( r no. mot 2 .'. .' 1:. l. . ' r ;; sot ras bolt, i t: u other day, tbt the n ! t ' t tli PereoB-Dick-8ettle la v. 1 in ('.: C'-j oodtr tb pre- t ... , . ...:; out crime, WM ao to .il . t who. li'1.4 thie one or ftbf ttiar, but to uiuks out tb charge which Southern J! " , r rwtfaoo, Battle u I i ' end published iking ia North nizatloa of Kb Klax, ad to th'i e -a; :--v eharg exlrle all tic crime committed ia I, uitb Caroline for the pit two fears, and that taid K JCIUf ort'iu.z itlua it UtuUCed with the Dmao- cra c Conservative rarty La Kcrtk Carolina, The iuqui.itora FeereoB, Dick, Battle, Bojden and Bkk Ei5rr, la tba iaveetige tioa of the C swell ctata found ir aa apbiU bu.ine t fii: i c r ,r,KaKnxiam bpob Wller, -i luf Bowe, WilliamxOB, Griif i. J-tL u. Indeed there wte BO tsmt t. cri..ieor Ka Kluxism bpob their garment, tod truth tad JiMtioa4Budod ' that Wiley, Roan t end Mitchell fhoald hare been discharged at tba feat van with oat taint. No ipeclal pleading oaa Jnetiiy tba inquieitort in holding them longer to bail 2 yet la pity to poor Holdea .Hebe-bad . ataked bit all open the eoavlctloo of aoma one at the murderer of 'Stepbert, without regard JiMtloa, tew or right, tfiete twee , gentlemen are held to appear at tba twit Superior Court of Oaawell. Of oourte bo Grand Jury oa earth, poeeeetiog tpeck of iutegrlty will nod i true bill tgtfiia tbein,1 ana inea me matter ib eapecvra to. mi, ttf i, ad Jhe ontragej faraaeato and w petite, dt-tentioa and reatralat of their lib erty, thev have teffered, II there ll ao trit Mai ofptiMtblalidflrtlJ eixe, we nope wey win aot lei it rati, tn that tbraa penecutort and Inqultltofi from beginning to L, tharl be made. pf JpMwaf or tbelr t . t.H 4ruelttp powtheet ' tarn, to the fu. . at extent. :-' "'.:' X. e th that tba Iaqnleltloa, having dinxr of the Cuwell caaea, lod aaeier . w ; i J "1 in twtlgttlofljJUar on i I . - i,V.',A'uuo..lti- mtm i bio 1 i i lka Boyd, and tber 0 i r '7 t kw bl the Iuani- tilion ton.iiii.4 at Li,:ht, that body bbloV ing ita ettaiona oay aa v if .i ' ;rr. jr. tsouWTiox , -j .-c-- p-r Alar . titougbt to tUU cltj a a wit' i --int tba Ku Klusyv After two or tiirea prelim inarji axtmlaattaHi bfot tue "inn, oodanctea epuay dj Bojcu uJ Eador tba B B't, ha Wt tba t .kc i by a baneb warraat Itaaedby JuI0a I a.-ioba it the wiin'ea' against 1 ai .Iohri lit V UItoifttMt and hit iwearing iront are hotter thai Jim BoyJ'a v e. log ' '"..'.;' camp for aoma time aal hit t. Led character' M Waatt which tuukei him worthy at tba truly Loyal Leiigae; Ua it char 1 nif WddgH tchoot hovaa ,ht TiWU b bet bad Gray and ol'.ert arreeti-.l. ' Hi la charged with ataa" - ? : v ,),!f ; o4 other : needful artist of Louie keeping, with which Lit " :rJULu . BARSQ3, 11 ;. es,M, if"- eTATave. t3 V rrOBi t. fc -, -r? 'i a .Catvutttr; in nattr. 1. B. Frmphlll Wt twoia and examined. LWeela Parana eoaoty about a mile front theC'MweU lioa. Waa ia YaoceyTllle oa tba day Btepheaa wet man) end ; got tbare lout t o'clock came Iron P, Wallaea'a. Went to. hai Cport B'uta and WMit into tba errand iurr room. , Want Into the Battioc-ta tba morilnertwr dldal know when it adimrMMt Bmnctrt tbia oinaer with bin and ale it in iront of tba Court Home. JKaatBtabeotb tba grand Jury room tilting oa a beoeh,epoke to him ; wae oa good terma with ) Did ot ttay long in tba grand jury room went there to pay Deputy enerin ofaaa ym lerying oa a bona. " la tba attemvoa went an tba atepo goiug to the mrottpg mat Wiley Md Steobena eomlna down titepbent ; waa a ttep hot w bebiad Wiley. .. Thera waaal tolerable good arowd at tba meeting:; atdai tuy Inager- tbta from t, to 10 aiiaatea. taw Mr.. Earr ataadlog j - am too deal to tell If ha waa apeakiog.. Wanted to aae Btephene oa prirata boeiowa aadiweatto mok lor aim ; lopxea in rron.ai toe uoun Ilouie and did not tea blm : want to all the doort but tba two lower onet and found them lattened. 1 Baw Mr. Wiley at ending m tbepaaaaKa Bear tba grano; Jax.tagm by kimtell s didat tpeak lo him : went to ti.e touth door and Mitchell and Joha Lea wtre ataadlng outride talking.