t.....:-rrr Tin: SENTINEL JCilAH TCESEE.Jr,, iriToa. .-Dir. Mo vt: HBF.lt ks. !; "f &iUeii.U 1 IX 3 lilt AAA A IS. tbiata t North Cartlle. A f raaatBort ft'' " ' j ..w,. .. u -4 ' - . - ... r , .. . , j-sa - wm made to Covtf np end ktep eoixealisd ft li4.i "wbii- ievt rJ perpetrated ' ypoo tb profi4"1' BUe,aMjsr Orahtm'i reeolutiqrii, 'ce'iliog i 1 Coro tiii'.tce to rfport Cpoa tbe conditio! of tb Wn.tr t JT, 0. Railroad Company bed bee " m tb 'i?t4l tardaf-wt ' dyy-"Mft- ' , Rri tat bad introduced bill repairing the ', fWdeuu of all Railroad Copoic, bev 4' lag Wodi, or money Altai og from tbt talc ol 5 U boedt, lo make quarterly report - to bl Treaeurer of lb Stita. Mr. Velker ed Introduced Mtoliitka VylaUvt IB tba '' tale of boada made by thd Weatera K. 0. Fkilrotd, Md eoliisf for Ccmmltto of UtittigsUoa. Tb-M (bio ''ptr lock leg to lUt -nvrrngMloflT t-ttr fMlr-td-lTe tU coanitud lb Witt N. C. Rail road. vr til Bod tptcikl ordn lor Toe- it j. Mi. Crbo' rolulloa m first, Mr. Wl k1 m Mctfid, Md Mr. JUtput'i wot tbird. It tb ordtr i InirodoctiM Tbt rI of Iko kaou it tiut blllt klJ b ukta tp U tbo order ia BBi$o Ovj r 40 1 rod : . J f r Tbt Clork, r tbt kow.f r tbtrt ipt- .Vil orika BuirU- bt fta Jtodiag Mf. lUtput! (lit, lti!d (if 50. 1, Mr. Ofho' rotolutlu. Mr. Ombom obock BitUd tbW moT by itliicf t ijon'ion ol ntdor, tbol Ka 1, tbould bt fira rood, thU -wu io ruitd toy ttit Chlt. - M'Srlt thi mn going o, LiMaIJ, tbt "Ring tfutof," witl tk G tht MtttatriDg of At Iliog," Bt tttadiag ia tht lobby togagtd , 4tt trpt confafMiltrnf Viitot Barriagir, A Utc Coda CoaiaiU4u, Wattlao Bt haad. ,. Hrtiator Loitrr,olklidatankHety,r(r rrd a W!l itippoied to bt drtva by Victor, of : ti t Ct da, it tba toggrtlk o. LiiUctdd - 4 tht ring. ' " " "" ' . . ' Tit bill bald bt aalltd tbt blrpilif puat ; It would aot bt parUaattaUry ia at to tay wbora, la oar jadgsaat, tbt tatbor Bad aviref el Hit bll tbould itnd. 1 THa introrfuetioa el a bill with tuck prixuioBt wat a aiaalcrly soft. It ibewld tw tatltlnl MB bill t pfntect Llttlfflcld kud , tbt rii'g, tod to prorid a lit log tod top-' port lif carpet bag ItTtdtrt Bad Uiy tlrca oasiUlDg to work." ' ' Mr. Latutr taid oa lulioduclag tbt bill that o'bar bill Intiodacrd oa tbla aulijoct ' wwt turf aofflcltintlj eomprtbatiiitr; bicb ruu)J anrt fully mablt tbt loVMtlgitiag tmnmlltat to conduct their tx0iniHooi arith tborovk acttajnty ind In ftlfo , tiT h nav to rrf ont." ; With tbll do okratioa of boaatt hi tint bt Introdnord a bill, dfffing froai tba otber thru la bo rpaet, trpt thii, it allow! tbt "iaaU lring of titt rio" to t poiat tba ronailt- tot of CABinla!oar, It lomtigitt till , tiau liof tbl ring, and glrio Ibi m antil Mil jar Id maka thlr report. Ym, tht GuVrta , tba Ulkiog la lUa lobby with ;'tbl mia ttbargfd with frmdjWia to ippobt - lid committoa to Invulignlt bi fraadi, ad girt tbt eonomlttet a aalarlad clerk, vhoaa pay iboold eot ttcerd Srt doll art par day, and tbt committal to report awiy . jooiUr lo 1870 j and Bot aatll tbcat'tbt middle of that year. By that tlmi tbert will tcareety bt a dollar of tht boodi left to ,' wratig'i ibout "... , .' ' v. . Away with auch a bill ! It amella ol the FaoltrBtlary iwiodlt it amelli of tht ' eUniardutA tbt klldet enrthaat ; tt Imelli 'of tit I10,000 which Pikt tayt LltlUflald kaa tbla year by State printing. Let the L Uttlrfield and tht Rii'g h) charged tu b Latins ited 11,000,000 of boadi f iUyfttXrn P.- Rntioidta IH Florida traaaaetioai j ai Praaideat of tbit Road, bt bat ia hut pneket Million! of State bond U I) he can't till at 10 ceott la tbt dul iar. Tbe Ouveranr it iwarwof tbit Bileuee ol Siati bonda, tad ba Ulked to bil frieoda atoat it In KeW Tork, but frgnt to' nea tioa it la hit bomijti. r II. Remember, Liltli field hoagbt Senator Laaatler'i kildt Uod af f per acre, at Ijoyi eoreotiiaTi iwap koiree, "tight aa- Brew - LitlbBeld bad'awrar aaea tbt lead. III ItcttemlHr, Llultflc! bought the . dan.lt'.i Btwtptper. tf Gut. . IXoldea, at i.ggtLLJalIlB'lgrei aaJ all owulJ tot bare coat tin Ooreroor, w bea aew, , pinri tbaa S,000. Tjpt, preat lad all, counted by Llttltfield unfit Utr Bit, tad Ilea bora wna'.ly throws atldo for that wbi b 11 aew. IV. R. member, tbt Oovereor bat aiade I.itt fl..ia Slate printer, by which bt Biake 4100,000.. , ... : , ,.,.iip,iB4baX'pjtt4. Ml.Ja.aai4taV.JiBta , -.