' V- i ION iii nil I l w :n..ii.i.u i I. r JU in J J 111' j ?, I , .. ... .y .. ft w. I T"I 7icr.cnANT8t V 'aptiMf a'l"t.l'. " a . - , ' 'lJ it nt .tOilsAlJe,- nam wrapping paper, POORH f W.B. JONES ft OO, iV starch aut. .,-1 II .mil 1 '8 ft. in , i end Cot to Tank r. W.H.iOSFfltrO, BUfuhaute, ) I)' v jrat hu. jastia urn ror pisnung. - Bp tt ttVW ! Anemiai. ananaaaie 7 a inwnviRiKinMi.ifjninH, hsue ui itew lurea,1 vone.,' ' I 5 , i . handsome ( .A es.W SftKPMhOtk. :t Byl-tf r ny Mr.-aye O It. ' ; ' MeroluMste, .TTOnRH APT) LOT FOR BALK, sa. ear of A. A ground, eeieii Hum with, three roowme. Butt Aitohi D on Ui puuuiMt. - . aajl-tt tmiwOo. Umitiali, , w. crraoiiACii, tea, GROCERS, no. iTAYicirr v iixk st.. JL buT)r end' lue; (frooenesprobeblv the . aet aMUTIMt ST. MM VUf-k v" . - T A KKtUUXGB. M TH4I AABiUtL rMHLi ABD IS BCCKKTS AHD HQS, -4 T AA fUJVnily la m- f aj if e. bteoh acb oa "' A KDl'HMB esBsiv ef iMkklltHMl re- Btytt-tf T)ICKUUI 11 HALT BAiltELS. y "V ! 1 UUM ttr. '-U W 0.8XBOMi0HO0. , J- A no( 'ir nrr)l of th rasaflaBt TlanXhy BT. , no l iooio Wu-,butrHy. V "tPCHtlROB D0DD. . in i a Tin ti in, p. i. an " i .J ., BMW WUpiT Ol AJW H a4MJnvOrtul(olaMti ITlK-tf Vt'OMUttCH JtjPODD'a S OAW, OAn.'sOApS, ' i, 4 nit iiuiii t.i ii fiiK.f'fi.ij ;. , " - IhHm honf Tuiiat Sw(W, SMOKING TOBACCO, u Jl fi tme't -, t' . iasin Darhxa ganAlPf Tubuses, WhoU- IkUo I ? ' cms l CMK1 1 f W'1Ht? KAA StBHEtS TO HAND H& FOB OUU ! cheap. A)M,itO BtMki OraaD mm aad m tarrab Iriak PoUUom for aal a,M:ii.fTIUIl41l,,0 of ton Seed tl 0U. . rv rv uusukm BnpBioa cotton . I VJ Bd, Iioao'a, tram tonamh, Ga , 4 ' hiil, ad tWt baaaala Walator ' ate f o a ' ' ' ' : "it , . .i B.7.0HKAtI4AJIftO. Totoauve! Tleeet Af 'X ' UPK1 BA TO I . J i liioo', I Jr old. ' Alao Hn T7 i ii i. nutured and BotoUnaTobMOO faaf n ii. 1 rnr"DHAirg,3;i I ham! - " fBHt hiripa:''' r i I.. . i.v.,ioBuiuiad Baof. iuiao Uia itMatTW oCarod ,t reeved Mirf A.Dk TAIUWa. an-tr Pii c .ma. v a ur ;.-;-h .... ,.uVi,.J, - , A.D.TATtOR' I V T l'UliS WHWKBJ,;W1HIW, A. J. T if ' No. 1-1 lavrtMwfillwtt JZl ckALl'OKU, lV BOtJttfjBllf. a. TO-DAti V a r "" .1 I L A .. if ,..'"f " a t 3 i t u, inra (Joffaa, ; , lp . ol 2 i... i x. 0, hn;at,.;j fy - ' U. ouita4 - s yU'4 .v-.-'JCin . . . i P. B. Boar, h i WT , . tpiw LaalbMtf I Cra krBt , .tt hroaan Oil t Ij) 'I, Cnnola Durluum Siaolc S , iVkuiiOAaali h 2 r a aorlod. ar ..' w or, J . . .3, s .... I 1'T OF WEOLISAIt ft EITAIL CEOClii .. -d 'i .-. ., - T ' Tf OOTTOH GINNED OK TBH 619 Will, oemauad a binhaf na In Ihia of aaT olb tarkat, tbaa that gtaaad . M any Other Gua. 1 uiaaa armf hi punnaaa id i vaauaj n apoouuiif niar tuena m uia auuowing- sal (DtlanuHi, whoara Oottoa Paotora, 1 if :z. r . '..i..: A a VMM iniMi j aUNIH8 MONIK, a. av srucKi Kk' BTEB8. ad alao, to Plaator who arc bo alu Utaaa Tbara la on on axhlliitiun at my atur7L" ' U.T. BfltUnAOaT, aySD-tr AgaaL -1 B00BBI1 i ,t , ss Tm Suiu iitu i n J A. (j. LEE & CO. JliJTBVTT "" "" "U-'T: WHOLmLI 6R0CIE3 A COM I KISSIOX HERC11AKT8. MAHEETL SQUARE, BALEIGH, H. C. 1 r,AH BDSHVLB PB1HI WHITK 0B pr rt Brr!a nrioa gndta of floor, v v 5,000 Poonda Balk Bidoa aodShoal dats. . i ' pr Ti Uarrala Haaa rork, atima -Molaamj old JVf aad nawoiop to hogaheoda aad barrala, rytow. kit, lMl&4If. boi ft - , ' ! Mi UMVHWl 1 A'Bala'Oloaa Woatorn H: 1' Saf 'loat' at Mlad. Ohaai aaolhi Tdora. ' - i-Vi: ,m t- 4iaUOIiBBaa0a-V .1 i i . i ii i.i diiihi fill iij H p II' i 'in mm i m I'm ii Q TA HASH BBAHDY on aaalmmant. m Kli hiir! l':,1r':tr f T7UMB APPL1 BBAHDT Jaat raoaiwd. A.G.lJCBiOO. N. r O. O0BH WBJWKSr.to barila,jroo(l - - a u uaa w, : XI a from iba uUla, at k taia. , ti.uj.,1 04- 1870. " 1870. LEACH BROTHERS." wnOLEIALE OBOCEll, Raleiglv" C.'";",,'7 ; -. -- -. i i,.ffii..if'.