j Exsgct'Vb ttrai. C., I At a iniic3i 0 ot the ..'vciiiw, i.u.ia 0 1 - I. re, c - - - - J . -vuiu. 'lt.e huts adiea to ... his many re ders, tor tUe pace of four days, ; during which time bo expecla to rid on Ku 'ius'i, ent Roanok Roclr toudd!, olnu.v:. l .no of tii Amm and i .' Bow - " -i "fT wiu bio,' x- cl' ' ..ioa .with numerous old ami pass tlixoagh many otb' plaaeaat '. expeneaoet t m4 thea r- : (or refreshed for tb Bummer campaign ClAif CaowDBB.nAaotbe bowl of this delicious preparation made Its appear) at oar offioa, yesterday, ul w are ft to say we Bad It Very gentlemanly dih and Improves oa acquaintance, It vh from Tim and Hatt Lom.t-W learn, that, oa Tbaraday eight- htet tbe born, viable tad gM bout of John Boylaa, Etq, mi ding t Htywood, Cb hnl eonnty,ere vicftxoyed by ; oad that, v koj ft lahed ia th flames.- W bv beard no pHiiuular U' eonoeotioB 1 with -lb burn- - i r t u:, , "X, ..A 'dg tbe reception of v bmt to party t ' Trialty Oollega, eompUowntary . to I tb gndutlng clam, toeomaofTea th fvat log of tb 16tb Jan.' ; W art wr of tbe rand of pleawra and', iiijojment ' bll niai, If w find t iaeoBveainf to" go, tot 4 w bare been tbero, o similar, oecaaioM a 4ay pMt, and know withx what- txoetlent 1U tboat tbtng ar gotten pp'aad uaa- AJOTSBTIM.W aMatUimd .laat wevk ' tbat " eorroipbddent' WaVed- to' know wbr bold grt sVT tvreblogf vohto from aHorth Carolina factoryV tJ ' thvbatInfomaoW' onr poW Blso tbat U. wo Uvo'bard' of -on or two ttabllsbnwia wbere rack macblne arboilbot ,w mUj lffi? "f'0, ai by priTal corrttponaeno, lnqai- rim oa tb tobjost, bvudot : ,ve Jok tb addNM of the penoa nuking4 (hi inqal-tjs- better pita would bo to let tha peb lio Snow where each thlag ;ar to be bad. 4r j--:, . . m o.yi. f. . Onn tiju JStM.yf rt ttqaefted, n aa anonjmou commnnioation t aanonne osrtaia pareoat for CwwnWonem or Wk ooaaty. ;Tb genUemea whavaamet are rosom id ended are worthy and well qualified. but a o aameeeMnpaniev tb note, w do aot know bu w fcight girl thenj of hu tv ttubliihinff'Hheii aama la tbat oonneetioa.-' We)lwai elim tje ooarUnyj introauouoa to our exwroiWBwu wVAira ian OonjrBAuatw-W a ware aware tbat our neighbor, Eoatnuatef Roger, bad vanyr queer txotcbeta ta kta ' head, bat wa did not know that be believed In "faith dootora" aad eonjorera, at it ap pears he.doe, from the following (aoideatj oomMBDboated it) a, by a triendi t "Richard Byrd, a colored Ban, awd to belong to tb league, and y hi yoUA lor Calvia Sogers -tor Commlaeloner, Byrd waain Baleigh aot. long- abee aad having ran short of funda, applied to Cstvin , for tb loan of fifty cent to pay his4sr earn. Calvin, however, xcuaed himflf from CompUaooe, aUUng to Byrd tbat he wae taking medicine from . i"faltb 4petor," aad) U be loaacd anybody i any tbisg it aould break tbe charra f ByroX applied J)eraoora; who feat fcim tbe tt y eente, and he now r says he b dona with the Bad, wboee medical aavi- aers wont let them lead a ontitnnt itty eat toget home oa. 1t rtW CTKfOA Si tomani will remala a teway longer ; if yon have Corns, Bunion or bad "aaiU don't fail to give him call, he urea without pain r drawing bloedi ;Bm 19, Tarboroagh Bona. Ladies' attended at their redenrje wltbont ,exlr,ehrg8,T Charges moderate. A few days longer only. Tha Elgia watch Company ' advertlpi' a aew and reliable improvement ia their Watcbes, conalating of a patent Dost Exclud ' r, effectually eloeing the works, and ana bling tho watch to rorf Witboat being "' cleaned, a long aa a a ruorement can posai bly do without it. Tbisf a valuable addi - tion to tbe Elgin Watcbca, , and will be appreciated by Farmers, Mechanic, and otbera, more or . leas 1 engaged in outdoor mploymrnt Tb Company . are said to nave i"oublvd tl.eir t at s la Calilorni and tb raining n-gious since the mtroduotlon of tbe dust '" r. , ' The!" v: i krisaoonUrelydlfferentthing ; from tbe dutt rim, npos Other American watebea, abich affords bnt a partial protec, tioa to tb movement, and I only found on - tb Elgin watches.", , . ', , 1 A Fakilt Uaiicinv-W call tb spee ial attention of ear readers to tbe advet- tiaeiueuta of that favorite ! bom remedy, t Perry Davis PAIN KIIXER.;'' It has been ' befoie tbe public orer thirtt vcaaa, and : probably baa a wider and better reputation tbaa any otber proprietary medicine of tbe . prerr-nt day. At this period there are but t iw uiiac'inainted with the merit of the " Pain r r; bnt whilo mme extol ft as S ; liniincrf, i;,y kuow but little of its power " ie jl a vben take internally, while othp s i' 0 it ii!tirnlly with great saccesa, but a.e e-;" "y ' .'nr' nt 'f it healing " virt alien '','ti-'l evternally. Wtbere t ) t ; t " ' it f "! V at it is equally i;."y or estei i'r Jle'licinea. 