rum asiiocsa. lrrtiimu vol ha biartad la lb DniZy SnUMl at tbe Jkiliomrng nu. iiin wm o. -bust fit tatimai mrl Uttiaint Mim, twlmcn. wjrtur an tint. iT.T.'".'. ,tKr -. v- - ii aufaoent tusuntuc than work ... ",-Y. - k.b auVilUoiiai so,uaa do Wfeei.. ,r. iu aanark twMMu.JmmTfflT, jifi. ettnartS; aka , Our a-ioar uu BMjuUtT. . ,. . M . , 4,110 . 4 VI ' n lo mouths. 14. UU '.U0 it; no aoiuu-e llu" t alil UUUUU4 nrr.-r.iT'i Ou quarter suiBaaa ' i.uu. -twani. "" " r-v r.-itvirri-rrrr . an. nn ' -1""""1'1"1L .tvetar -tuj ne ura amy jjfriar mm atotHUi:" A)vwttomHU iaanrted In Weekly aud eVtni- ".irrrra Ckaxrt HmtMiili luaortod wkg (uf 18 aahorllOtfebargwd, ' " ar IVruei in the Citr. flsrtni to laarrt A- ny niMnf a possible. THE BENTINEL. "CITT AB J BTAT8 ITEail If Tana, h, Iujuui. M Hunima Owk, is aaUkortwd to awka eoutnota aa4 c noaipta, Tnc weather at Riltlgh, N. C, ai iodi eatad I7 tb( Taarmoourter at tba offioa of tba Nrtb Carwliaa Laad Company, Tucker HaJI, Tkuta.UyJHrpt 2di AjM;, 64. " J-T..J . : . 1 P. MM 70. Niwpijl. A.UDg d Bfa,0t-nerl -OaataiMMtMia. MUoU, Patarmbiirjv Va. Tift Srm la woll luu In Ni'tb Carolina aa literal and jwriectly reliable ia IU deal ing. : ' George W, Wjant A Co., baM bone to k'ra, tell or awapthry keep eUgaat tea aid Ttk'elea, a4 are aeoommodalihg gt-a-tlemra. If yon wtat a abowy torn put la vbick to gire tbe ''cboaea one" aa airing, jaat 4 Bimoa and b ill fit oa off in tyle. IXiuglat Bolt,' on Ftyettevlile -Street; of - ten Floor, Sogan, Soap, Ci fits and otber cboice Crocertca, t4 kit catumtn and tba eating public; " r-4"- ; - - B. V. Williamaoa announce, Kw Rim Mullen, bagging and ."arrow "tic, and want a kaodrad cord of wocxtv Bee tba adwrtiactnaot of tobacco, cbew- Ing aad imuking, by W. 0, Btruaacb. Wt are trying aample of tbe chewing bow, and pionoucoe it good. New Cbocse at Upcbun b tt Podd'a- Be advenlaemaoL. , V , ' . . PatrABiaa fob raa Fi.i Tradbvi Soma of our Balelgh nerchaota bare aW ready left and otber aie preparing to be oS ie a lew day, for their Fall mpplira of good,;;. . :: ' J'j.. Pekou Among tbe guenti of tbe Tarborooeh Houae, yeaterday, wa aotico Hon. R T. MeAd , C. a Winatead, Ma, T. B. Veaabla and Col J. 8. AmW ., 0. P. K. Wiixiambobo. It i rule with all aewepapera Co poblitk aa coro- aaualcetion without knowing the author, Vtvkh Noticb. Ben Birkbam deuic to IntortB the pablie that he ill hare, at hi tand, Bear tba aid Market, oa to-morrow (Saturday) morning, torn tne Beef, Lamb, It wiH b fond firt rate, ad pur ebaaert would do Well to gWe bin a call. ' llajrD Uiiuuti -Vf undenttand that ' lleBry Stanton; -a tarpattr, emplojed et tbemachioa auop of Mr. Tbomu Bnggs bad bi bead badly mingled yeeterday, t y a circular aaw, tbe finder of tba band waie aearly Terrd. Dr. F. J. Haywood, and Dr. F. J. Haywood, Jr., were called to at tend to tbe caae. Clowho Ik. We k that the walU uf the Urge atoree o( Meatr. Vpcburcb and Do4.f, Ind Cot" Bunting, B Wilmington etieet, are completed, except tbe parapet, and the root la being pot on. BrjanLuBO, wbo hu bad cb.rge of ibebrkt worr (at made a good Jobot it, a aijcb better on aiTTbe "bff ekwor-OTi -tba TrW - aw honte. The latter, owln to tbe lact, prb ably, of tbe old brick being worked up in it,laot aa compactly pat together, we think, it abonldbe; there ie too. much asortar, especially about the archea, We underatand tbe Iron column lor Meaar. rpebttreb A Dod'l aaw tore were cart at the Foundry of Mr. B. P.--filliaB. ' aoa, la tbi city. Ho Bmta. Tbe health of Ei-GoTernor - Woriht Tiy feeble.- fliaybylataiie-do ot allow hiaa to e taacb company. . yetetdy, that tbU lntitutioa wai full to ' iuatmott capacity. Oa Wedneeday pa J tieat at brought turn Caewell County, aad wairelufed admiiioa for' want of room. , Tublie no Lice ha' been rrpeatertly giea on thi wbject ia the paper, and circular tent to County officer of trery county la the Btata, aoufying tbwa that it i twelee t lmA pa'tieaU t' The Aoylum without flrt - wriUng to the SHperisteadeitt teeertaa jhat there h rm f' them. 1 of tbr Slit wdolilflo WW the aathoriiio ia ihnir rrf prtLULiaJl -tJea bytcalling attafiow. to thi twattef ia their eotomne. .. ,4)m AXCOVhT of the great Bomber ol wop KwtircTKB;0witi bed and aaoaf fopmlor- meditifte mm aWe ..awyf,, irmdailpnbeiloy phync-iana, aaAjeciended by manv thootariiUaf ' oir beat aiiiMK'"For axfe-ty UtggM aad Men hast everywhere. wiaw Iiea eaJariagtiwm aoy diactar pecui jtr . to their ex, eaa be reetored to health by juiur Stlittu(t:t " Wojtli'A.rjUIJ' PAj It pufrflea tb e-rel w w a4 iber, tki,ttt a..aMtt,a n, 4j,,-itiai' it'tU'I j'J,"'.