hLT OoOVJ, 1 "" At j.p.OUaXY&BItO'; 6 TfCfiiTfns oar eeee-ad enpply of LL and WUTluH GOODS, oonatsung oi BTA.PLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, B00T3, SHOES, lltTM .ml CAPS. taooodUD of Clothing for Men. Tth. at.--"- to the J yCLt-d :UJ nnT. . - -liii-V, lnk a lira. I'rt the Uh biate ftovom f sir j ouTuu.k.wM.j b,.i b;Siaoh.;.igoo4fea.oxviw:,'": ramlir " Croccrlw ." ? TTUEB MJrPfcY or Hi JUST VscilTlD HONS IE IB BBSS OS'S. If you deaire Uety Mtd elegant suits. P in the 'V .'.'Mr v BEST FRENCH OB ZNGIBB STYLES Call on Honiienr BettoiLa He will gin you aetlsfxetloa or THERE WILL BE HO TRADE. Ho gaannteeu all bia work. norlS-lf. ; v'.mu. . i- : . "N EW lot of Beady Made Oottfmrrt - , BO? 10 0 PERA FLANNKIA at MTU (EITINGEKU third Btoekof liilllni ust reoelred, at , nor u OilTlNUfchVtt. ITU ST RECEIVED. SOS LADIES' BHAWT-St 5J not tETflSQEBS. .HE hundred Udle Cloka,at dot is unuiu in lot of If ma Bhawe, at ft 10. '! OITTINGEB'S. OOZ. LadW, Misae and TJhUdran'a Hat. I - Juatreoeireda . .- --.A eetJT-t f ,f '!.: ,. MBS. CETXINQBE'a. , VfOW 13 THN TUM to baj you Groeeris J3I heap 1st tartar'-.-..-.? . .-.......-. Ml ooie. aeeorxea oupn, teeekeOoffeee-all gredea. 10 K1U No. 1- Meokerox, , 90 Eita No. i. Mackerel, ' 10 i bbla. Wo. 1. Maokerel.. ,. SO bbla. N. O. Dm Hernng. alio lbs H. I. State Batter - Prima Pactorr ad K. Dairy Cheaaa. M flrtT poaod Kega no. . mm. ann Bnahnla Bolted UaaL Flour of aUOradsa. - At , - TOTU-dtf. - .- DOnOLAS BKIXU. H BOCBBim CHEAP FOB 0A8HI I ....... l'wontr Kits Mountain Battar. ; . . irira iitaSoabea Butter, i ;ri' " f : jSitratUTarSripattrap, , ' Haw Orleaaa P. B. Volaaaat, . ' Oaba Molaaiaa, - - Chojoa Baokwfwat flow, JWty Backa Flour, , Fifty Btrrala Flour, Twanty-OTa Barrala Bagat, j awantr Baoka Cooea, Thrae bundrad aounda eboloa Taa, Fifty Kita Iraah Mackoral, v i-? . Twaaty Kaga Boa aamaga, ' - ' Oannad Fruita and Tagatablaa, Uauoea aua ruiuaa, , - ' 0.. ., AO. .;. , ct Jtf: y 4 DODflLAB BELIk jrnuB FIBST DIPLOMA at our went BtaU JL Fair waa awarded to our oelebrated -8 luCHMONa coomro ahd heatikg I ; , -siuviiia. , , , I Tbaaa Btorea aW Made aipeoIaUy tor lb Southern market. ' -J " Large atock OB nanu, aroma Cad axaau-a.tbanu oM4fl & wniiArs ft unniCEisos, ; WHOLESALE O U OC E B f ; - . AKO r;:ry'ii:. 'co""iss:o:i ; merchants.: j Wilmington. IV, O. LIBERAL ADTANCFM MADE ON C0NSIH0 Bieuta of Cotum and Naval Btorea for aala mra or for sbiiaiout to Jiuickiaou A Vtk, iiew . .n-k Airent. for the UriTFn CIltTK, LITTT-t HlViH iADjm UOLJ'II lit AH ( uar IXO UO&il'AMi.,i. fchemiDira and iaraa from heea factoru always on baud and for aula at iba bTweat narket prioea, YE OFFER Vwq fn. V" inr Tanoua kinds, io. ) 1 : I. . li) . . VD I 1 I I I i J l. ( l uxes Baoon, - .-VI r, -ioU Sugars, j, Ac, 4 o. . t .vol. yi. "w.c. eTRoiTAcn sz ca -. ., HEAVT - A N D : F A N C I ,- GROCEKS, ' ' B8, PAYETTVIIiLiE JTn -jBALEI0g,JT.'qV', A. a. LEE &m: WECIESAIX CE0CEE3 A 001- r HISSIOJ KISCHUT8. MARKET SQUARE, : raluqh, n. a W. H. JONES tc COh AUOTION 00KKISSI0K HIBCH1HT8. RALEIGH, M. ft u apttl-tf JAMES M. TO WLES, OKNXRAIt COMMISSION MBKCHAH r'-'l AND AUCTIONEER, ri BATEFtIL FOB PAST PAVOB8, BENEWB IT bk Dletea to aerra bia old frianda and the subUeto the beat at bia abiUty. Bpadal tioa to the asrohaaing, Balea. or