Ilty, twelTS nosU. ...... J f oo i 5 ... three .. r jiiniMwu.l'4 W,iwltiM..-....... m - " ,:'.w.y.vTrwiii-4 4 OSIAH Jr.. KJJTOK. .FIUDIT, SEPTEMBER .1869. n i ir 1 n r ; ' .-I Wbea tli other day we ntdt iaety ie Xerotic to the proposed brsr cS ltoal pf lb ' W caters North Carolina Kaitroed, laadisg from Catawba Station to tbs' lis UAJ C'Bisbaeoentyrw were not aware of the importune of tbe uggetion 'w ttieB ruaJu... Jt turns out to be pteUsr uf m4 Uioincot, and fur an lutolligeut account ol It, we refer our rtaJua to ilia communication .lAanotber column, rer th it;ntur of t-Butka." la Uie people. W4 tt-o4Jl bow their money is appropriated ami laf- tab' rrjuandered witt view lo; J)''?1 (Mia, We ax aad bar bIwb.vb beea tb B-Jrix ttVoilitteiaJ ayataia of IUHroaJa, saJ mpmMij tba aHKat of ttiW4t'ra " Nlb Carolina IUlIroad. but tliia W Ui 4n" eapt lb cUmax of RaDtoad aterpriaa fiy thi Slait, . It 1 B criminal wl-l'Mllf,lla aaoath.... - . ' " " mockery ot putiUfl tnlarprlni,' an J" art " aurt ffia Weatera peopla BfB i Bwart of , it, or do tUty apprort it - i - j '4 IV'a ar Mtonlthet) ,at,!i a1uf dit i priijtict ; and we tra art eat to at t BJ'ra- Wmaiy ' and Bohrard ol Button o tit Buaid of Dirtotom. la loJttnir tba arvitoaml mid to fcoafrael.' "So aollva' uf tUaetto( ' t iiiten lbs contract is Wt to tfaroriC o iituarvatad partial at tba Sngir't ftimul ... and kgainat tba proUatW tb' Diroctort ' alucted by tb prtttfi Btockbo'dert all tfimvifkholdiii BppoioVai'byaaf. tfol- Un votii.g Uf t)f tatting, h vtyuler tlia Oorcrtmr and ha & Vp4 4ragt4 exclude ax Ounruor Vance and Judge Merrlmo .ad Or. McDowell from tbe Heard of Wre ion I Ku wonder tba HtUr4 ebonU . , ifot Uiuaapb of tba tiuretoor Bad tba "Sail , rad Hi ng." Can't any one, with half en eye, tm Uia work inn of tbe ''Radical Hall . road liit-ff" h it la aptly CaUud 1 . liurrab f..r tba Gowoor I Horrab for public boB' 1 liurrab lor (be IHaUui I ' Will not aome publio tplrlted cltima pBt B it p to tbU beautiful tittle ecbetua ot tbe ' ''H;!! by approptlat ipticBtioo to tbe Courtat . We truat an. JauX wa, truet tbe immediate tra Irleotle of tbe Keat project , of tbe Weatera North Carolina Railroad Bill irnwa Aiwa each eff ort toeqaaadrr and oilaapply money that ought to be oed ' to tunt.el tbe creal mountain over and though which tbe road nm I paaa bclore ttiaciue tbe Valley of ilia MiaaMppl. "The Bentinbl tbinke 'tbe GUdard tin I arina to lura V Ta what it thloke we art to turn, we eaimot Imayd e." tUaxd ; V rajF. I : 4, J. ! To tbe pnrular ile, wbiilntrr and Wrvr that oiy ta. t To Qnuli or fr Jr it,Be policy may dicYataf to caipet' lngijrra or againat carpet uafrr, i tli one or tbe other eouraa h4 gira nor . pr'.pjie of the ttoTeronr'a anccwia in Bnattiriljru!ratitij -j Vft fn,nt tblfk tli K Iwl'icattoBf at prcacAtarc, that the entiwi ! wtwttit g tbe toa oi iu bw for lb1 teat of houur of carpeUiiairera. '!! Star lay , the turn I to be towatda he own yom: and tbatit hurl trttne hiita oid nd-puUI Tb -Jbmu tbiuka it baa turned aytlnal "juatir and honor," ttne atrong grip wliUiii.Ua. party baa upon' tbe "peophj, and kttHi tloinf "a ff'tod turn" for Borne bo kuve eetthd "tbout our Slate Capital to suck tba Ule ... bim.d fromtbeKUte,"eodtbeMhBBttirne'l u, it ibdignstioa on the Tint for Vaboalng ' "op tbe awindlc" - " ; Our owa oplnioB ie, that tbe SlamlarJ k " , miJtt U pnprtion to ttint againit the atlaaul.lralioD, if tbe prcac-nt attitude " tbe BtlniTniitrirtoTi in irvwrd tt (fiorrai am Mty, Ae., abould be condemned bj tbe ' pcopl". It J be that it l getttn g rratly to 1wn IrtM It wa etasUy cobuLt acUd plutiorm, in ita rltim to-tHe abnia ' istratloo and the fmMie fHnHif abould ra , quire it. ; Tbcre ie np.tjling which iray it inxy tttto : . . ..... , ; It wrval In, anj wriir'e oot, A'ul h-avea Uia Hoile ,ill In a. ubt, V tivtli-ir Uia uio lliat mloM lb (rack la oouuoi out Kouig back, , t y-ta t. "NaBbd The annnooncement .by "A;that thi J'residcnt ia agsln off lor - - h us of a rmtk of tba Sfi ilnja aifi, " jo., 'clrtrasv 1X dbBtVaa.itifiibaJitJUHk.. 11. i-,:...i,i- .imi..i.tel7in. et .. .. . . , - - - : j jlowiMo Alabams, but irom tb turrn "Tai- t ij nn.Tti1' ue3y'tT'SiMrjr-t' , .x s on ol H em bar wsndcrrd off t t' at iH t'l lulu) of 'He Sootli. 1 .... lli.w. H. .I,!... n ... . T T . .m. ...u;....., ri. m I J ll ( ri 1 1 t::e i!'.ivi.rnint tit hve IteB Invit. 1 T, i.t tnjtnr. s rrrTWrrirli rrr ft-- rtrff Tinrif t t-TT - Mmrati l lt"jn.trl tattt--ir scorrdt ItrO inv lITiT.f 1- .... i .i . . i . . .i and tUa ham tbat tbe m luaia wa BtyiUiTi;. tat 1 --,.,iint bm ,u;'.tf .to tTwiaJJlSiSKJ WiUJa v&L, l j n c. id i , rj t u in BM luduainsi e&iettirn. " e Vptak abut know," it as;, wben we a .v tt,t they W ill receitr B cordial Wei- S,Alu V o:u all ClaMC! cf O! Iple." ,. . , . The e.Vtor of the Ilristol (Tena.,',Kews wMfrti a asoMB'Sae imfnirtaasi.'-.