-"f "'i " ft FUI BIITTIB. A.ViwAi"'.'-J. Oaaat aaea and tooon ooppiy. ,.y . ty 10-tf ' ' XIAfK BBO-S.. , A: PUBS IaABD. 4 au)t i i hid A Wuv.fT. w - fonp ura, ( m aa . " atl do. . -Praetor tmbU tard IB. i ui 10B Paokagoa. : . ' . .,, any ' vb,bbm JVBOP AND MOLABSES. a wa nao-BtTo Byrvp, f'fl t'M , - a-'-- 7v. 10 tiara a. a. ByrBBi'-rtw-i - Jf ' ! '. MBbtaMoUao. 1 lt2 iJ f ' mty 10-tf . i x.KAt;n anuar.i, AuunnB.&iiiTav .- iu.. ,l.aootT. , aHJaS J U 'i'DVUt s ii i t h 8 tTO U G H t q ICS J . favOdlnilloV. -(f - w.-iLl.iJVI-Ipf."i.,i-'rlh ",,f, 1 JSKflrfiTOEEa.ju.Hj. NBW GC0BS, 4 T ' '"W rt- - ft a -1 ' v.,..s . ! , NEW AND LOW r2iCE3. 4 ,, ; ' nrr raWA',M tb. , , ! NO, I, NORTH 1IABSXT ABt" Wa bar )nat nMlrod a Mir aad obotea kxk 0 .g- of . ., tKY GOOf i, ' 11 n.f. .a (i . u a h ii wa UK riTTTrojRT. BVUiOWWABI, hfcolowrjrftilnV thai to UaaB twad ITrHCIGrooaryotoro, ; , - ' Wo in tana to koop notbing but gooda of lb Tory boat qnahty. .. 1 t Onr Frinmla and tho Poblio gonorally, aw mpeotiullT iaritod to giro aa oaU, t tut wnx nor aaaaur R. ' - i , , . y I ,t j , . ciiaxkc or f ? tie. c am': ON R4, : . D0O,) K ntm' -' h t iAj I r . ilA,..ua. 1. ... ) ! KALE1QH A GASTON 1 , 1 BlIMtlimTKN Balauh,fl On and aflor Tooaday, April 5. 10, Tratoa wffl rao oa ma fcalaigh UaatuB ii nirnaJ, aa fu . t Tram t. va Balatgh.... Ailing m, , . - jiMB . . a ' ) ' - ' A. . . Trtvitt ) f ' ' K 1 w T 1 -. i . iu. i ' ' ! xii ' il 1 .. l in t ... 1 A i r - J a ti mi iinii'Ui Jv.ii . a a i i t' "iu ninli'-a oini i. b .i. 0. It. " ! J0SIAH TTTKKZ&. Ir EBITOE. t, ' . ' , "' ' For tti SontinfL fKSRSOW tJUAQK RAILROADS, - j' Tbor It conaiilerabta'tottroat tel ( ih MciBOt-ring world, lb aohlfct of "ear- row ) giMg Railrotd." Tti Teatinoai liaUway, Ui Wlaa. ia. only fw from rail . t rail ad ly expcueno baa boaa broaounood amioaatly aaccouful. ,'Thoj kavo baoa trU4 U U fid ia India 1ml rith like tcaulta. ,Vj.- h - ! ;,It U elaimd that a, road of (wo feet il iochea gnae can be lull t with half th coat, and will do threo (ourtbj of tba work ot oo with tow foot eight wd a half loch gaagei .. 8ucfa . roadg . would tbi rt be eapacially naeful : U toealitiea, wiiert - Uiroagb UaVVie lot daairod, bat only ao oeaa for local frelghta and paaaeDgem Suca road ceold b mada witit avry abarp oarrea, tkue avaidioe la killy couotrita luaala, Yladact aad fceati earth work. , . I hope thlt ataUor will be Inquired loto. Tber ajw many ooaatio ia Nortlt Carolina Wbwe a cheap railroad would be of tery great .raloe, while it will toe ajanr Mara bofore the; will need a eoatly1 Hoe. 'for xampla ioooaioUrea of oa foartfc , the power aad coat of ordinary engine, eould traeeport with eaa the, product of Scot land Mck, the coootrjeroandChapol Hill, Oiford, NMhTillo, Jto, If w ooold only get cheap grading od aupwtirootur, tocb localitie might be abl with tboir preaeal mean to aecur aocet to tb nutln track ia thir naighborhooda, ' v ' I bar ttyaelf, trarolled ba a talUoid, whloh ra op gradt ot fCO ftet to the Mle, aad toned trer Onraert in vlllattaaI wa draw by "duntny eaglae, whiei waol only (4,500, and eoaid Mailt draw tOO twenty Bailee aad hoar. I beliCTW Htay Meautie t