. It- ' ' t- ! ; v t .'1 ..." ' ' ' ii'! 'i ' '.'1 " , i, - t rlim eonefira- 1 . I Ul-lll V... (1. JII.MM A l.l). ap tr , ..wii Cuu. muiuiii 1." VT O. AND VlltOFNIA BAY ASDB1PESA ..n . . .iit rtt. iv. a. v apoit w. u. Junes ca . m if ' -' " '.lit J J.l r rAYlTTTVILLE STu , 7 ' ATI IS 8TORB-A LADOB BTOcVW l J, Heavy and kauoy OrooarMaa, probably the im... annoi mil in the City, . .. . : , c 1)L Ilk-, iIIli SMiU at Prl us kactoi'v ('lie. p 13 tl , - . V . V. eTBONAqH 00. IB TOILET BOA PA. WW. CHALLENGE TBE Ally a. uj uuauiy, nnauity aud eheapn, , s aputtf .. W.,u. biKuKACu co. Iiiik vv ifATo8, peaciui ; Sill) 1 lUO A4-iIU. " . . . jt,puu : ...... w,v-Tiwaun uub.i ,YTCLI.ll bilUACHWAIf OB BAUD. aplS-tf .. . " W. ?i 8TB0VACH 00. ' fl J k AKliVi,ii.'iM4' 0JUUUBatt JUUT npiaa- ' : .. '"uricf stbokach co. . - liUiafl CKACKEK8, V, .. . JC - MuaiiruaaM ' A ...... .-5 i. c",SiBoa,0rU,. u...:..U! , fACKKllEL IN 4"BneU. Ho. 1 and 1 la v . M tl , fc 1 W. C. BTBORACH A 00. nilMKTHIM' HEW I O '1" HOUSEKEEPERS. A"l'reprtlou"th will tlwu M barnUh Mroul io,l.ki. . liku new. with M lilt to bur m WuhiBit, 4-ftbd Hurt ud will not injure lbs ttuMt bilrar r Vuttad Mrtaoa. Ill truly mdarfal I VMM baTing pnit trUl 4toelm, WitodfayintMw U iliMMikiwpwniM Alnly !lft ctml per Box.', 7 ,r " ' ' - . .jwJhJBCH DObD. BoUABta Al,-L(- A8E. AXXKQBJiASE, ' TorntB,BCtTtB7iiiit Jm noli kd; tub li-a- . i !,.VJf CHUBCH DODiyS. il) W ii M mm " 1 ' i. ii I AOS, 1B0N, IHOHi UM : JC Af ,J Iron tor Jurmmji yrjjpMj. : . V fb ls-lf J OTCBUBCH A DOM)1 " t 111., .. Ml,l. , ... ' CJ1UM,BNUP,JBStJK - i. - JS - Auoiher tapplj EgmtoB Bnnft. ' ' M'jt . A ' ' 1 AtreaU autDir oTBodA BlcBll.":,w" fcb ia-if ' VCBBBB DODO. "- ' r KaU'T."W; whMeeale an rtUILT' ; f ;.:.. " - ' ' '( ' " T '. . ; fcj 1-t.t. i . in n a.u ki aniiiia tan an' t . l A i VlV r,fl.l,ne 'lt Mli..l J...... . i A t......ia a li jMUd MAt d( ft b 12-tf-" '' 1 TJPCrlOBCH-A ODD'" ii i' "' Xi uU W ) ja...ait MaVaaMW. J ,l) bill !' H aHtJlOJI! Mi , , , Iirx ' ,.0 A T'1 Of" mli , ') , , i A tyl U .- ll 1'W vfa'fll t v , ,,,y, ,.Jtal At. - ? r-oc w TX1,Knit8-"OF ai -nmr . ; .iijvt I ( . t el (airm Ii.D BTUFf ALWAYS ON 1 1 t-jw r '...'..' i 1 j lu Jrfci'ia fc flc! I tj a 'A D' rts'l A fu 1 U. for Ml, 1( jy.mt-i rt 0- I 1 OaSA houru nvaoon D0U0LA8 BEI.L. . f..rhl ..!.- '-.. A r it'oa. , -otjauToiV. W I L M IMGTOS BTRJtKI, ! ! 1,1. !, 1. ., ( 4 .( '(' Hf i. (.i ,-." Jill i : " : my i A V'THINO TOO WAIT TO BAT OS WEAR, . ' f r I. a 'Mitnv " ' tlieu WJ:L.Af 4 EE. AH.' 6I.0ei.-S,1 ... wnrtr.ir.flAT.ie a retail . iKirrao ASS rClWADISQ- MEECHABT, " AID DEALEB IB " ron'ttr wirej . Howe, fioes, 1 lrj towdSiJUtCoU- Y-a--,v "J,"$lo, 5 Maiket g quare, Southed, ... , pAIfEGH,,N.iCa,.Vl J! ii fl 11 ..