! .;i:i i nj 1 .. . 1 jl --' 1 " Si. : . vr- -'. ' S .. .' ., . i. f i - w - , . 4 i t n i ; 5l t ... V . ,w- jn.-.-i-. -r nr""i it ft pi' " - - j i I i I u.ar il pulac licata, hnn! bis I"""" i ll 1'U fret I if J.IH llf t In- .,( Ii.nl l:p. i . .. nin, he too ia without arm, nlae and due bo breath. m the tiro; the heart lie... ti.c In i piny m ill slap, tod there Upn iih ia titutiiig, but you cam aliake tne man beck to Me. ' t " ' ' In th- o t'c f.weia natural. " - -int f . ent him therwl'orrif death. Ia . uilcf wl)iid fetrty livid. .- - r f Ifa man ia a ' "p,1ct,fiun thine; nature will wake liim uji a anon a he ha got Bleep enowrh. t) 1 - When perron fiiinta, til that H needml blolov I'i'o down on the tlnnr, anil he will d tn.itu tiie limit niiaaed a bait, tailed Air an inatant, failed for only once to tend the iintw amount of blood to the Ufain. If you place the jmtient in horiionUl arition, ley him on hie back. It doeenot reavti tmirh f.irre of Hie heart to tend the likxnt cm alevL-l to the head ; bnt,if yon act inan up, the Mood hai to be shot upward lithe,heBd,.ql tUU requires 'much man friroe; yet, in nine oaeea out of tea, if per o faint ud falU to the floor, the Bret ttyn done ia to ran to hiro and wthiin up or place him on chair.' ' ' In pop'esy, hM Wtoe ch blood in the head, every one can see that the pori Jion in to art a man up, and the Wood" p rally tendi downward-Mi much wwler will eonie on of a liottle when k it wed atwf the cork iaent. - . &4ie a au ia merely asleep, let him salone, fot the face 1 natural m : JT a man ka. ralnMM nik flat ok fci 6.hkfae:4rtyBela.r uk If a niaa i apopioctic, et liim ia a chair, Itecauee the face W turbid, ewollen, and liri4 with itauvwa of btood. V. f w Wht i a;yleiyH'iPatliiiriilerneai of the at,ta aivl4PP.'l'W"' of it, lite Greek Cfinnceted it their own minda with the idea of a (rtroke of Kghtn nir a conilng from the ' Almighty hand ; it literally mean "a itroke from b re." A Wantsneoiu aa the huriintrtof tfmndcr- bolt Jft a elea skv; Awwe- amiiel )oa of mm, and feeling, and thought and motion: thelVMft Dent, tlie lung plat, but that j alfithc iioo ceaao forerer. The Bomaa aoaidcired,tbgparltt t e Mftrmrtnairruck' Jhe eMendal nartirabf iFfibpfciy .,' b an tintoJiual aniountof Mood in the brain, - "Whatever aende toomuch to the brain may aune apr;nlcxr. Whatever keep the blood coming frorti the" 1 in ('.rnit op may caw apoplexy. Tlnn iwthe king of pople Whii h -... i u c"e iviihout any apparent adequate enimv Tyiug "d romd the neck, or holding tiie head downward too long, can bring on an attack of epoplejcy. by d iming up he blood ia the brain) and keti . .' it fiH returninsr from the body'. X wm.len mental emotion' eaa tend too In-,. b''4 tt tlie" lrs1n;or too 'great mentid txeitement docs the mime tliUijf.--1t 1 tlw swtial nature of all wine and niriU ittH aaitd aa inoeeaeed amoaat of Uood to the brain ; hence alcohol it aaid to tti!iii"fit5 tne Droin,, , s. t .JXJie 14 t'floct of takina a glam of win1 or truiir form of alcohol i to amd the blor'i tinw rKir Htaw eommon, nennen qu! the eiirnlatiott j ;thnt pvei tiie wrA inr,: it iner.a-Hi tlW tctivitT.pf ihe 1ml n. and ta doe tho tmilii.aIiut at the Mood goea to the limin farter than eaaunom, It return taster,1 'and- no epecial perma- n harm fpanlriL Rllt UD1KWC B man keri i on (' ink;i' ', the bhoi ia tent to the , brai.. um.li SmUammek large naantitM that in nt to wk room lor , tne ar- tnte ! 'e-tn nl!