v . I ('( 6 uu 1 1 I INI 1 M 1 6 I Oil 1 Ml d 16 J C"." Late any r. mil fur i or I- of future f show t 'r L u..!i u ; spa dy c! .org of t stable, iuil ot t boneaty in tli o. . ...i State. , 1. 1 t'' :'J oi el.i rlr. a tb uj th r ei poll 1 ifg C; uJt; high piacee. itur, Of t 'f 1 ' r , no Zl'd I ..er, e t 1 ( t; Ik i l f. ! il ll t (I tV a - 1 J. t ' r tu "? n it . , i w unmoor of ting- ' ! a that', tliers .are ., other ' " !'!, wU-)i, lewever,- we ' ro5 tit i!t Improbable, " - ' !ctif nut:vi!y of many . i in. our Legislators, 6 Is foti" 1 g'Bnrrjf the ' uJ.ui tl "i'laii i," ) f v f-'irfpfj, Jn. th Lucu.b , i uimiueat It i t a; V '. r.f 1 he present times io 1W if' '!! .. :f!co,jUhjt : risn, u U imjr propar regsrd to tbs bidet of tveuls, will ontii a ths present Legists. ture i. ' r 14 i .ait pbssts namely, tbef' ' - SiSiloosfatfa the" in"- ' . awsy period, - '' .f t'4nLgl!fur werp v yk xi 'y devoted, by tbe para . y .", ' .-tj i.-t""e ndlay of l. l . t ol the f )!, and so arrange In; i ' J i ..r ni u givt themselves tbs,, i i for appropriating it to their own tii, without check on their etesl lug opiru.i of situniy fuf 'the proper spp! - ' n ot any portion ( It-' Not trf - '. ihaplj acl l.nckmyeJ nathodf i . ," wini U lui too muhf trtti.i,...uuM about it to tuit tba c nlargtd weiet.i- r ri ir.gj " hay' whlla tha aim I. if s s i J.,t out sew iarentUigt, put f i rachcmea, atiij prafl tii c i, tou, uokuoira tonr tra pliHlJing "old tosle, by j i i i ' 'orb tba largeat amonnt la tba ti) ; ; . i bio time : la ihort. to arat aU tbt a to be .fcd, bcfots tba day of reck fin en r . aid, U , pie ; aw a Bu. COS.. for tri.. : p- m tv ;.. ai ' i tli ft d. av- -1 I) tU) h' ".. uu J apri" I . 111. . be I V t! a the t : u- ft... 1 . COu tbey t notit tht f "1 Wbo k laBt, i! t!- . ' t i 1 I, . have 1 1' ir aril i i t ' ud, running- away aboold ' i ioa of what we bare bare ' r " " ' :'T t !lo!s to the i ; i-imuoB bills oftba Leg , ! y tnxi'H lui J Dnoo the peo t ( r n i- 7 fHij tos j in i.. e T'irinus I oards and , , uuivl,.n, uuutceaaarf and i -a i of ofilcoe aud public ipiiccsputd bangera-on j vii ' i, (see Comptroller's Ho ve C'lrruj tion engineered I a-i 1 oi'.iii'u; all t'lcaw tbiogs t ..t am fuiuihw to i f r ,j P. auatjlo tl,, u ii.uue luut Iba guijlng i. ' I 's'-'j in this State, t' i mi i..r tilijwt ia view J C( nt tbey could from i 1 l' pixkei of carpet i ! I'.e native acnAwaRs i them fur a aliare In the .. ( .'i't' ...,,'a ' ' f '' i a time wheij aui'b i Lbo tbeycanno longer i v .1 be no lirif'r borne! ' That i s .r' It Cariiliini, m 1 fully i i tua ioliuo ot the Lcglala t seiiluo, 'Ji great ileaj of , !' present aession com ' . a t'.kun up la infe6t!faTtti'ng I ' t to which thry .. llimr eyta, and wbicb ' w to ronfiaua un i i ii j art of a fuw, (and - r. isonab'y ,t e looked '.' ' r : g i !) brave it out to the of evi rjtliing bot ,k ,. v::'"""-"'jioil,ntter1j '-.r .'.t t 9 t)f '. .tioy oi Ueio ! i ?' e in-re c id v.ii a auj lim.'i that J I : '"' 1, bar i od a J ! to t! '-n Qn j . 'y; ' s no doubt, BictuUirs ,, i .,.,...,, utile :i iv i"! t be r'fjht ' n-'.- '' f would J. Koine be , t ma ago, but 1 i"o the trnok 1 piL-onuie lib if sfclature el Honk CarsUaa. '--'r-,f TwnaapaT, Ja. r?tb. JgTO- . Tba Benata w pilled ia. order, t JO sir. Graham I To require tbe Supreme leould obtain hi oVbwk. n. purt of Murtn varoiio to ex amis appn. raat who aaay apply tor liceos to pravtio Urn lmrrA ' ' - ' h'i ii.ni)"r, be tuou. , wi !il lie lix.v I lnn, anrl it tru, a h , a1 1 '. r- tut , a. ' I 1 l.e .i : ibc i lie ' ; I not j I in . b t&ki. Milue ! a tk e-- U.u lb lMSta. lu ouwuaay ub Mr. uut- Bint bv bad examined tba Journal eaio lully and th only reoord aid m tbnt th bill paaard lu ecrarmi paadiaan, witbont any TOtaliaing given; wey eaa.inoa tunn. raad luund awiwilwc tbatb bM4 ever tx m tiiffroaaed bvfor It went to tb ilinu, tbou)(ii tb bill waa In lb offloi of tbaBeeratarr at r)lt and nitrneci -ut in gpcakrr ot tb iloiw aad U fnai.Uaitot ui reoai, uj wm au in ; Kymivl" tlx snbject. Boon Sir. Moors of Cartaot, amwwd to iwttrtbs boU aubleot to tba ConinUOae ooisb Jft a oui ui law. Referred. " " . Idielarr with InatrBcUoas to report By Mr, IticbardMB: To rtllere C, L. I they ttaesaed It Bi cimry. Aldred.