A f TT ' f " r 4 ' 1 --I r t 'Hit CUT tTAIJ II. J. FRIDAY, JANUAET H, lt70L i e- autli"' AO.. 4 (hr a ( r r K. moral: to i. ...a i . id . .to-auurow mm. Road theui, howwrer, to-day ; . . i a . n ' will meet it th Court Hon, o Moaday tight Beit, 81t In., at t J flf.y xdr of th ForwMi. ; j, "A: 1 . jr'1 ;. i ii .li-lrl, . 1 W hart oomplaiatt of til bad mnag aol and uncertainty of th Port Offlo at Bom '"nMk ; rpiiJ HaV 4blK UlpAUft aqninei aad gtotth reaullttat Ittatil written nolle ; tad when Wt wrJtftotUly w are aot, m geBcrel thing, rery compUV Tn La Bub lwTitaThi.dr- , UKEMnu ar on Ma duk up ior um Wednaedey, ., Thureday mid Friday; at ha vitlted ta tiaet tiuwar, kt oat W aided with rach high aweotaiam by tht pablW fttf -' ItUi'I ''taariU- placed npoa th ground of thWmroAUeick m ruaaiciana, uperior meaner of rendering the in 4 Wk' oi'WitUy aad their original tod cornl tlyli of in. J Umdw,' POCB ' W Wfe o Wctatow, (rot tBi fitvorsbU notice of tbe L Ru mintrU, In tb Yirgint paper, that th coapaay J . i TL.-'.-L A Hi.U.-i 'm.'; '1 a om of upnor Bern, ana wormy uie pat ronage l tbmbtjgiawW jMd iaa combined. - Tb troupi eMcUta o. igbtM ttelftbw tod tbe brfin g ib-d ot iaromcirUwlb.lbmr4'V' At hwbinger o;iUl Joti-rtl -id U tromeau t(i w bod, .th. b-A. Aram, . I tb h.p0-Ht pbtt-boy,?-JtMbMM is tb eity iid"Wedadij, poUng bill ud miog otJjtj(jngw W lo th hd-oat ol tb Uonpw jt , TM JPW i (tMT, tttb'wy froBBooh(f, wbor thoipirifrtppef" -wet own. Wrop pei tbtii 'foV IM& WMiMllaf to do wlftlhj Utitalow PTPPorttoM, is whteb w a-0fafc-n-d by hi 4oUitiew that U MWdtink mdtV ftrof optaw ihltob-lliTe.7. Tw WteR-A,Wt woiihl etlt - tpw-' ehU ttenlop; tb IfWl W, BamtMM! di(raM oi'tb "iimiat Gren- boro Hri .Btlw'to:.IWc4' edentprieTej'Jice,;kept ap tbo pabtU cAtio of tb ttetng,ntm moder tht difll- cnltiet torrnndiog Bew-psper publlclio durlngkod (too tb wW ' : V yT' -TbidfA-io'lti'Maly Kgtow' phptf, and whil w would boipnk (ot It Ml fo- eroMtd patroB-oa frfiw Hwaki apeaUlIy ooauMBd II thoot' who deir to Wk tad read t ptpeixbrottbiBg entiaat of port tad tiniph piety,'! Tb toaacctloa-of Bt. A. W. lUw Mb ttm dUoftal depart ment will rW W ha tddltioaal latoreot tad . claim to public patroetga. Accrowuuw-MW. --W "Under oni tbtnU 161 (b atimbihte of Wvitatioa for a oompUnwaiaif tiekttltf tk SSth aabt-veruu-jf eeltbraiioaot. tbwvBoaaliMi tad PhiliD3laB 6odMkAo! Wk Foreat College, on th Jttb rebraary, prM, at o'clock, P. ltxMtr-s?.'T'V " Boytll, t MTak toeM XoinMl, aad O.HI BeAweff ftt'CarthiR 0 ,'of tb phiTo&ftiin,',;,,';' .t 0 i tb brand of a . aw articl of tmoking tobtcabjUie taWufifnl'bf whUh -haf jut IBcfcW'tly county, Jij -jJifcStfrtf, Jf PaVL.l b Tb "Pufl" it made of the genaLa trticl of Oraavtll county tobacco,, tb tarn tiiat tb Darbaiiit'l p)-4,'f -Annk-0 tared right wkew KpjQHK'ZrSf Tb lubel say , ,"try it fiA art -did try It tad find K .ollrir.' '' ' 1 w V ' '! Eorbid BiBT.-Qui( ta axcirBVOBt wai crextf-d, ywrtf rday , ttteraoM, by ' th tppearauc. oa Harwell' '&lreer, of a vary tbowily dreiaed female, in tatat of drjntky ennei, an obfoct ol di-gust and, ridicule to aombeii oi boja'aucl othtra," "woo iwlutid her with bootiDga and datlaioa. i'A'A - She wntosce au innocent bab, caretatd by a Unclur motlspr, and the pride of tt In-, dulgeut. vrti t-4; titf 'up A r.pu.u,UI girl, and vr.m arrived at womanhood, won th heart of an intelligent young man, and became happy wife.