- -1. err TiKKtr nmitiim. ' ill J, tWe! ai'KUi. yi. ....... .419 0 ' U.rs : IK f Oil. ...... I 00 Bern! a uokir. twelve mtftuh .. f " "... a . V - - ,.. t - uin-. Wfky, twelve prCJUb. ........... - a.. . - - .... 1 B I j lutt ....... n .TIL i: Si; NT IN ML. Ws t. II tin people that 0o. Holdea is jiutly chergtabls with the evils that mom threat, n lo engulf th popl of tb State. He bu ruined th But iod be has raised lit piny, iid lb Radical tltemaelvea are evoaiul of thla, w bear th m speak of it tree!; whenever wt go. W My, tin Governor I reepontiM, tad abjt At the sacrifice of bis srlf-raapect and bis honor at t pul.I'c tiu, bt Cooeeot- l, lot the fc.ke of office, which diahooors him, to i me tbe aitked tool of Bulaw ful po . lie rj!ed ta or da u;- thirg t'- t n.ife'M fc'ir liio tcaipoiiry - (iic tt'gbt b to him nd others, lie Mr 1 m-ib'nf for prlsc'pl (r eoneletoiicjr ; tl.eM be tbr to tbewlade; be Uaglied at d. m j end tirtua, lif oimrM t li dutit tie bere to review, b maiuei tbe mii.i i.m lur Ooremor t ibe bandt of tbe " cfpet-bgjf-r" mid Bi-grine, ud irois tbe lesguere, beenuae tbe could dii a Letter. They mid bin tbrir-b(bri - Jndi d, be iu midt President o ih lrgoe be iu omnipntcot a tbe b Jrr ; be u tbej eraee end the ubed . u;" tbe pr'y did emphatic!! wbt enf be id. Wo rreet tw tbe puMic to s)f it I hie U not true. Vrt, tppeel tu tbe lUdii (I pert, A j w, to il bt we he i pet true. It it true, u 1 tbe euj monut blmirrrr ia tbt 6ita, tor t.'i It el two ;ere, kanwt. eVrlt, akat hue tbU Bieo, p'iiemd of tii-h power, by aw.li airaua, duoe I Jut It at bie Jadioiar Hnit, aad mark If jt 1 at ODce, weak ;( tbe ommI part Igaurast; inensipoieDt, aad, ia mmt eaaea, corrupt. Takt n at a abule, it U a macker, and doea 'not C'liuiuiDd tbe reapect Tea ol Radical, labile or blatk. Tbe Ooeeraar know tbi at welt a we do. Now, wbat coul j be bare doite, a to lb Judiolar I Wliy, at a word from biut, Bion emlaent ft their bvaruing and purity of character e-uld bare Uea Bouiinatrd lor any judicial pmition, and elected. The tKiTcrnur koowe t'j!. tt t ii frirti U (?) y that aoch im-a ol hie ' 'fir'y L c-i.'.J Bot gi-i I Ah I Ttinrrlare, be ou.J take dlny tools, and Laleod cor " rnptnxn. But tbi will Bot d , tbete were plenty of ma a ho were Bit poll- t'uiam, ( n.iiifiit f i r Judicial li-aiDing and irtnr; alij did be aot "J, "role f theee lino will elect llnui; they vtlleerve tbe H:atj; lit the vp!e tbit w earr fr the puhhr K"od." He could bar done eu, and ui h aire would bare tB etrrted. l!utbeilid Bd doit, U cause be I sot Biatle in the Binld of a g Kd BaU and a pa ' ttiut. ' lie It little and mean, and tau'l do what it eoco politi aa a party moT Bleat, , il it lar.jr of propriety nd p'otnln e good lo tbe f 'l'le. lie it, then, rtpnaibl lut lUt tin c rict of Ju djjci, Tbe tine Uiight be eaid of the KierutiT ' (liliccr. ll.iliKo knew three earn; b knew iletitiiiiger, and Aablry wore "earpot tiag. . t" '. nc,w what auch Bieo cam eruuug a fur. If be bad eaid lo the satire lUdU asa, white aud blw-k,' h tutrlect aub . ttaotia! mca of our oa rfprnple,1 they would have di it, Hum aoe; Aabky i Supvrio. tit i.f rTuoiiitsj--whir-tr-flic tcuttr T)ioodt on tliouiaoilt of dollar bar W it o bhaLf of bit oOice, and tbore: a Cr-i"u tJtaal in tht fttttt t. r ahiteor I !a. k. Then, there ie Mi nnio gTf, r-tr-7 of Stat what ia the rceult I Hit otii.-o ip lo ttiie time baa coat th Pttt, ai I'm mi't umjtrate ralculation, upaanlt of S"y tand dullart f There it Little- fit-KI, Sute Printer ; a ipeclnl a t of tbe L :!ur u paan1, ailb the OuTeraur't i i. !.. i ii.ru, Li a do qiioruta aa pnaeot. g-.vu ? -L r t.ir paw-r to tppnmt pr'i I... . U tbe uriJireUaUiBg that Litlhw ii, i-.i ana to bettonias. Toe OoTernor pp:.-i-H bim.- ai-1 aHiat is' tb fcrattt t ii j-oi rrs''"n ef t' r lt bn two. delay. tJVt iijot.'.ln, an ! they tre .'ulbbv! at a t.i.t, lot n.u. Ii If 'any, t.ih.w eighty thus. an I il . 'n'i I Ai.-I !i is man aiil get, pr.-l a'.'ya tiK.ie I li.. uaxd doi!aia, at l'ul i.c r-'ier. A : J CotrrrBor H.ddea aj''.- i'.U-d ti.in nmii 1 'l'l-n i' i't it t! L ,'.'! urc, coBitord ol ' ca' ' ' -l.i ",' Bi .T.x e, and B few - r.. t ... : J a' i uou bive j inaUri.l inUrt in tbe State, or -.cv '.r h i -w. fars. .t.e l.friin wa ' ' ' ''l ,l. -t-it ,.'. i. .. .. a . i ..i.i : tne af(.., I u 1 p i .i i in I 1. e til tl f I.t , k, ,j - . r ti.ijw .r a ami tvtrr ak-c- fr-irr trtrt"; -r 1 . it totr.a.e a uw Male i ,1 - , " ' rl'.nMrr.at.Ira r ,. I f ' - ' 11 a f .. antii . - - ..!.-. Iu tl.a ail. , , ,1 r f Ci-iNj !f tt aa i ,,oi btd ..!, CMi,rii -I i.f-i.ic- a .ron. t at I iu g !! f aie tt w;if tori- 1 " ", ' '' '"' t h. :.' 1 n t 1 '. t n 'rt-.itr't . . , ! i u a:..- i., ue j.i.i .. k.... - f !,.,.. b,w .-- J .. T -t : i. 1 1,, ."-! 1 - - ; .-n. . 17 III I - -1 -.nyHHr- Blasters" would not ba today at sort in Wail Btreet to enrich Itmnlnt, importf. lab Ibc Stat aod io;n its eieHit; bul be don fl.ie, tbs ere-tit tf N'-f U Carolina, wou'd to-day be Btatf, if But i -lie, P to. tlx j 1 eteuJard ; and, av-r than t, U tba Coverayf bad a act 1, tL people t wovtt J aut, to day, Ij ground to poadrr t l.-.'