- tax collector of Moot ooatr- ' Mr. Jom. of Meckknbttrc thought tba Inferred, , ..." , t- I qneatloa tould b ilepided by tba tlnta. By Mr, ell : To rpal an Vet o snwaa vithoot nay Satisaaisi iMi'seaoal of 4bO to let eactioa oi tu vara soapier oi in i law woold not aoooapiMB ID fibjeat oi r Revfaod Coo, flbia section authorises awral froa offloe, boaaasa tha lav baa tb GoToraor to appoiat Btata Printer and rMreae only to the asathod ot appoiot lilnder. - ,r JJ ' ,u : . aarat and would apply to tba Jills oi fha Mr, Ben Biored sntpesaioa ci tba rale office ia tba hilar. If tba tatolaiioaa are In order to pot tb bill a it several rand, adopted tba act ton of tbia body would not inga, which motion waa lost, and tba bill b nasi, tb pnrpo pi tjbeaarialy to w rwema. . . v ; s ? i point out to, to Ooaornof toatanea of , tha i By MrWvlker i. To provide for tbs trans I ssiseoaduet of one bis appointees, sad 'tb far of Inn convicts irom tb Pmltentia I aaaaaer ia wbicb be eea iulorra biumslfc tboa rj to tb Ioaaneaayloni ;on but motion, tb I hsoaa decide, after SB Mtsmlasiioa into tbs ruirs wore suspended and tb bill passed its I subject, whether- ;Gea,, lulflel a It to "" tf 'Jt'C "'v'.kv j- sola taa posraoa or bov , ,, ,. ..vm iA.H.Oiiowy, col t Resolution request- ; Mr,,Wlher saW.tba awa lon skat m, IngthB Ilcprwentatlves of this BUM to tea tad iUrlt to bis miad sod which bf .i t tbemiwlvts to bsv tbs tsntf iactd beiiaved to ba tba proper view of th eob oa fortig hu4 sad Ptt Ana, that tbelr I a a was, that b was deellog with a 8tate proUaetioa in tba Booth but he SMtds attifls- oBr. ah Pablis Prl.u. x.4 ih.Mw II .. " ... I '7.r- T T'-. . mvim. ettm latfCi !!SqBtlOB JOT SOB BOOSt M By lU.,ill;tbst Jteaolulion as ioilows, I .hetbor said officer, had fclM twits t ,ji'.'(Vi I vtbbbbas, - Tba patnoti citiseas of Rslaieh did tbroosb Ibtlr rrOKaaotativ. ubmit to thlsOsaoral AaKBibly, tba llboeai propoaitioav that if Aba Legislator would locat tbs PeoiUntiary at or near tbia city, tkey would not only donate a suitable sit for tb aama, but would also dooat lbs sans ot, ten thousand dollars to aid la tbs ferectioB of said Penitentiary. Therefore: tumufA V) uts oenat mat ids uoojMaif t ob tb PeBltsatiai y be mstraotsd. to re port to this body st so early day, what bar tba aforesaid proposition' has been plied with, sad If pot what Slept should be taken ia me premises. i, . i -oifd friAr, That the Soerstarv oi tba Benat send a oeriifled aonr of this rteolntlon to tb Peoitentiary Committoa. Mr. Jones of Wsks. said be bad Bodoobt. that tb gentkmea who pledged tbmslvt for uie amount, wouia cooapiy with their obligations when tbey are approached ia a oroner and format manner. i i j ut resoiuiioo waa adopted. r r. ( - rwvt tan Bovaa. 5 . ; 5 I l'.Iir4 omImu1 7mm h. TT I POrpe! aikios for a Coinmltte of eonforeno on I " . 7."" ... TT- ' .1' i datr or violated his contract with tbe Gov- ersor.i Hs did. Bt presume tbe toato was foing into tns trial r mens -csaraMam ifso,hwa4lBfotk,ws4 be'coold .bring argot or druBKsaness, oM sgaiast BUmer a Sists offlosr. There was no evidence that tbe Bute Printao bad vtolaBed hsa-eoa. tract, aad until that was sbowa the Lcgia' Utorf--o, 4b. Jluvsreof aithas. had tba fight towmovs blm, if mattered "hoe- bow bis a sooaartral hembrbt bar ha idialaed ti J . lt.A 1 A- I S L m atf waaa wmm ngui, bhb m m pbm 1 t aow be thought tbia was not tbe proper m jd to persue. i w-sjf Miwjjr ' Mr. BobbiojssU bo tboaabt 4be. polaU nna vj isvi oeasior - irom as.inBurg wu sound, tb MolutioBS -B0tb0r1ie-J tbo Govonior tounproaor steps immediately for tbs remove! of the Pubjie printer, sad to taking proper steps he may adopt alt Beceasarv bsrat ftrnaeoditHM to naelnd t oonrrac saiq to BBTB peea Btaae Wim M tlefleld.. . Be wu oppossd to all dilatory motions, and favored aa rai medial-vet oa the merits at th resolution."'?' '.?'"?.. t Mr, WIBsted told If wroig Jbadt beelj perptrawo, sou naa.bsea ciiargia that A. n. Gallowsv. feotO ir-i.vi S ; 'it" uUiitut oa tb table which waa i t. A. Messra. BeilBmv, Co'-'ro. Cook, f.via, Kppea (col.) J ,.kn , .t um , ' -l) Hayea, Ilairioi on, lyorn. , ( ) .nea,of Coliunboa, Juet, of Wa all Undah, Moore, of Carteret, oore, ot . It spsa. Bbofliwr, Boiiih, P uhea. $etaad White. !lS-.'