- Mitchell waa laughing; atked tbea J? tbeyjwere talking aeoreta. Mitchell flret taid aa.naad tbea aaid "yea," told tbem to talk on,' wea deaf and 'ouuld jaatk bear tbrai fWeni (6 Vra. teDbeaat,U took lorlbo'dioeMed.' Xra ttapbena aaked it ha (tba wtUeei) bad not let blm, aa be bad got bit dinner and gone back... Ketnrntog wo, vourf eooaata mom a"0ui jwv ww f wfi v' horW and 'to ararch for Btepheaa went back to Xra. Stephana' about anhonr or an hour aad a half by tun, ' Mre. Btephent atked u aa oaa teen nr. , Biepoent ; toia t" e a- ifuroi Ol'lii" I . In. i qat 1-rglelt taI I" llaral J or ' tike kiexkw. Wba tit body waa tun weot iulo Iba room U. t w r..t "ow oat by El. Hsa tbe railing and tbea going South, un" I 'ctory. .There la ao trace of J ever aiaa back to the Owrt 1'"Uf aad rt n, ... , . f to - adeace tenamar cow ai; ; tniaT f 'at ara been t ft ). I' k a tett te t. l brousht aad cnt ed i , a t mublet : lien J eii'mrfaa boor of auotat hit brutl re to lliiei It -ICe. outtrk at tl'1 .faMre braking foe bim,'jtnd Wfte Mitt Ji Nevr eew iMtcheU particuu f.auard waaamaiwn1flieyoortllouae. 1. U i. ndingte f ' ai, t killed ou 4de i ,nd I a be y d cut in bat wm-t By t f Bear Robi Joba Trolli. Bh"". T e Clutn r Uei t in Uetroret oMtaber e. membtH 'urnUbe ber wei tee) ho- pr Jig. a- baudred aaambtra, laxly eagairad la practicing with a laaee, vrtL Aa to tba per4n3ka teatimoay rfaeae unmiu examined., rraa ia tae i matte oat "probable eaute." aaa wouia oe tiegon Batardty aaw Logan Tettw, toffcieot to reqn;re cominiUJieBt, prorided who wat HeeratarveLiha BMlinfi took - 1 -' - -- --"-- aa-tlaOda a bans Boand Bad I e 'Ojt ttba Oery wna ealt (bab&i Tpllw, aad waiceiiatl tbat ha UWida. WuHarlr t-W auVymowmln wit taJd iu to eWr 4Aw, aad DertontJ bb Uwtta ilita aatf are now aittaaaa W wn vi turn ww oeta not at ibiwb m aulu (T-tten) di4,noUfT pntiL the inwtlog Ininjch jeliflataU la.h an tin teat adjouroad. - The meeting bad broken upTof relucttot white witaeteee aod.pf p ana a gowx navy ma(iwii waeujt waa nut Bd w the attention ot toe Cbtirmaa taat deleeatea to the Conrem1 S at Greeatboro. bad not beea aniiolnted, abea tboee tbat remained were tu ; "I f I the lint of del egatee at Ditda tJ i t eauaad the Secretary to be dU "ed tfeof everybod elaa bad tne. om -Mitchell w u, L. Charai t r wM-afwtvt "oj ;,, tuow ' Ve aMek.be bad tb cLatar.of a ' a;'. With no viaible meant of in"'-'rt; it' be (Womack) fatd tfy rbarB, ior truiU be' (ihtwitnf) tievir ' "w it : aerer knew f wJTomack'e tvaobi. . i.- f ii C. I'innlx axauii l. ' It know a Mitchell 10 or 15 yura, bis ' .;& firalwajaJ rood ameer ttte Meoie of Caawettt'-Ynew wamaefev Ala eharactar Ban mccB Biaia and ama. bad a loeflib. HritinC low bad beard blaj Khargad1 Mb lying and eteallogs Knew Btepnenevfae- waa aaitber very bat op tery iwak,jwelgbed InUmJti probably about 140 peoode aad waaabeat 1 feet. 9 inonea hlehwai 4olerabhr alek n. 0. n esarn'oeu. her ao i the tapetrtd to be Terr aoeaer, looking la different dlreotlona, aaked hlmlhlnt about o'clockinara llred , wita Bupnena, atkaa . blm m, w ww j " TTT .'T jrTk.77J.,oIl J l-irretoBtnbrtlooklof'W'a? If " MJBoUj WMI'"'"" re ei.o T-K.Tr 7T.''f nT. " aW-ut." 7' . . ZZ' T'ZJi IF W fWrT tmiiwiipi, v uvm I ' - ne tau-eaeiij waa 1 vmiuk uit iwiuwji to Grooin't bad one or' jlwo other,' placet inquiring oeiort going to ine vourt tioaaet, anyhow got to the Court Heote Jtttt ebut dark. Doa'l recolltct meetina ' toy" oi tbat bad aeea the deceata. ' UwiVf . Bter pbeottent to Dr. Boaq for the kata. Wat at the Coart HnBMwaea the beya arrivad from room to tboniitbthett,;, Wu Jaio tba jaaaga,.aa4 Uiaa want around the reerof the- building. 'About 10 o'clock tboagbt be aitooterad dim" light la the room where tbe body wet found; told tbem to avep a go 14 we)e oiayea at ineawari Hontt watcblno arauad nattl. (o'clock aad tbe Court Ilouee- about daylight.