5 J l ,M! 3. WO. v 1 nncurl'ivll. iilli . 'lit 00 oo too too , l!V UtUDtlM. ... Oil I 80 1 Ml 00 I so ' t- - 1 Imi-14 '"''. ' iu..ulL. . ,,.. .,., ; 4.4 Wl', iAD VOL. MOORS, LAZAHUS axdjojjx r.tos. " Wf . Ve have moie news - from John Pag. Julio ii reported to a mail of, good min.i m well at character who would have beta aihamed to apeak, aa Colonel Moure did, t;iuat telegraphing for Llttle- ,11 -id and Bwepsoa to appear . before the Eragj Committee.' Thi apeak t well for John ; It apeaka well tor ell the negro of i Chnwmi, if they threw Col. Moor ev Writ for his defence and vindication of the V.'e f r it waa sot high principle that threw Cut J'oor overboard, if thee word a, f' nh 1 s coming from Joholge.troe. J .,, j U would no longer Look opoe ' i 'iM Dive lathe palace, while lie, Jf!.n, Isyattlie rate, "doctored by doff an 1 c ... J with crambe;7H,..i It las I, oa the streets, that money ' wtU le r ... . .1 to buy off John Page end Jame V , t,r.t Mr. Richard Badger-maf go to . and Col. Moor reture , to the V re. The Qovernbr; wrote John time t "integrity -and nccesi of bit d ti,..,' ...,,a depanded upon tire return (Of Col. Honrs," We think bit adtniniitratibn it wore dependent upon the tucoea pf Or. fbl"on't and Q n. Lit tlcfield' management of fltn'e bond. n : t ' ", ;v-iw..rt1'f:' , V. e have tie heard that; $8,000 a be raised to buy off Jamee Herri from don , t .it Jim ii not now aa mack ltt weatb) Money, as b wee i the 1 eat campaign, and betblee, Dtwee baa reported7 the place at worth i "0,000. 7 II Jame plaqe tuck a high .'yalua upon the uOlee, Major Smith may i- ea.e bit effort to get bin off the .track; be will find it at flp-hill a basinet a leas ing i' a . iilroa'. The Major hat repeatedly aaid the wh tsjnan of Johmtou would not, vote for " irrla. Mr, Long, late member from ( ii ham, aaid there were five hnn Jd.ci republican in Chatham who would . not vote tor a nigra, Old Mr. Burnt it re- po 1 to us at greatly disgusted With ail paii ?. I.e our;ht to be, but it may be that ,: Fbiliipi and i -' ;'.r iil impart an odor "weet mit'Ji tokep the old man .pleased ,. ., with Friday Junta aud Solomon Bragg. I Then Moore, Cilnjrman,' Phillip; Bar- ..grove, d al, show aa . much spirit a th nf - pi. and the neoToe eho at moon at , Jol,n I'mfe, there will b lively' tim In demand (hat the eegtoua lay at the "gete ad be doctored by dogs," a heretofore ; 9th ne-'roM, being ' ten to pnei will' jitteke the whue muu lay at the "gate" ' thejf , Lave don In the case of Col. . Moore, ,; The : : lot ; ! . J V VVi'tt'l'te will bt) 0OtLlt)g J but 1. .. i.t. a it tw.i uravalebiui tb trod on by John Page and laughed at by all the errors, aud bare no sympathy frour be Whitei. ' . " . , T i i f v .. ..(d tliiofj, a wiuktd thing la r." ' ' t, "I , ;uved" Governor i a wholesale py. If evil epeaklng could ealu. Oi dcf' give r . 1c! ' one 1 a ',, t i t ;c. . v li ' CO . of i l.,e Uucktougue, our "beloyed" ' - .! dWi ol it long ago..'?'sli(' i a li d into then' reflection by a . a CwUiage, Moor county, from i! most rpectable citizen, d .his in another column. . f f htndard, ol last week, wat the ' nrfi of D iiiiol Graham, furniah 1 at tie spreial iustanee of r I. . i. TLit evidence of Or-' ' rioiv going tue rounds In Radical li - e number ol the Standard c ; sent to the Capitol , i e believe, by the Uov 'i Lit order." ' V" ; 0 ' Carthago it from one of citizens ol Moore l a who Graham la. . This ' f 1 hat sw.iru, that A. A. Mo- eoi. ... I . a t't! ' b.. i of tlia Superior Court, and i or tivwty otuuia, puny of them r optabla citizen ot the eooaty, y of morder, arson and the r w in a no posaosiion of theoe to arrest A, A. I ) 1 -j them a lver- pe! i i tratora of at I To make if ( . I i j 1-a im'e evidence a v. ii Vf l man . If he bilitved bit iitld have had the ; If l:o (I'd not 1 "eve a ;,'.vcii out for pub 'tivo o.Tice, such foul, HI- lopt eminently to f 1 '' -t the guilty be t irolected. If . n lire fruilly, (he r j of a c i, ,f3 (, re i i uisoo j tiiuin ; it ii a v. i, '. c ilumui- licld V!;JJ iii'C Til 3 TLA TZ t Tlie I'ublic i ri'asurer gve atareaaoa to f-" Sloan, fur out i"lng ' .laf . 