- V . Tha- BobatltBto waavaUd owa by tba following vote t . . .. i ' ' Meaera. Baraea, BaalL Brogcaa, Graham, Jooes, of Mecklaabarg, Lindsay, uts mmo iectirj u;lao ii no, urpuy, Robbiaa, Scott, Wfaiteeide, Winataad aad Matas. UnHau Bellaaa. Ratroa. uijvua, voisro, uoole, litvia, SVpp, eol rorkasr, Cailoway. t(..Uavea. Barrtnctoa Hraua, eoi., Josaa, of Col umbos, Jones, of tvaK. SUStiadale MootajiOasuratLltaarav oi Tasoy,Raapaaboffae,8mitb,HUphsns, sweet, ana yyelkarU jkI .'it orfglBal rwnuiuia warvoiea owb Byrb- imuw loif vot: . .. . 4 Yaas-Messrs. Baraea, BealL Brogdea, fixahaad Jwaea, af McklBbarg faaelaBTy, Lava, Malchor. MrLiatrBHa. Murphy. Rob bio, Boott, Whiteaide. W instead nod WU- BOB 1H, . 'i , Have VUSara, BetaasaSollaiBy, Barns, Blytha, Cotgrova, Cook, Davis, Kppos, cot, ronaor, uaiioway, cot, Hayes, Harrington, Jooeaiof- Woke, MrtmdalerMoo,oiCaa terot, Reapass, Bboffier, Bmitb, Stapbeas, van, veiseroi WBitH:k M' ! Qa Baotlof the Benato adj eroed. - pOV6t Of BtPRKSEtfTATIVEa. ..k -..:':,V:-i fe,Tatraa-r, Jsa t7. 1ST.' Puisuaat to adjournment tbe ilonae a nbled atlOo-cjlU V ; , Mr. French presented a.peUiioa In r- faud to h'Mtbfbsf'iwMve'toesjttiBga csnai Irom Oolly Creek Ue over. toBlsck River, MTVKTB OF OtIMHITTBBa. h bill to establish a Orimlnal Court ia tba cities oi Wilmington aad Newborns, which w eoBCSrrod, ia aud" tbs Prseifiest an nounced Mr. Morpby "and A, H. Gallows (oL) tbeBenato board ol said Cemmittea.' i On BiotloB of. Mr. , BealL blsrwoluitoa tsttine forth that th. BBfrario Coort ra. oords of Wsks farnlsb avideoce of fraud end corruption oa tbe part of Miltoa H tiuieflaid. Stats printer, and nmilni ins uTriHK m,rtio uiw, wa taaea Bp. i Mr, Moore of lerteret aorad to lav the reso'iitlon on thstable, which waa bxt. " A Tfca.r- Misr, Burns, Colgrovt, Darts. Flythe, Galloway, (col.), Hayes, flyman, (col.) Jonei, of Oolnmbas, Jonoa, of Wake, Martindale," Moors, o( Carteret, ; Smith, Siepbsna, and Bvreet J4. , '',, ; u , Mrleve offurod the ollowiaa a a sab (tituts lor Mr. Buall's rotolutioa to wltt WaUtBAB.at that Ust seasiuc. el.. tbe Osnerai Assembly that Goo. Milton S Lit. tlefleld, wbo by virtu oi (be Governor's authority, ia Stat Printer ,ad Rindsn aad President or the rYestsra uivtstoo of tbs gests its Belt bis mind W4, tjo Shaft1 eorreet ttf. H thought it 'that badbeerfi fraad perpetrated Bpoe the record, that ft was aot toe iate to correct1 (t bow m make the journals spssk thf-ratb;;-If ft cuutu ioown mat sue oui oia bo pas uwwtami smeasBiy,snere waa a la aa ier wbioh tbe appointment, eaM he wiade and it watild lhKrrnn ha d ftnltlt . '( ' i-H. Galloway, aol.taid be .waoaue prissd at the aaarso of osrtaia BaaatsrawbO wsr (npportiag "the "rtsolntioa; some f wuo m'n ""WW character q M, B. Uttlefiuld. evsbi tba.isarv ota aho were led sad -slothed y his bensvaleooa, are ' BOW shawlna" tbalr trrailtmln ' . stobblng hint IB his Bbssnce uodettbi ttth rib., II was also surprised at tha Re fablicaae of the Gaoeral ' Assembly 'Who st b lairs mslorltv. ' for ' allowfoir tha Demaarata to nss them as toobv' R aaJleVj osueva me snargee in..msi uBMoiwiod faias, """ ti-ntwnewi ut, protraa to Mutlty 7 jury oi nia wuuwymeo. - j , .Ja v ? t nr. iuapass, said n UH oeiors hita tbs Mr. Soipoa. for Committae on ProDoai tioaa and Grievances, reported upon several resolutions and bills, wbicb wars placed on uwuawnaar. wbicb were placed oa the Cslsadar, aad vis do aotiodd wneo tney some vn im ) BssoumojajrBi-Ae By Mr. Banner:-A bilt ia rotation to taking and eboo.lifrhrabBBelrBt la waters west of th Blue Rid ire. Lies over. By Mr. French : . A resolution to hold nlgbt ssssioos oa aad after January 114. Bjativav Vftli Irlhs .same: AHiesotBiion rsiaina- pis Committee to report to tbe H. use, the most importsnt measures tbst should be sets a oa wis Beset on. Lies over. " ;,Bv,Mr. Monre. of Chowan. 1 A hill inanr. poratmg toe society tor we rener oi tbe KMachara of tha. Virsinii M K niinnh Boath and their tmTliesTIheif widows snd debibr to MeSm iatid aald binder estcu' f Wesfern North Carolina Railroad, did ah Jooroals oi tba JeaateJ and ,Umia.. .a . ft If . I Ui... . I . I V 1 . 