- ilam to a healthy eoodttioB. - ; Tb i DirrictLTt at WaikFub get. Tb examination before the Maj;:!rt' Court, of Hit Student, and njgro, at Wake For et, enirtireil is tin tr-u riJ ' E 'lit oa-ltst over to Court vl turn fire or alt atitduatat tad fifteen or ta-oaty ot t be erfrmew. - V ban received auras 'a ltH fatthragitctt-byrii mr yrgf rfl-iy,-fcaaa,. lliUjyiiUiit ol tb wbole (Trie, The ttiuUnt who loit tLu;b ( tory ) ''l'J3?,,e" " leereb tb kue of tue tu-iiccUHl wuhuoT SdI - ei&trgivYT In wipMHwk, he paaoaetied tar threat of Tkulrua, it drto tank kr fWtt where it in. The negro who twin to her rescue, mail an aasaulfr on 4lje stu- tiost tbta twctwitj mjuirtd, or tliaa tba lw u(ifieil. Tlx null , tint ii li maiit.j.ji.-. .L, . ii ' A.. : to-arBitait tewtwhrw r-trilirtwrtt-tr- ot tie Bupeji-v Conn, ' Treaurer Jeukiut, laiuiliarly know a np about PaHar, aalaT',Wg:ba n lurattif Itota bit tumuier excursion, "lat u a bar'( and "lick aa molf." Perbapa be burned bome to aee about ilia f 80,000 fir tbe branch mad to tlie "Lime ftlCj AUACLT AMD BATTKiiT.-KliKa But r, white, wa brought lie'ore J ml ice Aim yetirdy oa a charge of committing aa uult and battery on Frank Briee, colored. The criJ Bee (bowed it to ' be a aligbk affair, and 40 the defendant wa only fined $2.50 and corta, - r 1 Abothib. Jefferia Perry hi been ar reeked ia Lenoir county, aad taken to New btra,"ChargeJ tflth being one of -tbe gang sow undergoing examination bifore Judge Pliomaa. MiBKiAOta. The number of marriage licenie hvtued by the Rrg'utcr of Wke County, Sf tbei month of AujJ'uai," w, white 8, colored 11. ... CuaKTiKO. The'Newbrrii Fire D -part- ment turned out in full force on AVeJiiet- dy to greet the U.lcigb Hook and Lad derjey! while imjiim taJIoreliead eitjr. m mi 11 . . 1 Tbe aext State election wilt be held in Vermont Bbe Tote for State otnurt, and member of her Legilatur -on- TuIay next, 7th. Maine lollowtoa the 13 b electing Star officer and Lcgi.l!ure. W leara from tbe WUuiiogtoa Journal, that aerin of tb Robeson county outlaw eonoermd ia tbe murder oi HUeriil Kiugnpf 101 couniy nTe oeen arreewo. 1 uey are all colored. They are lodged in New Hau over jail. Three more are (till at large. ' The work OH the Wittiamstor and Tar boro Railroad 1 programing Mtisfuctorily. The whole line, ay the fiouthtrncr, fca beea placed under tub -contract, and thoie are about 300 hand at work on it . 1 . i. Fire colored wnmea were up before the autboritleia Wilmington, Wedneadny, fur a general diaturance, and each fined $3. . v . .. . TSB LXHOIB Cul'ltTT PBiaoBBB. The examinatloa of th Lenoir cnuaty pritonera wm continued at Kewberu oa WedneuUy, The ce of Ilichtrdl Sutton, -ar amination wa not closed on TueJj, waa Mumed. A tli warrant giot tbta pria oner wa mt tnu until TuexUy, bit ooun el asked that bit case be Mt vyA until Saturday, that be might lure an ' pppotta nity to prej a'e lor bi defrute. The cuae wt accordingly laid orer until Saturday. On motion of Cob Claikr, eouoael for the State-, Wm. Tool and ' Wm, Wipgiua, c'larged by Joaopb P Parrott with being ccetaory befor the fact, of the murder of Clerk a Grunt ; .and J ami Wiggina, Alex. Sutton and Jtuiet D.ily, charged Rb borae teaming, be di cunrgi d from furthor cutto djr, there being no eridence agaliut thcra. They were accordingly diaoharged.- Tnont. at Wa'ertt, - agatnrt whom there wee no writ, waa alao diKbarged. Nathan Sutton, tliarged with riceiring toien K"o3s waiTed"an"exVmIna!Ion""andr waa held ia a bond of f 500 to aniwer at the Supcriof Court.- Wn. B. Nelaon a next examined on a charge of burning tbe mill of Joaepb Laasi ter, founded on tbe affldtrit of Jof pli P. Parrot. LaMiter and Parr it were examin ed ae witneaac In lbU cine. Neltoa waa bound in a bond ot $500 to appear at aext term of the Supettot.. Court Two witoane for tbe S't, William But ton and J hua Euf;, fcre'diitppcarcd and taken to the wood. Judge Gre iU- tid that b believed tbe State Attorney of tbe- Rail read -autuor.itio- 4nul rpixtml them awy. Thry left Newb-rn on rtl road band car on Sunday. Tb atriaaaam- thaiMiiumaii. fyQgLii: mined are J. L. Parker, R. F. Hill ; E1rt Hill, Everett Hill, Alexander Dawtua. and BerjumiB Jonea, The acctton,v tgnt them are not Mated further than that tbey belong to, "the (rang. All thejitmewa, o far, have been re- e-ignia-d to appear at next farm of the Superior G'urt. . 