- The aedueer cam, hi art were t .u qilaieTiaU,1ind bow be ia a d nm ---, BfTaded' fcut'cfaat in tb tr 6ii I Ju Kay It ,wiiOe "Ot tt ! Km, fi!f l-r f BtAD If. Tub rtcoiJ of poxdingt In th Semite, y ilcnlny, is of at Intervstirg eharact- r. . ' '. -t.t !!aap3St-,eMlJuct panic i ' i ' - -y. one, kik rusted ia pul'o i i 1 i!)os. w.Im mkd them, to re4 t;.e jtrf.rKi..;;---. ? iah- ciory to t -f T ,i- rexj iDg iii wu cd H. xz i r.4rr rr? c rra, . : liitUsiioid, liia aUwii..j ain Jler, tad friend at tht GoTemor, t peak through th Bttndmd erary day. Bit paper oa Wed- aeaday said, "The manner in wblrh r hf-Jdn iri, t . n-ogreaeea oil- j, i , b in ry bua c. iB'thBta. f ana-"'-. ai-iui:3 iae . : ii Uu-t rank,' Ikpuulioaatahould Miooger uflet tba-MlTe to to made tool to work agaiaat their own 'wtrtf s it kt tinae toa 'K1 11.15. tb) traitor and tplaa who ara counaelUng yoa to your wa rula.-. Blind' that yoa ,are, jo .do tot tee that 4hkhfcee lypublloan all bTtrtb Btata, that ;M trt mining your party and injurlsg th peopl who akotal yon. Oatt oat ta tpiee aad traitor; tbey art thick riwi BaiiaaAeiat." 1 AFan-Dy Be-trloa Vtwupaxr, it mow ab Uabad Mini imiUily, at It, a -ear, la Onua boroT H. l, by Mra, f at. Dnupaaa, aaawt-d. jaan-uw a-aowB so jow aaran i-a. 'iter tua 'beea too Buck UajporiaUgJ too mock bob-aob-binj jrith ar coemica, to much aeeking after Democratic applaue i to mack fear J H fI IV,Bmbr tnat it I tram toe paper ol aa aJwooadlne: WtedKr.'iO Tbli .tttldol waa BwUtoa becaoee thr wart Maolntloaj p itr aea-ng tb twlAdkt UrmlgAat State Pita tor. J iii r ' i Tk retolutioB calling eat th twiadav to ""P -w rriaier, paawa IB aouta by a Tott oi 51 to tt, Try aegr tad car TatrrdV th Hon naaanrl aaaaat-aa ailing opoa tM Btoto Printer" (LitUeneld) Ah. ? '. i A'e f ( . .. aorcMga tie omce. j .IT onfcet1 wa trajaoeli tBrpriMd "at tnoh a BMaanra paeeing tb Bepublictt Hooea,) tU th. Rfpublioaar awmbaiaf ham forgoitaa how oftea they ha? railed upon th dStaaWa. their ol rapport ia the hoar f triaVwi ha A wUh to remind ttotAri6ta h:lw.a a-nii."i.' If th htft.fqraottoB, tow oftov the rd bt. bee tbeir aly Wefder in th hoar of danger, w hat ad wiah'to r- miad thtl ol tt W do pot irjJt ( jargt part aireieM, a . rebak to InJeatWone bt tb praatat If tb- Republican 'rj tb Lagialatitre cbooee to forget 'teat 'jnga, WW thatt tot Wlo jorpa ie ap an- Willing., fa,,. V aaigkt reproach thoee Re publican who, iorgrtfal of prtt jbiiroara, bar tuned agtinat u, but w -are V r Wa . hr. , giyeB quutotioiu- from tht ITUtdkr' paper ot Wdoedy Md Thure day, tbey are different and nnllki 14 their ttmtw. toaa lad abtrtotM;' ' Tht AtaadaW tayt, be If unwiulra to, ra miaa Bepubitcant of .ptat, faToaau wall. tblt it proper la Uttkneld, but m will re mind Bepubllcan "oatadi'ti. aaV .a-ouri . let, W tay, Ooreraot1, remember (hat WmtojamM jmm tad tyn, . fad; BenttorXaieiter, remember per. tor fat ytwi klldet kBd.;"' v-;,"k,' trd. Btepbew, (tot chicken a-niaibAr4 tk loaa ot IlSOu. ita. LlllL remember tb Bote tiayable tCb. Kr. remember, that ' ethl M BUdA. remember iiO,00 epeni ia th bar room eetabllthed ro the Ctpltol lot yovtf(mmo4atioat t,00f which hi thit vl'W'WUk"i Ztl . rf Htp.-wheiB'A.ioiuf tratltedel i If i yM tan LlUlefl-ld out te'Stat PriaUr, he will ee to hcaM ta think yba kt off. btn itofaw M9'tfaiidri wtweei HJ.Tr Wremetnb'eV wt'cbeAcVa if riretntAi't!n'allntr and arhi-k. eocbea. dont turn the ewfndler ant 1 ' -Ww BWdrt'ebowe' tob,moch' arati for that He win not tura' him out, nor will be telLin a pecial'tBrAae.! what. lie know hboutth iwindlf W.tart hoadaJ piMSTI AJW ''Jart aaedt-r new aapr PPtT faandr a. Kml Ba'iaa Aliiojaav (' eaifty ef-awrpna Cavady aa4 Jaa ta-tf ? B. F. CHEATBAM BBO ---"I-Wf't Wtdneaariy f. , t Lupotcke. aaauarati, Ja, 7.