1 it ...... a to r 9 Ot i .re ot jII ' 1 Fusef - j f. ,il .uaW.'l I ! - . . j, '..! .-. .t-r ( I I ' , 1 f i Ao-- i . t, U iilcl iaBw I I H 4-,, i ; utur.ll j ' f .J l Be ..-.a BaU tUti,1 - : abb aieaing, we an an mm t , ,, " , And ah Mff I BBW eB" Bsea a eew I employed thee, '!. '.My lsvr. . . f'if '"Toar Tm at abd Ml Um i f wpim raw? bom m J th kkt ;a ww U TOttr.nv aaUk J. ii .. Bi loBf X"r mjiimiaaimm '.V r ijl. ot'ptlfiirit .: AB oolnM kt tbt yoa ay , t -. to MA fU (ivo JSoio ! nrl.f .gt 4il ..A ...... -- -- - 'iW "t V leM tha aade "doefof eh Uad. ' ImwXmUm1d(KU . ilv.H ktektieaing eluU w A 4e' - , i t " Thwad(Uuxiaia eel7o;i ,W ..JtaaunaslBTti .M .u ; , " 1 , " f 1 j 111 . v r :Sa7,iATM-Jrt. Woo, ftt (htkHtfe lrj,p1ag. aota eoaoerningwbtob w gav oa Batnrdy, wt before W. H. SUrrieoa, tu., for s- amination, on Saturday afternoon, aad at taV'a faU ataUniaVof tb fact iatbcee, It waipronoaaoed awuiapf iiietiflable ho micide" abtf ilr. Wood wa releaeel H ha the ypthyJof ttecntlrV oomnwntty U tba.aqfanato afftliv - It teenn .' wa were ia error fa:Brttte- eni In 'resard.io lerimLn io bin toJ borronVJoey tb taohflifg efbrtftbe hootiqg,fln U other reaped the etatenMat wagavewaa-ooepeot. I'-f'jj. .... - MatTmo 41 Cbdab fou Towrutrr. T6ij proceeding, of tb meeflna; of Cedar fori Tof nlhlp liBlnaToidaMl crowded oaVto-dayTbiy wjlUppiariit neitfcau. 'Tb Xzeeotl Oonmltte for tb a tb I CongreJonl DUtiiot recom Bended by the tignert to tb A.ddrw of the Ooaserva- fve metobr()l tbb late Gieral lAjmbly, did very repecttnllT call tt tea tioa U theeceeaiiycf aipislriei Caiijrcotloa to sleet a cindidit forjOonaaal bad weald reoojamed tb tt Ipca oCkhis Con greseiooai District do aambtac Frank linton, oo tbe Tta and 8ih daya ot June, 187Qfor th urnoaea ,oreaaid, aad that eWliCQuntyiil tbtffbirlt appoint dele gate, tt tntirConvantiolia, to said DiaUiot Conveotaon, . AlfI8,i. ' a " K. H. PLUMMEU, V T fir vaoit t v0m .JMBSTV.--Ueoator Uobertaon. cnalrmaa of tba Benata Committee on Political Die. abllitiea, Will in day or two report bill which In effect will be;a general amnesty WU wnicn toe rreriritntuiunaeritooa io itvof U excludes (rom amncatv onlT tbreeelaaaea i. .nanaelr I first, those who withdrew then aelree trem congress at the beginning or the reoeiuon to engag in ta seoeeMoa mova- jnearf aeoood, tboae 'who7 Withdrew from tbe United Btate 'Army had Ny tot tbe same purpose ( aad, third, those who signed tbe Original ordinance of ateeeaioa la tb varioa Bute in 18flL It is tb belief tbat aach a bill will paas both Hoaaea, witbost material oppoiaoUVi)Aia4ajjt. ' 'v.- i . i m aawa a i 'h . Tha Fifteenth AjnsndmKt.AfUr tee fvaaaaaiiraea trteea ohaorae la ta ingredianU, Phaloa has the pleaaar of aa- Boaaotsg that hie Trnwejo aaaaiB saataa Haia,lea parfMit arfekse, apabl of mnJUbrj freatnrtni fray, hair to ate Primary anion and without Mare. Bold brail draft M aad nmey I mi 1-eodlw - Tr . " fc- . i a .-i . ..Ml iCbnglu -and Colds. -Thoa vh ara soffuriuf (rom Concha, Colds, Hoarseness, Her Throat, eH ahoald try' "Brotm'a JoacAiol IVoe a aimple romedy, wbieh e tn abaeat erarr ease iffeotuaL-The Trashes - bare been tested b; to, and proooaj(nr4Teraslhr an parior to all otbar artisisa lor.tb isis pnrpoaa. . 4 ' . w. ..V..,, '! 