I iw .......... & S oo W) ,. S IM 1 60 ... t f"1' t !' I 'J' 0 7S - I . .... ra i :, . iiibi if.:.t f 'e my . ... ... reJ, jt that of CnrrnplioD." ' From piracy, , ' i ' , o-cy, could recover, I , .i l..u.e Col'UplioU. J evrr ,k to deeply in politt . So M siort tiino, as tbe . L a I-.no, and t'lif bse bee . ., ..ut ly t'..e luSuoui of pcrtpe , i. ; '!a-.."4.:vJ, thieving 'torpet bag- 1; ; a-;' it ha been (mealy Htid, eU . b::ved that LIttlefield bad I : i lersoftheUgwItturetottvot fu t ft.bemea, " .',' ''"' f '. '. ! ' " '1 Is on terms Of Intimacy : U f j nor, Judge Bett!e, end, la. i ', v : ', i . X of tie State cCI: It if ip ' v 1 e 1 b S'ereJ. that be end the ( . in i , iti to puli.o poller t: 1 1 ef 'y sad without re- a-. . ij i a .i.er that LittUfleld i a F" rof t'e Cov- r, and that ,,y eniruiuasuch a favorable f Li..!,S .Id that be mad Ma t.i; t nuter, and President OB tbeWex- km N. C. lUilroad. and that Littlefiaid had such U,2 j set over bias a te induce him to cUn;-i front Jo" regard )o tb leas of th N. C. I...;iroad. - : Let it bs rcmeiubered tbat tbs Uovernor .. L . eor.S.med all these things by bis el- lence, and by bli continued , favor ed .I ul..''a towards LiltldUld.,! ' V.'e ! -x r--"y tbat 'Lliflcflold gave to ecrt-;a persons bit iadirldusl bond for eon t '.3,C - 9, ni tbat the Governor's inin i ana representative ia ..tog .fioria Cmoiina lUilroed, tbat auperlatlf acoan- itrc-l, f'en. Laflio, had,, by, aom meaai, i!lin a !rg amount ol these lxod, wblcb - l,c i .J to A. W. -lili Coatk'uaUDarla liunkrup c, and tbat Shaffer bad sued V'.it n ' 1 .1 ' . ... ..-It. ..T.i LL.1 l . 1 1 it i- ii tin liiuiii. il mam iiuiiuv Lit.K fi -IJ, In bit autwerf pleadid that tba uitca were given lot an Illegal purpoaa aad .wltbont tsIub reclTd. f '''V,J' "f I T)' j oiirsi.it o! tfit tha trntb ofthi in and cbargra, oa Friday lart i ii ev.irnaojuoa jniuia city, aa lo 1 t;,s re it was, aura eoougb, It la true, I."" nvne does sot appear tliera ectpl It bo r ntod 1 y tba item typlvm W It r a I.imh tl.a Record Hint , Llttla ' ' . 'lit for t3.CC to;Mima' i note pawed tui-vsw& tU ! 4a pi J iT.I ttia arriet-bsg ' ..t.iubar vi s. if .a t'.. dluUlot, and Daweaae tol 1 :t to ' '.. r, and oa It !itrr,ir tnad I,' '.far-' r, 1 lt'.o f-y rf tha n?(ftfd, a w glta II' ' v;itv, U'uirtba Lcun Jkaai oor- ru; - i i ' 1 in tiila Stale. ' Let 'the I . a inquire into title Matter add kt u::.n, !io it is currently reported, Is arm J to a ' b s I a at the Btate Cap! t.l, le 4 ".J f.oia his seat,, logetber 'i i '1 i ' a wlio were jiarliclpants sf I. i a $ . ",t U bounty. ... ,,b; ' j aud indifference of tbe people a 1 ' , future, to tLea oatragM and ' e oi tlie moat alarming faataiM of ti.e C w iirary of the times.' lAlmoat ttvj !-y i'..'Tc!opes some new fraud aqd 7, s une new erldflnce ol official eoj. ii, and yet tlie 'poople, bo are tbe i, seem aftuid to ercn Jemor, and toe v ' .tors hl 1 tip tloir beads end even :t t!ie succi'a of tbeir own villainy. 1 n y Covi-iiior ITuIua aud tlie car ii vant armfd negroes to ewe til j J i,io eubniisaloa. f The r i ; t Le award of (lie corruptioa 1 t ot Lis fiirud, tbe Stale printer " "tol r.ilroad.; Yw,bele I it, f r Le alluded to it In the Bad- II t 4 i : i. i i . e vi n t ef ! i I ; I- t T!. -y n!, ' t. . He may . t to tliske bun oil, not because . a aud swindling oiior&tions, ) he lias been found out. But, , ym s' i'.I no shake .blta. off eo f f ,i ' ' f ',; i to ' .t extremt a yon pan car ' bi such t. --s we know 4 j-,4 Lve fafdonej out ff yj e Inow aimotliing oi J a yna are ao intimate. T " ..id ti your bosom as 1 ' " we will ventilate , i ,i jou are BuJerstood, ! ' ' 1 ""6 i.i exposing, as i and tlie 'King" have a m lotting tbe diahonor and ' i i . ya tod 'ruins tlusswin 1 f i t'ie service ol tbe o 1 v f o yu tlie appointing ' ' if. 1 b-io 1 ate riiu . ! : i.e of ' j jt, a j, de ' ' ii, i ' t'ie peo- '' '-e ;:'. j.-.iy with II. cue 1 Cu I a 7 !) t (.'OL'IST, ed y. lii.: f. arui A. w. r i m. a Jiuea Anmer. Ji tiO T. bewtsu. The aK(md.nt, M. ft. LittleBilV tJiewers to tbe complaint. 