IK 1! I - 1 n co 6 (. t ( I (' I 1 M 1 I Ml 1 to IS lltlia. ... . it.. , . .UAUy 23, 1870. ; , r t e i'cutiuL ... C. 27, 1870. ;- 'IB t . ' isrie .1 . h A , . sr,rl bay .4 i';uu tuia city, which s 1 1 ri ',!. V '.cti on ol i ! t j, 1 a uie yoa. .! Of B ! . . .," . -a, aon-l-lw ol r ol t.'un?rew, if laid i i . .: Jjauiryaed -. - 1 I "mkA i -1! n. Cpft. Mowert :, i t .i.iia, lb , .. ioeda. u out of the back r Ii--,?; fin baring i ' .1 t it wool dyed ', ii 1...' t, to IUI 1 rvD I' bop ma; ! !0 1 !i . .11 : ( -a Citizen oftbU i i any queue wade , Q trots Wt WltB to i .: s M f iieedl- , II "for t tt ( , T.as U our I lit a. . tS collee y; begun a''bis''woad I i . ..1 . .s.i it ta wortn mocB, r. f-tvmour. la, ,onoi awura ba vu Ptn i ti ir be. bat rtow ben u. i -. e it it. Bat b bat made t..4i iitildaod tb wMteni, 1 1 I .... .a l.4nla M.lllfl s. 1 "M , ii iiu ISf UllWI i J, ' ' 7 i i ( i t e mill eoBifortable trbo ( j I . i. II baa maJatbe Ja aoatfortabl-" by bia i'"''-" ii and by bit liberality. - i f ... 1,-4 liita m ' girlng to t si nrgrd'ybarbcae, 1 tit i miuUuz and fTtb i L ve buo Jred dollara. Ha rrmr. biei)bena. twaltabao . ...iiout arcarity, aftef b bad il Ik iwiitiiiB in haDkruntct. ' H . ' ( '.'M ivpulUbirhat fbt -'('. I ol ( r..t. Kweut, of tbe "bot , i ' i ;m Km. Bine h bat takea ! ti Lii'Mield'i Road, andlba. . ,a .'stT't dsikettled ytrWpdgt; . ., tirB li yi.laliT term at lng.l4 i ot fr o yinie. It wilt ba vll lor at to r ia ftust i' 'iintto b 4wai b1d1y ' r.', i . tie took a contract on i , ..auaj. Latue hear-frooj tbe , I .. J . . ' f ti , the L f... ' ( : i ' 1 f, vr brukeo bint npu i ; i . ..Isa wblvb w omitted U ' i. '.Vivra pioat obey tbair . 1 is hea tbcy are polled to1 i r' si' 1 irij tbil bog troogb , e- . e would call. U, Ibej i i i ' 'y tn at.ed. . At to foot , ', j ty ta Warn bit ; U DiTt the TrrMurer, 5 1 4 C.siliua r.uilfuad bondt . v v LbottarprindatlaaM a I t!.. h l. Cn. I fi i a Newbero, til r iu r.,:!i,b,' alU-r wblle, r. I in of time Bow could u uea who bad rubbed tb4 i p I ' e fare," to ataod H a Ion K.U? L..rJ Ssnuly in bit Jet tor r, tbut i.eaV.s of hr'Newbern t t. . ' Hid th war' In KortJ t L i crmciiictcd by toUnpri'.Wbo ' . . and gratlemea, tbe State ' 1 1 Ave rol. J wu1d4 tebrU .. 1 ol tbat, wbat we doM t i 3 t i -aaJt of U.il!rl wortl) 7 i o coDTeypJ North. "Librae 1,1 J ., cita, uilriora, LmUf port t"";'!iT ! abort, ttacotild b ', ttulua by neB,.abuioi . t iolJert, and preaublo ,j e una ciTinrnnon," ,ii iu..- i.i,v J," any lit Staaly. .i fi t of abolitioalatt bad eonreyed n ' is 40,000 doHsr jworthi of ... j Uuruliy roU.sl ilia aradle , r - 9, Family bnrjlng ,anltk i ( a for rubbery ; tod ia on t u publislied Jq $ Bo ', r I k ' r i " t ' l J to toe by aa officer i 'i t' e ermy,) a YeoTtlrai c a retaovesl, aod tbe ; r , f .t t',05 of dead oV bo t ut ia tbe plca iJlgmlaet ' it I f vt!y barberitlet, bo '. t e ts-is it of Euiuuar tad ' t a M, e shut tucb b r 1 I t' a Toicr a of t'ea- ' y ' ''"-V I s . i, "I', . were numprou 1 1 i, t :oa tue uisrst fiifoloue r s i .a into prinon; and alter ts' l barne ds'itrnjej by fir i r. I! cd. I t.i...xt on vera! Ltiiws wc.e burned ',s" l eTiorrj other that of a ' r, s!;iur Tible,', Ubrftij a . a hUAca.'' II wua ' t ; i kuj lueil I Bl&lutiV 1 r'-r-il day befc - j i i ice Sk Etepbt'ti ', i i- l ; ie iujuriet with biok biitiible, '-reujned,' tvo . l ri. 'iii iV of anjer or ; 1 .; ; St' :'t I t'ieju1pit '" , ! without the ' I f - ., b's!rg i a s .e bosi. y io ' - t ' r otoutaid i ' n. I com "We ('! tc'.j i tufKt c f t1.' r omit, ; tl.e c.iJs 18.VJ." Total recelp't. Total expense aw ratiug lb !.uii. icceiutt and ftp (rom 1858, to Hit. t'30,fl",28. .tfortp- - iOS,2C;,2b, Balleao oa receipt aeeooat, ' fin.Ofl.'. Total earning frem all aoanat t3 Total rxpcee eeeuaet, ' Wfi& IMflBBfita:""""" ! fiM.w. aita . . Total mmIpI .21 SAJWffl-? Total ipo areoaBS ' Htt reodpta. , , .. roWphs, 'WSffifitf f OB, I ""'"" . , j 1 LTW,J UUfeUl :, Vatt IdU, $tl,tt0,l. J( 7iy .''