-oreon to-day 37S,- ireiDbi bill L U.'a ainaai k Baa 1W awi aaa uii to im annate. - Cut. iaaiirhaear will aMnmead la ktiaalMlpnl av ', wuv nan " ( "- i f . . j The UoaaaiittM uu i u tAdu!. Taanr,..j Idmobi LiU auDuKiin i a Cuiuu.. ef tvato aaaiauM all tAioera kwluw the rook t Btidur ttaral. wut a na m aiuiauiig we Wwnanfa- -HowB,'lttir oota tl iaVMrora JUtKHtUtM Viib tl-t Kihm LfHBOftlw wtf . BBBlTtrtlV HAkal JmAktwft tMtal Tall titlmai I Aiaat OrabrHi aad atUu( 14-aa. -iall ft 'Trrv' TW""i rUiailU .r, Taa..JoMtlMrtW ' --I ewreuoy nail waa reaaaaea aad da iabx ooooa, Blaa ari 4 jort taeaind a aew aappty Oallee. Tteklage, aad Doaaaaate Paat teoda ia (raat iti ftll 1" i'Ifwl 1 tt'-flUfcl B. F. CHEATHAM A BBO. Blaaaliinga iyM it-tf VfamiAiAUUit UJREa BAlto, (aa. a'cime uiaar vaaefarrf i. . ,t.. t tlolaaaaaotuilfatent aradee, ' ;;.-..FuaeWniaa Cera Meal, ; .- x JaaJB-tf .. , A.D TaTL0B. h4 ) iu W ill i u inMaia ltia iiib Ml Itat n4 Faaipan f tally (la aalf batrataiH-n Jw4 Ai ,yAWr ll1FBiewJe4 tM ;. - faWMVlPiiT wB-dAV Ja W-tT ; WaaTeftfMnJW. i BATVIWi-lUIIBUutniHfia t " WUI be eold at Towle Anotloa A CoeamiaaJoB Store WUouaiitua atrti' s a .a . A larf eoUaoUoa el Faraitar and Hooaahold artteleea Faatber Boriat 'Hair ao4 Oottua aad Hhaek liaUraaaea, BaioluUMa,BlaakeU and Ooaj. farta. Table. Chain, Waahetande .. Oooklaf Stove and KHoaea ateaaterebandiaa, Boola, naoananaing. rrdaJUtlt.TOWLB9.--T 1UB-B '. aaa war dlveet hrae bDb the enrreucjt bill waa reaaaiat ana i. ' ikiusa liiaContmlttM oa Mil ed to tnTeatigata aba Avoudale rtiaaetar, aad re port whether Onagree aa sower -to regalat lae deaaral ol lb anay waa ' aakad whalker aay afiiiMnHM raoaiHi htm o(uiMr , ' The t.-iia I ulia4f 4 b:lllta UUttf f W, a C7. . ,. - . . , '.i , . luebiil en.ou.flni Kv ,prjtB naaead aai ,Tha Houaa j-aulved itmlt Into Commit f the abuie ou tiio uivil a i ilJ. ," t i auuer rvKi a Knig a it, tt iMtwuj ; ara but aua-knig air. !! auanilf. j ,,' llwo clu!4 tua iail M ffn ta.'raat ready, aodI eunteutli jiuiiiiiiu.iiy mvaolt u aubnt;t tolhe JuJ-mtiat o usjr ;i s s auuta wlMtlier I haae tniea tauuful. I tin But, boaever, I view o(. th duty of the boar, wkioh ta to eah J Qf ilSJfAf lwete-wi tort a rate 4aqr Tby a.y ity da- aaiaipiwtaa ajuaalbai of ay wtadoaa ot Mlr. ttraalita artanaraaU aaiataiaaaaurA M mooter Uroaaaa laooe: at at, tawiit rlatieawi aaa i tt M I ttit . t, . h auiuu7 h i fuf tuu: a v. taat buattiMl fur Bialrimoaial happiueae. Haat trae.'iil -'d ftTeJnea. -AAJroaa, HQWAKD luukriiT...M'ii.i d at... til a -i.'l ' I I 11 LO R S IIAIS DTX, ' TMt fcaat ta W " - " eutitnia daeaaat a Tal aoiaoneaa. atiua tu ayWor are- ddoeaoalb, M U frfutv aaraafear-relia) le mafaaitawettata. " Arotd the Tainted and dehaatr Tit 1) tkUilf 1 f'tl' r'"'f-" ? a,i ti4 AtaXUMLaaal. BrpTMBe boaeUng rtrtaaa they Aa not poC aaa, C yoa woald eeaap th dancer. The teaa- fata W. A Batehetor' Hatr Dye a twi fm-f rapaau'toa to aphold tt tBttgrity. bold by Dractkata. Applied at It Bond bt,, m. T. -ry . OAuuoLio .rr , , S4! avt Mt' teaott-ttiwialwae an at aajr ditaraamt a aaiw aaea au voaaiaiitee nee. Mirtam. iaa tt. KUatioea tar aaaanetaa aa far aa beard traaa ehowd Urlaanlai, ( Pnairee aaiuruab aioaltta, f aepablteaa I ;..id vricBWHiri X.1 ,j)w eappu, rreaa (raaaa i . aaiau,' Prime Moaatai BaOar. ..;.. . .... JAhJaSM. TOWLE. Jan lw . , Com. Maxabuita, "liT 0 a Wedoetelay. Tkwraday Md Friday FEB. Jan. tan. in era. 1B70. LA! KITB 'IK Ft I T kt'E 4fi VI Marreloaj ComblaaUoB of tnatrataaatal- Wn. oal, Oomio, Operatie and Tarpaiohoraaa Oeahu, Monaroha of ttaa profoeaion. Tba world dated to ptodatotadoat equal to tb Carairala. Bfe wlj iirVBtei'icinofleled aid Fnlargfdfor 1S70. Tb Great BIOABOO. A TAtBOTT ' . JlUttiX Bttin, ruMMi JOK HACK. . arBvia wuiih i . , ii 4K ai(rttkf BdVAMil a'' XarnoVOtlglBa. BtontUm. LaHue'a ,HhnaFlT (Shoo Fly aoooFi ttB)rUy Ereolog DUpaUche. Ht, ur, tBaaaBat - .. - fCarpetuaraud Ferry, in eotiaiilartu aha Ueor. la but tarar a new eleoiiot thruaa boat th iAtit.aAh reinatallaUoa ef ea. Bager aa rroTuloiial uaeeiaur. aota a aew aleauna aad roiitataUailoa aeaaa Bcobabkv, Jtaeh aliaaaUalkn aoo'aadliffiaiit-oataaaaatata Veogreav ahorttoortriai t '.iMii.iti Mit'i1 7iii . Sorter aoolvted tba approVal of thaTlrglnia wuriaau juuerewav aaa Muiima -aawa iiaan tajeaMS. -The Uouaa roead lo aeaa ItarUtL bat ba wiui aura aua uumob wore aot pre aaa, tat win a aaiitaa apoa appearing aa an Bar Of toe Boeaav-itoekar, MoKeuaie aad Soger are held by the Xlawtua Comotue ior tnrther atmald- BhooFlyi' "'film Bue-e.. i..r 8hooFlv.n.i:-;rUBii,'!uilsX ) .hboeplyP La Ba' 4S" ' i great OeBeattoa ff daK Vaaderbilt la-uoBiawaiauee ttruk kataa It The 1 fork 'ill, mtaa 26,70 lo ;T.SO: Lar dull a laaaeaaaaar avxaaaieef aaa aaa te. 1 1 vinm rtni, xi . -f .. 5noLrA' amUhi AiirA sUwxmi ia. V t4owU W iBoada mi . a B e W.ara.iieft,, A lB iiim vtm.m.A .LrnBnto"aBiV Bl.iwOaiaaav 'ataaAoi-'BalaaAa' etngeit Ooalit whiatle It Fiak bulu te, iA HmUed somber bt reaarred Beat for eale i Aio-eo wiuiani e Hook Htore, where a daearai the Ball may be aeea. , ' , V ': LV"" a'Blt BMP ddttW aa SB tt .. t v.yw;. Had , Cora aula ailsi '.f..'... , v. ' v w" IXTIAORBWAET Bil&itialt. . .... j-Ul ,iv mw vB on f o u wa wa4 tw - r't S"tA rail .t, r jxwjl- vt vrvrj-ro, ; 1 ..f ,.. I I ..(!.' JLJUXB ! TAITR0HA8ED DUBraOjrTB. MrA1 JC, afaeir greotart depiqdeBl Ad aaltar4 aM, ' wr. ." , ;. -1 . Imltato him I, taynot, word. .tbout.AJl aBtrMw winniir. sb 1 1 uin n i .if tLtf.iirf - . i j . l -' " j - - . - r twmeatjoa oreaeh borer br th rerd. Bieeeorl .":.'.-'"-, Pei .WXt BUT AIX OP , OUR QOODttfOR j Path. , !. Cbarlee D. I tteppirj f Beeday ' ' .off an of tbe . though daager A T .. If yea t...' a a c ando go to an tbey ea!' ' ' rary In and i- a I t TOEAN r a :i c Pros-i;':-t. jia V- ' .' I h-, y Of: JV-. 1 -T. ',e I fit tWt'JTr. '), of t'uU iiiy, whil :.l : ' S P i Wtd ) a 'ol, ' : 'i . 3 1 thronrh 1 tbd'-fl rh ! ... . Iii' wound, H' said tot to be . . . , :',u--- Uioua- Ktw Covm Ka. W bar tofortBi map W tk coaaty of Chatham,' draws by wpt, Mi Jumpey oc, PitttboroughiABd ngrawed by Bnjder, Black and Btura. Jfew or?; M . gottos ia saaUt etylavoftw mileeto th iach, gtretthe TotoBp' 6Bjin of tht ounty,' the atTeama, road, re6W,YrAttsliat,t3llIa, aaa trea the lamii. it tiao map th coal tyh liihg parify'U tbi eonaty, nd part. jy la lloort,, , ) ,W :t1.'A.f TbU it tb beat eoanly map w bar tr at Been, tad will prora of great tdraaUgt " iu pwopi ot wutaeiB., t if m at . MimicaIhW are not much of avmaat. clatt, bot we hail with Joy,'' anf BwretneS t leading i;erfIttrt1J ar peopl.!' learn' that ' worn of, pur cbtr member propose , to icall a maaioal CoaroHdd, to meet in 1 tbll 'city, - tht la f Febraaryi ' Th obhot of this etcntia to Iniugiirt'iA', ineaaureti' WM&m aa boreaaed toterett in tb rui jret of muaic ta,ot Stltk'fia tbeae diacordaot Umatw hop that th projectorsof thit moyemeot may harmoniia ia a piajt .that Willi tall to gether tb moaical talent o( our Btater. W kara mat t gentleman woo bat . bad great experience ia conducting each conventions, bee Co Deleted to t preerat,- When we are mora lolly tDfurtned ot the detail, we will Iliad tgaia to tbi tubjcct i,-. ..:,, 1W ;m1 i j. , . . o 1 ... . 1l cu be fen 1 tit P . 