( 1 BUBUEIiR BWEFT fPTAT0ES. A MOTUEB AtUUTAI p" W, O. MADE BUOEB IX. rur Hi ww, v, ii-ir '-' ... , T. AHOTHEB ARBIVAL OP IllON. Tb large and buat Mtoold atiMk In h if ' t : , (, li .... f ! , ..m ill I tin! L, . SCSAH, , a ' fowdotanit Bhot. SntiH Tubvooo, Oqrn, Metl, Hula. Horw Boom, Crockery, Tin Ware, tipariaa. HnoTaJ. Furka, Hon Collar Wagoa and ram -t7iM., ui m aae: tar al tu.. Aa I tte ur a eall or anordw Cruai mj natoawWaad LEACI1 Wholesale and Ectall Grocers and , COMMISSIOS MEECnASTS.1, ; BAXKIQH, N- CUJifii i ,d , 1 SCO OaOooa MoImim, twd netl rt . t .- t . , ACHBB08V - pOMMAHUMBAUx K Bushel Prime Whit Oora an4 Meal t , ' apltf ' -.i..XBAliattOr 1,00 B"il. yVmr, , BuperfB,' (lljra," ao'if i rv ' UaCH E08".' . v w " . v U nSH Jti , A 000 lb., BaltbwtN.BMO.' ' I J ' imi'ii n'W 1 ii ni'U.J "J..ii "i'H j' The WUaoo CotVm Pliaagh,' for H. v ' - I p-tf . a , r .4 uuua Buoar, , TnANOYOBOCEBUUM' ' ' "V i J. r i I'(!ft"'5'i! t Brandy Poaohea, Pioklea. Candy, , Buiuln. Baking Powiera. Ouffd Aaaenee, Toil t Bop, Spies. Peppar, (iingar Tea, Mustard, A-v, ..,,, ai 8-n: I . ' f 7 7u uiiAca Buoa'i ,7 i i.gnw'k. A.. I i I " i iUjii tl. BUBHKLB JO BAND AND FOB fjjr aawoneap. jaiw. i- AbdIm and W BaiWa lrih PiAatoe tor aala ' . r- . i rr . . i t NiABUSHFT S BUPEUIOR POTTO I I II I Aaa ,ih.'t. ft. Ui-TBniia.il. ill. . IT, u, Mr buli i. umxsbW " b UU luff r auaig.Mraaif ay- . . nrt TTT "...ri , B. f, CHXATSAK i 1 .var-ltfY j,. t a , Tobucco t 't . lit'0 T MOW 1 Wir Bii.-Li J HIOU AJiAT TO .11 II II baoao, years cd. Also a Ba potior lot anniainur a BBMiiaiBuu7 fof aale by ' . . . , i 'i M Stt-'TJ f vjxf Anamijj 4 mar 22 tf . , ;;';;iw: ! W.) Apple Brapdy,,,, LnlS-tf '""O'T.'STBOKiCtf-' fiIlnIRa8, BEBB1N0S. ' 'M ill 60 Barrel Eastarnt V ri-ii, I Old n J W . .AIorUi OtreidMwi U ' UMf J4,,f"V ..STBOSACH" "" " . . . -" . qcqars, suoabs. - ' t? r.';r..,..vv' M.. "'--A. .' Mfein.nlL Fiti.ll " '-i' j f UOIIVWll-Hi Pl3tr o . .' ..... ' O. T. 8TR0NA0H " "TIT ITarrels Just reeoked." " ' -' ariVltf 0. T. BTBONACH." I. .,i.A i it iijLt bi.j). OK Il.aaaw.Iai eVas aala ilioan . : .in..'.. '!. i: Ik 'ipW'tf fl ! T. BTBONACH. rilEtiriVIAN ODANO. I jrorealeby , apr-U-U JrT. BTBONACH. - N liCBi1."1 " im-iriMid Hiwaa.-stra old-ateady at work sod briak. Also, emaU Uookaway aud bett J'ar- O. T. STH0MACH " jiAa.cc . I v alx:::, " , I. I tEiT ,i;i:oNT,- fcOUXH tlDl'3 1 .lonr. of tsHotis sraile, ... ti ,. . i . h. the beet erer ins suikek, try It '! t i i f.,.e, v a rn, i jcias 'txntsix- Jr ianex"T . , - .'for the StBttoel' 'j i'htl ITiUAN BKS. 14 Y; .Tha Italian be Wbaea cultivated ia tla nrlhera portion of Italy I root liin imaaa DorlaL II . 