-.:.t ii.. am ,. -'iA rijtJiK Jtri." QorerBor. I'J.11 tfckJ trit.eey word of tf;. doBt foyj - The peoul know it. Chea tb Hi at is overruB itt thai tUM ol rur-. rt-Bprs Tbey ars lata every oi) tbal twe Xbay aa taM eres to the name Badieai aad. aKrue tbrw-ti'tre. W olteai bi if tlSt-Sf Mf W, oiwo'r. 1 bene mi B bring' corruption and ctinie bt-ra that our peopl tnre keaid or tbooghtof. Of all tbe poi it teat f.laaU Mid b'nta that rcr beact any people, bob tar ar tnpbriclly tb auibor aad proawler of criui", moral, political and aociai, and tb Ooeerni know it. Wba be etoow agttT d auef BTowf fbe t--Wfcrta 4e tbi m place and office, and enabled them to rus oror our people, whit aad black, B pul.ltcant and all I Tb tioveraor. But for lb Gorernnr, tbeae aural aed political 1 pvr would tbU day b where they came ft 010, Urging far, or. wealing tbetr daily bread. Aa It ia. Iters thiy are, plusdering our people, mocking at tleir calatBitb. ioaul.iiig them aitb a faigb haod aad wltb perfect impunity ; whtna they cam brg- gar, bow tbry build fio bouaee, drir Ho borae, beautiful and tplt-odid vehicle, wear diamond and riogtof tb rnlgareet BiagBitBibt ; lie la and about tb Capitol, aad pBil their Stat bond by tb kua died. Tbta meo, too, bp up a tyateai of proatitutioB aod baibitry loo horrible to be aneatiotted ta tbeae eoluuiBa. 1 bry bar afforded outcatti of btotliel tb Biint to parol tb principal ttnetl ia tpea. did equlppagea, wbil genteisl ladit Of tb illy at almi at afraid to be area 1b tb etfiot ib their earriajrea and 08 boree back. Tbtae "carpet bagK,-"' bar ioaa all tbU miacbiel and outrage, aad' lea fold mora ; yi-t tb Ooeernor tuttaina tbi-m f II give them office aad plaoa ia tb face ol aatir Radical I Why all tfaUl H,mplyJu theOoT- eraor ia Hilly lloiib n 1 1 Taat la eeougb. Ili oce, tay b ia ri apootiMe lor all tld nb It bo aotl . I JUDICIAL COUHTKSr. Jude oa tb Uacb al way apeak attb Impunity, no oiaa daring to enntradict o f eo to reply, court y and gwlTcueai of apreeh tbvrrf.ir dor well boooiD them. ' The people of North Carolina, befor Ihe coming of rBrpot-bagirera, war bleated aitb h-srnerl, par sober tad Chrtatiaa iuil(fo a bote parity aod uprigh tucta bad it propr tffjet Bpoa tba a bob) too sad tenor of public moral, f b people with out diattnctioa of party, praiard, boaorrd Bud loud tb Judiciary. Ho uiaa could 4CO. narebuked who dare.1 to epktH of a Jadg. Uudr blni tbs pewpl labored, ariulred aod ci.Joyed." "Without hlto tbe peopl could nut difuad tbeir cbaraotera of ifjjoy tbefr proprrty." W nighty hire pauac lo Intjuir a hat hat broom of tb lore, admiration and Tincraiion of the people, lor tb Judiciary. Wboee fault is it that tb people bar coased,Bol only to lor and Vcaerate, but (tcb to aitnilr or reapect. It Is tb Juiliciary, aad Bot th people that bar chanprtl. W bar exchargrd Battle and Manly, fur rW-tlle and Uici W hart cxchaBj;rd Gilliam, Warrea,FawrB and Merrimoa, lor Jaybird Job., CUmib, Henry, Thoruaa, Tourgot aad Ortay Sato. Wkra Judges uf old were Inducted iuto offioe, they were aware tba tbry had put oa s rob of Juatice, aod tbt y rowed row to Ootl, aerar to spot it, aad tbey Berrr did. Tucy wangled Beithrr wl'h tb IW, tor tb Jurors of tb country. Tley were gratis sod courteous to alb How does II ttaad to day ix twota tb Beach aad tbeliar ol North Carolina; Let tb cats of tb Iteocb, agaiat th Bar, ia tb pertoa of H. f, Moor aod others answer, - -r phrfiM-yurrcT Incurubent apoa then lot only to war with tbo ttrrbnt to tliiutt an J offend" tbs Jurors aad Uraud Jurors of tbi Conntr.- Jnrlr Onud seniU word to Juilije Tourgra, that be ia anwuttby to ait spoa tba Boacb it tie don't "put srery d m scousdrel of the Grand Jury of Oratig In JaiL" ' At tbs latt term of Orarg Court abi a tb Jury confu ted one Ilanet, (ool.) ef larce sy in breaking into a ttore, aad stealing therefrom a pair of boot, Jmlg Tow,,'' b art atid lb Terdict and 0 el a red ihers was Bot B pcrlrcl ef evidenr upoa which the Jury could fUd a verdict ot guilty. Th evidence aaatliia, tin Store liouaeef Mr, Jainee I'etke, ot Ihllilairo', wa brokeB into in th Bight time and a pair ol boot taken. Mr. A. I'lHrhnich a reiipeculil citiaaoof tbi city teatilied that be booght tb boot from lUaea. Ilane could Bot aad did Bot tbow a her be got them, Mt tl.d be offer to prove t tli Jury that bit tharactir aatjrood and be above ta-picioa. La-t we h at frftKec'ltj -hftt m attU lour oibtrt auec iudtcied lor at. setault uhb t negro i tl. Jury convicted Iioberaon oniy. IU J ulg 'u dip!e, at tbe r4Bb ).fcs! iijiarjf telling them " tl .1 l: . . .1 ...e complication f ,6, , pa'tie bad 4xvb d:ftititt,ii-T5r.t;cT l.wwi'bv Iwii tt'iK'tviit'. ' '' 1 " TtrM":.".t a ; of i,ty ti loin nj helii i-t. ti i,, u ... f cooit.oua to birot, ed lo kil B.m In I mirt, b.s ermine I 'll il pot- .1 J Atoi tk t .nrm nl 1 he b arneJ JaJi t.i 1 i a,,,',. .i f ... . , . . i a-d . ,l:! n, t.:ai) 1 ';!.!, an I ti,e L.r-Prryr . j i.U- ...I t... tf. U . . .. , ... .. .... vrrter.t.aaor lU.wl o a ' bf. harnnU .'-. of oil. . - 1 , ., ..n.e... .1 .1 . L. . . . - ,o w i. ut t in. tf. l-o.te.u.Sj. a.wat,li.at..4l.H .!..lall.b i i i r ts .. .tmii ei.