ranting of Baal cauta, rereonat rropercy, uonoa ana ait af Ooontry Produaa and atarohaadtaa, , Ha" "" or nujtxn vAoijuia, wm. j. a icLAinr co. Baoeeeeore to . . BKLBI ADULAHT, S33, W. Baltimore Street, WHOLB3ALB B00KHKLLEB8 AND BTATIOSKBS, A fnli line of Blub Beoke, WraoDinc Baoera and all roods pertaining fotfaa Btaiioaary baeineea aonatantly POBLffiHEBB OF THE ONLY SOUTHERN SCHOOL HISTORY OF THB UNITED BTATKS. Batail nrloa M.00. Bpedmea eoniee aaat by mail frea of poetage on reoeipt ot 1.23. OMU-an iruxun o.morisey, ATIOBHIT AND OOUN8ELLOB AT LAW, Offloe Flrat floor a bore B. B. Audrewa A n . BearTaokef flaU, FayettaTUlaBtreot. , ProfBaalnhal and baeineea eonaidarkluia Jan hidueed ma to mora my offioe to tba Capital of ina Btata. i wiu, inareiore oa pieaaea to eee, or bear, from my aUeuta and triecoa atBalalgb, N.O. - ., . For tba present I will eontinua to regard ny aelf a eitiaen of Gtoldaboro' and of Wayne oounty, and oa Monday of every week will aee my frianda at thaomoeof Da. Oaoaaa L. Kiaai, in Oolde boro', to tranaaot boaineaa. I will alto, until further notioe, practice in tba Oountiee, la wbisb 1 aara aereuiora praoticea. AU(41f WJJJolAalU.alUJMMlI. iOUN AKM8Tllt9iO, BOOKBINDEli SLAVS book MABrtrrACTiraxB . , j t)TU TBI x. a BOOKBTVBAV. " ' ' t BAteUSat. W. C f ' Trial, Execation, Kinuta and Brrrding Dock ets made to order. North Carolina Reports and otber ;r Vooka, bound m aupariar law Binding. Miaeing aumbera of tba Beporta aapv 14 and add numWa taken in lohanga tot buubng. . CHOICE NOYELTIES. ' NEW r ATTRACTIONS AbTD j t FUBTMB SEDUCTIONS t AT t it S.KLINE&COS ;. OOKNER FAYETTSVILLC AH1 ; , HARQETT STKXSTS. " ' Elerant Blank Bilks, . Black Aipaaaa and Mohairs, Black Empreae Cloths m and: j- ; ' t Francb Mertnoea, - - v J (.. it ;-'-... , tiawand Handsome Baal Lara " ... v., Ooods and Bmbroderiea, : ; , , , CoUoratla, , , ; t v rr, ' .BoWetteBetta, a,HI f"'-M , - , Luwnand Lasa r " Betta. Setl Xm Trinmed SudXerchlefi Choice Hamburg Xmbroi dared Kdginga tad Inaartinga.. Frenob pleated Bhirt Fraaia m great Tariety, Heary plain Bash Bibbona. ; a . Alarm and Tarled stoek af DotneeHe Oooas, eonaistuir of Prmts, Brown and Bleached Blurt gs and Bbeetiare in all tbeeboweat branda.' lllosa buyara of any roods, will lad it ao Tantagaoua to examine our prioea and atock bafor going aiaewber. . . ' We auk the eaoeclal attaattoa of tba dtiaans of BalelKh and otbara IO aor so parlor atook of Blankets, Caaaimeraa, Buokakina and Woolen Goods, for Hons andBori wear. Oloeke, Bbawla, Balmorai BlurU, Hoopakirta, Haisery, KoUona, aMb. , . y - .''. . ; BOOTS AHD 6nOE8 CI 6BXAT ' L ...y ., VAB1BTY. . v . . ;M Crockery, Cblna) Ware We (All parti on tar attention to our targe and tried aasortmeut of China and Crockery Ware, , B. JLL1N K A CO., ; not 1Mb it . i.i "A ' Baleigb, H.Q. TURNERS KortU Carolina Almanac, I8T1, TUB E"3T STATB ALMANAC ; : . " rUELICLTD I ' ' k Cibculatiok 20,000 coriks!! . Order to" die 3. ",: I)nT("Kj"Trross 17; r"r bn'iil '-l IT; half sum t; pird"z.m 'we ' i- ieoomea Hi ,., ot - or i' no.ou u.s... a uoe oi 1" ".... -t tn iuca. r ,T V .ml . -'. i "j i. iU.-C-Sf tsinrors l 1. i !:. 