.i'V-r'j't' v xw.i I860, -i, I" J Total reotlpte, ,-..! T Total aiDMracotiB, tivt loo 87 Nett oooUBg, 1W. OrkU 1 $wo,tea,iM. Total aarauga, 30W7. ,IWW.1 Kelt arobg tbi r , WWWW . i W- .Taw !, rta H. EaraioMfroraall too roe. laM! Einanaaa. i ; 'J I O f. . i . nt nut! aaaia tbaa I iaooii ftjji .'j' .B$fltM.I 1 ana . , , Reetiipta frora all aource o85,4U.09 Total nania of onaratiBO' tb -if. i ii(r'(fs-n 'i i:ii-ijfT r jsinasaa aati am6a (nravaar.i'V t 1 aratlog MpMMa, .:. $818,838.81 !? - jonai Ttmib, rrt 1880. Total expeute oT optJatiog tb 4 -J 1 Taria utt arofit over ODera- tinc MiwaV: " 1 I808JB81JI 0 A i W 7-w. A. akin, Ft. W bear tbt.b iDcmtad receipt of tb road, lor tb laat loar noatht, orar Ah urn bur Bvanihaotlaat Tear, baa baea aaari 40,000 doHara, Tb iBcreiaad racalpl' of: 0 b4 year fftcr. vT beta nir foU For flttr Tear, tb talk of communi- eatlo b4wa Ktara U Wtter Kottk a jnanayD LOfiiUlU bU Mat afbafB MaktiMBglRV Th oorruDtioBt 1 Hold adjalnUtra-1 . yB,r! Betcn tb efaala tbat Mad tb Beat wlt& Wtbaa pee bmjfrtfr it la propoe4-aMil aad break, oa tbe Dtiddt , if)dhU'rt4. &WMtll& aad Riaf taea aiay b BawleBV " , Irwm UUaa tb freight a It wa leaf tbaa b iocr froai KtMralit Snrlog to 9UA:?"rr Railroad ax aM, Mrtfuitar praatMuai rba tfertb Carolina tarmar that paeaorer tb road will all mmII of yfagr;.J Uoaday aigot. The parnga tt u !i "iwpl34Jra4irOw Mil Ik jnwVaiili Leglilatore, of waat of eoafidme) io tb winibgaeaef Md""VUdoia1 U h. ludloal officer, Ibrbogboat tbe State,' to ' rxecut tbaUfKi fhlM bd bit t lb judical Jadgat, Solldtor,; Skerifla, Jnttioe aad toaitt4e that aar 'i bm atrated with th eiecnlto of tb law, tad tb enrtody of lb peas and boaor of tb B at,-W admltfbal X ft Alt tru ol thaJ al wa hardly pe4 thl Judical. LegWatate to b o croatu ta tba poblialy declare it M,twaiNM'tf . tf hoffner; bt ntltledtovall tba aaiunt - ot caaiing rttila reflecrtoa ob i brother Bad ; they will doubtlaiB te Mem ber him for it, 1 v ft. ' 8VPBBMM COURT, i-- "Moimaf , Jan. S4ib.-A th: araai boor Coort wa opeced by tb Manhal, all tb Jcaticea being preteat aa the Baoh. "- T Tb cu of Britum . Ctw, fh)tn Bocklngham argocd laat week, wa takea up again, and the argaateateaoacladed- by llona. W. H. Battle and Thorn Bragg fat plaintiff, aad Boa. S. , Phillip, for da faadant. : r if j rm ; lO k Caac from tb Kigbttt yutrlct tbea oal led and dUpoaed of at follow t f.: 1 1 NrM . art, ForaytbA VodDef u. soman, xmvi. : Vhiu ar. 5mVAf. Sorrr. . ".FaUtrv a. Martin, tadkla coal s&Meyer v Sankardt, Darliiao. arsoed Clrment and Wilton, Ju.' pltlntlff W, M, I 'M mt, for defendant, .' ' ' ' iMMtta. Jiiuua, Jlowa; argued : Jfoa. urtoo (.'ra.jte, for plaintiff ii Hoa.Kat. . - I n, for dtifendaut. 1 1 ' . o following gentkmen. Of tb Bar, I lb Raleigh , lawyer,, , were, ia at txiK.uuo npea th Ooart, via i Uoav si. H, Wilton, Mat. Boyden, Bnrtoa Cralgw, t l'wn W. M. Bobbin, Rufc Barringtr. C. ! I, T. J, WiUo,oaepb Uattea, aad Li. Voik.' s-i. s ; I' mii. J. M. Cloud. DanL Batten, and A. , . Tsiurgtt, viatled tb ourf,, danng tb day...--i.,;i! f".t .'r,.i t. '. . f ("!nloa war deUrered a follow to- raAaaoa, O. J. la McLeaaoa t : . . ..aim, Uouttfoaery. , Error ; eV ci, " " "' ' '" "'' ' Ia Teagetf U Pr,,Cliatham., Error eair tfciineesn tr- t. re 1 1 v ' ' ' ., - liy litADB, tn la Joint w , Wloaldw, rninSflrlaiiil. No error, iudnrment affirmed. la V- riea'4 Co. . f'bilii pa. ,. Cuinbei land. . - o error, jostgoieot allirmed. 1 By 1 J. t la Garrett . Omitb, Chor" 1, . -ror ; arafr nova. " In I ... . i, DuvU A Co. . lloor Cuia- berlanl. Is o error; JadOMnt atliroaad.. , liy t kttt.k, 1. 1 Ia Coriogtoava Iagradi, Annon. llrrur, d'flmiswl. . Ii 1 Iru k ra. JoiiBj, Kaadolpa. Ko trror. ju.' iii'iit auirned. -' ' v.-j I i y l.onMaw, J.i ia WQitetidet uraeas, Cl'-aro'iinrt. irror, arafre dt aot. . ' j j la ii i' t rs Cromwell, sl(jecombe. f r ..iiisj jinlijiuout (fnr dfea 1 1, S lit.tU Turtrlajr' 10 A. tt. . .. -1 1 1' 9 oj'inioDt ia tbt r' use 1 11 I 1 - sr in ti e next taaae. li rim t' s " 00 f -i .a; : oir, 8. '. ' calld .ta i'r at iTb 30iJ w .V ... 