-ijoaHsT. it mi. cut-lit J yjuctd lB ttl .Wiallji a AJoomaU Uu.k Bot twa var auo. JiaiUe toa nmu U uprtj.;,' 'taj: -(jnitrs many ot Wth Iwr4 at at ion t, . j pulea? inti tfntn-m apeakii g ot ttem. For Oh ftiet. Mb. Eoitob : It your paper ot TafJT laat, yoj inquire hat ha. Urea- done . aitb Vb Spprnpnatioe ol o,9'i to cuostrtict t Carolina IUrVY a point oar Catawba Button ia tim tim iuti m lr. end Matt, t sirts rmtnty. - The oo.uiry M fli.ixirtunr unit rtertwr&t. and M m maiwr uric or jir.,ciicai iniiwiriaoce.u m ku ' well ea 1 tauur ihreeTEi BfJerMB twiw i interested, 1 propose Uhji wo! ftwn sr.olit iV f. 7rsr Th pnnur tit tbs firM sertmn of tb Act nr. lwUt. mskinii appropriation tor te eoiiatructioii of lAe WesurB North Carolina! iLuiroadYtwror peudtd to bunding eutb a braoeu ai i"1 Buaiiooed, Bad Bot anotber word i aaid bM it, j.Ia it aot queer to errata and pro- m of ah art 7i ' f.J 'fXpf ;r4fT :'tM"-'I'M: iim'i oooatructoHi ol tlie propfnat orancu road, by Iks AM'.' r. t outreire apoa the people uf (lie iiUla 1 B put.lic naa mi-is itcrrt )nitii"'i ante - Urrnieii. than tbT Tiara ia bit term "f tliat ol aay otWrtH -af tba AieW.. lb be.t, ao-calkd, d a t belong to tb Male nor ta n propoaad tbey etialL if tba lime ie ealoar 01 tor aay purpoae, let tuna waaa n buy itjr. trt. pweil aad Hott, and let (bene lieutieuua haul the liiae ta tbe rail road Uka otuar folk, tad abip it tbrnca aa tbet auwdo aad baea doue. war bubii tbta not be ao doae I Why aball tbe btata build a road to Uudr lima btda aay more tbaa to other lime beda Bear tba line of tbe road t Ho aot, Cr like reaaiHia, bav tba BUU build a branch road to Catawba UDriBna.Wilw'BprinM,rtedmont Boring aad itt Hiowa'a iron ore bad, and tol Wilka Hiib feboal Work. Bad. indeed, to anrnodf'B aaw mill nr carding mathieel Caa't bb one (B tb ridiculon abaufditj III BIUI lin! IMKTI fl Hut aeooaUly, I toaiat tuai inia ni m eabnlated and intended to eorieb two or tbrae i artaiiKB al tba etpeaea of the other peopl ol the State, ana lite geoiwmeo BBe no moie r Uitna on the mat tbaa have or an ether rill.i-a bae. What more claim. trr. bu Dr. Powell, a Director of tbe Wea'.ern Nortu CaroltuB Itaiiroaa ton- . -' -. . .. V I ... pany, or Dr. Mott, tbe rioatdent ol that Comiianr. tbaa I bare to ban a like road Uiii to my saw tutu, or mr. piuwa u w bia iroa works, or Mr. Wilkre4o-- high ahoal t Would Bot that b a ntc tutng Jae aaf Boa ie a rnpcUbla rtoa lor orh a mail ao to tie but It I Thirdly, I oMsct to tba proposed branch roaa, bevauae 11 u a can m an uanu j WOTk ot tbe wft?rirrJ,-tba bss auc eeeticd is raisitg the public debt to tbe aatonnding luaguituue oi lorty luimoua dollar, i : r ' .. . . ',' 1 Fourth. I ollect. becauae tba fctU puur sod the people are uppr. ltd with debt, tiubtio sod unrate. and can't pay lbs anormoo tale leijulnd of them. They can't atf iril to bgilil railroada lor tbe pur puee of euikblng two or three rtrata gen Ikmea. - - i - - W KiltB. Tba atipr trlatlon to construct tbe proNed road i ia direct flotation of laa proruion ol in maia l-oskivuiiub wbich'urohiliit sey sppmnriaUoa of maoey to aimalrsot any (sad other than an uAtd marl, anlra the proimaed spprourt tinn shall first l tnhmltte 1 to the people and approved br tba peimlar vota. Tbe set makro urU proTiaioa, aad If it "did, i any nun so tilly as to teller that Bun. di-M m n in tb n'ata woum Tot lor it t Tba appropriation la ao manlfeatlr Violation of the Comtlmtiim, Ibetthe llail road ComiiaitT ouuht Bt to laaiat upon It but it doea, the Board of Lit restore do, and I sugnrt that legal itep ought to be takea al onre to prevent sui b approprta- tioo of taU.UOa. Tba Uoard of iJiraotorB acted ia bot bail about tba matter ; tbe at once ordered a aurrey of tba road and ttmatm o the Work w. r made, (a Awrry, sud tb tikait murk was b t to a fjrtrtu tb partiee intereated at Ik Mngiht't, fti- a., without B giving nil lutif to tb publifl or anyliody alee, of tba letting of tbe work, and thia. ton, sirainat ma reoorueo votes of tb Directors of the Company ele ted by tbe print UtotUuUUn of tb Com pany 1 hi laot 1 got irom a uirecior, an he told me the minute of tb proceouin oi the Hoard wonld auntaia what h to me. The Matt Virttton. to man, voted lot tuck letting, aad the minute aliow tbi aa I learn. Do the people ea tb working ot tli "Ittnir" I Ao wonuor in ' -ttiag want complete control ot ali the asouiud aornorBUoaa In th Btata I 1 ineirt that tbi pn)eet i awl rigb:r juat, ot pxuuic, and tuat it ta a acbem tti out'tiniit to be tnterstittlt lHrog- la tvery point oi vt w -and I fervently thank you Mr, Editor, lor directing public at ten lion to it. KUKKJC. FWtlr.AOX TtiB'-flrst Arabian ttutm-ut celebrity was buuiiblhy JsuieHbr First of a mrcbant tor SIAOO. It did not succeed ss a rscvr, and th breed, for a time, fell Ihtd disreput in Great Jlritaln. In Charles lbs Kirt's reign, a lighter had swifter 4ionw -lirgsa to ' be bred. Oliver Cromwell, uae aoastrs gentleman at heart, and very fund ot racing, hunting, and all active sports, kept a racing atud Th Bmiiagef ( tbir eetablichmeat, Mr. Place, poeaoaaed th faiuoue W hite Turk,. hi'So descesdsnts wers rluabl ia im provmif tit breed ol Knuliah racers. Clisr. Irs the Hi-cood, an excellent rider, bad several Valuable mate sent him from Tao piera; 1 a iuirb mare, . was K'tai .hjttb. fcmiieror of to Lord Arlingtoa, aecretary to Cbarle tli Pwond. Tb Turk waa brout'ht into Eouland by the Duka of