: ?. IIiM8 ny Welf 1 ,,..u,r, . Suieiy teii dniit Executive, s'DC : ' i Uke Li Wore." lie Vb flrnt and onlyExecti , i ,: King ol tbe first :, h rut League political 1 in the t'UtC.; .This , ,a wa sud it di gigueil, i ! concerned,, lor mit t',9 hiatus i against tie - -,. their passions Srid to , i i ) Imn, s'.enl and ,to kill -to (' -n f r B,';.-. Ukf .emlfcwltBMBei , i i ,, ....U probcioa lo each ctberaod - t ! ninl.mcnt... Many (of the ' Lc.uo have bun guilty ot i, end more than bua Uts Jij.1 JiUl by Govee- r ii other ' rcfllun" so far t ' , Lut tliftt they WOHr t Leuv fsejksr c was ;frr bbowb to L el.. tuloot Mid puMlMt j o ioi j ra of the. State la pej te in' i u liur boniU, to . mislead No ' to ss to ;tnbanea tbeir ,.! t- n to be tbe eoci(e and ed , , ,, ,iauJ swindlers, going to - - v.. 1 1 ' s sdvantj f tberh'ia r ..baa Commoted; Pov. ! si. iinelces traaeaetioat' . t , , t i of these rumoi Mas' yet ' be si nreJKortheriC'al- t i ! i . ..-.ate would pitj tU Interest LP, ! r -. ' .! ts t bonds and (bat hat tete . ' " ' phd6 effect, li well Known; in :.ew York at the Jim whea 1 !icu:uri'.aot awyrtHafv ., n-cra tli"fe, whe wen ., l.y aad conn leDtisl lo' . i.'iui hi the time, .! equitll" Tl'i all this rhattir h acted .11; as the Exrcatifa ot , sfc..JuctijawtihoirlliI u must have bees eogblcaat , , iiMua ud plaa of tbeiPeiA ji tirs, .a jo Wv'Waak,tla. i , i , ' it u a iwindla,, ,D,e 1 1 .-a 1 t in tha tecret of theltWNM .,, i. ......1, St-pa uI. otheri 5 I t' a i-l.tiaia to approprlata; 16,- i ) of I U to Rail .Boad,,imd ' tl ,k..own, whca tbs Treuarar, ,t erer Itaowp, ioutd i ( f li""'1! in a tew weeki to tbe , n, be hd to 'ligS , . . i i, A lutu , e W pretentlt t 1 ! n"t bit' knowledge A, J. ;s e uJ,and many bellere it, t: i l n 0. V. Bwepeoa aa lira tt -1 I i flu t .rfitened and periuaded ctiJ o t lulofeetid, to!leTa, ve $ lie b( biro 1 Biegg 90B t;,e wbo'e tfUir ; and it . ' i tbi wben 0. W. jSwip" it , , e f, ...1 train, provided (or i . U V, "y Pmili, that the pon . v v : ii Mul how ba lift; ba i ( :' must) bata the , r, ,'.;.r, yel," Yrtllj be jaa 1 i j tl a ttfvrruor ol . ; tli In a J oi a eecret political ? '"V, fvcr lienrd bcfura of a t . ,tti buing (jhairmaa of a j T" rni!v,'Ptimiiiittet ' r''", df a Onvernotaf ,i , j C ..(.nrHl'ttiiBd ' i l i" bi !' n. .VVlip ... ,.f, LtfoiK, mukiiig'a , '.' ' 8 viflil!i;18, , i' , -.18 and robbing , ! 'i 1 iata and, ; An I vrt mi-Is, r-eoplo of ! . ! i i i! i-ou: i o) i - - - , ' .. - . -- .1 .. j -' ri-sisw-f.t::i;' 7 Billy Hendfiriton i' 3;1k of aloiing ni'i.nt at T"ekei Ha.ll, ; ' " ,1 O'liVentioo, ! . :.kJ.' , :, slealirg tad ., ; U: tiJeavting to ; f r and Intro ... ... , i to a dmrention vi,.,e be :l AiliiiJ, lie fit .'a I j was wuuii , , I isut It la f '"I'y rntertiiiiud "r ' " '."f'VJk liar 'i-'-'a ('(inTentlnn, 1 and ancoovit id "a '" C( his Duvr bci p .. .;' .Tl law I :1 V ' 0 i V.i:h T,?"'- ft, ie t to i .10, i ;, . - ' J'' ' w caniint i 1 a, u -: tin wuiijlit h cl 1 ' ut '' 'ar ctr, to G4IUUUIM lu-ia la p'auitoiug attd robbing tba Bta'a and oppreaalag Uta people. TBS UK QUO CLAIM CPOB, TBS while Radical baJcra to Molude'cu'Ioitd 1 lie u r . , na k iuu -" - - - men fmia:ofBclC lu:aad prollt amouji tbfni, wbi it, raa bedtMM With aaWy to tUi'julatdoiiadaaaia oaly "quailed by tbeir wladllDg,,thlleT jpond" r nerat In ba' rat, aeoiMi tblrd and fourth C'ou;rhloaai Dialocta of tbi Uta'e, tha colored Radical, tara autnumbec the bite Radical voters almoattaa Moaa. It is porftctry pelpebla, that arery principle of luetics and right, obllgt the Radical party to ahnt If . tbeynawyaooloTBd aaaaiber oi Congreaa fma swry oee of these nistricta Were it sot for tba colored voters is these Ditriuu, the Radical party waald not ansa bur a corporsl'e gaud la tbrea weekl r A a Biattsr of sheer Justice , and right therefore, to lh cojored people, we ooatend that Bjkes ot fasqaoUnkJor any otber.da; cent n gro la tba first Dutrict, U more eu. titled to tbenomrnation tor t Coagresa than Cobb or Puot or soy other white scalawag or carpet-bagger. la fbe seoood District, Jfobn Good, or any otber decent' aegwi ittors entltlod to tie nomlnetioa Uiaa Haa toa or' JBrogdetf.ttTa ' (ha third" ltrlct, OaUdway orabetter'ajaa. 