-. " -; .! fear. - 'r ' , ' For th Smiu.1 U a. Eirr : We bae juat reai, with bo lut e pl re aad a ttrat itral of i atrai ti. !,, ;. m: pvK (iu p:pUb t tutn.) f ttie rriliijt:a tef ' tle 0iiir ul tbe Brtu b aod tl e Kir l S.ir.b t ar i ua. Tti uau.i..b-t,Bti.B 'Btory.tatlbaBTeBbonidU6tt. Tbi ' ' . 1 . iu..... tn ... ,1.1 ...... Anetlliiai tl. wum ol raid pr.jcee.ilui-a. Ha bxoU ot ( 'viuwl fir ttio ri-p ! ut, tbe Ammo. !f tb Cijua. 4 4. tpt&$&. ti(t opinina." ' . 1 be rrport U lull. CMplt-te and faiieiae llyty - Jun UI',.,'T V"-' it rTnr. ry liimTmf-KSrw-Vmf JloaaiaawH ta given , t fj aiurnai itLi " w- loif oa the thai of the caoe it fair! atatcd ; aud the arjiumrpt of Cnuufct and ttettpilt- . ol tMatuullaluo, Me te.lU(U.Ij? itta. oat brioie tb leeilrr. T ber to; tliStetot, ut tbs llijbtet. .llulis;!.iy m the way ol j tb taaiitt'i ouroiafi u a nht and just eoa chifiofl as to n.lB prnviiroa ta Uie wat tor oi U. ft tea aai Ui ul Nortii C'a'rb.f'' Th review of .the rpiutoa of Ik "ort, w tike it br urei.te'il. aad a wo apbythe 'llfciiato4i.lR!lW a Deid ana reoahmg. - Tbe dial iaouwhed lie newer ilij not Been tlie-aJ.litionai te.Uiui.oy of this niaalerly effort to eat ablUb for btta tbe aoeiable re-p iruttttid tit a very' paroea- wtrsirofrgti-,' or of s bTr of Uw aad order aad ot lb, iaoorruptibility ' of.. Courta. But if each oeideao were Bereaavy eotb a enpng atooe nifuircel tocompbte ttiie aaoauoieoi, to bit fame, thea baa be al ly aappiiott tint sooa-ary eridwee, aad happily it endcJ ia ehrvatiafi to it plae-a aud atijuatlog ia pitioa tbia rrquuod e-pmg atone, ia tbi Kef iew of the lourt'a op stoo, ia tb mat ter of tb Booch aud R .r. Tb ooslratt brtweea tb tpirit, aod tae ami teuipcr o4 the two pertmiamwee " we meaa the opioioool tba Outf aod tb m tiow ol tbat opinio i enrtatBly airikiBK aod peculiar, it r.nttade a ot wba bat Ue aeid ait two f try rmoiaikal le aad -die tinnithed tliarai u ia in Eng'iab b story, Loid Cok aad Mr. lluike. Ol th arxat eoaiBieotator cb tbe baaa ia! England, and equally great tyrant, Coki-; It a at said, tbat be a aa aulacrftent to ba Bate, haughty to bia etjuala, aad doiui. tutting ovor th ueoeaib -biaar- Ot- tat ,ret atateooiaa, o(afr, scholar and pbilao tbiopiat, llurte, It w.e aal.l, that "be w too lonii ot lb light to purtuo lb expo difUt," ' , . , ' . .... .il We tball But Btnp.lx-re to wake eooipar iaoue or to rua parallels tietu tba - ar. at ooOmenUtor aud our fid judge. Vi bn eel will anitertake it, h.ier, will bate no difficulty la ouel,ig sum IUU rraaf Uueeta But Uiit mm U we will eeutur to spreee, tbat we bar th well known line that (loldawlth wrote of Hirke, that J-he was too fond of the right to purau the eipedieut," Would l inaj. prop lately ep fclli d tn tli auihor of tli (fiirii.m. Or, if appliC'b.' at all, that it at lnaat would be, at um itote oi ait irauujeg uiia juofrmeui oi the C'tiwrt, la aa h.Tvia m. Barnety, thit "the riKhf did totateDd in iu way of -lb eipeilletit." 1 ' ' " '' ' ' . We maintain that tbia roncluaiou ia fully warranted by the lacla of tin caac, aol Iron the law sad "The Wttmaoy. " For tf there erer was a eaw, ca Iwg tor a aura mary uroreat of diemitaal from lurther coaaideration, tftur tb Ik-poiident bad. under sal eatered t ie diatlaimir of any ancb purnn and intention a waa charged agaioat bira In th rule, it was tbt case belor at. . But il tbef t of '4 guilty waa not there meet eoatnletrly aod fully aiatto oot, it certainly bad been duat aceortting lo law when tli argunii ntt of coutuid cloeed. T her was oot there, nr d.ultl thero be, any protxr trrotiiile or diflcrenca between tb px'g' aad the r.aBibBt, tli fiwmrr aa a court ol law, anil the latter aa a practu ioa attorney of that l'urb feivery alleiiatioa ia tbe yule ol tbe Court, bad Ui n lully rui t aud re ule.il, by the iBVited and ailiuilieil. Bail tbvrvlor com petrut teetimony of tba rcpoadi-nt umler otb. But if that wa loaulikientut satbfy tbeir boBora, tbra It abould aot bae tMwa overlooked by tb t'oart, tint it bad bcttt eoBcludrely thoan, ia the arunmota ol cottBM'l, that tb ord' r nl the Court, aa a rule ol law, wat tola'ly Inoperative ia tbia eae. . . .. fa th Bret kxtaec. loathe, magnlmity. and eooruay noutrwd that tbe Judge boald bar diiatieacd their rule, ia tbe aecond laaeaaor, law, Oomaio etmau, aad di oeacy deatantled it. But tbat would aol do for tbe lunge ; that would Bot answer tbeir purpoa ; would aot obtaia tb ead tbey bad ia view, whea tbey et oat oa this bueiaee. Tbat pur poe, tbat aad waa, to aa tb language of at lent on of these Judrfi, to pu.h the lawyerttolb at all, and to (upprees in fatar Hi pabtioatioa ta lb aewauauera, of all ofteatiya strictures and dnturo oa tbe P tbe Judges teat oo with tbe!r work : rlrcidetl tuooae ooatrary to tlw law aad tits totilBi0Ji..nit artally delivered n opioina tramid and faahioned ou side of their ow rule aniitrry-4-r1---l.iwa. eniumoo and statute, bearing oa U fact1! Th cneclndlne prirmiih of tlfit oplb ioa it s filling tei initial ion to uch juilg want from tbe court! Here it n: Jkt tut- Ilea te diarAurotJAt rWa I aUMerajk a Buy. ovmt aear. a eeaa kiimvif. ithjwiffit, f (Ae mr(, aura iav mgvit tt Me (ri,dt?i a at I iW Jar iiMtnur tt on kn pari. Jt ta yinipar tAu( Ar thouUI pay Ihi araku il ia mH aryaittW, bvt tztuuJ . w. . Tbat i th 6nltiiini touch, ci.ven bv I i ein.el tea, io a pn tuta vt to Itiay'mal lew idet ia JVorth Carolina, bohting erjiially be bilanre of Jiitic lirtwwii Ihemaoivo aid otheia.I Thi'T.Kut . to-if). axw!y luroiiiu-a mat liny wire accuvr, proHrcu .ir and Jtn1g-1 aiiit O at thy truirpcil up the chairs Iroiu newpai r, ; Biade up toe ca imni'eivia, imi ihi a onli rf u, ye or tiered, the Keponil.'Ut to Ohio lot war J is t pee court, atti r having bvea aupeaded fmrolit riuhte is ie court, a aa attorney, fur several (leva, and purine bi ma' If, if be could, nndcr oalb. V ttmigra ! O norm) We bave alrea.ly a id, that we r.