tlr" t.l r ii, -wff" .410 W . . BM W 1,-.... ............... M .. .... y 4 ' : . II I HI 7 ; 1 . I . ' pet pas ticea . j " tKa-longeeougai Nfw it n t r I?: Y!e. it will mania row . i . . r v I i t w!k bttr,ji-.' , . ...,w tye '.' tm tovitodfe Turn - 'i f e d:msia of perrwaaliti, a . ! . v HJ,nd w IWBrf' plBjtor 4 -i,... uch aAblagV, W BOt fMM if , B f .,a,iB otty tort with 7tfotto . . " i...t ti..:,J. ia GMkilMUM. jialM .. . z. I- . i I f the CM4U-ISiV''g!f STf 11 lie 4 yr"M ti not aver to il ,, ! of 9Y tort4 , When W Bilt '.'('A ...ll.rt of editaria! CrlticW; dl fc xptct to go Boaiticiatdl iJXdK b aot look for rri't from at f..H ctoMl oiejr " that U c ; Wia ' lwncaT -m. . ; Tiled a to pHUolld M aW. .Midoflntl - i " r. Turner IfSHmttiiiil ;8T '' li,, ut w ara aodeoided la our faHicH ,s v . wt, ba dtTfi M gKrtt;rijaaUoffsJ(l we iwuaJlibJtwni Ut'. et "t an1 moat eoualateBteMMervattTa. . Coo.- iTaiira, which iaaboat M .bad aa - Katllrnl I?cpnMicaa. 74 - ' Ju.t ai.; Krl Tatea, ail tta! b Joel ttf m inion too eutivlala'Urf Derkaeaj4 ail '. . " . J j " ibb to join taua witb U (boat, few fo-J f'i eertai mm," wmia jowr iimomiw . lion la tobblra tui , Xrfjttoy. plODdwlng . ... . and oi'preanlog tbapaopial ( Wei charge r -m ' r v.f,iai wft6rae(.ald J, ., of; t I j tbiefea, that itead aroiiad btm. ' Ve .: -a nut gin yotVhpptgea ' . w ex'-ua lor making tlmm with oa. ITha :u. kiaa Lo to bent oa txpoelng Ltba inwd and WKlailE tlit efprataioaot Holdeo't ad- r n will eatk" no 'each ktanraa ' ' ' I ' t 1 i to BA with at XI hai jdtM'i i.uif, k ' a or iocUuaiWn for tneai, tand Ml i i. . .i . 1. 1. a i.ii.i i ua n s, i : i o jwffjn w iiiuw v jwiwr t' Ij... to tlm iod thottld look Ipon 10 'nttM!"?f" 'T"laiad,Alaalii, iha iadulaffj Kurth I . i ai'h aplcin, aa willing ao, d 140 . o i ve aid to, Boldea -t tth , MfMtyfoe;fBj' 'ti,ii h which ihe rnmiirt u now CuraadJl-. n i in ' ...f Ut Twiar haa 'altaa aidlA Cb4M 2fBIBS.A .will be an i c- .iort Vo noldso- "If bat ca b. Lord " rndlBgtBfsyaBarday, a . .-'fT!i.i!.'' iujieewjIatioB waa ad6Dtd b 'that bod re. I uv h4abe the tone of f ie Democrat, pr the , ?ean Mf, "y eolca of it, ditorr;Jrh he . to i:.:.-6h f T.m, h called ipbTl tj ji'i t t f 'n-TemnaUoB, I Wf . f 1. ,.ecu;:en.WfUoHW i - i jour t la i j i u . u h6 joiocd m n eaorptfSeav' BaflUV i . j p..nii."J I one Curc rratiT ttt 'ltn, 1 a t. 1 di6aFprobitio"iiipoit H f act eince tb turreuUw, faate , f j i t ' b r"'"0. we knqwtheyoj aad I bve evii! one of ft In our powemfMfc V. e i ... . i 'xl c..ud apoa to vladlcat pari II iiUhfaU , fff rr riofttna (IT COflipar' It WHB si i hud i .:!- ItllttOB , and tuat ii to driveuotdea -tt t ti.lnrf tromuthan op rot the people. If thii i i ' rnodeoi perrbrtning t tuat we ba tba. 1 n"n, who are not ,!tb .Badlotvle. . ,mi. i a (.:; artr carfea r t m: u Uve, euch a Jadklary . 'u,;dipitJieul atKoitb , ...11 iafbaSUU. of Ilaoon', called np a i o U-t'iy ci 3 belofa tha n r ! , ' tt f onJ the , 1 y i rjiulating the bill . .c i ( f j 1 Vu. fiitltinv., , i. a A Vuli y ahoolU be bld bp Iq o acoru lor the laterpoV.q tna tread, t t ie committed It, but ta thighs tI ' " t S'-e UU wa in ,, k id he hai been acting under it , i ! J L. J I . a committed by ia ,. TI, i fcU I'.w Sogland nypi - " - l--l tbe bill than r t . i.e wu familiar J of it. To tnaia ., in tuiitatloa of Got. t t -1 '!!, rn orLui . ., Iiow d4tt It i t-1! M"!c,PoiiJocra ', t V-e Coor cf i .... j t,i coin bi it i - ' U ' J' t It uu I Ii th On. (-'""trteLlttUt .1 . , I him to keep en , ' I e ahould -'.o viorj with '.' '' t ring f of the , r- UnTBAM. . .! inai. mnwd b' lay.- V lies o 1 U said it w P ' I that ertei per. o hi 1 This mnk b Court m To tb Grand Jur that be bad h bat tamf-rU.,. with ti Qrd Jo, 'tUt tb Oread Jury bld not allow aay P oa tid to approach tbem,A. OeaeralCox, th SoUoltar. -MMi am Bom of th Oread Jery, if aay PvM oa bad Imm' Ufiaw' therm - ip lb. MMMttiinck with tbatxtntty tfOrW charm. skd Hi . Honor, If M MoWrttoOdli.m toBf ltW ' IKh wM oalldM tpyKMck 'ary Md tilafartifV A t : , I fMfoaldiiifmJloMfMVfftaM Utorm tb Oraed Jarr. ' , . 