1 Ulif MMtaWtlM Af lltfl Mb4 proprty, aa taken ap diroaiad MtU -Iai.'Wlkan TBw rj WaiUL nokria far tbi bUU - ' JUasa, J tit ft. rr ec t kSbU(ViUraA aad Kobbin jpod k P"K ear. aad tli aaottoa Witt tb IJfBBt WMAi(.:uia n M a ILL Oa BMUom kI JU Al tfyaaai m pnvioo qucatioa wa ailed, . aawaaowat wett caacwiauw wj . lowing oi:- J&V YaA. Maaara. tMiiaaar, nrvgnw, Blytho, Crtgrorpo.?pm(e r aar, Galloway, (cot) Irpngto, fJ14. (col) J, ot Oolumbaa, Joaea, of W ak. LaaaiUf, Jf g. , Mrtia4l, Hff, of terwt, UooM Tay, Bicbardaoa, Bja- peea, BbofiMr, fJetitav Ikepbeae, Walk Od Wlaat4HJJIT W5 K, 'L'HIT in.u .Iiiui IfarkUnhar. Willi V"1"! ,VT-S, "T" " "F lg, Liadaay, L4 Maeoe, lutebor, Ma LaLcbJiav ktarphn Bjbbiaa, ooatt, -Whim lajawaad Witoea IV'. ri'.ii waT tecMl)ora4 BBt.4-orrow awra - Mnr.-Mc TJadaa aaid la i uiaaatJoa of bi tote, tbat a did aot tola agataat lb aataadiacat, aaae tboagbt tkey wen good, ao far aa tkey went, bat vote to aoocnr, b eoadderea wonld be rot to tuetaia tb bill at amead-'l. TbU wa tb ooaltioa takea by tbore l toaajflaa aptad agaifiit eoocurrence. t , j . jy MoTB-ObjaoUna waaJswx$0 barbg tbepiaceediagt ot B nr-t!:-- ield by tba itiicut of Oraog ia r eu to t Ject. iead front tie Cb Je.; turruiad that tt wa aot tuk. A ia order, aad tt tbi wa oUectioa. t-c aoald aot ba read. Mr.. Grabaa reqaeated that they ebttoidb read, bat fka aahiia3iWwaia. ritted oa. .KlVOTa 1 y j r m' 1 r ToieiPAT, Jaa. SStk 1870. Tb oeaate wa aallad. ta awdeas.aavJO pkKkV.C.l 14 It. , Merer. Sweat aad Xdswara'atlaar ad to record their vote U lb ,Mfflrmti oa tba bill entitled, "An aft lur tua batter pretiMat tub laa preyarty." By A. H. Galloway. 00L to 'laaiMawa tha People BeMdiag aad rXeaa Aaaaaiw tioa : raforadXUr; hllu0::lSA ' By nr. w ait 1 to mna (enioa t entp- tcr 1ST f aa act WauaatatMiat i reaen rera rferrd. , paturuaai. aajw- Tb coaaideratlod- of U Hft enWled "aa act to reatore tb eradit ol tb Htate. aad to facilitate tb aomplatioa of the oa flniabad Railroad a. til returned. Tb firat eectloa rcaatrea all Preeideate or other officer of Railroad, who bar r atired State boada. aiaoa Mar. 18(8. whetb- ocb officer tr aow la aSM ar 4100 ak aatateawnt to tb Goveraor ad bwbea Inlanrimt M PnhlU Wnrka! fat. what tnuuuw vg uifuua dw iwa-cw uu. wiu mowntof ncb bofcd war ol3f wed.twhat antoqot ef loch bond fiara bat, iiypotD- eted, (or what parpoaeaad kow aacMret realiaed i and 4tb. wba amonnt of ucb bond war Untold' if ttfiwed over to bl taocetaor, aad whether any iatereet h baea reerivad ia aneold boM. See. Sad, requlraa thtW atatewt 1e be macteoaoatb. aeeqrtUe fwtdeb koadf ajaybavwrbe exohaaged, to be Ktnrnad to tb Treaeery, or depoettetrfn aotea totren dmi. ( yj, ' Sec 4th, require tb Govaraor Id aolPt tnch Pretjdeot or qther officer, wltbia fire aay alter ma paaaagror tar ace, n coatiii whb ta TMUiraiMiitaof the firat aectloa. Beo, Stb, give each offlcar thirty davt etc. oivvwwMnwarjawaBi teca rillr n qui red to iMt.rvturaad to tba Tra tuur may b r delirarad to tb prop offi ccY'dt 'tb Company, oa 'Vatbifaotory t dncabatfrtia raooafcr of jrorjr dt btao dear, ba rireurry an mm to' pi portion to th work. See. T reqalre aad Akay at tadallvrd, ta be atamiMKl aa a to ahow the bad ban wimadered bd agnbi dl Wfmdl 1 1 T .eeo.it, 1 forbid arattlu payma; may boad antilaa rdlivred aad tajip4 Sec. fi.laipo the pentlty ef Imprieooment tea Bae oa aay rreekieat reiuaieg w pi wlU taqnaiiaoa of ui act avi tb to ba broairbtv (8e 10,) kw ta awp. riot Court of Waka, or may be. ttwitfemd , Sea. 11, th Attoreey Oaewtathrrd, alia, to being lri telt agaiaet aay Preei- drnt falling to comply, and; detband a r. otirer, Ac .V 11 ; r'Mitf!h i ...il ll Tb ramalaiag aeotloaa wrovttia i k manner of moving V , ta cat ef rVfattit taff : th laat taction - declaring! tb tan duutlon of tbi bill aot ice, iraiutt aay fin tiier tale antll tli teatter ia oispotaa oi,' ' Theaioet important an Ddmeiilidottd are lollowt to wit : ,,, . p Mr. Welker, proiutK.d to aneail tba Ml to that wbaa th boad aro Maraed that they tbatl aot jbo ol,4 j'tlia,: aa tbt dolbW. v;! p-,i 'm I , air. Cook, ileary JCppat (eet ) aad A.U. Oalloway. (col.) voted airaiBM iwadeptloa. -"Mr, Cibridga, oJered th. fcHowing tjtrt aew aecuoo, wwu i rla .,. .