Jlortft uarouoa, y l or w tile front a railroad, ooold for ainoh t than th stual eet, Mcnre ooaaaetioa with the aama by tail, with foiling; ttook, (ia cioding dummy tngiaa)) eufUcleat to ao oommodat all th Wat et th inhabU lanti y w -?:-' ' ' t'? f ;fa aat'a" - 'f TBfTTBAf fODQyrS TO TB8BSJL taid that' at teMt At' treat Wei ateamori haya diaappearad )a the Atlantic, ad left ae traoe not hit ol their fat, and that iiM 187,, eighty U tieamw hkr beea keowa to b wrecked at at. ' ' ' Th lo of the City of Buetoe hat et tbe paragraph writer to recalling many iimllar .We are romindod 1 Applelob' Journal of IB Britiab frigate Avrvr which, fler toocbing at th Cape of Good Bop ia 176, pa bet: way to India, wa wt f again beard ot. Of (h French ttgMe, Awai and JBovuolt, ader,-oaiBaod of La Pemnae, th Kieat French aatigator Wbiob loft Bot any Bay early ia 1788, and wer am no mora. The flret ocoe ataamer (bat Waa Wa th Prtidt la 1841. ' Bh leit fiw York ti January of that year. . Tw meadoua weather Dry ailed aurias the anc eaeding mouth, and Unusual quantitle f 10 war aeon at low mitaaea, aami bw paaaeagare War Lord Lenao, o tii th bake ot Richmond, and Tyrone Power, the famon lriah actor: W aaw it elated tweutyn year after th President wa loet, that th wifaof oa oi th paawagart llTing in Philadelphia, itilt hoped for her tinaband'a ret ore, and had aad hi aa and plat placed at her tablerery day -a H ahe expected htn t amy aomot, u In B4 the City of OlaegoW wailed from Liverpool for PulldIphi "with 480 war, eon oa board, and haa nw iao oeea beard of In M th Collin MMtaer Pacific lett MTWrpooTwith 1 89 aaseMgere w oomra, among whom were" Eliof Warburtoai 'and Catherwood, tbeartltt ' In htMter Lifeguard left KewcBatlad waaeuppoeed to hat foundered oil Flemboroogh Head. In all the caae the ahip harediaap teeared toUllr. leaTiBg no traee ''nor trag- BDtwbicb eoaid be identified. 'A name- lae honor urroundt , their . fate, bat aa to the (aanaer ia which each terrible: eeleml aia may occur, w bay poly to recall th late of th Ltfort a Husaiaa resaal of war ol M gaaa, whioii ia th year 1S7 heeled ovet aad wast dowa bodily in the gulf of Oiwn. tadt, within eight of bet con aorta, aad Car- 5jing dowa 838 person to inataot death, fo bum) tango be jurmud to tell how the Hungarian,, Can4i gteamef wrecked.,,, She waa diacoyere oa the rock Bear Cap gable, Nora Scotia and though two iundtd penona bad Bailed, with hi-r, thabodiea ofooly three wet foaalL 'The Prneaian Cortett Jwjoob may be an rolled ia thiaaai list la 1861 h too diaappear- d Ut the oceaa,,nd te(t wl yetiigaot her fV.r ti-!,rt-' :; Vii''Vivl 0ooa lter th Pacilio wa loat, a jailing packeMroai lUtr paaatd an immense ice berg in v much lower Wtitud tbaa " they are naaallT aeeo. and oa a It dee of it aaw dlatlnctly lady'a work boi.. .How came It there, aad wh" wa t he atory ft ..f ight ! 1 A"CAii IiBAt.rT CimyKSTioii.i-Tliia body, Which mrt iu New York on Monday, adjourned tin 4U on Toeaday eTcning. The pecil committee, pievioualy tppniut ed, to wbont waa referred the report ot the e ecu i We commit lee, aabmitted aa txtend ed document iu their report The ' plat of It waa tnt fiuo in goia db amnuaiea toward! th lupport of the Jewiab Hop. tal at Jeruanloiu ; also that it wa to be re gretted that the United State Were not represented In K luanni in order to Inter cede in brhalt of humanity in favor of the Jew igainat peraecution, ' and erpreeaing aatiafaotioa at th iuteutioa