-ad tbi export of prixcdin; iu the ca of the UucU ami llr ol Nith Cuolina with i.i-Lf ". .r.nr.!;;;.-.-. Hrrt is-strict! Iran. For ae err.(rri rc' o antra tbat the dociriae of Ihe onu. a law wu nn on . j -f .-,, ,, , Ii i.i, authority ami tlia '"fiJuf.twt mnrttont n.. e-i"JTT'ToTe"t)u'rne' ' a.ttu T4M'itiv(iot aa. ay jt. a, 4 ..Jt Kwa--r - ttona is reawio, tiuiB ami juan'op; .ri 1 ae were ph atu- l to diCiiVfr t.y . this ft pint, Jr'iM !' .)' ".'I. bt1-. B to jt nil p. r L iMXM'm ri.t ti kli ii.tfoircia lulu lb s Bustier, tost au b ji a Ot ibt " am to. w;t!tB-l ,VJ: u " 1 IItH toe one n. 01 i y our t-oTrt, to t:e -ta l.u Ui ,&,.e.ttft -atttwtof - f tmt m-y wtt.,BT a J-.rT, t.Ut in h.tti tlie t..oti aaaatotua ly prt'xaatr, . . juu,;. ai.ii jury, a ti-.. ta-, in Iti-i iitatic. i ,,i Mi turT. ., h M fr;i;lj- the l ut at t;e I J to hi;.. (hat ib , com ' rtion law-1 r-n t.,.r ,lwW. w abawH 1 ' It it ta n vt t . J lo' - 'haw -t-af-?- -' fT tli ' at - e - v. t-t !t , trr r t'atulra, bare tbroa a tuiaard their 't ting hu?l.la to ear from tM arbitrary preeeot-ota aad tjraucui rlii.g of lb Omr ta, and to awtir to tbe pepie Ireadoia of tpoechi aad bbcrtr of tbe tre4. U M eaaesfial to tl eery eiiateoc lt Bxcccaaar in or trr tl.at ert eneni' of put. lie lt.trvt. wbrtber it rut to the aualitkatiime of eaedulaic tor office, the Bienari of f .Ttie - or" Tb" -BStrrw! of Roeeruau at ; lb CoBttatiuoaiity of Uw ; lueir aarxle if adoiitiietratiua ;.ib Ueiiainoe and that all other aubpu relatiBs; to tbe put lie asafreBBt ef affairs, abould fa iuHy aoei tineiy caovaaaad. Bode tUoae buil- tutioa and jt'tjvaaBjrylyeeJh.toaiJb and bBat.y iatpoaa. " This i aaptcialiy Bectacary ia a country wtitr tbe poopte govern tbt mselvo by taw of their owa appointment; hea iguoraoc ol-t4)e-ias etcuw wo-; and -wbera all uHt vflmi I ar re.poo.ibie to th peopbr I ir their t-mdud, aud rcotoyebl boat office for aaidifiot. ' ' Siut4 Miiiii'ma anal boaiataii tolerated IdrcB" WaWfaHf 'tCTt'frr' tou1eB'i"';rit,-,',"i'0t'' a prtaa fliat tt not frto W Wtf Trultt W T aprot to uiettetfe of public in'erc', baa as tierdora aod ao power, aad i besides Uer XaTroalajMiIw.tv8Mi To proper batis of our government be ing tbe npiuioa of tb people, tb very Bret ol ja I ot very olbentd, patriotic mind abould b to keep that right ; aad tba chief aod almost tb ouly mesne ut doing tbia, ar lrvedora uf apeccb aad tba Liberty ol to ptes. W si oot rely bop tbi Reoort will be very g aeraliy reaa.' It will sot only loach tli people aad tba public pre of tbe Country, tbat tbey raaaut be tocootiaeatly gauged by the Court, but it will teach tbe Courts, t tbey ai ia their JuriadKJUoa, ree raioed. ty law ailbia tola aad proper liniiia. - W do out expsct to aoe aoothtr Star Cbaoilr piooeediog ia our Court. Tby bav learued their leaeoa, tad will, ia More, it ia Wile vei, respect tit law, aed Conduct tlieuiaelvee properly. . Oj oi tba Btany ranilidatni to. suncsad tbsiat Mr. Fraeeadea ia tba liuilad mates rtausu is Uea. Uw.rg t, Bhepb y, at oa tint Miliary rnor ot Louisiana. COJtFUIIOS&Y STOEIi xV.DeKOYSTEli&liE0. OM F.CTIOXERi, TT STB JUST RECEIVED A KKW fcDPI'LT 1 1 ol uw to ilielr bu. Kverjrtabig Freeh ami of awd qaMHfi Tlwv ol jt i bom lo tbeir atnmnra aad tha publi aa the kwe:' eaete ariet, aad reafMiotfaily miatwt au LUuae ut aaat w aaea unaga, 10 rive usea a eeiL oet na lB)rlt Candy. 4 FIKK 4HHOB1 MKNT of Preoeb Candy, of V every et yet, reoeivmi loiav. at -oeitatf A. U. at.JjKIJttt BHOX )i.IK CVKTVIK4, Frtllba "4 KJeae M. . ctaure i io tne vaae at a, jraweeaie pa ""uett-dtf AD.ko'l!o,;BBBa QtKX)4NCTCA!tUTf OOCOASUT CANDID Kvery kind el Ceeoaoat Csedv alvaye on head. ueb B-dtl A. V. Bul8li.ll a UHO, piCSl.ESI-'ri-CKUEl 'i-i- A rboie b of Tioklee, lur aa.! by tb Jar, uanon or aanarea. oott dif A. D. BOXNTEB A BtO. QOCOABfJTIII COCOANPTSI Preeh Coeaaaala, to-day, at eett-tf A 1. tioiaTEBA BltO'A C" va t aatta Miuir., eett iltr At k- B. JtOHBlUB a vatu a. -KtAltH, PU'Etl aad Darkam SeaokiBf To- ' aio. at uot itf A. D. BOVaTEB Bitot VfrTS, CITBOM, Jellifa. Eraiily rearhee. L. I rt, e t t n", .row-. -.i..j . . ..... Fnwh l'eaelin, TuautuM, Baruiue, JVklad 11 U'lcra, ., e , at uot a uu v. itvistaa ubv ai pBKH UtttOKIII FBEHH LEalONrJI A tiw swaee oa aana, ai ek a-dtf AD. UOrSTEB A BROU 1. rOV WIIX ALWAY BI H Kit TO FIND A X n. 1 article ef Bon4inr liftnuico, at oot .HI A. IX ui.ai til a jtutra. M. J. MOSELEY'& , ' FTBS' Qlb Stakd.) IS TEX PLACI TO BUT T0XT1 COrECTIDEniES J Yoc WILL Finn a Caoiot 8toc to Pblbxt Fromt, and Evkbtthibo THAT it Kbtt CORE AND SEE! ' FEEXCHCA55lgCAf(iilEs- U0S8EBTEB ASB CIVTaLLINK FBCTT8. Au at MOSELET9, oot l-d3ia : Flreaa' old Stand. ?tewt?itsi BsnitaTic rariTt I1 and NuW,Owauiaia, Fi(a. Date. Franea, Uaialite, Currante atitl Citroa. von ran bnr at MOSKLKV'H, act t-d3ia . . leutree n:d Btaud. 