aUUBfaeUon guaranteed ia aO aalaa. Beleigh, Aag. lA-tf , DOUQLAB BELL. 1 ' G I I M O 11 HOUH K , !0il SQUARE. BALTIMOKE, MARr LAND. rpHINEVr AND COMMODIOUi HOTEL 1 eonhtlT 0Om1Uu v. Al b been newly furaiebed thront,oat, and eontain. all the ruacae of a Pllwf JlSZ HolbL, iaeeutrali, wealed, ani . th bualneea p.n-tlon of li w. ....i Vi". ""''huga, Ciiy bail war, A a. The Maaawel proiniee to Ho everylbiug ui time Anwar' tor aba euion ano aeUaleotiou to their frneele Cnaobea ' uanu fcl uu t t.M ill UUAXANDACO, Aug I ddu. proprietor a. THE COMET; . THX 2AJITH, 1 it Vaniew Phat, . PA6T, PliEAI AND FCrURiV A dedaoed from Uia big heat end moat raUabM aatboriUea. In three paruj-wilh IHaatraUoaa Pabokbt by E. J. Rale A Bona, It Marray at..' .w fork 1 1 vol. ef ebont uo p,, Prioa 114V. bW to any addevee, br Matt. ''. i ' u A1A Bf ALFRED WILLIA3IS, yn O O K S E L"L E J BtAt-kltlBl, N. C. AugUtf - - iniourAT KALE VALTTABLE: CITT PH0PX&TT U "l TLCVP. .ad. by All bert Joliuatoa, to me, oa toe lid dee Jl 1.- '"AV r1" ' "'"-' AtrTatiVj eell, at ibe Cuerl Houae , lu tne Cltv e kau i i. oa tu let ,4 Meptemowf, m , ee.vli. k mi j. cay f juieifc-h, bvxng par, oi Loa i, lB Albert .Jobiieuia now bvee,on H I LLftBiRfyiB TSEETV With twog wd Dwelling Hoaeea thereoe, , IUtllllaf a.- . " T-'-mjtb. Jbrki-aiJlONPlKITEn, Traaie. bcunWd upy. gABtATOBA WAT A at, ; , And kept .old at .11 houre. rJ'ti Svmtl to eail every moral n bi t. re breakfaet, and ever, "T" H,fa. oLbIi fulan.i lnvu,ra..iiit water. It may aara a Dob tor a bill, ...u th. eipenee of . f ip , ,. Hpnn ffULEB lIATtllESi Patenud Proceg tat attantifaetTiripg- fTei' i'lifci aj-B-e ....... - BOIiQUAI OANjE fl. ,.eAIXy, Slila Afcf,Jt fraa.. !JT?PrTtCB, C UHIB IO' X. C. bwnu. .t . rt M,lf-tr..v.l'. I . 7 " . " ' fr-W Pn'tfTrr. V-it nniiviniiMi ii i mi i. - -. tare urirler cm pnieHa. .. .!' Hra nMr.Mi.if e......i.t . . c .i a.e-'"-' 'vv irr' i.'.i.ural LOW PT BOrTTEB. - (i-ir k.uhMu a fi,..t frTrmfrT tritrro. AMr!W iwBitnii'i ui) t( k ak 1 leachiag d-evre a enuatwna bearbav ,J nlioul or aa Croverneea, f AOttJI LVIlX A bvrg 0onai,n)!n!,t m nne Tt",!-, fo-n. vi. u j,iM( a mi a a laaailv. (....1 I . " ' 'r or rwnt.nal o-.