-.tjettfjj ti..Joiv IJfS&oMb. hajtctjaffle ; MViVtf 2;bft.tbt h a' t. ... .Vl RewMMBbof, L4t!iA!4 ..mm ftmnui jj tht Omni Jury of Wake fur et'in t . lifit tbe u a alurt i I "tnoner Mil w r r- a r 1 . . . km- .taai maan iaeiBi' ',t j r ttnent, adjourned tbt Cuart be J Ar . ... " Jttiift li bow eiecH ooeennp; wiia a Vlewto hr-.tt a canJiJatt far Cor(rret. - 1 ae lxn prtitMiied fi two vaara, led it la i f ? "-r.-.i n oc'urrtcoe tLet tbey art pro-(f-rxi even f'T troall arnoonta, and tbe t. . r-t' -r i ar of it. WW) area mo m.imiiwh 51 i e j-tiUB .tUWKJrXJwAJA, AaJ j iu, taeorrupticg tie BiemLert of A'teif bly, ku ButsUt yrt paid, lid the Govern or koowt it. . . V X. Rfmeoiber, LitilefiJ4 Gov eiaor A Prideat ot IU Weelere HA, ntd 'tl 6ier jr J eB jo tbe loW.v with km wbi lt,i Vict Laaeiter bill mature the Senate. II RaKmrier,' wt hivt M malice, we hive wutde to cbtrffte. bivt oaly luted fac't la ibo T1.U Toe-day Wit Bed day, e flay of abame la tb BerA'A ' art q 'toted at 25 ccatt U tht dollar, tod tal'irf every lir XIIL And ttira reinetnber, the Sea, by (be ir tl l,..t jf' t d A &BAKISQ AkQya Tilt BOS S3. ..A Pfol 4 tbt Utandmtd of WodOaday atorBiog UI eooTiaoa tboat afes art ia tot haUi ot r4lng that iWt, of two tfaleg rp etally j trat, tba iBara at a bow pel euployoi ia getting ap tbt editnrml ; isd, arcoB1T tbat tliitB it watlttebablB .of a "tcarW'' k tSa!kbg;iTiiaw ;. Wa aay, tbert it trtdewat of tbt treoi of a aaw Ba ia tbt odiloriala tber art But Piklab at all ; tt baat tht two, beaded rt epectiraly kParty Diaclpllaa," tod O gat iiaiioa Kocaaaart" Wa lf tber art Bet ttkafjkt; tbty Ic bit taweiBaaa Hdw TOBtttylt; baadattbey art deeply ftrif uA, a lawrtirt which Plkt profaaoat tolg- anr. aavikr aa laia it it eyi C mei. Wa v m BPtaoeiit rikt atoa v r . . . . ! . , ' pat tbt tost of tbete oditorlaJa, eapteial ly tbt oat about "party diacrpllni," ia wbat rtadort Ibeai avwa r markabb) tbaa tht arrW. Tbt writer baatOBBi tkfosUoa la tat Radical ranU ; biota tbai it U baeotaiiig atort aad atort apparaat rrery day ; that ditlDtegTati If g'llog on ia tbt pny that eiacttj aansot aback, and tbta tba write lilU th WBJAluf tfti0tlt.'t!f dirt ealamitioa ; tbt wbiplng tad bran ; tbifrowriBcd tcofh, "aad laal political daBBtl;oftll who dart uottloa) the parity, booii'y,, Udoai tad tttborlty ot Vupmry? - ' -' ' Tbt article of the BUminri la Uawly It tbt Intereot of eertila loaderi i their pollti cat bfaor d.ib it tbeaju-rpatirt lpolrd IB tht latae UoerUlt rstaaoret. U lUdi aal nambett ol tbt Laplala'uri (alter bow, eertaia aiea go by tba board-are daaa for forever. Tbt "ItiogeipcU trery avaa to do bii duty ; ft it no iwo tor-tybo-Wl4"!v,i!'f10 . . . MUr Mattlodale, Muore, of Oartarct. aeoca of ojneeicntintil templet tow ; tbert it Bo quarter to bt gltrea Ibom who art enaiiderad UgUt bb4 paid for, aboald ffaey faltvr ht tbi groat btttU la to bt foochl. WtaTTTTwleeT Biiy.1 tafa t&m regitrd to bit own reputatioo, tba honor of bia State, tht wtitfirt of bh) cbildrta tad ti t reiet of bit family aad frleadtl thtt tol.blog aew, tbt work of tbt Jling nun bt d ae.md aetry nsaa la tipealad ta1 enrol ap to tbtirratcb ; tad U he fail, bt la I tobt haadled wilUout gloeet, Ba4 tut oologna bottle will ba Ibrowa taldt. " Tht I port of thLfg!le'!r! procaodinga ef tht laat few dayt will fnroleb a doe to tbt oilaawflr the article of tht Standard, there era araiarH pead;tg Ulora that body oa which d' pend, not tbt welfWrt of tbt 8'a'i and peop'a, but tht lift aad lie teat of ths "Ring To carry tbert Beit area rrruirtt tht eaetiBot of political HI and tbit l t aaorifiot tbit aiea are