3f n enme apecif a opr eoauao- blnok be, but' dulr jacolurt it beinf , ntaritxi wit- oraDK fiulor on tU the three' Brat ' tegmenta, el tne anciomea. Vhen yoiirig tilt color r touch 1 tHghttt, hui Mivaiitaicet l Afe'e, it become Uark rr bwt eaa at all tiuni baeaailt iliiinRuiah ert by ' it eolor,-- The queeae have' the. orangfa'Cnlor ' Ofaa ervry argainnta; .Vbich We much briliWr, lut tlitir .purity i not Jedped t.y that alone, broauw eoui ueene ottTt but little of the jellow abeut them, yet their progepy are rery bright we in trod used tbe Itali-S bee wio JNorth Caro- iiimiemi three yean- gH wnlthey have proyn ery thing w eat oeen ciaimea Ior tbm.' l They worf' introduced, into Germany . in the year where tbvir Bature and habH were tlioroegbty etediedi The Here intfoiUCed into America lo 186J abd are fal auptraedlpg tbft .cummoa ). Je by iierre prown their superiority, many penoet "threoghOBt t' tUe'-Pniied 8utts,''ra ' Jnrnip thtir Attention, to the enlturt lofAUA.bsSafepne, invjn Wisopnain haa hiina-id hn atnrlr np to acven bun drtd and fiiiy eevwr Wt "withw th lut few fttuC-g ,r.iirW:) ii'fr a 1 k Tbekvetri.iag aopanority oyer the eown.h-ei;t-l poinUj. iu.ie flrat plaor, tbey are mncb moie prolitio, aad will Gtcreuee IB BBmbert three lold faster - than the t amnion, kind, , They , are root fnduf-i truxu, aad aoiaa auoDg atocta Will aio-e Iron two hand red to twobaodred and flf.w pound of anrploA' honey "in one eeaaoa They will store from flfty to one bnndred, poande e an Arcrage erery year. It baa twea prowt'tofcet proBtabl kuiiei. if itocke yield ten pound aurplu 'honeytb tb "hiye.f The time is fast epproacbing wben,4Jy ViIJ,r.ered the blaclt bee entirely, iirAxept- la v few, isolated eaeee W-arapanieeswe.anwUling to t thrir euperionty. Ib ( clipjate io -ariable m oura, where thouaaoda of bee perish from tb ticiailtode of the , weather, it acono T -io tboae : whe korp beta, to onltirata that specie wbicb bai proren thfmielve I to be motaf hardrUian-our'oomit)oti1)e.t Oet ttptriree ha been that Uelialiaa beef will goia quest ol urevj wtieoi toe black becwiil But leT the hi?, ill; more atteot tion Wat paid to the culture of the bee in thin Istjtude wber we baye .all the natural Booty nsourcx, and -"wlHjre1 theefimtte ie Boitbat ttoo: hul or to Mid, hooeld bo made a ' prontable BURibeti,1 And a great' M .lb.ni ' Ur h.-M AfV- . V. .. . .) equal oil of territory in North Carolina), and euppiae we bad one him to (end tqaere inile, we Wtrald have -ft thousand iock ol beet j each toc Would jieldv a turpi u qt twenty pound of honey, tula at twenty oent per pound, would make two bandied thousand dollan. One bive'td the Square mile Uk"$ fV? 