-;f)-hpmarlret 5 ltlwy bcr . it and" in' doing ad prea gai.i .Ij.i; liioru. yielding i flaouid em which carry tne nioou out 01 me uniin, and thua cnilerably diminish their sire, their imwoi: the T-"-H lieinfftliat the blood .'knot 1 V uiiiied to,' tbearteiieaof the brain f,u than, ia natural or healthtul, lmt it in nn-vented from leavins it at mat - at uj""' a e net of causet of death , n ' ' In oner.iiion. Hence a man may'l ... h brandy or otherwpiritt In it ,v Ihmus. or even nimutca to Bring on a iul liUm'k of aiHiulexv f tltia itlite rally being dead drunkW(tf' of MM'. . ( , j. - . ,-rrT rr1 I 11 "J. 1 ''fl M t ACCt. 'TO AlWSJ)VtSe - !S f , " ' 1 ' ' "" f" " ' A TIAT rVNIPR MVHTTKICATIOS Ot CK- " Yeaierday afternoon a bridaj' parry of three coopliw arrived m tne p. m. umnRT train at tha SLmlaad. uTeuue devot, aud b while alh'hting from the car one of th hrh 111 to tlie platform. -'Oondnetot . ButhiJ"i : fwai' ay, lout look, ih the- nsu Ing . .i com' aonu.... the part y d rolled to her, but he not p- e bun. he tailed louder. . r i !! !!, but yoa have ,e ! !eu troiind to . 1 , m of the party, but f ; f-e 01 any un C V ' 1 t . ... J it. 1 I .ut e sure mat lie u 1 mx 1 it tip and walked pant -.ir it'-''. i-'-' mire that lie 4. I ee 1.. A...KT fewingii ( m hi baud to the d'-not, where ttetnauiintion w h 1 to wimt it wat. one know iiif chilli 1 " U that It V bonnet, it liavhv; r' : to tie oil Willi, ahon "f t a" 1 a sort of tcol- loped I : "' tion wan 1:1 fxirter arrivi at 0. 1.... .. appall Tirir den I Al tow. ' " . ll,. 4f I -tr,. ,. :". fneralf . .. ...1 i. .a Mr re- u ground, who being . i -!f ' .' I ! i .ir iu : oiibra,K, a!: :; Tins SCHOOL whlefchaabeearnrUMkat twenty roar nnder the exelulre cKarf of J. H. Homer, will aenef forth ba 0oadaeu4 under Vb Joint aaparvtahia of the abon nrht- eiliala, with eompcuat aariitoni laaUwetura la arfry aeravtmeni. 1 aa eeuran 01 many am aeen eneaaea, ana bora will Iw Uwrourlilr SUeal tar advanced elaaaea In CoUece, n pedal refereaca betnc bad la uie quinncauom nqiuaiije to aenmauoa mto the Senior eiaaae la tne Univetalty ot Vlr- Einla, of Waabingtoa Lea VanlTendty. Tu ittar ot which ba tfnue eonrwred npoa the arhool the aoaor at a arholaralilp ta that la uuittoa. .- A. reawlar eawmt ef atudy m Vatnaal Bet vca ; nmmul ldaiw and' aha Mndara UmejnaKa baa bean added to the aebool tor tfcnee atudenta, wbo, dealrine; to acq aire ealy a eompuxa BKUinew eaueauon umj wia to aun U.ttta thaat atadWa tor Latin and ttreak. No naiM will ba anaml ia landar tha Im. ttxneUoa la the aebool effldeot and totartdah W atadenta the moat ampta tacUltie tor tbor ugb preiwratloa for CoUen or fur the aequl I lilon of a aood baalrwat vdneatloa ; and the Brlncipala lutter theuuelrea that tueir lone and aucraMfnl career a Umrlwra to a mfaekxii ruarantee that the achoal will be ta all raanacU aonhj the public oaundeae and aupinrt, y I The Sprliiit Seealoa will open the aueoad Mondaj In January. -' t at j Circular eontalntng term and full pertlea tar f nrniahed apoa mrpUmtkm to atthar at tbe prineliiala. " . aiw Uweuai,. u .,. .. s j. ...... .1... . M yJTLUAMB MUECHIBOH, .L ,..:k;. fl f,k,f1'.'' I . . Irfl O-HV tf'( I I' in a . OOMMimOJf MKnOHJUTTB WILMINGTON, K a 1 ft 11 liberal aivanet made on conalugrnent of I iotlon and Naval Store for aale her or for 1 bliment to Marehlaon eV Co., New York. . Airenta forth BEAVER CREE K. L1TTLI 1IVB AND RANDOLPH MANUFACTUR- WSd UOMrAMKH abeeUng and Tarn fom them faetorle alway en band tad tor is ail uic ujwea awmn vricva. imaRAnA vj n. ha . ' T BUMin T.ha. CttinTlM " -'1 ' 10 Hhda and Boxee Bacon? '" f" i IM Bbla Pork. 1 .Ma,0U8 Barrel rionr, ' ' ? 