1 ,, --raitti IHekte, a of aj aorta, krt-ah Pwlte i'ute Applaa, MtuWfM, Tnmttaa, laitiaurt, Xtyetaiaybar- Alia ectt-d&a MOSELK1A. ' Ait i-:h i oa ku.s : PotmaV Fret and JnHv fake ; Lemnei Kovat tiea, ttinrer Hcbiutppe, Vt'aaionitloe sad JaBiblee. 4 atl Kt Mtnla. Wise. EiIUttmrKb. Oeaai. I'l'-ni and Imoa. Ail Uteae eind tatne at MQSfELET'S, f. MSa - t- 4- FtoiKj,.,!, fcttoi (tin seta Aaa aietwtt i rtfrrt, alnl fuw tint anattint you will Bito at JliiorXKV'S. WiiOTiMt'" K. B. Aa m tJeiti aaibe wwii '.er ternseolit, there w,i!t.a aT i a at wai.aai, tar ult, attvnt a. vmte a iraat lur uie iatiip. aVhm tVl'l eRVt bf mmmt TISCLLA5E0tri l-KALEKIS FAMILY , . , .... . - th Hltn-litn- fwerlenei-tiitiarf tie JrlV r.tit.. 1 ', at A 1. 1 1st it, .n. r.. Has jt.--t RErr-ivrD a kici tot o tanoiy Crweriw; ('. Va. and Weatora iaw-taa, rth t ar-Hifi Bi fifciTiinorf ( . ljard. "i- "r t"t o Snb U t iiua Kf"r. Aiav -"w -ri nw u. an, ami Muu-t ty h. iai r--! v in aniAa tja-nji-Hi to auii fain- r ?- w,..'- vA kw V. m SCHOOL B0021 lAituuJt biri:jrl of TEXT-IiOOKS MaaiT(iBut. 0o Fubliliri' Sopt of IntnxJartion, auuioa. Sf tX, Bet. 1,4M.. AIi:it)llT(hll M ini eeMba at il rB. ia eaeiirae ktr, Airr lil.uaa. Ba tbe Sooowui BuMAa, whieb m av .o. mI Aug. xiaOfltaviu aba atais Ciara-et Some . Bar aaaturaa aa la ta ruwie actmar Paaaaa A Wavaoa'a Vinout rami. f ata 4 aitmiir'i rurtosiu. kruAj iu f b Imw'i Kanoaaa. ttaanaaa. T.rra S a. ..! t Va GwiairiML BiwTair t Yotrr. a ttnrroBT or tea ti. V .r- baxa anrarTul or fimaaaauUT. - Taa .liaw Daaoatrrtva tiaotaaanav oe Soar. Caauuaa iU ! ready aout Ute autkli. ut Ue bttwr ta.a. Itut aaa. ., ai aw Oeine eravtMl a rapidjy aa fitMiOla. 'i ltia wttrt lli be BuButtea HB MuoteuA A JMcAaii;' beiaa, viibout eitra etiaraa. Favr. aaoaa Atxew'e Cmrrura Svmai or , 4MagdaalBst ' ''awisvaisssvvl' " " " ww4wSBy ' auuual aura aaarsa. Tb booka vol be eupplied aleiMeduigly low laiaabi lit Fabue BebuuBi ia Ibe ma' a. Bnailtir tanae wul be aud aeeeaaible a tei Tat. ecbauls .iuoun tb abut Hl btwl attllorur.'"',"" t. v..o.t--.-fwI:... faitu eUaadbic tb Fabli fteboola will, bt leaordiaw vita Ut Mat euuiraot, be turawd HB aaw eattM af atuatetlia A3 MealJf'a ItM' yraphlae aa Devlae AnUuaatKa. ut ascaane. bte aid eetpMe ef Caraatr' 0iuraubiea aud tuau. evboe' AJUbeiallna, wti.-a UHiy aiay fwna, koea wot a appUd, earefuily Baeat aad bdaoed.by HJ? ttavD a lLttXA at d, Drpoailary, batebtb, . C. Taeebere and EJaeatora jtutaraiiy are t.pect raur aaviteu ia aotveeitoM hv O. W. LAHrlKTH, . Agent Sue tbe Fubuttttiwa , fcttti aay't ut latrouawUii!. fro Dr. Wa. B. Hasaau, Fria. Bib aUbaul, aw tiiu, a v.; Inov Him. M. 0. T. aat aiaeb alaaaad witb botb tba etxiiua and aB lb aumdare ; aad ae to ta eanae et ttttotfrar Blue ay Muatatik 4 atotiaiiy, 1 bar bauj uawd ao a ar suea timet eoaia o oouinea. Proai Bev. Auibbt Hasiis. I). D , Beetar U bt Mary'e svaoui, tUiaiaa, U. 0. Bauiina. B C. I bave iaanlBtl lb OeomphMe-Moatettb't (No. Si aud Mebaby'ejXo tjandBudaiiailbitariiae la out 4, vutcit eotuMtuuy auuue teem to a wtoe eirrulatiu. it bt ety parpttas to Uitroduoe atout htitb'a IN ) lata aiy aebuol. I (ire it to pre lartHMe for tbe iotorniatioa whieb it a;ivea Uta eolijoet v Fliyeiael Ueutrapby. Xbe aiap and aeaUoa ut Buta wuraa seen, to m to rta aiiuo. AUJtui eBtur.1. Frcaa J. W. Onuoa, A. U., Fria. Mai Aeatla- aty, uoMauoru', a. t;.: flousteoao" '!. C. I And yoar book ere hi Sa u seauy Bchoole ia tbia eacAiuaii h leaeber eiieaa m tit. aiaB- eat taraie rf yoar Keatirs aod titMigrapbaua, aud at raca a uattot ia aarueuiar. J. W. OtTLICE. Proas Cob Wa. Btaoaax, Fria. Bbigbaat Bcbool, a. a 1 be mtrouaotlan nf ao aiaoh valaabt atatterl oa la euuHn or FByaiaal UMigrapby aad Uev4 oaucy, aad at forte eo aiutai abd inWHiKiOM, Baktie u (Mooieub't liM.rud.au Uexta;rapU)) ut aiy JudiBnt, a ebarntutf; aeihuul book. "We abaal introduce Davioe' Bjerdoa, perbape etaere your oooaa. . Froaa IrtvGivaa, Fria. DarbaatAimdenr, M. V. Il LHlBBtK. M. 0. I tteair bitradaeuig tbe pre teat etaiua V fc'aily'a Uiraeiir and HailM' rwraratiy Ancli aaotao ; alau JJoyd a kleataou of AuUb Ouuipo -. aa. lyitwcm, froaa M. L. Lrrru, Caq., Fria. rieaaaot ILll antintry, aewwa, n. u. " RawTiW . C Will Intradnee the Unlvor.Hy AritbtaeUe Best leraa. Have esMiiaea M wttb ataea aatiataeuua. Aa adaurabl work. M. h. LITI Lit, , l'ha Pieaaaut UuM Bauuuary. rraaa Bev. I. Ivat, Pria Aabara Arademy . It C; ... - - Anaoaa. U. C Mooteith'e Georraphiee are etoeiieat worke, aaa I eaau utraaaee taea rtoo iy acaooi. , , ,- H , bXiticfcoB ITEFi.- Prof. Wa. A. OaaacSAta, wriUng from BUkbonr Mllitarv Aoadeuiv. eave: 'lb au panor aad durable tyl ef blndju; of yoar wore w a very artiaareooaiinenaatkiB uu witb wbkk I bave lout; bean favorably iuiprmeed. Fratn I. B. Dt ooaa, Eatj , Prut. Male Aeadetay, vvarrenton, a. b. " WiBRiirroir AT. 0. 