'A r. .1 to foar uoaor, i aaot o lywnww i hi U;dm r tt apoa Dm BmIi,'I ebWg Um Orio4 hrt tkl it too datytA lav, to felons (ba Oraad Jarj. ' 1 toggaat tbatit kaaa(et M.tha gtaataat iatpo taaea la the adminitiratioa of tba erlaiiaal lalrVaiij oar HoaW iipU&og otitU oertatalf aw t aaav ,vfw if if r:- I Great); aaid ba bad atalaral t eooaldtred wVUk wat aajrTng 6TKo,lroa abonld enweaeh b &nd Jury aioap, maga Mr. Pttaraoo lioaal foreman, Jafonaad a ebarcelo fba 0ras4vj,wbM CJoarf opa. ed, atid tfeat it wa their duty to laqaire who bad bau gniUl ( vMaUoa of jibe law, and bll charge wbea tbey adjoanaad, ayatjaai the 'mane of whet kaal4 o( that puiat, when the Urand nrj waa organiaad. . ..-11.1. .A !... fow, urea j Dan wae avuaiag v hw IditofoTtb0Biniu WaUUbiaOfMk liaeai, ttaf -irtt 'Baat will 'fMl kw." AMaaadot Faaajr Lerj' bUlby tbaTag. lUtj tlmaaBorf, (af ureba ca cbci oa Uaa pariag witb the OraidfJary. L 4Wgaa4(i.tbdoprl,,rli! firafda-Bry rooni Md aak fflcer of tba OrUdjwMk, whttw wae adopted. lory, Joeall put Uwlorrmaa, Mr, PtUraoa Dob)-, W told film to can oa tna vawc forth record la the rait of A. IbaHar agtjael LWWa40, gmith aad Pf m to bara' If. w. Churchill, ewora -i aa wllacWv.Tlfoiibolfcldhij'. hadao facta peraonally, wa would go and teatify f.. .l n i T... w Mik aWgliwiSewiCoaDrfgeiehjlm the iwvk f And wa aay, If wa bad a i ttooeat Judge, to prerldr at nt Court, njoet.of tbt frahda whWiaji $& bW.foiw petra ted, woald we fcrrefed t,taBd trttfleld, gftAlWiita the Riag iirougba ia 6& ; XUi i tea, tampering wlibttet fjeand Jary"thw palatd Oiaaty fUaa, Oratey to po lITi piiue, N'mutiiifaJ'aeenafia. ad wbwa tUa Sraad la torewnted tiitlc 441'U'tlVe atoath ago, for 2 b Mlioaroad' V..U.. hltmlMMllit)rfnnljt iKra.ia f v m,i fT" body , Llttlefleld to feJgn bi ap I ' c, - . M" ttMT a I ata. a" . " I . . t'""W fBa. "f?f WW?!!?! .WWi;. m . ar a j t v . ai -i -jt "'? rf r TO V Ibey dmlr pnd a 6W ling lhtl ll eaactet la w ft wbieh M'U la wff aoacootedlfy lilUeBeM n,,,B,WT,n,on JT," tna aaainaiaa at unumaaai. a biuaM i thaa a qaorantu anqereiore onbt t ba irpauaa aay bowj . j v ,hoald ttlefeld!, lo the "rcqneai" conohad ia th to reeehjloa, which to not probable, tbertwUt W IS "ff? iP. f.ejUbllib meaV aad we may expect ie at aaotkar maa efttiaVB' Ifil abipi pf -n. PaMft CdfiWTJoht tB. Vaaabtfy aV er numlt ap at tba bead or that paper. . - , t j "MsBm aBud;HiWh' theHooar, what doe th oWoW 'tttllt 6fljr. Bcairt reaolutiop thai tycam 4 ftmoy aver Jatterdty f vrw ( 'CaiBtf JctTici Caatt AgBeA.'W!.i,'T' ar.--Tht loltowlng we ndf la " the Kaw York IltraU, tt letter romChteittrtlc Chat t a member of th Ohio Legtilatac s fLi .'Vwf .MQf.i186tV' -uaan ma The eye r th 'whole aoaav try are npon tbe State of Ohio.: On' wour Vote C pandi the pasaag of tUa-. fifteenth amonamsni.. i am lor anlrereal ptiarag and anlveraal amnmty. Th amendmetM mint be pat through tb Irrhlatnr at all twrd.. .v. oVl'.tJABa. ' " Now, cob'.tering tha rtctof actio of tba (Lwuaatio Legislature of K York aa hto tUOaenib amaadmeat, aad of other tegiala tnree'of tU earn Culh,Ub Chief Jaatlo hat cut bJmaikMtf aftont tb drmoeratl iff'T'Tti ' "Tedtt.Tf, art.' H-CoitA Kaemblml at . - . ,1. . .. . . lu us-'tl uuur. ,mus iroin tup OJt! jASr tnt, (.i.i '-a Cloud's district,) ware called : k J , ,t J w ir.ii .i . fnw.nn. - 1 Hon. Burton Craftr. for I ;. ':;:.JI ; 11. V, Caldwull, lUq , for lMva. li.Hlt. : I ? ?. 1 !'' ,,. ...), I,!,' I . ,. t so.C. Pot" 'im. It A. Cl1e1,'frotn "' . ; Argued Uon. . II. Wilsoa aad J. M. rJcCorkl, Efq., for ,P laintifl ; IIa. Luitoa Craipeaad it WCaldtreiLi Jtsn lor D.-f.