4 Hon, John Vorruvy write. The newa- paper are talk Kir aliuot my heavy iirnt on lite. AUjin'IC IlTmker mmch. Tbetni'h jaJJitaLffli I I in. oofi 1 r tun m thajttiMv asti tlkXUtJStJSiiJl thi for tbe. honor f Troy.'wKere I have lived lona . and found Bjuch kindneat, and tnveat tn te Miirwi thai av-gone. Anil turrlier 1 Inii-nJ tqj f T"-iSrrr'.-i-:r itmluata of MarwaM 'ColH-ire, jipjitbe expen"' n tue jfrartuax ot Ui- terrt; U-lJi4 -aii-C.i.uiI.JJ.BJ.a.. the ilirrard in American wttr,iiUjjon the Hu Inn or tharlea river, Tiuftng the pntKut Au"iuuin. from Conntinop!e bring IntclSipnce th it Blacque B-y, tbe Turkith Biiiiitter jn Wastiingtun, ha b'it lev;tid by the Sol -Un to the prtde ofT!laS,ttie b!;rh'"t irrade in the fiitt rank of civil jtervice. Thit , Jovereiga. . GSMBAC XXWA Ta Ret. M tit tba Gorrloa knot for Cummodora Vaodebilt got $100. ' . . . 1 . -Tbe ftopar Brack ta Put w wheel it., "ra oat 1,800 pouodj ot durable rope oer day, JA moamtaiaVf'.iron ore haa beea diaoov- ee a Alaaka.- --Ti .J-J Ud- XtftoFA Bda,-a Sv LncU ealaeiBKkr, sw r trtror;- trnrg r -wrrr-bs crit t4 acJhyejypI SSjliajl,'JSi8ti Plnepp!e dreate are ttVitiff the pi of g"f 1 m ire eaaily affeteJ'"tjJAdamgJ wtstntT. 1 . . , , atammouei atoe ute uaoaoM iMta ctaiuuo to lMtroiu -. The Liberty (Viae) lltfU , pmolaiaaa- The cue of tlie - RotI pool t Grand Juokttoa lUiftaad aad I) ift 11 iliwMia 1 1 afmiiiiai - - ! t-ot 'iMawt, - tiate4 ibjo, ua ueen ocoinea iw M mam iP'MTor oj tbe plaintilTt. Tbe jtjount In liUgauoa delivered an ail. Ire oa &uaJy -night at Ht Patrick'a U'beUrL Koctieater, Nw V orb, in reptt to Hiirht KeT. -Hiabop Ooze t(tpici.pil) no the qacsilonul auiinentl maa otber pumic acuooia, .v HiuK-iica A maa named Reckor Wa picked up killrugi;Uug for iifaiia tbe Souuii, by the propeller - U-iaware.-from New York to Norwich, Coaew oa Friday nigbt, Htsetory i that be waa thrown overboard from tit ettarnet Old Colon Y, on 1 - 1 : . ' v 1 wuk-q ne wa a fMMwogfr trow fiew 1 ofa far Boston, kying beea drugged and robueiU 1 . 1(4b,j4 w A touug man ot rt-apccttble .ax paraooe recently applied to a puliee atagittrate ia Ha.rU U olitaia biia aa entry into a iuaatia u-rluui, a lie could aot wittwttnd rte trrrrp-' ttlon to lran(fie erery enna ne met, lie waa t tdachi-r in a large acbool, and although be bad. tuoceeded to tar he declared It at- ttrif itBIKMaibi to keep hit band aa ttM cbililren aodeC kU ckagt lixr tuoluture. ! The Bat BtvI.tHUOaaiw,. fkmM T that turd 1 no can He caught in exhautt- leat iptitiitiitayn tlie,jat Jaringr jlayj Auijueu ana oepiemoer, ana uiai lueir value aa manure to tb fine , laud of that hgioa haa never been lulScIently apprecia ted. . ' ' The Empreu oi th French hu ahaadoa ber contemplated journey to Jeraaaieia, ami hat tuddttjly rwuraeit- to, Franca, for what rvatotj. we are left to conjecture. t Hot acather, aed tbe fatiiraeinoKieitt to o loac a youroey, doubt leu, bad aometbing to do Wittllt. . , , . TT It ia Mated tkat aloe tbe war tba Vir. ginta Bute library ha beea robbed ' of many valuable relica, and thoueaada of rot umea bare been -arrtxt-otf,- nobody know by wImub. Ui 70 000 volume eruicb ought to be in the library, it ia aid that aot 40.- 000 can be found. There i not area a complete art f th acta nf -the Generat A- --hibly in the office ot tlie clirk of tbe Houfe ui Uijegatea,-- TA.U k T The Watblngtoa belle are ia mourning. A cn'amitf hat belallea them.' 'Mr. Aauo but, a banusoniB - younc - JsnglttliBian bl great wealth and recently , couuected with th English Lecation, i aaid la kte ielt Uie diplomat ia terrioe abd takea holy ordei at Koine, i-t?y i-- iv-v.-'--CJ- t "1 .-.': .1 1 ; f C .. . v - - :a I It la Klkted by a genueman of veracity Hiat when It itenerant wa tailing back from (pbickaniauua, he call hi ttaff around bim and aaked (r a ueotti), 1 Znrt one of ai of biaeuffatreouely tumbled ia bit pocket. but nry pencil did he-' Hod. , Flaabing hi eye upon them, with bilturnett of too, he remarked to them ; "If I bad aaked you for corkscrew, every one of you would bar ail one." Public education la Great Britain ia tup- ported by an aiwaalgraMfroB Parliament of $t,SOO,000. TbU turn, added to the amount rained by local aaeenement and voluntary contribution, it applied to tb education ol hilUna in Great Britain jcluaivti Irtdamv.