'ilriiiri(;tori, CLar!. It . . wf.:-J . - :. that tl.4 plate I ir ll- -ng i t m tin n. Vi t t lUct i roni a l ull' I , . ... Dr. bloaa WU it, that Littlefleld and the "King" were at work to prevent the 'laaoe of boada. except t the We tern North Carolina RailrOitU The Treuarer delayed in the iaaue ol bit bonds, and Anally aid the plate wit broken, i Kow we hare it front pretty good anibority, that the bonda bad beea pgrav ed nodur CoL Cowaa'a daiaietratioa, and all that Wat neoeaaary wa toUr them tlgoed. flow ia thla, Goveroot I How ie thi. P v t , it , K "li 'i,'iitttk . It t known that Llttleoeld end Bwepto hurrii d out the bond lor' their Bond, and that they endeavored to delay and prevent the Uaue of bond toe tner Baada; The idea waa, th fewer th" bondt thl'betttr tneir' wonia in. ; a ' . Dr. Bloan' friend do not beslUt to aajr that th Public Treuarer fa to wall good term wit. LUtleJMd d owe peon, e to give their road great advantage JUt. the bond butinea ever th Doctor' road,, - Again,' w wk' wbbrok th plat; and where are the piece I , Agaie, w aak, Wfte tb bond- engraved lander Cot Cewen't admlnhrtration, before the plate Wat broknl mm the WlloUogtea Ipamat. SOS TH HA BQLINA 0 TALIBTS." Several Leadioe DoUticlani of "iU State have Identified theinaelvee with the Radi-I oala, some of whom Billowed th inrtuaes of tb Conlederat witb . credit and honor even to Appomattox Court Uouae and Oreeoabore'. : It ie wonderful -with 'what ananimity tbey have become candidate for office end wltb what adaptability they, have "accepted in ei mat ion," including, tne vary Incrativ lalarltt of their ttpectiv ofllcea, And wuea we aenaioar tney nave mau au tna Unible eaerilloe for th aake of tbe 'dear Ulon.' hew the fceartt of - their lei. Iiiar oltizna. sran thauffh a tittle dlalovaf. should warm toward , them. Upon out- word w actually uww of Mottn Carolin ians' wha bave permitted their Convenient and controllable heart to best witb mar- ebaatabl lovaRy even aa low a pn dollar turf. Jut think ofit TBrtae who Value such throbs a highly s they ,do dmps of their ltk' blood are not. prooaoiy prepar ed ta lullv. etimate the terrible cost at Wbcn riorta carolimana Dave been trans formed into, ranting sort duliooent Radical politician. Wot, we have actually heard of North Carolinian of geutl blood aiio) leadinir Radicat' ofice holder." who" must regard "honor a niere acaiobeoa, an grave discnuioo in a p irliameotary btvhr, making political "capital by trading tbe blood and honorable detun of nobla, son for claptrap and lalnehood to win tbe sio mentary applauteof epuuiu ted toldleir. the sickly emile of obaeijuiou ajioatatet and to "split tbe ear ot ttiegrounalinef'' r tlolden loyalty waa nurtured bs.frai- dent Johmou la the 'bun oewlv pttented Lot-house called Prov ional GoveinoTiliip, and it wumciently bardy to underio aafe tranlplanting uuJer (lie direction ol Conietstonal n uousiruotion. It bat now 1, ' ome a lull rown lUrub. Tod Caldwell; Colonel liarrio and other Koriu Carolina nBaials ot ihe Executive deimrtment embraced Ra U. aham and thuir Qicea aimullaeeously. , A s . f, Cnlel Josuo rears n i und qui tie., wa a "pat i lot" about -t lie tune he thought florttr Carolina nu, a tne eoutinusnoe 4t hi sarvioe a Cliltl Juntioe; and Justice Read went into,tbat pany iu bis erratic wanderings, "going homo. . I; it eoppoted by those who know the motive of hi cal culating ditpoaltioa tnat tuere : wa more melnoa tcea accidentan nis step. Justice iiod man's eoBversioa to Badicaliao) and to political aad judicial positions succeeded herd upon each other. He followed' the Lost Cause" with t torrowing heart to St honored grava, and then with ladeceathstte burned to the tela am brace f iu uiurT ,. H -Ta rnawal-hsnM mU;-iif Did eoldly fturidah turift th .Mrvi hvWV 1 Justir fdttle hat tf way beew jNfttteet cump-followtr.' 'lie lollowno fluu exoeD as s tpy or a plunderer,. He ould be oo. vinoed that Uadicslbttt tarwrong -by ithe lame mean ased to toll him Into that party. Justice Dick, tried hard to get position and laiiea until apuaucy, wa. more, honored tbaa ability; - .. .?. i jtw; - yy never heard ot the I:.rtit fonden Clei ol Jutli's Pool. Join , Wattol. Ruuell. Heary, Cloud, Logan, Tbtmiat and Cannon, or their legal attaiumeate either, until their. nomination ana election to otnee. , J Joba Pool embraced the tenet of tb party tad the Senatorahip with tb tarn regard .lo bonor and dectjucy, with which he took the oath to support the Confederate government for tiie ijuipoe of (mbarraa sing i .Colonel Iockery bid hi Con feder al uniform sod became a "cood Union man", whea. be found, that it paid better uiuuiiim vvnr f,u tune i)y 111 iave. Lash' politics, like every aot ot hit lift, smells nt tbe a'uop. . LLo made tbrewd calculuiiou l.t jitt otKt. it would, return and made the investment. -i".