'snclt uLsary as Gsorga niea; are 'mora daaerrbitf' f thai iomlotloe thai - Dockary, X.v J. Jonee, Frsncb.or ' any ' atbat white- acatawagw i.io la the Coortb' Dtatrlot, aaah eotored mes tti.fi. Harris or Hjmaa,( y ds- osatBsgiOtia awradoaftrlBf of the aomi aafios tbaa jLastitarr JtttdaaaaVr ptxki qUtfSoatoa, or Matot, ol Orange, or Hakb o, 'rsotllt,.i0r sucm.w gm rert as.HargTOTs aac Padger, : 'A colored Radical soflerf a corn pari son ol reipectaljUm and moral atandlng with f b r a bit?,, compeers, end ,aa a waiter of simple jostica, wbea the eobirea fUMxeti voters oia Dii.rict ere tin to one f the wbits'tadicala, tbey dts rve tbe aouiaa- , .Wore wa IUdici.1 to day we, ihoold aoDtaad strsaaoatly tor tba aooiination 01 rolored" ttea In all those Dittricta," ; If the colored Radical ebo ae to ia Ignored and run 08 tba track by their white compeers, lit them do lM,.:,fc,Jrip. as tbey , yield this povat RadtealiHB or Kepublkaoim Is cbar aaue, anda rotten one at that.' ; j f,i " "Wl bear on the itroeta that Jame Har ris will be bought put by tbe "Ait jnis -swa," If this la, true, Mr,. Rtdgar, of Har. grara will probably be tbe candidate. 'V But there Is also some talk of their ta- kinir one ot our Democratio friends as their candidate. ' Ia fact, there are two promt nent DeJaporats talked of among thsRada, as tba oajy awa they can elect la this dia- "James Hair's, radically speaking, la tha rlgrht man In the right place. If wa ara to seud a Radical to Conirreas. from tbe dia rrict, (wbiob kowsrer, wa don't think will be done) we ara for Jaot w prefer him fo eny pjisa of bis, party, not ricepting uniiKor. utranin or ruiuiiie. , - - - i r r fuaJ"i " "Bittoa or, A rsATUxB v la eld times the ebaracters of mea were deteraiiued prettf much If tha company they kept.- Cm else Pattl'sdey the world has knowa that "errl aominublcktloas opr rapt gitod mtrntrt.- Aad maaiaf oositioa as well as moral steading, used to be (li'terrtihied by their' asaobiaflona. : Why sho'nl.1 t'not Ibe in no f la It mora' kff. orniil.: now or lefs disgraceful to keep pany and be publicly and politically asso oiittcil ith swindlers, thieves, and men bf duul i fid reputation than formally 1 1 Does ,onli A or prefnbacka,f nowaday make 1 geiitUmao a iwindler S ilucent man .ff?f' 1 Jt1l Inot?iiipoaibli we grant,'foiaB bonent Republiean or an houeat Radical, at tbe Korth or 11a snma amotions, to jba ea titjud to aome respect, some coasldsratioa as a'gBtImaB. f. Bur boar la tt to North Carolina ? looi at the'orgablaatloti ot tbe party' in tbis" Stale. ' So Tenal,;eorroptJ tli nun aiized" aud broken ctowa in repnta (ion, were the leaders of that party la th'ia Stbte, at . Urst, that erety man who mads any prefer' ,r.s fo decency wbea disposed toocalem ith them, at tlrst, went la at s back i-. Jiu.iy of. them tbaugh 11 with tbtaa. aa meat- UlBrst cast sheep eyes ' -:m I t'u... 6 awry nhamo, teartog f t.U. recowniitedV.'; How la It . a cV u.cei of oflioe arpayi b'u.io '' a i:.f t more 1 expectable 1 1 Have men ha lava bad tiulrns to respectability, who aEQtiatcd with that party any bettor c'aiuit to rccognlion now than formerly ? Caa a maa (endorse) a party, and o optia-e with it, : man; of whose' oad eis are knows to ' be swindlers , aoJ mbbtrs of the publio purse mcB ci broken dawn repnttio, dooclTera i tbe P" 'e, liypnrritical pretondera to patriot -, v ' !ii,t b: j a paruLer of their sin ! t' i"-et If a nn ruurry a. Soiled wo . 