-ndi.t. .' - . - - - : iV . . ...... V ft. 11 . K v. J. r "Jrcr ti. j. iv. unit, irons Kowia. Ar- I-., .ilvin, lr I'laintiffj Craia r ' ' - '"it. ,' i i. a 1 3. i. I) Hampton, r nl, A ''MH'ilClemont end JIus m. i f t nit and Wilson, lor IT. E.niih, fn m ' t T I'Uiiu.d ; i 'niit. J. C,..t. j'lurni-d at 1, i. Ti LeiL:rec! crt-v-rc 3 1 v j . 1 Se ,t ' V ck. ' ' aa call 1 t . viuvr Ut, WMetae4fe tba hatr. ' ,v,- ''1boi ra aooaa. fba iWlowiar hDh war froea tba Boaaa. which ware referred to ay rlltebKoraJe & la tha Cobjht at Wtb Uili to autboiiu W. buiiHi. UU otter of BoduaiAa (UBitWaalxaL D. JeeticB, lata Sbariffof flaadenuB to collect arreeta UBoir Coaaty to levy a eneelal tte lava e ISM aai lA M ATx v JL. 11 Bin to taoorporate Bereraioa ataaameta-l nithorfiy IhoViiaarooUa Lf Dapli40may Mlaaanolaaui. Bill U Witboitaf 'tha.Coreajiae.ootra pi Bobaaoa Couatf toMapo boada. i - BUI lo iaorarate 'lhe 'Backet aad kit at JO I '(traam!Ue2l' i the. .Traaieea of EHi4M aeaeV Church ThV Dcmaty 'ot iackUa barar. if. t . t BiU lor Iko relief of the aawcral ;UaH0a aad te ealleptoiwwf tha Btehm' i. BoeMabliah tbAttperial Conrt la the Vtuee pi wumioirton ana jiawDerae. wkb ameadmeoU, aakiag ilia cdacarrea)e, pi the Seoale. '.. ;..- ' t; 4 A. IL OaHoway JcolJ BtoTad" tbaT tje Sea ate oVewt kmiiatt which aaotioa pre faiwd. " - ' , Mr. V. L Scotr; "oae tba Committee oa iaveatigatloa oan fc fore tha her of (lie Seaaia aad wae a sal 1 ta atee pun hie I A." 1t.-ltwway,fi t Ta amend ehapter 27, UUe tLpl tha Uoda oiCiril frooedn a: referred. y ""W"" " ! ' By Mr. Colgroee To aatboriae the Ctmntf CbmmiesloBar of Joeee to I apeolal Its Bot to etered $5000; red ,By Hr. Loee: t ,aaBgA gWp'nf 270, By Mr. BboftBar: -ftaeiikoaiairectini .. ntr It, um lta Ak of Senator, a priexeci ' caleadar of all pa bite Ultot'oB lfoaday morning, aad of the pri- rate mile oa gaiarctwyaionMagi at aacn Oa motloa of Mr. drabaal; thhViTei were aotpmded aad tb rollowtag bl wae U ken nptowlt! wtffi aa act acTBoaitia twb .uiutioHBa 1 'Op'ohiBtit Oowrr to imca boid. Th Otiurul AmmVt ifJiorlX CmriUy, Bee. fiftkU 071 ltrldat tha Bat Dllitieer oi werwrwaiy pi ureewe, wa uom. miarionert or atld couaty are ftereby to tborlsed to lane ooopoa bond a, aot x eeedUf to-amowrt,ae araaf twepty re tboniand BoUara la deaoulifationrol aot tot thaa twaaty dollars. bee. t. Tbe aaid boada aball ran for ten t aara. with Intereat at tha rat of alx ocr ii,j9:uikwtomfi4i aapgillA an.1 aonpaaa oa eeia poatu, anan pa raoelrable in peymeoa " iur any ptcai yaar IB which tbey may tall doe, P, t. The aaid County Commi'lpnera ball hr TwVrllerrU Tedeem taM &fat at aar llm after ta eBptratloe at pie tt ar : a mLmH .nMnl.l A BNift.l.l. I rraate aoq vomoinaiuuw oi a a Okina Ci, wiJJpUa a'year TppiolatTP tent 1 or aaia ooeae raen oatnna)ngi or reoeive front the Oooaty Treaaarer by order. of aaid Uountv JUoramlaaloaera one tenth ol tba amotnf ulAdleni to 'rtdDea aaid boodi, Wbea they thai) 111 doe. j BeC. 1 That no bosdt hQfaorlja j hhit act ahall b iawJecT notll after aa elect ion, to ba bia ia aaia oonaty anaer tbe diree Uon of tb Conaty CommiMiooera. ia which atoattot tultojKfieMm1 by the qaauaeii vvtmr wm sunufj aiiau pp in lajror al rtf,aplpgol mkPVttHitr lae parpaaa aanua apetiaea. .Ik.,1. Tba jiid.Opmmiaeloeeri of tng Codnty afaBereby'hatboriasd to tj a tax oi on tenth pfiae per penCoa kbe real aad I peraoaal property of aaid aooiitr pecial pnfpoaf of redaemtaf akid 4t ,Mm. w . " T for tb boadaV Si, ft TIWUbU than ba in lore flow aaa alter It rttinoauoa. tyr-,, Mr.Joou of Columliut aioir ttmbaaTaionof to ami fht tUIj at) to wvM that ! boad aWMaea tW0 Wm lavth Mr, Cooh,:rTorel tta. propoaltloa to amead. ooly btdeaired to 4boald be a little laiore1aftt.ha sftrraithaLl, ahoald be ! an befi toted forth M lf I, in. uaaaaiiK'aaiiayaMaauatif ui Uiu th ipmr manifested agaiaat awat-Ulli by Beeatort too who bad Toted