- Ia cat any Prewdcati ot tbe ffloar. who may come withi rh' prorlelowr ef to It act, tnau D anted iroa or ettae bryoad tb limit o tbi State,. ad .aball upoa tbt aotifioalioa of; tbeUoreenotsi r. fut'- or aegleoV to answer, or othirfkwi tppenrto any octioa ir if J In tUtect, tt tUall be tb duty of t .e Uoreiuor, and be ia hereby rcqalred, to make a rrquiiitloa aad demand for aay-'anek PreaiOeat, or other botUce-. aiMHi the Oovaraor a an State, where aurh Preatdetiti ar otoer fH j 0 r myif',ln ilrnfWIB.Wolo bl) Blty owe uf f ji y& w srj. (P) fiH-'BT Meear. Cook, Galloway, (ool)r Leeelttr, Maniudal and Umith ' votd araloat' it tdoptio.' . " ,-. "-Jl ,;'f,ri ( Mr. Robbiot ofliirsd tbe following aatad aent,;to-it! '";,;., J,v" Tbat ao tpectal tax that b Jerled to pay lotereit on to Donut aroica may at. any time be oa depoait la tbe 1 reaeart. aecor ding to th piorUloa of tbi act rand the ratio ot tpcciid tnx dim?-1 to o levir In each appropriation act, tuoJ bduuiouhd la the an trf "irttoa tn amonnt ot tneb Dnn 'a on t amoL.t i I L 'it nropnutiou a. t t 't t 1 to t' ft whole I ii ii an. ( ai..l it ti- ..I ti 1 ' - t ie ' r )- l. , ' i Of be ti e (' 'T r S i 1 . C I ! e n in Crabara, Urringtoa, ITawk'u , Mckleuliur(r,-LiiulK.y, Long, L 'telcbor, McUiiKUlia, kluriiiiy, ( !M, liobbin. f -.it. .vliitemid and W'i' ai nasi a, I an, .xhfti'iaoa, r, vT 'it. :&t I are, vn, 'wk.; col., ily- ' Tbo wba to- In the t Meaara. lb em an, . rtL Col, Epa,eolyockai. , Oal way man, eol- JoBea.'.of t', iutu 4,i j, Wake. Laaaiter. Lf c. Martindala. iiuora.of Canaret. Kowe, C Va-y, Beailk and wr. Khenoar oered-a- mratTf form whole WU. wldob ww voted dowa, mA Ut 'bill aaaiaaiiaadilaaJf aeajad.u I fvlkl Oa motioa the geoate adlcmrDed BOcfljtertBisiirTiTiTts. renoerVr'llouYDf'feb! aick kat, wo ar indebted to d H lead log teatorea of tb proceeding of la Iloue, yeeterday, erbicb awayT blpw. . m siier ef luu i were eallad awdrwler. fed. Tk bill lor tb aew eonntv of Dare paaa- d ecaa4 atadjagjaswl mm aatv JiH epeeial ordor lor tcvatorrow 11 o'eloek. j Mr. Moor, of Cbowaa advocated tb paaagwof tb bill ' Mr. JrvU opaeotdM tadfalaldj tb petiUoow for tk eonaty were minora. 1 Cantata Robiatoa called as bi rola tioa totrodaeed befort tbe wo ia regard 1o ah in terete atioi otad aaaoot aiak'tko deciarea taat tbe bill at It bow appeared oa the ttttato book,wa aot Mt toll ptttta dt tbi Legiatetar. (Th Caataiaa tpeeeb will appear tomorrow.) Ta potitioa at Captaia Bobtatea waoakataatlair Meaara, MeoreLeary. lUgVara and Jattir. - Leery (00L) aaid a voted with the laority.oa tji pawag of h Mil, at It bow Mood it wat he b wianed U to be, bat it a at aot at tb Hoe bad aad it, aad tnaretor b weald vote for tb retolntior. MW taWaS adoratd' aimbat bad boat aid by Capt Kobinao. Tab wa ao party qaeatioa; a groat wrong aaa oeta peryilfrwaad.lrBtal tbo A4Rlatatar and tb atat aad a witoad to find oat tb gailty parrJofci m ev iu , . 'nrir:ij ..MfJiiMid ho woe at baart aRepab lloaa j facte: W. awWKai AhiagAii Ah Scboul Bill did aot wad aa it wa patted !. ywtaraxppawi-0t4 padJ bee perpetrakdi be did aot aay who did it, bat b witbfl to, Aad .oat j And, tbw ratolatioae ahoald nave bit hearty aapport. Jtr. Itoort, of Cbowaa, aaid th board of. daeatioa bad. aada ooatraota nader ta Uw aad wa ooallT do aoCbibg to repeal or might iBtrodnot a law to repeal, bat be tboald vote tgtiatt It, for the Uw wa aow ae a wianed iw ,1, ri Capt. BoblDtoa, ttkeV if bonnderttoodl tk geatiemaa troar Cbowaa to aay tbat be woold ofrpcat any Uw to repeal tb later paUtdjMtiMf abill.fi .. i ',.0 Mr. Moor aaid e weald bnt oulaav aaentlr chaased hi ootitioa and aaid h wowld Joi witW gaadOmea ' 4 atria Ibel laterpolated claaia irom tne etatate book. Ou motii taeUobat crjrlreds mssmssm Ma. Enrroa :-r- P:aa find oae dollar aad a half (tlSO.) fo3aaa4f ta Weekly tinil. we will Bead job a timllar amonai ooe)4'aaay.rtea la lowly here and to aall taatalmeat and matt arf aamrtwa ga majTaeaianiagiy. ex- ccpt wbat go t to tbe Treatary ol tb aairpen. jjjil t Th faotl of ae ber look (nmbr. their eVt aab 'WMh la fii of ai akt iadIgM.1 tlo aad UMir moutai.tpata; tnanar-tond aad aayielding Npagnaao to) tb relgnlog admiaUtrattoa aadta MUa.fMtklt Leatelatar.' Boat) It ta eoaaieaano aot ot on man only b pietar I tb face of Catawb. now obanoed w aer appearano : riao tb angbing daaghter of tb Wett-a. ber tmll la changed to a frown, ber cheek one roeeate with the bloom fl health aow imcreated with tb pallor of toff. rice. The ditgi waia rcraalt' t ho diawaaw. Ir U tb blisht of Maiiflinn : tb bat not tba dit mm