Berwick, ia the reiga ol Ju,e tli Second. It fxart Hi Duke' ptn4 at rb strg ot Buds. Th H.tlahy Turk was tha pro. pvrtr 01 Mr. JjsrabBll tM BtUd Broom ot king Wi.liam, tjueea Anns and Uaorge I. Alter tua Auiie time many vaiuaole eaatera atallloea snd mares srere Imported. Tbe Crowo Arabian and tbe Ouldeo Ara bian were ad Ud to Lord Northumberland's atud about 17GJ.. Tha Damaacus Arabian arrived ia Hem York the sum year. The C'ullea Arabia was a amnewhat ear j Im portat ion. liacrr now cannot d, Jfbal iheir predeotara di 1. Tbey bae bUtifr tb aiuml at h. Utii, . hewer, 1 hat iwTftiiroTi TtTTT f; IjiTtrrrTTTnaBttfrry ' ' Btoattd'TII ' 'tf'i t" til r ht'M totaO lIO- uaa.. ( hi introoiici d Uia tiuuut fuaiut ol rnnninj bom at tw year old, be'ore their tw;t!.tJ.I-ti.pi Jt. itPtr 3a't " ont lm"a-t '""'J ml lu borara. . 1 to thrtn TTn-aiifT-i and etuhiraaoe. " As Ai'rh.a Id Aew orh ha produced , rrr 2 -y - - '. - " ' ' - i- --: i . iv v i tr.-, w--"i i v "T i. Bfj " V . V" r"' nw .'" J ' P i w w i,h mil ( n eei -a. raw en a in a laretl rv tM inventor him. 1-arvMi ry 'ie invent. .r rumttt Tt '" It Wia.le -4h IS- lltwillH.a )w. soma one e'at claimwi this arua lnventiuB aa bis on, be ted in Wsantntoa b a 'ent f r the t inted Stales, which waa graoteA to him is Atyaa,,--vV-i;M -, Citi..k 1 1-., inn but aaiBiir a I Pilie.'AiyjrBaABdsateBBia - ia. t wa..let-. , The R'erU publisba tba (ollowlog iron a lade, d awoM to eoocbr foe tha. unA of iu at.tsmeut : - TbBt Mr, ftroklce wa 'fcrorly irf pot. etmpl and childlike ia chraetr, ali adwit. Horh eharai'tora ara BMI eaallf degraded. Were aba tbe degrade crtB b todH 4va mwld ta beluwe. brr agwaJtauj SUSP, m. baea raaaaiaail BBvacaiAJabtk.f.'rij! Htie- waa weak amievirariiT. i u avrrd ta tbe efia of a anaitiT aaaa, ao.l oiiIlBaa ooSe f a tBtaeT tu- buwkj aw Let nw dtplcl.tb k.JtjBoure in UI of tut iu)urea eomaa. iea ol imere. h preteatd ia the y tb world ta Bare reatorcd Brr 10 lavor. will not diaeuaa tba sroDrial of tbifl kind A:ktepaaefc:JBUl hh was placed ia a bandaom hHia, ith th ordiaarr sppliaaceaoi wealth. Uf tb antret. h aCwv 04 tb two at tkte time aolbicur need be aaid. Khwa rained ia eharertrr, brukea ia bealih, utUjrly Uxt to tha world aa Attlv B amau eaB tM I0 kit wUbont hope, witoout ocity and without yapalhy, except trum tbo few wbo were rrlaWd to her. aad who loved aad pitied ber. Bbe had loeg interval of otrvous prostiatioB, wha she would U lor boars Itks B Bring pwaoo. on aa aay altar day, head leasing upoa her waated band, aad avra bat lea, seeiag sod caring for littl la a world wboa aunalita 10 nir bad beea ao darkly tclipsad. tiua igld laintly, but aaid little or ootblog. 8bc wa a aad wreik. Bbe knew aba waa dying, and expressed bo thought or inttreat iu aaythibg but bar atawot aangntar. . One day she lamed suddenly to young (head end aaked : D 1 awa think m a guilty womBnt" sad without waiting lor aa BBawer, th went on, 1 wih tar apeak now wbiis I can. I was so shocked sad terrified at that horrible time that 1 did act know bat I said. But 1 am not guilty of any sib. Mr. Bicxtas wa verr vio euv 1 waa afraid ol him b brooubt'm paper, bicb be aaid I must eiuD ha id be aboald b bung it I did not siga it. I never read oaa word ot that paper j I did not know one word writtea la it, I pot .my name where h told ma, and to tav bia lile." Hue waa ainkinr rapidly, aad waa carried to ber bed from a b'P Jalmlw turn. A ah opened ber eres. reviving slowly, Ibej fell unoa the faca of Daniel K. tticklca. painted and frBSBad, baoging beiors "ber- LLitting ber pal liana, sue asm Tak It bwbt- . -. - Thoaa about her reraoeatrateJ 1 but tb eteoad aad tb third time aba BSBTmarad, "Take it awev n The ptctute waa removed, "flow place my daughter' face there,-' th said, with a aad ami Is. TbU waa dona, aad aba gased with a longing, wistful look npoa the young lace, sod sighed heavily. ' Tba poor weary eyas cioaed, and b waa goaa to Hint unto bom is open tb secrets 01 toe neaia, Obi Wbo Kbows. ElTBAjrHOtasBT BI UCTtOII,-;Tb lollowlrg sUtemeut apptsrs la. tba Istt Matt OJMU: "All tbs txtrsordinsry proceedings of tbe has exoited so mnch aniialy ia Htitsls are fairly thrown la tba ahade by a torribls act of eil immolation which It reported irom tba goTersmentof Saratow. , A tew monlha age tba pmpuata of aew rellgioa msde their spiearaoca la that part of tb empire, Dreecbiuii sell-destruction by fir at th only aura roaU to aalvaiioa, aad so readily, waa tbeir dreadful doctriae received by to ig -aorant aad superstitioua peaaaatry that in one large village bo iea 111 aa sctmuccu hundred Dersou saaembled ia soma wooden houses, aad, baring bricadd tba doors and windows, set tba buildiBgi tn fire snd pr ithad ia the flunea. Tb auihontie an doing all tbey til to auy th progress of this new msdoess, but tltau taK 1 ouvious. Iv a difficult one. The Booiabments which tb law can inflict -must bar littl terror lor enthusiasts wbo deliberately -clmm death s borribl aa tb tra road to Hear a." According to Pliny fir wa a long time unknown to tha ancient Egyptians, snd wbea Exodus (tba celebrated aatrooomir) showed it tbera, the were absolutely la rapUr. Tba Persiaas, Pbanicians, Greeks, snd several- other ostions, sckaowUdged tbst thdr BnceHtr wer one without the aoflr, and tli Chines conteas th asm ol their. proKeeitors, Pompanion. Uola, I'lutarch, and other ancients, speak of anions who, at tba tima tbey wiota. knsw not th tu) ol flrcvor bad juat learned it, Facta of tb asm kind arealao at tested br aeveral modern nations. Tba lobsbitsnta ot the Marin ietowda. wbieb mm diaeo- eredia 1531. had 'no Id of fire. Never waa Baton iah mast greater than liieTrawlien they aaw it oa tb dessert oi Magellan, ia obs of their islands. 