1st Tbat he did alga such aote, bat It wee given to a Scticioua persoa, and with- ont cottdefatlof.:i, .'tw,tosjiiiiitiiii 9...I. i tit ilia alWktiiia le ot true that Jamie fcmitb uduruii tiws ooU to John T. Deweese, foritint no such peranf. wee at of ia no, in Mag as Jfauea ttaitaV 11 trd. Tbat be received no eooaideratloa lor tbe note mentioned tbereta J tbat it wee gives to a totitioue peraoa tor aa illegal oarposa, and was paaacd due whea traded lor by pUintiSr. . ... rj j'ij'lll. , J, . -Sffeot of W. 8. LiTTLanaxD. ,M. vV. Cliui. bill,' tbe Ageal of M.& lit tleliuld, m ' '.: batb lbt tbe lacte atated la tbe i lorrgoiug aaawef ot bis ova knowledge i true, end tbote plbirsrlse aUted M are believes to be true. L W. CBUBCBILLv 8wora aad subscribed, as Ageat for JL 8. Liititfleld tbie ISA Nov. 1809. , t - There Is tbe record I Alee, for James Smith I Alas, for Lenin I Alas, for Deweese I aJae, Jo Boldea aa4 bie State printer I Alas, lor the Uaee aad tbe public morals 1 Alas, for the poor old Stat of aorta Oaro Una t Alas Al I Alal ia X 'm iHl- - Tbere wars more bonds thaa; 'tba above given by Lfitlifleld weire'oa their trset This renowned Professor, late ol Chapel Hill, bee pot up-1m we a pan -of eaeee, gaiter style,' ahickiwodldd endit to a PbDadelpbia Professor rf ShoeoIagyVi'p j Ai tte Profetsor bee oonsldrabl loDa-1 aaoe at Cbapel Hill, having Impreved. the aadersteBdings of tome eonaected with (be inetjtotloas there, w aaggtat 0 him (bow- be caa greatlf heeer tha tittgeof4s w ' ' . , ., . ' '' i " First, tojaduoa aoeroii)try Cburch ip Tsd a Xealltd Senator Panl'a brother Solomodana 't'burfi thV"Col!egef rJecond, ta girt pubMf UuTI'raticis, l this city, to ritentT a'eall to Pilgrim . Ash ley's brolber-lo-lsw, Martlin, to oecnpy a benoh la; iheU eta here. '' tvHaMi reared and edneated a aaar to L van, hi ae sacousetu, ue Js tipuoato jldow, aow. to make e good peg- a good peg. bottomed brogan. . Labor is ao d I grace, and it mav ba tbat Martlla iad Vtfafalfa aid (adped if q take a Profesrblp ia the University, Third,, inilnca Prolesaot Brewer's fifty agro paplls to eiiendto hiss ealr tx) re I tnra to his scbopj flown bv tbe Railpad, ! Fourth, taduoa Wbltted tba great tebuo eoulst", pf., Jlilliloio' lead., ut"3adge Settle's 00a tie Patrick to bit old. bhttacas 6f peddling tPbsxeoS-( L t It Protessor Mowat ear effect 'tbeae cbartRea he will immortalise himself, render tba btate great service, aad puree the Col veretty oti tha aarpaubag gangrene thef nae ae iieaepoa ? sna tareatea lie destrucloB,,!.,.:.;, iiy " j r .ii; '..i&.. f 'i' ri.' "lie e 11 mwii iiimii 1 fl.ifet.wv. . InrBacBA8LB,-.Jif . IurtiaiB,i 'White speaking against the Governor's watt, bill la tha House, m Wednesday Bight last. atetfloaaoTah laaiaeht that aaght'ttafinue every tboogbtful Cltlaen of the State to WPe'.tlw .ngtfmiiendlng -ovetj ,s, from tbe partial admisiatratloa of tba lav bf those into; iwboat baadf ttiar aoatei of muuiw tuwanoee iaiieB, ue iBotaeai waa mis ; xnai at a reorat tern of tbar Jupsrlor Oourt . tat .Northampton 0nntr Fbi't Wd " 0,n m baforf the Court, tbe . Presiding Judc eddnaaxt aote to the eouosal for the. deteadaot, teQ. iac htaa 11 be would ask ibe Court te therm tba larj In oertiit manne, be Voulfl do it, aad it Would clear hie client f W 4 TSisetttement Was rnaua ia apaa tessiaa oa, tH floor or the House ofCommoaB, and we euppoae the speaker h ad aasnrsnoe of 1 ts trathlrom those aoguisaat of tba facU- Such undignified aad unjudicial conduct oa the part or a Judge oa tbe Beach, ought. u jwoni u Hi. if tutject blm lo impeach- ment, and to being deposed from tha ezor else ol the Junctions bi that Important po sltiod,' VTbea euch things ate dose 6y ao wgn a puone ntnetioaary, what mar Jre not lookjr ia Igaorant aad pftjiklieed pard wm wcupv suDorainata positions r .. ' Imm . ammtl . . . PaoTHtn Suss ol the Balesa iM shakes hie aearw locks at us, because we mildly suggested tbat the Prm under bia editorial aaaootsteablpwae eomlns; round talerahit relit.,' lie speaks of his age aad our youth. Ail a muconwption, brother Site, the notice of tbe revival of the Prose Was wrlt pen uy aa 01a acquaintance 01 yours, Oof wdo 11 a worn tbe editorial barnrea befow you were uons weanog short ooata. ?. i 1 But, ga oa, young man, tba indlcatfoos are tbat you are still improving tba JVeaa. SaiurSip, Jan.' 22. Court agaeinbled at tlie usual hour, n attendance on tbe Court, " juiiuwiuj Kcutiemeo 01 me par, vis: Hons. W.A. Orahara, Tboa. Brapg, A. S. ati'rriuioo i ili'ssra. Jobn llaaghton.' v. . Ji'!i niiiui. RHlpa OOirell. W I. S o't, J. M. iJuC'orklc, J. If. C'li meiit...W. ' una anrf A Hn.u.t.m I.