- Thoae tbat wart mean aaa a am . mowng om wladew to window, wbto- 1hey got t tlj window of the room where the boff wkr found, beard aomt one cry dot. "ha it dead.? got oa tba box, but U wat aoma lima belca anytbtng eoaia e aaae 4 at tatt eaw toe body at it had beea H0 with Hie' tope around ine nrcx. Tveni in tne room wbaa tba door m opened bat waa aooa made to leare by Sbaria Grimthiwbaaid aoae tat the jury ot Uqoeet tnuH eom ta. , ' - j Wbaa he aaw Wiley aad.iBtepbeni going dowaataira tbareiwere aoma people' going before then and toaia eoming alter- tbtm; tbougbtooaai thoae going Mora wtatua maa Roberta, but would aot be p'oeitire. J iWaa la tba Maxicao.waaj waa ia Compa- Waa Ctptaio, Did Johaaoa lab Uaaaaai ant, Kooart wuey. aaa XMeuaaat Jum T. Vltahall Bed T.lnnfMiuit " Joba IxiDi atbeea.ba.Bgrlwould eometimat get the Mexioact tltf i f Sta a l.i mat ( i'k Got. .1" ' tl. Ju i.. -., I Ku ( a li- won; Tun I po!"--e ! win i -j - over. .' i " I bhtnolf, b tetnlpulaUng ... i, ,,tue 'fdcllitiea' tor tj-U Ting beett I f uf nlthed 'f t, who gave bta power and 'V 'o Printer, BJndarr ' ',4 a., and. all alter Lltf ' r cl'tlieGrand, t ( r atuuiptlng te bribe the i Long, when we were ia ft Cdm;iiiiy Bhope, tl toon at i f iw blinaulf the pritoaert , J ii Long 1 John Long! 1 - )!': a IH. fat the cry i a 'witnml at John Long It riui ii tomeooay it not Donna 1b ace be wat atnttw'tOr.'bHrebaraeter ia tbe eommnmii! haa'atwtyi (Mea gtwd bl ; bojr.ai4too; .wtWomac Wjeaa. bad tbe cbaraoter oi a loabr: bad bear a! blm charged with diihoneety. V ) ' Wm. ftn)thxiunlne4y",,lJ14t,.kBOw whether be left Tanoeitilli wltbf MrTcbell ; waa with him, milhbe,fBaaf pt Smilea ftom town : JtraTeled.. with. bim applies mllea,MIiODeItitdppe Did'nt kaoWi-wbeihrt bimht (vtraeat) daartook MHcbel r- met o'elockifiDaHU travailing on homhack. aa waa Mltoheitr'il Hlf l Mllf I Mult i(tt 'fllt' .W'!i'' 4 i (.."o" taliM-iWrTrvrTirTfilswioir o Dida't aaa aajbody atiHooaaa UveaJiatilaaiwaafYanaeyaUlet wit .ooeyeiQamoaia ,MMmmn WHy tbe pomp watering bia aerar wDear be left, Bad.jjottgot fjhlTgaU hea Mitcbell pwe-lrtitcBeit1 llreT 8 or 9 grtetw Tanaayi 4a. at. iorn bovbeodi ebd m-nitrd CirAhlna alleged agiftBtJ f UM W fiUiH ' I Wbaa Mitcbell panted the, gate he wat ia eompaay wither. '8mith-;TMrl, Mebane. n.i iJiti(!lillluWIiW I) Wllr. i JamWHomttne, xtplSa.ii7T.M,rf W, "Hopkli tbfoagb tbe prate el iiaiaat aaa wae tb to bewWNByu Saw ampblll eltr tbe ution. iSo tbat our duty la discharged by re TlSl Ulrder, icept poHticar ammoefiT 1 Thttfteum. atanoea tbow it waa dona oa premeditation with fatal akilL by a number ot conapira wra tenner aakl ok altakatpN) i alao COM 1 WedaeadayiBt the t . 7 ' ' L. Mitea waa voagut . rtraa made aem bia ova diagulaa. ua la the ooaatr, oawd, atrea ar eight Tee oryeot waa ia pre vent colored maa rial riff aad to pat. dowa tba rbpablieta party, by golog round and ingotenmg tnemegroea.. mj www waea twMrfnrty'i f"nnr Htfi (it 1r"g execute all ardera without ioqniry. -The eblefij oi tbeeampe aanV .T&rolMi Aptboay, David liebane, and, two otbtrt net remembered. 'Jaeob Loaf waa chief of tbeaouaty: doat know waa waa above bka. eihriheX,UwM JmiAttTJM aa taat Aadraw Joanaoe wae at tne neaa oi the orgenixttloa la the United Staiea. Jaeob Lone left tba State about tbe time tiira f.iih a.Li ..... i. k. killing at thatlrmar&taMW madalli HirtT'Jii X ilbMkatpJanti wateh "adi boWf ob"Be( Boat knotrW i ealevetigoj of 1 k eat) i waitbaBMWtpeexvsgTtCtia I tbe conntj; heard there trere noueof the renite jwoHwruwu, aa wj wen wwu, Caewell; 'taat taid there were 1900 in Guilford, aevar beard of; aa biTCaatbam or1 Orange. ' ' f...oiat Toe aiga ia putting tne;, rrgnt nancr on be rinht aide of the coat' bollar.' which it mewered by putting tbe left band on the left aide. There ia a alga ia abaking bandt ; sroMlAg tbe.tbuntbr.wnvtbeiPJiddle 'la tiga m i uueaa M r. Biiiien. Hava vialted three eampe ; belonged to ivi a r i. 1 i 2U Lli.lIJl. LL .frl,.'. r .. i. V T k, , 1,1 1 '-" ra-wTWWjL. I wealed foraaorinea. 