htrmVt bat at' a member f tb body politic, bor, offriv ia tympathtic Cat aw t law bar bat on word for Itodt- ca'ttm . But a very few Bad teaic bT bee elected to roflc Iwtato coaaiy. we ar aot to immb tor toe rata aad dMOtatie 4ayrMdrB..ikJmoth er Caiolina. w ar protntlag agtiott thy attar aad final dattrnotfoB i we lor tbe aad won Id ar('4po iwitbU h wajl ana orotperitt wiuon to Daucea." But it may b aakeJ, Wbai ar jrticvaac t Wataiwii1lwy,ariMaiii Via narlrof tb catalogue below, tew if j , ltt, Oa tba part ot Legialatore, a vtpt Of rttpeefer tad tjmpatbr tyifA he mtMr et, Jivy diaregard righto which Uiey. r morally and coDttilationalW obligated to Liaat'Ximtv aaa bardeaoomtoaoavta Srd. A A eoaaeQoence of tuck annreoa- deatedloawi-4a'atkeoP pt(ka,a rbaaon ably expected! to tb praatjtd prog rem towirdi tb eompletion of oor great Utm f raiiy!Tbeat ftft)m poqaj ly iiMttueeksis 1 :.ict i , ,i.i is i.i,ot,. u. a aewnxc ooaeeqaaac w reeiaa ably expected to ato tb credit of tb Stete advaaeed ; laetead of tki book at the moa- otary lades, , ,ij,t t jmrntm n f w o,jaa. 17.1 PnuwCi 11. -Teo temet fit eionooa ISk aow imo 47 r Virginia ,( ox eoapoa 53i ; aow lata 80 j touUiaaa 6 old lata TO; aew 88 : Alabama 8 old lata 13 : five 8: Georgia fit oid lean 80 j mvmw 80, BomD CaroiiBa-.7 new. 38 i old,. ISti. Kottk Carolina 7 old lata 41 e aow U4. i Wta la Ir.-that-the trrmltt' nf Kuril Carolina ttand at tb fot of tb ctamt Why U It iowar tbaa. thai ot her Soaiber eieterat Tbrv aro roveraed b itadtcala. fa it bteauet hey bay Uwac aoalawagal'; It may be , It it a a4om4 OUbt aiama! . ixitt tula Mat qaeatioa aieaa mat a or togironl of baidoaraingttutbaMamiaoat of- Wail -wtreelr, owe kuadtwd oaate tor tweutj, four and a ba f cent oa hand red dollar far awaoty-tuur, and a baUdollare aad la tbia proporiioa pledge away miK lloatf Are tbe fro bora aoatot North Carolina that to b "hound oaf lo th Cuibloa tcatd,'1nafrltt'd Countered,' golde peaoao uamntoat 01 au airect 404 juft iber, ar tbe aumtitbq obtained, to be glvea to, or allowed to be atolea by, roving Carpet bagger, to lb aeirlect Ot internal hnproreaieatar - eebool, - ei--dw-f y fit Wadtealiaa a tlrutna I yetp UraMW Jia don hi work la tba beaatorial Dit Uict tnd bit blade it atill hungry.. Great Cvetar ia wounded already. " , t ' eta. Harlow ,Wnkiupte4 Abo filat. wa bear that there ht a ro orenie t on- feet to ell out Wbat bl left, ' an;! ' Tisnd tt over bound band and fyotla tlio iiabobiol Wall Street, M. T. tb. Ia th militia bill aow "pendinv ia tbe litgitlatnr we are r.ifnar-i'ii with tus awratv, and a J. ...-.i u ot the writ of AoAeaiaarpwe t!i nem of Zitgu Cbarta the matled armor of lrmfB, the enf ral pot. ii'BWb: U a'l our i.,,ta and liieriict were binod by our 1 'teia. ., - 7th. 1u threat. r- I s! ti'rniioatioa of the member of tb I to nsmi r-r ' ' n r ,(. lire koell r ' - f - ear. The direct tea dcocy of . .. ....neal carreote U rapid towarde rirjr-i .! deapotiaat, dpeadeat wktreatn. ;etme -am tbeir abadow oe ..iia luei" no a l.i eeatrllzing impmii aaa at W. Uiagtna .ty.. ' ;-...... V , la tbi drear t would to God It were. Lead of , tue Brevard, tb Graham aad h yomeytt LiMWf Maeow, Gaetoe, Badger, Swaia and Bafiip I. What beat thoa dooe to aterit ibi poyarty, thit horat leach dee poll am, tbf tearful bumiliaUon t Why ba to many of tby ehildrea, whom la time WBoeLtfcoa did cdaeatoiaadclotbefwith dob awd.koaofthrbl k artw-hr of thtavtbyjrgitimat onviuloaJ2jkuled. n Eery erdit added 'UaoV :ia r joialng tide r'iUtJiaaiwMra wbuwaaaww, who Jar aciog oyer tba grave of tbe lallca heme Bad bnJag bardt a ar- voaa to be boree a theiy;turvtVM)g WB4fadet"JJktberl;, motWa, weeping widow, tud .belplea orpbaatl ' W ar eaptiyt 1 oorew laad." UwBtrpT bung' tlpo 'th"Wll- tow aad w are 1a tb daaK mt, t ,wara, art te graamao yeomanry crj, b(bre,aabalm, jUt(r&irMd lAber no pbyticiaa there r aaa. oaofidaaot.ht tb Gp4 f Uearo reiara tk ,eetv vaatr. AraAM Vmtn M ,nimlm or mt leadera.v A A Uwl,by day aad a pillar 4 ;lkybA,, ewaa piai ;ino. may. .', a,wsauma. fcsUOW Oat,.I4 4irtlU:l'Mr( tr.wt,towt,d. St wii anoa a treamd aart Caaata oaya. . . r Air. dit4, w oM tbea lioee to . pabH tioo, la the bop that laoMf oi fae,if,ot 1 hat of reaopa, ay yat bo board M u$ voatroywa 0 oat Temple lAbectp.. Yoa.ar doUB. a aoU. oateioA work.iBaai 4 a wiU oertaialy- ccowa year , lkbora, Aer ytaaee it ratrn aad your eaemytaaaMi j Wa, ad Catwb bid yoa iMttapotd. ji'Bf an ifi u jtrmi wHJtiaiBwuyy in,. J M ni l.i;J ,IU '! ' I., ll.hl(.0.' oKff ('ill " .