1 no 23 ceiils " ' I' , . iit xi i not 18 L. RALEIGH, FALL 197 'TRADE J I TO TUB MKBUIAKTB Of v NORTH GURO LIN A , i- m AND ' . iriViRGiiNiA.v;: jnmdijunfibiasnc DR Y G O O D S, vr..". ; r ..... . fc-'t ' A4axtoyar waatalaaeir ' IN I VERY BRANCH COMPLKTS, and tot extent, variety and prioa, will aoxuxMUrs . wua any atoea aouta oi new iwav It eeneiita la part of fall noes ot Brows Cottons, t . Failed Ctotke, Blaaobed OaMoaa, . Batineta, Oaasburvs, ' :. Bnaepia&ray, aana, , . r ' Keraaya, wh BadTiafea,' Ltnaeya, aWrtingBtrlpas, - - ' Fiatd Domeetiea, frmta of aTery wall-knowa axaka ..... Blankets, Bbawls, Coaaivfla, : Hoods, Drcse Ooods, . ' i AH DfMENBB STOCK Of YANKEE NOTIONS. ; AUof tkaboTatabaTebaeu bought , ' "llAWAOTUB'BAaBirPS," ' eaaaequantlT we an enabled to offer them at VOW a Jobbers in any of the ROBTHIBN OITIia Wt fanatea toJBall thm at Baltimor . : ; Frloot and Baitimora lorma. , , : BAYIS. DEAXB ft CO. ,; . Josaaas or Dar Butam, ot Bank andByoamora streets. aaptMt aaansurg, ts fTklte HanelUefl Oallta. YVlMarffatot af' bi(ad 10 MM , WHIT1 ABHItlTiTilTi QUILTS, bought at aaotkm eaeong tb m are aome new atylea different from anything arar ahown la thia aurkat, Xhey are eiieap, DATIS, DBAKK A (XX ' aap t tot Fetenburg, Ta. Illsaea Kid Glows. JUST opened a few doaan of a beautiful quality and aheap. DATIB, DRAKE A OO . Petaraburg, Va. Laelle, Oeata', Boya, ok Hiaea MEBI50 TESTS. Trry heap, CARPETS, CARPETS, RUGS, BUGS, DEUGETS, DEUGET3. Jaat la hand, the larrest atook of Carveta arer ah own b) Peleratmrr. and AT PHIOEH MUCH t 0WEB THAN THEf HAVE BEEH OFFJUUU) sinos the war. Tue stock aompriaea -PLT, i AAlrJ&BTKx lNUIIAin, i 1MPEBIAL INOBclcT, ' - Sn B-PLlf CARPETS ' ' HEMP DO. DBDOETB. Moaalo Bnga, TelTetBura, Brnaaala Buga - y . Carpet Lining, if ; Oarnet Bbtduig. We taTito arery on to want of a Carpet to rWe our atook aa examination. We eannottail 0 please la BULK, QUALITX AND PB10S. - " I DATIS.DBAUAOO.. ep9-Sa Patsraburg, Ta, I COWAXB efc HARBIB, Geaenl CommlssloB iKercaunts, We bow bare es hand a fuS snpply of ths PH03PH1TI0 FISH ' OTJAXO, - A FERTILIZER, j Bichlii AmiONIA, BONE PHOPHATE, And all Otber IngndleDti ttooeanry to lorm A pomum ADD AOTtrC BTIMPLATOB af tba eropa, freak from our works oa the Cbaaa- paaae stay, warrantea pun ana iree mm i deletoroue mlxtare, FOR WHEAT, COTTOH AND VEGETABLES This Onano la tuBufaoturad la the Btata of Tirgtnte,! sna m axtenatreiy usaa una year throughout Fast era North Caroline, (Tiring aa tirs aaliafaatioii.iar ahead of any guana known, rhla fact will reoommead U toour frieoda. aWOasaM Bouorrao to Waaa,' - ..'licarWANV SABBiat V' . . . . .(- ..V:. . - ' ..." Oesaral Agents for ths Company, ' - HOHFOLK, TA. , AlsoAa-enUfortheaelebratad ' r' -.- . v ' ir tfjrai ! , . . ! ....... ....... . . . A Mumnla Aln can be aaan at oflr crfflee. Oartlfl- aaaea of tba auoerioritT of this Gin aver all others n be bad spaa applisaUoa OUDaUW BOUC- esptlMa. ft H. HOTTARD CO, General Com. Merchant. ; V. 110; X20AD II&EZT, J I , ... .. ; ' i i . 1 . f Kill TORE. . QOTilCTT OmalniaMBta of Cottaa. Tobaeoo. O Flour, Grain, a era! Btorea, Lumber, Dned Frnita, feanuta, and all lunda of oouLhern pro. doce. '. ' ' " i - W ill make liberal aAraneee on eonsiinimeTiU, and ensure hiKbeet Market prioea, quick Bales, and prompt tetania. ". " AU letters promptly answered Bad our owa Weakly Market IWoort furnished on appuaatioa, HOWARD A CO. Bo.U0, Broad Btreei, apt Mm NawXoaa. ::i'F0RSALii::';u': mrill awll An WaulnnndAV. fha t3rtl tlif of aJiMiaml iae nwl. nti itta Tt rAIIliaAI. illsk aHadwU known farm "iwiKrade aitnatod in vsx. 1 '" Connir, t'" '-.x Biilee beiow 1 i' niuii . u, oq H T'' J j"r. 