1 L . 1 1 . a . . .. ' wns uiinseu irom ui dibit, so mat ue oould aot bs brought before tb "iovsstl gating Commutes," raised by Joint resols) tioB. Ruferred. J1 Be Mr T anrh . A Kilt la Uwimnr.!. l. lUeelsior Plaatu c CompailT. Referred! ' " By tbs same: A bill ia. JbtUV.At lbs iledlterrasesa aad Oriental B:saot Kavi gatlooCo.Jsmd, , By Mr. Gunter :" A"bm VrorldldaTor fee ot witaesses to Jestloas; PoufU. Referred. Bv Mr. Moore, of Chowan': A naolntinB prolonging the sessioas oi tb Bens, jaatil three o'clock each dev. Referred.' 9 ' By the same t A resolution that after tbe Tst oi rbrua7 ext, no ftlll sbsli be intro duped stospt by hoaoimout" eousenf ! unUt we utiesdar as it exist oa that day shall bare been disposed ol. Raferred. " OBmotioaot BagbBy eol.. a msssaga was teat to the Beasts, proposing to ralss s Joint Committee ft on the part of tbe Houss aad oa the part of tbe ' Beaftte, to vase into , oonstijeraHoa, smesumeols Xu t... Kill 1. .l.:.. ti. l..i rt . T. v viii niaiiua w w aiircin vuuri oi Ttiimington. ptalio t,. . . . ,a various Rail road acts lev a si isl Ux.) .' ' ,T'-t bill w. . reiurra 1 to tbo Committee an eternal 1 nprOTemoots. ord-wad to be pri ted and aiad special order for Wadaes- day next st Ii o'clock, ' ; ' , ..... t s motion of Mr. Matoaa. the bill to amood' tbe eeasral aorBoratio act wa waea up asa passed IU third ; sir. uuwBiagelMedtba.fi inuon j - Wwbbbjul Char re have this UiNteaagsiaet tb Btatf Printer . Tboro foravJ ,ta . 1 1 til. til A Bt it Jtmhti, Tba a Committee of three u aiipumwa vj ine DpesJter, pro Um-, to inveatignte the whole Batter and report t 77 M M wr a day as possibly. ;i . Jlama, of Wake, cot, oltVred tbe foflow- I T I..1. M -1 ... . i I ""uMi oiava rniWi Vm auarging as aaia r aad enormous price for. the public prietfng, V; Therelorsy ' , ' ' &Wi(abst a Commit W'tbre be sppolntod to Inveatlgat tbe, matter1 Bad report' to this Hpuse at the earlltat day prsetlcable.'V!". , , . -aarfswf, That Mwura, Ames, Arg s Ba4 M. Jostle, b aonoiaitad at auil Ornn. aiittos. ' : Ou aotloa of Mr. Moore, of Cbowse. the COMB) r ti.. ' I ' I wnoa act waa i I ' , --" ' I . LJ i reading. ' f f ,". LJ MiowiBgraso. I is V J ; ; Z beea mad la : j J iJa li-L J- Lj-M lit t, TeUEKTv;;; '"V "i.Krs '-v'n- jr.: 1 1 t JiATaTmYATSTrrsrwr rR300F10 n e ji w ajti sr a JS"jaV'af w at Miaia dj, had au aliriaiioVJi-HX tiibij ut thejtai i . , ..... . . . ' T 1 1 ' "tJJ Vtl Jrw-r . "- imambla o( the substitute wss awsndetl so I ' . ' . ,wr tWayWaV -weHl r -i -a w mv wi ' u a ltl triri Hum.. I.M W I ... ! I J 1 .1 thegeotlemaa Irom Rotberford, eU", ' . ' aot tharore ba forTbv aXpetiUoa tomak rte y Mr. Ingram .moved to addan addlttoaat 42"?4?? V: to I letloB that said Committee bar? power to ntJffi? THW ri"Rop; l x ivy fit . i t ..it BBelnaa.itailttBeBaBra4 WteaiB.nlwMW aS hind idA. T '"T ""V tt" as tliMWa anila twa Blalf J. 'S. i I- ' swJ i oda) lmi,)B?isw fenuul V atv'i ierfor km foroed by eoiupetiUoD to soak reluctant eoMeaaiona W1W """i. rttOHlBTEB reBulsW&ti MtauwiBs to bT.u 144 Wh.'itotlov aoidera. . at have a - - - i - Mr. I fnirraai'a lm.nilnt.iil tti.t ..IH 1 11 Blittee bare Bower to aand Tor naranna and I' 1 ' aad sxamiae wUBfsa.r, .',:, , ., ,. . . ' " ' :; too noMitut offered 1 was adopted aa amended tioa as amended wu tbaa f-' . - a w a wa,.mouoa Pi . W, Xerv, i ralss were suspended aad tbe bill to looor porate tb Peoples Msnufsctory, Losn and. Trust Compsnv ol Lumber ton was UkeB Bd aad psssed its several readings. . aTV a.1 .1. ..'' it . a 't ' I aah a ejMBvpete. Tee aoaseh aad the araia BieteaieMatutslBsilisdsn saaVr wltboB She eshar, so tauat epapaa aad da spcassaay are tosspsrahle, It Bay e added. too, that terltataon of a atnaaia ia. shnoata- variably assnsirsnlBd sy irittaMoBaftha saap s. of Hosteeaaee BiHsra is saosS BoararOaliy. ., "& valoped a saae of iadcaatloa. Th nrat atket r this agraaaU tonts is aoinrorslna' aad esswaglng. mud glow -parrexle the. system. the.sbroBis nneaalaaM la the ragioa of th t . M . . . ' .. , ! w nam, ana w navvou rsstieea- aaas wblobaraBteriaas M dJeseae