-I 'ii 1 mi s tHr&l-n fer the ScsUoei j lltB:,Ipmii:iAtabUc mcHiW t.W br tnTl8.hlbat, at BaklhsirV Schoo! Hou,l4 Jobnatoi ootiniyi by the citl' wof rJooa Hllland 8mithfleld Towa abipt," for tbt purpot ol adopting4 ' eomk Hoaaa, to pof a atop te'ib 4epredAtiont tbat are oonttantly Ming' cntniniMed bpon IB4 atefll of tki country P. Creech, 8 0 ; wat Called to tb chair.' aad: 1 rede I Godt wta;aad J,1 tt" Bainard wcr4 appointed fJecreUrtea, The aatdaB beinir dult or ganraad, lettra) good practical tpeeche were audi-; by Mr, B. T.' Smith and other; wbn, aot onif alyduted th dlfflchrtiettbe farmor km' to oooTend1 wlthiri. fatock rait Int bat Pointed dot boW theae aifflcultlea thould be met' A bofuBiltto of tbre4,wt tbea appoidted to brepaia reaoIutyoH for th 0011011 of ft meeting,- Thi Committee after t abort rttlrtment, reported throuifh tbelr cbairmaa the tollowlbg") " ' WftniKAt. It It eeoeraur cooceded that rWlf'reMrrvtttoa it joaoof the" atrobfeetr" aa w ao, on i i tn nqiei range tor noct: U tba lower Country, We aro ' ArViluUty nuaWe to ralie ttockt of bogtM cattle jiAd ebepp1, lifllelent to feed oQr own familtit ritb, muck leaa to tupply our eeareat mar awtrowldg to a law lee Act' of Vagknti, who teem to tancy tbat there it to hi t ho lawt totohuitb. i r BO madttrhte td aafurba theoi,1 Aad,' WSereaa, w hare been Rfrrbg B.L.. ..-a. m.:ni -U--' ---... iA il . .jaa a .owl vBMt ww Tsrai ao ub)U fall ion m gWber wllktbh kapejofabetter: Urn com ing wba,',lBl fact, Wnti Are growing wort aad won every day icttead of bet ter! ' ThatMnta.11 ,r r"''l -V- ter.' Tnartonr i Jiathml. 'rbU U 1 obiopintoB that if tnereeTcr-wm a TTmewneB TTDTDoarance 1 to fcwa Virtue-" Ihat tlm it "niith alrtaxtwiiMMlMr ,10 MM. r it ' duuj .vi.it iL i,vt-u . 'J.ij,.j tb hard working, liipaying elemeht df thVj couatry, aaa taecwroaa, aav a ngat to ex pact ampl prbtoetioatroai tlte'law aVre- 0y;. li ,K,f i ifcl ,,.,ni , an ,. .fi, ,v Ww!Tka:wlBww'wl'lM dert are, and cculd eaatly rid the country ot them, at we have lb 4tumbert Bod con- maaeatiy tb 'pbytlcal hbility' to dotal ttm w ar .taw toriog aaa law aotding en I , prtferin to aeek redremJ in a lawful way. Wothtwftifw raptor our Slate Leg itlatara How fa tomlnwto rTV a A bench f mtl Ha WhtJ.'mkoi'ar1 law V)idiig and law1 toying, tad who" at thk tame Ume iw mnrtent to ditebatir' 'thhlatle tfl tbat reapout ble potitioa. , " .'fTotW'Tbit thoto ot (nV'pd 'iTavl-'itot bad thhif'tihsU potted, 'wilt 'fifocewsf fo' do' eO Without delay; and w blreb ' jitedgA oartHlvot to oroeecate all tiaanaaaera m tha1 wkiMii ot tb law,' 'w; ' "' Bernini. Tbat V"wli WW nb Wribb will we Sir aid aod'comtort'td1 aiir oae. white or blatl. Who meVbe' dBWilIin to aatltt' ait ta A Uwful wav, io corracAha abate rblerftd tot, Bui oa the other htndi wr ordlally 'Invite bonei laboreititdth wblte and coloridj' to ttttle' tmoogat bt, wher they will b treat I jiiilry aad kind ly, aad when tkey will bo able to enjoy tbt -'The retolntlont'tfter"being jVf'tup-' ported by paecha froa. Mveralf Lioeiit1 larmoi preacai war npaniaioaslyvioptod aed ordered to bo tent tb I he Rtlelch fcish- TfBt, NortV Carollnk Standard and tbe uaruttaa mmtngtr, wita request to publish. After tranaactinor other bnslaeaa rsf imiu' anc loch at th tppbtntaent ol commltN oath firm Moada laAorir .' ,' 1,...., j; i.ivi n,i..i 'ii'lm tf i,ifw" i vniB "'-"'ii . Jti-i1' ' Mt.'M-t ,t,;..Jtji' ,ti. TDBapanff joa. ,30th.'' ' - Ooart aawmbled at Ttf," A."' Mr ffom the 8th Diatrrct, baited- heaTd! eappona Iroa - ti mpanV 'wi'-mitlionr Kowaa. Argued s lot cm tie let" rialotifi, iwynea ana oaiiey tor o lenaant. awj't- ewww vmsvj tui -ICUUIIlBi - Li kuroney , Arory,', Bowtw.1 ; Hfgded'; Boyden, McCkffkl and Clement, fot Plaid.' tiff: Bailr ami rratrlhnrar..n4.' vit'. L MoOonaaoghay to. Cbamberj.'B .win. Argued i Boyden aad Bailey ff PI nib tiff McOoiklefiwDefwiilaiit ''''',1i'J - Th tallowing mtmberA of the frgaf iij feajioB Were in attendance upon Curt, du ring the day, In addltioa to gebtlemen of in rtaieign Bar, v t ; Uont. Mat. Bojdch, Burton Craig and J. B. ' Wilton; Metart. C. OowdV J. M. McCorkle, 3. ' M. Clement, Jfo. teph WBtfonjT.' X.' Wilton, W.' J. Mont gomery, aad Rufut Berrinper, Ef qr.' ! , K' Court adlourned at t.SO P. M. : i.