- ' T . lioo. A. W. Tourgie, aud Hon. jl M. uiua, vmitea me court. Da moium of John llanijhton,' Tin ,1be ise ot i-oo . Ofjood.fiom Craven, wu pined upon tbe liockeUand Dut ta th end of the docket," .- t... . .. Leonurd as. Vickerv. and Bluae .' " ; 11. upon Motion re-inntat .l tn h V'''-t. ,..,, lV', ,...,' .. V hi'n 'l , licbane. Alamanna. Anm.il Vv'. L. nit for defendant. No fornix! r.i mi 5. ..ore. tz farU, Kockinliaiu. I, K. H. lSuHIa lor crtditon, Merri' r I atiti. sr. !'. k. . ' in 1, Orai pp, Arpn -d. i . r 1, ' ', j-iiiiiuin fur (listen ii . n t K. C. ' . Co., f. Kin A'a l"r I 1 lint iv, ;;,) HI. I, f""i A'.. 1 re. t ot 1 1 r t... T s f .te . a rail 1 to or ' r at 7 o'ciwik. sraciAi, caeca. . , v Bill to restore the credit of the State and to facilitate tba aonslruetioa of our asua iebed liailroads. Mseed liasecmiOT readiBC, aad wea aaarta tha speoiat -ordct w lfoao day aezt at u tfeiackv- ' Oiwaideratlon of tba Mil to tietter pro. test lite aad DraoeKVi I root tbe Uoaea aeK lag tha eoaeurraaee of tba Saaio la am end ,, Motion of Mr. Beeaua,fhat fbe Seaata do aot concur, the question fur cooeidara lioa - t'tl' ' - ' Mr. ones of Mecklenburg." eaaveof "tW Its furtber eooaidcratloa ba poatpaaea anUl Tursday next jet j'clofV, whae TWCUttUWI,, .1-1 ,' , . : ( Mr. Broaden Brtred tbi adoDlloa oi the bill ia a epeecb ol hours aad, 13 minutee Mr. Liadser. aaid he thoughtV aiaWog a few reenarke aw tUJUltratnueNrdator Ireat Wsyae had eotuiumed an saaeh time rahUeaeapiiga epeeon, aad bad tried to interest tba beaata oa elmoet every tiling eseept tha atlbhiet matter before, these, i Tbar be bad confused hie tbougbureo aaeeb, that be could not think of making an tflbrt to nlabt. and honed Ibe booaiiiiralibrf ol tbe bul would be peetpoaed, ia ardee that he might have an opportenity M eipreeslng bis vlewe epos it, aed ba hoped tq be atore eucceesiui tnaa ute weaator iron wayaai tar he (Mr. Liadesy) was acabie 4a father from tha Seaa ore remarks, Whether s) ee pur ut aiwa uiw viii. !. h tth i Oa motioa at Mr. Walker its furtber eon- aideratioa wee poetpoaed aaiil Mojkda alght at H o-cloekv; 'l. I . B. tSalloway, oof, gave aotlce tbat he would taiioduaa a bill asaha tha efftee at Superior aOoors Clerk at j Mew JUsjoref county a salaried omoev 4 It 'A eommuaieatioB wu read front Mr; w. LSeoit, accepting tha appointaMpae ol tbe inveetigatioa oommittra. i X j ' L-e ef abeooco wae granted 1 Jfesara, ;;Oa motion tbeSensie' aJwe ,4 eaaaavaw . i. SIMAT. - DATcaoai, Jan. It, 1870. .1 ssrmtsta: ler at It inxa nrTaooDCBo. Bf Mri Weikaa t To mend atV iet lo ia4 corporate tba Guilford County Co-opera. nve auaiaeet AeeociatKm," oa eie motroe tba rulee wera"Spended, aad tha bill 1 . 1 ji 1 t Bf air. Walker i Td iaoorporare tkv Cen Iral Iron Cempany 1 Referred. Bv A. tt Oallowat. -eol. 'To make the Clerk al tbe Superior Court of Mew llaa- ever a salaried officer t Referred. " - dj aas. iroiaBWT iv mwrpuriw aucaf ford Lodge, Sorry-County, Ruierred. , r- By Mr. wileoa 1 To incorporate Salem Lodge No. 189 ; Relerred. ... " ' ! Ra Uv TtAll I Tn . uil ti Artaa li Onm. mlsaionersbf Caldwell 'County to. levy aolal taBoferred.' '0,r' y ' J , By Mr. Reepaast To change theOoioty It . tl 1 1 Ml II . I. A titwi njovaoa ayrreiir nanmii, " TB1BD MAD! 0 BUUL ' Bill to rncotpcrate tba RaadalmoaHanl ufacturlng Company, oa . motion ol Mr, w eiaer u waa amtmiea ay Btfiklagaat Vbe eectioa authoriaeiog tba Company to Issue beaiM aad psaaiid. " rrftw1taa'a: m i BU ta authorlae tb'' CoajtntaiioleJ Bertie to.levy a special Us t passed i ! . Bill to auilure the Commissioner of Cravea Conntl M MWk3&MU tax 1 pass. Reeolutloa tufAWiibtJrJt'Clrady, Sheriff 01 narueti, paasecv , , .... ? ,. . .;, ... Bill for tha relief of tbe sorittes of the Wte BheriS of Jones counts ceased., A , Bill la favor of tbe late Sheriff ol Ale ander oounty, paeaed. Bill ia favor of N. B. Jones and oth atiulfVa 1.14 a. .t,. ..Ll. r BlittoMBti aa aAiaimnmrotaU Wilmiagtoa Life Insurance Company, paal eea. i i-j . .': ... : t'. ? T4't Bill to incorporate the Touar Meaa I telllgeot ud. Enterprising AseociaUoa, tree ameouea noa passea its aeooaa reaaiOK.1 ; . On motioa the Senate adjoumad until atoagay inprntar1 Vtfi 'Wacfcia -fftim , HOjJSpF ipPi5TA.TIVES. t-. v. 3. Sanrasar, JaB. IS, 1870. Tha House waa called lo. order at tha ! tutu.: " ' v . . r i PJ"1' .petitiptt, troata s. aacaer, wuica was reierreU .. .-.. By Mr. Bodaia. a petitioa from clliaei of Guilford, ea tbe subject of education, reierreu. ". .. ,'Br MrVeat. reeoluti itg.to or awing una an m orayioe, t By tbe seme, resolution ccaeernlne bllh auuinititju ht iav vou vom mission, wuica 1 . ... t. . I . 1 0 . aaopiea anoer a euspcasioa 01 tue rules. By Mr. Prek, bill to Incorporate the "Benevolent ona"ol Xdgeepmba. r r I B Mr. pandlw.fbiU .toJlMttrlccnty By Mr. Aah worth, bill to allow towai. sliip Maatratea-to Sake privy ettnnlrJatloa of martjerl srameDi v . Tba bill ta levy special tea la Stanlv was takea Bp, 0 motioa of Mr. Oreea, aad lilil for tha same huroosa fti A.mli. I .Ltl 1 : ' ... , r T j .i 1. is muu muiiig, . f ' i jnr. uixoa rrom oommittea ea claims re- poriea, eiraiosi reeoiouoai to . pa v rtain Costa la luaooa Superior Court.' '-f - f Bill to levv apecial ttl ia Lenoir naaaJl third reading. : ; t .. X j Bill to lucorporate 6on;hara ' Cnntvw - 1 1. . r .7 --- vuuipaoj, ymmmx iiapiTvnH reeaiosa, .- I , A lao bill to incorporate a Beak ia Ratatsa ; Lill to levy special tax In Cumbertsnd, paawd Its third feadincr. . 01 , ,; . . T liill to Incorporate bucket and n Com. pany. Newbern bill to Issue booda .by Robeeoa county, It eanctioncd by ber vo ters: bill introduced bv Mr. Oatlin in autborlte transfer )otrCoofiiy c barters to Boards of Oommis-ioners ; bill to incorpd rate the Franoonia Manufacturing Conv- panyj 4teaalu)oetowint Walhet PmitU, lortuer Duuriu 01 j,or,kni .iiarn. aad W. D. Juatice, Ute tlierl J of luudereoa were all psniiea tne eeerat resumgs and ordered to be eiigrosned. " ' . ": ' J Jlr. Franklia. Introduced e bill to Incor- porate tbe Aieubamoi liuildmg end Loan AtMoeietioe relerred. -t t- j The bill to anthorlze a Turnpike In Rus hei ford . the bi.l to amend tha act ea iah'1 'hlpr special Courte in Wilmington auu iuoeru , lue 0111 10 lnrorpomte the Binivolunt 80ns ol 11 maa-t "bill to la. conornte the town ol J t. II to ...s Ot r Incorporate tlie Ikvcraion ''': - V : 1 I tO nifirr!r I r r . ' ... ot 1. 1, eioipfon, of fTew L' vtr, refir rd. - - . , By Smith, of JI .in a bill t iocu .orate Stonewall Lodge, Jf. A. 51.- 1 Foetor. a bill to amen j chap. 1J), laws oflo8-. - i ' . . t t i . ' 1 . I , Moore, of Cbown. a resoltitioa tneern Ing tbe ioeorporatinj of tbe Helief bocietv Of the M. K. t'barcu, South, connected with the Vir(inia Conference. Lies over. Tbe bill ia tevw ef I. O. C'liarot-ti tawba county, allowing bint to .collect ar .rears W We) fur. 1W7. aad lia.Iwss arai-nded by aubetituling the eomaiittee's diu masing toe provmioo gererai, aaa rur tber ameaded To rnntloe of Mrr Maloce re- ejairing tbe Sheriff lo give Si curitv, and aa tains. amenaea pstsea ioe several reaaiagt. - va motioa tne uoaae ediooraed. The followlue; protest was offered in Ibe Senatepd tbe tStb lost(r and ordered te be epreea npoa to jouraait The aadeteigued, by authority given by the Coaetitaiioa of tbe State of North ChtoHna, Id Si C. Art. . tafmU sneav oaroietiuer uouseoi tna ueneral Aaseta bly," to diaseet Irosa end protect against any act or resolution, wutca aa may tbtnk iafuiioha a Ut. public, or any - led vidua), aad have tbe rea.oos of hie dissent entered oa tbe Journal of each House, does hereby, while entettainioe: a decent reepect lor the jyrtaltaol ajtBujorltyof theeentatei fwao aitur wun aim, muwuutfmutt against the singe of aa act by taw body 00 yesterday, a j it third reading, entitled a act Incor porating tbe North Carolina HoasaMeed Asaociation," for the toilowiag reasons : tat A vale of tbe Staate provides, tbat Mile of this estate, shall ba acted epoa 00 Saturday oaly. aad aa. 4t au paa.ed oa Moaday, , Ubout a "suapeaaloa of the rule, aad ia despite of that objection, raised bf tbie protertanL the act eariiee wlthtf taaethbairasemeat of this fact. ! tad. Tbe Ooeeiiietloe el North Carolina provides. Art, 8. See. 1. that "oortMratiani LA .