of Preeideut Grant to appoint thnrtly a American oa ut lor Bucliareat, who will reoei' proper inetructiona on tins anlijeot. I Mr, Biuion Woll hre atated that l'reaident Grant bad told him but a few day ago tlmt Mr. Adolph Buchner. ' now rreiding at Bucharest, will ahortly receive that appointment. The third matter toiif lien iu me report, waa iiie Imuuirratloooi Jtwiah retuwea from li.is. tia. eprcS8ir thanks to- tiios Who have tuki'n cure of them, and hoping that only aui.h aa are c:"l! ol Ter snannal latmr will ben-ulter bee nt. The Alliance Lai- v-rm-na Israelite, in Paris, and its president. I r. C'lemitut, T, ere duly commended ; -th camment of fiin-' ylawadtclared to I ia c .1 to tie I ' ot rt!;'-'(tis l.;i. t , i ' - r to t ' a ii ' ! 7 1 1 ii. ?ali .1 i....i.'i.7, 6J iu 1 ii a- rvlv . .. 'i i.-s 't of the r. "rt (m ilBi.;i(' i.iiiK, m v. hi 'i . .r. Vo. . V," . i-.-'.imaeB,oti.' ' t I-oik, l... i , i - '., '' ,!,e I t '!' 1 I WHOLESALE . ' 'I'l? A I ITT" - ,l ' -'.f ------Tr... t.i,wi,..i I ., t 'f. .. ,, : t. - l mail f i - -' . SlAJ i War. , . i, V Nltf Ml H Itt 91 rf - .;,. t- I'll tr.--w i j r ' ' ' ' : 4 :.- . . JTv. -, . . . , IOKDA1K, 4k C 1DU .STT ttlaf-'- "-.'- If f,. .i ,.nhyy.i ., t ! f ,y PITR38URO.yA,J W9 I' t' ' ' 1 ' it II ft I J : f Onar to the aaereaaiita af TlfglnU, kfurth Oaro. Hue and Tana i ass one f the targset and Btoet evplateaaueha ef " I ' ' -' k '.. m PBCoa,iu:oiotNxa T 1 i"" ' - CHEMItAlA'PAINTH, '".Tv IUAJPBTVFFa, WutderMllasat Otaaewar. Waralefaea, Bruahea, ParfuBaary. gaawy Aruulaa. A.. Ve to be loiind atmtk af Me. lock. Cell aa sumln Uiwr aaork. n- vJ . .,.: .i' ! aoaWf "iuf .'"s.'-,i 1 1 f ; . ? TO TS1 aOKCBAaTTa efOMlI U AJr'ui t,tWW ff i' 3 ." 1..UiiUi Sw, tTCAWfoita STREET. ni''TW" I. if.Hty'JIr, Wt aw f'A .tlV 'ill i luMWIM rlCatUB. yaaa - aMwUa to eat Bier of Boat and bhoaa. few the Bprina of IHid. W dnair ae return o ir tliauka fur tlia lilwral Ba but la w. Bih our Krone to eatabliah a a rat alaae uoleaale bhoe Huuaa ia Veianharg, aare beea aaetasd teaaaare yea that aa eaaruoa oa eaa Ctu'ro! 'toBri'v,Nt i1 foeaee4orKmgeTnefeh at arvanaeae aaspl Bieaaa and a dutaaiulnalaiiB o aaoeead. we l Jeatiaudia aaaarliae that we tan and ariUou.ir UMlooameata to puroliaaera ansurpaaaed by a y house Houih ef kiuiuin. ' - ' rF,vs.. had twniiy ra Hberlene la th traoe ami having aurin? ana 4naae had invaiei diare Aoaiinee eita Sue aiauii'notursi'a. vaare euai 'lea to have the greater w l of eu bluok aiaue to order, thereby giving tne oonauuiera the advantage ever aoonoa aad ooeuiieeieir llvaae saaje vuiah are generally of aaklnaaater eaelily. Wl BOUCIX AX FIAMIBATIOlt DFi4V 'aCl: t AW', Low not Hi. af SSta'" Vas a f n aaa a, a ywk(j (. 41- niMi atnaa.; ,tsViW.r(.';:,: fPB!:;rs:,iii:i:ER;iODS. HAtTSd BM0TEll AT LAST TO 'BT intW) BtorelD O Murrav'a old ateud) I aaa no. efwulng aa entire aew atoab at eurmg A hiiml awr Gooda, wnwb I now preeent to my frianue) enalomere and the publio gauerally, eompruuijg a lull ahuoi iuitMit of . .. T 'v tli Al 1.1 i. I- ii '. N'i'f I MJ.HTWwei way i t Ai ii I I Al lllOH I A 1 ' i "t. ! BUCArr ltd ii I. i.r M ' iiOB, - ' AiAiviiVUK biiuaiMud, i " ' ... f . '! ('in (in ' jt vviv ttsns op tiotioW ' BOSIEEf GWV3 AlffV TBtmilTNGS,' BBMBT1TCHKD, TAPE BOItDl'KED AND " ttTRliilNM. THIhlMI Vl l.VKT 4 TAOONfcT, CAVniau, OHF.kbU JsUDLai BOOTS AltD KHOEH 'OH ( NTS. XADlE8i CBIU.BL m i ?lHfJsisqViStB nam wi ' ti , ..''