'iifi. ia d" "f l-e 1. t to tle StaU, cnnu". "i 't ' J " "' b are in a line at.iaoti - r'. ; 1 1 trt bus in Cot X,,n ( ' " I " in . h . . 'liin t 'i c- -1 . . ii -o t'-re or more enna a " . a f,.y Of Bate 1 it ! of St. . 1" 14 'J.irms te tu.u ...,, ,;., al are&la for . Tn,. 3 Of i, A D. i. f. I oot IJ-uZ'.Sf.-' N. C. BATURDAT, drugs; JORDAN & ARR, - .PKTZBSBTJRQ.YA- ' e 's-'f.., . ..... , 1 make pleaewra m aamenaobur to Iba M1B A CUlNmet VlHaiNlJLBORIil GAMO LlMJf AM) TVMkOtiJb. :jt, TLat they bare one of tfaexnostaxteoaiTeandaomplawawoaaof . i DRUOfl, MJEDIOINwaj. ' , t A t PAIMTS.OILB, VAKNloi'KS, ... ; PK HTOFFH, VtTMio (1LA8S. H , BuohkkJ, PtivnoMsarTv' ,M .j UOMBal, .. . . v .... ,.. FANCY AHD TOILST TI0LS l--'BncBg ; TOBAOCO AMD BNPYFH, - ' -' Ta be found Boath of MEW XOBX. BsTlca MelnaWy tot OAHH tram IM baa only, sea eer ins1 (a ewai at am JoUimf Bomm. horlh or Hootb, Oali and at. euiua their r-'Ods and piioes. ' WAlTEB B. iUitWk oetT-tf I A MWW COTTON TU8II Jnat HmnrMiJ as ina lh Wh sx iut Blade. Forselalow. : ' aeptttHf A, Q. LENA OO. rwrron BAOoraa 1 1 - J Yxrions gradee ; daily eipsotol a aew sop. ply. Will as aoidkiwaaarTiTai, as ehesp aa to BACON! IS HOGSHEADS, A CONSTANT aupply of the beat aad ebeapeaa. aapttMf A. O. LEI A OO. PbUMK LABD a EEOS. TNI TKBT BEST A.O.LKXAOO. aeptM-tf , 1 PBIkUl OOBN. A rood lot to arrira. . Can sell very low. P SMI A. U. LXJC4VO, FOB KNNT. ' - : ' The new LI Terr Ruble on Martin Street. Uonatroo-.ed with reforanoe to eoaafort and ton Tenienee. , .. Apply to aeptiM-tr AO.LUCa ALAROB LOT OF OATB DAILT lanaoM. will eeU low ia lota oa arrlraL aeptiaMf A. 8. IilllOU The Pea la mightier than tba Sword,' A. MORTON'S . oaBBAt ieunri THE BEST PENS IN TBI WORLD. Beoolred thia day at EDWARD FASHACffg, J.lr Sta ,., Cue Door aVrn BUta oetlB-tr DimrS FATIBT C0TT0B TLX. TTTS BBS TO AHNOUNOI that wa haTa baaa W appointed Bole Arenla fur the aale of the shore PaMnt Tia ia Tirginia and North Carolina, The satiafaetioB It gave aaat seaeoa whererer seed, warren te ua ia reeonunending It aa the beat na yea introaneoa. 11 eomoxne we earea lagaa at greU strength, great aimplioity aad ease la manipaUtion, baaidea tba diSisulty of taking ap the alaek of the bead ia the aperaliob of belling, la entirely obrieted, Wa abali bars our aapply direet from ths aaaa afaoturer la England, fur d.lirery la July at August, and at lowest marks ratee. uitnuvsiNMinm. hiyU-dax, McaWAJOTAOU. rfOBXZX OABOUNA HOUElJSURANCLlCOH BECDRITI AOAIHST L0B8 BT FTBlF rriBIB 00 MP AST PATS ITS LOSSES FAULT 1 and oirouiatea Ita earning, at borne. It baa Just paid ita loaaee by the eouflagraUoc at Henderson, fully and promptly. ita rate an as mooerata aaaxiety atu ;oaury AQENT8 IN ALL PABTB OF THB IT41 it 'B.H'BATTlAlrr,laiid ','- W. H. MCBDOCH, AarBaaLooiI,Aaf opt B-W CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. BALEIQH A OASTON RAILROAD OO, i w i DDmvTxwiwr s vmi j . Balsirh, B. O- Oct. SO, ItrtO, BDraaorrairDwrra urrxa, ... tm anil sfUr Wrdnaada. O.tM UftO, Trslna oa the Raleigh A 1 aatoa xtoiiroad, will raa daiif (Nnndsra axotctad las follows I ' . Mail trsia loarea Kaleigb ; 8,50 A. J, ArriTeaat Weldoa.... .......... ' 8,80 p. M. Mail Train learea Weldoa..,,... B,lli A. M. AxriTetat.BaleiKb ,4,30 P.M. I aoOOMMODXTXOB TBAia. &raia la Tea Baleigh...,.M. : , ASOP. H, " arriraaat Weldoa........ . ISO A.M. IflMaa Weldoa.... 1L00 P. M. ' - arrirea at kaleigh. 0.30 A. M, Mail Train makee olosb ooasaorroa at WeU don with the Heaboard A Roanoke Bailroad and Bay Line Steamen eut Baltimore, to and from all poiiita North, Weat and North.waat and with Petereburg Bailroad eia Petarabura;, Bichmond and Waalungtoa) City, ta aad from all evicts aorta aaa nona-weee. - ' And at llaiaigb with tba North Carolina BalU road to and from all pointa BVmth and South-weea. Accommodation and FraiKht Traina, conns .is at weiuon with Aocommoaauoa ana rreigat Trains oa Seaboard and l"anoke Bailroad and Petersburg Bailroad. at kaleigb, with Aa eommodauoa and Frait -1 i raina oa North Garo nne Bailroad. , Persona bring alonr t!io 1 na of the Boad aaa run xuueiffa ia uie moriiii.g or eeommooauoa iTaiu, ranuos aeren now., sua return uis eaai arauuig. ......v...,.--.-.... -A.-. . , -.A, 8. ANDREWS, ' aotS-tf - Ueu. bupt, CABINET TUB LARGEST AND F?3T FLrCTED Bl vcn. ujt " u w 1 1 u ius u in A STATE, AT A. U. FRAPS'. OOBNEB FATETTEVILLE A DAVIE 8TS, Beat Corner below Tarbroogb Eouaa, Inn CoarrAVTLt oa Hxxo, . , PAiiLon, ci.i.ca.r;oc3,. CHAMBER AND OrFICE FTjnTOTUKE, Sofas, Tete-a tctis, Bclil"H Ct irs, P"'ltads, .., jiatreasea, iitirtttms, v, sr. a.n stanua, x. """ion and Liuiog xiia, Ao , CillL AND XXAXIXK. ectlS-gra ... .1 . .. j ( T 7 p.t 'n of t rl. 1 -.I r... I...I t I 0 V t T . 1 t J ii. I IfOVEITBElV CC, 1070 BALTir:2 A27II: ua, U7. saaaiae, a. a. , . .., Lata of 1 a boro, N. 0 COTTON FACTORS AND -. I Commlaualou " Morolxantat, ;m boutb STBirT, ., UAJLiXI AsA'eta , p.otBoxm . " Libsral easb adraaea luada oa aenalfrnmeabv OrtUre for supplies pr Justly aad railjly alied, 1 lUAiyrBT.nonsEta ' - BALTIMORE, HIV,;,, 'I I. BUJle)5Ar... MVartaMaMk IUBVCTIOB OF FAR! IN eonalderation of the geaerel daolina faeoat Of all aeeaaaarias appartainiug te Motel Kaep g, the prioa of Board will baUvduoed oa aud aftr Jaaoary let, U70, to k ' - i ta.60 fn uj, --";4i' 1 beiag 'determined that aothing wiU be left an. dona aa the fatare to meks ths "Mxltsi" what ! aai aa taw raw asooaa to BOM m the f i f b XISCZILABXOUS . , r. a, cimsTOPiciiia, m ft ; ; ' : dialer in ; eTAMXIVir '. OXXiOOXaillBS, Nobtb Bq of Habut Boabb, ; Btosa Building reaentry ooonpted by JteK Fiaber.l MAI.klM. h. C HAS JT8T BECEITED A NICE LOT OT Family Orooeriaat N. C, Ta. and Wcitera tfaooa, atorth Oanlina aad BalUmon City Lard. A astusrtfsp IaA aT 12al . ai-Z Corn. Meal, Mackerel by tba kit, aad MulMa by oa earret ana u emeu quantities to anil famr Uiee. Alao Biparior Wsstora IH.ir lark DAIRY BUTTER, I wai keep o bead ragoluly. Call aad Whisk I wri keen e.smine ax " oots-dxf THE "ROUTHERIV noSfE" ? COOKING t STOVES, . MANUFACTURED AT 4tf (BICIIMOND, Va,; :. ' It baa aU tba moden hnproratoanta aad ao Tenieaoea .. It hat thick aud durable plate, - ,. It haa apace for large furniture. ' It haa large fluee and partoot draft. ' It to beautiful la daaigB.r.. It ia warranted ta sirs ssrliW estlsfsstlim wMb wood or Coal. . ,..