-. Vlh .aet created by tpteial ew, czorpi tor municipal parpoaea, and la eaeee where, ia theiudgiaeBJi Uie Legia btkare, talreetof tba Mrpentioaa sear aot be obtaiaed .ueder gepai Uwaa?; This Oaeral Aasembly has aaected a gen eva mw,,wdTtwhiXaibe O4o4oa ff the aadersigoed, tbe Incorporator ia tbe afire saio,aot, cpwa nave orgaoiiea ana opera UL This aot. inoorDontinv tha "tUcmih f!"1in irnrftslniil ritpfiieiTnn,'' ta, tbere- lora, ia vwiaueo-oa- uetov recited sec tion at tba Conttltutia wiUch,.eavw''aaoh bodies sMlaMbf areaM biepacial act,' aaa lunaer uu wrong 01 vast magnitude, baoauaethe Senate, at4l preaeut erasioe. haa denied similar rights and privileges, -(p etaer parties, wno aatraa.ta ianoorporate; sad, further atllLlt Js a wrong, because it enjuetty discriminates hatweea these lacor partore,all ot ahem; aeve.oa era- noa resi dents of the Bietey aa property hold, era among ua, and, oi course, non tax payers, aad bur w eitisene, by 'rellevlog atod securing the former, trom the rastrtctioua, limitatioas! iatf llirbihttec, tthleh will be im posed pa the latter, who may bf compelled W incorpbrate UsderaieTgeneraLafcif j , (.Bi-dTfaei CooaUlird.ei, B. JUlfli, provides tbat "the General Assembly shall not pass Bay private law, unless it be made to appear, tbat thirty awje aatloe'ef1 such application to paa such taw shall have beiaglven." , ,.tiK,a Now tbat tbls Homestead A'oooiatioo act 1 a priVete'lawJne-erne Bot een iu moat ardent supporters or the corporators named rlwrtldillUevritl;1orthe beneflt of indjvjdua!, (alaelji very few,) .for a.cer-! tain locality or- local) ties, W aH the ele ments ot individuality! to'JL and ia a pri- T ta law. No eoUosot the bill waa given, I at -tt reqairafJ b)tba WgsMe laarrthet otaia, aenee, n win ae witnout force, aau It ia submitted, that area if aotlce had beta given pf one hundred dajs, still, it mut be ..1W k. .iLn...l.l1,. A ..1.1- IM-UW W WfvM iru UIHOI-I n WCIUUIJ otnerwiso BuciMigiaiajoai void. To Ncapitaiatefi v U vi let. It was paaied la violation oi the rules oftbeSeaatef u'h ' ..i Sad, It.it.ju) violattoa oj heOonstitution Srdxftis la violation oi the Constitution Ait,e44. and. hence, the laoaracra- t-Hoa te onty a Bogus eoneera. wttnont lenrai .' ) etiasoa f .'W.if KOVE. M .WAUfartha Sentinel. HaXpo tv-PejBjit, nwiaatar won! or to m oenaii f lifle unproiectea medical proieaaioa. ab ausses ajsr pravvied tor ex. oeat tha Lawves aad ivsiaiaal She iuMnri has it ia bis power, lo protect himself, lie keep the gam ia hi owe hand, aad Ibis is considend all right. Tbe cbvsician'a call- lug prevent bia from kuch , protection, t Is at present a mere debt of honor, with th exception a ane Kwia telllgeot and boaor able citiBeaa. Tna rana ia.enilmlw a ii one, and ha who dodge behind biaproteo- 11 on woonsraaraa oy tne tnUMS,- morally, as wall as left-all Jmtinabkv Let the nht. alctaa present such a patron, with , blsbM lur aervica rxuuereu.on nut Of a ei tmtctinn at which timebi wboUtroat lain hiaGnri aad the dootae. yet a aeoa as be I restored to health and naelulneea, he thinks of anv thUf dee except bis God,-phjtct eed tba liquidation.. h -tba medieal .bill tir errieee readered. Frequent by tbe wont word be oea aay against him for It preeea. Ution , 1 too good : ridicule and ridlooliL and doe all manner of things except ful tllioff tbe golduarule. do unto others aa you would ar them do unto vou. pav juur jubv uvuia, idu mfa m mora. 1 If the merchant Js called uooa to andit eat tur grocer tee, dry. aveda etcher the aumer ia called. upon for Cora, pork, poutoee; etc by 6ne whose family are suffering pang ot extreme buager, aad re. uaa, BO'.uing ia anougni Ot It, It