, v -1 a. J ,4 - ' -r,:;ii'ti.4tiji,;n,!4 ' '' . . r . J INT 8 1 . ; ,1 t s h if, l ewaaw ' II t I B 1 i' F ..-'.- , :v Li 4 p:- i n . i, , r,Vf-..t.) ; i -"n .i T V J -r 1 S' 7 y-'-r , -w -w "VaN. a--- " " A' a" 14 -. . -- J i- v,.- - f m. lnsnanl laetiua Omb. Mwrhtti ' " ".l K.,.Udk M mIwa II II ill MIIIIIBil I in TV BTOBB A LAB01 WVOT w. ium to Star MAil 4A Mil DM. . Rnnw U1 U0 VtOW. fly Mom Bom BmoUbf IMIWVM Hold -niCKLSD, rw. o. btboS LjLBtU DVU vw"" I a u...iani1 HinitHil HitttJU Jil kugar Cured BrmkfMt rt(. kuu "o mwv r - , I A. D..U!tWW lu ;1 unoc it , " ' A. T?pU WANT P0K WBWKkil . D. TAILOB. . Mo. U. VvtUanU i HA MB AUDI Wlttl B0QX arrlind Bngt 0are4 Bun ,th aa, 1 mitltfttU. Ym ' anr oarod BrMkfut Bmob nooit! Io-4t. la n 'i ,; n (1k on eougixamaot, will la " - . . - I BUJLDlUa LOi FOB UUi. ,, jl- . Lac 'aa.-w aa. br JaM-ttv DO00LABBKLL. s " BALE AT I..0W. PWCK, ' nOOAO BEASt. ' & n i-- l.l ... in nn&nllClM tO tlilt P A ntmlBumf """iiTm Birr ti , DOttOIiAB HELU!' .-VAV-V - ruouoTuw D. Tlli t t ' J 1 at AKrnn Ac AL.FO 4 i I . 1 1 ir. n. I si 0. Sugar, !,.(,: .;, " ' cT!. on. . i b. oniilM Durhaa Bawa ToWws br tha Box. Gwniat Dwna Ti onu tow KmoBAIA a H Bbla.iBn a aortal. " 15 Kaoka C 10 Itiuiial Wi)it C to bb' ('nttoa fi-nil hoal. - . ;., "r. c t .--o.yjHa-d aiN ... , J- . A "Whip t lit, I . i, v ... OOt-u.-f B UIHDJW (U 8TP WOIXSAIl UTAH OEOCULS, atfllZTTI BTZZff BS?82 OZV. fldWOir?OISfiMf 0STHti ittS WILL U anud a hlsbar snaa lu lata er aur othct marlMajtaaa tkaW (isnal I aa an; ether (Ha. to-aiwiaa dairiay W awahaaa Otaa I woakl ra apaatfaUj rafar tbem to tha foUowiog nauad lanaWowB, who ara Oottoa raatora, via I A, it auaa BANDBR9 MOMIK, M. A. BLKOBOB. I a asaiMUoa at mj tO M1 B01IACH, Agant. JYHaUgAHiWCPBS 4 COM- aUSSIQH BKSUUAHTS. MARKET BQIJARE, m;rr ft, fitt BB,k Bd- - 8h, Bboal- LEX CO. fVMJ.W.'abolaa am aaa) atopi la aagaBeaaa ana auraa. ten low v 80 klta famii Lard-Laaf. Choloa. i SilM OlecA Wtan HT, tnat F - J "L - 1 ' ' C451nn Jtu A.G. LEB 00. rvLUNABSBl U&kiFPLft U MASS BBAHDX 0 aaalnmant. LHDT luat raoaiTeo. . -. A A. a 1X800. XT; i3- COA la barrala, oo4 19 srrrso- A O.MUAO .0 WHOLESALI RETAIL WQT.X'S fACToa. coraassioar, BHIPPIH0 AJTS FOlWAfiDIHU - - ml tf. K.a :n M.ra . ltiajCHAirx, - - a- - - av .v a ' . aa tl-tf .; OOTTO. wantad imaaaoiatarj 800 balaa, hlghaat Markat ' to Barrala Baltimore ana V. wmr. 4Cowuino OardaBM Molaaaaa, Syrup Aa., lor yfiio tv w try ADAMa- OR. HANDS WADTBP Hwork on a tiro four AH -mil, frttn Uia"dlt: iuoi Waioa Od.oa Oulabla qui LYH5 ADAMS. SUSP : f fc0aaMaai llJLba Jb1 MAiTat at k Sl-rnf OPOHUROS S0PBVt1 dl'OQEB la v- 1 r. WM V . " f - . , Cnilf. HaVfehp OniaeeaVa,tor aU lew. 1a4ifw . jrPGSURCH "DOflIr 1 S 1 X- LiJL, V. I H 1 1 A )aT7t - opuhcbu-h n. aiinn atv mail toft li iDODlVg. : A LL aSAOBS Of BUOAS FOB BAXiB C I vU)XkBilnioe KallaaiTi J ..U. vi H t". 1 nr rrot. .rr c?gHoofpopiv. A KOTHEB Sapply, tiVi TTTnrm a nnmi ' q a fine lot of Sne Lay tUlaina. r A , ll arriwd at v j!:ai-tf r pyoaPBCH a PoDiyA ri v t-h fH an eheabeftbaB !, , a.T. Bi'uoMAtiH. i ... Ati'LK BitAMilf. ... u na , r'--iit y ioldon draft.: "''I"' t ja .J . . , .M ,v.a ,.. T. gTBttfAOH. w JULiJiV. ..