1, ci a Le raise her up to bis termer t nn ' srd of tee pecttUUty 1 1 Does he not f t i-: h l rt Mnit awmredly ha does. 1 ju.. 1 i BO s Hoimt of rwnectability r. T ' ' ' r ? n i- lJ Cut old hi;;, tbe ! ,i 1 rr e It up from its filth '1 C -r'-na, It u jof'-n it in a b 1 of putj. 1. ' 1 : 1 t- I ! 8t 9 i. i ;.id do it, mo, I. , . : en Knq. 1 I a li:in , f 1 b--- 9 time Liu, 1 ,r ' 'iueL -Una (be i: i. U t'lim;- ii in tS.a ih Liri t ;., -n I t bit IU l.niToR : a deni f I .... I 1. , a- .t t" lieaT Ii i L. , . of 1 lie ami! -ny of tba ve fouci led I iiiol a lew bat Here I t.k.ire tiourt, ttpniuily to lbs em idwetlim oi the political pert of Mr. Clingmea's addrsaa I shall not, however, ia my tuture . rtflco- tioos forget Railroad matters. .. . -1 asked a riea, IrW Usya aga.wny Mr. Clioe-maa'a address bf Wet bees otiord by Oov. jUrabaa ar Ooav Vaaav He replied, "ihey would Bare to stoop too low to retch h." . This answer sarock me very forcibly f so mnck so. that I have since been apprehensive last possibly my bumble tributes of rerpect to that doeumeat might give it more Importance than Its subject mat tr lias ever ci yea It ; and it the result alioma jiitify this spprebeosioa I am ware fMr. cuogiaaa will leei greeny oungsa to' sat for any notice I miy give his address. True, it woald be more gratitviDK to Mr. Cliogmao's vanity to be notioei by tbe diatinguiabed irentleuiea I have named, but tbey are tioaijuaitilu silent. How much do you tupiwe be would uive to have Gov. Graham or Gov. Vance answer bit addrent I have ao doubt, if sir. CliugmaB gets his Un per emt froq Missri. gweps B and Lit ttetieui Dua as wowa uaeiv aire a tuoa mod dollars : batelaa Lb seems doomed to disappoiotnient. . from (he eiMrWaileace or tuoae Kentieinen, 1 use it, tuat luej SS' pct the saswerle be' made by aome rarnall -try- auout nas myscu. uencat vm pro. ettA.? 53,'.S-"-!A;J!'rsi,;,':.5'fv4,.. .);.ii.,.s..t:..i ' Perbspa It Lis prcpr fur me to state la tots oonoecitoa: tbat ia lormer davfc Air, Clinguiao was mf HtUtical aabooi toacber, and aa suck ..admired 1 knew as 1 was sot artlcularlv noted tor bis adhesion to party principles. His great notoriety was all La t)e tbr 4ireo liofj.. Ongiaally he waaa Whig. Tbts wss oetota dm oay, ui 1 teaaas wss tuea very bitter la bislpveotives sgaiost tha Demo cratio party. Bia jldea that oCtbt power that , bald Jogetbat .'Uia party to which J Bare aver belonged, liiuatrates my Idea aow of tba power tbat holds together the fRaU. road Bios" to which Mr. Clinzman ba loogs. wkmonatbertUilngs is said IJtha JJemocrstlc pary waa 6H1 togetBer By tbe eobeaiw powerof pablhs i,Bader.wJ( yfbila this waa not true at spdIhj t4ba Demo cratic party, yet it la true aa applied t'tae fiallroaa ftmg. But the idea ItwU I believe waa aot' origlaal Mwitk Wr. Clingmao. Hen os, when. aa attetvsarda aaewwd eigne of ft p Btaocr, tbe Dmoorsrr was read to forgive bin, os the grouad, that ibis invae live was only the tadisereet use ol a StUa "borrowed tbander .b.a-.-K A. ' . .: I r member dintinctlv. when Mr. CHbs man got to be aDemowat, how, toted to ait at bis feet and una la 'with avidity every word he uttered.; and whea I wytld set hill fo ovw4 winei I would ao around among tba boyi at big; masrrs and lot her praoes,aDd gateway at a terrible rate Bntll I would gaa out, which aaver took, very 1 long. Then I would go back to my dUtingaished teacher and let staftxtagsnvtandj thee gas awsy as before. This process wai kept epfora year- or two Won tbe late war. Tbouaandsall over ibneountry wr taught and educated ia