4 ! i . eLTSSMB COURT. Thun Jan. S7. Court owned tt 10 A; I'., t e ctiwf Jaatic aad all tbeo C " a btinef prwent on tb Bench... , - ' - . a foLuwiuif eaaii from the 8 h and Oth District were called and dipoed of. ' TiHta . irott Kjwi arirued I Bailer "d I-rwdea tor plaintij, Clement for d i.cCn.Gp'1 M; CUe.'t.rrCaulaw... Pil I. Trf I . 1 I. ...II l..uitivnniMt W ' ""1 J' f f-nrrow . Ehirn.from !, ". tJ to Dent term. , .. , t ;.iH!':ii ( ni arms rjru- ' I , - j. U. litun, lor (Je- 1 lander Oabarrtts sr - ,. ft ..."".! , p. . u.l; Thl oaablea ae t eH them ea a tmai ataryat asradAaadMBearly vry eae, ba anr r leaamoaey to bay goad with, u nopoao. e Baodwrt ewr aaetaeee a to make our Hon the ' ' W. HV K. 8 TUCEEB 00. ' ' ia-e.li , j, Wbolaaal and Beta JfitrdBanla. S . jaam-v . .' - Kaleli i . iTSaTTT 51IT lOUSEinEEvfi ks r, r, , 1 r, , ! ; llMnair wt 4wa .-ilai Inod .r.it Wauiii.1 ' V J 1 j . j. . .1,1.. rl"?" t l. lauujOti.oiiittTM" Iloaae Keeper aitenllon Invllcd 4 ..wviat auaaaoaa to, ,,,(.,. BBITTNIA, COCOA iVIW TIVJIEIV tHppef . - Jk-ittaaie, Tea and Ooftoe Fote, ' '" . " -J ' I ri"-b diic fote, i tua " ". ' ,., 1 i .lianed tieh and OrahieBrailet","1 " 1 'iJ ' , Irenrb liflliiiiKMlHtamped.Ware, 1 ' ' bilrer '. K oi Feij H i Winiejjooua.''1- iVost HAxsica cBtaTcair, aalewr Plated Ci'.ai'-'a ana CU Ueila,.-, ,i,,t.,!n'i .ii aPlated t"" I ! Mil.- , ; el ft a at .M ij j t-iaw l ln r b.m i T-a Hlraiaef a" J .M.a . - WW HU ill' J' K ;j. , Junta and fork Box, .... Sub ! J . n l- i-i, Hpio Boxes,. T.riHJ.M '1 t,vtrBncVt' i Agg Cooiao.,. . .;.,.;( .It a- FRENCH SAW KNIVES, - .--'- Jrtf LQOrillG GliABSEH, '.W. KEBOSENK aSD ClU.NAOOOl's, ' Loo poet, JJao ta. A great atool to at aaaiiiaaiwa ia beiipi Lord blayor proeidtd. A writer ia the laaar I aatonax BexatioB of Baa Oomiairo, wbiob ta i, wrtoaM IA-. -Ja Ma u,oui noyaat , Cplaada 11 - '. i ? : ;.-'i ta f.a o?i Ooul li,sy eoapoa 16; Xaaa. eaowpon M. Bed t&tS Va. ax-eoupoo 17, new !;' Lai. -aadi Hf Mmwmmm bab s mim aaa bbb. nm rm t nam. aam m wm hii h 0 old 40 to eoj, aa MfTsT Ca. old U, now 77. MnH .aw. mm mwm i f , ninNqwmt bub anaoa- tua and wiahowe aiatorll Bfaaage ; 1U; jntlo ' la titan In th 'iakH . . tl-- In eoaooatrated aaid ox Mot ou eaai itia aui'ad with other ealaaMe at t il nhitl Ii aa laoedJ mm inioniinany par. , ituir 1 - .' " bob tb on ax or,. BCttttrriAtox&iixrTiox i.' aa,i.ia atwi o t . "tril teaaaJr ta co..hi. Ul , waywwtw A partfytag anaVateaaaiti toe awodol ail h.uraii Ilea, goiu axtaem tar lua uaataiarhoad at nioaoaai aa oatee-itiaBio imis h-. .a i.jm Wwaaaia. faaaaaaaai . BwsaiHh. ati. raiaiaaMW wait MBoana, BWlla, , I ' Wd an knew that the piuaiieoaone raooinatioa naaigaa ib aanng in ute war bred Utennal aUlaautte diaeaoaa. Vaoelaatioa one woe Uxon fraoa the ara of many Boreouaull rtaorofoiua 7 Than or eoaree the haparitiaa of the groraioaa pauexw ware abaerbea aa the Moo of mob ether. wm aritboat diaeaoaa, aad both be aaa lalaeted bmb, woaiea ana enudma throaghoat all Vert ara eaoal anfnll -" - ha aki. eoa.aadkMwaoa.BDtilafaw xaomthaaaa. aha BetofdatiioKi rei t. B,f ia audWla. Bhaaat to apuita, and aenda how Moot BOCBDUIQ THROUGH KTIBX TIOT. ! , Itiiapartee n, BwairkliBiB Btiiktneit to tho E A Hf iw A HnbF TIbbo A t learaeta to tbe Ilea thtneit to tho Eye. to tbe Lip. .... j -an Biifhloe to tho Complexlea,' ; HI .Mlt. J atlja- , - t , ton tvi. t ale o-.'-v. r' - i' v exiw.ii nt i owaer haa a ! foul. jAittAO u. 