-; , y-rrela lor j amtt .vxNfl h '' :""t.tef'S:;l:.i .. ale. ; , aT.0TBOBAUB II'. -! ' .' M .'' it?" t'i : ft. . ' ' -it:.1 u.' T. BTEOKACaV '1. rf p: :! uM('frb . T. i ,-. i JL"0,warraaU !;r;' ? rT i, J , I, SIEviAWl J08IAH Jr ZDITOIL Jm', MUQ OF TBon.rlh f JTorih CardliBS axmt lo bo rapldlj drif eg towardaciril wav Oitusoaol AUmMot ooaot; bava ba atraatad without warraof, And O'lnflnacS without tlia charge aatoat tbaia beiDg m) kaown, and tba writ of habaa enrpua ia diaiegarded by ConWAfet der Kirk, ol tba Stat militia, who arreiUd tbm What aim kaa Goreroor Holdca in "v doea ha hope 4 .ga,ia.bj at rch!iih(r tha Bute, in-which ba hope to hold tbe Blghfat btflo I la it poailble that tbee nutrauca are nerclt the playful vara- bob " a 'tnwernid- edlHon of ""Kitk'i itT -:.. Vl r I j . , 7- : Additfoaal aewa hat beea ttoelfad that Hon. John Kerr, Boa. & P. Hill, Sheriff UrilQtb and other utomiaeal CoBaerraUTaa of Caawell ooantytmamatad at Yancey Tiije yeay fttr.a aiu tTM Qobr greattoaaloaDdklatea ia ibat diatriot ,er (peaking, when tbe (rt boaae araeiwr rounded bi aoldiera.wieia(ei Prm Ite- pkteh, I1MA.. - -.,'1 .;iVit', The wile of Uoji, Joatah Tornert editor of thie paper, wet twioe fired poa by aa aasaatio laat night. Mra, Turner waa aithe window of her dining room,'' and tha mot ile of the pleoe k a eloa that the poaa der bo mod bar laoa.Aaw BmUitttl, "ffi ' 1 -WJH . ,,.!. ,.;'m ,!,tfv ..) iTbaee areeome ofihe pregnant detailio tha eyiteaa ol eUMtiooeenag which haa beu edoptad in North Carolina by Jlaldee and hla faoiio' In reftiTiog' tbew - day atler day we feol wUb he New York iJaroia" that NottVCatoliua.W rapidly dxiff.ing, tpward aaarcby, ci?il warT-deatructlon. ,,h ( ,i ' i While banda of lawieat dpvadoea, Ud by auch cut-throat aa Kirk, ara foantiaa tbrMgbr-w -ouatrr baratotorr quiet ' and J- peaoetnf ff niw tyerr aeea$ or nmanea n the comment of (Very journal, ta4 Mwy need oaly titeetjaaat oi iiUdict.anili dat (o oanae them to trnt and impriam iooffenaive cltiEii;Ue ConaerTatiT party o thaSiat laeseriiog its ntmoat iuflnenea, to prevent outbreak, tc repn aa tetaliatory nwanra, la, pmlong Uia. ouaae otnp raaii inea whlchWiMe eJaringof tba North Carol miaat. .".', V ,:.-,!, St bem longcaBA blY ftateoi thl9ga wifboot ipf OTokVpg t rfctura ot bipw krt frcaueutl and rjromiecuoual a track t fheihKple4oTj6 tbtlew( buUanltliay al- waya put tap MWatna oapraauoai jn taw rvakera, and eee their flrnide invaded, u9 their rigbtijpfpKraoa n4 ptopertt lolated, have tliaitwoalw Bireatoiied wUb iolent death, And gira'no ngl eftort at elf -protection ' p f - S WIH J nA Joagg tKaf 9M whom the Taw iail to defend are under na obligmtioa t tbe taw, aid e agateg -will they not raerituMrtake jnpoa? themiefre gbardJajiabip pnf)fi9 Aacrad right Which are c'aamr aier all, tbaa petoe, or plenty. political rraacuite,or atautea reiauoa wttn iu (menu luiniuiucu, i ' ,. , , ... iItTotoat ba d fA4( w relterabj 4,t BmWi eoqnlry, -What . doe Governor Boldea aim aVMlnotaAftlvil-'war t That moat be bia aim, and it will urely - be at. tattled trbleM fctne pbwar fcfdiibd tditWtk tUotnrpatldDian'd act of "deapotfo vtb. lenee, And when it ooraea, of eouxte the poor.lnog wieram will be guilty ot rebelii lion by a hundred hard namea, and Kirk wt 1 ride through them witb roagtj dragoho abriog and hanging like bloody . CUrerv by ,OoTraor npon hi people, ejeept that whioh I tha gtvtateet ot aJieviia-wlonatatkj i(rfe W aee none except the .eourtei' de fend IJi outraged prieonere, aa'd even then the protection will ba.teobnioal - udlcAa only reach Individual aa tt. - nil jWttruat tbat help will eotwa, that the mjaty of ) w(il awe the oflederi, or that Ujoldea' maj AhtibA before the atorra which hit minioia havecalledfiBlo aiieVmoa. U not, w knuer aoi tawhat ooarae oar po pie thonld be trtvt"d.