potltids at this same scbool and . by thlt laaK ttacbeftr Finally this scbool broke up, and Mr. Oliagmaa baa ainua been out oi employment. Rteaatly, however, threuh the great Undoaia bf the Hoo." Dewreae, he, baa Jbwa plaaed ia a Condition to; offt r bis ' services to the publio again. True, be baa been engaged in tbe public service, bt a,.,.ort of private way wnb Meaara. Swepaoa sod Lltikflsld lor some time, but tbeas gentlemen hsve thought it prudent Ik View oi penitentiaries aed other public institutions, ta.keep their operation in tne aara as maca as possible. Bat alt tbia is only a matter at precaution which it has ever bemvaka sualsaa;iSf such men toaaaKiaSiH..., waxanaaia a-!': m g blow bpwiver Mr, Ciisgmaa' la ready la enuaee ta the inblie, service ia a oiitical way. Jtlraady ha kaaadvartisedibiaiatUj ana givea.wniy a vague idea of fi la remedy for the poll tioal evils of the day.! Mr. Clingmaa ia tlie pill tbat has ta be taken. This ta e'ear, 1 Well, I have examined this piitvery earertiuy aa esaiottea hi tbe"sd vertisemeat" of the 10th of March, knd som now, 11 .naajvurnea , sywnst, pJ ill may besbei my'sttfwtct ;i Jk . il'Uiej pill Inn tlM lwiut rtillfid In fillli mn nnl)i hm ftwepton and .Ittlefleld that I am Jnslineo) to the jipinu.Bfcit will, hardly, be palatable hv any ixmyt 11 .ijf rt vutgi tl aioBBlp" ted to take tt let tha tendency was, to maks ma disgorga all that ia within kta, sad oth ers bavs told me, It affected tbtm thaaaina wav.-ut : jlt,lVJ.-l . s It will be - remembered that . in lbs o'.d school of politie! Mr. Clingman taoirht one JeseoB which did pot prove profitable, j fas Dpposttroa wse tea great I -telettk tba kwaOBea.Ind secessioBe , Well do I leoolleot tbe ever memorable tearhiaas of Mr, Cliptr J man oa this subject, (aocuatomed niyaeif to regard bia leaching at lo'alible. 1 Ire-. ortved bia lectures aa secession sa if.liis.Ba-. tersnoes were the very wordaqf intii ration itaelt Bat some bow whs a tha attempt waa made to reduce this loaaut to oractice. I it didnt work oat just riehkJ it , i . At first tbe dootrtae of seeeasion, which mav have been rirht Bder oanaiarlinaa staaee4 met 'with lortui(Ubls'oj)pnaitrn,. ont soon it gained a uoki oa tbe pudlic minAwhiob promised to overcome all op positioa to tt, There are some, however. 1. mi uvviri (ava ,.u w uit .uyutTiui; :ar.a others again who opposed it oa tba ground ot. iniprac.uosiiiiuy, nut tbeas opposing eiemeute were soon, borne' down in the whin of txciteincot caused by the lover -powering etoqitniee'r Mr. Clingmaa add tha infp'rrng woidiol- bis ooediutor. W. W. Ilolden, and otber acknowledged. Iaud ers of the secesaioa doctrine. Under the lead of theno men at the South, opposed bt quully ati oi.g men at the North, it beoama apparent that tbeea sntsgontstio elemeuts uiuat tooo culminate ia a terrible cor iliotol arms between the two sietious, at iettt, inch contlict vihs arrionnly apprehended, aud the tunuiiiarj result has fully juitilied tiie apprebeusion. m y '1. -ri i The ekctiou of Kr. Lincoln waa! seized u o(i by Mr.. Clinpimu and hiesacrmioa lii.'inHas the oc-k on to teat the 'prsctlc abit.lity of thia il.-et.:. c The dejireMa to s-eede j- in .' v if e 1 1 ght, butbrci i'v il a 1. t ; i 1 r v unls, th Unit L. i iiow come v ' fi 1 ion doctrine m' t le-f.-v..Ut t! 1 ' f the sword, u 01.1 :-i ',1 t UaQwle1 d t T ton fcuii:...,, !t nt t ton. , 1 bia rif'it "Was not Si Looaled -i-d, mid- Wetw. tmulile, aaiii"ili iy war, witii u I its hi r rnrs followed, I I course, it ia uodenttood t t e : .. . vi: 7 v i i at the foundation of thl Wlu.ia quci ' Condor 1 ' t "mrra me to v (hut nn 1 -r rf t. r. a--ii-,n 1 bis io 1 a known as i-h, resort to i jiiKllie era h irfi t not . ''ivepT '. t Hi 1..VO 1 i r oo'y si t eHit-. n i' IU.ll ly e. (i. a ti I. e . h.