tnclintd to all rink (ton. .Tbt meataiet alluded to are anpopatar, and faw nea who farer tbem will ever tj(iia reoeltrt favor fiom tbt peoplo. Many tnjjjnbetnif tht Jglalatart, cJjt.btJRepuWiaB partkaoW ihUjMid draw back, benot the utilttrliig of tbt laab la tbt gfaaJarw'. ' ' 1 ' t U Our finanaee art ia a drplor itile otmdi tloa our 8latt boLdi art at thirty five oratt la tht dollar, and falling every day tbert U aot 1 eqltlit la tht Banatry that would makt a petmaaeBt lavn'ment la theot Bt tea orati oa tba dMIar yrt the panpla art Used to pay iottreat oa tbeai ta it tbey were worth dollar for dollar, ThU ttaia of tbinga ia awing, la part, to ttroog uepicloa that tbt boodi ban btea fnada lontly aaed and BaieappHed. Nothing but a fair Invetlljjktloa f ia tetoOVI Ibtl lttipl doa, and jit, if baeat Brpuhlicaai tbow 1 dlpoailua fct , laror auob iavittigatkiB, they are tuld to beware, and called lore- heada tad (hrcalrnrd With political oitra- Certain purart art bt ba iccoBipliabed lor tbt brteflt of leading "Ring" men; which cannot bt aoccoiplitbed without t vU-leet and revolutionary prolongation of tbt term of tbt General Aneably a aovt Bieat wbtcb meeta tk ascoeditional eon- demcetloa of til right tbinklrg met of til partial bat it Burl bt dona at ill kasirdi, md wot bt to tht Brpablicu member cf tbt Legialtturt wba lt:taaUrmpt, boaor. Ih..i.j nafnnilam a'an,t la th. ... ! lot ordart ol tbt "higher powera He It a racrvtat, whlner tad a aoiker. All thU ranting aad tbreatcniag and coax ing of tbt XaJarA it well gadentood it bt all aadertWod by tboaa of Itt own party aa well aa by Iti'oj'pooenta. Whether tbt boneot Repcblicaa nemlwrtof tba Legitla turt will mrreoder tbelr eonvictloDt of rkhti W$T tbemwlvet to bt will pprd nl tb lraci..4o. Unir-.,. UaudrtWnt-l Iptenited !), ra, rmnir,i to IiW'tu' T1rf ' & terj the lrotocraiie forty aetd curt very tittle w ha esBlB tby pnautA Tbe P 1 ap It i will biilt tber tire, and wbea. tint timt com-e, let tbae "who tfjre aid end cinif"rt wrttie mea who ire tciieatmg Hwttter.ua tte fltk't lliit the Oppreaal vB t tbW pWiptt, imntbcn d ; the riidi'i of tht i e"i.U mar bf r. .cooi.in: A mil to tqaalttt tbt tUtae tfTeotei crime. A-irxM!? nixa Wi, we it Hi led that PioWwif Katirr, f Humt-nrsr, feti' CusatructeT I tptakinj? tiiacbiue, w i i b lit ten varii.ua ord, intwert tjnettlnni, and even inundate airleteottocei. Wt hope it iii;iXiJi4Atant(iir4do esiot. ever Hret um an iHtr tt , mMery, AUtJlU; 1 Tte lf-;ilalnre cl Sor'.liCarv::, er.SAiE. WtplOHit, If Jt h. Tbt Seoatc wn JUd t. or Un at 10 o'c'ock; - " . ,- - mmi r rrTkaav Mr. Cook, t'te O-mmltteo Jo'ticiary re ww at a aiih 'J-'-- rr tba bill to afflitb the Hperlaf ol a tfiy of Wiloiipt:"". P ar-fd on t 1ar Mr. gort, f irm Uie h-ii X oiitril'Jee to rtriae lb-ro ail rd. r. rrixr od Bower - cut ameadiiiKa'a, h c waa ordered to bt prioiM, ratfft liaiifth 'apocTat odr f tf moitow at II o'tlma. '. ' a- - - . ' . j -. . - BOTICt tyf BILL4. s. - Mr Biepheni of t Mil Ui 'ekkrtor t luil- Yeeeall tDaatllo, Va, T M rwroirw.-Bt bttt t ntw -rfWctKg trTB:(rfw alaoofibili to tal atrara littl(ol wbiekry,- ! " i Air Brail, of t bill -eoaxerpirg pBibte, Rugiatra.loa ol Deedt asd outer intra BMota, i!k ol 1 bill ralatirg to aaaofd towa Ion aad othet Public prop, r' 7. ' Mr. Br rte,ofi bill to protect tbt Sheriff at certait Cuontiea. .r "- - IwVBOBeOVIOtJ O BltMr-vrrii..v.., - By I. A.'Hyt.ao, (ool.) A bill t amend aa art to ralteTrveniM, by I'riking out ia tba IS net tea, il .er tba wor.li "aad tliall be paid bb rwaeiviog tbt lioaiia," tbt word "aad aball ia BO' iattatvw bt leaetbaeVa dollart" Hokrrtd to tba Coaaoutu't Co rtnaarw.'' '' J . t B tSt: Rtipalt, A Wit to "reptal"!) act la reiett" to tbe fkiperW Oenrt lo-l- Krtarred to tba Owsaiillcena Uie Jadlciary. . By Mr. Joewtot Mike, A Mil tot tot ra lioi fllHt. lUy. fetaeeoMg.f W.W - iTapiniui.iu Hiui-ra wubm tiirea'eujba 01 Silver litil, Dav.dana eountv. Referred to tbt CommUtee oa Propoaiilotf aad