'iuU4 " ' ' t 'Uaaiar a A- -a. T AT KBABONABLB PRICES. it ineuey, weoa, or bihiib. wita a prrrala :A. D.TAYLOIt, HL ATB or baisktt limit HAS removed to the Store lately eecaptod by ho. lj, FayatterUl Street, . jaaaa ow Croeorle! Groeerle 1 1 jtMi MatAi -Vat. ATLOB. IBffia POTATOES. ONIUftS, PICKLES BAB. dine. CauBod fueaatoiM, rreaa foodie, oro-oior Vaeee. (toa mm) Htart4 (Unirliah aim rraavaj aoaiato uaunp, inuwol Ituooa aut, Ooxaa OoUtiaa, Siied ttoof and Buekwhoat 1 WIMi IB W?WT.MBtTtwn THAT TTTK btciauni. Tt xmui bio' a. Wua Um ta. t ttiw. i - at at to- Vtrotui htMoia roa Uot m) f loaoa,' Uh nmtivm iui.y uiiikrMMKi Imautaaa, boiiia; tuuroni ti nniniowia iiiiKv.t.i wa. a itiie our i e . ia. iu, ti-.ii.oni atraat aad eiaauua ana of the lunal tua hana OTr aaauo, ' goaroiK-ADygaiisaaiiJTA BatoyoBCT to tbe Bolrlta. Al tiapploeat all Bides. SLVWf tfoJaa-tt it fMpathaed beaajea' aetj a It iter, ft JrtdBa h,by ua ely naouf tola great r H n aj h m - V"i HI AW d "Dootor. I area oai-oinauul la the hnnltl woeior wa i aa ae axis aieeaae. Unw 1 had a hoetti or year "OoaoUutloa aleaooator " aent ate oy mi. awper, or Oolombia, Mo., I enfCared tor efBoreaaa. caioar rasardaag. whtahra aetenma wm ladottultoiy tioatpwo. ula aatua avhwaaalturaa with running auree kunch I hafOWol I A a aalllinj. a.JIM Mwth i . i.f. ....... . I w..i- I n 11 ,t - . wHvioa1truui ta Tirguua 4 ai beosaiiwri' A"BB. i Bbw' Tt,' 'aWttAftbeke fbatt,'JtIoney eaey ta ,. awehaage, . hag , tti abort 1; yqar-tlaaoTaarl'-.o beantitul. A -j 1 1 vi lfae yea, I marwell bay auch rlinf Wai wn- : baaa to aaa bot ore. En ixi' xiollara loc aix ooiuaa two nauue bar want to try it." j'l wa very aiueh troabled with ajphUla.. four romodj- eeom twbwoariag m faat, (Mud tbotUe4ar ree.f fl T j ttm OtmOUmf Peeferrt Ireoto, oxperiof mall ether, ler Coida. Couha. Bora Throat. Bronchi tie aad Horaiataa. Boa a pleeeaat, mum uoaee aew ion. Ka aauro rln omKl.iam.t OlAvo wa.Haa MrkW. antoatoo Bouixittu hav ii ate a aew anm.l -iwwr, nu. I iloaae aand ana a eupply, 'l wo 'j- nii iUarefl want to tryiyenr ; ..... .... 1 il , v ft"" not eriae for more of i llwre t- traete, bat f on autakk yonr m" . UWn aboat tuo reuedy. Krery one ha aoneuuug good to aay. ,ff . t ?" -WoB ALL DlMOa wrn tnWilS. bc CKNnoir ovT,; 2 v, aow maM JAaeaaM, Weaineeav Oeoeral Laaat- BBnrpaaed - ITInee Ilnater. !. --' TTO.IHAll J . - . tcBeralCommlasIOB WerckaBts, i HOBFOLX, TA. , pO!R10NatKNT8 OF ALL KIND OF Country I'roiluoe, and Cah onlura for fnaiik Ira. n and bnral dnwoiv .111. aoiim-.i ut boot ofiurtouoiKt'ta air aaUkiauMoar 1 a Orator DboU Liu delirerad ea ear at 17.(0 per ion. Freeh Onmnd Pteeter m.OO ear ton. ' ' Hookland Lime and llay, at lowed market ST, BfiLL LIltB, AND XMKI0B TOUB ' WOBM-OUT LAUDS. ljT.Sw pw Ton f .rrf powndf. L'.. 11 Kxoitiuaoa Im.m ; ,.. B - i J? . " . tl : ; ). E" :;l;r... ........ . 1 ..... " I V - 1 TrJ yru...- c I IIII-. . MUlU.'.'i ... u 4 8in K.O t and a.i u hoi . fc.i . d Hi! I ' au 1. L. tyll ti t 1 -1. at "e...i W ataaVlte lnaA ..... ) 1 I I I, 4 Wj. ... a. - i ... .'.a ... ,i. . ; Are bow t" -.: j ; . j i ( -Buoai latfoiatble tCI'l.il. .1 ; - 1 r 1 ai 1 r 1 WlaJow C... t AtABGE8upplj Juat r Verrolieau. , , . i . ..-. ! I.' . no T.ir " 3000 Jan T-tf " ' r: CtUOt?" SHELL LIME eotIamaU weUexoopta eioall k tm h IjaiAeeaaBiareaet the Food oeUJof my loft leg, aad that lektung eU W r 7i t iil.- 11 Thla fronx, a Wy-'Aod now my. akin 1 aa I , ' I ,''ed , ' ' ' aUaraau i.ir aa 4 bJba'a, t.y rxinmkniuu, tiiaaka f T H 1 f ' " ' 1 ' ' 1 1 J J') Absorbs OaseotiB J Fertilizer 4 from r4ki tmoplierfynd Eetain.' inem lafUit tnnnro niut if n Villa w - - ) ; A (.All r j j . ... .An-- Ail . 