--..i . - i ' i bK . ABiTBACT 0r.0PINW.lt.. ., r , Ales. Johotoa , Alagiutraie't Stay Laar, debt.. Jladgtaentiror plaintifl. tor $14,((k , IUacb, J.t No trior judgment at&rmtd, ,. 1.. Tbe firm tectioa of tb. 0Ut eham act of S2d Jlareh, 18C, , declared, aocotr titutioeal and void, , , .. r(-,-! ,:.; ,1 t cban of jeaeil y., by leirialaliT aactaient, tor th cneyrBionecOk tiiecoarli and for tu pnrpoMt of jtiattee, doe. aot impair tbe obii; .uou ol contracta. I I nt. if tuih cbanr-A, U in favor ot on party on it. at tbe expuiiae and tnateiial injury of anoth er, it d- impair the :' -atioa of th Oun " s"sn,sininiwnpm vur tanua, wuo, bertraf er out fa caught ttoaiing ' ploperty of any tlctcrlptloii 1artbe neighourbood. aor A Deci.: i f i J - "mallwool, ro affirmad. - V Iaaae W: eaitWa . VC-W. Greea, Ad mlaitt'to. .rata t yitand. I'ractia tiiot jus- aev'e- Ian f declared to frit Iran uredjiu pp' ing bU mother i4 la the iteatate.1 ieteadent.- , , Ho iab. ffW terror- iue do aovo. ..; 1. i i t ev totu . .p. 118, ec 80, i coafiuk 1 to eaaee. iu ahicB adminUtrator bad airsdyplaaded. - , - l. Ko ntereted jmrty lbilliwetr toa traaaaotioB with a deoaaiaJ paroato cbanro bU otUio, bcotaat ta doewttad aa aot awrar ia rewly. There la ao tepagaanc n r-f ii r Tff naTli ilufi moil r O.C.P. plevl exlr nUii.irad,TheV'H?t-" ItCjiiLL "g j Hghilu,, t Air4aAerm, f'fK S keW..i IhtViri it, aay h i Ion 4 a f H t ffi iwiyWiir Vberetke siifent rM dlUJ lt hit right, aad aaka tor aa indulgeaoc .KOI22rMK09i)T3At 10tI0 watidi "iwaiU..vJwaviBfL. ,mwU .sLiH litiirvl .eafujfl imld 4 joH ; 'm " tm nt Jyi i'tx. euotle larOw X miU VOJimXUWMIiH, asal AoaaaWU) w TfiymvtchAtkui 4i bam ,taMa whatl fo tywo B0H&1 atUwtW ataam wnrlb.aoaji,wanAwOsll-t meant, .l.sid.igi.,1 uori.Bn.ilril alitmeo riojc- MMaWdl m r7AlliBma.ran wul 4e aill af i eenia. MH,t4d at nMaooabl pripa,nPh.iou;rapu ef- S, "Mtr.o, ih tKVmfrf, e ten at 70 at.. j,,,, vlo,a uwi' J: S'TSJO tut V-eteco CREECK&i I don't intend that any Hoaaa, burg eg .i-.t . 1 1 a m 1 oev or 011, aaan aeu goooa enaaper ma 1 intend to eall aoode at Inaide fiewne i ?aahBaaial Lot Hum "atari tt poetlioo.y am jaat tbe man to meet them, -iHway ready an. amiog rorJJ-V te ii.ia i J. .a j rnVRCn JanSA-tf JIT A .viii a oIA la barim im.l .r'Tifw a it )n "i ir i-i i "!T I '.fli I e wi Lt. opiif oh rtmaix. vNMW H ttTVliM of Oen M WUt noru3g 01 wi .-i-'7. i,.'-'.'.:.: ALbO, THE RALEIGH Y STjrLa5aiJ 1 fA.'4awd.WyJabe (a ereaC-joky ifhatnaet imported Blaak Soft ftwneh Hate ear offarad ia Uiie City .1IAaJ ,.JU( I The aabl e ar reaoeetfullT inrited to eall and MajcaJ the tattaMHe tad prtee.'-fl at nW A . xirfB.' a"-a 'tucker afo Jntt-tf - imcT.LAainiTii t liiv,m.laittrv.T.rni.rii rtatiaa naat atoeavtiw vimjBtiaa.ititajiF ' Mtn lit tm. aBsvtMAB1 oio TAirn,Y V I L H I N Q T O N 8 T2lif .- ' in. ! lui on' m ' inula aiaa 1 1 iwrTarr I NmGdb))Sl , . NEW AND LOW PMCESI I BEY GOODS, GEOC&lHSW WAEX, CUTLEET. & " waaataeaajav . ALtfoeT lmni iraVrAWABV TO BAT I They will a bappy 'to aeaoauandat tbelr aitiatoatokt 9W (aaeraiV. LOIVB VS A TBIALw jaa, 15-aat 1 r r 'u 11 t'jsiii in uiL'imiBig"rih B BALE. IMI1 1 uaraea reaa and tseet seea, raiaea m una leiniw, 'i w, n. junmi uut . . r-r-.viw.n. an .w. . w r. m.. HaoSWt "ilw?l!iiisoa "v.i fftv"! irk HSKifii AOhfSa wnuiMi. DowAiiaa f Ho LaU'BasS'aWgAKJk aUUSMOkA f. "naamtwwmitofmtieatiy oa aaaa. ft OU8E AND LOT JwaaHr X&XmM imkMt e-rVf ; la th F4iatenalBwrtkwl WfwM-City, Bear tb UrulbaA ai Ilsrie atnki. . h I - A ta--.--rf- jeast-tr 8HUlil'r3iOrxa!. A. New CrP BBIO ALTA 'fiaeam ATbWA-dsIm benxEOEB, i- ..ijy i.il'rTOllJgf vadelfiilttaaa, - J tw K.riJ? Ill aartaat jaam AT. Jhl.la.mo7"?FTtfa1 mtl tWLIKB MArt'CfrrSTWATntO OHa, taperyaitfy- pttra, and fre from all adnltorw tiaaenr mixtnree elaaj a.. 1. 