109 Bbla. Reaned Snra, 10 Bag Cotfoa, , . in tukia.it ., -- l ..f aSO Ken NalU, eU.eU''1'1' '".'hi to !. iJitiow Pmoa,"! irUrnlngton, N. C, . MMilm ia irawtMKn INHERE I aothing adorn a rHOTfl , tKAFH more than a cheap and bandaome al Frame, and the onlr Dlae to -have toot rocoe?anM ana nenwe neauy irame yaat uunguiiB. , . , , ... ' There b nUihit more naeful and adorning ta yonr Parlor and Prlrate Rooma than cheap and handsome Window Shade, aad Caraiee attached to tow window, and the onlr olace In ttaMlga, u go. mem at ciJiWOU 'a, :r . I M'"t f " ' ' ' 1 There I aoth!! ohwrfal a to e the Walla ot year dweelUact neaUy and aendanaie- paperae wnten can oe eon wiw neatue 4 duratilMV by uutwaOM. - :, " There b aethln; loot mure rudarxt and m ratad man 10 ee ue wan of your rartore d Bed-room . .iaatefnllv decorated with eaaato and ainmiprlat ; Chrome Ptctnrea, Photosranha and eteel Kuaravimr. all ot Which can be obtained at CLAWSOM'A. w A T aorien-u j,n .v . .,. j ' 1 If ! lS.'.iX-nilliHf 6 ErS.iaS5fe rtew 1 S!i2:"'"!!iSi;M ,J:. S "' i w -i ?.H0 irr;i?.r.-l; " " . . 4 f; ft iS amaw.alBaaaBaaB TMPOETANT NOTICE. . tI . t'i i;c:::::.:3c:nT.cci2i-j AIT, R FT AIT, OKP" s ""VTfTINrt TO :d0 AN DOVER PhUVKK' i) 1 1 ANT fAKT U 1 llai vuu Aim, trcfCxpra CHATftm. i & TailiHUa Easter k fJom, 1; f " 1 I".' onW two better to meet the want of Uiclr h tu.il Cuewniora at a distance, have entaliuea- ana wffl, mn utmrlcittlon, nroniptTy arnd by nuilfn.i . ...wotnamplea of the Neweat and w I xl.,..n..l.le ((mI. Of FKKM'II. IMf L. .1 tnil lHlMKS'i'ld MANLFACTl'KKj e ,rantM i..ntall time toaell M low, if not i i.-tm iri n, Utm viv houwj in tlie country. )in ' our m " tlie lar.ri-t end rhbiI e. ' f.i... I in"mlf; lii',.rg in tlio n.'tl ,(. 1. 1 i. ... u.if Uie Ki!i! by e niiv eia u - ourtUiek it. at ah 1 nif L" 1 h 11 tiie Bovclltce' 01 tlie . .,. -In. 1 v f'irr.1 iitiil iiwkc , w.-n.ca; .1 ami v.iiliiil to atrti tt rn let TO Firrert Pan r y-'- V 'T, 1 In e.t. 8. ia ti- c t . T I ! '1(1 if f .VP c , ,r Mr- ,.f lue k-..d of I. Vak.'ll i m hft rniiii of 1 ti-a liuii tu lowuat to the I mil m ui'!icc0iiiiuiied by the eah i: o. i. ar ill be .... it .... in our 4 .i..-."'l "' ' . EVPS 5 s i-r 3 s mi t C, BTRONACH CO, 1 HBAWTAKO FAiCYIIlfCEBl, . St, FATETT1VILLK BT&XIT, '. J kU' i k-.'v.-- . : ! ' l': rlw' 1 ff fiir 'fV ( - P i- . IdVflSJama 9 SV .j faj A; .uaca WnoiMALiOKCicrjia di cojwiiiaeig, " MERCHANTS. irl ft"n j. aaAiKITIQOABI. H. TONES CO. r a i) ' ' If r AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHATTH, aiiama at .' ' t I r-r-T "AMES K. TOWLKa, -' GENERAL' ' COMMJnSION , ' HEKCttaNT j Aaet -I , f a-1 UCOTIONBER." J' ,u4lAill.lUWil.,V-.i' fl Grateful tor Wt taTera, renew hb pledge 1 kaembJaaedframd and the pultu toUw Beat nr kla atrilltv. nnarlal alienuoa to uie unfcaee, aale, or, renting vol .Real Katattvr Penooal rVopcrty, Cotton and all kindalif jtuc, aad Merely R. MARTINDALK, . .i t-t or morw cinou !r i WM. J. OL VVASTf j go. - ' irwoamoa w"!' "t'"' -r V SHELBY A DCXANT,1 W, Wml BalUmoe, KmHj; BAMIMOBa, MB. .... vrousalc Kronnutm an TAJ li A furl Ba of Blaak rkwfce, Wrafcg pdodrt an good pertaining ' to. b . SUdlonerJ bjnirnea coaatanUy oa aaad. : ,'. f i PUBLISHERS Of THE ONLT , " THE tHmDSTATia,'; ! Retail nrlea SS.0O. -SDeetmcn eonlea tent hymijlfreeof Pat4 OB, BMeptJpjo,, ' ft . f t-t r ; :i- d"iM w pv'i ij tVHf rrwi t OaW AaUtSTBOllQ. v, BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAN UFACTURER, , a H J 1 l , ovbb rn iromt Ciaoun mwawma,, f RALEIGH, N. C.T ' f' fl L Mil' . ' KT . 