- Either, lln, oi aa tipu l fraught With terrible leota;quooa. Tp jtbiundtair permit 4 papetuartott ol tlie radical rule. which i reeponaibU for all tbaae erim'a, would aeetri .uicidaT. To provoke'' von niaiquiti' by naiitane i)wlwwiw,lis'' tewibl acema. j.'So then re calamitje which., cannot, be. eo dared., , Tbaoi are wrong whioh iuatify tba hedding ot tlod. Boldan ia treadlog noon tha cruet of an ear tb quake, and only blmaelf wlU be, '(ctponsiil if Jtha) cataa. trophe h.iilrf follow.' lit bint ;tewu bat b eViwupAba. buoud which thinly divide bia power from .bit gallowa,' '? v .Uiim.!,,.'. ta V ' 1 :ut f. Iiobais rir'"1rBt!'i Kik or PittjatiA-A Pk4ji writer bataatimated that it King ftrorwrtldp to the land be role m tbe minor pfihoetorThurtngm he would ob- a be receives, aew about two. and a hali million, l"of LAtik the- Creed Duk of Sax Wtiiu ar,r who land fiucjude gn are ot 1,409 tquare tnlle,, drawa ,beide revenue from the crown catate. retained for hit own ne, eivtt Hat el $200,000. Tl Dak 01 Bexe Cotwg Gotha, ' wboaeprni. cipallty lnr.loife 759 tqdare riille,', bu eivil list of 170,009, and beid. thla,oa half the i turpluer 4rem tka . crown laoda, whioh amotto te w f 50,000 ' yearly! 1 " The Grand Duke of Bate-Mcinidgee;' witb'95o aqaar mile of land, receives a fixed eivil litot,7S,2Q0, AJid.tM.'tliirtUiUltb hlfof be, urpu trptn tb crown domain ot about $tl.000., Tba Duke of Sax Alleabarg. with aland of 610 qaire in le, ha a civil IUt' Of fUO.OOOt The Tprimipllty Bchwareburg-Sooderbaasen, , S2tl ,qure tni lea, brioga tbe Prince a domaia reut. af 110,000. Tbe Duk oi Anhall draw a civil list of- gSS.OOO, ami a domain -rent (4 $130,000 A very (itnpl calculatioq jwi'l aulfice 10 ttjow tliat tbcaerevenueeere large la proportion to tbe lead governed, ttoivfe U must admit tbat these ioroin are small enough to ntalnfain 'a court to (:oo t tt;le. W qui stjon wbetlirr some ol.. tUu Would hoi be glad, to tnnka auch a le. of land and people as the ex Dake of Naatan 'did, Whw ajipcar t , njoy 1 " 't , upon the flllecn luillion fl )rlnt . which, lie recuired from Pmnia, alter ,1858, for 1,751 lounre miles of territory and not quite ball a mil' lion ol tulyocts. ,", , f (. DcRXTint or Lat KtmrFAB Wxii. In the C'rimtan nr ot 18, 3 -0 Tur',-y 19. eland wr '' t I' .'a V i-r6. 1 , J IlU!-md'- J Wr li' SI 'i i): r.: y ; .y..,n. be 1. I' ranee "i 1 "'n-' l r,.. ,lt r uin-t !' . . ; u, ii ; i"-'. I 1. Th- I t. tieof A'-.i i v, .i t'-"-:!lt B )!l: n, r I lis of Iukeiuii.il, I uvtiiiljer 5. lr i j joined the allies January 5, lsij. liic Kalakoo was take by the Frncb fVp'aui . her 8. :-a Swede joined tbe al ilea NoVrd bet ll.aad boaulitiea were auipinaed Fab- rttary 89, 1856, . Tb war betweea tb WaJ tern puwvr aaq r(uaia iwq year, lacking onemoBth. ' ' j 'The Italian war of 1S6 wa begba by flk w jjxwu M: tae AVaatriaa uiuamiaiu iy Aardioia, April SB. .Toe Aurio era 4 tb Ticino April ST. Tbe French . eaUre-t Genoa