1 li nw ,..!OB. aaaaU ablla kmrnmg, iriTea aauii and brilliant light, aad can be ani s i tLa .. aaaoraiwe ot aafety aa aW Cnatun. prunsui,. w it ibe bnt aad aaWt IllaminMuig Oil erer aii. red t aas pwblie; and Inaorane C..miuin ioduraaacd. nre apow eocaniwsra I - , ui"Aatraa" OU in prereren. e to a .s i now b.n-ue, byli..nnil. o. fai,:, ilmmm I ' any accuout iMearrad fioia iu aaa ; a Umnf j. wiUi it, if anant and broki.n, wnl niH Jbpreeeittaihi.'irmfMm. ri.ei-.-'Hl',i .'ii.p...., eolyin the j irr,ty s . . ( j i ,110 aad t galione hi, i ir ,. i 4n . aiannisr iHa e. i,d , K1. . pactiuis wiu uiiim aoal wa ir i. . . and t"t Dooe bat ! r ' . "Amia."Oil, fnrai'o ' ,a at wuuaea ai 1 i tML 1 "' I I V ' . n. . , , ' S r . t f.o.i i: , i' " , :. "j Busisl fsrc... i ; , s te. r-Kiiiae ...... .i dolt-tBT .y 114 it. ' - P - M - a fa1"!;, u:1- tl ,s Pit O A . C siMeW-tf, --tw 'aWmirAWAiiakii fi H 5bwt 2 w . 4 I 8 Z i n ..u. ,.1-r st t? ii i. I . awaa a-waam . LJ 1 ' if tm t J n 'AT 1 f -v h v UA PSa tTt.'e Lia. W rh' 5 -4.n4i' twij-syuitt. t vtfii4.( mwC aW eibeB tt.Srl' 'K. S 4 ...':H .'--.-.- ktoMwwwu. 1 ' mSCKLLASXOTJl ' roLTDAt pbesjentSi Wsi' a r.crvD. a . etary deaeriptiea txeowtad tatlarwre iMatatyla. r t.t) .wt. H tt ate) 1' a-jaear;--- .T ..I.UK fcii. ,i-jts -iiraXflis. v i I -4iiitTiW au'aYui . a matt til .KMWAklllt' 1 Jl TBB PUEE8 r AMD MOST lOTlOOSATIK r. bO OB4 Mi aa i-ii' aiui mil lawi , yfTW. cfferrJ taJlcted. : t DlOKKTIVBlililttANB-. 'vl 1. - -. s. . ikiAi. .. ' . '..4.' jitsA sw vaiTl,mi T1"t I., at ragTMia wm vwvfls sss,t ,j cr a yetfaoaVyitad fcajald, take the tMbfitw Ifroa are weak and debiUteied .. oo-i T I f Jf too eaaaqteteep ' ' Una do. f f II eall aaw Ytanlialul A; mnihnt'l AWkla.kuLi Tei nrer ea wrpia- ao w annu wseaa OO. iu aw yow are awateae 10 cane -ii., yon bae kwt yoar appetite take daa xm S- .... WW II. II iwn J ... . FBHk THIBB! Bob) AA-M ' aawnia wnea m enry lowm. - XTi JJ XVII A xuxv Xt Bi4AAl ttrtA.. AuTuKlhUlW..' i.tiiMoa , M iwM tOAMA .etsMnut - At AabofjQnJi- ATOM 'HB' REIT I hISTI DAii.y Ml 4 ..' -..U llW .stM.eUwld lia Ct In -ioe (irtK wi -nf nu, t.ua ii W u.xiintia till eillWI MHI rj.oi tr,nmtH VW)y.i.j .i;s-HMr is! usj-su r i-,it 'l .imjO W.riiHvttfs,Wirt ,iihh i ,im im ji me) J i)B"' wS 'rWlMa.t ..tkasOs., - - - MeVritirlywa.rat'i.. JL eowwlaieiinMrAallyaudtetierwue imarev Ma VmruuMra Mara-iUxiiu. wili auapoa at bt Itaaadanedewake4 qjojmw and ftthlaai -taraUn r-V:,tr'o'rAt'MittM doya.T ' , 1 .Jiuv ,rtvV 14 ' Hi Bteek nailiiiii 1 rarteas rkaaiber, Itnmr MimaBdUmaaVauBMnra. l-..ill.. itiiraaaa. . lablea, WaebeteBOat waisliuuM,h, , Arm ami nucmiug vnaua.eeu, aw 1. - Tbaaita raraeaaaea tar wan I 1 t 1-1-T iea raranaaana aar Tmaaa 1 -innTrnrnnrB aew aaa elegant ramtare, to oataua - Call at bit TTtrt flnnmt aoraar iyle mi A and FayatteTillebta-and amUia aa aloe H'iiii,i-ir5 .,. 1 ,.j .Ii , -a-.-.... v-w atVt aA 1 a-WalTiiig Ordered Work win toMaargog ayr, Ab atuy- Jaa lS-la liwi .B auail&M iJ.aN , . Sll'Jllll.llllll,i ,, , WALTKUrCIAn'";'; , V ittorBeiJtiA CoaasellscAl Ui 8C0TLAin'NECK; N. C. , n, mettee irth fvmrta of hwt. y- -s. - farbei ad) Merthamptim. Aaawtw tue 1 1 aad Ba areaae sOoart. - " - ' twiiKjtuioa aoJ ia aay part of ' aeut 'il-c tise cowroa hat.h- . -,o j it i i r i h H'y i- h " at priTate aalt oae .el tha luwt Kilk to an City. 8iie haaaoealL bnt iint a wnrlr ot eoeii4 rank. s..nt e ' t s-r taaewaae kae aisir tnn he wa . isib an a . .t i A3' T',r Ti! f-ii imi j.. ., J fr- vat d- Jt,'e "l -i j .bj v a ja-ef i, t,n - C .K-:da'iA4.4 i .. fTTwTT:"-iy r-- - - AA vwrad.t !,.. .4. aaieiaja Attaetoa Bannia.,1, at " t iaa7-Im-,. j'.', , tttaodarsL Wiaoaawaa..l I':.. rat P"a copy aad bijlto I in I ' Hi Ji . i tjj-. ' .. i. Jtt)P. WtAf Jtpf rttr ,.t a Loet a baB pop, ear el j r v ' fherisfht eye black; i4 e . i through tae hair. A W-4. atlilffTiti - - A t0. JaafiSfiW cxrczD r: BEIBBCISPS t will b reeni' i . .iar-i of 1 -J " 3 i due lsw.a 17 AS. laffar tanae r I "I t 1 a t a 1 I- X l ': I 1 7f ' I ' . ' t I S V. : f.r two y I - I urn f i 1 II pi! j .' v. 1 . s 1 at 1 . . y n' I I A. si . 1 t'l r, I. .: U:i,.tf , P ' ' "9 , I. . - i . 8. A . i fi '.,.! on'r to ? ia tt. vi.'t S.S , - , : tue CM ..!: 'I s.J t.. COU!ivU , K , -a ;. , , . ,5li.;; 1 Uk iu H T i, l.uru-tiifriy, 1 i '

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