-rn fjr un eta- ry, ai. I ia oi.Lr lo nure . , f . auvieu our to wait f.ir an mt n 1 on t part n tbe L I e -t"1 UlBmnethe ,u. . A. nl: I eutl is Hon. Z. B, ce .a. a i'ng -he a proiuinent in Noi a Ctrolina ! who, I believe, took liiis t e ol this queuli n. But. la tbe freuzy of le.tfiiietv-' apo'i-e mad rush tor dutiiMliuo. the eaiaest oppo sition tb y made was soon overcome by the overwhelming . secesaioa.. elemaat . which awrpt over tbe most of tbs 8ootbra Biaiea. 1 In nt'ht came op al flif lneviiaoie pwu. and tlie old line "Whlirs. vifh SS much waaaimlty at asTwtkrirva-Haww oltna, threw lueiwolveiieiouie iwhihi, aud tbe alaia of their numbrrs. HI au aat. ea, on many a batttr eld, wiU sever aoase to proclaim their eoafage. Thia should put to shame him wbo would aow detract from tbe well earned fame of the old line w bigs ot Korth Carolina. It biST be. that, the leadere of this tinm-koaaved partyiiwy aot have occupied aa promiaeot posliiooa ia the lata war, as the loaders. of Dc,uiOcratic party, tut tins till not yvm mwp hn via --- that tbe SMte IB a hopeless minority whea tbe war began, and consequently, were aot ia a condition tope ravored with .prominent potuiona. rwoer, it ia more strange (bat th y should Bjtbt at alt When tha prefermecU were all agsiost them, ana kBOwing, too, that tba war ( bad UroDgbt oa by mr. vunguaa shh at har. inatnrv to their viewt Of propnely. Tbeir poeuioaia tba la a war waa like tbat of tba maa who)oad ibrotbaj awaged ia aa unequal natioun agnn aoosi a, aMttorpurcBtaeacfanmmoa interna ti It was too tate sow to inquire which party u (a tha fuult i bnt ia al adieaee to the aobket impulfk o haaaaa ,a er- baruah A ta tha of his brother. Both togxtber, howerery vreta a match for tbeir aareraarwa. , .. : acy were o p h nivailnr Cirra. thoouh thev made a IVilT- orona aarl uaited resiataaca. Rut afte tbe unltaa aUitla watwvr. Ska brother ho had willinvlv eacraired ia the ash, turned ta tha other, and in language ol iwxoss' but biirratituda. told him be did aot do hit dutw and afterwards. , aoaoBS . . ahcir h i- ataw, tried to lieiractlram bia,courag,'and prevent the just meed 01 praite Bia anbla aoaduat had antiLlad. him. , This waaa vers aamtafwl aeaUier.-aqrivt leal aara ever hod 1 ,jm dl aondeaa bia barn tel gratitnda. Yet, each of these brother his reprsseBUilvea, but tt is to be hoped tkewasoi laratituda-haS tut -tkaw Pvr taia U b tbaathar, baa sassy-, JPolUiealiy Mr. Cnngmsa repreeenU the . unwatelul brother, and those wh(an he would politi cally ostradzs, wiflf many dtttert of ail par tiaa renvmaat the oasos. aoWe isaPclaea. I beiieve the boo est men. of aA shadas e nnlitica will ntterlv eondema this deea U J graUtade ia Mr. CllDgmart toward the Mavf oers tn-H iraig jwnji' each his dae, ie the eeatlateat of Him whose arerv word was spoken ta . .tba uicreat 01 h..vitif.-,:- 7;i lOAHOLDDEDi XOBOAT J ii Sutiiw SPRING SPECjJUTlES. SEASOllME 4At GBtiTLt RkbOOSB fttfm OV STOCK tt LABOR AID COMPUCT1, ( XKBKAatia ALL' TB FASHIOHAUI and ue acuta wiumb oithb bxa- , ' 'B0, AKlJ IH f AdV ittlTlt- ! TICU USUALLY VOUHD IS i'"li A FXB9X CLASa ' IfarnUiMng Esbbllslimena, - We mrile apeclal iitenlTnTo mfWgi sad vary E I aslaal6et of lira far lleBa Bore ; tl'- !(! ChlBfea ef etoTy aa-! - , B0L1 LXATBEB , TKCNKS, TAXI8X8, XSt TBATXUNa BAOa IK OBBAT TAOTt,' ieajar alf eoatOHMt iUioi aJeewly-'w apeak of the fupertorHy of the QnaUty, tfst aad Style of nr (oodt. To ethers wa wi say give o akrialreeliaa: eatkad the) ear repatal ttaa tor aeUlnf rsUable sad etylish goods Is rally ML B. ANDRE Wl At 3. t rfnrX .awHtilf to tlenewm ss I 1 aa a,.W-Sfcat-a4.., m Mi-V. u. a,.'l HElHUm MATJ8A0B EKOBlTIt AHDIK if m-tr vxhohacb m oa, rl -., ...,1-..,.