-. Br the nrwirt of them were $,130 acbiiol in 'Scotland ;13,H3 in Eng land and Wale, with regittored pnpiltover tea year otge to ttie number ot 409,880 In Keinpbie, aa Friday. . Mrs. Abb Deck, N an 11 era butv, and teacher of toe Avarv ( bapvl eol.(l a k o1 murdnreil hararlf tail ker colfin n baby by leaping Into a deep Well containing iourteea feet of water. She tried to did my ber older while child, but tb little fellow eaved himaetl by running 1 The body of Jamee Sly, aTennetae dee perade, waa louud in the wooOt lo 8tiiar eounty on Mondny last, with a bullet, bole through bit bead. It i tupposed he Cum- Bliltthl ailieiilw. IIAKDWAIta o, it FA YETTTGT LI.EJtri. h KKCiaOT.D !OMINfo jtiL8,tortd. f O tinamt Hud Papsr. , ftmootb, Jack, Fur tod Jo(ntr Plaaea, , I Boriufr. Marbiaa, with ianpar. Crpuer Hmiwr and Cbiin Hatcbete. X-aia n ana miiukw uucnuu. i timiiuit 4 : Kalebi'h, Bept 1-tf r. onvvr n, , W.thUanaLewU, XTfEKTERU EMPIKK XMIK STOTEB, : Itf,Y,a,aoatfBTatteedenmT.trw. - J hUiitaar arpt t-tf. .J I i With Hart Lawn. ' PEALEM IN ' -it Hardwire, Cattery, Stores, Iron, Steel, . Carriage Material. Painti, Crockery, , - and Ola. HonMf FurnUhin ; , Good, ft Tin Xanafactarera, .. . ' So"4 i"TWTTrvju. 8r4 baLI Ion. a. c 7 1 ' ei' 1-tf , . . , He, 1B"Hinou ru BEWllEitM, li li FlTl'ATIOJI ..W.AJKTr.D,. , : Tut it 0 LA I 'I iio "ffif EXMiiiESCBr Hi tealiina v-lrw titttttte aa tchr ot A imimv ttrttto-Air.(iri to nrjju a ni-.w VrijSrSt a-ju Mtirif;rltertJnr ii-a, ah'l rVOfktiiamell of alt tr.iifl Sirii aoenpa itona, liirttiit-Bu rwuljn --'Tba - TjfiirgRrsigtfifAyiey masvai, -:...1.tiTu4ii: aEa E.Ai:isn, Ja.: ;j;; jLHlhnT ifftmtmtt of A Tfirt'Ht," T , 'Mill! wivr- unit 1 ' mSRJS&iPA X ' H ,Jr"Oi . .ri .. . j. wfv-Jlia -i-uv.. it"trT vteTaata w ovaa-t Ij.l.nrraiTtowi. I filii-1ii','''t'a,,jajifevTT fTBier "I be A Orl reiyaestvs 1 "So valathl. s lioiik abonld be hmnd ia tbs be of Torv 1 armer and Mw haalc ; fta eleaaot Ulnstralioiis aoiluakiiliwfcit'oaie ererywhtre Aoii1 mm tTid wmfn esn matr awr vnonv" and ivs batier ' irl.rtioe in aeiuag lb la aeuk ttian ariv work la Uie o-KL . ..- 11 ... ... . ;"Wt ai . at UimniM , ia a taaailj. ifA at 1 . ..I, stat u lamntiiiiet Jattai i:-aHa-.sar i- ""1 ,JkJtt.ljiA 1 A u.. 1 u ,ri., "ljr.-TrritamaqigtnaJl am '"' V aaga-u . ho. ol E'rouay, ii. Morning Edition. TK CiEGIt APIIIC. ,TIrly vcalng lltatrlic. . WinHisrnor. fteptembnr I Witllua 6, Murrtta baa bmLtnutihl if- .,)thntti ti I liH"rmf m vimvm ui itmJ iiumta i iin. l atiii,or,i fetkwai auuraay lue Ut txwtlwrB Ifwmnt U Otttwraj'Greaham. titiua ItcpnUUra can J U'Uie kLmMT. in tb Sm Auoar Uwtrict. Iai,ittait,itiiit M C ArT.ii tggt iuui.i J'll at iU Liuud tiau Court lur Umi Iiuut if W.luiuk. vi-r.lky iinuH. ui it.a Catm, agtinaw bit (itirtieiaa't tdriea, a i a mitit ; bi tn.wta .... . ,H , I , . 1 .hiiu. aauiu, . ar avrp auuenuaa ea mm awmtafc una. mmw lib la nmrdV4 te Uie ctiamuu ta lb Cabinet, .aeAajjeaa.frajal.aioiaaiiwaitaiitiifcaialaiaaf'ja'tli e.ittt...' ..Y11,ji'-r - ... - . .1 1 Cm ftul Um4 ai,br, yatrilr. Uiai Imi a dav Bink of fJltaraiietoiBirfwia4iiw,B. , , , tara.(ltM weil at f ruutak aa4 apuuui- um tiaiiina .PlMWlll.gj.f., Tama, aart I. Katiaeattnoe of tbe Oarven- wh iur a eafiw iHwwa a.oru ana aamui ajaanoa aav exuaauiw -Waaaufc t-tH ..tiathat I bmflatnt ban rrwHlrd aua taanialif at ai alM ai 1i(m. tltirermpfnH orgaua aajp thai tb rtbltaUMUat4 wtui-B aiw atxitil w Mt b W aaflfa-atol to araaa lb Cuban reifcillioe. Javtta. Knpt, l,iaa- TsWirr ka traifoad tb tuataiaitd f lurwa fa Dm ka.l.ra Ifeyarv- ValmaatHia haa bea appointed ComxaaiW b ClrtoT, wub bw aa1iiarvar la tb al. nnirar (rmur ; fckden domain! aa advaae t"wi w to i b ta a. I , .: .1 MAKKKTi . Sir lost, aVpi. 1 i4t. k urona ; Mnry tear, IS Ui T ; dterliug, lua, Uf, abort lot , O.UJ M,ejKSij louu., aa-ociuuia, e aw lf Ya,, -eKiLKai. bi. u ukni : La a. uld 71 Lv 551 , a', tii ; Alabama B a W ; Urgia "a osb n Hjfl. l , m a, aw V14. rluur 10 to 5 etmui batter ; -4ru eaetianited ; n neaa t bo t eaata bettor ; tm furl i.e7 tu W LrntH aull. IVl tu VJ1 : Cuttua auwt at : mun.U ut a arneuiiu teair at tit ; Won a.ii : Htraiued iiuii ixiauot ekn. a, vv),ui w ; Honda oti. WaUirbur. ' Imimol fUna. t r.tattM m AmA rjplauda ta 1 Vtmmm la im Ul ; mini lii.ijui. AlternoBtt Omnia taaaii. " ' ' akiuk- muui ant ...t ...... i.i . .. iFaaia, Spi..