is' abated, This uapraremaut la set trasataat.. It ie bot soseaadad by tbe ratara of tot old yHitoua. with superadded force, aa ,1a. alwaya. tbe, ease whaa aaaadioated atlmulanta are,-siren, (or -tba oompblnt Xash dose aaema to.tojpsst, a ( mauaqt aeoeaaiou of keab.Mulbirjajarstlsa. . Bat vMe'lai aot sit. To aparieiitl aud.eMlbibeaa prosartiaa of tha prsparattoa si ssarsaty Baeoa. dasy la tntrteBre Wits tnaleTittwaa. If than SB avvsraew of bJa the awaratloa s SoeB sojUwstlMaaxpsrh Biliary ergsB ia BasM sad torpid it tatoawd and Mgulat- Taeesraetapoa tba eaebarrljid erfao tv ITli BYDTBMl IS SJAftH i ..j .it 6 I , e aaiaMMM. ,: ,.u... i, ... ' Kit f?iJTI?rr"iiir.iLr m i.ir. n . f w i. ( 7 , .""wsr'Vaitft'1 v s-vsi VHtULaW&SXV&t, -. .. .....j ... u, tumtJ 0011 oi Mf I TONT1SI DIYIDKK D POUC1T58 IRRnEr: iijv -1 AGitnfi9 iaviru. V.,.i.ti,L. .... y Barns oi ftit'nr , "rjsrijr.rj.E- couther: : -r-rriT-: . .wivs-sivvj , a. i.oita , KHltaVllirK4TaUXUTOaillITC OS H .sT.it . -.r . .L --,'; . ccw. .-'baker, cAnUvoYiv. srmlV1 Uaat.l Iwl.l m" 1 1 ! ml ,u...w. lunpiinn, , a.i vaaa roe 'JVtl vTii ' ' "'Or'nCB ABOTS fUTIlfeMBIPBE88B0rLUISfJ,.,A it-oH H 1 W u. ii5 M tjiuwil Lai a-ti ii FATBTTBVILCK STf RALEiaa. 1L for-BAieigirraia.., , , . , . A. P. BRTASi'Bpoclal Agent f0- IT, if l. IX rff r ! r ,v as.. JtllHMJ-i'W aie.,t fwf" '.'-It Ui , " .(., tJf- t j'JO 1 1 l v.. i-lJ II l i .1 ii " , jisz truuua. ,- "H 'rraasBii TAKE KOTIijEi Hewbern; Kb. .vmirf rliuu' aunt llIonvAwUsg-1 ''I 'anrSiroV-A Jt.' a- .m8 .'J0jft STJOat rjriir I'JIU'J JtarJd. Sairantoaunsafl DKY wflOBSl J)BV ,G0(ri)BI GREAT REDUCTION IS f R)K53 j tbta.j a y (ft (adri Ht 1 bariaattl 1 I. A niseis ItRRBSt' iriawkna it it Breaghiaa,' (at. eBADtawn'e M iTejeft), A i avNi r a- f f HACKIOII, It,, ..itf i.j nvy i ,i NEW GOODS 1 1 110 coNMifrma or nmcmdMY GOODS, OROCEEJTXa, SASD- WAii Ksunw. rj ;rx n -rJ:. qnaflyahatary, and la aaaaa of aoaatipatloo the Robd Colored Popliaa, worth Me pn varoTwe eathaa eetlcw is jsa semeleBt to . - rii inp-wi i vujsa vumtua tiarioi awauiiaoa wmco ia yaruoaiany aaatraDie stuus aeasoo WhSU1 Sudden speUB Of raW'aiipUaaant aUssoses ia Sodas efdor. and (hia tha imat Vaa.i. lable heatortie aenUally promotsX ' . JaB'ltl-odlW'' '""-"'I'' '" --.lit,- seeommodste their' ana ntTW ITfl a auri, .i ...... oa oa ."bribery snd corrsptioa;. ad Weas. at tb present session of tbs Gan. srai Assemoiy.oo ins very niBMMthSday.Iha WSS misled. , had been ,bwfl the lOUBd tne bill had oaasad both Hon. Da motion of J. Learv. eol. tha nilM L . . . . . . ' " "t 1 - ' . I I - ' . V - oaa seen rstinea oy tne Bpesksri ot both 1 tnspenaed.Jtbd lbs bill alloina- cum. HnlHM ud I w.a t. J " I ..!,, ,!, ... II t.it w " ai"" fait,uMia J .'". aiwaumi UBtKC 8ilB OF VALriBLE nOPIRIT, rl tlwTDS Of TUB fOWKBOF IAXB 00K, xjamnaa awraaaevarai Bsoetaaees executed bjr WItU P. MOORB, of th olt of Hewbern, Baa of Mora Carolina, to MUBBat rKBKU- kUatj -vT, Wfll b bspoy to seeommo 1T3m MK PntWs-aoaraHy. , 'WdBa.M M Bin. ;?r . I Xgfaa'aaagr Ll"-Il 1 f' rttY e4tUssBts.. ' ""1 I . aBBimn-'- 'v - PRrNTSl PRi?Vir- "I ' V- - T7 "'V ei u wu hut at UKttiLUJlTS I USDKBa5KaVaUJrnf B JKrBOHASKD i'JIT'M-l' 1a t .... . ...... . . lto.ebtbbBsefJtt,K ?g mmmwianifftii sni " oi B - & . . ''re t" T rT tl UM ll VM a II Ratal Uhdh MalVaU : Mr. GrahamjaalH thai tha MitaUa. J V'durft. was token up. amended and passed ajAwws, at the present eaioB of tb GeB-JlBitoxed la theioamals wu the e,ah- C'JiJboXai luim . , An tha lrani,.hl ril..l I L. i . 1 , . . '. . T. : Da asotioB pf ; Mr. Arao Aha Ml tbst the Treasurer ot the Btste, Was called page bf the Beaa'tor from Caldwell sinea tutPeullt flioVtli to aatead ' chapter ( it tt KCWbetll. 1fee 7flJ ST Jf "1 before tbe bar of the Boast of Represents- haVad -made tha ij?3lT21 Urn 18SS fit.iwts 4ak.a up and I"Vv","3lT.u, 1 lea ,iere OU.; sf Mew Torn, dated, raepeeatvaly the Sih uay aaaapwaar, lima, sa. aay us uaaataaa, U6,od th 1th dajr ofAacaat. 1869. 1 vUJai; i ,'-! 4iu .u-.wi ' iNq oa in . 1 eont tntasd uat anv Hoaa. lama iiinaa Ball yaah.BaeisI Lai then "tart thaU oopoaitkm." Ball Hood eietairSfmfit TrT- M Booda a atd,BWtta f f I laaJaMtbaaaateaaat tbia,-alwaTs raadj 1 or "be V t --".the ij th Uvee.