'Pmi4 bhbef tor Storth Carolina, wbnA mi umbo plaojj ,Euroo there are a high a tw ihouaaad stocks to the iqnar mile, and yet bee culture i a L ) ch square acre lu Worth. Carolina will yield "one pound or bonty, and tbere are thirty two tnilllocj acre ot land, ' conie quentl there; would be thirty1 two million oi pouadol honey. wbicLif sold at twenty cent per poaaoVwoeld make th um total of els millions and four hundred thousand dollar. Now it ie wtttiin ; tb reach of the people At JfarAb Cawllon; td ptovide mean to eare tie larger portioB of the honey that ia Allowed to wast -In oar Belds and fnraat. I HUNTEtt ; BHULTZ. JT ,""T: ' . 8.1em,.0.1 i Pamb HABPKt-MBiBFATb i Japanee paper nanakercbiet are .assuredly coming, if a ootemporary be rtjjbt. The paper toT- lar manutactore ua now neen extenaea to be prominent but more' Important gwf menu or .great strteRtn aua nexi DUitf, which cas be sewed witb 4 machine, gir ing teem almostr strong is a weTen fabric ' The inrentor har particulkrly ap plied tt td the production of petticoats, Wbioa ore etmer pnotea in imitation oi toe letuionablt aklrl of the dsy, of Umped nt with open work of - each beauty and delicacy as no amount of labor witb scis sor And needle co'uld limlate. ' The msryej i tb t these really , beautiful, prudm;iions ex ue sola At retail at. Cl ean eents . eacn l Imitation' cretrmnfe and chief' for bed furniture r lw'TJide, a Art "costlfiff' at reUil about $1. SOt - The felted material I so flexible that curtain may be twisted into a n pe sod lk.ikeo out AgatO, ihowing a little onasinfi k cbintl Similarly treated. There ere also table olotli euboeaed iwilb sign of great beauty. Tbls ielttaj' paper may In the end care a serious mn ienc tn the prptluctton ot tne wi.ton Ititjncs it i intended to displace. Imitation leattiei impermeable to water, ia likewise made oi it, ana proouce a coeap ana ustrui cover ing for furniture, end even serve for shoe. fopr Trod Reporter. ,,,', ' v ,." ' i- A, KkvoLC'i'ii'H" In. IUa RoADiNd.A tatement is made in i some of the Penn sylvania papers tbat a cltizeo of that State has perfected an invention that is destined to effect a complete revolution in the pre tent system of building and running rail roads. Bis plan is to lay four rails instead oi two to tingle trirk fcied ; to build the cars seventeen leet wide, witb double tots of wheels. Thru be prop iees to have pro pelled iby double enfjine of eiity tons, which he says can draw tratn containing a thousand passengtr earh. lie c!..iins that both ttie passeniRr and freight cart of this construction will wi:h tive tons Ira tban any two similar ca sot