-.,... j-.f--e We bavasrteaatm Slraaf frkat'tba Uthia. faatarave, aa are anparaS-fsnptrfytlamlaTe at m ?-tf "-W. C bTBOnAuB A fJO:' fartvaNTtaM waaat t "-,,, ft rlrfi odH TftK - - ' "Beet for tbe Weary I 1 UrTf CI AMHTSaVDSR, , . v. CLAK SODP, l K -,.tV)iBJKfbLi,l " i mock tdkuji boup; sad every other delieaey aurlnf the entire -.v.cu'va'.th mab.1 s :,v. ,-.1 to ii Has att tbe best klsde of Ujaort, llea jgare, Hvaituiwiwttniait.!,,,! , ; i , . -r nTNT jtjleps. '. f ! ' rmifiBiui t. V. ' 1 3 wlJllt8, Ae., as. - ott !..' . s -m -PEPPEH ft OXCJrSOE. , 'mya-lW"'; tiuar laauiitll. 500 Tap !-! tilDOWNS andeMiOat, , ,v B ItR. (ETTINO 118. .""...stis-ii ,m ia-i,-w.t mn irrja,. a UK moat habit able bay ,-;. , i i , At t tTe'.-t fa 5nit f f qe " MBa.ffimNOira. TTBttlBODIlatreaixd with nolitaMMkt ' ' - t '-i 11 ' i i tblTUlttait'fL-' apt ri. 1,1. ' . S T ' ii 'T-TT I . 1 (-f TTBOUtN . ! hi xuvr At ap lHf -i i a i SO Call and bay yonr V noe unit Huts at . ji ,, .. ..iiiui.Uil'.Xii.OKk'B; p lS-tf ' QQ JKtUUB Hata, .anl ap Jii ii ,.. . ii. (F.rrntGEK'B. 00 C!arnw. "" 1 9 ' t - a. sat) ataafaaai. n .ill do M tell asaia. -t uUoe la tha i City to n aiaat, . ,., . (ta r I a g' iie pi VI NIC C. nAKDIB'S, .... :..'.u.. hmi lot esdvai. Lzr.x'x r. t , u ta raa ra a.at hlp betat asitaa. ' tba bael Chewhic Tobaeea lbs Wate, elauiac aid oravei; Dranaa , - OTWBLVB 4DrVrEIUU T EKABue riff it Wf. 'yorrB,wcff. A tajirl iascrrtmsntbf1 imotra' M .OptaMita BHslVlt1t' ', . a.fA.M4-asMaa an lawssti bhs, Jiili;?i1.aaf.iait pmJtO.BAttDI't. mo If. nnan rai buoobtakb -wvnxyri ZZi araaaeriUa ad tiaaaos Doubi, .i : " t r I , lUrauarilla aa Tu-im o i it B asrviitt asuaiia un.-iinn A. aamunlla sad 4JuaM Ueiigat.kaa ae "1". j a wVaraa!i . apai-iat-"' , rovuit nan ss vvs ; (Aeaitla luid Vetafl' Drngfiata,' .14. faftrfaViLui trutBut, i. noo.inn r wa si, nn j 4.i4 aaitiaaeiBvwM. New Arrlvalai. paotcs irri km fanoi jr itJW afli-tf - Daoadiavs.- rrx uiz Kadk Atta icwrtoN ONBTO mir Mmrk of Drasa. Medicinas. Patois. iai,i.i.i.i.i 1. V HLL.L.a. a I. tba Waaa, and to large bayaia, at the toweet waiaarw lar- r. fwn WSWOguajaj. " ' ii.n SEW, ABBtVAl. CHKMIOAL AMD PBtBMAOEUTIOAL PBB paratwmt taS MedMoal Kpaoiallias of aatab bab d rHpataOa,aiia an aesortmaoi of l ane Oouds Tooth, Utir sad Mail braabee, ToUat, At- .BtiaajeB.. aaarwvaa ft . -a : aaM-tf " ' arfl"tf, ,1 -Wl ,n 4.& to rVf - 7 Bruggiata., . J Li difiiTOOi atlltEllAl ''Mi ATEB. FBE8H as. auarklluif. eaa auw be obtained at .oar Ouaate t.a dramrM or m bottles. -Wr redBtve tbe wsteriiirMt rroa tne npnug, in uas Tignv Beeervoira liaad ailh Meek tin, whieb preaerves tb parttjr sad mauiaioal proparuee M itbsa met ly aaiabrated fater u.nimpairf J U; . V J. 1 , , ft-tf f " 1 .rsal. wd- ..MBEECE !: WMolesalc and Rttall Dealer I In : ' ' DRT OOODlaaiiiiBAto ' '2 i-tMoaa a.W BaiiV tan aDBrrrtaot faia. The' worth of your money Oua'ranted. PttTHTB AHU SS.EBB GOODS ! A fine araartiaeat beugiil at sianie erioea and will be eold tur maeb lees than tbey have been nut tbe war. Auoia atOreeeb'a ana took at hie ejrae gondaoa will iod tbeBEaaw, ipratty sauoaaayanoaaTenawaaa mmrny, t w ; - DOOM FQS'MET Be BOTB' WEAR m tMwrartwtiWi tnthe Clty.eonaiatiof ef laatimeres. . Tweadr. Ka.itucky . jreaosa ot toaaSee ud Iiaae Ooeda. JuM tha goada, tor taKBMr,' AlwayseometoVaatBiajH'aif yoa wtab le get aalted ie priea, atyle and qnaU y. - . Wealwayakeea aweo aaaortment ; ta fact (iBB.H'a Itjwttbeptaee te bey tbaas at. , WiU ) oa ao ass aba awaa to-ease an SHOES 1 SHOES IT For Men aad Burs'; tor Ladies, Miaaee and Chtl draakii. Am wkM jtea wentHS pat of Bootaor 8boee, Joat make ap year mind that Caaaoa baa got theia, fur be alwtje , koeja ue auiutig tbe seat aaaurtmanula tbaCitb ..WiU yoa atea io and look at Um. JZt l STRAW v GOODi I. STRAW GOODS ! 