--SM- Bweptoii'c, ttoMi'iand A. J. Jonea' trarki ui tus nnu.i ui uausp are easily traceable. Their Crimea have lelt soma impeeteipa u'n iiiv riiiuua vi . iuv peopiSL pu( DliW apnn tne treasury or tho Mate. - Judge Cantwell soucht lor an ofiWha quickly atl.ir exjierieonug a "change of ij.;uurm ni i no onaodocy CI bit politics caused his defeat.. He Las, bid the stars of aa honorably won and honor amy snsrameu ran a, ana nDicured the rep utation ot an tntelliirent lawver in the fluh and lutlcness of a police court, and di,,u. lilt time and talentt to th protection of luowounnea o yniry or colored Aldermen. ,W. A.iiooie, J. W. Zloldea and W n Jones eipendoil their ire eiiott "the flag" at Roanoke Iulan I, and ep-nd the rest ot tueir day In humble but prolitabl atonement lor ineir narmleat treason. S r. 8.F. Phillip annonmve bis Repub in iiuiom iini uia awepiance oi a nomina tion in th tarn breath "Thrift, thrift Calvin Cowle, Phil. IIwkint, Tarson Sinclair, and the other lessor light, have em u nit-ir hi'-si oi pocrn'ro aa a receipt la full for their birth riKUr, . It there one Rorth Carolinian who ha pone into te i.auieal party nd bat keot ticeof the "IU: u pott" tufficiently long to iiuvnjop.'f.iiiitiitoui oonesry r lione assuinerl tutu a virtue f Even "rotating 11...L" ti... i..- i..., i .....ij .1.- .... ..-..i.-, hi,, iiniicu ma mrpci rem imiits of bia poli iral princtplet tor a valu Kl.li! cinM.ii -r.4ii.-ii t -ra bit formal an-n-.i ::,, ii)M-i I ;n t ... : !'.-h! Convention. end t.overnor t.-i , uU ail bi ahrewdnes, ncv.T luade a i; khit bariraio. - . We wish tome oi.fl ot ' the North Cam. lwiinns who Inivu I,,; . 'v 1 fownr.llv l ww:Hwp ;(..Wis Bat lit iItU v ; Cathao, May 81t, 1870, ' I ortoB or F .vrr m. It i - thai ttiel'ail) bUu.ar-i ot . .e, rotitatn v n niuonn u t . re Ct i.ty, chare i i s; A. H. Jcr.cilL of tli- fciiiw'iflr C urt, as 1 otuer u cid ieu ol iioora.'wuh bir' Ittxli.i ufth burning and pluuderius partio in thi county. Am evidence of till a, pretended amuavlt or on Daniel Uraham, a noted horee, thief, ie pnodueedjr rfcia eaaa1ri nan.1, and ftAtiwea -ter'eevVrVI tttobtbafj ak Diking to ibnaiaaana of Mea Ooaaly or eomewuere else, btiuff indicted for larae Of, and beiuiVMl to be aullty of all oiUof rascality, and auppoaed to be la full mem benbip witb tb Orre'ernor' leagnera, and doubtless just the bri of wltnw for ia porpoeea. The a(B davit tto, eo wa been that A.. JL I.- VbtA promised -to furniab botva to uartj to ge to Kaleijrh aajnar- der ll eden., A few nonthe a"o thia i Orul. a stole horn do in ..icluail. arrtied and corniuitted lo f'oore Couoty jmi ( in tew day atrr, 1,9 v i I -uea py Member ot the Uov-. ..:' e noaiety. He Is b! sieved to I ! l a ;ad In burning Loum a, rob. ; La bi r e beiSg bulled. About a n "o, tn ery peaceable oil men, u s of A. H. IcNelt, wareeruelly murdered - at "their" borne la Camberlsn: Couotr. and it it the tttavalU mg - opinio: aut panlefi Umuam, and w w v m " w old tae bkxidy'tleed. The communication -hS foul alaadet and base ' talwliood, worthy only of it author and the paper that pab bataed Itit-"' ifn v- ' " -A V. fl. .Portaqalely the Stottdar baa only two tuoecririen here, and I liar not beea abie to ae the communication alluded to. Biuouia you wink it proper to vOw , Ton publiah the above. MUTBK. imtrurr nnmvitir. .S " " T j- ' 1 TIOX ' T"ri f Tb Coavent(oa,wa called to rder by CoL, A..O, Logan brlljg XtoUW. A. Tanner totna Chain aid M. tf-Juitlbe ws on motloai, teejuastad to act a Bertory. Th (Vlegate. itom jtb Township were then called, when th, following geatleme i fiotherlor I'oWnahlp-lf'i, TaJner, ?-J"li?j W. UP Valt.D. Q. PeU Jip andauilford Kve..,.,'i r. wt. f , rsB IJiil TawnsbikM H. KllptrV, .Ueto,TownuipWo llaKianey, Jne. T. McEntyra, Uwia Lollsr. I D. McClhr. kftO. Dickerton. a p , BulpburSprJager-W D. Harrl.JoWo IL McD wIU Win.iinUn.W. I. 'JaasM anil Thomas Lovelaoe, : . - , -- . Hiigh 8hol-.,WalL, lUma goalie, M. W: Simmon,Tbouiai Wlfkio;iFl7 ,UoUaxrAmo rlarwlLit. tJcfggliJr. II. alkir, Jl. K. Jrs4 sVm.AV5an.er. 1 Morirau John Hemnbill M. H. Flack A. NicboUrA.abrutey f.'J. Flack. Cool Spring W. p. Carton, A. W. Ur- rui ssu n . o. oin.