!! ' "l . V'lllt T"i'! flttavl TBUMK8, TALiaSS, AD SATOBU, lh 1 t.i wi. Ui t Ateiaaa-awui n. ...; i: 1 Mi ti etoweVaVJMMi .ti, , i: ' Ky ataek having been purehaeed at the wwast n eurehaeed at the lowest VaA 0 prurae 1 am dtiLurmiaed le aall ae eheap aa the eliaMat (if not cheeper) for t)ah only. All I est fe to give bm a call and aatiafy yotuv auVraa. " t ! ' ' ' ' ' " ' 'i e7. : 4i tmm t w mwv w a Te .-i t BB S4Ua..MAIiiiS, i " .-. '"'KC- MuaasrYl 1 fiwwxt . otaatani ti, .1 ; a n ....-.. ...... ... iplt-tf , riotJELE icTraa fobci rem. -1, JBuasiiitiiB aoaa iai aaaiaaiwu. i ' ,i ,4 i" ,ij w,i ' tft as i a" 4"- a i t i i I THIS Pnmp will pwavp 0 gallana ef water pa Hi . mile, will anvnr tint out tlia pankntif, has Biitii iu. no a"T evur s' anus in lis i' IB h . ... - ami ia ! - nal.ie to g out of on. or shea an oi niir yiimp now soeit.' It eaa be est BP SB Be'inrt time iv ey eruinary liwI'Miw. , y .. 1 . .1 lie f-11. g n .in fur van! wane 'I ' Sold t from ii to , . of tiii-iv. -. 80 (s i. 1 1 one ot wittr p'-r nuiin.i. Ine puce of ho. fur railroad at uttone. turowiug Ho gauooepetauuttte, Bill he gni-a pnnn a-MhiiHi.i'!U . . lia'-i i or l to tii pit" ti for tlie bta- ' 1 .ilf h I iru'ina, a' .1 hav ii'ireauii. ' a i '! y tir tne BwaiiunMitttrs in tlmaaai i ; ti. ... I will reaive ei 'ra li inula at .,.o, imuiiip tiiarn ty i s- i. nw o. O. X . nr. Ii I n n ia anit ii , by i er r Ii it. 'I ' n l .xef lt IU It it. i 'ii ui I i ai.ii luuat I. ii .niBs'lc- 'i ;l eiOaS-LAW i . ii i ,vuailuitw.Xi; :". ',,!. . .mm.i1. ' Km. J. L.EITCBIH t - .-. w. i a PiaWe eertify that the R.i.IIb Piimm" put BB I v yoa ia Hie tows efttauiiane Nwaarea pwln it an. luy pump vnry ramoiy. ain Of e'i:i' ' wep vrwm wi fioia til Ui ui) it it autt iuiuj prohvaiuaiie la P. B. WtiMmoreyr; i Jno. Ii. - ..-a. , l ... A. I - - ' ' Imi ieeey!i A- i Jmi. B t--. i i, ,,, N. H J- 7;W' f. K I- ii ....'.V -S-. 4-' J. U. ih setts, i. r-. it i -..-..I, . . i, 'J i, ii", I..U. . . V .U. t "-T, i . : l .iiitt, ' A. ... II,-- " v . c '-- ti th....j Ci. L. t 'ntt, , ! A. J. Cooper, (f . i. '' ii. I'll. ' ' k. W, i 'yur-'n, - 1r. W. I. Vi oo J. ' masAje . 1 T. Ttrrr- v, ...ii. ai. tt i --J"i- ' b t A utlut aiutwt suuouivn varonne. . epal-tii. i 1 j -j) ICI ,. R4S' hets4 . ;rs:n I;0': : J l ,t'i i . : ii.. ,' -' c. r ' " ! " '"pi 1 ! l.b.. . 1 B S f. i. ,. rU.ll.TI.'riOBE. Iis. i. aa. eH n ............... .r., IH erninnh rauon of tlia f oneral ilw.i.a in eoat ef all uuoaamvriae aupHi taiuiii$ u Motel Beep uia. tna priue ol bourd will, be Bedueed sa and Biter Jauuarjr lit. Ihitk, to ..... 12 53 Per lay,'.'" , lrig deternnniiil that nothing Will ie left'wn. done iu Ilia Jul me iu niake tiie "afiLTSr" What tt ii aa beea in tue past euound to Baas la the ''aVeiii. - - '-ot. !vt " ( KEX0ITANaiPLACI). s,'M,' ."wTMiw nriaiv 'arttw. u 1 , f&sai V4J. i, aa eJUitaisi, ' ; in tuiJttBtsH.J.at.B,Ppotr , j "I OA All Znrop bb Flaa-0pa b1) " " " uonra, i , t? ' ""-vif i mn tmbERHiaNKD pFna to Piftrot X pubno atteution to the rkot that tins hotel haa bees theronahlv resratd. aa-nauuAd UJ awAn-BiaheA throaKheat eautaia over atKI well vanuiatea rooue heated by eteaiu ; Iaium end Gouts' dinliiK room fa la earnt.l lilia'a earhira and dreenii!K rdotua. with svbtt enuvKnuwA a the laaTeiutg aabiaa. --'i-, .; h ins aaw ia riser osaa as every psepeeV aud Will be au uialntaiued at ail timea. .. . . i ; Bteraaa House. Broadway, ti. X. rtWlMbatAi-! V i i i , , a.a.TBouu , aixDi, 7 t-l.aaasa. ofi Trexell, Hand