GrUvt ocf. ' , ,' . , By Mr. Sboffotr : A bill from the Ci.de Ooeamiiaioa to teMod Bod eoaaotidttttat everal acta rotating to tbt gooMaeaeot ot tbeCnlreraity. R- lrfnt to ike Caauailtoe oa KJaoatUa, , , 'r'tf . Br Mr. tuva k ralrl.B iaMrWtia tbt Itcntary o ttata to aapply tbe aVaata library tmeaed tttly with all opart of 4bt Ou4 4AH prMtoaAurav- Ad y UtL. 4. .1 By Jvll. II j man, euiuttdi A ra.ilutloa r. q Jelting Jbi Rtpraaentativft of tbtiStatt ia Congieai to Halt tboraatlTet to ttcure t Iwaa oleha wulliM a dUtr to ratitva the poor of tht StatiwUo art noabia lo TSUr- cbwet'trotnotraaili'trj'overr- - tbi no atiDiaa of bilm, . Bill V eotitt pdjU ant nileage ot tbe offiocn aod otriBbert ol the General Ae aeubry Ibaaajut at that alluaati tbem tbt twopreceodingi'MioB.' Paaad. rf Tbii. Mewil. Btllam', Barn. Bllbe, Cook, Pavkt, UIS cotred, ura bot, Q loway.eohinnl, UaTea, llarrtnttaw, My Moore, f Taticcr and rJtrnlieoi 17 Jlirt M.aara. Beall. Jkocdea. Qrahaa. Joatt, of Merkliobara;, Uadaay, Lnew, ban, MaeBB.Mi'ehor, Murphy, Rub'ilna, Hco't, WW a Wlpea4 iBd Wiltrm-lJ. .BiU lo further protret tht Intereati of tba Slate ia the leeerai Railroailat (Tbaa bill providri that iht offlcert ot tba aeveral lt'Ji mail aiikt lull rrpt.ru ol their traaav attt'iM qurierlr. Paawad-a-teat t?. Ba7. - TBeaa voting la the axfitivt wort Meaera, Bclbmv, Barm, Davit, Ei'Pet. colornl. Oal- l"iy. Bolorad, Barriiigtpd Motirt, f ; . 1 ; ., , CALBBDAB. . Bill BJ iaie(lctMo m, title ii chap tar lint tbe Code of Cfvil Proredura, Pati'd tu aeoond ruadio(C " i 11 U to abolUh the tperial Court of WM aaingtoa, sod t tolietlii'i far (lit aanit from tbt Cnmmiiuw oa tba Judiciary. (Tbi U't'ltuii prtipoeat to atbull.h auartor e, nam tad makt tbem rbulf, KnZi ita jeria5 dioUnatothe eitv. iet the i.larv (.1 tba J a 'I ire at 11,000 ag. tuatwea fara, ta Ilea of te.wy, iwnwt 11a lir latin: lot to at to IB ludt patty Uo eny. tbt Manball ot tht ciir tu bt bb riff of lb Court, aad tbe Clerk of tba Omrt la ta be kpooionad 4y me major ana AkK-raaaa Mel t Murphy, R-.tbu., Graham, Liad aay aod Junevt. Mwkleatirfe;, oppotMt h auHMwww, ana nrsrwt me ertopttoaof tht orle nil bill u clawbiof Wilmlnaton and ol Aew Hanover acanty deeiiad that tbe Conn iboulrt be -aexittatrart,' they Wi-re anxUim tocowply with the wlbtt of tht peonlt who were lntereited ia the nutter aaa wno KM mae tympl.uit W 4fci Oea-f eral Aicmbly ia a pelttloa aumeroaar- llaaad,' 1 u s 4 i a t 1 . -1 A. II. Gallowav, aobwedi wit ia favor of abmitUiig the juaii.ia to, tht paoplt ol vriimingwa..,.. Mr. Brds b-a .varad thlVlottieo i ie luletitate. , Peadlrg ita ontiderUoa ;-tb hour for the tpeoiai order arrived, , . BTitcm, objwb. .... . .. j. BiH toW-etrtrtled air wctttr torttlffita; .tl .1 n -. . 0 ioe anaira 01 tin naiiroii ijjq)oul a-m inafter aamd. Thii biU eatberiue Mr ejreeeraer-ae wppefal a vommiral'ia ot vt mrmbert to make aaid Ilv itigtioo. fuch iavetrtifetloa ihill Inrfude the torrind of iiraeainot intmnarol May, enl.i r. rirt to lit Biaili to ih Qotintr t lore ltt day el Augtm, 18T, and ilull turBiik the tame to the mH aaw.A lit OtttnJL At imbly, laid C muitwioa u rnpowrrrd to employ covucll, whoihaU me re eina atioa tot rx, coding Jfrf kiutdrtd eUtort, aaid Commiaaioa it la a ive tl per day, together with ill ai-taal ttpn ut lorarrrd rr mileage or eth.TwUe, in fhf tear rem Metiept I A OreMHaawa, aaid iVmaalaMoB ia lutboritod le m,,U a C'a a. a aw dun tu it netted 15 ur tVie ; and a .id CommiMiuB itiutborixed tottud for 'per vo vmr mug; anu tail 1 l&JSK3a3mmm Thii bill Wat dittineed at hairth, - -Mr. Etberblee moved tu funlu r e.tiJ- ra'loa be pnttjionrd until the 14 of Decem ber. Peadiag ill aoaatdn'iU.iB the Senate Btljourntd aatil to-mnrrow , morning at 0 ''M ilO.i l 4 it t i i H01T8E OP REPRESKXTATIVES. Hi.uae met purtoaat to kdjnurnmtnt.. LI Lavi of BbiteBce graated M tart. Nitbol- aqu, and ftriyn,,,.. oktrTteuef bmB BtMBs-" JUJifcJcfirJMJl jtjtJjilkiBi 1 um iuhw were au-p'nut-u ana the rttola tioa tdoprnrl. ty Juo, Willnmaoa, colored j A reeola -"TtTrnstif;i --Cr,lBlfiSTr"SWtBg" IS En tbi tU rfgrttts? poll Ut. Liri orr, all,-ru,- ftttw x ilee evet. ..... B.r.ifc.Tfsft ttmiJtttjgMBi wwfrAmawjmmmmm Sua tint iir re.aiettng D a ll. RiwrMl, i! Mr. Nicholwin: A bill to tqaaltxt tht imaieouBiira. neierrt I By Mr. Painter: A bill to iincnd tht Bet A'AcvAuigaiu-BaatorAJIunipikA - Jlnd.