heretofore' for aaormour ippropnauoDa- or tor Doaa ebtBtt) withpataay-iwtrWttoB' wl tter ttpoa. jrr.tee- who Bad "toe ehartfa. aa ta tha exr ant th at the ' al tequba adaaa Uapoad t kXJhto waaa etmpraqoosttoa ana ae taw mw mutca w m peopt or wrange, wtiot to 1m hoped, will be allowad tpcpBUol tooal aUera thamaaieea. tha JaaaMla wnald aot I offered for tales -aae) 1h wt bect el the hill ta to anil the IndahtsHitoA tlf ik. aeaart' la waeh 'a ahsp tha-to-eaiyj be paid la' aeatateeatl, and Ihertby biaie Jt Iluhfer 'VnoB th " alreadr " bnrthennl lta Dareri,' in a, word there are olabuti laid againet .th County of Qiaaga y .Hher oantiee. waiou wouin rweieuauingtyoper oat oa tntt county, if compelled to pty the whole of said claimt la one raarl, Dun de- aired, to remedy teat a U by 'hi r nassji of him wii, w pay io nncrma ffaivnsvueb until they becom bfltte;t)le .topjnae prUttipHij u( . ,;; ,i4HJ!''" . . ttv. liobUaa, laid the fact waa tbaBeaa. tot from Columbne aad lohnetoa bete had tomethlng don that tbey did' "not' (jke, something bad been nail about a similar aUl bemg OsltstsJ, la ralnreace k Johutoa ooanrr, aad aboat tb ametHiment taekad oa the bill yeatarday, frobibitme; tie Bale of BUt boada appro: jated for Railroad Sarpoeei at a tot sum t baa t30 oaata la ta ollar, that wat the. cauae of tha oppoei- uoa, na tnouKuv were waa ao at of hach tootMBofimiUon,hl wa tt:m;il pro poattiooto allow tua conn'y or p, apga t land aar aobt, ana ai lowe bar people t aa ia what manaat it ahaU be4oaiav kotpe, Ilia hilt arm!, I ran f uul,aJ til i ' J',, of C Tjlui, iftffrttBaaat bad vottd, oa J9 i . ... 7, tor.,...t thsJe ot r i'.iroao D"aus loaiea earn man UeeBD) ia the dollar, ba tbovrht a similar amend'. meat should be placed in th till ander aoaai'iratiiaw4i U-Jtaato-ba-appUed to (ba Btata boada it abortld alto apply to aonaty bond, thai canoe for the goe was f thegandir, ., . , ( ( t" from CoIu-kSu rt i fit, relii.h th aanea f e f ft oa a ! -t i.i t . T t lb h..l, 1 t.;.. .t m ' r I ' set- y-unlay, ' I ) -, lttnn ol a a,ua. l.l. "r smenj. 1 .i it no t J Pr- clsi nd bold any ol mi l ouuuty unhis abatl be allowed more tbaf be iuo aad aclaal coat aad O a p-r n at u tb antoant of aaid parchae . .j . wai ute! jwd. Mr. Joaeaof ,, ake raoTi I toi uaad e that tba prewtai naol ibe I II we .14 a a apply to tba ex aty 1 1 Wi w' ich w ' fvr 1 ; Tuuae who ecrff ialbet He paeaaffa are, Meaara. Bellamy, Baraa, Btythe, Oolgrwre. Conk, attpway, eol Joaea. pf OramlMe, aaa mu-& , ,,,,,iT. rn 1 l.r. Jiaill. ml WUkaaJ mJnim aiaBapea eion of the rake la order to take ap a bill to aulborixa the qaaliflod rouraof UIW Well aad Wataan atmatia M toctia:a Pef- teiailaroijika itoad aa i fat it oatwade tbroagh aaid aoaatiea tmi.(MM w! t 1 alt aaid aooaa diaaouatea bad ifcowe hiia u the UwnaBatataro 4 aaktl . . ... . i i t . i.:iil wwii aaa tv ataua, ay wnuwig.wp v" withowteooaulung beam, heAaaaa)Uf fa Mrtao bin. , p ..-in iim i vijrjf i.i t Mr. 8aLh diaeaalaedUaat.jMBaA.arjy inaMitiiwof aaaioaiifl a dioaonrteeaa aaaa- aertowarda tba Braater; hiaaaUr qoyaet to aaakiair the aaotloa wae toaaaipiy With the; reqwert of parties uttaweiad.t'vw vU n Mr. iUapaaavaaid that tbaaa aaapllillniH -fob eonSreaed biat aa the. owuii that ht I " ... . . . . adhktiw jyhaUamJaUUbAald k .. I Tt... I. Ill I. ...1. a dirt Road through eeveral aoaatiaa la the Wat- arra pert ntfie maipwtia-aa appeopia of iaa,W0,W htir"" little gtaat;Ww aat applaaMb4bnsgb jet b , im of palate tpat m waa a moat aoaara pioj or. l lS.tM.