1 Ladiaa'and Miaaee' Hate, trimmed and un WaiBMd. Tbe Hpncg commit, ay saide tot winter bats aud bonneta ; the Hpring styles new ; the ebape has changed ! no Bis to wear yonr iwinter bat any loiigor, whea yoa eaa a tap right to at OKUEOH'B and And something aew. Don't arrnioonMi - . --.- ,. - if i mm . m mm w a aia i 1 t-fti aXaAOI.JXa.iDI.Iiaini, r i For aen ana coya. aat raaaiTva a one aasma saent. Bear la Bund that it ia vary important to proteot yourbeadt as what is the nee to wear aa uldiiat, wbaajopaatteowe tp ClMCfiOH,' aaa any a new oue.,, . ,, . ti tor.i v i t u'.a M Hmherellas and Parsanla i "A very nrefm SrUolee. . Bearta nmd that yoa naad ibem In tnnabine as well aa in rtin. When tvoa want to buy ooma and look at CUEQCH'b, l . . i . a 1. t . . , told yoa some time agn, I intended to aell gaode aa oheap sa any , boucf Kew or Old, Large or MmaU. ,1 have proved my assertion to be true to tbootaude aud I tell the Booole now. tbaa-l a low .uia. u. j uihn. auu vu.wjuiaiB, , intend to do s atraight.forward legitimate bust. neee ; mpreaeat gooda aa tbey ere, and nail geods st inaide agaree on tbe eaeb Dania. Mi ben ah all ao" Hyf q f 'Will give the above reward upon JLltbe return itauaef aa eld faabioned patent lever Oold WaUb, aiada by Koobaua. aaLa ideai, paivhaaad aomo wity-veare age. Tbe minute hand ia off, and one bait of tbf atm aaoaad, the aauuie w Hie out ie en fc f ' " ' ' JOfflf ATllOABEi my t-dtf , . . I'ltuboro' M. O. VillOINIlk LARD IN BOIbj . - ' I W eetera ' . mb. TU Bsti'ee. t ,. t aeeeived to-oay. . 1 my wtf . TW. a BTBOHAdH k oo, ,rj CI I . V fi) I'M 1t.TW GOHHEN BDTTKR. X lrinia Faotorr OhmM, f 1 V llreeh Kila Dried -rite, f ' In ' J la store to day. " 1 I myBMf- w. aaiuoNACH Aboi - ff?PA3CJllCXIClia.J . Cotfurrbis Omci FoCarabinntovorlf. 0, , . kAuraa, April SOth ,1870. . ("- " THK ARM0AL AK.-t8MKNT LIST FOBTHK UoaaBaa ounpoaiug Una Diatriot hsa bbea piaoed in soy htudt fur collection. AH persons aaaaMd on lint list, mast meet ate or aojr leua ty, al tbe following time, and plaeeaBreparea to, pay their l'axee: f , t Baleurh, loth, Uth, and lSUTdays ,'Ka " ' ftmithfield, 13th and Uth .. .' .' . , Aaahviile, 16tt ' ) . t- 'i '. ; Louiabarg, 17th and 18th ... i r . TiarTenuia, ifin auu joia Hniliriin 3lat . ; , "':. Oxford, Surd ' ' '"lf1r- . " Billaboro, !1 h and S7th "" '' titlh.. 'Ix h .,..1 '.'I, I. ' ail parmiua ii imiik id oo.i'Tiiy vo,n.f.ll HIS re- quln mnnia of iaw in n gird to aiional Taxes mil SlU be viatted aitb tlie yenaltiea prewnh .d. , . IkAAO J. Jl.UNli, ' - . i . roKeet.nr 4tb Matrii-tef M. C. Cba. t. L'ronuaoH, licpuir CuiMviur. ap law ' A V! FBE ".IT . V f" tl T 11:80 a. M 1-r.li.n, niaLma ' lor ) l.'ii'ii ; r.,- . i !IU1 - . I t at INSUKANC:. v II ri .., , a, , I t fc-A.. l-ta-.... u JUT lit & In.--. - . . , lASS rri J !lvwiif -ffniwiy-i w t m f H ft MrrwirKf. let: vim frV: Wl M lUtl UT, aacffi o, asJAH Polkieh lspad y aoa-VisymTvJ of fua roiirj ooHtta, oa paia pirn w uesu p ai an per cent rotereea w pay uia lutara fvMOe for tha fad amouB', t ETS-S. .JtV-"" ... .9 tnt,M.:i u I ' ; 1 v ; 'With tufflcient capital for entire seturity, no tile Oompeny ffurt tuperi, r t ages ! All Its profits are divided amongsl ba bUtioB ptSB. " - - . NoRettricUona ooTravet orRetltleaca JAC4 KZ i .. . ALL POUCLU KOX-FOBJXITABLB AFTEB SECOND TXAB. ' 4.11 A JVM At.ii Jjviodco rAiu ,.i-; ifir.iiuavil-ia Foataithet ' ! IO .m t ; ti YJmvlffb.J 13 -V il ATLANXA1 .fin i'1., H ar it. f if, SoTithcrn - L)fe - t J wrrita; ATLAHTA QEOBOIA V"-' a- (omcaAHTtepppu.y' Ut.ll, j.-u. B. lafoutll i ' Hw t , t . i p -i-uivj J PBOGRES3 UNEqCAlXEP, iBYrANrBOtrTIlllIlUf 'cg::?lj i-. (Over I,t)tt,oo ar Iaaurmti atpplledl ror montfe.!?. ttt,,,. -it CM i. - ' -"I' i " ti ' ie , AIrIOHIzm-cipITAlr.'J''f,'';1:' ei.