1 Poatiblv at the trial further liaht mav be tarowa upon a deed which bow leavee a foul mark oa tbe repoution ot the Bounty SEIi'LB, i . . Juetlcea. The lecuritj rea sired wee immedlatelv tendered and aeecared. at fullowa : Meaara. ft WIWameoni' rj'ttronwall aboVB." WiS'wltL Na 4; there were about thirty mem Wither., J. KMfrHfti$ftJhltsf Mr. Badger objected to the latter gentle- sn at tecurltUt, ttating tbat It ainai rule ot law lor counsel to be re- olxei aa aurety tor, Hielr olieataj bat bit ijeotloa waa overruled,, .,38,4 ine uoiei Juttice toen annonncedL.tbat y Wtre ready to take up the AlaratDce ea. 1 is, uM.ia J. T. Trollioeer and Tbomaa. Qtkt ware called and did not aaawarAad.Metr dtlaall wu r..arrU.I ' 1 Mr. Bailger tuud that 'pVKbue'rk rpuia prouauiy te clown on toe 11 o clock trkin, by wbicb mai y ol the Btaie't wit- exprcted, whereupon tbe oaaeat, tBt oil until citta. xVawtttt 'aetti'bi. The Ooh'tttjtllrta'o'cto'k;' but owing to the fact that the prieuatre had not arrived, netbiog wtdooeimij ,p'lock. I Tbe cate of tbe Statu . W. U. Tarpler. wm. rogumau, nauia roglimao and JCm SVT.'fS'?." .t2pr!SfW yogleman, waa taken up. JobnT. miHwn marrwu imw '" 1o nxi ,.f nh M.L.iu. a 1. - r a " w r'-i-vi ewiwa.a am tnew,- vu iemphlll eUHnrln window, ajaat p to him aad aaid flora an on to LUtlueeuoKi uemputii antttUHi ad went out ; doa'a know that he went ap4 ?be(raBMgm jilt aa Mr. Uodnett waa about to eioee bit. abtmibtcK:tob)SbeUMbMaa and kept opea irom uat time aatu about ejotock. t? .,, ,if,, tti?l i l -J The teatlmony 4a Ihe caaa aetag eleeed, u4eUtiie.aadrtwi igofan aayin tbat theeoantel for the deienoe were will it to aabmit tbaoatOMOa aaaaajn v '.n 1 Ubier jut ice rearaoa aaia taat there aa no evidence agaiatt Joaeph fowler. and tbat aa mutt oe aitcnargea, oat wouia the warrant with tbeVs.- Vit returned at bjtving flod tbe State, and George Anthony atd I'bomat Tale; 4nelhde(fibAthe aame warraat, at biding tbemtelvaa, and oipiatt aerea to iteue ior tnem.j e proeecuuon ; the two flret oely were I V.L aV ut.t-tA aiU.. A Aj. t a-jJa. - tbe BtteDekie'deWn(;Wivttenee. Ji.lHWOCJH, and ex. take the. tea f Wiley.r&Mft and Mbtabwi I'DBdaaiCntiitaaacUHaTiaadi.iwaBld reader 4i . " " ior grft" fore oi t: Pri, t t Pa ir-: V tl B; t' CO i II 1 t3 ; 1SCKAND r&U8BlAt'$it& '! dnrf aT!owince",fdr! ' JpiV -. uu.l c.urwioatt ..tbe i tele- 1 j ' ' ' that t'ae French will be 1 i oujs, to rink the decltloi t n;ionthete!g'eofPa'rIa.'iThe , !"!(lw the (Crown .Prince, r in t'.e neighborhood of ' n T (9 gbattea- .-.. " lie r'f.l piflon-of 't could ! !9 t l.ti-.. t'.o r to j i 3 fiom ' ,1". cnt . t a . 1 r t e I t.iat. T' ; . n .d a bgbt uvulortb, i nvent the "Ue , f-t tn tbaae bow ttxijtne .t U awver' learaed mwth about ifc'Cootda'tttvtbat thaofflcettf aver pramicao,, lausgu, iney migatinafal done to a little, Did not tee Wiley go into tnvroom Uiat oav... aiia.aot-teli.r Jadne louri'o ium ue uuiuugeu m uj AtiM Never belonged to anv tecret orasalxatio; rWiiuett. on bttiiuc atked ii-ka belooaedto tbeluvitible Empire,' by Mrv Badger,"tet' p ied tbat be did. -tot ,kn0wi'hal Jptkjl were. 1 ab 01a man at rartoa uoon iiotiaa gave, aim aoma aigaa, .aoowaa taaatj ae went immediatolv and save tlttea' to Jacks Iourgea. Did aot tell Stephana that bfc ute would be attacked ea aaertala aighli but told him thai be txpeotad it weula be jome time, tnrt aavieew nim to be oa au guarf told Blm ao tractate pnblio tanu ment waa to atroog agaiatt bimu . ...-, ' li'-'if iiA jomoaa axa;rjiiDk.i - j Got to YanoeyVillt about octock U the mernior ,aot araljaoqaajated to;the towa 1 waotea to tee oiepnaoe on private outineta, Wae on Iriendly tetmt with Btephent t taw him betweea 0 or 10 o'clock ia the Brand lry room tpoke to him ; doa't remember ever having any more oonveraatloa with him afterward fltti'n tteimvafa more until aaw-him abmiBg tJbwB tbe arepa with Wiley. Had beea to Btephent' bourn oa aeveral occttiont. ' Went up to the meeting lathe afternoon: tew Mr. Kerr ataadlog op 'but did'at know whether he waa tpeak. ing or not, deaf aodooold bo) tell, did'at look at bia mouth r- Kerr aeaerallv tneakt ia a tweg voice taw;Mrc( B. rt.Bill letitbatiOn t up teverat timet ; pata very uttle attenUua to what waa going.euj Dld'nt know Bed ford Browa didn't tpetk to Stephent when oa tbe ttept didn't bear either Wiley or Stephent tar anvthioa : oould'nt aav ooai- tlveiy (hat ha knew any of the persona bar j wm vw h u fl 'iw 94 mem waa