'Trial, Exeevtlon, Minute am) Recording uneaet maee to orner. naoeiooranr. s, , yTL'K Canilla Report fend other Law mod ta auoertor Law Bindinr. . ... 'North Book, bound iMiaalng anmbam ot the Refwrta (applied aad add a um bare taken ta esrrhature for bind' Bt.i taikl'".,''l',, m ' f oeeywm-w ,vl s rrfi TLLUMO. MORHIBTT. f -i.'if'A 1 ATTTORNET A COUNSELLOR AT LAW, i l , , aauBmif.v,, lOhVanrat loor ahora R. B. Andrew A pa, aear T acker HaU, rayetteriU etraei in . i d 1 I . . i ' Hi .-!. i -,W rofmaloaal and baimem -enaaldnraUoaa hare Indnced am to .mare ear ante to th Capital of tho State. IwUI, themtera, be pleaaed to aee, or hear, trees- aa elhmle aad frlendi at Ralebrh. N. C. -'l t' V Mi ' tor the preaent I will enatlnna to regard awmlt a eitlaea of OoMabore' and ot Wayae eoonty, and cm Moaday ef erenr wek will eee my friend at the odtce of Dr. Iiaonoa U KiKBT.in Giildiboro', to tranaaet bimlneee. I will aluai, until further notice, practice hi the owmtiea hi watch I have aeretofare practiced. pg-lJ '" WlJeUAMw.mOatKUUill' 4- "XTE V SASH. DOOE AND DXJND - . ... ... I , '.(It I" I. 'til IV-"",, l O-tV " . ivrra i. i rtm--r'z"r: UEnSfTAUGIIX a Ati' ( , - t,, .. r - 1 h lei'-e I Proprietors.--" Order from adUiaae aromptlallcnded to. " JMy a-ly , r, , .. i' t a. W i Watt F.YBaTo. R. McTUltir, im t'ra""jar li 'ynttiii ii DANVILLE, VA -t. ' Hwmt f.l... ! ?' .! KIKt , .oa tna aaui ar Lair toaiocor "Tr7'E Hare Jaet pnt a addltloav tosetr W Warcbonee, makttnr it the iantext and nett arranirea novae lor, the bnnlneai ini'th Town. W lib. Ill lanre door and ill aky-Uicbta, wavon lorKea an m ue wareaouaB at iirut,q Dry Stall for horeea. Good roome for Plan- ten to eeok and aleep rn.- .PromM at tomb to tne mterea ana eonuon or riaiucr aua their teem. k - ..it , . rr:3Tccrr vrn; - f - fMktl AT WT'"1T -flAT.T FRT, , vi euleof layetieviiie ptreet, ami ret your pietnreleken. Ion eiHitd n.t iMke more etroi"" ' prnwiit hmiie with yun ll.an ll u I v I,.-, like i ,u'-ih' 'i. ll a Valon nmer fiuie to n- a, Lix.a ent f"f the nijht place. Sixwnd door from 1 ueker Hat). , .- pet to-tt - ; ,- ,";'! H 1 : ''.' :. ..it. Ana Ibvmviuul Uuiii.uU if -v .lli It William f -rrLnii:. (Ahore the at ere formerly oeenpled by A. ' pi . ... id i . 'lavuH1. . .-- : .-.l 1 ' I.".! i v; VpV UT3TEUJTENT3, ?v;:.. . -XZ.: : i'VLES CAH ;, ' V'itti the Meat If w-mcnt. aad t' I.- I l in i. r - - .i t.nu.iU a pk'tur. i i y me or rurticnt-ir ii oW !' r ill.,,-. IX t' enni' 'X fr.nn 11 ' to . . ill . ..te. balli.fcUuu t. ...i-i t r V, , i hirm-V- I 'y-i .p 1 tf OFFICE y . 1- Eiy c - V-Riaf'.. 1 - ti,. V- fc- 4 - j! iji. . ' v .--.- . ... . , ,u,i. i or Jtw fcooDs ! , ,.., 11 ' WE are lllv mwlvlmr our aneond imply ot fAy--BiJWr"avr ' .yls STAPLE and FANCT BRT GOODS, i I NOTIONS, BOOTS, 8U0ES, .'. - HATS aod CAPS. - - j Alas a good Hne of clothing for awn, Tenth and Bora, of which we make a eiwlnlly. We tall perlal attention to tlie OA KKNU OWN ALPAOCAUw beat goode h Uie- market tat m money. We lo call atteutloa to. the North CaroTlna mlul'S, eome of a liii b took a aeumlam at the late Ktate h-. ; ' We ruiue to BMk ar ruin Itvi )taat.l l FAMILY GWamE&v 1 b if .Hai al wmt l 'i an I l t PIHOICE NOVKLTTES.' ,awvrf. NEW ATT It ACTIONS ' . and f; . H"l ' ; j: . ..... AT. , 8. KLINE & b.v't H ii r. r1 J COliNEE IAXTlEYiUJ, VAJkV b i.jitarjr sTBETua.n fiu .nHjiidi ill uit. Kllm.--'"' Black Emprea Clotli aad French Morlnoea, . tfr New and Handaome Real Lace " f W t wmxI( and Eioliroderk, f, :: i ColUruUa. .