-M Ud a dirt -read I of earn rer haadafaarLDa MoM. jatitomake a bad matter worae, eince tbey bare got tha appro priatioa, thay ar qnarraliag Iffaapigttamitea-tlaa tPftiB dtoput aad ear tbe 8Ue aa anaeceaaary expenditure of money, be introduced th following bill a a rabetitnt. Ax Aot repeal q apt aukiag an appro prialina to tbe Marion aad Aabeville Tura pike Roed aad iu braocbaa raaaing through tba Counties of Caldwell and Wa OaaaM iafvut. - -jiif !.... Mr" Smith, oppoa d tie adoption of tbe aabauiBto ia a eoeec mt aoaa Uogta, pad eadoraed tb mealy ooadaet -of Jtr.Jeall, Senator from Caldwell, ia offdring no op podlioo to tbe pMeBff of the bill author!, ling tbe people to locale tbe Koad la the manner tcey deNred. Tbe pi air. Jlcipata waa bow erer edopted fof th original bill. Meaara. Beall, Blytbe, Colgrore, Dent, Xthendg. Eddo. coL. Forkner. Oraham. Joaea, of WakW' UeAiea, OioaM of Yancey, Me Langhlin, Murphy. Bobbina, Bcott, Smith, Btephens, Welker and WHenn, voted aBataaMttBdpgtjoaii Mr. Forkner, moved to lay the tabttltnt o-ahe mbie, wiiloh wa wet. . l -Ma. Mo et yacy, atured to amend ta aaeeUiatat by , atiikiog m ih 13th and 14th sections of tbe original bill. (WieteApfflri tar ttelmac h reedroagh the oountiee ot Caldwell and Watauga,) and adopt ikfor.te substitute. , , PendiDK ill consideration thpBenai ad (ooraad aatii H o'clock, ih it arming. HOUSB O? B'mlsilllTATIVii "" 'BiAatMr.Jan.Jo. House met pursuant to adjournment Mr. Justice aroae to a Quretio la resard to tbe attack on bir bf tbf aadar-tb allegations be pmaounoed ai la'asand cow ardie.wDailnB lie remarkaht aaid that tb UrWe?Uaf Upiag tt Btar PfiBllat; wai enarging aaoroiiKuif pan waa perjiexTaung a awladle upon 'tha people, Ac., oVc. Be deanntefed Utdeftehl and; AJtopyrtraajap iu, hitter terms, aad charged that they wars brisglqej-.augiwp PuB.a) Bepubllca 'Itr. tiMer'm'Sn Uon rapcrted upon several bill which were planed np,ttj,paJoUf , s A BBBOLtrnOBt ABD BILL. ' By Mr. Justice . '! tit amend chapter 84 Pub. taws WS-'GfJ, Referred. By Mr! Vbet : 'a. -hflMo compel officers to rlclf tne renltentiary, Ida ofMf.'Veat. tba rale were s,Qjtp)aded and affr a&jna debala tba. bill wit retemd to the' Committee oa final lo stitutioaa. Rill to fncorporat tba Trustees of th' Franklin Academy, -taken np aad paatet ita third reeding. , " tliOtttmmiiom af Mr, tuatlaBj that rale were Ipnppeadcd aad tb following r olutioa I. iroaBcas, nj Btmpsajop- yeewraay, wu BMie ppi nsrnai anera appears ia tne pobtWItw o:968 ttaaaet touthorie Hi Xxoellear. tba Governor to aDoolat a State PrmltfvAB$WBataat, tba umbtr of this.Hom aever intended to nam anv jwswean, aoaa mm rararaonp BOPOiPa n M . . maau.i m-o. ettejetaMBtati,nataaai tuaaar at creaung monopoly contrary , to tba arw aaiapaBa lntantAaavpl the can. a itntlen. '-fii ,;;-s. ... j. fi-olL Thtt Bf.' ft' Iittlefleld be. aad M XrPIf !tnlbr .reavtUfd to r ana issnsa 'vjebmik, aunemoiy may pra Mr. Jaatio aaid he fntrodnced th nao- lutioafrom taapBreat motivep. It waa welt kaowa that the aot aa it appears oubliabed a sob tw ihV.oae ilatpadad to ram. 2 w mxmrml& Brtantigcevro'B aob r raoh toe tad ia binding doa frr Jot, pae half of what -,5flR!ff.W tarn i .-,a r . ,rtwv ti, iit x T i- tipiwaardthaaotraiemd ta aa eiola. tin; the aoaetltattoa 4y crest ing vmonpo- eoum not as aa 1 rjonett man inn Ra pnblloaa aadrVthf ebndufcf ol IS; ft Jjt ilaftold, aad aaiied pppp aaamlwrn aa rtnra. atntaUves of tue poople , to aaamiaa this matter thoraaghly aad thea a guardians oi wa paopiea lutereai lo pet , aa tbelr ooapci. ma ataciaaroppaaeatte aetotaUoB. aad mad raatarktin defeBWoT-elw ioonree! of ... mm nuiuiu,w vuuci , .viva .mcepoer aaa ancoeadeo laaemoraUaaar th Rormh. licaa party fn thi How .with It two- third . majority, r.H; charged that "tha measure ainud ttccrtaia parttoa, war; ie, awirtuaseo tor to purpoae or aavlaa? aema Influence la the coming election. It look ed too much lik a death-bed reoantmnra and he .thought tba party ahoald bow ataod vpi to Ita past policy aad aot deesrt iu friends and tupportera, 4oit m-. i . Mr. Smith, ot Martin, moved to make the matter special order . for . Alondar at 11 o'clock, hut if a rot wa fce4 t day, h should becqnn' .i'eel to vpt for the reaolu- lie. Ingram st-rnorted" tli tva dncln. rnring his ren -i . a La aaid that while this iii rimkirifr bi'" ao- ! '"''' '-, 1 J Li. : ' I and Lstiia ! iiii" ini il ;l' 3 v ,u no di- ' 'via' ., 1 t Bow tLea gap. a i ; tuemsi-ire evfvaxiinr . ri r -. I'-ri) t,. .tthui t t til II: ,'-,Hl a W' 'I t . s t- t .ut t t l,!fn!8ii,liir; ti:i3 ii.':i!rs I m 'd' went to prove liiciu bud iia lout play, Aa. , A ,orpoed th luvtioa to postpone. .