eHKu thought tbat the teaturee of one of 'them ia -front rftirnMed tbote of Mr. Bowt.'lUw Wilny tr is . rdt pning out of the ftnnt door, it waa hctwen 8 anq o clock when be met Winy tad Stepbent together oe tbe itcpe arid it waa probubly 10 minuU-t after, when he r ' V.'V.vj t'llv.g put of tboidoor nlnnf), ,V,tit, to tbe brand Jory room after inniiifj the meeting; door wae locked, the !wr oi t a two lawvt 0"!a end eiurka if, . Tt!0'a'HU..t:neJ; not aU!;cl.tbai Im t ! ' a d.vre ol. tbe t" ii lower roomaJ Saw .iini.iil and Lee at tlie Honth tloor; Miti'liell aat.law.'liii'F lienrtity conldn't bciir b it tin v t ..U." Wtnt 'to T.U'pU.', tut told i a luj bad bia dinnai, end wat pone; tii. I at rAtfi'lieni" aobouror aa hour and a half ; lira, jjtrphe:! wat not tinenry then. On returning to the Court s'oit e taw a good nanny pei j la lving." Vi e- ttor-e llr. l.M tpoa ton,e l-ui t. ,,; ,.. ; , r ""mod to lira; f-'ii ?!:. i' t'- . iWIJnail una .anlnar.af nkdil 1t"l licant U) ahoaflr loainjil'jjjosk, um. void .xloaf Xobbat Moamaa. Auruat M. At AA'clqcuatiaea Pjpal,Dak aad. Settle jtoaX aaaru.aaiaj.na..tiie'uneeene iflnnrt nvin wkm JuatlBa fuMMfHUut-Itt1 m r. : following dedttoa oa the Oaawell oBa tTara vt wilbt, lUTCHaxVfxn aeajt. After a careful coBaideratioa of theerU denoe, we ara ,of .jiplptoo that "probable oaute" baetHKH atjowa. - y , j On kcbarge ot capiul teioay, the 'rule ia, Iwhea- the guilt ia maoifett, or tbe pre apmptioa etrong. tbe party ehould be com mltted to jail i when the evt Jebcii'doet not tbe mind a belief of the parlr't auilL teeatity Maaairax, .dMroabABidatwi quteO)4uiH t " wui ai wwmwmi Wllh two .. or . mora tuOuiKat auiiuat) aaU appear at tbe next termnet e Superior n v m:4 iA L.-i,i-;4 ih. .rr'.. Well, to anawer a cbarira of Ibeanutderof Joha W.' Btephent WUey and MiiobeU aefti principala, end Itoan acoeaaary before the Via ton a 1 proccediag It would or 1 1" o Trwntteal analy. but it i. uie t-f ta be i. to and ) it 1 t 'j; tin.!- Th. ! 'i't it be I t. . fcs&t.tl t j her to c lor I " ; don't hot f t 1 i t:.e i ,aen ( back Wbethcr it nrd to llie I't t o lilO bl'X ta aiovin? r r. -- v . I t no --'u where ; 1 19 liot beproji tttot tae.evi proper to ai t groubd oa a ! t ItW Of number i atmbUdij t!o o the Demo , tbe Benatof ol that c . ,, vu choked tu4o (umir I. pbrd aboat aint feet long, wit jb- tlipping nooee aajuttea near tne muuua. i-ge a aa otin-3 f . .uputilican, jnefof a Bid It wat ao Joha W. Long nined. - Joined tbe orsanncatioa oi tbe "White urotnernood" in - iir aioore't omoe. at Compear Bhope. thmkt about let of Dt- centawf U8i wetwAi4baaiietiarmat' otnere pretenti soou,eoibaxi.U the oa'B, n bound btm aot, to reveal the te.. Crete oi tbe organiaation, nor tell who wat Deaeent at the mpAlimm tn utlit in mam. berWdltrre. 'It' abject ttate"td be'tif ovenaapaBitaai t8pntHoantaattt'Maad haft bM'W b tdoH t tbe.ehiefa,, .Went 1 ine-uenmeeaug- atreuaeCT vu "DOlow ilitti Siewad ate n.T ware airat In itlmil titaeat girae the aamet of tbvaremJIbe Uiiguiae eoaiiited of a rbite (own aad tta bead plaW.Oi.boraa' aitacbed. oagBftiantcUTirarwrayi'Wie. There ereeefiralTninateJ'at the lime I waa. kreMNM aaaMt) tbe .By-Lawa were read iiaoontttaerera given, (a, long 'nlteft.- 1 pieoe wer here "exhibited,! knuckle. beta ia that camp. It embraced about three m(leeequare, including CoirVpafiy Sbpi, bdton tbe North tide of 'tbe nirroad Remember thaiollowJnBMPW"' Jao- er, Thomaa Gray, Geo. Toler, TJ Trollioeer, Dr. TarMtrl WnKSuOI Ind Bmiley Fo- gleman, myaelf, William, BuSn, Green Wnd J.ftn Andre wt. Dr. jradrewf. BOBnian Aa-J - inton, Wm. and Joteph KirkptlrieauJaa. cat t: m'Mttf AtHorWei' fcnd'otl bad -tuaa-wi Gdeea AnereFeiMrbtMeiMuadme lla a.