-i.l. - u L.i a,- 2 Tt 4 i: . ai JfonneMf S'tta,- LuieU and Lac HEAL LACE TRIMMED HANDKERCH'FS. Cbolee Hambara Embroidered Edstne aad 1 T Kimedeated S'Xt Front In greet Variety. ' j A taiy and yerkaetoek at DamirOodj fcW.dim of Print. Browp. no .Bleached SEE ?'49t,t!b jrw.f?sr. jCloe bnyorn of any (rood. wiU wadtt rknlageoaa to examine ear prkeca and ttoek before going alaewhera, , We aak tl eqieclal attentton of the eltiaeoa 01 Kaieign ana ouicre to our auwnar euiea. nt Vlanketa, Uawumerea, nacKMin ana woown eta. Cawdmerea. Hue Ooedtvfn Urnar. kUe-.H0Teaa,-'.ltl mil ij Saawla, Balmoral Sklru, Uoupaurta, uouery, r 1,., ato. BOOTS AND SHOES IN GREAT ' 1 VARIETT. jfccBOnr,mi,' i .. CHINA WARE dm. I vittma ti nawaai mmi .' rWa sail Bartieular atUmtioa to our lam and iW trie Itara r Ttried aamirtmeut ot Chin and Crockery warn. Bb akiiinwv,, - 154ia -. KeMgi, fl. V- . tifM-WrlfA.TliTF-ll(B. Ma, IMIH wltl'f GitTBtrirsr make my bow again to my numeroM id and patron with my aonae full of fond and etlll tbey eonte. Why, JiiKt look I The Mreete are (lied wltl dntyeal ;ratd'Wltee'iod&'l :vmii STled with ... 1, ......... j man a mi irutwi fuel anuvm, ot vnflM w fn . u.n.yo. eoatalnlng a lanfe and varied aaaortment: and when to talk about DKFUS OOODb. and when yon Uilnkof NEW STYLES, and apeak .fof'lfood. at the RIUHT PftlCES, why, twar in mum Naat wy are ner aua now opunoa at amvandilotmatabeav mt titt V:. I'tlCOE CT1"' lTy H" Itrtl'terl yoP Ciillcoea at 8 evnta jwryaM! 11 ran look at Uii.m at IU OMila.f Baal can't foil Wd to by Uieoa al W!pta cpom'fbr 1r:J:."S, nny BOY " (. iii" '1t...t an-u'd , Pen't yea knew Uiat I keep tha heat aaaoet- auh.l In tbc l:it.vf .Yoll that do not klMlW IL annie and look at It, and to vou tliat do know. m Jika.-rh.-t it aiuna and hwv what on wank, ' ) 1 kmvta rrfrt siUHM fcr tlM RnTB. TlVMnar fcr fetit I bare irot eooie fnr Hie Bore, nlenkr for Tdntha, a Hit mmly for tlie Young Men, and . ....., , , enonicn to Keep uie uiq ueiiuemcn warm, no w ) why noi tuend lew monreuU 4 CREECH'S Where tlie remote Bermuda ride ' rj In the Otn' iMw.rn uitcmplM ; From a mtihU htwt Uuti ixiwM ftlun v TIM ttmt'niiig wimU mcitlved Die King, ' (it co.tje to i:vs V Trfiai 'Md whI i. . VI . e "f i i 'I f ' - QLQAKS AvDQf tU)AK8AVI)QI :: bid I any Cluaka-aBd fihewle TTmI U hud wll .t 1 liieiiii. -S by,.l a ill ai'll them to yon a -fj UOl VVtiy, do vou a nut tuciu Ctie-A m f annie iiulllyf Cn't Bud tbeiul 10 you Wiiut them micrf I am jitit tlie mnn tbnt hae them, f 5 do, (T0i, tH 00, a'llliO, ii oU, l OB, JU (10, i dU and - W. Iki run iit tli. in liner elill 1 Just ay an, and I'm Si man to order Uicin. B 00T8 AVD XJOOTS AND 3 f lliel rreelvi-d 100 Cnw. for La.lfee, Miwj U na end Children; an J""t Ji, that nuked li.'tt luui a BihH uf Mi'w, fur it will e.M,n be ii.iil acHtber, and, my friend, I eec your Himii. 114 went iiitf out, end y.mr c ;i.nn bnveaholc in picuiatf im Lfd jiiHae a-. cotue to ?.. ... U L ,t V ll t k ;;'. till Imiv a N w V if. Th'-v lmk lM'H r, mul tit Im-U r. ;.ii v t! ; lh y kut'l)ur ttx-t diy iM'd jirxawrve your Umlli.. 1IATS, TTatS. HatS. ' AH rl-. -Id; rricce rl: lit; at.l.a r'-tit, and did V II kll'.w ' ... . j 0 i U Li . 1 ' Home .i.l . "'a VvrA-AetS"-. I"". 1-1' t 1 !i ..-!' ' ' . f Jfe.,.K Ul j n ureiite at p i 1 i " augWtfi CAKilF.K'SDrngllor. i i . TtteCt XZm :.cv,Wi:H,,i: EBT SNOLLiH and r'nweh. r- ( .'' ' Nie..:"r a!. at !. irtf -iMit. , ' CAitJt utt'S Drug SUw. v "'.'."VrwWi.'..i.t4l MZmI LI'm yOT.aaaalinlaB.frmb ,-- -ue. T 1 Tel 'I " I " i ,irDnwUf i . , T, rwami M.f. rrphSr-FOim'S. Hr.adPreiwraUoa.il oa XX; w.rt phI hn-nd try u,7T" ' , TV.,.