-. ... Ban ot Vv a, col, epoke ia pppotU tloat5 iiefceo! ioa... ..,,.. ..,., p. i - tir Daat( airaua of Comm'fe' ow FuroL at), ar. j ao a qoeatioa of V" iia. , uia auet ioa being Balled toe ma ff ig tha Ooveraor tb power to appoint a ptate Prtaiir, haweat hnmediately' tbe Secretary's ofSoe had eiamii I th eo rolVM bill Kf examiaatioa toaad tba aarolled UU prbpi rly andoraed with hia ceauine aigaaiara, aa tnea maoe a ecwva for tha aogro4 bill apd Jailed , to and It, tfaeWp be roood that the bi AAd paseed l taaeBa the bVaate aa tba tth of April, 18, aad I ha4Mei Jixpf tadoraroTTlarihere i aa CBdorerBknit ta ahaw eaat it bad- berB attlt t).tb Hdnae at) M ..liawC ;4ai h Th low of boelneat at tbecloeeof toat aratioa wat th nana of tba, Committee oa Enroll ed Bill not hiring examined th original bill as tbey thonld her done, Ac Mr. Smith, pf Martin, with drew hit mo tWtopMrpon;' ''" - 1'; ! ava ana vt w earn wif vuvitu at raiwuiiwf raising t special Committee of rbree corv sipiinx oi ueasrSviiUNioe, Amea aao) atj". tOtaeMle-aifi'ajiW allraed mtomaaairenMot oftbflinof Uieoflloe. r "'. Mr. Dowalng oppoaed tba resofutloo fwd barged that tlta lutrodocer of rt wat acta tted by Btotire of personal hoadlity, Ad Justice denied tb; charge, taymg that because be had (he nafV and mtnli aem to protest agalntt tha cohtlttntcce "of tbia ewiadle apoa tba people, the otoadard, aastoted by It pet to this Hon,' wat'tnv daarorfna to trowa bloV down. H waa actuated by no personal motire, bnt Little. aeicT wat cnerged all orer tuu Btata una ... (. . i k I , , . . i. . . . joot pf it lop) with being a corrupt 'toti. end guilty of itapendo'ie Irtada, and lov stead 'of meetleg thoe bbargef like 'ah boneei maa, (If be b one J 'boldly eohfiont leg bit accuser and daring them to the proof, hi absoottdl and thirkf all InVeitV gatlon. -'"' " '' ) in records or tb court woom tnow that be apt iictiOoa notafertllegal-pM-pote. If rb Bepnblicaa part "expected to Br and thrit ta thlt Slit they- would ban to throw overboard dishonest Icadem aad abow tbey Intended to act honestly by tbepeop'e. If the Republicin party re-L qnirea aim to Mine pis own convictions qi right and wrohg, and endeavored e apply the party laeb wbaa an npaeet map retaaed to support a ditbotteat measure to toil ti dilhooeat purpoae pf it tew; dishonest mea thaa be wished to tee tbe party die and would help to kill it, Ac He concluded by charging, that there bad been; seriou, fraud jperMtd Jnjj Jubiatl0l jbjfjb laWa . ' After tome lurtber debate th subaiituce offered by Uarrls, ot Wake, col. wet put to a rote and njeoted by a vote ol yest 84, part (10. . j fit. Justice called the previous quesViop npon bit retolutioa. ' . . " ,The call Jkelag tustalaed th reaolullon wat pat to a rota adopted by the following pai low Tail die, aton. CUytoa. Dvrdwpk J5arham, Cilia, f arrow, rerepe. Uatuag, Uibaoe, Gilbert, Qreen, Griar, Uarria, ol Franklin, Uaxrl. i'J wake, mwKlna. Hicks. Uiirh Mmni U.ittnctt. Mnppnrte, ingre Jarvit. Jastic. of .Baiherford. K Ht. Huinaut. , Hiiclntt. , nmpbrie; lpgrm! n-i- r t 't 'nuliul Y . . mond., Msione. Matbeton. MaMillaa. MendeohaJl, Moore, ot,, AUmince, Hicholr aaa, rainier, rromtt,.iivointonv baaver, 8muhrof Alleghany, Smith, pf Marti. Wvh,'afWaiaa,.BBipat Buntont .ynta), Waldnip, weku wpiyey, .wUro.,! w, r.WtoB,powpipg, uJF,prWet, ae.ok,ftodglplBvffmi, rjoroeyeli ,T- 9'orr. Wi-(Wii. ot'uo, MomlL. Peart w. Pack., Proctor. Raaland. Be, Bioolair, Simonds, Sweat, 8jke, .Ves, ivniw, n iiuamano, n tuon.