la all right. So public opinion, and ia refuted, what is the conn quonre t The public masses look upua . .bh,im . mc'iiegioua, turn trie cold luouiuer , Wu jU'm, ana shun . bint they woald the upa. The mechanic and laborer, are wllf protected. . How la it with tbephjsicUn.who rank 10 iotelligeose with the beet of sodetv. and in fuux,. equal to aay av tbe good minister, whose wnfrreganoB-generally protects almf ' I "Toe laborer end taechamc retuin hum. iruia tuvir aiiy aeus aaa ei J y tbvir Boo turnal repose with a Ccruinty of protection, and ubob-interference. I it eo with tlit phydojant iTcAe.jutiera, a.. The medical A IL.1. A It . 1 , . . . ' man s Ilia iaa fliii-tnaitni, nn. I. u nioned by day, and by Bight, rain or shine, ana vr wiu sou wueiuur oe IS renumeraterl arnot''' m as-i" . ..r4t. In these Improvised times be cannot ha. much hope of necuniarv reward. M . general iniog 11 1 tie is placed to hie credit trom uc prompting ot aymnath v and irrtil tUde. , '' Alaal ao protection, only away Uovhvoh ttr in the tth grade creditors along aide of tn uuaensKer ana mat disagreeable thing his anaile. Now if e view this in a moral atand point, we can onlv come to tha r.,n elu ion that the protecting power expected eiwa Esculapius to Slav his rclnriim. iinds and neighbors r:: hi nntl'li lt. and on all ocis6.ou whether juw or r. iuiI.-, trcun. dim artem, If be expecU to n.cura the nfC- hit means to anj-piy the wanta ot Uie in- r f -u; or el ; y !H'i...o ho ,a M r fi anxiety 1 nd r 1 ' e with ingratitude. Yet bia prii aon ia a mere sot b log, every qnack n rcttaut ami nostrum vender eomt id corni jiiiioo w..u him, and the dragKist free ot taiattoa wiiiie tbe lawe of Aorta Carolina, tax them directly aad indirectly Wi'oout proieciion. May we aot hope tbat they will remove injustice aad at (east place aa on equality wilt tne aatcusole and laborer. ' ; - MXDirU. MI3CELLAIE0US. JTA'VA'S B A' J);Aoiiiatea8oliiibIa3 f.'jH PJIOSPHATE ttWt.yW,.,:l(. 11 ' Xaaadhetared b tha 1 . Novaaaa aaaaaro ,mt WllsalagSMS, aj. C W.i.Si i.IttBaOS Ol SABBftXtV ' TbW FerUllaarb annexed With the arateel tare. :aaa wmm .eveir euMuiacnt oaauaute .ever , fur anr ewp to wbic nwa ' aeappued -V - II ia aauaois'lT aduitea ' COTTON, CORN CEREALS, ii- o-W' v'!'",V.-"'..!t w- ' - "-if - 'til' l "FRPITS ' AND VEaETABI.es. 11 tl is msaafaetared ef the eame meteriale' ;,biekUMeslebrated PsUtipeea) Clautaie) Cmfy I'htoephuUe) iht-.t ai . ,.v..l j i .i. r-'-'. u ' ? Is prepared, and refereaee ia made to that Com ,,(, aaar tea aoaw at., awunuwe,! ror Ha , etlcaev. oualitv and nniformilv. ' ' tCH. BHUXim rrsaideat. .1 DOHALD MAOBAK. I -!. 4 Xieeearer aad Beeretary. , "janUnlSa i rH'iillf Sit m. ' A. fJWlt iJUUlf I J-'ililT? Ii-y.s f ' fh-u't in , I . A foralahed DaVw bad-roos. with ehaeta. towels Co., ana aeeeaeery aarvaat a : . ..T ,i.. . Apply to '' BU8BXK. . . . LIU E, L1HC. m BARBELS FBB8H BURNT UU AT Ueoot OB atu ammap. JAiritA v. Towua. yanto-dlw ; Q0OAB, BOOAIl. . net reoeived from the ReAaery in Riohmflod irgia-a, a lot vary enparior Bugan a 1 grades, we timii w. K.4UHtia uu. , . Aaetloa Ooa. Marohanta. $12000 'far UeWaaoat tlOOt) In nana fekr Bank Kotee. I .r,., ... , , : W.H f0EOO. . jaa at-tf , Aaetina A Oom. Merehante. B BALK. Oarden Peaa and Boet Seed, raiaad in this vteiMtj. w. n. won a w. jaaair: .1 r .. . , VDB tALaV lenkluM fimllv Vloar. tha bait N. C. Floor Vt )UgUt to tliia OiSji ket. y-mm-tr- e, n.unraaw. JH'fc , V at . ; ( ; ( " WliuiM B. HOWAED, Flour Dealer A Com. Merchant. Ho. t, BPIAB'g WBABF BAJbTIMOBE. Good to eb.-iea Fin. Bcraa. Xxtu and FutaV rvaam, sniwora lor retauiiig twusunuj an oi -A ifaitow won ftki - . loffar atnriyataaale on of the tneat Milk Oowe ia the City, She haa ao self, bat giving e good eupplf of exeelJent tnllk. Bold only be- a..- Mil f.i ..f :':i'-ii .,... I'tni ,1 I.., ii eanee ttieewaer baa more tkaa he waate ta faed. .MSI J l.it.,,,.,, . I . dABSS BilVWUBl,: iw .. . .,: t;om aiereaaut. rwavhal Start. If. B. BlraaghwtA ULTItX Jk llltOUOHTON. . Hi. i . bi :.i i. . In,, ..t.: . ( : 8,; , (M, GIIAPSMAH PI4 tTAjrp ,, - .atiiio.i ai i..!,wi jW iuiiii,.i . iiiiiii.Tpt NEW GOODHw ...ti f-eTVMsW-. AND L0 PRICE81I - BUY GOODS, OaOCEEIES, - HAED- WASE, CUTLEET, C. nil ALU 1ST , ANTTHIKQ; TOt) WAST lit. ,.rf 1.. j - OB WBAR. TO BAT They wQr be happy to aeoonuaodat tlutir rnenua ana toe punue genera l . t. ' " -QlTE US A TIIIAI.