-,vi; . .Ill I it r a Camp Creek-JoKob Hamnton.N. Tounir. 0. P. .Watson. L A.Milw ml e.O. Golortb. WWnW 'BreXjrrf'indVe.a. A. B. uoiig, a. u. Logan, Thoa. Caltot; and f. Chimney Rocl H. Poruum, jL'jEi BH Bagwell,- W'rf EllioTt WT'. avet, T.. Bjierton. ... , , . j , , j - , Golden Valle-M. B. McCiirry and Vm Bambla. i f .. ,i . -. -t " DurjrabVCrteit-i.J'aa.'Svreefy, JTrilb; row. El lab Sweezy, John ,, WUbro Wu-an Jason Withrow. On motion. theConvehtlon wen otinto tne nomination of candidate bi ballot, which resulted at toilo; :tft ' : For the House ol. Bepreenftatlve the nanww of J: h. fcsreotiTho. Wtlkin, J. W. Davis, T. M. Walket, at. tf. -'Josttp anl C. B. Juatir were propoeed, wba ,apoa the third ballot Jo. L. Caraon wasanaaif moualy chisao f tbej jrandidatf f oft (h Uouae oi Bepreaeatatiye( : I'or County Commiaaionen tb atmaa'af tl, PrtraraTho tWikkln, 4. H.Adrw. w. neau. u roarier, ja DePr erti O. P, Cron, E D. McClure, Mat. Crow, J. Morgan, M. H. Justioe, Wnv. Huntley, Jof aeph SitoitlLjiC!artoeiWraMi4 woen upas ine second ballot, 11. fortntm, J L. Uaoipto hit, MeOlare; ITbo. WtU kiat and M. H. Juatica were nnanimonalk ohexen a Candidate t..r Ciuiatt Unnltm. non'ersl" bHf . new . jT3 , . For, Cruder of Dead the nami FowtoW. A. MIII,J. i'svWlkl, Ja4, Uariiint H.'Hi" OarVief abd;'f .r.K.'Tom, woes upon me luiru oauot, Xisoaard, jrpw ler. wa noMUnoutly ebotea a Candidate I Itegitter of DeadK- 4 f .. f For sjounty Treaaorerth nstoet of ."Ai Miller'and B. t.t' Tajlor , were,,, propewed. when npoa a aood . ballotv J. JL; Hiller wa tusaniaaously ckotwo aa Caadidat foe -Ooimty Treasurer,, ..f." ,f 4 '(.F.IPherjfT, jame,Tpmj,w ly chosen a candidate. . u vtigr- ! tlMtio aad iciijab 'Biggerataff were poeed, when upon atecood ballottkE.igi iif u m uiiBuiiiwaaiy cio.Btu aa, paov date lot CoUuty Surveyor. " msaif -For Coroner, the names of G. P, WaUofe tndJftte DPtie4lWrpropnd,-Wnel upon a ai-coud ballot. Jcare U. Priest wat aaanimauslv cliown aa candidate h ClnttL On moiion, Joa. C. Carson, B. M. Lyncl, H, Portrum. G.iMj Whitetida, f. Ai ftitfxw and M. II. Joatice. were apiM9tefr t rVpf resebt Rutherford 1 in 'thu jpoi)gfeialoaal Cod ven tion ot . ' tb Conturvative., party, to be held t Athcville, on tbe Wtk-iuii'i J On motion, resolved, that wa vacMemanH Plato Darhim a a candidate for Conaraa In fM rl.li' 'I - l" o u T ' J(t$oltii Int. That wa heartilv aonrova lit arid endpres the addrea of tb 6onrvativt member of tb Legialaiure, and return thtm.auitbank! ibpt macly retatuaor to sBcroaohmeata apoa our Hbvrtie and right, and 4boir oppesition to ewrrnptioti and raacality, and cheerfully join th bl viieir rccoguiiioo oi acoepuHi acta, and m their inculcation of obedienct) lo, law and acdsi.' V. i .','. titi-'! '.tiitiiut i ' JUtolvtd Sad. Thirt the titrht of suffrage m ana cmrea race qsving Dien ealabllahud by the Conatitution ot the Btale, aad made uniform throughout t the pnion, by the Pifteenth Ameud.iiont ot the ITnitnf Stafet, i no longer a sunji ci oi c introvwey.. There ie no power or disposition on ou)r part to disturb it, and we invite them to wwjwiMT fii un in- wpuoiiill! llielQ. terest nd promoting thi prosperity of tbe "-,?- ...... . . . .,. t-.. jt I .... . Htmiwd. Srd. That the result nt it.. Senatorial election I Jaautry last, in thit District, car ua great encoorainmant. and we enter the present campaign, wiUrfujl assurance of success. " ... ,.i Semluti itk- That Tboma bat played out at On motion, resolved, that the thank's of thi Convention be1- tendered Maior f . n Erwin, Editor of the 1 indkitor, for the manly stand be baa takes RiTainst the corruption and fraud v-hioh have been per petrated npjn the people of ! ' "!aie., . un motion, resolved, ti.nt t e Vtn Yindieitjyr be ruiiicsfed to -put.! . 4 Hoia ot t .i ii-- I - - ! to -. 