-..,--.. ' i vail aad aaa u at oota-tf T. H. BBIOQ8. WM.P. OaaTax,; 1 Tam, B, MoDaajgua, . . wa.l.aaw. , - . , OR A YES ' WAREHOUIE. ; ! j" ; DANYILLK, VA ' FOE IKE SALS 07 LZAF TOBACCO! YY7B Bare Just put an addition to our Ware. I I hooae. aiakini It tba bxraeat and beet ar ret n gad houss for the business ia the Town, With 11 large doon and Is aky-UgbM. Wajjons locked ap a the Warehouse at night. Dry tails for boraee. Oood room, for Plan ten to eook and Bleep in. Prompt aUantion to the b tersrt aad eomfurt of Plautcrs and Utair taama. stilly . , t , t , 11XXXTXS, ElEXSISQZ ft 1200X3 'cvvrNiT. rnw. irpr!TTirTs.'- A KD DEALE8 IN ' PROVIBIONS, FLOUB, Ma.axao xxi - x-nurxcHi'f ruus, i. Lime. Bait, Lumber, Bricks, Plaater, Perurlau Guano, Super Phosphatee, l Land Plaster ana Lime. XV Coei, Cement, , a&MihnnSk. Boutbara aad Western Production solicited aad literal adraaoaa ateds. OLB AGENTS FOB LODI S MANITFACTPBINO COMPANY , i t v pxiuxJEHK ria. Manuraotarera of SbeU Lima tot Agrloultural B?sioOn aad IS Blgb St. and Central Wharf, l. i " . . PORTSMOUTH. T. Cotton Baldng, Bops, Twine aud Tie alwayt oaaaao. FEUIT WEES, SHRUBBERY fto. WE offer for aale, 1,000 apple. 1,000 Pear, ana Peach Trees, suitable tot planting. Ihe ensuing season. Alao, Hedga Hauls, Ever greens, Ao., Aa, These planta hare seen fended tba Mat two Seasons by break Johaaoa, who waa tralusd la the onaineaa oy xnat sxpeneDoiHi orcusruisi Seorge W. JohDaoa of Mllion In Caawoll eonniy. O. The grafie and bnds bare been eoleoted Sj-Am arsMi msinlr in Wake. Fr.tuklia aad Guil ford counties, la erery Instanoe, alter an antual experlenoe of their good qualitiea. For paruou. Ian pieaae order Catalog us from Frank John. BOB. oarexu v 0 xxarrieuu, iioiH'k f v. ,,,!!. 0. B. HAIiHTKON, . ' ' ' , lf, , JJaAbJiiyiiiiiKlil. aaptSO-tm . IMPBOTl TOUa LANDS 1 1 . v " p lt '" y" - ' " - ' ' L1ME1 LIIIE! J 01IXArE3T AND BEST FERTILIZER - THB BEST B0CZ LIMN II Bseummeoded by tb Btata Geologist of H. 0- aad awarded Diploma at tba State Fair. A Home produotioa equal to and aheaper than any ' MENNIKGER A KOOUE, Catawba Station, N. 0. Ot r.e'.llZtlNISQlia.BaUlgh. rmportant faleajrValurMe Frop '' crty. " rprti! T--Tr"-TTXED as Airont I f I" ! -e dr li 1 ' 'i 1 "6, i--a ! 1 at tum " " ', I ' M-t r" - - t: '11 k 1 HI.,. j .. . ' ..... Kf-rnc.. . (i..-r 1.. - , , . t T i . I. . , ; " I NO. 70 1G70. JLOI Ua IS lii - . . v. I BAH NT BOW AGAIN TO MT NUV EIU Sit. friends aud natrtHiA. with a knu ,a of foods and atill they ooma. . VVhyJuat look, the atreeta Ailed with drxya alltoauod with aew Good's , (u4 rooeired. SO CASES OF ORT ooons eouulnlug a large and yariad awmrtoienl ; aad when yosj talk about Dreea Goods, and wheu you think of new etylea aud apeak of Ueeda at Mia rival nrmaa. whr. hesr in mind tl,x .Km. are hen and aew opened at Craeuh'a, COUS anu Mrua, at ruaa. iU tOf,.. .f.-. rniivir.'