-ln Csmmlttee.of tbe-Whole, to -wn twr qoeationt In rel ttioti to ftsuds in Rail road ponnt, tne taiu, ittleOeld. who said to be eognisot of said frsuda taal-i - precipitately left1 'the 1 Bura i eat wAnrwrs, it is sow about sixty days, sisoe said Printer, Binder and President as sforeistd, left the Btste between two days, with charges of fraud' 4sily publislied sgsiasthim; end uhtrmt, said Littlefldld la nar feet It oblivious to all anh !. . aad tchirtut, every member oi this Geoerai Aasembly is knowing to tbe fact, that Dr. Rawkins, fresidenter the Cbathsm Rail. rosd, csr tided oa oath before the n vestige. ng onmmiiiee aioreaaia, mac as psld Said iltlrfield a fee, to fret a bill through thla ,i Ki.laluru spprocriatlnfl 13.000.000 td auiit Chatham Railroad ( and wsarsss, tbe Graad iff or vt ass county did, at Bpneg Term ,j, prtaeui iaia LiUiieneia lur Sltempts bribe members of this General Aaaaam. bly eaii tchtra, it is published in tbe newspapers or flew Xork and Philadelphia, th.it tbe said LittlcMd, with others, bat veiy recently Linn er-i.r J in ifauduleat uses 01 tna bonus ol tiiia fetate: sad wAsrsos. it is published in pspers in the Htate ol Morula, mat ine eut j.uticnald to, been prvsvnuu oy a wrauu jury w tliat State, tur iiriujtum vi'uuuui, in oonDBCtlOB Wltb tne Italirfsis Slit rsnuis ot Florida and rvis, t e ,1.-1 s or lla',,Sun.rior uin-tor viahs oonui y tiaui-r m. Little, I1.M sn,J otliers iliow that said Llttlcll !J did, i.i r. c .iiimr, i'.3, s':;ra a pvonti- r, u uc i. i v ., wuu me . appat. ut liuagn of swinvi..i. ionoctnt parties to tbe antoaat oi aid sum, said note bsvlng been, accor ding to the oath of one thumb ilt lha 1 . .1 ...! 1 !..!.. .1. . " n(tnoi oi vim 1 niitiumj, gives by Mid uiiueueui w m ueiuiiraa peraon, and with out consideration s appears' by the tv ioril. At MiiW?ntirft . Tl.u. i iiimiiwii, by th8cuati tOat tbe Mid jimon t. uiw -itKi ia not a proper persoa to! a Pi :. -r, r:i icr,' and PrmiJcnt 'ti- . -0 Inv. a of tba V.eati-ra ' i Cniiiua l.d l.oJ, and that lit G -or snd hs is horeby nqnftcd to 1 , u -uovui of the "Mi- - H-..J iiJlu UB KVE1J DijiU una appear In the Journals, v.i ira tju miiM ttfk t.....f..jr- ..v r aia. aivao aaiai it arva uiiniMTMri.i .han,.. . . t .... 1 . 'I .7.1 --r-- T'S-aJii' toe raw -was reguiany enscted dfiiot It would be recognised aa the law. aad tha Oovernorjitaibe apDolnttofft.owaa.jf k. remove. It hsd lieea shbtraV bVyoeda uuuua, auaa tuia anaa aiuueoeta BIS beeB guilty of. fraud, aad be didaiot .bssiuta to My that M (UttleHekir tu mil tn-hM His responsiDis poaltioos entmited to hint. I alter it bad passsd to its third risdinir, ansnnaaay sara ne did aot wish to do Mr. S,arvithsBlbffcred"aa 'amendii uasssd its severs! resdines. : "'Ml'. r w V! ip ( at. st I 1"; s' ' '-' DRI1IIIIED HUUNIM a ue inn to ray nri sua 'eeuwisf a aew wuj iaa aa wmm.iMumiH ,W f! ,.,Jt rFna ana.li, miimuI iL. .. f I 1 . . iff. M IWIIIfe ut I wunnanivi air. aania Teauiraaa I i. "ready eUted.) , i. , , , fi he cnaiy overruled the point on tbe ground that tbe point wa raised ton hue se it involved tbeadmisslbiUiyi ef aiiu BSS-tf I. ', t' t'scV'V Cf Its Herat fur - ' '' ccrtiil.d copy of iuaa, immediately after lu naia. 'sir, I.aasiler said hs t.i 1 note .r alJireJ the sn'-i-r-r !'.---", I . w, 0 .1,. im. i to s.'complieh I tne set giy osr power.- . "' ' - - i H I I l)n' It.lyt'c . 1 1 ir ' i.s auie.al ; . to ev-.. n I "ii t ..t t e I i i any naa Injustice, ,bqt bs detlred to. bare this matter tbotoagbly lavatigatodl Re opw) hi mono soisetsrtae subject to tbe Judiciary Committee Would b voted down and, moved that it be relerred to a Mleet Committee of tbree. ' t I Mr, Jones, of Oolumbns, followed, ia a speech oi some length, isx eppeeiUoa to tb resoiatteoA'' .- -bay t. is-oi nunwi i (Mr. Brogdesl did bM tike tbe tptrit of tne nau.uuoaa aou argurei jyw opopt, ponement . . - .. I The motion of Mr, Moore, nf Qsrleret, to mm m v HMuaij .uwwtsisfl wss rated auwa, a ruuowa r . ' . ,- . inSo- BMJ, Beemsn, J)avla. riytfcs, flaya, HsrriBloii,Moore,0 fa? wrvi. piioaoor sou rrimeB.,- t Mr. Lindsay's motton to Meriospeclal Cpmmitte. was jotej. down, to-witw ; lBABSteasrS.Pema. BrAona' lli. I l!urrlm.tn J,.n.. .1 U'.i. Vl..i.'