1.. J. ! Tha AWireifiaa TTaail Tt j. . The medaetnal vlitnea of Boobs. Herbs and jftarka whleh ver used by tb Medicine tnea" of the India tribes, and' wbtab long exparieiiee hat proren le poeaae the moat efficient altera tive properties for thd ear of ftererfulav Kigga KtD, tjloers Caneeron and Indolent Tnmore. Hevemial and SyphiUtiaArXeetiona, Enlargement, of the Bonus, Tetter, Bingworm, Uuils, r fimpUa an4 duaaees reaaltiag troaa S dreprared state of he Wood, and all female dieeeeee, axe eoa taiaed la. a highly eaaeaatraUd torse ia DB. TVTTB BABSAPaBIXLA.ASO QUEgN'a DaV-j LIGHT. It Is Very foaauurmedkaaafSad da- eMVedly an. BI7 t-eodlw 0 la Old FallMy l-xTlodaiw v' vTbirtv oc forty vean a0y i awiiM-abaUoa to adsolnietar powarfal aargaMraa ss "spring medicinee.' Zerrin dose of ealta and see as, aalomal and Jalap, , er gUnber aaUa were giran t Sj tba raraiHr- of a nunilj,' whether aiek or weS, byway of preparing tnem for th warm weather m prospect. This perniciona eostom ia neerlj obsolete, bnt there are aome old Boor bona of priraU ilia, ineapabU alilLa of forgetting anytbing or learning earthing, who obstiBatalr eiiog to It etilL Hothing eoold be mora pemi- atoaa, more nrterrf Bnphilosophieal, than nnh an vaalanrhtea tiievii;(ir aad elaatioiir of tne votam. in oMt to Miabie th plirawal etrno- tiireto reaiat tiiaanerTatvrg t n--.ta or epm darape and anmaiar beaa, it etoonld be to" Tint d aud retniuread. not r- n beat rowiieina s-"t !" tar'a womach ji.ira. . atnniaoh and li'r, r tror, -".'- --- 1 and weakened. 1 lie - -irfvwe is Hoatt ...t M to tone tiie r"ve the bjwe -v .( improve Mte - . .ititeaed i eono.bioa 'i - r Diibeat i e an ee- ( i fa , ,.. . :.a. l' ' tt am. a a u A T r ! o h. 'i or -- .i- - r -partateata audottier oiUoeraof tha Btate Goverameat, hold this day la the xecuUrt gmoe, t .- - . ... ) Hi. ,l ... n .fnn 1V..M.. I W. B. U ..a.,.a, private Secreury! I uea. A. w. rianer. Atlatant UeoeraL .aw. Hone, Chief Clerk XxecaUr De-j partment. ' u. u. rums, rer ot to capitou CoL C.U fi arris, Bopt fahlo Work;,;! Bo. L. P. .Olds, Attorney General ( W. H. fiaglcT. fjlerk ot Fupreioe Couri Rev. B.&. Aahley, bupt Puu. Wraedoc 4. w. Boiaan, ruDiio ninter. D. W. Bain, Chief Clerk Treason Dept. F. f. Menninger, Chief Clerk btaie Depl Rev. J, W: tUwd. Aast Bapt. Publia ta- ywe'iuiW.-, m.i r .f & wL rarCiera.-Btt Iepartmnt. A. D. Bawrer. - ' - H. H. Roberta, Clerk Aaditor'a Departaa'i A. W. Hoore, Clerk Bpr. Pnbllo Works. E.S. B. Ashler. Chief Cirk 8wt Pnblie insirocrmn. ' "i7 J. R. eatberynjCleTk .Bopt, PnbUoIa traction. I Q, Bgley, Asst Clerk Bnprem Court. A. it. 4oKiai, leiier 'ireaanry iwpartmT, U Hoftman. Clerk. . I - Uor. Boldea wa ceiled td tb Chair aad . S. Riobardaoa annoiated Btcretart. Oa motion, tbe Chairman .appointed the foUowiaa cjamoUttc to draft rolutioaa for theeeaeraa, vi- Oea. Aw W. Habere Adja- Mtatlieeeral Uea. JL. r otda, aVtloraey Qeneral: Rev. S. 8. Ashlev. Boperlateadent 01 rnDiiirtraetlOB Col. u. I name, BupVPablio' WorksnWiB. H. Baley, Clerk of Suprem Court 1 D. W.Balo, Chief uierK Treaaaiy Uepsrtmeal ; A. u jeaKioa, Teller; F, Heaoinger, .Chief XJlers;. of irate uepartawat ; Kev. 4, w. ttooa,.ajai taat SuDorintendeat ot Pubilo Inatractlon. aad B. D. Coluy, Stat Librariaa -A I Oa motion, it was ordered tbat, la view of tba recent calamity ia the Cjty of Bica moad, tb Capitol baildins be oloaed thU day between tb koarsot J.3 ead. ua down, aad tbat tbe National ta be die played at half tduriagb WyVS JI Wee-further, ordered that tb State ftoea aeU be WlecU at inUrrals-betweea ta hoar of 18 and IF. U. ia auanai ia Hear;. . t ? ii- l " V ! Tb Commltte; thtough wej Chairman,'! Hev. 8. g. Ashley, reported tb following reaolutioa which war naaaintoady adopt ed: 'vhVi..,:,;!, ,! j,v s .'Va' i WKtaaAf - Otr the tlvt lsatant, thartoe- cvrred ia tbe capital ot the Btai ot Vir ginia, ia tbe city of Richmond, a eaaualty whanbr man nromlnent aad official citi- aeaa f said State aad City ware suddenly L lllA . 