1 At first tbey believed t wss som kind et aa animal that fixed to and fed npoa wood. The Inhabitants of tha Phillipioo aad Canary' blanda sre formerly equally is-noraat A fries presents. erra ta our owa clay, nation ia thi deplo rable a taut. . Wibb Maiibo iw Fbaxob Ta Aa Ji lartf ttt JH. f, 7r,bu4:-Yoat California correspondent, wriuaa: of wine-making ia Frsnoe, refers U tba ptactic th asked wo-' ssaw wa of going j o tV t h wi nw-wajta, lip Ij ttieir WBtata, to sur sa a 11.1, ana thus Is ciliute tbs proceas of teriaeatatioa 1 I bare oltea heard of such a practice, bat waa an BBbelievar Butil a lata-viait which I made. t tbtfidryBrrlttOa film ltbrbe,'SticrilltiniV paign, France, wbera I lound tbe Cuatom wa aniveraal, and, oa, referring to inthori- uea, 1 muna in iatmni idiiy connrmea. Writer diaagree a to UlTljjct"bf tbia practice, sonij claiming that th titural warmth of th body hasten fermentation and others asserting that tbe storing about and mixing ap et b pomace in tbia way, girea tba wine a "taller body," a deeper color, or a tiperi6r boqnet. , Aa it la bow wtiruaud that we itave al rWHly planted ia tha 1 oiled ttea '2.0U0.000 WFtrt of viurvard, or aa araa equal to two. itTiBi of that Sfrr.niiittiirtriiistfi FrBcy,1t 3"TCiwyaTtir-rrenfti momr m.klng WO. will pot he . llntn tins country at lyast liolll 1 ank -iauite sutty ha Uea t ibauated ia finding aob- su;m i.,.,. . A Plttaiurg tnvt ntor hit coaatnietd.B furnatfn which a 1B of water has been -o snanrrj bt Bf U puwi aa.f , the oxigen ejected into the fire, rentiertrig o.,Wi..Jw,eon.iiilna, anu fini ratf CeBt. Olfbe tllel. It IS intimate v....' . . ;tjstt; ;ij;ai. -Ail us extrBoratnar, proencu p Ua tba 28th of July tbs many iaoaUcal sects wboa rapid increaTT , ' 1... . k ...u. 1. ll..l r 'Oiiowinu 1 liai aauulax:BapaaauA.jtBtBTBaJLuu.ll'.XM B.urop a lew jat.ra apn, out Ullett to ss ftfelt brcaua it- riutiired aa much heat to uw im.m 111. weja- Was gained by tbe Tbe devil eppears to. hirrgoT" Ti)lotL Bcgro.preecbera of Alabams ot late. Rev. Peter Uoode, of Moetgomery. R-v. Henry - trorwea, -tenaofr4ai- aad Br-r; leonry season, i oummeraeia, are a l charged smb., cr aiiiaiiiia rceewnan fay, the ierim- h gi -thtldieri '' "Hl'Ui'j ,iuiii waa wmnu over last t Saturday by Jilatic Beif,Uf 5!Hi. - TBS CIVIL WAff ;.V JAPA.r-Tllh' CAPTtlifCOrUAKODADIUEUQW VUrtllltilC BT TUltHltBICL&. , . Tuiims:thm:t Aiih si? esnrrl aliefali ol JUko la.n, by tabiob ltba'-ril-f cane ta ee 4. Cu tkf 19 h ot June a -vert ifer enif iueul oe- cuned betarwa the Tokua reiuge nd tba troper; iiett, conait'nirr f the UeBda, m no Jtaini, tte- Juu, "ali'f bb- etbf .Teasel, 71 iiy j fit gireft, f Kd by the Mom-wait, 'Ibe fiiCTiaa d mtt l 'aiianiT tli lort'snJ tbe reofTBar vts! Eagle, and war ame4)-T"WTW mAi H. .3 i.B 'fcgltsw traaW?d, but aol ii notnl duriug tli bat tte " - : Oa the JO b the Mikado fleet eoetmeveid KU tt" t ,bS "rtwhile the tw) ad- Tv.Bd"toWBrd". fUB b. gana and musketry wa kept up, and bolb idea louebt with rigor sud spirit. Iiut superior to a'l ia gunocrr. la indomitable 4jiirsBB ajiti tasxiiBttittliw) ttaw, 4it. peror, Uia- l by lb whole ot tbe Iliksiio ttxt, menaced by tbe cruihing rsm of tbe H'ooewall. the aptcil nieik of tbe Bell directed, fire of tbe Kian; and the tlenda, Tbi. fft ie v'estel, brijtlj( 'toiw 'ttW' f ai'Br, Has fought with heroic courage aad dnuut baaa resolution. .: Oa ol the BtscktB2 fieet was blown up by a shell ia b.r uaKaaiLS, thrown by tbe Kin u ror. rib aauk iiuiutd auly, andber crew atruggied ia tb water, with mote hell tbe enemy btiraling over their beads. Tba rule oi civilised wail'ai were not oliaervfcd by tb rebela, and tb ainkiog mi a were o far neglected by tueir Iriemu that only taeoty wtre saved. As the day progresaoil it wasevideut that Tokut'sws lueu were In lag overpowered Tub , Kgle and tbe Koinur wer find and blown up. Tli town ud ne Lhlorititf ti'Iaii and ofbVisi bouav wr a Lao fired. -During tb alteraooaui Juo Si tli Ml ko troops and civil olfioer oot upied the towa, but tb Fort Kauiidsatill bvtd M04 "Asperate men. It wa surrounded by Iuir al troops, sud 00 tit 211 s meusge aJ r oeived from it commander, Knotnoto, pro poamg U rots ol surrender. 