. T? ' 1 . , . v 'Tyowspasan hbi.'. Bw, r niin, nuiie aoa n instead 2J to- Bl ! Mr. brata.B sailed tha nr..! - i" II ana wMA Jn. .... aivi.nv.).aii inentl1 ssc tioa ol the toll tot. vbst -jtfeat that the matter should be left to ToU- of thepeo- pa oi ion poruon oi toe conoty ot lyrell proposed to be embodied la theW contr ty. llttr torn debate Mt.Moo 4Cfeoao; f"'SaMa.lilliW nit i , ins cati Peine sastained.the austtioa aw. eriwd apon Mr. Jstvis' aaeadmeBt which was put to a vvto aandt satootosU aaaaeA . aa ewtL. a. t it . ' . w ' Oa motion of Mr. Moors, ot Chowsa, the a, MklK K. kill I... a i.. .1... jww WM.VH h um iun iiaaaeu 11 luiru laadinir. waa retooalriaredi' ii!, Mr. Moora then offered aa amendmant tu tae tlljct that the .queslioB of tbs estab lishmeet of tbe new eeaatr. be left to the gaaiioea voters m BlttBoee seotiens nra. a . i i t . . . ... iwaau as va auioraoau 10 ui new OOHntr, The smendmaat wu cut to a aota aad adopted, and tbe bill aa amended pased ite intra reaiine. .... . a. M t ... -'" L in. u.. i.tirua, oi viaKe, colH moved to rSoooaidi r tbe . vole by -which tbe House laased tbe rtsolutitiB yesterday, nqnestioff aa. m aiuuvnuiu 10 re ii:u uu UOaitluO. aa Bute Frinttf.. tmmlmm, I After some dissuaioB, Mr. Jastiee atOTad to lay the motion to Tconsidtf on tbe to Ue, aad on bis motion called tbs yeas end Hflivh. i t.7sV ii.i. W M''f i 'i i.::. i .,1U I-i tb Property foUowing, to wit t f .ii !. ?U BWki Bi..iif, fra ..r- Aa tudivided Interest in Flrfy Aareaof Miirah I th wataveof Baiiturt Harbof1. Betweaa Ptaa. ine urea aaa toe ssataBBiy UBanaai. What aia Snrmarlv WlBlNW T7MJPCI ' . t. tote Roe. xea.14, and Hi. a th eity Wf SBBSrai'k.Ma tu i. o n;a ,u , 'f. ii i;i,m j,, jtT .'"'' V'-V.'-; Ilt""'i .S'll IK li An PiUiWdeJlBiae'aatta'Trfa Wna'' il pi- lok Slraat I SSi Dirty Laaa, aad 180 an Oarmaa i Jtit4 aw . i IV.m; i h i ... I Farts af Lt t Boa. to and eT, ul,c Street. "tt( "" ', ' .- '-if kLl ' ' 'I' ' ! . i .i,U'" 7' I W. P. Hoom' Intaraat In Walaa. In.i. Af ri. Boa. if and IS .t ih. r-'r-m as t't1'! ' I uai-vjf..o si ifijViC tCstBi House" lMBrovnents. f t i ..9 i "' A. CKEECII. KISCELLAHEOITI ft!r?-'tii sfaBw,,'.';.7,,, la . HtOfat the old etaed uto. the ajra aamejaf Jb B-'ABW'Ol;aberto;;.,;, ' f. ,, !1." " ) 'I' ' Jtift DBi;(a, rtjgalsigh, B. p, ,ote) Valentines ; t . Wnolesalei IHATB Jrj8t BECElTto AXABGK ABOfS) Sad tot of TaleBtlaaa. raaalaa i arlna .4 IHN on eent to SS OS aaeh, in iou to rataU at SS.US IIS 00 aad tttl.et aaca, aad be eotd by the btall4allaattoBtBj Ml nrjl.Ky u i ll. BVj r a f """""i " w amwn, , A i CaaB. Dawat, , . , T J a I Iff aTWttAuaa, A-B. MaaBtJintt, ';.':,. B.8.Tooxaa,. ' , ;. ' w. I. HtwYim, - ' ' CBii. iwWBl, xsatTrTArt7r'T i W. H. WILUABD, Tle-PrMhtHd P. A Wn.tr, Csahiar. . .- - iSaaucrtttif l ii.ii n: r.t W1A r ,nr;.t y.(is ' i , t !ts " ,anniytii. ...)i.t ...) i,w ; ,Ti t ,4o, .,i' ,f , ,3 . ' - w--". ) ".'kiiikJ vaA jjBl rev. J 1 "" t BSa-4- -,. lAAtl1,.'!-""!..,;:.. , j i ' i i . y 'S u 4t v. l.ICZIVID . THU. BAt. .ri Tjmju v MBabwkwIti 'ft t.63,liW a" lfMS ."l t t) , j..,d oi twin I. e i.t ii i,.j,. : . " ... i "I ii.-i.iii if- ii 4(K a. f.a,i ii a ,i(i.,f ii,. . . I. H hi , ,'l , ,1 vav daii vnaiTiaaii intarass arnar af Pnllnk anil Mafn.ll j - J f". .'.yir; ' 'ftM'iOitiuJ aeri Antr. v. Moonw-H i.ini "L. ... Lot aoraar of flaat Blranta. ami la xTa i. v..v I"." rQUO. ana in lot ea Broad Hi ad ot Iwtaa SI lull tin a ll it DASHING, A-loK v,t Jt, : ta toVii'itstUtLu 1.. . r ..r -: Floor ,K"Iiiii Sealer A Con. MercbsBt H-tt lm t T M rrt rrrt VT-ivri tH IWa. B BUllI'I vaiaa air.nn : M f. 7 . . r aiataaitWiH ai Ooed to ehctee FnrBi Bovai. Xxraa and limn .WfaelsnyTieoulBJngtoY- -,- Tt' t ' .460i rs teBTaMtftillyldVftea W lt t Vf-iasie' . ' .JS-CUtUtwa, I T rious, Stiiiaaaa aorntatUcg eeawtantly oa aaad. nrro. a tan nia-". i. p .