May A-Tb battle of Moutebellp was foaifbt Ifav SO; battle of afagents JV 10 at,aadthe battteot Bolfjriao. Jttaa St. Tk peace ut Villa Franca was igudjlaly li. HoetilitMs were aetlra but ten wek, Tbe Mcbleaalg Holateia war of 1864 be fakvby the inviaion ot 8chUwig! tiy th raatiao February L Th PiCsaiao toel Duppel April IB, and Alaen July S, . Traa'f ol peace betea Deoourk nd , GrraMU. algaad at Vknea Oct-UnJ0 Actual hoativ Mweeovewa a apaoeer iwwaiy 'we weexi. ; Tbe G rmaS'luUaawar t 1809 mu bW go by ,Pfus,a,,July ,,J.i liaty ikelvd war agatoat AuaUia, Jaa SO,-. The ,ibttJe, of Custos waa fought Jun M, aud tb bat tl ol Sadowa July A Tbe treaty ' of (teaca between Prwaale and Austii Wjtai argaad n Pragu,iAaguat 13, node betweea.. AMratria i and l.aly a. Vieuaa, October ; A ,Actni boatilitiaa between the belligereoU lasted wti'Aw,ki. J ' rS-" " r- ii'ii y-fti PJETSXSBVXO ABVIIlTISJCOTi IM 1 1 llt: Mw vaia amaiByaBTW wv. : j ,. s, ' ! i-'Vf f i. i..ll 4t1 t- " t(lf ' j , . i veil ' ( dl.Hf wnlnejl A '".IfOBTH.yMls. iyt ta..- l'd ci il.Utf)4t ( I h ir.'g t e w ,,'Wwe2j WI CALL TOTJB ATTEXTtOM TOOVBBTOCV ' or txiBuax abd doatsstk I;" I ii'tH;' limn'. !. ,i ti ri.aieJii.. IRY,G0uDS i. nft-ii ial fWf JW, .hlh!,.biJw waa4eauaadtg, s4oalt ia jart.; full Una of all va.koef .ranaa efjia . n,f 'v lj,iii 'Q tj"jrui if J tiKaM ili .i a iut tf-it . t JPA4ByUAWAj WA IvAO I BLEACHED, JBANB,, (( . ozEroBBB,, , , ,,fJ,w jr flOTTOBAOBay ;tri s V-aWlt ii, i j i 'a 11 ' i5 .. . j j .nrfii'-'-1 b " .vijis.jS7V ''' 6Bfotitrttitir'ta:,tT " "rliivmrcoltiL ...f, ,.XAAWT,C'44ttfAUS,a,,, r.i'l Of "liis'rTA .lew rii ' i tfyi nd iiao'j (y v i M oi i I otji.i i. -i 1 ALwOj tt4 . -n ii ii' .ij'iT'e' in- A rrrr.T." T.tWB n ' ii. J ml . o' J 'ill ft Ki j i . iff t ifi it (' n f' i . . i. I ! i-h i!Mj (' (! i.tff ..wwilHirnM-J AaVIi OF OU tKIOWS ABU BOUQHT OH laV IVKTKKd AND COM MINION HOU!iifL , - ' :.8THtTWB AhB JiiNABtKD TlT, : Jh . OVPRRAOOIlM an IJW AA . i " M .( . 3.ABI JOUHKR1M BAaVtS 1'itiil . ' (FT Unn n u . . ... 1 m Mr i n'lf ir"' ''T i tliicA .b,n . : . . I t- .. . I ' We tiWfaJly'olUli 'ordare, gaarahtreug ' T-BTT-,.- T'-'."-rT ,m MbwsVf 11 6. 1 tii i1i: 'I A tiui.,i'i)t!t(4i bim 1 t iH'il'iui.'it; f m i j. ) ... ( t ft V. aapeiaUy eel year attention 4 i IV iA rf that aaaufaotnruig4vary,t)ia tad loth prfewtne the am good aa be Magat ht th Coiled atatae.' .w mfiji r e , TEEMS LIBEBALL. i-rvsss: : ! i DiyiS, E3AS3 AJCOJ , . 7 i T' Joaata o Dat Ooom, julj dlmr, r , j .s etenbarg, yS f jWBLO L E S A 1VE ' . TBTAXrlif. " " 'iat.tVv)t yj-iifv vixi v.c.,,.i ;1 SPRINQ71870.-:: ,wis an Im jtf vruiu ol 1 1 jJOllDAS A CAUU . I . PBTXRSBrjBG.TA' " ' ' 0nar to the merchant of Ylrglnle, Worth Care a and 1 fin.- -e ooe of the Ursaat aud moat enmplt -.. ,.f . , ,,! ,,,, r, ,' DhMjUrt.., ' ,,,0.s Iik KTIifc l, A Vindow-Olaoa, Olaaawara, YarniMiet, Brnh. farfnmurT, (ancy aruoiea, eve., A J- to be l .inul miih of haw Xork. Call end ex tmiua tuvlr ii''; :,itOTioE.--":-,-T ytLl. r CrONa ISDEDTED TO THE FIBB oi i. T. jSTBOtr!! vpt r " ' I eontraot) wstl plaae enxl and ai"- e t... r , -'.itia, A at, lament of .t I ba I 1 aa.'h debuw "d I, v . l la a t auf aoont tu ua k.o. jn?i4f . r::Ari f : jn'.y 9 la . .. t, r si 0-- V.aglXQA'AC3C0. there see six Ootiea raaterleala thla pteea t e"'" ooraa.y van 7. wu, ... , t r WUbt 6f th BoihrB eopK'W'l: HU s WV?Y M'StU t.V i .S 4 , ,r . v.i te'a.im H 'BAUuoaA dl-rWKlt ub omfiW 'i I'limm am al iwula j hii. . . i i pf4 bl1 '?''J ilt . t S lalesoit m!) ' ef ....,.; to . -.