1 be term were n jecud, and Enouio'.o op nod fir with rapidity. - 3-- hui p ie were rent into tb fort during tb niiiht of tbi 23 1. from soma of the Mi ktdo's men. Tlegarrs m was also a'low ed to replace gnu in position snd enjoy other siiva.tigta. tiecsuiw tbe Imperial officers thought it wss'-innloriou to inter. ferii witti Hrett IB their starvingcondilitt.u This absuidtty is described aa peculiarly Japanese. Oath 25th tbe lort was sur rendered after some fighting. Oo th 27th tbe Tukairawss were all disarmed. Tbev were a motley crew mimv ol tbeui bids of 17 or 1M, and ali very young. Tbeir ilreiw exhibited every powibl variety of what seemed Kngliab-slopt of the worst lecnp tion, in the dirtiest poaaibla condition. . Tbs number ot rxerutiona will not be great. Heldom, say tb Japan Oua, baa a revolution anywhere, certainly never In tbs Esit, beea followed by so lew political executions. Euoaiolo's crime, however, has been enotmous ; bs is a traitor to bis tiovrrcign, a traitor to Ida chief, s renegade, from bis clan, and a(ohber of tli public II bat tnoch bioodabt'd and great loss to tba country, aad "hit punishment will aouutlea iMttgnal. 0tett4 had tb Politically everytLIng I quiet. The fl'et bss returmd from llakodsdi "with a great portion of tb troops on board, tbe net coming down overland. As they ar rive tbey, ara rliapatelie I to their several provinces, and Ycddo will Boon havs only its ordinary garrison. The p'so seems to -bBllinir lattaffain with its bi;itiae in habitant. W wlah w could add that it legitimate trad wa also reviving." . Tbc CitT Fashioks Tits prettiest f ob tun wa bars bad f tt many a day is tbe uni- verselly popular and untreraaliy becoming faabioa of wearing white, and it will be carried Into th tail aad winter aa fur practicable. Whit cloth cloaks and white pluah sacks will enliven our promenade, while white jacket od baiqurswiil give July apect to lbs frontteat day in January, Fall dreoses, like summer oms, ara nude with over-kiits, tib -fitting; basques or polonaiae. Cape lootie I op at th ahouh der are still worn, but sot so much sffec:od lately. ' 80, also,, ar skebrton bssqtira, but tbs cold weather will necrsaitst a chsng ia outside garments Boon. Ladies' cloth will be much worn for suits this winter; tbe fav,orit abades will be brown, olive, Bvisilils green and blue, Enipre cloth and vi lours will find many purchaaer, and ater pnml la Docouinig almost Indiapeo I aalila. A " HQ auun. igwi aniuil .ng P""!- t . i . ,1 j 1 tive aliout furs, but it is s ttd upon boikI authority that the furriers are coming oot with something original iu their line. Brass buttons will be worn in ladies'. cloth dris ' iatupeaaiv- dranaiia hare saane of tb asm material. Feathers will be muca nscd Hill lull and wit I t, hi cv ry ooooeivshle form aad way. Fur hat ill be worn this winter. "Lneifer" la the name ol tbe new (hade ol nd that will be in fah- ion thi autumn and winter,- Chints color- d Sana eonl will b much baed in trim ming. Scotch plaids' sr . coming ia, to stsy. Engliah water-proof should be laid part for a rsiny dsy. Peacock' fcatbers will be used lor trimmirg. : Frills and flounce as Btill ia faror.-JfWrnpoifaa iitraW. v . 1 w Lacb M sirs. The lac msker ia France, it ia estimated, are women and Kirlvand wsges are on tbe average twenty-four cents per dsy ; som wbo ara particularly skiltlut aad indUatrbias eara sixty seven maker ar mt!y pcaaanl women, wbo work in tbeir own houw. Tbe raw mate rial aeed ia tb maaufacture of lace ia Franc art spun specially tor H. I hewior ol tb taw material amounts to from six to twenty per cent oi the value ot tbs produc tion; Pillow lace l made on a sort ol Irsms, light and simple in ennstruc'ion, aad is beid oa the kmc of the lac maker. Lac generally take the nam "of tit town m which it ia prdfM4. Tb annual pro dilctloff ol luce in France 1 valned at $19, SOU.00O. and is sold to the United Stntts trreirt liritiiinT" lirsjiXwdt .iuitia iB'tt Gov. WibBBB Tbe AVsIiihitoo cor re - dmoe ad llie 'na .4uhJIn:,l lliratSitTBfcltiTri tbmity, that Oitreral t'antiy bu written to TSiiral ' Hlfitrarxa. .xultintr. Itr-imtrncua-a- The-omiaattUiBs: uui4aJumnhLkf. I rfTrT...."!nv. m u,r.Ci,Byitrvat!on aith ur. u.iiii.r in laror -oTTO ,. i lUJiUU take,. There are several important apr uoihlini'tiB ss TatTrtmi t)Tt!V!mgmrJtS lil!"' n4n.:u tttboiU,Ua . u.Um no. , , tbm I lioa id licaersl Canby." Tha Kkhmon i conranrndeDt of the Petersburg (Ya.) lndta writes, August SO : 'I have it frmm the beat authority that Geoerul Caaby ba writfra and snkcl Oen. Sherman tor iostrudtions as t ) the. inmie- iliiit laMSMttaaaTaaiarrT I Iiwiiiim i lif iiSmh ii i i Trtfy tr iipmififtAmy iyir-rpiirv gtm tt 1 J -. '. , 4 , . i in nettled that in case it is favorable to pa, "WeiB wi.l,teoriisIgu. ua, SEW ADVISTISrjfflSTl Bat atsvstat MtriXETfll 1 ?' iij 04 i;.k XTID ept f-'o.;; AM JiK, FbU VUHJVfk- S.wn jAm. (i it ' aua " K tM . Toaa" sad " eiAk" m,i1 ' lejoa" rWfriHBB. - -Bia,."Allhtil3-4lIiaa..:, ,r. ..v,;.;. '. fcm iff J.'ii'j.-". -WviStmtaatr. If Fi 1IW Pontonf W IS WOOft fortriini aniwth TaXT"XririB" mT-t-" rr- a at sr twrtt l) ii HroLumlrwi andaevaatf-BeadoUara. i tJi P? 