- l, ... ll..u..,tTlt:W dud J ateXWII J. I vAitMER a Drug Blore. ." lie. namfcelaliaatmef, litMlkmm.!', ''jl milEHKRAT LW fcuVimtiVre iuid Jflii id jA.'.prtlln,'ftf.wf'FiKalt"ii"Mi . 1 ag ki-U. m, i.,.CAKJUitS iirttf Storairt- TaTWSEJili LAMI-S, CHIMSltK AKD duet reeeKod and f,w nale at ' . tag MI Mi CAKMtK'S Drug Stur. 1 t Whatlow Class toet putty. Ftne fcwortnent''of 'rtiirfe and double ajBawtl iaMkUajuiii.R S lrrag StorA ' fH tl '14 FiyrtUvUU StJ ' iil Lill j - . t'fi .i ....'.i ii 4 . 0810 tV THE o6l.DENT"fORT AR P .11 ) -. l i..'l'i...e . 'i '. i 'r' ' . k. k.m ,Crl.ef tC7eV"' v .ff,.'.,. f, tOh4ll,,t Will lfl i.-.h- ..I il IKNULNK Cuiaria. KiealHajllk Viel,SU J act aua tuxiMiir n me, for wue hv. .w riunvii jr. J.r.r. a i,u u Mf .i t'ONDRAV -s. VtOI.I-T' ami J- PIvar'.Flm. p..-,. 1 P - fu , i, let ': PI'.M'! ll. I.l K A I'll aag ai-ti' ti a i i,, i, l4 ..Jl.ka VMM ftntl C&decUf& NOTllVH tmn.ly nf fine Teal and Bai . ker'e Piciiuuni ( 1 ..'late. ium& fi'i'iiiviid O-.llijK, . . a a.Ki;lil ivfr. .1. tl " ' . , v':.. ""I" .1i.,til-..tS ITnl, f :-. ,' ? ... ytl ranaaaaltlia ralll"lt..vliki'' ' A LAROB aMortment of Beniiln Enjrliab J3L liatraad Tooth BrnnlKil ef .it 5et VKtHOU D, LEE m CD'S. "I "Wfi ..it onrfrtana iw.4tmggnilal'e ire I CfCUPffiBU IF..ILLlSTa.lTIOM I j diiphd toCkrlallim et'aulilnir; ciiMimelnt: 4A- Mylliqlogy, Au.il.i,-iua, Liciui l'ara bti, Emlilema, Metiipliora, SlitiilHs AUexarlea, ..'..w, iwt.rie anil Hellliiu "dote, e., Iiy Rev. Eton router and Rn. Sb iduw H. Tvng, D, D. .JJrery wbtkiaw and riM'ent4eriNnn lati lov'" w "J ' rrio lt EHulinhCIrthi .iut ft, OH' , VfehnrVtto'mMarMtterlire. '. pmmu ' ' R,ii,i b,N, C, it ! . to nmf..ierit na .wtid l'f 3iMlt,ieirMliMI I AJnaaMMi; .t TflE BmnATALMANAfr FtBRISjlEfj'. V1 I BIHi!nVAaBAdkai ,'ttn lafKl r.inme t ' . "JTIT"" .'r"! M Kt". V : ;' il : LadiBDEBS SOLICITEa" vlWI il If W PRICE per Brow ST ! nerlinndrnd Sti hiilf rremM; per donin IS cedte, Hhi;1e eoplei 1(1 cent Winelo eoiile and nuek of one or mere doauu laiiilvd tnv of im.lnire on iweljit toy IS Bookaellur, jtulell' ', jfia'fb i .!' i f'fir ijll Ji'.tlii PIODUCE (C0MMISSI0N ERIA ) Ml tiREEXWiCH STREET, M. T."'"f Jl , Reoiileiera'knl N ktnfc of tkmlfien and Nurtiiem nrodiietiim, iich a Tolweeo, Wool, HoM, lllil.', rikina,. Jrum, kiutbera, llomp, HnH, BwiKwev, Uiwu and Dried j ulta, Hiwna, Peaa, Simla, Flour mid tiinlil, l'oik, Beef, Ven torn, PoiiMrv, BiitUir, Clii'i'i. K'i., Lard, Tallowi, Hick Wlaoa, ft., Aie,. , Our Inn.' i. .i ui Lb .muul.nlim find. ne enniMi u toaoll nooile without delay for li hurhnt inurket prleiw. Mm kuir ihile and eirrniiira mi -on Biiiiieauoii, coinmiiniou for etdllni priKliui 5 per ount. Wool, 'I oliae. C", fte., a1, ht reuk., . ConaigiiBivuta ouclted, MAirrnta wanted," ' , ,' . iugS4ra '"" I ,,(,11 null 11 'H.I..IIK Ul' ll tl I I I ....... I ... 1. I.. ,... Examlueaud nuy'lliaorklnul', ii (UlUUtt'S.) . It peiiig Uie 0i4 aimle, all Allien, arc iiuliiitiwis, SUPERFSCrPHAlE CPIIIE i'i.ia u i, ... V ni "' k -! Mrt lt.'l-Hil ,114,,., ) 1 . J . m Will i I H ... if,. ; ii....... i'i i"" V, j. t- Tliin M iiiiiri: U. iimilo of Rm r 1,'nluinieil B'Bie., n- II III IliiH ni. irt in hit. !li-,.lveil ii Oil if T'li'.l. V'""'' ' I'll- i i . I- it all i.ly ulii.mt5 Hi,.i (iiii .iv B,;i ., ,. j and ti urtit.i.i.'iitit in fie h .ni.!.iM, ik ti Hurt- u I ... A l uini nu.oua aetum 141UU 1... CI ' ' ii' Pliiwiiliiiio waa'e'iM-li' '1 i. r!(Mt i'niii on ( est-- ih't! - -n iMimuoll. It Hill ) - ...nil ftlfv . nt nt-t m ctitttrtia iff wh'Hn w rtJfyiHiiicnu i'nitint Soul? (.' '.'HPIIIIV. .i a: 1 i'ALae ti; i u ;t t.. j ' ' Toi..a ktiTiiAsisf-r' Y , . iv i....... . 