1. h.ll.. miA I retail woabded. thas carrriefwU spread aflliotioa and sorrow 'among tha peopl off Of r stater oommoaaeaita, tt is tnereiortv ;&hm By tha RepreaeaUtival Uth Ekeoativ Department' of the , fllau ot North Carolina, the sympathle-f - the people of this Btata are brbv tendered to the officer and people the Citr ot Bioh-J nsoaa ana ai otanr or t lrginra. ana also the aasaranot that whatever assistance it' may be ta oar pewar to astead ia hearti ly proffered. T ,(. , . : n . iaWW, That the proowalngf' df thU maoiiaa be sfimed br th. Chairman, and Sraretary and lorwaMed td His Excellency, the Governor of Virginia, and to Bis Boa- oiiha J(W vn aaaYvr w w Vfiij m avivou-wana. - w. r. nujuuj.il, tum n. Itr-Bjoaajleoi,j4'.t.vo.. - i(Wreeeivd a. copy of, the. aboreta Friday, but too lata tor inaerUont la-Bator. day's tone JS. (if .r:ir-i. nv..x a' i.i ti t-i , SEW ASYX&TIBXI1XST8U TtmAsnv savTsam sraiKK MONTH O 0l kUBXU.NKABFAKICtrfcVlLLK HI'., next door to the Ueeara. Uattlee' Law Offloav Tranaent boarders awiAAr also be aaoommnristen. Terms reaaouabia, - h ff ' luvaani ! aw Ma.B.'1V'iit'a,-i t itia.. i-S A handsome Carriage tor on or two) horses. maoa m new turea, vena . ' " ' j w.r-y SITES CO. larM" "rw Com, Msrohajia. f GTPBBSa 8BIHQUEB met ree-rra aad tor ' 1 u w. n. WflBt;u. . Ww c Com. hUrohaaU T f 'VS' T'TOTTSK ABD LOT FOE HAUL one sere of IJL jproand, small Bona. VUA lAasaeseaiaJ T " """wTrjoras i oo.V bf tr "' " pum, Merchant .4 '....'JSiaVaMal -L ,vM- ' ,. , .- , .. . - e' ' Beplaoee (he na ef the BfTTBB SULPBATB OUIbLNJi. with wbieh all era nuBibar, . '. JDoee for dose.it 1. ,.. r"i!WABBANTBl"f'f"l' IB Wl Bvery iWr Bli i , , fer QitlBiae, -Ji:-. vr v.iirB if is atniar Ii g .Ml . J . . ' .. Great;. Positive, v'antl Unfailing For'all Siseatet of Kaiariorii Origia. aad , H .i, i " . .isitrannm wwwaj II ". ';. ..( -a. a Btlt rave,' ' . f. ;..', - C . Z U..iii Waar 1 , . I J i . milla-a Barer; ufl ft long Hltt4ifdiaordr Mowing ttttrj VtaWaV afaraj twtnas , -, . ,. .r , . -.,ff'. : l !.....IWEETjQtTI'iLB r, ia mtde ealele from PerwelaB JBark (so ia Bitter Uainina), therafore is ed Vegeume origin, aud aot a Uuieral polaua, baton tba oontrary ia prove to neone oi me -aieiaaiiiw suum. m wa blood or ail naauar pwsona. WEET eriMHIB.4 aeta at an' aatldot Iw, as well a a en re for, asailairlat mr BalasaaBlle Bwlaaa. the ah. eorntioa of wbieh br Uie lunge eaaaos luUirmit- tentVerara, ete.t Tba only, adranuge elaimad wr tb hw of old Bitter Qulnlna is the eoilre weaeeof tiiatlfeiiwa.araiaiBi biiiftraaea. whioh iu the latter le an iuanroiouniaule eb etaoia to tteaa with most persons, eat always wil ebildren. .- ., . j , BWCET'. aHJIXIXE' tn two forme-fa POWDER, tor the was of Fbraieiaaaaod Dragi-ieta, and ri-uiu, sor Baa Ig tiia faauly nod tat Uie geaeral paolie. i ;r: ' '" ETSAJir s. pass & ci" ,'. ' Manufacturing Chemists, Mew York. .mTt-eoda . ...v - it - ' -: N.'c' FLOOBIt CI : ka n i- v. j a.iw an V H backs " and ' ,' " ,..ii.....i oa eenalgnment aad' '' -''".' i (:..i..f por oai at j-i 7. ' Hi kiwvrie "' ' i . ' ; . -rr ., - h ' ' M' M lraZ.AS aVBLL. ptT4f A ' .. ' J ; -i -f ro:i g.ti.ri. . ?-;f -.pT-rT p' ' PTJT PFt-r7-,,i, - - nfflii boorie t ii- ....h, i, rtajr-.it, L''e, V. n-5ii l..:palchea. W1F ' ' 1 K Vinriwin. a 80.- iluane t vld to a mum or liua mi 1 .-nurf au Ut lol hmiug Moadef. . lae titwa ia mam auf oa ,,V.Y. V,V ',Vw2Q-Vv i'vsr riara, SnrB 90. A nwiiDi at which oa ettiul lb 1 n.txtroe vara twounMHl : u Ai ausaa saaaui.aU' era wawivad that those laTonua a rapnbuo Tot "Be." . Tha ( laqrr hav baaa inatnMiad hj the Charok wwonuaa i TO "jea. .,it . 'if r ' ,- r J A-wwi'.xt-' aw Teaa ' Anrll 19 .e.ii'ilrU liJw " oiiaBr, n snun luj ; bout it j bowm i j lawk cx-eopoBa m aj at Va.iawpoa saw 6s: La ld f 1 1 Lave S ail . Ala. fUl.Uo laMiSaWSl ue as Ti( M. W . .4 jTi C 1 .1 . . 11 bur dull and deuiiuinr : Whaai duU. aamu Ball 1 to aauia kw r; Cura au aad drov" I Perk quiet, Me ta.60 ; Lard ,iia lo 1. 1 ; Oottea dull and aaary. aouiuaiy fe to to ; terpentine droopinf 4.11 J Hoetnqniat JO fur awainea aosromi.a,i far gaud aua 4. ftalghi vomwm. man aunsaoia va. oajaaewa IiiniHOL Anril. fel.llnttiH mntmA I , ..l.i.rl. IilTaa flnrana nnid kaav. . Dnlaaaalftl i wu. in .