'MDaviee' talbTOaUoaH wa atbtpted Of Mia aa lfiaa, aad, up Is Una tutaa, 1 have etannuad au worae .Minur w .uem aa a w noin. I bave eiammed. witb a view of Introduction. 4aallyairrpk,, (No. t and "l'eck'a (ta aot'a Natural PbuVaeniiiv. I ootiatOttr tattim awwt eaeeUaut aotka, abd aball pat them la aiy boya' Ii an ila. at tee earueet perioo j tta f tuliMttpiiy u truly aa enticine work and aanat meet witb uui vereal atiaiBHBUattoB. i. K. bUlrtiEH. From W.C, Xaaa, Rial Gmtloelat of rT. C. I regard atuuttHtb'a Pbvaieal and lulenaedlat Oeotirapliyaeaoaaf tbebees bouka of Ha kind. It baa eevaral pout of superiority ovarnioat uriaaarv Ueoeraohwie : not tbe Waat of a huh. aapeeialJy is the eyee of tbe Jnvnuilea, will be rouao u. itaaitraeuve ana very grannie ill nam- Aautbee te tbe araly wnnOertul anaoant oi eabataalial aud really actatt title informatioa eoa veyed by tbfee wood eote, aad tli eoaieiee aod ok id daeenpneua appeMed. Bui tbe chief et eellenee eooetate iu Una, that Oeografihy M bee treated Iron tbe ouly true and rational at and point, vis: ef ttwlogy and Pkyueai Uof. raby ; eo that tb learner arrive, by a natural aud aaay proceae, at tbe true oonceptioa of tke eartb aa aaeritaniaed whole ; tbe deetitued reeult of eaeeeeeive ekaaeee and BtoUuWtioua, Butter tb eontrol ef phyaical lawa, oonatitouug a-km a mvta froaa a ebaotie aeraa thronitb uiaintttld ataa of proareee, all poiutiiig fuirward to II dnatinea eoa a to bob o. aring eettige, ana tnallv ef aiaa. Frotw bev. U 0. BtBSBSut, Iriital(ial of Mount A oaueua a emale anaiuiary, Alouut 1'toaeaul, A . C - Mi. PtatetaT, M 0. I bav bibwlueed yoar iNatiunirt Keriee of Beatlera wiik arrat eauataotioa to mvte'l and to onr Uiat hera. ay Bud tbem to be exoeUeut, jutt euitrnt to our pnrpnae. V' ith Daviae' M atltaBiatlcaJ Bertea we bave been Inax raauliar, and eaa Bad a food feaaua. lor Aaatfta tbeaa, ' - . ia tlx I'nntary Depart men t we have Mi ntellh't Qeofrrafibitie, and to tbe advanced eiaeeee we bave iatiwdaeed 1'ecAS tiaoot, with tnaeh U. U. liUt.NUaiM. Froes Prof. Joa. P. For, Preeident Btantorwburf . BoitBtio High School, W. c. ', Wiuolt, H. fl. I bave carefully examined tbe olauu of the different Barire at Bchnol Bookla nuat uroiuiuttiu heioee abeaablaeat tbie tiaaa, .davt-titiatid abwi- went of many ot tbem ill tn ecbooi aa.1 btctnre ronea. and fad ao bnitaoey ia prooounoiiMr tb Katiooal Sortea of kteadeire and awemi-ea"-aba beat witk whicb Iaaaacqoaioted. 1 ahall lM-nce-lortb was no otbeia in my acboul, and I aliall riirtbermor ae my tnttoeuce to eecnr their edoptioa lato ettier rieaiinartee ia tbie emtio. i at- DavW alatbeujauoal tienea ia my e.euooL i ooaaider bia wolka taoouparab.y aupttriiv ta many particular a, even to rttotlard'a Cume, whi."h ta aaybia a greet drab In fart, I cnnaiditr II Uw bit-heat eneuBueei i. my eowsr to betnow. laaeMiaieUB a fetiee tn niv ecboot, Thor afford a graloal but UioninKU and aratemaiic prtmreeanrtit front tbe aintplt nt rn.tniieota of -j. enee, ep to a devetopment aurboiently exhee.tive rvr at! eeulaary asiajatifn! yarpqeea 'Jfe-a vtwyt eaperior merit baa ted'ila to Ulacarti . jh. h i .J. !) It t-l m llif list ft Naviiy a. tb U'tb tXHaJ of lb ooiirwr, bt dect- f ll'.t m"t- W-PniTTw n UW'T:.f,'Ma j0( ."ytrr"T fit' tff rtettVif n wubua. bfAUtf airuck ivitb ti vtr.i-arj B,lri -. af-U.JTwft WWfTB S'tyfft s?i."tei o' II,,. 'yaJu!.ii- w nnlilirationa of tint aim, wlneb are.tijuJ bi tov waviin't r;i tne aio iiiion ot :r(-a,. i.,.r. in tbe j.h. t Snri. liarnee Co, of New Turk. r now iMtiniig laiye eitinoiia of tlta ti .i (iitr. Jv-injol liooa. tor lor houihi-m reiatea. ilie a, ri-t. con. I .-t. tJ ttm hilutitl Primttr. ttr Wm.l to.o.i... Jtwt ar twe eb lanmb'r, Thia trrar -wmTtietb IwimBt wbtoa-llnaw aiaalinj) yawa w4ye.tiBt ami imitu y...ia au. tbat i' ju.t tl.. a. tow no t.prtt,,.t iu i u. tew m pint, nn ti- 1 -ht il. tiy tin tn, wnirn are ato ng th.n b, t o, .,,. .. . . . t. . - t e.vr.. t.i J t lrilB m, MHirB iwry r nirrM, ri a ai jHfri baTio.el. htextKB riiuova .a. bav bVHr elatoineil a v.Hum of it. ciae tm-u e cooid eiimruend more cor.liaiiy to psrtnta muti tuat-hen. Tttwa the K. C. Fm!yfrrim, M.nh 7, iv,i -yvAVtoSAi, rtaaT hEAOsa. we rte-ontme-rd it foailwiioiWire valuable took of ine.ructioo .j . a" : w r r : r- .....,... ... , ... ..t, , brtamal fmtm. JM mt4 rr-ttau V a .t-i-r rei-ntaiiita tbaa mi ii n, r c u.i ., w ,wi a. bM.l-aweaw www as mtfrafi.- !- ". YARBOROTJGn HOUSE, ItAI.lZICJir. Ti. c. CFPICE KO. IS, FIBST FLOQK. Etiivrd aena-din to set uf (Uaurreas m tbe year 1". br aoaaia heHSUktw, lo (be tli nt a -. . . ti ... .. .. i eioua t. ift iti.trtc. ejouri mm to. t. tuau-a. tut tba Mitbiia Diatntit ot AlaOaiaa. noKKii Btun.4itir, -' a- 0 I 1T I C I'ATST OF BERLIK, PRCSSI A. 