--mays pa, . A meaaaff waa received from tbe Gover aor transmitting a letter from tbeSeoretary ol War, asking, th eontent of tbe State to Use purchase of certain JancLi In the State for na ional cemeterie by tbe United States Ao, . , , , .. , , . ' ., .., , On motion of Mr. Fieoch, tb matter wa Ktiutat to to wopiary mmitte with Luavucuopa to prepare, a , out tq, aait a asat nf lbaauu t th, haae.jfl.abde ia WilmioKtoa br lb United State for the i ffvr iiKW ii wmiwuw iusws' at a0toja,Bonaa , ,.btwr. f . "i a. Put, aaiBMBgiae Cummiauonpr . arquimana, ossn bopd j, ie qvor,,,,, , Brlir.Stk.o.Matlt. I hill to pr reat lh dmiMetiop pf jh,ia,ih watefsof Aona varouaa..- .... ...a... n m i. .WBmam ppaa.a uin. j Tha bill to Uy iff aaa MajfatltoliMtlM vauay oa imrav'U7 nnw "jfrt-if .o i i ' Mm Jarwia aiad th peaatafdartuWt am wi ' wa aaoaaaa saury , aa aaaMia bill hlab) able Hoaeai had eaea two 1 tfaiaao waaAeawtoewBalyMpawryxnfd laeiaaaiiav'iBa Haaaoaa am tat eeenen aatea tbieoaer i Mttimatt m-hiki f PeadiBg aKleaiaevM th qumtioBj tb Roam adioarotbd. ? (in wiomm t'rir t I , ' i- ,1 .. . . I Vfi ,JN ''A. T'Ai n m iJ.i-r lit A ,t. Ui ABuaemiatodfioliibl ii 'MM f'.-JI' ! 4ai4 A... ,ti.a Aak-. iaiv.ilk.k i.4 t'. -'. avJ I ' i ' t, MyUia tvvi '"-. - inr iF'nn'tvn au flU9 w ,d (4 uw;ataaBhtara4 Bat ', lliv Maaaaaa aaaCm ae.Wlamiaampwal. tl Mi'Mll g6f Mt BUXBILM io .v atuitsr ai pewaareel ansa thwialaMea, ,m pouaip aver lafaialilnanS, rtsairatla il iv v' - - wrawth a4-K;iiJ"T ". -ajnp Ala) -anwdaa ,wd j, fl ft I'f I' n .w-w,t nwit FRUITS AND VKOETABL&ki .dbwhium Vi ,.'o a iwd ao U m a) auawmavaaraa ec aa. aaaa , mMtedal 1 ', ti ahkhtheeelibraiiiiuim v M fcWeparadT'aH- nrw; Wale wj-th.ft iH pear tee ewau ft., uaiumore.) P Jtp Vtaai.femaaay, ain ana anuoraauy. a f rViWiVii arinr: " WW-W- ti.-,. mi nni r ikn Tvt .1.1 i... u t- a B, ilMltafcM. fSvf-4 JaalTUam, JrT Awwivam -Aivrj- bau HeveMy Used to Broke Uutsa ' Oaa be TT. 9 HeveMy Heed ieayaaa. .1 Jaaiiklw u.i u iai'i!''i i f if", i t Wl ft'W ABJLBW. A larpa aapesj. wausw bslls Meal neaarad ;ir eep hi. im-;. rm ..w . T laaiO-tf ... ..' j, .;;, EACBBlvO-t. T A" ti(K"i-hi:iai on Jailt AJ -"I . f.-ll'L -.i.ti'if"?' t.,M f r.u J AaMhareapplyastmSoala BnWer "' ! v nvoif- , s.m.j ....... -LEACH lBOtA' rtiLiiiti.' "X" 1- . .... .-., N-k. I -.. anil prpl, and Fine Ejrnpe in ) u. . . U t,il ill iM-tf cor :hi Investment s aAH aft; , t r T5ii a. rawtrtw s " V01iKUMOt J0T9A1 WO V. I ,11111 i f naitlat famai aaUmidt attT i mm mi a...naiiBisti It haa ALW Ala nivin lia patrone tbe aeaent act thereWbealt leawaa, eVaitltlua to aaaap 1.II1JHU i ' ' m. itu. -t.ii mJ.l't,-, "j--l-1-tT rtliFtC V'iiVeMfJ in'Mdit: 71 Alii II 111 I 1 W 1HI I- .U iilliUiaU I II W 1 U SiOTLftf ;ntTweeo).aBl a b.(I 4,Tit',rt eifiautapja aitaerfl taTeWUM JA, OBBTAIKiGABU'VAbII rAVAaaUtAVf "imi!)MrmifblwmRr) ld m CUABXKtt nqiMrea.Jdl Jteor larwaa ta a Manaaij mnoap aesoBg peuey affldors, . oaiiMALTvtiliKa agents for, ()0l OCN. L. . BAKER. cArp.'J. .i j laaat.t' 'I BOI tuia&&8 1 .n mi ar raOT- tin! A. P. BRYAN, 8peatoAgenjJRHjiga, U.Q. . a y o 4 "i? w. a. (MtsrMWhaataaapB ton ; Gbo. D. OBaBB,iAtfat WiieoB. MovdaaasAjiUaiOil " - xHll ti al nair,ill nrklf;dyMML' Wiioa ' J '.i i it ' ita-itu)i,iii ultjttA 001 la limi wot ' G REAT BEDUtJTIOlf ftO uo9 oi i ia;l t-lW .H'U-,l.l LADIES DRESS GOOD, ' ; .. .YdwAyi sr.iafT .. v.