-hi 7 .!. '-, . ?"". . W A&ai i 'I I. " J- . i. Fanaaaoae, Ta . Anrtt S Tka kraaka Amm enaaioaraMe laarsais of raoeipta, and al oaf nrasnuee yseiaraay. pernaps a target aaav daf thieaeaao, MaraM an aiaw het oat - nig oar. we qaoa eoniaoa poor ran, 1" jpiaaa, wiest, new. h a. u vat Batrtnaa, - Mt Uaokarral, alula!,--'''-' iMjH A rinaiefl aaisaoaii iMatMiMw y. . Oedtah. F -;.'a a . . f. taa h. T1:- ' ..tf- ..i BVMthamntflai agar ard Braaitaat trtpa. "lArge lota. O, Hue reand. Bioa han Unie. Heasinar. ap D. bTttOhTAOB A CO."' :riiiotiaa UMridx Foi--ra firtraior otr rfi O li" Itauuua. April suth 1M?P "" fTtHl AUNTJAt. aBbKMBHT LIST FOB THI X VoauUe etmpoaiDg luia Oietriot baa aaae piaeed ioaiy bead tor ealieetion. AU paraaaa aaaaartd on Uua bat, maat aaset ase er amy Ilapa U, at tbe to! ewiaf tba. aad alaeao pea car aj to aMaWlteaei ' - ' . ; - . aieiKh, joth, 11th. a4 ltth fya Kay jtWiUiaeld. 18th and ltah. If - MasbTiila, 16 . t liOaMoarc. 17ta and lath WarMtaa,ltKhaadSUth . 'v " i Baadartoa, atat m m , i'.OiiordfaardTatVlMJ a, BUJabaro,thaadfftb .juajibaan. ajua aad Ji4,.,it iSeW -All paraoaa failini ta aoainhr adtb all tha ia. " fianaii wiiai wa iiauaiuaa praaoriDea. ' nJoUaotortUi Uiairlet eta'. C , Obi. D. Viraaoa. Depni, OoUoetor, -'ap t -dla-mr 'rJk 'i ,i aiiwBa- W 't ananrra invt 1 1 i FOtTKDERB AMD JlACUlNISTfk...- Vf AaJI and Jrapaar aU tuaaaai. AtMbiaarf, khJt. aad Jrapaar aU J laria baplemanta Ae., A.IJB. tarta implements ae., part Mlealar attentioa to tba rapana.btel Ka! tirirt tfilla Ae. WAMTK1), (ISfl.OOO) arty thoaaaod pounds of wM was ariai wr wauoa we wut pa tn Bigness vanaunuw. -' --.c .-;-', I U.Clh mtmh aai f- ' VliolesAls d' Retail Dnig:elt,;. -aa, lAintiAVLUu auta;j,;-t i i sm.' tmg ot to woiqea Bortacj,, I v J.i. Pt W ArrlTaMat. r,1 itr4 itHOIOK PERFHMEBT AND IANOT T JUJtT Vr Araoias U great Tanety.cir i '.. . -v v "Pa-tf , J-'if. .4 Oaooirs,. , DBCG9, BIEDICIBIES dk. Xtft HiVB alADB LA HOB ADDITION g TO T f our Block, of JUrnga, Jledioiaee Fabita, Oil , Window ttlas Aa., Ae., wbieh we Otfor to tb trade, and to. iaxca burera. at tha lowest atarket reev Tj - "ap IMfUW l?r;;,r.f,.: . lruggtte.; - SARATOGA. IPBLl., , - (JtBATOOA aUNBBAL WATER, BE8H aad 11 litiarblinff. Ma-Ma ha nt.t..i 11 ml mk Ml Ooantar, on draught or ia bottles. We teeeire tne water direet from tbe aprlbg ta Uaa Tight BassTToir lined with block tin. which preeerrea tb purity and needle in ei propartia of this Just baalabntadBataraaiinpairiid. . . t-.fw, raatviMiaaiuBvu,-' aM-tf ' r - IltagtiaiS.' I t KEV7 ABB1TALB. i JTIffltftlOALAND FBtBHACKtmOAti PBS- J paraoona, aad Badioiiutl ripaaatltiae of aatao lisb d reputation, with aa aeaortment of Veaey Oootla. Tooth, Hair aad Mail Braahea, TeilM Ar- Mtee, irarrantery, rJoepe, .epli-tf ' w , ,iraggieta. rpai Boast stoek of flowers la tha gtate, a i.i ' . trna rtrrrrvrika. Kff SDHDOWK8 aad uuu ;-".: At ap is-tf MBS, CETTiaOSBB. JIBBUMB l i KBA CETTUiaEB'A apu.tr . , rTIHJt most ttentonahle bay -f, w apie-sr a- - ama.uii-nauEB'n. TVmXBODX ia treated with nol'taneas at All Ii .. .. . v . Hiui AM i l.ai.. it'. ap ur A ff PTtWWfTBB, lMnoeeev.OIareBoa, 4 UU bulla. Vide, Finer, Viola, but and last bat not loaai..-. - ". I 123 EirCDTlT KAT3, , with a anmeer ot ether pplar ai'-a at - J ' ap a-tl ... .. anauiiiAUfiSB. S04all and bay yoar Bonnets and Paa at . Jtka. OtfUsiuaBwV'' epla-tr - , ..... l MO it Ham aad Booaet last tweaired. . - ap la-H -'- -r mms. umjuu B. ' fLD,middle aged and young Ladle's Bonnet, - - - eta J l-tf UM fltmHOERH. 100 BUBUOR Hate,. L ap 16-lf hi US. tETTllfriVB'S. 200 AttANDA Hate, . ap lt-.f i i r i KES.ErriNOS. TTHOLIiV Pst,s- r ,."' At apl-if . K.-.rrr--- 4P.n in"7it Tlx Srata lha Maria, ar-all Tkla(a.' aa.roaTElRTIIIaJtai- . Ptrxj'.rtls,TlSlUr, ( Baa baea eeeUd U ar; rariatw oT climate, and br aimoai a,ary nauua kooaa Ui Amansaii. It i Ui aimoai eiKMtaui aumpanioa aad lueaw maUe Iriand of tiie aiuaiuuary and the trarewr, ou aaa aad land, and ao eae eiMMiid traral aa ear Uabmm or SUTea viTauoT I. . e 111 hi auaadr and a- f renadr for ha ma. seaida, eala, bruiaaa, wontla ftad varniaa ottier iDlurtaa, aa aa tur u.. nit ry, diarxttut, k. s nuwai auaaaiaiuie aaixuaiiT. aua ia nu..i 1 aad kit etaiT raoa e aaaa en UM sao ai Uia : Ha ear joa aall lor and (i the feaame Paha. runer. as aiaur woriaiaaa auauttoia are auaaipa. ad ao ha auid ub the great rapa'.aaiaa of this valu able saadio.iie.f t T 1 I : ..