-B.Kir A at ; Beataart aad It. ' Bavbx, Sept CutUio opmw quiet and ataady. Taurttay XltJulgbt Dispatch. FROM waakUKOTON. : WiaaisoTOH. See, f Kuveaa. toav. Itl IU". Tb Postal hsMt Order avstoia wilb Bwitaar laud wewt Ute ptirauHl VMtardaf. m ii laiaia aswee niar aaw as Brassai mss wgaaaav. ......, - Tuars art orr a thoaaanil anita ' Mbaih SfrauttMaa'Ywi Baakarsaod Brukra Iur au draiatnietxa of aaoiialf aunnutioa tnTOivaa aua and if, t ' CI. Mx,ar04, el tuaatMU-f , of aolmu aorpw fi, i bare 1 b afraaiM Mjmrtm asva m I mlA iK&i 0)B, Caukr I pnparuic a report to th lrtt deat, pnolun Into tbs poliuoal, storal aad auout status of Virif una Ku.ralir. obarKina tbs psupla wttb bindariu rsouwu-ttouoa and batua; aartly boaWI to tb CougmMtoual putieV." Uaaieaw from tut list to Uie Wtb ef Ancaat, iaalusiv, M fw.we Itpaiusa atiawser aoberta awthoriaa th atetsi teal tbat lit 10111 publieatioa at tbs iutar- Bpwa auu in um new lurk am I a forgsrv. urival Uur. AuJk . 1 u .,.-. t - .... tbontatiT suaroa. stetM tbat ttu-kla aand tbs U ulted acatss aa a BMdiator batwas nia tod Cubs; the propoaltiuot twuig tus abuiitiue uf siavsry and pavuwnt to Hpaui. bj CuUana, 4 r ars, pautie nuuuingi, s. Wbu Hpau do aot rejaot tb propuawi madlaiion, thar ars as mma ouataotoa la tba war of aeoomnwdatioo. Tbs bnpreaaioa amuu( many Bpaiusb atatesmsn m, that Vitus maat sreutuallf paaa froaa Mpaav iak eoutrot. It ta staled that epam demands, aa a arsiuutnary, that tb CuUaua Uj dowa Uiair arma, with their aeooatrsaMuta. Tbs Cubans ntfass, bavin no guartauM ot protvuon from . -, wwvw w iM-u, aim u Ht w- aulate ountrui of Uis lahuul, aut have a asorst orgaaissu Ie tbst and. I" apaoialV. In Tuna maKeFr7rint'Uy Id IMt leutar dslexsuoa that tba roanuird air, sauter sa a Uepubiiuaa aod considered that tbs Bepab lieaus woo voted fur him as still belonging tu tbs Uiipubucaa part; j that bs (Oram) wuuid But muiu (rum omo any fodersj oni- tal ia tb BUt fur having Thrown tb wmgrnt of 11 is positron aad penunal uilliiano against air. tHosus, and tbat Ui Pnudsat, in oouoiaaton, rraoniutd Mi Ua (tbs delegation) to swiutaiu haraiunj aad pal aa "d to tbau-dilhaaittsa, psrsooai aud puuuoai, b a genvral amassty. 1 " stun ran. 1 Tiaoiau Citt, gept. lOov. Aahir, kaowa as iiUactiaut dabKy baa ntuvail to Slwted Trrtioril auditor ana 1'rssjiarar sad nid iba&r WUMMS ; Ut Ouated UltUMT WUlOOUL New Toa, BH. (.Tba Mteamor "ilaaka" n-oa rsaaumwiw datss sp la tilt Jd of Aagast, bruxtng aiw ooiis Iraaawrs, bs arrivsd. fwuuueai, asar tuilo, srupuug baavirf J tv- T " mmmu rMnius ars repot trssulsat Ball la and s rTuct ibg lb iudtpsuduno of Oaba, deetar- mt Aa- . tan tall vUrdr - - u . . ; - roiitiuN. - l- Lrr", Pspt't. Th 8 .lieltors of tdy Br anna'a rainliy as that Mrs. Btown's artici ua tb separation of Lord aud irftiy ttyrtat, M aaiUwr eomplets or aiitbeutie. i tJi si n, tksut. 1 Cardinal CaUen turblda pa rent sendiiig children to tbs hatiun! Mudsl aVbuob) sa pa of CburcJt puaiahaMuta, Ktw To. Rent l.fVitt. inM and atmlr Bales sMtl bale at Hi ; Flour, shipping grades ad- vaoosa ana awwweuuig ; auppijsii to at; "Uibera Coaiatos to fair k.iir , to' W nrnt acuva to 4 U.ter j Kd W'atra 1 l to l.t ;'ihiueia Li ; Caiilonna l.Ti : Cars a aliaus ariusr, auied W salami 1 IS to 1 i'g s lists aw buutuara aud Wowa uu tu eg ( Vwh gl I ; Lwd au-aov, ksltl 1 tu IM ; YYniakv b.ari 1,14 ; lurpeBluw Ai tu 4j ; Hall t,M to . DM-sta strong ; Si's AS ; aouibarn eaN ; lloaMv sebvs.g u J, ekwmc at sbaru I : Htar. dog WMrydw; eg t sitawMaatnwaadMSMd at witb aavauumg ttuusnar Btueaa fwvarub aad wsak. ... , . Bat-Tivoaa, Sept. lCotU belter fealln JIutaiMnia nominal oa aeoouut of want of s. 00k , Mj'ur' srW and trlutll r : Wlif tl flr'm sud bit;tir. p-tms to cuoics red 1.40 to 1J&: C-irii, aim. 1,18, jellow 1 to 1 AI ; Ustea llrm SI 4sltoU;bv; fo-k sSasdy ; It 4rqi, ami lending iiiiwar: Jrd quiet : Vlkpkv 1.17 ; Va.u.M ;f. 41 ; Coupou iX'tAiTt. ViLafmrm, ap. 1 Pplrita of Tnrneotin aotbiug dmug for wsatif nW.t, a ofl. r4 sud rufuatj; aoaia Mnsujr I CO tu 4,; Grsd 1 ar peuun i,iu ie 1 ri, sugbi dsciiu ( far anohaag-. ,L i"-.,, j Livkepoou rVrA. . Unlanda l.ti Orluana UI to Ui , lMt U.uuO baiea ; upMBiauua k.uju. Married. tn Tliarlolt. N, C . oa th evaatrie of HU-iiAswa. bar lli Irt st ths rnaldKOr ot tb brute's fatber, I U ili. Rkv-Jt.. tt..torrih, tt-.utcxtta A. 1. B. Amain to Must Irui Mn skkat daggbice of (aik.n vViljjah Jirtfawroa-, . ...... ' " ---r-iT '-iimmn 111 1 , r . ij4S. Ut t HaUJt 4.UAJ.