the present mala tbat there will be no oscillating' motion to the trains while running, eveu at a speed ot sixty miles tn hour, and that it will be almo t iropoesihle to overturn, these car. The inventor bss appti. it (ore patent. By tin tvntem, be cliiims that tlio trip from New Voik to 8n Kranrwo can be made in sixty hours, itcludiDg 'l oppageik - ,., ., , H. : A Crav ! Joks. : r a prava joVe was that ot K'Far!.ii t tuA tha other day in ' '! ' on to fniml that be. v i ,i i ... r.f '. . i l,v ( ' -v i i i ( i .i i h i : , t. i n - at as an itiaal FEK.U Bl IS'ORD'AUiVCAr'V'''' ..a Si PBTBRSUC&a, TAa' r.i-'l 1 BTi luat .'Ind a larim frk f rnPH ClM'.'IN, Yahi, fcKAIxlW' and rtcUA Sim'., embraeuig nearly every k-i-a of t lr.., lii.kH k. .ink a . I..11 t'Asparaijui 1 " "' 'Walr A.U..U,-" ' 1 beam e.d s Ht';i a . tiasuuuuat,, i ),. f,'roeuu,. i , j, vara, aaBiWf 4i iCarr', ' . iitj-ani J I'arsiajV i CaaliHaaa-J m .a t u .v tomn uJ nu lull; i Cery, i itj i v v'"Pl,r, It. wWi,4 . iuiiardi Cnro Hh ' I ,. l'laiit. I K riant ,- ' 1 Ilape, 1 1 ' I ...liva. f . s 'f i ..ii . Kuul.arb. . i Mi . 'Oura,)' ?i "'! i it taraia. Jm ). W.- nJ !'if)iuaio).ai oil te -ky blue and Mixed Lawu Oraaa Manila, Which they a arrant freahand oeaBlu aad will eeli a t a lowest aaarkat prmea, . ! ' ton X !'' e-erii4.i.. ) at t..'f ij.-.tii m. U 'mi ii ,'i'ii J ' timrwf '"i in mh -j at il m-tiTn-tj!TJpi.tt mud ia oi bit. s.rt' vvU" IliL f-'.ri ul f.strsa (jdf'm writ til .e, anottw. v "',i!'r,yVrf"rt.r h o i ' -f. b.. i't 1 ' ; n E R O H A ll T s , , .6 ."lit,! 1 tl lt.jUJST - . n r-n..(.ii.,ii (, tt,i v 'if ijn.t i" f jus t S-rrt' ;,.t('n ,1 ...... .M , , ;,a ' ... ;..t '.in.w i l .Hta f e t , soh- r ii ti m 1 1' ii i, H su fi..Hi ny :ivi tai'ii Ira) I Kkutl i,nt aMMfittt-. a Ul I ! vt i.'9 iri ;!fn4 jlf ,elHJ(Ht!l m 0AtnraTQnB "Amsnoir ra otb '111 H :' V, U t.iliU..,,. i J..'..,. LUI 111 STOOE Or DBt 4KMDB I0B TU :-' 'fji)i t -titr twit mt ipi. .ij 'i lij'i! Ii, ...'-, Ihm4 NOwl a i .Ji h hrt.i,L -Alt ilfaiit frVt itl'-a Si ".i i i .i ni sf tftt m Lit ,nj t-S 'lKf.l? .J T .-rte ... )rtj ,.jaJ.. i!i 4tluati(iimui tTe detlrt V retain' bat thanks ' t 'tie' liberal manner to which our efforts td taUbhth a 1.11 : tf. .' ;.,.t jr...,,, j. J --it J i . ;v.TtUrti M''' " ' "l' f i vt'-'Jtiaitit w-'fil 1 rtBSlf tAS8 " iTHOteSAlS ' TKt " GOODS t iiil i i , i.n 1 -ia,i. J s itJ Mail hare been mat, tad to wenre yen. the no attort on our part will be spare, td aieat your avers U the future, J d if ... . ,i t Possessed of kf exnezlano In ,pn bnaiuMS, ample maansi and A determination to sbooV we feel us tlfled In asserting that we eon and win oitw iadnoements to purobaaers nnturpaaaed y any bones BoatA tt Hew lorkt. ,i trtr it-iw j xm'k s "i; !v s-sr tu M' rj 0W;'BaMIiT "0B' tBi BPB150" j ." 