'Blf"wturi;iaW feriag tieaa weak aad detaeave etgbt, sua bAjiiAt: rUaLL "S. rwTf RtO ACC0nirf TO ACT Of CONUHr tt Ih) THE VEAMIMtttthfV pit M. HEHfiMAfXU . tri Tttf CA t UW I Of i ICC OT Ttf y OlTlCT COUHI Of Tr UMITtO fcTAII-OF TMtS LAdTt UN OH'HiCT Of jj" ftfoMtir LVAMiA. j( AND tif-? v CRYSTAL - T ft A OS MARK, t GLASS SPECTACLES, Superior In any other fat ate eonetraeted tn ao oordauee witb tbe aetrooe and ptuleieopby ef aa tare, ta ma yecmiar nam ut . . A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLITIjlB, IV - ' Admbahly adapted to tbe errana of elftbt, aad perfectly natoral to tbe eye, aUordinif eitusvther tne Beet artincuu aeip te IB baa.au viatoa evta bivul4Mt. l ead obly by ' , ItlOKRIS bekxuabdt, : ; SPECTACLE OPTICAL MAKUFAOTyUE. THE ADVAKTAGE8 ol thfwt BpecUorM wier tuotrier ut - ftlT aVtlJ iaMlpTth of UUD .t OfM Ml til, KlViftg MM umt4HAiof( cit)trtt ml vtatioa, Dr cvidi or fcu) otlr avriifitaiU iight oumfurt to ib apuotacW 9mnt bithario nu known. H. sHo-f twlrct lB4Wt. ft AMNlr pruff4HmU guidavucfl vru wbni ft vootj article in vm rd. lr. it nihtnlt riyt only hum the ImmH 01bm tbat Mil b fouiifs In tbm msvrkdti, bat erfu y KtuniaM Lbe ym of bi ptw ftud fthS IUtJlHMMAaVbrW) tWVlO 4U a lb pWytt -MKJitOll Ul ItietaV. 9. WafiiafffrM whttr fnltllirtiili tiiMrUouo( wvbrtfXit liKbt, BMirb a ia n d cud frotn tit dow, iitinnj wethr, wbtiw tfv-r, mini m rvBuiiuir, wiimig or twaig.or wivitl otiloriHt abdlfw; UiftwW IttlMeia, bf H'at-LULi tU Ft TO 1-lie.MW ft moml tu&ix)iti mulm tud giT Rrwt reiif. 4. V BaTWa? f Ift aatW Mir4.llatf fttl Vijot4Hl teyvrj cad(rfdft ciiT iht with nit- rriuff asvorftcy. vbrtbrBniuc frttru w. irifi. orerwcMk. ur rvtutar ost by Irr JjTubavrtlt on ft nw ftod ttxavow pnuoiijie, Hrirl ba own, wnica dm aeiaoDi lauira vo o eurrt ou ft, il fit v m vrral ytin lic irtf lie?, ftdjeUiHlIT arpoefchekw U DaUMkllU aaUiittT fTVCJ It wt uf iaWfeutiv tuvu, m wliMxperianM! iii avn xtoiMiv luLg oataib.ubttd bniai m hu ('ptt eaU btajrna, butb ber auii in k.int l)r. lit rn havriit eotuitier it ft nufticicni j.4rtite of tit. ftbtiilj to suppl aatib g.aViHrca m are best oalcula M tur tba atuabuica ut uniHtlwji, muhL . 91. Brfcarlt, tm alaa.a.ltw bitWM-li frthta itt bot of (frtoa r u taa prutriak-H witb pnua auoiutu ir UMiMtHiau. tttptvm of tiiiAH uuUa ha baa rtaooivtM trm luedt ai tr.oull dk o ol tba BHat oufiu loiiabia npfccubihly aod taleut Ut Am&rU ; aiejoft ManiWoro rubra; froaa wtll know a uttoina ot diatiiiotion wtio bin ni fan rOv4 tli oriK'Ufci rf ail wbu-h faa will b happj lo abow to tboaa who nay roqvoat it. Tli u3 of any of tb fujlvwiu iiaruta ur ottiuti oata breqiilo affiKtSi. without aa aHual doiih a- .Ion of tb aanto, w-uuid ba ft furhft-ry, a tmpitaJ uflma, paaaasbaalita by Waaf sfwpti"HWiMriif; Tmi.atwf af Mmmmvm4tlmmm ft mm HfKlioai UMitlemexu !rolaaora of tba hltfiiat rptbabttis laittui la Kakib, H, C, and ia ib UuHaa - Kalrlah, Amu . IMI. t hftT cart fully exatuinod 'rvC ilruliarutR Hfiaelea, and tmk Kt-aat pfeaaura ia rxD3. rn'-ndiug liim to ihfkskp wba bftVV'ft dt:f(cliva Tiajuio, can ba made to tfea tuorrcifarly aud iba tioctry bV thft tt tfa ha woudwriu! akiii ib tbia rwopwC Tua piir ba- baaaupp ied aa vitb are ol Brazilian Pebble, of Wwi ium nor qoaiity and euwlk. ttuiab. fbvy aiiaislr in iu awa bow to road, or writo, ai tb ord nin focal diawibaMaS aa elearly and diHtinvily aa 1 iii1 twauty ywia"tajrt. 4wy cfaaiiutr tn t tjptr aiony brrtb Lo tha lVof'aaora akill audio tit "Wvudarrta protartwa f bia jrlaa.' JiiAH. Jt..JUiLaOX, Jtt. RaleicBi. Pi. 4;.. Amm. .4 !. I take jrrtrat pleMtira in aayijig Uiat tbe liltaara I hava obaan-4iijd wa now tni!it:j frirta tr M. iv-rubart ar iu n. a aounnj of grr alr eontftitt Thau any 1 bava preTiouaiy B U ; my own r x,1 rienoa lully atimnfc tliC U stt ruo4iii4 ts-4 Jnoa and efsajiuetiaitoo wit tcb b Umm raceirod from fftratteotea mi actwave aud iit(U oUaracaer. ib vartoo part o mat country. i VtM. Q, HILL, M. n. Kalri,!.,). CAa 4. Z bvka pleawur iu aiatin tbb4 i bare euuuod tha git of tH. ik-rtibarti', OfiuiMi and iriti cisva, aud Uiioktby ar of tb txxti BuaWial and oofiiftraoied oa aciutiiic (iriutnpitta, X wuuid ai vwe Ummm in nad of xiawaoa to ca't oa buu. . l uAi It CM Hi. I). IWwrir Brharii caJlwti al my btmao and T- i'V k V 1.-, 14 i v j t a a.( e ol H T, f . , 1 1 .f otl. qiiamy told wnf kuiti(tliii. I tahe pl aiir m Mril that lb a?laHr4 I rtirt-rfnliv I'ltuini tHl tnernto llioite who nnte I.. j t ' " ' Tf IT M, K ry, Y TV ' j sralr.ah, w, lilt. Aftnr an attehtlv aa.wittahti rt tieM.ri,n lEittit" in itie- t"v.H-u ih lrr. M . Imi mier It.. aeeowilMtultiti ..th bia etiil.uitna of l.ln ntmlt. of ........u. tni tiling mt II... u it IteriT. ..ot. bia aenteiati-et. I e - H w t . 11 p . ' ' ' r- -.Trrryx-.. Stale tub, Awa ti, ISO. Pr. a. Pruhanit, Oi-o iki n. 0.tKn, ba. fllte-d mp ... h a air of Mtn-Arif. .nimrifir to ant artn-le of the kind 1 eee-y bit-ti Itt-i-M. Tbe enttr-rntl ia Auxtrainwi 1'rv.tal, tf . .iiajitr etf I. ...I. Hil.n. ....... ..t .V....' . m to aad wuiawitb mm-a'asm. u 1 .ml a antwin Kir, Ii wtiwai ,n - ..... to.tw ai-t. I i rui.j t-' V t ;. crrat !..!. in r.i..m. i u,. .i-H-s-i a. 5T.---'-?-Tif-UB i Imoivj !. a.a LAe i. It. i. , i . LUPreeXl)avidaB i.Mt,.Q. taMik, AaS. t, I baa. It riea aae laur. to bear witneae to tbe ei. ttaotiititary vUu. attd 4.ip!leoee cd tbe gieaeae prepartid aaa tto.nd by f rut. iitirbbarat. 