-wu u 4.1 X M. ASI Cnewing loLiacnrmanalartured bv a. . Moaa, of aVuUOrnterg t'n , uKsl tt apt -if W. C HTlMMiAriU A C 'Hr I 1m l4 B' aad -UM J J pmnktug Titbsreo, In. J 4 sad f t S-if W. fr jQtlCt WKmT-VUUFtir A w-w tS;."pTy"onfa-tofr (li 4. HHITIU I Sal. r chidoat kitujifd Jkc attia iiK. VI )nt rem-ived and l,r ! vrv low, by Ibe I aug U tt A Li hti V ILLIAMS. Qt oaaa, tarrrtt triigs. AJ . , ... w,j;,,-. A or tsu at aui'ttt-lf' o. T.sTnrtSAr-ffr.' niv a .. ' -t. ..1.., ... , A, arSONa-CHV- Soocial Is totices. 1 Prettr " "Wo neiirKmMhit fetvelv ImMt mfltwtailiat. tbe Baaytf aa mtin a ta tiitiuoa e aerwty. line e(M eat .to be to, bet It ta i aad wdl be while maa are fauluk aAiiit.9si Btty laoaa tor e-aaaankiaa. . . Ttltteaa all ij aal Utw a Mag aetia Bala, whirb (it Um Bteoat of Tuath aee' a 'Sked (arkiiiig beaair to tb tkrtu(Alljoo" auwexfitl tua natural. j f taayaiiad nataia irf-a vt,aanl. tnrk- f ted arr tie t eeaeWamaefh witllavaat ei. I . . af Iratj wosdarfat 3q I rssint sad Drssa tba Hair as Lyoa't CaUuirua. sag. H. lax ' JL Haw Cowaas or Laorvata, aa dVUvsrwd at tbe w lurk guvaa ef t nal,irTrsl.racln j lb aol.Joola : How Uvan4V1nfteTjt1v l'ii. ammj Mivia agf BanMa UllH raiijr asVriW'sicT);' DAii gjtu, -(bd'AS'jBX ;3nBX-. I and Hervoaa Dtsstsea saeuaatad fca ; B sr-' nag iailusDpbloally OmtJarad, ts. Tliaaulao- tan will bs forwanttda rasaivtsf loartasaiasJ ly auAeaUg'faanr"ttXfrw ' arr wr ax-trxMiv, T4 Wawr BaLnaoa trraxar, Haul- J .. Ttaa HmH. l I t AaTStut pua fixwe Ha aa raa (ajaaur Bouttiaa, aad tb Pisaa.e aud Abas; wld. araaM ImpsdiaHaiU to MAalUtOK, uh''ur aasaas of Hrttat toot mtaelrd. kHtsreavvtope, lea of nbarga. Addrtsa, Dr. i. aKILU.N HOUOUruN, Howard istoraaibia, IMlilauelphia, i". . jaw l-tf aUTb' esi A A f m Je Jm (at JasCa aTw iiALraoiaZ'rJr Jao, Q. WlixiAMt, JVmUuU. -W BV K. AaiHUtsoar, Ctatiar.. Sam-jel' C. Whits, Tdltr. ratoa or nana bovb t Bank ef H. C (O.B.; .....b... ' , Liap rar....f. ........... ( ' Curtotts,i...i,j.i...,.,.,.,k,.J ;.rxi 1 -1 A,tlnkul.:.. -MiKBuroaga eu Wt liitiuroagb.... ao TtiKKaavOi. ...... ,..... .,.,... l Oouairtua. .... ..... A a. m . 1 . toiira.. ........ 1 tftasbuigUiB ..P......,...,....,, . g rarttuis..,.,.........,,t,-.iU Clajwudua.........,.,... . g lauoerviii . g If insra and t'uuitar's Bsnk 40 garmart' llauk, Ureensuuruub. aaw 10. old to Uiimuvaiti ttaua, iil-.u.gtoM.,. ........ at) Marouaat'a oaak, Howuara.. ao Orauanma:h Mutaal. . . . . , Vtnrtaia auk aiKat. alwttt, Xt Houtb Carolina ................ tl Osnrgia " kt (......,.. , im mt" .-.M.......M-u.......tir7 Old Con poos at North Caruiiua Maiiroad Csaiwa....a. a.i Oldaiaas ....A. as Kiobua-s oa Nw Turk ltd. Kailmad Block. v.'.... ,. . M 0. hail aVMtd,....M.,vv,.gi B Bab Oa Ugl HI Hal. halioiiiiluk.. I11O OuUNalloiiai bank... .. log KileUh National Bank of li. C .u -.--?; M ;." i gOlEDOf OlfiBCTOBS: CH ABLE baWKT. Fr-ldsnt. W. B. Wnjutaa, . ' eo. W. SwanaaL W. 1. Hawaias. A a. MuuuMoa. E.B.Tooxaa, ) I ' a. W. Fuixtaau , - , . f. A. fun, CaahMr, i. C Uuu, Tab.. .1 ,.- 1 .' :i Deal la Euhane. Bur tit Draft. Oolrl sa Silver Cota, lt.ivarniii.nt and othsr Hooanuaa. uusmrrsui tuna ot bougut aaa oltb QaotaUoas tlorrti Oaroltns flank Balsa, frnrn BaMlKt KtUonal Baak ef Jt. tm. , ttwj. bank sd t aps Fear, ..M unarkwa,. ... Claraodiat,... CiciDiam,,, 4uMili,al.i, .4l .1,. .ww,r.,.-l lisainglua, tld,r.',."rt,. I . : r i taw, ). .... ,.. ...(..... 1 Islington, parabl at 0riiaa.....4S Ntirtbtisrouaa,..,.. .....L...40 lxnoro,. ,.,..,.,t TboniaTillM W TVadbora',.., ..iJ..,t. ..... Wsalunirtoav.. I - ifM,,uJ """-!-- 1 tt ilniingtHi, ..JW Oomatsretal bank, WUmlngtoa... a rtraMr-e baak of North Carolina, (old,) M " " " (nsw.l... (rrssBSboreP atutnal Uaarane C..... ...... f Krobanj a Bank, K.wbere,.-,,.,..,,.,-.... Ilinsr's Itautur', tiMik..?..?.'.'..'...... Jan. la-U .;... OraeMubor' Monty Jtarktt. BtmHO BATBS OF BASS NOTEd, t, BI . WILrtOJf A aHortKIl, BANKIMAND aosaujwa vaoaaaa, Buvra lixa araan, Oi poso, n. v, Baak of . C. -.....';.........., " Jap V ausioro. u Wuiiiin - M 1 1 "mjWMN.H.MIUIlMI.J. ThoisavlU. .'. " urinin.. t 17 M 4 .. 1 . f .. n .. 