'K fa w SBeurda ea h daBv Mirry. eaic uu avxeuango oiiucb uai.ujii n. v M'tkrtwBa tur afclw C trriiucm tuxd bor Urn hlr. M lalaUlM bOTsH. R. Af T JUKU. . .. JSO. O, loUSC, n. a. young & into., OEkKkUL lonnmiov sierciiaivti, ' Ko, t laon Fbobt DuiLBtltO, rsjxaiBiasix Btsa, vs., 1 11 for b Uivir frumda la H. O. that they hav aiupi rrnKmenta for reoeiriM and. avlltaa d-hiiuiuu ot umtoa. lOUAtxxi aaa ot 1'liOuOlBk 1M la tin marfco or Uu-uugh ttjn r tiieud iu Kaw Yuaa. Titer are urnoared to Itirniah sample at the Uiwigr HAsaet aaTK. Th ueutur partner oV ta bia iMraiiaial as4 anmatttui Bl mutual to tu paMiMMHL u4 Ui old frHmda and the public gaovrarrr mar rly uo the promptoaa aaid ii patr ol any bnaumaa. autrual iotBalrear. "w- -1 " GUOCEUIES! pATAPSCO FAHHTftOVE. -r--' P.ARAQOR FLOUR, - WELCH FLOCB. routo BIC'O sic AH, &TAXDAJRICjW BOrT BTJGARS. HO8IN SOAP, rEHFL'MEO TOILET BOAP. COFFEK, RICE,!';-;;' .'. ; ' '' salt, ' t '. LARD, ' ' : . Ao., Ac, Fobbalb aUW VatlC'BB, by DOUGLAS BELL. FAYETTEVILLE BTRKET. Baiah,S.O.,Bpt-tf Slccbanlca' Building aad Loan Atsoclntlow,. rrtDE HF.On.AB MEETIKO at th KECHAS 1 1i;n' Hl lLDlNd A 1XJAN Atf-KXJUI IDN will tie held iu tha COURT, HOUpK, o lrrlday Ereninii, Kept. Srd, at 8 a clook Members eaa pay tnrtr roe to Mr. Jeo. C lllak. Tailor, at tba It tuiKb Naileaal Bank, or to tba antb-rainnad. All due.l miui b paid by Friday mailt, or memtnra fadiug to pa; will aubjaot thaataalva 10 a hue, aa praeribad by tha By-Lawa. . WM. BisU'SOII, pt - , . QBo'r. Jso. Abbwoto, B. T. Assuotob b. 8. Aaaiaor , JOIIX AKRIXGTOX sV 0-, Croffrs ci Commission Mfrchahts 101 SYCAMORE 8TREET. iriTIIUlt,U-:: sept l-dlm .. C. HBAV Al PERSONAL ESTATE ACEMC'T. GRIND SALE Of REAL ESTATE IfTS. 8KIN IL BOflEBs...... PnndeMl. Jim. iiiau.i. runfrrtnamn JtUUC U. AABt'tB. iQiaiasWIoi' aad Zreaawrer, n -nrm a T n-ietT u. aa I -".jr A A A Jj DAVJOii. iUW,WWW Drawing to tike place en the 19th Day - of WoTember--CerUia. f fkJumt lUmodtlei-tli ,000,00 mortk of Html Ktlatt tt or drawn TU13 PUOPEltTI IS DISTRIBUTED IN 11 Counties in North Carolina, with two valtta bm tiruute in th Huta Of Georgia, fiokau al ruadj aold will Bold od la thia drawing. Only tue numbara aotd will ba plaeed in tb wueel Five per cent, of tb nett earninea of eaeh draeinc will b paid over- to the Public Trass- orerror toe onwni of uia lunawa ncaooia. Tioketa II. )'ur furUtor particntara, and list of prira, s4- Areaa ttta eaeretary ta tbe Uumpany, al iiaieiffn. Ji. u. sapts-u ATTRACTIVE SALE OF MEECHAS- DISE AT AUCTIOif. TTILb BE SOLD AT TOWXES" AUCTIOW V V and danmiMioa Warebonar. on Wilminr- toa rttreet. an entire stock of MkhXHANDlBK. aitttoul naerv. ror pameoiars ae pfiwrs. 1 aat8l-d . Aaouonewr. 1 flflfi LBS- 'A. AND N. C BA(XH-hog A.,JJJ round hica and brtvht, for ante by aug 31 -tf jttlA AtlAMn. fr SACKS FLUl'R, . aii Iu atore sad for ssb by anSl-lf iXIiS ADAMS. Desirable and Secure Inrestmcnt ' ' '. IX TBB '' ' ' CITY fjFryiLMllSGTg C. toLY A wcit time exi VtsaMe Ii4 Etat for Sale, Lets er I Rewn (7) Iota on weat aide of Caps Fear River .L.j.i...... .1.. tt . .1.. a. ..J IIJUMU, llll' II, , . L ! MIHWMIM I front in e-d of-tiM-. ti4-re-4fodi. rtuiniiig PacX 1-mfm- trtraMi t CiBBbty una. To (3) of Uitb with rs Dot. KigMeea (Ut)riribh) bnildine Ma, each fnmt.' HiK-aa-twao. leet tit .HO ImU allev iiv.r. 'frrar1tW'-ttiT-ai'i eaohy rroniin aa it nrnia rntn atreet, rtuinoig weat Ijii tee tv l loot alley w rear. One aad-a hail lot ,B IV-mt Street, 9fainfet ailjoinuia Witmimrtim and weldioHileflad track. jliMai. Joua liruaa vili give all iuf'inn-' lv'f0'u to lo arim, Ac ;of Ifce'ariove pripeetr. hnen portions of Hie abore aa mar not ba di iniiini lit nliii nrtfl jsl-jJU-itts:J. SVf '" Tie, Kp ema-r IS ft m.Vj ".- i lt e.o, a, A. M al ktotiAiiira OiriM-r ta Una Jc - .tr. Te-iii hiieral and ntaiie anOwn at aula. am. sum; a o. PAtvLrr. YARBOROUGn HOUSE, , ItALiEIG 1 1. TH, C. Enured; aeenrdief to aet af Cuefrea la tb yemi ix7, by Mosaia vaaaBABirr, in in 1 u rn litto of tb lux not CiHirt af th L'uUnl akswa, fur u aU4aia buim al Blaliama v- nuuHif bi:h.miakut, J OF BERLIJf, rRCBFIA. lnxMitlv ai Kew Tors, oner those wbo ara euf- faring from woak and deleeava eight, hi 6Tw f BTtRtO ACCOaOOKJ , TOAOTOf COMCHISJ in the vtaieeav- OIV.M. BCniiHARDT. IN VHCCLCana oinct ottms oieiHiCT cowar ottni ' UNlTtO BTATI SOr TMt lAaTtRN niaimcTOt IHtllB.iri.iA.t,.1... AKD - CRYSTAL . ' TRADE MARK. - GLASS ST EC TACLES, Knperior to any ether ta Bee enoatrweted la ae anrdanee vita the eeienoe and pbitoeopby et no- tore, In tba paeuliar lurm ol A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, AdBlrabtyadapted tothe oreana of aW, and perfectly uaronl to the eye, rig ailogaihar tha beat artificial help to the bumaa viaiou ever iurentod. Hand only by j MORRIS BERNHARDT, STECTACU A OPTICAL MAKtJFACTUHEa. THE ADVAHTAOEH of thaw Bpeetaele ever ail ether are: 1. Tber eaa waea with perft-el for any length of time at on iiUk, niwg toniabing elaarnea ef viaina, by eandle or say other artificial light, comfort to tbe epeotecle. wesrer biuiert nnkuowa. a. Haw aa wlrrl sjlam. ' II re Ire pn.feaeiimal guidance aveu wbea s good srtieis Is iiftVred.' Tlr. Uiu bald t not mi) j aaa lha beat I Olaraaa that eaa be found in tha market, bal earefa ly aaaminee tbe ayae of Bis patwnu, ana gitae iudiepeuaabie advwe a to tb prop lacuon at tueaa. a BBBiaa iba vaa weha waia ibrowah tha action of a bright bgbt, each aa to reBeeled from tli enow, aunuj weather, whit paper, and ta readme, writing or easing, or vivid eolord