1.'J if vi rtlt'K -rfl I I Till fl II V Hll'j if It t(i M!) "t.A-OB are now 00001010,004 by the BMb stsrek,. wo altorady toexUlaBtook. wbMlbr iik ! 1 f((' is? ,VI fn(5,tf wrti I Extent. '"'J 'f w" (i'""t J1" (J. . -., t7 i (hi i it U ' Ji nii Htp r- yxi ip ,t tiut 4 1 if.lw'! fi Ilia's w Ul a if fl.ft; j ii 1 ! -J1K) (1 f- I - iirjlt .it PxIJ tti'Wtt I. , i 'Si r i-iitli dtaaotb equallsdhy any hose Booth of Tw ark. ,,fi f 'I? 1 t ,i , i r . i .h li f 1- . mVBtU T ITIVnif. i. Jt; l ot ha ('! n IitS'lft .v. ; DAVI3, & CO. u -,v i. i i It Comer Bank and Byimaau a"! m ivi ) r v'i rs , .j Jutowbaii, Tr ' Orders pTomplry attended to.1 'feblj-tf V'1 .u , ... f r.A.. --yt : .i i nr, a nv in Tp,IJ? f )Ir.C-r ARTS 07 XOST-v i--r ,"i ! CAI.CLISA. n , ""jt" "' )c . wycke: faf.::er & go: ; r i ..j iaPetorNlurjr9 V-i , A t , i IN CnHmrr.i four attonHon lr onr fltflck f IuuiH Mi.d diKMiri, titr tJit) jtiitunif of 1H7U. ovHira to rtmirii o ir ti for tun bijrnl rrnt-iw nr id w; ifh onr ffi ru tt OMfuTitih a tht m WbuitMintS blt'M liouM in Fettraimrr h&v bHB. met toil to ftMiira you tint w xrun on r part, wiu be pi.rua to mtiut your Uvoure ua - future. . i t'WrWfftftd frf lonK Tnerlr Ttfl irj 5,ir bimf m-a Mupi me ana nti ttettr-rnniisi mio to nnooei we U'M iur-rtnd io Mwrtii tht,t - an tnd IfuiLii r liintif.-nifnl Ul li!ir.:uf Uull'MMMfd Lj ftny hoiKti ot i -i--n. tt-,'t Hi 1 IiuVv-idk during ut r imme dia.10 ( i t n i h.' m wilb tti riiAHH - ra. mrm en- o m li.e ihe pn.-tt.-r ? t tr ri --it BlJs.i tO OKU T. tittrtrtHnV K.i i- Ci .u.,s H lli ti'ivAoiaiit o-r iuinhm ami oia. .obt i.timtt i ouaa liub are gounisiiy of a iiiiir nn-'T. Tick kit Liur-?, . , o. - ZZ2, i: mar 25 3; .. , ., ... : .... . . , ..... IT -'TDMAB PAVN-rr. iJ (.0114 uuersl Aiieuou!-!'. 1 , r yuuuore lit. YA. . I'i. i .. A -ii-ai ! ' It An, i r ' r of bd..iihv.,m) nJ . a a. ar n . .. , - uvucuisoai tt.co., , Comml. Jo..t" 3f f ciruutm. AND BfiCU ACN ti I F W. B. ATESA . FOBTHB PCBCHAbK Of FLOUit OH ' ; Jeit Jjrork.Citj Hour ExchanjjB, ij.'.f, l4, 'OKlT,eiT'0tHtT,,,.i.U ; ';'-; ,' 'ew "."ork.'' . ..TrmiAi:3 & .r.riC-irrci.'v1" Wholesale troctrs v ti.r.n ". '. , .!..', i , tH i v -T-.it , ,1) m ).,. ''I rVILMINGTOX.'H. C.fJ -i 'Tronipi'f-mJ itt. wtioia !gltn''tk all tn' i- BtWH em , unlet Ul lir, in. ' 1 .Lit.ai t.1 tuuin tM aii,.ia made en iU 'vfiut ., r meuia ..... to ti, w aura w Vi iiiun Uia. . h,,p,..re.ii..,lmlJ.C.N.ib, mU fat of tl.6 UC ?ulW!Mkt I .whT. , el, , V i ,- dl O't-nl rt at MM nti ; .(..!(-. .