- . uirni iiuns aooouiptnj eaoa voura. i-aixa iiota. Soots, d ti.uu ran Dorii BOLi bt AjU, auuaUAJs I'fcal.hba, , ar Mm . . ii t SAICaaXLC&'g SAU ST. ' ttnealendjd Hair frhin. heat mttovrahL Rarmhwe, ralianis, InetanUnaoaa, dose aot aoa to prodaee aralyh at death. , Amid the taaated aad d taeiva preparaUoas boaattnt Vlrtnat the y do aot nSessia. The t-eaalneW. A Batohalort HaarQy hbe had SO raars entaralahad reputatloa to as uphold U Integrity aa tha only PsrftMt Raft B(7e- -filaok r Urewa. Bold hy eg Dreg fiat. MONET afARKET. Omssboro' tonty Haikat," 10 lUTStf t BAMg KoTra. ; Bl ' wTLBOS A BOBXo, BJUtAlEa ABO . Boctb IxaBnjMT. Oi tti0 frmrUat m Jt tt Pa W V Vwa BBW BBBBBB lS B j"S 1 fiii m aa U M SO to rBlBwfftBBStSfi.ttt Oiaariotk BBBBiMaBBWe; ?TIIIMUWUstAfaBMtMjaAM$M. . W iaWiayweBBB . BtV M tf' Boxbea a tpaaaHV4M t4 faraBBaBBte; VlMaOi . af w,Bya BBBawB1. it lnwtwaiAiiSiUMMtHmltltt ) 10 1 1 so ed 10 SO t S i SS tt t OiWBdci.atjtHaWttteat Va.B)iiwiliaaaaw.BBao V If 4 IMMTTlLlf,..4......ta...ilaaa.eaas.. MlMn'Mbd plgkOwtn' bvnk. . ... t. . .g . Ooasiereial Bank of Wilmington.. .. Oreaasbore kin teal Ine. C, (old) .Uenlold)... Vtnrinia Bank tiotae araraAe about.,..... 8oh Carolina " ........................ LuVklna. We bay an eau at Ubeeaipnoec , umd ana b i Var, Korth Oarolina Bonds, United Suttee Bonds aad all- other marketable atooaa. Ordare for Bank Botes by debtor, and Ptook- BOldare of Banka will raoaiTS pronq t atwntiua. - Wtnma rue expraea aaeaagee or isana But, fte will be medeo the day raoxired, by uk-) aa Mw Xork at Bsliiintnra, or in ounom-y, aa da atrad, . . t Lafs aad fire laemranae FeUoies iaaoed ta good Oompaniee, at beat rasea, (. . , t star. Itl-Sm - t ! I , VALTHAM Jw fflHBBITENMVIUSBOr-r "Oil -d X tor the laet Urteeayeare I ...; Ciunluo- tura, jtngineare, ana aspraa u, tia numt ear asting of watob-wearers, baa tiiun . . 'iiv uumon- strated tbe Btrennth etesdiBe -s. duiaimity and seeuiw-y of the Wallham .Vi aush. To auiniy that elaaa la all these reepeota, it lo deeide the queettoa aa to tha real fame of then time keepere. '". ' . Store thaa 4a ) of these watchoa are now epaahlng tor tliemealTee in tb poukete of the ueovla a. proof and a cuaraatee of their tupert- ority orer all ethers. Xbe anparlor organisation ana great extent or tiie Oompeny'a Works at Waltbara, enable thess to produee watebea at a prioe whioh render eempeiition futile, aai thoee who buy any otber watob, merely pay from 20 to su per cent. Saor tor then- welebee than le neoesaary. , - - We Are now eeiliug Walthaaa Watohae at leas prions in greenbacks, than tb gold prioee before tho war. . There is no other aunufautur of any kind ia the TJuited btate of wiueh tin sen be aid. v i -' i - ' - . - s Ubaea'eiaiaiaeee aowititne erery fmprora. saant that a long experieuee kas prored of real awaotioal aaa. Laving bad the refusal of nearly every invention in aatouuiaaing om-iuaung lu this aoantry or in Euroiia, ou lytm lOeeeerehually adopted which aerate testing by tiie moat saui- moat aaiii aaa on tbe rtu ameena in onr worts, ana long part of the Dub. 10 douioiwiraiad to ioeorreet and enduring time-keeping. 1 Aaaoaa tha man v imurat-eateats we woold oar. ttenbtriaei . -- The iaventloa ana use er a oentro-piniaa or peouliar eonetraetioa, to prevent damage to the train ny tne praaaags or main springs, ia original with tbe Amerioan Watch Ooim. ...v. wbo. having bad therefuxal of all other otiuuivanoae, adop. ted Fogg'a i'ateut pinion as being tbe beat and tanltleae .. , '. rJard. ipd and tempered hair springs, bow anivaraaiiraiiuiittedby waiehmbkere to be the east, are aeed in all aradeeof Walthaot Watohae All VYaUuera natobee have doat-oroof ean. proteeting the movement front duet and leeaeo wg tba aeeeaaity of tbe trequent Cleaning ae MHMtry u oiner watenee. . . . , ( Our new catentatetn-wiader. or keyleae watch.. is alreeuy a ueeided enooens and a great improve ment oa any stem-winding watch iu tbe Atnert eaa market, and by far tbe oheaneet watob of lie quality now out-red to the puuli'-. To those hvtng In portions of th United btatae wbera watohmakere do not abound, watehee with tba above maution d improvementa wbieh tend to ineare aeouracy, eleauiiw a, dnrtbuity ana eoa- mieaoe, aioat prove mvatiiauia. . Avary watob goai an lead by the Company, ' To Dr.Veut itiiiMieititHi. bnyere shmild see that every watob ehould bear either of the following tred mark. ' ... ' I Avaarieaa Watuh Co.. a. Wallham. .. . TwM III. . 