'I ' - n, t' (,., y ,;-..,.. j ulinol. A Convention i t i C iva Rockingham, wa held at V ntvt urn h,ot Saturday tb list oft y, 18 J. : i ua motion, C o. L xv t, p i ra called to tb chair, an fvi. Jol.i,um rw que ted to set a t'sry. Tb chair, upon motion, appoiuted W. P. Watt, J. Turner MorebdTW lVetaell aad Jo. H. Caldwell, Commltte(o report rea lutloi! elpretsivi tenfrnvuljofbe. people of the couuty. During the abennoe ot the Committee, Hi weetlng IU I.T-1 dreeaed in en able, Md-rerlectrve epeecb, by T. W. Keeo.L The CouiuiUlee reportel tbsv tuliawing taaliui antiawee naaaimoualy adopted : , -t itmh$d, i Thtrk th'ftidiTJd;fJfc North Carolina Lav bad a lull and lair' trial and bav prvd ihemaelvt utterly incompetent sau awortay in every ae And.! That w (dbcii laju anNHp their wanton tiiaraward of tb . peopleal fight and inUreeiv, evinced rntheif wto i4 ixtraeega weA of tbtf.iA aedt blia. moooj. 10 k so. inu it baboove every. g'od aad m Be vrr uu mM wiiOitoraJ AuJUtett b beartiiaalkMi oar aaw arulaool into thn otniniioenloat.i aad not limply think and b. b -Tbut woil lor the ., au &M;.iift?aJ'i1 Hi i: ah. tr.-i U.. ..j.a''... I.i. 1 logbtm, .n'obmoft;"ilh our brethren . iui, wa idi , i ii r. 1 1 w ill nnri. BTuhn tlie BUVte. M"ntttt onnnit to all mob law 'tart vilenMl..rtf,Vl.v: tu IClni, lyl lgWs, or other orgauiM .aauun' wnafsiievwv'vens o-. SthiTbatwaaUafulfa tatM(MB ititw law of the laod hlch g1v"to 'tbsj MlUil MM MUaI ImS. l.iJI I tb. .That we invite all bonest rnaa with. out regard :to.lc ac sotot .40 ooperate -em oa aaawrpsivsag tne party now in omce of all political power, to tbe end that peace. swaBony. Baa prueperny "mT once mo. roam la tbwiand. "''tf 7th. That we as representing the fj payer pt thit connty.do' e,ndorae ami apr Bu,BoyoVWai3 anVcUauiAttorneys a lw,wucnmgintdg ,,, imposed by tbe Board of eommibai loners i t fh ft co u n. . j i . . . . tv, ana we uo uereny una 10 lUeui our sin re .thanks , lor , tbejr. f atiiotjc .action a.I..t mmlA 'a . J- (m - ..I. - ! . i .. . . ' wrstlon " ' 8tb. Tbat. the Qatorj oulb; aneeting requett the publication of lis proceeding oy innaiiun.BKHnwJnT YVtaleru HenUntl and Grri)aBft6 Puirbf. Oa motion, committee of two from each f SMMtMtf Wr ton.Bterl to suiriA st-autia1 . i li .is a .7.. .... . . . . f r . . 7. i oi cauuiuaws irne'variour oitfoerto ne -aei. m na'4irjemitteemttifrhfc,itai natea toe .mowing candinte and 9 tioa, ith. noBUnadOn warn made asai4 moot: i: - i- a SenatoR, H. Ward. ' - - Cominon-4CQLJavld SeltM:i)r. A. Bi Ibariff-oh Jobato. jft ' 4 ,f ) CotonirT Jamee A. AUetwa ai..B, ff .iJawta;t PIT? Boacki:!' .' i rewrer-W; nt'EdWKdii.' ,' i i'8orTyo-.W.tlneock.::: -" 1 Ctwatv ComraiMlna.i.CbiM A.1 1 ItaM. Hugh K, Reid, Jame H,a Ball. Hamilton Um,PryWReynold.'aT ? T. LL JonitsTon, ecy. ABSVSJ&IOSteTlliDICAL. v Tatt ortb; Carolina' spert 'nra 'Uoita upon CJIngmut ika.a thouaaaa t brkks, ow that he haa eon ovar o the Radieahi. TbeylntieekW' that' ke ,c,elved"fltan w.v ak i.ov iiK BaB aawturaa . laeta. to say whether Jhe hrgaa foe or not, All wi" do kaow' abHrnt OUngman, 7 U that t'"l a' 'Wry-Cbangerfble politician, everything by tarn and' nothing Jong.! Ha WM an old Hear Clay Whig j tbea sat' right Calhooa Democnrt rthen of coara a d-ho nt nhd putStceaeionitt ; and now h It a tUmina Radieal. TheeacJkaDmin C'tuigsian,ivr in any other mere polilician, need not lurpris ua. A mtm wh totar eatreani tf any; subject i not to b trusted, hod aon should wondi r atayuf be my takieti gem dr tabte fWiilfaiiuttiit Jba tlme tbey made tbeir extravagant declarations; but in Sth iOitsJ)cinStUaiiMfach nn there i often "sorewi loose."" Tbey are too mquemir. wever. tne rerv eoo eat lealcuiatota, ami ar "mad will k riurorr" is wui no iwaya i!ennjBee,torrH these Imposera upon the gulhbilty of their I wntung ana aaminug' teilow-citiie us hav a keen eye to the main ,chDO, and somehow manage fokedp'oa Ihe crvit ofihe aracy, or radicalism.:. li7?vfr.M auio, wuaiucv ua 4u iwav4u wuiirirerr. aemod ,lh devolution i often called "th, time that tried men' toula but in our humbl opinioij lh.,evnU ot JV .iaal!fwiyar hasa beaa a juuoh 4oe ienei eraerNle.- pnrtgold5 -. Ii,i.M!IHIi.i iBy-bow'T't . lr,,j(pliog ."too much from, lb tricky schemer of thete degeoerat daya V Wa'niuit Slot , St6T( or too mnch from the men whYhi1 tentji j4rb bfore the war Wrl thlj.-ncSjaeSe'' in Virginia thdtveral .rtHlKtote! th South. For ouraelvee we rjeverthyiht much of politician who made tbeir living b7pp..lwT hvthf paatiopf o,i7 fioOpH tod we have not been disappointed at-their course dtnrhg and aine the wy, Tbe day of Mecoh nd if Goorce lovall are trone forever: and "we muat never axnrct t ac gtnnauca-moaew ot pnrtty aud ilismUr. ated patriotism.