1 . U.UM wue ad aruacMt aid tue tbir vuoua b wul be a ib. bibawt eervK. t at. ATAISSOH. fufar of us Fniuoa laaiii, lata af Nttr.b l aMliaa, e-aiojt.rivs ttr'tamajiT. BabMi b. Itict as. Ii. 1 bare auaiim a uttaa uuutbar at the i -rWilMi 1 1 tt a da ...d witb HI f ..nn . u tljir au lienor ax i.eiiHi. f .r uur of tJ aut and M aa periHct y ae I eeuld ta my roe lb. Tb.y ar. tbe. Uwt I evwr mmkI. aod 1 tittaralur iieHiiid Una to Tfteyaatiooaf te tb. publie. JiiMlUi ui.lll, i ' ,' r- . torfbuf ul fhttrlbsruitua. . taa .r w.arb farallaa, liatTiTii irreeT.KT. Sir f batM btatta a fuil ab. ..i ..iut..i rJ the Blptbt a procured (roiu you, and 1 bare ibe pivaaui . w aaa 'tbat tb. Rm ar. better a.tti . imI t.tmy .yea tUaa any I bae. .v aaed- 'la i tatSiuy'wtib .tiii'h HB tHtwd tb. r'aeatie to my , ftrratalmt avwauiaM evme"j ytfar .4abttUc .kill ib optuia aod your Uturoagb e&pe ruutie a au Oecau a. ...... ......... 1 our atiaiuittut. ia yonr profi.aaioa entitle yoa autb. ettuB.lttbv., pati uatas. aod aratiiuue ot tba PUbtMb,CM.b.AJMla UM? MUiltVff,.t! tffi. ,.; ...:..:., . t...i.,.,itiylliayiaaillr-tm JAaibaL OUR. Ouvernorof btwik Cuuliua, Fruf. Moaaia rluaaAser, Cbariewtou, a. C. " Wllatlw.taa, Marek II, IbdaS. 'i-)?'lpiatlt'wt a amuliae tit rrijftnaiw kwu .j.. bardt'a OlaaMuaabd am bo. aUit a pair of tbaua, " aud iaka ptMaar. tb Uttui v n.r tbat ibey eoabia at. u Mte beur tbau any oibra tbat 1 bav ; . eaad. wbii. tb but olltHiuoo ibr awa ba ba aum. aoatUiu Sj remetly any kind of Ot. (aot la vuuuo. iuujtAB aiaiahoa, kllbop uf borUt Caruuoa. Npvlll., A aril T laav. Tb.d.aVreao.btwMiir borabarot auu atot Otitteiao. la, aeeuedutf w my atMwrvauuw, tbat bit. tbey pretvbd to mora ibaa tb.y know, b Sauw awe aa baa bentnra. tbaa be profoaMo. "L7 i V,C:,7 W. A. By Uu, M. K. -.i Teatimoniala eimilar So tb above ay b eaaa) at tir. bertibardt a omaa, fruea lite attMt raliabt aad weal-kJtewb ituaaaii u lb. Lauttd -'- aaviog w burner, l - i t . . . i Uoauno fcaie .ua, Ooveraor of If ew Iwrk.' ' OniLB BUUlitt iUOkt A M. TU If K, CONSL'LTATioji FR, . ' W. Owla a. 'eats.geaweala ! ' wbera, lr. tt.rwkardl will b. .bi ba rv- - r-- EMPLOY MJ FF.DLAR8t:' t!f7-tf. " DBY GOODS. .E1V I'IKJI I DEW ITOHK1 f AND r . . It NEW GOODS!! , CaXIXEY, BV.l'Ma CO, ,1 i f econd to None la Low Piicfs, 1 frTUKB Rn-at pleaeure ia etutoaonne; to tba 4-1 I'aliH thai ih. batw jim opaa.d, ta W. H. Ilolktauui'a sew buinlnt.. looruw. boaik. .i.i. ktukl Hquare aad fa.rMt.vuie OUMtJ a au aad Bell eeitcted BUMS of Orf CIsmmIs, rhoUoaia, CilklnT, t:'i Aloxti mm a bora, .' 1 i - . llau anel Caps. ) 1"0 bav aparat debaiiaaaak bt wbkeh tber bv aie awaartiaeBt uf . . , , CofTr, ftiignrs, -- - Ckreac, 4 rrr-lerra, l't'prr, Allleei, ' , Kitre talncer, Rlatrrli, ' . CatpiMrrais Hsttr, s "'' Edtrol, Molataae, And atirb thintte a baloug Is a Reunral Grocery, luelii.lii.S Coiuia BaKKiiiK. Tit and bop Cro. k ry. Wood and w iliuw ia, Uaidwarti. Aa.aml. reapeetlully Iniile our numentua trieuaa abj lb l"ubue to call anil examine our Htnek. Baleinh, N. C, Bept Hvtf ; ' FOH 1809.' ' ' NEW (GOODS!' a iioi'se ciioik fill it "Vat': . (4rf,Jl ireecli's! yTEOLESAXB ft SETAIt MALES i AH BD4 1)UXSXIC DKY GOODS. WIDB AWAKE IIOTJHKI F0WM BTATrm FTJLL: VT BTAlue, FIH.L; lihHFl.VEs FULL I 1-iLkltll.N TIIK CtHN fe.R: PU.K0 ON 'litis kM ain in abttit-e fHB BOUKK ., . . : - COUE Tf CR CLtll'At t- PIIESU GOODBI BKKSM oneirtHi t .t kobuy' ' 8l,i ' fretty , ebeae ebousb FEE5C11 KE2IS0EV In wbleb I reonfrntae noooniptitttioa. a. thty wMl be eold JuM ae cbe p aa tbe, wura wtioii t'oiiiio aa t Ctuia per ib. and Biooer euiuvaleui to (utd. . , . ' . . . ALWtYS COMB TO rp.EERH-8 lo bev HEKI. MO DKEiHKi for my mouoy la aa nimd'ae ai.y- ' kotty'e ; 1 bongbt thm ae ehoepee aBrtmir, and 1 intend to aril a cheap ae any body. 'Tbat toe way to talk it. . eoooa fob MXa:m hots' WlTt7 StKh a Keutuoky.Jeana. Twee.le, Satibeu and laniuurua. No twiur atwttriuieat ur irlnr variety ib o,J ci'v. Iu fiwi, I bar MtouKb b k.p the bora tbe yoatlia, tbe young meo and the old ifiitit mm., all warta u.p ta at Creeo end awa as tlrrm betur yam by, EATS I HATS I HATS f Tot Ocnt a, boya aad 1'hildr.o.. Poll oa yoar o!4 . aumnifir hat ; it'a too late to wear it .... j an a . M thHKt-d. 1 fact, new hat lo.t a twit, auy k . t all at Crm.n'a euruer aud eaaiuib, ev fore yoa boy a aew Hat. Hixoxasi,, aiiiOEt" , Oo aawMMt the uvrir"t aud ImmI aMnrtmeau. ia tbeCiiy tome pull i ll yoar eiVl ahoew, throw away thnw that tre wora eut, and put oo a aew patr. bep- yoar feat dry, anil ,iriTve yimr aaiih; Aiwaya come toeroe-e-n m itciurr joa U Latil.-T aiiiT Sslara' IIlir"XIaTVi Non-etnUtk Tlie elrle haaehanc ad. F ri a litka.4ifear.-iA-wwfc I I't .i Hp, jul -tLrtAVSb.1 Llalllk l t" aiti.tta. ..Lrfry.j:vuTs... P.neiti mnl) n j taim U5 ttP n -h f mt. enotit;), ; M .Vr..-.,,.s , lilt I II .p. .1. It .... . ilo . a Jt at Ctfb le-lore yea buy. ' j 4'LOtliS AIIIIH t..A Tine ! Atf IrornaV " -1 . ... -Ifnw ftiT h fliiol yoe'had !nt ae wen tb a . " w... t.Hir nioto e ; n '""i" ' h in- noi.w. ,ijTTiirt titn.i. alio Tift io, ..kunti-u. io. trou.111. ot my aaite-Uittie. 1 haee more to wty to yna, bnt wiU U.il yiS U e balance at toy p.ae-e ol buaiueaa. A. CREECH"----- eept St-Jlf - Tn ( Awarl. M f KTI Wfl OF the Mfortt4Teof the feru ttin.rtne- ... t )..:.) ,t K 1 u-l-rm- - i- ,-.- V. a tU. 4A t-.ei izt t ': " ' "r V - ' ' . " l 'v"Vt Ai K Eiltigh, e t d3r' i. ' ' beor.oirV,

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