44 .. U " Kturiu.. " taoueyvul ararebaMts' lnk of N.wtiarB. . ........,. r(nnra' bank of tirw.o.t-o', (old) ; , H,naraW Fianterji' t.nk. . ..... .......... Co"! (Unk of l) inB) f,ruhor stu-.nsj Ins. -.., loi.H ....... to 4 VI (bis bank kotea swag alml.. 40 g.",!, Caruuna " ,......' 0oTga ...... ...... 44 . c. JitiJroM gUiek l M. 0 H- A InvMead erip. : m We bnT and sell .1 li'jraj priro , 04d and 40 var. North Carolina hoti.t, l unrd bwtee buads SJMt a4.inrakeloi.aUrf-fct, I trder ftw hank t-v d-i-ior. sweV 4toa BUldera of Hank, wtil relv.nrutnpt aitntlua. kWturaa Iur K p"- of bai-k at A4 Will b wuula 11a til uav fMe...t, of eke4 a New VuTk sr Batanaors.a t eummrv, as V eirad. Laf aad Fire lasnraaa Fellti tamed gtot Oomnani . at bast raise. , . t ,. ktaraa 10-la NEW, HOOKS.;. THI BlaO A!tOTBK BOOK. f VbA. Brwwa- rir. I voa Uasa, rnoa, ta atura lj anau M.uw. IFHTrRDAT. TrVTiAT W FORTTKR,- Pin la It blia. I . 1 Jaso. r-y rvr 'i i.t.ur.i(r gi.oSj by aall i Jo. - TH R CXI aftT : or li Earth la her vaHoil r-a. Paat piw til tini' fiifurei try a-inh tsjuuiiiaii.. faiartawur. li.ili; b Bail J.ii iLMW-l'?r'-f'tli -wrtii by liev V. tt. Wi-)f rp auima w mm. URATFNWARIi AstKWra entUaataa of Hvnin iis n WW"IM..;1 .1.11 BXV t '.ML. -i: . . - iw.,t . alt-awaulBiraisa;.a . At. t bouaaiavs tag K If Ka"V -tailtoa JlarVOttOii TfCa sr ttrt'j'aTiir. and into, a fir ty swppiy "f na Ak mi TIK," - h r S-iiTTIWSAJ SiTwflo . fetralarg, e 1 ft ' iu.t r.- 1 f f 1 aui a -u u . cutA I n.i.vt a ut N EW BCrri l Of Rfil t tFATBFft,' Jut irwi-i-ij anil f ! ry 8. f. tfiKATHnif a ttnOi tog fk IT TIIIaKV gtygfcehii net m disw jl i aagjttlJ u. t. ai HUM tea.. oaa. Mo. I ') I t hue It fWti ta ,1 i I aV I :-rv:'.- . : . . 4 tw ntvi 11 m lli .thi ., . COJCPAHT BY -" i iwunp afcJttaiJlvlllf t.VJJ Ut lr, iii-. ,-;.J,ff, M UIUM a---.. ,,,,, g jl . y ....,g.,-r -t .., M 111 ; 1 f m saaa si a al ; ,--.. ,;., . ,4. ; -wv-.t. DIVISIBLE SURPLUS 82,075,909.48, 4ll4ll ptf&lVm OF THE WMPAlFllITIDEl) AKCK Q TEE ASSITSID, birnicliki JEciKEi and vaid aiulu o.v the cox. TRIHtTIOW PUI,1--' AXL,POUCIES;(4rrtta two rvi.v -TairT) K0N-F0RFE1TA BLE, A5D SO EXPRESSED OH EAClf POLICY, ,"r , ; , . . laajBviaajaB J ' ' twiiBaaaa Ji2J,,?r,ftL0B Pesldence aad Travel ia Ibe l ulted Slates, BATES LOWZB THAS AIT 0TEES COKFAYT THAT PATS EIVIDISDS 4J,'.U vi nd.m ; . . .1 ,10LlaiKT-gOIBXgl.X- 1 !. IT ISSUES AfclrTIJE VARIpl, FORMS OF LIKE Ai'D ESIKWME roi.ICIE3: ' " tonijES PAID PHOJIPTLV IN CASH. LIST OF'fOSSES ATTALLT PAID BIT THE TNA tlFE lNd CO, AT THUS ' BRANCH OFFICE, IM RALEIGH, "Bf THE HANDS OF W. U. CHOW, - - GENERAL MANAGER OF -THE BTA1 E AMD PART OF VA lWmZZ M ,tMr artitkei f ft . a a iV 1 M. U T,al-J,i... Bj,W..f., ' 4 J.BTI oVV,aOl .t,..j.,, M - ..... - - . . ;,:;;::::::;:::::::: -r-, i wv" .. ..... .... V. .. ... . . p .... .,.. . . 1 4 1. . - - . . - . . . - . . -v .- . .,. .,. - v. and at cuah Ilt Ulead or.....,,,,,,.,,,,.,.,.. 3,4T4. , ......... 4,., ..,..,.,.,.r,.i..-, .at a -t.1 i lLaj.U 4-t,t t9,3t..... i Aad $3,000 etdy to bay 1 Wof No, Alv lh Mull., iiiiii.r.. j The Company bkt been we! tested throughout the State, a to it protnptneu la tying br loit, reliability, dw.. FJ DITIDEITBS PAID AT TUB CSD OF TBI FIKDT TEAM. ! lla rati of expenas to Inmate ia extrsaisly Beuurta fur lHod. t or aaiila 1 - .-' low, 'KXPUNfiU on Tin: KatragHiiocKita, . . E,uitbi.b, . . , .- . j . Nobti AataauA, x v , BHOoaLra-. I UmVBItaAU, ' , 4 ' i .ciiii iiAacot'K, . . Thb Natiobii, -. . TUEATNA,-. . . It hat aa IVroNTAWT NEW FEATTJRR that bta baea eopy-rltrhted. Aosording to thi plan aberatss art attlt tAWEtt than m an v other tlooit.anv ta to. world. - lu rauo uf ktorWlilv ui low. Its rates are vsrv r large. . , . . at lusnrra amr nves m Ui citv or ntw I or a in d aaurs Pol 1010. tu tbs U ntt,d Hut tbaa aur da thaa any other Company, ltntiab or Amsnean. neawnutu riiuiih.vr wt KAKt.a, au i'hubitt ta this eoantry saya. lath daae aunt uf bs iwarawis JTHOot, uf Nw lock, the following opUUua was aaprsssed t x f t i ...'