--iVofuii Journal. I York WArW.in' erilkfaiiig . Jtiiijfe iJlata'i arrenoe oi etantoa tn tne Valaxy, inirotfu arallt kaatwnyhut aBrvttwtitrBoT that .4 1 I . - r , . : A 7.- ' wuea, on in uiai or, .vvws,- .Jo. ,ga , O'ald, ius, (.op'tutravs. 4.4Miiauia3ioe , tit lif t caane, caoaa to WsaaiBrtie aw a wttweat B(ir nbpoB to proa -the" 'faWf t aiaieu, oieniOTi wilt' film word ttint ifb ma not rejturoc Hoihe aU lunte.Xiai-.jlaiola would be determined, JBe went awy, and Ifir wta hnne -. , . . ff;t ,, To which wnul.farfa'ffil Sd.lillrmal faot,jiot renerally .ktiowarbaf (jMAral nooert e: lrf nd enetal irowcll Cobb were alad ub ttuKl mloriW(l to' Waah inctoaaa, wiiueaac tor tha a.-xaaal,,bu wefeeutwequently met earsBte brrtiarmteh- ee trom the government ornYrir-; tlirm not to come on. , Con. Cobb fc-it m fur as , i-i vannali, and, reoeiving tis dispatch, turoied bark., The prowestioa haii both tiiaaw oea. tleuien rejected ae witnosaee ea tbe ground that, having engaged in rebellion, they were wrtonalJu infamous and not to i, h. fieri-d on oath. , . ', '.' ' .. V ..- i ay aiso etat a an iuteretfinw fact in i a conn.. ; u, that -"-n C ' who -. i iuinujiiii.1 ui 4,1'- i !' r. ar 1' '., bad he hulk, i i i... . .. !lh. . , v ,". I i a I. ,i. iui epo re. j t ot a very large number r.f .)in.1M C..: 'ot l.om a recerjtvb.i' , 'tnore on, be .aitiity i Ci. i J be e--"nmniftrs'. 1 i i .' 3 t) AD n ti . U 1,-, , . i"s irom ', '0B 1 , Thus . ati.u witneaaea for tbe defence rnsaaili iced by that bloodthirsty court, an pot,r Wirt, innnrent tnoagh be w, nn to J it last account, Stanton ha gone to p eet 'urn before a higher tribunal, where no iia4se are wanUxi 3umji4& ije- fiMtutt TN -vi L , ..- . .,,, , m mmi .. A BaACTiriTHUrxY. A piout old man was on day walking to tb eanetuary, wltb New Testament in hi hand.whea a friend V&k tftfif&t&yft. Prlc . fAhjl ) awiasj,aied b i M we reading my Jfa ber', a ber'a wilL: mm a j,ftno ' fl Iv on .'aid hi tnead. FWIJC La betiUallaffmN .1Merd come life evtttiBK.li V It.ara a word in eapaa ,hl. Chrtia mind wasln cUcuutstanoe of sfil Qtion, bu wen, tot, potalorted, .Ifwtr'-f't. i "et jllt. MI8CEIXAB0US. i ,m .... ... . .( ijtfi ji ''-'4-.,J.lj lt 'kttentlna HTni ti reafwethdly SUP1 AUVVBtTl NQUB. U ' WBlTg BIMMISO iM Wf rrt TKlUQCa. A m 1.. .MK.I. I ..-a. a.' 1 J ' toy 96-1 y, if, 4 B. . TUCKEB CO. rie and Harrow Hash Bibbona all eolert eMs aaat ,ej- ''y80ir a. 8. TUCKEK CO, 81 UOKa, QiITtBl4o, MIsaM and AMIdrena eolored BH0B8. BI IT- tKH AND aalTKBs. in ttnS, Oraaa, Med. fittk and fearl aolora. .., . , -..i,, .,: ,.. . , ,M Ihe sly Is fur Strtt, partie he. - . . fiyW-U , W. H. K, a. TtWEItat UO. W -. , - ... i. .'. . jQiATKaf itevT. . . :o., '" THIS IUEEEY 8EEDKB. maakia. or' tgueni,.r th lain arefrom lapablw of seHwft ttnebBahal ef berries ,iu 8a minutaa. fries , .Juue.l-tr in BEWOS. 4aA1ttakJamtoamaV " " -t ,W iAt , i j, . ; . iH T. h. BBjaaa. T UtJUi. UMBU . , . ffr.:--it.J- r V. L at B.L'-r.1 dirot Hrom ora tii Kilo, a6d offared at II per Cask t . Daeoo- t L Older. eoHoued at ikHSA H.yOWLEtJ. 'koraale al reAned brlee the tin lUatier Sad fjowat etmihtoe exhii lfed at the hvet XuUYair Jtlao, Mwtaa'sah auuelaira Horse Bake t , - ,l, I.,., n , . JANKM M. TOWU5H, JuneJ-tf ., t 4gt fo Uanntaosurers. u.1. a ii j' mil itm i mj.i JlH i yroeet8;l pommisslo? Mei-chairts, Bourn ElST market CQtfiREi ii j. .i!..6. : , il .i U4i !,... -i. .. i-. .'4 j. ii p T7Tt nH esr tbrosgh th Saamer a well .11,; asteetea aasortmaut of aooda la our., une '"Oar atook is kept ootnplete with fresh good aeeeiTed dlT. and one en atom era aaa bave thatr erdera tiled wrtto th oat feod al tft (oweai lo't'llv bnalneea, and have ns obi Kfgh pruird jrooda is on th pnblio Uuwin KOoda bav bean bousht lit th past in nays ana ara now in ators t ; " 10 Haia Old Hot. Jark. vaga alio oonoa. laUOldQov. J 25 Bbla bnaar all grades, bou "150 Barrels tlonr 't.eno Lbs Baeon BaHtmor and North Carolina, ... Moxe Cindy; to . lou Lauudr Boap, "US Lemon Biaeuit, ji iTTaia Boua ao. -I , JU Oaaea Brands Psaobea, - ' ' ft-..: I W fj t .Hi, Vrb Hod ib 1'aakatrea, 1 , -a. 44.4. ow ru 'uwdeia. p 'i at Ht. Htioe Blaokioar, ' ' b'M HO- Oooeentratod Lya, sua urease. ,40 ... . u...,4 1.Ctl " k lb1. Dorham7f '' .- o vlu BsuoheeapiuOoetesv 'ii - IU Boies Tobaceo, Jtaroaenwuuig,. , , . . 14. ?'leuwaA.-i iif V": ija . . - - ui l" l.u.nw.r T :' '..': ,0,, , f.mf ri.ii -.