-r t, if, u rrr. Brr'"l rniindiiced the f..t(. wing bill fnr"rin tu.Utig ' ii.a BU'e'a iri rrt-a in tbe N, C. II R. and A.4K.CR R. Thl ttroeral Awtmt It of floitb tATo.'iai . - tW'tett bat Trewiwrrw ,JSitfUXAdiAitfe (Md to ru' lor aaU ia tba ft.uuUr ani ttMlmti, tta .tf Turk H Jrui, aaJ Trimtu Uia touia ioteroU of tba CHa'a ia tba Worth Carohoa R. K , aid tba Atlantic and Kortb Car.OUa K K. k rJc god : That aud nablicatimit tball i be lor trated pronoaala parable ia 'Nardil t-- -I f-aeolioa- bua.fa, Wnnf dan- prior totko I tbaVlat dai of Mar A. 1. ItMSI. taid propoaala to ha opened aad eiaouaed ta tba IA day o'. Jidomt A. I. 1970. 'bee. $td : 1 bat tba aaid Trr, If bt doan it tidtet, after eataiojly eiarail- 1 li.if aaid prrLHl. aball bin tall power ana autBontr to at II bb4 coarer M tni 'ftf-W Milder tha ea'ire latewtt vt tbt Biata ta tho aaid Itailrvadi, aaid ooaTeyaact ta be tobject to tba approral of tbiGeaeral avorwMHy. -r . r -- - - -- Tbt btlt wu ordered to bt priatatl Bad aiawTBeff riarr,Ti n5rirnrTW-Hrtriry: Tbne. gjkoa (rot prewntd - perWou bWWkkW - -- 1 Mr. McCaalaet-A bill ta htow om Juttoa .f tbt Peaoa far tbf Iowa of IHo- eT, Kelerred; . - 9 Mr. Juatuir A rtaolutio ooaeeroiag ibe Marioa aad A'abtrtU lorvpikt Boad. frtwred. , .,...., BrCuflMaTd.feoL) A roaolaiioa ia regard to fcoblie biebwiyi, Mlllt aid Cimrioartba wn eoeed 4ttria tba WAT- ReArred, ,' ' ' .. :,f tariiittai tarBte.r , Tbt naolutioa aaiB4aioJo tbt honor and good faith ot tba. Stale 18 regard to the Pe4ic IXbt 3 ' ' Tbt qsaataoa being Bpoa-Mr. aVymour'a tall lor tbt praviout 4iioa, ahith waa pending wbea tbt liuuat ar journed ytiter : Tat call wat taataioed. 1 ..... . Mr. Ei U wu aikiwed bt withdraw bil .gOTtta.,;.;..;:..li . . . Tbt quSaffoo recurnd ipn wrT3njrtmtrxribwmrtm kam aweadmeat, (pubhabel yeeteirliy ) : Tbt itat aad aiya bt-ing called, rtmlted a the ftlbiwlng ballott. Tba Metiri.' Argo, Arottroax, Ah worth. Sinner, Biraait, Barnm, Blair, Bod die, CJaytoa, ParliDairidaao Durbajn, Cllia,.arrow rrbae, Oatlmg. -Gilbert, Greet, drier, Uarria if 'ranklta, ilawkiM, HendrK ka, Ukki, HIKh, Hodgln, tJodnttt, ftfr4lI, Horiry, Bumpbriet, artie, Jut i.'cf tfenderaoa, Kelly, ot Davie, KUary, Long, ol Chatham, Maloea, Maibeaos, Me Miliio, ; Hendaahatl, Muora, W Alamanct, Kicholaoa, Palotr, Paikar, Bea, Kouinaoa, Shiver, blrgiiat. Smith of Allrgbaay, L A .-.J Sattth.ol Marda, Hoi lb, of Wijae, Snlpea, rweat, tyke, Tkoapeoa, Vaaral. Welch, Wmtley, Willie, Heraetv WilaoBT 19. i K, .1.1(1, - Nati Miain, Caa ller, Ctrion. X arev, rawihora, Cherry Crawtoril.Dixoa, Eaglet, Fotkoer, Poater, Uabagaa, Orabim, Ounier, liar il, or Wake, llinoaot, Uiidif Ugi.lBf ram, Jiiatlca, of Butheifird, Kelly, ot Moore, La St a, Letry, MvCaolat, BJorrill, Mm tit, earoa, Puu. iTica, Priotor; Rao- Iruw, Robbioi, 6eym"ur, Sinclair, Simondi, Stanton, Btnena, . Y eat, WkHe, i'tkla, vv illiamaoa. 4U ' Tbe quealioB scarring Buott Mr. Poa1! eobetlteie, (publiat ed before) -wtnch waa put to a vote tad eeetct ... . The aaertioa waa tbaa epna tbe naulaa ripa aa ameaaea, wtiea, Mr. varbam taid that be wat aa Bwet) jp exd to repudia- noa aa anr oae, not l a lt4 Mae tntrp rluetbia of tl.it reenlutioa aa verr anfur- ronata. He waa pmftcty Witling to vott lor a well guarded blU tsaiotiuilnaT tbt crran t tot Bteta, AIM aeemed tin direct rrj tiaal tbli wuuld ba rather la pradeot, ba aotW Mc aVimowr. waald tuber withdraw it or poatpoot for tow a. Mr. Bet moaf laid that ' tbe ' R. nablioaa party bad baaa whipped ia a tqaara fight Ut wowld vott agiiaal tba eiiie ta ill Bteam Bpa. ' - - -' : Alter aomerJebiti Mr. Scymonr Wat l- towta to witlidraw tbt reaolntloB. A aiemagt wtt aaratved troBi the Oiv truer it regard to tbt Waaler pivttlot f the Wattcfa M. 0. Railroad. r On mrtioa- of Mr. Rnbinioa 19 eopWa forj eaca mapiiMWwaa or arrtxi to be t.rioteil. . By 0. W. Price, colored : A bill to luloree latior area klrtiwarv Reftrred, By Cnirkd.epltrta t A bill io Aravebf 1, ,!... ,1, a- .. ' 11 r, : Br Bublilna. colored : A bill 10 nravant twvinv Mi rrMA.