- p. IteJetA-Hfr'."...-.-.'.' ...rr.prl.iar. TB eaawidaration ot ah aaerat daeUae .la aoat A. uooie appvUHiiuR to Hotel Keep, big, (he prtoe- o Borl will' he ileduaed on soil atAaraM'janr la. aaJt)t,a! 4 SKi i ,a itA wa w6i!0UrYcAV 41 a unnm aiHenninad that nothing will be left an 4eneU tbe futareto mate Me "Miir"-whl fit Wi". ,i b mwk Wot ,ay.l Mi ti mil lT J,oT w5 44 T.niltq itU Jjj,A OppoatteMtJLIt.B.'Iauit j ..J :' -t''lfc jtA--J '' ' &kli ll.... baa bee thoroughly, renovated, paintwl jwd as-furtui.hsd' throUKhout J euuuiu Orer' u0 Wall vaouiaiea rooraa. haated.eg aaaaaf 'tavdlaaa4 www dialog room la port,) Ledie'e parluv Md draaaing rooms, witar evarr eoaveaiano lot tlie,Tveliosbup.B,t,.!,, evv1 , ad Tl ina nouu u ruur class in avurv raapeow and I a ad BMuoialuad u aa UiuMt i--AJ .i'.ii l. 11a nill-J .Hir MJfMkH WINKl gilnailin i T Sight. I lita I, I tl - I. I .. rmt auEWTVEraUbvait fill JJeselfri.t'ocfectloBerr.; MVXrKTWrWt rSatMOtrufiyidynee'lbe pdb llp geaarallfte ure-ia. A .eaUavd, aa a, haa baan doua for their pleasure and oout-, fjrt. ' , X V4a.. A . itutii-' I tfabaeopenod aFIRSTfLtBH. B0CSE, and vary tlnug la in purfeot ord.r. and any thlug im waa tirehl(Weeiearj Una oaa.te fbanl HtX. tnd"oouiflalfia Lii tha Ikdiaa'aM milt eordiaflv lnvitad to sail. l.- 'A ' L Jtamamber , thut tanUle are MtppUed wiih littn delieteu artieie to atder."" " "w' ' ' u.uulaH ill .1 . . .j.juuir ,ivnnwiif B0 A to all no sail. , ,''.." ', I Th Blue frost ia theBlao Wehy'oor1 Cell- ifiViT, r9" !PW rMW U J., W - I i - , . n t'il .I..,!..' . , bo m j ' " S"4 ,"piHT2iAH ACCOMMODATlONS'ICONi ,A lahad-to gentleman having baainee 'along auw-xia)oavwavgeaaa ra nwaaiBfroa taver. Th Houaa la withm Bra mieutee ,wa fit the Umber, Wharvaa. Care' paai tht door every iZftV!? the titty, Tarme i bi. "r-ioBErffB! BPPIItT. )a St 1m .r-twn finim ui.eprieter ,1 tm, J,. iCA'.i-rH ,, -'..Bimsiaa JalT, t- 1H7I ill full taltf.IAiOiil.u4 L.. 1W. 1.....J . tr J.I full tad del eonaiderad by thi board of taaBvialona, and a iCommiitae ot three, fooe iiuiu iwu vara, naa peeu appointee to reoeire AU eoniptamtaiwltUa Irteea-eaya rroeirea above ata, from amaeua who deem Jamselves ag. gnevad by over aueeaiaeut. T "!r' "'" onid.rtioD by the mia, Oomnittee ph will tsport te tbi board W coinauaalouen on' th WHWrwl it. vdr.!lini-Titw.- 4 b8 '5!ffn hilVtta 'd Ww JwrilIWP3iiBli m i.m i iini .uri.iM an IDHI 7ITTCal IUHL.. .... , I heK FBTTRB, ' IW.VWiW i- ritAU.A, gjtriics, I " . T7 , i . t OHiBLXB fBTrElt, 'Abus' 1 " " Th Hfntwi BaaslMl a rrts Bastltatloat will riwTlAimtTiLV ! t;; f rt.' il. holders et"i 1 i.iiu, u,y, wilt t heiu t t e IB wfithe 'txiuioanv an ll !'. i, vn tuud Tbnraday lmli.se l"-e lat dv e'j.. lxiJ. ,,,. hatrAOi. ,r I1.; , i.)iiMka Kill tia .:., .H.l hi.111 tt. to Hat, July, buih incluul-a, ' ' ' ' 1 l. r M Vf. m. VABB, "' in au.ui Traaaurar and tlaeratary. r rf Owvidn. ft re ia a A flABT.tw lUrt.'ttnA llo, U!6nrn)N6'o?i'iiK .EST hjpoh ti?s fx 6apl' ai OLok nf line CbmpniiS ,'baa tliia dy ea declared by tba boa.'d ol birautora,- V"T a bla at it. tUee at U Uatagasai M aadJ alter !fRAl$ ; u TrMerer.' TP "M I I tl Zi'Ji US Oaaswaa Hm-i'lip VtmnAj, - !nAr . KALiioa, J.au t d 170 : .'ASNTJAL MtJCima OF.TH18 moM. X .'