r Greer, , , Mfr (DFALEIUI 1( i j XZ0J,w3rAIL3, tUZL, , Atv, o uii.0f, Caarle ACteraiau Mta. , r n t t ii .i t ,. I I i 'if H H tSS altaawan Street, BaUlmora, Kd. ' T5I LABOKST AND1 BFST ASSORTED Block , , la the Uity oi i 'tine rwaMaHf.!? .. h. tf, I BCBOOti, LAW, DENTAL, - ; , - t lUUlIiUlavOUBBICIAIa j( .n ',,o,( 4 BXLIGIOtTS AND . r , t ,' , , i , AlISCElXANKOUa BOOKS, i Bank And OoiAUug House Butlonery of all A1"" i- M ' i ' 1'in.uk Book Bunnfmitnrai to order In any atvie of binding and ruling ' i ' a j - ? , Ba lUatilsw i i - ' i f ' f.n . rfw HISCIXLAI.a.Jl.8 - . i vi"i.- ACS IS I' i:.i z j ? ffciet 'VU,. .,11.1 i Uli . -ji I A .5 i.V.j I' tt f ABocarrf aqainh r loss b; fibe i , OUlTII 9A1AOJUIVA' A Tint flag lllorth CarpllnB Inslltn- AuettitTar " ' " t $163,003 fBJB 0OUPAMT PAYoI lw L0B8KA PM0MPT- , , H ,i ft A TAIBLV tr v, ii 1 I i . ' ii i . ..it lit. i. a ' t ' lU , U ofreolate It saratng at Borne, i, . n Jt paid tia,UO0 la loeaae, daring lb tote winter, asuMtoally and aquarely, i., tfj, t AGENTS III ALL PABT OP tHg BTATAV . Tills Companr appeals with eanllilMsee to the tnaiireraof property iii Morth Carolina for an-jHM-t.. liaraieare ae uiuilnrate as aately will Juntify. and lis anulre are Judiolouaiy and eoo BoDiioall auuiinisUired l' ..... i ... ' Panio iL Orrioa t One door Booth sf Baleigh latiouel Bank Baleigh, M. 0, ,'., , , ' BBATOM GALES, Bro ' " 1 '-'W H.VrBIKioH. A,.,BBaAtooaX.Ae,) ' ' H. H BAITI B. Jr.. PaaaniBNT."'!" M KKV. W. K pfcXL, Vtoa-PaaaMOrtvo ' 1 Hll-tf - ,,' - ' " " ' I .IS" ' ' 1" "Hr MAHAABBS FgriCat, -l ' A .1 ' , , . . . JVo. CaV REAls ASD PERSO.tlAt f.f tswi ESTATE' ACENCTy'JWttf ! - a. i . ' . J '"111. 4i A rf. . t-'W.,,;uifJpera,i i Bboowb ., Btrwskw Bum aaw Pataotaav ' ' ' ' ' 1 WaUlN'JTON, K. C ""'"" I i.-i. ,li:;!. ..... .t ..... ..sajia ' t tirLnrJDiD f:cnc::c TO BB DBAWH 8ATU11DAT,' JUNB iara, 1870, AT 6 P. el., AT tTANAQEIl'8 OPftCB . ' , . .h i , Talnalila final Extate in City and Wale, an al pant enmnime and pair or hue bar bloodud inrsna, favuue, Jownh y, end ai no es of Baa eud ariiftfoent ,1 4U Irawitii'a iiivftriw'.'v come off when d-riM-tia'l, aud a - o v i - n il li' liv a Ci.mtnti uumr of tna Ii i dt urn i.rny a"'l - iinaiiiliiy and are pulmnad IU an tne llnny Unjf newapapare v-TTOI.!. . r !i..r-.-a 1m1-' ..A H-nAI.VKSH., t. "t T' .-! in laal Grand ,i v . i vi ',i ri'it ruH"" limi;.-.! lor 'iiukale 111 -.) ivi.;.vwaua- i, i. -eoiilur or reglslersd t'lh iri!-:! ' lll 'it s i. ile Li d 8oUen)A ia. ii.j" al Jlili 1 -I,., M. , P.M. . niy S0-l.it i -n tery Urawiuga at 12 af. aad a . .. . H -'.. .itAA i. .i h . -i-i .t.onl It.'u'.l (i,i:t : " rtHOO III, i it i t r'TV I r'i i . am. mi, oil . T ru - JEiscniA::r:t:3. frWALTHAM ' : ; - .: '-..- . .'t.-lili i-il?, s'- rii: i'i i rryit extkssitb rtst: op re khe watch k i A, -''.i.!'.- iW ' .'. i, .. ; ifi. i .1. I tan the last. Jltaa. J5ars Hby Jlailwa) ,vndui- Sera, taiulQssrs, -aait Caus-eaaiafq, ,thi aifwt ,. eetiagef(te-weefsre. ha.WiaiimihtY iW.n..ii. thaareaglh..aiatliM( a,' dm ability u. aoearay of the Wahusas iViaUh. ; T aatw'j thai ehtaa ia all these teepeots, is to fleuida the (BasUo a as" the iwal (raise of -tana Mute' kaepere.' v 1" " ' J , store tbsB .1 OO of thane frlis ire now speaking fur themeelTes ia the poitliiilfl of the people- proof aa a gaacasita ef their superi ority over alt ntberW 1 " , Th aaperior organiaalloB and groat silent of the Coaapany'a Works ai Walthtni, enable the