.. . : "If there U gtnv trrt brirllt la mutual attni-liiiloaj. nnr arrat ad tan luge e aterlt rd from rlenllfle orgaalxatilua and rharterrtl tour re, lending to anlllgiKle the antTertngta, t-atrn the nrlvatlona. and dd lex the putt), Bt-ritrlly, find are 10 nw I but iheee utraainga How, la nil ibrlr rullnr-a and pa rity, from thle ricrllrnl,- powerful, and Bourlablng loinpauy, the K I -A Llt t. f Hartford." I "Sm laalllullon ka brought more prtvanpt, full, and gratrful relief to the hewn be of the bereaved and drtoUie, and none haa beea tuore Hnlforntlr dlMlnaalsbrd for table liberality with aablrh It haa lloa. - - - v - ; - - - - - ! irfMVW4M hm hm ilintmi Hbt)i4 tM B lM4l Olll ,lli ir4, TWWFlHl aVU llkWKa. iff AV - aUlUUllItif Hp tO WtUidvliilDjr Otm tWO bUBlinxi hit, h grvfw(J U 1W7 ivr-w .iiH i,, m tbava tT WIIH1 aVM llintnill iilllBWaflllhg AUA Al.4tV4fl iiAiUaVTm, atatl VMgjJtMl $MU aVataW-tdl eVaA44UUt . U 4 tO OVV i rat JUlltl'atl 1 ItAw troiiiertiu riiu ut $ rvtiM nmb tomUiLid MitMl bbU eaawtW-laS eVAA4UUt. It a tO 0 i rkl JUlliMW CXSERAJiSTATIBOUCITORS. & XlXf GSS7&T. II. General Agent for orth Carolina OFFICE EALEIOH, H. C. aa a... a . if .n... li ...... ' 4 l. a ' U r aeaTM ao. - "A. imn ll,llRALl.iilll.''ft. Th rtosnui Alowr u( irmnllurt and th aerhsnie An will betrio oa 11 b dav of Het- i Ml.r. Inatraetana to Military lacuot wilt awt 4 grrm ariTtt uuar m tbs sawm aug r-AJuaip4 t a. POOL, Fraat. - Jnr hXrn.T.K. c. 'mora ' - ' - , tnta T Allies and It-ita. F- -f.'tt"--,--r-iaogl-U. ClIltAriiAal ABIiO. , N'iw iirFLi crrti ao buqab. , For ie hv , aag td-tt B. F. tllkAniAal A EBO. YLnrR. BACOS, SIDES AID KUOCLDEB& X roraaiaby aag Xl-O. . F. CHEATHAM A PF.O, Kit MSIOJtt)"A"letr"!- and "It sito Ivng.ra, Just from tlta K"fln.rv, tie - ng tr-tf W. t?. i'ittrh A-t.rf A trQr ruriflcs the Ilccd. ' iaw Avaka r una A vwrravl H-t.L -4.lVi. aM A('KtrLI M ACKF.RIX I ALK.I- l;t.L' PL'y-f i aau s-o ... A . . . t aag - . F. CUEA1 HAM A BltO, )tanlr4-i,4M, OW MiHtlUkOBaf roe paying Cy nreiwrty mill l-.ui i,m-. in. in.i,i,i, u,tB a r-.r'eot tntereat will b aUowed, ptvaLi qaar- - f t rrr "-r-iTt airtv- at--ft.a '".'- lttI,t:. aagJ7-dlw rer i 1. HI' . llliUiW. L'f LT I " 1 aagai tf .hw,'A1 HAM A IiBO. I JI I0HTH UIQUMAJS.jLS-- a. ! : IfiHis - lt,, itWamYri ...... ,o,000 . ,M- , A sTaufAanV . a va f f, f w ,w-9T Iv.voa ,tHM ,400 I a, ikk) 3,00a A,tHM ( , a.tvoo ', 0.OO4) 10.000 A, OOO A, OOO lA.OO ' ...... f .. ....... rr .............. 1. . ... ........i 81,161. ao gooa th ptxtv autheriaed to re- . - .-. v i. AKD ASICAIXX TBEREATTES. Tula may be seen by refureao to the OfUouU 0100 iiECiavpp. .. - , . , ....... , . 4. ,. -. . . ..-.'.I-'., $1(1,54 17,44 1.141 si.otv 87,84 . . . 7. , In.Ti . . . . . 3,4$, . ,.f ,. . . . 18,41 fciw. Its sioauaoa are vers low. It nUVldaads - imm, una any 01 liar uontnaav, aim. at an. It otbr a.ra ua. It luaortd niurs bv. in Oaaa. lutpptnras of huniunliy, we are pre- late enterprise, wladom. and coat. fulfilled tbe purpoaea or Ite forma - - - - - ' hw-rond II M-rtw4tMiU Fkhi jw inn. lai IfVI , T(lt -4Mk hi Ult4laU4l doilAVI , aVIiU ttt.l 4 Mt) kVIid erlKlily-OU lalwklBVttta dtH.avr ; mt Utll MU, ui inr i tni.ii mm-i( Ui WlUjj., Ltf ; rv a lia aVtaJVF:t j t inn. , skHieVpatt J illq. t'Urt' i f aVlifi l-f t Ttti Iti- 1 0f ft UU.Oi tui miil IlitV 'j UuUtatabii boi4Vf . aiiAti trt Il k m iaOtf.' hi " XDWAED JOHSSOS." CROW- and Virginia ftouth of the Jarnra. otlre o Hanufarlnrer I TfB WDll.D t AU, THE ATTKNTIOM OF T -Totavwo ManafMliinn to ih faet tliat Ui bw stami bar ber Moed, and that It wonid bs sdvuuun to rrimv. tit Uin strH-Uy la ao eoritauu. with lli reviMtl ra;tiiaUoiie, a pamjih Int OiM'V of Bin, h Will b au,f.urd gr.ti to au' manu'.ctnrnr Um af !tiut.ti to Ba by BialL h, b W sr. pi-ru to mat. taMMrd eanb adnm-M ia fall markeA vaia, of skip aaent of it janeo, e, - - Hi'rfAltN.-ttAH, A m., Tohsoeo Comna..l- B Uercliaiita, S4 tloliafiK' 1 lae. Bag 14-lf HaJuiuora. pFBCTtiS GCAK0. 0 Bark PtnTisa Ouaas btatora, la time fox TarniL aaga-tf B.F. WrLLUMSON.' Vs' - V-;ft' , -rtH, fViiiACCOi TOBACXWI TOBACCO! A prfma-hw of --faarf and HaatAotarad TtA6 SO, A sais 0 1 MJ, B W- t-.IKATM Aij I1;"). , A a. li-it, at I ri.ftf-l u I II B. F. CHEATHAM A lSROS. . I-arvema-fi ' n vinesr r-i-. - -..-n - - keeir-'l rv A.v at -. g l'tf . y I). ti by.VAt. rl A tTo'H, w- IA A Vk 4. i , V ii.t.A A a Ato r Irr.rral Ctr. ;...1--Ia JUrtf.-.-iN," F-- th a lb or Wektera.rrodsice, ' utwt ir fAtAif a. .nyir.n ni, aY-:i,. taro.-ia .r i--, i.-'i; 1 y ...rro. BJIIIlfORg We b to refer, by piroia.i i, to .I. arwwav t(-. i r St. . !..!.- ' bans, l.a...i , 1 i. A ' 1 1. ventre : Ai-t k 'r t , 1 ; ...... ,i.M ju...' :. Irk;-. t . . t x '...1. t " ""t go.;!- a-'., vC' aog al-diaa

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