-:'T "ill ba held at trie otttr.a t.1 the Corn. P,,t, . , it .ie.gh, oo the 18ib dr of July lbu. ooni ,un,g at llt'M A. Hi '" ' J: W.Tr.T'it9.'8t: tlaVtiuly Traaaurar sud ttoueuiry. . i 1 NO LADY OP PEVERALY ' "SEI- r '"A aail a graduate of ie.il known ,iti.Mitjif InmltBtioo, deeuea a eituftuou aa Ufhrir a priTta family ur aohnol ' t-ne te .i.iid to imiroet in the hihaat Enff. II, li I.., ,ua, aamo, fieuoli anil 1m.' lit. tiuud r.'' , a Kivtju,- Adilreea, I't'X 14, Wiwiotow tt. t -1 " -l V'1- ' ' ' ' : j i,y ll-lw ;,- . ,, - ' 7' iM-IUtl KKKPCOOtll ,,1:;!, Miiifi.ria'ilel.y eat'lngon Tn ' r A Oo,, a j i.im Leal, i ,-u er . a. , . i (.iiioe In tba Piste to boy all kinds, toil r ancy a u'i, i. W. li. A it. tt. ir: , A CO,' 'fll I "T. I ly -k - 'If. Hi. 4 oteotoeloth sdaBJ T'walei at HMdaraoa Oraevili O&y l, (X tn- IV '. , . . July 4-if KiscruArzocs ft'ftifTH W ( 1i.-ll I I J f r't'. .1131 4JCC3. 1.'BISCKIXTS, WB HHALL HROEIVK IN THE KEXT P fW WII addi liHia 1.. iw ...U J,,l .1,.1. 'and our enatnraen can have lhir orilsm Ulnid AND I HE A PKbT AiMtnu ru mr ,tr and wef Vroatrim in tmUral AT. I. 'T wi w iiw CROPW: O.' FLOUR, ' 1 H wt dafiaro aaAso. ' b(.a, viv "j' ' 4f , w J ' LEACH BROS. WK8TEUM FLOUhV V ' .' ', , -."Jl''1n tjtul Ixtr and So 9. to arrtvp, JuSttf ft At Lh.ACHBlM.il. iii.n 11, I n I i i I I i ! J AT 600 tti Alatrl lie, " t LEACH BROS. ttf. tew ,ft . t . I Of 0 Lb. Baavy Bidaa aad Bhealdera. ieu i iiIJW. B a Hoc Hound t- - faaA.tr - r .... . QDOAJ. vU ry '.-.til ),ri . fui J ii-'-' " MM9jf ytdj mid 4,1.4 tBJIOnBBOA: ' A IXiLABbKll Alio BTBDPA ' " ; V'M 'Itti1 ''J l'""lfi jrH itM Ginooa Flo ByrBpaaoa M. la iaVaf .a- n " Lai ilaaaea. LAUU hliOS." i-i. ..i-i , F?1PF -Obokd O. Q. Java, Laguvr. Prime sad & aU.lt a,-,., i,,. LAaOa JbMOS. - t lower Mill ip) ou i fP.f -J aw';' Wt5uiil jHif5Jl JTth Met Cagltah rlreakfaat.11 wfci ff I ' 1 'rf' 1 - in .1 .... g K0KINQ TOBAOOQ. i ' a J, eaupply the Trade with th beat, Dor. aatTobaooual MaaaiaotDrara n.l.i. . ' J" :M .fv.'.ii v ah.iatAtlB BBOBta D1 t A PS'-. J 18 Bopaeijth bt U anil 7 Soap. '.If 141 i; Acmjuoa.j, CAwlT,' Btaalnat' Plokela. Oyatere.'' Brandy Pfaetiea. Ao anld b ina i'tuti.. ,al ti. hwea wadlaaala'prioea. 1 7 ' uw msi inw t ( ,iji"!. i.ij.vuu SBU9,' ' (ii.H ,!'iri"'M'i v it- v'-'rt J -! V Mi; 'I '. ?MiiI. fl -1 "T r-t, i IBB EX TENSIVE Ub Of rilEKE WATCHES rlit tipn'.t -ij"i!.b' i..i - i i ) '1..1 j i tor the t(.fiftee; yeerby KaUwajfJonduo. ra,EDglir,:aail.Ixpiana,.th moat fir ng of watoh'Wearere, has thorooghly 4emen trated th trengfu.Meediaeae, durability and eocureV of the Waltbam ' yratoh. To satisfy tbatelaaautalltbaearepeota,U todaoida the 4ueetton a lo the eal value of thaee time keepeny t- it". ti tv-. . ppUuai4S)w of these wstohe rb sow paklo for iMwoMalTa ia the poeket of the tpl- proof and a gaaraotaa of then? upvrfc. I nshprioreTgallaeflon''aB orityorftcauothara, , r Company Work at Wahaam, enable them t pradaee wetebae at a prio' whkih randan fompettUo faUle, Sal thoaa who bay any other watoh, merely pay from SJJto H pet'eenU more Jor their watebea than la neoeeeery, -'.