1 '.-Al. I 1 .. j 4 -11 1 1 . AMI . . . 1 . :., (. ' " . rwV:'-J- We take lilcaaure In eiiuouiHituif to yob tbul dar ttoek at - .a-.u-ei u. ,. f . (-1 j t .fOREKiS ANQ DOMESTIO S..7 Adapted to your uU te now . . ;. , Revert brancu complete, and; in exUnl, variety and priee, will comre j , i with uy atock oulh of Now Turk. j R nm.Kta In )rt of full Hum of tenwii oMona, . " Kulled Ctolha, Sleeebed tlotuina, , S.'imet.H, 0ini.uia, ) fMeep Uray, '" Jeane. A , i. jf. jvi.il it KenifV, Hi B d Tlik, , 1 inaeva, aiilrUiiR null, t i i uua lKimeetlea, ii Print of erery wll know aiak - lankew,. 'i .,. :i Blitwla, ,' Comfort,' j , lioodi 1 11 V 1 tls .., .... 1 Drcm flood, wSf- AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ' - ' YANKEn NOTIONS, AB Of Uie aliove ifiuilH have been bought,) , dn.H't from V'MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS," u entmojuentry we are enabled to offer them u J LO W an Jobuor In any of the . , , f " NOHTHERN CITIES. . We fUHmnlee to Sell Ihriat hi kjDuZ:uure I'iU't'a ititj iki Baltimore Term. Virl HiU ,i. TjAVIS, PltKE A CO.' 1 l ' Jobbiihh or Uar imo,"'' ' nr" V'aur.iBaak and Hviimom etnwt. '' euidt-Sm Petvrebnrg, Va. f -.WttlteJOitrwelilei Qnllta. ., TT7"E rea;octf nlly Invite onr friend to e- V V amine t large lot ot . J ,VniTI MARSEILLES QUJLTS, tioierbl at aneiliHi ajnomr them am aome new tvlea dilferent from anything ever uown rn thai market, Titer are rnenn. I DAVIS, kill ARE A CO., Iflm, B.m 1 U.....ui.. l. . nitac Kid Gloves. ' "VST epeaed a few dotea - , ' nil en " ' ' -'i rV VIS&E3KID bLOVESi fl i. n ,'i m .nt 6f aUuir.il (imuly anrfel n trtf ir.irv. jjiyra DRtKE A COT"" !apa,n', " ' 1 Pctei liur, V. Lnrttr-, !enfV) Iloj a V' HIIn 1 MERINO EST4 VcrycUeap. ,(, , ' ; I 0mkpctH, jCarpoW, , jv, CUGGKTS, Dfil'GULTS. Jut te bund. Ilia kuvent aUkik uf ('iiriudu ever ebitwn lit relemliiiri:;. end AT VKIi I MUCH LOWER THAN I'llUr IIAVB BKKN Ol'FEHED aluee thu ww. The etoek raur Itriiaie 1 .i liii.i.ifu f.. '-.uj a,i . m i-l'Lr", . - .11 1. i.i ,u .1 11 1 ' TAPTCTMYlNdllMS, . , ,1 lMl'hltl.M. INi.RMV. ' al.L 'HPPT, 1 !. tii.-.t j.o... ,, , HkMl'llH 1 DKUG0ET8 MvanJ Riiif. ... ,14 V v.- i . 1 -.' ml (" iwii JiCar)wt Lllilne, ' ' ' I . Carpet BlniUiig. ' Wehndt every iki In want of a Carwtto give our eUMik au evniutniiuoik i e ciuiik.i Ml lo iileeau hi BIVLK, QUALITY AM' PRICE. ' ' " , ....... UKAKB t I 'opS-taai 1-iib ;,..,i. t. Puteitburg, V'A .U 1 1 . . 1 DRUG S, 1 , ;M I'KTEIUIlfUO, VA. , 'i 1 ' TAKE plenenre In annonnelntf lo Hie MEIt CHANTS of VIKiilNIA, NORTH CA it Ol.lNA end TKNNKMEK, that lliev have out' of the iniMit eaunatv aud uomjiliiui nuieka of ' 1 ' ' , ' " , I'lllli., ,.1 1!, I.l ll . I . M, . . .u nl AlM IS, Oil H V AH M 'II Ft, DVK STUFFS, WIN HOW (II1A8S,' ' '. ( .,.. mjbiix., i'i' H(ut.it, .. " v it. COMIH. i FANCT AND Ti 11 1 ! T ARTICLES, , r Sl'K i S, ,4 1 TOBACCO AND lVUFF. ' I To he frnnid Mouth of NMV VollK. ' Biivlntf earliMlvely fur CAHII , from llrnl haade only, UieV l-all ilter ililMe"UieiitnB.'MHiil to any 4101111111; lloiiiw North or boutli, C.ill and enuiiinc their kimxIii mid iire. . " i . ' - . WALTER It. JORDAN, mirf-U 1 ft , JObUUCAK. J4 -Hue- h-ak--l 1 cowao ha:::: is Ccnenil CoininlkfitoH Kvn'.." ' NORFOLK, VA. ' " Wy mw Utt-e o htttit. full upify o( the jiospjiatet nsu, t; Wo. ; r A-'xPertilizei' ' , Rlik In AVNONIA, , M'r - - .a J aa a. m - - - " 1 And all other liufn-dlciit m-eeiiiry l f"nii( A POWERFUL nd ACTIVE 8TIVI LATol! of tlie erp freak from our Kurt. oil the (.Una. elic.1.1. B.iy, wwrnitiUd pure and flee tinul miy d. i- ii ' nine mixture, ' . - fili'v. HEAT, COTTON, aad VE.!TA!:!.1.1 ' ' ' it an KO aiTKIUOH. 