(k tt. 1 M W ReanlnttOB pt-'iiloelng Oosirreia to re. engniattht btUlgeraot flgblt ef . CaL4 lutcrrea. The reooiattoa firine'thi tr Ji,m of raemheri ot tbt Lagiilaart at Si. Ptetlit- ;. ,fflem T, Blerkt fS. doorkeaport U ('.' aamotifa at Mr.Btettnt.; mdoilnitalt Btevtna rndeflirlulr poerpooea. Tht revolution arklng Congnai to re move tht tpecial tax oa brandy, wat next taken np and diecaated, Mr, Vent moved Uincb finitely poatuoca Alter tomt d bate tit motim waa Tey-cted by a fum of j eat t, Hyt 77 The reoolu t Kit waa adopted attr being ' aniendrd la tome panicniarB. Rranlution inrnirtinir tbt Judlclarv enm- mtmt to rrport a but bo- tht relief of tht people, by taxing execution! oa old debit, wi takaa ap, and a motion el Mr. Potter la U finitely poitponed, ' . .-m. rt ; Reeolutioo railing a Committee to ex amine alleged fraud! fa tbe manipremtat of ne variout ttaiiroaa Doodt, latrodoced by ni, n rn;a. ryuiianeti neture Mr. Wtloh advocatrd tht milu'loa in I iprecb of tomt length, which wt will pub liah at aoon at wa eat makt room lor it. . Mr. Sinclair would eunoort the rtaolotinn li made general but thought the preteat reao:uiKio waa panaea in lt!lpirlt r tr junwi tueien aa amend merit : that w aunitma ia the voatia A ,k. twvaetiaattoa etiali eaieuei , S.JLIyJL' u!l . a p,mT " .7 Ff ..ib.iu ..a . T. Mr. Welch- aroep'etl the a meatlmeat. ' Mr. W. dirclalin-d any Intcn'ioaof be ing li flueaced bvpartiata molina. Ha had eoaviried with Rpjilicaa PreaidanU til Roadi and thty wera taxioui for tht iavae. tlgi'l 'n. r ' - f vf .-. ; Mr. Ingram movedla amend by i'r ikiag oat all liter tba wouf'apiiropriatione' and iniert ttt wordt "haw b.ia ludt , at anv time.1' I - , ' , Mr. Sinclair thotgiitthej1 bid better go back to the dayiof Auut. r " 1 W r; Weleo aeccpiHt t Ire ameridmf Bf. Mr. E ;ft ttfhjrrd' --trritftata irrrsmrrsit WilBn, Wt ker e3fsJwea.i isnu ara run Menuouaii, rarkef,8taa toa,' Wehh, Jarvn ind Dnrhim oftbi .Htireol all the HmJt. fTbe -Blu'unti. twin loiie one: wl Tie nulilih t L . Ml Wttki.k .aAc.AntA.lttiA,.aiik&il.M.- i-i ua tut ma u i jeaatnn ait Cal'eJaad raul'ii in tbe tolkwin,! bait rtrr, Bwaatti)c'e; KliMf , Uftlll,V4.N4i'v ma istrattlaiyBtoodyBiitwAlV ipowaa, mum 1, anwit, rearaua, Trietur : . t . t- .- , 1 Kavri -Meeara. A v-o. Armatmre. a,b worth, BtnntrEametl, Bifnri, BlaUjBj, die, Crl ar, tiwikro. C herry, vC'tay., Datria, D xwi, Piritam, Elite, EUinstoj Parrow, Perebee. PorkEor. UaUlns. Gibaoi Lliibtrt GitMB. fj r er. Li unlar. ikrjL ol Wr Bfwirti-a Hctirtcki ' Bkt--yiyB, Modeett. Mampiiriet, Ingrans, Jarvii, JmBna. of neo.leraoa, Joa tice. or Hutleiltirt, Ir, of I)avM, Ktly, ol Moore. Learr, Lung, ut C ba bam, of Riebnauail, Mi tine. Matfaeena, Mayo, McCBtiiw,.McKiiUa, Mndeoba't. Mnnag, atoore. rf Alamaace. .Nithola-a ralnt-r, Parker. Ptek. Poo. Ratflaod. Ren trow, RoL taa, itiaoMa, Maker, kueairial. Smith, Af AUeghaav, ftmtth, or Wavaa, fctrantoa, Sweat, Th wpwa, Veat, Wtlrh, White, Wbitley, Wi.kb-, Wil iama, ot BaraaU, Williame- a, Wila.B-77. , r Prtdieg lortber debate Br aaaatae;' Waa lac ifttt Irna the fceaate noooriCinlhj j'Mage .tutjBte fiir Hiuere'iB tua tuuciD the peevaWea. Tbe aubatt tata fixet the per alieat at the eeme at tbt twa laat teaaiont aad taeraliart the ieiae of ymium hereiutore paid oat by the- TrOM- Mr, Juatici moved to eonror. Alter HtHBt luitbaf debate lb Biotioa B'j mrned. . SW AD VT1ZMJIIS. JkOTICfO. HATING IXM-T CtbTlFICATS So. Sit, W atotk kt tbe kiortb t arulioa kUaiuat Oue ii,r. at aba est of M ean I wul apulr lot I d- amju-uo , .. luutiio. jusatcia. 