- ,r I We arenoWeaUing Waltham Watehee t'ieaa prioee hi greahbaoka, than tba gold prioa before the war. There is we ether manafaotor of any tied ta the United State pi whioh this eaa b j xoeae , tlma-pieoea eombine every improve. ent that long eXperieuoe ka 'proved of real praettoal e. ' Having bad tb refhaal of nearly very ?vatioi la watoh making erlgtoaUeg la thi goantry, or in Enrope, enly thoaa er anally Sopteu whioh aeveie tailing by the moat akilU 1 artlaank In our work, and long as ea th part af lit public' demonstrated to b eaeenUsl to tor reel and enduring ttate-kaepuig. ' a Aateaar fa ntauy tmurovemeat wa weald par- Boaktruteii, rffy i,,iMoj.,.., ft.; j The Invent ion sad ass of a eeotre-pinioh of faoullae eonatruoUno, to prertut damage to tha train' by the breakage of mKt tpringa, ia original With the Aaurioea Wee,Vmpaiiy, who, having tharafusal ut a)Ltar eaotrtvapen, adop. W Fogg's Pateat awja as being the b jet and """'v t4fgM v '1' '' . ' ' r.; ii i Hardened ad( tempered hair aprlnga, aow niveraally kiiuitlad by watobmakera to be the beat, ere need 14 all (redes of WaUbem rTatohee. ; All Waltbam. Watoha Aara doat-prouf eapa, procnollng ha muvemeoli from duet and leeeea uig tb neoeaaity of the ireqaent cleaning p. farv lu other' watobee. , t)Ur oaW patent aiAW-winder. bViteyleaawaioh', b slrtaVl1 a decided suoeees end a great Improve meabon: aby steaviaindlug watoh la the Amerl a market, aod by Ur tha eheapeat watoh of it Quality ,now offered a the publie. To thoaa ring. In potttooa of the United Btatae where atouihakere do not abound, watobaa with the ibeWaAmttoa' d Improvemente whioh tend to hisare araaraay. BleAnlineea, doritUlty aod eon ienie'aoe, muat prove Invaluable. ,;- ; . . j. j Avery watch gnarautaed by the Company, , . I To pr Veut Imp.,. .ition, buyer ehould eo that Wry wn.ll lwi.;a beer either otth following area Out, a.. a ,' H4. .-4..i I . '. . . . Atisreaa tkb'Coi, - ;jWiil!hm, tfaaa, ima Watoh Co. tt ' ' Waltbam, t!as. imahoan Watch Co., . " -I Oraaoent Ht.',""- - "V: ' '.n, Kaa. SPlfletun, 'J , M io. "''' ' ' Aiaaa. ,.l!bn . 1 .-. P. tt'i .null, J 4 1 ii,. iU jj .e. "m... J 'erf. ' 'r..... m,m, ' " Bonia Wai.. u Co., - i:'i.Liii, i H-a t Iriirenla at reiad tv all reepeotnuie d":'e, ' A d'.iwirij.iiTe O'roi. . r y "ing nmnn um..i.i1 io- ftiriuatiou aeut to any a., m.. oq ai.i'iie.Uun, fipwau'riiMi retailed vg lim t i.inpsiiy. Addteva, dlwl li'- ; -IU :..:i 1 L'c tOti a V. ) Ee-V Il'I' Vt". -a:: tt, 1 t' 3 Jane 13-i AT '"" ' ! VI" OUR t-r-ii a ii li, AAfll-i.v I i j. b ' 1 i Tn I i .,,,,,, W fatvtU epaelal attenti nto , i v-y tf aelaet Hook of HA l ji, f.,r ., , ' " auU Chlldrfu OT evi BQLB LEiTHEB TKCNK3, Mil . A'.'3 ' tBAVU.NO BAGS ISC:i-.i ifi ' "'r. I. ' 1 c i. . . .. . i , , . J To oar old ensto.nrr.it .,t. n ... peak of the rBnori!y ol l j . -. , . , . aud Htyleofonr K'-'Oi. 'I o in . 4 V ' I t Kivauaa trial,;,...! in; ealiMiwt i ii.r'i tioB fcwaaUiug raiup.e aod auhu .-.m.-merited.' ,.'; i it, n. A::::i: v: & t o. apx0-tf Im-ii Ou Attorney c::l Cr-cl' r. t . . BALEIUII, N C. , ...v- Psicmcia i tb 8t.tk . and .!. a.LC'onaT.. 1 Ik' - .1 .' fX. J , ,rOBHtAttuUoa given-tu aa l rof,ioiial - ' . (.! ' Bualuea. 1 1 nv Ovnm m It.BtiM Nt.... ,.,.,. OrnoBr . - ' July la-aati'l'.iii' . x .1 v. T TavopiBiAi.R. ' Jj . -" ' " ''''':'' 1 '' ' t hsv tS lot for ealaj eontiininir ' I f iure more e iaea eaah, am t liwutioii, 1 -,,.,r ea tha preuiiita, about iini; niiuui. s . 