- - I v. A vvsa ana inA r . ot ta lb tfllae of Jackson, Or van OOnntyY ' In the Xkstern twrtfoW of tha Cit naalf flu mull naai In II B.ll l tIituu, an.i A IjlZTi . . . ul BSST' lM;ii.a'lli.,id,t,3rtlia.'' : t i w.il,4iw4 a IX. i . ,.d Two TVva i -ernWivVd IS W.'K 'MaOHBtv ugiOttiUbON. AairatM of JaaiEB aa,iMaefaavie aa lMf Ute Martlndale aovad h aasaau t.i further eontlderatloa until ThBrdaiaext Bt 1 1 o'clock which wsa voted dowa. ' " f VVflla Uiau .. .1 '-era, n " . I J HM kttFiLclCon tr d Wild ".' oe County of Craven oontainlng rbeut PPiHBlvlFI8BFFicS.1 I0B''8XK-JTS .1 .0 H-i atsV"i' 'tBSSi1! ."r"'ll'' Sid I nt f M'MriapJ Dnf-TallJl:- - a,aa U-Il uaraaa Jraea aad Beet 8eedrrtfd 1n tha iLafsl'.! wr W..JOllaBACa, "I I ' ' t ill ' ii tl St i n if rrr m I Gal- cot) Yaoey, Meaars. Besmsa, Cook, Sweet, 8'ephens and Jmith, Voted ia the t",rnsMve and lowey, (eol) Hamuou, Erman, (eot. Launarj Marllnittla , ..v.1"' Sbnffuer, Wbito and Winstead 80. BTS. Theallna;usin!,M1notirfld j ,1T w ,,- XL Tamseaat' A.matrSotr,.-, H- "? ,!:S Bantea. Borldla i Daarii.. nJ.. -i ."W T - .,'" 4 10 TONS. " Davtdpon, Durham, E lit! Farrow! FeriiWl -f t TiM M.i ,i. ... i i . a. .tAatiag lufv-Jj b-.is.I . "uflN.wuuiaam j Jsost-w . i..v(i.W,ftovi"llw one and ga i .OUJtdLNDIlEWS CO., iM-tf WAa7TEa CLAHIi. AlfQrjjej.tnd Cozr.stV."? r, 7 Mr; BC0TLAKB Nr CX. c. 'eaa la tha rnVi.' f . r . Bernai ad Kortham&iou- A.ti iu ii.a 1, and Hbiiwws, r,.,i., .... Bar Cwueuuoua luau lu j port rf Hus- i.:. ..!. ) .il;K t : , v,. ;, , i t Tn,l, .. . . 1 . v m x r '. ' HV-rtVBtt OA"! T' ' exiiwiwd . I-.""-, i, . 1 jiia.t, ii e uantna 1. . ioa , II. ' i ' J.in 7 tin ' t k i , I fcliu. ,(" .!, V ,.m Fwe -1 Clr rat piaa s(ijy aud swud Sol to , at f V. t i t -4i B-ltTTS I I.I. eiiin 11 1 I'll ASTEAI,''0r I jm 'S changed their votrs to tl ths vote wm announced. ve and ai-a.ive before - rt j. i... ,..- Mr. Blyths movid to refer the whole mav tor to the Commiitte ob Public PfiuUiii' which ws voted down. -... , " ArB.--M-ra. tueman. Ttrniit..a n ..v. Colorove, Cook. Davis. h.n, .a' i:l ' Joaaavaf Vak, M.Mre, of Yancv. i,,,tf" aer, vrwt "! X, -ad 13. -i ' ; -. 111. i, .- Ir. ... .'.I , . 1 . Tl. amiiK, uiuaio, vi 1 1 uer t, vrecq, tirier.r1 ' .ii.iv4.!i aaataiBs, nacaa, uign, tttnasnt, Hodoett, I taensijo.. uiiauiiiaL.unin,i rf.STVIB. JUStlia mil uennerson, justice, of KaJherrbrd. K.lt. Of Di-. .a, r 9.'' of Chatil;. :i. torn. Jt mi.. H.iuu,. a, inunv, auatneaoo. . Aic..niaa Jtauueabail, Moora, t Alamaoee, Kichoi son, Psmter, Profflit, RoMnson, Phaver i.triE.iiii. Dtuiiii. oi AlirfMlfinv. Tons. ,liHlitJ:t tHJIitttll fc'mi; . ol Mai tin, Bmith, of Wsyne, Waldrop, VValcti, Vi hiticy, Williama, of Uaraelt, Williants. r. I u e oi I t i s;i i..;a v ! Out t' e p- of Hampson CO, I A ATS. Flair,. Cap ins1- Mitsre. Ames, Ash worth, Birneit, nv, Cti-rr?, Crsa-lord, Xjixoo losier, Prnlt -in, : i-s, t oiair, tionlnr, 1 4 ot J ,,,fl, Wnn I ' of ftllww.UV. iVi )' .(! la Wo iii,f. itow'as ' I7!:i AIsji fr!l tt PrlTite Rait: MJm. Term Ona-Third CARff. bi1u. . it V" ... i v i- V -."lll ,... . . T . ii " ratarwn at s per cant, f ' Jaa M-tf " ' " " ininnT HlfiOWinB' til ... rrtoB juuiTi A S-'XaftiJlt"!' , tpwela Au., and naeanarv aivant'a ain-iiuisuoa. ft",.i7."-n"i"" ; JJBkB AT-Ua) well enred Hit. i(N C Depot. . - I-'it H,.n. and Lou oa Booth iront Htreatf TJI L Sj'alo isStrol, i lIulk2J JL R tlnaHonaaand Lot HM'I. Biji rc-i tl.i,l.,h.lmn-r... ' I"" - t. A, , T"1! n,rro'l. with all asoaaaar. Buildiutra, about a n from the City of Iw ara oa m t,'. ro,d . N,U11. KiTer amtlm. I msj Oi-a I. niiored a.,.t l Uiny Anraa oC lnd. l n Bii.i.iiDa rriMMifca tl.. . . n . uuwa aa nm aijiinw VUl0h . - -. . . ... " O D Kt t tl -,-ai I... BIiU.. Fine Bnaef.. Ut Rut... 9 . Jaa an -If . .., . . fit 0 B A 0 C 0 . X J . ,T11' A ehnlc lot old and aaUosr "O v i t?:xikb '4t ert r Oila, ia pr. s j,u)i!, and n . f tionaor niiitiiieaof anTlii. .1, j, 've uio aui bu u.. ii, and eaa b aaed . n i n . ot .,if. as ti. and tujetl ti pnuno;Mil iunrn r T( noon ettntJiim'i i . . Oli is prireno t ? i bj iiiunMi.U ot f; v f . .. oi y in I a tjriij-au1y 1 nr 1 ' ti eftnaoi i o with anmit t! jsm ft ,t nor bti. -"Anil " Oil f -f BfAuiatftles it: -f ... (ui. Bi U tt , Art vif r an I iVO, . I'.' r. -' "nty for rnrrer, Tc-r'j r Jm S7.tia ' . Ft t.B i 3 c; 4 Ji" . I . ue j ...o lns ti i ( l .Orflf Aac!..,Qiv. uiuiiauia. ' Jaa 26d2a2ia , I i-a.. eiutK a i

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