-AM uiwinie ikaaev l.ila en Vial . W ISVlBjtwiaHUai tur-y ui via.a bad beimtjuatabbaMtraiBau atJiataa edtoit, Ltinada, taj vaflOdant !0tb ot JuAywweat to Wm Albright a Umbao of m WHaecotJ-beri -twat Hqir?e'nadi Btteoiebet all who tee II t tttWiAltria'bteGnibaojOfil''tlur"lrUud. The etrain burU-nwat man wewwaii tore I went doe I ..aaowbe aNmaar mOrt eobreaadliaard'rOO ."'tlvea1! a niiM the mpiwAMitwMi-UuaabM iiailaata rfdia- trKLwt eampabo X mtleeeqaaet' ntat. ly ev7'M)ody'bfailg''ttlre-caml, an Dtmocratr. I wu a Democrat, tooa, tb otter ticket at auction mwmm.MMt t tl (IN W beaid tbe Chief aay about 700 in tbe bjeJfttJtio man nan do tbe work, only requiring longer time. ,)( tl H , A iOreWIoeeupiaaaveryaaMUtiaee,asatanbeaaplaaatovae(rrta thk Ola f Unit ttopn, aeait;bMtrd. Thnadoiirte awtyiwith baekitti aaatmiaaeeahaneilaw efae tab -...It la light in weignt, ean be taken down or put up ia 30 minotea aad Mimpnrteil oa a tee Hone rrVmaMKXMairihaaarnttUmManikatilAAr'-' . " .J. .1- j, . . .. . . . . . Pmnomif.O. ZZI-.! T:.i 7 t-t'i r. nrrnroaa, BBO.J, wear mr:i UMa Wi(l I' ntler Qottoa rrm,- toureiian; tmmr ucpru ui inra manug it, uun i auuw now tittDB, antf eonalOoc It to be the beet Pratt 1 ever aaw. Harina paeatCbalua to fi many in 1870. lalaww) aothiaf about tbe VI KBBUJSimLiwH. . waaCID well lUtvV HCaCBUUBl wkipped bv our ctmp,1 Rifhaa Trollinger and iajde him:1Mak biaTrrwiwalta kdlta, . rabbeattBaadjt altaMitJDk with a rougit aortiaxWB aUBkana aawell Halt. Thtte whippioga were all while ii wit a BtenTber; arf before June V8. flatten waa whipped ia JawaaM.ieaiValt Holt In Febraary er itabaaV; and llkilltogelikbbut reoraarv 1808. Jo' April alrveeM rO'ktll OaawenrHblt1neorn planting time. 'Baw eevertt nplanttBgr" It wax to be dob a on Priday tier theatevtlnHiratIbaJaf 'ibH 1 carnaaxoeeroer oa Taeaunv.ii , a i.i:iiu fTba act aeamtdlMrnbai tw read rannaxt Antu ll Itjuii.) .. . IW a Tbe ' MettmjJKigUjBaB'aad-'a1r'Ga; wete excused for delar and. the recneut ..iMf .w..- lrr-v'.1 neim-JkaarewL ruuna aiMrcwe. nailer rington and Xmalv ,JFoglamaa wen ' AdaanxBad teMBiaroloak)-taiarrowbn . f I UkA4 , 1 wblokake wltnasea ttxtetl waxAbe iHorirtatf TfTl are aathcntkHT .JnnaU R.LhikrJCkk i'n.l JLJ. LlT.iJJI ,,H 41.orBilL af tbW aamta of aalaWwrepaeat aad Uerk toteSeaTte. MciiXAiiiocs,;,-,;,.:, , A. tajui, I Pi aukne who were initiated.) At tb.it meeting i ' Mebtne propoted to have a coffin aad take tbe aupporto O'we p atdaajnted with all the detaili toVktAtteTthat Oeo Kliaabetb CitajwaU tw aiaetuif 4 tbeiwal OtBaraj i ( jtTiacipai acanatwa. a ua ippoiutiuant jjpf , Jfriaoipal re, I lata atdaajpteo wiih au tne detatia abb. roUj eoa- Cmb. MDruUL waa. Jor manrVeara. Of the Sen ita, 1 a thorough bnaiaeaa maew wail, It 1i'anwr drrA to Whip Bandy Bellara. They9 amber twwaU and fnUieaui- wtw voxwvri mum en to 1 vetrei ta eitenerae .t ue autM keit boa. i.aitlllr. o beelffaforenlerinebe-camD it. two WaawM-i iirtnir .m ohm tx Blkpa of the htnda. Inatructioaa are givea tbe meeamgb W tiatd by aacV ebe.-i- iat recollect where the next meetinw waa lid? think it raa.oae-tVa4ch li wat w.tmixtaaJ'P .aWrj i JOS. W.aTEHKIS.9 AamBlbJavlnajiMBf tbtwatavWBhrtbatdf u MtiM kBBtf'iae.a01rtorAt!r)ii off the oath ia death ; no perticttJtf etbocJ'jirO aamuuienng BeXrfpBtflaaiektrlgbt enewtkOXelmtiaUdibr putina a rope round er,aeeaa iw.axamBia'raaigB8BMyiiff lleifwa4wbipW.rfx4eea wen tO'tlrF, UteftoOt'ntnf &trt tdme 1hrbe"bi' iotDfT area yarat, uea 01m up ana iinprecu , ang larwaata January l8B9.T'Vtv vah Who aaa attfLKtnwnjkiilebtaatikn!f !6ihta not beea la a meeting In four- H ua mootballT W OaHA K(jTT0 1 be written, wbtcb wae -done by Joba lu rotHhffer.Mb be Badhtiaiaad lHaJ dmi attlttba'ml't'fahSauaa earflPd the letter; It waa putla, aV.aolit,.atit iadl it w pnimnti 'BtaaxataitMom ' ' AXex-onantai, -t-sowH-rmt: 4fc,Y I.I Jl l i M i W 4 K PfPUri (nt'-tjwtf -dii'nba to wtb rtl mk tilrinmult ta tnadaawiata tWera fatauprtmt aaathf.ajm mlamm aUltV vriawiMin. T'W TCTMI'f ttlll il P W.A .1 J .B- il-Hl VOl a 4 aU - mKNm1TSlT'H Tha..lix-J telllsent teatimoBV at Dr. Boaa pluX tbanwowa at hiedavr.v a r ;;-( sa-- fact tbat tbe murder wat d 00a kt.thareaoa.f jet theweTivmaatiwai Pnfoota wit 'byte formerly oeeupied by the Clerk and Matter ItfltlatedfTeYM I ' kot bouit and, Aand It Kqnoy, where tt:e body wat found ea the I Tim Tate'wtnl afier him; I called him oat' next uiorolng' with the Cord buried in tuaiya pretCTte of wanting hint to tea my wile, f ana we iBea,aaeaMtamawexaafc.Tt)B mscem ,irui(u1uj n kvi iri hH'init rt.'