.' I (tl- n.r""T) Msnvvai,,f , 1 t fwill sell you Oalleoaa at g ean a tier rani : wont you look at them at 111 suits I sud sent ton aflord to buy them at Uta- vvw, ., OtMkig for Beai anal Beys Wear. Donl yoa know that I been tba best assort. Bt ia the Cltf Ion thai da not know 11. aome and look at them aad to yoa that do know, soma right along and bay what you waut. 1 bare got aome for the boy's, plenty for the youth's. A Sua supply for the young aiea aud enough to keep the old gentlemen warm, eowhy aot spend a bt momauia at Croaob'a aad eaunu youraelTsaf .. .. . '. Then tba teuvota Barmudu ride , . .IntbeOoean'aboaomuuespiedt 1 From a email boat that rowed a-long ' ' Tba listwng wltuls noaired the aoug. ' ii)i m tiojuto (Jkuukoa'a, 1 Cloak 4 tkavrli, c;oakt and Bid I sat Cloaks and Rhswl.t Thai la inmk what I msan. Why i will sell them to yoa for ts.uw 1 vu rou w.iui tnem oneapsr r aama quality. Cant And them I Do yoa waul timui Siwrr I am Just the man that baa them. g. 7. S. ill. 11 10, 0, S3 and SO dollars : do yoa want them nuer atill I Jutl aay so, aud I am tba waa to order Boots; aaa lhaea, Boeu aad boea.' Tnst ranslrsA 1nA P.u- a,- r.iiM ari,- Boya and Children ao just put that asked foot into a boot or ahoe, for it will aoon be aold weather, and my friend, I sea your boot an wearing out, and yuur ahoe hare a bole in them, ao yoa had lust as well aome ta Crouch1, aad buy i new pair. They lock bettor and fit newer, any way ; xney keep yoar teat ry aud iswarnftms aeaita. , j. x-j . , i Hata,.Uatav Uatt, ';. , : . AB rirht I Prises rlirht Rtrlns rlirht 1 end dlil ma know that Creech', is the nluw ta bur hu right! Com and look, , ; . . Ladlea' and Misses' xrhnmud tnit .nMmmail Bonnet I Would ton not da well ta nut. ,1... momenta aud aome and look at them ? i aeg lean to retura my eincere thank for tba ttatronaaa I hare noelred for the lset Ml yeara at your hand, and I hops, by uint a. n Uon to business, tepraaentiu gnuu aa tln-y ar and in ersry insUeos giring you the woctb ol your money, to continue to ahatt a lioaral poc , A LiU.ii.UU. . at Ma ... . . i "A PROCLAMATION By Els ExoollancT. tha Gomnor . ef . y' . avi-hB-taxoiuiB, . ' , ' Saeeatlra Drparlaaeat, BaU10. Oot SjLh. 1870. TTTHEREAS, a yaoanoy ailala In the repra T I aeatation from thia State in the Oonirreu of ths Urn ted Hta(es,asused by the resignation of the Hon. Joan T. Iiswxis.a, a member of the House oi KxDreseutsUvus from ths ath f:..n. groseionai Dimrtot, eomposod of the Coiinlina of naaa, rrauMiiu, urauville, Orange, Juhnntoo, Naoh, Chatham and Warren, and by the death ot liuu. koBsaT li. Gn.UAK, who wa enoscn at in election in Aniruatlast to ail the Unexpired term of His said 1awr.iwi I How, iberefore, I, W. W. HoLDi, Goyernotof ins ntata or n or tu Carolina, ny Tirtue of u thority tested in me by law, dn isane this my Proclamation, ordering an eleotlon to be holii iu ths yariona oountiee composing emd Diol-" aw a X'l'i in ii xv ii.. ami. ri.. .j tt..uui.,.. fottha purpose of lilllug the nn.xpireil trm oi tue earn sohm a' xJswxciik, ana fur whn h j"ir poss tlis Toters of tbs Distriot in Aiij unt Urti elected the esid Houkkt It. Viu.iah, uc"a .1. It further ordered that aaid eitutno he hmd ia all respsott in aooordunm with exiaMnv lnwa. Ia accordance wllb Section 8, Cantor till of ths lierised Code, the ShariUe of ths t)ounl! oom posing Uis Ui.tnot will meet sl Loutnbuig, iu (he Coauty of Franklin, on Thursday the 1st day of December, for the purpose of eouipariug tue noil aud aunonnnina the m.n'.t.. , . Done at our City of BaleiKh, till the 25:b ' day of October, loVU, andiu tiie ynr ol A Uie Iniinpenduuca of th UniUid States sue niuiy-iu n. n ,i