budM ; these lanaea, by sofUuing tha raya efleot a moat agreeable aenaatlua and give great relief. '4. Tb ewarawet ar acteallBeallr adjuated to evary eaas of defeetiva aiKiil with aa errtug aaeaMy. etbihar arising from aaa, attain, over work, or- prVnTatar deoav, by lr. Bernliardi oa a new sad exact principle, entirely hi owu, which baa asidom failed to ba eorreet. B. A faer aeveral year afpablle prarilrs, adjuatiug apeolacie ui paueuta ander every aa- peot or aeiecure nitoo, aa wen aa eipenBea in aa sitenaiva, long eatabliabad bnaintaa in hia tiptr eal Mtoraa, botn Bar and in xurope, nr. item bardt onaldra it a aumeienl guarantee of ha ability to enpt'ly auah glaaaea aa are beat calcula ted fur tb aaautaoo of imperfect niiiht. . M. . Barabarai, a elsawln bleaarlr from tb ho4 of pretau era m bia proteaaMm, with pridaaubmita for inapeetion, eopiea uf teatimu niala be baa received from nieib. al gentlemea of the moat nnqner ioiiaMe reepectability and talent tn Aaierica; alaoannmlieror trtifieetee from waQ known gentlemea of diatinetiua vbo bava aaad lua errr-tiinlna Ihr tirrim'tr! J '" ne nappy toaiwwto uioee eno may reqoeei i. Tbe of anr of the follnwins name or eertiti- oauia liareonlo affiled, without aa actual poaaea. tinn of tha earn, would b a forgery, a capital offence, punwbabla by mat Impriaoument, Teaalwaawr mf Eteeaaaoaeadallawa rrwaa Medical Uenilemen, Prvtawora uf the highaat Optbalmle talent is Balaigh, H, and in, tha Union. .. ..... Raleigh, Ai 94. !. ' I hay earefullv examined Prof. Rernbardt'e ftpactaclea. and take grant pleasure In recom mending hrm tn 1hoa who, barb g defeetir tli ou, oaa'be made to aea mor clearly and dia tinetly by tha aaa of glaaaas, H haa woodarfnl kill in tin respect. J'na pair ba baa aupplied meBith Br. Jilt jrSi!aa ..JCebH,. of ,mpti.t?-L nor iuaiihj auu. ejieiieuk iiutau. i uer eiiauie ma to im bow to read, or write, at the ordinar) focal distance, aa clearly and dietinotly a I did twenty years sgo, J very cheerfully bear le-ntl-sacay bota to th Profnaora etUJ and to the vrouderrui terii "f i-Ik . . . CHAR. . JOHNrON, M. D. sleigh. If. C, Bag. 4, ! I take great pleasure ia earing that tba Gl awea I bava obtained (aod am now oeing) from liuJI. Bernhart are to me souroa of greater fr than any I bav pretioaaly aaed ; my owa ei, neooa fully anataimng tba teatimouiala of exeel lance aad eammendatKNi which b baa racelrad from geatlenien el arieoea, and high eharaoter, m vanoae parte of car eon n try. - .. , KM. Q. BILL, M. H, , fetatelgb, N. C .Aag , IM. I lake plaao,a la aialing that I have eianuned tlia gleaso of M. Bernhardt ImuIim. sud. tfi eian, and think tbey are of tlia beat hi4triai, aad milfiitd on aeninnne imnrrpiiatp-i wtitusi ;: Tias aliiw ig blurt..!.' It.'" l( i 0!l b-iinT' " - V. rr roepoetruiTr. r4-MAlA(K) Q, aledgB,BjaavOMa- Bnctor Bernhardt called at my bona sud ex- i'AvMwfjgaJ CryVt at Vf liwr;."rhii1r ar uf --vrrt- anailtv and workBiauahin. I take lileannra in 7 .. .t. I (. i 'j 1 111 UIM lilt I - , li.T , t.I.W, , If ,1 T.r , , TTI T' saotridm jjujj 'tUZ4.-vf'AlMtrk mi . .i j i in,, jic.imij U w aim ehwtullf ooauunnu tbeia ta lAua. Bbw auvj ba la Bead of alaaaaa. . . H 0 i-.-.-.i;i.- w,-. jnihKK, - a .Nea i , . After ao sttenlir evimiiH"ii "of Ihe varinna glaaeea in tbe pieaeaaim of lir. M. item hi nil. aawanpaiiiad, Jb bia expinalu.iBof hla mode of preparing and aojneung iiumii, u i auu great 'Meaenee- i aiaiaBi aiiwdiafi bar sepal., ahHwwt of ilia beoe&i wbieh tteie Bcedliig" g laaeee niSAi ,t..n vm I, . iwm hi n.inliinil ' ti a Via,.v f n rsetor Prot. Epuoopa Chnruh. ff-WW-aiBBamini' IswIvlBasi A;-Baaaj- T. a. BernbsnH. Oculist snd Ootician. haa fittad m with a pair of hpeotacles auponor to -na 1 e er nun rx-t-ireiie material ie Aiifii'a.;xa TTrirWi ZTrT a nicn rawer '"ion iwt iinai- wmt aieamet and a uabie Bi to road and wnt Willi ar aywch wa -.. - a -a --4" - - .--. .rfrn,wS.ii "-- t f'!-"" r 'fi'iafajl iyiaw)''"''" " ' ' OPTICIAN, ...,' ' . . . i a., i urn aaaaaeM wmiw au imiih iwtwi mtt, wi aa imHMtt. m im aMH-a amea m TMC MIHI OWT TM WWTM VIM m aamni m. a mi "!.. aa I did teawi iwait vaara ace. Hlaa of , n m t ouaiuieta aud tb aiuab auua- raaitiy perfect. 1 laaa great pUiaaur ia rwMa wwilinv mm B. ail ami aeed U-eir ambt ta Pr,k . DBChlf JUC'ir, fc 1)., i - tawpSfwr lawwa taaiaf, BMh, aii.m, laa. ITgivaa ni pbsaMir in i beer wmmaa so tba ar' Iraotdiuarj v.iu aud eiraiiMW vf lb gln propared and lurnnhed br Prof.- bernbarda. 'll yuMsatawlinibul aid br tbair viamaj as -Wilt b i lb klK Iml nm, - -- a i.iw, -.j .. t fbr at tJit h nd in., m Ui utUt. at ar Plunk t arl ! t -. tjtaciiins Itttutuni, t bav ataiuilU'd lanm uuiulwx H Him mU Of Pitt S tteiutiamt. and lib itty;r ewlllf litem and aaa aa M-Vetij-a . , ., .u, . 1 - i r. . im. pair UiA IB RkAf Uwk.-r 1 lir tui lb UkttrA 1 mvmr umL ui4 i LLrt-iiAT) I jtrmity1v'mmii fctW-fc pwiiiawBitF vi paUfUu. t 1 elUA A l fi A 1 WOMiU, , 1 fttiiB'i yl. Jrt Ik I. ati.ililiV. r Btaia mt BaanH a arallam, j l.wwril ircr4TWEaTt Uo noibia, uu tuia. Inoa. rur : 1 Bar oiaoa a ran and taualantory toa. or l wiwaiaiiia ramialn laa, aad A baea aba, n I'Jaaauwuii.aiii! lAatlJya.4yAii"B aiv bet.txr Bdatlx,.H.r,..n4.Mtr.J.MrM i acuity wiia wuub yua BUaa tba imi to my yea, lurai.ud om ouMalaatva eviiieaoa of roar aaaatiae akill to optica ana your tboruogh aipe rieuoa aa ai Un-ua L I oar atlaiuiutu'ia ia JF (Jar janufeleisg SHfla vetx J ta the. euondeiMMi, paaruua and gralit uda uf tbe puboo. 