-mA. JA.XtIJ.i.,. v !,iin.; J" AM sreparad to flit orders to Ul srade of . Fi4bb. , 1 buy t i tl all order on the Nitw oh a Oiti FtAiua 1 mjni, aud have a an nor i. or tuftKttauri e .'"l b..v,r, u,rel,v iuauri(i)r wwt, htllaala A lair, at tli veiy l(;a,.nt prise. Mtwara stum a., a A Co., and Aii.mims HuOMi.K at iiuuaea too wcU kiu a in North t aroiina Lo requite any word 01 common datum from Hid. ' ' i 'Afterthia, ail ordure fir Ftair'to'lnttif t aneauoa, slwiilil be adureawd 'e to i.,a rr of ktesar. Aluajlisua A Lu. lL 1 in m.. k.a .kV,iwl,l.d i.. oat w -.mkerorast'coueije, , 'a'- ' I refer by eermlealoa to. 1 .- j . . , ., vfr MWvMTn, i.i)H Aeatdent , . . . . . Vtaka ("nrestCullcfa, Bj, K P. BAl-ns, firmer Treemner of ! 'Slo.th Carolina, kaleicii H,'0.' J Boa K. W. Bbst, lor mar bcoraUry ol mate, ..,t L " r; 1 ' 1 1 . Jt'.iina'b, H.Ci w. H. Jokes, Eq .former C "tiler hr. A " Hauk of Cape A ear, li no ijh. Jt. t J, BAwaua, Aet, AUorueyal Law.'-' ' 'i ii',. i 4tu f) ,.Baiil Aald, H.0, i?1 M,SI !. loo - bum ! '-tt , i i Vn F" ,,i " 'f ukissit 800111 t,JiK W''.lT,l. ..ii, ,-.,. ii lJ'i.1 ImutJq tttirVHiiw tin u i .Ki'ni'u t 'j- rf TUB "OELEllnATKD ' -iitl'fH Uhsu ..(-! li miieiMiu'w. (.1. vlU .f"!' it 'l.iHiJ 1" . .. . -siiiiintiA su i?iJ boa ,I:t iiti ot ii. .,i ti..! OA C0i!e5 Oi TUB ABOTS H0f3 Jo I Aaivf received.. . . , , Bt Donant3rownOaat Wool Boeayi iti I'x.i .cl ihjrf 5jli iti yt; mil ,vi(tni' ap.'!fBlw,U'.Bofc,t. ifTi.!,-...rw"rV-i 'Iftart re 'invited to Intpeol WtW jtTQIiS betor V-"if. ,"r'"-: : iU a iMutf j aul t )! tft ' t u(T d 'A ( i t jrLmrS IL". wlrXS. -JrilrSMI Aii. t-tMt4r . t ' tirt n U t trKflOSEIiE.;Ji00DS:-; joliMi.iaaii.it l-ut"1!! i.i mi I ' -T-'HEBBWITH CAtt ATTEN'TfOH TO A Jlll.Hl VU ..41! H i ll l. li.J r!I .,i .1 ' niH Iflt tiiilaut-1-. 4,,,J .L.iBM il in a tAwmit'-rinitv xA.no 13 i JhkiU iuii.it trt l,i 9.. ii (.ill 5i.i.u 1 (I.H. -;i1tair! ea J " STOCK Oi'"' tmlio') it lint : vtatt ) b;""W l ,tuvu)lt4 n duld Aid i i ittffti' ; OF. ALL KIKDB? J vm fjs(iert:..'.iMjT:it A e3n'-T:-ji,' t.vJtj vKEROSENE OIILr. rU . - lA-ii.A iifJ-..i rl'fl '...( " til-.. . tVft I tl t It 1 nt I 1 1 V ) k ,:excel3I0koil:,(:; ,..! rj a Irt. ti I 'ifi " ul I i) U" "'titrM tf "-!,,v ' vf '"'jTIirS JEWIt toil") " rcsxpcJ EAI C J AJL A- , - - TV .1011 , hi 1 -i hk H fyv t ' 'TjrrrjAKT Ton t . r ? T'' 'i- JL p.Tinr CiiH-'t 01 , f .1 I . 'I" v. l.'i.. i St bieeial twrm ., 1 nn Ilea " ""v, at lb Crmrt Houa d."T. in i..e t . v hi Km j at Iao'i "', M , m i " . i e of J i.y, 1 11, I'.e f ' h I.... 1 ( .1 ill l c, V of i . .. a ii I a t ..met t-n tioburih bv J-.'.e toe A..- 1 1 the laode U ieu. in On a; " ins ' - u Veter ianctn' lot: I . it lif -t hlreet, a. d II ml t k 0 .'III k .'1, ' f ii a prnr.ftl ot me lie t. 1,1, J..'