1 the Capital. Hoil ft mm! li id 1'iiiv.ii 1. , for lurtiier pmui;, , , I r Julylt-tf" u. 1 . i"i,, 1. -".a A I'rlvMo 1 1 Mm MAKGUM S ' , ' tt'ho.4 fur youoir lauun, m or b.r BiiKuyr, kra. Vtiiual'. 4 eouuly M. U. on the Hid of A'" Creulare apply t ar ... u . .) ::. UltS If. P. J 0-W, t . . i , 0. .EAxncaFrriALr1 riutK iriitST BhSKio 'J ; i I CT. A ti. ina will open ou 1 i.e it. .1 ur An . 11. till bve tMiuiliHr. In il.i. l.i, ,,,... one in Ituete,' and oua iu lue Ciucuaui..! btanobaa. , .. -,..n , v;-. .rtOHAEQES DUK IS .ALVV. For Tuition In priiimrv conrB i r . nf, month 2 .00 : Ihiiii.o hi t .1 per BeeaioD of moniii 13 mt ; 'i uu 11 r, 1 , live ennrae per aaeaion !i nU;Tuin.i In . meiil.u Mueio (I'lano) a,i i u ; I - 1.1 1 , j, , ; Irai.iir nd paimim.' ix-.t; .. i.i 1 i Work 15 IM; 1 .... I m , 1 , , . Liii.i.ia) per mouth lu 00. Vt, Ullllilj. Ut i ...1 4(a'warge i. , 1 W. aUlAiiti, 1'hKHiii- ... , Jul? 18-dawlA2t ,- Klt:iKu, t,. 0." jnXEcrjTOR:a SALE., ,-i Alt Ub tb SIB or July 1:170, T will ecu f..r tii l.i'liit bidder, '1 wo I.ii,i) end V LUittAuli'.a, (a Literary ami a l a w I beioniflliK to tbe eHtate vf fid 1 e J borne, ito-u Librarie will l.e e I m i o . in . ? I '.J ' i tut tiouae. InCuaiioite. H. C. ' n . .. u90-tda - ' ' . T) ALEIGUll!V.ALB I.Ny i'irUi '". . ' Tiu.Dt. sad Zra. lacy riinc J. j. I Tha sxerelaaeef tM SohooJ, till be re. sued an the sth Aunat 1 i. . Board ami Juiviinu tuiton f.ir t.inu of t 'y ' weeke IUO.00 1 Japiie reeetrrd at ev j big tha areHH.n aud cimn'.-d f, . , . -trauoa, but tii"e who Uuue bi...r l . . , : ' the eaeioa will be eliaraed for lue wu- e t . m ; unleae protraoUd aiunuue ie i:.o c- .in of Un moval. i '--: " ' ' , Clreulara eent en applii-f" .p. UuiTertity of i: l rnHBMKxc himmoii will i A. . 17tb. nrox. .. -Entire expenee for tbe year, in room, onaru, iuki, lluliu, w..i eeaiiir ti U. i..xtiliiMive nl tu. Ilea, theee are uiiure.1 t.e t i i good moral eiuraotar and at u . .. . At tha aunual oiiiiimruH... ..t, , , prlsaa,aaoh ol 120 ui (iiiid, . preaented to the beat eiiioli m u. i j and tfophomora Ciaeaea. July 4-diii.BWIiw -1 S.I in'. Kotuit Amocna I ,: MOUNT PLEASANT, CA1 .. c. 1 Board oereeeaiouorri in., Tuition in Pcimary l ni.'tin, m J " " U.i. luate " j Ifaala, Paii in. k ai.J i I, 'lbeueit to , t linn i i - Benoeon llret iuiuuy in . . JforUliolinli.ri.,r t - .' " 1Aftii.i, J. ; July 4 in a , '. ... i. l.i. .ii ABABiGos . , , ;, -, ., w.r.r.Bvrr-!. , jfiiiGGSnrnTir, l;'v,. - ' . '.ftfc"i-'voi7?:2rr.s.c-'.3, .-' .j, . ,.- '. :' I AM) . , "' A T T 0 R N B Y 8 ' A T L A V ', ,' BANK STREET, (up i,nn.) '.-'. 2:.''8noo'rnoii Kaih Erm.i r, ' ' bay SS-lni '"'' .'"KOMroLK, Vi ' :;.k. i 'Warrentoii Tea&le I.... rpH?! I9tBES3ION will cc: JL Ihnrsoay Auir. t h. , . . Theteouity have t. I a 1". ' experieBea, and are bom t'., , . kvery braneh tnoroo liiv i... . fttoiliiy for teaohiug. .o . a,.,,, . Sdrauiegee. in i . j Fur Uioulere eontaln'T or tut. July llm . I.I'AVP if n'.: A I e v. t , ol h It e. ii.u.. t, i Oli.u ,r It, "iw.- n A anit t ui'ut a n, h. Vii.pi-. I Twit 'tuilHUHO, LjU,:,.:i JuiyS-4.' jtEW SASH, DOOlt AVii ' --;''-''flFACV.. r.ALric ", ZZ11Z, v . ' ';' X i : Orl,-r from c, 1 y b ly ' ' 1. 1. s r CP-

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