4 P. Bartlett, a v. f , " ' William Hilary, a '' a .- Bom Watob Oo., , ' for sals at retail by aQ reapeotabl dealers. A eeecrlpuw circular gtvUg muoh naardl In. formettda aenl to any address oa applie tioa. X watch retailed by the Com usny, - Addreea, . ' 1 E"..rrq a, vvf r --.r . , mvalilj Ov Ai a w -a c . - . t " tVea'l A"mt, . 1SB EroorlwRy, Kew h oi it. kit to'. rT FrtI.-rLi.T2 1 t.t'i rark !T" I Co., C:e .-rt ." Ii 1st;' f rt' e - '1 1 aila la ti f t arjtLinjr 1 i country for ttnductors, &a WATCII I st, Va':v" . best F United i. tor"'.:. ap IW-uaWod4 B UriiB, -SUTfLU. Bpmoial ii.i&ktiom.Mm im Cm Teadi I w null rv,'w'd thrnm-h nrum 0OtlH?iUJ" "i oi treth, j-, rwml'u from V , ' I a.i o ...Hie oi Ii O'l rnflnon l' -i at ralt.ll of-u tue l a woi be aaed to preaoive it iry-i 1 ; or ... 3.' vrm, 1 H-'-aau.o r , it ai.-i j, ap 1U ti 4 I...S v . . ... j . JOTUfDAWROy, LKX'ND' J -IV ' CAfr. Jyaii-N K t ' M.. Car. latGIUl.N'j.C, L.Ik.J c '1 i' fill -'vl ' orric; a.lgw- JOHN DAWPOX.,."..,.., B. F. 6RADT LFTA DtR JOHVSCN, I'itt Jt. 'A. tu! itSUJl...'. . . . i Wa. A. WklUll T in 0. AL blEDMAH. HotulCLUOR WB1UHT gar, at. . aA.BA.M.ai. ..,. . . - . ,.,-! i r r. r t t ' t V --.H ' ' ' rntns oovFiifT ta cnmsiu.0 b i,it X Aebraaty IdoaV lbs Cbarlar ia perpatual, capital stoci: cQOtCaa; puimrns VjtJli f8',Xl'ij(.t1 , . ( u,.," ' ,s v ir " 1 KiM-'itf-W if Hurl. . The Board of Dlreetivrs Itav Iratre tn sT to t oklir A ' .! ej 111 4. it." 5'e I m r . tlia iVnatd I 1' rtuitt ra a, a a i 1 bi i-1 il ( Atiol.liiiA.iM; a... I Hie An i4 : kiuKt ot tue M aine or tlia I iu in. il I deposit friHu OomiiaiiiHe !- l in i ' r I-. and iie hofil of st-a-i,,!,!,,, t, ,- ...... i -.me ii i- n-e to n. a HANL.H.D JlJiil lfTR" tbat tiie 1 Conipalilita liiated oub-i.ie of ti bauig aiiuwvd to uo hi t.Kl illollMU tne of euuh a law , but that liniiorauie liimy turnt-as u. .i enr ui our ij doso, NoW, wa liumlily suhftiit that if it w jiiat sihI r. hi. i .. i . ... .- IN hOKlU CAi. ahimid be rwimred lo mana ao. ii-ii ,.,i i .o . alatar Uiattie bi fora b-i"ir ..iiw-ii to oo Iiihiiii,h lu liitiiu ; im-n it In '. insurance I oim, . n-n u.. ..til hi ao n aiawir Siiairit Trasaurer ol riurib Uaruuua beiore bwiug aiiowad of other etiord. -f fitOTECTION TO THEIR and why ka Le aama of eommoa )nii!e m,iii.i not the Li 'itura oi thingf Kaa the tune aot yet aoma w n i "i- an V, ia of tut Are Uie pao'.'e ot the 'i -. -I ( .i . u h. .-..a" to r- .-..in i -v. t . i i MAlttH or iMlboVf ill it liiat wi.Hiot ebu,u i protect aad euoport tbu'.i. and the iy shp our hioik-v at binue to h--.. , - aarae niannar that the omaone ofoinar r-ta-ue out which go eat ot tin pooketa of ilia propie of borta onipaiiiee and beuaiil tbe paotiie or eiuar re; be people of rltetee whlib reiuae to allow r j.. i ii banineMi in tliam witliout nmkiiig a heavy doooeit. V e have not e i i liiuran c-fiiaDie of other hiatae ; but as tue Leiujatiir of o . : i their iimuraoi.e'Jiiiiiaiiiae. wbea euch eoiuaii!s ui inia ti.- ii a t- r- -a . inlature, we l .imVi a mt that it la he du oi the tuoi -f m n.e ..n tlliKOtVN Lu Aii i . d ; for bv doing Una ti -v 1 lie Bom'd of ljir4... .. aud llilnlers oi tl ia t . the 0.7mn.ny eomtnt. Burt thaj i.ert t v op' suck ea wi I t. ve fo oa tb work of Lite Lu-'.ou a pun a f-! A i i their bouor tbat the b.Hi-.iudut of toe a - . n oi n.e c 't aaeurliy and aafiy to t't abo my pairuou.ii it .loaleted by tue tiou. iiiusur Bngiit, the woml-rpnov 09 eoriwit. i iMsTl l'0 1 lOV." we have no long lint of Tiic-iors a 1 ' Our la. ie r.ttavvt Biav be rt-iifd npow a. - hlS Ix.o.K B I.O P'd Of (i - M.l-'M .1 sole hat ot btuvai .. enauKUisi-d aa b. , Baniasefeo - -1 ..1 tjuiiaraiiy ui to .a vmiu -ntlemen of oiber riiia all of wloon ars r'o- -i trotiuiio, I'.i s I .-i . i m of th br Cl i it-iiNB OI? iuu. bi A I ,. li..r i.v v . nen abroad to relcr to j but w rwix.'uuiiy teict to w.e "'f' " BTOCKiotr:r:"ii ' 1 -ntea MeMiltaa, Ben) Morgan. 16. 