- i... fiNPim - a1 'Colored klptoaeiWtb (Oa. par ywai'eei BoUd Colored PopHos, wnrdf W pJtyHp amtpeOn H i s maai Itm periyaat ,w :aaBi WQVttlB, .i u a f. rVi'.i u w mtail mi ftQl Mtntm f at Ki eeate. Fin 40m freneb Merino, wi we aa i at to eanta. At prloea eTerybody ean afford to bajTifT ( cc4jIb Tqt nt rrv I don't inUn that aa: new or oil. aball Ball eoada eheaaar I intend to eall aooda at aaatda agaiee ea tap Cash Basis I Latthem "start their opposition I an. Jaaf TpfrVi ta tueh them, -aljs ready aoa wiirtnf m Biryenr ore en Seaifsetfully, a tvtw.rM I TTT1 WILL OPEN OR TOK8DAT MIXT THE ea.. i..aaUaafW'tea (a great Job) at eaaas. The Bneat imported Btoek Bolt Kreaoh Bala evwanesedia auurtt laeaaibleare ra reaiM eotapata the qoallUaa W. H. A R B. TUCKER A CO. ,WTMl ,Wn. .if . pyifOT ,r AA la IS. Saf TiiflTit Aljag saw e w Trii.i.itw nriwiwn- Flear Dealer I.Cora. Merclun'j. Wa ) QDV A Dtflt aVO A TJ B V a t tt iMrn i I -a, ffl-," bp armawmAB JiftUltUUlta). ' W oiiMris Fma, grraa, rtXTi'vwi4.t r-, ,. a w va 1 1 WTB-SAil, dBBEHtttteH aeitlaaisfc IW&. aata..tfIaaM.Mu a i , u?.. j-ifrt-., mrimw a a art a toaat-tf - jsHKuirri o; Hl'fl'P.i Ml 1 "I I I 'Id' SALS. aaA Aai o-l ia il-'iili.1 vvnartv. ' uB. H InKuiilvi 1 aBHM.l . : : , s... blaat i. I V lt-?,n,lsrmqJ'nt.t .9 Ah ,H A- .vwhI pti''':jt Welt ' js I "y'vwiwwaataea r a rw w ., r I OOi iwralaaed Omoe aeoVriiom, with aheeU, . '.O08 Ibej, WI) nt I"'? C Depot, toatt-tf 'r lCB-i LOAlUDDii last 1.?(IJ vn iviTim aiv VI A 1 L 'V7T IA.KJ'o t n bus, Kne Super, Tix Super anj f .mn. Hour mk - T . 1 I.- in., t, f . 1 laafHtf trn.t-T TO AOVO I1 .--,.., . "' '.ii' r'.r-rv,f '''"'' fB.ii n' k r F 4- ..ia j ' I v r i i r i , 1 " r.T i o.- , to A . .Mi rAeucEsr m I . ttpM ' : r.OTTO) BwUMlgfi'JI' ,:JAJkMmm, "M ti-r.f .ff j. i. j i s. i? 1 CwMPMailta MMAieta) Waf Uiva i I aw avewla aiuuuij liiiml k tlj'liw . i... ftaT oJ eiTa-Jel Xlleairte 'PUaKraTaWt f- m iA :; if?. f"? a of eeer MraW toatdM jLtamtraBe; tai U reluctant ounwaaloua. - - , LLLT witoirniitiWJattstat adtami . --prvl WW. aWBIalV'?Jrt'i 7i.'Bi".lEaiT. . J....J J T 1 il.K ll..,,J(lltjll LtU h-Ml U.L &Titi 'v ,f aaf ia i - . lajausmMRB aaav4e,i aMewhara; aB-Art,WpUi vui Loa U it) ipxd (iw ui Ui 4 PJ.-m. raaarbasa. BUKT &, BROTJCfirPOlS. T ,...1 r" ' tAItJfinr-W, (it afiADtatABTl'oLb'iTAjtijJ ; KOeillaUjl .'1 il HF-ll M ftTOK-BISIKt, ' v- ' r11af'ArW 1 M nb,ta,; t,l!,B1Al1PB,' Plff'Svi.J, N'W rfTTmipr.l i ft. :: , ;vmm.i i -BvriBsi HEW 600D8 1 r t'' 1 tbif MlFJtIfjt3tl cuTUEaYri.p. lWr f'Wwrf'U hlambbatiaaW I fill a iia aaa Ike aaa tsasm la i ai mm i.i oittatf it Q JOruv4 il imihtih rlwwn 't Vii.aii.-jtk aj . ,tUAi wtwnw awT 'MINI -jaal,..i,4((,a ,miii Ti.jii al,WA dSMiup -; dl lariP.WPFWCl a fturuw HiTT5,TIiiTT,.;r1R,3 T 0 J01 w .rwinji l .ansi" e-i JtjfiBPiaSKlX .ItaTIirDIII TO IDlela laleraallf aaA atWsiaa kurmm 4 JtU x unutura, Ware-Kooaia. will ii.nM m ka ,ma aod variad .uwk a( liwW r. a. We JlWtttpra ahaaa, fi a aW fMiti -., . f , iUifl J , j1 11 Fr Cavk,rnr Ihey'a.tSxf C ) ;. j Hia Bieek eomnrleee Parlor, (rhanhar, T ' BooaaaadOatae Foraitar. BedetAnAe, i TaWee.WaaiiataairivWardrotiaa.i. SoekmcCaaira.aeAe, .Tbia la a rare nhtnna foe vntina.Tr ; aad athars InUodinmo r t ti r pew aaa elegant furniture, to' ii. i, ' ""'We (Pall at my Ware-Room a. aornr A wa gaTailariini In. auA a. m "-aiwiiiw . leXfUmd katll be ehargejl' for at tbe u;:ii prloaa. tawltvtm WALTCSI CLARIS. , ' Clterrcr:c:::rrt7 H0OTI.AND.JaCg. N. C. tVaettVr'niirr"Mi tmvi. f Bertie ad Kortl ato'l .iMili. Aifaaa laa loAtl J , auul iatt tWPW ttk rUinrtM 1 '-a jfTmCOWFOS BALK. ii. ' 1 l, r, 1 offer at vHvais mla on. e fi .Oeweta ti City, t , . good anni.iy .of e., .., t pimtUty yv-jiar luf Bin t 4il, n". 4 rrrrr .- i-pr t . . Hroi"""'F csfi vtt- doi... id at, S .... ... hapnigh A ttaaton Bauwd, at , 'jaalfni . Ji'ViJoB Vtwa . r- erat plfaaa copy and send bill to utpuoa; f ji ) "j. Oila, imperfectly fmr - tiona or Bnxtnrne , email viuh i light, awl ean be r of aafety aa aaa. ' and aqea! Iiiun, pabue;aod li,- arwe apoa eoi, OU IB prefr. by thorn.- anv a.-- s ,-, with u, , .1 I-. -, ii'ie- , ,, ... r I iiaJk. aUaaa fill? b. tuiiaixvil.a toahtSavrfka doe U

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