-j u 4 43h. h I XEACB BBC8. dint , a .4, : . TWEttlVm CHESTER WfllTX PI0S. I jius vr &nr iuc or tbeir tamon breed jl "mm sow paresi ana newt toe in tbe V. ..Ji. N.TSTK. tf t,t..arwaa4)4nis4I.C.. S0CKBS1DGR ALDM SPEINtiS. VA. i ,- vi( way . su, isTtii, tin A ' Watertng Phvaaia now la eomplsta order tbesMaptaaBoVgasste.1 IraraMuil inicrora. uta bar beam aiiiled u tb buiitlii .i, tne tatablisbaient IMUiaed into tha haul nf 4k 5 resent proprietor, and it fa bis purpose to keep h-etjla notsnrpaaasd anywhere in Virginia Tba.waUra f ahead sDawaaSeiiriaw aithaw m greMljr roiiara immk oaaea of baruTalav Iaetea- nt Coji4um)iUi. Chronic Broaohitia, ObroBie LaTyngiua, (Jtirooio Pneumonia, Chronie Iye 'popaia," Chroalo Diarrtiw,Myefntery " Tnayi araalaa a great value is thoa affuctioaa whieh are peiia so we remai , eewHntion, aad a an appetuiir, a toni aud general realoratl tnej era, perbapa, tiiirivalled amoogat miueri . general reatoraUra. iral ana proprletorwiU havs bravidad lew -lawue aad baUraoaa href ataaai sna, nf luosto, ana m gam ral alttba aoureea ,of aiauaa- aient and reoroatlon nsaally foaud at oar beat summer re-.oria will tie il the easnmand af tha Igwsat W'tomimH Alvm TtaplaeHi Bisbta.AUaraatrte ihiraoaa hoorwef Kinbakxx), M Minion, B-lua04, ao., j real, Uia day b(iir. faeaeBgera leave the eara ofthaCheaa-ipeake-tnd Ohio Kailiwad at Goahen irpot and awaaaaa etegavl atag eoaehea. pasma rapidlj' 4 a SBM4SI aad anvei so of oui, aightwuiaa, W ma iwHHiai wa n(mii ia las. hr'Vh''Itekbridv WaU atirt Sinn ! by the prueiuai Alnurgt Oi the Cnitad I'. wnptiva pamphleUeeiU tree oa application. . .i. i ji...i,f,i . s t?ni-.i i,i( ,f Urn ' a ' I a Mil i i, ii j.i i 1 .1 ii i ii.i J l be last Will and TesUaaebt of tha "late fi'aed- oant iTioa, naa Dean on v Brobatail la ih (v.n4 of Probata ia Wake Cmfntv, and the aodorsignsd baaqoaliaad aa hieonlnx thereof: an. neraona aan ug aialma against aaid teswater an haabr uuiilwd to eahiliit th aaase hM at hat4 ' "' amT oi 'J a. u. W7l, and all partoaa iji.iHhied to the eeteta are required to call aad aatUaasoDoav . . i . . A. T. Miaa. ae ia awantlaiwiaaij l.t A pnraana bavin rtniinaaa wuk 444 . .n II him. , -. T. ! ' ".f ir tMai Vi iJ.-.' ii SiwjM.i. C I , Wake UaB.Af ltivwi stlim &nd Phtli'ulc is CuraLl t ft'l ? totheand.flpifr'edfor bottle of hia a w.mnd i-ktkvw Hmwiy. )tk' fill Pr ...... 1. 4...1 j, , ;-"" . -T"r". r. 4 M acioonip.iiimt. ii,!! t, ,(. tie. Moot T reiuiiil.rt ir n..t ri,....i 4. .. I o.rlB 4hii: 1 p.ve t il Littoirof thmr H4. .,,,1 I t.--t. ..! ; -ii on r (Ml)t or 1 1 W he Will tor .1 n i or iv, i,,n.i. , ,"iri4im and iir.u - isih it'neut., at i ' - 1 h;a i. th .i i.. II. 1. T ' i in--. ...j, M. ' i j ,i-i.3:n. hniuii urjva, Imim Co., h. C. r.. DE:.ni.V.EfjT CF;ffiilH.L.'.. .ll NW tSSIiTilE BrOTji , , , OENERAt AGENT AMD MANAGER' 2 "DK. i ET JOHNSON, ' Mkdicax Baui,. cash assets l-f - riir"': YOUNO, HIAIaTHY," VIGOROUS AUD CONDUCTED BY A WI8E, PRU i. ' AJSD KtOIOMlCAI BOARD OF DIRECTORS VVQX A" i 1 t a - . : wvar 'I ..-4... jr ... deriaed by ita talented aad diatinfaUked Aetaary CHAb.1T. MOtvAM, whlah bmhI Bsake' U iba leading Cuapany Ur Aatartea, for persona In ,?, - lUUtKAIE CIBC-UMSTABfCEaslHt. )) V holders, aU th h Natly daatrabl advaatatree. IU policies bain a; 4KM4-orei(4i4, the tuanrf i privilptad to H tranri 4oAr Vify fittii iiriijr heailhy part a ha nwrid, tliey pn,wi,,. a Its' srotit, sr allowed SO day graoa for payment of renaaral of pnaatota, a aeah auiruar aaiaw a-nom iev, aad a prttiiegt wmoh haa never vwtaa VjHeieinta -- ''''' a'lar tha Davtnetit of & ur mar annual Dnaalnaia. ar Bitbei ta, 1 hre been rexnetM to the represent to S'odt rate alone, hieb mow or This dtaadvaatag. togetbar with the multiplication of many near (imnatiie, pV thi tttate waa claimed to poaaeae auaaoal obarma. together with th eitraoduaafc aiarKji toaS f rantad bv the Eioelalor iuduoad DM loaeoept the Biacagement of that Company, Wboaaf plan eoniblnee oil tht popnlar fe' urea of other Companiea, repreaeuted is this BtaCaj, wUtwxit aa xeeiioB..and tha, additional priviiegB of eooveiliiig potioiea, wilueh-tb holder eab But en.ird to heap au, Tor wiaha . , . ... W . . 1 - .1 . L. ... ... . . I. 1 a... . . . . so aisooniiuav, picmpiw uw.u iiumpd wbuh wavai us soiuy waa aaonraa, info an 4 AwwUu find ehioh providea an tnoosie iiftouh Uronyk h, or fora ttrif vf vrnri n . - t. V ; lirnliif.i ftiTimr ftfll Tnlalnlinna allft anr nihrr 4ntn.mlin .ill- 4. J....r.1l.i . . . 