1 ,-;'-i - Ai,Ae. )Btitf,i,ii,ti.o,i:i:; Ta . t '1 ! t! N 3J1ELL LlJNli! :fc d VaW)llWtri. whoa. nnoaratioBa. katb .t.ird I' World wide reputation for ax eotleaoB," wow' offer ' Uuk artiala. JIo Jtoai of thoa horribto laatod. aaaaeatlng.' mBbowi vvaaa raiaae, dee eAdAwftm. OK ILlABKBWABa -, f rJlray frU U,i totfc'i. i:IwiiioV J. Sanday auruiog daa.tard luet, a monea eolored are Bale, tall aad stelae trimmod. The eaid mule I of medium aiae and whan laat board trua waa bt Chatham county. For the dellTery ofl' aead Bialeiu anf inioiir-ton-lci "Dg I htf f ' . J an ft ii IntfanraamaileialaVjt aiae tb number of our Poei-Oifio Bux oa four Mttea ittera. Tbe aew lav In our haw York tLi. Ofliaa amnala tlila. ' .... jflf AddreM, mm. Mi W, WtHtTfJ()( )j Jtarwwwvonw p-rnit nuapitai, rruafla, AenoT of tua Untied ..' Uneratory, 171 Pearl Bt, foat-OiHne Bot tm .1 ' ' ' Att W XIIKk. t L.I. J V..... .. . .. .17 " . ' ' I" 1 uuuo, aix "m-i a I ir . A "ouif an wutoa a roosipa oi pnoo. l atieute are reqnnatoa to eor. reepand eonildenUaiiy, and reply will b mad by foUowngaaaiL' I liii'V a. I i ' j ' Jaattwly'rV ' - 1 ?. ' fl-'J l....l.t.J.l.M. . 'i leead amlerut anf inioiir-ton-li". "d i .thtTff i .titArf9i4aVlllbld f t t IfrTir-Pwa.- i - - -TV -Y'.' - HOTSIS FOB BEST AlfB EOB 8ALX. twr win ft i n i " It tht City of Stlelfth,: , v A w . - . ,i i i a one a no t rooau, Biiebea room aad all aeeeaeary oat bnildinga, in eoaiplate order. Splaouid gardea4 Iu tioa oeeof tb beat ia Hie uity, aontaeuu. - lrtlfP,.",w umo " toBJ.ItfliTt.nt ?. . - Mobtb CiauuiiA Ltau Cuaruit, email g jatory. fraat Jfoaa la lb' Waiter Ward, i rouma. all Aeoeaaary onlibulldinRa, in goo repair,, UrK, gt4au,i)nitb. good eater.. ,.., u. Li.fl-1 .1 U ami-wb M.u -i AW etuie umoeoi ine ..,., ,., ( ,. ' K..u.i'a Hibiu in. I ivi. A.uta... ,. Jan S7dlw , ; ., ' tiiimallf -it rai l TJOB 8AT R. Hob anJ tot' 'tJVrn'Vif l!n)I, I'u aeantiMiil Oak Krore.t ronrna lui mil kn. Bjbed banemont and irnuit ent-builiin ira.'on of themoat beautiful In -luua m the tiiy. l'rice IsoeOoo aaaytftrm. ... .. '- f.wJ: '"" tnnir at tbe O's of tM'"""" fnwrii. t i.f ti aoin t,.aoLi f.lWnT(lIA(rT, 1 . BTanufaotared by the . t, ,,i. M ff araea Ctaaw a ,VT Wllaalagloa, BJD, ' IttBAOH OS BAEHEL8.. Thl Feiilluter I prepaoed with the atmoet ear. euv auuiiua orerr ouuatiiuent aieairaoi far toy crop in whu h it may be apnltedUj ' A At hbeapedally adapted to luot Tj fv . C growth of t-T r-4 ,j ! COTTON; COSNX CEE6XIAJ ; BBttAlICBIfTptor vfc fBurrs "Nps vibaEfAB;)bS3. m tt 'fcjjf Muffeolor'l erf ;! )m maUriiala fron t . r wwixaa-Bk tiavaailaaltreilai.l a' " utpti tuovrerereno Br made to that CM) Mouth Kt.f llal.iniiira.) hr It U Jajprapand. audreferehoe t made to that Cot -ti naar (W Booth Kt.J)alumnr.llhrt i " i i ofouaOT, qua) n.l mm nnutr 1 i ' '! K. h. . ..iti rrw lent. uiNii.nBiniiitf . . ,'!! J . Treaeurer aad wtrr, , - t- 1 1 - Vt- iiu.iutou N?al vljaatd3m - 'j r - , , V1 r r : v w ' .n T u ji ji l -i.t an TtOB S AXJfcSploBda Brleh Boaee, t noma A iwith tarce uueaant and aaraa untx- rt out-nntiiiimra I aoro of laad f oue t too rrnit diroi euHtlou in the atty, 1 rieo Imi.uou oa liberal term. . . a"ry t no i' i no i tuor- rra" e. ii. . . Jan i7hHi iuaia sasouka Laxd tfonraiir, ! . . i-jfi.. l lf..fl ii 'rt-.1 MiliiTIrl pt lT E-Uw- Hanatoa 1 room, with win. I F 'n.ft, v a're of Iml, wi a 'r quantity of n .i.'-n guetifin- at reairtciK- a in i-e (, tr. lrure . .. , ... ,.f - . -"" - ., ... . h ouium Lars ComtahT. ' J 17-dlw - ... ' I ml 1. In .. h lill. lili I I I' .11.'. 01 HALK. Foneo I raoni J jf an ' " i )r "I ia the As"xrB Wiirii, ail ui rood or i - bwtiwy Im-atiun. I i-n-o ,.! ..,- Apply at in tj e ol the'- ,ii. Kohtb Caxouna LAUD Courier. I J S7-41w :i a i . . a r. 1 a . . i.. , - - f " - . AriliiB VV Hi a 1J1 gtMMl OlUtir, 1st WO ien. i'rioe l.s o. r " f i Al.li T ' ll' P5H of t n J.n 27-rl i - "t. T ABl?Kls; Alt WOBAIK Berenty Hoa uiio. Sroke Biil, Oaa be Meat my lot. J .., a I. ; , ..jrttiww ?:r$:,.wsr. E't" "' I " ii . i iu. mm mi - II SAL, MJUtV T tai ro AlarfrO'Mpply.'wbltA bolted Beat reoelted ...i..y at .. .. s . a : t i . ,.. tf "p.' - 2 ; leach beo's. i , Jaa 'Ati-tLr G' ORHES BUTTER. I IHI f l f'Vl Ann'hei'eupply extra ttoehia P-fliAr ' JUWU . ,- A-fcAClf BIIO'I PaiBrryi rT Neutnlliei Bubatanoe in the coil wbiob ar poleonoui or ww v viva r. .'