.iintii. v. 'rfWi''rairt 9uafl GERMAN I xuiiirirj H31A flrJAijiii.Taic T rTvifS."-' p,w .. .a ,...u irriyg JTT StTT 3tfW VTI. neck to itbe. levnl ol be akin, a atabeai each aideot the neck, and a ttab in-the ajtVQgt, rt kl.a 1 lV.H I l .1 1 ) '.1alir n, v I Dr. toao cava ti at bit opinion. Dflinc an f ekpert, tbat iba ataba ware made aft-4be i-Ci blood bad near all rtt-odiid to. the heart, a which accotisM tor tl.t email, tluaioniat fb Mood : and luriber. tbtttbBwcbOkintr t-ii tluoeta tatreint,' for the reatoa lout ihe card bad rt f --t.fi-1, 1 i ? at. j"ot where It -w ..-- .Ual Li't.... L wh! ahd the'trilrU of !btoo. on 'tWwo. M, T- oi and the wall at t! a tula of Ce t y i.: J aot have DiH.lt tbeiinpressioa it did, except at it jbttod f.oai l-e wind. tn tlie wi . Ii!ic and the place it fi.ml.'' 12nd. totLe t.o.e: We are tat!:'- the niurdar watconimitted whilet'ie !' ing wat ' . t.p a;..,-; t . . . J having It it tue Diwlinir tnd come dowa at the juHteofl? oV'il'. ; ." r t' : , ..: ) uiijourmt, (almut bail afutr 4 oV-.ck,) and uuiil ibe Aseeaspr kr' l !' ti ur (about 0 o'clock) (tbia room ad iiiiii)r the room bratud Aoula Pantm Xa aimiai Primal.' itii uLUited ud aliuttd.hr ona inra ot tlia mL. . where ine puita -r waa aonc,; a r of ui so.. a were in bit room and ia i w ta t!ie murdor could not lia tvak.. f 1 I... J .-luMt aa eaaaiii iu-i X . 1,11. . trma air.u s i sD-WiHiiiBwVYfcV- I - ,1 i AUu ii il I. i i.i 1 . -. .:- aglMB at e.j.j,e;w t.tri,-. taaa taid in The eaznp tbatJaiTie itttnv.tiHMi-i)kliir.,lna aaoeh. ahd It reed tbat be tuouid be talked to. aad all want na ha waa ta ha. ditpnard ol. - Pal. i tame nieht tbe order twaaeaetvat)eiaan Cftwell Holt wax to be, wbrpped. it cameN Hrbm Aniuony'e'cainpTwo nightt alter.f u eiarui M.B.QI cuitw iut fie frd ao. go ; L KEItOr"T7II ,H 0QD3.' hdard tbem aa altcr.arrt that iI.rt aftturflil - - -- e 3 ' VT hita-three etHpereacte feveral wre-rfA' 'f tek af afi klndt ofntw'aaA Fritty tied before Badham and l ufd.u and .vi"l U"l- "H"J ' proved tn tlil.lir,The fart.. arretted rw ' .V J TA YGtWHOTTJ BottHwe aowi,;ea ta tiiawiiiijin?r-ooBl-; ' ,!'!"'. wP".:""ii pa oone witB..vaiio.t.KrL; J A.i... 1 y .U. baviuit tbe Wen arrester! unum ' nvmor -il P. I' ' wtiipuiBw-aeaia. Cthra. un, nar.i lir-1 Wkhme of fcirnr fc. r.f f M't It Taruif ti.ld;,iia!ul-lofia tell no talet, anion taking thevote-rt-waedetennined bethmrld 1) hn-a put wul I thk - v,v Vlf v ' Kp.' 1 Wftt totaiTyV)tittheord"i ' V ' . wt aelectcd Jo .carry .lher r,t-, t..t akif4. THI BIST. MOST KOPTjUb AtD SIKFLEST Til Jftft)ib "TBI PUSTri, BIIKQ MlHtFAOTtrBKRt AC gtnla aad Morta Carouna, we etoek oa hand, aad are eailr expae SAUK IflV . I'V M ' Hf. h.M . IHH HDVmMO. 'mwm HMM. . .... ..n.nnr laTm lk k.w. mimr luail krfin. Plan tart will HMlt .thatt aat luUra h. L ' " tbu7 Til KelUtivelf.i'Tbey ean order tbem Irom- tkair awa i)oBi Mawhtiilt. ' - Jlmi , mil KK a HA1 AJJU1U. , AmS UUMM A A Ik. A-m - -n--T T ,;rwTlr-wjUJv 1IfiUAf . EHTS TOB TBI BALI OF TBuV AMbTBABMI T, 15 Vro. , ; beg te Inform the trade aad plaatere tbat we bare a 1. . ' un e aimed aargt.-eat atwhtot) a u..aaar. a toy 1 rfutA V4lo 4tUt-, . 1 b. V 1 L..l.lml. III TT".""rT-,f-,,T7r'o. - Ml ,MIU i P'Jlv.' i -.ll illtl .;. - Hantert ean ba'tniMftd'by ihe following partial : 1 " Btenbouat, Maeabiejr a Co., Charlotte'. 'I r .qi'lleicajratm 'v'geat.ywgeaMmUCaia. , Q. T. Broneeh. lab t" HeetM.W V4Mrebaeb Ce. - Lvna Adima. Ba L H. Adama, Beej Meaara. Leaob Bru' 1 H i'a. .... ,. "UTLEY COTTOK;PRESS.'i ifO) ft ;ii Oil.) AJL6AMHVN, iUUMgn TBE "DTLtlfRgaa" ga, wllkaawq, aad which gareentire eaUtfaoUoB bat bataoa, tta at . obtaiued oraSrttale4ghr urAgeMt. ttntiiri llifrhalr thirttjataBiatkWjBJili tT n protemenla IVice ,S 1 75.00. ?a .Jem'taVr.;"'"" kxoaty.aaddait.i, protemenla ,MHA ....!-. -a w4 Tbia inrenlloB of power, whereby all friction it eYereome, 1U eietpbaiVi etrength roe bafubiobit. thao ia required. MoBT luaipvaa Wfiqaiae raoa aw i id au. mat funor au aimiiio .uuu.u ""T mawHtae an lour ia wholly borne by the Bed Plate, FoUowt r Bleaat tad, WTl laA ptpaMn o( taelaiidag-a afain of 11,000 Iba. 