- r - ' : PAID TJP.rAPTTAT. o.R(iftnfi - 'ASSETS JAS.tl,7&76. OyJ!R UiOd, aJiTiaenua; Co foiloy UoiaermaTmIy i ait 1 800; 40 p (M.H i at iei .! fi' AaVIt.JI. II. IIILIa, GEN. A. n. COLQUITT, Vko I ietidtuts. -ArA7kTBlI K. W. UOLaaANAsy Flaaaea Caniuiiiioe, . , . 'W. L HIORRIS, Bearetttrr, "-' -r a i k. 4 ' . t. a- AI.S1UV, Rtipiervtaarar Atgeaieiaa. . U. HlaXEK, Oca). Af enf, Aagaista da 1 ) Insures Live and payg loaaea promptl'. Ita principal lasinest U v, 641 er Htataaana ta thaaa la anaaala tn, mIm.m T. k..tM.i. ZZiiZZ fcTj7-m 1i 1 r""'""' aiaew.iipaa awasa to iiaiy Biuli jpinKCrCORa.aAJKl) denUohn B. Oordon," President, E. W. Holland, Banker, A. Austell, Preaideot Rational Bank. Hon. B It. U ill, Col, Wa. Johnson, President aO,kB,iL Geo. Wade Hampton, , . . J UOB. Hoot, Toomba, uea. A- ti. Wiqaitt, v.td., Oen.Joht.soB KvtZjL'' ,a" Col, Jno. B,.Moorer-ii.l m , .Goa. Joo.U. Bratloo, ........ e,,le,i (PeRodgersAOoj J. tt. Calloway, Raq.V , Kev. J. G, pearoa. i;r" v. J,hn t-t! ts ' 1 Dr. J. F. Alexander. 14 . . "UBvJl v ?y, -"f .j t rLE Bird W-itaRRJ iv.,r . . Stephen Thoraaa. Sec.' Southern M wm Tnaaraaaa' rv r : v Bobt. Thomaa,, r ' u. JS. Butler, Director, Use, R, R.. j P. W. Walton, '3(Iv7M:-IiBaDuam'", ' i Oee kt W. Gsrv. f . ; 4 I ; v. Ma MIMIA.J, aTeWVVrj ! i 1 'T "a ,W"-VB J -iiJ2W'.W A FL an. IB. I'l nnWflia f n'afllAal u. iv uarna. R J. Smith, a Tf;.t Peeplrs Stewart, ' f D ' t. WlinnbAas"T Wg W A.btu'lV, Tuppert' fcTaf fi Gen. Wm. Evans. 4 Judge, D. G. Fowle, 7 . Uee. W. R. Coayni tirivi ' ,t V. R. Murchison, Esq, tiTf,. i - Vm. U. uowaa, f I - j "- W rafer ta'tvny bi tha above Gen. R. K tee, ' ,r , f ' 2U1 , . '-' Oen. M. W. Ranaomt ' - t k, - . . . ' ? Gen. 1C IUnsom, i ' k " 1 "tfP',V1 lj.''W.v - ' O. Dewoy, President, Ra'elgb NatioBal Bank, - i" - vwn - vv mat vera a, wreU. Cot Murdoch. Mcliae, ' ueo. j. ts. h.ershaw. . i i 1 Kx-Gor. Joha L. Manning t i ' Ka Gov. Herschell V. Johnsoh,' J'81 -Kaov. Cbas. J. Jenkins,. , 'a j , v R. B. BtATWOOD, M. D , April 20-1 av . Medical Exst 'AW Examiner. rl'STGOSHFSEUTTEB,!- f rmrrn iiaronne Kos -mily t a Pork, l.iaon loultat Con o. . A.....-;..,. Aprii B-ti..". J "olv t naPork. . . - i. . ' l uaon loultat turned Beat' j , r. . At. . ..a,'..u.r. r-i..-' ",' 4" : wi A S. TATLOB'R. "I IIANDT FKtCHI it, Ji f " "' f i a -,- i i-oaeart Flaelir!'1.rhowC1.ow. (awnnina ) I iimforil Y,( iUWl,ur ,B 7' w:..a t'laliKea, " 1 - ; a. r. t " April IS I . , , ,'t. ! I I i A tat L.J UK tW;fl, i' t.' to l-i 1. DAVIS, Presliert. al. II. CDaOAShON, C Prr mlum, which amtunt will, n; me eurreoaer or ins roncy, or 1.-. riniiiaa, -tuereuy tjoniiuumg i,a . 1 . - Policy holders, ia tHvidends on r r . . ia tha tTnllad States, Cantdai ,. rbunriLi xni uasu. .ttrt r t - i , - r. particular apply ' f - ' Gi.H l, b,a. rl V '.I Tu Mr. i- tl a'41i bfiPAUTMElViv , " "IhsUpaxicc .'fir- OORDOnr, rratldcmt. X en nt rFlCJB8t''' ll" ' Oa. 4 'ai t , ';j-r 'V , BXOCiaiOXJOEi:.! 1 ) v.Atlanta Oeor- t'tff 18 J - rl - ' ---Vn-'-r - u , ,f Athena Cem -(i'f !,X'hrlotte, f. MlrVVi"4 Colnniliis, 8 ( rir..,,.i,,.,,. :'.nrJtWasUuit Savauiiiili, t Baruwiill, fa Sumter, rt. ('. York v ? Chail,.,. Atlanta, .ctoit TyAwp! w... . " - : a. Athens, " - , - - -i 1 u , - l;,liin ,4,., ,1 flAH f if H " "" u 1K-(T. ji Hsla a ftAllaA.aaMI-.lt. 1 - Augusta, ( 1T 1 " rf() Jjf,-Tffr4 k'Ktt.-v f( ... ftftwWWl'tK. (111.. AII ;4'V jS.!1 f'.i...t ' i s a tai i vjfajali, jy .u i ie.ii.. k ,' ' r," - ' i'.' f( .'Tat 1 MT 4 -TTI ' t i; . ... J ' -v " !:?l" . StocUolJai anJ I I ' i I -1.1.1 JAin r. t,. 1 1 - Cnrea d.naii,, . J f A p1aaa'lf " 'Ai.ec .

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