I prodae Batohae.at pris wbiob. reader etanpatlttoa futile, an J thoe hw buy any other wateb, atciroly pay from S3 to SO per' sent, aeore for tholr watohes than is noooasary. ' 1 " j W ar now ealling Walthaat WaUibe at leas prteeabt green back a, tbaa ah gold prieea before (lis war."" Titers Is no other manufactui of any ' ' ! ., - ... , . ktad x (h Pii Slate of wlnoU this ou ls ev -Aa j Ptmim e-'i. buia.y ) These Ime-pteoe eomblne 'every tmprora- Btent lhat a long eiiwrisuo kas "proved ef real prsettoel as.;, Baring bad thremsal of nearly aver tevewtlea to watchmaking origlnaUng in this oonutry or in Eurtips, only Ihoss wer (nally adoptsd wbieh aeveie tenting by the aioat allU fiil artwan at oar works, aaul long pea'toa, the put of the Bubllo; demnatrated to A eeeential to oorreot anii enilttrlug tlioe-keopiag,,,'! ' i Among the many Improvemshts wa Would par- tleularlxat .. ":":"? The invention ani) are of a etntre-iiln'on of peculiar oonatruclioa, to prevent damage to the train by the bnwksfre of mala springs, la original with ths Auwtit au Watith pompany, vko, having had the refund of all olher aoutrivauoea, adop. led Fogg 'a Patout pioioa as being the boet and taulUtas. .... .:. i Bardened and tempered asAr .aprioga,- bow universally e'tmillod by watohraakera to ba the beat, are uaed ui all grades of W altluun Wati lnw. AU WaHham Watohea bar itn el-proof rape, proteotiug the in "Vmtient from dust and lessna-' iuk tlia Dim .;'v of tlie frequent oleaning iib oeaaary iu other walnhee. i ' ' : ' t Oar new tiitimtatem-wlndoi8, wyleewet4i, 1 already a dnonlod anooess and great laiprom men! OB any etrui-wlndlng wateb iu tins Amnrl nan market, and by far the eheapeet watnh of its quality how on rod to th -publi-t' To thnao living In pottl ihs of the United Stains here watchni&ltnra ilnuot abound, wateh4 with lbs above nuinh iii d Improvnnianls ' wild h tnnd to iim-i a v, ricauHnoas, duiai'tlliy and oon viniivtH 'i, i t i : uve Invaluable. ' k.voiy v,,i . Li 1 1 .ii auteed by the Company. " ) To pr ivM i iHitiou, borers should e tliat Tn,y ti . nil bjar siihsrpf the following traile mai kn. ' - American t U Co., m tfaltliem H aes. Amn. Watnh Co. ? ;Waltham, Masa. Ainerioau V. al b 0a? ' ' J , t.'reaoeutBt.,.''-, . , vValthtm ltaas. Appleton, Traey A ilo'j.VWsllhaui,' Jlans. IValthara W atch Co.,, - . . Waltbam, klaas. P. ,8, liartlolj, - r ,f t'" Valiham, )laa. f, Klliiry, . if. f . Wallhani, Wss. Bom Watch Co., f. BusUiii, Alass. jroreale at retail by all respectable doalore. v A descriptive etreuler giving aiuah nseful in. forataUoa east to any addreas aa applie . tloa. ! . ' M watohee rstailad by the Company . , ( , ij Address, . , j.,,,, l j dtn'l Aijnntiu iii Uruntlway, New I'ork, s liBI A 'c to p a te ier I v LL-PLiTS WATT I l?aripr .; ti ad , mark Av : C()j CreiCent tt . ,i, I .n." It ia by fax th beat Iull-pktu V.. ',i i ile ia the United State, and aui, . a anytuii' j bwrt'rur mud in tlue country for ai! a ay Eiu;iu8erii, CuuJutora, Vo. .' ' ap VJ djiweouii a ,' , . ( , !' , - ' """ i i " ' ' i' " n'.'li 1 "- hA'aaaiX Wt - i J.';i.?,ji.;vi.(.,':.;..-i..'' " t-eiAjiryV , n f- .-. 1 ' OLD" i r .i ; t ' i:itt:.:. A. leli, hi iul Xoulo. ,. Wl TAKE GI1EAT PI.F Ht!nE IN OFFI'dUMQ , ' '- ! ' ui'. 