'Jhnaaanec. Biaeh aaora Wan WtU) Mint yea ltta oa face a Bali uCkarrua jMub bub ta ii ui tu &a ii. r ..u . , . 1 ntitaewlt at awaited bnaav Preaa for Dowea. omiTeirirnaeMd. AurabililT. eampiDie uepin uoiton awa it yaiaejiaie t teat aaautMaxaa i i IM Ik. 1U0 .. ' ' . 1 J , a .ftei a V , awTf! a.eirwd MiA BiiMiT (&90) to ui hundred -Anti twA.TA nnnixi. 41- 1 .1 .taOfitajdml 'it' ItXal' km Bit mlia" oat Hsfb Ptcm I liw ftted. Uid oafi Chet fully roounftbOiU )u lo tn ftiwri at ! -T--- -- - fBABwtwawjft.itpH tNA Ma. TbobU R. BaiatBet tMar'mrV-iroBre of flm inatant lnqulriDg ai Wkaiaxnta et the CilowOattaei ft "u to band, aad Inreohrl wAaldattf tbatl aWaalawaiaaHbreaeait i. . !eonaiiar tba avart kfa aaJuoA Ua CUy Vwaa laerka obaapar. aimplar and eiura darab& tuat u -1 I aavexaet wilu,.i,( .!,!'.. , , ktetty1raaBwoatoJIxiift v I .o'Jajuj.ba; j,.-,-, .I (.adar-jaiieAilb X f3 .'i J: "S SlVrBAWW, QjiBajjlip'(iJ, ll! fl.Xf r J JijJ I?', fTaoa.'Jt. Baavoil xwqit DBar Sir -ita reply ayouta of the 1S'J taking to f waa pleaae4 with ' t for naed UOay't Opttop, Preaa" fur btlii(fln H Baieoe. tta.. Baleiih. N. C. i Bir-I have naed rUtlav'a Cotton Preea" fur biKlr I monlha. Tl witrk. w.ll an,l oiv. niim .,.lLol,nw. t mjurd it aa tbe be -I V V treaa j; h.. eeeifcilrZl ( - ; Cm ' e.pfuBy,.annta JLeUivUlS. ltI.h r- ' I l 1 fiiia. !!" .tHaioj boarf a a-it U'r I yf . k.. isa.... w n ! faifc. 181ft. b atgas-sm. 1, ti A a il 0 Itii.t'wVeumi Bmlxaiu rmVaiaV.! i 1 ' a ' a I I a .1 it I aV mm m ''ml ' V -'til I " I I '11 II ltit'tll w.,,alfll f,MJWJ Jl .w . . , . - - j .ri i,.lj.it4 .1 i, ' : - O O M 'F A: t-T-'-'a i.firf'i atitaaan' wH .1 ... f It i '.-.It .' J - "t I UBaeyl' V ;:;: t. 4 WM. T. PHIPPS,'""!" 'A.-WB.T;HGLET, , - , y '! 'PatttWCST.- ,; flhi BkCUTABT, " ( "a" r... VfMiaSSa.t ,rUt HOJTtKt gi01i . " ' vlut .wou aa lj, , u iHtMrfa4 I " - - a A.i.1 oj.l'w k"'4HAU tiuuwmvl i enoie.. t.iii' 11,, 'auiixa r.i .i.-i i..- iiia-iii mtnf I . . . - " '1. 1 -.i.l.v -...ir-...ii; , fcTnx 61 n.. ai3 tt-, ui ' .' iT,t lmfi A SarperlBtniwetitj ifii-ctei; II A P6RFBttABLl!ia.iriV 1 JUVTUU .at ALL POLICIES NON PARTICIPATE II PROFITS OF THE COMPAN Y. I T.I Mia ;1 anaiifl iial aaaulfj j '? so Bestficiftfn iJrf 'Epsidencry frtrtuiu l,i.-!iAM f i ' 1 UMlorABUft llfWI 'C i ' - ' r ..v ' I (a lie tiiait oluuui t if "R. A T.TTi3.TT A yitpwrttr i iu moj t ut ATffllriTniii it OLD REGISTER BUILDmGbQPPOaii& b t' i - a i : ' i m m b v i i a w n i , n !i i l z a sr n I I fl iJ r in 11 Tin T I U ljif a " I ; r I 'III ll III' I. ,.-. "Vrfi .i i)Kb WrB-a)oa-,i, -Mnwnrt atl J. HAYWOOD, jr jfe JX -N.;RAMSAYpT AIUSjajLW g$0 TONS, . rU'VKlaVi. rrirjfM n i f.-i-v-t J. I't harflU ' . i . Ja.a.a-.rs- f fiaAwDitft.f . jfash t ufo ti" " '. .' 4 "'elte wrt alalia 01 JtiAJSOMfn?!' jtt , . I fin. " . ; MBan piiiae V ,1 -I -. v ' VIA .14. t rot. ,.'. 'in.r?"'!!...''.!!!.!"'.! " " yj. . mwi .ad'4 aa dim, a ibej 4atai.ABiMtT4wlnuiBaj aa a BJaekfceu, ew ia B'are. . . iy w:ii-im 'ici i -ij-wj vnr- i ..i.-j .... ... n. Yyl Of FEB TO THI FABMRRfl AND MERCHANTS Of T" PTAT! T'"' ll wbiekaxaBaw;eaamiwrtailjbMw . .. The faateoinat. ae well aa the band, are of tha bat Fvnr ?g r w 1 . ... . Hnira bat thowa tbat tli de aot break, ae many of he C thereby eating mueb expeuee la rope, tabor and mending air Frioee ae low or lower than Q0 )B TIGS aaa be W I lu i '.7 LT HJBaiooa, JCat) EaJelaU. H. Q. : 4ear HirlV.uted tbaOtJertieUea aVaaaA tarakaaai ... taaa awa-tttt eeaaaaI tjeake? my Iwiterap W fciXteW alto other eropa for my atwjhliarej enakn-- , 9 Ti "'' "tiae.pt etweiaariit aapartar m au rttpeeta te any neae a """""",!"" .1 waa ie raiiui paiencee-iepraaeuw. paokea -aeaaa aaamiaa timaa aawm w 41. aannna ana ninny. aeiWIJ A I l A. tilinif, V I W i X IlK't ... J I. A . 1'ir . Uie ri-n-Ion,.- i it, ..ir-a A TTIsr'Vf tin I Bar LiBaral lAeraageaMate i L Bi . . . .. 1. r xt.ll W I -1 bony and TW-nua lalo bar. ""I. i yeorgta Hi. bane and "hi i iJ i. . t gu.e to f v. i .i i. . llt.t rf.i.liMt .A ud at Ai aWMM.aj : t' "od.t t p. lint j a'!

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