'irculara givmg ruu txaianationa ana anjroiner taioiBuuwa,will' b ehrfall y furu. The moat liberal an he moat iilwral arraageineota, wUI be aiaaa forward to the Old North Httte, to that position June 2-d3taa3m ATLANTA DEPARTMEN SOUTHEBII INSURANCE, OO. (OpiCE, ATLANTA GEORGIA.) ' -f :.' i.wi- " '. ' ' GE!V. 3 SO. B. OOBDO&, President, in PBOOHI MWilAiD ArM SB AAA AAA . A Vm..m.m.. WnMltf aa.f.!.- t-ii J.jt A 4i-t-i V ,': ' f i ; AtTTIIOmZKD CAPITAL t.rijw iiXLOO 4 PAID UP CAPITAL $250,00a ASSETS JAN.: 1,4870, OVER $650,000; ... . 4, 4 v ,-Ji . r 44,.1 li?A,5 J.J.Lt l J Dividend to PoUoyHolderaJuly 1 art 1 SO.perpt!. O V F I HON. B. U. hill, csen, A. H. COLQUITT, Vleo Prealdeiiu, 't A. AUSTELL, K, Wl JIOELAND, Flnti' CommlttO. ! -, , W. CMOBRIL Raeratarv... , ' -- , itaS Secretnurr. . - - J. A. ALSTON, tnpervtaer of Agencle. 'H, MILLEB, Oen. Asenr, Autati Oct. ...j 'i.' 1 , i. .i.,it.ni t ' 1 I . ' 0.11 -II . . - - 1 . -. state and to them if appeals for patrouage. It ha ample meaji u fiUlv nrntent R. B. HAYWOOD, M. D , Kay 20-1 m ., Medical Examiner. Gttfllna Li! INSURAjsTCE it I - jsmnvKa . "i,.! t .4.4 " '! ASSETS i4 r T," I:"."; r n! ty,"i;W cl' H I I 'V?, ,VIU i Hi, ti tf.lu ., I I i 1 all W. J.WfCKS, lit. ice rre't. A LIITJilTE CA8S W,T7 .vrrf aaaauv ui - v ,,;i,-i...f..-, o,.s,..? , ' t 4. a, OF' oa allfolicletlariaetiby on-payn wflemluin, which amenat wilb at the o 1 tbaolifypldifj jpejbaid hitff i Ch fit the eurrender of hi Foliry, or Ir- i to l,i,a ttaik per cent Interest to pay hi future premioina, 'thefeliy ' fcontinninir b a loi.rvin force for the .full wnoiint. v, ... . , "" "-:.''.;-..; . - With ufficient cpitl fur. antir aeenrity, ner1 Lite XfciWp4nyrirerni)eriort'advauU' to ib Carolina. ' - r , age I All it profitt ,re dlvidedjamongst il pauoapian.., j, . ,-4 e thw4 w I'v No Reatriction mTrtrslor Wdeoct ....... . . irT.iviniirDi anv mdh ,v.wi t hu.v.vuji.b4 ai ia tusuvnv jrjtavaa o-rf 1 .lit T t,'II rJ Vttl 4 ii ,u 4 . . ,-(,,,4 W. .! , , w, . .. 'I,,,. . ... j4..i i.,.y. f M , i ,rof lurtttr , , .1. .4r; v - . -, ii 0 j . l If ii ialat .'. Jl 4 '1 t ItT.tll'i 'iii Jj'.lf lit my ll-to) f- k 1 uJi ' HAT,' MAT, MAT, filll a. 1147 rtnb wAttrew ' -'V . ' 4'k,f.t ', 4i, 1 'j . ). aaaiB as. .au? aaa AT 1 4 . 4.-4.1 .... MU4K4. 114 ii..-'-ea i.lt .. . :, .. DouQLAS BELT ' . snrllt' BREAKFAST BAOOW - ! f a--li .'a.a44f-n9v1 "' " ' ' u ;i 1 P HtXS. ' 'tboSIIJ !iii-. : ,V i .--M( I .. , . ' :,:' ,:,i.iil,-, .,,( 1 il4'i?'V'. ,-l'.f i'rf. '. 4...;. . ,, N n ll-af . i . 'DOnOLASBEftk " 'c :;t:h vi.- '"A H.OU0. nit II V j Sicaa o .vr.p rionii 4T j j .. ... .... Al my 11-tf YORK. ,'iti tH a jw, .--a- .HI.J .t t if ) i j :;t,. :rjk4a Mth iaiv.a. avaran "M-f.j -'Ti, g VsTEBf . , 1 . ,H l .4'it. a. .i "Hi r- v ti-:-. - . 4 at iste Inntoat t peHey been effored bv aav otha OnBinanv thai id aon . t wn.t.a l w very nopalar CetnpaBV ' wblnh i Vad"thaemri tha Jfttauai,' ana mixM Uoupaauie fcav auuutwl. 1 with Brat ait Mlleitor, a path -the kx.wixrnn which bar low rates end most ample eauaxiiy fieni'l aauiugt" V,k.W.-. j. , . iv. , , t jr. lOd i- .a i.v y Jf LIFE ' tui'r.ui jfct t.,h r-itJriii'Jilf fJr r .J ' ii uti. ui j4JF , j tn tat-' BY ANJ OE QMPaNTw - (UK T, Ma hi. C E R 8 kt Hi t . - . ' " ' 1 fV .'JAMES L. COB LET, ' " V B. Cl..UAT , . t .r,.,.!'-.'"' Gen. Agents, Raleigh, N. C: - ivtt ii M Jttu64 n i a--tl rw tl - ""-f - t.r V - ' 'KaM.-t..f l vi :r i m ' V 1 ' tit. Wit Vi o.!,! aNS) 4 4 KftmiiA . v.1 ,.. mi : ,n4w. JL juaii. A, Aui tOasJ. J JS'HT W -tfV J4S.-UM)I4. .,,, k. 1 .. H A a. - - .u 826.1 1 0.o 'i ft v " ar a as., a4 aiaje ' u- EIMONIOJf, (Jtn'l t ! - " - v . .1 . .. . . Mn. VALTJx. 13 GUAUSTIl i. 4 ..-r policy holder, jn, dividend , i th eonti-U ' ' l '"-' - in th United. Btaiea, Canada or.: 141.414 . ..,.. . v . -I -;.).." - W.f :-r particulsqi pplj A tt J .'. "V 4.i4.;,ai.'-; III" SUM U'frJ.-,Xr ' j,.. h ' ' k t B ItBTl'lMUTUy. HaV 1 fcafly aipsetmr oan-r) f ' , 1 1 r oonaignmant, I oflar it 1. mo ... ..,a . pnoa. my 16-tf I. CGtf 1 T Jhlau PofAiOJaa." "( . " " -.."ii.t '-FOB " " ' - .ran a-. 1 i .,...w-.: ,- - n ' FlANTISa AND EATir " 1 1 ' J-aaaalleiia store and for , - - r . . ' ' i ' tnvlt-'f KILL! i. una Pir 4) f. f. r tin raft. . 1 j A i , my u-u. t T 7