. rt. iL LlJ'.ljif 'fri. "!tft .i I .) I M ii, ,.,.rt i IMPROVES TUB MPrrTAIOAX, OONOITIOH n'aiVi.M rii . . uiivu uitii, piuunutia mi far vr-rp hit ,ue OUO lay than any other, reauvauir ar fortiuaar. . ... The low Drloe at wiuoh we oilor thi fBrUliaer eoBipehi na to renmre e-h to, aouompan ail erilare, er.roniiirniii..i,te nt i miiaoo.-. i . .1.1 , Oei nine l'KIU. VI n (. U 4 m) end all the etaa lard Mauuroa furuiahed at ioweet market rat. vaea oroer toiiitan. , y I'RIflOBABPt TBB, I -VI JlAk.". f i4 A l VjutuuiDiii fttu aiit. laa4a AoxroutVA. tr GREif'BEDUCilOfl' w.jr,l1;ii ia.t wiitvinif i1-,SJ0'"t ,tfT jri-.t Jii.SJ'i 'di-nrtl .b. : tl ,,tt ,.Vi ,i Ui A ) s , f t :R3!GIITS" IK iti b GilELL:vLlfjG. Vi I I Aii l i if! 1 i i. ' " t V T VLO i .'.',J'I 'i b .'f tJ fclT''?' HI Als ARfi ; , o'ri cr vMtT r ro?t 'A I In ' i ' il 'iTj Lr-'". !"1R Anlr'TTT"",. Trr. n . -I.M1 i.AdCAhvU.vA... : Po eh feaboa'd A Bot..'. , w;iii Wf I r ' h A c .mfnu and hdrtk j ,.letu.i;-e ...loaii, at aroally ,,,.,, j, ),. fd-d rtei'Of , t, I, ., -.. IT! ib rat aiil only continue until Brch 1L r ahoiild thertifiir l rn-nt In h t I ru a 17 00 per too of S.buy Iii. put up in gixid bava and duiiTarod ea board of or. Ordure nittat ho aai-initii.iiiid ffl.it whioh ro beaeot by 1,. rc, nvtui letterj Poet Oiiae Orilor ar by i...i.w ' Jaa 11-u. u a a i.A..a, 1. -i.-riii x, V. .tieKorr.'i c:i r. ! ' 'COMPANY' ' PIIUbPtaAllC . PBICK M rrrt tos c? s.r3 f i . I I NoBFOUC V. hi i Wnnvfaetureti at K r Ik r to i Tlila trlii-'e Ih ni.i. L (Inauo as a ii m r. i I" in-iiii a tit 6 ..i- i litii iy in ihul u a. i..., . h bunl aiU bo "'U i .i- ,. The f i,. Il'ivnd ill. I ..... r Ciittnu i.!,i have j ,. , luchoe piutiii. il I i i frtiliaiiii, lud f.ie i made arncie.' U. Lalw-man, F'i , nf I writea: ''1 have ih ... i ia aqnal quauiuu,a iuv l-v h... Uuaoo and found tli nriun , your artiuie, tho wtstd M . . and the plant kpt groau tin. oior ... t. t. ElU'tOU (f ft' MIU 1 .1. V import. Our m u.ir i Wim Ih and otiiur om oruere Dromiiti ti i . i,. of onr Wiiiui? ( Qa'l AffHiii uiii.o in., t . naralioueeonTiiwn 1 r tn i Jan UaA ! t '.ill il 1 , ' EatclqtiSrale A 8., 0..J IlYAK,:i;;;.; "1 "TILL otmib for the Spring fitu f nay Inb luet, , fi . aa li-ii lijio. M. rrrtKT A l' p'" f l ! . Y A) V 1110 BNETS A TLA I -i ia. . : . Jaa !.; . ; - 'I 1 . A . V ' ' KHI'BOOli W . r f f l-J-alftr. I. FuTtjiim snti o Ci-r and lmh'n .s i, - jevij U-alrf ; : : TtTI i 1 s . J A pUaaaut enr fur C - . .'i . 1 , . . 't'lEirsr t f ' ' T(i great Alcvrniiv Xtttt'a) I.it,A-u t i Karranttd liiebt ) There ralnat.Ie p j i ,,i--' ' VI ii.. Jan Aim .' . .. .' .. ' - Tf 0AK8.Tr, ... dl o v !" .- . ; ...... lr 'lea-. .i l . a,' .'Vf .'ff t. I I ATI HAY 1 1 ; . V Bale nice, r- " I r y t r m. , it i . . w ... . j. . i JaaSB-tfi rn!t 'I i Jim . r. '"J-l U.N't. fA ' ffllllVAi ira ; in.., dud ill evi 'V " ? i? J ' . u,-i..i Ol 111 Vi, ' .. v. r..t A" IH i vi .,,r u i t ' iHHUUAijie, I if ' i ,!-!, rn'-:'". '"Xai-nniil mw-'iir rf t'-e dp.' a. tbe Nortb ( .1. , -me i . jmi'f 'll be Iim.ii t vue ti o J t iu tuet.ny f h. .. . ii, at 11 o ... , , f .trade), i u. w, i..,j. ia- 'Vid , 4 ' . . r, r.f - f . Ia rroal Tarlety. 4 I I . V J 1 1., nre 1 i i.H a.. ..war t J i .i.uiiigiuur b. C. Ja.U i. ' i- i.l fir a Caui.ia Laud ConrASj. Jsa 21 C( it