1 40011, LIQUORS, w. - . . " LIQCOHS, I Rltl OS BiKD THE LAbOEeT iD keel eortet ewiek u rare Ueuuee uatka Btaai aad whik I propoea to eatl at AueiAaew pnaai rroa ar rrwiaai, euaaa tae tea. I Mwtteta. l ,. a " 1 19 ewved aireettrom tae Piaheiy ew eoreiga aovlt-tf , B.P. WIIXIAMSOH. jj a. O 0 . ' - M SarraU "S. A-.takma Famil rkaat. to Liira - ae;aaj to aay Flow la tbia market, ia Stove tad be aa mia oa anippeea aaeoant. aavBi-it t ja.r. wniUiiwii ill Bmair Paok'uai ;"oT veryeholae Baltee. eoB vuaent aiaa aur laaamaa. B. t. WfJJJAMSOX. IAMB. ........... it nf awa Pveaafetbaet Ur,- - -t Tirenaa.i . - f BovK-tf B. P. WlLLUMBOIt. aisKiEa- tMtnie Ktwib rareJiaa Wauataaaaa Braauliaa eat iwan, tlaoailuam Wkeaaeantl kaeaae etner. Jt r. w UXIAMBOM. nova-tf , 11 ,,,),! 'f a , 1 I9POHTAKT XAKD SAIJB UCkrjaBTtouertlerererrrWrNft A m naaeetmuif, eaaui at rau.iena, itwa 1 rball tail at eWie aamlaaa, at aba Caaarl Howae dour la Om t4ty of Vaieieh, aVIl e'etoefe kt.,ea TkaraOav tae feird Bay of jlaeeaiker. lent, tka f 4kwui( treat ut Ua. tkw proverty ot -Uvorae H . Vaeitawit al Miua tba b4a ef iuOe (entte. Kauaam l-uut. naetf fuoi and 1 D BaaroiTaaL. lTin aad bb m Meaav Mtnt, aad ami lai nine ttti aorra, mure orleaa. ikia ian4 will ke wild m eeparaU traacarwr ta oBetraetfMjbeefettrwfrtBtaf aareato ataj if aala ieerat of eak CW. ' . JOBJT . SCHTIBO. ' TASPAKD. UISTOBT BY GEN. LEE. Ita&i.i a it jo li;'.jl Wtrk of ffatloaml mm4 arel'Ba- ent Ttlwt) , ' , ..Tu t-A 1.-;, miioiis or Tni'wiB, y Ry . Ota, KearyiLtti ' i ".i m-i-m . , f LWHT HORSE HARRY") Th..rongh'y JUvtaed Aan4 ABOotattd , "Tb ogji! kostBX lii.'" fl t rou. Beseaatat a aua aaaaaB, Lv,il mtaio, HO aaeea. with aew Keet Portrait, otdeet aaarr Laa, Daw. Itekert II Laa, aad Ua. Vaikanlel (Inane: Uraaliral Hiwd Ka a;rwviaa;a ol "Matiua ( rua.iu Uw P.aaa," aad tbe karreader ef OtrowailM Mapa ef tbe o( Ckarleatoa. B. C ; tke oiaea W lark tnwa, V.J tka Battle fcmfkt aeai 3aaUB ike Battle rf Owltord ; ike Batika d ktoOktfk'a Hul ; aad a eaatak af ttaw..JtarV Laa'a raai. Thta admlrabfa hlakarv of laoonarattaM af MiA Americaa Armlae danne tka Hevonnionar. i la tke BoatlMra Departmaot o taw United iftataa te tke etaiiderd work oa late ealet of wkirk It waaaa ( aaa taia avw aoiu m, matt, oomewd, aad aalarwed kv Om. Bete B. Lea, Ike dw uaeakilaew ana e tke awtknr. and ntdlkui hj al'tant Koiravtaaw. aid eriaiaal ktape aavev baliwa unbltalird, M a volaaia of IBw kuaM Valoe!nem-v fc.talliiretieparaoB. -- lUta Btetort aaa aaa laea aa tlaaa ut r rrlnl. ad beranae ot tu aoaaraev aa a kiat.j-.hr wat wtrBUBa aariuu atta taaa i era waa wa work to aoppij 11a utaoe. I wae mash eauhl far od I aew edition OVaiaoded. - It ia eelka tka a biertarieal work by k db. tttiral-aei aatbar kae tke ideantape ef a revawoa or eo 0iatii.eui.k d a aow, aad bote ef tfceaa awl amatj iwauaia m 14. a aaaae aaewaa or tae try. ..... 1 , . O-B. Iab veeelaaa a aaiaaa enrnmn eveti avaaiv corv o vaa,saoa MN.B. Sold ealv k eaa- Hill laafalatail'a Warn a at law antAfai 1 SI AS ' " - .-..: . Half (ialf t , Afoot for W,ke OoeaMf. The Booke are now ta Htnra, aaw eaa m kad 1 auj Urn, bead loeoj idilram apwa eaaeiite "SJv M f t1 . COOB. AS .OOtt. tS r BCt tH ON'Lt 0KSCISE IMra0Trj 0 BO ID I 6 OLD 'WATCH 1 8,': " MAKrPACTCHEB BT - ; THE 0K0IDI WATCH C03IP AIT. Tba- are all tba heat make. Rantln. r a.' na ; too aaa wear 11 kt f aad are qnal ia arpaaranea re tbe Wet paid Watekee ai-uallr evauai liau. AwiM ieare OaH i atra inira ma a, at Its BACMI. liTU iMit.'itl t llnu rrnvrn a.111 Orm.l Cmld Hue tne u. Pall iwn "d Lmn. awe eewal eetewt (rmt sn ; Hi t ana-a mti waiarKK. torn flK, f,lmm at t ft eu-n. itia. I) at,,, aa aaaa aa aVaiivery, enth aaa p.,.. w wprm aaa esamine oaroro paid foe. tna It as! atJaturi niHui, be MM ttt AiinMaenareaa. U onda tr.i. In mrnt aarfU aa hro ihlKrul I ... k a mm . .. . ,( b. . , . . . , , eilv.tue. frVA'111" Winn ftiB MUiNii klUSt'laif. HUD Hittm, ejltRtVAJt tto c-i ait,r-ttiwita sup I H 1 1 1 a ct Uum Bn,l aiM ... u . . . UWaid nnau. ir m IV to l i larlH-a ka. am w Bolt out pm Tvarfkma aa atke; a? - sua wa avuM Bane eedaeaaij lr Ttt K OROIDE WlTCITTg . .'S'wiaemBveeai, Hm talk ll!t MTTRriiY Jr t .