. fi ue witoia oi Uue pi.ij.er' y, biciuuing th dow r, will be aunt. i n ' ' ' J FiiMHor ai a r..r C'.'.t.e.'.li. Pl'"Ha acreiiiLot twelve m.... . t u .t ...veile ., bearinff interest ii uiii 'i. - , .. I ...i. J, 1CNTIM!1,B. C "O. ii April U-dlTtAwlk i, ia i., .! ;'.... N OTItli .1 Mil ll- IOll,i Tlie BP'Viralcnf. on t' 4 f-l f -v ArHl Vu1 CAai.it a i in... tnan.iilia i u In near 1 r i h mnir. A ll a. in to An. .1 1 ii, ." '.). - .". ...... . 'i j -.li! f .v.'.l -I M'll pS' 'il l-'l ' 5. I O't o ran in .ueaifia . i n a reoeipt uieretur. ' ,r " , T . , . i.i J. ' u . , .spt-2ir .,, , ..... ,.i . ".' ; ' v: i T" "" r. .' . rr-"t wi-ri v- i n a- .. .j i i tT ' J, h. 0., lor i. or i 'i ' on tv,,r, A.i in-. Aaaa ... r , -. . , . x.r t i I.,.. .1.1 HQ l..a f , f 1. i - e - A.T, i BirSMB-'i ! ;!'! Col.:., ;-v i-'Iftf r f -'a it or n' lrt.r i-'U IV if!', w f '' 4 I . Of ... ' ' ' ' ' V 1,'fcT, the pi i. e u( i ,t v.ii sudr j .uj I i, i i, to 1 ' ' i r -. , ,. 9 ' T Writ d Wmiiiwi ,...), 11 ...a i.i ice I., . .,, i, ii. . , u lea u, ii.ii in i..e p . a ,.. . . 1.4 a J r ,'. li t 'la I t i - ' n . I t It) & ii in i ., I i . . . I. h ' t i Iv .F.IOSKl.u, ,.. . T S TIT, -t, -.!. t'b T- l- " s ;s-eer'A I , . 1 "II . J 1M , . I - . l . fa.,. tor. I. ,.ea A t. i Ij, I fi ' m ,, i a ji i fb?8 3.u .... ,, . P i; n y i 1 . 4 A i ' No.tBl'i.Alt'8 WliAl.a" 1 w.i. Rood toelmio tin. hrc,i 1 , . m ...i Ilous, tii'iablt Air Nwuiniy uu.,.u, .y on baud. I""'1" t , ..- ....' i . .. . i .,, .i.V..Ai.iJt.4.a, ,A4,XKA Jt M.. BCCC-dbOB TO PUGGS A I( i D, ' ' ' if 1 i ' I am, o v.. ., r """5 ' IN -J ' I ;t-,i'.r i l .Itt .ia-' .t..rA (if nic tVia hi BAnDiTinr:, tUTr.nnr, f . r ' .1 '1 i i 1 i . , ' I ' f M if n! tl'. i ,iII!onandht;::;l; i ' . , " . . . , sol all kinds I -iise, Purui.liuig ,Csd ..-'H. Il l i t . ITl-l 'i In 1.1.. ... 1 it '..in .1 1. . I.. I 11 ll HI i.i ill.'.. to 1 . 1 1.I3 EI C7 - r a'i Cailli I t T ' T I I Is- , 11,....,, t, ... ft". t . 1 i K re , 1, tt.lt. . .. ,1 ayei ' , . ft.i - ill.., , ; n , ' .-rr1'1"'" i i A .A,.,i,u J ,., . . AH oritirt rroi .i!v tnded to. ' I r ii.no 4 a il r i. . i i . 1 It A t 0 . ' ..... i .. . ..i-'i'ii-i mo m,.u nil-, i v Jt fen. '' n'lntr "lahrateaCaatBloel Uoe..l ("(,? .-t-ne'ie tuee.-r l,-;ivvr y, v ,;.,. aplj.tf 1 '"; tTF.Nr.:T) vir r ' ii"t . ; O 11 S""l I.IV,'.. K"'t Hti,,1 . i ;,rt f'. ' ; c r "" ' " '- - ' . i .V , r ''..I'', " 4 K .1 j 4, . . , . r'! . , , , . . ! i ap ti-tf " - . i A 1 U4 " - uninf tii ..Hi, i. . 1. ,i H-.'.jl I Jul i i) i 1 H i ii a i ' t , U. t i " t ll Clfl ' ii'1 !, N' t., 1 lit r,.r ti.i inn to be ei e I.- , r Ice , I -I (.... .,.,,' .U a "I". a. 1