-Sa lii 1 it,' 1 1. 1 .111 ejiatT ate wtuiv. f ,VI ll Ifl' .i I 1.- !'- . H Kn Julia McITair Wright, , le.fi .-lull' '-T.,'auiaMMi'e't e-t ' MAliaotarrni.,hoaBln(leraofHewToik,'4. awwaiaT tnanum uianraiaa.'. ' ' iii Paeee . Priee atta, Ferealeattbe BuekStoreof JantO:tf ' f ., , , ! AMfttaui wii.i.iaaa,, Urn .1 , JL l UBAaAM. IX. tJ. . t . , , I TEBJi 1670 oenoa Mth at Janaar. Tbe ouartw of Iuntrnetkm smbraeee etadiaa . alaoiFllENt'IL RIQHEB MATH'R," HAT, FBllOeWUealI8TUIt and BUfH-KPIiia Oharga per term of tl week for Tuition and Board including waehing and fuel 81 to tlOOV' . tareniare asua oa application. - ' !..- w. 'eex-tiaaawlat, ti m B. B.OBATES.: , OXFOED FEMALE ACADEMY. fTUlK EXEitciHEa ot TUm lNnnrni'tow X wul ba reaiunad. Ju, .lito 170 undcir ,Uia ' an B k. k. xtiixiHciiU ranoirat.' c"' a;, MI1S.B. N. GBANX. AaaoouTa HuaonrAb. Vlnti il. N. MIUKLB. AaanRAarTaAOBaa., : fjirenlara eontaiulug terms, o., sent 'oa ap. plieatioatotbe tineipai. l.i,!v ( OMKHW- ff b Ijr .id j'l.. J tf 1 .,HJ1 F , wi'w .M.va ... MIKII hearv. ' .-."-y- ' ana n.k.u vc-i.. - d a Pate,., clean . aad t '"!W.B. JOHF-4 00. - i " Allot. A Coaa. Merchants.' jaatMi "t '."'"'it -eaaa & 4 1 ; .i . vwvu . uwarui a . a AT REASONABLE PRICES, BT lh Dy, wMk. or Monlh- with ft prfvtto l iniil; room mimforUiife nd MnwItKL Jm a tl . ? ? ! ; M'f TO TflK WORKINa 0LAH3. We are now proparnd to furnish all olaanwi with ooneUnt m. plomnt at home, the wmila of the time or for the pr momenta. BumonMi now. liirht and pnilHavola. Feriwnis of aithnr aox eamly aa.ro from :t'H. tn to vet eHiiiniJ. atud a orouiirtinnal ainm ot oeToiiug tiu'ir wiioio time tba bnaim. eiiya ami iiirw mrn ntwrir aa much mm mn. '1 i,t au who in m notice mat axiid hir adilrcwiL anditwt tba buBiiiin, wa naka thia nnparilieii d ,iir.1iusttuuiBiri'U,nww BlttH-mMl, W Wifl ml il to p iy fur ib n mi he or wiiui i 1ml t i-ii. m Tainulile MHiiii ha. i ,r , t0 -.i.'- " k r,ti, and a tv- v i f , . t - .! .finton on m:' I'm I, '.... I,.., I f MUTUAL LIFE MACON fAimioEizED capital:; OASSU2.T ) JA T3Jt if WLVMiV&..&ll2. r? I ? f tl" 1 m .'a " , ij, Afi erarprilT,W ftemaioyslUhmda at home for lb beaeat of South. a?1""1, advantages aot effarad by any other Com pur, note the toUowu.g noiuia. lei!gb ot tt to w Srt rolieiM lioa-lariWIUBf aftar Um tret parmmt. , ; ' ' tth. ai i a J "an . 7... 1 ' r..,.u . tiii. it ia a Miiliui inanraDoa Com pur. niaats tow oar the inenred, ea the eootribatioe Dian. and mm auau.tr ani, Soetk thaa North or Kaat. the Drobabililv Im ahanta avrta. -,. Borthera (paoiaa, this ndtuaag the premiusss ""Ti-.T .'v. a aua vr auuuraa i'r.-.,. iS.'a 14 V.t Vi.f-la the ineacaaaeafaha Tf?" iay aawra iBaaxuig aa Ajraata waalad la am uia In ab. au.1. a l i .l.. . offieeei tth. Thweo.nanjhwM. polbaae naraalaate.B.lJU,:JJL:i t-.!sl I aLV. '1.1 -n-f .M.uawan, aartlaaiar apply to J. F. DUUstarkvauai MewlMrai, Agemt Caw the ttatev-J , ... . . . WM. LITTLE, M ExAtnara Pbtsioiab. il i i i'j , .t aovMliawtia ' GLOBE MUTUAL; . . CITY OP ' "STRONG, LIBERAL, SAFE, AND OP ESTABLISHED REPTJTlI TION. THE GLOBE OFFERS EVERY INDUCEMENT b PERSONS DESIROUS OF MAKING PROVISION Fon. THOSE WHOM THEY MAY LEAVE BEHINDti p -Jf1 . tnjr.i t mill ao PI.IIVT WBtKBCSiaiV, i.watsiaes anaatws, a namNavstssf, . ssa!aiai, Managed by able men, ' tboroagbly experieneed HiilMU. 1 " m in an ia ii . a.wavaaan, ua but H. H, GOODLOE, ' D.W. i.'O0BTa r- Da K. ttOKU HATWOOD, Gent & B. BUC&NER, ' , . (!( 'ill I The Oloba hu paoaliar olaiau apoa the Hoathera eountry, from' iavW dni h,t. .i aoo-forteitina feaknra in all Ita tvilll. HT. .wumi tii.iT. ",Tlnr Brag tatradneed the the veaaar.ort.ituraplau-.aad mtrodneedltlnth! (wwruVWh.'hrwa.t , lSo.?dXot " 0tM ' reiT- To thoee deabing U, the Company win Issaa tendentof the Inearano it of hew yf f - OFFICnT. OWFAYETTKVILLB! RTRtirf m. , oOrroarra ma Poor Orr.ca .""i, ' , ' Tha room latalr oosnnUd br Oaao. M. Whitln. a.. . a,kakJ Tlljl :r . .' . any deaWiieelaeaJarai', SUCCESS THE THIr ! BESTf 113 tfVS fT-i" -f 'f t -"- -1 TOIiDTUALLIFE 001'.: COMPANY wor jtTatMTiiai, mgsouai Jul ' 1i y' i t, .