-1 , m lWltt -rveamaai antJIdtue ana tu pT n m0f watldj : r-- . -wm. M AUKIM.rt..!. . .. rraaeaita. COMIJIXi: r INVESTMENT WITH INSlJIl w , ANCE IX THE 1 ' OP Kinv YOIIK. baAaa.axa.n.Mat.Xia.iLXVAI.I tu .T'r .. -' v ... aweeaaBrH'; I tWpeieBMa aavaajlaew ttaaHttat ttmtewttM J ' '''f '"- i-t , . It Baa ALWAVa areaw 11a, paaruwa tae kenrtt oTaveve tiMarmkia ImImm i t Bed tkerehiee keaa lund by .p.nit,a lo aaake itat oui aa tvoara ut pnAia ar aarpiae lo ke 1 All aormaa aaa Bal.nauia aad aitae awe aauaat pajaaaota CXRTApf CASH VAUI PAYABLE OS mSTBTXtt 18 CASH WVIDEDS ANJit'ALLY If CASH v. jtlaaaaaeaaew ka Be aeeteaior TO 1 Agewi tkraea'ttoai wt Sa OEItBRAL TBATE1XIKO AOENTf fOlte? ';-'i-U'. OCM.L.S.BAKEK, 1 ; i-t-. rr -j.wt-wt.. . I IA.t-J-a4-J-fr--4 ; Martin &Finch; tl CMwratl Af ets A. P. BKTAZf, BawaiU AgeaA forjHaJelgh, R. C. Ma Mam upward MjrD ojr WHY , IS IT BEST 'i' !.o ' J J A t jf j raff;: BECAUSE r-l AMOXb. OTHKB EIAS0S3. it T Hj I T' bT T (DW A warVnia kilt w w are a w- w-a avAABiA' niAiu wiucu I'KKSJiNTa THE GKEaT FE1TDEE l ' OF rjXO DEKIXIXB-il ! .V. 'i- K' t S At v fTttw eft-aiS f rj ' IIllDEiiffi . A ,e-l r tti t , T ; . '- ' 1 ' ' .t.Ji.'i ti. ;.r;. ill I p . . viIaa aeirwra u vau A FUUCT IS rORPEI ' !.' Hii Sa,"i.i U4 Ml 4 -i. tv $ AT, Bon-iortettAbl after two foH Y ' .uaHiiunna.ij Pn7 "1 DIVIDENDS XltEID riNTCASir, : v-vri! ?arT?fl!lt incrpa-s -v"iww iiiiesrww n an er. ' .11 C' j CHEHTI4!1 W. BOPCH, Pnaainturr. A-rfLLKR- Actoary, WM. . COU. See' a, V. iu a edL Uj -ATlTTOTlXXirB .7RELEIGII,Jf. C. : " VrBwIfwaJw Md) Retail Dr ciwetaJ j Jia - i-, ; .... 0 -., , v:,t . , " 1 .-, i AKO -f- COMMIBIONt.UOU8E, THE -ORlATEiT-- BARSAt!? rrrTt .i, , If KOBTH --CAB-Qt iaer of Iry VoxmIi, by tke Caae, ' lt. -r 'l- -'..All.a ;T-:a tiva tif a ailfc also, Agtrrs-rog'" ircraaise s gt-ie brstftf riaron, . roar ojeAy cojg Aad he eoanaeed tka t wt aatt Vaei-lAaM E. f IA. r it-K - ..AadBBOfaJ. Btf.o::::r,), IW " M""""tl . - ' I I ft J. if ,. i.A tl.. i,mflrBmt jWmitlf Miartaat . . ' aaa at , ; arr r DMAM?, )1 ' ' 1 1 ReHlTBlCTlOK OH TRA vTL OR 'Rt&WzS:t ftmDAairjA . taale batwa laaawaa aa iBauat Biaaekeiet. , a9 jiad ajt V-t ! ii.-wi .g4i H , CAPT. W. tJATi t .. a!j. 1 1 1 i.xiimy j j JVmria Tkiratl ' mi't ,1.1. Bb a ore, At Vaaaiag 'iyj;i ;ff' TO INSURE , .7 7 -ik;imi-7.- 77: mi ! .-in I "a 13 TUB bXLY COMPAX V IX Till a , 1 ' i ax at tarari OH KOX-PATMEJTP OP PREHUM. m at i I : 1 f?OL.IOIES . M ,ir,''i;.,ta . .... . .. - tt 1 t Atinual.lhjewftifca bmrx Wu j& 1 J , ,, I ,IJIA.I VWS1 of lis licjor ' leftifh Com- tier War. at tho f tt,-..t,.. i. r V. tliHII. 1 1 .'.' A..W. UffEOlt . tiptoe. tSiMtana Aot. ttale-rk f. ?. ? ? ij r ? ? TO TH1 WORKISn CI AH W. r' , lmrpo V aa-olati as tAMi a ra Aurt-" .. . POJawot at konta. tbe ohole at the tm .. ' mrata. Bimrteae aew, I bi - J f eitk t- a i fT.8 w eeiuD. aad a prru..-l t w eevaam thew waate aae m ia b- BTa aad airle aara naartr aa meek aa ear 1 - d aixtlaat Lba ti . .v ,.t f mil aotlee -' .! ' . twi rotaci aeareaoi well a-niiW l we "I . fa? ilw troqi.e oT vni. lud vwrweaatra, a valnaM aaaipie wk-ehwiii 4- m cifo. nrt r,n, tB,t o,,rT rf yv ?'. Owt-iana,,,, m,, , tlia Uri. t a. d r Bl"i"r t(-ra rh..liadli a-" a j - a'uaa .a, T ' tlwt 'ariJi Ifcat . Jir, A tt A iA,A; . U.i, k i Bmntrtand kf a- l ' rv t "... r V - - - or At.IV, li t- f lj 1 tfc iw. lt mux nrraa v a a t t . .-- .).." Kttl.i -,1 frraarwi.. . iVfj-j;! k JC ' I ' " iiua.i; . t i a - i' ,- N i 1' i -til ltt W 1 Tt H r , n-a,r.L-ri;-ji-j-.. ... 7 f ;a ..sm. - .-r.'t Ti . ...ar mmu Wli I" i-am !- a ,m i.a a t J taaa - Waa, lAI-an UL ' A'ufctdtew. ; , TrrtwaT mritiK lint, a, itt t f 1 wyaaJplBW a..,..-.-.' Oet!d, lmw,l ,1

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