W, W. EOLDEN.aoyeraor, J. B. MaxTHiar, Prlrata Soorotary. oet 8o-dtawtda , . - 4 Hillaboro' Htmritr and Blilgewty rrH oopy aUA taa KEV PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY . ' BY WILLIAM s: (Abort the Stors formerly oecnpled by A. D, ,.;iw,; ,ui vcauut liui ; . ' ' NEW INSTRUMENTS rwith latest ' i , luiprovewonta.) NEW STYLE3 FRAMES, , , . NEW ETYLES CASES. . And thbeet liclit in ti e P'-la Can tv.ruhM a pieturs in any sis or at la fi .me, particular atteutioa given to oopy'iir from old pictures. No money ltns boon ei. i to ru'c wiia equal to aiiy uaiiery In tt.e t,.,u. tuotiuB guaraiueea or no ciji- . WIUilAHh ryfrrcM. ' :. ? .. .. , kaycn- i:.e h ii.it aWPl-BT ' ; . . 1 ii. 0 AeRALDIIiGJ PATENT CLAS3 CUT.T,."C :' D0CBLE-ACTIS3 Fcr.cs I : .'. iTJMTTTTJTI fOl A I" XiE E TTII8 Pump will pumn 30 p v BimnU. iiill oemr t.it uai ( DufnCLiuD. BO WAVtMr evtr la.M O freHKo, ftud i 1(mhi lialila to "t, , vuy otimr pnn-M now d. it. A i'lffft t)uo e y w -.-"'' v t from ( At to $ i, v -f t; of wat.-r pr iniir W'mil-iin ! r i Of FTf ppm ott2i-u "-a J 1 Allo- J -r prr!-; s"' April l ' - ; , . 1 T I I T I I - !outb.era 'lira Id..... , ,. am, jno. 11 GoniKVH, 1 v,'. c ' ' ; f'kutaiuuif, , AS TTS ' - - tel. ii' lid li uA:, kuMnre J..!v , Ser oeut. . lurly.lliri.e n,l (nvt., ividvud ru.m.ircoii 011 Lwo iwuui . ' Urea ou all tit asuai plans. B B. nkiwooD. U D,, ' . t. , 4 Alt dival Kaaaiitiet. 4 , j,. LiriE,Li:ir, tt TUB DJpI P CULLY li , t - - a , 4 - an prcj'aroij to . rarolsh 1:6 an! . 1, : ' a . , , . Milii,.l "of1 Wilk auperior qn&li'y of , 'IV LIME By tba lihehui, bwrel or ton, n ,j f a n a ' M farorabiu lhHila, Apply to C.E&01 1.',T CORNEll Ct.VVL.1 au-1 t -.-A fit ut .- ax, .... VU. etA-Oin. : . - T 3J, KLiNlTa.3 . ."t a L ' - Y ; . xmino na uny tii C ; f 1 ( , (ii 11 ) . . . .f U b.lug h trat uiad, all other are lm;t 'n 1" ' aWT-RfCES BECri. ' ) j I 3' if , ' . , ft:.i i, , , . ,e.ej . ' D AtJaix's xla.v i : o ; j SUPER PHOSFH'TE U 11- ';'r fr'-r: i " t.adJJI' In"'' .5 S- . ii x- ' Tills 1. ... ... , R.lltt, rn.h In t-j (lit o Vituiil, pre eiH.ii.f tn ii. ..ii i a hiulllV Bllllll.iM Sn.l ll il u- av.. .... . the Aoiuiniiin in p.i.'ii pi'i'.iMii i . ii is s . prompt ai.,1 yi,:. 1 i.t r ll.ili 1 tlUMt HiHtUiII flu f Jiillilii li... .... -- BUMlIltlOll. Xrftilil ,1 .,' ,i rcputatiuu. H win prevent i Vn s&t.' "Tl...,1..Fa il.,... South, of wbom w rccuuiaiiua oui. u. f ...j ... .. ., ... ... , , i out iio qui - '; FESCOD. LEE Q. Tfeo!css!o iirJ r l I ti-i it Fiiyeltcvir.o f "fi t, . " n,Lr:ic::i, h, r. v. mo si or rri i: :.-: i aENUlNKOonrrn.m, 1 ... i or, aud Kxi:c,iajr angjiitf ,.' ". ;"'' , LI'IUI.H, Co.Mii; v "s . iiUtt cwaps au d i tti 1. aug 81-tf ' . ;,: ' - Teas a::j3c...: a NOTHKIl PnMi.iy of Hn uL l'roinium Cii -i .i . 'i ' aug 81 tf ; ( 1 " ; CiHiilue J'f " it ' Lar(eaHiti'liiii.iilof i,. t'a, and Xuoth iiiUdii. H aog SO tf faluaule: i fiti ; in ; A T Loxlivdin, on ! V at 1 o'eiugit 1' I Li uli.r upim a-'tVulit ii, Kivmu I ""i aifl i. .Ill JiOiiXi :. .il tut the xiAirrv frmuiHsr u i ' :t M B -" A. 'j . i -i ; n-i.-i r-A i: hut n a: Aw n n't I t ir : 'l Vis., ii ! j Hi h ,ff ,1. 'i ,V ,1 n't: i ;. ii t in i..'- I I a ' I. t. . a a. ,.V t- A u '1 er 4 .it !,'i ,n. i SOt I-'-. cpt 1C

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