1 (Juiiiio If ruftitiifit' -lured 111 tli. '.i.: t Vi, ...ui, and i i-Kieii-hcly nwl I y.-m ... nit i intern Nurlll ClTiilinil, 1" i I'' ' ell-r- . i.i. I inn, f.U illiLUi )f Uliy gtl.uiu kn A ii. Tiiiii fait a ill recommend It to our fiirmU. 'y-(;s;!i;;: MuLKJiEii ro;i '.;... at.;. ; I . trtm.t i::t" ; i (li ui iiil A'ciilf f"r the (''iiii;.iiiiv, ' ' ' Niii.i'ol.K, VA. j Alw Ajt' iitu fur tiie eel .I.d '.' i. O iilli'l O in. t W.0LEiAI.U U.U.. R K ( i a . ( a I . Ll'. i 4., l,.,v, ....,, , ' l'-l'l 1 ;!-,fcl I- i 1 j , iUe .W.,.i.,i I '-'I t I'MW '1 ..lit.U'i t 1 a ee (ii- u I lent 1. In.t.uc Hud HI t. ue l" ll 1' . k-it . ... W. C. b i nu.'.Ai.ii i. CiX IISH! FISU!! Flf!i::i ) .... i, ... .. .. f. , y 1 v .. t . .1 1 I M uarrvia i. u, x. a. -hcrtl. . 1(1 kiU No. I. Mackerel, j j...Kkn tiu. a. siackcre!.'.' " - ,1'; " f 116 U b.irn'1 N. (.:. III. Hcil'illlf. j . for earn low by . BOf UJ-tf , (i IUVAB BtlA.. 5 OUSES FOR KENT! f 41 0 rl'UI'K On f .ivellc. Illi' Mlll lleul'tlie av.-riMH .i: , i;-.i.'ii due ii,. I n nud a good .veluur, Kikbou, vw.t ii mic Sial'le. 1 The ethertuw rtJt rommi, Rltclicn and Wiwo- hoiine. 1 wlil rent both riii-i.iiiil.lv. I UOUtjLAS l . I.!., toet5-U..i r - - i.. . !. KrORTHEKN Bl-CKVlli: T.' Fh -( of A.W tlwamautt At i ... DortiLAS HELL'S, i. k f 0UNTAIN BUTTKH. ' Tulrty puekugu. A.VL )M nwlved... At , t novuuii - nm.(.i..s m. i.l s. PkTO, 1 NORTH CAROLINA family Hour a. qu mieke juni nniiivcu nv ltt IX 'I f.l l I'r' 1 tir.r,oe., u, Clir.l'..''li (1 ID borne rliiuiiimiie Chceaa. ,. ,., Ili Uoee r-iielory t Iii-m..-. .. 10 BONK Fnu'Ml Imb-v ( buaa, t - S hoxm I'luu Ailu Clicuiw, , . " lfor tula by aft H) ' lMii.(iLS Bt LL nTadams'T- """" i ) , f 1 - - 1 .,,', WHOLESALE & HIXVIL Vie k. U y . .. , 1 (JOTTO FACTOR, UOMMLC'ldN, Sllll'- II PINO AND -FORVVAIIUINO -i ' tlj -. MERCHANT, , , -; U nl. A La.lt t. . IKON. itlARDWAtlE, " " PUWlt. ,...,..' :.!';,.. i f HII'll'H, '" I , 1 . L-itY OOIIIW AND I , i ,,. re 1 1 , . ul lw t.M.N ! .No. S.iMarkut rkpuiii', Nmitli biJo, . , R tt Finn M r . . n ti -K r " ' ' WANTED IMMEDIATELY; ' 5uo bulee Cuttoil. julySU-tf ' '. LYNN AtUV J. fQQLBS., N. C. BACON foil Ml I JulyaV-lf. A LYNN AUAili. Wm. P. Karton, nkixuiH, a. u. j. :.t. n.o.v ' li,.i.i.n,nt . e. MTOJ i Bn,(E!l!L. I Ii.. ... nr.'zi :itT., VrfAA.' f. ! relS-(twrr, . ItALilUlCiir, nAVINU n'cciillvri'lume.l fnmi I In crn limil."t, where lliey pitrel in i Hi. and HtUiicli.u eUH'k uf tlie ' : e::t fa:::ly c;oce::" tlioV wmttd ri'iiMTlfiillv Invilu IIh-cIi K-ili lh ftttil Iho tumMiiiittn t.mtiitv tl!! Ml I'll ! L o. .u am ilrtiTinliM'd Ut k"ii (h 'v (i'HkIh, )iirinitto in to I-m fiiaiy WO rt'i' If Hhnk, (Mitt nn' ilirnii nnni' (Miu.l Hn-ttChi ll im. Wti lm(Hj our flli-lidr W.U LTivi Hi ft if dt not tm.1 ym nhl, Uu-u iu Willi n. " c t iiWUa . .. , i , , I'll' V. li it Will ii ii t In swsiiy hum), and no:. ; ' r.(To:iv. All ordin proiuiilly alleinUd to, TllOM ll- Hltllll.tf, aprll II i . -. Proiu-iciiir. rrHK FIRST DII'I.OVIA lit in X. ralr wna HHiti'i 1 tu Oiir 1 1 f lici.1.1 Pie niiiiiitern I Cm mil H i. j Verv net HI -If I . . I '' i ,i i i.l i. 'iiiL.-i. mi -JJ T. CAi.iiA .'. A V, I'',.,,. ' i.i:Ai..ni ih iiAuynv.:.:;'-.':::.-. . : t":- 'V"". ' .CLASSWA!'", Il'il :-E l i ' ' i OtHllIM, W A. ' U . . J A' !. . ' 51 ' !''' 1, A'' "I I !' ' . : 'I '.. ! ! -1 ''. (.; . i . ii. (;. : 'V (,i ! 1 ; ir -..1 , in ' hi.. V 1 ; ll.. i. ill i i ..... 'i : : t ' .. t Jul

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