1 '. " '- ' . OLD CAT:0MN'A riTlKIlS ' '; ' to the pulihu. Tlmy aro pntnfiiitinil. il wtlh pt-i..ii i-iim, ami it'.iitaina anniff of i f.n -. J ..M.a in llnit in" t. A, eil'li in- .it n wi t mi ii it 1 1 v ot our hi i I i i.K ovor all nit- ' v.. . ... i.i i . .nn ll-i'iu uinv i4 tin- inmi ' ' ir i - ii. i. n Mam, alio Ln o i'i v -i j it't-il t, . .u ui l .. i i ii. ..a. t ,. j'i I . .1 'urssl.. ' ' 'Will be' f. .".I ".. L. .iler ' l r.tr-" ' RAN NT ! ''U.V. i n I t h'I any ii.i-ii- We do not of r mr 1' ITTI''"i dnwftMt-a, but el a'l A ' . 1 . OOPlltlKl. litii- ani i'V I - tii.iif! " i . .I tit . - nvi-'i j wlu'i-n. I'nlli ijial I 'I, , ; - - ,. ,ViM' lM, ! ' 1 ImTinrlm-M 1. 1 oiiiima i i , i i - t.i. ii( In.ir i i iiiii ti I i. 8. C. - l.i'l ul'il t!!itp. atiiti ViHO Uiiits V t. , Z I y .i It X- .t - . J )n' Im -I tve-R 'i'i HI UK III tfc . sV-.iiniOi Vi. i Wuv'i. .o .it wllMMIlM BVll 1 1 1 tfl U I e. ,1 hiiiilitu r A i V. S . . ti. 4 W.at, U ; t ril ! r j a t'ti K i If- JUi 1 I, it l t.'B t-- A lU Jan Uo iittf li ijtvur tti iv : K::cr.5 ! r" 1 : Kur Wen aii rr. ; t . . it 1U. V iit t . -. u - t-T Hi, , m 'fe l)' i ' ' . i t ' (il tittMii, Ifl K ,H ' I 1 . Iprirlt Ktttt I itimU". Ill t , , . j v . ill Ul4 JiH k Ht tiltiUl. SIHA COOLJI Ell: ' ' aUatlieti' an Mit ,t I' triuuitfii. 'J ii r"i ii UklfT i'bVH bVIki t.'Mi.i, . , (U )iaitt aiaW t llAUK' U; i ' I' M u WIUlr Itltt atslt h'l'.tT, llt'li y it 4tll tii i la iu At (Mttif-A.ti'tl m. Uini iumi'ihuii; utw. 1'nu t ItMget WoiMUti, .., ) IIATS 1 LT4.T3! T:M3! Foaf Me iiwl Jiitvti Jn( r t i - t i ort fUlit. ilH" HI 111111(1 tlliat li li V IV I it tO pnriool jour Inn I, no wiitl i" iuti v t w r kai- tlid halt, Wlll'll JtJU OUU iV'iiiO KM. . ( itlj aaw4 1 btijr ft new oua, m .1 r s A vry uric fat f I naii UlMiU lit ttt!:rlilnt" jrou Wiuit to buy Clin k: l A fw won id tii ! Int'iH- tulil TO tltltll !.!'', i ' kd eh bm id "V r "o hlUH.IL. 1 U ' I tl IJiiltlBlEIJlU Bill) 1 I- ! lllli'llii wt HO Ihllfi'i'l-i '. u itrtRd ; r'nwnt j.: .in . I ' lit Uiniiitt llN'MK -J I it I '"1 r XaUiti jfou vt t lil.tA a f 1 , t i. ' I ' utU it or tnift IflHl t liaP "if lieplHni'K tltn imo nf t n i V i. li.M. . 1 '' t i -I',...!, i -r . v.'aki; ; .. i"urr ! . ill hi i L.lt- ti r t , i AND, l.i:::: l :', l '! ' Great, ' ruhiiivi, niul I , u 1 ' CHI ;n ; For all rUeiisi-B tf t.-auinuut- v VtrP -lwl A'Hal, J- i,i- if irimwiiitii' I'wvrlj bill l in r, It.. . i ,nSf ; rJ ..-a.k .'. , i ! ' 'i ' f aVifJ tliftinnt trnui ut fl:mu .lurrt It WUdtt U4-Kltt(lll'lia f , ft ' " ' '" ti BISll" ! If tioiu l"'-n ?:t iii! I IT 'I: ' ! t it ' ) , tll'tfl't. i rv I ft ' 'I , aViul nut 1 ; '-t.tl. l- il is-i tiriVt'(l tt) I ..ti . ikMItt UI Mil in- ' 1 1 li ' I'. 't. J''i .- .Kit ', .: ., , . , ., ifliM &i ATI IIHll i la. Ji 'I 1 aWnltarlaal r at t n ft . it . MtrpUnll wf Vtiih'tl h' Mn' ii' j . tPUt sjb't-f rl, fIO. J i ti . H i riAl y ft " . ! ' 0Tr lh n- of m l I i i almttMIil til : i.'ii JH !: t, wti it h m tuu i. r tn tttt i dlMt 10 (it lU (N tlU (t,! 1" -i Willi ClilUlii n. id In tna fdiiiiH in riMtj. -, t IMivsicf-ni iiii.i Cni' -j, it a, ; ths i no la mum, y is u the 't i s for, .. ah- .1 nti i it.wa 8 Of IU UlU l.itai J aiti-l i, , , j. , .Jt . BTEA::..j,i a:,.. I Mauulsvhiiiiig (.'linniiMH, t,, i ; . . t - . niy 2 ooil.iin :f o r" ' ii::g . ''ies. CM. . ori ! " "Hi. i S illTltU BpCt'll a' , ai'i.-.-i ' at..! t very " to ...e , ,y Ill III III It ii.l hi vto ol inn i lliva lla a tnt.1, li lion tor auintiK run aieiilail, f:. v.. A .ap50.tr i i", : THE I "' -, . (-1- I... Cortt-r i . , t in, FA !! T, ("i . ... . ' I in i v in t ! 1 r tt

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