1. OarM- '--"-'I -I J . a (lilleapie. It. V 1 hIohiii, Col J. A. t i . .1, 1 i. i. -A', klolviu, J. P. Lyue, OapkBuhert i at, W, lu Ln-ti, v.. t, J, W. buna. . . r F.dward Neearmaii, Bet. Jna. J'. f ' r-.wo.-i1, I ' A. IA lnu.lit.ad, M. W.tNeilL Geo. 1 l.a.u.a, li k 1 i. .1. UaaUereun. fno. ii. ViiUiama, Cui, . b. Li.v..... - U, ft. .tt. J. t). tiiiltue. -. 4i. Bouiuarlaiid, Jowe Ltnler, 0. W. t'"l.l! ' in, ( l. V ia Wataon, i, U. ri.rmiord, V.m. l-itno.r, A. kierriman, U, toMiofiRwiirili, JiiHi.iia J. . , A. It. asinoa, I'. J. tmiuiuUJU, Col. V.ul. jb. i.-.i, J. . .i.ihuaou, W m W. 'iler, . , , , -1 opt. K. tt I heat, aui. , t, i. A. Park. r. tttov rr. y. I l.tl" ;H-i S .11 i 10. A. i 1 1 ' 1 1 ui ' i " . '., A t-l'owoi Juo. Vv. ) ClIVIIw 1 1 LA Ml ' to, at. hooineon. V. 1 VSllliams. W U Trov lilll" l. 'O. i- 'OOIHl I J I'Ol I , I . M Koliv, 1 .oil tt VllKl, I II. It. i Ju.iAi.mir. M. I. Qilvor, . I-. t . - I . , t r v 1 . -. v . if U Walmie, it B TMere, k 3 hnan, ,Tr . r I V. H A K. A A a. unit 1 H .. y.ciif -.l.ve, Iw A It vVrivtit, T O Biiuiii..i, i It r, I'.oward I en I. ail C iinul.'.n, U A r.. t u IB - . r. If O, ll, J 11 Ao.i- rat.ll. 1 Ciaiuinv, Jr., John 1; 1 bary. rj H iiMiiblwi", ' 1 Col. W L K0.1t, A I HoKfilie J,oobi, ( O ll.OT.I, JllO O t y t lanner u Vviirin, w H Btonaiit, i r. T i. j A itiigbard, W A Wrlclit, -. 0 Hi 1 - . - ra, Jiio il juive, Hanii.il 1 r, J - - - tt b aimmg, A C'obin, f at Au-minu, t a, ...r, ... . l"ii. ..iio.-r, t e. i '..'Mib l.-.-r, i"- DUoy, t t J Lebiuieruian. A. -u v V ,1.101a, tire, (i D 'iuilii Burt, Ueo ticiiu o, uo uaweon, mra, uiuiaa r BowelL H at Lowdon. Leuia B iwldiHi. lira. A It P Taylor, Dr, A J JUaiioaaot, Jamna 1 .- ww.u, KuUrt It ( -v. ais '1 , i' 1 MoH. Cumining, fir 1- krink, John k. Lionitt, lr.K A Au o raou, J 1 1,. 1 . hanaa, tiapa. Juo a Pivlna, Capt, H t Otwi , Mrs, awn., J i.a uno'v i 'iio-.e, - BOiii -I Ci. 1 ; i Y-w i Bmvm, C P Psra, Berry Oikiwui. J A hartman. I b imaau. C -.a i . I T Ppe, B a Bowland, Clol. 1 A boaialid, V lii V. BAll'Bi.)!t CdUMii Capt, ioo bi KpoarmbU, Lamb, B v, Jr.. CoL L A l'oaail. 0"l. J I aue. aiary a rriiunnia, v A siattuie, I m i-nit, A n u i oa, 1 art, It Moaelov, Patrick Murphy, J W Cro.ou, I D Tioiom .,, b J . MerritsBObiuiih P B Waieon, T L Ksckwy, W f -u- ... A I ' biaaail B C Baroun, J W 0.uuus, Lr. A Boimas, M s ... i.i aw.it, BJ kf urpov. J 1 Raoklny Joo Aabtord, tree W L.. u, WiL'viJM COCftlf Patrick Ioihan. . I , ' Agents wanted in every womiir in the Sltie. AdJrtas, Bar. B . Ing Agent Lluitoa. ti, f). ... , , , .'s - T LIFE ASSU11ANCL GOO r ,,. , .OP ,. UNITED nnaAc.JAT, '.CZI-A'Dr-iOL1 ASSETS, TWELVE rJLItOi; i?; 1, -iiNt5b: i n ' coo ..on a: lua Assured, ("eir I. ) jt aji BELNft 0VT3 tp ) ( ' ,;'-' -a-J A -. aw V f PTJBEtT MU rVAL. DIYI InftQiinBr Iriihllr; alimilr nM r f to FES THKr OHOlt lUMrill- MTHH nl..,,,, t Lii tin d ftilirth, or fVTIi m t?M ftfir4 j' "ti' -.lit . "t tV fOVB Ufa. Hill l A - . H V r. T. 1 ' -l Aw 1 t a - " - 01 v , - n or Ui M.t.t..it fir t I i 1 . f tm r .-ill tfrri'Hii ot r 1 i Titod iu oommmiit;,ii) v n .i a. i 1. A JAaU: W A Li J.C.DUI" oun: sp 21 w. wuLia: .-...., , , . . . .iVlCt 1 .1. ..... ,....,..,......"..- ilk . . ... ...... v- . . V. .UmtaaAli biiraav i--i 4 f - .k.,1. i y i r f -i t t and ia vuij iiuaiw ui i.a prim- -a. to iN'citEASi it V). of K "l rrr.'na, t'.t i i ot I .1 t l I m'm . 1 ia 1.. i t. t u -a .ii i r mis ali. a d"i -t wi - 1,1,, .. iikinra ai iimu d be r 1 . to uo hunan-ia iu t.,n b.u.n, IXSCRAKC3 CC ' t-: 1 .. k at the bono-a-., ui u i r-i... n auun. , to an ana wimi ia . i - a . C'UuiiinA I are but ,..., iy doo... i . . e i ..i.sMy miiii . ' . I 1 A to abroad btore v u ; t . I 1. ,....11, A A Wuiu-.i, ) .In" t muoeon, B B 11, Cuf! Bsrr i.'ol. li.,i.,,rt 1- us T a, iioouaaot, A, li bo ' J f PIuIiod, Polwrt rio..i;n, . h. L.an v ' ' 1 1 ... n. (1 a.,. i I, A b V- 161. M t. lir. CI t n nr,,i,,, j,10 IT I7 '!, 1? L I Kvmoi, W 1 , J 1. J L J THE - . SI Jcsw vc: A rV T-T.'V'I'V . At ....iia, n 3rAT,:3ATiLi::;Dc. e d 1 r tore, v t'f - t: J, e e l It i . f t ti w- ' ( f": .:())': III i i I" HiS, . At , I I 1 "T ' i t virtu, 1 u a V, -. ... .c. n. j 1

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