--.iir1'1' .77, a t?ti!ai vriimii BiucjL. i . ' . . a i :i.IW.'Al'W- ' lleckhaMen bend for 100,000 DEPOSITED WITH THE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT ito -,i UWKOSTjsT S. ?!S F2"Pf"L, "T?1."' U j, unipDaiicnuw a "mum aaa aonuara laatltution. -n....., . Tbe DA ItOie haa ao eeaire to exalt Ma aurit otiT Ui'u.i Sd7urrfttanTlUw?th --.-..tV'i 'V.. fraal tha tflu.. nn .1 j.-.. a i.i , -.-T7-- ; ia.iv.il. t ZT-r-" ander saah faveabte ' aaapiee. . The Cempany Diraotorr. Its Pmident. Jahu H. Lnua. ivaUita agsnenl Tepatatioa aa a gentlernaa of waalth, anaueaUooad intewitv "otL ,1! V ? !" aouiu) jodgnant and aplendid boalnaaa oapaoity. i s 4 ""egnty, piool fc a,j , , .iT.!lfiiLi;.f.T2,s f elees ef ear merehaata, banker, and eifn.. aa Mn r' ' will be pradeutlT and iudioioaalr mauaaad.1 ill be pradeutlT and Judioioaely managad.1 Polleiea iiwned oa all tha popnl r p a a and al Poiieyoldare may travel by tha aeaal nedea eoaatwua, in aay portion of the United Btetee and TerritoneaTtfie "awUed , .rtT, . adaa, oa Hootia and Mew Brnn.wick, and in time of peace n,.r rroii and t, . . 1, Itaaaa by the aaoal peeeengar route, to, andtraval aoinaide wIuiinTany porUoi of 1 . NOKTH CAROLINA DEPART:n::7T. - The followiBg ganUenHn, poUey-holdere, eompoee the Board of Tmatoee Cur tUa t , " " . ' 7 "- f Twwm at n F-vf-wv : ..; , . ... . . " Jr.Jf.JLtTtjioiaV,' r a. t l a..., k ; v. Ra.ar,TraT.lia. 1,. . ' ' ' - Late baoratar ofHtsu. . tABTaa B. iiaaaiaow,' w. It. Dnno, Biohabd H. jiti.. Ja. I J 1'," Hioa ii. Kuiin HH, H . G Viiiiiuaca Joe. B. BTn.Ki,B, A. I. Aumiwi, Wa. U. ivi.k, . J. D. 1 niMaoaa, flee. Vl-Dot st. joei.vs cci i r -. TI!R BOATtD 0 Dir" TO John's Colit tr, Oirnril, N. ()., i Of BT. auilinnifiaid ui l'i"A the bititiii X fur a t.-rm ol ynua to anr 0 will o' n iy utaLiuh 1 " i , i. I r , mr-Von. anil utiiime pornun wno in 1 -m a - 'i 'i bli, - ..I ti"ie i-o wu ti An ii. i,inr 1 at i I or ' ' ' ' r h. of ind. " - ' 1 be 1, t. u i, .iuiai. .and h.,...,,! -i. a - CORC.L-t ',. : ' mi , INSUBAlCi: C., GEORGIA;;" 10 in r.' a' w-w wrev V a ,i, AS , Jrusn u v u I,,...... 'J ' -.f.," ' east af the ProBU .are ttvided eaaong atKnar' nwaaer' intereat tn tne the dirldooda wilt exeeed thoaie ef aoAaad mm. . . . to their lowaai f r 5 Uaa aiaanuaeaai a m- . - . .wr im' K m . . V are paTahla u re payable to them or their gaardiaaa direct. .h-a, raraaaaooaat to laaare woald Co well to axaaalua the uhloe .Tr - '.u ,, rT'- yw. nawig ana i- aay othev eompanv, uil i i."'"7rf' VT. D, iisATWsWl JgQO 3J,lt,'li.'.tW. .u, . a fHjijjrt I - . i4 ,t,.ji r w C LIFE INSURANCE s.'"- 4 IV IV.' wd-ut KMiie . r NEW.riBLrii te.tj..i;hiau.", "rakiaeat,' i' sw - Ttee rrMiarat, ' .. . JM.rtaa rrwHwjy, ' 3 aaeraaary: , f1 in the -fcusiitou 0t tit i ttta betiBMa.' uin.r iinannKja :anai ih. .. WW OOKaiDotidina awlml ..l i.m J . , i General Agent for N. C. "if virf.ti .rjoiicitor Examjoing, Jbjsiciaa.. Solicitor., 1 ' ' 'f ' mi . rwBta- PVet4'poUaa.u,'aaah,' -o i...,. .... . ii" l ! 'jurl , - -- .tt J..t ,,,ar w.r' 'T- C"" JSJaletkejg and eertiflad by the1 Bepsrlh. ae"eeared by aledga of pnUijj etook . !T ' 7 T-"7,a. ? ' r" " " Baleigb, N. G. CRITERION J ,- V,V. THE CbeSjDOM ( . tl 'Ml ,II1A H,nA 1 I .W a, Atuot A ii mi 1 1 1 i ,.T,i ua i pa in rPt aiFinrwinin . . u iviyvivvvivvr...,',. ... , . j , . , ,,. (.'. Donble the Aaaoant f Stock! i Capltallat of Loohrrm, , ... ' i . 1 "tmnm w njomna-n: . p i. - n. - " " -aFaawncstm. C,ttrinir prrwTwt, of f - , -i -i i, . 'Jl hu baan .r.mly fr"a ana 'i.. " " u " . . " 1 goarantm that tha Nureae oi tu andaU Noa-ForfetHfig. . 1 IkWarlatai txt annwaanAu akltl. L a IrV. or a,. ZT'Z Tl t J. W. Iiu - Ia. E. B iiAiwooD, Via. U. Jonni, ... THuwi. TaoMPaox, tuuToa Oauui, . 0. T" ' . ' TFAI.T" sri-ry ! ( lit Pnwt'roii In Bri'i r- ' and r,,- ' ' '- I'll'.'. t (.,,, ::tr ... si as t 1 a 1 , .i-tiju. J-ii, lira. ll

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