1 bava ui irnuor to be. v ry raapeetiutiy yoara, JAMlJtL OBK, Oovenmr ut aoaib Caruuiia. -Prof, Moaaia BaajiBAkST, taiarjeaiw, a. K,. J WllmlagiaaT, Maiei Mt, IBwa. I bsve exam uad a aaailwr of Profoaaur iira. bardt' (lUuMvaaad am uow aaitig a pair of tbeot. - aud iaA iweaaai ia waui ing uiat lliey ewiblat " aaa lo aaa belter Ulaa any outere tbaa 1 Bava aaatt, watla ia Bi cidleouca (uer -ta to b aowa aaapWd to reaieily any kind' of Oi fa4 tw ' lUUUAB AISinMIK, . lilabopif a'ortb Carolina. ' Raabvltlbi T. Ma. ' Tha ditI.raoa bsewvaa Dr Sernbardtaaa aust Optauaua M, aoeorduig a mv adiaarvauuai, tbaa wlui Uier pretend Iu amra ibaa lliey kaow. km. kuowa amra a lua bauiaa Uiea be proluaiua. nA.ilOiihl. AU A. TeaiimoRiala aimtlar to th above may he asea, i a lir. brnbardt'a om, from iba aioat reliab. aud wali-aiwwa gvuuvaiutt vt lb biultid tttatss, ammig wuom ar : lloaaN Bxtaii'B, Oovamcg of Hew Tark. r ' QFIICB HOUllO FBUM t A. at tO fX ZlCOMBCLTA-nOH rtttii. -.. ViRBOBOIIuU UOOfE. M. B. Owing Ie MgageaMat 'okawhara. Dr. 3T Barnhardt wid be ab.e tu remain hre ooly a ' abort tjinie. v.i'iiV i-"v.i,.i-i-. -f ; - I Ektl'LOV NO PJaOIeAlTawvl-: Bt27-tf ' gXLUlIO OFF ATCOST I In order to mak room fir my Fail Stock c Oooda, 1 propiN I sail b roUovtog Oporia at eoat, f Unrif day uuly, commnuclug htoaday, Annual lb Vth iuai., eoamuag w part ef , -., . Leaoea, Moaambiqnoa, Cballie, ' ' Atarege, Cbaaauraea, Aliaaa, , booth-auies, Lavua, Idiialine, . . Uiugbamav ste.ete: ALSO Lad iea, Gaat'a aad Bora Boota, Shoe sod Rsts. i ttaaaiiaarea, Lioaa, Hiabiry aad steadyiade Ciotliuig fur Uki aal V'uaiha--' , i ALSO " ' m Oent'a tndarwaar, Liaaa Rbirta, Whtta and eol- orad. HouaS faruialung Onoda. auuh aa Towala," labia Cloliia, hapkma and Talils Damaek ' A aplendid aaaortmeut of Kbior and 1'aM 00-1 Clutlia, Ttunka, Vahaes, sod Travetang tlaga, and B great saan; arttcloa too name roue to mautioe. Uivs ms sell. " . M. noSENBACM, BOgi-Sm )ie. ) Fayattevlll Bl H - GI'LLETT'l COTTOSi CIX.. rH iXHininoM at vt toiipl aocii J LklTHftTEtL BltUhll OIN." The ffin ia vf a vary aa peril My la of work manship, gina mor ikAum ia a givaa Inn tb a any Gin of tba earn anmbirSof avwa ii ka tli aaed cleaner ; loavea no nuitea ir naf , da imb waat tba lint by throwing tl eruri'h, IU.of th room where a ia batng ginned ; ' a. a est tb lint, but bring it oal ia baauuful bata. Planters deainng Ulna would do wnii to bny cea of Gallett'a, aa eaeb ena- ia gaaraMlwad. and a -'it doea ant have lha advamagua, orwr i it liar liuia, named m thia sdvertiaaBM-ut, after fair trial, it wttt be no eat. . f Tba 'tlnltett Ota haa ben awarded sb Fn. miua et lhaeevaral TA1K FAlkBuf Loaiaiaoa, Alabama aud Mlaalaeiurd. I am Agaal for Ua aai at t eeald be pitaaed fd ftH ordora. r i 0. T. iTROKACH, . i i starket tiquaia, I aug37-tf ... -Atavngha A MEDICAL E-WAT OX TBlTCAVf B AStT CUBE OP FkEMATLKg DECLINE IS KAN, tbs Treatment of Ksreoaa aad Phyaa-al IMillitj, ota. ' ' ' - There la no member cf anciety by wbma Ibis book will not be Bd awful, wbetbei auch per ana holda the reUtioa of Parent, Preeepua-, ur Clernjnian. Afeilicai Tit f ami GiiieUt. " Bent bv mall on receiptor fl'ty ceiii. ' Aitdrea thAnthoe. ,. Ua. E. lis P.Oimrio, : anga7-dauwly Haahingtun, II. P-.) CUSHISGS BAILEY, .4 DOOKSKLLKEH AND STATIOSEBf. m Battiiaor ftei-l. Ballliue. Md, - Tng LA BO EST AND BEST AWDBTCTB stock m lb City at .. RCUOOU LAWr OESTAL. .....w,.4lKii,:.AL, tLAJteUtlv.-.... KELIUIObS AXI) MiStELlJtNEOUS B0Q53. Itank snd Couutiiia Htmaa Stt..w,rv a, .a k ada. ... - . - . . ' " B ank IU"ka mannfutnnd la nrd la' an styla ot biniling and ruling. . aag ii-aeiui noon rou mt.isTitATEfi. AND " CLE2KS OF TOWKSKlTa. IHE..IV.PH .F:.UTtt)L..PJfKfJr.lCll - which. . -wrwTM-nir artrst nsne, "rTkia; " uT fri M ttytagitf td1h -V r-- - Ait i.-rr riVfE's" DTTTliKT kirX-t- tfiTe-" ofioTlltri.H irii a' r "Mtttrteia rruac-' -ia ssnre-ja tM.- ,IU avail Al i . 4. ' ' ; i. Ik ' I 1. ' ) ITikUHFt'K MAUIilTKtliJ-Boacttd bv tlia ' U.K. ...I Imm,,!.!, L' . . ' " . - "' ,?S!5" ... ..- . j . - "v, nui irae w praitaKe. aTjpwtiW-fTWili'; HP- ,rHiHH M-tin-fttitK"'ii? I '!!. VI n.niu ..I . ... "-i ' ;isjwwiMK " lown- ti i . rf o -ti-.i! t.r law : to una S to I iaj.i, ... i, ,.. , ,-r n , . if r-soe'ter .trawa ill'K i;'il oa Itnaniv Treama-rrai--- lrw- J iJ l!y m il ft to , ia liaiiilredrof r;,nc j or piir ' cenl bj'inJu ot poelfiirA. . . ...,T---v'. - ... . . jL mci tiABu ijv.rv, lor Jlti.lrte ami C'Hintv Mlllll .. I., ., . I , .. l .. ),., ,.f f..T111i,i,, , ., J,W'e'f ' tilt. HJSMot, AK " K. C Bookaba-e, b it to Cappoi e,inv. Bug at-tf haiBh, Jl.u Tut y.XEtmv:s M Sfr. txtf-.N 'f.-.nrii . C Al b aCHOUL mil re-commenos on Fnoav. aid of Heptero'ier. . t"-.- t'"''-aw''nIIJawi r - ' i . . ... iu i jj r n. rii:.iw e t - ia ai'.rancc." . ' I h Sttinghi-ABg. a , , i r f : Aj- -iifVvaeVaila